2009 2010 2011 2012 by the End of 2012 There Were 136,000
Foreword There is no doubt that China has deservedly This report covers some basic information earned its reputation as a dynamic, large on demographics, politics and cultural and fast growing games market. It has context, as well as brief descriptions of the become an important constituent of the media, entertainment, telecoms and global games industry and what happens in internet sectors. It also contains short China is increasingly relevant to many profiles of the key local players in these executives outside of China. However, the sectors, including the leading local Chinese games market is in many respects AppStores, Search Engines and Social very different from other markets, in Networks. particular the main Western ones. To understand the Chinese games market it In the second part of this report, we helps to have a basic understanding of the describe the games market in more detail, broader cultural, economic and incorporating data from the recently technological context. released official China Game Publishers Association Publications Committee report, At Newzoo we have always promoted a our own research findings as well as some global perspective on the games market. In third party data. 2010, we started covering the Chinese market and completed our first large We also provide brief profiles of the key proprietary primary consumer survey in public and private game companies, some 2011. We since have developed extensive of the most popular client games and the knowledge of the Chinese market and its key game media companies that offer news main players, allowing us to assist our and information about games and the clients with access to, and interpretation of, games market.
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