MR. JUGATRAM DAVE Recipient of Jamnalal Bajaj Award for Constructive Work-1978 Born: 1895 Jugatram Dave was born on 1st September, 1895 at Laktar (Kathiawar). He studied upto Matric at Bombay and worked in a Gujarati monthly Vismi Sadi for some time. As the Bombay climate did not suit him, Swami Anand sent him to Baroda in 1915, where he worked as a teacher in a village school under the guidance of Acharya Kakasaheb Kalelkar for a couple of years. In 1917 he went to Ahmedabad to join the Kochrab Ashram and later shifted to the Sabarmati Ashram. He became an ideal ashramite, earning the confidence of Gandhiji and Kasturba. He worked first as a teacher in the national school established by Gandhiji and later joined the Navjivan Press. Jugatrambhai was deeply impressed by Gandhiji’s Constructive Programme and wished to take it up in right earnest on his own. This he could do only in 1924, when he went to stay at the Swaraj Ashram, Bardoli. He took an active part in flood relief operations in 1927 when many parts of Gujarat were devastated by floods and later in the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928 under the leadership of Sardar Vallabbhai Patel. Soon afterwards he set up an ashram at Vedchhi, in the Raniparaj area inhabited mostly by Adivasis, as he felt that constructive work was most needed in uplifting the people of this socially and economically backward area. Jugatrambhai was, however, not able to give his undivided attention to organize and develop the Ashram activities on a wide and systematic scale till many years later. Jugatrambhai was jailed several times during the Salt Satyagraha movement (1930-34). In 1934, he went to Bihar for earthquake relief work and later spent some years at Wardha-Sevagram in connection with the work of the Charkha Sangh, the All India Village Industries Association and the Talimi Sangh, which was part and parcel of the Constructive programme. He was appointed as a member of the Adult Education Board in 1938. He was jailed again in 1940 for participating in Individual Satyagraha and in 1942 during the Quit India movement. Thus it was only in 1948 after Independence, that he was able to resume Constructive work at Vedchhi which he felt had a great relevance in the new context. Since then he has been working incessantly during the last thirty years to build up a number of institutions for the upliftment of the poor and the downtrodden and to ensure social and economic justice to them. The Gandhi Vidyapith was established in 1967 as an autonomous university and all the educational activities were reorganized under its wings as separate departments: Samajshastra Mahavidyalaya (School of Sociology), Snatak Adhyapan Mandir (Graduates Basic Training Centre), Shanti Sena Vidyalaya (Peace Corps Training Institute), the Yantra Vidyalaya, as a division of the Vidyapith, has been set up at Bardoli to impart the benefits of science and technology to agriculture by conducting research for improvement of agricultural implements and manufacturing them for sake on a commercial scale. All these institutions are run on novel lines to impart a sense of purpose and self- reliance to the students. The Sarvodaya Yojana conceived by Jugatrambhai (who is affectionately called Jugatram Kaka) envisages the establishment of development blocks to take up the work of cultivating and marketing of agricultural and forest produce, setting up grazing grounds, digging wells, building new roads and repairing existing ones and breeding of cattle as a co-operative endeavour. This work was carried on through the Raniparaj Seva Sabha (Vedchhi), the Halapathi Seva Sabha (Bardoli) and a network of agricultural and forest produce co-operative societies, which he has established. When the Government introduced land reforms allocating lands to the tillers, he helped in providing financial assistance and managerial skills to the indigent cultivators through co-operative societies. He actively propagated prohibition, particularly among the Adivasis and was able to wean away most of them from the evil habit through persuasion. To carry the message of the Mahatma to the people Jugatrambhai has been organinsing annual seminars and fairs on special occasions. Jugatrambhai has remained a bachelor all his life but he has actively helped women to come into their own and occupy their due place in society by utilizing their innate qualities like patience, spirit of service and sacrifice and humanity. He has been deeply influenced by the Bhagvadgita and the Upanishads from a very young age. He has written several books in Gujarati on philosophy, social problems and constructive work and biographies of national leaders as well as his autobiography. His book on rural reconstruction Atma Rachana in three volumes has become a classic on the subject. In all his devoted work spread over half a century Jugatrambhai has kept foremost in mind the precepts of Gandhiji. He has laid the true foundations for rural reconstruction and for ending the exploitation of man by man. This he has achieved through a non-violent revolution with utmost goodwill on all sides and without creating bitterness between the exploiter and the exploited. Jugatrambhai has infused the same enthusiasm for Constructive wok on a band of selfless and devoted by co-workers who have cast their lot with him. The various institutions established by him have produced thousands of Gram Sevaks, including many Adivasis, who are carrying his message of love and are helping in establishing and conducting institutions on the same lines in the areas in and around Raniparaj and many other parts of Gujarat. Jugatram Dave is an embodiment of love and humility. At the age of 84, he is still active in his great work. .
Publication Department, Guajrat University [1] GUJARAT UNIVERSITY Hisotry M.A. Part-I Group - 'A' In Force from June 2003, Compulsory Paper-I (Historiography, Concept, Methods and Tools) (100 Marks : 80 Lectures) Unit-1 : Meaning and Scope of Hisotry (a) Meaning of History and Importance of its study. (b) Nature and Scope of History (c) Collection and selection of sources (data); evidence and its transmission; causation; and 'Historicism' Unit-2 : History and allied Disciplines (a) Archaeology; Geography; Numasmatics; Economics; Political Science; Sociology and Literature. Unit-3 : Traditions of Historical Writing (a) Greco-Roman traditions (b) Ancient Indian tradition. (c) Medieval Historiography. (d) Oxford, Romantic and Prussion schools of Historiography Unit-4 : Major Theories of Hisotry (a) Cyclical, Theological, Imperalist, Nationalist, and Marxist Unit-5 : Approaches to Historiagraphy (a) Evaluation of the contribution to Historiography of Ranke and Toynbee. (b) Assessment of the contribution to Indian Historiography of Jadunath Sarkar, G.S. Sardesai and R.C. Majumdar, D.D. Kosambi. (c) Contribution to regional Historiography of Bhagvanlal Indraji and Shri Durga Shankar Shastri. Paper-I Historiography, Concept, Methods and Tools. Suggested Readings : 1. Ashley Montagu : Toynbee and History, 1956. 2. Barnes H.E. : History of Historical Writing, 1937, 1963 3. Burg J.B. : The Ancient Greek Historians, 1909. 4. Car E.H. : What is History, 1962. 5. Cohen : The meaning of Human History, 1947, 1961. 6. Collingwood R.G. : The Idea of History, 1946. 7. Donagan Alan and Donagan Barbara : Philosophy of History, 1965 8. Dray Will Iam H : Philosophy of History, 1964. 9. Finberg H.P.R. (Ed.) : Approaches to History, 1962.
1. LETTER TO CHILDREN OF BAL MANDIR KARACHI, February 4, 1929 CHILDREN OF BAL MANDIR, The children of the Bal Mandir1are too mischievous. What kind of mischief was this that led to Hari breaking his arm? Shouldn’t there be some limit to playing pranks? Let each child give his or her reply. QUESTION TWO: Does any child still eat spices? Will those who eat them stop doing so? Those of you who have given up spices, do you feel tempted to eat them? If so, why do you feel that way? QUESTION THREE: Does any of you now make noise in the class or the kitchen? Remember that all of you have promised me that you will make no noise. In Karachi it is not so cold as they tried to frighten me by saying it would be. I am writing this letter at 4 o’clock. The post is cleared early. Reading by mistake four instead of three, I got up at three. I didn’t then feel inclined to sleep for one hour. As a result, I had one hour more for writing letters to the Udyoga Mandir2. How nice ! Blessings from BAPU From a photostat of the Gujarati: G.N. 9222 1 An infant school in the Sabarmati Ashram 2 Since the new constitution published on June 14, 1928 the Ashram was renamed Udyoga Mandir. VOL.45: 4 FEBRUARY, 1929 - 11 MAY, 1929 1 2. LETTER TO ASHRAM WOMEN KARACHI, February 4, 1929 SISTERS, I hope your classes are working regularly. I believe that no better arrangements could have been made than what has come about without any special planning.
1. SPEECH AT PUBLIC MEETING, CHICACOLE December 3, 1927 You seem to be dividing all the good things with poor Utkal1. I flattered myself with the assumption that my arrival here is one of the good things, for I was going to devote all the twenty days to seeing the skeletons of Orissa; but as you, the Andhras, are the gatekeepers of Orissa on this side, you have intercepted my march. But I am glad you have anticipated me also. After entering Andhra Desh, I have been doing my business with you and I know God will reward all those unknown people who have been co-operating with me who am a self- appointed representative of Daridranarayana. And here, too, you have been doing the same thing. Last night, several sister came and presented me with a purse. But let me tell you this is not after all my tour in Andhra. I am not going to let you alone so easily as this, nor will Deshabhakta Konda Venkatappayya let me alone, because I have toured in some parts of Ganjam. I am under promise to tour Andhra during the early part of next year, and let me hope what you are doing is only a foretaste of what you are going to do next year. You have faith in true non-co-operation. There is the great drink evil, eating into the vitals of the labouring population. I would like you to non-co-operate with that evil without a single thought and I make a sporting proposal, viz., that those who give up drink habit should divide their savings with me on behalf of Daridranarayan.
Gandhi Wields the Weapon of Moral Power (Three Case Stories)
Gandhi wields the weapon of moral power (Three Case Stories) By Gene Sharp Foreword by: Dr. Albert Einstein First Published: September 1960 Printed & Published by: Navajivan Publishing House Ahmedabad 380 014 (INDIA) Phone: 079 – 27540635 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Gandhi wields the weapon of moral power FOREWORD By Dr. Albert Einstein This book reports facts and nothing but facts — facts which have all been published before. And yet it is a truly- important work destined to have a great educational effect. It is a history of India's peaceful- struggle for liberation under Gandhi's guidance. All that happened there came about in our time — under our very eyes. What makes the book into a most effective work of art is simply the choice and arrangement of the facts reported. It is the skill pf the born historian, in whose hands the various threads are held together and woven into a pattern from which a complete picture emerges. How is it that a young man is able to create such a mature work? The author gives us the explanation in an introduction: He considers it his bounden duty to serve a cause with all his ower and without flinching from any sacrifice, a cause v aich was clearly embodied in Gandhi's unique personality: to overcome, by means of the awakening of moral forces, the danger of self-destruction by which humanity is threatened through breath-taking technical developments. The threatening downfall is characterized by such terms as "depersonalization" regimentation “total war"; salvation by the words “personal responsibility together with non-violence and service to mankind in the spirit of Gandhi I believe the author to be perfectly right in his claim that each individual must come to a clear decision for himself in this important matter: There is no “middle ground ".
Working Paper No. 145 Tribal Education in Gujarat: An Evaluation of Educational Incentive Schemes B.L. Kumar Gujarat Institute of Development Research Gota, Ahmedabad 380 060 June 2004 Abstract This paper provides a comprehensive review of the working of various incentive schemes and assesses their utility coverage and quality of benefits received by the tribal children, besides an analysis of secondary data on tribal education in the state. A survey of 885 tribal households was done in 40 villages of four tribal districts of the state. The following are the major findings: Literacy among tribals is low in all districts. Female literacy is abysmally low. Three out of four tribal females are illiterate. Very small proportion of tribal habitations have upper primary and secondary schools and quality of education measured in terms of per school number of teachers, classrooms and other basic facilities such as drinking water, toilet etc. is quite poor in tribal areas. Non- enrolment and dropout rates are also high among tribals and poverty as well as low quality of education are the important factors for more children to be out of schools. An evaluation of incentive scheme reveals that education is free for almost all tribal children. Though about 95 per cent of children received free books only 56 per cent school going children received cash scholarship and three-fourth of them received less than Rs. 100. This paltry sum is quite inadequate and also received late. It hardly helps in increasing school enrolment and retention rates. While fifty per cent of children reported receipt of school uniform only half of them received two pairs of uniforms, and five per cent received it in time.
Selfsame Spaces: Gandhi, Architecture and Allusions in Twentieth Century India. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY Venugopal Maddipati IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Catherine Asher, Adviser May, 2011 @ Venugopal Maddipati 2011 i Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following institutions and people for supporting my work. I am grateful to the American Institute of Indian Studies in Delhi, The Center of Science for Villages in Wardha and Kumarappapuram, The Indira Gandhi Institute of Developmental Research in Mumbai, The Gandhi Memorial Library in Delhi, The Center for Developmental Studies in Trivandrum, The Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyaan and the University of Minnesota. I would like to thank the following individuals: Bindia Thapar, Purnima Mehta, Bindu Rajasenan, Soman Nair, Tilak Baker, Laurie Baker, Varsha Kaley, Vibha Gupta, Sameer Kuruve, David Faust, Donal Johnson, Eleanor Zelliot, Jane Blocker, Ajay Skaria, Anna Clark, Sarah Sik, Lynsi Spaulding, Riyaz Latif, Radha Dalal, Aditi Chandra, Sugata Ray, Atreyee Gupta, Midori Green, Sinem Arcak, Sherry, Dick, Jodi, Paul Wilson, Madhav Raman, Dhruv Sud, my parents, my sister Sushama, my mentors and my beloved Gurus, Frederick Asher and Catherine Asher. i Dedication Dedicated to my Tatagaru, Surapaneni Venugopal Rao. Tatagaru, if you can read this: You brought me up and taught me how to go beyond myself. ii Abstract In this dissertation, I suggest that the Indian political leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi infused deep and enigmatic meanings into everyday physical objects, particularly buildings. Indeed, the manner in which Gandhi named the buildings in his famous Satyagraha Ashram in Ahmedabad in the early part of the twentieth century, makes it somewhat difficult to write, in isolation, about their physical appearance.
1. GIVE AND TAKE1 A Sindhi sufferer writes: At this critical time when thousands of our countrymen are leaving their ancestral homes and are pouring in from Sind, the Punjab and the N. W. F. P., I find that there is, in some sections of the Hindus, a provincial spirit. Those who are coming here suffered terribly and deserve all the warmth that the Hindus of the Indian Union can reasonably give. You have rightly called them dukhi,2 though they are commonly called sharanarthis. The problem is so great that no government can cope with it unless the people back the efforts with all their might. I am sorry to confess that some of the landlords have increased the rents of houses enormously and some are demanding pagri. May I request you to raise your voice against the provincial spirit and the pagri system specially at this time of terrible suffering? Though I sympathize with the writer, I cannot endorse his analysis. Nevertheless I am able to testify that there are rapacious landlords who are not ashamed to fatten themselves at the expense of the sufferers. But I know personally that there are others who, though they may not be able or willing to go as far as the writer or I may wish, do put themselves to inconvenience in order to lessen the suffering of the victims. The best way to lighten the burden is for the sufferers to learn how to profit by this unexpected blow. They should learn the art of humility which demands a rigorous self-searching rather than a search of others and consequent criticism, often harsh, oftener undeserved and only sometimes deserved.
1. LETTER to WANDA DYNOWSKA Your Letter. You Are Suspicious
1. LETTER TO WANDA DYNOWSKA NEW DELHI, July 7, 1947 MY DEAR UMA, Your letter. You are suspicious. Sardar is not so bad as you imagine. He has no anti-European prejudice. Don’t be sentimental but deal with cold facts and you will succeed. My movement is uncertain. You will come when I am fixed up somewhere. Love. BAPU From a copy: Pyarelal Papers, Courtesy: Pyarelal 2. LETTER TO DR. D. P. GUPTA NEW DELHI, July 7, 1947 DEAR DR. GUPTA, Your letter.1 Faith to be faith stands all trials and thanks God. Are not the prayers of your Muslim neighbours sufficient encoura- gement for you to persist in well-doings? Yours sincerely, M. K. GANDHI From a photostat: C. W. 10570 1 The addressee, whose son had suffered injuries at the hands of Muslim rioters, had written that he could no longer have any faith in the doctrine of winning one’s enemy by love notwithstanding the sympathetic attitude of Muslim neighbours who prayed for his son’s recovery. VOL. 96 : 7 JULY, 1947 - 26 SEPTEMBER, 1947 1 3. LETTER TO ABDUL GHAFFAR KHAN [July 7, 1947]1 DEAR BADSHAH, No news from you. I hope you had my long letter and that you have acted up to it. Your and my honour is involved in strict adherence to non-violence on our part in thought, work and deed. No news up to now (9.30) in the papers.2 Love. BAPU Mahatma Gandhi—The Last Phase, Vol. II, pp. 279–80 4. MESSAGE TO KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL July 7, 1947 Are all the Bal Mandirs which are coming up these days worthy of the name? This is a question to be considered by all who are interested in children’s.
1. GIVE AND TAKE1 A Sindhi sufferer writes: At this critical time when thousands of our countrymen are leaving their ancestral homes and are pouring in from Sind, the Punjab and the N. W. F. P., I find that there is, in some sections of the Hindus, a provincial spirit. Those who are coming here suffered terribly and deserve all the warmth that the Hindus of the Indian Union can reasonably give. You have rightly called them dukhi,2 though they are commonly called sharanarthis. The problem is so great that no government can cope with it unless the people back the efforts with all their might. I am sorry to confess that some of the landlords have increased the rents of houses enormously and some are demanding pagri. May I request you to raise your voice against the provincial spirit and the pagri system specially at this time of terrible suffering? Though I sympathize with the writer, I cannot endorse his analysis. Nevertheless I am able to testify that there are rapacious landlords who are not ashamed to fatten themselves at the expense of the sufferers. But I know personally that there are others who, though they may not be able or willing to go as far as the writer or I may wish, do put themselves to inconvenience in order to lessen the suffering of the victims. The best way to lighten the burden is for the sufferers to learn how to profit by this unexpected blow. They should learn the art of humility which demands a rigorous self-searching rather than a search of others and consequent criticism, often harsh, oftener undeserved and only sometimes deserved.
CHAFTER-VII CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT Introduction: When Non-cooperation buckled under in 1922 the agitational links across regions, between local arenas of politics, and between them and an all-India campaign, snapped. Within the context of the Montagu-Chelmsford constitution, the relationship between India's different types of politics settled into a new pattern. Since the 1919 reforms offered substantial power and stature to Indians who would collaborate with the British in the new constitutional structures, the force of much local political awareness and ambition were soon channeled through the new structures in anticipation that they would be fulfilled by the fruits of legislation and influence in the administration. Salt being a very common issue became the point of confrontation. Perhaps it was Salt, which solved many dilemmas of Gandhi after Lahore session. Though it was not a major threat to the British Empire, still it proved very successful in reuniting Indian masses and helped in inculcating true spirit of mass struggle based on Satyagraha principle. This particular Satyagraha movement injected fresh blood and a new ray of hope in achieving India’s independence. 202 Stases and Developments of Civil Disobedience Movement: The years 1922-8 were for Gandhi a time pf stocktaking, during which he was forced by government and his countrymen to reorganize his role in public affairs. The first stage in this course was his two-year spell in jail. His daily routine was similar to that which he laid down for his ashram, though in Yeravda jail near Poona, uninterrupted by the demands of public life, he was able to give six hours a day to reading and four to spinning and carding.