239 APPLICANTS TURNED AWAY THIS YEAR Let’s Keep Constltntional Guarantees Intact High Schools Faced hy Crisis House Bill Poses Threat Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations For Parochial Schools absent from school without just 000 students in Colorado paro­ Campaign Necessity Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1956— Permission to Reproduce, Except on (On Feh. IT, 1955, the Denver Catholic Register in a front excuse and that this situation chial schools. Articles Otherwise Marked, Civen Alter 12 M. Friday Following Issue * * * page article charged that the ought to be corrected. The pres­ Colorado Senate Concurrent ent constitutional provisions awk­ THERE IS NOW PENDING Resolution 5 would, if adopted, wardly require attendance “ dur­ before the Colorado Legislature, To Build Adequate Change the Colorado Constitution ing the period between the ages House Concurrent Resolution No. in such a way as to give "blank of 6 arid 18 years, for a time 12, which, its sponsors say, is cheek" power over education to equivalent to three years.” designed to correct a heavy ab­ the state. A proposal practically Some Deficiencies senteeism. But this new consti­ DENVER CAJH aiC identical with that of 1955 has Special correction , ought to be tutional statement contains a Education Facilities now been introduced into the m^de of these deficiencies, which highly unsatisfactory and unten- Colorado Legislature as House are further complicated and con­ ableb!( requirement that.......................... the child "Only the pressing demands of our local situation Concurrent Resolution No. 12. fused by the statutorj^law of the "shall attend a school which is The following article analyzes state involving highly inconsistent approved in such manner as pro­ prompt this unusual appeal of sacrifice to our good Cath­ some of the issues involved and provisions for compulsory at­ vided by law." olic people in the interests of the Catholic education of the significance of the proposed tendance, and Catholic and other Wittingly or not, the sponsors REGISTER change.) parochial school authorities are of the amendment are being made the steadily mounting army of our prospective hjgh school By F rank Morriss assuredly in sympathy with this tlje instruments of an attempt to students,” declared Archbishop'Urban J. Vehr in his ' IT IS CONTENDED that too project. put all nonpublic schools under VOL. LI. No. 24. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1956 DENVER, COLORADO (Turn to Page 3 — Column 7) address Thursday evening, Jan. many children in Colorado "are There are now more than 30,- 19, at the first general dinner meeting for the High School CORPUS CHRISTI AMONG MOST BEAUTIFUL Fund Campaign. The pait year, revealed I Archbishop Vehr, 239 protpec- I tive students had to be turned I away from Catholic high schools for lack of room. And Z51 children of grade school New Church Dedication May 7 age were forced to go else­ where for lack of Catholic , school facilities. The number of those who can­ Leaves Many Lasting Memorials Archbishop to Officiate not find room in Catholic high schools will mount frighteningly in the- next few years, with Mrs. Penrose Was Am ng 1,281 to be graduated from our 9 Jn Ceremony for Edifice eighth grades next year, 1,781 five years from now, and 2,115 just eight years hence. This last Great Church Benefactors figure is double the present In Shadow of Pike's Peak Catholic high school capacity for By C. J. Zecha oness M. Francois de Selys Long- freshman students A quiet and peaceful champs, who died in Brussels in The magnificent new Corpus Christi Church, Colo­ The costs of providing facili­ 1953. rado Springs, the climax of 15 years of intensive expan­ ties for secondary education death ended the life of Colo­ Much of the art and furnish- have grown far beyond the ca­ rado’s most renoivned phil­ sion, will be solemnly dedicated by Archbishop Urban J. pabilities of any one parish to anthropist Monday, Jan. 23, Vehr on Monday, May 7, Father Anthony Elzi, pastor, assume. Only by “ the willing, in Glockner-Penrose Hos­ announced. An evening Solemn Mass coram Archiepiscopo sympathetic, and co-operative will follow the rite of dedication. pital in Colorado Springs. Mrs. effort o| all Catholics and par­ In a setting that provides an St. Thercse’s, Spencer Penrose, 85, the largest ishes o f a large j-egion in pooling unmarred view of the Rampart ing of clergy and chairmen in the Silver Glade present-day benefactress of the Aurora their combined strength and fi­ Pleased at Response Pleased with the Range crowned by Pike’s Peak, nances” is it now possible to e n t h u s iastic re­ Room o f the Cosmopolitan Hotel Thursday, Jan. Catholic Church in Colorado, 19. From left to right are Archbishop Urban J. died 28 days after she under­ the' superb Romanesque struc­ provide the necessary high school ture, worth $315,000 without lildings and equipment. in High School Drive P„°"t"hr" A^rh” Vehr, Emmett J. Dignan, one of the two lay co- went abdominal surgery for can­ chairmen; and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory cer in the famed hospital which furnishings, will be completed Not Finished, Text of Address bishop’s High School Campaign, three of the by dedication day or shortly be­ leaders in the drive are shown at the dinner-meet- Smith, V.G., one of the two clerical cochairmen. will soon be rebuilt and to which Given by Archbishop she only recently donated an fore. The exterior, of warm- The Archbishop’s address fol­ + + + + + + + + outstanding gift of $3,200,000, tinted brick and terra cotta trim, is finished now, and the roof School Already lows : probably the largest single gift Right Reverend, Very Rever­ of its kind in the nation. tiles are being placed. end, and Reverend Fathers, and High School Campaign Home Front's In all the history of the state Iniulation hat already been my dear Catholic men: of Colorado there has been installed in the church interior, Is Inadequate You need not be told the ob­ very little that is comparable and the lathers and plasterers vious— that the city of Denver, to the large benefactions that went to work Wednesday, Jan. St. Therese’s Parish, as well as our metropolitan area Participation in Battle to Save W orld were made by Mrs. Penrose 25. The radiant heating plant, Aurora, which will have its and the state o f Colorado, has and her husband, the legend­ now in and functioning, makes continuous interior work pos­ own school next fall, is al­ grown fantastically in recent night is much the same as that stations on land, sea, and in the ary Spencer Penrose, who died The Archbishop’s High sible for the constructors. ready faced with the pros­ years. This expansion is apparent of millions of our young men in air in the far-flung war areas in 1939. As the inside walls are being to all. School Fund Campaign was the early 1940s. Beyond a ques­ of Central Europe, or the vast Throughout the years the gen­ pect of building another Under date of Dec. 29, 1955, offered to the Catholics of tion, most of these young men reaches of the Pacific Ocean. erosity of Mrs. Penrose, a Cath­ finished, the Santa Fe Studios eight-classroom educational will go to work on construction plant by the beginning of the a study was published by the Denver and suburbs as their would have preferred their own What prompted these young olic, and of her husband, a non- Denver University College of cozy firesides, and the pursuit men to make \ such sacrifice? Catholic, toward the Church has of the altars, and the decoration 1960 or 1961 term, according to of the sanctuary and' the bap­ (Turn to Page 2 — Colum Al) participation on the home of their own peaceful avocations, They recognized that a godless been boundless. The Penrose the Rev. John Regan, pastor. tistry, an octagonal room o ff the front in the .struggle to save the to the manning of grim battle (Turn to Page 3 — Column 1) benefactions to higher education, Mr«. Spencer Penro»e There are 700 to 800 Catho­ ' + + + southeast coftier of the nave. Western world. Speaking at the cultural projects, medical re­ lic children in the pariah who This \^eek in High School meeting of clergy and chairmen + + + + + search, and in numerous other ings in the chapel, some imported Contracts Are will be of age to attend the Fund Campaign at the Silver Glade of the Cos­ fields have played an important from European countries, came Near $335,000 firit four gradet when the mopolitan Hotel Thursday eve­ part in the development, of the from the Penroses. The Roy E. Alderson Company ichool opens (with a capacity Friday, Jan. 27: Meetingt in ning, Jan. 19, Emmett J. Dig­ 234 Lay Leaders Attend Rocky Mi^untain region. The new $259,000 Pauline Me­ o f Colorado Springs has the of 200), and there are 1,000 morial School in the Broadmoor all pariabet to be attended by nan, vice president of the United Benefactions Form general building contract for of preschool age, he said. pastors, assistants, parish States National Bank and co- area was made possible through $286,348.56, and the Olson Heat­ Even when all eight wades of chairmen, associate parish chairman of t h e campaign, High School Drive Meeting Lasting Memorial . large rifts by Mrs. Penrose. ing and Plumbing Company, the the school are staffed, the chairmen, solicitation chair­ pointed up the crusade-like qual­ A lasting memorial to Mrs. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of $28,143.50 mechanical contract.
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