239 APPLICANTS TURNED AWAY THIS YEAR Let’s Keep Constltntional Guarantees Intact High Schools Faced hy Crisis House Bill Poses Threat

Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations For Parochial Schools absent from school without just 000 students in Colorado paro­ Campaign Necessity Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1956— Permission to Reproduce, Except on (On Feh. IT, 1955, the Denver Catholic Register in a front excuse and that this situation chial schools. Articles Otherwise Marked, Civen Alter 12 M. Friday Following Issue * * * page article charged that the ought to be corrected. The pres­ Colorado Senate Concurrent ent constitutional provisions awk­ THERE IS NOW PENDING Resolution 5 would, if adopted, wardly require attendance “ dur­ before the Colorado Legislature, To Build Adequate Change the Colorado Constitution ing the period between the ages House Concurrent Resolution No. in such a way as to give "blank of 6 arid 18 years, for a time 12, which, its sponsors say, is cheek" power over education to equivalent to three years.” designed to correct a heavy ab­ the state. A proposal practically Some Deficiencies senteeism. But this new consti­ DENVER CAJH aiC identical with that of 1955 has Special correction , ought to be tutional statement contains a Education Facilities now been introduced into the m^de of these deficiencies, which highly unsatisfactory and unten- Colorado Legislature as House are further complicated and con­ ableb!( requirement that...... the child "Only the pressing demands of our local situation Concurrent Resolution No. 12. fused by the statutorj^law of the "shall attend a school which is The following article analyzes state involving highly inconsistent approved in such manner as pro­ prompt this unusual appeal of sacrifice to our good Cath­ some of the issues involved and provisions for compulsory at­ vided by law." olic people in the interests of the Catholic education of the significance of the proposed tendance, and Catholic and other Wittingly or not, the sponsors REGISTER change.) parochial school authorities are of the amendment are being made the steadily mounting army of our prospective hjgh school By F rank Morriss assuredly in sympathy with this tlje instruments of an attempt to students,” declared Archbishop'Urban J. Vehr in his ' IT IS CONTENDED that too project. put all nonpublic schools under VOL. LI. No. 24. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1956 DENVER, COLORADO (Turn to Page 3 — Column 7) address Thursday evening, Jan. many children in Colorado "are There are now more than 30,- 19, at the first general dinner meeting for the High School CORPUS CHRISTI AMONG MOST BEAUTIFUL Fund Campaign. The pait year, revealed I Archbishop Vehr, 239 protpec- I tive students had to be turned I away from Catholic high schools for lack of room. And Z51 children of grade school New Church Dedication May 7 age were forced to go else­ where for lack of Catholic , school facilities. The number of those who can­ Leaves Many Lasting Memorials Archbishop to Officiate not find room in Catholic high schools will mount frighteningly in the- next few years, with Mrs. Penrose Was Am ng 1,281 to be graduated from our 9 Jn Ceremony for Edifice eighth grades next year, 1,781 five years from now, and 2,115 just eight years hence. This last Great Church Benefactors figure is double the present In Shadow of Pike's Peak Catholic high school capacity for By C. J. Zecha oness M. Francois de Selys Long- freshman students A quiet and peaceful champs, who died in Brussels in The magnificent new Corpus Christi Church, Colo­ The costs of providing facili­ 1953. rado Springs, the climax of 15 years of intensive expan­ ties for secondary education death ended the life of Colo­ Much of the art and furnish- have grown far beyond the ca­ rado’s most renoivned phil­ sion, will be solemnly dedicated by Archbishop Urban J. pabilities of any one parish to anthropist Monday, Jan. 23, Vehr on Monday, May 7, Father Anthony Elzi, pastor, assume. Only by “ the willing, in Glockner-Penrose Hos­ announced. An evening Solemn Mass coram Archiepiscopo sympathetic, and co-operative will follow the rite of dedication. pital in Colorado Springs. Mrs. effort o| all Catholics and par­ In a setting that provides an St. Thercse’s, Spencer Penrose, 85, the largest ishes o f a large j-egion in pooling unmarred view of the Rampart ing of clergy and chairmen in the Silver Glade present-day benefactress of the Aurora their combined strength and fi­ Pleased at Response Pleased with the Range crowned by Pike’s Peak, nances” is it now possible to e n t h u s iastic re­ Room o f the Cosmopolitan Hotel Thursday, Jan. Catholic Church in Colorado, 19. From left to right are Archbishop Urban J. died 28 days after she under­ the' superb Romanesque struc­ provide the necessary high school ture, worth $315,000 without lildings and equipment. in High School Drive P„°"t"hr" A^rh” Vehr, Emmett J. Dignan, one of the two lay co- went abdominal surgery for can­ chairmen; and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory cer in the famed hospital which furnishings, will be completed Not Finished, Text of Address bishop’s High School Campaign, three of the by dedication day or shortly be­ leaders in the drive are shown at the dinner-meet- Smith, V.G., one of the two clerical cochairmen. will soon be rebuilt and to which Given by Archbishop she only recently donated an fore. The exterior, of warm- The Archbishop’s address fol­ + + + + + + + + outstanding gift of $3,200,000, tinted brick and terra cotta trim, is finished now, and the roof School Already lows : probably the largest single gift Right Reverend, Very Rever­ of its kind in the nation. tiles are being placed. end, and Reverend Fathers, and High School Campaign Home Front's In all the history of the state Iniulation hat already been my dear Catholic men: of Colorado there has been installed in the church interior, Is Inadequate You need not be told the ob­ very little that is comparable and the lathers and plasterers vious— that the city of Denver, to the large benefactions that went to work Wednesday, Jan. St. Therese’s Parish, as well as our metropolitan area Participation in Battle to Save W orld were made by Mrs. Penrose 25. The radiant heating plant, Aurora, which will have its and the state o f Colorado, has and her husband, the legend­ now in and functioning, makes continuous interior work pos­ own school next fall, is al­ grown fantastically in recent night is much the same as that stations on land, sea, and in the ary Spencer Penrose, who died The Archbishop’s High sible for the constructors. ready faced with the pros­ years. This expansion is apparent of millions of our young men in air in the far-flung war areas in 1939. As the inside walls are being to all. School Fund Campaign was the early 1940s. Beyond a ques­ of Central Europe, or the vast Throughout the years the gen­ pect of building another Under date of Dec. 29, 1955, offered to the Catholics of tion, most of these young men reaches of the Pacific Ocean. erosity of Mrs. Penrose, a Cath­ finished, the Santa Fe Studios eight-classroom educational will go to work on construction plant by the beginning of the a study was published by the Denver and suburbs as their would have preferred their own What prompted these young olic, and of her husband, a non- Denver University College of cozy firesides, and the pursuit men to make \ such sacrifice? Catholic, toward the Church has of the altars, and the decoration 1960 or 1961 term, according to of the sanctuary and' the bap­ (Turn to Page 2 — Colum Al) participation on the home of their own peaceful avocations, They recognized that a been boundless. The Penrose the Rev. John Regan, pastor. tistry, an octagonal room o ff the front in the .struggle to save the to the manning of grim battle (Turn to Page 3 — Column 1) benefactions to higher education, Mr«. Spencer Penro»e There are 700 to 800 Catho­ ' + + + southeast coftier of the nave. Western world. Speaking at the cultural projects, medical re­ lic children in the pariah who This \^eek in High School meeting of clergy and chairmen + + + + + search, and in numerous other ings in the chapel, some imported Contracts Are will be of age to attend the Fund Campaign at the Silver Glade of the Cos­ fields have played an important from European countries, came Near $335,000 firit four gradet when the mopolitan Hotel Thursday eve­ part in the development, of the from the Penroses. The Roy E. Alderson Company ichool opens (with a capacity Friday, Jan. 27: Meetingt in ning, Jan. 19, Emmett J. Dig­ 234 Lay Leaders Attend Rocky Mi^untain region. The new $259,000 Pauline Me­ o f Colorado Springs has the of 200), and there are 1,000 morial School in the Broadmoor all pariabet to be attended by nan, vice president of the United Benefactions Form general building contract for of preschool age, he said. pastors, assistants, parish States National Bank and co- area was made possible through $286,348.56, and the Olson Heat­ Even when all eight wades of chairmen, associate parish chairman of t h e campaign, High School Drive Meeting Lasting Memorial . large rifts by Mrs. Penrose. ing and Plumbing Company, the the school are staffed, the chairmen, solicitation chair­ pointed up the crusade-like qual­ A lasting memorial to Mrs. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of $28,143.50 mechanical contract. capacity of the building \^-ill men, and division chairmen. ities o f the high school drive. Top clergy and lay leaders of Bernard Mahoney, the Rt. Rev. Pinrose is preserved in the great Denver officiated Jan. 4 at cere­ Architects are Thomas & Sweet, keep enrollment* down to about Purpose: Selection by division By building Catholic high the* Archbishop’s High School Monsignor Matthew Smith, contributions, started many years monies o f the dedication of the also a Colorado Springs firm. 400. chairmen of their team chair­ schools, he declared, we can pro­ Fund Campaign heard Arch­ Thomas J. Tynan, the R t Rev. ago, to the Church in Colorado school at which Mrs. Penrose was Construction was begun on the Four Sisters o f Charity of men. vide our children and grandchil­ bishop Urban J. Vehr give a can­ Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G.; Her home, since she came to the to have been guest of honor but church a year ago. Cincinnati will comprise the Sunday, Jan. 29; The sec­ dren with “ the one weapon, the did appraisal of the critical high Thomas R. Finn. Monsignor E. J. West about the turn of the cen­ was unable to be present because The last Mass was offered in original faculty. As additional ond issue of the "Campaign only weapon,” that can conquer school situation and of the plans Kolka, Thomas M. Tierney, the tury, was in Colorado Springs. of her illness. the old Corpus Christi Church, a teachers become available year News” will be distributed at “ the demon-monster called Com­ made to meet it at the- first cam­ Rt. Rev. Monsignor Eugene A. It was there that most of her Private Home Is small frame structure wholly in­ by year, the number o f classes paign dinner meeting Thursday O’ Sullivan, T. Raber Taylor, the benefactions to the Church were all Masses in all churches. munism.” This weapon is “ a Now Retreat House adequate for the parish’s grow­ will be increased. Pastors will speak on the thorough knowledge of, a burn­ night, Jan. 19, in the Cosmopoli­ Rt. Rev. Monsignor John P. made. ing needs, Jan. 9, 1955, at which The proportion o f Catholic campaign in their own par­ ing love for, and an undying tan Hotel, Denver. Moran, Thomas J. McMahon, the _ In 1919 the Pauline Chape), Five years after, her husband’s time church services began to be parents who prefer to keep their ishes. faith in Christ and His teach­ To the assembled group of 234 Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. situated just behind the Broad­ death, in 1944, Mrs. Penrose held in the spacious basement of children in public schools is Thursday, Feb. 2: All par­ ings.” men who will forfti the nucleus O’Heron, Clqm N. Kohl, Monsi­ moor Hotel which her husband deeded her beautiful private Corpus Christi School. expected to be lower than usual ishes will hold meetings to be Text of Tolk of the organization. His Excel­ gnor B. J. Cullen, William R. built, was dedicated through the home, El Pomar, to the Sisters The most outstanding feature in Aurora, Father Regan said, attended by pastors, assistants, Mr. Dignan’s address follows: lency told with dramatic de­ Heckethorn, the Rev. D. A. Le- Penrose generosity. It was of Charity. The mansion, com­ of the new edifice is its exterior becau.s'e there are double ses­ parish chairmen, associate par­ If we here assembled tonight tail the dilemma of priests an^ mieux, and the Rev. Charles named after Mrs. Penrose’s plete with furnishings, was aspect of artistic brick and terra sions for pupils of the first threO ish chairmen, solicitation were to follow the line of leqst parents in their efforts to pro­ Jones. granddaughter, Pauline, the Bar­ (Turn to Page 9 — Column 6) cotta. The church has a dignity grades in the public schools. chairmen, division chairmen, resistance, most of us would be vide a Catholic secondary educa­ akin to that of the St. Thomas “ Even aside from the question and team chairmen. Pprpose: home relaxing with the evening tion for the youth in metropoli­ Seminary Chapel, Denver, long of bringing their children up in Selection by team chairmen of paper, radio, or TV. Duty and tan Denver. regarded as one o f the most the faith,” the pastor said, their team members. Enlist­ the acceptance of adult spiritual The meeting was conducted striking ecclesiastical buildings “ these parents will want their ment o f team members is to responsibility have prompted us and the speakers introduced* by in the archdiocese. children in a Catholic school be­ begin immediately after this to answer this call. Thomas J. Tynan, campaign co- Grounds Provide cause o f the educational facil­ meeting. In one way our position to- chqirmen. Along with Arch­ Ample Parking ities available.” bishop Vehr those seated at the Registration of prospective Funeral in Boulder Jan. 26 speakers’ table were Paul L. Set back 35 feet from Cascade pupils will be held some time in Schmitz, Monsignor James P. Avenue in the 2300 block north, the spring, Father Regan said. Flanagan, John F. Eby, Monsi­ (Turn to Page 2 — Column 6) The pastor and officers o f par­ gnor John B. Cavanagh, An­ ish societies whose children are Samuel Forsyth, Father thony J. Dunst, Monsignor David not involved in the scurry for M. Maloney, Dr. Joseph J. Mc­ Donors From Afar enrollment will comprise an Gill, the Rev. William V. Pow. admissions board to determine Of 6 in Religion, Dies ers, the Rev. Edward V, Leyden, what applications will be ac­ Emmett J. Dignan, the Rt. Rev. Boost Borse fund cepted. Samuel McCullough For- Sister Mary Jose, principal at St. Monsignor Harold V. Campbell, The school and convent are pyth, convert to the Catholic Bridget’s School, Omaha. John J. Sullivan, the Rt. Rev. In proof of the fact that the under construction on 12th Ave­ Church who had six chil­ Mr. Forsyth died Jan. 24 in Monsignor William. M. Higgins, Denver Catholic Register reaches nue between Kingston and Ken- Boulder at the age o f 83. Born Paul V. Murray, the R t Rev. readers far outside the Denver ton Streets. The $305,000 dren who entered the re­ in Ottumwa, la., he was reared Monsignor John R. Mulroy, M. Archdiocese, a gift of $100 to project, designed by Harold M. the St. Jude Burse was sent by ligious life, is being buried a Presbyterian and became a + + + Johnson, architect, is being built from Sacred Heart Church, Mrs. M.E.D. o f Grand Rapids, by the O’Flaherty Construction Boulder, Thursday, Jan. 26, with Meetings in Parishes Mich., and another, of $2, came Company. a Solemn Mass o f Requiem at from a. Chicago subscriber “ in 10 o’clock. memory of D.J.R., who died in Two of his sons will be among Scheduled for Jan. 26 the service of his country.” Priesthood Ordinations the officers o f the Funeral Mass, The burse, an archdiocesan They are the Rev. Charles For­ MoTins; into the final phase fund for the education of priests, May 26 at Cathedral syth, O.S.B., Chaplain of Cath­ of organizational work in the received 13 donations, totaling olic students at Colorado Uni­ Archbiihop’t High School $145, in the past week, to reach Four young men will be or­ versity in Boulder, and the Rev. Fund Campaign, meetingt will the total of $723.04. dained to the prietthood for Brandon Forsyth, O.S.B., of St be held in all parithei Thurs­ Donors, in addition to the two the Denver Arehdioceie Satur­ John’s Abbey, Collegeville, day evening, Jan. 26, to select listed above, were Mrs. C.A.P., day, May 26, in^he Cathedral. Jlinn., who is serving as a mis­ team members. These men, Denver, who contributed $5; Mrs. Arckbiihop Urban J. Vehr will sionary in the Bahama Islands who will have the actual solici­ C.R.,'Elbert, $5; Mr. and Mrs. confer the sacrement. and who flew to Boulder for tation task, will carry the F.S.C., Denver, $1; H.J.P., Sterl­ The ordinandi, all student* the funeral. The Rev. Jerome Archbishop’s crusade into ing, $1; Mrs. R.E.C., Colorado at St. Thomas' Seminary, are Healy, O.S.B., will give the ser­ every Catholic home in the Springs, $5; Mrs. A.F.P. and her John Jepson, Robert Dore, Denver area. Precious Blood; standing, Mrs. Herbert Edmonds, sister, Mrs. H.K., both of Long­ Thomas Stone, and John Le- mon. School-Home. Conference Members of Sister Iona of the Sisters o f the Precious Blood, These meetingt, which will the commit- mont, $10 and $5, respectively; Penske. They received the Another son, the Rev. John Father James Rasby, assistant a f Christ the be held under the direction of anonymous, Denver, $3; C.A.R., diaconate in October, 1955. Forsyth, O.S.B., was pastor of King Parish, Dienver; and Andy Martelon. the pastors and the chairmen Committee Plans Meet ^s®ch°ooi! Denver, $2; Mrs. J. C., Colorado Fourteen students at St. St. Michael’s Church, Canon The committee is planning a conference and associate chairmen of the Home Conference on the goals of Catholic grade Springs, $5; and “ a friend,” Col­ Thomas’, none of whom is City, when he died suddenly for Feb. 25 in Cathedral High School which will and high schools formed in Denver recently are orado Springs, $1. studying for the Denver Arch­ Aug. 12, 1945. parishes, wilt be attended by be attended by 200 delegates of the Denver The three daughters who are shown above. They are, left to right, seated, Gifts to the St. Jude Burse diocese, will receive various pastors and assistants, parish metropolitan area. In religious life are members o f and associate chairmen, solici­ Mrs. H enry, Thurston, 'T. Raber Taylor, chair- may be sent to Archbishop Urban orders from Archbishop Vehr the Sisters of Charity o f the tation chairmen, division chair­ maiN and Sister Carmencita of the Sisters of the J. Vehr at the Chancery Office, in the seminary chapel Sun­ 1536 LoganL i Street, Denver. day, Feb. 5. Blessed Virgin Mary, who con­ men, and team chairmen. + + + + + + + + duct Mt St Gertrude’s Academy and teach in Sacred Heart Samuel M. Foriyth School, both in Boulder. They GOALS O f CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND MEANS TO ATTAIN THEM ARE SUBJECTS are Sister Mary S t Ida, student Catholic shortly before his mar­ counselor and mathematics pro­ riage to Catherine Dolan in fessor at Mundelein College, Chi­ Atlantic, la. The couple lived on cago; Sister Mary Lamberta, who a farm near Atlantic until 1917, 200 PARENTS AND EDUCATORS PLAN CONFERENCE FEB. 25 teaches music at Mundelein; and when they moved to Boulder with the express purpose of be­ schools, pastors, and other be proper on the social life ing able to send their children TWO HUNDRED PARENTS, dynamics” process, a technique terial on the subject matter on three topics. The proposed parents? of high school students? Charities Collection to Catholic schools. priests, educators, and civic used, for example, at the re­ in advance of the meeting, topics are: TOPIC 1— 10 t o . 11:10 a.m. . (b) How does the report card cent White House Conference scheduled for Cathedml School (c) To what extent does a The jouple had 10 children, leaders will meet Feb. 25 for function in revealing char­ Results Are Released of Educatqrs. starting at 9:30 a.m. There — What is the first purpose competitive athletic program one o f whom died in infancy. the first diy-long gathering of our Catholic schools? acter formation? will be delegates chosen at promote the first purpose of Surviving, in addition to the Recommendation. The results o f the annual col­ sponsored by the newly formed SOME OF THE SPECIFIC large from those interested in (a) How does the home co-op­ Catholic education? religious, are Mrs. Gene Jacco- erate with our schools? 12:30'to 1:16 p.m.— LENTEN lection for the Catholic Charities School-Home Conference Com­ SUBJECTS to be considered education, as well as teachers, Recommendation. • bucci (Josephine) of Denver; (b) Are our schools as now LUNCH of the Denver Archdiocese were mittee. The meeting will pro­ wj!! be the problemseins of dat- priests, youth leaders, and civic Joseph of Boulder, with whom organized accomplishing this TOPIC 111— 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. released by the Chancery Office. vide a place where parents and ing by grade school pupils, the figures; Mr. Forsyth made his home in teachers will be able to dis­ contribution of the athletic • * * purpose? — To what extent do the THE SCHOOL-HOME COM. The tabulation is given below. later years; and George, a major Denver P«rUbe»: cuss the aims of Catholic ed­ program in Catholic schools, THE FIRST PLANNING Recommendation. Catholic grade and high MITTEE members are* Father Cathedral ...... — ...... - ...... in the air force, stationed at ucation. the first purpose of Catholic MEETING of the School-Home TOPIC 11— 11:15 to 12:30 p.m. schools have an obligation for James Rasby, Christ the King All Sainta* ------2<7.28 Sandia Air Force Base, N. Mex. The delegates will, in gen­ schools, and now parents co­ Conference Committee w a s — What is the obligation of the pupil’s social develop­ Parish; S iste rs Carmencita All Soula' ...... — ...... 20.28 Mrs. Forsyth died in 1926. Annunciation ...... eral, study the goals of Cath­ operate with the schools in held Saturday, Jan. 21. The our Catholic grade and high ment? and Iona, both Sisters of the Bleaacd Sacram ent------Mr. Forsyth operated a dairy olic education and the best character formation of young­ members agreed on the fol­ schools for character forma­ (a) Is the elementary school Precious Blood; Mrs. H. M. Cbriat the K in a ------— ------in Boulder for many years until means of reaching those goals. sters. lowing program: tion? age a proper time for ball­ Edmonds, Henry Thurston, Cur* d"Ars ...... - ...... Guardian An»*l«' ...... 73.00 1945, when he retired for rea­ The meeting will help Acquaint All delegates to the meeting At each of the 20 tables the (a) How must fathers and room dancing and dating? Andrew Martelon, and T, (Turn to Page ^ — Column i ) sons of health. the delegates w.ith the “ group- will be provided printed ma­ delegates will give their views mothers co-operate with the (b) What restrictions would Raber Taylor. )s V 1

aC A* A* Ft m m m m m

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVEI^ CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K eyiten e 4-4205 Thursday, January 26, 1956 Denver’s Parochial High Schools Face Crisis in Facilities (Continued From Pago One) Better to understand the problem, the archdiocese, the Church is schools was 17,127 pupils as of Parish has not even a church at circumttancei to here the op­ though at the moment they are reach high school age. Any pos­ may I burden you with a few in possession o f many impos­ October, 1955, the beginning of the moment; St. Therese’s is just portunity of Catholic second­ predominantly in the early grade sible surplus from this campaign Business Administration that the statistics to show how our church ing and seemingly adequate this scholastic year. Of this now building a grade school; and ary education. school age brackets. Longer es­ will be used to purchase property population o f the Denver area and school situation has been building sites for future par­ number 13,707 attended our ele­ Cure d’Ars has a large debt and Because of increasing educa­ tablished parishes have in the and arrange, fo r future high has increased by 20 per cent in affected. ishes locally and throughout mentary schools; 3,418 were en­ faces an immediate building pro­ tional costs, each pastor was many years past borne tbe full school development. the pwt five years and will prob­ the archdiocese, about 38 in rolled in Pur high schools, includ­ gram this year. But an attempt asked last year to pay from par­ brunt of initial building costs and This is the fanta.stic story and ably jump 37 per cent by 1970. Number of Parishes all, as I recall. These are a ing our six regional high? schooJs was made to scale the quotas ac­ ish funds $25 per pupil of his maintenance of our high school problem of unusual growth and "With the conservative estimate of Increased by 50% under parochial administration1, cordingly. In the meantime, arish n attending our regional education. we cannot be blind to the simple Only a few yean ago, Den­ minimum of five acres each, 677,000 persons, Denver now igh schools. This was to supple­ arithmetic equation involved. So ver and the immediate area and several larger in extent. and Regis High, St* Mary’s, an i s lessed Sacrament Parish must Some Parishes to Retain xeigms fourth in expansion ment the annual tuition which that the goal established is of had 32 Catholic churches. To­ On all these properties taxeslM ullenmigh. secure additional land and con­ Part of Funds Roised amongst the 16 metropolitan necessity the minimum; much day the number is 48, an in­ must be paid until they are ac And sad to say, this year 239 siderably extend its convent fa­ averaged $50 paid by the in­ It is seemingly impossible to areas of comparable size in the more could be used and will be tually u s ^ for Church purposes, high school students could not cilities ^ accommodate a large dividual pupil. This small incre­ equalize everything ' in these nation, exceeded only by San crease of 50 per cent, and sev­ necessary in the not too distant eral more are needed immedi­ and improvements made when be ^accommodated in our high high school faculty.. ment assisted in meeting actual periods of unusual population Diego, Houston, and Dallas. operational costs, not the original future. ately. Fortunately, through necessary. These improvement schools for lack of room. Likewise, Four High Schools growth. I wish I had the easy capital investment in buildings You have been invited tonight the funds gathered in the rcy assessments, such as water, gas, 751 boyi and girls of elementary satisfactory answer to all prob­ Only Pressing Demands Will Be Enlarged which was borne by the parent to appraise our Catholic High cent seminary campaign from sewer, sidewalk, and curbing are school age who applied for ad­ lems. I know there are many Prompf Unusual Appeal often sizeable and serious sums. mission at our grade schools were The other four high schools. parish. School situation particularjy. our ever generous Catholics of Cathedral, S t Francis de Sales’, areas o f local interest and de­ May this speaker candidly tell Regularly requests come to me forced to go elsewhere because of High Schools Doing mand. To reach some definite for more churches about the peri­ limited facilities. Many of these Holy Family, and Annunciation, you that only the pressing de­ will increase their student ca­ Creditable Job conclusion in the maze o f pro­ mands of our local situation phery of expanding Denver for children are from neighboring It would seem our high schools posed suggestions, it' has been the easier accommodation of our military bases and from parishes pacity to approximately 600 f prompt this unusual appeal of have done a creditable job in decided that in those localities of self-sacrifice to you and our good Catholic people at Holy Mass and without parochial shools. pupils each, which should provide educating our children these many immediate need and where long Catholic people in the interests MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY the reception of the sacraments. all told for an additional high $6,935,000 Expended years. Our teachers'are trained distances are involved, those of the Catholic education of the Moire priests and personnel are school enrollment of 1,200 to In 10-Year Period and qualified; we have an or­ affected parishes shall retain a steadily mounting ’army of our INSURANCE SINCE 1897 obviously needed to meet this con­ 1,300 pupils in the metropolitan In the ten-year period from ganized curriculum that has sizeable ^rcentage of the funds prospective high school students. tinuing growth, and there is area. That means about a 50- 1943-44 to 1954-55, the parishes shown its merits in pupil achieve­ collected within- the parish, td be It would be far more peaceful and undetstandable feeling of appre­ per-cent increase over the present of the archdiocese spent $6,935,- ment and competitive exhibition; used for local development. I have serene to assume a passive and 753 Gas and Electric Bldg. TA. 5-0241 hension when these many new facilities of these regional high / 000 in grade and high school de­ our high schools are accredited already spoken with those pas­ complacent attitude, but if au­ contemplated faetdries and build­ ‘Schools. velopment and sisters’ convents or by the North Central Association, tors. thority does not take the initia­ ing projects are announced in the In the case o f each regional Herbert W. Letbman Gerard R. TeBockhorst additions to them. There were which guarantees independent To accompliih what ha* tive and tell the story and solicit press. Certainjy, several of them high school, any enlargement 213 additional classrooms pro­ means the purchase of additional and competent academic evalua­ been outlined above in addi­ your help, no one else can or will. will inevitably mean, that the vided in .the grade and high tion. tional high tehool facilities Thomas Finn and his asso­ insurers Church must secure additional land, usually adjacent developed schools. These figures do not in­ Many meetings with priests and parish development is es­ ciates, whom y o u remember .building sites for future develop­ property, which is expensive, and clude collegiate development at the expansion of a sisters’ con­ have been held during the past timated to cost $3,225,000, kindly and favorably from our ment, and large blocks of land Regis, Loretto Heights, or S t months regarding our highhi school ■ - and that sum has been set as recent successful seminary cam­ are not cheap, as you know. vent to house the faculty, and Thomas’ Seminary. These three an auditorium-gymnasium where situation and its imperative the minimum goal o f this high paign, have been engaged to con­ Enjoy the Convenience and Complete Facililie* o f ‘ Church Attendance alone would approximate and ex­ the enlarged student body can present needs. I am not unaware school fund campaign, payable duct this fund-raising effort. His increase Amazing ceed $2,000,000. The costs of new assemble. of the financial demands of many over a period o f 30 months. fee is fixed- and already _ cared churches are not included in of our recently organized parishes As you can appreciate, this for by parties interested in the The increase in church attend­ St. Joseph’s High School cannot these figures. which to date have as yet no amount will care for immediate cause of Catholic education. No ance in Denver ^ d the tricounty enlarge because of local circum­ During that same 10-year parochial school, and for which needs only. In the not too distant force or coercion will be used. We This Area’s Most area is revealing. In accordance stances, and will use the returns period, our parochial grade of ite parish participation to im­ there is an incessant clamor. future, possibly Hvb or six years, will solicit only our Catholic . with a survey made the past school enrollment in the Den­ Local parish development is often another new ■ high igh school will be people. John Sullivan has con­ October in all the churches of the prove existing facilities. Mt. ver area hat increased from Carmel chose to have a parish more immediately appealing and needed in East Denver, another sented to act as honorary lay MODERN BANK i archdiocese, 110,147 persons at­ 5,625 to 13,709 pupils, about compelling. in the south part of town, in the chairman, and Emmett Dignan tended Holy Mass each Sunday drive last year and was very '140 per cent. During this same successful. .Yet, every new parish has now west, and in the north. Children and Thomas Tynan will serve as It’s known a s , the on the averaM, and 24,534_re- 10-year period, our high school and will have in the future in­ now actually enrolled in the lower active chairmen. I ceived Holy Communion. In'the Our private schools in recent bank that’s large enrollment has increased from years educate about 20 per cent creasing demands for the higher grades of our elementary schools May I close witb a plea for , Denver metropolitan area, by 2,005 to 3,418 pupils; about education o f its children, even. soon must be cared for as they enough to serve, you,*^ j actual count, the average attend­ o f our high school students on a the ' generous and whole­ 70 per cent. hearted co-operation of our yet small enough to know you . . . featuring extra ance at Sunday Mass was 75,968, tuition basis. To assist their local Now and for the succeeding individual program of expansion, fine body of priest* and our Personal Services such as Friday Night Banking, land the number of Holy Com­ years, our high school problem munions distributed was 17,195. it was decided to give Regis superb Catholic men and Drive-through Service and a convenient easy-to- presents a most definite chal­ High $50J)00, St. Maryle Acad­ Colorado Springs Church womeh. This is a challenging This repreSfents an increase of lenge for all of us. Our schools reach location. church attendance in the arch­ emy $25,000, and Mullej\ High, task o f unusual magnitude, I were unable to accommodate 239 diocese of 33% per cent, and in $25,000. but we are assured it can be high school pupils this year. These successfully accomplished, a* Denver, 20 per cent, over a sim­ children wanted to come to a Early High Schools To Be Dedicated May 7 ilar survey made just three years has been done elsewhere in Catholic high school, had actually Built by Parishes Catholic communities, if the ago. It is estimated there are 10 enrolled in the hopes of accept May I review a bit o f local (Continued From Page One) most modern. Pumped hot water, per cent more Catholics residing pressing need is realized and ance. There may be a few dupli­ Catholic high school history? In the new church faces west and with radiant heating in the nave NATIONAIBIUik in the Denver ai*ea than in 1952 everyone is willing lovingly cates, but not too many, in this the early days. Sacred Heart has ample off-the-street parking and sanctuary, constitutes the and devotedly to lend his e f­ 3311 South Broadway SU. 9-0511 School Enrollment number by reason of multiple en­ Church and Cathedral built the space on both sides. There are system. \ fort* for the religious educa­ Member Federal Deposit Insurance ' In Denver Area rollment in several high schools buildings and supported their no steps leading to the struc­ Basement Provides tion of this generation of our Our sqhool enrollment (and this More Candidates Yearly high schools entirely from parish ture, only slight ramps. An Corporation Recreation Rooms boy* and girls. Member Federal Reserve System is lim its to the Denver area For High Schools funds. Originally the enroillraent arched entrance leads into an Placed in Hands alone) in the elementary and high of each did not exceed 100 pupils. llxl9-foot vestibule. Two large sacristies flank the And that is only part of this sanctuary, and the basement has Of Our Lady During recent weeks, several The narthex has a smaller ves­ story of record groi^h. Because recreation rooms for youth ac­ For all who pray for the suc­ graduates of both schools spoke tibule for one of the two north- of increased enrollment in our tivities, a parish hall, and two cess of our campaign, for all who to me of those yesteryears, and side entrances, and the opposite longer established grade schools restrooms, as well as' ample stor­ work and for all who self-sacrific- they do not consider themselves side, a glass-fronted “cry-room” and the few new schools opened age space and the boiler room. ingly give of their means, I ancient. Denver was relatively for mothers with small children. each year, more and more pupils The over-all dimensions of the pledge my Holy Mass every small then and high school educa­ The campanile, at the southeast will apply for high school ad church are 55 feet by 140 feet, Tuesday morning during the next tion possibly not so universally corner, will be equipped with mission with each successive year and the cross on the tower is 68 30 months. In the hands o f Mary as graduates of the eighth grade. accepted and demanded. But electric chimes. J h s L T T Z o / l l S iD A S L children from all Denver parishes feet from ground level. Immaculate, the Patroness of our Statistics are tiri,ng, but they Though the church is built enjoyed the educational oppor­ Since Father Elzi assumed the nation and our archdiocese, I concretely tell the story as noth, to seat 500 person* in its nave tunities they provided at a very pastorate o f Corpus Christ! in confidently rest this campaign ing else can. and approximately 150 in the ndminal or negligible actual fee. July, 1941, he has directed the and tts success. Our high schools this year choir loft. Father Elii reported At various dates our other construction of a three-story I need not emphasize to you were able to accommodate 1,044 that from 750 to 800 persons, regional high schools came into brick school, dedicated in March, my deep gratitude and apprecia­ freshman students. This is the in a mixed congregation of existence. All were built in stag­ 1950; the renovation and stucco­ tion of your presence here tonight present maximum capacity. Next men, women, and children, can gered stages by the generosity of ing of the sisters’ convent, com- and of your cordial expressions year, 1,281 will be graduated be accommodated. pleted_ at the same time; the con­ of willingness to work in this F I X A L D A Y S from our eighth grades. This those individual parishes when building costs for the most part Three confessionals, o ff the struction of a modem, three- fund-raising campaign. Genera­ number pro^essively mounts to two side aisles, will be equipped priest rectory, also in 1950; and, tions of our adolescent boys and 1,781 just five years hence, and were markedly lower than cur­ rently. Pupils from all parishes with hearing aids and with auto­ finally, the construction of the girls as yet unborn will be the 2,115 in eight years, which is matic lighting devices to indicate new church. The total cost o f the direct baneficiaries o f what is twice the number of present were welcomed at a very nominal rate of tuition, merely to assist the presence o f penitents inside. improvements preceding the accomplished through this united CottrelFs; Greatest January freshman year high school ca. church project, $225,000, was drive. We cannot and will not fail pacity. These figures do not re in the cost of maintenance, never A sloping floor of vinyl plastic to cover the original expenditure will give the entire congregation paid o ff by January, 1953, and them in their effort to secure a fleet, the grade enrollment in much o f the church-structure in­ Catholic high school education. schools now under construction. for buildings and investments. In a good view o f the altar and the the meantime, parishes not bur­ celebrant. Also, pews, which debtedness has already Seen dis­ May Almighty God bless us and Truly, it is a frightening situa. solved. our mutual endeavor. tion for Catholic secondary edu­ dened with the financial obliga­ have been ordered and will be cation locally, unless all of us tions of a high school were able ready in time for the dedication, factually realize the immediate to construct permanent church will be 34 inches apart for pressing need of more adequate buildings and parochial units. greater comfort. high school facilities and then co­ Most Pupils From Heating and ventilation instal­ operatively use effective means to Outside Home Parish lations in the building will be COMPLETE SELECTION meet the known situation. This Today, every regional high is the reason you have been school in Denver has many more asked to assemble here tonight. pupils from adjoining parishes Buffalo Church With every administrative move than its native parishioners. of this type and magnitude, of These parishes were happy to necessity goes a dollar sign. We bear the burden of construction Gets More Land can meet these emergencies only SICK CALL SETS cost previously, but it now be­ as linances and prudence dictate. comes prohibitive to expand facil­ The acquisition of seven and 20% of All Pupils ities because of increasing build­ one-balf acres of land adjacent to In Catholic Schools ing outlays and costs of opera­ St. .Elizabeth’s Church, Buffalo The Catholic Church in the tion. It is impossible today for Park, will make possible the de­ Denver metropolitan area is now any one parish to shoulder thd velopment of a beautiful mouu' educating .17,127 pupils in our costs of building and operation tain garden on the site. The Very elementary and high schools. That for a bdgh school. It must become Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, is approximately 20 per cent of the willing co-operative effort of Catholic Charities director, who the children in those age groups Catholics)li within ■ a regional ■all has charge of the church, an­ in Denver, and that percentage area. nounced that the land was pre­ is generally accepted. The public In the extended study and pray­ sented by an interested party and school authorities were recently erful planning for this campaign was not secured with church authorized a $28,000,000 improve­ fund for high schools for this funds. ment program by vote of the Denver area, I requested the A well has been sunk to pro­ citizenry, following a sum of architect to determine the replace­ vide for the irrigation of the plot, similar proportion just a few ment costs, at present construc­ and plans are being made for years ago. 'That shows the enor tion valuation, of a high school landscaping. Trees and shrubs mity of the challenge that growth erected in a neighboring diocese will be _ planted and a lawn will and school development mean to (Pueblo) some six or seven years be put in. The well has been win­ CLEARANCE our community, and, in a relative ago to accommodate 600 pupils. terized, and will supply water sense, our Catholic group faces a The same contractors who origin­ for the-little park without restric­ similar demand for expansion. ally constructed the building esti­ tion. lio ^ Scka^^KAH’ &. (K otx Our present and immediate mate present-day valuation at The projected garden will lie to challenge is the enlargement of $950,000 exclusive of the cost of the north and west of St. Eliza­ our hi|^ school facilities. I need land and convent facilities for beth’s Church. the faculty, of sisters. V^ich not tell you that the adolescent Monsignor Kolka announced means, concretely, a present high years are so basic in character also that Mass will be offered school to accommodate 600 pupils Timely Cy(te6 formation and development that in St. Elizabeth’s Church this perdure throughout life. As _ a in not extravagant but reasonable Sunday, Jan. 29, at 10 a.m. religious group, we of necessity' proportions and -facilities and want to give and must give our equipment with land and convent high school boys and girls an accommodations would cost a , l^UITS'& TOPCOATS opportunity to attend a Catholic minimum of $1,200,000. The Denver Catholic high school. Obviouslj' this sum is far Res[i$ter Including, The New Picture Set New Machebeuf High beyond the capabilities of any one parish to dream of or attain Published Weekly by the (Sallmon's, Head of Christ) To Be Established from native resources. There Catholic Press Society, Inc. What is the proposed plan to seems no possible solution except 938 Bannock Street, Denver Also conveniently Boxed Sets for Carrying R egularly $75 result from the High School Fund the willing, sympathetic, and ^ Colo. Campaign? Much thought and operative effort of all Catholics prayer have gone into these con­ Subscription: $3.00 Per or storing. and parishes of a large region in Year Sold in combination with clusions, and many different pro­ pooling their combined strength ■The Register, National Edi­ posals have been analyzed and and finances. With the present tion, in Archdiocese of Den­ studied. Priests in charge of high upsurge in population in a great ver schools seem to feel that a maxi­ many dioceses and the consequent Entered as Second Class mum of 600 high school pupils need of more high school accom­ Matter at the Post Office permits efficiency of curriculum modations, this same type of/cor­ Denver, Colo. and a reasonable type of personal porate effort is being followed supervision. So, as a result of throughout the country. In some DOLL$ — WIGS — SHOES this fund-raising campaign, it is cases it takes the form of paro­ hoped to complete one new high chial assessment which it is hoped Dolls Dressed to Order school with a capacity of 600 to avoid for obvious reasons. students on the property as­ BELIGIOUS STATUES BEPAIBED sembled over the years by Blessed Must Be Regional Sacrament Church. Because of Costs A.B.C. Doll. Hospital A i you may know, this par- Catholic high school education EACH Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCourt i(k at iti own expense and is a pastoral and P parochial re- fronT its own treasury built sponsibility just the same as 616 Downing MA. 3-7617 within the past few years the lieelementary schoool education. (^ 0 A $IS Hort SchoHntr A Marx ond Tiimly first unit of a contemplated High schools must be regional in Machebeuf High School. This character because o f the unusual >$UIT$ A TOPCOATS rtdiKtd to.../ unit, consists of seven class­ expense involved both in the « 6 8 rooms, an auditorium-gym, original construction cost and Y O lJ R and a cafeteria costing ap­ the annual overhead maintenance. Loan Costs Less proximately $300,000. Many lay teachers must be em­ The cost of the completion of ployed in specific fields, which When You Borrow Iteet Sd>^m r A MoriTr. J100 Hart SdioffiMir A Marx this first high school, named after obviously increases the student From tu rn A TOPfOATS rvch i^ SUITS A TOPCOATS radtxad to. the pioneer Bishop o f Denver, per capita cost. which,...... is estimatedI at ------$760,000, Emphasis must be placed on CITIZEIVS *7B • 8 8 will be borne by apportioning a this specific factor in our high fair share quota on each of the school development program. Loan Company PUttmx txcliMtd. parishes in East Denver, namely. Tuitiou f^es must be kept 1538 California Blessed Sacrament, St. James’, within the reasonable ability MA. 3-4959 Christ the King, Cure d’Ars, St. of our Catholic people t( pay. BOOKS eXOSED—-Charges IVow Billed HIARCH 1st R.'B. Dillon. Pras. Therese’s. and St. Pius X. We want every Catholic child A ■" i ' I f appreciate that St. Pius X regardless jot family financial

tilm M Thursday, January 26, 1956 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4>4205 PAGE THREE

Crusade-Type Qualities Stressed High School Drive Home Front House Resolution Action to Help to Save World Seen os Threat to (Continued From Page One) Thus we are here tonight to exists in the Western world be­ navagery would eventually take face realistically our deadly cause actually we share the Porochiol Schools over our own beloved country if enemy, our adult duty, and our nunists’ materialistic vi immediate responsibility. Sion." ■ militant and immediate action Jewish education will produce “ a were not taken. Their' sacrifice Only Strong Faith Is a modest financial sacrifice (Continued From Page One) . the supervision o f the State De­ common civilization from a com­ (to many of them the supreme Can Conquer Reds more sacred to us, or more im­ portant than to provide that ar­ partment of Education by virtue mon world” and “ when an entire sacrifice) brought many and Our American Bishops tell us: mor o f faith that is nbw and will of the language quoted. No mat­ nation travels in one educational glorious victories, and their ulti­ “ The Christian world o f today in the future be needed by these ter how much one may admire direction, it cannot survive a faces the most serious situation mate triumph is now unforgotteh young men and women who will the design to bring more children marked change of circumstances.” since the Church emerged from into our schools, no constitutional •There is no need for consoli­ history! take our place? the catacombs.” It is up to Chris­ This is truly a religious re­ amendment should be used to dation of the two great systems. New Enemy tians in the Western world to sponsibility, but beyond that, it qualify or obscure the status of The diversity of their separate To Be Faced take a long, serious look at the is a civic and patriotic duty. the parochial and private school effectiveness is full warrant for situation we now face. Are we, system. their separate continuances. We True, they and we, on account you and I, vrilling to sit idly by Fighting Godlessness This proposal is highly danger­ may need unity, but for such a of their sacrifice, were victors and allow our children and On Denver Home Front ous because it would discredit result, we do not have to impose in conquering the enemy at that grandchildren to face the future, You and I can do little or the separate legitimacy of the a common uniformity. moment. Some of the war crim­ and this demon-monster called nothing to help humanity behind well-established, highly co-ordi­ House Concurrent Resolution inals were put out of the way Communism, without having pos­ the Iron Curtain; about our only nated, parochial school system. No. 12, now before the Legisla­ permanently; some others went session of the one weapon, the real aid is prayer. But in the ture, is unacceptable as an to prison. Scarcely had the only weapon, that can conquer Western world . . . yes, here in organic change, and' if added to smoke of battle cleared until we that deadly enemy, namely, a America, especially at home, THE TWO QUESTIONS ought the state Constitution, would recognized a hideous monster thorough knowledge of, a burn­ right here in Denver, we can do not to be confused, and certainly taking over many of the coun­ ing love for, and an undying something and we will! the one should not be used as a destroy the separateness and indi­ vidual acceptability of the non- tries of Central Europe. Indeed, faith in Christ and His teach Staunch, fearless, properly screen to foster the other. it was a Black Plague . . . but Financial sessions of the Legis­ jublic school system. The state ings? educated young people with an The gentle- Lay chairmen of the special gifts campaign are lature in even numbered years, las enough to do in caring for .painted Red! Are you and 1 willing to undying faith in Almighty God, Special Gifts Committee Paul V. Murray and Thomas M. Tierney. Clerical men at the designed for special business, its own schools. This vicious Russian bear, face thi( respontibility at true and a vision to build a strong chairmen are the Rt. Rev. Monsignor William Hig­ * * * table in the foreground have a very important role should not sponsor this type of more deadly, more corrupt, more soldier* ? Or will we seek to Gbd-fearing America, are the gins, the 'Very Rev. Monsignor E. J. Kolka, and legislation. Thirty days are too AS TRUE BELIEVERS in the ruthless than our generation hide behind some empty alibi, one and only force that will stop in thp Archbishop’s High School Campaign.^They the Rev. William V. Powers. short a period to Jam through doctrine of separation of Church ever before faced, appeared on such as “ We. have no chil­ this creeping Russian monster are members o f the special gifts committee, and Members of the special gifts committee in­ such important and highly de­ and State, we suggest the con­ ■»the scene. The vicious philosophy dren,” "Our children are all from across the seas. "This is the it is their task, before the general soliciation date clude Paul'J. Celia, IValter J. Coughlin, James batable constitutional changes. tinuation of the current happy and inhuman tactics of the Com­ out of school,” “ 1 helped build task ahead of us! This is the ef­ of Feb. 19, to contact those persons of sufficient J. Delaney, J. Pete DeLongchamp, John J. Denny, As now worded, the amend­ separation of our school systems. munists all here know; their one high school.” Yes, there fective armor which we ,must means to make larger donations. George H, Dunn, Judge Albert T. Frantz, Frank ment will give the state the The nonpublic school has a strategy is to “ mold the minds are many ' alibis; a common provide for our youth. This is This picture was taken at the general meet­ M. Granneli, Edward A. Hanifen, M. Perry Hol­ right of “ authorization” or “ ap­ high right of honor and prestige o f the children o f this genera­ one, “1 can’t afford to give.” within our ability to accomplish! ing of clergy and chairmen of the Archbishop’s comb, Blair K. Kittleson, Herbert W. Leibman, proval’^ over the parochial schools in the American tradition, and tion, convince them there is no Whittaker Chambers, in his Shall we deny this protective High School Campaign in the Silver Glade Room Arthur Maroney, James E. Peri, John F. Sher­ God, that the State is supreme.” book. Witness, says: “ The crisis arthor to our young people? Are and these, we maintain, ought Its validity is as sound as the of the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Denver, on Thursday, lock, Gerald J. Smith, V. H. Tout, Leo Van to be kept separate. We be­ language of our U.S. Supreme we going to shirk this responsi­ Jan. 19. Dittie, and Harry T. Zook. bility? If so, are we willing to lieve the fundamental authority Court which declared, in the Nuns, Children, and Nurse accept the dire consequences? o f education should be at the local Oregon Case of 1925: Let me remind you: Our last level, that the state has consid­ “ The fundamental theory of two great wars, thank God, were Charities Fund Results Released erable to do in the management liberty upon which all govern­ Get Lost on Mountain Trip fought away from America’s of its own public schools, and that ments in this union repose ex­ shores. The great mass of Amer­ (Elbert) ...... , Keenesburg and Roggen— there should not be a monopoly on cludes any general power of the arie arwood that territory the nuns and (Continued From Page One) By M G icans has been spared the agony Central City— Assumption Holy Family ...... the two systems in the one au­ state to standardize its chil­ Holy Family ...... 225.00 A nurse and secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Thompson were located and horrors of an all-out war. (Idaho Springs) ...... 7.00 I Lafayette— Immaculate thority, particularly in view of dren by forcing them te accept Holy Ghost ...... 700.00 Cheyenne Wells— Sacred I Ck>nception ...... 22.40 Edith Thompson, and two on the tram track north o f the Myself, and thousands of men of Holy Rosary ...... 40.00 the creditable performance of the instruction from public teach­ Heart ...... 45.00 Leadvilie: nuns from St. Joseph’s Hos­ Barnes Mine. my age serving in World. War I, Holy Trinity (Westminster).. 41.35 nonpublic school system. ers only. The child is not the Most Precious Blood ...... 305.43 Colorado Springs: Annunciation ...... 67.35 pital, Denver, • and Mrs. They were taken to the yes, and hundreds of thousands Corpus Christ! ...... 275.87 S t Joseph's ...... - ...... 38.40 mere creature of the state; Magor home while Andy Mother of God ...... 116.20 Thompson’s two children had of younger men who served in M t Carmel ...... 170.60 Divine Redeemer ...... 351.41 Limon— (Mission of Hugo).... 29.15 SOME OF OUR MOST CHER- those who ■ nurtured him and a thrilling yet terrifying ex­ Eccker and Fred Plank took World War II, saw towns and Our Lady of G race...... 50,00 Our Lady of Gua.dalupe ...... 43.00 Longmont— S t John the ISHED and respected institutions direct his destiny have the the disabled car to the A. & Our Lady of Guadalupe ...... Pauline Chapel— (Broadmoor) 210.00 Baptist’s ...... 54.45 perience Saturday afternoon. villages reduced to rubble. They Sacred H ea rt...... 175.00 Louisville— St Louis’ ...... 42.46 of learning in this country are right’, coupled with the high G. Garage for repair. About Our Lady of Lourdes ...... They were in Central City saw children, the aged, the sick, Presentation ...... 157.57 S t Mary's ...... 380.75 Loveland— St. John’s ...... 68.23 private schools, which have con­ duty, to recognize and prepare 8 :30 p.m. everything was ready Craig— St. Michael's ...... Manitou— (Mission of Sacred doing research work on the and the blind taken from their Sacred Heart ...... 20.90 tributed immeasurably to the edu­ him for additional obligations.” and they started back to St. Anne's (Arvada) ...... 119.00 Cripple Creek— S t Peter’s...... 4.5.2 Heart— Ck>lorado Springs).. 20.75 old St. Aloysius Academy, homes ahead of the brutality and Crook— St. Peter’s (Iliff)..... 9.08 Matheson— St. Agnes* (M is­ cation stature of our citizenry. Denver. St. Anthony's ...... 86.00 which years ago used to be a devastation. St. Bernadette’s ...... - ...... Deer Trail— (Mission of Hugo) sion of Calhan ...... Historically, in its recent not­ St. Cajetan's ...... 30.00 Derby— S t Catherine’s ...... 53,13 Mead— (Mission of Fred­ able review of the Catholic beautiful and important build­ Such sights leave an eternal Eagle— S t Mary's ...... 14.96 erick) ...... St. Catherine's ...... 350.00 Church, The American Institute 2 Brothers Need ing on the hill above the impression on eyewitnesses. Men St. Dominic's ...... 368.18. East Lake— (S t Catherine's— Meeker— Holy Family ...... 8.49 Church o f St. Mary o f the As­ St, Chfistopher Men who have seen these horrors St. Elizabeth’s ...... 213.50 Denver) ...... Minturn— St. Patrick’s ...... 9.90 of Management reported its con­ St. Francis de Sales* ...... 335.00 Elbert— Sacred Heart ...... Monument— St. Peter’s viction that Catholic grade sumption. abroad can well understand God's Erie—St Scbolastica's ...... 6.91 (Mission of Elbert) ...... St. Ignatius Loyola's...... 150.22 schools, high schools, and colleges Catholic Home The little group started out Plan for Mardi Gras great blessing to America, in S t James* ...... 600.00 Estes Park— Our Lady of the Oak Creek— St. Martin’s ...... to find the Glory Hole and The Order of St. Christo­ keeping wars away from our St John the Evangelist's...... 476.00 Mountains (Loveland)...... 27.00 Newcastle— Precious Blood “ should be encouraged and aided Evergreen— nsm. A will receive one in mail Or shall we say, “ my life’s am­ Your Finest bition is to accumulate material •a® I ■ n f ^ M *•>- 4 ‘ riches.” The answer of every S tM m, r>wii12 ■! ^ CURTAINS, URAPES, true Catholic will be: “ I accept the challenge! I will carry my SPREADS share of the load!” Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in his m 18°=ai-'€®> 2E' AND TABLE LINENS Life Is Worth Living says: “America is at the crossroads Exclusive Hand Finishing Meticulous Care . . . the crossroads of a suffer­ ing world.’* World-wide we can Particular about your appearonce? do little; nation-wide we are quite limited. At home, at our VI S4 n ^25 » omm 0** M Then use our own crossroads, we can accom­ plish much. You and I as indi­ PERSONALIZED FASTIDIOUS viduals merged with our entire SHIRT SERVICE DRY CLEANING Catholic community are in a po­ PLAtt I LLAVE WITH YOU sition to take this most impor­ MY PEACL I QVt UNTO YOU Boulevard Mortuary Prompt Courteous Delivery Service tant stepr THE ADVANCEMENT OF 10% Cash and Carry THE RELIGIOUS AND EDU- CATIONAL LIFE OF OUR CATHOLIC YOUTH HERE AND THROUGHOUT AMER- ' Federal Blvd. at Speer GRand 7-1626 ^okfuuk ^aesL ICA IS GOD’S WILL IN AC­ GRand 7-1646 4100 FEDERAL BLVD. TION. WILL YOU, AS AN ADULT CATHOLIC, DO YOUR DUTY AND HELP?

Discussions of Discussions of * 1 Management Problems and 27 SPECIALISTS SPEAK 27 Manageitient Problems and Opportunities in Your Business Opportunities in Your Business with Owners and Managers in the

Write or Phone now for a SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CLINIC Write or Phone now for a Program Program on Tuesday nights, Feb. 14 and through Apr. 3,1956 in Loyola Hall, Regis College GL 5-3633 (Membership will be satisfactorily limited) GL 5-3633

A- itiiM iaiiitiliilaiilitiM M AiM AiiAAAAAAiiiikAaiM iiihAM iM dAriAteiM aiAM iladM iii Thursday^ January 26,1956 PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205

ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH Parish Appreciation Dinner to Honor Patronize These Friendly Firms Faithful Men Workers at Holy Family

Alameda Drug Store (Holy Family Parish, Denver) Altar Society Francis Williams, and George V. a PETERSON. Prop. At an appreciation dinner on To Meet Feb. 2 Rotola. Sunday, Jan. 29, Father Forrest Dutch Cleaners The Altar and Rosary Society Third Card Party Our Plant Featurei an Cot Rate Drags Allen, pastor, will be host to .the workers who conduct the weekly will meet on Thursday,' Feb. 2. In Series Jan. 26 AMAZING Fountain Sarvlee Sundries games parties and their wives, Recitation o f the Rosary in the An outstanding selection of NEW Your Butinott Appreeimted the parish ushers and their wives, church will begin at 1 p.m. Mrs. attractive prizes will be awarded Alameda & So. Broadway and the members o f the St. Vin­ Joseph F. Pughes will preside by the Men's Club at the third in DRY CLEANING cent de Paul Society and their over the business meeting to fol­ a series of card parties on Thurs­ proMn that meana fabrics wives. A program of after-din­ low in the high school audi­ day, Jan. 26, beginning at ar« cleaned CONOCO PRODUCTS ner speeches in testimony to the torium. 8 p.m. Awards are made for attend­ LINT FREE * CUNG FREE Lubrication • Delro Batteries help given the parish by the Psychiatrist Speaker Sara 10% Cath Sc Carry groups during the past year will ance and high score in bridge Car Washing At PTA Meeting and pinochle games. Winners in 712 So. Pearl follow the dinner. Speaker for the games party Dr. John H. Grosjean, Denver last week’s tournament were the PE. 3-8485 W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS workers will be Bernard M. Caul­ Catholic psychiatrist, was the following: Bridge — first, Mrs, field. Caulfield has headed and guest speaker at the first gen­ Hilda (jhiolero; second, Mrs. Alameda Sc Lofan PE. S-9840 onally supervised the parties eral PTA meeting o f 1956 on Alice Schwartz; third, 0 . H, each week since their berinning Jan.^ 23. Dr. Grosjean spoke on Klein: pinochle— first, Mrs. Ed­ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ more than 15 years ago. He will neuropsychiatry. win Lantzy; second, Mrs. Carl Ploussard; third, Fred Laidig. pay special tribute to Robert At the meeting, the final plans I . & F. U E H in S lH I Diehl; Anthony McNulty, Wil­ Mrs. Victor Moore won the spe­ were announced for the “ Fami­ cial prize. liam O’Donnell, Martin Potter, ly Carnival” to be sponsored by Complete ONE-STOP Laundry Service and to five men to be honored the parents’ group on Feb. 9. at the dinner both as games par­ Some 20 features of entertain­ ty workers and ushers in the ment are being planned for en­ Chairmen to Meet Featuring the New SPEEDY Washer church: Joseph Cavanagh, Sam­ tire family groups at the carni­ uel Satterwhite, Arnold Schiet- val. Talent from both grade and ler, Cecil Proctor, and Arthur high schools will be put on the At Mother of God (jJjoJiJhsj£“(DMSij£ ,,, 10 jl U b . Coyle. Caulfield himself is. also entertainment productions. Five an usher in the parish. refreshment booths will be serv­ (Mother o f God Parish, Denver) . John Weakland, president of ing at the affair. In 1955 more A meeting of team chairmen ...... at the corner of Emerald Street and Daphne'Way the parish conference of the S t than 1,350 parents and children for the Archbishop’s High School Master Bedroom The master bedroom in Vincent de Paul Society, will ex­ enjoyed the various features of Each Bundle Washed Individually w e M iw w m beautiful Cathedral in Broomfield Heights, the home has been visited drive ■will be held in the basement press a debt o f gratitude to the carnival. of the church Friday evening, by approximately 4,000 persons since Jan. 8. Shirts Beautifully Finished . . . 1-Day Service In A lW flrrl U a n i o Award Home in Broom- Thomas - Reichenbaugh, John A display o f the national Jan. 27, at 8 o’clock. Ill A w a r a n o m e Heights is shown The home is open for inspection every day, and on Malocsay, George Taylor, John award-winning high school pa­ The Men’s Club will sponsor a above. The house will be awarded, completely fur­ Sundays several persons are on hand to act as Burke, Joseph F. Pughes, Jr.; 483 So. Pearl St. SP. 7-3863 per, the Lamp Post, also featured ames party in the church hall nished, at the Cathedral bazaar April 15. Situated guides. William F. Kelly, James Pughes, the meeting. The display ex­ S?uesday, Feb. 7. Tickets may be and to six men who are ushers T + - + + + + + plained for parents the entire purchased at the door. as well as de Paul men: Edward production o f the paper by the Masses are being offered each Flynn, Joseph F. Pughes, Sr.; Pehrson’s Market high school journalists. Sister morning at 7 and 8 o’clock. The The firms listed here Joseph Woertman, Terrence Mary Rhodes is the Lamp Post Rev. Orville Janssen, new assist­ Complete One-Stop deserve to be remembered Viewers of Cathedral Award Home Healy, Ferd Buchhqlz, and Tim­ faculty representative and mod­ ant in the parish, will offer the othy Toohey. when you are distributing erator. Representing the ushers at the 7 o’clock Mass. Mrs. Ralph Burg, Mrs. Marion FOOD STORE your patronage in the dif­ speakers’ table will be Sydney Hostesses at the meeting were Are Impressed by Beauty of Interior Mmes. William Liley, Vinc.ent Chemey, and Mrs. G. P. Kennedy Delivery — Tues., Thura., Sat. ferent lines of business. Vitry. Vitry succeeded Edward Flynn as head usher in mid-De­ Kennedy, Frank Levstik, Walter have volunteered to care for the "I don’t know which room I Daphne Way in the new Broom­ avocado and black "sleep” sofa 491 So. Pearl PE. 3-1484 cember, after Flynn had served Muliane, Carl Jensen, Harold altar during January. field Heights subdivision, just 20 by Drexel and a color scheme of like the best,” is the remark re­ in the job for two years. Hethcote, J. Lewis Dalpes, Joseph St. Jude’s Canasta Circle will peated by the crowds of people minutes north of Denver. It has forest green avocado and black. meet Thursday, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. Besides the ushers, Vintr^ will Engel, Joseph Capra, Kenneth visiting the Cathedral Award full basement, two ceramic 'Dream Spot' of Home commend the following members Beasley, Peter Allen, Leslie in the home of Mrs. John Ma- Home in Broomfield Heights. baths, a carport, and aluminum Is in Kitchen of other groups; Peter Allen, Shuffleharger, Albert Zarlengo, Money. Approximately 4,000 persons windows. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH I The kitchen is the "dream Bernard Carroll, Thomas Dige- Patronize These Friendly Firms I have examined the home and Completely furnished with six spot” in the home. Ash pink walls nan, Samuel Evans, John Fletch- its beautiful furnishings since rooms o f furniture, the house has are dramatized by dark-stained Robert Goebel, Ronald Goe­ Jan. 8. -to-wall carpeting, made-to- birch cabinets which are scienti­ bel, Walter Grisdale, Fred Gross, The light brick, ranch-style, MOST PRECIOUS order draperies in every room, fically engineered for greatest Arthur Hammond, John Han­ three-bedroom home, or a cash Ray's Standard Service pictures, lamps, china dishes, and use of space. A built-in .“Lazy- sen Robert Jones, Ronald Mc- NORRIS AG MARKET gift of $17,000 will be awarded R*7 Garitncr, Prop. bric-a-brac. Robert Magruder, Susan” corner cabinet delights Gillvray, Peter McNulty, Joseph Gvtt 1(^11, Pits. Miator (f SL Vlsnat'i Ptrbk at the climax of a gigantic "Re- BLOOD PARISH interior decorator of the Denver the visiting housewives. The Mohesky, Leonard Ruppert, Don­ Washing — Greasing Complet* AG Food Contcr Build Cathedral School” bazaar Dry Goods Company, planned kitchen is equipped with a Wes- ald Secord, William Splan, Lud­ to be given in the Colorado State STATE INSPECTION STATION OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TILL 2 and selected all the furnishings. inghouse refrigerator, a Westing- wig Thaler, and Edwin Unrien. Armory on April 14 and 15. So. Clayton at Louisiana Credit — Free Delivery 'Most Glorious' house electric stove, a copper Thirty-two men serve the parish All proceeds from this proj­ hood and vent, and a Waste King at seven Sunday Masses. ♦ So. Clayto/i A Louisiana PE. 3-9417 The master bedroom with ad­ RA 2-9870 ect will be used to rebuild Pulverator. The comer “ eatery” ♦ joining bath is probably the most Tke first 1956 series o f in­ the Cathedral Grade School is furnished with a dinette set quiry classes on the Catholic BARNEY AMREIN IS BACK ♦ which was demolished b]r fire glamorous room in. the house. Mr. of T^Tought iron with an oval Washington Park Mkt. llagruder selected a ^ e e n and faith will begin Feb. 6. ♦ o n N o t . 2 0 . formica top table. LEN'S Pharmacy gold theme playing up the green Classes will be held on Mon­ at ♦ Bill Hachrs The combination livinj; dining L. C. FEHR. Prop. The home is situated on the walls with lush gold wall-to-wall day and Thursday evenings for room is smartly styled with wood ♦ U.mbtr St. Vlnrtnt 4. Paol'i Psrt.k corner o f Emera'ld Street and carpeting and gold draperies. 10 weeks. The sessions begin Your Friendly Hava Your Doctor Phona pieces of "Diana,” a futuristic ♦ The furniture is Drexel’s honey- at 8 p.m. and never last more Danish wooden d c s i^ in dark Us Your Prescription blonde ash modern with double than an hour. A period for au­ ♦ AG Store walnut wood. The dining room BARNEY’S FIHE MEATS 2707 E. Lonisiana IVA. 2-3739 dience asking of question* bed, twin side tables, a triple suite, china cabinet, and all end 598 S. Gilpin SP. 7-6075 At LoolsUna u>d Booth CIsrtM Precious Blood dresser, handsome desk, and two follow* the discussion period. tables are o f this wood. The t occasional chairs. Three dramatic specially designed turquoise sec­ . lamps by the Paul Hansen Lamp . Reopening Sunday, Jan. 29 tional sofa strikes the dominant Company highlight the room. X Altar Unit Nets tone of the color scheme featur­ ♦ The second bedroom is quaint­ ing grey, beige, turquoise, and 1 SOUTH OAYLORD I ly furnished in early American flame. Drive Chairmen | For Quality Meats & Groceries ♦ decor with authentic maple The Cathedral Award Home ♦ 1 Shopping District | From Cards double bed, aide tables, triple {« open for public inspection dresser, and captain’s chair. An every day. An attendant who Being Selected Open Evenings and Sundays X (Most Precious Blood Parish, over-all posie-print chintz spread lives next door to the award Denver) and cafe curtains and a strik home will conduct the visitors A t the meeting o f the Altar ing brass lamp complete this The firms listed here through the house. Special EMPIRE MARKET Society Jan. 23 it was reported room. committees o f Cathedral Par­ At Annunciation 2276 So. Colorado Blvd. SK. 6-2393 I that the sale o f Chrbtmas cards, deserve to be remembered Johnny Meyers Bob Holm The third bedroom is a combi­ ish workers will be on hand according to Mrs. McCormack, (Annunciation Parish, Denver) Open Days and Sundays nation den and guest room. It all day every Sunday to Across From Most Precious Blood Church •when you are distributing Week Preparations for t h e high chairman, netted $923.99. also can double as a TV room, explain how to qualify for this X S m,m. to 1 p.ai. In the report of the commit­ school campaig:n are getting um your patronage in the dif­ since the Packard-Bell 21-inch, award. - tee for the purchase o f dishes it der way in the parish. Several ferent lines of business. Quality Meats Sea Foods dial-speaker television set is Information may also ha was revealed that Sam Newton chairmen have been named along 10.58 S. Gaylord SP. 7-7!>67 placed in this room. The fu r obtained by phoning MA. volunteered to buy them at with the general chairmen. Frank nishings are in modem with an 3-8541. wholesale prices. Morris is in charge o f publicity Election of officers for 1956 and John Meek in charge of solic­ Cecil's Super Market was conducted by Mrs. Greear itations. CATHEDRAL PARISH CECIL MEACHAM, Prop. Open 8 to 6 — Sat. till 7 P.M. of the nominating committee, Book Review on Jan. 30 The Men’s Club Winter Car­ The following were chosen nival hat all the indications of These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage QUALITY GROCERIES — MEATS — Clara Norton, president; Made­ a successful affair. It will be VEGETABLES line Bowman, vice president; held Saturday evening, Feb. Rosemary Voss, recording secre­ At St. Vincent de Paul's 11, and $500 will be awarded. 1004 So. Gaylord Free Parking in Rear tary; Lorraine Salisbury, treas The firms listed here (St. Vincent de Paul’* Parish, camping trip has been scheduled urer; Jean Perry, historian; and The adult choir is being re­ Denver) for Boy Scout Troop 140. deserve to be remembered Marian Fleenor, corresponding organized under the direction of A new swimming course con BELMONT secretary, Mollie Lee Beresford will re­ Wayne Jackson. Practices are when you are distributing LKIN’T DRUG ducted by the Red Cross is being The meeting was closed fol­ view It Was Not What I Ex­ held every Thursday in the high Have Your Doctor Phone PLUMBING CO. offered at the D.U. Field House k-oeom , your patronage in the dif­ lowing a short address by Father pected, by Val Teal, on Monday, school aduitorium at 7:30 p.m. t/s Ye ar Prescriptione Repairing & Contracting for the Boy Scouts. So far 18 Virvtt-, Coco. John Donohoe. Refreshments Jan. 30, at 1:30 p.m., in the par­ Marie Smith is the organist and ferent lines of business. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL scouts have registered. were then served. About 55 ish hall. Tickets are 75 cents and Mrs. Ralph, secretary. All for­ RA 2-5664-Free Delivery Free Eatimatea The Boy Scout troop is sponsor SAM BOXER. Mgr 1076 S. Gaylord women were present. may be purchased at the door. mer members of the choir are es­ 1000 8. Gtylord at Ttnatsset ing a rifle team of six boys. This The "Country Coiitint” The review will be sponsored by pecially urged to rejoin, and new Days PE. 3-2070 team is connected with the Table- W tG lvf Green Slampa square dance group is plan­ the Altar and Rosary Society. members are needed. Nights EA. 2-5379 Top National Rifle Association DOYLE’S ning a potiuck supper and The eighth grade girls will act The high school retreat will be Club, and has made a good show dance for the evening of Jan. as baby sitters. Coffee and cook­ held next week. The Very Rev. PHARMACY ies will be served in the cafeteria ing. The members are Larry Fabian Joyce, O.F.M., will .preach 30 in the parish hall at 8:30 Deuschle, Bill Baird, Ronny Loh- Th* PsrSInlar Dninist PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED o’clock. Further information after the review. All women of the retreat. FOR AND DELIVERED the parish and their friends are man, David Doughty, Freddy Monday and Tuesday the re­ 17th AVE. AND GRANT Andersen’s Market may be obtained by calling Pettid, and Gary Baker. Colfax at Downing Denver Jerry Sheridan at SK. 6-7769. invited. treat will be for the seniors and KK. 4-ltST FREB DELITEBY The Confraternity of Chris­ juniors, and Wednesday and KEstone 4-3217 1093 So. Gaylord RA. 2-0902 The Teen Club will hold a Envelopes were handed out to tian Doctrine discussion clubs Thursday for the freshmen and meeting on Tuesday, Jan. ,31, the women of the parish Sunday, will resume meeting* the week sophomores. FREE DELIVERY OPEN SUNDAYS in the hall. The young people Jan. 22, for the annual member­ of J & . 29. The leaders will will make plans for their pre^ ship drive o f the Altar and Ro­ meet on Sunday, Jan. 29, - f Lenten party. sary Society, and all women of after the 9:30 o’clock Mass, in CURE d'ARS PARISH Pari.shioncrs desiring to order the parish are urged to fill out the parish hall. Heads Publicity blessed candles for their homes the card and bring it to Mass this On Monday evening, Jan. 30 should get their orders in by Sunday, Jan. 29. The dues are $1 the convert instructions will be THELMA KASSON The firms listed here OIVNIE BBAE Sunday, Jan. 29. A list for this per year. Mrs. John Zimmerman, gin at 8 p.m. These instructions purpose may b e found i n the chairman of the drive, will have will be held every Monday and BEAUTY SALON deserve to be remembered vestibule. B her committee members at all of Wednesday for the next 11 weeks, 2876 Colorado BhrcL There will be a meeting o f the when you are distributing (Shopping Center the Masses Sunday, Jan. 29, to and will be given by Father Hair Styling Vocation Club on Saturday, Feb. receive the membership envelopes. George Weibel in the school, cor­ Permanent Wuping your patronage in the dif­ 4, at 10:30. $1,200 Reolixed ner of South Josephine and Ariz­ PHONE DExter t-1188 Mrs. Fred Hoffman, 2857 S. Tbtima XassoB O'Conoor, Owns* ferent lines of business. Steele, SK. 6-7148, is the new From Gomes Party ona Streets. CONOCO PRODUCTS Register correspondent. The Sacred Heart Bridge Cir­ Labrte*tk>B, Cat W tihihf. Bit(«ri« Preisser's Red & White The games party, held Friday, cle, consisting of six couples, will Rccharied. lir* VDlctaiiin* Jan. 20, was a huge success. Ap­ meet on Friday, Jan. 27, in the We Give Pioneer Stamps Grocery and Market Guardian Angels' Unit proximately 1,000 persons at­ home of the T. W. Kerrigans, tended, and more than $1,200 was 1810 S. Elm Street. ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH BONNIE BRAE FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND realized. Mrs. C. B. Halstead was S t Anne’s Circle will meet on Q U AU Tl GROCERIES invites New Members the winner of the special award Jan. 27 in the home of Mrs Patronize These Friendly Firms Conoco Service Free Delivery SPrqce 7-4447 The winner of the -ticket-selling 724 Sov University PE. 3-9909 2891 C Ohio Av«. ISo Uoiv and Ohwi John Mulqueen, 895 S< Jackson (Guardian Angels* Pkrish, contest was Sister Ann Maurice’s at 1 p.m. for bridge and lunch Denver) sixth grade. The individual tick­ eon. Betty & Bob’s Beauty The Altar and Rosary Society et-selling winners were James Jerry Garland, son of Mr. and Andy's Texaco Station will receive Communion in a Tapp, Mary Ann Pierson, Tom Mrs. Prank L. Garland, returned & Barber Shop group in the 8:30 o’clock Mass Bums, Carolyn Croft, Charles 12tk Sc Clayton FR. 7-9826 ST. JOHN'S PARISH home Jam 20, after two years in S p e c ia liz in g in Sunday, Jan. 29. A change has Blackburn, Michael Winter, Wil­ WE GIVE RED STAMPS Patronize These Reliable Firms the service, a year and one-half Permanent 'Wav­ been made from the 7 a.m. Mass liam McCarty, Sylva Zimmer- of which was in Okinawa. ing and Latest in to the 8 :30 a.m. Mass. All women mann, Ronald Roxell, Michael Texaco Products The St. Vincent de Paul Circle Hair Shaping. o f the parish are inyited. Doyle, Phillip S a 1 v a t o, and of the Altar and Rosary Society Lubrication Tirs* Any woman of the parish in­ Tommy Angerer. will meet for a bridg^e luncheon Washing Accessories 2603 E. 12th Ave. EA 24723 OLSON'S CAPITOL DRUG terested in joining the Altar and Paul 0 . Schn.ldtr, Prop. The neighborhood meeting for in the home of Mrs. Ralph Me Rosary Society should contact Frank Morris (above), (MrnLcr of 8L Jo)m*i PitUb) Brownie and Girl Scout leaders Lean on Wednesday, Feb, 1, at the membership chairman, Vir widely known Catholic lay^ Food Market Modern Prescription Dept. o f St. Vincent de Paul’s and 1 p.m. ginia Dever, at GL. 5-5618. Stephen Knight Schools will be man, is chairman of publicity for FREE DELIVERY Appreciates Your Business Altar workers for this month held Monday, Jan. 30, at 1:15 Annunciation Parish, Denver, in BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Revlon Cosmetics arc Lou Dow(^ Mrs. J. Lonergan, p.m. In t h e Stephen Knight 3030E. 6ih EA. 2-1801 E. 6th Sc Fillmore FR. 7-2741 1st Friday Club to Hear the Archbishop’s High School Patronize These Friendly Firms Betty Maddock, and Louise Mc­ School. Newly elected officers Fund Campaign. J ______Specializing in Cracken. to the neighborhood council from Father John Danagher FRANK MATHIS SL Vincent de Paul’s School are The Rev. .Johe Danagher, WaU Permanent Waving Christophers TV Series Mrs. F. (Jallagher, vice chair­ to Druggist man; Mrs. C. Williams, secre­ C.M., professor of moral the­ WtU ology at St. Thomas’ Semi­ CARPETS COLORADO BOULEVARD DRUG Profeitional My Lady Edith To Open on KOA Jan. 28 tary; Mrs. G. Hurley, treasurer; Mrs. William Hughes, neighbor­ nary, will address the First ROOM SIZE JOB H. SCHMITZ, Pivp. Pretcription Service The Christophers, a series Friday Club at noon Thursday, (Ihnbe BIwM Iscnmel r«U) Beauty Shoppe hood organizer; Mrs. Paul Smith, and SMALLER I Phones RA. 24685—24686 U i D i i l * KMMier. Mgr. of telecast* directed by Father Feb. 2, in the Albany Hotel, RUGS Juliet Low chairman; Mrs. J. Larfctt tcloctions In th« elty. Prescriptions 6th A re. at Marion James Keller, will begin on Lauby, campaign chairman; 'and Denver. 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 2-0788 Accurately Filled station KOA-TV, Channel 4, Mrs. G. Ames, delegate. His topic will be *‘The New Saturday, Jan, 28. The half- Liturgy for Holy Week,” an Fornitore 'V. hour program will be from S Members of the St. Vincent de explanation of the changes Fonntain Service Paul’s PTA who attended the 0p«s Hidstsdu (ralsp TUI I s'cloek to 5:30 p.m. It will feature newly decreed by the Sacred Liquor Department Mapelli’s Finer Foods such star* as James Cagney, CPTL were Mmes. L. B. Com­ Congregation of Rites in Danny Thomas, Ann Blyth, stock, C. H. Conway, E. A. Wag­ Rome, E.M.W. Frs* Dslirtty Bast Dsavsf A Aarera Mapelli’r Famous Meats ■— Imported Foods Teresa Wright, and Boh Hop*. ner, G. D, Learned, R. J. Partsen, The men’s group msets on where cash talk* EA. 2-3S33 EA. 2-9997 EA. 2-9998 D. J. Sikes, L. V, Salvato, and Delicatessen Foods — Bakery Good* — Groceries, Etc. The Christopher program is Thursday before every first 2141 So. Broadway East Colfax A Coler*:d* Bird. also carried on KTVR, Chan­ W. F. Angerer. Friday. Tka Rev. Francis J. SHerma^ 4-2754 1A2\ E. 6th Ave. FR. 7-3550— FR. 7-9792 Free Delivery nel 2, on Sunday* at 1 p.m. : This week end an overnight Syrianey k chaplain.

M M iM iiiiiiiiiriiiiiM M iM lii Thursday, January 26, 1956 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4^205 PAGE FIVE

At Shrine of St. Anne Parish Pre-Lenten Dance SlotedCredit Union Credit Union in Arvada By St. John's on Jan. 27 At Sacred Heart Enrolls 203 in 1st Year (St. John the ETangelUt’i P. Moran to fie credited to the Arvada. — (Shrine o f St. from 1 to 7 p.m. Admission for Parith, Denver) rectory furnishing fund. lo Hold Meeting Anne)— The annual meeting of adults will be $1 and children’s Final plans are under way for Father John Danagher, C.M., (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) the parish credit union was held tickets for those under 12 may the big pre-Lenten dance in the faculty member at St. Thomas’ The credit union will hold its Jan. 19, The union now has a be purchased at the door for 50 Town House in Aurora Friday Seminary, delivered a talk ex­ annual meeting Wednesday eve­ membership of 203 at the close cents. Letters o f invitation with night, Jan. 27. The dance and plaining the recent changes in ning, Feb. 1, in the school hall, o f its first year o f operation. dinner tickets werQ mailed to all midnight buffet supper are spon­ the liturgy. 2830 Lawrrence Street. Father A dividend o f 2.4 per cent was parishioners this'week. The pub­ sored by the Holy Name Society 75 PTA Members Francis J. Syrianey, pastor of declared. lic is invited and tickets may be o f S t John’s Parish. Attend Luncheon St. Pius X Parish, Aurora, The board of directors of the purchased at the door. There Although tickets will be sold will be the guest speaker. There credit union for the coming year will be a special prize. More than 75 mothers o f St. at. the door, the committee has will be an election of officers. A will be composed o f W. J. Mul- John’s PTA were present to en­ Members o f the Altar and requested that all who plan to turkey dinner at $1 a plate will loney, Ed Rodewald,* Gfiorge joy the covered-dish luncheon attend secure their tickets in ad­ be held in the school cafeteria. Wood, Ed Walsh, and Jerry Rosary Society assisting the al­ held in the lounge room o f the vance or contact Jack Knudson Reservations are to be in by Joyce Kuckartz (second-place winner), junior; Shea. Joe Murray, Leo Kretz, tar chairman, Mrs. Roxy Map- church Jan. 23. The sixth grade U /a l l - ( « r n A i n o f l These girls were chosen by (EA. 2-9496) or Tom Lawrie Jan. 29 and can be made at the f i e i l v r o o m e a t^eir classmates in S t Judy, Seely, sophomore; Cheryl Garnett, senior; and Joe Schneider will serve on won the attendance prize with 17 ley, in the care o f altars for the (FR. 7-8698). This will enable rectory or at the credit union. Mary’s Academy as being consistently outstanding Mary Pat Fortune, freshman; and Margaret the credit committee. Members the committee to secure suffi­ mothers present. month of January are Mmes. W. Altar Sodality for their neat, well-groomed appearance at school. Scheehser, freshman. Absent from picture is Judy of the auditing committee are J. Mulloney, Leon Jones', and G. cient refreshments for the eve Mrs. John P. Maguire, presi­ Left to right are Catherine Etzkorn, freshman; Gau, first-place winner in the junior class. Mrs. Mary Warner, John Crow­ ning. dent of the PTA, announced that Receives Members A. Huck. Mrs. Huck will also ley, and Ray Chase. assist with the altar decoration Dancing will be from 9 to 1. on Feb. 14‘ a “children’s lunch­ The regular Communion, At St. Philomena's School Hall 'The weekly meetings of the The buffet dinner will be served eon” would be presented under meeting, and breakfast of the in the coming year. Mrs. Joe Junior Newman Club have been Murray has been, appointed cor­ at midnight. the direction of Mrs. Joseph Altar Sodality were held Sunday, suspended for the present The previously announced Musso, who will be the chair­ .Tan. 22, after the 7 :30 Mass. PTA to Honor Past Presidents Jan. 30 responding secretary of the Al­ mission will begin on Sunday man o,f this project. Further de­ Father John F. Brady, S.J., gave Spaghetti Dinner tar and Rosary Society for the evening, Jan. 29, at 7:30 p.m. tails will be announced later. a talk. Nine new members were (St. Philoraena’s ParUh, Denver) will meet Saturday, Jan. 28, in­ Christian Family Movement will Slated Feb. 12 coming year. The first week of the mission An invitation to all par- received: Betty Lucero, Mary On Monday, Jan. 30, at 1:45 stead o f on Friday as previously hold a section meeting on Friday The annual spaghetti dinner On Thursday, Feb. 2, the will be for the women of the enti ha< been extended by the Moreno, Virginia Macias, Mar­ p.m. the PTA will meet in the announced. The theme for the evening, Jan. 27, in the home of prepared, by the Italian women Feast o f the Purification o f the parish, the second week ^for Sitters of Loretta to visit garet Mitchell, Mamie Vorce, El­ school hall. The past presidents month of January is railroading. Jim and Helen McCoy. Plans will o f the parish will be held on Feb. Blessed Virgin Mary, also known the men. Non-Catholic friends their children’s classroom, Fri­ lon Vigil, Teresa Marquez, Juan­ will be honored with a tea: The dens will have displays be made at this meeting for the 12, according to Mrs. Jennie as Candlemas Day, candles for are invited. Fathers James day, Jan. 27, to receive a per­ ita Martinez, and Mary Herrera. Mmes. Sidney Bishop, Edward and will be shown a movie on pre-Lenten party to be held in Spano, the dinner chairman. The church and home use will be Sullivan and John Fulford, sonal report of their children’s The cake baked and donated by Mulcahy, John Mohan, Edward railroads through the courtesy of the school hall. All contact dinner will be in the parish hall blessed before the 6 :30 a.m. Redemptorist missionaries, will progress in school. Mary Padilla was awarded Mrs. Hanifen, John Reiuhardt, Harry the Rio Grande Railroad Co. couples are urged to attend. The and serving will be continuous Mass. conduct the mission. All parents whose names be­ Joe Kilker, Sr. Zook, Henry Cooper, Edward Girl Scout Troop Christian Family groups o f the The women will hold their an­ Wadsworth, George Schwartz, parish will receive Communion Officers Elected gin with A through L are ex­ To Be Organized “ IThere pected to come between the nual bake sale Feb. 19 after all Francis McNamara, E. B. Con­ corporately on Sunday, Jan. 29, CH. By Altar Society o f the Masses. The chairman of Several wqmen of the parish cooking hours of 9 to 12 a.m. Those way, W. T. Bostwick, James in ^the 8:15 o’clock Mass. 4-2494 At the meeting of the Altar the bake sale is Mary Moreno, have volunteered to organize a is an whose names begin with M to Z Cummings, James Koning, Blake Our Lady’s Club will meet in art’' and Rosary Society on Jan. Girl Scout troop with the girls will come between the hours of and anyone wishing to make any Vifquain, Mack Switzer, and the home of Mrs. Mack Switzer 20 the following officers were 1 to 4 p.m. donations o f home-baked pies, John Vos. in the third and fourth grades. Friday, Jan. 27, at 1 o’clock for elected: Mrs. William Eader, There will not be any school bread, rolls, cupcakes, cakes, or Seventh graders’ room moth­ The women are attending a re­ a dessert-luncheon and bridge. president; Mrs. John Harring;ton, cash donations is asked to con­ quired training course for lead­ on this day so it is hoped all par­ ers, headed by Jo Keller and Vir­ The instructions in Catholic vice president; Mrs. Jerry Cut tact her. ers. Those attending are Mrs. ents will take this'^opportunity of ginia Kenrick, will be hostesses. doctrine for Catholics and non- len, secretary; Mrs. Walter Mil The women are giving a St. The guest speaker for the af­ Michael Lubchenko, Mrs. Albert learning about their children. Catholics will on Mon­ ler, corresponding .secretary; Valentine’s dance Feb. 10 in the Dinsmore, Mrs. Edward Quarles, In attendance at the last ternoon .will be Alfred P. Ryan Mrs. J. C. Eigeman, treasurer; school hall. Betty Lucero is Mrs. Alex Keller, and Mrs. Vin­ day, Jan. 30, in the basement CPTL meeting were Mmes. Bau­ of the Ryan Floral Shop. His of the rectory. The conference and Mrs. Mary Weber, historian chairman o f the dance committee cent Librizzo. The new leaders man, Gruber, Kluck, Koning, topic will be “Floral Arrange­ will be held twice weekly, on The retiring president, Mrs. composed of Val Salas, Virginia held a meeting in the home of Maguire, and Skau. ments.” Mr. Ryan spent three Monday and Friday evenings Paul Murray, was presented Macias, and Teresa Marquez. years teaching floral design in Mrs. Arthur Ahr on Jan. 25. Gail Crespin, sixth gn'ade stu­ at 7:45 o'clock, for a period crystal rosary in appreciation of Hostesses for the February Colorado and prior to that owned When the troops are organized her leadership this past year. dent of St. John’s School, is ill of of 10 weeks. meeting of the sodality will be his own florist shop in Erie, Pa., there will be aproximately 25 Open The Altar Society donated $400 pneumonia in St. Joseph’s Hos­ Jennie Granada, Helen Garcia, for 10 years. He has also writ­ girls attending. Weekdiys to the Rt. Rev. Monsignor John pital. Ophelia Jenkins, Ruth Bradford, 11 s.m. till ten articles for trade magazine The Men'* Club will meet in S s.m. and Val Salas. The sick com­ on flower care an I has demon­ the school auditorium at 7:30 Nightly Sundsys—12 Noon mittee for the coming months in­ strated flower arrangements at p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 26. Music till 10 p.m. cludes Emma Sanchez and Mela John Flannagan Is Head floral conventions. Howard Carroll will be the I Y O l I R i (18th at Broadway) Solano. The following women Mrs. Henry, school nurse, will guest speaker, on “ Oil and will clean the church for the I Loon Costs Less ■ also address the group. Uranium Stocks.” month of February: Edith Mas- i When You Borrow | WHOLE LIVE MAINE Cub Scouts CFM Contact Couples carenas and Ellena Romero, cap­ i From li Of All Saints' Bazaar tain; Mary Cabral, and Mary To Meet Jon. 28 To Meet Jon. 27 Garcia. The Cub Scouts of Pack 124 The contact couples of the (A ll Saints’ Parish, Denver) with the Christian Family Move­ Confirmation Set i CITIZEIVS; I LOBSTER . . . .SI 95 Includes Potatoes and Hot Breads ' At the first bazaar meeting of ment group in the 8 a.m. Mass. Thursday, March 22 I Loon Company n the year on Jan. 8, John Flanna­ The group has also scheduled a Confirmation will be given ^ 1538 California B FREE DINNER PARKING gan was named general chairman general meeting in the parish St. Louis' PTA to Note Thursday evening, March 22, at at two locations after 6 p.m., and anytime on Sundays and o f the 1956 bazaar. John Gard- hall following the 6:30 p.m. eve­ s MA. 3-4959 f 7:45. All school children who holiday* — 1 hour just next door and 2 hours at Municipal elli, Ray McMasters, and William ning Mass. B R. B. Dillon, Pres. H have reached their ninth birth- Parking Garage, 1625 Tremont Donlon will act as associate chair­ The Christian Family Moye-lday may be confirmed. Children men. Tenative dates f o r the Founders' Day Feb. 12 ment is made up of married attending public schools who have bazaar will be the last week end ceuples working together to pro­ been coming to the Wednesday . Englewood.— (St. Louis’ Par­ H. Crowfoot, treasurer; and Mr. in July. mote happier family life. Each afternoon catechism classes may ish)— The Parent-Teachers’ As­ and Mrs. S.'Chavez, entertain­ On Monday evening, Jan. 16, 63 group of five or six couples meet also be confirmed. sociation Founders’ Day program ment chairmen. The meeting men of the Holy Name Society, every two weeks in one another’s I All adults who have not been and open house will be held Sun­ was attended by 36 persons. and Fathers Harley Schmitt and home. They discuss matters which confirmed are asked to hand in day, Feb. 12,. from 2 to 4 p.m. Baby Sitters Appointed JOE ONOFRIO Joseph Koontz, enjoyed an even­ are common to all and affect fam­ names now so arrangements can in the school. This program has When members of the Immac­ ing at the Coor’s Clubroom in ily life and other individuals. be made to obtain their baptis­ been planned to enable both ulate Heart bf Mary Sodality Golden. Earl Aeumj widely known Any couple interested in join­ mal certificates. Confirmation parents to meet the teachers and met in the rectory Monday eve-1 Says magician and entertainer, pre­ ing the movement or learning classes for adults, which must be acquaint themselves with the ning, Jan. 23, appointed to take sented a most enjoyable program. more abouti its purposes is in­ attended, will be held in Sodality school functions. care o f the baby sitting on Sun-' This was the Holy Name Society’s vited to attend this meeting. Hall on the three Thursdays pre­ Mr. and Mrs. Club day were Sandra Aymami and, first special membership meet­ ceding Confirmation, March 1, Again this year the Altar and Selects Officers Mary Ellen Braham, 9 o’clock; ing. At this meeting 15 new 8, and 15 at 7:30 p.m. Paula Thompson and Jean Bag-' GET MORE-MUCH Rosary Society will follow the members were enrolled in the so­ Temporary officers chosen for nail, 10 o’clock: and Barbara: ciety. practice of offering religious News Deadline! the Mr.* and Mrs. Club at a din­ Petrash and Patricia Puezt, 111 CFM Plans Communion, articles on the last bunday of tforrespondenl* are reminded ner meeting in the school Sun­ o’clock. The nurses’ room in the I day evening, Jan. 22, were Mr. Meeting each month. These articles will that parish, club, and schnol school is used for the baby-sit­ MORE WITH NORGE be available in the ushers’ room news must be received at the and Mrs. J. Tierney, president; ting service. Mr. and Mrs. J. Magers, vice JOE JOE, JR. ' On Sunday, Jan. 29, all famil­ at the front of the church, after Register offices by 2 p.m. Tues­ The Altar Society card president; Mr. and Mrs. Carl ies of the parish are asked to re­ morning Masses on Sunday, Jan. day at the latest in order to party is being held in the as­ Belle, secretary; M r.»and Mrs. Y O U SA V E ceive Communion in conjunction 29. meet the press deadline. sembly room of the rectory this Thursday, Jan. 26, at 2:30 (M O N EY O N p.m, K dessert-luncheon will Why be served and games will fol­ THIS LAST 2 WEEKS! low. All are invited. We ' Men and women interested in AT OUR PRESENT ADDRESS CATHOLIC CHURCH SECURITIES I joining the choir are invited to Recommend ! do so at this time, when practice is beginning for the Easter mu- I sic. Practice is held on the first EVERYTHING MUST GO! ' Wednesday of the month at 8 Management Is Studied jp.m. and the second, third, and i fourth Mondays, following the NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED novena devotions. Those inter­ ested can contact the director, Catholic Church Rates i 'Warren Taylor, or leave word You Can't Afford jat the rectory. On a Brand New i Reservations for* the Altar To Miss These Tremendous I Society’s Mother and Daughter High in Efficiency !Corporate Communion and NORGE Values I breakfast following on Sunday, New York, Jan. 22— (A P )— The head of the Ameri­ i Feb. 5, can be made by calling the rectory, SU. 1-4114. The REFRIGERATOR can Institute of Management Sunday rated the Roman Cath­ cost of the breakfast will be $1. olic Church as “ efficient as any non-profit organization in I An interestidfe program has the world.” I been arranged. Jackson Martindell, president R a te H ighCSt Instructions and rehearsals ' for the adults in the class to In announcing the . 88-point be confirmed on Monday, Feb. connection with the release of a. rating given the Catholic Church, • 27, will be held on W ^nes- summary report of a manage­ Martindell said that out of more ' day evenings, Feb. 15 and 22. ment study o f the Roman Cath­ than 4,000 corporations and non­ Neighborhood olic Church. profit institutions analyzed for Meeting Jon. 31 He said the report results efficiency since its founding in i The first St. Louis Girl Scout from the work of “ hundre'ds of 1948, the institute has rated only Neighborhood meeting of the researchers” and the gathering three with 94 points and 17 with new year will be held on Tues­ o f material published in 30 lan­ 90 points. guages. Martindell said the study day, Jan. 31, at 8 p.m. in the “ represents the opinions of hun­ “ There isn't very much dif­ recreational center. Mrs. William CS-1280 dreds of people and statistics ference between the Standard Vobejda will preside in the ab­ List 419.95 Oil Co. of New Jersey and the gathered by hundreds o f people.” sence of Mrs. Carl VanLanding- Catholic Church’s operations,” Martindell assigned an 88- ham. Troop leaders and commit­ he said. “ The only difference is NOW point rating to the Catholic tee members will attend. Any that Standard produces oil, persons interested in Girl Scout­ 00 Church, basing the estimate on a year-long study of its world­ and the Catholic Church pro­ ing are invited. Refreshments i PAY 295 duces a way of life and a way will be served. Hostesses will be wide operations by the insti­ and your old refrigerator tute. of thought.” Mrs. John Perkis and Mrs. R. J. ONLY ■ Dougherty, Troop 751. The institute is a non-profit Efficiency, he said, was based foundation with more than New officers for the year are: “ on the degree the church has FOR THIS KING-SIZE 15,000 individual members, in­ developed and put into practice Chairman, Mrs. Carl 'VanLand- Big 10.6 Cu. Ft. 55 Pounds of frozen food Storage cluding 5000 company presi­ administrative procedures that ingham; vice chairman, Mrs. dents, in the United States and have demonstrated their worth William Vobejda; second vice Reg. $319.95 Save $100.00 Canada. A spokesman said it over the centuries.” He said the chairman, Mrs. John Perkis; aims to improve management study was the first management secretary, Mrs. L. C. Ingenthron; NOW ond your practices by comparative ap­ organizer, Mrs. Peter Thome; NORGE survey o f the Catholic Church in Only $21995 trade in praisals. its 1900 years of existence. public relations chairman, Mrs. Harry White; camp chairman, LOOK WHAT YOU GET IN A NORGE I Mrs. John McCallin; cookie e Freezer holds 80 lbs. Take Advantage of This UNDERWRITING OF CATHbLIC CHURCH SECURITIES chairman, Mrs. Robert Murphy; international friendship chair- • Automatic Temperature Big Opportunity to Save Money! IS A MAJOR PART OF OUR BUSINESS , man, Mrs. Steve Halpin; and al- control & automatic WE RECOMMEND THEM FOR SAFE* CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT Iternate delegate,' Mrs. Bruce defrosting Baumann. • Pianos • TV • Refrigerators • Big family 12 cu. ft. size j Archbishop to Address • Double-deep Hondidor ^ Washers ^ Gas and Electric Ranges b U G H L IN ;HN Union January 30 FasN Terms • Hot Water Heaters • Kitchens • HI-FI s We Finance All Nationally Known Standard Brands Archbishop Urban J. Vehr ! will be the guest of honor and, Our Own Deal Nothing But the Finest! ^ -C O M P A N Y principal speaker at the quar­ terly meeting of the Archdio­ Free Delivery—Anywhere in Denver or Suburbs INVESTMENT BANKERS cesan Holy Name Union Mon- I day, Jan. 30. The meeting will SECURITY BUILDING • DENVER • KE..4.320I I be held in the Sacred Heart i School Hall, 2830 Lawrence JOE ONOFRIO MUSIC CO. I Street, Denver, at 8 p.m. (Since 1900) Without Obligation On My Part Please Send Your Representatives from parish Current Offering of Catholic Church Securities , Holy Name Societies in the archdiocese are invited and WE MAKE THE BEST PIANO DEALS IN TOWN NAME ...... plan to attend the meeting, ac­ cording to Leo Kraemer, presi- We Buy, Sell or Trade I dent of the AHNU. Father 1805 BROADWAY (Member o f St. Catherine’s Parish) 716 SANTA FE A D D R E SS ...... Phone ...... Harley, Schmitt, pastor at All Two Stores to Serve You Saints’ Parish, is spiritual MA. 3-8585 Open Monday Till 8:30 p.m. AC. 2-9170 moderator of the AHNU. ¥ — ...... - i t " 3- is ^ .a ^ ^ _ » . *r # •• . . . •'- ♦ 't*^ r ...... ,';.^j,.>.-" - ..A. - ,. , ^ , .■,«•. # v- 4. ^ ^ 1* . -n ^ 1


PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4-4205 Thursday, January 26,1956

At Luncheon Feb. 4 Rev. George Evans Speaker Catholic Nurses For Lady of Fatima Club Meeting Jan. 26 (Our Lady o f Fatima Club, of the Denver Court of the Cath­ Denrer) olic Daughters of America, will The Rev. George Evans, As­ address the members of Our sistant Chancellor of the Arch­ Lady of Fatima First Saturday At St. Anthony's diocese o f Denver and chaplain Club at the luncheon on Satur­ (Archdioce.an Council of Catho­ day, Feb. 4, in Holy Ghost Par­ 4- + + lic Nur.e., Denver Chapter) ish Hall, Denver. Father Evans will talk on the Lenten regula­ The Denver chapter of the tions concerning fast and ab­ ACCN will meet at St. Anthony’s stinence. Hospital Thursday, Jan. 26. There will be Benediction in the Anyone wishing to attend the chapel at 7:30 p.m., and the luncheon, open to all married meeting will follow at 7 :45 p.m. and gingle women o f the Denver in the nurses’ home. There will area, should contact either Mrs. be insUllation of officers fol­ John LaTourette, at FR. 7-1062, lowed by a card party for mem­ or Miss Nina Riser, at EA. 2- bers. 4610, before Feb. 3. Mr. Jacob­ son o f the Republican Club will Credit Union again have charge of the lunch­ Meeting Jon. 31 eon, and volunteer club members Everyone is invited to attend Gift for Juhilarian president of the d « will aid in the serving, the annual meeting of the DCCN w ill lUl il Hill I Ml III n La T « SalleCollo Auxiliary, AnviHorv presentsnrpftAnf.s a gift Compicta Una of to select a date for her retreat Sisters of Charity Carmel Parish, Denver St. Catherine’s School, located meeting are Mrs. W. Fox, presi­ HEAR April dent; Mrs. V. Vessel, vice presi­ DELICATESSEN FOODS TO The schedule is as follows. August at 43rd Avenue and Federal Now jou can b .v . UounUio Stream January 6- 8 Junior Newman Club, Colo­ dent; Mrs. R. Schlut, treasurer; Preih Trout ail rear round—we ihip TAKE OUT 1- 3 General Retreat (mid­ Boulevard, Denver, was host to lift boxe. of Colorado’. Fineat Rain­ 22-25 St. Mary’s Academy, Den­ rado Springs week, Wednesday to Fri­ approximately 200 women of the and Mrs. A. C. Turner, secre­ ASK and LEARN bow Trout anywhere in the United OPEN SUNDAYS ver 13-15 Holy Trinity High School, tary. Outgoing officers include State.—anytime. Give the folka back day) Catholic Parent-Teacher League, home a treat. CHERRY CREEK February Trinidad 6- 15 Community Retreat,Thursday, Sis­ Jan. 19. Because of Mrs. M. J. Pfarr, president; Mrs. SHOPPING CENTER 3- 5 Open 22 Daughters of Isabella, ters o f Charity the Cathedral School fire it has E. McDonald; vice president; KOA DENVER LIVE TROUT MARKET (Naxt to. Walfraon’a) 10-12 Open Pueblo and Mrs. J. Becker, secretary. and at 17-19 Archbishop’s Guild, Denver been necessary for the league to I2M E. Ceifu It r.|lir lM«— EA 2-5194 17-19 S t Anthony o f Padua’s 27-29 General Retreat The February meeting will be 111 E. Ttb Art. KE.4-HM 24-26 General Retreat change the meeting place from lO ilo Every Sunday Evening Fim CIm iIm t rukiilni Wkll. Yei Will and Missions, Hugo May 31-Sept. 2 General Retreat and the Knights of Columbus Hall, held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. FIEE OELIVEIY EASY PARKING 4- 6 General Retreat 24-26 General Retreat Legion o f Mary, St. Mary’s where some Cathedral classes are Meeting at Regis Quextions on religion lub- No retreat over Mother’s Day Parish, Littleton held temporarily. Each'month a mitted by the radio audience unless a special group re­ different school will be host For Women's Club aniwered on the archdiocesan quests one September 7- 9 General Retreat Mrs. William Cudmore of the Mrs. George Smart, president broadcast. 18-20 St Catherine’s Altar and SL JSmes PTA gave a talk on 14- 16 Archdiocesan Council of of the Regis Women’s Club, Den­ Booklet on Catholic Church Rosary Society, Denver the patron of the month “ The ENGLEWOOD MEAT MARKETS Catholic Nurses ver, is looking forward to a large available free of cott 25-27 General Retreat Holy Family.” IN ENGLEWOOD IN DENVER June 21- 23 St. Philomena’s Parish and attendance at the meeting Feb. 7. to all inquirers. Mrs. James Koning, president Miss Ann Laughlin, program 1- 3 Sodality Union, Denver St. James’ Parish, Denver of the Catholic Parent-Teacher chairman, is planning a very WRITB TO 9-29 Community Retreats, Sis­ 28- 30 Seton Guild, Denver, and Frde League announced that the date special program. Each member is ALAMEDA at KNOX CT. ters of Charity General Retreat Ask and Learn, Station KOA 3487 S. ACOMA Parking for the educational conference urged to invite one or more October Denver 2, Colorado 29-July 1 Queen’s Daughters and will be March 15. HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 .p.m. Tuesday thru Saturdoy— Closed Mondayl Queen of Heaven Aid So­ 5- 7 Divine Redeemer Parish, guests to attend this fine pro­ Colorado Springs, and Mr. Sawicki of “ Sawicki De gram. ciety, Denver signs” gave a discussion on “ Dec­ July General Retreat S. Choice 12-14 Mt. Camlel Parish, Pueblo, orating Today.” 6- 8 Archdiocesan Council o f Mrs. William Cudmore of St. LAMB ” Shoulder Catholic Women and General Retreat SIRLOIN cOc 19-21 Greeley Deanery and Gen­ James Parish was the winner of eral Retreat the door prize donated by Mrs, CHOPS L b . g 9 ' 26-28 General Retreat Convoy o f St. Catherine’s Par­ STEAK Carmel Clubs November ish. 4 Day of Recollection Mrs. George Canny, hospitality 11 Day of Recollection chairman, was assisted at the CHUCK G o o d Plan Benefit 18 Day of Recollection door by Mrs. Elbert Clift of St BROOKFIELD A O 23-25 Open Patrick’s, Ft. Logan, and Mrs (Carmel Clubt, Denver) 30-Dec. 2 Open • James Ford of St Dominic’s. The Beet 'That ROAST l b . O 3 “ Mrs. James Eakins, president December June Wed(iing‘ Made Milwaukee Famous SAUSAGE Rolls Z 7 ' of the Carmel Clubs, has an­ 7- 9 Open 14-16 Open Big nounced that the third annual bridge luncheon for the benefit 29k-31 Year-End Retreat (Satur­ MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Meaty gA day evening to Monday HALIBUT Pieces ”1 of the . Carmelite Monastery in VEAL Q Littleton will be held on Satur­ evening) iRobert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; day, March 24, at 1 o’clock. Nocturnal Adoration, New l b . 1 Year’s Eve ’ l b 9 ' TO BAKE 9 ‘ The affair will again be held STEAK 0 in the auditorium and the cafe­ Dates listed “ 6pen” are avail PURITY teria of the new Blessed Sacra­ able for any group wishing to U. S. _ ment School, at 19th and Elm schedule a retreat. CREAM! Streets, through the courtesy of Reservations may be made by n , Choice STEWING c!:::: a LEG OF the pastor, the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ calling ME. 2-2451 or writing gnor Harold V. Campbell. the Sister Superior, El Pomar LAMB l b . g ] Committees are being formed Retreat House, Broadmoor, Colo­ HENS ib .^ 5 1 ' 5 ‘ and will be named at a later rado Springs, Colo. date. Retreats although listed for ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THROUGH SATURDAY, JAN. 28 special groups are open to any­ Banquet Clath one who may wish to apply. Made by Nuns In 1955, tome 1,127 women ENGLEWOOD MEAT MARKETS The Carmelite Sisters have attended the 32 lay retreatt completed a white embroidered offered at El Pomar and 265 "WHERE YOUR MEAT DOLLAR and cutwork banquet cloth and were attracted to the nine GOES FARTHEST" twelve 24-inch napkins which will dayt of recollection through, be awarded on March 24. out the year. — TWO BIG LOCATIONS— 3487 S. Acoma West Alameda at Knox Court Proceeds of Card Party Mrs. Bardwell Corish, 532 Detroit Street, Denver, To Finance Regional Meet announces the engagement of her daughter, Miriam Jean (above), to Bernard Lawrence Stebenne, Denver members of Kappa homemade cake and coffee as re­ Gamma Pi will use proceeds freshments. ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Stebenne, 3016 Harrison Street from their card party Feb. 7 to ICE CREAM Six States to Be The date for the wedding has help finance a reponal conven­ been set for June 16 in St. John It^s the FLAVOR! tion o f the national Catholic Represented at Rally There a Purity Creamery Store the Evangelist’s Church, Denver, Is honor society in Denver next Mrs. Frank Howard, president summer. of the Denver chapter, and Mrs. with the R t Rev. Monsignor John Near You. The February card party P. G. Cronin, regent for the P. Moran officiating. marks the first benefit activity plains area, estimate that dek' • • . Good reason why undertaken by the Denver chap­ gates from six states will attend ter. At the group’s January meet­ the summer conference. As host­ ing in Mrs. Fred Kirk’s home, ess chapter, the Denver group so many prefer Mrs. W. F. Kelty, general chair­ will invite Kappas from Texas, man for the affair, reported that Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, the original table quota had been Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah YouCanBuyThe sold but that additional tables to a two-day program on the gen are now available. The party will eral theme, “ The Kappa’s part CARLSON-FRINK begin at 1 :30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. her community’s education 7, in the Hospitality House, Gas problems.’’ The theme is in line and Electric Building. Tickets with the 1956 recommendation are 75 cents each. of the national organization that Best Produce at The committee chairmen, Toni each' Kappa become familiar with Cottage Velasquez, Mrs. Fred Clinton, the problems facing schools in and Mrs. Eugene Blish, promise her community and that she take attractive table and special overt steps to assist in solving prizes, favors for each guest, and problems.blithese SAFEWAY! Cheese + 4- Your choice of 3 Types: THE REASON HIGH-LOW . . . small curd, uncreamed. Safeway’s produce buyers buy only the finest OLD-FASHIONED . . . small curd, creamed. quality produce, then rush it to your nearest Safeway Store REGULAR . . . large "popcorn" curd, where it is expertly handled under the proper temperature con­ creamed. ditions to assure you of a fresh, crisp selection of the finest Buy it at Stores Featuring Carlson-Frink Dairy Foods fruit and vegetables available. or phone MA. 3-0111 for at-your-door Delivery No matter what hour of the day you choose to shop you’ll always find that Safeway’s the best place in town to buy produce. Shop today at your friendly Safeway Stores.

P ln n T fir fl P n r f u Keppe committee chairmen discuss plans n u n v u r u r u r i y for the card party Feb. .7. Toni Velasquez, in charge of prizes and donations, shows Mrs. W. F. Kelty, gen­ eral chairman, and Mrs. Fred Clinton, ticket chairman, an auto­ matic percolator, one of four special prizes to be awarded. The fourth chairman, Mrs. Eugene Blish, has charge of refreshments for the party, which will begin at 1:30 Tuesday, Feb. 7, in the SAFEWAY Public Service Hospitality House. Tickets, at 75 cents per person, may be obtained from Mrs. Kelty, FR. 7-9618, or Mrs. Clinton. FL. . I 5-6859.

liM MM ______PAGE SEVEN Thursday, January 26,1956 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 44205

Wedding Feb. 12 m a k e A t m s y o u r Pasf Presidents of PTAs PILGRIMAGE YEARI To Install Officers Feb. 1 BUKOPC: Nine magnificent, all (Past Pretidenti' Social Club have been Mrs. H. Alie, vice To Select Fashion Show Alodels expense, escorted nigrimages to of Catholic PTA», Denrer) president; Mrs. James Gannon, Rome, Lourdes, Assisi, Lisieux and treasurer; and Mrs. W. Taylor, Officers will be installed at other glorious Shrines! Visit France, the meeting of the Past Presi­ secretary. Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland, dents’ Social Club of Catholic The new officers will be Mrs. Archbishop's Guild Breakfast Feb. 12 PTAs on Wednesday, Feb. 1, in R. Carpinella, past president of Switzerland and England .... optional extension (ArcbbUbop't Guild, Denver) fey, treasurer; Olive Robertson, third son, John Henry, Dec. 23. the Catholic Daughters’ Home, St. Elizabeth’s PTA; Mrs. David to Ireland . . . 42-49 days . . . $1,193 up. Sail linen chairman; and Marie Di- Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Etie became 1772 Grant Street. Sikes, past president of St. Vin The 1956 activities o f the aboard the fabulous Queen Elizabeth and Archbishop’s Guild will begin nan, publicity. the parents o f their first child, A dessert luncheon will be cent de Paul’s PTA; Mrs. Ed­ Queen Mary. Feb, 12. with the annual Com­ Timothy Patrick, Dec. 24. served at 12:30 o’clock by the mund Berens, past president of Vessel o f Honor Circle will munion breakfast, to be held in Our Lady of Loretta Circle Sr«qu«nt D«p«'7ar*( May It Thre«|h faytaaikar f past presidents o f St. Philo- Loyola PTA, secretary; and meet in the home of Carol De­ the Albany Hotel at 10:15 a.m. elected Marge Sargent as presi­ “ thavzl now — mena’s PTA. Mrs. Thomas Mor­ Mrs. M. De Bell, treasurer, past chant. SOUTH AMERICA: By air...escorted...leaving following 9:15 o’clock Mass in dent; Alice Vitry, linen chair­ PAV LATER” rissey, retiring president, will president o f Mt. Carmel PTA. Little Flower Circle will meet ruN] kvtiuiLi Houston July 4... 27 days... $1,598. Visit Mexico Holy Ghost Church. Since the man : and Frances Edmonds, pub­ conduct the business meeting, The Past Presidents’ Club in in the home of Betty Jo Burke. City, Panama City, Lima, Santiago, Buenos models will be selected for the licity. . Offietsand which will include a report of the past two years has purchased Aires, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, ^ n Juan. Fashion Show scheduled for Betty Secord is the new pres­ St. Theresa’s Circle will have CorrupontUntB worU-tMt the December party hfld in the records to be used by the Cath­ March 2 in the Shirley-Savoy ident of the Ave Maria Circle. the January meeting in the home Electric Institute. olic school children to familiarize For cotnplolo Information consult your Trorol Agont or contacts Hotel, a large attendance at the Lois Huls was elected secretary- of June Rohan. The officers of the past two them with the selections played treasurer. at the Children’s Symphony con' Mass and breakfast is urged. Four members o f Stella Maris CACIHpGIC C'RAUEC ‘PIL'ISIO’n years, besides Mrs. Morrissey, «Queen of Heaven Circle will certs. The organization also as­ St. Andrew’s Circle will meet Circle took part in the March of meet Jan. 31 in the home o f sists in civic drives and although Jan. 26 at Eileen Weimar’s. Dimes Fashion Show; Winifred AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICE Orientation Slated Katherine Donald. its original project, to assist the The St. Thomas More Circle Cooper was a model, and Elaine The new officers of Our Lady 430 17fh Street—Tabor 5301 By Auxiliary Guild Catholic Parent-Teacher League elected the following officers: Smith, Torchy Hickisch, and Ml', and Mrs. James Flor­ Blanche Ziola, president; Mary of Lourdes Circle are Stella financially, is no longer neces­ Mary Schierburg were ushers. PUTFCT rout r u v u funds with AKIICAN EXritFSS TIAVEIUS CHFOUtS-SKHDASU IVrnrWHUf The St. Anthony’s Auxiliary sary, the members support all ida announced the engage­ Lou Gregory, vice president; Seeley, president; Catherine Cor­ Virginia Wilson will be the coran, treasurer; Christine Wil­ Guild will have an orientation league activities. ment of their daughter, Norma Gloria Hall, secretary-treasurer; January hostess of Mother of son, linen chairman; and Mary class for new and past volunteers Membership is limited to those (aboye), to Dan Porreco, Jr., son Bee Beierj linen chairman; Mary God Circle. Anne Blancharii was Ellen McCloskey, publicity. in the lecture room of St. An who have served as presidents of of Dan Porreco, Sr., of Welby. Nelson, historian; and Kathleen called to San Pedro, Calif., by NECCHI ELNA The members of St. Cather­ thony’s Hospital, "Denver, on Catholic PTAs in the Archdio­ Miss Florida is a graduate of Hyndsmaw, publicity. the sudden death of her father, ine’s Circle have invited their Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 11 a.m.. All cese of Denver . Cathedral High School. Mr. Por­ St. Ann’s Circle will celebrate Robert T. Petrovich, Jan. 13. Mr. husbands to a dinner party Jan. are invited. The Rev. William Jones, arch, reco is a graduate o f Regis High its eighth anniversary with a Petrovich had lived in St. Fran­ WotWt prtl and most advanced 28 at Cavaleri’s. The circle will diocesan superintendent of School. He also attended Regis dinner Feb. 1 in the Town cis de Sales’ Parish for many A U T O M A T IC Tabernacle Unit schools, is spiritual director of College for one year. The couple House. meet Feb. 9 in the home o f years before moving to Califor­ the club. Chairmen who have been will be married Feb. 12 in Our The new officers In Blessed Jackie Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. nia. sewing machines Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Martin’s Circle are Kay Rosen Richard Casey announced the The new president o f Our OUKI Arnini n isiin sntes luiiii ci.. me. LICKTXST To Meet Feb. 3 on permanent committees during AMD CONfOtCf The Tabernacle Society will the past two years are Mrs. L. Denver. wirth, president; Dorothy Cof­ birth of their fourth child and Lady of Sorrows Circle is Cath­ WIICRT rONTABLt meet in the home o f Mri. Rob­ Cribari, telephone; Mrs. J. Malt- erine Manson. The other officers • RENTALS, SERVICE and REPAIRS of all makea of atwisx machisaa. • Many aad, raoonditionad wwiax machfnea at low. low prioea. ert 0. Shearer, 357 Broadway, by, hospitality; Mrs. R. Carpi- Briefing on NCCW \ are Evelyn Byrne, secretary- Denver, on Friday, Feb. 3, nella, special corespondence; Mercy Hospital Volunteers treasurer; Mary Musso, linen BEFORE YOU BUY you owa it to yourself to compare I at 2 p.m. and Mrs. M. Saya, publicity. chairman; and Katherine Brad­ Come in or phone for FREE DEMONSTRATION Meeting Planned ley, publicity. e Liberal trade-in Allowance S Convenient terma New Circle Organized Authorized Dealer Receive Honors at Dinner St. Joseph’s Circle will rtvpet Feb. 2 in thp home o f Elma Lee. ACE SEWING MACHINE CO. For Officers Women volunteers who staff ing, Mrs. Nan Yunck, Mrs. Betty This group held its annual din­ Anderson, Mrs. Jean Lerner, Mrs. 174 So. Broadway at Cedar SH 4>1763 HORAN MORTUARY the gift shop at Mercy Hospital, ner Jan. 19 at Pauline Holden’s. Denver, were honored at the fifth John Gross, Mrs, Francis Neid, Virginia Collins and Pat Kil- annual dinner Wednesday, Jan. Mrs. J. G. Scherrer, Mrs. Made- jpran of the toembership com- FORMERLY OF 1527 CLEVELAND PLACE, I Altar Groups 25. The Religious Sisters of laine Heckendorf, and Anni 'mittee have announced the ar- Mercy, who conduct the hospital, Ryan; ganization of a new circle, made WILL CONTINUE TO OPERATE (Denver Deanery Council, Archdioceaan Council of sponsored the event in the hos­ Miss Mary Cronin, Mrs. Regina up of a group of young married Catholic Women) pital’s auditorium. McClinton, Miss Anne Cronin, women living in North Denver. BUSINESS UNDER THE NAME Sister Mary Jerome, superin­ Miss Julia Walsh, Mrs. Howard The first meeting was held in the The presidents and deanery tendent at the hospital, cited the Clennan, Mrs. 'Vincent Smith home of Pat Murray, and the representatives of the 40 Altar work of 30 women who serve the Mrs. Dorothy McBride, Mrs. name Infant o f Prague was se­ •Speciai and Rosary Societies affiliated gift shop, a project of the Wom­ George Dunn, Miss Marie Aus- lected. .The following officers with the Denver Deanery Council en’s Auxiliary. The shop is regpi- berry, and Mrs. Ruby Shepherd; were elected: Pat Murray, pres­ will be honored guests at a "get- larly open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mrs. Charles Bundsen, Mrs. ident; Loretta Dolan, secretary- acquainted” party and meeting At no time has there, been a lack Willis Elliott, Mrs. Frank Riley, treasurer; Helen Clare Sillstrop, l/^educllon^ PAUL HORAN to be held'in the home o f Mrs. of volunteers. Miss Alice MeSwigen, Mrs. L. J. prayer chairman; Corinne Polak, 0* COiOUM Daniel Yacovetta on Thursday, Finderburg, Mrs. F. H. Doremus, linen chairman; Virginia Glenn, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. Many women who have offered During their services have found jt neces­ Mrs. Ivan 'Wagner, Mrs, James publicity chairman; and Ann The area vice presidents, com­ McCoy, Mrs. Charles Carroll, Middleburg, Pat Zarlengo, and mittee chairmen, and board sary to place their names on a waiting list A special service of and Mrs. I. A. Winter, Pat Hogan, layette chairman. members will be the hostesses. the shop includes a gift cart that MORTUARY Special guests invited to meet the the volunteers take to different JANUARY INVENTORY women are Mrs. Thomas Garri­ rooms in the hospital. AT THE son, past president of the Na tional Council o f Catholic Volunteers' Work Decorative Fabrics Galore Women; Mrs. Frank Mancini, Given High Praise president of the Archdiocesan BULLOCK MORTUARY Mrs. M. W. Allen, president of YARDS OR BOLTS Council; and Mrs. L. A. Higgins, the Women’s Auxiliary, paid high national NCCW director of the tribute to the generosity of the • Uniqua Documants Denver-Pueblo-Cheyenne prov­ volunteers. The auxiliary spon­ ince. sors both the gift shop and the • Hand and Machina Printi The purpoie of this meeting snack shop, as well as several e Previnetal Prinh-Calieoi It to acquaint the newly other projects, at the hospital. elected officers of the Altar Officers of the auxiliary, in ad­ • ForKian Shears and Rotary Societies with the dition to Mrs. Allen, are Mrs. Cy­ rpialn and Printed) structure and functions o f the rus Anderson, vice president; • Gloihaani OS ooiouea National Council o f Catholic Mrs. P. C. Allen, corresponding Women, of which the Denver secretary; Miss Frances Smith, • Evarqiaza Chintx Deanery Council it the local secretary; and Mrs. Ross Brink, branch. secretary. ’ 3974 S. BROADWAY SU. 1-6820 Mrs. Yacovetta will introduce Board members include Mrs. the fiye area vice presidents, Jack Levy, chairman of the gift EAST COLFAX AT STEELE CAST 2 -0 9 8 2 Mmes. William Kelty, Interpa- shop; Mrs. W. E. Bickel, chair­ rochial; C. H. Matson, Central; man of the hospitality cart; Mrs. Victor Meyer, South; Murray J. T. Tierney, chairman of vol­ Sweeney, East; and R. J. Thom­ unteers; Mrs. Rose Woulfe, chair­ son, North. The committee sys­ man o f the snack shop; and Mrs. Y ou are cordially invite d to visit Denver Areals tem will be briefly explained by Cyrus Anderson, chairman of stu­ 1375 E. HAMPDEN AVE. Miss Margaret Sullivan, organi­ dent nurses; zation and development chair Mrs. Karl Sedlmayer, Mrs. man. Jack Rowley, Mrs. L. W. Wag­ PHONE: KE. 4-6297 OR SU. 1-5072 Deanery chairmen will be in­ ner, Miss Mary Torley, Mrs. F. troduced. Among these are Mrs. W. Good, Mrs. Forbes Parkhill, HOME PHONE FR. 7-2098 Kean Griffith, co-operating with Mrs. Milton Carlson, Mrs. Glen Newest FORD Catholic Charities; Mrs, M. Davis, Mrs. J. L. Swigert, Miss Bernard Mahoney, motor corps; Catharine Maloney, Mrs. Edna Mrs. Clifford Welch, Civil De­ Nelson, Mrs. H. 'W. Anderson, fense; Mrs. John J. Frank, fam­ Mrs. Grace Smith, and Mrs. Rob­ r ily-parent education and spirit ert Dunn. ual development; Mrs. James Thirty volunteers from the Koning, home and school (PTA ); Women’s Auxiliary are Mrs. D ealer DRESS UP YOUR HOME Mrs. James Creamer, immigra­ Pearl Hecker, Mrs. Stella Neer- In ’56 With New tion; Mrs. George McNamara, libraries and literature; and Mrs. DRAPERIES Jerry Carpinella, youth. Polio Drive GOLDEN MOTORS, INC. and Newly Elected Presidents Among the newly elected r EDWARD J. SLIP COVERS presidents are Mrs. Arthur Needs Help LOU 1018 Washington Ave. CRestview 9-2591 Poirer, All Saints’ ; Mrs. Donald DUBRAVAC from DUBRAVAC Aymarai, All Souls’ ; Mrs. Marie Mrs. Howard F. Bramley, gen­ Vice President eral chairman o f the Mothers’ President (D/ijap&JusLL^ Smith, Annunciation; Mrs Henry Golden, Colorado Wall, Assumption, W elby; Mrs, March o f Dimes contributions, Mr, and Mri. Harry Sherman Francis J. Hill; Mrs. Rose Mat announced . that volunteers are needed to bring the number of 1501 So. Pearl St. RA. 2 tick. Cathedral; Mrs. Harold Lowery, Christ the King, Denver; workers up to par for the drive Mrs. Kenneth Turner, Christ the which opens at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31. King, Evergreen; and Mrs. Jo­ seph Pughes, Holy Family. Volunteers will canvass desig­ nated areas of their own neigh­ Other presidents invited are borhoods on Jan. 31 and the goal Ohnqq., Mrs. Donald Huckaby (re­ of the four-county area is elected), Holy Ghost; Mrs. Fran­ PRINTING COMPANY $175,000. cis Koneeny, Loyola; Mrs. James KE. 4-4054 Leaders, their addresses, and Price, Mother of God; Mrs. Eu­ telephone numbers are listed 1832 Curtia St. gene Chavez, Our Lady of here for the conveniences of Grace; Mrs. Robert Logan, Pre­ those who wish to help in the guiuiiiiniiiniiniminiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiinitniiinniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHniiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii^ sentation; Mrs. Ernest Ulibarri, fight against polio: St. Anthony o f Padua’s; Mrs. North and Northwest Denver: !i»i« Clem Hackethal, S t Berna­ Mrs. Kenneth Griswold, 1190 'W. Why Pay More?” dette’s) ; Mrs. Glenn Seubert (re­ 62nd Avenue, AT. 8-2308; (Trademark) elected), St. Catherine’s, Den­ South and Southwest Denver, ver; and Mrs. Raymond Price, S t Mrs. M. 0. Bickel, 2061 S. Knox Catherine’s, Derby. Court, WE. 5-2525; J Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores Also Invited are Mrs. J. A. Art- Southeast Denver: Mrs. Rich­ zer, S t James’ ; Mrs. Max John­ ard Macrum, 1695 S. Cook Colorado Owned StoreM son, S t Joseph’s, Golden: Mrs Street, SK. 6-6294; Lynam Nachazel, St Louis’, • I6th & Glenarm East Denver: Mrs. William Englewood; Mrs. E. A, Opsahl Coppinger, 895 Hudson Street, The Ford Division of Ford While there, take note of I Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. S t Mary’s, Littleton; Mrs. J, FL. 5-0282; I 30 South Broadway 15th and California Famini (re-elected), S t Pat­ Adams (bounty: Mrs. H. E. Motor Company is happy to their special service equipment I 3933 W. Colfax 17tb and Tremont rick’s; Mrs. John A. Davis, Sts, Dickinson,- 6220 Tennyson announce the appointment of and the latest methods they I Curtis & 15th St. Peter and Paul’s, Wheat Ridp^; Street, HA. 9-0175; Mrs. Thomas Duggan, St. Philo- Arapahoe County: Mrs. E. P. a new Ford Dealer in this follow in caring for Ford Cars imniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiniiHiiiwiiiaiiiMHiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiHiiiiiBiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^ mena’s; Mrs. Louis Schuetz, S t Romans, 3854 S. Bannock Street, and Trucks. Also see the large Pius X, Aurora; - Mrs. Ernest Englewood, SU. 1-7164; community. . . and to extend Robinson, St. Rose o f Lima’s Jefferson County: Mrs. A. A. a cordial invitation to its many stock of Genuine Ford Parts Mrs. Jean Bratek, S t Therese’s, Tinn, Jr., 4100 Everett Street, friends to drop in and meet and Accessories they have for Aurora; Mrs. R. J. Molloy, St, HA. 4-3335 Vincent de Paul’s; and the new Men, too, will participate by the entire organization. Why your convenience. You can be^ presidents o f S t John’s and Most acting as drivers and escorts, Precious Blood Parishes, and by helping to tally the con­ not plan to do this soon? sure of a hearty welcomel ' / ^ c r o s o m c Altar and Rosary Society tributions. presidents o f parish councils are To Mrvo Ford ow ners, this new .z: Mrs. J. M. La Fleur, Cure d’Ars, Ford Dealer has brand-new serv­ Mrs. John Blair, St. Francis de Card Party Feb. 1 ice facilities for Ford Cars and Trucks. Sales’ : Mrs. Jerry Carpinella, St A Baldwin-builc Acrosooic Piano in Ford-trained mechanics are on hand Elizabeth’s; Mrs. Ruth Sexton your home will add a wealth o f musi­ By Mothers' Guild to give you complete eervice. ’They St Joseph’s Redemptorist; Mrs, cal eo/oyment. It has beauty, stamina, The Marian Mothers’ Guild of have at their command special service Leo Haug (re-elected), St Mary the Sisters of Charity of Leaven­ Magdalene’s; Mrs, Paul Villano, equipment for Ford Cars and Trucks and a tonal capacity amazing in so worth will hold its annual card and a complete stock of Genuine Ford M t Carmel; Mrs. Charles Davis party at the Annunciation High compact an instrument. See one . . . Parts is always at their dispoeaL Our Lady of Lourdes; and Mrs! School Assembly Room, Denver, hear one . . . play one and you will Fred Padilla, Sacred Heart Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. R. J. Amman, chairman, and her com­ have no other piano. In every detail—from sleek Thunderbird If you uie trucks in your business, be Women’s Study Club mittee, Mrs. J. J. Dore and Mrs. kJ The Catholic Women’s Study John Casey, have requested all styling to luxuriously appointed in­ sure to get the facts about the new BALDWIN Club will meet at 1:15 on Thurs­ guild members to bring a special teriors—a ’66 Ford is worth more. And 1956 Ford Triple Economy Trucks. . . FORD Division of PIANOS ORGANS day, Feb. 2, in the Denver Dry prize. They have selected many no other car in Ford’s field brings you the trucks which offer mord horsepower Goods Tea Room. Miss Frances table prizes and offer an invita­ the excitement of Y-8 power , or the per dollar than any other truck line, 1623 CALIFORNIA ST. — MA. 3-2285. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Peacy will conduct the program. tion to anyone enjoying a card reassurance of new Lifeguard Design according to a comparison of suggested Cutomrr Parkin* I74S SUmt Members are reminded to call game to attend. A donation of for your greater motoring pleasure. list prices .and net horsepower figures. Mrs, Lyckholm, KE. 4-2666, or 50 cents a person will be taken Mrs. Dowd, DE. 3-4352, regard­ at the door. The card party will ing reservations.^; replace the monthly meeting. PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 44205 Thursday, January 26, T956

^Decade of Service’ St. Patrick Parish Sodality 75,000 Pounds of Clothing for Needy of Orient Presentation Credit Union Headed by Jo Ann Manf ro (St. Patrick’i Parish, Denver) PTA Hears Talk Boasts $227,804 in Assets On Thursday, Jan. 12, the Sen­ By James McNieve ior Young Ladies’ Sodality held At the January meeting of the (Presentation Parish, Denver) election of officers: Prefect, Jo PTA, James P. McNieve, execu­ “A Decade of Service” will be the theme of the 10th Ann Manfro; vice prefect, Mary tive director of the Catholic Ann Libcnati; secretary, Jose­ Community Centers, was guest annual meeting of the parish credit union Friday, Jan. phine Elizalde; treasurer, Ernes­ speaker. Also present at this 27, in the parish hall, Seventh and Julian Streets. All tine Doran; junior prefect, Er- meeting was Aurelia Mayer, ways credit union members, friends, and those interested in lind Paiz; junior secretary, Doro­ and means chairman for St. the credit union movement are invited. thy Montoya, and junior treas­ Joseph’s Guild, who explained urer, Marilyn Fox. about the card party to be held The parish credit union was pox. Mrs. P’rank Sudar, health Installation o f the new offi­ Feb. 11 at 2:30 p.m. in the Den­ organized in 1946 by a group chairman, and Mrs. Joseph Cava­ o f pioneers who saw a need of cers and members will be held ver Dry Goods Tearoom. Tick­ naugh, cochairman, were assisted the credit union’s self-help at the church on Sunday, Feb. ets for this event may be ob­ by Mrs. Isabel Lunger, Mrs. Ken­ plan. The organization today 5. at 7 p.m. After the installa­ tained from Mrs. Burdorf or neth Kline and Mrs. James Win­ boasts of a membership of 886. tion there will be a party at the from the school office. ter have assisted the health chair­ The assets total $227,804. school for the sodalists and their The annual “Sweetheart men and the school nurse on pre­ Over this decade 'the credit parents. The new members are Dance’’ will be held on Feb. vious -examinations. Parents are union has lent $746,009 for as follows: Ernestine Doran, 4 at the Slovenian Gardens, reminded to return dental card.s provident or productive pur­ Carolyn Doran, Rosea Lee Mar- 4464 Washington. The Alpine that have been sent home with poses. rietta, Loretta Oretega, Frances Boys will furnith the music. their children. Eye examinations Lobato, Marilyn Fox, Dorothy The donation i« 75 cents per The Rev. M. J. Blenkush, pas­ will be completed in the school' T w ... o f Denver are do- Montoya, Erlinda Paiz, Sharon person and there will be danc­ tor, praises the work of those this week. TWO rirms mating t^e trans­ Morgan, Sharon O’Orady, Elaine ing from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tickets Going Rapidly who have been instrumental in Divition chairmen who have Gallegos, and Myrna Monroe. Everyone is urged to attend Altar Society portation to San Francisco of the growth and maintenance of been named to »erve on tho and to bring their friends. the organization, saying: “Pres­ forthcoming High School Cam­ At a meeting last week of the 75,000 pounds of clothing and The sisters are now having entation Parish- Credit Union paign are Andy Anderaon, priests and general chairmen shoes gathered in the Thanksgiv­ catechism classes on Thursday For 'Bal d'Ars' Dance members have earned the re­ Robe^ Davii, William Law, for the High School Drive, the At St. Francis' ing clothing collection in the spect o f all citizens of the state Robert Ehler, Ernest Lamb, afternoons at 4 p.m., as well as following were chosen for the on Sunday, for those children Archdiocese of Denver. ^T h e of Colorado who are aware of Fred Pittroff, Robert Reilly, (Cure d'An Pariah, Denvfer) Circle will meet for a 1 o’clock various chairmanships; Solicita­ who are making their First Com­ their successful work in this type ■Jerry Tolve, James Brunette, tion- chairman, Leyton St. Ger­ luncheon followed by canasta on transportation is estimated to be munion or those being confirmed Tickets for the annual “ Bal of Christian service.” Harry Baumgard, Gilbert Lin- maine; speakers’ chairman, Don Installs Heads Feb, 2 in the home of Mrs. F. J. worth $1,500. The clothing will this year. To be eligible for First d’Ars” dance are being sold rap­ Simon R. Forster, president of deman, and Robert Logan. Klene; auditing chairman, John (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish, Fisher, 2800 Locust Street. Communion children must be be shipped from San Francisco the group, says: “ It is not our These men will meet with their Daly; publicity chairman, There­ Denver) idly and parishioners who have seven years of age by May 1. For for distribution among the needy desire to see how big we can section chairmen and parish sa Matkovich, and meetings Mrs. John Blair was installed not yet purchased their tickets Confirmation they must be 10 Meet Jan. 31 to Plan of the Orient under the auspices become, but to see how many chairmen on Thursday, Jan. chairman, Tony Conzona. as president o f the Altar and Ro­ for the gala affair are urged to of NCWC Catholic Relief Serv­ 26, at 8 p.m., in tho parish years of age by Sept. 1. Regu­ sary Society by Mrs. Oliver people we can be of service to. The _ division chairmen are do so quickly as ticket reserva­ ices. Distribution is made to needy hall. lar attendance at catechism on Wienecke at the meeting Jan. 20. That is the basic theme of any Dominic De Rose, Carlo Scag- St. Patrick's Day Bail of all races and ^eeds. both Sunday and Thursday will The other new officers o f the tions for the dance must be made credit union.” lione, James Marietta, Frank The St. Patrick’s Day Ball In front o f the^ingshy truck be necessary to receive these society are Mmes. William Scott, before Feb. 10, the date of the H. M. Cawley, president of the St. Vincent de Paul Gellegos, and Ben Berlinger. Committee will meet in the with Monsignor Kolka (second sacraments. first vice president; George Mul- Colorado Credit Union League dance. Those who may not have Holy Ghost Hall on Jan. 31 at Salvage Bureau queen, second vice president; from left) are A1 Olsen (left), and hoard member of the Na­ been contacted in regard to the 8 p.m. to plan the 80th An­ PICK-UP SCHEDULE Leo Kleinschnitz, third vice presi­ terminal manager for the Navajo tional Association of Credit nual St, Patrick’s Day Ball, Amusements—Dining dent; Herman Miller, fourth vice dance tickets or for the breakfast Freight Lines; Lowell Chamber- Monday Thomas G. Morrissey, presi­ president; Anthony Duhst, treas­ which will be served at midnight lain (second from right), ter­ North Denver, Arvada, dent, announced. A full at­ urer; John Forster, financial may make reservations by call­ minal manager for the Ringsby Weitminater, Thornton, and tendance by the committee is secretary; A1 Fender, corre­ ing FL 5-9426 or FR 7-1332, Truck Lines; and Roy B. Ras­ Lakewood (North of 16th urged. d m in m dI ShsdmuL sponding secretary; Alexander Tickets are now on sale to per­ mussen (right), also o f Ringsby. Avenue). At the meeting the commit­ Pfannenstiel, recording secre­ sons outside the parish and every­ There were 1,372 pairs of shoes tee will elect officers and ap­ Tueiday and Thursday UL atL wsmhu}. Shibk tary; Grattan Phelan, historian; one is invited for an evening of and 84 hales o f clothes in the point committees. The Rt. South and West Denver, and Earl Sulcer, parliamentarian. Mardi Gras entertainment. shipment. These represent the Rev. Monsignor John R. Mul- Englewood, Lakewood (South Altar Society workers for usable shoes and clothing which atuL (DamsL roy is chaplain of the com­ of 16th Avenue), and Lit­ Candlemas Sunday, Feb. 5, are: PTA Dads' Night were sorted out and baled by the mittee. St. Vincent de Paul Society. tleton area. THE 7 o’clock Mass, Mmes. Blair and Scheduled Feb. 1 Wednesday and Friday Fender; 8 o’clock Mass, tMmes. The PTA will meet Wednes­ East Denver and Park Hill, Loeffel, Scott, and McCarthy; 9 Aurora and Hoffman Town. o’clock Mass, Mmes. Dunst, Hell- day, Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. in. the St. Dominic's W ill Have man, and Lederhos; 10 o’clock school hall. The dads will be in Phone CH. 4-0775 Irish Festival charge of the program. Mass, Mmes. Baker and Mul- queen; 11 o’clock Mass, Mmes. The refreshments will also he Miller and Lichter; and 12 o’clock served by the dads. Those serv­ Forty Hours' Jah. 27-29 i § > i n g e r s Mass, Mmes. Sulcer, Forster, and ing are as follows: Joe DeAnda, Cadlines. Owen Mitchell, Jim Conboy, Bill (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denver) Troop 65 will meet Wednesday, Lyons, and John Polosky. At the Beautiful Colonial Party Forty Hours’ Devotion will Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. in the church Slated Feb. 4 The PTA, in conjunction with be held in the church, beginning auditorium. Stedman School, is helping with Mrs, Dunst announces that with the Mass o f Exposition at Mrs. J. J. Ford was the win­ DENVER THEATER the Mothers’ March of Dimes 8 o’clock Friday morning, Jan. ner of the mink stole awarded tickets have been mailed this Jan. 31 in covering Cure d’Ars week to the members of the Al­ 27. The Blessed Sacrament will at the March o f Dimes Fashion Parish. Mrs. John Polosky is remain exposed all day until Show. Mrs. Ford is president o f tar and Rosary Society for the chairman, with Mrs. Bernard JAXUARV 30th group’s annual Colonial Card after the Holy Hour Friday eve­ St. Dominic’s PTA. Foster, Mrs. Charles Bailey, and ning, which will be held from Protegees o f Francis Cardinal Spellman of New^York Party to be held Saturday, Feb. H. M. Cawley Presented by Mrs. James Monaghan as cap­ 7:30 to 8:30. Special devotions 4, at 1 p.m. Anyone wishing to tains. They are calling for will he held on Saturday eve ^ Unions, will be the principal give a special prize for the party workers. is asked to call Mrs. Herman ning at 7:30. Confe.ssions will speaker at the meeting. A native Hazel M. Oberfelder Miller, SP. 7-5508. This is the Twenty dozens of cookies will be heard after the Holy Hour on of Denver, he attended Sacred Nowhwe eke can you buy group’s only fund-raising func­ be furnished by the PTA at the both Friday and Saturday eve­ Heart School. Mr. Cawley is a Oberfelder Concert Management . 1714 Stout . TA 5-6101 In Aurora Success Those Superb Tiffin-Made tion and friends as well as mem­ Catholic USO for the week end nings, and as usual on Saturday fireman and became member of Prices: ^1.90 - S2.80 • S3.70 - S4.40 bers of the society are urged to beginning Saturday, Jan. 28. It afternoon at 4 o’clock. Aurora.— (St. Therese’s Par­ the Fire Department Credit Salad Dressings is o f interest to note that the support its work by purchasing Closing exercises will take ish)— During the past month the Union in 1938. He has served as tickets and attending the party. name of the donating organiza­ place on Sunday afternoon, Jan. January division o f the Altar • Bleu Cheese .K E. 4-7918. tion is featured in lights at the a board member o f the Credit Altar Society workers are as 29, at 4 o’clock. Sermons for the and Rosary Society, headed by Union National Association for • Thousand Islind follows: Jan, 27, Mmes. Hell- USO Building for a week. Forty Hours’ will be preached Mrs, Billie Wikstrom and Mrs, seven years, and, upon his retire­ -• Clear Oil man, Gross, Lederhos, and Se- The following donated two by the Rev, J. P. Mahoney, O.P., Mamie Deutsch and their com­ ment from the fire department ■ • Thick French kera; Feb. 3, Mmes. Blair and dozens o f cookies each: Mmes. professor at Loretto Heights Col­ mittee, has been busily engaged this spring, will become a full­ ■ JhsL <£ojtiiL (Room. C. Monihan, Charles Fry, Joe Scott; Feb. 10, Mmes. Mulqueen, lege. helping with all the activities of time credit union employe as field • "Weight Watcher"* (Manactnent of EsUitr and Frank Fong) Rupp, Thomas Haye.s, E. Bode, the society. Fair, and Herberger; and Feb. St. Albert’s Circle, which is a man for the Colorado Credit Ninth Avenue at Speer Btvd. Robert Morrison, Glen Larsen, SPECIAL 17, Mmes. Loeffel, McKone, and part of the Rosary-Altar Society, The monthly division program Union League. COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF Nolan. Nick Tolve, Robert Ellis, and Ira made a donation to the pastor has proved very successful. The •A truly flelicioua LOW CAL­ Jenkins. Entertainment for the meeting League of the Sacred Heart in the past week, to be used' for vice president selects 10 or more 'will be provided by the athletic ORIE dressing dcveIoi>ed in our FINEST CHINESE AND workers are as follows: Jan. 23, The First Communion clait altar linens. This circle has been women from the membership to committee of Presentation School. own Kitchens with assistance Mmes. Stephen Ryan and Charles AMERICAN FOODS will march in a procession at in existence for 25 jrears and supervise and help with the ac­ Movies, in color, of the Milk Bowl of the American Dietetic Assn. McKay; Jan. 30, Mrs. George A Beautifal Lantern Lighted Dining Room in tho the opening o f Forty Hours’ three of the present members are tivities of the month. These are: football game will be shown. Veterans of Foreign Ware Home Mulqueen; Feb. 6, Mmes. Peter Devotions Friday, Jan. 27, in charter members o f the circle. To donate and serve refresh­ The poster contest awards will John 8. Stewart Poat No. 1 Anderies and Julia Hughes; Feb. the 8:15 a.m. Mass, at which ments for the general meeting, also be given to the winners in • Open to tho Public 13, Mmes. A1 Fender, Vance the Children’s Choir will sing, PTA to Sponsor sell religious articles, clean the II a.m. to Midnight — Sat. IIU 2 a.ai. grades four through eight for the (Closed Toesdays) Johnson, and Anthony Dunst; accompanied by Sister Mary Bake Sale Feb. 4 altar, and form the honor guard and Feb. 20, Mmes. Maurice best posters submitted on credit Vincentia at the organ. A pro­ Plans are progressing for the for all-day adoration on first Brockish, Margaret Dwyer, and union. There are 300 children’s cession of the children will bake sale sponsored by the PTA, Friday. This lifts the burden Yeager. mark the close of devotions accounts in the credit union that to be held in the Safeway Store, from just a few and allows all Sunday afternoon, Jan, 29, the members to help with the have a total savings of $18,619. PTA to Honor W. 26th Avenue and Federal DA.M. at 4:30 o’clock. many and varied activities. Election of officers, amendment Past Presidents Boulevard, on Saturday, Feb. 4. to bylaws, and refreshments will On Friday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 The climax of the January Tony Curtis, The PTA will meet Wednes­ There will be homemade cakes, roui\d out the agenda of the meet­ day, Feb. 1, in the high school au­ o’clock, Cub Scout Pack 187 will pies, rolls, cookies, and pizza. calendar will be an evening of %% meet in the school hall. Another cards Saturday, Jan. 28, at 8 ing. Special prizes will be Pal Crowlev ditorium. The executive board Anyone wishing to assist the den has been added, making a p.m. in the parish hall, 13th awarded. | // will meet in the library at 7:30 group with a donation may either total o f six. Mrs. Comboy is new and Kenton Street. All are Altar Society Meeting ' ''The Square Jungle o’clock. deliver it to the Safeway Store den mother with the following welcome. I Past presidents to be honored or it can be picked up if any of Altar and Rosary Society mem­ arc Mrs. A. E. Gallegher, 1927- cubs: Stanley Garner, William Under the direction of Mrs. bers are asked to note the change Rod Cameron, Laws, Daniel Comboy, Richard the following are called: Mrs. 1930; Mrs. Harvey French, 1930- Ford, GR. 7-0898; Mrs. DeBell, Winnie Kitts, ways and means of the meetings. The first Julie London 1934; Mrs. Ruth Weadick, 1932- Lane, Daniel Kelly, and Walker chairman, those in charge of the Wednesday of every month has III Nicklles. GR. 7-6317; Mrs. Frost, GL. 5- 1933; Mrs. W. C. Kimmins, 1934- 2271; Mrs. Madrid, GR. 7-3006; card party will be as follows: been established as the permanent "Fighting Chance" I390kc 1936; Mrs. John Boehm, 1936- The skit this month will be or Mrs. Freilinger. GE. 3-1870. Mmes. Jean Pobar, prizes; meeting date. The Altar Society II 1937; Mrs. Fred Kelly, 1937- put on by Den 1. The following Mary Barmottler and Ann Lan­ will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 1, AM-DayHme ,1939; Mrs. Bernard Hynes, 1939- cubs will take part: Micky Mc­ Credit Union Lends caster, card tables; Lou Saudern beginning with the recitation of 1941; Mrs. M. P. McDonough, Namara, Douglas Hillyer, Gary $50,149 in Year and Arlene Fischer, bridge host­ the Rosary in the church at 8 Valley Drive-in 1-941-1943; Mrs, Herman Miller, Arroya, Michael La Bella, Jimmy esses; Marie O’Kane and Ann p.m. I The firms listed here deserve to 1943-1945; Mrs. Joseph Loeffel, The annual meeting of credit I be remembered when you are dis- Creadon, Pual Creadon, and Mike Lancaster, canasta hostesses; New officers were installed at CLOSED 1945-1947; Mrs. Mark Behan, union was held in the church Now ... I tributing your patronage to the Page. Jean Pobar and Jean Selichnow, the meeting o f the Altar and Ro­ i different lines of business. 1947-1949; Mrs. Herman Doyle, auditorium on Monday evening, At this meeting the following inochle hostesses; Arlene sary Society on Thursday, Jan. 1949- 1950; Mrs. Clarence Frede, Jan. 23. The report showed the cubs will receive their W olf ‘ischer and Kathleen Kohel, fav­ 19. The change of meeting dates your church 1950- 1952; Mrs. Robert Carlin, Badge: Dalton Perry, Jimmy amount of money loaned the past ors; Enid Sandquist and Nora 1952-1953; and Mrs. John King­ year was $50,149.26. was voted upon at this time. Wallerstedt, Dennis Cory, Joey McDonald, tickets; Winnie Kitts Women of the parish are re­ ston, 1953-1955. and Virginia Eigeman, coffee can have this Prior, John Hensen, and Jack All the school children who minded that vanilla extract is _ This will be the annual fathers’ table; and Tillie Wolf, Kathleen Watling. They belong to Den 3 are members of the credit union still available from the members night The Rev.. Dean Kumba Kohel, Marie O’Kane, and Jean glorious music,,. and have Mrs. Charles Cory as were in\iited to enter the poster of the Altar and Rosary Society, will speak. Special prizes were do­ contest. The winners were Selichnow, refreshments. Other den mother. and may be obtained by contact­ nated by Mrs. C. Sphmitt and Members of St.. Anthony’s announced and prizes awarded workers are Tinnie Rohleder, ing the members or by calling Mrs. F. Klinger. Hostesses will at the meeting Monday evening Marge Martin, and Clara Me- + + + Mrs. Robert Logan, 944 Meade, MEMORIES WORTH W H IL E - be Mmes. Alfred Sweeney, Ray­ to Susan McNamara, Paula El- Guirk. ‘•Beautiful Photomurals, soft lights, mond Uberecken, Nicolas Jami­ berson, Rita Kerber, and Kath­ The Aurora Catholic Club, MA. 3-1348. S peak er Members of the Christian Fam­ subdued background music, sparkling son, John Lane, John Kingston, leen McCormack. All o f the chil­ which it corapoted of the ily Movement will receive Com­ white linens and a wonderful “ FeS: Leonard Skipton, Mark Kerin, At ForXv Hours’ dren who submitted posters were young people of Aurora, hat, and Dale Webber. completed the paymentt on the munion corporately on Sunday, tive Dinner.” awarded medals for their ef­ Mrs. Peter Reilly, president of forts. crucifix oyer the main altar. Jan. 29, in the 8 o’clock Mass. Call CReatview 9-2594 the PTA, is in Mercy Hospital Doughnuts and coffee will be The Kiowa dancers o f B o y Thursday, Jan. 26, the Altar For Retervationi recovering after an operation'. and Rosary Society will meet in served in the hall following the Scout Troop 65 entertained at Mass. this meeting with Indian dances. the parish hall at 7:45 p.m. . The children of the school will The Auxiliary of Boy Scout THE HOLLAND HOUSE St, Clara's Unit Plans Credit Union Elects Officers have the second paper drive of COlOE N. COLORADO The annual meeting of mem­ the year, and papers may be Card Party h r Feb, 1 bers of the parish credit union brought on Sunday, Jan. 29, and Aid Society was held Thursday evening, Jan. Monday, Jan. 30, until 1 p.m. fo r as S t Clara’s Aid Society will 19, in the church hall. A com­ Proceeds from the drive will be hold the monthly meeting in the plete analysis of the financial used for additional playground little as orphanage on Wednesday, Feb. 1, Has Election statement was given as well as equipment. ^1365 at 12:30 p.m. with a card party reports by the credit and super­ Mrs. Henry Rogers and Mrs. P. and luncheon. The following When the Queen o f Heaven visory committees. The officers DeBell are assisting in the super­ Cathedral Quality organ . women are hostesses: Mrs. W. Aid Society,' Denver, met Tues­ declared a 2.4-per-cent dividend vision o f the lunchrooms during music with a vast range of H. Grimm, chairman, assisted on each share. day, Jan. 17, at the orphanage, the school lunch hour. Mothers church tones. by Mrs. M. J. Pfasis, Mrs. Election of officers also was who can assist in this service are No structural changes in Laura St. Cort, and tlrs. Mmes. D. Rotols, C. Herfurth, held and the following members urged to call the convent or con­ your church are necessary to Alfred J. Wenzinger. Special Miss Margaret Brennan, and Sis­ were named: Board of directors, tact Mrs. John Lell, WE. 4-0822. install the Hammond Organ. prizes and table- prizes will be ter Domitilla, nominating com­ Edward Witaschek, John Plon- Polio Shots Given awarded. Mrs. Alfred Linnet key, Hilbert Meyer, Ann Kitto, mittee, submitted the following Polio shots were given to the low est-priced complete organ will entertain the S t Francis and H. J. Diemer, Jr.; credit com­ children of the first grade on now available. That’s the beauty Circle at the orphanage at this slate o f officers for 1956, which mittee, Anthony Airozo, John Monday, Jan. 23, and on the same of selecting the Hammond party. was accepted: President, Mrs. A. McGann, and Murray Spindler; day the children of the upper Organ. and supervisory committee, Har­ Any women who are interested Negri; vice president, Mfs. V. grades were vaccinated for small- in entertaining their club mem­ Tout; financial secretary, Mrs. old Neilson, Joseph Sakasitz, and Visit our showrooms, spend bers with a private room, re­ 0. Buehler; recording secretary, Robert Git^n. an hour with the Hammond freshments, and prizes on the The Christian Family Move­ Organ, see why it it the choice The Rev. Demetrius Mrs. W. W, Monty; correspond­ WANTED CATHOLIC LADY first Wednesday of each month ment of the parish will sponsor O’Friel, O.F.M., bfSt. Eliza­ ing secretary, Mrs. S. F. Chio- of over 18,000 churches. can do. so without any extra cost lero; and treasurer, Mrs. R. an informal dance on St. Val­ Iittnstcd in Atrlnf nodcni home dtli b are Invited Mmes. R. Mapley and C. Her­ be held on Sunday, Feb. 12, in York City, and following his sud ConreotlonsU.. . GENUINE Pirts Uied on 1629 California St, to attend a meeting at furth volunteered for transpor­ the church hall following the 8 All Mschluos . . . SpeelsUxInf In Prompt American I.ezion Hall. 1370 Broedwaj graduate studies in Rome, joined tation service to and from clinics a.m. Mass. The Rev. 'William Pick Up »nd Mlttrr . . . Free EoUmslM— DENVER, COLO. Bacond 6ondav Bach Month the mi.s.sion band in St. Eliza­ for children of the home. Jones, archdiocesan superintend­ Cltyvldt Sonic*. ALL WORK Cuirsntwd « beth’s. He has been in the West MonUul Herbert Stern, Adj. Mrs. L. Cinocco was awarded ent of schools, will be the guest soar. IIUNSON t CHARIES chase, Owiun the-past two years. the attendajice prize. speaker. f

V s . K 4. wl. ^ ■i. m a m m V » n J y y ' -■ Vi >»' ^ -4. ■ ."

PAGE NINE Thursdoy, Jonuory 26,1956 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, K eyitone 4-4205

Leaves Many Lasting Memorials dhquhiixanL 9fL fiatoL William T. Roche, Noted Mrs. Spencer Penrose Was Among Great -nnimsiireiSFeiraia MICHAEL (M IKE) NOWACKI, 64. Mats is being eelebrtted Thursday, Jan. grandsons, Eugene C.. Jr., and Thomas For Catholic Work, Eattlake. He ii aurvived by hit trife. 26. at 9 a.m. in 8t. Joseph's Church. W. Dllullo; a son-in-law, Eugene C. Di- Martha Nowackl; a ton, Michael, Jr.; Interment ML OliveL Olinger Mortu- lullo; a brother*in-Iaw, Robert J. Ros­ Benefactors of Church in Colo. History hit mother. Helen Kowacki: three chie: and two aunts, llm . James Mr. Roche was twice grand V hrothere. Joe. Frank, and Stanley No* ^^ALPHONSE P. BEAUDOIN. 40, of Knight and Mrs. Peter Gilroy of Bet­ 4625 E. 25th Avenue, died Jan. knight of the Denver Council wacki; a eister, Sadie Koziara, all o f 9280 Lillian Lane, Thornton. He is sur­ tendorf, la. (Continued From Page Onef Trade, was active in various ficea in many religioua, acien- Denver: and a ffrandton, Michael No* vived by his wife, Beatrice V. Beaudoin; Requiem High Maas was celebrated 18 in a local hospital. 539 of the Knights of Colum­ husinesses, including banks and tific, and educational aocie- a sister, Leonie Masse, Pawtucket, R.L; wacki III. Requiem Hitch Mats was Jan. 23 in St. John the Evangelist's Mr. Eoche was born Oct. 2.3, bus, in 1930 and 1932. He was turned into a retreat home for real estate, and also wheat and tiea. celebrated Jan. 23 in St. Joseph's Polish his mother-in-law. Josephine Froberg, Church. Interment in Mt. Olivet. Horan 1883, in Milford, Mass. He a life member of the boaitd of women, now famous as such Church. Interment M t Olivet. Boule* Thornton; brother-in-law, John Fro­ Mortuary. flour markets. It is reported that Colorado was her home and berg, Haddonfield, H.J.; and Leo Masse, Worked as a mail carrier there directors lof the Denver Catho­ throughout the c o u n t r y. In yard Mortuary. MRS. SARAH CRONIN Mr. Lewis was mayor of Detroit her love. To Colorad(T went most SARAH A. QUINN, .91. of 2937 W olff Pawtucket, R.L; and a sister-in-law, and was transferred to ^Denver lic Charities. He was the origi­ March, 1955, she presented the Pauline Froberg, Haddonfield, N.J. Re­ Mrs. Sarah Oronin, 77, of 1551 Ogden for several* years. o f her contributions. She once Street. She is survived by a grand* Street, died Jan, 19 in her home after in 1910. He continue^ as a mail nal chairman of the Oscar Malo retreat center with a set of hand- daughter. Florence McGllUvray. Denver; quiem Mass was celebrated Jan. 23 in said: “ Colorado -is where the a long illneas. carved stations of the cross which Mrs. Penrose was educated at a niece. Lamont Kersten. Denver; and Fitzsimons Army Hospital Chai>el. Junior Memorial Hall Associa­ worn out o f mind as well as the a nephew, James Kavenangh. Burlin* She was bom Feb. 26, 1878, In Tip­ were erected in the Immaculate Miss Brown’s School in Boston NICOLOANTONIO DiGIACOMO, 91, tion of the Cathedral, and im- worn out of body should go, and game. Calif. Requiem High Mass was of Canon City. He is survived by three perary, Ireland, and came to Denver in til his death was head usher at Conception Chapel. and attended schools abroad. She celebrated Jan. 22 in Holy Family daughters, Mrs. Mary Paolucci, Rose­ 1880. She married Pat Cronin in An­ bad been baptized a Catholic as where red corpuscles are made nunciation Chuach. Their marriage waa the Cathedral. Church. Intern, nt MU Olivet,' Boule* ville, Calif.: Mrs. Seraphina DiGiacomo, After giving up her estate she an infant but not reared as one. for the soul as well as for those yard Mortuary. the first performed in that church. He was a member of the Den­ Denver; and Mrs. Angelina James, maintained residence in a suite She became a practicing Catholic of the blood.” She usually made ELLA E. FINNEY, 77. of 8876 Mor* Longmont: three sons, Stephen James, Mrs. Cronin waa a member o f the ver Athletic Club, Denver Press in the Broadmoor Hotel until Denver; Joseph James, Florence: and Cathedral Altar and Rosary Society, about 35 years ago. a trip to Brussels each year to riton Road. She is survived by two Club, the Dublin Shrine, and the sons. 'Vernon and William F. Finney. Laurance James, Pasadena. Calif.; a Tabernacle Society, and the ladiea' two years ago, when she built a visit her relatives; Denver: two grandchildren. Jerry and son-in-law, Nick Rossi, Welby; 21 Catholic Benevolent Association. International Footprinters’ Asso­ mountain home near the base of On June 18, 1890, she was Vernice Finney, Sacramento. Calif.; and grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchil­ She is survived by her husband and ciation. He was chairman of Cheyenne Mountain.. It was on married to James H. McMillan, Her magnificent contribu­ a nephew. Sgt. Walter Henson. Colo* dren. Requiem High Mass was cele­ three sons. Tim, John, and Dan Cronin, transportation for the national son of a Michigan senator. She tions to the Church in Colorado rado Springs. Requiem Mass was eele* brated Jan. 25 in St. Michael's Church, all of Denver; and five grandchildren. the slop^ of this mountain that Canon City. Catholic Charities convention in had two children by that mar­ are small compared to her great brated Jan. 21 in Sacred Heart Church. Requiem High Hass was celebrated her husband developed the larg­ Interment Mt. Olivet. Capitol Mortu* JOSE E. DURAN of Louisville. He Denver. He was also an ardent est private zoo in the world. It riage— James McMillan, who died faith and devotion to God. Her is survived by his wife, five sons, five Jan. 21 in the Cathedral, interment in ary. Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Mortuary. sports fan, and his company hds is there, too, that Penrose built when a child and for whom (he friends assert that her Catholic ROSEMARIE ORTEGON, 15. of 1220 daughters, S3 grandchildren, and 17 children’s ward at Glockner-Pen- faith ■ was “ obviously the most W . ilth Avenue. She is survived by great-grandchildren, all of Boulder sponsored amateur baseball and a’ beautiful shrine to his friend, her parents, Paul and Leocadia .Orte* County. Requiem Mass was celebrated basketball teams. the American humorist Will rose is named, and Gladys, who precious thing in her life.” g o n : and the following sisters and Jan. 21 in SL X/Ouis' Church, Louis­ became the Countess Comet de brothers; Charles. Albert, Angel. Rich* ville. Mr. Roche married Harriet Rogers, at the cost of a fortune. Relatives at Bedside FRED J. EBERHARTER of Louis­ Ways Ruart of Brussels, Bel­ ard, Yvonne, Chris. Carmen,, and I^ee Barbara Stengel Blanche Horan, a native o f Can­ The body of Mrs. Penrose will be When Death Came Ortegon and Timothy Estrada: and her ville. He is survived by his mother. interred in a crypt in the shrine. gium. Her husband. Count Cor­ grandfather. Benjamin Martinez. Re* Martha Eberharter; two sons, Leroy. ada, in; Denver June 6, 1915.. net de Ways Ruart, is deceased. At her bedside when she died quiem Mast was celebrated Jan. 23 in Venice, Calif., and Xx>uis. Louisville; a The ceremony was witnessed The El Pomar Foundation, Mr. daughter. CUudine, Venice, Calif.: a Mr. McMillan died in Colorado were her sister, Mrs. W. Howie St. Cajetan's Church. Interment Mu by the late Rev. Anthony Schuler, Penrose’s personal holding com­ Olivet, Capitol Mortuary. brother, Frank: a sister, Martha Thomp­ Dies; Boulder Springs in 14)02. On April 26, Muir, and Mrs. Muir’s_ daughter, pany, is another of the many PAULINE V. SANCHEZ, 66. litt of son, Ixtuisville; and two grandchildren. later Bishop of El Paso, in Sa­ Requiem Mass was .celebrated Jan. 24 1906, she married Spencer Pen­ Countess Cyril Tolstoi, both of Denver. She is survived by these sons cred Heart Church.* Mrs; Roche philanthropies that was endowed in St. Louis* Church, Ix>uisvilte. rose, a mining engineer, in Lon­ Grosse Point Farms, Mich. Her and daughters: Lucy Hererra, Monico died in 1930. A son, William T. by his wife after his death. It DR. THOMAS W. O'CONNOR don, England. Penrose amassed only daughter, the Countess Cor­ and Raymond Sanchez, Laura Silas, Roche, Jr., died June 10, 1955. was established for “ such reli­ Dora Cordero. Mary Ramos, and Maggie Dr. Thomas Walter O'Connor, 83, of Citizen ]\ Years his fortune during the Cripple net de Ways Ruart, was unable 525 Circle Drive, died Jan. 20 in Mercy He is survived by two sons, gious, charitable, scientific, or Sandoval; also 26 grandchildren. Re­ Creek gold rush days— not in to come from Belgium. quiem High Mass is being* celebrated Hospital after a long Illness. Mrs. Barbara Stengel, widow John of Denver, a partner in educational uses as will most He was born April 10, 1873, In Chi­ gold, much to the surprise of the Thursday, Jan. 26, at 9:16 a.m. in Sa­ the ambulance firm, and Dr. effectively assist, encourage, and The husband of Mrs. Penrose’s cred Heart Church. Interment Mu Oli­ cago, and came to Denver with bis par­ of Louis Stengel, whom she mar­ uproarious camp, but in real es­ ents in 1888. His father, the late Dr. promote the general well-being granddaughter, Baron M. Fran­ vet. Capitol Mortuary. ried in the South Boulder Sacred William Roche Daniel M. Roche, who is in the tate. He formed a partnership JEROME URBAN, 46. of 3754 Gilpin John W. O'Connor, was Chief surgeon U. Sr government service in of mankind within the limits of cois de Selys Longchamps, was Street. He is survived by his wife, of the Rio Grande Railroad. Heart of Mary Church Oct. 5, carrier until he founded the the state of Colorado.” with Charles L. Tutt and even­ expected to arrive from Bel­ Catherine Ball Urban; a daughter, Dr. O’Connor was educated at Sacred Munich, Germany; two daugh­ tually they owned all the milling Heart College, now Regis .College, in 1885, died in her home, 2225 Roche Ambulance Service in The Foundation has allocated gium in time for the services. Louise Nix, Heightsville, Md.; two ters, Mrs. Margaret Mary Un­ operations in the Cripple Creek, sons. Gerald and Edward- Urban, Den­ Denver and at the Rush Medical School 15th Street, Boulder, Thursday March, 1921. rein of Englewood and Mrs. generous sums to the Loretto Funeral services for Mrs.'Pen­ ver; his father. Martin Urban, Denver; in Chicago. While a student af Rush, Heights College, Denver, nursing Victor, and Colorado Springs rose are being held Thursday, two granddaughters, Connie and Cathy Dr. O'Connor married Miss Sarah J. Me- afternoon, Jan. 19. She had been Close Associate .\nna K. McNamara of Toledo, division, known as the Spencer area. Jan. 26, in the Pauline Chapel, N ik; and four brothers and seven sis­ Ferran of Chicago oh Sept. 11, 1907. . in failing health for some time. Of Bishop Tihen 0 .; a brother, John J. Roche of ters. Requiem High Msss was cele­ The couple settled in Denver, where Milford. Mass.; two sisters, Mrs Penrose Nursing Education pro­ The internationally known Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, at brated Jan. 25 in Anniytciation Church. Pr. O'Connor was a member of the Rio She and Mr. Stengel had been He was a close friend and Margaret Cuniff of Milford, gram, and to other causes. Broadmoor Hotel was a pet ven­ 10 a.m. Archbishop Urban J. Interment Mt. Olivet. Olinger Mortuary. Grande Medical Department until his childhood sweethearts in Alsace- frequent traveling companion of MARTIN J. PITT. 68. of 635 Gala- retirement in 1930. Mass., and Mrs, Harriet Smith The Penroie Cancer Clinic ture of Penrose,- and he spent Vehr will give the final absplu- Lorraine, and he sent for her the late Bishop'J. Henry Tihen pago Street. He is survived by his He is survived .by his'wife, Sarah; a of Rockland, Mass.; and 20 in Colorado Spring!, completed large sums o f money in an effort tion. Among prelates present will wife, Nellie G. Pitt: a daughter. Helen daughter. Mary T. Dllullo: a sister, after having become established of Denver, and numbered among grandchildren. in 1946 at a coat of $250,000, to make this America’s most be the Rt. Rev. Monsignors Greg­ M. Kreoger of Denver; and a brother, Florence B. Roschie: two granddaugh­ as one of the most successful his acquaintances Cardinal Sam­ John P. Pitt of Pueblo. Requiem High ters, Sally A. and Mary F. Dllullo;. two was erected by Mfa. Penroae beautiful hotel. The Colorado ory Smith, V.G., aind Matthew J. farmers in the South Boulder uel Stritch, Cardinal Fumasoni Requiem Mass was celebrated aa a memorial to her huaband, millionaire was a staunch Repub­ Smith o f Denver. area. Mr. Stengel had come to Jan. 21 in the Cathedral. Inter­ - r - Biondi, former Apostolic Dele­ and ia recognized aa one of lican, and only in 1928 did he Officers o f the Mass will he Boulder in 1882 with a friend gate in the U. S., and Babe Ruth ment in Mt. Olivet. the fineat in the world. It will jump from that party; his sup­ the Very Rev. Monsignor Wil­ and countryman, the late Charles THINGS LOOK DIFFERENT join, the new Glockner-Penroae port in that election went to A1 liam J. Kelly, celebrant; the Rev. Helburg, who after farming be­ Hoapital. Smith because of the prohibition Michael Harrington, deacon; the came a successful Boulder busi- question. To different people. Maybe you are seeing as much as St. Mary’s Parish in Colorado Rev. Cornelius Flynn, suo- Thomas J. Egan, Noted Springs was the recipient of sev­ After her kauband'a death, deacon; and Monsignor David you should, and maybe you aren't. The only way to find Born Barbara Dornberger, she eral hundred thousands that en­ Mra. Penroae continued the Maloney, master of ceremonies. out whether you are getting the utmost from your eyes received her early education in abled the construction of a new charitable work begun in hia Interment will follow the Sol­ is to have them checked regularly, her native land and waited there Merchandiser, Succumbs grade school, auditorium-gym­ lifetime. She waa active in emn Requiem Mass at the Will for word from Mr. Stengel to nasium, renovation of the high many civic poata, and held of- Rogers Memorial Shrine on come to Boulder. They were mar­ Cheyenne Mountain. Thomas J. Egan, 62, of 460^ S. War I. A member of the second school, and convent annex.. Sev­ ried before the Rev. Godfrey Ra- Other survivors include an­ Sherman Street, Denver, died division, he was gassed and shell­ eral other parishes in Colorado ber, pioneer missionary in Colo­ other sister, Mrs. Cameron Cur­ Jan. 18 in Mercy Hospital after shocked in combat in France. He Springs received fine gifts from §WIGERT BRO.S. rado, who 25 years later wit­ Rector Will Give rie o f Michigan; and five great­ suffering a hip fracture as the lived in Los Angeles for a short her. Her total donations to Cath­ 1530 California 0 p t O t n C t P i S t S KEyitona 4‘76S1 nessed the renewal of their wed­ grandchildren, the children of her result of a fall in his home two time, and married the former olic buildings in Colorado Springs ding vows on their silver wed­ granddaughter; Michel and Pat- Elizabeth Hynes there Sept. 8, reached almost $650,000, outside Good Servico ding anniversary. In 1945 they weeks ago. Los Angeles Talk trick de Selys Longchamps, both Better Vition 1921. He and his wife then came what she gave to the Glockner- repeated their marriage vows He was born April 20, 1893, of Belgium; and Sybille, Anne, for Every Age At Right Prices to Denver. He went to work with Penrose Hospital. before the Rev. Paul Fife, in Bethlehem, Pa., and came to The Very Rev. William J. Daniel,^' and Nathalie de Selys GLASSES INDrVIOUALLT 8TTLED O.S.B., of Sacred Heart Church, Denver in 1919 after serving the Denver Dry Goods Company Moving Force at Kenneally, O.M., rector of St. in 1922. Longchamps, all of Rome, Italy; at a family reunion celebrating overseas with the Army in World Central City Thomks’ Seminary, Denver, will and nine nieces and nephews. their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. Egan was appointed super­ give/the sermon in a Mass intendent of the store in the In 1945, at the same time Mrs. Mr. Stengel died in their home Saturday, Jan. 28, in St. early 1930s, and held that posi- Penrose gave $15,000 for the re­ Vincent’s Church, Los Angeles, GOOD CLOTHES NEED Oct. 17, 1946. storation of old houses in Central marking the 100th anniversary INCOME NOT BE EXPENSIVE Eight daughters and three sons Funeral Planned City, she financed the renovation of the coming of the Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Sten­ of St. Mary’s of the Assumptioi^ of Charity to the California see. TAX SERVICE gel and all survive them. They Parish rectory in that historic THE are: mining town. In 1947 the repair­ Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop For Paul Givan ing and restoration of the foun of Lds Angeles, will preside at Michael and Louis Stengel, Jr.,'|' the obsei:vance. ENGLISH of Boulder; Joseph Stengel, Los dations and exterior of St. Mary’s Angeles; Mrs. Anna (A. A.) Church were financed by a gift Announcing the event. Father INCOME TAX TAILORS Schott, K lls, la.; Mrs. Rose (An­ At Holy Family from her. All this Catholic work Kenneally noted that the Daugh­ thony) Gutfelder, Platteville; represented perhaps $40,000. ters o f Charity, the women’s HELP Jacques Brothers 901 FIFTEENTH STREET Mrs. Clara (Julian) Clyncke, Paul T. Givan, 19, of Holyi In 1954 she gave $35,000 to community of the world-wide Louisville: Mrs. Marguerite Family Parish, Denver, suc-j the Central City Opera House Vincentian Family, have several Over 20 Years Experience Monuments of Dislinetion Combine Quality and Style (Frank) 'Haas, of Gypsum; and cumbed following a tragic auto Association for restoration pur­ “firsts” to their credit Reasonable Fees Since 1902 in One Location at Prices Yon Can A iford Mrs. Barbara (George) Harris, seirvice garage accident Jan. 231 poses. She was a lover of opera The Vincentian nuns were the 28 £. 6th Ave. AL. 5-2019 Mrs. Josephine (Robert) Oram, on his birthday. Gas fumes from; and was instrumental in the re­ first to work in the then Diocese CALL HOWEY Mrs." Mary Fieger, and Mrs. Della an auto gas tank ignited and; vival of Central City and its cut of Los Angeles. They conducted Woodbury, all of Boulder. All her exploded in thg garage where | tural programs. She was chair­ the first convent scliool in that AL. 5-0111 children wey present for the he was working as a mechanic. i man of the board o f the Central see, and also the first hospital. City Opera Association at the funeral. A Requiem High Mass will be; offered in Holy Family Church: time of her death. JOE ONOFRIO There are 28 grandchildren, 64 She has given liberally to the Home of Quality Pianos Friday, Jan. 27, at 9 a.m. by' great-grandchildren, and seven Father Edward Madden. The Rev. church in non-publicized ways. WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE great-great-grandchildren. Forrest Allen, pastor, adminis-j She was the donor of an organ Requiem Mass was offered tered the Last Sacraments andl to the new SL Paul’s Church, Cable-Mehlin Monday, Jan. 23, in Sacred Heart conditional absolution to Mr.' Idaho Springs. The pews in Sa­ Church. Interment was beside cred Heart Church, Silt, were Givan at the scene of the ac-; 'SPHERE DENVER SHOPS-W ITH CONFIDENCE Lester Betsy Ross’ her husband in Green Mountain cident. also one of her many notable Cqpietery. A member of the Colorado Na­ gifts to the Church. ' DOWNTOVN • KHyiionr <.2lll CUliRRV CRHCK • DE.tct 3-8555 i Trade in your old piano tional Guard, Mr. Givan was en­ Thomat J. Egan In December, 1942, she wasi gaged to be married next month the recipient of the Papal cross' on a new Spinet or T-V Set tlon until his retirement because to Carol Bills, 2917 Irving Street. Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. The' Best Trade in Town of ill health in 1952, Bishop Joseph P. Machebeufj 1803^Broadway MA. 3-8585 J. J. Drinkard's He participated in many ^ivic medal, awarded for outstandings Save in Our campaigns, served on the boards Across from tho Cosmopolitaa Hotel service to the Church in the| of the state homes and training West, was presented to her in; schools at Ridge and Grand Junc­ 1949 by Loretto Heights College.' Requiem Is Held tion, and also was a member of February Furniture Sale! Some years ago she was awarded | the National Recovery Adminis­ the Princess Elizabeth decora-1 THE ONyr COAST TO COAST CARRIER! trative board o f Colorado in the tion awarded ip Belgium. ' At Bl. Sacrament early days of the administration 524.00 Drexel Dining Group . . . Duncan Phyfe exten­ of the late President Roosevelt. Born in Detroit i THE John Jay Drinkard, 77, of He is survived by his wife and Aug. 12, 1870 sion table, buffet, 4 lyre-back chairs...... 369.95 1920 Holly Street, Denver, died two sisters, ’ Margaret Nellie Born in Detroit, Mich. Aug. 12, j ‘‘Pioneer” Jan. 21 in a local hospital after Egan and Agnes Egan, both of 1870, Mrs. Penrose was the; 548.00 Drexel Dining Group . . . Duncan Phyfe exten­ o f three months’ illness. Bethlehem, Pa. daughter of Alexander and Eliz-; transcontinental With John P. Emmert, Mr. Requiem Mas.s was celebrated abeth (Ingersoll) Lewis. Herl sion table, buffet, 4 si(de chairs...... 429.95 Drinkard developed the Horse freight Jan. 21 in St. Francis de Sales’ parents were prominent Detroit | Creek Land Company, which cov­ Church. Interment in Mt, Olivet. social leaders and her father, a transportation ered 130,000 acres southeast of Olinger Mortuary. member of the Detroit Board ofl 129.50 Simmons Studio Divan, 2 bolsters...... 109.95 Colorado Springrs. He later be­ came sole owner oi the company DENVER-CHICAGO TRUCKING CO., INC. and sold it out in 1945. 139.50 Simmons California Modern Sofa, 2501 Blak* Denver KE. 4-7261 Mission Unit Enrollment A long-time member o f the armless ...... i...... ^...... 109.95 Denver Livestock Exchange, Mr. I Drinkard held many posts in that i organization. At Christ the King Parish 99.50 Simmons Armless Sofo Bed, When he began to withdraw from active ranching, he sold his (Chriat the King Pariah, Denver) celed stamps to use in the "ran­ "Theme Group" ...... 79.95 On Thursday, Feb. 2, the kin­ soming” of pagan babies, and \ commissi()n business to the Pro­ ducers Livestock Marketing As­ Paul T, Givan dergarten pupils and all new­ they offer prayers and sacrifices 269.50 Simmons Hide-A-Bed, full size...... 229.00 sociation. The company retained comers'to the parish school will each day for the well-being of Mr. Drinkard in a public rela­ Both were gfraduated from North be enrolled in the Pontifical As­ missionary priests and sisters tions capacity, a position he held High School in the same cere­ sociation o f the Holy Childhood, and for all the pagans o f the 259.50 Simmons Hide-A-Bed, apartment size 219.00 . until his death. mony last summer. a missionary society for chil­ world. A missionary spirit is Mr. Drinkard was horn July Survivors are his grandpar­ dren. being instilled in the children to 23, 1878, in Trenton, Mo., and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wells, In the past months the pupils teach them the many and varied 79.50 "Firm Eose" Mattress, Box Spring, with whom he lived at 4426 W olff have helped the missions consid- needs of the Church in mission j came to Denver from St. Joseph, (wch ...... 39.75 ' ; --t • ‘ Mo., in 1914. He went into the Street; his parents; a n d a er^ibly; first, by selling $1,101 countries. livestock business as a commis­ brother, Don R., Wheat Ridge. worth of Christmas Seals for the, Father Joseph Rea(le o f La sion .merchant and rancher. A Rosary service will be held Holy Childhood Association; sec­ Junta has been a guest in the 69.50 "Posture Sleep" Mottress, Box Spring, Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. ondly, by sending $50 each to parish for several days during He was a member of the in the Boulevard Mortuary. In­ two needy missionary priests. this past week. His hosts were each ...... 46.00 Knights of Columbus. terment will be in Mt. Olivet Along with the above work the Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Smith. Mr. Drinkard is survived by Cemetery. student are also saving can- Altar Society to Hear his wife, Mary; two sons, William 59.50 "Confidence" Mottress, Box Springs E. of Detroit, and John E. of Fr. Hiester Father Richard Hiester, direc­ each ...... t39.00 Specialiiing ITS HERE! Denver; and a daughter, Mrs. AMERICA'S NEWEST Margaret Ann Hilbert of Denver. Parish in Englewood Sets tor of music for the Archdiocese in Quality Requiem Mass was celebrated of Denver, will be the guest Plumbing WAY TO HEAR BETTER Jan. 24 in Blessed Saprament speaker at the Altar and Rosary 49.50 "Strotford" Mattress, Box Springs, and 1. Fill Your Own Glisiei. Church. Interment in M t 'Olivet. Society meeting on Friday, Jan. each ...... 1...... 33.00 2. Highly recommendtd by Olinger Mortuary. Series of Games Parties 27. The meeting will begin with Heating leading hearing end epfical recitation of the Rosary in the Repairs aulhoriflai. Englewood.— (All Souls’ Par­ 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish church at 1:30 p.m. An impor­ 99.95 Twin Bed Set...... 89.95 I. Cuitom-FiHed; Mild to levere Mounf Stt Scholastica ish)— Semimonthly games parties hall. tant business meeting will fol­ The Circle of St Ann is spon­ etset. are beginning this week. Spon­ low in the assembly room of the Eaiy Termi .00^ soring a paper drive on Satur­ rectory. Plans will be made for 54.95 Occasional Chairs, 18th Cent. Mahog. 39.95 Unit Plans Breakfast sored by the Men’s Club of the day, Jan. 28. All are asked to the ensuing year. Hostesses for SLATTERY Full Price '159 parish, the games will be held leave their papers on the rectory Honoring St. Scholastica on the social hour following the Came in at write at^ance every other Friday at 8 p.m. in driveway, 435 Penwood Circle, business meeting will be Mrs. 59.95 Chairs, 18th Century, mahogony fin. 44.95 her feast day, the alumnae o f Mt. the parish hall, 4900 S. Logan CHECK YOUR before noon Saturday. Edwin Williamsj Mrs. Walter St. Scholastica College, Atchi­ Street The first game will be New Circle Formed Joehl, Mrs. David Nowak, Mrs. & son, Kans., will have their annual held this Friday, Jan. 27. There 69.95 Chairs, 18th Cent, mahog. finish...... 54.95 OWN HEARING! When St Martha’s Circle met James Buckley, and Mrs, J. R. Communion breakfast on Sun­ will be no advance sale of tick­ in the home of Mrs. Dolores CuIIinan. day, Feb. 12. ets. Admission is 50 cents for Sletten Jan. 17, one of the main Miss Agatha Drilling, house­ 99.95 Chairs, 18th Cent, mahog. finish...... 79.95 □ □ 20 games. Free coffee will be COMPANY H . kMr Following 9 o’clock Mass at purposes of the meeting was to keeper for the parish, was called nry illlbt but Ml wxri served to all. luM ..dwitaiid bnriiii Ini the'Church o f the Holy Ghost, discuss reorganization. It was to Carrolton, la., this past week Plumbing and Healing HACE WARNER CO. 19th and California Streets, Den­ Teen-Age Club decided that some of the mem­ for the funeral of her uncle. She 59.95 Maple Rocker, reversible cushions...... 39.95 53. leth St.—Donrer (or) ver, the group will have break­ Has 35 Members bers would start a separate cir­ will return F)riday, Jan. 22. Contractors TVcIctr Bide.—Bitltwoad Pltut ttll mt melt tbeut tit fast in the Albany Hotel. Mem­ The new Teen-Age Club got cle to meet in the-morning. The Parishioners ill in hospitals are 189.95 Junior Dining Set, choice of 2 finishes 159.00 HEW TELEX. bers wishing to attend should call off to a good start on Tuesday, remainder of the circle, with the Mrs. C. W. Jackson, Michael Hal- JOHN J. CONNOE. PrMid.nt NAUE ...... Mrs. John McCallin, SK. 6-2229, Jan. 17, with 35 in attendance. exception of one transfer, will loran, and Frank Jacobucci, stu­ BOBEBT P. CONNOR, Vie. PrMldeat ADDRESS ...... for reservations. Plans for t h e It was decided to hold meetings remain intact dent at S t Thomas Seminary. 219.95 Junior Dining Set, hostess size table 179.00 1726 MARKET STREET e m f ...... anriual Communion breakfast every Thursday. The club is open The Little Flower Circle will A two-week miaaion will be­ ZO N E ...... STATE ...... were made at a meeting in the gin in the church on Feb. THIRD FLOOR—Downtown Only Phone MAin 3-7127 or 3.7126 to all teen-agers o f the parish, meet Thursday evening, Jan. 26, home o f Mrs. Fi;ed Swanson, aged 14 to 18. The secjpnd meet­ in the home o f Mrs. Ralph G u - 19 under the direction of Fa­ 1325 Revere Streel, Aurora. ing will be held ThurMay, Jan. rett, 640 E. Grand Avenue, " ther Jamea Sullivan, C.SS.R. '. _ ...... > m r •3i

' 4 • jk ':r "^ W ?rilril- V* • ••' S» «v •• »/ V

Thursday, January 26, 1956 PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannorck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 BY LAW AND GONSCIENGE to our welfare as Catholics both now and in the future. As announced by our beloved ___HE announcement of our Archbishop’s progressive high school T Archbishop, the first steps have already been taken in our obligatory endeavor to provide expansion program has brought forth enthusiastic response throughout the parishes of for thei Catholic high school needs of this area. This clpar program of Catholic Action, Denver and its suburban area. His Excellency’s views, as set forth in his Pastoral Letter, the success of which we all desire, requires the energy, the vigor, and the enthusiasm of have been acclaimed both for their recognition and proposed solution of problems vital every loyal Catholic in Denver. Archbishop Vehr’s Program Proposes:

1. To provide funds for construction of the new Bishop Machebeuf High School gation on the laity to build churches, seminaries, schools, and other institu­ to be established in Blessed Sacrament Parish. tions of religion in thqir parishes and dioceses. Thus, if free-will offerings are 2. To make additions at Cathedral High School, St. Francis de Sales High School, not sufficient for the needs of divine worship, for the decent support of the Holy Family High School and Annunciation High School. Church’s ministers, and for the necessary upkeep of charitable and educational 3. To supplement funds available for additional development at Regis High works which are proper to the Church, then the Church, because of Her divine School, St. Mary’s Academy and the J. K. Mullen Home for Boys. office, must urge and insist that such obligations be fulfilled. 4. To provide funds in the more recently established and less developed parishes The continued growth of the Church is a matter of concern to all Catholics. for essential parochial construction. Pope Pius XI, in his Encyclical on Christian Education, said, “Let it be loudly In order to fulfill her mission, the Church needs material as well as superna­ proclaimed and well understood and recognized by all, that Catholics . . . in pro­ tural goods. These material goods must come from the faithful. It is the duty moting Catholic schools for their children . . . are engaged in a religious enter­ of each generation in its time to supply the material goods required for the opera­ prise demanded by conscience.” tion and growth of the Church. We must do this if we are tP remain strong and This then is our responsibility and our sacred right, as well as our privilege. defend strenuously and intelligently the cause of God and His Holy Church. As It is a task that must be shouldered by all the Catholics in the Denver area. We civilization becomes more complex, as the enemies of Christ become more num­ are moving forward, building a greater and stronger Church through our high erous and clever, it is imperative that present and future generations have the school program. We all share in the responsibility of providing for our own re­ advantage of acquiring a Catholic high school education. ligious needs and of bequeathing adequate and effective Catholic institutions to Conscience demands that we provide suitable facilities io insure our future generations. We have profited by the self-sacrifice and generosity of our spiritual welfare and that of our children. It is of Divine Law that the Church forefathers in the Faith. We will share eternal n^erit for returning to God for and her necessary institutions be supported by the faithful. This places an obli­ His use and purposes a “ Fair Share” o f the material goods He has given us. Responsibility Is Definite Doing your share means that when one of your fellow parishioners calls on We cannot expect someone else to carry our part of the responsibility. Ours you for your subscription, the pledge you sign will be for an amount in accord­ is a program of Catholic Cooperation. We must unite in effort and energy as well ance with the magnitude of this united undertaking, and in accordance with your as in faith, with everyone doing his or her task as a loyal Catholic. ability to give on the basis of making weekly payments over a period of 130 weeks. The "Fair Share" Plan - - The Only Fair Plan "FAIR SHARE" TABLE V As an illustralion of the “ Fair Share” Plan, As another illustration of how the “ Fair i we may take the cases of three men, each havt'ng •Share” plan works, let us consider llie cases of f the same income. Would the “ Fair Share” of another three men each having the same incomg, SHOWING WEEKIV AND MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS . lliese prospective givers be the same amount? Not the same capital holdings, the same indebtedness [ necessarily. The “ Fair Share” of one giver might and family obligations, and the same number of WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN FOR 130 WEEKS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN FOR 30 MONTHS Mte $1,000; that of the second, $2,000; and that dependents, who should give about the same $9.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 81,170 $39 a month for 30 months means total gift of 81,170 of the third, $3,000, Why? The first man, whose amounts. 87.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 8 910 $35 a month for 30 months means total gift of 81,050 : “ Fair Share” was $1,000< might be supporting Experience has shown that without any sug­ $ 6 .0 0 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of $ 780 $30 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 900 [his parents and a large family and be burdened gestions from a responsible campaign committee 85.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of $ 650 825 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 750 I with numerous bills for sickness and other needs of local fellow parishioners, one man would sign $4.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 8 520 $20 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 600 I over which he had no control. The second man a subscription for $1,000, the second for $2,000. $3.50 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 8 455 815 a month for 30 months means total gift of -8 450 i might not have such heavy expenses. The third and the third for $3,000.. The result of such, $3.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 8 390 812 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 360 ; man might have no expenses whatsoever, except 82.50 a week for 1.30 weeks means total gift of $ 325 810 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 300 ! for his own personal living. Naturally, the “ Fair uneven giving would be two dissatisfied subscrib-j ers. When the third man, who gave $3,000, learned* 82.00 a week for 130 weeks means total gift of 8 260 $ 9 a month for 30 months means total gift of 8 270 Share” of the third man would be greater than that his neighbors in the same financial position: that of the second man, and far greater than that as himself gave only $1,000, the $3,0(W giver [ of the first man. ^ would feel dissatisfied. The $2,000 giver would be QUARTfRLY ANNUAL PAYMENT ■ “ Fair Share” is determined by considering the only one who fell that he had given his “ Fair I three factors: First, the number of persons avail­ Plan for 30 Months able for solicitation; second, their ability to give; Share.” ’ and third, the amount to be raised. Thus it is Tlirough the “ Fair Share” suggestion plan, 85.000 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of 850,000 $ 750 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of 8 7,500 based on the democratic principle of dividing the no one bears an undue burden and, when the goal 82,500 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of $2.5,000 $ .500 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of 8 .5,000 responsibility araongLihose who share the benefits, is achieved, everyone shares equally in the glory $2,000 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of $20,000 8 2Q0 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of $ 2,000 i directly and indirectly. . . ______of the accomplishment. 81.000 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of 810,000 8 100 quarterly for 30 months means a gift of 8 1,000 GENERAL CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION Honorary Chairman and Treasurer V. K. Tout Rev. John B. Ebel Very Rev. John Ordinas, C.R. Kenneth F. Keene Very Rev. Richard F. Ryan, S.J. Guardian Angels Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Leo Van Dittie Rev. Omer Foxhoven Rev. James R. Eatougb, S.J, Oscar L. Malo, K.M. Honorary Lay General Chairman Harry T. Zook Rev. Leonard D. Gall Rev. Edward P. Murphy, S.J. Cathedral John J. Sullivan, K.C.S.G. Meetings Chairmen Rev. Louis J. Grohman Rt. Rev. Msgr. John R. Mulroy Rev. John J. Guzinski Bernard 0. Beausang James Matkovich General Co-Chairmen Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eugene A. O’Sullivan Rev. John N. Haley St. Joseph’s, Golden St. Patrick Emmett J. Dignan Very Rev. Msgr. James P. Flanagan Rev. James Hamblin Levi J. Beall Thomas J. Morrissey Thomas J. Tynan, K.C.S.G. M. Bernard Mahoney Rev. Richard C. Hiester Sacred Heart St. Mary Magdalene Executive Clerical Chairmen T. Raber Taylor Rev. Robert Kekeisen Donald J. Byrne George G. Mossbrucker Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold V. Campbell Rev. Bernard M. Kelly St. Rose of Lima St. Francis de Sales Auditing Chairmen Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gregory Smith, V.G. Rev, John H. Kelly George J. Canny Shiraer A. Mueller Very Rev. Msgr. John B. Cavanagh St. Catherine Sts. Peter & Paul, Wheatridge Special Gifts Chairmen Very Rev. Msgr. B. J, Cullen Rev. Michael Maher Rev. Damen L. McCaddon Bernard B. Carraher Arthur J. Murphy Rt. Rev. Msgr. William M. Higgins Very Rev. Msgr. David M. Maloney Rev. Frederick D. McCallin St. Vincent de Paul Mother of God Very Rev. Msgr. E. J. Kolka Rev. Charles T. Jones Rev. Robert G. McMahon Joseph A. Craven, K.C.S.G. Paul V. Pattridge • Rev. D. A. Lemieux Thomas J. McMahon Rev. William J. Monahan St. James St. Bernadette Rev. William V. Powers Paul L. Schmitz Rev. James F. Moynihan Ray B. Crowley Albert A. Riede Paul V. Murray Publicity Chairmen Rev. Leonard Redelberger St. Louis, Englewood St. John the Evangelist Thomas M. Tierney Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith Rev. Paul J. Reed James E. Cummings, D.D.S, Jerry R. Rooney Special Gifts Division Chairmen Very Rev. Msgr. Walter J.Canavan Rev. John Regan . St. Philomena’s St. Mary, Littleton John F. Eby Paul J. Celia Rev. J. Harley Schmitt Ben E. Dunlap Wendell P. Sayers Clem N. Kohl Walter J. Coughlin Rev. Francis Syrianey St. Anne’s, Arvada St. Ignatius Loyola James J. Delaney Speakers Chairmen Rev. Christopher V. Walsh Henry J. DeNicola Robert L. Sears J. Pete DeLongchamp Rt, Rev. Msgr. John P. Moran Rev. John G. Walsh All Saints St, Joseph (C.SS.R.) John J. Denny Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. O’Heron Rev. Andrew Warwick Guy M. Elder, Sr. Albert E. Seep, Jr. George H. Dunn Rev. Edward A. Leyden Rev. Jerome L. Weinert Presentation Christ the King Hon. Albert T. Frantz Anthony J. Dunst Rev. Anthony Weinzapfel Eugene N. Fodor Bayard K. Sweeney Frank M. Grannell William R. Heckethorn Rev. Barry J. Wogan St.Leo St, John the Evangelist Edward A. Hanifen Joseph J. McGill, M.D. Endorsement Committee Thomas C. Griffin J. P. Von Feldt " ..r M. Perry Holcomb Public Relations Comniiltee Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Hagus Cathedral Presentation Blair J. Kittleson Rev. Forrest H. Allen Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Judnic Richard L. Haney, O.D. A. P. Wagner Herbert W. Leibman Rev. Thomas Barry Rt. Rev. Msgr. Achille Sommaruga All Souls St. Elizabeth Arthur Maroney Rev. Matthias Blenkush • Very Rev. Charles Buckley, C.SS.R. Sidney G.-Hardeman Edward R. Walsh James E. Peri Rev. John E. Casey, S.J. Very Rev. George Forquer, O.P. St. Pius Tenth, Aurora Holy Ghost John F. Sherlock Rev. John J. Doherty Very Rev. Fabian F. Joyce, O.F.M. Ray A. Jaeger Frank J. Woertman Gerard J. Smith Rev. John Donohoe, C.M. Very Rev. Wm. J. Kenneally. C.M. St. Philomena’s Holy Family

PARISH CHAIRMEN AND ASSOCIATE CHAIRMEN 1. Cathedral 9. Holy Rosary 18. St. Bernadette (Lakewood) 23. S t Francis de Sales 31. St, Mary Magdalene 37. S t Joseph (Golden) < Thomas C. Griffin John N. Pavlakovich Robert W. Burns Anthony J. Dunst Thomas G. Morrissey Adrian Dorzweiler Daniel Yacovetta John Arko George A. Lehner George G. Mossbrucker J. S. Hershberger Bernard 0. Beausang 2. AH Saints 10. Most Precious Blood < 24. Loyola 38. St. Mary’s (Littleton) 32. St. Patrick Albin M. Brunner Eugene J. Kottenstette 19. S t Cajetan Robert L, Bissell John R. Beezley Elmer 0 . Tenorio James J. Matkovich Chas. W. Fink, Jr. Richard Fenton Frank Weber Robert Tierney Bennie Benavidez Stanford D. Lucy 8. Annunciation 11. Mother of God 25. S t James 39. S t Patrick (Fort Logan) ' Ralph W, Moore Arthur J. Murphy 19M1. Our Lady of Victory E. J. Fattor 33. S t Philomena "* George Averraan Walter Ralph Anderson Clifford Welch Elmer 0. Tenorio Wm. P. Cudmorc, Jr. William F. Hahn Edward Junk 4, Blessed Sacrament 12. Our Lady of .Grace Bennie Benavidez 26. St. John the Evangelist Julius S. Conrad 40. S t Therese (Aurora) Biair J. Kittleson William F. Cullen Donald M. Karr Hilbert B. Meyer. 19M2. Our Lady of Guadalupe 34. S t Rose o f Lima Thomas M. Tierney Cecil Rhodes Howard J. Crede Murray W. Spindler Elmer 0. Tenorio John B. Fraricone, Jr. 6. Christ the King 13. Our Lady of Lourdes 27. S t Joseph (C.SS.R.) 41. Sts. Peter & Paul (Wheatridge) Bennie Benavidez George E. McCaddon ' Charles Kurtz Robert L. Sears Martin G. piennon John Farin Harold F, Collins Clarence Van Dcren 20. S t Catherine Jack J. Ward 35. S t Vincent Je Paul Eugene P. Sullivan 6. Cure d’Ars 15. Presentation John J, Burns 28. S t Joseph (Polish) Walter F. Angerer 42. All Souls (Englewood) John Yelenick Edward T. Curneen George J, Canny Benjamin L. Oletski John N. Zimmermann Dr. Richard L. Haney John A. Schlegel Lucien P, Barry Lawrencoi Kowalczyk John C. Crawford 21. St. Dominic 36. S t Anne (Arvada) 7. Holy Family 16. Sacred Heart 29. St. Leo 43. Guardian ^ g e ls Church Walter M. McGraw Joseph H, MuiTay, Jr. Frank J. Woertman Levi J. Beall Neil Morley Thomas Cherry Frederick 0 . Stoll Don J. Schaaf Edward T. Clinton Del Eaquibel Peter McNally James Grater 8. Holy Ghost 17. S t Anthony 22. S t Elizabeth 30. St. Louis (Englewood) 36M1. Holy Trinity (Westminster) 44. St. Pius Tenth (Aurora) Edward R. Walsh Francis H. Gerlits A1 P. Wagner Maurice Pike Donald L. Groomer Albert E. Moore, Jr. Jack E. Hall . Pau^W. Pomponio Jan^s S. Hofsetz Pa^l Vranesic I, Larry D. Lamar ' Robert W. Whelan » Thursday, January 26,1956 O ffkt, 938 Bannock Shoot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Talopheno, Koyitono 4-4205 PAGE ELEVEN TRANGE BUT TRUC - Invest in Catholic High !§ichoolis I REGISTORIALS S Llttlf-Ktm Facts fsr CatMtes L h B f M. I. MURRAY ( W i M t . ItU. N.C.W.C SiTTiM How to Get Most for Money

No Substitute for Sincerity z By Rev. John B. Ebel laity, in saaificing to construct the material 2 oCUfUMAA) “ N O OTHER ORGANIZATION plantSi the body of our school system, are but b - V is^'COfTURy within the area of our knowledge or experience imitating the sacrifices of the teachers, espe­ Penicillin for Presidential Politicos does so much with so little.” This is the judg­ cially the priests and nuns, who are the soul By C. A. Balcerak dates. The.Governor’s straight­ candidates might have - re­ ment of the American Institute of Management, of that system. The sisters who form the vast GOV. FRANK LAUSCHE’S forward answers to trenchant treated to the flanks, the Gov­ a nonprofit foundation which has studi^ more majority of our teachers have saaificed their ingenuous attitude on the TV questions were not the tenuous ernor yielded n ot an inch to than 4,(XX) corporations and organizations, lives for Catholic youth. More and more, lay Meet the Press program may threads ou^ i f which politi­ his panel of questioners. He teachers are passing u|? more luaative posi­ prove to be somewhat alarm­ cians’ silken Webs are woven. explained why he is running in after a study of the fiscal policies of the Catholic ing to other presidential candi­ In a situation in which other Ohio’s presidential primary Church. tions to assist in Catholic school work. It is and gave direct answers to ^ Q jile e "Both the construaioa'dollar and the main­ these saaifices that keep the operating costs of questions on tax cuts, farm Chfipei of-^ * i our schools so low. The Denver Catholic Register supports, Robert Taft, the CATHEC^U, tenance dollar,” the study continues, "in almost Taft-Hartley Act, and his re­ ENSLAND, ukis iefutv any Catholic Bishop’s hands” is spent with effi­ THE GRADU.4TE of the Qtholic school President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. ligion. He must have caused in n js p r w orttm i^ ciency. "The realization of this,” it is asserted, system is by no means an inferior producL Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour. D „ Litt.D., LL.D. some persons’ consumption of uorsJtifipers Mho mere "leads many of other faiths, and of no faith at Rather, purified and molded by the fires of Managing Director...... Monsfgnor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. aspirin to go up enormously dented Pee aecesr. P all, to contribute to various Carbolic organiza­ saaifice with which he is nurtured, the Cath­ Executive Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. with his cie^r statement of ike CfdkedtrU. Auoeiate Editors— Rev. Robert Kekeiscn, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. policy. tions." olic school pupil is, if anything, superior. Daniel Flaherty, M A .; Linus Riordan, Ph.D.; Paul Hallett, PERHAPS NOWHERE BETTER This likewise is the judgment of the same Litt.D.; Jack Heher, B.A., Litt.D.; Frank Morriu, B.S., LL.B., A LOOK AT SOME of the Litt.D.; Ray Hutchinson, M.A.; Art Editor. Leo Canavan, D.F.A. other presidential candidates’ than in our Catholic schools do we see the tra­ independent audit quoted at the beginning of opinions shows that this frank ditional frugality of the Church in practice. The this article. Catholic grade schools, high schools, Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. attitude is not in vogue. _ A maintenance cost of Catholic schools of the Arch­ and colleges, it declares, "render invaluable TSW P>9«T friatoS Katlnly kj U b Iob L a k e r ^ roundabout approach to vital questions may not be the diocese of Denver is estimated at only about $75 ser\’ice to civilization and demoaacy. Published Weekly by strongest strategy, but it is the per year for high school pupil and $35 per "There can be little doubt,” says the report, THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) safest. It is always best for a grade school pupil. These,^ figures are uiibc- "as to the value and advisability of efficient candidate to pounce upon the Eevably low when compared with the high Catholic grade schools, high schools, and col­ 938 Bannock Street, 1 other party’s errors with the costs of everything involved today in the com­ leges as a matter,of diversified educational re­ Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 P.O. Box 1620 “ Old Harry” treatment, but his own party’s plans should be W o P L D 't "£ plex project of education. sult rather than political advantage. These spoken of in general terms HUEfiidiiesT J?os/vtv In construction costs likewise. Catholic * schools should be encouraged -and aided by Subscription: only. b e l o n g i o O u r LW/ schools get more for their money, simply be­ everyone, and their value to the State should be 11.50 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. The latter technique is i l - ' OF Monte, Ma^ ira. cause they must. By eliminating the frills, recognized.” $2.00 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. lustrated in Gov. Averell Har- Afaeie o f chainE o f riman’s statement in regard to and building for practicality and function, the SPEAKING OF THE NECESSITY, Canada, $2.75 a year per subscription. Skipe ibrpedoed in, this country’s relations with HutcJtal Harbor in, East h aa moE the inAomoNnL average Catholic schools are erected at a cost "at a national level, of a diversified educational Foreiifn countries, including Philippines, $3.50 a year. Russi^: “ We all have i re­ i$/4.-l8 W dr aivet OFFICIAL entay e m His See nouhted considerably less than that encountered in other program," the report declares: "There is no sponsibility to demand a re­ r o c k s . \ ______OH A WHITE MULE. 1C similar types of construction. >42 Thursday, January 26, 1956 alistic appraisal of the situa­ better way to achieve this than through reason­ tion and measures for dealing WHEN CATHOLICS of Denver and the able encouragement of parochial schools . . . with it,” and in Senator Ke- suburban area are asked to make generous OFFICIALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER The Catholic Church has not done enough to fauver’s observation: “ We will pledges in the Archbishop’s High School cam­ Tha Denver. Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. Offer ISo Threat to Faith convince the world of the validity of this point to the bumbling, the paign, therefore, they can be sure of getting We confirm it as the official publication of the archdiocese. vagueness, the indecision, and position." ' Whatever appears in its columns over the signature of the in many cases the sterile in­ their money’s worth as perhaps nowhere else. This, then, is the judgment of an unbiased, Ordinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby de­ flexibility, which has come to Nothing will be wasted; the ultimate will be independent auditing foundation. Are wc to clared official. DEAD SEA SCROLLS characterize the conduct of wrench^ from every penny contributed. think less of our own schools? The response We hope The Register will be read in every home of the foreign affairs.” archdiocese. By Paul H. Hallett temporary Essene community Saaifice will be needed on the part of every­ in the Archbishop’s High School Campaign THIS IS NOT AN AT- We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a TEMPT to thump the tym ppi THE EDITOR- OF of Qumran to practice volun­ one to put over the campaign. But the Catholic will tell. taste in tha children of the archdiocese for the reading of Tha for any .candidate, including Register. a book review coIuiTm in a tary poverty. Christianity loses + + + + + + + + Frank Lausche. It is hoped, • URBAN J. VEHR Denver daily made some none of its originality for that however, that the Governor’s Campaign Meeting Marked by Zeal Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver candid approach may act as strange assertions in discussing possibility. an incentive in awakening po­ two books about the Dead Sea In 1955 a Catholic contribu­ FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION litical candidates to this fact: Scrolls. ' f tor to the Retiue Biblique con­ Laity Pledge Archbishop Full Support Archdiocese of Denver The country’s interests should cluded that Jesus might have always come before any par­ "Some scholars," says the WEEK OF JAN. 29, SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen campaign chairmen, was one men at the Cosmopolitan that ticular party’s., Denver columnist, "particularly reauited some of His disciples Denver, Cure d’A ri Church from among the men of Qum­ THE KICKOFF MEETING of sincerity. The Archbishop night are the type who can be Denver, Margery Reed Mayo Day Nursery Perhaps it would be a good Githolic, have attacked the for the Archbishop’s High himself struck the tone when found in the midst of every idea to have 'all presidential saolls because they see in them ran, or at least from those who School Fund Campaign Jan. he said; “ There is nothing se­ Church endeavor. They know candidates appear on a TV . . . a threat to the uniqueness had their mentality. Jesus might 19 presented a heartening pic­ cret about this. We have a the problems that arise in a panel so that they could give well have known the men of ture of the Catholic laity’s problem here o f growth and project o f this type, and their direct answers to que.stions of Christ." ' Jladio and, JU that community and used their willingness to co-operate*with development. We must face it.” questions were relevant and concerning foreign policy, the I HAVE NOT HEARD their spiritual leader. The THE ARCHBISHOP pre­ practical. farm problem, desegregation, language, as He used the lan­ KBTV KFSC, Denver of any Catholic who "attacked vivid impression made on the sented the problem clearly and The Archbishop himself an­ immigration, r i g h t-to-work guage of the inspired texts, but frankly, with facts and figures swered most of the questions Channel 9 SACRED HEART PROGRAM the scrolls.” I have seen refu­ observer was that of a Church­ LIFE. IS WORTH LIVING, laws, taxes, and federal aid to this tells nothing against the man with foresight and the to back up his statement. He that were voiced. He -replied — Monday through Friday, education,-particularly in re­ Bishop Fulton J. Sheen tations by Catholics of the as­ courage to use it «.nd of lay­ showed that unless Catholic with understanding and forth­ 8:45 a.m.; S a tu rd a y , 7 gard to parochial schools. originality of Jesus and His high school facilities in the rightness, striving to clarify — Thursdays, 9 p.m. a.m.; Sunday, 7:15 a.m. sertion alluded to above, which men ready to display their No circumlocution would be divine character. Denver area are considerably the issues at stake, and did 'not SACRED HEART PROGRAM THE CHRISTOPHERS— Sun- pretended to be based on the loyalty to him and his plan for — Sunday,'1:45 p.m. allowed, such as: It depends on BUT BESIDE these pos­ the education of their chil­ expanded in the next few conclude his explanations un­ day, 7 a.m. scrolls, and that is an entirely, years, no future program will til, he was satisfied that the TREASURE CHEST OF circumstances, many things sible points of contact between dren. different thing. be able to remedy the situa­ questioner, too,' was satisfied. KNOWLEDGE. Regis Col- KIMN, Denver have to be taken into consid­ the first Christians and the Es­ The tone of the meeting, at­ eration, one would have_ to Long before the scrolls were tion. The only present answer, H f invited more questions, un­ lege— Saturday, 4:45 p.m. I SACRED HEART PROGRAM senes there are essential differ­ tended by Archbishop Urban — Sunday, 7 a.m. study the particular situation, discovered, it was known that J. Vehr, his Denver and sub­ he proved, is a city-wide drive til it appeared that the chief KTVR and generally speaking. ences. Take first the supposed to build a new high school and problems, at least, had been AVE MARIA HOUR — Sun­ there were certain similarities urban priests, and all parish Channel 2 RELIGION SHOULD NEV­ sacraments of the Essenes. augment those already in ex­ covered. THE CHRISTOPHERS— Sun- day, 7:15 a.m. between Jewish concepts and istence. ER be considered as a political The Manual of Discipline re­ Greek Letters THE CHURCH in action is day, 1 p.m. FAMILY THEATER program the teachings of Christ. No one Emmett Dignan, general co- a beautiful thing to behold. of Father Patrick Peyton, issue, but, unfortunately, as gards purification by water as Of Discrimination ^ KOA-TV Raymond Moley points out in has pretended otherwise. This chairman of the drive, re­ The Silver Glade Room of the C.S.C. — S a tu rd a y , 5:30 an act of penance, frequently flected the feeling of every hotel became, for the mo­ Channel 4 p.m. the Jan. 23 issue of Newsweek: does not at all affect the THE CHRISTOPHERS— Sat­ “ Our presidential candidates renewable, participated in by man present, it seemed, when ment, like a little “ Church KKTV, Colorado Springs uniqueness, the absolute he made his spirited promise council.” The spiritual father urday, 5 p.m. are subject to innumerable dis­ those who are already members Snob Houses KOA, Denver Channel 11 qualifying tests, practically all transcendence of Our Lord’s of the laity’s support for the was discussing with his aides LIFE IS WORTH LIVING, of the community. Christian venture. Mr. Dignan presented and his children a crisis that CATHOLIC HOUR— Sunday, of them unrelated to the de­ message. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen— the campaign and its success had arisen as a threat to the 12 noon to 12:30. mands of the job. This is what Baptism adds a man to the Thursday, 9 p.m. THE DEAD SEA scrolls Disgrace to as a challenge to every sincere Catholic education of youth in ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, we call ‘availability.’ ” ■ Church, and cannot be renewed. It would be wise for voters are Hebrew and Greek manu­ Catholic'— every Catholic in­ this part of Christ’s Church on 10:15 p.m. KBOL, Boulder It is the door to the commun­ terested in implementing earth. And all were ' deter­ KFKA, Greeley and candidates to remember scripts discovered between the SACRED HEART PROGRAM Article VI of the Constitution t ity of saints, and a purification Any Campus ^ ou th with the weapons of mined to destroy that threat, AVE MARIA HOUR — Sun-1 —Monday through Satur­ “ . .. no religious test shall e'ver years 1947-1952. They include of soul. ?faith, hope, and charity no matter what the cost in day, 12:30 p.m. I day, 6:45 a.m. be required as a qualification two rolls of Isaias, of which one WITH THE QUMRAN By Charles B. Cobb needed to combat current evils personal sacrifice to each. (Drop a poticard to there rtationr, telling them SOME FRATERNITIES and and to construct a promising to any office or public trust is complete, and fragments of community t h e community The A r c h b is h o p ’ s High Y O U appreciate these programs.) under the United States.” sororities in colleges and uni­ future. School Fund Campaign will be other parts of the Old Testa­ meal was a profane act,* made versities have seemed to be ONE OF THE MOST strik­ GOVERNOR LAUSCHE’S crowned with glorious suc­ ment. Also discovered were a only a bane and a disgrace to ing portions of the session' was cess. The Church in Denver forecast of his presidential pos­ religious by the donning of sa- MAln 3-5314 educational institutions, since that in which questions were has so decided, and will not sibilities— “ I will not have a manual of discipline of a Jew­ aed vestments, a ceremonial the Greek letters on exclusive addressed by the lay chairmen rest until the project is con­ chance” — may be true, but his ish community of ascetics at bath, a blessing pronounced on houses have shown themselves summated. “ open-door policy” has stirred to the speakers’ table. The Qumran, which was abandoned the bread or wine, and a thanks­ to denotq nothing short o f dis­ a fresh current in the muddy in 68 A. D.; a book called The + - + . + + + F.J. KIRCHHO F waters of American politics. giving. The Eucharist is a par­ crimination and snootiness. If the dark horse candidate War of the Sons of Light ticipation of the body and blood The Colorado Daily, student HightSchool Drive Cannot Wait from the Buckeye State con­ Against the Sons of Darkness, a newspaper at the University of Christ, and hence is a sacra­ of Colorado, Boulder, recently tinues at this present pace, he Commentary of Habacuc, and reported that 13 fraternities Construction Co. may not gallop to victory; he ment. some Hebrew or Aramaic frag­ and sororities on the campus Statistics Prove Need may not even canter into Now as to the Master of "admit” to restrictive provi­ place; but in the stretch he ments of apocryphal works. Justice or Righteousness. This •BUILDERS most certainly will show. These finds in a Jewish mon­ sions based on race or religion. anonymous person is men­ A hearing o f the board of re­ Of Education Facilities astery of the time of Christ tioned in another book dis­ gents of the university is We Appreciate Your Patronage God loves to be asked, for By Rev. Daniel J. F laherty IN THIS NEW CAM- then He sees that we trust are comihonly thought to have covered in the same pave at slated to be held to determine belo'nged to the Essene sect, how a ban o f this policy can STATISTICS SOMETIMES PAIGN, one statistic that Him. — Blessed Anne o f St. Qumran, the Commentary of struck home, as mentioned by 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Bartholomew (d. 1626). already mentioned in Josephus be put into effect. are boring but Jbey always Habacuc. Nothing is known NOT ONLY DOES the fra- have a way of being factual. the Archbishop, is that about and Eusebius. about him except what is con­ ternity and sorority attitude They present a case shorn of 20 per cent of all the children IN 1950 one Dupont-Som- show unconstitutional colors, all ‘‘padding.” As the. Dragnet attending schools in the metro­ tained in the Dead Sea Scrolls. politan area are receiving their mer wrote of these newly dis­ highly against all American program of T'V fame would The era of his life has been standards of democracy, but have it, theji^’get to the facts. education in Catholic institu­ ls ( ^ a day covered Essene writings that variously fixed as some time these colors appear to be Statistics are important. tions. That leaves 80 per cent they showed a striking resem­ between 174 B. C and 65 B. C. tinged in various shades of In the newly inaugurated who are attending the public blance of the Essene commun­ JESUS WAS descended r e i high school campaign for the schools. Not too long ago, as we all well remember, the city too much to ity to, the Christian Church. When many college societies Archdiocese of Denver, we need from David; the Master of are not being called down for go no further than the statis­ proposed a bond issue for $28,- The Essenes, he said, had a bap­ Righteousness is of Levite' or­ discrimination, some are for tics to stress the need, and cen- 000,000 in behalf of these same pay for tism and as their essential rite igin. drunken parties, vandalism, or tain facts stand out above and public schools. The bonds were a sacramental supper, pf which Jesus not only mixed with initiations based either on se­ beyond the rest. approved by a 4-1 majority. At pri|6ts were the ministers; and cret cultism or over-excessive TO THE QUESTION WHY present, accumulated over the sinners but made Himself their ’ ordeal. past few years, the public they had an overseer or a .new drive should follow so defender and affirmed that He MANY YEARS AGO, an closely upon the seminary cam­ school system has $70,000,000 S o{efa|? in bonds at its disposal for "Bishop." The ideal of both the had' come to sa\e them. The Eastern institution was almost paign, Archbishop Urban J. school development. Essenes and the Christians fizs Master of Righteousness de­ wrecked by a scandal involv­ ■Vehr has given us the answer. ing a boy who died because of communion in chaiity, going manded the complete separa­ Last year in the high schools That $70,000,000 is for 80 per a clever little fraternity initia­ cent or four-fifths of the area’s even so far as a community of alonf, 239 prospective students tion of his community from tion. Those who would have had to be turned away because children. At that rate the goods. Even Christ Himself, sinners. been his beloved club brothers of the lack of adequate space.. Catholic schools would need according to Dupont-Sommer, Jesus called Himself the Lord tied him down and poured a The 239 students represent $14,000,000 to keep pace. From seemed strikingly like an .Es­ bottle. of Tabasco down his those who applied for enroll­ these figures, one can well see and claimed equality with God, throat. Sounds reminiscent of why the $3,225,500 drive, pro­ sene teacjier,- called the Master ment. How many are there who Enjoy peace of mind by safeguarding to be like Him the source of something the Tartars or Van­ wanted to attend but did not posed by the Archbishop, can of Righteousness. life, and to hold judgment in dals would have done, doesn’t apply because they knew they ne only for present needs, and your valuables and irreplaceable papers, The glib part of the press of His hands. It is according to it? would be refused? The figure this figure is but a minimum Fraternities and sororities reached after. much consulta­ against fire, theft or loss. Rent a Safe two hemispheres interpreted our attitude toward Him that might well reach 500 if the could be helpful and beneficial facts were known. tion. Deposit Box at the American National these words as meaning that we will be judged. He is not td a student if they went hand- THE SEEMING BOLD- in-hand with his major subject, It is anticipated that in an­ Bank for as little as a penny a day. Christianity had lost all origi­ only the Messias but the King other year the existing high NESS of the Archbishop at or with what he was specializ­ calling for a new drive at this nality. In 1953 Dupont-Som- of the Kingdom He announces. ing in at the college, for ex­ schools with their present cap­ time points up one thing, the me^ explained his position. Not The Master of Righteousness is ample, a frat for futqre. dent­ acity would be forced to turn away more than twice 239— tremendous importance t h e only did he deny the "total re­ considered by his own as a. ists; lawyers, English majors, Church places on a Catholic prophet, but never as the otjual etc. In that way, the fraternity 600 or 700 youths denied a semblance” between Jesus and Catholic education because of education. of God. could help the student to meet, the Master of Righteousness, socially, others of his chosen lack of action and foresight. Catholic youngsters could at­ but he clearly established nota­ IT IS THE DIVINE field, and could teach the Very soon the problem would tend the public schools. They ble differences between the two POW ER of Jesus Christ graces that ladies and gentle­ be well out of hand. are entitled to this as the chil­ dren o f taxpayers. How much persons—family and place of that will give to certain acts men, not snobs and drunks, THE ARCHBISHOP’S DE­ should know for future life. CISION to hold another drive could be saved the Catholic origin, personal charaaer, and a superhuman efficacy. The AS MANY FRATERNITIES at this particular .time is not parent in the way o f tuition! doctrine. Master of Righteousness does and sororities stand now, one without thought, rather it But rather the Church IT IS NO PART ofQth- not bring salvation directly; however, they are nothing but is one out of duty. The Cath­ chooses to erect her own insti­ olic apologetics to^ assert that he only prepares men for it. devastating whims o f a juve­ olic Church in the U. S. for tutions of learning at great ex­ 'frl'iTi'rrt'iw^fc lii ——5 nile ,age, peopled with imma­ more than 150 years has been pense and sacrifice in order to non-Chfistian religions have no His sufferings and death have ture adolescents. stressing the great need for insure a thorough religious ed­ BANK THE AMERICAN WAY . . . point of contaa with Chris­ no redemptive value. a Catholic education for our ucation, because the Church in tianity. Rather does it point out Tlje discovery of the ancient If there be no nobility o f young, until parents now are her wisdom knows the schools ■ Easy-to-reach. No delay such influences as a proof of Jewish monastery at Qumran descent, all the more indis­ thoroughly sold on the idea. to be the training grounds for pensable is ih that there the leaders o f tomorrow. the Church’s catholic power to should clear up some minor How in the world caq the should be nobility of ascent. Church’s wish be accomplished Biblical problems. It certainly OUT OF CATHOLIC THE BANK absorb and draw to Christ all — Henry Codman -Potter if the means are not at hand, schools will come the men and A m e r ic a n J jm o M L that is good outside it. It is pos­ shows a community dedicated (1835-1868). and how can parents be held women of the future and if sible that the first CHristians to high ideals. But it only * * • responsible if the facilities are they are to be^i^mpetent of Denver • 17th and Lawrence of Jerusalem, avid of perfec­ makes Christianity stand out in I would rather, said Themis- not available? Parents of 239 leaders their thinsing must be toclqs, have a man that wants children in the Denver area backed by pVinciples and a phil­ MEMBE*. EE0 E*Al DEEOStT INSUIANCE CO«EO»ATION tion, were influenced not only a grander beauty and Jesus it money than money that wants did not shirk their duty last osophy of life. The Catholio by the words of Our Lord but shows more than ever as the a man.— Plutarch (first cen­ year; they V ere denied the schools give the child thorough ______t also by the exatnplf of the con- Only One. tury A. D.). objective fulfillment of it moral and doctrinal training.

M i t t K*e '^ 1 < SY«! \ '*

PAGE TW ELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 Thursday, January 26,1956 Rangers, Pioneers Ready to Renew Red-Hot Rivalry Jan. 28

Regis College will be out for revenge against Denver Uni­ 16 gamei, the teriei aiways produce* tome of the hotteit game, having ju*t returned from a road trip which *aw them 21 points, followed by Mickey Shannon with 20 and Tom Hoogcr- versity on Saturday evening, Jan. 28, at the D.U. Arena. Their first baiketball action o f the «ea*on. up*et Gonzaga Univer*ity 88-83 and then lo*e on *ucce**ive werf with 19. meeting this year ended with Regis on the short end of a 57-55 Coach Harvey Moore of the Rangers will go with Alan Hower night* to the Univenity o f Portland, 86-78 and 99-89. On Friday evening, the Pilots used radar-sharp shooting and count wi& the Pioneers’ Jim Powell tossing in the winning basket and Tony Rendulich at the forwards. Big Mickey Shannon at center, strong rebounding again to whip the Rangers. Portland made 36 with four seconds left in the game. The varsity game gets undet and will employ Tommy Hoogerwerf and Johnny Gatms at the Never Caught Up of 80 shots for a .450 shooting percentage and took 51 rebound^ to way a t'8:15 pm. with a Jayvee contest scheduled to precede it. guards. Of these five. Shannon and Hoogerwerf are expected to In both games at Portland, it was a case of Regis not having Regis’ 43. 'The Rangers were never more than six points behind continue their high scoring feats and carry the majority of the enough .guns to atch the Pilots, whom they trailed by small margins until th e final ipinutes. The halftime score was 53-49. Guards Tom Always Close Contesf Rangers’ offensive load. from the opening tossup. In the Jan. 19 game, Portland used a full Hoogerwerf and Johnny Gatens continued their high scoring with The Ranger-Pioneer contest should provide of fireworks Young Pioneers court press all the way, opened up a quick eight-point lead, and the 25 points each, hot enough to match the double-figure scoring of if past performances are any indication. It does not seem to matter Hoyt Brawner, Pioneer mentor, satisfied with the hustling play closest that Regis got after that was 37-35 about a minute before four of the Pilots. Bob Altenhofen bested Mickey Shannon in a what kind of team records are carried into the clash by either crew; of his sophomore and junior-dominated quintet, indicates he will halftime. The Pilots then hit six points in a row to take a 43-35 scoring duel, hitting for 24 while Shannon got l6. even if one be heavily favored, the game has always been a stem- use his regular starting five against the Rangers. 'That unit finds halftime lead. Play was tight in the second half and Regis trailed Regi* will play again on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, at winder. Denver cage fans should get a thrill out of this, the last Sophomore Rocephus "Tree” Sligh and Bill Peay at forwards, Dick by only three points with 1:27 remaining in the game. Gene 2:30 againit St. Ambroie College of Davenport, la., at City meeting between the aoss-town rivals in this campaign. Brott at-center, and Ernie Uthgenannt, another sophomOre, and Kutsch then hit two field goals to cut off the late Regis threat. Bob Auditorium a* part of a tripleheader. The grame will be the 17th in the leriet between the two Paul Plath, at guards. Brott and Plath are juniors. Altenhofcr led all scorers with 28 points with teammate Jim Regis High School will square-off against St. Francis’ at 1 p.m., teami end, although the Pioneerf have won 13 of the previou* The Ranger* will carry a 9>won and 6-lo«* record into the Winters getting 23. For Regis, Johnrty Gatens was high man with and Holy Family will meet Annunciation at 4:30 p.m. Gremlins Vs. Raiders in Showdown Battle at Arena January 29 Brings First Round to Close By Han k Rojiier An abbreviated slate rounds out the Denver Parochial League’s first-half sched­ ule this week end with four games on tap for Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29. Leaders Suffer First Loss History repeats itself when the Regis Red Raiders meet St. Francis’ Gremlins at 1 p.m. in the Auditorium in the Toying with a pack of very first game o f a doubleheader, Mt. Carmel built its lead all unferocious Holy Family Ti­ the way and not until the last In Prep '6' League Action The final day o f play o f ger* the Grem* ran' up a 23-11 period did Chuck Gazzola’s St. Joseph’s Bulldogs threw the ning 4 out of 5 games, the team 1955’s first-half competition also halftime count and went on to Parochial ‘B’ League race into a has scored a total of only 10 found the Gremlins challenging a 46-29 decision in a low- charges display the hardwood scramble this week by defeating more points than its rivals. the Big Red for league suprem­ score game. Yedo, Bagan, and ability they have shown in Regis, 32-30. The win left the LEADING SCORERS acy. Regis whn that game Stebenne were high for St. earlier games. Rossi was the top St. Joseph team only a half game G FG FT TP handily. This Sunday’s feature Francis’. The Tigers’ Moriar- CorolU. Mt. Carmel 6 28 17 73 attraction should prove to be ity, with 10, took game honors. Eagle, scoring 23 points on seven o ff the pace. The Bulldogs have I*ehncrz, Holy i'amily .. 6 2S 6 52 baskets and nine charity tosses. Artser, BoRia ...... 6 17 9 43 quite a battle. lost only to Holy Family in Annunciation’s Cardinals Villano followed with 16 and Rendon, Mullen ...... 6 17 8 42 Regis leads the pack with a league play. Gillegoa, Mullen ...... 6 12 14 38 could not stand the prosperity o f Paris! had 15. Benny Maes again 6-0 record. St. Francis’ holds Figures released by Wayne Rosales, St. Joseph's .... 4 16 6 37 sole ownership o f fourth place led the Cards with 19 aided by Florez, Annunciation .... 4 16 2 34 down the second slot, having won Davis, ‘ B’ league statistician, after Friday night’.s 38-34 win Johnson and Duran. I..arkln, St. Joseph’s ....M 4 14 4 32 five and dropped one. The second show that the Bulldog team likes Chirichigno, Regis 6 14 4 32 over Mullen and dropped back to play its games close. In win­ Speas. Holy Family ...... 6 13 6 32 half o f the twin bill will pit Holy into a tie with Mt. Carmel en Blue Jays Dropped Family’s Tigers against a potent Sunday, Jan. 22, as the Eagles Annunciation quintet at 4 :30. In Regis’ other encounter the did their own tvork, 72-6L Raiders easily disposed of Cathe­ TV Doubleheader In the Mullen contest the dral High, 80-50, in a ragged Cards trailed 10-9 at the quar­ In the TV 'tilts in the Regis game marred by 56 rule infrac­ Recommended Firms ter. At halftime the Mustangs tions. Regis hit 40 o f 59 from the gym on Sunday, St. Joseph’s still had the same 10 |loint* line and only 20 from the field. rough and ready Bulldogs take but Annunciation had run its The Blue Jays had 28 o f 41 and on the Cathedral Blue Jays at total to 23. Benny Maes bad fo r Auto 1 :30. At 3 p.m. the Mustangs of 11 buckets. DeLuzio dropped in 16 for the winners aided by a whopping total of 35, 10 from Mullen encounter M t Carmel’s Johnson and Holman with 10 permanent possession of the. trophy after captur­ the field. Mangus and Christo­ Notrp Damp Award ^ presentation of Eagles. each. Garvin fait seven fielders noire vome Hvnuro Eockne ing the state title for the third time. Shown above S t Joseph’s led off its rough for 14 points for Mullen. pher were potent for Regis. SERVICE trophy, symbol of the state Catholic high school at the presentation are left to right, Pannunzio, Piroddi was high man for the week end just past with a 46-42 Too little, too late was the football championship, is made to Joe Pannunzio Paul Hornung, 1955 All-American quarterback win over M t Carmel dropping Jan. 22 story as Nick Palizzi’s losers. o f Pueblo Catholic High by Dr. Phil Clarke, presi­ for Notre Dame, who was the guest speaker for the Eagles temporarily into the Eagles bounded back from their Mullen's Mustangs finally , dent of the Denver Notre Dame Club, at the the occasion; Doctor Clark, and the Most Rev fifth spot in the league. Friday loss to trounce the Red broke into the' win column with a school’s annual grid banquet. Pueblo High won Joseph Willging, Bishop of Pueblo. With Ryan pouring in 16 Birds. 43-33 nod over Holy Family. CONTIIfENTAL points and Hanak close behind at Si. Joseph*^ Invitational 14 the Bulldogs held 22-13 and 14- 38-23 halftime and third-quar­ ter leads before Mt. Carmel IN warmed up with 19 in the final period. Martinez and Villano led State Junior Cage Meet Opens the Eagle production with nine each. _ The sixth annual invita- ernoon at 4 o’clock. The winners played Saturday evening at 6, On Sunday the red-hot Bull­ PROOFREADERS itional state grade school jof the opening round qualified 7, 8, and 9. The semifinals in dogs almost pulled off the big for the championship flight. The both rounds will be played upset o f the season thus far. basketball tournament spon­ Your cor is one of your most treasured possessions. losers of the first round auto­ Sunday afternoon. The cham­ After trailing Regis’ Raiders sored by the St. Joseph Redemp- matically go into the consolation pionship games will be played by three, 28-25, at halftime Choose it with care from a dealer in wham you torist Parish got under way Jan. bracket to compete for the con­ Sunday evening at 6, 7, the stubborn St. Joseph squad have confidence . . . where it will be serviced care­ j25 in the St. Joseph gym and solation championship. and 8. fought back for a 41-41 knot WANTED will continue through Sunday, Quarterfinal* in the con*o- Immediately after the last at the three-quarter mark. fully and treated respectfully. :Jan. 29. lation round will be played game, trophies will be awarded Don DeLuzio, drawing his. In all, 26 teams entered their Saturday, Jan. 28, at 3, 4, and to the first, second, and third fourth foul early in the third ’ rosters for the five-day meet in­ 5 o'clock. Quarterfinal* in the place teams and to the winner period, was held to 16 points, Catholic college graduates needed c£ oil £ sd L TfUtfidu cluding four out-of-city fives: championthip round will be of the consolation round. Tro­ (his season’s average is 26 perl St. Anthony’s of Sterling; Sa­ phies will sdso be awarded to game). Six o f these came on 1 as proofreaders at 1700 Ext Colfax Avenue DExter 3-4221 cred Heart of Boulder; Sacred members o f the state champion­ three quick buckets opening the I Heart of Pueblo; and St. Pat­ ship team. An all-state team, final canto allowing Regis to eke! Denver Catholic Register rick’s of Pueblo. Old Tinier.^’ consisting of 10 members, will out the 56-55 win. be selected by the judges and Denver Team* Pace Attack Uniforms will receive individual trophies. Completing the list are 22 As an interesting sidelight, Cordova, Petras, Hanak, and teams from the Denver Junior TWe Old Timer* Organiza­ a wall-plaque will be awarded Berger paced the Bulldog attack. Write, giving qualifications and enclosing picture, Parochial League. They are tion, a group of Denver bu*i- the team which has the best fol­ Riley had 14 and Mangus and Presentation, Holy Family, Ca­ net*men who sponsor a sum­ lowing in attendance. The at­ Christopher eight each for the to Dcpl. P.R., Register, P.O. Ro.\ 1620, thedral, Mt. Carmel, Christ the mer baseball program for the tendance will be judged on the winners. King, St. John’s, St. Mary Mag­ youngsters of the metropoli­ basis of one vote for children St. Francis’ Gremlins, mean­ Denver 1, Colo. dalene’s, St. Dominic’s, St; Fran­ tan area, report that not all present, two votes for high while, racked up a pair of cis de Sales’, Sacred Heart, St. the uniforms lent out dur. school students, and three votes easy wins to gain an undis­ Louis’, Englewood; Assumption ing last summer'* play have for adults. The home St. Jo­ puted hold on the runner-up of Welby, St. Catherine’s, Our been returned. seph’s School has been declared rung on the league ladder. Lady o f Lourdes, Blessed Sacra­ Each year about 1,700 BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR ineligible for this award. ment, St. Philoraena’s, St. Pat­ youths are outfitted for play LINCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE rick’s, St. Clara’s Home, Annun­ in the numerous Old Times’ Admission Charge Hi in "Lliicgri.Mmir> Hu*|iartin." Oir aichinlci. itln* lik«.u>lai littvy.ifniini* ciation, St. Vincent’s Home, St. leagues throughout the city. Admission prices for the •qilpBinL kn n ,M i u i Inilili in* Ml i>* i n ratly Is u n k i It *ilekt]r an* Vincent de Paul’s, and St. Jo­ At the close of the program Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SKIERS Uwreiilily. S«« ft May—an* arary Ihliiy *iy>—tar unylala akukiy in* uckaury work. seph’s Redemptorist. all uniforms are to be re­ and Saturday morning and aft­ BICYCLES THE KUMPF MOTOR CAR CO. Firing began Wednesday aft­ turned so that they can be ernoon action will be, children, RENTALS — Skis, Safety cleaned and repaired in pre­ 10 cents; high school students, Specialiiing 12th and Aeoma ALpina 5.3631 paration for the coming sea­ 20 cents; and adults, 36 cents Bindings — Boots — Clothing — Accessories Former Regis Coach son. As of now a number of Saturday evening and Sunday DAY OR SEASON these uniforms are still afternoon the' admission will be Automobile and Complete missing. « A| L’C^o>'ddand Skis, White Stag & Slalom Ooth> Assumes New Post 15 cents for children with the Lock and Key Service •"LCJing^ Strasser Boots Any of the youngsters at­ students’ and adults’ price to re­ “ Sargf” MacKenzie, former tending parochial schools, or main the same. Reservetions on Rentals & Pickup Service Regis College all-sports mentor, their parents, who know of the ’ For the Sunday night final* BIc k Ii i ■•SilriS whereabout* of any of these ; has resigned his football coach­ admission price* will be, chil­ LOCKSMITH CALL Jack hall ing job at St. Ignatius High in uniforms, are asked to have ’ dren, 15 cents; high school Glodt Bicycle & Novelty Shop Colorado Outings, Inc. California to become director of them brought to the school ; students, ^5 cents; and adults, the intramural sports program at that they attend or to call ‘ 50 cent*. All money will be 253 Broidwtz 8P.74UI 414 E. 7th A t*. (Belweta Penn A Lo(sn) Phont: AL. 5-2474 TA 5-7191 San Francisco University. Bill Lind at KE. 4-5551, , used to defray the expense* If low rates with | I of the 38-game tourney. maximum c o v e r ­ MacKenzie, who is a native . . . You can't af­ Californian, came to Denver ® age on auto or fire I ford not to get in shortly before World 'War II and ® 1 u q^h with me insurance is what 0 coached all sports at Regis for right away. Our you seek . . . call a number o f years. A't that time policies are non­ the Rangers were playing a lim­ Jack Hall. assessable. ® ited football schedule and were SPRING SEMESTER participating locally in basket­ ® F:T1 ball and baseball. ® It was during MacKenzie’s EVENING CLASSES ® FARMER’S INSURANCE GROUP stay at Regis that a college box­ © ® 865 LINCOLN ing team was formulated and ® matches staged. MacKenzie was © FOR ® a one-time boxing instructor on ® the West Coast. ® ® fMAT L r ® VAS- ) ) HOTTER ONE'S liU W MEN AND WOMEN 'I [ ENGINE OVERHAUL HAT ? COUMI ! © .® IN ® ■ CHEVROLETS UP TO AND ii INCLUDING 1951 MODELS Acebunting English ReUgion * 7 7 0 0 Business Administration History Science g Later Models — {87.00 1 Economics Philosophy Sociology ® Education Psychology Speech ^ — including — C.A.S. Financing H ® ■ AND ® New Rings Availahla M ® i • New Gaskets - Points - Condenser ^I "THE HOT ONE’S' .... a BETTER BUSINESS CLINIC on planning, managing and measuring ® the small businessman’s problems and opportunities ® EVEN HOHER" * i • Regrinding Valves & Adjusting | ® .... a 15-session clinic on COACHING BASEBALL designed to aid thosa I A Adjusting Rods & Main Bearings | ® « 1956 9 © who coach boys in the various baseball programs m the Denver area. ® g Overhaul Distributor — Clean and Set Plugs — New Oil 1; ® CHEVROLET ® I ^SL and, "SsnsiL f WE'VE BEEN GIVING REGISTRATION: FEB. 1 , 2, AND 3 ® DENVER’S BEST DEALS ® © ® ‘ AIITOMOTIVe SERVICE I SINCE 1922 . . . ® ■ ALL KINDS OF MECHANICAL WORK I I BODY AND FENDER WORK i REGIS COLLEGE I ^ WHEEL ALIGNMENT ^ CAPITAL is all that Is on' the minds of the three GLendale ^ 3 6 3 3 Ball Possession players shown above, as they go High into W. 50th and Lowell Blvd* I 1400. Santa ^Fe AComa 2-9471 | J w l I B h n w »3»fioni# © CfCrtiiicfitcsy Associdtcs Broadway the air in action in the St. Joseph’s-Mt. Carmel games last week. ifU S m o . O gjjjj Bachelor degrees. I TOWING SERVICE | Shown in the scramble are Villano (87) and Parisi (40) of Mt. Carmel, and Tony Berger o f S t Joseph’s. The Bulldogs came out B B !: B’.' B^''B ' B^:::B^iarQ9'9!!!!B:!:iB!:ii!Bi!l' BIWBi’TVil'lS TAbor S-5I9I on V>P A close contest, 46-42. , PAGE THIRTEEN Thursday, January 26,1956 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4>4205 Lady of Grace Sodality Meets Jan. 26 (Our Lady of Grace Paritb, Ladies' Sodality help the church fair. Roserita DenTer) Sponsors Project Sleimers is chairman o f this The AHar and Rosary Sodality project. uinnT u io rk will convene Thursday, Jan. 26, The Young Ladies’ Sodality is Rosemarie Demengues, presi­ nos at 8 p.m. in the church hall. The sponsoring the award o f a 16- dent of the Young Ladies’ So­ inch walking doll, with wardrobe. members will assemble in the dality, invites girls, 13 to 19, to KE. 4-4205 — To Place Your Want Ad — Call Monday through Friday — KE. 4-4205 church at 7 :45 p.m. for the reci­ The girls are trying to raise join. The next meeting is Feb. 1 tation of the Rosary. The main money to have a dance and to at 7:30 p.m. business on the agenda will be Homes for Sale 1 Income Tax Service 3-a Apartments Furnished 26 discussions on the annual can~ 1154 Coronu. lot floor. 2 roonu. Privit* party to be held the latter pai Rose of Lima's Parents Income Tax Service bath. CH. 4-4109. TA. 6-7858. of February. A. large attendance ST. MARY'S PARISH Denver’ s Lowest Prices Rooms Furnished 31 is urged as arrangements for the For Appt. Call GR. 7-2668 annual Sodality breakfast will Littleton, Colo. CJean Warm Room. Liaeni and otUitict al.so be formulated. To Confer With Teachers 133-145-155 N. Huron farn. Adj. bath. Gentlemen. AL. 5*2iSI. % Tiz Stnn Cictrint Boom t The circle money* returns will S rm. fura. apt. FuU bath. UUl pd« Stu> (St. Rote o f Lima’s Parish, The parish choir will soon be­ 3 bedroom brick homes with (rornMTlr tt 935 k 3677 So. Braul.v) be taken up at this meeting and ffote Etnicn roc wilr 12.00 to tlO.OO denta or working couple. Call Sat. or Denver) gin rehearsing Easter music. The Sun. 2067 S. Clayton. PE. 3-7674. the following circles will report; basements & attached garages. Do Yoo Oreipir on Idcoim Tu T Sister Jean Patrice, principal, choir, which was organized in rir More This You Oiref Queen o f Heaven Circle, Mrs. announced that report cards of the winter, has been rehearsing tYE USE ALL LEG.YL DEDUCTIO.N'S Baby Furniture 43A Theodore C. Sliemers, captain; 126-136-146.156 Aisuriiii You Lownt Foolblo Tii. the school children will be avail­ on Fridays at 7:30 p.m. in the S t Annie’s Circle, Mrs. Steve N. Hickory Lane Tour Tii ConsuIUnt Sluco 1940 able on Monday, Jan. 30, and chnrch and has been singpng at Opeo Dillr k Sun. 8 to T p.n. Cinacco, captain; Our Lady of NEW and USED Tuesday, Jan 31. Parents are in­ the 10 o’clock Mass on Sundays. 3 bedroom brick homes with 3421 So. Cull. 8P. 7-1585 BABY FURNITURE Fatima Circle, Mrs. Howard vited to meet with the sisters The group would like to build up or without garage and base­ Briggs, captain; and St Theresa Toys and Wheel Goods who teach their children on a tenor section and increase the ment. Circle, Mrs. J. A. Morgan, cap­ j; Education & instruction 7 Buy, Sell or Trade either of these two days be­ other three sections of the choir. OPEN DAILY • tain. The monthly meeting of tween 2:45 and 4 p.m. Parents Any interested parties may call Modem Popular Piano Instruction* in Kiddie Korner the Queen of Heaven Circle will nAll-Parachifll il I UIUWIIIUI PlowriU j shown in costume for their roles m your home. Leam to play your own sr- who are unable to confer with Dave Lang^ield, director, (WE. raniteinents. Phone Peter Lege, Jr. 1st Ave. at Penn. PE. 3-5757 he held in the home of Mrs, the sisters during these hours 5-0337); or Mrs. Kenneth Olsen, the All-Parochial play. They play Antonio, a sea captain, and Sebas­ Light Industry Sites WAInut 2-0678. Michael Kohut, 4336 Steele may come to the convent any tian, respectively. Carol is a student in St. Mary’s Academy and assistant dirfctor, (SP. 7-3785). 12 lots zoned for light indus­ Street, Thursday, Feb. 2, at evening during that week be­ Fred is from M t Carmel High School. The 50-50 club winner for try in Englewood, Will sell 1 Electrical Appliances 45 p.m. • tween 7 and 8 p.m. Sister said + + + + + PBX SWITCHBOARD January was Frank Byrne, 892 or all. Pluf rcerptioatat tninlas. tiusloM NO DOWN PAYMENT Cleaning of the altars and the the reports would not be given S. Quieto. Performances Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31 d«BABd« trmiaad pctm bm K All asea. RANGKS, REFRIGERATORS, wsahaia. sanctuary for the month of to the children. Two 5-acre Sites in Fr*« placcfotot for thooo wbo qoalifr dryers, ap to $100 diaeonat oo some The Altar and Rosary So­ 'Nife Club Daze' m^eU. Use oar meter plan. 3-7344. January have been cared for by Arapahoe Coutvty Switchboard School ciety will sponsor a bake sale Dance Planned Alame^ at Downing. Open tilt $ p.m. Mrs. Michael Kohut and Mrs. Training to 5 Week* WE GIVE RED STAMPS on Sunday, Feb. 5, after the All-Parochial Play Cast Day or Erenint Leonard Hams. Mrs. Margaret St, Anne’s Circle met on Jan. Cassidy is in charge o f launder­ Masses. Women with calling Kirklin & Wilson 1450 Logan St. 6-4761 Pianos, Musical Inst's. 47 ing the altar linens for the year. cards are reminded to make 17 in the parish hall to make SHOP around then s m out puino TsJuta. calls for baked goods on drapes for their "Nite Club Real Eitate — Inturance Mrs. J. Eugene Chavez, presi­ Wednesday, Feb. 1. In Final Week of Practice Dressmaking 7A TOM WALKER PIANOS dent, and Mrs. Earl Radcllff, Daze” dance and to make fur­ 1845 8. Bdwy Easy parking. 8P 7-7884. St. Rose’s Circle will meet on 2896 S. Broadway SU. 1-6671 A)t«rAtion«, Dreumakins:. Tallorinff deanery representative, will at­ Wednesday, Feb. 1, in the home ther plans. Tickets are now on The All-Parochial play, Shake­ around the mistaken idenity of sp«cislt]r. Hats ma2121 Father James Moynihan, pastor; at noon in the K. of C. Home, tain; and Peggy Partsch, Fabian. Exp. Colored lady wants day work. Catholic education. for having the most fathers TA. 5-S607. Autos (Used) for Sole 83 Bert Gizewski, director; or Betty 1575 Grant Street, Denver. All The last three are students at Father D. A. Lemieux, pastor. present. The electric blanket Valencour, organist, may be Catholic men and their guests St. Francis de Sales’ High School. Situations Wanted— Male 15 '54 Ford *i Ton Plelnip. 4-*p. 8.000 mi. went to Mrs. Clyde Ellis. A cake The Saturday matinee for the A Real Buy Like new. Lot extras. SP. 7-3774, contacted. are invited. Carpentry or mason work wanted. New donated by Mrs. H. Johnson went 435 CLAYTON religious and the evenings of or remodeling. Free est. DE. 3-3374. to Sister Rose Aloysius, and the Sunday and Tuesday, Jan. 29 Brick, 7 room, 4 bedroom, 2- I'll buy that old car. regardless of *g# , St. Cajetan PTA special prize donated by Mrs, J. and 31, will feature Carole Perry car garage. Perfect condition. Help to Exchonge 21 or condition. Ro’s .^uto Pscis, 1100 W. Metzger, to Mrs. E. Clinton. Evans. WE. 5-0677. and Garland Conway, Cathedral 2 blocks to shopping, transp., WANTED— Catholic- woman companion Tickets for the St. Joseph’s students, in the roles of Olivia schools, parochial and public to share home (5 rms.); dutjes, with Convalescent Homes 87 Guild card party, to be held and Maria, respectively; Mary schools. Full price $10,500. elderly woman for room, bo^rd. and Si Sets Pre-Lenten Saturday, Feb. 11, in the Den­ small salary. SP* 7-8094. Carole Dispense, Holy Family Terms. MRS. GIDEON’S REST BOMB ver Dry Goods Tearoom, may High, Viola; Carol Towey, St. Diiiiton Really Room and Board 23 1741 Fsd. BlvA GL 5-8910 dorado S p i"iH g s be obtained from Mrs. G. Canny, Mary's Academy, and Barbara DU 8-1651 KE 4-1853 c GR, 7-3159 or Mrs. R. Kelly, Ligrani, Mt. Carmel, Sebastian Men, and Old Age Pensipners. Board and DanceonFeb.lt A. 'Van Horn room. BE. 3-6058. I GL. 5-0430. and Fabian, respectively. Bed and Ambulatory (St. Cajetan’. Pari.h, Denver) Mrs. L. Feuerborn announced Patricia Carosella, St. Mary’s ST. CATHERINE’S PARISH House tor Rent Unturn. 24 Mala Patients Only J. D, CROUCH that more than 40 women o f the Academy student, will be seen 2 bdmu. 'Modern Bungalow, euitable for The PTA has scheduled a pre Blessod Ssersment Parish. 5130 E. 18th Special Car* and Diets as the attendant. elderly couple or small family. Close to Finest of Car* and 8*rric* C. D. O’BRIEN Lenten dance for Feb. 11 in the parish PTA were present to wel­ Avr. 3 bdrra. 6 yr. old hr. bung. BE. MAY REALTY Dennis Gallagher, Holy Fam­ church and school. GR. 7-6824. A.F. of L. (lenter at 360 Acoma come the CPTL at St. Gath, 7-8550. ily junior, plays Sir Toby Belch; 4 BEDROOMS - - 2 BATHS Street. Music will be furnished erine’s. She also reminded every Mrs. Anna Classen’s Walter Scott, Cathedral senior. Beautiful Tri-level, large family kitchen. by Tom Luke and his Cavaliers. one that March 15 is all-day con' BK Sacrament Parish. Only • $17,960. REALTOR Sir Andrew Aguecheek; Joe CLASSIFIED ADS Rest Home Admission is $1 per couple. Mr. ference. Large loan. Terms. Mrs. Lueteke, K£. Ryan and Mike Nachazel, both 4-8S46. Realtor. Luke and his boys are specialists The PTA council will meet 1433 St. Paul FR. 7-2090 senior students at St. Francis BRING RESULTS INSURANCE - LOANS in all Latin rhythms and perform Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 2:15 o ’clock Six-room house by owner. Income. Close in the cafeteria. de Sales,' Malvolio and Duke Annunciation. Loyola. Public Schools. with equal ease all modern dance Orsino of Illyria, respectively. MA. 3-3709. 725 N. Tejon St. music. The Cub Scouts o f Pack 155 will meet in the cafeteria Friday, The clown Feste is played by a By Owner. Near Most Precious Blood | For the Finest in Television Service QUALITY APPAREL Proceeds from this effort will Jan. 27, at 7 :30 p.m. There will Cathedralite, Carmel Sandoval. Church. 2 bdrms.. 3rd Mrm. or rec. rm. . IN COLOBADO SPRINGS Colorado Springs, Colo. augment the needed PTA fund. A Eating space in kitchen. Fenced yd. Call a Member of the be a uniform inspection by the Fred Gaglia from Mt. Carmel Close to busses and shopping. $11.500.! SLNCE 1S72 particular request for all parish North District. The boys are will play Antonio, a sea captain; SK. 6-7391. ' ME. 3-7731 co-operation is being made by Electronic Technicians' Association Kiowa and Tejon Streets going to bring their handicraft another captain, John Avila, is the committee in charge, Mr. and a Cathedral student. Valentine, Personal Mrs. John De Leon, Mr. and Mrs. that they have made in the past TV Service — All Makes month for display. the Duke’s attendant, will be en­ William Garcia, and Mr. and acted by Larry Hahn of St. Jo­ UNCALLED FOR GUZMAN’S Honest Reliable Service Mrs. Morales. Tickets have been Ushers Are Guests seph’s. Expert Antenna Installation on sale since Monday, Jan. 23, . GENT'S 2 SUITER Guaranteed Repairs on FRED'S BOOTERY At Venison Dinner Other roles are as follow s: Bill and TV SERVICE and will be available through Holds 2 Suits tnd Other Accessories Television 106 E. Pike. Peak ENEiS-l Father Lemieux entertained Vitale, Holy Family, as a pries.t; Radios & Phonographs PTA members and the school 36 ushers and five guests at the Home and Car Radios Tbt Boa. el Bemip O’Neill, Cathedral, as Meek Trunk & Bag Repaired children. , annual venison dinner Jan. 16 in V .lr.t Step • CifJ Club SYFlolork C^ne. Curio; Tom Downing, Holy Fam­ Record Changers Midway Television the school cafeteria. Co. Wcithtr Bird Shot. Boy Scouts Plan ily, as the first officer; and Nick 481 So. Pearl SP 7-4467-68 After the dinner a business 1544 Broadway AM 6-1458 3307 Tejon GL. 5-1911 Th. LIttl. Stor. with th. Bit V.In. Court of Honor Laurenti, Mt. Carmel, as the Wm. A. ArmbruaUr meeting was held, presided over second officer. by George Canny, president of Get hour’s (o f Denver) On Jan. 21 Boy Scout Troop Tickets for the matinee Fri­ Pete Beroni 221 took part in an educational the Ushers’ Society. day, Jan. 27, are 60 cents and Candy and Ice Cream at Furniture Shop field trip to a foundry, learning The dinner ■was prepared by are on sale at the high schools. Mrs. J. Hamilton, and several UPHULSTEBING about the process of bronze mak­ Reserved seats for the eve­ SERVICE DIRECTORY Johnson-English EE-UPBOLSTERING AND ing, etc. On Jan. 26 at 7 p.m., in women o f the parish assisted her ning performances, Jan. 28- REPAIRING the church hall, the Boy Scouts in serving. 31, are $1 and may be ob­ Slip CoTcr. .nd D r.ptiin Drug Co. M .d. to Order will hold a court of honor in which Throats will be blessed on the tained at the May Company promotions for the qualifying Feast of St. Blaise, Friday, Feb. LENTHERIC Toiletries . Furniture Made to Order box office or from the paroch­ Ash and Trash Hauling Fences Insulation « T«fon •! Bijoo 8 t Phon« ME 2-4S14 > 24-22 So. W .huleb A ... ME. 2-8401 scouts are to be made. A year of 3, after the 6:30 and 8 o ’clock ial high school students. Pro­ scout activity will soon be ob­ Masses, at 3 in the afternoon, ceeds from the production will MILLER TRASH SERVICE fflN'TER CuMfOET: SSVE rUEL served by this group. Pickup Saturday and Sunday Al> $>19$2 When you think lONIIS SAUVILIE. THE ONLY GENl'ISE BOCE ME. 4-«25l The Heyse Sheet and at 7 in the evening. be presented to the seminary lYOOL ALSO SOOr EST BOMS LN8CL k IM- HE. 8-5249 It is hoped' that in the near LARRT JERBT Candles will be blessed at the burse. .. Ash and Trash Haulijig. By Job. w«pk. of Fencing—Call PVI. CO. SA. 8-0232. EVE CH. 4-T629. Metal and Roofing future a Cub Scout pack may be 8 o’clock Mass Feb. 2, and will The All-Parochial plays were or month. AL. 6-0850. INCORPORATED started for boys 10 years old. All be available Sunday, Feb. 5, from begun by the Rev. Donald Mc­ Linen Service Madden Plumbing Co. Brick Eppco Fence Co. HEATING ROOn.NO those interested should inquire members of the Altar and Rosary Mahon, now pastor of Christ the MOUNTAIN PLirMBING CONTRACTORS SHEET METAL at the regular scout sessions' or Society. King Church in Evergreen. PLUMBING REPAIRS Tuck pointing, Ath pita. Brick repatm^ CH. 4-1282 TOWEL & SUPPLY CO. GAS WATER HEATERS 529 SO. NEVADA contact Mr. Carreon, scoutmas­ Lieciiicd. P J Gallagbtr. TA. 6^787. B. W. Beckiui, Manager Pbtai ME 2-0042 827 V. Clm d. Am Phone: ME. 2-4651 ter. 2090 8. Grant RA. 2-7047 Eit. 1888 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Olvera Building Material Floor Sanding announce the opening’ of the St. Joseph's PTA to Have Painting FRANK'S FLOOR SERVICE Olvera Dance Academy in ,a new NEW AND USED LAY, SAND AND FINISH BETTER INT. PAINTING IN THE SHADOW WILLIAM Ce CRARON location across-the street from WORK GUARANTEED - RA 2-8149 Winter pricei, work guar. DE. 3-9646 the Guadalupe Church at 3600 BUILDING MATERIALS OF PIKE'S PEAK Night Meeting on Feb. 1 Plumbing • Door* • Windows Furn. Rep. & Upholstering FIRST CLASS PAINTING Optometrist Kalamath Street. Classes began SUcI Antique and better claa* ol furniture. A.ND DECORATl.Nd HNEST WORK OOARAXTEID. Jan. 23 and are composed of pu­ (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist VEIT RIAS. WALTER UYERS WE. 5-59 76. HOTEL JOYCE 135 North Tejon St. ling K e r d y Repaired . Refiniabed - Touch Up pils of all ages. Dances taught 25 Yrx. Experience Colorado Springs PHONE HE. 2-8641 the 10-1, and 10-2 room mothers. Visitors,” numbering about 20, Grant Street, Denver, will have SHAFFNER FOR paper banging and psinting call the first “ Ladies’ Night” of 1956 had a day of recollection. The Anton Btfringer 153 Madison EA. 2-2285. Rev. Walter Karrer,

‘ J' >.-» a-- ..L .si ^'| siOtaMii iieieieHHitf m Thursday, January 26, 1956 PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Keystone 4-4205 Many More Men Needed ^Style Show That's Different' Feb. 2 Cathedral Parish Appeals Wheat Ridge.— (Sts. Peter and meeting Thursday, Jan. 19; Mrs. days, but all are reaping spirit­ Paul’s Parish)—Mrs. Jack Davis Eugene Vitale, vice president; ual benefits from this experience. was elected president of the Al­ Mrs. H. A. Kasch, recording sec­ Headed by a committee com­ For Workers in Campaign tar and Rosary Society at the retary; Mrs. Remy Vitry, corres­ posed of George Gleason, chair­ ponding secretary; and Mrs. man; Giles Petitclerc, and James Frank Maselli, treasurer. O’Brien, the men have chosen as (Cathedral Parish, Denver) (Miss Margaret Hamilton, Mrs. ■ “ A Style Show That’s Differ­ their special project to provide An appeal for m en v olu n - Elizabeth some recreation for the 25 regu­ ent,” directed by Cesare Morgan- teers to solicit funds for the Katharine Parent, Mrs ti’s Learn-to-Wear Dress Shop, lar altar boys of the parish. Archbishop’s High School lharles Reifsnyder, and Mrs. 727 S. University Boulevard, will Ice skating at Homewood Park gene Sullivan. sponsored by the Altar and will be enjoyed Thui^sday eve­ Fund Drive is issued by thi Rosary Society Feb.'^ at 12:45 ning, Jan. 26; they will attend Very Rev. Monsignor Mrs. Reifsnyder was taken to o’clock in the school gymnasium. the stock car races in May; a Walter J. ACanavan, pastor. St Joseph’s Hospital recently. Admission will be $1, and there camp-out in the mountains, with Mrs. Hulda Scott is very ill in will be refreshments, special fishing and hiking, is being Because o f the uniqilely im­ Fitzsimons General Hospital. prizes, and free baby-sitting. planned for August; and they personal and transient character NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT Tickets for the show will be o f­ will attend a football game in of the Cathedral Parish, there are but a limited number o f known ESTATE OF THOMAS J. WILLIAM­ fered for sale after all Masses October. SON, DECEASED. on Sunday, Jan. 29. The Marion Circle will meet and willing workers available. No. P-2538 Wednesday, Feb. 1, for a dessert Fathers of school-age children Notice fa hereby Riven that on the Men Serving Sunday Masses are especially urged to volun­ 7th day of Febniary. 1956, 1 will present luncheon with Mrs. Mamie Seller, to the County Court of the City end A group of 18 members of the 4350 Kendall. teer for this important drive. County of Denrer, Colorado, my account* Men’s Club have been concentrat­ Sacristy workers for Saturday, Monsignor Canavan said. To il­ for final settlement' of the administra­ lustrate the lack of personnel tion of said estate when' and where all ing on learning to serve Mass for Jan. 21, were Mmes. Jean Ridin- persons in interest miy appear shd the past year, and are now serv­ ger, Charlotte Angelo, and An- within the parish boundaries, the object to them if they so desire. ing at the 8 o’clock Mass every nabelle. Doran, pastor stated that only 168 chil­ ANDREW WYSOWATCKY. dren of Cathedral’s approxi­ Administrator. Sunday. Some of the men had Attorney: never served at the altar before, mately 900 enrollment live James J. Delaney some had only to refresh their within the parish. 434 Majestic BldR., Rocks of Lourdes Preliminary steps in the plan­ Denver 2, Colorado. memories from their altar boy First Publication December. 29, 1955 ' Frethen up your trinJotcs ning have been taken by Thomas Lad Publication January 26, 1956 uith new critp Volker Griffin, parish chairman, and Published in Denver Catholic Resfaler. Club Elects New Dan Yacovetta, associate parish rnnrpntration "^bese students are the pic- Museunn of the Denver Art Museum. The students chairman. The solicitation chair­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Cloth Window Shades vUIUrClIIIUIIUII g f concentration as they No. P-S300 use their own imagination for their subjects, and men have been selected and are are guided in technique by instructors. ESTATE OF MARY BARNISH, Available in all the n w pastel Officers for Year work in a free painting class held in the Children’s now recruiting their district DECEASED. colors. W hite, Ivory, Tan (Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, chairmen. Notice is hereby given that on tha 3rd + -!- + day of January, 1956. letters testamen­ Denver) tary were issued to the undersiEued as Price*, ranee from $1.65^ The solicitation chairmen are Members of t h e Rocks of Bernie Beaver, Frank Breen, Executor of theVsbove named estate, and Lourdes Club, the men’s club of aU persons having claims against said SPECIAL THIS WEEK SUCKS Program at. Denver Children's Museum John Dandrow, C. Paul Harring­ estate are required to file them for al­ the parish, elected new officers ton, Fred Purdy, Frank Rey­ lowance in the County Court of the City Double Flat Men’s Sizes 29 to 42 for the coming year. The new nolds, Captain Clifford Stanley, and County of Denver, Colorado, within Lads’ Sizes 26 to 30 president of the “ Rocks” is Tom and Harold F.-Tracey. six months from said date or said claims C uriam R o d Masterson, a lawyer and an old Combines Enferfainmenf With Learning will be forever barred. $ A . 6 6 District chairmen named are LOUIS J. BARNISH, Reg. 35c 4 member of the Rocks. Mr. Master- John Cronin, Sam Fergatto, Executor. Special O son takes the place of John Con­ First Publication January 5, 1956 By Jay Gould gram combining fun with learn­ the YACs, held every Saturday Russ Jasper, Mike Sachse, V. J. Special I w nors, last year’s president. Vice Last Publication February 2, 1956 ON THE CORNER o f 14th ing, supplementing their school for 26 weeks. (Pat) Murphy, Emmet DAvyer, Woodlawn president is Richard Venier, a Avenue and Bannock Street, experience and providing them Because o f the phenomenal John Van Veen, Michael O’Hara, NOTICE OP n N A L SETTLEMENT charter member of the club. The Denver, housed in what was for­ with new ideas and worthwhile growth of the Saturday program, Henry Kreiling, Joseph Cava- AND DETERMINATION OF Shopping Center secretary and treasurer positions HEIRSHIP Falby's merly a garage and filling sta­ ways o f using their leisure time, three sessions are required, 8:45- liere, James E. Henry, Frank J. will be held by Fred Luhnow and IN THE COUNTY COURT 32 Broadway PE. 3-2940 Open Fri. & Sat. Aites till 8 :30 tion, is an unusual institution— one of the seven cardinal prin­ 10:15, 10:30-12 o’clock, arid 1- Malloy, John A. Mueller, John [n and for the City and County of Den­ LITTLETON, COLO. A. Coufal, respectively. 2:30. ver and State of Colorado. Open Friday it Sat. Nlfhta the first o f its type in the world ciples o f education. Ryan, Isadore Gerstner, James No, P-4300 * * * Five CFM Units — known as “ The Children’s A typical Satuijday would in­ Hogan, A1 Heinrich, John J. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE The first big event for the par­ Museum of the Denver Art FOR CHILDREN in grades clude one hour of painting or Logan, and Peter Tomashek. OF THOMAS V. CUMMINS, also I KSinil'lIHiaiilllUII V known aa Thomas Vincent Cummins* ish to be sponsored by the neV Museum.” one through six, there is the ex­ mobile making, a gallery gaihe or The secretarial work o f the officers will be the 1956 Mardi Deceased. I Every year, thousands of citing “Young American Crafts­ tour, and then a movie or puppet drive is being done by the young Notice is hereby given that on the (H Gras in the parish hall on Satur­ youngsters participate in a pro­ men” program, better known as show. career women o f the Cathedral 14th day of February. 1956* 1 wiU present day, Feb. 11. A live orchestra The experience in art can sel­ Sodality o f Our Lady o f the to the County Court of the City and i omeimaker’s will furnish the music for the County of Denver* Colorado, my account* H At Blessed Sacrament Hall dom be duplicated in parochial Immaculate Conception. These for final settlement of the administration I evening. Although a costume ball, schools because of many factors, workers are Anne Johnson, Do­ of said estate* when and where all per­ i sons in interest may appear and object it is not necessary to come in cos­ chiefly lack o f money and per­ lores M. Walker, Betty Roberts, D e p a rtm e n t tume. Prizes will be given for to them, if they «o desire. Altar Society to Have sonnel. Helen Hadley, Leoria Reed, Notice is also hereby given that there the best in costume the night of ♦ * ♦ has been filed in said estate a petition B Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms Eleanor Freese, Katherine Wil­ the Mardi Gras. THE OTHER HALF o f the liams, Ann Jarmer, Emma Mal- asking for a judicial ascertainment and Other work projects for the determination of the heirs of such de­ program is designed for children lar, Rita Scheunemann, Eileen ceased, and setting forth that the names, men of the Rocks Club will be the Valentine Bridge Lunch from grades two through 12. It MeSweeney, Helen Groves, addroises and relationship of all persons, landscaping of the new convent is held after school, five days a Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth who are or claim to he heirs of said de­ grounds and the remaking of the ceased. so far as known to the petitioner, (Blessed Sacrament Parish, Rosary Society on Friday, Feb. week, in order to provide an op­ Beurskens, and Marguerite Fish. RUG Children’s Outdoor Club area. as follows, to-wit: Denver) 10, are now being distributed in portunity for more concentrated Gertrude R. Cummins, 2509 Clermont ENGLEWOOD The '■Rocks will still sponsor the Open House for PTA Feb. 6 Sts. Denver, Colo., Widow; Robert V. Tickets for the annual SL the parish. study in such areas as” painting, breakfast room in the Center Cummins. Box. 1243, Gallup, New CLEAI\li\G Valentine’s bridge luncheon to sculpture, ceramics, design, and Mexico, Son: Lawrence G. Cummins, House after the Sunday Masses. The party will be held in the Cathedral High School will FREE UOTH PROOFING be sponsored by the Altar and school auditorium at 1 o’clock. many others. hold open house for the Cathe­ 1069 S. Pennsylvania, Denver. Heating Company The money from this venture Son; Bernard T, Cummins, El^ The donation is 75 cents per During the day, classes for dral PTA at its night meeting Rooms. Farmington, New Me)? All Work Guaranteed Stnlni Entln Enilfwoo* and Oinw Arw sponsors t V Outdoor Club activ­ ity program for the children. person. There will be individual adults are held, all stimulating Monday, Feb. 6, at 8 o’clock. Fol­ Son: Alfred M. Cummins. 1673 S. Very Reasonable Prices Aothorizeti Lennox Dealer table prizes and many attractive and worthwhile. lowing a brief business meeting Pennsylvania, Denver. Colo.* Son; Furnace* & Air Conditioninf Mardi Gras Ball Philip P, Cummins. 2509 Clermont special awards in the afternoon Fees for this program are very in Malo Gymnasium, 1945 Grant Famous Rug The Christian Family Move­ S t, Denver, Colo.. Son. Inquiry Classes Mrs. Charles Miller, chairman, low, only $2.50 a semester for Street, the parents will be di­ Accordingly, notice is also hereby given ALL MAKES FURNACES ment now has five working units & Furniture and Mrs. China Clark, cochair­ children. This fee barely covers rected to theiV child’s home that upon* the date aforesaid, or the day INSTALLED. SERVICED with six families per unit. No neiv to which the hearing may be continued* man, will be assisted by the supplies. Scholarships are avail room. Here they will receive the Cleaning Co. AND REPAIRED units were added last week be­ the Court will proceed to receive and following committee; Mmes. able for worthy students de semester report card and a copy hear proofs concerning the heirs of such cause of the High School Cam­ Begin Jan. 30 TA. 5-6569 1532 Market Homer Woehrmyer, Henry Job, sirous of furthering their art of the child’s regular schedule deceased, and, upon the proofs submitted* • Heating paign drive. This Sunday, Jan. will ente? a decree in said estate deter* Milton Carlson, Carlos Fuer- education. For the next 60 minutes, the mining who are the heics of such de­ • Air Conditioning 29, units number six and seven * * * will be organized after the 9 :30 mann, A. J. Topil, Dean Huff­ parents will go through the ceased ^rson, at which hearing all per­ THE BEST IN LUGGAGE • Sheet Metal Work At St. James' man, J. F. Hanlon, Leslie Waters, THE TYPE OF INSTRUC­ same routine as their child fo l­ sons claiming to be heirs at law of such o’clock Mass in the breakfast deceased may appear and present their Louis Dispense, Charles Parslow, All Kindt, Plione SU 1-4494 room. TION offered stresses free ex­ lows each day. Each class period proofs. (St. James’ Parish, Denver) and F. J. Hill. GERTRUDE R. CU3IMINS* Archbiihop Urban J. Vebr perimentation and an explora­ will last 10 minutes and then Frt. Checkup & Eelimat. tion «of many media. Great prog­ the bell will ring and the parr Administratrix. D»t and Night Serrlc. will administer Confirmation Instruction classes for prospec­ Reservations may be made by First Publication January 5, 1956 ents will move on to the next on Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. All tive converts and for interested calling any of the circle captains ress has been made in the chil­ Lfut Publication February 2* 1956 1065 W. Hampden classroom. Samples o f the regu­ Bernard E. Engler, Atty. adults wishing to be in the Catholics will begin on Monday, or members of the committee dren’s classes. Frank Waters, Prop. lar class assi^ments will be 434 Majestic Bldg. Confirmation class this year Jan. 30. The classes will be held listed above. The child’s direct approach to Denver 2, Colo. must obtain their baptismal every Monday and Friday eve­ The Neighborhood Club will subject matter and material, his prominently displayed in each AM 6-14S8 room. record and attend meetings in ning at 8 o ’tlock in the school. meet on Thursday, Feb. 2, at 1 free imagination, his quick ap­ February. Parishioners are asked to contact p.m. in the home of Mrs. Del preciation of the contemporary Plans for this open house have HAL HUDSON'S SERVICE their interested non-Catholic Styers, 2386 Dexter Street. The world around him— all are things been formulated by Sister Rose Title Insurance W .'8th Ave. and Kalamath MA. 3-9718 friends and bring or send them mothers o f Troop 249 will be that are encouraged throughout Clare, high school principal; Is the modern method o f ob­ to these classes. the hostesses. the curriculum. the high school staff, and Mrs. taining protection against any Westwood Parish The Blessed Sacramenf Paul Fitzgerald, PTA president. Keep Your Car : Dr. Swigert Gives This program is supported in defect in the Title of your alumni dance scheduled for part by an annual city appropria­ The purpose of this venture is real estate. , At Its Best pta Friday, Jan. 27, ha* been post­ tion, which represents the major to acquaint parents with their Plans Bake Sale T-ik «t Me.iir, child’s routine and problems. . ■ . . And proTidea At the PTA meeting last week poned indefinitely because of portion of the museum’s operat- Refreshments will be served in See Us For Westwood.— (St: Anthony of the fifth graders’ mothers were a conflicting meeting of the in^funds. Malo Hall following “ classes.” SECURITY Padua’s Parish)— The women o4 hostesses. Special prizes were do­ high school campaign workers This money is designated for The Best in Service the Altar and Rosary Society will nated by Mmes. Goodman, A. J to be held in the auditorium. maintenance, salaries, publica­ Altar Society Plans Benefit hold a parish bake sale on Sun­ Brown, Piasecki, Cordonnier, De- tions, and exhibitions. Expendi­ Three Adults Are Converts Plans for a card party* spon­ OPEN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS day, Feb. 5. The women will be Santi and annoymous donors. tures for the educational pro­ Within the past 10 days three sored by the Altar and Rosary at the door after all the Masses They were won by Mmes. Jeffer­ gram are specifically from the adults have been baptized and Society were/ discussed at its on that day. The entire parish ies, T. C. Brown, Seery, S. John­ city budget. has been contacted for dona­ heceived into the Church by the * * s last meeting Jan. 13. The party son, Moynihan, Gretter, Forte, will be held Saturday, Feb. 25, Properly tions. Rev. Michael Walsh: Jane THE MUSEUM, therefore, Venette, Asher, Rupp, Cordon­ in the Knights o f Columbus It was voted in the last meet­ Knight, with Leota Wilson as must find other sourced for the nier, and Mutz, and Mr, Tholen Hall. Mrs. Rose Mattick, presi­ Owner ing of the Altar Society to tile sponsor; Joseph Ferdinard Ny- support of this important de­ Sister Ann Stephen’s seventh green, with his son Joseph Ny- dent, named the following chair­ the floor of the south sacristy. partment, which includes the W’ork on this project will begin grade room wpn the traveling green, Jr., as sponsor; and Mrs. men to work on this project; museum school, the children’s Insures Marketability DON'T sometime next week. A profes­ picture for the best attendance Marcella B. Kenney, with Mrs. Mrs. Willaira J. Flanagen, gen­ LEAVE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD PARISH . , . museum, and the extensive sional tiler living in the parish of parents at the meeting. Mrs. Francis M. Kenney as sponsor. eral chairman; Mrs. Eugene Sul­ TO ACCOMMODATE YOUR EXPANDING NEEDS summer school program. has volunteered his services and Henry presented Dr. I. L. Swi- Robert Baker has been ap­ livan, cochairman; Miss Ida Kir- WE CAN COMPLETEIY FIT YOUR PRF.SENT HOME gert, well-known eye doctor, who pointed chairman of a pre- It is the hope, of the arch­ wan, chairman of refreshments; TO MEET ALMOST ANY NEEDS YOU MAY HAVE will complete the job on free diocesan school office that as JhiL J iiljL evenings. showed films and gave a talk. Lenten dance • which will be Miss Ida Callahan, cochairman; Mrs. W. H. Hinton announced sponsored by the Men’s Club. many children as possible will and Margaret Daly, gift chair­ May We Offer Our Guaranteed Satisfaction Four chandelier* for the take advantage o f the programs church, obtained tome time that beginning next fall all the The affair will be held at the man. ^iuuum tif, Qo. PROFESSIONAL DESIGNS - REASONABLE PRICES - FINANCING offered by the children’s mu­ Mrs. Jack Reid, o f the Cru­ SKILLED CRAFTSMANSHIP & QUALITY MATERIALS ago, have arrived and are girls of the school will be re­ Town House in Aurora and the seum, thus adding to their cul­ sade for Freedom speakers’ being installed by Clair Wil­ quired to wear uniforms. proceeds will be used for the 8taU Wid* TltJ* S«rvic« athletic program of the school. tural and recreational back­ bureau, addressed the: group. Additions - Bedrooms - Family Rooms - Remodeling liamson and F rank Burns. Mrs. W. O’Shea would appre­ Mrs. Mark C elling, FR. 7-2125, ground- The hostesses in the social hour 1711 California Kitchens- Baths - Space Stretching • Garages -Basements They are made np of many ciate volunteer workers to act as parish press chairman fo r the REGISTRATION for the Sat­ were Mrs. George Bray, Mrs. pieces of finely cut glass and mystery shoppers. If any woman KE. 4-1251 Denver Catholic Register, would urday program will be Held Sat­ Chester Burke, Mrs. Bertoluza, will add a note 4>f beauty to is interested in this project she, is LET US LOOK AT YOUR PROBLEM urday, Feb. 4, from 10 a.m. to the interior. asked to call Mrs. O’Shea at DE. appreciate it if presidents of parish societies, captains of Building Developers Inc. Campaign Meeting 312466. 2 p.m. in the Children’s Museum, Bacon & Schramm The division chairmen for the circles, and publicity chairmen 1370 Bannock. Registration for Legal Notices 237 So. Federal Blvd. Mrs. J. Gaddis will act as chair­ would send in news items at the after-school and adult pro­ Composition Roofing high school campaign in the par­ man for this year’s March of Kentrikon Investments Company here­ Phono WE. 4-4087 least by Saturday preceding the grams will be held from Jan. 31 ish have been selected by the pas­ Dimes drive. Any mothers who by states that it will not be liable for Tile Roofing Johi^ Lswiess, HL Vincent de Paul Parish tor and the general chairman, Thursday that the news will to Feb. 4 in the Children’s commitments incurred by the individuals are willing to volunteer their herein named, nor shall said individuals Bill O'Shea, SL James Parish appear. Museum. Roof Repairing and will begin organization plans services can contact Mrs. Gaddis be responsible for Joint Ventures con^- NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INQUIRY— immediately. A general meeting at DE. 3-0351. mitments: 4020 Brighton Blvd. will be held in the parish hall Neil R. Sweeney \ CH. 4-6S63 on Friday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. for Because of the Shortage of po­ Thomas J. Teegardcn lio vaccine, until further notice St. Mary Magdalene HNS Harold D. Marshall all chairmen, at which time each C. George -Tbeodoran of the 10 division leaders will there will be no shots given at Ira F. Bennett* Jr. select their team workers. By the the school clinic. Any future an­ KENTRIKON INVESTMENTS PHONE MA. 34281 end of these meetings jt is hoped nouncements wYll be made COMPANY Headed by Frank Malito 146 Magnolia St. to have 180 workers enrolled for through the Register ^or notices the actual solicitation of pledges will be sent home with the school SIG E. HERZSTEIN ONE CALL children. (St. Mary Magdalene’s Parish, with scouts from other troops in 2500 Monaco Parkway for the drive. Denver) Denver. The boys will be selected January 16. 1956 Tickets to the St. Joseph DOES IT ALL A Nuptial Mass will be said by their scoutmasters. To qual­ The followinK fa a true and correct Guild’s annual card party Feb. 11 Frank Malito was elected pres­ statement o f . the financial condition of on Saturday, Jan. 28, following ify, the boys must have proper the marriage of Robert Crespin at the Denver Dry Goods Tea ident of the Holy Name Society the licensee as of the close of business Serving All of Denver equipment, know how to read a December 31. 1955, and Mary Helen Perez, both o f I Room can be obtained from Mrs. at the January meeting, and the and Suburbs following men were also elected compass well, follow a map by ASSETS the parish. Iw.W. H. Hiiffinton, FR. 7-3983. Cash on Hsnd ______3 21,516.52 to serve on the executive commit­ degree reading, be able to write Securities and Investments...... 16,388.00 ' Exquisite Dry Cleaning tee: A1 Towner, vice president; the course they took, and must Losns htade Under Authority Harold Keppler, secretary; and be physichlly f i t of 1913 Loan Act ______- 61,250.00 LINT-FREE and Accounts or NotesReceivable 66.568.19 St. Pius Tenth Parish Dean Le Penske, treasurer. The women assisting the com­ CLING-FREE Year Phone Is Oar Door Bell Frank Malito will announce the mittee chairman, Mrs. McBeth, ToUI A sse U ______*155,721.71 schedule of the year's activities of on hot dog day were Mmes. La- LIABILITIES Moth Proofing Free To Sponsor Dance Feb. 3 the Holy Name Society at a fu­ TTiUl Liabilities _____ *166,721.71 JUST CALL Gomb, Ziskra, Anderson, Bertoldi, State of Colorado ) ture meeting, NeW/members are Parich, Hogan, Gibbs, Cowan, All Types of Complete Line Aurora.— (St. Pius Tenth Par- be the election o f a treasurer to )*a always welcome iiito the society, Piccoli, Domenico, and Vendena. County of Denver ) < lish )— The Holy Name Society replace Gordon Johnson, who Laundry Service FIXTURES & GE. 3-3861 which meets in the parish hall at Comes now Sis E. Henstein who per­ will sponsor a dance Friday, Feb. moved out o f the parish. sonally appeared before me, and bavins ^ APPLIANCES 8 o’clock on the second Monday of $1,209 Cleared ... TRULY THE 3, in t)ie Town House, it was an­ Credit Unian In Praject first been duly sworn upon oath depose* 4c WASHING MACHINES GL 5-4323 nounced this week by George every month. / and aays: That he has read the fore- There will be a games party in soins instrument and that the same la & DRYERS Helfenbein, president Elects Officers Mrs. V. Hogan was the winner The parish credit union at its the parish hall on Friday, Jan. true to the best of hi* knowledse, in 4( RANGES: GAS & ' Dancing is scheduled from 9 of the special prize at the PTA formation and belief. annual meeting last week elected 27, from 8 to 10 o’clock. SIG E. HERZSTEIN. V ELECTRIC FOR COMPLETE p.m. to 1 a.m. to the music of meeting Jan. 18. Mrs. R. Malito Gene Di Sallels orchestra, which Maj. George French, president; St. Joseph’s Circle will meet at won the * floral Sentefpiece do­ Subscribed and sworn to before me PLUMBING SERVICE Terry Canney, vice president; Mrs. Annabelle Doran’s home on this 16th day of January A.D. 1956. GARBAGE played for the parish dance last nated by Lehrer’s. Sister Chris­ My Commission Expires April 24, 1956 DISPOSALS fall. Mrs. Elizabeth Kaessner, secre­ Tuesday, Jan. 24. tine’s second grade class had the (SEAL) MARJORIE A. HAWKINS, tary; and E. O’Donoghue, treas­ Members of Christian Family Scouts to Take Port largest attendance. The Rev. Notary Public. - 4t WATER HEATE.’.S We Give urer. Movement Group 2 of the parish Francis Bakewell, S J., teacher at PIONEER STAMPS The Rev. Frartcis J. Syrianey, ih Orienteering Test 4c DISHWASHERS will make decorations in a St. Regis College, was the guest p a ^ r , is chairmbn of the group’s Four members of Boy Scout Valentine’s Day theme for the Troop 27 will participate in an speaker. The results of the Christ­ ! event. educational committee. Electrical Contracting & Repairing Republic Steel Kitchens *' Re-elected to the credit' com­ orienteering contest to be held mas card sale were also an­ The dance will be the last all- nounced at the meeting. The net mittee were John Kish, chair­ Jan, 29. 'The boys Avill compete Sales and Service I parish event before Lint. man; Charles Shea, and Harry profit was $1,209.95. HNS Meeting Feb. 1 \ IARLJ.STROHMINCER , After we sell— we service Reinhold. On the supervisory News Deadline! Tickets for the PTA card party The Holy Name Society raeet- committee are Frank Mulvey, Correspondents are reminded and food sale Feb. 8 at 1 p.m. in lUctric Cempaiy Satisfied custamers have built our business ling scheduled for Jan. 25 was the parish hall are 50 cents. chairman; Ted Keller, and Lester that parish, club, and school LIcsnssd and Bended postponed until Feb. 1. It will be Jorgensen; news mast be receivqd at the Many beautiful and useful prizes Membar National Electrical Contractor* ' Ass’a. 3030 W. 44th AVE. held in the St. Therese Parish Members o f the credit union Register offices by 2 p.m. Tues­ will be awarded. Room mothers Hall. voted a three-per-cent dividend day at the latest in order to will contact individual PTA mem­ 1178 Stoat St. AC. 2-5733 Scheduled at the meeting will on shares. meet the press deadline. bers for ticket aales.

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