
«-tI lllllilillllllllllllllllllUlillMiilJllllll^QUALIFYifiiiiiiin



Electric Supply Department OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES

268 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. 9

SPECIAL QUALITY of High Grade Tungsten Lamps, 10 Watt, 15 Watt, 25 Watt, 40 Watt, 60 Watt.

COMPLETE LINE of Stoves, Toasters, Coffee Percola- tors, Heating Pads, Sewing Machine Motors, Tea Urns, Irons, Fans, Egg Boilers, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, Dry- ing Machine, Hot and Cold Blast, BeU Ringing Trans- formers.

SPECIAL GUARANTEE—Irons and Toasters sent out on 30 days' approval. Cost but ly^ cents per hour under New Rate of Domestic Lighting.

For further information call or phone 844.

E. J. HARTRICK, Representative.

KINGSTON City Directopy

FROM JULY, 1918, TO JULY, 1919



Leiiian A. Guild and George Hanson, Publishers Kingston, . FOR INDEX SEE END OF BOOK.

ABBREVIATIONS acct. accountant. gro. grocer. prop, proprietor. agt. agent. insp. inspector. prtr. printer. agrl. impts. agricultural gdnr. gardener. pro. med. proprietary implements. genl. general. medicine. provs. provisions. appr. apprentice In. Rev. Inland Revenue publr. publisher. assn. association. jwlr. jeweller. res. residence. assc. assistant. lab. laborer. ret. retail. Idg. wtr. landing waiter. attndt. attendant. Rev. Reverend. av. avenue. In. lane. rms. rooms. Indrs. laundress. bds. boards. sdlr. saddler. barr. barrister. Ltd. limited slsldy. saleslady. bdg. hse. boarding house lith. lithographer. slsmn. salesman. bet. between. Ivs. lives, used for those s. e. side entrance. bkpr. book-keeper. living with parents or s.-e. south east. "Mg. building. other relatives, s. s. south side. Dldr. builder. mach. machinist, s.-w. south west. btchr. butcher. mkr. maker, sec. hd. gds. second hand C.P.R. Canadian Pacific messr. messenger, goods. Railway. mfg. manufacturing, sec. secretary. carp, carpenter. mlstr. maltster, sew. mach. sewing ma- elk. clerk. mkt. gdnr. market garden- chines. coll. collector. er, sq. square. com. mer. commission mlnr. milliner, stdt. student. merchant. mldr. moulder, stn. station. comp. compositor. mnfr. manufacturer, stenogr. stenographer. comr. commissioner. mngr. manager, supt. superintendent. cond. conductor. mus. tchr. music teacher, tlr. tailor. confr. confectioner. n. north, tlrs. tailoress. confy. confectionery. n.-e. north east, tchr. teacher. contr. contractor. n. s. north side, tmstr. teamster. cor. corner. n.-w. north west tel. telegraph or tele- CO. county. nr. near, phone. cres. crescent. opp. opposite, ter. terrace. C. H. Custom House. opr. operator, tinner tinsmith. dept. department. pntr. painter, tp., township. depy. deputy. pdlr. peddler, trans, transportation. dom. domestic. photo, photographer, treas. treasurer. Dom. Exp. Dominion Ex- phy. physician, uphol. upholsterer. press. pi. place, vet. surg. veterinary sur- drsmkr. dressmaker. pistr. plasterer, geon. e. east. plmbr. plumber. w. west. e. s. east side. P.O. Post Office, w. s. west side.' eng. engineer. pres. president, whol. wholesale. ft. foot of prin. principal. wid. widow. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SOTSTS Phone 1030 ABERDEEN STREET DIRECTORY ALBERT Kingston Street Directory

ABERDEEN STREET, north from Earl to Johnson, first east of University


1 Martin, Alex J I 8 Grace, Frank J Hall, 3 Mills, Mary (wid James) | 10 Samuel

5 Whalen, Captain Luke I

7 Coyle, Anna (wid James) I

9 Le Feave, David I 11 Allen, W J C I Martin S 19 Grace, j IS Woods, >Iiss Maria U. William Street intersects Lieut-Col F 30 Connolly, Elizabeth (wid 31 Walsh, I Thos) 33 Pigeon, 32 Reid, Thos John I 34 Fraser, Rebecca (wid Geo 35 Otto, Geo S I N) 45 Granger, 36 Adams, Mary E (wid James I Jas)

ADELAIDE STREET, west from Montreal to Alfred, first north of James


Conley, Samuel I Not opened to Division Lansdowne street intersects 3 HilHer, Adam I 5 Isaac I Sammons, 7 MacDonald, George I

ALBERT STREET, north from King to Fair Grounds, fifth west of Barrie EAST SIDE SIDE I WEST Stuart street ends 96 MacGillivray, | John, Ph.D. 138 Skelton, Prof Oscar I D 91 Taylor, Principal R. Bruce 142 Hutton, in | James O Apartment A 99 Meagher, Frederick W Drury. Prof Chas 105 Robertson, Prof J K Hamilton, Capt C M in Apart C 113 Wheelock, Milton Bruce 144 Best, L T 148 Carr-Harris, Maj M C 152 Abernethy, Alfred I J Union street west intersects 203 Nicol, Prof Wm 198 Greenlees, Robert F 209 Ellis, Louise (wid Wm) 200 Clarke, Professor Arthur L 213 Simpson, Eleanor (wid Chas D) 208 Wallace, Prof Herbert T 221 Mathews, Miss Angelique 212 Daly, Miss Annie I M 223 Carroll, Wm 1218 Forneri, Rev R P 227 Birley, Mary P (wid Frank) 220 Campbell, Samuel F V 229 Chown, Harvey R I Street I Cooper begin? 239 Ferris, Edward 234 Cornett, Rebecca (wid I J Wm) 253 Betts, Henry A 236 Graham, S I R 1238 Blomely, Jas 246 Abernethy, Bert I 252 Rea, Annie (wid David) I 258 Dobbs, I John R C Earl street intersects 275 James, Richard 266 Randall, Capt A G 281 Walsh, Mary E 270 Simpson, Dr. S H 297 Symons,, Sarah (wid John) 276 Geiger, A G 301 Chapman, Rosana (wid Hardy) 282 Inman, Wm F 303 Horne_, S V . 284 Tait, Alex. 309 Gillespie, James 290 Gorden, Geo S


313 Baker, Phillip Henry |298 Carruthers, Victor J 1300 Gordon, John 304 Pollitt, Wm 308 Cook, William W 312 Caughey, Robt A f 314 Spooner, Agnes (wid Jr) I Wm 1316 Raven, Annie (wid John) |318 Bryant, James, grocer Johnson street intersects 343 Anaerson, Wm G |320 Lappen, J B Dixon 340 Rutherford, James 347 Knapp, S I 344 Filtz, Richard 353 Wilson, John A I 355 Marrison, G E 1346 Kelly, W T 350 Kennedy, Alexis I 1354 Montgomery, Robt 1356 Jemmett, D M 366 Nash, Dr C C I Brock street intersects

Victoria Park I 368 Crawford, John J 374 Fournier, Joseph I 376 Craig, Rev I Wm 1380 Graham, Sarah (wid James) |382 Graham, Henry A |386 Coward, George B 388 Williams, Angus I 1390 Mcllquham, James, contractor 392 Robinson, Levi P I 398 Gallagher, I W H 404 Stewart. H I J Mack street intersects

415 Home, Chas D ( 408 Horsey, Edwin E 417 Will, D J |412 Saunders, Garnet W 419 Shibley, Rev Samuel 414 Vince, Robert I 425 Tandy, Rechab 420 Bruce, Robert I 427 Friendship, John 422 Maxwell, I Jas 431 Campbell, John 440 Clow, Frederick M. I 437 Marshall, John |442 Patterson Richard D 441 Huycke, Fred [444 Turner, Major Charles 445 Mulligan, William 1446 Bell, Rev G A 447 Bearance, Sherman |448 Marshall, Thos C 451 Alexander, Robert 464 Saunders, George H I 453 Home, Cliflford R 1466 Millard, Geo C 457 Sherbino, Robert 468 Henry, Robert I 461 Freeman, Francis C 1470 Spence, W H 465 Saunders, Mary (wid John A) 472 Lambert, Mark I

I 474 Somerville, Francis 478 Gray, I D John Princess Street Methodist church I Princess street intersects 505 Vernon, John 508 Angus, Jas 507 Garrison, Herbert 542 Smith, Edith (wid Leslie) 511 Clark, John 546 Darling, Sarah (wid Noble F) 515 Chamberlain, Geo 556 Jarrell, John A 515a Warwick, John S 558 Houghton, Chas D 517 Irwin, Robt 560 Hunter, Johp 517a Cooke, Herbert H 519 Green, Edward Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 36 BR.OCK ST. Debentures LADIES' WEAR If ifs the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It. ALBERT STREET DIRECTORY ALFRED

521 Law, Robert 525 Hamilton, Harold 527 Rea, Eliz (wid Thos) 531 Foster, L J 535 Creer, Charles 545 Silver, Emma (wid Wm) 557 Roddy, John

ALFRED STREET, north from Alice to Concession Rd, first west University Av EAST SIDE SIDE I WEST 55 Flammer, Dr E 65 Bassam, William E 67 Mooney, Isabella 73 Wilson, Joseph 75 Stuart, Jas Russell Queen's College Cciapus n Goodman, Wm J 79 Corbett, John W 81 Holland, John 83 Cleland, Robt Union street west intersects 109 Stover, Herbert, grocer 111 Stover, Herbert M Victoria School 113 Wood, H W 136 Cruse, James G, caretaker K C I 117 O'Brien, Mary (wid Patrick) Collegiate Institute 119 Farrar, Joseph 129 Bedford, John 131 Hamilton, Frank 133 Bawden, Evelyn (wid Jos) 135 Asselstine, Minerva (wid Isaac F) 137 Black, James 139 Weir, James R

151 Mortimer, Joseph . 153 Torrance, Rev E F., D.D. 157 Hall, Chas H 159 Hall. C H 161 Cousins, Robert 163 Nicol, Mary, bdg hse Earl street intersects

163J4 Arniel, Wm J, grocer 1172 Laing, Rev Douglas 165 Hopkinson, 176 Hambrook, Fred C Wm I 167 Robinson, Elizabeth W (wid Geo A) 178 Pound, George D 177 Dunn, R 180 Stewart, Thomas H 179 Gibson, John 182 Young, David J 181 Lemmon, Sarah (wid Jos) 184 Gilbert, Maggie (wid Albert) 183 Spriggs, Capt W A 200 Watts, John H 187 Sloan ,Richard 202 Richardson, W L 189 Hinton, David 204 Love, D 201 Wells, William J 206 Hall, David 203 Paul, Mrs Elizabeth (wid Capt John) 208 Shanahan, Jas 203a Snowden, Wm H 210 Owles, Edgar 205 McFarland. Marie E (wid Geo) 214 Gates, William J 209 Taylor, Edward J 216 Ryan, Malcolm 211 Moore, Ann (wid Daniel) 218 Lawler, Esther (wid Jas) 220 Asselstine, William H Johnson street intersects 229 Franklin, Wm J |234 Murray, Alfred J 231 Diack, Robt 1236 Wood, Daniel P 235 Redmond, John |240 Gordon, Geo D • 237 Harkness, Rebecca (wid Samuel) l242 Allen Miss Sarah


239 MacDonald, Geo A KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For nre insurance Phone 1030 ALFRED STREET DIRECTORY ARCH

Pine street ends Fair Grounds Stanley street ends 487 Emmons, Frank

ALICE STREET, west from University avenue to Albert, second N of King NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Ireland, Francis 1 Goodwin, Prof Wm L I C Alfred street commencesj Knight, Prof Archibald P Culcheth, Bruce King, George J I Saunders, Katherine M (wid Dr H J) WEST ALICE Matheson, Prof - Tucker, Lieut J | Davis, David Wood, Samuel C I

ALMA STREET, runs north from York to Balaclava, along the east side of Frontenac Park. EAST SIDF WEST SIDE Frontenac Pari' 12 Moon Robert T 16 Wilson, Roy* 18 Bell, John Ashford 20 Lane, Hugh 24 Purtell, Jaimes J 28 Morrissey, John 34 Fai^non, Patrick 38 Pappas, Geo 58 Gray, Thomas Patrick street commences

ANN STREET, runs west from Main to Vine, second north of Colborne NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 7 Jarvis, John H 8 Burns, Thomas 10 Holland, R H 12 Payne, William 14 Gibson, William

ARCH STREET, runs north from Stuart to Union, first west of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 11 "Queenscote," W T Connell, M D Queen's University and College 21 Koen, Francis Queen's Medical College 23 Pickering, Geo School of Mining and Agriculture 25 Goddard, Edmund Vacant 27 Hyett, Miss Bessie MacClement, Prof W C 29 Smith, Frederick Scott, Prof Ernest Deacon street ends Kingston Skating Rink Vacant lot 60 Selby, Charles H 45 Holman, Albert E 62 Blomeley, Abel 49 Ash, John B 64 O'Donnell, Florence 51 Ada, Edwin J 66 Vacant 53 Ada, Elizabeth (wid Wm) 55 McKenzie, Isabella 57 Healey. Thomas 70 Adams, Mary (wid James) 59 Mundell, Vym 72 Johnson, James 61 Ludlow, Richard 74 McCann, James Francis 65 Packer, Alfred Id Compton, James 69 Seaton, Francis 80 Lamb, Nathaniel 75 Klugh, A 84 Mounteer, Albert n Wilton, Henry A 86 Barrett, Percy R 79 Nobes, George SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King St. STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Off ice

8 BAGOT STREET DIRECTORY BAGOT BAGOT STREET, north from City Park to James, fourth west of Harbor WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 96 Watson, Prof John 107 Harty, Hon Wm 98 Mitchell, Prof G W 109 McPherson, Major 100 Chadwick, Allan 115 Welch, H C 102 Breck, Dora Lwid Luther) 117 Klugh, Prof A B 104 Birkett, John H Gore street ends 106 Doyle, Joseph 125 Ferguson, Rev Professor G E 108 Hubbell, Eliza J (wid Henry S) 127 Smith, Geo 110 Smith, Chas A 129 Guess, Edward Francis 124 Minnes, James A 133 Porter, Charles 126 Elmer, Richard 137 Clayton, Mary (wid Martin) 128 Dix, Capt James 141 Campbell, W M 130 McKelvey, John 134 McKelvey, Mrs (wid R J) 136 Spence, A L 138 Whalley, Rev Cecil E F 140 Cockburn, William 142 Wales, Miss Emily Earl street intersects 154 Glover's Grocery |151 Hanton, David 156 Walker, Herbert L |153 Baines, Mrs Ellen * 158 Clarke, C G 1155 Hartwick, Wm 160 Abramsky, David 157 Goodearle, Miss A G 160 rear, Abramsky Bakery |l61 McDonnell, Edward ^ 162 Teepell, Wilson 1163 Tupell, Wilson

1621^ White, Thos 1 165 Granger, Jas F 164 Berry, Catherine (wid Hugh) 1167 Post, Richard H 166 Lazell, Charles |169 Steacy, John M 168 Hammond, Edward 170 Shanahan, Maria 172 Walsh, John J 174 Doyle, Patrick J G 176 O'Neill, Terence 178 Anderson, Miss M A, dressmaker William street intersects 180 Gardiner, Dr Robt J St Vincent Academy 182 Hanson, Thomas Convent of the Congregation of 184 Harris, Barton Notre Dame 186 Campbell, Alex 192 Savage, W J 194 Williams Stephen Geo, Sergt-Maj 200 Carnegie, Capt Robt H 202 Ward, Marie 204 Reid, Capt Fred 206 Gould, Jennie (wid Jas A) 208 Morrison, Charles A, physician Johnson street intersects 210 Public Library, Miss A Kennedy, |211 Phillips, J ? Librarian 1213 Cobet, Ivo L A 216 Vacant 1217 Rees, Edward A 222 Olsen, John, blacksmith |219 Cook, Francis W 230 Barrack Stores 1225 Lefave, Frederick 227-231 Nicholls, Wm, V S, office and

I hospital

I Clarence street ends Brock street intersects

Guess, Leighton E, livery stable I Sutherland, R D, insurance, etc 238-240 Ronan, Thomas, undertaker |235 Lee, Chas, laundry "^EAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. EbTATt 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINERY BAGOT STREET DIRECTORY BAGOT

244-246 Rees Bros, wholesale fruits |237 Soldiers' Aid Com 248-250 Chown, Edwin & Son, hardware |239 White, W J B, Ins agent

252 Chown, A & Co, hardware I Bongard & Ryerson Co Dispensary Milne, 254 Geo W Mahood's | H J aurist Clark, 258 Lake, E J, oculist and | Edward Walsh, L J, DDS, LDS, Dentist Store rooms, Rigney & Hickey 258 Doyle, Katherine, manicure and hair- 2391^ Robinson & Wiltshire dressing 241 Vacant 241 (Upstairs) Lawless, P M 243 Lawless, P M, barber 245 Macnee & Minnes, whlsle dry goods Princess street intersects 264 Prudential Life Ins Co, J T Lefever, Canadian Express Co. agent E Chown & Son, warehouse 268 McGall, James, shoemaker 273 First Division Court, Thos Lambert clerk 272 Milne, H J, bicycle dealer 275-277 Robinson Bros, painters 280 Vacant lot 279 Robinson, Thos D 284 Vacant lot 281 Baird, Mary (wid Robert) Queen street intersects 72nd Battery, blacksmith shop Angrove Bros, I garage 73rd Battery stables Artillery Park 305 Wright, Robert J 307' McManus, Jas Cor. Wells, A E, tailor Military sleeping quarters Barrack street ends Military Offices Battery gun sheds Wilson, Lytle, Badgerow Co of To-

I ronto. Ltd, vinegar Mnfrs Ordnance street intersects 358 Hackett, Joseph 357 Poofley, Thomas 360 Pearson, Qtr-Mstr John H 359 Gage, D B Vacant lot 361 Curry, Qrville J 368 Morrissey. John 363 White, Edward J 370 Earl, Fred 365 Hartman, Wm 376 Stroud, Allan 367 Martin, Frederick 378 Desrosiers, William P 375 Hawley, Clarence |377 Morris, Isaac Bay street intersects Murphy, John, grocer Zl Carey, I 42 Kidd, Robert 39 Bowen, Annie (wid Wm) 46 Carr, Irwin 41 Maddigan, Annie (wid Michael) 48 Hopkins, Sergt Walter 43 Knight, Robert 50 Asbie, Wm 45 Pelletier, F 52 Moon, Melville Geo 47 Smith, W J 54 O'Shea, Mrs S O D 49 Corcoran, John 58-60 Corrigan, Rose 51 Rochefort, Anthony 53 Allcorn, Wm 55 Turner, Harry 57 Kelly, Wm 59 Wright, Harry J 61 Vacant North street intersects 66 Bunt, Richard 67 Phelan, Chas. 70 Henderson, George I 69 Cannon, I Walter SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


72 Grimshaw, Russell 71 Cooper, Henry I 74 Leslie, Harold 73 Corrigan, Michael 79 Bazeau, 76 Leslie, Wm I Wm 81 Tallon, John I Miller's lane commencesi 87 Phillips, James

82 Leslie, David | 89 McGowan, John D 91 Tisdale, 86 Puggey, Wm | Louis Charles 88 Payette, | 93 Killeen, Thos P Cleary, 90 Flynn, Wm | 95 John Taylor, Richard 97 92 Capt | Donovan, Cornelius 94 Collins, Catherine (w^id Jas) 99 Brady, James Ed J 96 Hubley, C | Raglan Road intersects

98 Cass, Harold 1 101 Wartelsky, Alex, grocer 100 Murray, Jane (wid Thos) 103 Mitchell, Alexander 102 Roach, Albert 104 Belanger, Catherine (wid Geo) 105 Stokes, Benjamin 106 Seeker, Henry 107 Corrigan, Patrick 108 Lawless, Patrick J 115 Redden, Caroline (wid Jeremiah) 110 Driscolh Wm J 117 Cleary, Catherine (wid Hugh) 112 Berry, Fred Henry 119 Brooks, J W 114 Albertson, N Corrigan street ends 116 Coulson, Richard 121 Fowler, George 118 James, Ada (wid Frank) 123 Harrison, James 120 Stephen, Ed 125 Staley, Charles 122 King, James 129 Peters, Frank 1221^ Vacant 135 Handley, Wm H 124 Anderson, Robert 137 Donoghue, Julia (wid Timothy) 126 Anderson, Robert Jr 139 Loragen, Nick 128 Thomas, Richard Vacant wood yard 130 Morgan, Geo Dufferin street ends 132 Ferris, James A John street commences 155 O'Brien, Robert 134 Doolan, John 157 Cole, Geo E 138 Bourdeau, Baptist 140 Miltz, Peter 142 Jarrell, George 146 Corrigan, Bernard 148 Hall, Wm, Sergt-Maj 150 Kelliher, Winifred (wid Maurice) 152 Zeigler, Margaret (wid Wm) 154 Redmond, Moque 156 Leheup, Alice (wid John) 158 Joyce, Douglas 160 Bennett, Hugh Charles street intersects 162 Rosen, Max Calvary Congregational church I

168 Bocking, James (

170 McCloskey, James I

174 Wiskin, Roy I

176 Soles, Benjamin I

BALACLAVA STREET, from Sydenham to Patrick, along the north side of Frontenac Park.


13 Martin, Capt Chas J j Frontenac Park 17 Walker, Frederick Alma street ends |

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean A^nta 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 BALACLAVA STREET DIRECTORY BARRIE 11

19 Barrett, Mrs Thos 21 Gurnsey, Wm A 23 Martin, Ed F Redan street commences 27 Scott, Capt Wm T 41 Smith, Thomas H 51 Bourne, John C Patrick street commences

BARRACK STREET, runs west from the harbor to Bagot street, second north of Princess.


Tete de Pont Barracks I M T Co's elevator Ontario street intersects Frederick Light, Heat Power store 5 Coventry, I & house 7 McDonald, Capt Augustine M Crawford's coal sheds

9 Corcoran, John I

City Gas tank I

19 Bridgen, J C I 21 Paradis, Jos I

23 Smith, Harold J I King street intersects Snug Harbor (cor Barrack & King) Walsh's wood and coal yards 51 Sullivan, J Frank Barrack Stores 53 Forrest, Wm J 55-57 Walsh, Patrick, coal and wood C A S C Garage C O C Work Shop Riding School, R C H A Wellington street intersects

85 Anglin, Samuel I 88 Worth, Sergt-Maj Thos

87 Austin, Geo I 90 Boutillier, Amos S

89 Young, Gordon A I 92 Thurson, Mrs. (wid Henry) Rideau street commences 94 Whiteman, Stewart 103 Miss Matilda Bennett, I 96 Turner, Thos 113 AUistone, Thos 102 Murphy, Capt Wm 115 Seeley, Melissa (wid David) 104 Liddell, Capt Wm 117 Chown's garage 1106 Gauthier, T 121 Office of Provost Marshal lllO Crawford, Wm li2 Ormston, Edwin 114 BuUick, John 1116 Ferguson, Walter J

BARRIE STREET, north from King to Pine, first west of City Park EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE King street east commences^ King street west commences City Park 18 Bermingham, Cornelius 20 Morgan, Prof Wm 22 Lavell, Judge H A ^ 24 Crawford, Robert O'Kill street commences 26 Cappon, Prof James 28 Bibby, Herbert D 134 Strange, John 36 Farrell, James M 62 Nicolle, John 64 Dwyer, Edward J 66 Graham, Grace (wid Isaac B) 68 Mooers, Henry F AJ SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWARl, Opt D., Opp. General Post Office

12 BARRIE STREET DIRECTORY BARRIE 70 MacKinnon, Alex I 72 Carson, I R J 78 Craig, William G Park avenue commencesi Stuart street commences

Cricket grounds I 80 Waldron, Richard 82 Flanagan, Miss Sarah E Flanagan, E, florist I M 84 Brown, Miss Margaret 86 Battams, Rhae G 88 Bailey, William 90 Mooers, Mrs (wid Henry) 94 Elliott, Joseph G 96 Kirkpatrick, Harriet B (wid Wm) Deacon street commences 98 Briceland, Jas jlOO Shea, Sarah (wid John) 102 Hiscock, Edgar C 106 Fraser, Miss Helen 110 Findlay, John 112 Osbell, Leonard 114 Morris, John 116 Jordan, Prof W G 120 Wilson, Col J M 124 Dobbs, Francis W 128 Cays, D A 144 Brown, A W 146 Kidd, William G 148 Rogers, Alice M (wid R V) 152 Savary, Rev T W Union street commences Court House 162 Livingston, Charles Toner, Wm M, caretaker 164 Uglow, Richard Topping Lieut. Carol, governor |170 Simmons, Wm G County Jail 172 Slater, Thomas Kingston Dairy School 174 Stevenson, Robt H 178 Mills, Thos W 180 Van Alstyne, Harriett (wid Chas) 182 Scott, John 184 Funnell, David J 186 Funnell, Thos H 188 Ross, Alexander 190 Brough, Albert E 192 Twigg, Wm R 194 Gilbert, John, grocer 196-8 Veale, John, confectionery Clergy street intersects Chalmers church |206 Whalen, J Daniel, shoemaker Office Sing Doo Laundry I 212 I McGowan, George A |218 Butler, Mrs Mary (wid Frank)

I 220 Sang Lai, laundry 224 Hood, Alex, butcher shop I Earl street intersects 226 Purdy, E, grocer 229 Hood, Alex I James Perry, Norman 231 McMahon, Robt, paint shop I 228 |230 Riley, Matthew

I 234 Robinson, Richard H (236 Way, Wm H

1238 Sing Doo Laundry '

J. K. Carroll Agency '"/"r?!?<^S 56 BROCK ST Of all klHClS Specialize in Children's and %^ Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


Villa St Claire Apartments No 1, McKay, Mrs (wid Chas T) No 2, Lawson, Major H O No 3, Cunningham, Mrs Mary (wid Henry) No. 4, Sullivan, Miss Frances No 5, Elder, Mrs E (wid Jas) No 6, Carson (Mrs. John (wit') William street intersects 249 Derry, Wm H 1 246 Nesbitt. Sarah (wid James) grocer 251 Hanson, Geo Elder, Sarah (wid Geo) !248250 Williamson, Miss Helen 252 Donoghue, James 254 Publow, Ivan 256 Keenan, Margaret (wid T A) Johnson street intersects |286 Armstrong, James |288 Monk, Walter J |290 Saunders, Samuel |292 Kirkpatrick, Michael |294 Cherry, 'Geo. |296 Ferguson, James 1298 McKoen, John H 1300 McCabe, Margaret (wid Arch) Brock street intersects 295 Vick, David A 302 McCallum, Dr E C D I 297 Cherry, Preston 304 Vacant lot J I

301 Kelly, Edward J 1 308-312 Imperial Steam Laundry Co 303 Armstrong, Francis G 1314 Riley, W P 305 Bateson, Maud (wid Matthew) |316 Davis, William J 307 Staley, Mary (wid Capt Chas) 1318 Doxtater, W J 309 Doherty, James 1320. Vacant Princess street intersects 323 Orr, Harry R Cunningham, I W J 327 Newman, Wm. YMCA building I 329 McBride, James S |332 Hunter, Henry 331 Macalister, Rev John M |336 Gibson, Dr Jas F 333 Newlands, William A |340 Pidgeon Francis (wid Richard) Queen street intersects 357 Swaine, Chas 1358 Vacant 361 Baker, John F |360 Sinclair, Robert, upholstering 363 Barnum, Chas W |362Sangster, Wm W 365 Waterhouse, Geo H |364 MacDonald, Jas 367 Arthur, George H |366 Philip, George |368 Lawler, Michael D 370 Walker, Raymond I |372 Clenahan, Geo S butcher

Colborne street intersects . 383 Salsberg, Hyman James, Thos, grocer I 385 McKenna, Patrick H |374 Mack, William H 387 Wright, Geo Wm |376 Isaacs, Charles 389 Lloyd, Isaac |378 Johnson, Wm 1380 Wallace, Robert Ordnance street intersects 391 Creche, the Day Nursery [392 Elliott, R J |394 Dalman. Sadie (wid A) Satisfactory Supplied JEWELLRY WANTS >^HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St> FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUR.E


396 Mills, Amanda (wid Andrew) 398 Belmore, Harry 400 McCraid, Mrs. Anna (wid Geo) 402 Powers, John Robinson, Jos, grocery York street intersects 399; Ferns,, Wilbur [406 Hillier, John 405 McGill, Richard 408 Robertson, Geo

4Q7, Vacant : -.s 410 Plunkett, Isaac '409 Whitney, Fred 412 Beavis, William 421 Campbell, Albert 428 Hurst, James 429 Forbes, William 430 Miller, William 435 James, Bert 432 Kennedy, Mary J (wid Jas) 437 Martinelli, Tuce 439 McAllister, Park W 441 Mallen, Edward Raglan road intersects 447 McGregor. John 1454 McKane, Burns 449 Gilmour, Wm Geo 1456 Lemmon, John, taxi driver 451 McClellan, Chas 458 Mahoney, I Capt Chas A 453 Wilson, Wm J 460 Crawford, Jas 455 McWilliams. Charles -B 462 Hill, James 457 Siiiith, Walter 464 Leach, Edward 459 Lambert, Alfred 466 Morris, Thos W 461 Dennie, Everest 468 Smith, Eraser 470 Wood, Stanley 472 Smith, Frederick E 474 Darley, Mary (wid A M) John street ends Plum street commences 480 Turcotte, Nicholas 491 Ryan, Howard 493 Glenn, Ellen (wid Wm) 495 Williamson, Richard 497 Taillon, Frank Quebec street intersects Jenkins, Walter 1484 Cherry, Annie (wid Wm) 486 Brown, Alfred S

1 488 Whitty, Michael 1490 Stasack, Valentine 1492 Kearns, J

BARTLETT STREET, runs west from Victoria, first north of Princess. Bartlett North I NORTH SIDE. SOUTH SIDE. Bartlett South I 1 Thompson, V Smith street ends W | BATH ROAD SOUTH SIDE NORTH SIDE Bailey, Wm Brian, Thos Sherbino. Henry McFedridge, William, sr Cropp, Thomas Ryder, Lome Friendship, Chas C, market gdnr Hyland, John Waddington, Henry, butcher Bushell, Robert J, market gdnr Prison road ends Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures . FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030

BAY STREET DIR ECTORY BEVERLY 1.5 BAY STREET, runs west from the river to Frontenac Park, fourth north of Princess, NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Davis Dry Dock Wellington street ends Anglin, S & Co Bajus Brewery Rideau street intersects 45 Murphy, Wm F 50 Daryaw, Frank 47 Locke, Geo W 52 Sands, Frank 49 Leary, John 54 Woods, Wm A 51 Murphy, Ch\as. 56 Cunningham, Charles 55 Jacquith, Thos John 58 Booth, John 57 Purcell, George 60 Rea, David J 59 Cunningham, James 62 Connelly, Catherine (wid James) 61 Jarvis, Fred A 64 Fuller, Jas. f 66 Coyle, John Morris, Isaac T, grocery Bagot street intersects 73 Murphy, John grocer 86 Eves, Frank J, I

75 Murphy, John I 90 Easton, Geo 87 Gordon, John M 92 James, Wm 89 Harper, Frederick 94 Jackson, George I 91 "McLean, Hackett. Wm John I 96 Wm 93 McDonald, John |Cor. Montreal, Marshall, Richard, groc 95 Spencer, Amos I 97 Henderson, James E Gordon M (grocery) J I Montreal street intersects

111 Clarke, Jas I House of Providence 113 Paynter, Richard | 115 Kelley, Margaret (wid A) Wm | Sydenham street intersects Balaclava street commences! 138 Asselstine, Arthur J 137 McBratney, Hugh | 140 Ferrier, George ;|142 Gammon, James 144 Thompson. Chas I A 146 Murray. I John 1148 King, Frances K |150 Casterton, Arthur J

1 152 Hooper, Louis (wid Alfred)

BEVERLY STREET, north from King to Union, seventh west of Barrie EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE 37 McCoy, Peter Irwin, Bella, I grocer 39 Givens .Margaret (wid Chas) I Campbell, Edward J, carter 49 Hawkins. Reginald 52 Derbyshire. Eugene I 51 De Pose, Mr Edgehill Street intersects 53 Scott, Harry 80 Callaghan, Arthur i 53 Duberry, Chas 82 Scarie, George I 83 Westcott, Walter J I "Hillside" Van Straubenzie, Anne, 85 Vacant (wid Col) I 89 Thompson, William 124 Sautiders, I Wm John 91 Christmas, H T I "Keewadin," Walkem, Joseph B 97 Blomeley. Thos I "Cottage," Campbell, Laderna 101 Gowan, Wm

119 Boyd. John I 121 Matthews, William H 123 Dalton. Chas. 125 Zufelt. L A SMITH BROS. ''°'' niOn GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES f INE JEWELLERY WTien You Are in Need of RycKlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTIMETRIST AND OPTiCAN, - - ]. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarenci and Wellington Stritts, Golden lion Blick


127 Hunter, John 1 131 Woodcock, M. 143 Light, Lieut Alfred

BIRCH AVENUE, west from Albert St, first north of Earl NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 3 Weatherhead, G F 2 Burtch, Enoch 5 James, Alva 4 McWilliams, Chas 7 Burtch, Thos H BREWERY LANE, runs west from 308 SIDE SOUTH SIDE Bajus Brewery 2 Clark, Wm H 4 Benoit, Louis 6 Smith, Hugh 8 Clark, Sergt-Maj Jos

BROCK STREET, west from the harbor to Victoria, first south of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Folger's dock C P R grounds and G T R tracks Kingston Milling Co, flour mill Cab stand W G Craig & Co, whol grocers, S E Ontario street intersects Canadian Oil Co, Ltd City Buildings 19 Taxi Stand, E Paradis, prop Market 23 Exchange Restaurant (Beef Steak

Jack) Jno A Cunningham, prop I flour 25 McFarlane, J A, and feed |

27 Alarie, W F, machine agent I 29 Whitney Hotel, Michael Berrigan,! Prop I 31 Reid, David, barber shop I

33 Hill, Andrew I 35 Buchanan House, Geo Buchanan, prop. 37 Hopkinson, W E & Bro, grocers 39-41 Anchor Building Thompson, Blake E (real estate) Godwin, W H & Son, insurance Labor Union Hall, 3rd floor Northern Crown Bank, D Murray manager King street intersects 56 Carroll, John K, real estate and ins. Bank of , Geo B McKay, I Mgr 58 (upstairs) Manufacturers' Life In- 53 McLepd, James B., druggist surance Co, M G Johnston, mgr 55 Prevost, Zotique Princess Pat's Tea Rooms 5.7 Cays, Duncan A, real estate 60 Mutual Life Assn Co, S Roughton 57 License Inspector's Office (J Mc- mgr \^ 62 Metcalfe, Edgar jt~butcher Cammon) I 59-61 Henderson, James R, grocer 64 Moberley, I Wm 63 Dominion Fish 66 Hall, David, sanitary & heating eng Co I 65 Lackie's Bakery Store 69-73 McKelvey Birch Ltd, plumbers, 68 Burke, Thos F, butcher & I tinsmiths, hardware 70 Johnston, John E, boots and shoes I 73 Mitchell, Mrs E M, dressmaker 72 (upstairs) Stockbridge, Geo 75-79 J Livingston, C & Bro, tailors I 81 Power & Son, Architects | Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030


83-85 Merchants Bank 74 Green Bros, wholesale butchers Asylum of A & A S Rite (rooms 3rd 76 Saffield, Harry, harness mkr fl-.or) 78-80 Gourdier, Wm F, furrier Pension Claims Office 84 (upstairs) Pelletier, J J C, tailor 86-88 J S R McCann, ins and real es- tate; W H Dalby, groc. brokrge 90-94 Carnovsky, H, fruits, etc I W Wellington street intersects R Waldron's store O'Connor, N E (W R McRae & Co), 103 Keeley, W J, mfg jeweller grocers 105 Leader, Miss M A, fancy goods 112 Vacant 109 Wingon Lung & Co, Peter Lee, prop 111 Vacant 113 Vacant 115 Johnson, Mrs F J, florist Upstairs Exchange Chambers — 1 Rigney, T J, barrister 116 Alexander, R, tailor 117 Peters-Thompson Seed Co 119-127 Queen's Hotel, Hughes, prop J | 129 Boyd's Garage, G W Boyd, prop 131 Egan, William, tailor 133 Savage & Co, home decorators Clarence street ends

Suther'land, R D, ins and real estate | Bagot street intersects Guess livery stables Dept (faces Bagot St) | Ordnance 147 Lowry, A, blackksmith Hotel Dieu J |

149-157 McKay, John, Ltd, Furs, etc I 161 Dehaney, William | 163 McCarthy, Wm A, physician Montreal street commences Brock Street Methodist Church 183 Ruttan, Henry M 185 Mahood, Fred K 187 Leslie, James 189 Coon, Dr D A 191 Clark, D 193 Maclean, Archie M Cooke's Church, Rev. E. R. McLean Schetagne, Paul 201 Stevenson, P C Sydenham St South begins 227 Kent Bros, mica works 1228 Mundell. D E, physician 229 Hennessy, Thos 230 Carey, Edith (Wid Archd W B) 231 Branigan. Denis P 232 "Verdun" J E Rousseau, bdg hse 233 Nurses Home of Hotel Dieu 234 Mackenzie, George 235 C M B A lodge rooms (236 Williamson, George H A O H lodge rooms [238 Fitzgerald, Rev Canon W F - C O F lodge rooms 240 Lawler, Thos 237 Percival, Thomassena 242 Bowen, William A 239 Downey, Geo H 244 Lipman, Barnet 241 McRae, Ross M St Mary's School 243 MacDonald, H (wid Donald) boarding hse 245 Graham, W C 247 Vacant 249 Fowler, Misses 255 Coglon, Capt M F 257 Compton, Charles R Clergy street intersects RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET BROKEN EYE GLASSES We Will Duplicate any Lens Made in the Shortest Time

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Optometrist, Mfg. Optician, Opposite General Post Office


269 Dix, Miss Margaret, bdg hse St Mary's Cathedral 271 Todd, Herbert Palace grounds 273 Holland, H 275 Loscombe, Albert E M 287-289 Fire Station No 2 291 Mullinger, Thos Barrie street intersects MacCallum, E C D, Dr 304 Turner, James 305 Stover, Nancy (wid Wm) 306 Elmer, Mrs N J (wid John) 307 Martin, Herbert 310 Turner, Samuel 309 Evans, Jno 312 Hunt, Thos G 311 Alarie, W F 314 Jones, Harry 313 Sharpe, Miss Edith 316 Hodge, Herbert O 315 Mcllquham, James 318 Sharpe, E (wid Andrew) 317 Carroll, Helen 322 McQuaig, Marshall 319 Armstrong, W John 324 Toohey, Miss Mary 321 March, L A 330 Johnson, W D 323 Adams, Margaret (wid Geo Alex) 332 Sutton, William 325 Grass, Lewis 334 Vanasky. Ellen (wid Alexander) 329 Nolan, Michael 33<5 Harris, Jas 331 Quinn, J F 338 O'Reilly, Alfred M 331J4 Hitsman, S A 340 Moore, Wm J 333 O'Donnell, Jno 335 Joyner, Geo Z37 Robinson, Harold E Division street intersects 347 Mclntyre, Katharine 344 Wood, W. & Son, grocery 349 Martin, John W 346 Vacant 353 Saunders, John 348 Laughlen, James H 355 Thompson, Melville 350 Love, J W 357 Boyd, Nancy (wid Capt Jno) 354 Craig, J A 359' Beaudoin, J Chas 354 Craig, Mrs Eleanor (wid Wm) 361 Dwyer, Johanna (wid Pat) 356 Slater, Sergt Stuart 363 Esford, Sterling 358 Jordan, Lieut Samuel 365 Murphy, Thos 360 Dick, H J 367 O'Brien, William H 362 Elliott, Florence (wid Rev Jos) 369 Mackey, H 364 Clugston, Thomas 371 Willard, W J 370 Ferguson, Thos H 272) Kendrick, Thos G 372 McLean, Rev E R 377 Vanluven, Alvin 374 Baiden, Charles 381 Guess, L E 2,7B Mills, Mary (wid Thos) 591 Smith, Henry A 380 Fair, Alice (wid J Marshall) 393 Graham, Edward boarding house 395 Archer, C D 382 Sawyer Mrs E J (wid Wm) 397 Bolger, Miss C S 384 McAvelia, Mrs Letitia 399 Glidden, Elizabeth (wid Wm) 394 Haffner, Phil 396 Clugston, Wm R 398 Doyle, Mrs Ellen (wid Patrick) 400 Boyd, George 404 Milton, Miss Mary Jane

1 406 McGrath, Miss Katharine University Ave intersects

421 Patterson, Mathew I 408 Ainslie, M V, butcher 425 Nicholson, Miss Margaret 408 Fon Se To, laundry 429 Henzy, Miss Jennie J 428 Bruce, Emma (wid Wm G) 431 Connell, Wm S J430 Warner, Myers 433 Walsh, Edwin 432 MacKie, John

439 Tupper, Jno ] 434 Kennedy, Jno

J. K. Carroll Agency domiwon ufe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. [

FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 &: SQNTS Phone 1030 BROCK STREET DIRECTORY CENTRE 19 ~~~ 1438 Warren, Wm H 440 Sloan, Robt D I 442 Harford 1 Chadwick, Alfred Street intersects Victoria Park ,460 Wilson, J D 462 Woodrow, William H 464 Haggerty, Wm 466 Porter, Eliz j[^wid Stanley) 468 Dunlop, Herbert A 470 Dennee, George 472 Mowers, Frank

, 474 Hazlett, Thos 476 Dunlop, Mrs E Frontenac street intersects 480 Fairlee, Rev John Victoria Park I 1482 Edwards, Capt J Vacant Lots i486 Lappen, Margaret (wid Thos) Vacant lots I

521 Randolph, Mrs Julia (wid Jno) | 510 Douglas, Hugh Albert street intersects

525 Grant, Mrs Jessie (wid Thos S) I 520 Prettie, Robert D 522 Scriven, John I Nelson street intersects

535 Higgins, Charles 1 Vacant Lots CARLISLE STREET, north from York to Chestnut, second west of Barrie

EAST SIDE ! WEST SIDE 16 Tidman, Mrs Gertrude (wid Geo) 7 Lidman, Gertrude (wid Geo) | 20 Boyer, Reginald 22 Teepell, Hardy I CATARAQUI STREET, west from the river to west of Rideau SIDE SIDE NORTH | SOUTH Smelting 6: Refining Dominion Textile Buffalo-Ontario | Co

Co, smelter I Canadian Oil Co. warehouse Orchard street commences

' 9 Revelle, Edward . J |

7 Maxam, Charles I * 5 Johnson, Ed I 3 Vankoughnett, John I

McKay's store house [ Railway crossing Railway crossing Military Dist. Bailey Broom Co, broom mnfrs | Ordnance Depot, 3rd Rideau street intersects 87 Bamford, Albert .1 89 Joyce, John "I

91 Nevens, Wm | CENTRE STREET, north from King west to Union, eighth west of Barrie

EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE "Bellevue," Gilbert, "Elmhurst" Convalescent Home John | Edgehill ends

87 Holland, Robt I McCormick's Cottages Eliz 101 Jesse. Percy I 1 McCormack, (wid Robt)

125 Clark, Wm C I 2 Wainwright, Fred 135 Baker, Prof W C 13 Kennedy. Mary Jane (wid John) 4 Peters, I John

I 5 Page. Maria (wid Arthur) 66 Gedye. Phillip V I


68 Lawson, Percy C II 76 Givens, John I 82 Pratchett, George

I 84 Boyd, Wilmur 102 McCormick, Eliz I "Otterbourne," Langley, Jas I A CHAPMAN STREET, north from Que en to Colborne, first east of Division

_ Vacant house I CHARLES STREET, west from Rideau to Patrick, fifth north of Bay SIDE NORTH I SOUTH SIDE 7 Crumley, Edith (wid Alex) 12 Craig, Samuel 9 Hepburn, Frank 11 Brownhill, Edward 13 Norris, Jane (wid Jas) 15 Babcock, George 17 Senior, Thos 19 Phelan, Thomas 21 Scrutton, John 27 Bickham, James 29 Guild, Capt John 35 Andre, Chas 37 Boswick, John 39 Revell, George S 41 Paradis, Charles Congregational church Bagot street intersects

36 William, S G I 37 Clark, W H. barber shop

38 Cummings, James I 37 (Upstairs) Cherbonneau, Henry 39 (Upstairs) Howes, I Ambrose Montreal street intersects 3 Tooher, Annie, grocer LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It. CHATHAM STREET DIRECTORY CHESTNUT 21

First street intersects

37 Matthews, Mrs (wid J ohn) I Colborne street intersects 52 Rogers, Jos 51 Smith, Robt J i 54 Pemstead, Chas 55 Botting, George I 57 Donovan, Jos 56 Tolhurst, William 58 Gollon, 59 Mulholland, Samuel 1 David 67 Jinks, Arthur James • 60 Spring, Ellen (wid Hugh; 70 Rutherford, Thomas, grocer 69 Chalkley, Emma (wid Robt) I 72 1 Rutherford, Thos, res Elm street intersects Clow's Block: 87 Hawkins, Edward I 89 Lakes, Hercules W 1 Thomas, Jackson, grocer 91 Charles, Dixon 2 Reid, John E 3 McQueen, Samuel 4 Birmingham, John 5 Baker, Wm J 6 Suddard, John 7 Hagen, Dan 8 Dempster, David 9 Moncrief, Mary (wid Peter) Fifth street intersects 97 Ferguson, Robert L 1100 Boon, Mrs. Sarah 101 Vacant |104 Lane, Wm Harold Sixth street intersects 132 Saunders, Benjamin I 134 Woods, James 103 Thompson, Jennie I

135 Moulton, Herbert 1 138 Voteary, John York street intersects^

CHERRY STREET, north from York to north of Pine, first east of Division


3 Stevens, Robert 1 Williamson, Isaac 5 Potts, Samuel 6 Percival, Victor 7 Clarke, George 8 Humphrey, Hanna (wid Chris)

11 Patterson, Wm 1 10 Moore, David John 12 Lyons, David I Chestnut street intersects 27 Smith, Geo A 14 Harris, Isabella (wid David) 16 Salsbury, Sydney A

18 McGarvey, James I Quebec street intersects 33 Tolhurst, Norton 24 Jamieson, Harry Hugh 35 Cannem, Catherine (wid Samuel) 34 Cobb. Ernest 37 Burtch, Orville Clark, C H, grocery Pine street intersects 60 Easton, Walter 61 Peters, Charles I A 63 Eke, Robert 64 Holland, Chester I 65 Downs, Richard 68 Dixon, I Wm 71 Sands, 70 Farmer, John G Herb 'i

CHESTNUT STREET, northwest from Carlisle to Quebec, first north of SIDE SOUTH SIDE | 3 Lowry, John A Vacant 5 Setterington, George S M I

7 McLean, Harry 1 , Cherry street intersects 1 Currier, Peter 2 Cotman. Geo I


in CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET MpnHplQ ^^^ Well-Made Ready-to 1 ICliUClo wear at lowest pricesDrices


3 Neal, Fred 4 Buse, Joseph 6 Johnson, Frank 8 Murray, Chas 10 Truesdell, David W Pine street ends

CLARENCE STREET, west from the harbor to junction of Bagot and Brock streets, first west of Market

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE C P R freight sheds Wolfe Island ferry | wharf C P R Ry station Railway tracks | Fenwick, Hendry Co, rear entr'ce 1 & Toye, R H, side entrance I Ontario street intersects 37 Customs Express Dept 28 Vacanl; ' 39 Canal office 30 Vacant Gas and Elec Light Inspctr's office 32 Cab Stand, phone 670 Weights and measures office 34 Great Northwestern Telegraph Co Penfold, W J, caretaker 36 Sullivan, W H, barrister Steamboat Inspector's office 36 Kirkpatrick, Chas S, customs, ticket Food Inspector's office and insurance brokers Inland Revenue office 36 (upstairs) Imperial Munitions, H 37 Hewett, Geo L Bradley, Director 37 Gilmour, Alex 38 Hinchcliffe, James, caretaker 37 Phillips, G-o 38 Macdonnell, G M, barrister 37 Smith, Geo P Master and Mates Club Room, 3rd 37 Hurd, Gordon floor 39 Cooke, F W, awnings, etc 40 Can Pac Ry Go's telegraph 41 Dobbs, J R C, typewriters, ins, etc N A Telegraph Co 43 Clarence chambers 44 H S Folger, insurance, bonds, etc Vacant 44-48 American Consulate, Felix S S 43 (Upstairs) Ames, Chas W Johnson, Consul Hanson, Croz-ier & Edgar, Printers 48-50 Salvation Army Hostel 47 Taxi & Cab Stand No 1, phone 490 Bucknell, Miss Jane, news depot

King street intersects

59-65 Ontario chambers Customs Hse, Arch Strachan, coll 65 Lockhart, T J, ins and real estate Clarence St Park de Carteret, Clement, grocery broker Post Office, James Stewart, pstmsr Harty, Hon Wm Kehoe, Joseph, caretaker Rogers, Thomas X, caretaker Post Office Inspector's office, Henry 67 Bateman, Geo A, customs broker Merrick, inspector 69 Whiting, John L, barrister 71-73 King & Smythe, barristers 73 Burns, R Easton, chartered acct 79 Mills, Thomas, banker Cunningham, A B, barrister 81-83 Bell Telephone Co 87 Frontenac Loan & Invest Society 89 Canada Truss Co. 91 Kent Bros, bankers 93 Walkem & Walkem Mundell William, barrister 95 Strange & Strange, insurance Strange, John, barrister Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, F«r nre msu^nce phone 1030


Fogle, B H, Confederation Life | Fair 97 North Am Life Ass Co, W J | Wellington street intersects Golden Lion block, S F 110 Ellerbeck, Chas London Life Insurance Co 112 Sommerville, Thos Stewart, J J, optemetrist 114 La Vaute, Katherine (wid Arthur) 116 Wo Kee, laundry |120-122 Finkle & Co, livery 124-126 Clarence St Garage, I Lesses, j Mgr Chevrolet Car I

126 Mills, John , i 128 Brooks, Wm Nash, Joseph Waters, John 130 Bell, R Chas, real estate & Insce 130 Buell, Geo G, dist rep of I C S 132^4 Massey-Harris Co, implements 134 Nichols, Wm, vet surgeon CLERGY STREET, runs north from Barrie to Ordnance, sixth west of water front EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I

Eastern Dairy School | Chalmers Presbyterian church

Old Collegiate building I

15 Depot Battn Quarters I Earl street intersects 36 Routbard, Lewis I

I 38 Martin, Irving 40 Devlin, I James William street intersects 45 Muirhead, Elizabeth (wid Rev Jno) 44 Glasg^ow, Miss Jean 47 Thompson, Jane (wid Robt) 46 Norns, Capt J V 49 Henderson, Jane R (wid John) 48 Genge, Robt E 51 Sharp, Major Wm J 50 Sage, Walter N 53 Shaw, Miss Mary 52 Whiting, John L 55 Reid, Fred C 54 Lambert, Thomas 56 Angrove, Henry 58 Mackie, Mary (wid Alex) 60 Des Rochers, Mary (wid Zephirin) Johnson street intersects 85-89 St separate Mary's school | St Mary's cathedral Brock street intersects 105 Van Home, Geo 96 Morrison, Catherine (wid Michael) 107 Keyes, Miss Alice 98 Chatterton, Ellen (wid Edward) 100 Nourry, Lucien 102 Doyle, Jos F 104 Harold, Alexander 106 Finn, Elizabeth (wid Wm) 108 Rogers, James jllO International Harvesting Co, J. W. Martin, Mgr 112 Quick, Chas, butcher Prouse, S Estate, Druggist I C Princess street intersects

133 Davison, Roy I St Andrew's Presbyterian church 135 Newton, Thos St Andrew's Manse, Rev John W 139 Fallon Bros, granite wks I Stephen | Queen street intersects SOLD AT MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - STARR PHONOGRAPHS 350 King St. Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office 24 CLERGY STREET DIRECTORY COLBORNE

Queen Street Methodist church 150 Campbell, Dr J M, surgery 151 Fleet, Wm 162 Vince W J painter 153 Byron, Maude (wid Stanley) 164 Vince, William J 163 Willis, Ida (wid Jas) Colborne street intersects 165 Staley, Horatio 176 MacCormack, Francis 167 Revell, Matthew 178 Wright, Samuel 169 Pope, Mary Ann (wid Thomas) 180 Johnston, John S 171 Scholes, James 182 Holland, Jas B 175 Pound, Frederick J 190 Chamberlain, Wm 177 Rawson, Arthur 192 Law. Capt H R 181 Publow, George G 183 Allen, Robert M 185 McClelland, Richard Jas 187 Donovan, John 189 Pugh, Thomas 191 Smith, Wesley

CLERGY STREET WEST, west from Barrie to University ave, first north of Union SOUTH SIDE NORTH SIDE 14 Hughes, Jos 13 Markett, Joseph lAYz Whitney, Arthur 15 Little, Thomas 16 Andrew, Franklin 17 Spencer, Louis 18 Riley, Arthur 21 O'Brien, John 22 Holland, Wm E 27 Purdy, David 24 Blaney, Fred 29 Sauve, Joseph 26 Arniel, Richard 31 Hysop, Jane (wid Chas) 28 Boaprey, John R 35 Corrigan, Frank 30 McKane, William G 2)7 O'Reilly, Christina (wid Jas) 32 Geoghegan, Wm 39 Shanahan, Margaret (wid John) Elgin St ends 41 Martyn, Geo A 32b Kingswell, Charles 45 Smith, Capt Horatio 34 Watson, Alexander N I 36 Elliott, Louis I 38 Pelow, Dennis I 40 Jackson, Chas F I Division street intersects 42 Gamble, Andrew M I 81 Woertendyke, Ada 60 McRory, Jno I 83 Hazlett, 70 Cathcart, Alex Wm I W 85 Craig, James A' 72 Wilson, Robert I J W 87 Arniel, Isabel (wid Wm) 74 Wilson, Houghton W 91 Wilmot, Frances (wid Nathaniel) 78 Scobell, Sydney S 93 Warwick, Chas J 80 Huyck, Dr P H 95 Edgar, Robert 84 Bloomfield, Capt Wm 99 Martin, Louis 88 Makins, Miss Janet 90 Frederick 101 Gillie, James I Yokes, 103 Hodgins, Chas 92 Weir, John C I

I 98 Connell, James 100 Swaine, W E 104 Breathwaite, H I 106 Paul, I Wm J COLBORNE STREET, west from Sydenham to Chatham 2nd north of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 7 Boyd, Richard 2 Robinson, James 9 North, John 4 Barber, Ernest 11 Eccles, Jas 8 Vacant K. Carroll Agency REAL J. ESTAT 56 BROCK ST. Ml 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendeis MILLINER^Y


13 Geoghegan, Annie (wid John) | 14 Dumphy, Edward J 15 Kane, Jas F 22 Thcmpson, Mary (widjas) 17 Tierney, James [30 Ellis, Rev J D 34 Revelle, 21 Dunlop, John I John B 25 Wright, Mrs Catherine (wid Clark| 36 Purcell, Michael

iiT-x I An T u„ XT_ii:. / . W) . 40 Jacobs, Nellie (wid Wm) 27 Keyworth, Harry

29 Elmer, Fred I

31 Thomson, Hanna I

33 Cornelius, Jas I Clergy street intersects 39 F McCormick & J Mooney, grocers 44 Marchand. Susan (wid Charles) 41 Mooney, John, grocer 46 Savage, Patrick 45 St Pierre, Joseph 48 Thompson, Albert J 47 Denn, Jas 50 Kelly, Byron A 49 Howie, James 52 Caldback, John H 49 Rogers, Wm C 58 Newlands, Geo 57 Bailon, Wm 60 Barnett, Herbert 59 Pindred, David 67 Kane, Mary (wid James) 62 Saunders. G D 69 McGrath, Henry J 68 Marshall, Howard 71 Driver, William J 70 Clenahan, John 73 Percival, Robt B 74 Flett, Alexander G 73 Thornton, Rachael (wid John) 75 Harvey, Capt Edmund J 79 Irwin, Mary (wid Capt R C) 81 Glassford, Thomas C Barrie street intersects 83 James Thomas O, grocer 114 Shangrow, Edward (upstairs) James, Wm H 116 Murphy, Dennis J 85 Reynolds, Chas 118 McCormick, Patrick 87 McAuley, Albert 120 Frost, Wm G 122 Free Methodist Church Scott, Geo W , 91 Babcock, Rev Richard 124 Kennedy, Andrew McQ 93 Davis, Raymond 105 James, Thomas O Chapman street ends 119 Abramson, J B 136 McCullough, Robt Main street commences 138 Holford, William 123 Knight, U R 140 Johnston, John 125 Moore, Chas 127 Keen, Miss Bessie 129 Bunt, William 131 Watts, Alex 133 McGill, Dr W A 137 Ingledew, Lieut Fred 154 Pearn, Wm T, Sr 139 Gallivan, John 141 Dean, William 143 Shaw, Wm 145 Mullen, Capt John 149 Millard. Richard W Division street intersects 181 Wiltshire, Mrs. Walter Macdonald i School House 183 Laronge, John W H 190 Mohan, Peter 185 Garland, Alex. 1 192 Ashley, Hannah (wid Cumberland) 193 Lemmon, Thomas F 196 Owles, Frank 195 Acton, George 198 Young, George 197 Mathews, Geo J202 Clement, Webster L SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


199 Cooke, Chas H |204 Meredith, Albert J

201 Daybell, Mrs I 208 Pickering, Wm G 203 McEwen, Geo 210 Bews, John W 205 Merritt, Edward 1212 Bews, Lieut James 209 Eward, Agnes (wid Robt) 1214 Laird, Albert E 213 Whitty, Willet G 1216 Staley, Gordon H 215 Bews, James 240 Gatchell, Jos 217 Bryant, Reuben 244 Reid, Wm H 223 Bryant. Hajry L 235 Campbell, Capt Geo 243 Revell, Beft 245 Holder, John B Chatham street intersects 261 De Mouilpied, Wm |246 Hughes, John J 1260 Geraldi, Bert 1264 Caldback, R Jas COLLEGE STREET, north from Union, third west of Albert EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 2 Revelle, W E 4 Macpherson, Walter E 6 Hickey. Overton James COLLINGWOOD STREET, north from King to Johnson, sixth west of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE Kingston Ice Co 65 Grant, Wm 1 67 20 McMurray, David Plumb, Geo I 83 O'Donnell, (wid Peter) 38 Dine, C Wallace Jean I 85 Atkinson, Anna M (wid Thomas) 42 Woodhouse, David I 87 Flowers, Herbert 44 Hicks, Russell I

89 Christmas, Harry 1 84 Hermiston, Charles D 129 Burns, Robert J 843^ Wood, Chester 133 Dennison, James I 86 McCormack, Samuel, "Inglewood" H I

135 Young, William I 90 Heaney, Jas 139 MacPherson, S 92 Swailes, Alfred J I 141 Cunningham, John 118 Babcock, Walter 143 Gummer, Prof C F 120 Penwarden, Willis H 145 Duffy, Francis |l22 Ferguson, Wm J 147 McCully, 140 Forsythe, Andrew Capt A I 149 Warwick, Harry S 1142 Storms, M G

1144 Patridge, F B . Union street intersects 167 Stewart, James 158 Dennison, George 169 Taylor, Prof. W D /A^New house - ~/i(j!tU\A^ 171 Chambers, Prof. L P 173 Lawlor, Jas 175 Allan, Wilfred 177 Bartells, M W (widow) 179 Catermole, Wm H 179^ Slater,.Charles E 181 Purcell, Jos N 183 McGilivray, R J 185 Derry, Patrick W |

187 McCulla, Robert I 189 Eva, Wm J | Couper Street Ends Earl street intersects PoHitt's Bread Factory 1298 Hunter, Lt-Col G.r<.rge 299 Biss, Fred 1300 Viddulph, Frank

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean Afciiunt* 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1 030 i COLLINGWOOD STREET DIRECTORY DAVIDSON 27

301 Francis, Walter 302 Hamilton, Maud (wid Wpi) 303 Forester, Rev J Wm 312 Francis, John 305 Pipe, David C 316 Rutherford, Frederick H 307 Bongard, Harvey 309 Watts, Robert CONCESSION ROAD, west from 450 Division to Smith SIDE SOUTH SIDE NORTH I 2 Arden, William Chas 3 Bushey, Harry E I 4 McCallister, Alexander J Lansdowne street ends

8 Murray, Terrance 1 38 Brocklehurst, John 5 Kryant, Francis 40 Logan, Elizabeth (wid John) I 42 Wilkins, 20 Graham, Wm I Wm

1 2,7 Betts, Alfred Alfred Street Intersects 14 Robbs, Alfred 39 Fuller, Joseph Theirault, Francis 41 Bills, John Reid, Elizabeth (wid Wm H) 43 Whiteford, Joseph New house (vacant) 45 Getty, James Bates, Samuel C New house (vacant) McCulla, David 47 Saunders, Albert Palace School 49 Shaw, Calvin Vacant house Albert street ends 22 Polks, Robert Fair grounds Nelson street ends Vacant Smith street ends Victoria street intersects Vacant I

CORRIGAN STREET, runs west from 176 Rideau to Bagot NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 1 Hanson, George 4 Judge, Michael 3 Harrison, Edward 6 Dine, Mark 17 Wood, Wm B 8 Ryan, Albert 10 Sturman, Chas 12 Byrons, Elizabeth (wid Wm) 14 Corrigan, Mrs Sarah J 16 Potter, Alex Bagot street intersects

COUPER STREET, runs west from Albert to Collingwood NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 1 Craig, Mrs Wm

5 England, Sarah (wid James) I 4 Kilduff, Thomas I

COWDY STREET, runs north from Pine to Adelaide, second east of Division EAST SIDE WEST SIDE Not built on 28 McPhee, Robert 7 Redden, Frank 9 Harvey, Wm J 11 Phillips, Charles W Frontenac Public School



DEACON STREET, west from 98 Barrie to Arch, first south of Union SIDE NORTH SIDE SOUTH I

12 Beddie, William | 9 Scrutton, Edmund, jr 16 Smith, Julia 11 Roberts, Ernest I 18 Cunningham, Sarah (wid. Sam'l H.)| 15 Chown, Sarah (wid Wm) 22 McAllister, Charlotte I

DIVISION STREET, runs north from Union street west to city limits, first

west of Barrie I SIDE WEST SIDE EAST I

McLeod, C R, grocer j 16 Murphy, Wm J

1 Sheppard, Fred S ( 18 Lake, Amos K 22 Barry, 3 Melville, Jeremiah J. I Frances 5 Roach, Wm ( 28 Elmer, Miss Lena 7 Sharpe, Harry Z2 Wells, I A

15 Moore, Alex H ( 34 Posselwhite, Chas Frederick 17 Saunders, Wm 19 Nobes, William 21 Carr, F W 25 Richardson, Thos 27 Anderson, Kate (wid Daniel) 29 Milo, Frank C 31 Delaroche, Arthur 33 Guild, Leman A 35 Van Luven, Maxwell 21 Loucks, Rev Canon Edwin

Clergy street intersects

39 Warwick, Carrie J (wid Chas J) I 36 Ranger, Thos A, grocer 41 Campbell, David 40 Thompson, Robt A 43 42 Bird, Langley, Jr Vacant I 45 Donaldson, 44 Grooms, John Joseph I 47 Abbott, 46 Mackenzie, Alex A Emma I

49 Trotter, Thomas I 48 Ramsay, John F 59 Keyes, Aloisius 50 Kay, Harry I

61 Hong Bros Laundry I 52 Gowsell, Jas. Fitzgerald, William Hong Lee I 54 56 Pindred, 1 David Earl street intersects 71 O'Brien, Miss Elizabeth 70 Percy, John Alex, grocer I IZ Doolan, Timothy E 72 Percy, John A I 75 Haffner, Thomas 74 Lloyd, Sarah (wid John) n Turcotte, Alphus I 76 Vanalstine, Alex 79 Clarholm, 78 Landrieu, Benj John I 83 Herbert 80 Comer, Lloyd, I Geo W H 85 Roberts, Mrs. Jessie (wid E T) 82 Coyle, Jas J 87 Guy, Henry J 86 Hughes, Isabella (wid John) Upper William street ends| 88 Hanlon, Bernard J William Street intersects Vacant lots 94 Free, Robt J 93 Robinson, Wm J 96 Snelling, Harry W 95 Moore, Herbert V 98 Trotter, Kate (wid James) 97 Barrett, Lieut Wm J 100 Killoran, Thos. Vacant lots |

Mullin, Edw W, real estate & ins ( Johnson street intersects

Louise public school I Vacant lots 127 Keating, James R |l24 Crawford, Samuel 'ns"'"ance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds Specialize in Children's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


129 Blyth, Anna (wid Wm) 126 Gratton, Margaret (wid Peter) 131 Edwards, David 130 Bedford, George 134 Connor, Amy (wid Frederick) 136 Hipson, Joseph 138 McConville, Arthur 140 Wood, Wm (grocer) Brock street intersects 147 Spencer, Wm C 146 Langdon, Louis M 149 Clark, Mary (wid Wm) 148 Scott, William H 151 Graham, Edmund 153 Boucher, Thomas 152 Hartrick, Edward" 155 Smith, H A, grocer [154 Abeles, David 161 Baker, Wm 1168 Vacant 163 Cummins, Capt David Garrett street commences 165 Crawford, Capt James 1188-198 Anderson Bros, grocers 167 Brunke, Conrad J ] Princess street intersects 9 Welch, Frederick 1190 Gardiner, James B 81 Smith, Mary (wid Geo H) 192 Joyner, Ed 183 Sharpe, M E 194 Richardson, Roxa (wid Ed) 185 Hunt, Freeman 208-210 Friendship, John & Son, grocers

1 212 Miller, Samuel Harold Queen street ends 1214 Teepell, Wilson Davis, Alice (wid Arthur P) grocer |216 Liston, Patrick E

213 Chadwick, Robert I 218 Young, Thos.

215 Lawrence, John [ Macdonald School 217 Vacant 279 Stover, Annie (wid Phillip)

Colborne street intersects Tullock, 220 219b Capt Wm A | Hughson, Ernest

221 Stewart, Elizabeth (wid John) j 222a Lanedon, Nathaniel

223 Pollitt, Rachel (wid Thomas) 1 224 Mowat, Catherine (wid Henry)

225 Knowlton, John F. grocer | 226 Moore, Thos Ellice street ends |228 Batten, Capt Wm Geo 231 Suddard, Margaret Jane (wid Edw) |230 Dunn, Ambrose 237 Grimshaw, Frank 1232 Esford, Capt Henry Barry, 239 Elma (wid James) I 240 Eward, Fred W 241 Parkin, Earl R [248 Strachan, Miss Ada "Kelso Cottage" 243 Foley, Wm J Elm street commences

249 Birmingham, Wm 1 Vacant lot 251 Lyons, Wm J 1254 Knowlton, Fred 255 Amey, Wm A |256 Truscott, G E 267 Holiness Movement church Massey, Rev C* J j Kaglan Road ends|258 Saywell, Edmund Silas 271 Pound, Elizabeth I 260 Ennis, C 281 Conley, Joseph |270 Suddard. A E 283 Corey, Wm (2^8 Denn, Elizabeth (wid William) 285 Plumridge, John Fifth street commences 297 McDonell, Robt [284 Grimshaw, Silas A 299 McMahon, Vacant lots Josephine (wid James) I 301 Cassell, 294 Orser, Mary (wid Isaac) Stanley I 303 Redmond, Ernest 1296 Paddon, Jane (wid Thos) street commences 305 Coiilin. John I Sixth 307 Stratford, Vacant lots James I Homer J G, barber shop 1322 Hibbert, S Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS ^^HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUKE


Main street ends|324 McKendry, Jas 327 Crawford, James 328 Wright, Chas 329 Vacant 1330 Wells, C A (grocer) York street intersects 335 Corey, Chas 336 Wehman, John 2,27 Gillespie, Wm H 342 Henry, John 341 McCammon, Wm 360 Burden, Walter 343 Frink, Dwight 364 Elliott, Matthew 345 Tierney, Cecil 366 Elliott, Robert F Quebec street ends 351 Pringle, Frederick 353 Tweedly, Edw 355 Pollitt, Fred J 359 Doran, Jas V 5Ci-S ,Reid, Wm J, grocer Pine street intersects 371 Risbridgej^, Miss iMary |368 Du Val, R E 375 Cooper, Thos Vacant lots 381 Crozier, Wm C |378 Abbott, Margaret (wid Thos) 387 Hamilton, John 384 I Lemmon, John 391 Alton, Rev George Stanley street commences I 393 Chapman, Albert 390 Cross, William I 395 Corcoran, Wm |392 Wilson, Annie (wid James) 399 Corcoran, Henry |396 Ubdgrove, Adalbert 401 Jones, Frank 398 Pogue, Irwin I |400 Carnick, Frederick Adelaide street intersects 425 Taylor, John 426 Schultz, Frank I Wm 429 Amey, Michael 1434 Smith, Sergt J A 447 Devine, James 436 Groom, Herbert I 449 Devine, Michael 438 Lacey, I Wm 451 Jones, Fred 440 Bull, Jesse I 453 Cassell, Edward J |448 Boneham, Frederick Concession street commences I

Stephen street ends I 450 Matier, William 455 Kemp, lots Wm J 1 Vacant 457 McKenester, E |458 Gibson, Thomas W 459 Gibson, 460 Hartman, Nelson John I Thomas street endsl 464 Mcllroy, Mary (wid Rev James)

Regiopolis College I 498 Joyce, Robt J Russell street ends! 610 Downey, Robt, coal oil merchant

583 Allison, John I Quarries and vacant lots 609 Kemp, Jas M. (498 Joyce, John W, wholesale butcher St Mary's cemetery (R C) I Martin, Chas, caretkr cemetery I DUFFERIN STREET, west from 200 Rideauto Bagot NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE

12 Sargent,, Robert ' 15 Murphy, Richard 14 Leaden, Frederick 16 Anderson, Jas 18 Fay, Margaret (wid John) 20 McCullagh, N H 23 Gommer, John 24 O'Connor, Maurice P 26 Pickering, Wm Albert 28 Smith, Charles 30 Bellet, Mr Bonds and J. K. Garroll Agency '. .: 56 BRocKST. Debentures FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 DUFFERIN STREET DIRECTORY EARL 3)

32 Sargent, Robt 34 Magagino, Flaminio DURHAM STREET, west from Victoria, first south of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Private grounds 16 Field, Ann (wid Arthur) 28 MacCalliwn, Campbell 129 Flynn, L A 40 Moncrieff, Thomas E 42 Boswell, Edward 46 Haffner, Geo Macdonnell street intersects 76 Clark, John I 78 McKane, Jas I

EARL STREET, west from Ontario to Macdonnell, fifth south of Princess NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE Yards 12 Baker, Geo I 23 Small, Phillip H 14 Vacant 16 Lovitt, Thomas I J « 18 Hunt, Hannah (wid John) I 20 Gilligan, Earl 20^ Henderson. Oscar 22 MacDonald, Gordon 24 Rith, Sydney I King street E intersects 47 Corrigan, Annie (wid 46 Brown, A D M Wm) I 49 Grigg, Thos 48 Reid, James E I Patrick 53 Johnston, Miss Annie M I 50 Madden, J 55 McGrath, John 52 Anglin. G, physician I W

63 Welch, Lawrence I 56 Hewgill. Sergt-Major 65 Hanley, 58 Gibson. Daniel V C I

67 Hanley, Joseph P I 62 Black, Leah (wid John) 66 Gill, W H Noell 68 Grady, Michael contr I J, Wellington street intersects 81 Kane, Jas E 72 Shepherd, John I 83 Watts, Sidney James 74 Hendry, Archibald I 87 McMahon, Andrew Olsen, John W I 76

89 Boyd, George W I 80 Millan, Dennis J

91 Downey, Timothy ' 82 Walsh. Mary (wid P)

97 Maddock, Joseph I 84 MacKenzie, Alex 97a Frasso, Mrs A 90 Twigg, Sarah (wid John E) I

101 Robbs, Epphriam, butcher I 92 Charlton, Maria (wid Robert)

I 94 Cunningham, Mary 96 McDonald, William C I 98 Potter. I Wm K 1100 Sutherland, Robt |l02 Bowman, Earl Bagot street intersects Glover, A, prrocer |108 Sullivan, Wm i ? 103 Bellhouse, J C (wid W H) |110 O'Rielly, Michael J 113 Prevost, Zotique |114 Neal, Martin 1116 Allard, John 117 Henderson. James R |118 Thibert, Alex P

119 Ogilvie, Col G H 1 120 Stone, Mary 122 Daly, William I J SMTTH^RRTOS for HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES flNE JlWlLLlKY When You Are in Need of Ryesrlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - J.J.STEWART,- Opt. D. Clarence and Wtliington Stretts, Eolden Lisn Black


I 130 Nickle, W. F.. M.P.

1 132 Waddell, Prof John 134 Brooks. Annie T (wid Chas)bdghs I Sydenham street intersects 149 Laidlaw, D G 148 McLellan, Ruben A 151 Tierney, A 154 Constantine, Henrietta (wid Chas) 155 Nickle, Hugh C 158 Crothers, Capt Norman 161 Robertson, Benjamin W 160 Powers, Thos R P 169 Cunningham, Lieut-Col A B 162 Gorrie, J A 179 Crothers, William J West street ends 170 Glover, Albert 174 Ladies' Residence Eraser, Isabella (wid Norman) Clergy street intersects 185 Elmer Chalmers church Woodman, I 189 Bell, Mrs Dorothy (wid F W) 193 Anderson, Catherine (wid Wm) 195 Wormwith, William H 199 Thompso'h, Augustus 201 Walsh, Miss Agnes Barrie street intersects 205 Purdy, J, grocer 1212 Kirkham, Thos 213 Emery, Chas |212i^ Ostrum, Mr 215 Hayman, J. R 1214 Lloyd, Thos 217 Reynolds, Mr 2141/^ Stevenson, E (wid) 219 Bateman, G 216 Hallowell, Caroline (wid Henry) 221 Daley, F 222 McCarey, Daniel 223 Wright, William A 224 Barney, Ida (wid Ben) 225 Nixon, Thos 226 Pearson, Leslie 227 McDonald, Charles John 228 Deroche, Alfred 229 Dorey, Francis 230 Miller, Matthew 233 Murray, Randall B 232 Wilson, Ernest 235 Gleeson, Miss Sarah, tlrs 234 Lyons, J S 237 Hetherington, Robert 236 Darragh, A J 239 Gilmour, A 238 Andre, Thos 243 Watson, Thomas G 242 Waygood, Wm 245 Gibson, William James 244 Deane, Geo 247 Thompson, Alex R 246 Baird, Robt Jas 247^ Newman, Wm 248 Smithers, Francis H

247^ (b) Dell, Robert i 247^ (rear) Godfred, Samuel Chinese Laundry 247j^ (rear) Simpson, Robert 2471/2 (rear) Timson, Fred 255 Partis, Thos W 257 Agnew, Robert W Division street intersects Percy, J A, grocer 254 Patterson, Wm J 259 Hayes, Frank 256 Minongue, Mary (wid William) 261 Kingsbury, A B 258 Garvin, Catherine (wid Edward) 263 Willey, Jabez W 260 Wright, Richard T 265 Murray, Samuel 262 Murphy, Jos 267 Scott, C W 264- Smith, A 269 Wilkinson, Cecil 266 McMillan, Duncan 271 Eraser, John 272 Ronton, Miss Lucinda 273 Lemmon, John |276 Knox, Lawrence W 277 Lemmon, Allan 1282 Decker, Margaret (wid Thos) Aberdeen street commencesi 284 Asselstine, Isaac Fire J. K, Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH r & SONTS Phone 1030 EARL STREET DIRECTORY ELGIN 33

299 Harte, Willis |286 Rutherford, J 301 Aylesworth, Mrs G N (wid A A) (288 Dick, D J 303 Smith, Wriley |290 Hamilton, Isabella (wid Colin) 303a Loshaw, Allswood 1292 Parkin, Alfred C 305 Birmingham, W A [294 Miller, Miss Ina L 307 Bryant, Chas 296 Emmons, Charles 309 Purdy, E K 1300 Vacant 302 Hogan, John I |304 Gaudreau, Zephron 306 Henderson, Geo I University Avenue intersects

315 McCartney, William, contractor | 316 Litton, John F 318 Smallridge, William 317 Meek, Miss A I H 319 Martin, James |320 Bowie, Thos Alfred street intersects

321 Hall, Wm H I Collegiate Institute

323 Wright, E • |

325 Chown, J E |

327 Cook, Thomas H I .

329 Donnelly, Capt John ! 331 Thomas Thompson, | 333 Moore, W J

335 Williams, W A I 337 Elliott, John | Frontenac street intersects 377 Harding, 374 Elmer, Albert Edmund I E 379 Frayne, E (wid Milford), nurse [376 Prouse, Florence (wid C S)

383 Ansley, John W 1 378 Muir, Henry 385 Jones, Norman |380 Amey, Mrs. Capitola (wid N H) 391 Bostridge, Charles |382 Knapp, Chas F 391 McGillivray, Capt Don |384 Rowland. Thomas W • 393 Lee, William James, grocer ' |386 Finkle, Chas H 388 McFarland, S I M Albert street intersects 401 Martin, Harry |

405 Hughes, Lieut Albert ]

407 McDonald, J B | Vacant lots | Collingwood street intersects Victoria street intersects Athletic grounds of Queen's Col'ge I M cDonald street intersects

EDGEHILL, west from Beverley to Centre.

Not built on

ELGIN STREET, north from Union west to Clergy, first west of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I

Warwick Bros, cleaning shop I 14 Wells, Chas A Lewis, 13 Isabel (wid Thomas) | 22 Shangrow, Peter 21 McQueen. Mrs (wid) I 24 Sills, Alfred

23 Sedore, Marshall I 25 Dean, Geo L 27 Holland, Sterling A |


34 ELLERBECK AV STREET DIREGTORY FIFTH ELLERBECK AVENUE, north from King W to Union, ninth west of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 37 Thurlby, Thos 32 Daykin, Maud (wid W Y) 43 Dyte, Leonard Z6 Lindsay. Robert J Kelley, Henry Davidson street commences

ELLICE STREET, runs west from 16 Main to Division, first north of Colborne NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 9 Murphy, John F 8 Stevenson, Lawrence 11 Cobb, Ernest 10 Bearance, Fred J 15 McDonald, Wni 24 O'Brien, Miss Mary 17 Grimshaw, James 26 Collins, Peter 19 Bearance, Sherman 20 Reaves, Harry Vine street begins 28 Leveck, Frank 21 Brightman, Agnes (wid Edw) 30 Fuller, Martha 25 McCallister, Geo 32 Clark, Benson 27 Wood, Chavey 34 Bell, Ralph 27a Kirkpatrick, Wm 36 Kelly, James 29 Vacant 38 McCormick, Thomas n 40 Heyman, Harry ELM STREET, west from 248 Division to Alfred, second north of Princess


23 House, John I 18 Kirkby, Roy J Frederick 22 Hill, Harry 25 Disney, I _ 24 Monk, Francis 27 Turkington, Wm J I A Mary 26 Lake, Anna (wid John) 35 Ackley, Mrs I

35a Bellringer, Wm I 28 Clark, Andrew 39 (upstairs) Smith, John 36 Burley, John I

39 ("downstairs) Rowland, John I 40 Henderson. Margaret (wid Geo B) 41 Stagg, Martha (wid John) 48 Christmas, Stanley I

43 Porter, Mary (wid Wm) J 50 Green, Fred

47 Bishop, John I 54 Gibbs, Fred New houses (2) 49 Sudds, Arthur I 56 Gibbs, Robert 51 Godkin, Roy I

59 Suddard, George I 64 Marsh, John W 61 Hayes, Richard 79 Filtz, Phillip Chatham street intersects Currant & Thomas (grocers) 89 Smith, Thomas 92 Lalaveck, Walter 91 Wilson, James 94 Peters, Frank

99 Hayward, Wm I Alfred street intersects (From here north, sometimes called Jenkin street) 1 Connolly, 2 McKegg, John Wm I ^ 4 Kirkwood, Francis, James i Wm J Lucy, 5 Dickson, J E j 6 William

EMILY- STREET, north from the harbor to King, first east of Barrie WEST SIDE EAST SIDE I 1 Folger, Macdonald Park Howard S I 3 Leslie, Maj N S J |

5 Campbell, John M I FIFTH STREET runs west from 278 pivision, third north of Princess SIDE NORTH SIDE I SOUTH 9 Wallace, John I Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. DeDcntures, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030


10 Hayward, John 8 Kitelay, Edward 14 Sheppard, George Chatham street intersects 24 Lawrence, George (Block unopened) I

26 Ammel, Emily (wid George) I 9 Moncrieff, Mary (wid Peter)

28 Hodge, Walter I

30 Clarke, AJgernon |

FIRST STREET, runs east and west across Chatham, first north of Princess SIDE NORTH | SOUTH SIDE Rawley, Archibald .3 McMillan, Margaret (wid Richard) | 2 Chatham street intersects 25 Chapman, Henry | 6 Coleman, William J 33 White, Thomas L |

FRONTENAC STREET, runs north from Union to the Fair grounds, first west of Alfred EAST SIDE WEST SIDE Victoria School grounds 16 Webster, Chas R Collegiate Institute grounds 22 Murray. David 24 Huphes. Mina (wid Albert^ 26 Walker, Prof 28 Sargent, Isabelle (wid Fred) .^0 McQueen, Jesse A 32 McGuire, R 34 Otto, Chas H 32y2 Singleton, John E 32 Powis, Capt Paul

I 36 Chown. Percy B 38 Free, I Hugh

I 40 Burns. R Easton

I 42 McCabe. James H 44 Harris, I Jas

I 46 Callaghan. Harcourt V

I 48 Treadgold, Albert E 50 Muir, Albert I H W 52 Litlon, John W Earl street intersects 81 McFarlane, Isabella 76 Moore, Thos 83 Friendship, William H 78 Irving, Rev Robert 85 Robinson. A M 80 Sheppard, Bartley 87 Arniel, Wm, Sr 86 Sinclair, Robert 91 Asselstine, Dr L M 88 Samwell, Frank Z 93 Arniel, Wm Jas 90 Hatch, Augustus T 95 Spooner, jr., Chas N . 92 Roadley, Joseph 97 Spooner, Chas 94 Millard, N I Wm J 99 Ritchie, Peter 96 Mercer, I W J 101 Bibby. Fred I 98 Watts, H W 103 Day, Miss Hattie 1 100 Aykroyd. Dr S A 105 Laturney, Alice (wid James) 102 Fursey, I Robt J 107 New house I 104 Henderson. E W 109 Kemp, Marsden A I 106 Wilkins, Harry, painter Aykroyd, Oscar Johnson street intersects 145 Scott, David G I Haffner, P H, grocer 147 Redfern, Edwin 146 Milner. C R RrCH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - • Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KIPSfG STREET BROKEN EYE GLASSES We Will Duplicate any Lens Made in the Shortest Time

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Optometrist, Mfg. Optician, Opposite General Post Office


149 Lemon, Charles McGeein, Bernard 151 Laturney, George 150 Clark, Prof C il48 W 153 Shannon. Alfred J 152 Smith, Annie E 155 Mullin, James, marble wks 156 Sleeman, William Henry 157 Conner, H 158 James, Alva F I

167 Hazlett, Geo M I 164 Cochrane, Christina (wid Rev Wmi

Brock street intersects Victoria Park Victoria Park I Mack street intersects Ashley, 197 Quail, George 1 198 Geo F 201 Bell, R Chas |20O Hazelton, R M 203 Phillips, Wm H |202 Hopkirk, John E 205 Potter, Jas Eldred 204 Purdy, Arthur I 207 Cutbrush, Lieut S C 206 Compton, William H I 215 Carscallen, A E (vi^id B) |208 Freeman, Capt J E 217 Roblin, Wm 1210 Wood, Lieut G E 219 Baker, P. H., grocery 212 Day, Rupert 1214 Clark, L 216 Telgmann, Prof O F I Curson, S 23 Hanson, R 25 Gavine, William i21224 Green, Vernon C Princess street intersects 6 Dawson, Caspar 13 Gray, Lena (wid Edw) 8 Reynolds, Elizabeth (wid Wm) 17 Thornton, William J 10 Holland, Wm 19 Thomas, Samuel E 25 Pipe, Ken C 27 S^arle, H E Gough, Henry Sommerville, R H Elm street ends 12 Geary, 61 Burns, George I Wm 14 Murphy, Joseph 63 Harkness, H I 16 Patterson, 65 Marsh, Manly E Wm J I 20 Potter, Truman, Jr 67 Timms, Thomas I 69 Hood, Chas I Wm Jenkin street intersects 24 Valleau, G D 26 Smith, Alex 28 Mitchell, Emma (wid Charles) 29 Vacant 30 Murray, Jos. 34 Thompson, Blake 38 Mouldey, Benj 40 Ferryman, Jno

GARRETT STREET, runs west from Division to University Avenue, first south of Princess

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE 7 Veale, Gordon 2 Storms, Elton S 21 Pyke, Capt Grant F 4 O'Driscoll, Margaret (wid Jerem'h) 23 Westbrook, Chas 6 Perren, Ellen (wid Lawrence) 31 Chapman, Wadington 8 Jameson, John James Reid's furniture storerooms Robt Reid's furniture storerooms

J. K. Carroll Agency DOMiMroN life .|| 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, f« "re \m,zm. phone 1030

GARRETT STREET DIRECTORY GORE 37 20*Lawrence, Bridget (wid Frank) I

i 24 Davy, Miss Harriett 26 Ryder, Peter I 28 Skinner, Edward I Wm

1 30 Spence, Miss Sarah

GEORGE STREET, runs north from King to Stuart, first west of Barrie

EAST SIDE , WEST hiua: 8 Bird, Harry 10 King, Henry C 14 Purvis, William John 16 Robinson, Joseph 20 Lemmon. Walter P 22 Cotman, George S R O'Kill street intersects 29 McConville, John General Hospital grounds, s e 33 Duflfy, Michael Nurses' Home 35 Munsie, Capt Jas C K 41 Filson, Mary Jane (wid Robert) 43 Driver, John 47 Newman, E E 55 Rigney, James W 57 Campbell, P G C 59 Wright, Frank 61 McKenna, Miss Elizabeth, 63 Roach, Edward

GORE STREET, runs from the harbor to Bagot street, sixth west of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Canadian Locomotive Co Forwarders Ltd, elevator, (used as militia barracks) Entrance to dry dock Kingston Shipbldg Co. Ltd Ontario street intersects

39 Walsh, John I 40 Gorrie, Mary (wid Joseph) 41 York, Gordon 42-44 I Vacant 45 Gildersleeve, James P 59 McParland, James King street intersects 65 Aubin, William 64 Power, Edward I 67 Harvey, Robert 76 Sutherland, J John H 73 Hanley, James 78 McMaster, Capt Herbert M 75 Fitzgerald, James 82 Lingham, Arthur 77 Hurley, Capt Jerry 84 MacDowall, Elda (wid R J) 79 Cole, Walter 81 Vacant 88 Jamieson, John 83 Vacant 90 Withers, Wm 85 Lane, Cyrus W 92 Benn, Perry 89 Gushing, Agnes (wid Thos) 94 Gilbert, John, grocer 91 Miller, Albert H Wellington street intersects 103 Grace, Victor 1104 Selby, Charles 105 Jack. Alexander M 1 106 Dainty, Charles H 107 Wright, Clark Geo 112-114 McKelvey Birch storehouse I & 109 Wilson, Dr J M !116 Skinner, Margretta (wid Wm) 115 Hughes, Harold F |118 Hare, Anna (wid W J) GRAY'S LANE, rear from 25 Upper William SOLD AT MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. STARR PHONOGRAPHS JEWELLERS - - 350 King St Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWAUI, Upiometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Off ice

38 HICKSON AV. STREET DIRECTORY JOHN HICKSON AVENUE, runs west from Montreal street, outer station NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 27 Jarvis, Wm Not built on 27% Coxworthy, Geo 25 Bolton, George 2y McDermott, Thos J 37 Francisco, George 41 Ennis, Wm 30 Venesse, Coleman 69 Breen, Geo 75 Watson, George Hickson lane commences 83 Cleary, Thomas H 133 Wells, Wm


141 Lambert, Miss Mary I K & P Railway intersects 153 Murphy, Thos 155 Freeman, Wm Dixon, Fred I HICKSON LANE, runs north from Hickson Avenue to G T R tracks

EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE built on 77 Cote, Paul Not I Murphy, Peter I JAMES STREET, LOWER, runs from one block south of Rideau. NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Not built 12 Tuggey, W G | on JAMES STREET, runs west from Rideau to Patrick, sixth north of Bay


I Bagot street ends Montreal street intersects 6 Darling, Katie (wid Chas) 21 Black, James I 25 McLaughlin, Jas 8 Truesdale, Frank 27 Hartman, Delos C 10 Belwa, Samuel 29 Toye, John 12 Mcllroy, R 33 Ruttle, Albert 14 Briley, Wm 35 Potter, Andrew J 16 Briley, Jos 37 Yates, Wm 22 Clark. Jas T 41 Perryman, George 26 Balls, Thos 43 Bryant, Alex LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It. JOHN STREET DIR ECTORY JOHNSON 29

29 Brennan, John For Well-Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices


93 Turnbull, Thos C |

First Church of Christ, Scientist I 101-103 Mahood, Elizabeth (wid Wm) j Bagot street intersects Hotel Dieu grounds |112 Jenkins, Earl Hotel Dieu hospital |114 Holland, Arthur E |116 Geraldi, John L 118 O'Brien, Alex I

1 120 Patterson, John G, tailor (122 O'Brien, Alex, Jr 126 Grimm, N R I

1 128 Logue, Wm 130 Dnscoll, Patrick I 138 Hickey, Miss Mary I |140 Craig, James

I 142 Phillips, Frank R 146 Milo, Thos W 148 McNeil, Margaret (wid Neil) 154 Richardson, Henry E I

1 162 Steacy, Noble Sydenham street intersects Lesses, I First Baptist Church 1 172 Hickey, 179 Vacant I 176 John Alex. 180 .Mowat, Emma (wid Prof John) 181 Shaw, David, I William 185 Smith, Ellen (wid John) I 182 Carnovsky, H 187 Taylor, Chas E [186 Sparks, Dr R E, DDS, LDS 188 McCulla, James 189 Dyde, W Hobart I 196 boarding house 191 Phelan, Daniel, M D I Y W C A 193 Sparks, Dr Ernest B 195 Smith, M (wid Robert)

197 Quigley, Dr J P I Clergy street intersects St Mary's cathedral 216 Murch, William S R 225 Archbishon's palace 218 Day, Franklin H 220 Rayner, Rev De Courcy T 222 Sughrue, Frances (wid Wm) 224 Corrigan, Margaret (wid Daniel) 226 Voigt, Miss Mary 228 Clogg, Miss Elizabeth 232 Mclntyre, Miss Isabella 238 Corrigan, Charles J 240 Lynch, Helen (wid Michael) Barrie street intersects

247 Richardson, Dr A W 1 242 LQugh, Rev D A 249 Weller, Miss Sarah (248 Bethel Congregational church 258 Redmond, William 251 Cavin, Gustave I 259 Martin, Capt Jas F 1260 Forsythe, Thos 261 Boyd, Miss Harriett 262 Steary, P H 263 O'Connor, Nicholas E 264 Roberts, Thos 265 Jenman, Geo 1266 Curry, Hugh 267 Boyce, R J |268 Hill, Alfred H Louise public school [270 Williams, Mrs. Josephine |272 Martin, Chas A • 276-278 Mullin, E W. real estate Division street intersects 289 McSorley, Mrs Theresa (wid Chas)|282 Ewing, J 201 Stroud, Albert (284 Stanford, Augustine Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures1 Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 JOHNSON STREET DIRECTORY JOHNSON 41

293 Crawford, Miss Sarah 286 Jackson, Fred C 295 Devine, James I

297 Vacant 1 288 Beaupre, Harriett (wid Remi) 301 Hayward, Miss Grace i280 Marshall, Hugh

307 Scott, Mrs (wid David G) 1 292 Steen, Evans S 307H Scott, George 1 294 LaMarche, Dolor 296 Doyle, Ellen 309 Creighton, Dr I 298 Duval, 311 Carty, J J Simon 313 Williams, James |302 Laturney, Rebecca (wid Geo) 315 Coffey, Wm J 1304 Sleeth, Mamie 317 Lake, M H 306 James, William 319 Lawless, Leo [308 Cherry, Oscar 323 Fowler, Alex Aberdeen street ends 325 Nicholson, Elizabeth (wid Alex) 1310 McFarlane, Robert N F Roger) 322 Hayes, Cyril 327 Greer, Sarah (wid I 333 Knapp, Dr A E 1328 Muckler, Fred H 335 Nesbitt, S |330 Bain, John T 337 Nesbitt, Sergt Robert W 332 Muckler, Mary (wid Wm) 341 Dryden, Luke [334 Wright, George A 336 English, George 341 Hunter^ Mary (wid Richard) I A 343 Nesbitt, James W, grocer 1340 Allen, Robert University avenue intersects druggist 350 Hinton, D, shoe maker Medley, W H, I 350 Kee, Sang, laundry 351 Coleman, M F I .353 Roberts, Miss Eliza 1352 Palmer, Catherine (wid Timothy) 355 Vacant |354 Johnson, Alexander 356 Ainslie, William 357 Lake, Dr Samuel K I G 361 Taylor, Henry H [358 McCallum, Fletcher 1358^ McFaul, Mrs Mabel 360 Barnes, Mrs |362 Ainslee, Mary (wid David) 364 Doherty, Isaac 1366I McKee, Joseph Alfred street intersects 373 Crowley, John W, carter 382 Knott, A (wid Walter) 386 Lee, 379 Caton, Alfred I James 381 Moulday, J T 1388 Reynolds. Mary E (wid W H) 383 Dunlop, Kenneth |402 Malone, Capt A 404 Laplant, Louis 385 Howard, Clarence A, MD I 387 Laturney, Jas |406 Edson, Chas

389 Hay, John I 391 Jones, Eliz (wid John)

393 Campbell, Eliza J (wid Matthew) |

395 Kennedy, Matilda (wid Jos) | Frontenac street intersects 407 Haflfner, P A (grocer) 408 Wilkins, Henry 409 Haffner, P A 410 Kennedy, Jane 413 Trotter, Chas W 412 Laird, Wm G 415 Silver, William 414 Robinson, Alexander 417 Jameison, William 416 Ovens, Rufus K 419 Wilson, Samuel 418 Cooper, George 423 Burroughs, W T 420. McDermott, James 425 Leggett, Claude 422 Bunt, Chas A 429. Holland,, James 424 Carpenter, John 431 Orr, John L 1426 Sughrue, Thos 428 Peppiatt, Sergt-Major Wm 430 Walker, George I Albert street intersects AJ SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. .


J. J. STEWART, Opt. P., Qpp. General Post Office


443 Henderson, Richard | Bryant's Grocery Store

445 Doyle, Mary (wid Jas) | 440 Bryant, James 447 442 Buck, Philip H Lyons, Robert I 449 Farley, Raymond |444 Dyason, Sergt Geo 451 Ivey, Ira 446 Corby, Robert I 448 McCaig, Neil I Nelson street commences |

461 Haggarty, Wm I 450 Mcintosh, Rose (wid Alex) 463 Reid, Sergt J T |452 Beattie, A J 465 Payne, George A, contractor 456 Asselstine, J S J

467 Johnson, Frances (wid Orlando) ( Collingwood street «'nds Victoria street intersects 470 Stickney, Edwin W |480 Vin, Lawrence 490 Asselstine, Isaac 492 Barr, Adam 469 Byron, Joseph H 1496 Patrick, Albert

471 Stevens, A E I Pixley, Josephine (wid Gardner) 475 j

Toronto street commences I

477 Fisher, Frank j Macdonnell street intersects 500 McCullough, Francis Regent street commences|j

City limits I . , George, florist Johnson, I

Scott, John II Prison road intersects Holland, Mr j

JOSEPH STREET, west from Montreal to Division, first north of Russell

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE Not built on 21 Kelly, Wm | KENSINGTON AVE, north from Edgehill to Union EAST SIDE WEST SIDE

Browne, W Bernard I 2 Squire, Prof Arnold Kirkpatrick, Prof S F Minnes, Thos D

Squires, Prof Ernest | Forster, John R Murray, David I

KING STREET EAST, from Barrie to Cataraqui river, second from the harbor


Murnay Tower I City Park

Macdonald Park 1 Macdonald monument Emily street endsi

31 Waldron, Richard S. I 45 Steacy, Annie (wid Ed T) f 49 Bidwell, Bishop 53 Maclean, Andrew 1 Maitland street ends ^1 Martin, Prof Iva E 85 Kent, Robert E Simcoe street ends 87 Sullivan, Michael Hendry, James, cor West st West street intersects 123 Begg, 130 Henry S | Dr D A Black, dentist 125 Hora, Capt | 132 Swift, James, Sr

J. K. Carroll Agency '"S"r^»?<^« 56 BROCK ST. of all Kinds 136 PRINCESS! SXREEX FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y

KING EAST STREET DIRECTORY KING STREET 43 134 Emily (wid 131 Vacant I Jones, K L) 133 Eraser. Catherine (wid Hugh) il36 Taylor, M E (wid Jeremy) 141 "Belvidere," Fenwick, Mariam (wid|138 Murray, Alma (wid Percy) K N) 150 Vacant Kidd, Major 1152 Hanson, Major C S 143 " side entrance 1154 Ryan, Hubert J Lieut

Eraser, Capt ( 156 Knights of Columbus 157 Hemming, Brig Gen R T D | Union str eet intersects 161 Tandy, Harry |160 Kavanagh, Miss Helen

165 Ellis, Arthur I 162 Thompson, Thomas P 167 Roughton, Stephen 164 Vacant 169 T J Rigney 1166 Little, Earl G

191 Ferguson, Miss F A 1 172 Darragh, George 176 Smith, Daniel I Gore street intersects 197 Gallagher, Thos J 194 Vacant 199 Gildersleeve, Mrs Mary (wid C F) 196Mahoney, James 203 Macaulay, Miss Charlotte J 198 O'Leary, William H 213 Casey, William 202 McEwen, John F 204 Sears, John 208 Deyo, Stephen 212 Stinson, Wm J Earl street intersects 221 Fair, William J 218 Bon Marche Grocery (Caverly & 223 Norwell, Capt John C Bradshaw) 225 Frontenac Club 220 Trotman, Lillian (wid David) 222 Curl, Geo 224 Burns, Matthew 226 Smith, Miss Clara C 228 Evans, Arthur 232 Kinnard, Henry 240 Williamson, Dr A R B William street intersects 243 Richardson, James & Sons 1244 Kilborn, Anna (wid Dr RK) 253 La She, Chas 250 Smith, Zella (wid Thos J) 255 Andrews, Edward 252 Johnston, Felix, U S Consul 255J4 (upstairs) Black, James 254 Kavanagh, James 257 LaflFerty, William 258 Dutton, J B 259 Coyle. Harry J 260 Smith, Mary (wid Henry) I 261 Fitzgibbon, Mame (264 Glover, W R, dentist, office and ret 263 Smith, Stanley 263j^ Muir, Mrs Ellen (wid Thomas) 263J^ Muir, Ellen (wid Thos) I Johnson street intersects 265 Connell, J C, oculist and aurist St George's cathedral 275 Williams, Charles Custom House 277 O'Connor, C E, oculist and aurist Strachan, Archibald, collector 279 Kingston Taxi & Cab Stand Modney, James (shoemaker) | 281 City Taxi Stand | Clarence street intersects 295 Bucknell, Miss M, news stand Bank J | of Montreal 295 Vernon, John 302 Crother's King St Bakery 297 Theobald, John M, barber 304 (upstairs) Webster, C R, barristef 297 (upstairs) Theobald, John M 1306-310 British Whig 299 Vacant 318 Canadian Freeman, Rev D A Casey, Art. Brigade Offices Editor | SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


303 Austin, Wilfred E, druggist 1318 (upstairs) Paradis, Edward Market street endspZO Eves, J & Sons, grocers Market Square 1322 Waddington, Henry, butcher 1324 Bowen & Son, baker & confr J326 Allies' Cafe, Sam Lee, prop 326 (upstairs) Vacant I 328-330 Bank of Commerce I Board of Trade (upstairs) Macne^ I H, secretary I J Brock street intersects Bank of Toronto 327 Northern Crown Bank of Canada | 332 Imperial Life Insurance Co, B 331 (upstairs) Ostrom, Mrs. Libby | J District Agt 331 New England Chinese restaurant | Cooke 335-337 Walsh, Edward, garage Command Engineer, 3rd M D, Lt- Lockett Col Benoit, O C 339-341 Midland Shoe Co, F G I 332 (upstairs) Public of Canada, prop 1 Wks 343 Yukon Restaurant, Scouten Grace Quinn, P'rancis H • (wid Wm) 1334 Oddfellows' Relief Association 336 Oddfellows' Relief Association 345 (upstairs) Dowling, Fred I 336 Oddfellows' Hall, upstairs 347-9 Lion Clothing Co (Arthur Hor- 1 witz) |338 Wartell, Hiram B, shoe mch 347 (upstairs) Horwitz, Arthur 338 Vacant 351-353 Bunt, J B & Co, hardware |338 3rd floor Clark, Ernest 355-357 Halliday Electric Co I 342 Asselstine, J b, optician 348 Forrest, Jas P, gents' furnishings I 346 (upstairs) Vacant I 1350 Smith Bros, jewellers Smith, George, mf rs agent 352 Driver, J D, real estate & ins Standard Life Assce Co, J W Cor- bett, agent 352 (upstairs) Parker, Jos H

i 354 Lee, H K, prop Victoria cafe Harry, boots and shoes 1 356 Jennings, 358 McGall's Tobacco store I J. Princess street intersects 365 Murphy, L W, grocery 1360 Vacant 365 (upstairs) Dalzell, E F |374 Morris, N, clothier Wright, Geo A, machinist Zdl (upstairs) Tisdale, James | Angrove, B, foundry 369 Storehouse—L W Murphy | T

371 Muller, Geo, bicycle works ] 373 Muller^ George I

373 (upstairs) Muller, George !

375 Todd, Frederick J, barber |

375 (upstairs) Todd, Fred J | yil Wiseman, J A, saddler j

379-381 Vacant I 383-385 Revere House, prop, Geo Eccles | Queen street intersects

Power House 1 Street Railway sheds s Street Railway office Kingston Coal Co I 403 City Incinerator 400-412 Vacant 405 Incinerator j

407 Ward, Robert E I 409 Gray, Alex 411 McKay, Wm 1414 Smith, Louise 413 Jarrell, Isaac 1416 Macdonald, Chas 415 McKay, Wm |

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean A™ent& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


Barrack street intersects 419 Smith, H J, grocery .420 Sailors' snug harbor 421 Ossen, Geo John J Roberts, Supt 423 Vacant 428 Bauden, Wm 427 Brown, Gordon Carman, Walter 429 Wilson, Anne (wid James) 434 Brennett, John 431 Vacant 538 Boyd, Thos 433 Eccles, F George Place D'Armes intersects

KING STREET WEST, west from Barrie along the lake shore to Portsmouth

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE 1 Bermingham, Cornelius Murnay Tower i 13 Calvin, Sandford C Macdonald Park 21 Cunningham, David George street commences 23 Davy, John E, grocer 25 Davey, John E 27 Brooks, Thos 29 Gee, David 31 Garrow, John 33 Bird, Langley 35 Jones, Harry Z7 Bird, Wm 39 Cadue, James 41 Roach, Wm 43 Coulson, Louise (wid Jas) 45 Caverly, Alexander 55 Harris, Albert 57 Rice, Wm J - 59 Vacant O'Kill street ends Hospital grounds 81 LeHeup, Hugh E 83 Richards, Hiram 60 Bird, John 89 HartwicV, Wm D Ice house 99 Kingston Paper Box Co, J G Brown, 66 Crescent Wire Works, Partridge owner & Sons 101 Vacant Kingston Hosiery Co., Ltd, J E 103 Compeau, Jos Mortimer, mgr 105 Peters, James 107 Cosby, Miss Mary | 109 Hartwick, Fred University avenue commences Breakwater 117 Daunt, Jane (wid Jos) 117 Hughes, Mrs Leslie 119 Forbes, Fred 123 Gleeson, Mary (wid John) 127 Lyman, Percy D 143 Macnee, Francis Hill, '|St Lawrence Cottage" 145 Davis, David C

165 Poison, Neil C, Jr I St Lawrence avenue commenccsl "River View" —McAuley, Thomas I "Willow Cottage"— Gourdier, Wm Albert street commences! Vacant !| SMITH BR.OS. ^^ mOH GRADE CLOCKS. WATCHES f INE JEWELLERY When You Are in Need of RyeKlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden Lien Block


Collingwood street commencesj 255-267 Kingston Ice Co. 271 Newman, Henry H 273 Hodge, Joseph 275 Newman, Jas J 277 Clement, Wm

279 Evans, Jas I 300 Frontenac Lumber & Coal Cc Beverly street commences 302 Baker, Edward

Chadwick, A, coal and wood | Ice houses 281 Irwin, Miss Isabella, grocer 303 Spencer, Wm

305 "Edgehill," vacant 1 Kingston Bathing Houses 309 Dobbs, Archdeacon Ogilvie G 311 Bromage, Wm 313 Patterson, Capt Robert 315 Easson, Marjorie (wid Wm) 317 Gamsby, Helen (wid G A) 319 Irwin, Wihiam jr 321 Patterson, Jean Centre street commences "St Mary's on the Lake" 357 Bennett, James 359 McCue, Edward E 361 Burke, Ignaius 371 Weese, Durwood A commences Ellerbeck avenue | 437 Ettinger, John Geo Livingston avenue commences! Vacant Vacant lots |398 Anderson, Samuel Pembroke street commences! 400 "Ongwanada," Convalescent Home "Ongwanada" Lodge 556 Curtis, Donald A | 430 557 Day, Harold W |4S0 "Alwington House," Richardson, Senator Henry W LANSDOWNE STREET, north from York to Concession Road, first west of Division SIDE WEST SIDE EAST ! Pine street intersects

2 Harvey, Esther | Lister, H

Stanley street intersects 19 Purdy, Fred I W 56 Devine, Lawrenc I Adelaide street intersects

LIVINGSTON AVENUE, north from King west to Union, tenth west of Barric SIDE EAST SIDE I WEST

49 Reeves, Anna (wid John) | Vacant 51 Irvine, 26 Leonard, Wm I John 28 Ashley. John I 30 Bould. Percy I 32 Milborrow, George I 39 Berrigan, John I Davidson street intersects

54 Simmons, Alfred I 34 Aiken, George O Watson, 43 Ryan. William F I 36 John 57 Cunningham, Harold 38 McGuire, Jas I 40 Walsh, Lawrence 59 D'Apeling, Fred I W Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance Specialize in Children's and ^ ^^>

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


61 Eves, Alfred 42 Wright, Daniel 61a Patrick, Walter S 44 Kilpatrick, Fred A 61b Moffat, Peter A 48 Bird, Peter 63 McDonald, Chas 60 Flinter, Percy S 65 Sullivan, Geo 62 Shaw^, Angenetta (wid John) 67 Lyon, Margaret E (wid Herbert I) 64 McNamee, Francis 66 Vacant I 71 Banister, John 68 Ralph, Thomas I 70 Fowler, Thomas

LOWER BAGOT STREET, Bagot street from Bay to James

LOWER RIDEAU STREET, Rideau street from Cataraqui to Montreal

NORTH MacDONALD STREET from north Bartlett to Concession Street EAST SIDE WEST SIDE

Clifford, Walter I Ayling, Henry Moyes, Herbert |

MACDONNELL STREET, north from Union to Princess, f^rst west of Col- lin gwood EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I

Queen's University athletic field | 17 Nolan, George Earl street ends! Johnson street intersects Kearns, Patrick | 7 Hawkins, Reginald 402 Wilson, I Wm. Durham street intersects

MACK STREET, west from Alfred to Nelson, first south of Princess

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE 1 Carmichael, W D, Victoria Park 7 Flynn, Haveland E 9 Chalmers, W H 13 Eraser. James W 15 Sills, Zella (wid W R) 17 Berry, Jas Frontenac street intersects

23 Carr Harris, Prof R • Victoria Park 25 Crawford, Reginald 27 Claxton, R L 29 Dunn, M C 33 "Fairview," Jennings, Harry

35 Clarke, J W I

• 37 Dennison, Elizabeth (wid Jas) | Albert street intersects 47 Peters, 76 MacKinnon, K L Capt Wm I Doyle's Bakery 54 Latimer, J R I 48

1 V. Doyle Nelson streeet intersects 64 Stark, Pollitt W A I Wm

MAIN STREET, northwest from Colborne to Division, third west of Sydenham WEST SIDE EAST SIDE I 9 Ludlow, R 12 Baird, Thos W I 21 Aykroyd, Overton 14 Beck, | Wm 16 McKee, Jas 23 McGill, George A | Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUICE


25 Maiden, Wm J Ellice street commences

27 Turpin, Henry Geo 30 McCammon , Thomas 29 Ferguson, Roy 32 Cook, William 33 Vacant 34 Christley, Stanley 35 Ahearn, John 36 Milne, Robt 37 Kidd, Robert 38 Murray, Edward 39 Clenahan, John Ann street commences 41 Thompson, William 42 Saunders, Herbert 43 Porter, Jane (wid Frank 44 Turkington, William J 45 Peters, Rose 47 Harpell, Jacob 49 Clenahan, Thomas 41 Payne, Thos 43 Collins, Capt Walter 45 Connor, Fred 47 Martin, James W Raglan Road intersects IZ Montgomery, John 26 Onslow, James 23a Rea, William A 78 Morden, Charles 2Sa Convery, Robert 80 Nicholson, Harold 27a Tate, Herb A 38 Walton, John 29a Ferguson, Mr Roy 40 Wilson, Euphemia (wid) 31a Sarles, Thomas 42 Salisbury, Fred 33a Cornelius, John 35a Lytle, John W 75 Nicholson, Thomas K

MAITLAND STREET, north from the harbor to King, second east of Barrie

EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE Kingston Club 14 "Maitland Hse" Givens, R Yacht J Wm Kingston Ice Yacht Club 13 Vacant (Saints' Rest) Gossage, Thos

MARKET STREET, west from Ontario to King, between Brock and Clarence SIDE NORTH SIDE I SOUTH City buildings Hotel Prince George I 6 Lyons, Son, hide dealer Bank British North America I P & 8-10 Stafford, Reuben, caretaker j Customs express dept

Market 1 12-14 Weights and Measures, Gas and Electrical inspector I

I Canal office Food Inspector's office ' 1 Inland Revenue Office I Penfold, W J, caretaker Marine Eng Examiner's office Steamboat Inspector's office 14 Murray, Wm, auctioneer, and W. Ford Webster, ins agt 14a Vacant I

I 18 Can Life Ass Co, J O Hutton. Agt (upstairs) Montgomery, Wallace H I 20 Hanson, Crozier Edgar, Printers I & 22-24 Trades, Labour & Agricultural I offices, W H Sirrett, dist rep. and A C Trucsdale, rep of Labor Bureau Austin, (druggist) s e I W E

J. K. Carroll Agency Bonds and 56 BROCK ST. Deoenturesll FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SONS Phone 1030 MARKLAND STREET DIRECTORY MONTREAL 49 MARKLAND STREET, west from 240 Montreal to Patrick SIDE SOUTH SIDE NORTH I

9 Wainwright, Emily (wid Wm) I 12 Monroe, Harold 11 Brown, Sidney 14 McElroy, Alfred

15 McAdam, Samuel 1 16 Sharette, Edwin 39 Gallagher, 18 Cucio. Frank Wm I 43 Vincent, 28 Gale. Thos I Wm 45 Vierrier, John B. 34 Lees, Frank 47 Pelletier, Ludger 36 Clarke, Mrs Francis H 49 McKimm, Jno 62 Samson, Alex 59 Hunter, Wm J 64 Pelletier, Harvey 65 O'Brien, Timothy 66 McQuaid, Bert 67 Lunman, John 68 Stone, Chas I J 70 Ashby, Harry I 72 Watts, Ernest I

I 74 Sauve, Thos Wm

1 Id Sherbino, John Wm 78 Donnell, Stanley I

MILLER'S LANE, west from Bagot to Montreal, second north of Bay NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE \ 1 Mann, Frank |

2 McKim, Chas | Not built on 3 Cliff, James A |

MONTREAL STREET, runs north from 163 Brock to city limits EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 7 McCarthy, William, physician Brock street Methodist church 9 Maxam, Alfred, tailor Military Y M C A 11 McGraw, Sophia (wid Thos) Opera House rear entrance Hinchliffe, Sam 12 Hogan, Wm 13 McConville, Isobel, physician 18 Pappas, George 15 Catholic Mutual Benefit Asso (head office for Canada), J J Behan Grand Secretary 19 Keyes, Michael P (barber)

21 International Bible Students' Assn j 21 Finkle, Jennie Chosen Friends' Hall French Canadian Society rooms Foresters' Hall Chosen Friends' Hall, 3rd floor Sargent's drug store, side entrance Princess street intersects Marshall's hardware, side entrance King Edward Theatortum I 2>Z (upstairs) Sons of England hall 28 Granite Lodge rooms, I F, I O O Meets in S O E Hall- upstairs Chosen Friends Williamson and Wellwood (tailors) Maccabees, No 210 O'Rourke, Thos True Blues, No 58 30 Hunter, J W, machinist Woodmen of the World, No 271 (upstairs) Wright. James Daughters and Maids of England 32 Cosby, Frederick, harher I Painters' Union No. 114 I 34 Dunphy. E J. carriage & auto pntr 35-37 Anglin Bros, Briscoe garage I 46 Albion Hotel, J M Caines, prop 41 Rawson, A, butcher 41. Harley-Davidson Motor Cycle Agcy,j A Rawson, agent



40^ Martin, Chas A, sign pntr |

42 Heaslip, John E |

42 Heaslip, John, barber I 47 Feng, Charlie . | Queen street intersects St Paul's Anglican church Kaminske, Adolf (shoemkr) s e

Artillery Park i Victoria Terrace: Depot Battalion quarters 1 Bearance, Geo Militia Stables 2 Matthews, Jack 3 Garrigan, James 4 Atkins, Alfred 5 McCann, J J 6 O'Gorman, Alice 7 Hunter, Robert Armouries McCuUagh, Samuel, caretaker 104-112 Wellington Terrace 104 Wood, Ira 104 Hethering, John (upstairs) 106 Crallin, Wm 106H Boudry, Wilfred 108 Jackson, Calvin A (upstatirs) 108j^ Murphy, Maggie (wid Jas) down- stairs) llONicolls, Wm 112 Vacant 112 (upstairs) Goodman, Louis Ordnance street intersects 118 Benson, Jos House of Providence and Orphan- 118 Nelson, Wm age 119 Burows, Harry 120 Parker, Robert 121 Higgs, Wm 122 Andre, Fred * 123 Renaud, George 124 Spencer, Herbert 125 Faquin, H 127 Coyle, H?nry J 129 Boyer, Joseph 131 Smith, Albert 133 McGarrity, Jas 135 Slimmons, John H 137 Davy, Goldsmith L

141 Simmons, Herbert J I 143 Belwa, Frederick I 145 Marshall. Richard (grocer) W | 147 Marshall Son, grocers & | Bay street intersects 149 Gordon, John (grocery) 1140 Vacant 151 Menard, Wm |142 Anadoe, Mike 153 Sauve, George |144 Bosley. P N 155 Sullivar. John |146 Curl, Robert 157 Baker, E H |148 Nolan, James

159 Diamond, Charles I North street intersects 167 Hilyard, John 1168 Sowards, Ellen (wid Jas)

169 Roach, Patrick George 1 172 Sowards, John F Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 MONTREAL STREET DIRECTORY MONTREAL 51

173 Kirkwoofi, Capt James 174 Daire, Wm 175 Forsythe. F A 176 O'Connor, Robt (shoemaker) 177 Smith, Capt E J 178 Pitman, P 179 Howison, Honore 180 Pateman, Wm 181 Pritchard, Capt D J 182 Collins, Norton 183 Norris, James 184 Kerrison, Stanley Miller's lane ends 200 Campbell, Colin I IBS Mary (wid 202 Griffin, Eliz (wid Joseph) McKimm, Wm) I 187 Deline, Hugh 189 Murphy, Matthew [204 Hudson, Henry 207 Doherty, John 1206 Sing Hoo laundry 209 Harrison, Charles 1210 Stanford, Thos 211 Crawford, Edward I210H Kingham, Albert [212 Cooke, Henry Raglan Ro? ^ intersects 213 Lemmon, A, grocer 214 Quigley, Hannah (wid Jos I Jas) 215 (upstairs) Bird, John H |216 Gallagher, Frank 217 Paquin, Einim i218 Vivian. Sarah (wid H) 219 O'Neil, Edward |218 Eraser, Arthur (upstairs) 221 Jones, Emile 1218 Perryman, John (upstairs) 223 Clark, Edwin |220 Hage, James (upstairs) Guirey, 222 225 John ! Eves, W H, meat market R Nolan, coal and wood yard |224 Gallagher, Emanuel

243 Richardson, James i Markland street commences 245 Walker, Albert 247 Sherman, Byron A 240 Mazeau, Azarie J 1240^ Goddard, Frank |246 Radanovich, A 248-250 Store house I 252 Corkey, Malcolm I 254 Gage, RB, grocer I J John -treet intersects 255 McEwen, Mary E (wid Alex) 258 Purtell, Agnes (wid Michael), groc 257 Seguin, Euclid 260 McGuire, J E 259 Lowry, Sergt Wm 284 Jamieson, Robert 275 McGuire, Patrick 290 Lister, Benj 277 Bone, Elizabeth (wid David) 1292 Fay. Fred 279 Vacant 294 St George's Sunday School Mission 2791^ Doyle, M W (butcher) 1294 Vallier. Chas 281 Stasack, V 296 Purtell, Wm 283 Corcoran, Thos [298 Ashie, Stanford 293 (upstairs) Sloan, Miss Mary J 1 300 Frasso, Joseph, ice cream store 293 Ryder, John |306 Ahearn, Jos 297 Burtch, David |308 Ahearn, Jos, Jr, grocer 299 Andre, Geo 301 Kennedy. Jas J 303 Baker, E H, grocer Charles street intersects 305 Pearn, Wm 1312 Tooher. Miss Annie, grocer 307 Fegan. John I 326 Davis. John- R 309 Frizzell, Lucinda (wid 328 Frasso, Robert) I Edward 311 Pans, Harry 330 King, I Howard 313 White. W J 1.330 (upstairs) Reid, William 315 Eves, Mark, carter [332 Bryant. Henry 321 Jenkins, Geo 334 White, W I W J 323 Dumbleton, Wm |336 Stevens, Alfred RICH Our Stock Is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET BROKEN EYE GLASSES We Will Duplicate any Lens Made in the Shortest Time

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Optometrist, lAfg. Optician, Opposite General Post Office


325 Sugel, Louis 327 McCormick, Ed 329 McCaig, S 331 Bates, John James street intersects Dumping ground and stone quarries Rideau street ends| C P R crossing |354 McDonald, Richard 667 Kingham, Wm [356a Angel, Arthur G

669 St Patrick's separate school (closed) 1 358 Caron, Edward Alex 675 Rowland, Thos | 360 McDonald, 68i Bramah, Wm |362 Old People's Home for Aged and In- 689 Harkness, Kate (wid William) firm | 693 Doyle, John J [362 Baldwin, Roston (manager) Depot Methodist Ch, Rev B Pierce|390 Nelson, Miss Mary 769 Lapier, Joseph 398 Williamson, Mary J (wid John)

Rear, Rideau Dairy 1 402 Bucknell. Ann E (wid James) 775 Dunlop, Charles H 404 Venoss, Edward I 779 Helsby, Richard 1406 Macdonald, Bridget (wid Michael) 781 Waddingtoji, Ralph T 1410 Pellan, Peter 819 Abbott, John Stephen street commences I 820 Love, Joseph 1412 Farrell. Charles 825 Daybell, Mrs Ethel M 1414 Rowe, John 827 Osborne, H Wm 1416 Turcott, Wilfred 831 Delaney, Ellen (wid Patrick) 1418 Gravett. Alfred 835 Williams, Thos 1420 Bates, Daniel Thomas street commences 1462 Holder. William 466 Shuffelbotham. Walter I 1468 Shuffelbotham, Samuel 480 Collinson, John I

I Russell street commences G T R Crossing 576 Gorman, Mathew E

Kemo. John 1 Depot public school Merrin, Ann (wid P crossing John) I C R Neilson, 622 Addy, Lemuel Wm I Vacant [668 Kisma, Michael Nicholson, Harrison E W 1680 Potter. Trueman MacCallum, Frank |682 McAdoo. Isabel (wid Andrew) Clark, Edward |686 Payne, John A Weber, James 700 Irwin, Frank I

I 728 Hogan. Thos 1740 Gow, Nfiil

I 770 Druce, John Jas

I 772 Hogan, Herbert ;800 Druce, John, post office (grocer) Hickson avenue commences Grand Trunk Railway depot G T R restaurant and bnr Nicholson, Harrison E W Frontenac Moulding Glass Co, F I & Phillips, Mgr I Frontenac Floor Wall Tile I & Co NELSON STREET, north from Johnson to Concession, third west of Alfred WEST SIDE KEEP DO\VN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, ^pr Fire insurance phone 1030


24 Little, George F 17 Morton, Angus 30 Jackson, Benjamin 19 Billings, Wm 25 Fitzgerald, J E 27 Bauder, Wm Bfock street intersects

64 McCammon, Jas H (baker) | Grant, grocery 66 Gray, Charles H 165 Mayer, Stanley G 68 Compton, George J 67 Oakes, Alfred E 70 Dalby, W H 69 Rahan, Johnston 72 Truscott, Samuel A 71 Caldwell, Harry I

74 Singleton, Arthur C 1 73 Stewart, J J, Opt D 75 Wright, I Jno R n Fairfull, Capt J K 76 Sommerville, F C 125 Lennox, George Mack street enus

78 Nugent, P F 1129 Houston, Eliz (wid Crawford)

80 Turner, Sergt-Maj T J 1 131 Comrie, Robt 106 Davis, John C 135 Martin, J W 126 Bruce, Elizabeth (wid Jas) 137 Black, Frederick 126a Parrott, Alonzo 139 Grass, W E 126b Pickering, Harry F 141 Slade, Lieut James 126c Pickering, Norman E Wathen

128 Thompson, Mrs. W. McLeod 1 147 Cruse, John F 130 Hill, Edward 153 Dempster, William G 132 Irish, Samuel 155 Estes, Winifred 134 Clark, H M 157 Derry, Hugh 138 Turner, Edgar A 159 Snowden, R J 140 Rea, Wm H 161 Veale, Wm G 142 Roadhouse, Rev Job 165 Newlands, Mary (wid Jno) 160 Tait, E G 171 Davy, William R 162 Sharpe, Joseph 173 Wade, James 170 Miller, Sergt Ira Williamsville Public School, s e Princess street intersects St. Luke's Anglican Church 195 Galloway, Robert St. Luke's Hall 203 Jackson, W L 212 Pickering, Charles H 207 Wilder, Mary (wid Artemus) 214 Reynolds, Robert 211 Dix, Capt Joseph 216 Brand, W C 213 Kennedy, Mary (wid Francis) 220 MacFarland, Miss A 215 Marsh, John J New house York street ends 250 Vacant Fair grounds 254 Simpson, Albert 258 Harpell, Willet 260 Riley, Nellie (wid Thomas) 262 Smith, Alfred 266 Wiskin, Henry 274 Bedore, Charles I

NORTH STREET, west from the river to Sydenham, first north of Bay SIDE NORTH | SOUTH SIDE K & P Ry roundhouse K & P piers

Railway crossing I Railway crossing City Queen Oil Co I 2 Mosier, John 4 Bridgen, I Newman Rideau street intersects SOLD AT MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. STARR PHONOGRAPHS JEWELLERS - - 350 King St Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you wilt be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWAKT, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office 54 NORTH STREET DIRECTORY ONTARIO

62 Eves, Jas I 64 Ahearn, Daniel I 66 Johnson, Richard I Bagot street intersects 76 O'Donnell, I Jack 78 Laflamme, Jos Montreal street intersects O'KILL STREET, runs west from 26 Barrie to King West

NORTH SIDE | SOUTH SIDE 20 Kitchen, Harry I M George street intersects

General Hospital grounds I 40 Fowler, Michael J Nurses' Homt 42 Beard, Caroline 44 Nurses' I Home 48 Beswick, Janet (wid Henry) I 50 Davy, Charles

1 52 Inglis, Isabella (wid John) 62 Miller, Ida


1 64 Wilkinson, Horace

ONTARIO STREET, runs north from West to Cataraqui bridge, first west of harbor


Waterworks pumping station J 8 Sears, Samuel 19 Vacant 10 Thompson, Miss Jennie 2)2 Beardsall, Henry 23 Cade, Leonard I

23 Mcllwain, William I Shedden Co stables 23 (upstairs) Vanhooser, Orwell 22) (upstairs) Hollywood, John 25 Anderson, Wm 25 (upstairs) Gibson, Jack 25 (upstairs) Dumas, Chas 29 Dustin, Delwood 31 Clarke, Gerald

Union street intersects Drydock office 54 Germain, John, grocer I Kingston Shipbuilding Co, H Ci 58 Bell, William C Welch, mgr 60 Beare, Albert S I Rear, Military Barracks 62 Blundell, I Wm 64 Vacant 66 Sweet, Wilbert 68 Knox, Albert Geo 70 Vacant 70^ Vacant lot 72 Vacant lot 74 Vacant lot 76 Vacant lot 78 Vacant lot 80 Aldcroft, George T 82 Cote, Ernest Gore street intersects Janadian Locomotive Works Co,Ltd 86 Walsh, John 90 Vacant I 9054 Vacant 96 Vacant I 102 Vacant '^'^'^^ J. K. Carroll Agency _ 56 BROCK ST. t3 I A I t LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


104 Vacant 106 Wilson, John 108 Bates, Geo Earl street commences 128-132 Hooper & Slater, sash & door fy 134-136 Nicholson, Thomas, butcher

William street intersects

G T R city depot I City storage yard Hanky's Railway & Steamboat Tic-] 144 Wood, Wm, bdg hse

ket Agency 1 148 Home, S V, bottling works 152 (upstairs) Porter, Wm 152 Goldman, Carl, second hd goods (upstairs) McAskin, Thos 154 Miller, Frank 156 Smith, Pauline (wid John) 164 Davidson, Margaret (wid Edw) 168 Cohen, S, confectionery and ice cream I parlor Johnson street intersects 171-175 Robertson, Geo & Son, whol gro 172 Anglo-American hotel, M J Lawlesi 183-185 Robertson Grocery Company, prop wholesale grocers (Geo Robert- 174 Anglo-American Hotel son, prop) 178-186 Frontenac Hotel, M Hanson, Swift, James & Co, customs warehse proprietor 189 Fenwick, Hendry & Co, wholesale 188 Vacant grocers, H E Richardson, prop 190 Robertson, D Stewart & Son, brokri 193 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co, 192-^- Vacant. c^c*.,^ mining 194 Donnelly, Capt John, engin | Nickle, Farrell & Day 195 Toye, R H & Co, bakers, agts forj 194 Lawes, Geo (upstairs) Christy Brown, Toronto; Moirs, Halifax

1 196 Mulholland, S

1 198- Imperial Oil Co. Clarence street intersects C P R station and offices |200-204 Prince George Hotel Canadian Northern stat'n and officesl Market street commencet

j City buildings Bank of British North America Stafford, I Reuben, ^ - bank messenger . , - 1 I >.«.}» Attwood, Horace

I Ballantyne, John, caretaker Children's Aid Soc, city bldgs I Immigrant I Room Brock street intersects Craig, W G & Co, whol grocers 1228 Canadian Oil Co Kingston Milling Co [230 Dunnigan, Wm B

Fire Station No 1 1 234 Bullock, Edward Hall, John, upstairs 236 Curzon, J W (barber) 253 Khaki Club 238-242 Sugarman, Henry, second hand dealer 238-242 (upstairs) Isner, Mrs i Wormwith & Co, lumber yard 1254 (upstairs) Thrussell, Frank 1256-258 Millan, Dennis J, grocery & meaj store 1 Princess street intersects

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS, In CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 3S0 KING STREET For Well-Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices


257 Dalton, W B & Sons, whol hardware Wormwith Piano Co, piano factory 261-265 Poison, N C & Co, mfg chemists 268 Best, John 267-275 Cohen, Isaac, warehouse (junk) 270 Shannon, John 272 Maclean, Andrew, grocer 277 Switzer, Marshall I 1274-280 McLean's store rooms 282 Dogerthy, Daniel 1282 (uDstairs) Harris, Wm Geo 279 Cockburn, William, blacksmith [284 Bickham, Bert Queen street intersects M T Co's storehouse [286 Lake View Hse, A Simpson, prop 291-295 Donoghue, Charles, grain 290 Gaudreau, Zephirin, grocer 292-294 Susman & Cohen's office 294 Vacant

1 298-304 Oberndorffer, Simon, cigar mfr Civic Utilities stores dept I Barrack street intersects Tete de Pont barracks Smith, Thos P (flagman G T R) Cataraqui bridge A Chadwick & Sons, coal and wood office Maple Leaf Flour and Milling Co Place d'Armes commences Sowards, James, coal and wood New Battery stables Dominion Boat Co (A C Knapp) Knapn's Boat Livery R C H A stables Cataraqui bridge

ORCHARD STREET, runs north from Cataraqui street, first east of Rideau EAST SIDE WEST SIDE Smelter Works 2 Lalonde, Francis H 4 Smith, Chas 4a Vancoughnett, Alex 6 Hagan, George 8 Cota, John 10 Kemp, Robt 12 Johnston, Wilson River street commences

ORDNANCE STREET, west from Wellington to west of Barrie, third north of Princess

NORTH SIDE | SOUTH SIDE Rideau street intersects 38 Anson, Annie (wid 50 Clark, Peter I F J) 39 McKenzie, Thos. ^40 Fleming, George 42 41 Bucher, Geo A I Whitcomb. Charles

43 Bland, John H I 44 Mangan, Frances (wid Michael) 46 Lautz, 45 Terry, Delos I John 47 Rolson, Sergt Wm I 48 Siddell, Capt Robt 49 Trenhaile, William J

Bag^t street intersects 71 Jackman, Wilfred Battery stables 73 Crawford, Robt 75 Clayton, Edward J n Gillespie, Mary (wid Jas) Montreal street intersects 3"** J. K. Carroll Agency ^^"1^ ^ 56 BROCK ST. Debentures Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


s e Norris, House of Providence, | James, Agri Implement Agy Our Lady of Sorrow church |110 Crowley Dr L Edmund 112 Billing, ^15 McQuaid, David J I Edward

117 Vanwinckle, Neil P 1 114 Sudds, Geo (wid 116 119 Allen, Elizabeth George W) | Dickson, Annie (wid John) 118 McConville, I Charles

1 124 Woodcock, Fred Sydenham street intersects litter, etc 135 Oldfin, John W, gas | 134 Zacks, Kevy 139 Ball, Edward H |136 Paynter, Frederick T 141 Pennie, Sergt-Maj Duff |138 Whalen, Daniel

143 Parle, Fred 1 142 Glenn, Matthew 145 Kelly, Thos |146 Lyons, Chas 147 Eves, Daniel |148 Temple, Fred G 149 Aikin, Patrick |150 Elmer, Jos Park 152 Frontenac | Tetro, Michael D streets commence Alma and York 1 154 Thompson, George Creche, Day Nursery 187 The | 156 Cambridge, Henry Clergy street ends 1178 Abernethy. Ellen (wid Wm) 184 Peters, I Wm P |188 Gardner, Anne (wid Jas)

I 190 Parker, Robert 1192 Rees, Fred S'

1 194 Jackson, Wm H !196 Redmond, John Barrie street intersects

394 Marchand, Raymond | 396 Morgan, Matthew j

PARK, west from Victoria to Macdonnell, second south of Princess SIDE NORTH | SOUTH SIDE built Coglon, Not on I Isaac I PARK AVENUE, from Barrie to West across City Park Not built on

PATRICK STREET, north from Balaclava to Stephen also from Thomas to Russell EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 17 Stanford, Edward 10 Keller, Chas, grocer 12 Thibudeu, Louis 14 Bannister, Albert 16a Kelly, Peter 18a Treneer, Charles Raglan Road intersects

27 Barrett, Wm I 20 Marchen, Orville 29 Holtham, Wm 1| 22 Hunter, John J 65 Bryant, (wid Mary John) | 24 Ennis, Albert W I 26 Aikens, Edmund

I 28 Aikens, Joseph Markland street ends| 32 McFadden, Elizabeth (wid Edw) 6/ Nancarrow, Frederick I 34 McFadden. James Gollogly, Jane (wid John) I ^h 46 McParland. William 48 Connolly, Ed J 54 Mcllroy, I Etta (wid Wm) John street intersects 69 Norman Horace F (cement wks) 56 | Newell, Louis


J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office

58 PATRICK STREET DIRECTORY PINE 62 Goodman, Michael Charles street ends 64 Woolgar, Wm G 113 Dow, Roy 115 Thomas, Wm 117 Scrutton, Chas James street ends Quebec street commences 145 Becking, James 104 Ryder, John 106 Rodway, Kate (wid Henry) 108 Langham, Jos Pine street commences Kenney, Joseph 116 Gifford, Frank 110 Orr, Capt Louis 112 Cuddon, Thos W 114 Walsh, Herb Stephen street intersects, not opened Thomas street intersects Not built on 241 Pettitt, George 243 McCoy, Daniel 245 McGuirk, Michael 247 Vandervelken, John 249 Taylor, Lewis 251 Thompson, Harry 253 Miller, William 255 Tisdale, Hubert 257 Carr, Charles 259 McConnell, Elmer PEMBROKE STREET, north from King to Union, eleventh west of Barric EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 27 Tolls, Frank L 5 Donaldson, Wm 29 McDonald, Roderick 7 Shelly, Arthur 31 Henstridge, Josephus Wm 9 Donaldson, Samuel 33 Crisp, Sophie 11 Gordon, Henry 49 Davidson, Thomas A 30 Johnson, Percy Davidson street ends

51 McGeein, Frank C I 17 Scammell, Rev Edwin E

61 Stevenson, Annie (wid Samuel)' 1 21 Maxwell, Earl B

71 Burns, Fred R I

PINE STREET, runs west from Patrick to Alfred, third north of Raglan Road NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 1 Kenny, Joseph 4 Jackson, Nancy (wid Philip) 3 Phillips, Joseph 6 Snider, Thomas 5 Fenning, Charles H 8 Godwin, Enoch, Jr 7 Northmore, Edward Jos 10 Knapp, Stanley 9 Ferryman, Richard R 12 Mallen, Patrick St Catherine street commences 16 Mallen, Frank 15 Sager, Herbert 18 Butcher, Richard 17 Hembry, Harry Barrie street ends 19 Copley, Thomas 24 Jerrett, A 21 Druce, George 26 Campbell, W R 23 Clow, Thos 28 Lunman, Alfred 25 Godwin, Enoch, Sr 30 Elder, Wm 27 Woods," John W 32 Downey, Jas A Cowdy street intersects 16 Kennedy, Michael 33 Tryon, Edward 84 McCabe, John W 35 Sinclair, Robt '"/"':ance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds 136 PRINCESS? STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y PINE STREET DIRECTORY PLUM 59

37 Howley, Albert 69 Hunt, James 71 Gilliland, Harry 73 Donoghue, Peter 75 Galloway, Margaret (wid John) 77 McQuay, Thos A 79 Millard, Wm 81 McCabe, John G 83 Davies, Sarah (wid Wm) Cherry street .intersects 85 Stephens, Mary (wid Wm) 86 Clarke, Chas H, grocer 87 Borland, Wm 96 Eward, Joseph 99 McDougall, Duncan 98 Gilchrist, Joseph 101 Smith, Theodore 100 Bryant, Angelo B 103 Lane, Benjamin 102 Jolliffe, J H New house 104 McDonald, Isobel (wid Alex) Zion Presbyterian church 106 Boyd, Rev John D Division street intersects 141 Stanley, 142 Wilson, Geo Wm I 143 Coward, Mark W 144 Hunter, Edward 145 Bennett, Alexander I 146 Wiskin, Arthur

147 Hamilton, Mary (wid Robt) 1 148 McMaster, John H 151 Campbell, Wm J 154 Pennell. Martha J 153 Campbell. Eliza J (wid William) 156 Smith, John 155 Bushey, Wesley 1158 Kennedy, Patrick 157 Salsbury, William J 1160 Neilson, Wm 159 Bishop, Charles W 1162 Bradley ,Jack Lansdowne Avenue intersects 169 Mitchell, Wm Chatham street ends 175 Beddows, John 177 Thompson, Alfred 179 Gage, David B 189 Cameron, Jas H York Street intersects

PLACE D'ARMES, west from Ontario to Wellington, third north of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE

Maple Leaf Milling Co, stores I Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co office coal and G T R Crossing Sowards, James, wood 1 Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co, lum-| City gas tank

ber yards ( 3 Beck, William I jKing street East intersects

Hay market I 48 Brown, Jennie (wid Richard) G T R freight yards 50 O'Reilly, A

I 52 Pecor, Mrs Mary 54 Wheeler, Albert I

I Military Riding School

PLUM STREET, west from Barrie to Cherry, first south of Quebec NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 1 Rutter, Levi 3 New house 7 Hebert, Fred 5 McKee, Amelia (wid John) 11 Burnside. Noel 7 Hebert, Louis 9 Patrick, John 20 Duncombe, Jos 17 Smith, James N 24 Howitt, Frederick SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


19 Marshall, Allan M 26 Hebert, Charles 21 Kennedy, John F 28 Potvin, Ernest 23 Godfrey, Chas 30 Simpson, Wm 32 Singleton, Harry 34 Dean, Fred

PRIME STREET, runs from York to Chestnut, first east of Division SIDE WEST SIDE EAST I Not built on 1 Sughrue, Capt Thos PRINCESS STREET, west from the harbor to limits NORTH SIDE Atlantic dock SOUTH SIDE Railway crossing Commercial dock Dalton, W B & Sons, Ltd, wholsale Richardson, James & Sons, elevator hardware Railway crossinfy Bishop, T G, machine shop Khaki Club Ontario street intersects 27-33 Wormwith Piano Co Ltd, piano Millan, D J Mfrs 34-38 VanLuven Bros, garage 35-37 Shapiro, A. second hand store 42-44 McBroom, Wm D (upstairs) Shapiro, A (flour & feed store) 39 Davis, Wm 46Aylesworth, Minera (wid Aaron) 41 Brennen, Pat 50 Halliday Electric store 43-45 Shapiro, J (2nd hand store) 45 (upstairs) Shapiro, J 47 McCormick, W J (restaurant) 49-51 Murnie (wid Aaron) Circle, |

53-55 Murphy, L W, grocer I King street intersects 65 Vacant 64-66 McGall; John, tobacconist 67 G W V A club rooms 66 Star Fruit & Candy Store, P A 69 Parker, R & Co, dyers and cleaners Plagannatos, prop 71-73 Robertsons Limited, crockery 68 Elmer, Fred, barber 75 Hendry, James A, mfrs agt 68 (upstairs) Eccles, Victor n Elliott Bros, plumbers 70 Paul, W J, tobacconist 79 McParland, Jas, wholesale tobacco 72 Knowlton, Wilson (upstairs) Hickey, 81 Hum, Chas I Wm 83 New York Chinese Cafe, Hum, Chas 74 Burke & Graham, electricians Imperial hotel 85-87 Stevenson & Hunter, hardware i 76 78-80-82-Bibby Limited, clothing 89-91 Taylor & Hamilton, tinsmiths | 93 McAulev. Thos, book store 84 Campbell Bros, hats and furs 95 Botsford, Geo (hardware) 86 The Wm Davies Co, Ltd, provisions 88 Treadgold, A E, sporting goods 90 Pappas Bros, shoe shine parlors 92 (upstairs) Marrison, G E photos 94 Dominion Express Co C P R Ticket Office Wellington street intersects 100 Kinnear d'Esterre, jewelers 101 Mcintosh Bros, fancy store I & 102 Grimm. Roy, ice cream confry 103-105 Sutherland, J H & Bro, shoes I N & 107 Lipman. B, clothing & gents' fur'ngsj 102 (upstairs) Grimm, Nicholas R 109 Stroud Bros, teas and coffees 1106-110 Woolworth & Co 15-cent store clothing Hawley, Harry M, mgr (upstairs) 1 112 Dwyer B^os, 111 Reid, Allan M, boots and shoes 114 Jenkins, E P, gents' furnishings 113-115 Mahood Bros, fancy goods 116 Lockett Shoe Store, boots and shoes 119 Wilson, Eliz M, millinery 118-120 Steacy's Limited, dry goods

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean A^nt* 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n FIRE INSURANCE '^^ CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 PRINCESS STREET DIRECTORY PRINCESS 61

119 (upstairs) Wilson, Eliz M 1122 Newman & Shaw, dry goods 124 store 121 Lindsay, C W Ltd, pianos, etc I The Best drug 126 128 Mills, Co, wholesale re- 123-125 Th.e Abernethy Shoe Store I Geo & & tail hatters and furriers 127 Roney, A F, clothing I carpets, etc 129 Daly, O Wilmot, dentist I 130 McFaul. Robert, tailor 132-134 Rodger, R Jeweler 131 Tweddell, John, I J, (upstairs) Hicks. Fred 133-139 Hotel Randolph, Ha.-ry A Coch-|136 Mendels & Co, F Jviendcl.5, prttp rane, Mgr |138 United Grocery, Ben Lee, prop

141 Uglow, R & Co, booksellers, etc | 140 Standard Bank of Canada harnessmakers 143 Rudd Harness Co, | Express 145 Canadian Co I Bagot street intersects 155 Crawford & Walsh, tailors 156 Mahood Drug Co 157 Royal Cafe 158 Coates, F W. jewelry & C P R Br 159 Kirkpatrick, Michael, pictures Telegraph Office 161 Elmer, Richard H, barber 160-162 College Book Store 161 (upstairs) Eccles, Geo 164 United Cigar Store, R J Lawler, 163 Simpson, Fred, hatter mgr 165 Sands, Thos W, tobacconist 164j^ (upstairs) Foden, Jas 167 Newman Electric Co 166 Vacant 169-171 Simmons Bros, Hardware 166 (upstairs) Athanas, George 173-175 Routley. A K, tobacconist 168 Weese, D A, photos, etc 177-179 Daily Standard Pub Co 170-172 Laidlaw, John & Son, dry goods 183 Nash, Dr C C, dentist 174 Corrigan, C J, dry goods

183 (upstairs) Purvis, Peter C I 178 grocers 185 Chown, A P, M D, druggist I Redden. James & Co. 187 Sons, plumbers 180 Crystal Ice Cream Parlor, confectry Lemmon & I 189 Warwick Bros., dyers and cleaners 180 (upstairs) Sakell, Andrew

191 Home Lunch, Lee Bros, prop 1 182 Crawford, James, grocer 193 Marshall, Store. Rotgauze H W, hardware 1 184 Model Shoe Harry 186 Sargent, T H, druggist I Montreal street intersects 201 King Edward theatre 200 Pappas Bros, pool room 203 Crown Cafe 200 (upstairs) Pappas, George 205 Army and Navy Veterans 202 Baker, W J, tobacco and billiards 207 Studebaker Sales and Service 202j^ (downstairs) King Edw barber 211 King Edw Cigar store, E F Martin shop, J A Ferguson, prop 209 Kingsbury, A B, barber 204 McLaughlin, Wm, confectionery 213 Will, D J, clothier 204 (upstairs) McLaughlin, Wm 215 (upstairs) Taylor, Osborne 206 Carroll. Wm. tailor 215 (upstairs) Vacant 1208 New York Hat Cleaning Co, Geo 217 Canadian Nor. Exp & Ticket Office] Palavos, prop

219 Dolan , Michael J, harness mkr j 210 Fitzgibbon, Daniel, tobacconist 219J/2 Fleming, Mary A (wid Hugh) 1212 Sawyer, Wm A. boots and shoes 223 Pearsall's Millinery 214 Toggery Shop, D S Collier, prop 223^ Singer Sewing Machine Co, A Ji214 (upstairs) Collier, D S Darragh, mgr 214 Atkinson. Leonard 225 Montgomery's Dye Works, J BI216 O'Brien & Co. tailors Harris, prop 1218 Entrance to Opera House 225 (upstairs) Harris, J B [220 Sakell's Ice Cream Parlor & Conf Sakell. props 227 Lawrence. Joseph, barber I Store, T & Karis 227 lupstairs) Lawrence, Jos 220 (upstairs) Sakell T & Karis, Peter I 229-237 Harrison. furniture 222 Grand Cafe, Peter Lee, prop T F Co, I 231 Iroquois Club 224 Boyes, Charles H, photographer I 239 Parkhill, J Y & Co, wholesale produce 1226 Keeley. Wm J. jr. jeweller, Jas Crawford, proprietor 1228 Keyes. M P, undertaker l^^ SI^ITFI RR. OS FOR niOH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES fWt JlWlLLlKY When You Are in Need of Cyeslasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, I I QTrWART ' nnt R J. I. OIliiAIiIi ' Upi. U. Clarence and Wellington streets, Bolden Lien Bleck


241 J M Greene Music Co, J Johnston,! 230-232 Reid, R J, furniture Reid, Robert (upstairs) Mgr I J Sydenham street commences 236 (upstairs) Lawless, Capt J Michael 251 Kingston Steam Laundry, Albert 238 Marble Hall Ice Cream Parlor, G Thompson, mgr Masoud, prop 253 Vacant 240 Amodeo, M & Co, fruit dirs 253 Vacant 240 (upstairs) Amodeo, Michael and 255 Milo, T W, painter Consello, Antonio 257 Abramson, Jos B, clothing 242 Vacant 261 Shear, A, furniture, etc 244 Lockhead, J F, photos 261 (upstairs) A Shear 246 Corbett, S S. undertaker 263-265 Abramsky. Joseph, clothing 246 (upstairs) Wilson, Horace 265 (upstairs) Abramsky, Jos 250 (upstairs) Billiard parlor (W J 267 Cohen, I, tailor Baker, prop) 267 (upstairs) Cohen, Isaac 250-252 Griffin's theatre 269 Paynter, Robt, shoemaker 254-256 Reid, Jas. undertkr & furniture 271 Zacks, Isaac, clothing 256 (Upstairs) Reid, Christina (widjas) 273 Zacks, Isaac, res 258 (upstairs) Knapp A E, dentist 277 Price's Sanitary Dairy, H F Price,|258 Brownlee, Mary prop |260 O'Connor, T J, ladies' wear 281 J Turk, auction rooms 262 Metropolitan Insce Co 285 Salvation Army Citadel 262-264 Strand Theatre

289 Routbard, L 1 266 Beaupre. Edwin 291 King, J B, tailor |268 Hydro Electric and Public Utilities 270 Kelley, grocers 293 Speakman, Alec, clothier I Jas & Co, 395 Seventh Day Adventists 272 Arthurs Estate, baker and confecr 295a (upstairs) Wright, Geo Arthurs. Alex, (upstairs) 297 Ainslie, Wm G, butcher I 272^ 274 McGlade, Wm, tobacco and pool room 280 Zbar, Benjamin, ice cream parlor I & confectionery I 282 Lee Wee, laundry 1284 Handler. Z. second hand dealer 284 Handler, ! (upstairs) Z 286 (upstairs) Fitzgibbon, Daniel I |286 Dafnas, Chas. fruit and confctr

I 288 Hunt. A E. barber 1290 Godkin, J D &. Son, livery 292 Thompson, George A, bottling wks

I 294 Thompson, Harry, grocery store 1296 '|The Rest," Ice Cream Parlor Clergy street intersects St Andrew's church 1312 Prouse. C S. drug store 333-335 Thompson, John, sec hand goods|314 New York Fruit Store, Peter Daf- 3.39 Campion. Alice (wid Richard) nas, prop j

341-343 Couper. Daniel, grocer | 314 Dafnas, Peter, fruit dir 345 Hentig, G W, tinsmith ii314 (upstairs) Dafnas, Peter 347 (upstairs) Cota, F C |3^6 Hillier. Wm. barber _ 349 Yampolsky, Morris, gents' furnishings |316 (upstairs) Hillier, Wm 331 Lee Bros Laundry [318 McCandless. W. jeweller 3.53 Clark. J W & Co. gen repairers, etcl318 (upstairs) McCandless. W repairer 355 Ringland, Robt., shoe I 320 The Allies Shoe Shine Parlor 357 Smith, Fred E, barber |320 (upstairs) Carson, Thos A 359 Hoag. Frank J, druggist, sub P 0| 322 Carson, T A, real estate office 1 wholesale grocer No I 324 Carson. R J.

I 336 Abramson. Louis, clothing 1,138 Vacant [342-344 Royal Hotel, M J Kane, prop Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance -^ Specialize in Ciiildren's and ^

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


346 Robbs, E, barber I 346 (upstairs) Robbs, E I 348 Fruitland, candy & fruit store, I Karson, Wm, prop 350 Laird, John & S

1 412 Queen's Laundry, (Yin Lee) |414 Best, L T, branch store Division street intersects 435 Sutherland, Capt 424 James T I Anderson, Wm 437 Shave, Jas 1426-436 Vaughan terrace 443 Lambert, Wm I 426 Hartman, David

445 Porter. Wm ! 428 Eraser, Stanley 449 Suddaby, C F |430 Patterson, Jas 451 Prettie, 432 Quirt, Agnes (wid Thos) I John 453 Brown, Wm Jas [434 Henderson, Jno 455 Livingston. Emily (wid Wm J) 1 436 Pense. James P 457 White, Russell T 1450 Bell. Dr G W 459 Lemmon, Wm M 454 Stephen, McLaren I J 461 Smith, Ensign Arthur J 1456 Crothers, Wm J Jr 471 Clow, M & Son, carriages, furs, etc 1458 Hunt. Archibald E 473 Crystal Bottling Works (rear) 460 Bradshaw. G I W A Tyo, prop 462 Kinnear, Frank I 473 Tyo. Mrs Alex 1464 Graham. C J 475 Walker, R H [480 Duff, Mrs Amy (wid Hugh) 477 Robinson, Thos University avenue ends I 479 Wilton. Miss E I 490-492 Pickering, Chas H, grocery 481 Clow, Matthias 1492^ Lowery. R

493 Bearance. Alexander I 500 Milligan, Margaretta C 49.") Gillespie. Elmira 502 (wid John) I Coates. Frank W 497 Bates. Estella (wid 506 Pyke, (wid Geo) John) I Emma 499 Wilson, Thos 1520 Vacant 501 Wilson, Norman 1522 Colquhoun. Jas 503-505 Saunders, Charles, grocer 524 Fisher, John H, Sr I Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS \^HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS ^ ^ Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUR.E


Chatham street commences| 526 Cullen, Joseph, grocer 507 Lesses, Louis, stoves, furniture, etc

521 Esford, Garnet | 523 Holland, Wm B 525 Wheeler, Ray 527 Macdonald, MR Alfred street intersects 557 Graves, Stephen W iS44 Vacant 559 Truman, Walter |556a Kingston Mattress Factory, Wilder, 563 McBride, Joseph Jas E I 565 Gallivan, Timothy l|556 Armstrong, Richard G 567 Birkett, 558 Hentig, Patrick 1 George W 569 Timmerman, Nicholas 560 Gallery, Catherine (wid Thos) 571 Peters, Johanna (wid Hugh) 1562 Pickett, Lloyd 573 Graves, Phillip Wm D j Baker, H, grocer Frontenac street intersects 575 Connor, J W 1572 Harrison, Chas P 585 Bauder, Henry J592 Green, Samuel 587 Zurbrigg, Daniel J 1600 Shortt, Rev W K 601 Patterson, D J 60S Service, M T I 611 Herbison, E J I Albert street intersects

617 Scott, Lillian, grocer I Princess St Methodist church 619 Scott, Lillian 1620 Waddell, Rev J A 621 Thomas, Percy |662 Laidley, Fred 623 Jackson, John |624 Hutchison, David

627 Gates, Mrs (wid Jos) I 628 Home, Robt A 629 Burns, Wm P |630 Neill, Anna (wid Wm) 631 Fegg, James A 1632 Cooke, Maj H P 633 Dorey, Matthew 635 Smith, Thos | Nelson street intersects

639 Tallon, Peter W I Rideau Public School 641 Quick, Charles [668-670 Carnovsky, Thos R, baker 643 Clark, Kingston Sub-Postoffice No 2 Henry D I Schofield, Bell Telephone pay station 647 James, baker j Victoria street intersects 651 Terwillegar, Rev Colfax D 653 Marshall, Robt 672 McConnell, Joseph 655 Bajus, Bert 1674 Millner, Chas 657 Peters, J P 1676 McAllister, Olive (wid Jerome) 659 Young, Myles 1678 Cornelius, Geo 663 Parkes, Ross 1680 Metcalfe, H A 667 William Eraser A I 680 Brebner, John 669 716 Hamilton, Webster, Fred I Wm 671 Clark, Charles Geo [718 Hamilton, Margaret (wid Wm L) 673 Amey, George Smith street begins

Smith street commences I 730 Saunders, Emily (wid John) ends 679 Ferguson, Chas I Macdonnell street 681 Gibson, Alice (wid Wm H) 1768 Tunbridge, Jos

, Miriam 687 McAdoo, Alex | 772 Couper, Miss 689 Ferris, Ed 776 Couper. Daniel I 785 Jones, William |826 Metcalfe, Edgar James, '|Ashton" 791 Murphy, Thos W |834 Haffner, Christian J

793 Murphy, Jane (wid Jos) | 840 Blakey, Alfred Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Deoentures FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SONS Phone 1030 PRINCESS STREET DIRECTORY QUEEN 65


66 QUEEN STREET DIRECTORY QUEEN Corcoran Bros (blacksmith shop) 4 Kennedy, Wm 19-29 Civic Utilities, light, heat & Power| Crawford's coal sheds ' Civic Utilities New Business Office Revere House, s e Civic Utilities Plant King street intersects Street Railway sheds, s e Angrove Bros, brass & iron fndry I 57 Fearne, Arthur R 54 Kelly, John, blacksmith I 59 Papps, 56 Vacant John I (basement) Vacant 58 Miller, A H, wood wkr I (upstairs) 60 Copley, Thomas, carpenter & contr 59 Scouten, Wm I 69 Speizman, A ' Gilmour, Wallace, carriagemaker I Harkness, Harry butcher Wellington street intersects 73 Donnelly, Allen 70 Lyons, Noble J 75 Gratton ,Jos 72 Watts, John Wm 79 Gallagher, Francis J 82 Chaponan, Wm 81 McGuire, Thomas, fish dealer 86 Hong Tom, laundry 85 Bastow, Jeremiah J 88 OberndorflFer, Cillie (wid Simon) 87 Horsfall, Alfred 92 Wartman, Mrs Sobrina (wid Hor- 89 Crawford, Wm D ace), bdg hse Beaudrey, (wid Louis A) 91 Sauve, Capt Cyrille j 94 Mrs

93 Angrove, Thos B I 100 Twedde.ll, John 95 Angrove, John |102 Morris, Nathan 97 Angrove, Frank 104 Abramsky, Alexander I

101 Marshall, John 1 108 Lackie, Jas 103 Curzon, Benjamin 110 Halligan. Edward P J 105 McGall, Mary (wid John) 114 Angell, Frederick 107 Jordan, Albert Ed Angrove's Garage Bagot street intersects 123 Armstrong, Alex 124 Vacant lot 125 Doran, Sarah (wid Jno) 128 Vacant lot 131 Jarvis, Samuel 130 Vacant lot 133 Pople, Wm 136 Downey, Geo

St Paul's church 1 138 Austin, James il40 Connolly, Catherine (wid Thos) 148 Jewish Synagogue I 148 (rear) M'ittel, Louis I Montreal street intersects -157 Kaminski, Adolph Albion Hotel, Caines. J M, prop 159 McCall, John |l64I Elmer, Mrs S (wid Jos)

161 Patterson, John 1 166 Deem, Albert 163 Clatworthy, Elias 1170 Maxam, Alfred 165 Reed, William H 182 Kidd, Miss Jane Vacant lots 184 Egglestone, Thos W 177 Sands, Wm 1 186 Driver, Thos 179 Gimblett, Capt Wm H 185 Susman, Max Sydenham street intersects 197 Anglin, Francis R 196 Walsh, Matthew John 201 Wenborn, Howard 198 Wilson, Robert E 209 Cohen, Isaac I 200 O'Grady, Louise (wid I James) 211 Earl, Mrs Mary 1202 Abramson, Louis 213-219 Military Station Hospital 210 Burton, John V Queen St Methodist church 212 Spratt, Louis i|216 McLaughlin, Thomas Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. Debeiitures AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 QUEEN STREET DIRECTORY RAGLAN RD 67

220 1 Chapman, William 224 Christley, Edward 226 Christley, William Clergy street intersects

235-237 Campbell, Dr J W 1 250 Nokes, Mary (wid Albert) 241 Reid, Samuel 254 Turk, Jacob F I 243 258 Peters, Fred Cockburn, W H I 260 McGranahan, 247 Rdbinson, Catherine (wid Geo W) | Samuel 249 McQuade, Frank f262 Burke, Jno 251 Anglin, Robt R 253 Gourdier, Louis 255 Keyes, Dr Stanley J 259 Byrne, Patrick Jas |264 O'Gorman, Jas 263 Christmas, William 266 Vacant 267 Switzer, Emeline (wid Peter) 268 Cameron, John 269 Burke, Jno P | 271 Driver, W J, grocer | Barrie street intersects 273 Benn, Jane (wid John) |282 Pigion, Frances (wid Richard) 275 McKee, Mary (wid Robt) |286 Lawler, Jas H 277 Vacant [288 Scholes, F D 281 Peters, Sydney 1290 Drury, William 283 Lougher, Miss O 1292 Muchmore, Michael Shugrue, 285 Catholic Apostolic church 1 Cornelius 285 Dunlop, Albert 1294 Sharp, Cvrus H 295 Harvey, Francis |296 Lee,Izrael 297 Hartman, Jas 300 Dinsdale, I Wm H 302 Reid, Samuel I 299 Frost, G, carriage painter 304 Veech, Robt H W I 299 City Storage 306 Elliott, Arthur I W 309 Gilbert, Benj 308 Shane, William J i 311 Hastings, Harriett (wid Wm) 310 Keyes, Frank Chapman street commences 312 O'Neil, Geo Kingston Business College Co 316 Lake, Sarah (wid Wm) 329 Curtis, Wm 1318 Byron, James 331 Smith, Henry 320 Osborne, Albert I 333 Burns, John 1322 Nobes, Lucinda (wid W J) Zn Davis, Mrs Alice (wid Arthur) 328 Caldback. Henry J '338 Ennis, Jas

RAGLAN ROAD, west from 164 Rideau to Division, second north of Bay NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 1 Armstrong, Marshall 10 Talbot, Arthur 2 Mayhew, Albert 12 McGuire, Fred 4 Stanford, Michael 6 Redmond, Lloyd I 8 Tugwood, Alfred 10 Tugwood, Albert

12 Carey, Alex ,T Wartellesky, Alex, grocer Bagot street intersects 39 Judge, Mary (wid Wm) 38 York, Mrs I Wm 41 Cuperson, Chas 40 Scott, Chas J 43 Drysdale, Alexander 42 Hart, Emily (wid Jas) Lemmon, J A, grocery Montreal street intersects Quigley, Hanna (wid Jas) 56 Tetlock, Catherine (wid John) I rTch Our Stock is Coroprete - SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses cut glass 350 KING STREET BROKEN EYE GLASSES We Will Duplicate any Lens Made in the Shortest Time

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Optometrist, Mfg. Optician, Opposite General Post Office


69 Smeaton, Ellen J, (wid Chas) Sydenham street ends 71 Sands, Jock 94 Fallon, Patrick J 75 Harrigan, J T 97 Tucker, Frank 96 Williams, Joseph 99 Brick, Thos 98 Guirey, Daniel 101 Donohue, John 100 McKee, John P 103 Powell, Charles H 1102 Peck, Fred Nesbit, Duncan Redan street endi 105 I

109 Susman, Louis 1 112 Adamson, William 111 Clarke, Frank 1114 Hinchliffe, Jas 113 Eraser, Stanley 124 Milne, William Alex 115 Borden, Samuel 117 Rice, Thos 123 Tyo, Steven Sr 127 Wilson^ Louisa 129 Hincks. Wm Patrick street intersects 133 Milne, Robt M 1148 Francis, Wm H 155 Naylon, John 1150 Saunders. Herb 147 Page, Delbert 152 Coates, Sarah Jane 149 Lennon, Hannah (wid Felix) 154 Gilmour, Mrs 157 Donnelly, Adelaide (wid Mathew) 156 Dutton, Samuel 158 Bearance, Calvin Barrie street intersects 161 Madrand, Dcla (wid Octave) 160 Robbs, Ephraim 163 Bell, James H Palace Skating Rink 165 Davies, Frederick 169 Stansbury, John 171 Eves, Joseph T 173 Davy, William 175 Lennon, M (wid Pat) York street intersects Main street intersects Vacant new house Turkington, grocer I Wm J,

223 Lennon, Margaret (wid Patrick) I Vine street endt |224 Upton, Geo A |226 Hanson, Albert 1228 Coflfey, David 1230 Charlton. Ernest 1232 Dunne, Eliz (wid Jas) Holiness Movement Church I

REDAN STREET, north from Balaclava to Raglan Road " EAST SIDE I WEST SIDE 9 McCabe. William 4 Countryman, Annie (wid Thos I W) 1 1 Fox. 6 Stanford, Thos John I

13 Belanger, Ellen (wid Jas) I 8 Soles, Wilfred

15 Tetro, James I 10 O'Rourke. Lawrence

23 Fallon, Katherine (wid Patrick) I 12 Moyse, Wm

I 14 O'Brien, Patrick 16 Mayell, Robt I John REUENT STREET, north from Johnson to Princess, third west of Victoria EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I Simpson, Charles

Scott. Walter D, gardener I Hunter, Samuel

Clark, W I 24 Watts, John N, gardener & florist Dinnee, E I

J. K. Carroll Agency doiviin?on life h 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For nre insurance. Phone 1030 RIDEAU STREET DIRECTORY RIDEAU 69 RIDEAU STREET, runs north from Barrack to Montreal, fourth west of the harbor EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 1 Lifshitz, A 2 Feeney, Jos, grocer 7 Albertson, Norman 25^ Hum Kim, laundry ':j 11 Clapham, William 4 Jarrell, Wm H 15 Wolfe, Sergt-Maj Wm 6 Reid, Marshall 17 Winter, Wm 8 Feeney, Thomas 19 Rankin, Jas 10 Smith, Jos 21 Vacant 12 Young, Rebecca (wid Wellington) 23 Law, Wm 14 Seaton, Richard 25 Bernier, Alfred 16 Daryau, C 27 Thompson, Jas 18 McBroom, William F 29 Mcllroy, James 20 Gilmour, Robt C 31 Cooper, Charles 34 Shortt, Margaret (wid Edw) 35 Pound, Henry 38 Taylor, Annie (wid F H) Ordnance street intersects 52 Rollow, 41 Chambers, Chas J I Joseph Philip) 54 Daly, Margaret (wid James) 47 Bajus, Grace (wid i 51 Vacant 56 Maxwell, F Eliza (wid Geo W) 53 Corkey, Capt John 58 Cannem, Martha (wid Wm) 63 Liask, Wm Cataraqui Public School 65 McKegney, John 64 Joye, Patrick 67 Tuttle, Geo 69 McCormick, Chas S Bay street intersects 81 Sears, Wm 82 Murphy, Catherine (wid Daniel) 83 Raymond, Marshall 94Morrison, Wm

91 Jackson, Augustus I 96 Fowler, Sgt H

99 Laughern, Miss Elizabeth 1 100 Weir, Andrew 101 Hingey, John 004 fce'eler, Sarah (wid Arthur)

1 106 Ledford, George !108 Knight, Robert

1 116 Amey, W J North street intersects McGowan, A, Cigar Mfg Co, Ltd I G 142 O'Neill, Mary (wid Patrick) 144 Gow, Edw J 148 McNeill, William J 150 Spencer, Roy 152 Nelson, John 154 Baxter, William 156 Loye, Roland J 158 McNeill, Charles 160 Mcllroy, Robt J 162 Macdonald, Louis Raglan road commences 164 Armstrong, Marshall J 168 Harkness, Wm T 169 Irwin, Annie 170 Harte, Sergt-Maj John 174 Stanton, John 176 Harrison, Thomas J Corrigan street commences 180 Tisdale, John F 182 Vacant 184 Dunlop, James A 186 Kinch, Alfred SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King 8TARR PHONOGRAPHS St. Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office


1 188 Kinch, John 190 Keyes, Michael I 192 Stiles, Geo I E 194 Butlin, I Wm 1 196 Sweetman, Thomas 198 Mitchell, Sarah William) 1 (wid |200 Kane, Ernest Dufferin street commences I

I 202 Baker, Geo |204 Walmsley, John H 1206 Hallett, Alfred L 212 Pitman, Reginald 1214 Sloan, Albert 216 Gregson, John I

251 Cooke, Wm "Brierfield House I Charles street commences 255 O'Hanlon, Bernard |254 Phelan,- Chas

257 Stevenson, Walter II 256 Haunts, James

259 Bdyer, Narcisse 1 258 Cunningham, Bridget (wid Daniel) James street commences 261 Bourdeau, Jas I 1264 Williams, Louis W

1 266 Lyall, Rev John Cataraqui street intersects STREET RIDEAU LOWER RIDEAU I LOWER STREET The Bailey Broom Co 2 Brown, Joseph I 3 Mercer, Thos 4 Hurst, Albert 5 Blaney, 8 Marshall, (wid Henry) John I Emma River street endsl 10 Smith, Thomas J Davis, A & Sons, Ltd, tanners 12 Potter, Alex, grocery I

215 Murphy, T 1 14 Keates, Thos F 16 Keates, 217 Harland, James I James 36 Sturgess, Herbert 219 Carpenter. Wm John I

221 Gauge, D Benj I 40 Holland, George A

223 Besh, Wm I 42 McGlade, Mary A (wid Peter)

I 44 Tanguay, Piere 46 Timms, Geo I

I 48 Vacant 50 Watts, Samuel I 52 I Adrian, Wm

I 54 Cole, Samuel 56 Walsh, Thos I

RIVER STREET, west from Orchard to Rideau, first north of Cataraqui

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE 7 Leslie, Sophia (wid David) 2 Carrin^ton. Ada (wid Jos J) |

4 Eccles"; Ralph I

6 Maxam, Thos A I

RUSSELL STREET, west from 480 Montreal to Division


9 Crellian, Michael I 10 Morton. George G 12'T7ailey, 11 Babcock, Willet I John IS McQuaid, 14 Lesage, William Joseph I G

21. McQuaid, William I 16 Stradling, Frank

17 Cottrael, Thos 1 18 Laird, Miss Mary 20 O'Brien, Mary (wid 19 Gray, David I A John) 22 Cattermole, Hetty 23 McMaster, James I 24 Marsh, Thos 25 Martin, Jno F I Wm REAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


27 Childs, Gabriel 32 LaRose, Napoleon 29 Lomax, Mary J (wid Jacob) Regiopolis College grounds 31 Chinnery, Frank 33 Denee, Leon 24 McGregor, Alex 37 Vancoughnet, Joseph 39 Vacant 41 Ferryman, Geo

SIMCOE STREET, from the harbor to King, third east of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I

Booth & Go's wood yard, re I 22 Cassidy, A N

Sullivan, M (s e) | 34 Mathewson, John P

SIXTH STREET, runs west from Division to Alfred, first south of York


11 Hughes, Ernest I 6 Yates, James 19 Wilson, Robert 8 Turcotte, George I 21 Salsbury, Francis 12 Davidson, J I Wm Allen, Phillip New house I 10 25 Hall, Annie L (wid Thos) 18 Boss, Sgt Major Wm 23 Davis, Chas 20 Dougherty, William 21b McKnight, Mary (wid John) 26 Storms, Thos F Chatham street intersects 33 Marlowe, Jessie (wid Ralph) I 35 Curran, Clayton I

SMITH STREET, north from Princess to South Bartlett, first west of Victoria EAST SIDE WEST SIDE South Bartlett street intersects North Bartlett street intersects Pitt, 1 Wood, Roy Edward I

SOUTH BARTLETT STREET, west from Victoria, first north of Princess Smith street ends| Vacant 1 Wood, Wm E I STANLEY STREET, west from Division to Alfred, first north of Pine


33 King, Thomas ( Lansdowne street intersects 35 Hutchins, Chas 40 Jordon, Harry 41 Couling, Montague 46 Parson, Henry 59 King, William 48 Marsh, Henry S 61 Saunders, Jack 50 Rotheel, James H 69 McChain, Fred 52 Murray, Wm 71 Peail, Jacob 54 Campeau, Felix

ST CATHARINE STREET, runs north from Pine, first west of Patrick EAST SIDE WEST SIDE I Silver, 5 Alfred I 6 Turner, Sidney H 7 Knox, Geo Coyle, Leo 9 Bowman, Henry D 1810 Milne, Peter J 11 McCabe, Jas 12 Funnell, Bernard S 13 Storing, George 14 Flint, Charles

15 Wright, Frank T I 16 Holden, Robt

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. in CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET For Well-Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices

72 ST. LAWRENCE STREET DIRECTORY STUART ST LAWRENCE AVENUE, runs north from King to Stuart, fourth west of Barrie EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 9 Vacant 10 Gott, Joseph 11 Derbyshire, Herb 12 Southall, David 13 Clark, William J 14 Gilbert, Geo 15 Langdon, Mary (wid Alfred) 16 Countrel, Frank 17 Barr, Daniel ST. THOMAS STREET, Montreal to Patrick 1 I Gunn, John I 2 I Ewers, Wm STEPHEN STREET, west from 410 Montreal to Division NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 17 Firth, Wm 22 Bois, Alex 19 Felstead, Henry 24 White, Thos 23 Vimson, Alfred 26 Walker, Henry 25 Hamilton, James 28 Potter, Albert 37 Walker, Chas 14 Moon, Wm 39 Healey, Harold W 18 Howes, Jas 43 Scruton, James 20 Hamilton, William 51 Delph, James P 22 Vallier, Thos 53 Overbaugh, Geo W 58 Henry, Chester 59 Rodcliffe, Gerald 24 Boyne, Thos 63 Wart, Alfred 38 Hurd, Frank 69 Henderson, Jane (wid Thos) 40 Robertson, Wm J 71 Wiseman, James A 42 Bolyea, Peter 73 White, Frederick 110 Wooodhouse, Wm 101 Ashby, Thos 112 Phillips, George 103 Washers, Oliver 114 Pennock, James 116 Daly, Olvin 105 Arsenau, Wm 118 Tozer, Henry W 107 Clark, W H 120 White, Elizabeth (wid Joseph) 100 Wharrie, Morris 122 Miller, Ed 111 Canallox, Antonio 124 Lawler, Wm J 113 Fitzgerald, Fred 126 Wilson, Wm 115 Sleap, Sydney 128 Brook, Wm R 117 Campbell, Jas 130 Clement, Alfred 119 Turpin, Samuel 132 Lafountiene, Jos 121 Davis, Jas 1134 Higgins, Leo (upstairs) .123 Peters, Alvin A I Woodmoske, J 125 Burns, Frank 1136 Thompson, Lyons 127 Gibbison, Jas |138 Cowelly, Marshall 129 Cornish, David 140 Clement, Ephrim 131 Campion, Ed |150 Hoare, Wm 134 Kemp, Wm J STUART STREET, west from 80 Barrie to Albert

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE Arch street comir^ncesl 10 Curragh, James 20 Mooney, Ella Queen's College grounds | (wid Thomas) 24 Lockett, F G

I George street ends

I Kingston General Hospital

1 100 Richardson's Convalescent Home 104 Harty, I Wm University avenue intersects Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


157 Watts, John I Queen's University Observatory 159 Jarrell, Joseph 142 Buchanan, Prof Daniel 161 Brown, Geo 1146 d'Esterre, John 150 O'Brien, 163 Scott, Harry B I Annie E (wid Edward) 165 Pickup, Wm 154 King, Francis 169 Coady, John P fl60 Poison, Neil 171 Dewey, Wm H 1 174 Davis, Harold W

173 Shaw, Capt Malcolm 1 180 Morahan, Patrick 175 Macdonald, Prof J F 1184 Webster, Mary (wid Wm) VanDreaser, Capt Milton 188 Brouse, Henry 179 I

187 Dunlop, A Wallace 1 198 Baldry, Fred 191 Barrett, Edward G 200 Davis, Ross M 195 Rose, Wm 202 Welsh, John 217 Calvert, William St Lawrence avenue ends 219 Edwards, Peter 212 Hoppins, Abiram 221 Baylie, Chas P 214 McLaughlin, James, confectioner 216 Thompson, Albert |218 Jarrell, Edmund 1222 Phillips, Arthur

1 228 Ansley, Harold M 1230 Auchinvole, Mrs Mary (wid Gilbert) 232 Hudson, George I 1236 Greham, William

SYDENHAM STREET, north from West street to Raglan Road, but not open from Brock to Princess EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 3 Davis, Elmer 16 Robertson, Stewart 13 Lockett, Garnet H 28 Macdonell, Angus J IS Derry, Russell 30 McMahon, Robt A 17 Folger, Collamer 32 Sutherland, S 19 Strange, Emma (wid Frank) 34 Chedik, Otto J 21 Crocker, Col 36 Davis, Dr Jas T 23 Lockett, Capt Lawrence C 25 Machar, Miss Agnes M 27 Murphy, L W Earl street intersects

"Annadale," Carruthers, John B | Robertson, Euphemia (wid Geo) ^William street intersects

61 McKay, John I Sydenham St Methorfist church 70 Lawson, I Henry, sexton I 72 Power, Joseph W 74 Rodger, I Robert J Badley, Miss Elizabeth 76 Price, 69 I Havelock F 78 Behan, I John J Johnson street intersects

Hotel Dieu I First Baptist church

I Mundell, D E, physician Brock street intersects Not open Princess street intersects

Crawford James, wholesale produce I 148 Kingston Steam Laundry Domestic Science School (upstairs) 150 Dutton, Miss Maud, fancy goods Board of Education rooms (upstairs) [152 Hartman, Wm H School Inspector's office (upstairs) 160 Hooper, W J A 149 McElroy, F Patton, M F, cleaner and dyer AT SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 3 SO KING ST. BY HAVING lis EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOLR EYES FOR GLASSES


151 Burke, Phillip H | 153 Jameson, E D (wid George)

155 Kidd, Wm I

157 Leishman, Robt j Emmaline (wid Thos) 159 Wright, | Queen street intersects 161 Ferguson, Alice (wid Geo W) |166 Murray, John Tyron, Levi Colborne street commences 163 I Devonshire Terrace: 165 Lee, George E I 1 Ryan, Daniel, grocer I

171 Drysdale, Samuel I 2 Gould, Joseph 173 Gilbert, Joseph 3 Paynter, William John 175 Kenney, Thos 4 Bowes, Samuel I

177 Coyle, Wm J I 5 McCune, William A

179 Angrove, James B f 6 Buster, Wm Central school 7 Dolman, Wm 209 Murray, Sylvester 206 Sullivan, Joseph Jas 211 Aldridge, Austin 208 Bieof, John 210 Armstrong, Sommerville 212 Sinclair, Miss Charlotte Ordnance street intersects 223 Cross, Sergt Charles T A |214 Cohen, Lazarus, grocer 225 Barrett, Jos 1216 Harrison, Geo 237 Vacant 1218 Hogan, Geo W House of Providence grounds |220 Vacant 222 Wilson, Charles

1 224 Soles, Joseph F 226 Powell, John I 1228 Crawford, Jane (wid John) 1230 Vacant 232 Lemmon, Jas H 234 Rogers, Eliz J (wid Louis) [242 Lawless, Michael

1 244 Doolan, Anne (wid Jerry) Bay street intersects 243 Truesdell, Balaclava street commences Jas H 1 North street 136 PRINCESS! STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y


. TOWER STREET, north from Princess, second west of Victoria Not built on

UNION STREET EAST, west from the harbor to junction of Bagot and West, seventh west of Princess SOUTH SIDE |

NORTH SIDE I Kingston dry dock and shipbuilding

Kingston dry dock 1 office Kingston Shipbuilding Co I

Germaine's grocery . _ | Ontario streev intersects 35 Mortlock, Geo 30 Manning, Agnes (wid E J) 32 Fitzgerald, David 34 Carey, Jas 36 Clark, Chas 38 Cairns, John 40 Hughes, Robt H 42 Linaugh, John King street intersects 67 Girling, Jessie (Mr) 68 Topliffe, Saphonia (wid W E) 69 Yellowley, Jean (wid Wm) 70 Webster, Wm F 75 Craig, Arthur 74 Henderson, Wm George 81 Orrell, Miss Mary 82 Robertson, T McKean 85 Thompson, Robert 84 Vacant 87 McCauley, Genge 86 Dix, Capt John 89 Forrest, Wm Wellington street intersects 93 Hewitt, Thomas Dr Third, property 101 Conway, Frank 103 Claxton, Edith (wid Wm) 105 Gow, John E 111 Lanes, Annie (wid Prof J M) 115 Macnee, Walter H

UNION STREET WEST, west from 152 Barrie to city limits NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE 15 Rodgers, Miss Mary E St James' church 17 Richmond, Jane E (wid James) Arch street ends 19 Spooner, Lazarus 30 Jones, Frank 19H Knowlton, Silas J 30 Reid, Marshall 21 Lumb, Frederick 32 Lowry, Celia A (wid Calvin) 23 Davy, Benjamin F 34 Sheppard, Edgar 25 Vacant 36 Milne, Benedict 27 Sleeth, Sergt E 38 Yeddow, Henry 29 McLeod, C R 44 Lumb. Richard 31 McGuirk, Miss Margaret 46 Nobes, Mary A (wid Jas) 33 Perry, William 48 Moore, Herbert 50 Kyle, Elizabeth I (wid Frank) Elgin street commences] 52-54 Orwell, Robert 35 Muckleson, Miss Emily 56 Baker, John I J

37 Young, Arch X | 58 Crumley, Henry S ^ 39 Hudon, Col A G C Division street ends 41 Toland, Mrs. M (wid John) l°lZW Queen's College grounds 51 McLeod, C R, grocer Nicol Hall Division street commences Gordon, Hall 57 Caverly, S A 59 Caverly, Geo LeRoy 61 Burns, Miss Margaret SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs ^''^'^'*"^^ "* ^'^"'^^ *"" ^"-""^^^ Mendels OF ALL KIKDS


Eliz (wid 65 Powers, Wm J) |

67 O'Brien, Miss E I 75 Home for Friendless Women and]

Infants I Protestant Orphans Home Miss Isabella J McKenzie, supt University avenue intersects 121 Fowler, Prof James |122 Sweezey, R O

123 Routley, Marie A (wid John) I 126 Wilson, Esther C (wid Edward) 125 Nelson, Wm jl28 Cartwright, Lady Francis (wid Sir Richard 127 Hamilton, Samuel I

129 Shaw, Eliz J I 130 Godkin, Jas D 132 Marshall, Emily (wid 131 Bradshaw, J W I Wm) 134 Hyland, Geo 133 Lockhart, Thomas J I

135 Smale, John 1 136 Keeley, William J 138 Harvey, 137 Scott, Guy 1 Chas, bdg hse 139 Bailey, Ethan B |140 Bullen, Geo

1 144 Anglin, Elizabeth (wid Robt) Alfred street intersects school Victoria I Frontenac street commences) P Queen's University Camous 149 Lothrop, Prof A I

151 Gibson, W W I

163 Derbyshire, Byron I Albert street intersects 169 McGuire, Miss Mary |186 Drysdale, W J 188 Litton, Chas S 171 Cooke, Joseph B I 173 Stone, Ernest |188H Tett, Bessie (wid Capt Arthur) 190 Haaz, 175 Leavoy, Gordon I Minnie (wid Anton) 196 Fraser, (wid Union St Baptist church [ Rebecca D M) 198 Gaskin, Thomas I

1 200 Hoppins, Harvey CoUingwood street intersects

Vacant lot I Beverly street ends( Victoria street begins! {vsx^x "Sunnyside," Chown, Geo Y 1 210 Davis, Jno dry dock)

Macdonnell street commences I 214 Elmer, Alice (wid H E) 1216 Andrews, R G 218 Robinson, W G [220 Ferguson, Prof A S "Hillcroft" Minnes, William T Beverly street ends — | College street commences Kensington Avenue ends

"Roselawn," Coleman, Prof H T J I Centre street ends (vacant) EUerbeck avenue ends "Calderwood," ) [1006 Vacant

] 1000 Bannister, John Livingston I avenue ends Pembroke street ends I

1 1020 McWaters, James

I "Elmtree" Marshall, Prof D H Alwington avenue ends I


19 Thompson, John T I 21 Burke, Edward

23 Francis, Annie (wid John) I 25 Catlin, Joseph '

27 Jenkin, Isaac I Stuart street intersects Queen's College grounds Macdonnell, Geo M, K C I Alice street commences 118 Richardson, Agnes 120 Mills, Thomas Grant Hall Gordon, Rev Daniel Ontario Hall 124 Mills, George Physics building 126 Chown, Alfred F 132 Hague, George 1138 Macpherson, Colin A 144 Dupuis, Mrs (wid Prof N F) 148 McKay. Geo B Lawrence 1 150 Williams, J 1152 Vacant |153 Cartwright, R C Union street intersects 154 Lovick, Miss Charlotte Orphans' Home, s e | 160 Clark, Miss Harriet E 163 Breck, Ira H | 165 Hughes, John j Clergy street west endsl 162 Chown, Oliver 169 Mahood, Geo 166 Bailey, Samuel R 181 MacGillivray, Rev Malcolm 168 Grimason, Thos 183 Sawyer, W A 176 Spencer, Frank 178 Cochrane, Ed Jas 185 Hinckley, Capt Coleman I ^ 187 McCallum, Sarah J (wid Neil) 182 Moran, Patrick J 189 Reid, John M 184 Harold, Ellen, (wid William)

191 Vacant I 186 Donaldson, Joseph R

193 Gill, William 1 190 Shaw, Abraham 195 Donnelly, Florence 192 Rayson, Charlotte (wid Rev Robt) (wid Capt Thos) 1 194 Fitzmartyn, John I Earl street intersects 199 Mclntyre, John 1196 Hopps, J 201 Trotter, Mrs Mary (wid David) 1198 Mahoney, Neil J 203 James, Martin E 1200 Fenwick, Myra (wid Geo S) 205 Welch, Frank 1208 Hann, Stanley 207 Derry, John 1210 Bryson, Maria (wid James) 211 Lawless, James 212 Selby, Stanley I James 215 Lewis, Alex 216 Ohlke. Maria (wid Paul) I 217 Byron, Robert 218 Rees, Elizabeth (wid Egerton) I 219 Smith, 220 Wheeler, Calvin Wm I S William Street ends, |222 McEwen, Wm 227 224 Carroll, Watson, David B I J K 229 McCallum, John 1226 McHerg, Wm 231 McCartney, 228 Alexander I Jones, Jno Ed 241 Nugent. Edward T 1230 Ferguson. Robt 251 Allen, Robert W |234 Compeau, Thos 236 Shflrpe, Andrew I 238 Sherbino. Frank 1240 Payne, Jas 1242 Porter, Jane (wid Frank) 1244 Goodridee. Edward J |246 Sleeth, Mrs (wid Clifford)

SMITH BR.OS. ^,^^ .l^," ,^„, HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES xWi JLWLLLlKI AVhen You Are in Need of Ryesrlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarenei and Willinston Strstts, Golden lien Bleck


|248 Smith, Mrs Caroline 250 McCartney, Alex I 252 Flemming, I Wm J 254 Davidson, Robert I 256 Sherman, I James Johnson street intersects 259 Nesbitt, grocer 260 Medley, H, drug store Wm J, I W |260 (upstairs) Riley, John 261 Bruton, Wm C 1262 Medley, W H 263 Murton, Mabel (wife Fred) 1264 Newell, Jas Ed 265 Simmons, Andrew G |268 Johnson, Mary A (wid Lyman) 267 Bartlett, Elizabeth (wid Robert) |270 Lyons, James D 269 Crawford, George 1272 Billenness, Wm Robt |274 Sharman, Jacob M 276 Clow, Emily Franklin) I E (wid 1278 Stafford, Wm |380 Dawson, Wm Chas

1 282 Ainslie, M V, butcher Brock street intersects Eliz 295 Swan, Miss I 294 Montgomery, Cynthia (wid Wm) 297 Swan, Sarah 1296 Garbutt. Ida 299 Beauprey, Capt Clias 1298 Johnston, Fannie E (wid John R) 301 Manahan, Merritt |300 Beaman, Rebecca (wid Wm) 303 Robinson. Christopher 1302 Cornelius, James 305 Hunter, Harold 1304 Burns, Wm J 307 McCallum, 306 Scott, Norris Geo I James 309 Bateman, Georpe 308 Neish, Miss Laura A I 311 McDonald, John A 1310 Vacant 313 McFarlane, John A |312 Jack, Miss Isabell Garrett street ends 314 Culpack, Barbara I 317 Boland, Francis 1318 Milne, Rebecca J (wid Thos) 319 Renton, William J 1320 Roney, Adam F 321 Keating, Annie (wid Byron) 1326 Watson, Benj R 323 White, William J R 328 Watson, Arthur J I 325 Meek, Margaret (wid Robert) l33iO Peters, Agnes M 351 DuflF, Mrs (wid Dr Ramsay) |332 Johnston, Sarah (wid James) 1334 Macdonald, John 1346 Knight. Archibald |350 Tweddell, James Specialize in Cliiidren's and «

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


90 Kirkpatrick, C S 92 Parkhill, Mary (wid John) 98 Allan, Isaac Earl street intersects 100 MacArthur, W G 102 Spence, Capt Wm D 106 Paterson, Wm A 108 Mylks, Manuel 110 Maxwell, E B 114 Atkinson, Richard 118 Shurtleff, Wm M 120 Sargent, T H 124 Dopking, George 126 Burden, William 128 Hunter, Stewart 130 Martin, John S Johnson street intersects street ends 44 Peters. John Brock SO Pringle, I L 53 Wood, Leighton Wilson, 58 Pierce, Rev Barry 83 Wm . Hamilton, Margaret (wid David) 60 Partridge, Richard 1 85 ends 62 Attwood, Chas Mack street

64 Gates, Abel I Bruce, William 66 Buck, Benson S 162 McDermott, M J 88 Wilson, 165 Weaver, Reuben W Wm I 90 Blakey, James 1169 Byron, Bandard 92 James, Thos H [171 Lawless, Peter 92^ Pickering, Thomas J 1173 O'Driscoll. John B 94 Potts, Joseph C |187 Clark, Walter Patterson, Robert 96 Deckes, Chas I 189 W

98 Clench, Eliza (wid. James) I

100 Karl, J Westley | 102 Buck, William R j 106 Paddock. George j

130 Mclver, Miss Eva I 132 Ward. Henry |

134 Vacant I !

152 Peters, Rowlin H I Park street commences!

156 Gallivan, Michael i Durham street commences]

186 Doyle, Mary (wid James) I Barnard, Thos | McConnell, Jos | Princess street intersects Terwillegar," Schofield's store Rev D C I 234 231 Caswell, John D Edward, Fred I 236 237 Mcllquham, Hogle, W N | Wm 238 Gates, Frank 239 Dick, Wm D I 240 Wart, Marshall 1241 Mcllquham, Isabella (wid Andrew) 242 Ramsay. Mary (wid James) '243 Vacant 244 Clark, Charles |245 Murphy, Frank South Bartlett commencesl245a Brow. James F 252 Reid, Thos |247 Grimshaw, Robert T 256 Cote, David 1249 Robinson. Blanche 260 Caverly, W E 1251 Elliott. Thos C 262. VanLuven, (wid Wallace Mary E Anson) | 253 Gilmour, Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King SL FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY EIGUKE

80 VICTORIA STREET DIRECTORY WELLINGTON 264 Hawkins, Moses 257 Payne, Frederick I 290 Reynolds, John |259 Smith, W James

I 261 Bradden, Jas 281 Townsend, Wm H 283 Towshend, Ann (wid I Wm) 321 Reid, Thos I 325 Reynolds, Samson

VINE STREET, runs north from EUice to Raglan Road EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 11 Murray, William J 6 Smith, Ed 8 Smith, Walter Ann street ends 10 Crozier, Jas 14 Kelso, Louise (wid Ephriam) 18 Magnet, Helen (wid Daniel) 23 Wilson, John 34 Grinham, Albert

WELLINGTON STREET, north from City Park to Bay, third west of harbor EAST SIDE WEST SIDE 5 Oliver, M J (wid Dr A S) 12 Third, James, physician 7 Brigestocke, Robt W 9 Cays, Dr Fred A Union street intersects 25 Dolan, Michael J 18 Hora, Miss Mary 21 Jerbell, Wm J 26 McCann, J S R 35 Anglin, Chas 28 McMillan, Miss Janet C Zl McCormick, Thos Henry 32 Orr, Gertrude (wid Henry 34 Derry, Hugh 36 Davison, Chas S 38 Daly, Patrick John Gilbert's grocery store, corner Gore street intersects

45 Driscoll, Miss Mary I 50 Brophy, Joseph J 45-47 Sydenham school 52 Murphy, I Wm 59 Brophy, Margaret, artist 54 Linton, William I 56 Collins, I Wm 58 Lawson, Capt Horace I house I New 60 Lilley, Samuel T I 62 Withey, Serg E J 64 Martin, Geo I 70 Anderson, David I 72 Town, Eliz (wid Richard) i Earl street intersects Laura (,wid Andrew) 79 Vacant I 74 McMahon, 81 Hanley, Thomas Alfred 78 Starr, Rev Dean G L

85 Bates, Ada J I 80 Donoghue. Thos Chas 87 Hayes. J G 82 Robertson, Herbert N Kincaid, I 88 Stunding, Frederick 89 Jas I

91 Day, George I 90 Hutchings, Emmanuel 93 Angrove, Dr. Harold I William street intersects 97 Winstin, Louis 100 sparks, F, physician I J I Gordon, physician 103 Mallen, Michael I 102 Bogart, 105 Clancy, Miss Mary 1106 Waugh, Dr Freeman, dentist 107 Hallinan, Miss Mary A 116 Y I C B Association Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency S6 BROCK ST. Dcbentufes FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 WELLINGTON STREET DIRECTORY WELLINGTON 81

109 Hanley, Robert, physician |118 Donnelly, Foster 120 Beel, 111 Youlden, Nina (wid Henry) I Miss M J, bdg house 1122 Howard, Dr C A [124 Army Dental Corps 1124 Cays, Frederick A, surgeon, eye, etc Johnson street intersects

St George's hall | First Congregational church Oflfice of clerical secretary, Diocese[130 Adams, Capt C A of Ontario, Rev J W Jones, cler-| 132 Ryan, Herbert F

ical secretary I Smith. Louise (wid Buxton) Weaver, Wm J, sexton St. George'sll36 DuVall. H B cathedral 1138 Mulholland, Anna (wid Jas) Post oflfice 140 Ashcroft, Dr Robt J [142 Kilborn, R E 1146 Boyce. Dr H A Clarence street intersects North American Life Assurance Co,| Golden Lion Block W J Fair, agt 1242 Stewart, J J, optical co Supply Co, F Samwell, agt Masonic Hall (upstairs) Dom I 151 Richardson, W L, photos 248 W R McRae & Co, store hse 151 Carruthers, John

153 Smith. Geo E 1 McKelvey, John | 155 laundry Wah Long, I 159 Winstin, Louis, tailor j 159 Quesnal, Vilas | 159 Sparks & Sparks, dentists | McCormack Mfg (3o., Ltd 159 Herod, Cecilias, hair dressing plrs McRae. grocers, | W R & Co, N E 161 Carnovsky, W H, fish and oysters | O'Connor, prop Brock street intersects Merchants Bank 168-170 I Waldron, Richard, dry goods 167 Doyle, Hugh J, barber shop |172 (upstairs) Miss McAuley 167 (upstairs) Doyle, Hugh, Jr 1-174 Queen Millinery Co 169 Smith, Daniel 178 Gedye Millinery I Co 169 Mallen, Jas . I McKenzie, P, . photographer 171 Williams, A G, patent medicines &| 180 Royal Bank sundries ,-, ,^^ |182 Greaza, Miss E V, milliner 173-175 Jackson, Wm. job printer | 182 (upstairs) Greaza, Miss E V 177 Double Tread Tire Co, C S Suddaby, 184-186 Side entrance to I F W Wool- prop worth & Co Billings, Ethel (wid ]ll Jas) 1 188 Waggoner, A C, mer tlr (My Ward- 179 Watts, J N. florist robe) | 177 (upstairs) Warren, Sarah (wid Geo) 1 192 Lane. Cyrus W, jeweller 181 Potter, Mrs A. fancy goods 194 (upstairs) Dewar, Dr Gordon, den- 183 Frisco Cafe, Charlie Fong tist 185 Robbs, Frank, barber 194 (upstairs) Fleury, Lieut T J 187 (upstairs) Loscombe, A E M, Ins 187 Aykroyd. S A. dentist 187 (upstairs) Dillabough, Eliz (wid Jos) 187 (upstairs) Mardelli, D 187 (upstairs) Guess, Arthur 187 (upstairs) Gordon, Patrick Dominion Express Co, warehouse 1 Princess street intersects 197 Stevenson. M 1206 Moore Bros, mgr Auto Tire & Vul- 199 Rozman, T I canizing Co


201 Robinson, Christopher, tailor 208 Moore, W J & Sons, electrical con-

203 Cohen, Joseph I tractors 207-209 Crothers, W J Co, Ltd, biscuit]210-214 Overland Garage, Arthur Cal- manufacturer laghan I 213 Vacant [216 Leach, Mrs 1218 Marshall, Wm J 1220 Lyons, J N Queen street intersects 221 Harkness, Harry, butcher 222 Donnelly, Allan E, grocer 223 Roach, Francis 232 Taugher, Jas J Brown, Melvin 236 Hill, Sergt D H 225 Eves, John 238 Windley-Shaw, Harold Goodill, Chancy 240 North, John 225 (upstairs) Fobell, Geo 242 Joyce, Luke J 229 Black, J W 244 Grant, Geo 231 Lee, Liza (wid Wm) 246 Hutcheson, J B 235 Drury, Wm, coal and wood 1248 Hutcheson, J B, grocer 237 Military Stores Barrack street intersects "A" Battery stables [262 Davis, Jas Place D'Armes ends|264 Fields, Staff Sergt Harry |266 Donoghue, E J 268 Smith, I Wm 270 Hull, Ed G T R freight sheds 272 Gibbs, Geo 274 Cody, John 276 Hoppin, Densmore Anglin & Go's lumber yard 278 Lamoureaux, Jos 280 Beale, Thomas 282 O'Connor, P J Ordnance street commences [288 McAvey, Elizabeth 290 Dunnett, Wm J Brewery lane commences 308 Bajus brewery

WEST STREET, from the harbor along east side of City Park to Earl NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE ' 9 Connell, Dr (garage) Little, Wm, boat bldr and livery 11 O'Connor, Capt Thos Jas | Booth & Co, coal and wood 15 Hennessy, Eliz Miss | 17 Hutchings, Jack | 23 Lesslie, Capt Wm 25 Connell, James C, M D King street intersects Black, D Allan, dentist AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 WILLIAM STREET DIRECTORY WILLIAM 83 WILLIAM STREET, runs west from the harbor to University, 4th south of Princess NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE |

G T R wharf | Canadian Locomotive Works Ontario street intersects City storage yards | Nicholson, T, butcher Stables, Swift J & Co | 20 Goodfriend, James P 31 Richardson, Jas & Sons, grain mer| Frontenac Club s e King street intersects Kilborn, Mrs R K | 46 Williamson, Dr A R B, surgery s e 45 Baker, Mary (wid 44 Devlin, Peter James) | 47 Lesslie, James 50 F | Begg, Dorothy (wid Geo L) 53 Ward, Jas 52 Miss Catherine | McCammon, 55 Simmons, Charles Harris, C | 56 Wm 63 Carson, W H | 58 Smith, Miss Etta 60 Smith, Martha I 64 Booth, Miss Kathleen (wid Geo) I 66 Angrove, Dr. Harold I Wellington street intersects Sparks, J F, physician and surgeon 70 Duncan, Jessie (wid Alex) I 79 Mylks, Dr G VV 72 Duncan, E I J 85 Gibson, Wm, physician 78 Thorne, Mary (wid John) I J 91 Craig, John 82 Turner, Edward I 93 Charles, Edwin 84 Kennedy, Charles I 95 Sullivan, Mrs Eliz (wid Michael) 88 Towers, Margaret (wid Wm) I St Vincent Academy, s e 90 Goodwin, Alfred I 92 Clarke, (Catherine (wid Jas) I 94 Duffey, William I 96 Miller, Robert I 98 Broadhurst, Jos I jlOO Bateson, Sergt James Lee, laundry 1 102 Shung Bagot street intersects Gardiner, Dr Robert J |112 Cockburn, Bella (wid Hurst) 111 Murphy, Thos 114 Ernest J | Buck, 115 Lee, 116 Frederick Elizabeth (wid George) 1 Roberts, 117 Hiscock. Elizabeth (wid Joseph) 118 Smith, A M 119 Ashby Harriet (wid Carroll) i 121 Sullivan, Jno J 125 Hunter, George I 129 Halliday, Ed I 133 Blore, Arthur 135 Hastings, Thos ' Private grounds 137 Smeaton, Thos 139 Merrick, Henry 141 Quigley, Ellen (wid Jos) Sydenham street intersects Sydenham St Methodist church | "" Private grounds 179 Lawson. Henry M ' 181 Brown, Rev W T G I 183 Baker, W J / 185 Askwith, Chas Clergy street intersects 197 Boyd. O O 1188 Macarow. Maud 199 Wilder. Harry S I 198 Simmons. Frederick 201 Runnells, Rev Geo W 1200 McLeod. Peter C 203 McLean. Alex W !202 Lloyd, Manson RICH Our Stock Is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET BROKEN EYE GLASSES We Will Duplicate any L«ns Made in the Shortest Time

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Optometrist, Mfg. Optician, Opposite General Post Office


205 McKee, Andrew ) Wagar, Wm 207-209 McPhail, D G 1204 King, Wm 213 Brooks, 206 McMahon, Robert James G I 215 Fife, Geo B |214 Allen, Anna (wid Louis) 217 McGrail, Charles C Barrie street intersects WILLIAM STREET WEST WILLIAM STREET WEST Nesbitt, Sarah (wid Jas) 14 Van Alstyne, Jennie (wid Wm) I Mathias 16 White, 19 Stinson, I Wm 25 Clark, Arthur 18 Ferguson, Capt J A I (rear) Bragg, Hercules 20 Welsh, Charles 23 I

27 McNab, Donald 1 26 Miller, Fred C

29 Borden, Walter F I 28 Banks, Wm Harry 34 Holder, Herbert B 31 Johnson, I

31^ Perthmore, Ernest I 33 (wid 36 Walker, Frederick McNamee, Mrs Wm) I 35 Coffey, Robert 39 Derry, James Division street intersects 90 Goodearle, Harold 42 Randall, I Wm

92 Wilson, Mary (wid Richard) I 44 Finney, Capt Wilfred J 46 McKay, Ellen A (wid Hugh) I Aberdeen street intersects 96 Claxton, Matthew 93 McNeely, H I Wm

98 Buck, Alfred I 54 Newman, Joseph A 56 100 Johnston, John E I Jackson ,Wm 99 Taft, Mrs John I W

YORK STREET, runs west from corner Ordnance and Alma to Nelson

NORTH SIDE I SOUTH SIDE 1 Creche, Sansoucie in charge McUen, Robert | The Mrs 3 Cherry, Capt John 5 Barrett, John 7 Newlands, Elizabeth S (wid Alex) 11 McGall, James Barrie street intersects 17 Vacant 18 Robinson, Joseph I 19 Wood, Chaffey 20 Duncan, Robt I 21 Revelle, Charles 22 Graham, I John William 25 Black, Frederick I 24 Ashley, G 35 Zbar, Solomon 26 Lambert, Michael B, sr I 37 Purvis, 28 Mallen, Michael Wm- H I 41 Merritt, Gilbert 30 Nolan, John H I 43 Patterson, Thos 32 Cockburn, John I 49 Johnstone, Hugh, grocer 36 Smith, Daniel 38 Vacant


I 40 Hynds, Lucinda 42 Sager, Blanche (wid John) 44 Stratford, Henry I 46 Stewart, Henry R I 48 Wartell, Hiram B I Raglan Road intersects 63 Jenkins, Edward 66 Kleinstenber, Wm 65 Doyle, Capt John w 68 Crissley, Garnet Carlisle street commences 70 Peters, James 73 James, William 72 Young, William

J. K. Carroll Agency dom,^?oTl1fe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE C(K!^^ KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For Hre ins.rai.ce phone 1030


75 Pettit, Isaac 76 Moxley, Jane (wid Robt) n Campbell, Stanley 79 Underwood, Ed 78 Jackson, Frederick 83 Hennessy, Martha 86 Fox, Morris 85 Gommar, Leo 88 Brooks, John 87 Henderson, Walter C 90-92 Boyd, Ferguson 89 Ferguson, Charles 94 Ferguson, William 91 McBride, Andrew 96 Dunphy, James 93 Driscoll, Daniel 102 Richards, Samuel 95 Bullock, Ed Wm 104 Paynter, Hugh 97 Bews, Wm 106 Frederick, Francis L 99 Doyle, John

101 Aveling, John, grocery \ Cherry street commencesi

103 Dubinovsky, Harry 1

105 Palmer, Benjamin ) 107 Taylor, Harry E 108 Whitfield, J W Albert 109 Eves, Wm H 109>^ Hopkinson, James Prime St commences 111 Dillon, Wm 113 Hefferman, Joseph H 115 Dillon, Wm 117 Arniel, Sam J Division Street Intersects. 143 Weese, S O 140 Hepburn, Wm 145 Moncrieff, Robt D 140^ Vacant 147 Appleton, Herbert 142 Saunders, Chas 157 Wilson, Levi 154 Veale, Chas N 163 Blake, Arthur A 156 Sullivan, Vincent J

165 Bell, Geo 1 162 Crozier, Mary (wid Thomas)

1 166 Houlder, Margaret (wid George) Lansdowne Street Commences! 168 Vacant 170 Gough, James 172 Robinson, Amelia (wid Henry) 174 Warren, Robt 176 Vallier, James A 178 Woodman, Geo

I Chatham street ends Alfred Street Intersects. Fair Grounds Frontenac street endi

Campbell, Dougald I 59 Acton, Frank 61 Dumbleton, John I Wm

j Albert street ends \ 83 Leonard, Joseph 85 Baker, Abraham I


Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office 86 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY KINGSTON Alphabetical Directory

Abramsky, Mrs A, new and second hand goods, Ivs 360 Princess " Alex, baker, 160 (rear) Bagot " A Alex, merchant. Princess st, res 104 Queen Abbott Miss Emma, drsmkr, res 47 " David, baker, 162 Bago't Division Jos, clothing 263-265 Princess, res " Vincent, Ivs 75 Gore same (upstairs) " Florence, bkpr Donoghue Grain " Moses Wm, elk J Abramsky, res Co, Ivs 819 Montreal 79H Quebec " Gladys, stenog Midland Shoe Co, Ivs Abramson Jos B, ladies' furnishing 819 Montreal store, 257 Princess, res 119 Col- " Alex, bds Royal Hotel borne " John, lab Loco Wks, res 819 Mont- Abramson, Louis, men's clothier 336 real Princess, res 202 Queen " Margaret (wid Thos), res 378 Di- " Miss Sara, Ivs 202 Queen vision Ackroyd, Overton, carp R N F McFar- " Susan, Ivs 378 Division lane, res 21 Main " Anne, Ivs 378 Division " Jas, drafter. Powers & Son, Ivs 21 " Mary, bds 94 Bagot, dressmkr Main " Wm, retired, Ivs 47 Division " Dr Samuel, denist 187 Wellington, Abeles, David, res 154 Division, asst res 100 Frontenac dep reg. M.S. " Oscar, carp, res 406 Johnson Abernethy Alfred J, trav, res 152 Al- Ackley, Wm R, sold, res 35 Elm bert Acton, Frank, electrician city power " Bessie, studt Ivs l52 Albert hse, res 59 York " " Archie J, student, Ivs 152 Albert George, lab city, res 195 Colborne Ada Edwin tinsmith McKelvey ABERNETHY, BERT, (Mgr Aber- J, & Birch, Ltd, res 51 Arch nethy Shoe Store), res 246 Albert " Elizabeth (wid John), res 53 Arch " Miss Flora, Queen's, Ivs 152 Albert " Miss Mary, slslady Steacy's " Sergt James, bds 44 Clergy Ltd, Ivs 53 Arch " Pte Mac, Ivs 152 Albert Adams Ada, mlnr, Ivs 252 Alfred " Ellen (wid Wm), res 178 Ordnance " Capt C A, res 130 Wellington " Ellen (wid Archie), Ivs 181 Weling- " Harold, Sergt, bds 52 Union ton " Ernest E, supt Job Dept British " Hazel, Ivs 178 Ordnance Whig, rms 5 Aberdeen " Miss M M, nursing sister, Ivs Court " mach Ivs Hse Joe, Loco Wks, 252 Alfred " Margaret (wid Geo Alex), res 323 ABERNETHY SHOE CO, THE, Bert Brock Abernethy, Manager, Boots and " Miss Margaret, elk Marble Hall ice Shoe, 123-125 Princess cream parlor, Ivs 323 Brock " Robert, The Abernethy Shoe store, " Mary, res 70 Arch Ivs 246 Albert " Mary E (wid Jas), res 36 Aberdeen " Wm, retired, Ivs 246 Albert Adamson, Gladys, Ivs 112 Raglan " Valleau, elk Abernethy Shoe Co, Ivs " Wm, stationary eng, res 112 Raglan 246 Albert Adanis, Corp, R C H A, Ivs 2 Colborne Abrams Miss Emma, school tchr Vic- Addis Philip, soldier at front, Ivs 6 Ri- toria Sch, bds 30 Aberdeen deau

J. K. Carroll Agency ^^K^^.^JS^ 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE" LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


Addy, Lemuel, painter, city gas plant, ALBERTSON res 662 Montreal " Sherman, washer, Angrove's Garage, " Eliz, Ivs 42 Concession Ivs 7 Rideau Adrian, Wm, lav Davis Tannery, res 66 " Thomas, Dr Geo Keyes, Wolfe Isl- Charles and, res 7 Rideau

Adsit Ralph, trav R H Toye & Co, res Albertson, Wm, mach • C L C, res 71 42 Quebec John

Agnew Catherine, Ivs 257 Earl ALBION HOTEL, J. M. Caines. Prop, " Robt W, mldr Loco Wks, res 257 46 Montreal st, cor Queen Earl Alcorn Miss Agnes, maid Rev Cecil Ahearn, Alice, elk Poison's, 64 North Whalley, Ivs 138 Bagot " Daniel N, blksmth, res 64 North " Aldridge, Austin, Sergt-Maj, res 211 Daniel, lab, Ivs 35 Main Sydenham " Beatrice, Ivs 306 Montreal Allcorn, overseas, " Jos, foreman Loco Wks, res 306 Wm, res 53 Bagot Montreal Aldcroft Geo T, soldier overseas, res 80 " Joseph jr, grocer, 308 Montreal, Ivs Ontario 306 Montreal Alderdice, Albert, lab, Shipyard, Ws 59 " John, res 35 Main Chatham Aiken, see also Aikin, Aitken and Atkin " Mrs M A ,res 382 Princess Aikens, Francis, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 28 " James, stonemason, res 326 Alfred Patrick Aldridge Austin, elk Col Leslie, res 211 " Joseph, lab Loco Wks, res 28. Pat- Sydenham rick Alexander, John, clerk Robertson Gro- Aikens, Joseph, res 28 Patrick cery Co, Ivs 62 Barrie " Margaret, Ivs 28 Patrick " Robt, tlr 116 Brock, res 451 Albert " Patrick, retired, Ivs 28 Patrick " Robt, jr, " Ivs 451 Albert, orverseas Patrick, carter, res 149 Ordnance " R, dr " Burke, 68 Brock, Ivs Ports- R E, guard K P, bds 300 Albert mouth Aikens Edmund, teamster, res 26 Pat- " Muriel, dressmakr, Ivs Raglan Rd rick Allan, Lois, Ivs 98 Victoria " Geo O, member of Exemption Tri- " Margaret (wid Isaac), res 98 Victo- bunal Board, Brockville, res 34 ria, lumber merchant Livingston " W R, lumberman, res 175 Colling- Ainslie, see also Ansley wood " Herbert, barber Hillier, Ivs 362 Allard, John, carp, res 116 Earl Johnson Allcorn, Wm, overseas, res 53 L Bagot " Earl John W, mach M T Co, res 383 Allen, Anna (wid Louis), res 214 Wil- " Montie V, groc & butchr 282 Uni- liam versity, Ivs 362 Johnson " Elizabeth, Ivs 183 Clergy " Mary A (wid David J), res 362 John- Dorothy, elk Imperial Steam Laun- son dry, Ivs 266 Sydenham " Wm G, btchr 297 Princess, res 356 " Eliz (wid Geo), res 119 Ordnance Johnson " Eliz (wid Jas), Ivs 400 Division Akerly, Harvey, soldier, bds 67 John " Emily, BA, Ivs 242 Alfred Alarie Geo, chief elk G T R freight of- " Ethel, Ivs 266 Sydenham fice, bds 92 Queen " Florence, elk Post Office, Ivs 119 " R, baggageman GTR, Ivs 311 Brock Ordnance " W F,agent Frost & Wood, 27 Brock, " George W, driver Dominion Ex* res 311 Brock press Co, res 79 John Albert, Mabel, waitress Randolph, Ivs " Harold,, elk John Laidlaw & Soa, 288 Queen Ivs 266 Sydenham " E, sold, Ivs 245 Montreal " Clarence, mach, C L C, tvs 37 John- Albertson Lome, express agt GTR, Ivs son 7 Rideau " Irwin, overseas, Ivs 214 William " Norman, soldier C A S C, res 114 " Libby, Ivs 183 Clergy Lower Bagot " Lorraine, Ivs 11 Aberdeen

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. in CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET For Well -Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices

88 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY ALLEN AMEY " Mary (wid Wm), Ivs 183 Clergy " May, splitter Mica Wks, Ivs 673 " Phillip, soldier, res 10 sixth Princess " Robt, elk McKelvey & Son, res 183 " Michael ,wks M T Co, res 429 Divi- Clergy sion ALLEN, ROBT W, Auctioneer and " Wm A, carter, res 255 Division " Bill Poster, res 251 University Wm J, mail transfer agt P O, res " 116 Rideau Robt J, chauffeur, res 340 Johnson " Miss Sarah, res 242 Alfred Ammel Emily (wid Geo), res 26 Fifth " Amodeo, A (M Amodeo & Co), res 142 Wm J, lumoerman, res 64 Victoria " C, bkpr McKelvey & Son, Montreal Wm J " res 11 Aberdeen Michael (M Amodeo and Co), fruit " merchants, 240 Princess, res 142 Wm J, mldr Loco Wks, res 266 Sy- denham Montreal " Joseph, fruit dlr 240 Princess, Ivs Allies Shine Parlor, Marshall Bros, 142 Montreal props, 320 Princess " Consello, fruit dlr, 240 Princess, Ivs Allison, John, lab, Loco Wks, res 583 same, upstairs Division Amos, Miss Annie, drsmkr, bds 106 Allinson Mabel, nurse, bds 21 Garrett Patrick Allman. John, wks City Utilities, Ivs 60 Anderson, Alice, maid, Ivs Mrs. E Reid, Colborne Concession Allistone, Thos, res 113 Barrack, over- " Beatrice, opr bindery Whig, Ivs 124 seas Bagot Alp, Bessie, bds 100 Frontenac, nurse, " Bros, grocers, meat market, etc, 192- K G H 198 Division " Allmark, Jno, postman, Ivs 181 CoUing- David, mach Loco Wks, res 70 Wel- wood lington " Edward (Anderson Bros), res 273 Al- Alore, Fred, sold, Ivs 39 Gore fred AUport, E, maid, Miss Milligan, Ivs 500 " Miss Lrifie C, Ivs 178 Bagot Princess " Eileen, student, Ivs 343 Albert " Mary, maid, R Carson, 72 Barrie J " Frank, insp Loco Works, res 87 Alma Mater Society, publrs Queens Col- Johnson lege Journal, Queen's College " Fred, wks M T Co, Ivs 124 L Bagot Altcroft, Geo, sold, res 80 Ontario " Grace, tlrs Wm Carroll, Ivs 124 L Alton, Rev Geo, retired, res 391 Divi- Bagot sion " Helen, music tchr, Ivs 178 Bagot Alysworth, Minerva (wid Aaron), res " James, fitter Loco Wrks, res 16 Duf- 46 Princess ferin " Jas, mach Loco Works, Ivs 46 Prin- " John, tailor Lion Clothing Store, res cess Barriefield " AMERICAN CONSULATE, 44-48 John, retired, bds 17 Rideau " Clarence St, Felix S S Johnson, Kate (wid Daniel), res 27 Division " consul, res 252 King E Kathleen, wks Box Factory, Ivs 27 Division Amer, Chas W, mach, res 43 (upstairs) " Mrs K (wid T), res 193 Earl Clarence H W " Mabel, BA, Ivs 424 Princess American Steam Bottling Wks, S. V. " Miss Mary A, dressmkr, res 178 Ba- Home, prop, 148 Ontario got Amey, Capitola (wid Nelson), res 380 " Mary, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 27 Divi- Earl sion " Dora, Ivs 380 Earl " Reta, wks K Hosiery Mill, Ivs 27

ANDERSON ANGLIN. Lieut-Col Wm G, Physician " Sarah, Ivs 178 Bagot and Surgeon, retired, res 52 Earl " Samuel B, tmstr Maple Leaf Milling " Mrs Myrtle (wid Wm), Ivs 103 Co, res 398 King w Frontenac " Sylvia, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 27 Di- " W S (Anglin Bros), Briscoe Auto vision Co, 35-37 Montreal " officers mess, res Wm F, cook A O H Lodge Rooms, 235 Brock 87 Johnson " Wm G, English master K C I, res ANGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, M. Lawless, Ontario, 343 Albert Proprietor, 172 cor Johnson " Wm, lab Shipbldg Co. res 25 Ontario Bros (Henry Gar- " Wm, (Anderson Bros), res 424 Prin- Angrove and John), rage cor Queen Bagot cess and Angrove Brass and 382 Imp Steam Iron Foundry, Andre, Mrs. Carrie, wks King E Laundry, Ivs 106 Montreal " Frank, mWr T B Angrove, res 97 " Clarence, sold, Ivs 35 Charles Queen " Chas, res 35 Charles L " Capt. Harold, M.D, res 66 William, " carp, res 122 Montreal Frederick, surgeon and physician ' George, teamster, res 299 Montreal " Capt R H, overseas, Ivs 95 Queen " (wid Peter), bds 34 Clergy w Jennie ANGROVE, HARRY (Angrove Bros), " Joseph, wks Opera House, Ivs 34 Ivs 56 Clergy Clergy w " James B, soldier, res 179 Sydenham " Thos, carp, res 238 Earl Andrew, Franklin, overseas, res 16 ANGROVE JOHN(Angrovc Bros), res Clergy w 95 Queen Andrews, Catherine A, Ivs 245 Col- ANGROVE THOMAS B, foundry, 388 borne King e, res 93 Queen " Edward, mach Loco Wks, res 255 " Thos Henry, overseas Queen's King e Hosp, Ivs 93 Queen " Robert G (Anderson Bros), res 216 " Madeline, Ivs 179 Sydenham Union w Angus, Jas, lab, res 508 Albert Angel Arthur, fireman G T R, res 356 Ansley, see also Ainslie Montreal " Harold, trav, res 228 Stuart Angell, Frederick, returned soldier, res Anson, Annie (wid F J), res 38 Ord- 114 Queen nance ANGLIN BROS (Frank and Robt R " Annie, Ivs 38 Ordnance Anglin), Briscoe Car Garage, 35- " Florence, elk Knitting Mill Co, Ivs yi Montreal 38 Ordnance ANGLIN, CHARLES S (S Anglin & Appleton, Herbert plmbr McKelvey & Co), res 35 Wellington Birch Ltd, res 147 York " Eliz (wid Robt), res 144 Union " Robt, lab, Ivs 21 Elgin " Frank (Anglin Bros), Briscoe Auto Appleby,, Lion, student, bds 98 William Co, 35-37 Montreal Arbuckle, Albert W, musician, res 365 ANGLIN, FRANCIS R (S Anglin & Alfred Co), res 197 Queen Archer^^D, student, res 395 Brock Mary, elk Ban kof Commerce, Ivs 52 Arae^^is^A.da, wkt Hosiery Mill, Ivs Earl 2 Concession rd " Robt R (Anglin Bros), garage 35-37 " Miss Annie, Ivs 2 Concession rd Montreal, res 251 Queen " Wm Chas, soldier, res 2 Concession " Ruth, V A D, Ivs 52 Earl road ANGLIN, SAMUEL (S Anglin & Co), ARCHBISHOP'S PALACE, 225 res 85 Barrack Johnson ANGLIN S & CO (Samuel, Francis Ardagh Geo H, caulker M T Co, Ivs 57 R, and Charles S Anglin), Lum- Arch ber, Coal and Wood, Cement, Saw " Harriet, Ivs 57 Arch and Planing Mills, Bay, cor Wel- Armstrong, Mrs A J, grocery, res 164 lington Rideau AI SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSVEIS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KIISTG SX. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office 90 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY ARMSTRONG ASHBY " " Cliff, overseas, Ivs 286 Barrie Thos, lab Frontenac Mldg Co, res " Francis G, salesman R McFaul, res 101 Stephen 303 Barrie Ashcroft, Dr Robert G, D O and " Frank, lab city, res 51 John Dr Edna E, D O. osteopathy, office " Gertrude, Ivs 1 Raglan Rd hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 " James, chief Kingston Fire De- p.m. Phone 477, office 140 Welling- partment, res 286 Barrie tt)n " Leslie, policeman, res 421 Princess Ashie, Stanford, lab Loto Wks, res 294 " May, bkkpr Mendel's store, Ivs 1 Montreal Raglan rd " Wm, car repairer G T R, res 50 " Marshall J, policeman, res 1 Raglan Bagot Td Ashley, Eva. drsmkr, Ivs 192 Colborne " Richard G, res 556 Princess " Hannah (wid Cumberland), res 192 " Somerville, lab S Anglin, res 210 Colborne st Sydenham " Geo F, retired, res 198 Frontenac " " W J, mid, C L C, res 319 Brock Hazel, stenog Maj Cooke, Ivs 24 Army & Navy Veterans, 205 Princess York " carp, Arniel, Ed, lab. Booth & Co, Ivs 87 John, res 28 Livingston ave Frontenac ' Miss Violet, elk Maho.d Bros, Ivs 24 " Beatrice, Ivs 26 Clergy w York G, mgr King theatre, " Etta, Ivs 87 Frontenac Wm Edward res 24 York " Jessie, Ivs 87 Clergy w " Isobel (wid Wm), res 87 Clergy w Ashton, Wm, press opr, C L C, res 231 " Elizabeth, Ivs 87 Clergy w Barrie " Margaret, Ivs 87 Clergy w Ashurst, Eliz (wid Wm), Ivs 380 Alfred " Mary, Ivs 26 Clergy w Askwith Lieut Chas, O C, CASC, res " Nellie, Ivs 87 Clergy W 193 Johnson " Richard, lab shipyard, res 26 Clergy Asselstine, Mrs A, waitress Prince w George Hotel, Ivs same " Asselstine Arthur agt Samuel J, policeman, res 117 York J, W T Rawleigh " Stanley, elk R Waldron & Sons, Ivs & Co, Toronto, res 138 Bay 26 Clergy " Evelyn, saleslady Anderson Bros, Ivs " Wm, jr, sold, Ivs 87 Frontneac 138 Bay " " Wm sr, mgr Booth & Co, res 87 Isaac, blksmith Shipbldg Co, res 284 Frontenac Earl " " Isaac, retired, res Wm J, grocer cor Alfred & Earl, res 488 Johnson 93 Frontenac " John, carp, res 254 Alfred Arsenault, Eva, spinner Cotton Mill, Ivs ASSELSTINE, JOHN S, Manufactur- 105 Stephen ing Optician 342 King e, res 456 " Wm, w^eaver Cotton Mill, res 105 Johnson " Stephen Miss Kate, Ivs 1J5 Alfred Arthur Geo, agt Newcombe pianos, " Miss Maud, Ivs 284 Earl res 367 Barrie " Mrs Minerva (wid Isaac F), res 135 ARTHURS, A ESTATE, bakery and Alfred " confectionery, 272 Princess Miss Myra L, Ivs 254 Alfred " Mrs A (wid Alex), bds 60 Clergy w ASSELSTINE, THOS M, local Reg- " Mary A, elk A Arthurs, Ivs 272^ istrar P^igh Court of Justice and Princess Clerk County Court of Frontenac, " Miss M J, Ivs 24 Frontenac office Court Hse, res 277 Alfred " Aaron, bds 60 Clergy w " Wm H, carp Loco Wks, res 220 Ash John B, janitor Medical College res Alfred 49 Arch Asylum of the A & A S Rite 81 Brock " Margaret, Ivs 317 Johnson Asylum, see Rockwood Hospital Ashby Harry, soldier 146th Batt, res Athanas, Geo, fruit and pastry, 354 70 Markland Princess, res same " Harriet (wid Carroll), res 119 Wil- " A K, fruits and confctry,166 Prin- liam cess, bds 163 Sydenham '"surance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. OT all KinclS^JI r ^ T5he

Army and Navy Veterans IN CANADA (Incorporated)

Under the distinguished patronage of THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN

H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire, Governor-General, Lord Aberdeen.

The largest and best equipped quarters for veterans in the whole of Canada. Big enough to cover all campaigns. Broad enough to recognize all service. Good Canteen. Reading Room, Writing Rooms, Pool Room, Assembly Hall, etc. Infor- mation Bureau. Service to soldiers free. Ladies' Auxiliary. Returned Soldiers' Lunch. Car service FREE.

The place where the Soldier, Sailor and Aviator gets practical sympathy and real help. HEADQUARTERS, KINGSTON UNIT Windsor Block, 205 Princess Street Telephone 2079 [^ rza n I 1 36ePRINCESS«STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINERY


Atkins Alfred, mach Can Loco Works, BABCOCK Ivs 4 Victoria Ter, Montreal st " Rev Richard, pastor Free Methodist " Henry, wks C L C, bds 2 Queen Church, res 91 Colborne " Jas, sold, Ivs 175 Union " Stewart, lab Davis tannery, res 15 Atkinson Anna M (wid Thos), res 85 Charles Collingwood " Walter, guard K P, res 118 Colling- " Leonard, slsman, Steacy's, res 214 wood Princess " Wilfred, lab Loco Wrks, Ivs 11 Rus- " Richard, bkkpr Macnee & Minnes, sell res 114 Victoria ' Willet, lab Loco Wks, res 11 Russell " " Roy, military clerk, bds 181 Divi- Wm, soldier, res 65 Charles " sion Stuart, wks Davis tannery, bds 410 Montreal Attwood, Charles, sold, res 62 Victoria Badgley Bernice, maid, Ivs 111 Welling- " Irene, tlrs Crawford & Walsh, Ivs 62 ton Victoria Badley Miss Elizabeth, res 69 Sydenham " Horace, caretaker city bldgs, res city bldgs Baiden Charles Mech instr Queen's, res " C Leonard, elk ordnance stores, Ivs 374 Brock 62 Victoria " Clifford, studt Queen's, Ivs 374 Brock Aubin, Edith, Ivs 65 Gore " Bertha, mlnr, Ivs Portsmouth " Wm, res 65 Gore " Martha, maid Mrs McNeill's, 148 Bailey, see also Bailie, Baillie, Baylay, Johnson, Ivs same Baylie and Bayly " Broom Co (J M Hughes), broom Auchinvole Mary (wid Gilbert), res mkrs, Cataraqui st,, cor Rideau 230 Stuart " Chas P, elect K P, res 221 Aughey, Eliz (wid Thos), cook, F A Stuart " E B, trav Robertson Grocery Ferguson, 191 King, Ivs same Co, res 139 Union Austin, Geo, lab M T Co, res 87 Bar-v w Hattie, fur rack finisher Gourdier's, Ivs 339 Princess Austin, Horace, chef Mowat Hospital, " Samuel R. res 166 University av res 26 Chatham " " Lieut Wilfrid G. res 285 Alfred W E, druggist, 303 King, bds 232 " Brock Wm, soldier A M C, res 914 Prin- cess " James, cook, res 138 Queen " Wm. carp, bds 305 Division Auto Tire & Vulcanizing Co, 206 Wel- Bailie Wm, retired, res 88 Barrie lington Bailon Wm, mldr Can Loco Co, res 57 Aveling, Avada, Ivs 101 York Colborne " John, lab, res 101 York Bain, John T, agt Rockport Navigation Aykroyd, see Ackroyd Co. res 330 Johnson Ayling, Henry, mason, res North Mac- donald Baines, Mrs Ellen, res 153 Bagot Aylsworth, G N (wid A A), res 301 Earl Baird, see also Beard Ayrest, Mrs Mae, bds 380 Brock " Miss Catherine, res 12 Main " Mary (wid Robt), res 281 Bagot " R J, lab Loco Wks, res 246 Earl " Thos, baker Crothers, Ivs 12 Main " Wm Geo, slsmn Bibbys Ltd, Ivs 12 B Main Babcock, B, plb. Civic Utilities BAJUS BREWERY, 308 Wellington " " Jessie, dom Crothers, Ivs 179 Miss Carrie, Ivs 47 Rideau W J " Earl Grace (wid Philip), res 47 Rideau " "Geo, oiler Davis tannery, res 15 L James H, plmbr Halligan's, res Charles 655 Princess " Laura, waitress Mowat Hospital, " Mary, bkpr Smith Bros, Ivs 303 Bar- bds 118 Colingwood rie " Myrtle, maid H Mooers, 90 Barrie, Baker, Arnold, barber, Fred Elmer, Ivs Ivs same 361 Barrie SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


BAKER BANK OF MONTREAL, A J Mac- " Abraham, packer Geo Robertsons, doneli, mgr, cor King and Clar- res 85 Pine ence " David, sect, man G T R, res Mont- BANK OF TORONTO, Market Square real Geo B McKay, manager " Edward, yard boss, Frontenac Coal Bannister John, groc 71 Liv^ingston cor and Wood Co, res 302 King Union, res 1000 Union " Eckhard H, grocer 303 Montreal, " Albert, shipper A Chown & Co, res res 157 Montreal 14 Patrick " Miss E, bds 7 SNelson Barber, Ernest, monument cutter, Fal- " Edith, bds 194 Division lon Bros, res 4 Colborne " Geo, eng Loco Wks. res 12 Earl Barker, Beatrice, maid Y W C A, Ivs " George, retired, res 202 Rideau same " John J, messenger Queen's, res 56 Barnhart, Capt Frank, Ivs 195 Johnson Union Barlow, Elizabeth (wid Thos), Ivs 24 " John F, agt London Life Ins Co, res Frontenac " 361 Barrie Julia, packer W J Crothers & Co, bds " Manley, BSc, prof Queen's College, 226 Sydenham res 45 William Barnes, see hIso Bearance and Barrons " Margaret, drsmkr IZ Brock, Ivs 361 " Wm, mach C L C, bds Royal Hotel Barrie Barnett Herbert, soldier A S C, res " Mary (wid Jas), res 45 William 60 Colborne " P H, grocer, cor Princess and Fron- Barney Hannah E, supervisor schools, tenac, res 313 Albert Ivs 224 Earl " " Wm C, M A, Prof in Physics, Ida (wid Benj), res 224 Earl Queen's Uni, res 135 Centre Barnum Chas, foreman baker Crothers " W J, soldier, res 5 Clow's Block, King St Bakery, res 363 Barrie Chatham " Bliss, overseas, Ivs 363 Barrie " Wm, returned soldier, res 161 Divi- Barr Adam, guard K P, res 492 Johnson sion " Hazel, stenog Macnee & Minnes, Ivs BAKER, W. JAMES, tobacconist 202 492 Johnson / Princess, res 183 William " Daniel, pattern mkr Loco Wks, res 17 St Baldry Fred, mgr J Gilbert's store, Lawrence Ave Wellington st, res 198 Stuart Barrett, Catherine, res 225 Sydenham Baldwin Roston, supt Home for Aged Barrett Edward G, reporter Whig, res & Infirm, res 362 Montreal 191 Stuart " Ball, Albert, elk L C, Ivs 139 Ord- John, mach Loco Wks, res 5 York C " nance Joseph, plmbr Simmons Bros, res 225 Sydenham " Chas, lab C L C, res 728b Montreal " Percy, mach C L C ,res 86 Arch Ball Edw H, retired, res 139 Ordnance " Mrs Thos, res 19 Balaclava " Miss Minnie, stenog City Clerk's of- " Thos, mach C L C, Ivs 86 Arch fice, bds 234 Barrie " Thos, soldier, bds 243 Brock Balls Thos, lab Davis Dry Dock, res 26 " Wm, leather wkr tannery, res 27 James st Patrick Ballantyne John, city messgr, res City " Lieut Wm F, res 97 Division Buildings Barry ,Miss Frances, teacher Macdonal Bamford, Albert, overseas, res 87 Cata- school, res 22 Division raqui " Miss Roberta I, Ivs 22 Division " Bancroft, Mrs Gordon, bds 108 (up- Albert, stock elk Loco Wks, Ivs 23'I stairs) Montreal Division " Elma (wid Jas), res 239 Division Banks Wm, teamster city, res 28 Wil- " John, lab Loco Wks, bds 114 Clar liam w ence BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AM- " Leo, overseas, Ivs 239 Division ERICA, R R F Harvey, Mana- " May, Ivs 39 Division ger, south end City Buildings " Patrick, Ivs 67 Union

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean ASnt& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n

II Ideal I Banking | Service I

Savings Department—Large and small sums received on deposit. In- terest paid half-yearly. Joint accounts opened for two or more persons, any one of whom may deposit or withdraw money; in case of death the balance belongs to the survivor. Farmers' Business given careful attention. Sale Notes discounted. Loans made to responsible parties. Current Accounts—Complete facilities and extensive connections available for all classes of business.

Drafts and Money Orders issued, payable throughout Canada, and at principal cities in United States and elsewhere. Travellers' Cheques and Letters of Credit issued. Safety Deposit Boxes for safe storage of valuable papers at small an- nual rental.

PAID UP CAPITAL $ 5,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS 6,555,300 TOTAL ASSETS 80,000,000 The BANK ofTORONTO Incorporated 1855 MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON GEO. B. McKAY, Manager |lllllillllllMlilflllllllllllillillllllilllillilllllllllllllllllillilllllllillllllilllillllllllllilllllg Ig.a.batemani I Customs Broker 1

M' Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, = M Automobile, Boiler, and M s Animals' Insurance M S REPRESENTING THE M = LONDON & LANCASHIRE, MERCANTILE, PHOENIX, ^ M GLOBE INDEMNITY, NORTH WESTERN = = NATIONAL, LONDON MUTUAL, = M ECONOMICAL, ^ ^E and other Fire Insurance Companies =



I Real Estate, Money to Loan | g PHONE 396 j


Barstow, J D, carp Ed Laturney, bds BAWDEN 286 Queen " Wm, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 133 Alfred P, electrician K P, res 221 BARTELS, OSCAR V, City Treasurer, Baylie Chas Stuart office city Bldgs, res 364 Alfred " Maude, Ivs 221 Stuart " Mrs M W (wid), res 177 Colling- wood Bazeau. Charlotte (wid Francis X), Ivs 79 L Bagot Bartlett Elizabeth (wid Robt), res 267 ' tuner Wormwith Piano Co, res University Wm, 79 L Bagot " Robt, elk Simmon's, Ivs 267 Univer- Bazeau, H. barber, 196 Ontario, bdo sity F Bastow^ Jeremiah G, res 85 Queen 36 Markland Ivs 280 Wellington Bassam, Bertha, librarian Queen's, Ivs Beale Helen, " Thos, recruiting office, 65 Alfred Sergt Maj Wellington " Wm, blue-print Loco Wks, res 65 Ivs 280 " Anglin, res 280 Wel- Alfred Thos, pntr S lington A, District BATEMAN, GEORGE Beaman Maud, Ivs 302 University Sun Life Assurance Co and Agent " Rebecca (wid W V), res 302 Uni- broker, 67 Clarence, res customs versity University 309 Beamer, Lloyd, student, bds 189 Uni- " res 219 Earl Geo. wks C L C, versity Bates Miss Ada J,Bates Court School, Barnes, Barrens and 85 Wellington Bearance, see also " Daniel, wks Loco Wks, res 420 Byrnes " Montreal Alexander, res 493 Princess " Craig's whlsle, " Estella (wid John), res 497 Princess Calvin, warehseman Raglan " Geo W, teamster Hooper & Slater, res 158 " 493 Princess res 108 Ontario Edith. Ivs " elk Crawford's grocery, Ivs " John, retired, res 331 Montreal Elwood, " Miss Jennie, Ivs 497 Princess 63 York " res 10 Ellice " Samuel, soldier 38th Batt, res Con- Fred, mach Loco Wks, " light wks, res 1 cession George, eng Elec Victoria ter, Montreal st Bateson, James, Police Sergt, res 90 " Henry, carp, Ivs 63 York William " Ha M, stenog. Armouries, Ivs 1 Vic- " Margaret, grocer, 90 Wellington, Ivs toria ter, Montreal st same " Sherman, mach Loco Wks, res 447 " (wid Matthew), res 305 Barrie Maud Albert Battams R G, mgr Woolworth's, res 86 " Wm A, asst purchasing agt Loco Barrie Wks, Ivs 493 Princess Batten Capt Geo, stmboat capt, res 2?i Beard, see also Baird Division " Harriet (wid Jas), Ivs 42 O'Kill Bauder. Henry, retired, res 585 Princess " Caroline, res 42 O'Kill " Miss O, stenog Fenwick & Hendry, " Tessie, matron K G H, Ivs 41 George bds 378 Alfred Beare Albert S, lab Loco Wks, res 60 " J M, Ivs 657. Princess Ontario " Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 27 Nelson Beardsell, Cecil, sailor ,lvs 32 Ontario " Wm, res 428 King " Henry, sold, overseas, res 32 Ontario Baxter Annie, tchr Orphans' Home, bds " Mrs Kate, bdg hse, res 32 Ontario 318 University " Herbert, sailor ,lvs 32 Ontario " Florence, bdg hse, Ivs 193 Earl " Reginald, washer VanLuven Bros.' " Isobel, tchr Macdonald Sch, bds 318 Garage, Ivs 32 Ontario University res 412 " laniie. elk Henderson's groc, iv- Beavis Wm, wks Loco Wks, 154 Rideau Barrie " Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 154 Rideau Beattie A J, prin Macdonald Sch, res Bawden Mrs Evelyn (wid Joseph), res 452 Johnson 133 Alfred Beaudoin, J Chas, naval architect ship- " jack, sold, Ivs 133 Alfred yards, res 359 Brock SMITH BR.OS. mon GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES ^I^L JLnLLLLKfj;?^ W^hen You Are in Need of £yeKla8ses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. ClareRci and Wellington Stmts, Goldtn Liin BItck


teacher, Ivs Villa St BELANGER Beaton, Cecilia, ]

' " Clare No. 5, Barrie Ellen (wid James), res 13 Redan " Beaudry, Beatrice, Ivs 94 Queen Frank, dr United Groc Co, Ivs 104 Beaudry, Fred, rep Standard, Ivs 94 Bagot Queen BELL TELEPHONE CO, J A Gorrie, " Georgina (wid Louis A), res 94 Local Mgr, 81-83 Clarence. Pay Queen station 668-670 Princess " Wilfrid, sailor, Ivs 106^ Wellington " Miss Bernice, elk Robertson's Terrace, Montreal Wholesale Co, Ivs 163 Raglan rd Beaupre Cecelia, studt, Ivs 299 Univer- " Catherine (wid), res 366 Princess sity av " Cecil, overseas, Ivs 189 Earl " Edwin, res 268 Princess " Cliflford, chauffeur Boyd's livery, Ivs " Harriet (wid Remi), res 288 Johnson 163 Raglan rd " Capt Chas, res 299 University " Dorothy (wid F W), res 189 Earl Beck, Eileen, maid Y W C A, Ivs Y W " F W, farmer, Ivs 189 Earl C A, Johnson " George, stoker K P, res 165 York " Wm, soldier, res 3 Place d'Armes " Rev. G A, retired, res 446 Albert " Wm, dr J A McFarlane, res 14 " Georgia A, bkkpr Thos Mills, Ivs 450 Main Princess Beckell, Capt, A S C, Kingston, bds BELL, GEORGE W, V.S., milk in- Verdun, 232 Brock spector, residence 450 Princess, office 110 Clarence Beckwith, Percy, lab Dom Textile, bds " Hazel, bkkpr Crawford & Walsh, Ivs Well,ington Terrace 189 Earl Beddie Wm, mldr Loco Wks, res 12 " James H, carp, res 163 Raglan rd Deacon " John C, slsman VanLuven Bros, Ivs Bedell, Jas, gardener, H Richardson, 163 Raglan rd King w, Ivs 22 Livingston " Jennie, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 163 Raglan Bedford John, spinner Hos Mill, res rd 129 Alfred " A, res ISAlma " J George, plmbr Shipbldg Co, res 130 " Percy A, jeweler Smith Bros, res Division 386 Alfred " Henry, elk Dalton & Sons, Ivs 129 " Ralph, soldier, res 34 EUice Alfred CHARLES, Fire Insurance, Bedore Charles, teamster, res 274 Nel- BELL, R Real Estate and General Commis- son sion agt, 130 Clarence, res 201 " Elizabeth, drsmkr. Ivs 274 Nelson Frontenac " Paul, soldier, Ivs 274 Nelson " Ruby, studt., Ivs 189 Earl Beddows, John G, mach C L C, res 175 " William, res 58 Ontario Pine Bedwell Herbert, driver Fair Sand Co, Bell Telephone Pay Station, 668-670 Ivs 114 Raglan Princess Duflferin Beel Miss M J, bdg hse l:pr, res 120 Bellett, Wm, wks C L C. res 30 Wellington Bellefeul. Geo, mach C L C, Ivs 32 On- Begg Dorothy (wid Geo), res 50 Wil- tario liam Bellhouse Agnes, Ivs 103 Earl " Henry S, asst acct K P, res 138 " Mrs C (wid W H), res 103 Earl King e Bellringer Wm, returned soldier, res 35 BEHAN, JOHN J, Grand Secretary Elm Catholic Mutual Benefit Associa- Belmore. Harry, returned soldier, res tion, office 15 Montreal street, res 398 Barrie 78 Sydenham Belwa, Fred, plmb McKelvcy & Birch, " May J, Ivs 78 Sydenham res 143 Montreal Belanger, Eliz, Ivs 13 Rideau Samuel, mach T Bishop, res 10 " Catharine (wid Geo), res 104 Bagot Belwa, James " Francis, wks C L C. Ivs 104 Bagot res 32 " Fred, pntr Milo's, bds Royal Hotel, Benbow, Percy, elk Waldron's, Princess Frontenac Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance Specialize in Cliildren's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 95

Benick, Olive, maid J McKay, Ivs 62 Berry, see also Barry Sydenham " Catherine (wid Hugh R), res 164 Ba- Benn, Miss Edna, Ivs 283 Queen " Frederick H, driver Imperial Oil " Jane (wid John), res 273 Queen Co, res 112 Bagot " Perry, lab Loco Wks, res 92 Gore " James, slsman H Jennings, res 17 Mack " Irving, millman Wormwith Piano " Patrick, lab. res 31 Johnson Co, res 96 Barrack Bersha. Frank, lab C L C, bds Zl Cler- " Ernest, soldier, Ivs 96 Barrack gy w " Oliver, millman Wormwith Piano R, Ivs 19 John- Co, res 96 Barrack Bertram, Thos, lab G T " Wm, spinner Kingston Hosiery, bds son " 212 Division Janet. Dom K G H. Ivs K G H " Josephine, Dom K G H. Ivs K G H Bennett, Alex, baker ASC, res 145 Pine " Lena, maid Hughes, Ivs 165 Uni- " Caroline (wid Henry), Ivs 185 Cler- J versity ave gy returned soldier, res " Chandler, laborer shipyards, Ivs 37 Bertrand, Dennis, York 75 John " Donald, soldier, Ivs 37 York Besh, Wm, piano tuner, res 223 L Ri- " Ethel, Ivs 160 Bagot deau " Henry, soldier, Ivs Zl York Beson, Jos. lab Loco Wks, res 118 " Hugh, foreman G a. McJowrn Montreal Cigar Mfg Co, res 160 L Bagot Best, John, mid C L C, res 268 Ontario " instr shoe shop P, res 357 King Jas, K The (L T Best) west BEST DRUG STORE, *' Manufacturing Chemists and Op- James C, opr Jackson Press, res 56 Princess Raglan rd ticians, 124 " cor Princess and " Myra, elk Crothers King St bakery, Uptown Branch, Ivs 145 Pine Division " Drug Store), res " Matilda (wid Alex), res 103 Barrack Louis T (The Best " Miss Matilda, res 103 Barrack 144 L Albert " Stephen, driver Hopkinson Bros. Ivs Beswick, Miss Bessie, knitter Hos Co, Ivs Montreal 48 O'Kill " O'Kill " Thos, elk P O, bds 27 L Charles Janet (wid Henry), res 48 " Waldron's. Ivs 48 O'Kill Benoit Louis, lab M T Co, res 4 Brew- Mary, tlrs " O'Kill ery Lane Wm, soldier. Ivs 48 ' Geo. soldier. Ivs 48 O'Kill Berbue. A E. ticket agent C P R, bds Betts. Maud, bds Kenwood. Beverly st 120 Wellington " Alfred, driver Elliott Bros, res 37 Bernier Alfred, sailmkr, res 25 Rideau Concession Bermingham, see also Birmingham " Cecilia, wks N C Poison Co, Ivs 37 " Cornelius, retired, res King and Concession Barrie " H A. retired, res 253 Albert " Albert Bermingham Wm, carp M T Co, res Margaret, vocal tchr, Ivs 253 249 Division Bews, see also Buse " Co, Berney James, trav Inter Har Co, res Miss Isabel, bkkpr R H Toye & 392 Alfred Ivs 215 Colborne " " Laura, Ivs 392 Alfred Helen, Ivs 216 Colborne " G, Lieut bayonet instr, res Berrigan, see also Barrigan James 212 Colborne " Amey. mlnr Queen Millinery, Ivs 39 " mason, res 215 Colborne Livingston Ave James Sr, " John W, shell forger C L C, res 210 " Harry, dr K Ice Co, bds 83 Colling- Colborne wood " Wm, mason, res 97 York _ " John, suard K P. res 39 Livingston av Bakery, " Michael, pr.op Whitney Hotel, res Bianiflfe, Hugh, baker Toye's 29 Brock res 197 William " Ross, lab shipyards. Ivs 39 Living- Bibby Frederick A, retired res 101 ston Frontenac Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. ' 350 King St FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVER.Y FIGURE

96 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY BIBBY, HERBERT D (Bibby's Ltd), BIRD res 28 Barrie " Violet ,clk Mcintosh Bros, Ivs 215 BIBBY'S LIMITED, (Herbert D Bib- Montreal "Wm, dr Kingston Ice Co, res 37 King by), Clothing and Gents' Furnish- ings, 78-82 Princess Birbeck, Mrs. Geo, Ivs 394 Princess " Elizabeth, Ivs 28 Barrie Birkett, see also Burkett Bickham James, engr Cotton Mill, res BIRKETT, JOHN H, Treas Canadian 27 Charles Locomotive Co, Limited, res 104 " Janet, Ivs 27 L Charles Bagot " Patrick, mldr C L C, res 567 Prin- " Ethel, stenog. Armouries, Ivs 27 L cess Charles Birley. Elsie, Ivs 227 Albert " Mary, elk Dep Reg. Ivs 27 Charles " Mary (wid Frank), res 227 Albert Beckham, Robt, sailor, res 282 (up- " Gladys, Ivs 227 Albert stairs) Ontario Birmingham, see also Bermingham Bicof, John, lab S Anglin's, res 208 Sy- " denham John M, lab, 4 Clow's Block, Chat- ham Street Bidvi^ell, Right Rev, Bishop of Ontario, " res 49 King e Vernon, pntr Milo, Ivs 4 Clows ter, " Miss Dorothea, studt Toronto Uni, Chatham " Ivs 49 King e Warren, general carter, phone 2239, " Roger, naval cadet, Halifax, Ivs 49 res 305 Earl " King e Wm, carp, res 249 Division Billenness, Wm Robt, builder, res 272 Birtles, Minnie M, military nurse

BLACK BOARD OF TRADE, J. H. Macnee, " Michael J, shellmkr Loco Wks, res Sec-Treas, Bank of Commerce 47 James Bldg, cor King and Brock Sts " 137 Miss Philaney, mlnr Gedye, Ivs Boaprey Blanche, finshr K Hos Mill, Nelson Ivs 28 Clergy w " Thos, wks C L C, bds 75 Quebec " Evans, slsmn D Collier, Ivs 28 Blair, Emily, finisher Hosiery Mill bds Clergy w 20 Collingwood " Florence, elk A Glover, Ivs 28 Cler- Blais Chas, lab cotton mill, res 63 U gy w Charles " John R, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 28 Blake, Arthur, sold, res 163 York Clergy w Blake Florence, elk Boyes studio, Ivs ' Jennie, stenog Mowat Hospital, Ivs 155 Sydenham 28 Clergy w " Mrs Florence, wks Knitting Mill, Bocking. Geo, overseas, bds 117 Pine bds 52 Stanley " Jas, soldier, overseas, res 145 Pat- " Jack, hostlr Guess' Livery, res 367 rick Bagot " Jas, mach Cotton Mill, res 168 L Ba- " Jane Twid Wm), res 155 Sydenham got " Miss Maud, Ivs 155 Sydenham " Rose, wks Cotton Mill, Ivs 168 Ba- " Mildred, Ivs 262 Wellington got " Mrs S V, stenog C P R ticket office, Bodding, Grace, maid Dr Richardson's, Ivs 180 Barrie Ivs 247 Johnson " Mrs Wm H. res 180 Barrie BOGART I GORDON, M D, Physician Blakey Alfred, btchr. 840 Princess and Surgeon, office hours till 9 " Emma (wid Cecil), Ivs 840j/^ Prin- am, 2 to 4 and 7 to' 9 pm; 'phone cess 475; office 102 Wellington, res " James, btchr, res 90 Victoria 104 same " Leonard, studt, Ivs 840 Princess " Miss Flossie, studt Queen's, Ivs 102 " Steven, Ivs 840 Princess Wellington " Robt .sold, Ivs 840 Princess Boggs. O G, chemist Queen's, bds 394 Blaney, shipper Moulding Co, res John, Brock 5 L Rideau Boiler Inspector's Office, T P Thomp- " Elsie, office Steacy'sLtd, Ivs 5 L son, Dominion inspr. 39 Clarence Rideau Bois Alex, carter, res 22 Stephen Fred, overseas, res 24 Clergy w " Wm, sailor, bds 167 Montreal Bland John H, soldier, res 43 Ordnance Bolger see also Bulger Blezard Dr John, capt Queen's Field " Miss Catherine S, res 397 Brock Ambulance, Ivs 45 Clergy w " Miss May, elk Bk Montreal, Ivs 397 Blinkinsopp. Robt. ship fitter, shipyard, Brock bds 44 Clergy " Miss M V, elk Bk of Montreal, Ivs Blomeley Abel, elk P O, res 62 Arch 397 Br6ck " Jas, watchman Swift's wharf, res 238 Bolton. Chas. shipper Kingston Milling Albert Co. res 359 Alfred " Thomas, plumbr Elliott Bros, res 97 " Miss E. military nurse, Ivs Court Beverly House " Wm. bkpr. C L C. Ivs 238 Albert " Mary, nursing sister. Queen's Hos- " Miss H B. Ivs 238 Albert pital. Ivs Court Flouse Bloomfield Capt Wm, capt Canada " Robt, student, bds 85 Division steamship lines, res 84 Clergy w Bolyea. Peter, mach Cotton Mill, res 42 Blore. Arthur, driver A Glover, Ivs 133 Stephen William Bone Harry, overseas, res 281 Syden- Blundell Wm, gas mkr city, res 62 On- ham tario " Elizabeth (wid D). res 277 Mont- Blyth Anna (wid Wm) res 129 Division real " Pearl, elk McKay's, Ivs 129 Division " Helen, carder D Textile Co, bds 277 BOARD OF EDUCATION, John Mac- Montreal donald. Secretary-Treasurer, cor " Jessie, carder D Textile Co, bds 277 Sydenham and Princess Montreal



Bonehan, Fred, eng Imperial Laundry, Botting, Alfred, lab, C L C, bds 302 Ba- res 448 Division got Bongard, Miss E, bds 212 King " Ed, traveller. W G Craig & Co, res " H J, acct Standard Bank, res 307 220 Division Collingwood " Geo, soldier, res 55 Chatham " Walter C. instructor Queen's Univ, Boucher, Thos, fireman. No. 2, res 153 bds 247 Montreal Division " Ryerson & Co, brokers, 239 Bagot " Alphus, fireman No. 2, Ivs 153 Di- Bon Marche Grocery (S A Caverly & vision C S Bradshaw), 218 King e Bould, Percy T, soldier, res 30 Living- Bonny George, blksmith Loco Wks, res ston 82 Quebec Bourdeau Mrs Amelia, Ivs 138 L Bagot " Boomhower, Peter, yardman Royal Ho- Baptiste, retired, res 138 L Bagot " tel, bds same Geraldine, Ivs 138 L Bagot " " Bessie, servt Jno Nicolle, Ivs 62 Bar- Geo, fireman, Soward's, Ivs 261 Ri- rie deau " Jas, brakeman C P R, res 261 Rideau Boon, Cyril, trainman, C P R, bds 67 " Pearl, Ivs Rideau Collingwood 261 " Wni, sold, Ivs 261 Rideau " Robert, butcher A Hood, Ivs 100 Chatham Bourne, John C, fght hndlr G T R> res " Sarah, drsmaker, res 100 Chatham 51 Balaclava " Susan, Ivs 100 Chatham Boutillier. Sergt-Maj A S, res 90 Bar- BOOTH & CO (Robert Crawford), rack (retired) " coal and w^ood, ft of West st Jos, soldier, Ivs 90 Barrack " Edw^ard, mariner, C S L, Ivs 64 Wil- Bovine. Marguerite (wid Henry), Ivs liam 240 Johnson " Herb V, shell insptr C L C, Ivs 64 Bowen Charles L, baker, Ivs 242 Brock William " Annie (wid Wm), res 39 L Bagot " John, mgr Wm Davies & Co, bds BOWEN, WM A, Baker and Confec- 384 Brock tioner, 324 King, res 242 Brock " John, shipyard, res 58 Bay " Chas N, baker, Bowen's. Ivs 242 " Kate (wid George), res 64 William Brock " Marion, elk Bk of Montreal, Ivs 195 Bower, Edith (wid Jas), bds 8 John Johnson Bowes James, bds 281 Alfred Boprey, see Beaupre and Boaprey Bowes Samuel, fur cutter John McKay, Fred, carp Borden ship yard, res 29 res 4 Devonshire Ter, Sydenham U William Bowie, Thomas W, storekpr K P, res 320 Borden, S G, soldier, Ivs 115 Raglan rd Earl Bordowarf, Ben, junk dealer, res 53 Charles Bowman Clara, drsmkr. Ivs 102 Earl " Edwin), Ivs 102 Earl Borland. Sergt-Maj Wm, W O, .res 87 Catherine (wid Pine " Earl, elk Armouries, res 102 Earl " Bosley, P N, lab C L C, res 244 Mont- Harry D, taxi driver, res 9 St Cath- real erine Boss, Sergt-Maj W, res 19 Sixth Bowman, Irene (wid Harry), res 9 Catherine Bostridge Chas, steward K P, res 391 " cook, H,*lvs same Earl Mary, K G " Mary (wid Chas), bds 23 Rideau " Edw, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 391 Earl Box Factory, J R Brown, prop, 99 King Boswick, John, carter, res 2)7 L Charles BOYCE, HARRY A, Physician, 146 Boswell Edward, carp, res 42 Durham Wellington, cor Clarence " Miss trained nurse, bds 17. Mack J, Boyce, Herb, laundryman K G H. Ivs BOTSFORD & NICOL (Geo Bots-. same ford), Hardware merchants, 95 " Helen, bkkpr, K Shipyards, Ivs 267 Princess Johnson " BOTSFORD GEO (Botsford & Nicol) Richard J, slsmn Steacy's Ltd, res bds 102 Clergy 267 Johnson Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency - 56 BR.OCK ST. Debcntures™' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 99 BOYCE" Bradshaw Chas S (Caverly & Brad- " Miss Susan, dom Waldron's, 80 Bar- shaw), grocer, Ivs Harrowsmith rie " Albert, organizer I O F, bds 69 Boyd, Agnes, Ivs 7 Colborne Raglan rd " Miss Bertha, tchr, Ivs 261 Johnson BRADSHAW, J W, County Clerk, res " Eliza, Ivs 261 Johnson 131 Union w " Miss Ethel T, asst bkkpr, Macnee & " Jennie, elk, City Registrar, Ivs 131 Minnas, Ivs 357 Brock Union w " Ferguson, baker, Toye's bakery, res " Myrtle, nilnr, Ivs 460 Princess 90 York " Vrooman, elk Best Drug Store, Ivs " George, eng Canada S S Lines, res 460 Princess 400 Brock " Violet, studt K C I, Ivs 131 Union " Garage, Reo cars, 129 Brock (Geo " res 460 W J, ins agt Metropolitan, Boyd, prop) Princess " George W, prop Boyd's garage 129 Brady James, lab, Ivs 99 L Bagot Brock, res 89 Earl Bragg Hercules, sold home guard, res " Harriet T, dressmkr, 261 Johnson 23 U William " Rev John D, pastor Zion church, res Bramah Wm, Sergt-Maj R C H A, res 106 Pine 681 Montreal " James, electrician Shipbldg Co, Ivs Brand Wm, piano mkr Wormwith & 400 Brock Co, res 216 Nelson " A, res 119 Beverly Jno Braniflf, H, baker R H Toye Co,res Wil- " Joseph R, contr, 451 Princess liam " Miss Margaret, Ivs 261 Johnson BRANIGAN, DENIS P, Manager " Miss Mary Ivs 409 Johnson J, Grand Opera House, 218 Pnn- " Muriel, Ivs 106 Pine 231 Brock " (wid cess, res Mrs Nancy Capt Jno), res 357 (wid Samuel), Ivs Brock Brannan Ophelia E 44 William " Orville O, Sergt-Maj Depot Battal- U Breathwaite H, supt Wormwith Piano ion, res 197 William Co, res 104 Clergy w " Richard, res 7 Colborne " Miss Muriel, Ivs 104 Clergy w " Thos, teamster G Craig & Co, res W John A, retired farmer, res 680 438 King Brebner Princess " Veronoss, Ivs 84 Centre Breck, Harry, electrician, res 163 Uni- " Wm, taxi driver, Ivs 7 Colborne versity " Wilmur, farmer, res 84 Centre Breen, Geo, wks Shipyard, res 69 Hick- Boyer, Alice, Ivs 259 Rideau son ave " firemn Jose, C P R, res 129 Mon- " Mary, Ivs 69 Hickson treal Brenett, John, lab, M T Co, res King " ^ Leo, sold, Ivs 259 Rideau Brennan George, tinsmith Chown s • " Narcisse, mach C L C, res 259 Ri- Hardware, Ivs 29 John deau 1 " Patrick, wks R Crawford & Co, res " Reginald, stationary eng, Loco 41 Princess Wks, res 20 Carlisle " Jno, marine eng, res 29 John Boyes Charles H, photos, 224 Princess, Brewster, Irene, servt Mr Rowland, 317 res 368 Alfred University Boyne, Thos,\d]r, W G Craig & Co, res Briceland, James, mach C L C, res 98 438 KinF^^t east , Barrie Bracegirdle, Arthur, sd|d, Ivs 40 Con- " Daniel, sold, Ivs 98 Barne cession " Hesta, Ivs 98 Barrie Bradden Miss Annie, Ivs 261 Victoria Brick, Dora (wid L W), res 102 Bagot " James, carter, res 261 Victoria " Mary, Ivs 99 Raglan rd ) " Co, Bradley, Andy, sold, Ivs 415 Johnson Thos, polisher Wormwith & res 99 Raglan rd " Miss Ethel, matron military hosp, Bridgen, J C, sold, res 19 Barrack King W, Ivs 35 Ui^pn " Newman, brakesman C P R, res 4 " Jack, sold, res 162 Pine North RICK Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


Briggs Alfred L, foremn tinsmith Ed- BROOKS win Chown & Son, Ivs 371 Di- " R (wid Wellington), Ivs 86 L Bagot vision " Wm R, storekeepr Loco Wks, res " Charlotte (wid Nicholas), Ivs 70 Nel- 128 Stephen son " Teresa';^ maid, Anglo-American, Ivs Brightman Agnes (wid Edw), res 21 El- same " lice Thos, returned soldier, Ivs 27 King " Percy, soldier, 146th Batt, res 81 Brooker J, lab, res Zl Princess (up- Ordnance stairs) Brinklow Grace, laundress Imperial Brophy, Charles E, res 59 Wellington laundry, bds 126 Victoria " Helena, Ivs 59 Wellington " Brinkman. Mrs L, Ivs 168 Montreal Joseph J, com agt, Brophy's point, res Bristlon Jennie (wid Frank), res 352 50 Wellington University " Margaret M, artist, Ivs 59 Wellington Bristow, Edith, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs Brough. Wm, wks Piano Factory, Ivs " Geo, returned soldier, bds 128 L Ba- 190 Barrie got BROUSE ARTHUR G, Asst Supt Brigstocke R W, mining eng, res 7 London Life Ins Co, res 286 Wellington Queen Briley, Jos, tanner, res 16 James " " Grace, nurse, Ivs 188 Stuart " Wm, wks Cotton Mill, res 14 James " Harry, mach Loco Wks, res 188 BRITISH WHIG (Daily and Weekly) Stuart The British Whig Publishing Co, Brown, see also Browne " res Ltd, Publishers, 306-310 King e Alfi-ed S, soldier overseas, 486 BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. Barrie " Agnes, Ivs 84 Barrie The, Publishers British Whig, " Archibald, driver E Chown & Son, 306-310 King e bds 437 Barrie Britton. Maud, mlnr, Gcdye's, bds 102 " Sergt A D, munition worker, res 46 Clergy Earl Brockelhearst, John, carp Shipyard, res " A W, mgr export dept Jas Richard- 38 Concession son & Sons, res 144 Barrie Broadhurst Joseph, drop forgemn Loco Brown, Bernard, acct. Northern Crown Wks, res 98 William , ave Brock St Methodist Church, cor Brock Bk, res Kensington and Montreal, Rev D A Lough, ' Miss Blanche, opr MSA office. City pastor Hall, Ivs 237 Victoria " Broderick, Serg, soldier, bds "A-^erduii," Chas. lab, res 276B Sydenham " Ins Co, 232 Brock Charles, asst supt Prudential Lane Bromage, Wm, Staff-Sergt C O R C, res 4 Brewery jng ' 1, bds 291 fll res "ZW King Chas, fireman, K F D No Brock " Bromwick, Dr Jack, Ivs 139 William Brooks Annie T (wid Chas G), bdg '' Doris, Ivs Keingston ave " Edna, wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 71 John hse 134 Earl , " 12 Duflferin " Carrie, tlrs Crawford & Walsh, Ivs Eliz. Ivs " House, res 161 Barrie, county jail Geo, fireman. Power " Chas, lab, res 447 Alfred Stuart ^ " Ivs Ken- " Henry, dr Sowards, Ivs 12 Corri- Hazel, stenog, M ^A^fice, gan sington ave ^^r " Miss H, cigarmkr McGowan's, bds " Tas F, lab, #s 245a Victoria " 56 487 Alfred Jas R, mgl^ Paper Box Co, bds " Jas G, foreman C L C, res 213 Wil- William liam " Jas, checker C P R, res 453 Prin- " " John, wks Shipyard, res 88 York cess " " Jane (wid Richard), res 48 Place J W, bandsman R C H A, res 119 L Bagot d'Armes " Barrie • Mary A, matron jail, Ivs Barrie st Johanna, Jvs 84 " mill, res 71 John " Muriel B, stenog MSA, City Hall, John, oiiP> cotton " soldier, 284 Earl Ivs 134 Earl M, returned bds AGENTS J. K. Carroll Agency dominion life ., 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE COJl KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For nre insurance. Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 101 BROWN BRYANT " Margaret (wid David), Ivs 237 Vic- " Henry, dr Peters & Thompson toria Grain Co, res 302 Montreal " Margaret, res 84 Barrie " Kenneth, wks C L C, Ivs 65 Patrick " Mary (wid Alfred), res 59 Mark- J " Mary (wid John), res 65 Patrick land " " Melvin, lab C L C, res 225 Welling- Maude, marker K S L, Ivs 307 EaA ton '' Miss Phurna, Ivs 440 Johnson " Nellie, J, Ivs 72 Clergy w " Reuben, guard K P, res 217 Colborne " Richard V, soldier, Ivs 48 Place " Robt, lab, Robt Reid, res 93 John- d'Armes son " Ivs 11 Markland Violet, mica wks, ' " Violet, vvvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 47 Que- Rose, Ivs 458 Division bec " Victor W, com trav Gunns Ltd, Ivs " 46 Wm J, checker C P R freight shed, Quebec ' res 453 Princess Wm, J, overseas, Ivs 307 Earl " Rev W T G, pastor Sydenham St Byron, Maude (wid Stanley), res 153 Methodist Ch, res 181 William Clergy " Brownhill, Edward, private R C D, res Robt, sailor ,res 217 University n "Charles Bryce, Mrs Lena, waitress, Frontenae Hotel, Ivs same Bruce, see also Druce Bryson James, pntr, Ivs 210 University " Elizabeth (wid Jas), res 126 Nelson " Maria (wid Paul), res 210 Univer- " Emma (wid G), res 428 Brock W sity av " Irwin, lab C L C, Ivs 97 Victoria Buchanan Daniel, prof Mathematics at " Miss Jessie, bkkpr Hanson, Crozier Queen's Uni, res 142 Stuart Edgar, Ivs 428 Brock & ' Christine, maid Bermingham's, 18 " border Knitting Mill, Ivs 126 James, Barrie Nelson " Jennie, maid Prof Morgan, 20 Barrie " Robert, mgr Laidlaw & Co, res J " Claire, slslady Steacy's Ltd, bds 83 Albert 420 L Alfred " Wm, contr, res 97 Victoria " George, bdg hse, 35 Brock Brunke Conrad, supt McKay & Co, Bucher, Geo A, lineman city, res 41 res 167 Division Ordnance " Madge, Ivs 167 Division Buck, Alfred, lettercarrier P O, res 98 Bruton Wm C, carter, res 261 Univer- U William sity " Armour, sold, Ivs 102 Victoria " Bryant Anclo B, pntr, res 100 Pine Benson S, retired, res 66 Victoria " " Ernest, warehsemn Geo Robertson Anna (wid Dr N J), bds 632 Prin- cess & Son, res 114 William " " Alexander, lab G T R, fgt sheds, res Hattie, elk Mendels & Co, Ivs 66 43 James Victoria " " A B, organizer C O C F, res 50 L Helen, elk Mahood Bros, Ivs 102 Rideau Victoria " " Charles, pntr, res 307 Earl Philip H, carp, res 442 Johnson " " Inez, sten^. Armouries, Ivs 446 Capt, Dr T T, C A M C, bds 432 Johnso«^*^ Brock ' " Miss Eva/^H^17 Colborne Wm R, carp Henry Hunt, res 102 " Frank, blk^ith, re^5 Concession Victoria road ^ Bucklee, Tbos W, sold, Ivs 128 Victoria " Geo, returned soldier. Ivs 307 Earl Buckley, Mary (wid Wrn), Ivs 89 L Ba- " Gladys, oper, J McKay Ltd., Ivs 65 got Patrick Bucknell Ann (wid James) res 402 Mon- " Harry, pntr, Ivs 307 Earl treal " Harry R, confectioner Crothers Co, " Jennie M, prop News Depot, cor King res 223 Colborne & Clarence, Ivs 402 Montreal " Harry, carter Susmai^Aes 332 Mon- " Richard, baker Tete de Pont Bar, treal Ivs 402 Montreal SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - - 350 King St STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office


Budd, Jos, student, bds 99 Frontenac BURKE Budgeon, Benj R. druggist Hoag's, res " Mary (wid Wm S), res 10 Nelson 440 Alfred " Mary, maid M S Grace, 19 Aber- Budge, Christina, military nurse, deen Queen's Hospital " Philip H, news room foremn Whig, Buell Miss Etta, Ivs 132 Clarence res 151 Sydenham " " Miss Lea, elk Richardson's, Ivs 132 T F, prop meat mrkt 68 Brock st, Clarence 361 King w " Ulysses, shipper Wormwith's, res " W T, shipper W G Craig & Co, Ivs 132 Clarence 155 Sydenham Buffalo-Ontario Smelting & Refining Burley John, lab Tannery, res 36 Elm Co, Cataraqui st Burnett, Herb, mach C L C, Ivs Royal Bull Jesse, riveter Loco Wks, res 440 Hotel Division Burnetts, John, lab, res 43 King e Bullen, Mrs Thos, maid K G H Burnham, Miss G N, military nurse, Ivs " Thos, watchman K G H Court House Bullock, Edwin W, blcksmith, res 234 Burns, see also Byrnes and Byrne Ontario " Alice, stenog MSA City Hall, Ivs Bullick John, tlr Livingston's, res 114 129 Colingwood Barrack " Annie, music teacher, Ivs 129 Col- Bunt, Charles A, inspector P O, res 422 lingwood Johnson " Frank, soldier, res 125 Stephen " Ethel, Ivs 66 Bagot " Francis, overseas, Ivs 333 Queen " BUNT, JOHN B. (Bunt, J B. & Co), Fred R, slsmn Sutherland's shoe store, res 71 Pembroke Ivs 66 Bagot L " CO, HARDWARE, John, fireman Fire Dept, No 2, res BUNT, J B & 333 Queen 351-353 King St tinsmiths, etc, " Margaret, Ivs 61 Union w " retired, res 66 L Bagot Richard, " Matthew, eng, res 224 King e " ship yd, res 129 Wm, blksmith " Martha, Ivs 224 King e Colborne " Minnie, (wid Joseph), servt S Hall, Ivs 52 Burchell, Cassie, elk Marble Roughton, Ivs 167 King e Rideau " Patrick, day porter Prince Geo Htl, Burdeau, Wm, wrks C L C, res 126 Vic- bds same toria " Perry, elk Laidlaw's, 629 Princess Burden Edith, Ivs 360 Division " R Easton, chartered acct, Ontario " Earl Elsie, maid Thos Bowie, 320 Chambers, Clarence st, res 40 " Walter, lab Shipyard, res 360 Divi- Frontenac sion " Robt, overseas, Ivs 333 Queen " Wm, rivetter Loco Wks, res 85 Di- " Robt, instr K P, res 129 CoUingwood vision " Thomas, stationary eng city inciner- Bureau Miss I G, school tchr Victoria ator, res 8 Ann " school, Ivs 33 Union \Vm J, mgr C Livingston & Bro, res " Peter, retired, bds 33 Union ^ 304 University " baker, Burgess Jessie, waitress Randolph htl, Wm, 96 Victoria bds 167 Bagot Burnside, Noel, elk Anderson Bros, res 11 Plum Burke, see also Bourke Burrows, Harry R M C?.-res 119 Mont- " Edward, soldier, res 21 University real " Frances, tlrs Waggoner, Ivs Ports- mouth Burroughs W HH, messenger Royal Bk, " & Graham (I P Burke and P S Gra- res 423 Johnson " ham), electrical contractors, 74 Willa, Ivs 423 Johnson Princess Burtch, see also Birch " " I P, (Burke & Graham, elect contrs, Amelia, Ivs 365 Brock res Portsmouth " Mrs Bernard, drsmaker, Ivs 471 " John, plmbr city, res 262 Queen Johnson " John P, slsmn McFaul's, res 269 " David, mach Loco Wks, res 297 Queen Montreal 'EAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. EbTATtj LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 103 BURTCH Byrne, see also Byrnes and Burns " Elizabeth, bookkpr I T Morris, Ivs " Patrick Jos, lab Loco Wks, res 259 2 Birch ave Queen " Enoch, bldr, res 2 Birch ave Byron, Bernard, res 169 Victoria " Orville, wks Loco Wks, res Z7 " Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 12 Cor- Cherry rigan " Thos H, ins agt London Life, res 7 " Eliz, Ivs 169 Victoria Birch ave " Fern, candy maker, J W Crothers, Burton, John V, res 210 Queen Ivs 469 Johnson " Matilda (wid Samuel), Ivs 460 Di- " Jas, soldier, res 318 Queen vision " Joseph, shipper Jackson Press, res " Miss Sarah, Ivs 210 Queen 151 Clergy Buse, see aiso Bews " Jos, mech, C L C, res 469 Johnson " Chestnut " r- Agnes (wdi Jos), res 4 Ruby, candy mkr, J W Crothers, Ivs " Desta, studt, Ivs 4 Chestnut 469 Johnson Bushell Henry, lab, bds 130 Nelson " Maud (wid Stanley), res 153 Clergy " " Robert J, mrkt grdnr, Ivs Bath road Wm S, Ivs 28 Alma " Mrs, fur finisher, Geo Mills & Co, Nelson Bushey Harry E, contr pntr, res 3 Con- cession rd " Wesley, baker A S C, res 155 Pine Buskirk, Frank, wks Imperial Hotel, Ivs same Cab stand office No i, Clarence n s Bustard, Wm, carp, 78 Bagot near King, 'phone 490 Buster, Wm, wks C L C, res 6 Devon- Cabot, Annie, floorlady W J Crothers shire Terrace, Sydenham & Co, bds 213 Bagot Butcher, A, mech Overland Garage, bds Cadue, Jas, wks Loco Wks, res 39 King 42 Montreal Cain, see also Kane " woodwrks Anglin & Co, Richard, CAINES, J M, Proprietor Albion Ho- res 18 Pine tel, 46 Montreal 40 Butler. Clement, wks D Textile Co, " Phyllis, Ivs 46 Montreal Charles Cairns John, res 38 Union e " Elizabeth, maid Principal Taylor's, Caldback Henry J, tinsmith, res 328 91 Albert Queen " Frank, fitter C L C, res 40 Charles " John, carp Shipyard, res 52 Col- " Miss Frances, mlnr (Graham & But- borne ler), 370 Princess, Ivs 218 Barrie " Miss Martha E, Ivs 367 Alfred " Miss Helen, stenog Loco Wks, Ivs " R James, carp, res 264 Colborne l^ 218 Barrie " Miss Sarah A, drsmkr, res 367 Alfred " John, elk Loco Wrks, res 192 Divi- Caldwell W K, wks H Richardson's, res sion 71 Nelson " Mary (wid Frank), res 218 Barrie Callaghan Arthur, agt Overland Motor Butlin Wm, foreman Hooper & Slater, Car Co, res 80 Beverly res 194 Rideau " Lieut-Col Daniel, retired, Ivs 80 " Loretta, Ivs 194 Rideau Beverly Buttermore. Margaret (wid John), bds " F E, trav R J Carson, rms 161 Alfred " 178 L Bagot Harcourt V, bkpr W J Crothers & Co, Button Wm, mech Boyd's garage, bds res 46 Frontenac Queen's htl " Lillian, Ivs 169 University Byran, Lucille, bkkpr Laidlaw's, bds 248 Calvert, Geo R, elk M T Co, Ivs 217 University Stuart " Bryant. Albert, mid C L C, Ivs 93 John- Wm, guard K P, res 217 Stuart son Calvin Hiram A, retired, res 131 King e " Sandford C, retired, res 13 King " Harry, wks W J Crothers, res 223 w Colborne Cambridge, see also McCambridge Byrnes, Mary, maid, Mrs Straubenzie's, " Henry, soldier A M C, res 156 Ord- Hillside, Beverly. Ivs same nance


In CIT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET For Well-Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices

104 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Cameron, Archibald, teamster Davis' CAMPBELL tannery, Ivs 241 Victoria " Muriel, elk Geo Mills & Co, Ivs " Helena, Ivs 189 Pine 26 Pine " James H, munition vi^kr Loco Wks, ' P G C, MA, prof Queen's College, res 189 Pine overseas, res 57 George ' " John, lab, res 268 Queen Rchrcca, Ivs 200 Montreal " " Kenneth, mach C L C, Ivs 189 Pine Roy. sold, RAF, Ivs 200 Montreal " " Lucinda (v^^id Daniel), Ivs 189 Pine Miss Sarah L, elk Arthur's bakery, " Maude, Ivs 22 George Ivs 153 Pine " May, Ivs 189 Pine CAMPBELL, SAMUEL F V (Camp- Camic Sarah (wid Wm), res 200 Fron- bell Bros), Ivs 220 Albert " tenac Stanley^ painter .Robinson's, res 11 " Fred, res 400 Division York " Thos, furniture repr, res 407 Prin- Campbell, Albert, mach, Geo Wright, cess Ivs 186 Bagot " Thos jr, Ivs 407 Princess " Alexander, retired, Ivs 186 Bagot " Verne, driver Geo Robertson Son, and & CAMPBELL, A. S., civil engineer res 277 Sydenham land surveyor, res 250 Alfred CAMPBELL, WM M (Campbell Bros), CAMPBELL BROS (Samuel F V and res 141 Bagot M) Hats and Furs, 84 Prin- " Wm Wm J, carp, res 151 Pine cess " Wm R, messr Standard Bank, res " Colin, lab, res 200 Montreal 26 Pine " fitter Loco Wks, res 41 Di- David, CAMPBELL & WRIGHT (A S Cam- vision pbell and Wright) civil en- " Edith, Ivs 186 Bagot G C gineers and land surveyors, 86 " Eliza (wid Wm), res 153 Pine J, Brock " Dougald, carp, res 219 U York Campeau, Anne, tailoress, Crawford " Edith, cook, Robt Kent, Ivs 85 King & Walsh, Ivs 54 Stanley " Edward carter, res w s Beverly, J. " Clara, maid Sandford Calvin, King, 2 n King Ivs 57 John " tlrs, Ivs 393 Johnson Ethel, " " Fred, carp Shipyard, res 57 John Eliza J (wid Mathew), res 393 John- " Felix, lab, res son C L C, 54 Stanley " Grace, maid Sandford Calvin, Ivs 57 " Capt Geo H S, overseas, res 235 Col- borne John " Jennie, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 54 " Miss Gertrude, res 186 Bagot Stanley " Harold, sold, Ivs 223 Montreal " S, caretaker H Calvin. Ivs 57 John " Ivs Emily Helen, 5 Campion Alice (wid Richard), res 339 CAMPBELL, JAMES W, M D, Phy- Princess sician, Surgeon, etc; office hours " Edward C, lab Loco Wks, res 131 7 to 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Stephen telephone 455, office 150 Clergy, re- " Wm, lab C L C, res 131 Stephen sidence 235-237 Queen " Walter, Lieut, Ivs 339 Princess " Isabel, Ivs 327 Division CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO, " James, lab Loco Wks, res 117 Step- J O Hutton, General Agent, hen 18 Market, res 142 Albert " Ivs 154 Pine Jennie, " Railw^ay Nevv^s Co, Outer Depot " carter, res Beverly st John, " Truss Co, 89 Clarence " John M, eng, res 5 Emily " John, carp, res 431 Albert CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE King, P Steven- " Iva, elk Mahood Bros, Ivs Beverley cor Brock and C son, manager St w s " Ladeama, bkpr, Mahood Bros, Ivs CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES, H J Dick, local mgr, ft Johnson st Beverly w s " Miss Laura, tchr P S, Ivs 431 Albert CANADIAN EXPRESS CO, F M " May, proof reader Whig, Ivs 41 Di- Graves. Agent, 145 Princess vision " Pntg & Pub Co, 312 King e Bonds and n J. K. Carroll Agency " 56 BROCK ST. Debcntures Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


CANADIAN IMMIGRATION OFFI CARNOVSKY, Wm H, Dlr in Fruits, ce, Alex Fowler, insp, 188 Onta- fish, etc., 90-94 Brock, res 182 John- rio son CANADIAN NORTHERN EXPRESS Caron AgnR», wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 358 Co, 217 Princess, M C Dunn, agt Monti «oI " CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO, Ltd, Edw, wvr Cotton Mill, res 358 Mon- A E Jarvis (Toronto), President, . treal " Wm Casey, general manager; Emma, vvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 358 John H. Birkett, Treasurer; J Montreal " wks C L C, bds 118 Stephen J Harty, Secretary; Ontario St, Jos, ft of Earl Carpenter John, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 424 Johnson CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY " CO'S TELEGRAPH, Hop- Wm John, lab tannery, res 219 J H L Rideau pes Local Manager, 40 Clarence Carr Catherine, Ivs 46 Bagot CANAL OFFICE, Edward Fahey, Col- " Charles, lab govt, res 257 Patrick lector of Tolls, St Lawrence " Irwin, lab Loco Wks, res 46 L Ba- Canals, 12-14 Clarence got CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ' Katie ,wks Oberndorffer Cigar Fac- Uptown Ticket oflfice, F Con- tory, Ivs 46 L Bagot way, agent ' F W, mgr Dominion Express Co, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY res 21 Division Station, Clarence St " Mary Ann (wid Henry), wvr cotton CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mill, Ivs 42 Patrick Freight Shed, J. Ivey, agt, Carr-Harris, Prof, eng, res 23 Mack Clarence St " Capt F F, overseas, Ivs 23 Mack CANADIAN PRINTING & PUB- " Lieut Grant, overseas, Ivs 23 Mack lishing Co, Pub. Canadian Free- Lieut Guy, overseas, Ivs 23 Mack man, 318 King e " Lome, R M C, Ivs 23 Mack " Canadian Freeman, Rev D A Casey, Maj R R, O C 72nd Battery, res 148 editor, 318 King e Albert Cannem, Albert, carp C L C, bds 58 Carrington Ada t-vid Joseph J), res 2 "^ Rideau River st " Catherine (wid Samuel), res 35 Carroll Miss Helen, res 317 Brock Cherry " Gordon, Ivs 223 Albert " Walter, tinsmith, res 69 L Bagot CARROLL, JOHN K, Real Estate and " Martha (wid Wm), res 58 Rideau Insurance, 56 Brock, res 224 Uni- versity Cappon, James, Dean, MA, prof Queen's ' Miss Thelma. Ivs 223 Albert College, res 26 Barrie CARROLL, Carce, Edith, maid Col Leslie's, Emily WM, Merchant Tailor, 206 Princess, Carey Alexander, attndt res 223 Albert Rockwood, res " 12 Raglan rd Wm Jr, soldier, Ivs 223 Albert " Edith (wid Ven Archd W B), res CARRUTHERS, J B, retired, res Sy- 230 Brock — denham, cor Earl " '' Ivan, sergt P A M C, res 11 L Bagot Miss Kathleen, Ivs J B Carruthers " " Victor Jas, mach Loco Wks, res 34 Union e J. student vocational school. res 298 Albert Carman, Walter, soldier, res 428 King Carscadden Mrs F, Carmichael Wm D, trav Geo Robert- dietitian K G H Carscallen son & Son, Ltd, res 1 Mack Anna E (wid Benj Briscoe), Mary H, res 1 Mack res 215 Frontenac Carnegie Capt Robt, res 200 Bagot Carson, Mrs. John (widd), res No 6 Apt Villa St Clare, Carnovsky Miss Flora, Ivs 182 Johnson Barrie "^ Major Fred, overseas, Ivs 72 Barrie Camovsky, Thomas R, baker and groc, Kenneth, elk sub post R J Carson, Ivs 12 office, 668 and 670 Prin- Barrie cess, res same Orvin, overseas, Ivs 72 Barrie ^'^'^" ^"^^ SEAMLESS^^ WEDDING^•'VIIIM I1II1UU - RINGS ISSUERS OFnF MARRIAGEUABBIICr LICENSESI irCHCCC 18 K. GOLD 350 KIISTG ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save] Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES D., J. J. STEWART, Opt. Opp. Ceneral^Post Office

106 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY CARSON CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT AS- " Princess, Robert J, whol groc, 324 SOCIATION, J J Behan Grand res 72 Barrie Secretary, Head office for Canada, " T A, real estate dlr, office 322 Prin- 15 Montreal Princess (upstairs) cess, res 320 Catlin Joseph, elk Loco Wks, res 25 L " Wra H,« shell inspr Loco Wks, res University 63 William • Caton, Alfred, lab Shipyard, res 379 CART STAND, Cor Brock and On- Johnson tario Sts, Phone 837 Cattermole, Jessie S, stenog McKelvey Carter, Ada (wid Fred), Ivs 67 John &Son, res 85 Johnson " Annie (wid R C), res 57 West Robert, overseas, res 22 Russell Cartwright, Lady, res '"The Maples," " Silena (wid Fred), res 85 Johnson Cartwright's Point, Pittsburg Tp. Wm^ Henry, wks Richardson's, res " Miss Molly, Ivs Lady Cartwright 179 Collingwood " R C, mgr Frontenac Loan & Invest- Caughey Robt A, elk of Industries K ment Society, res 153 University P, res 312 Albert Carty Joseph, prin St Mary's Sch, res Cavell, Hawloy, returned soldier, bds 311 Johnson 87 Barrack Casey Mrs Agnes, bds 193 Earl Caverly, Alexander, dr Jas Swift & Co, " Rev D A, editor-in-chief "Free- res 45 King man," 315 King " John, eng Dry Dock, res 70 Quebec " Jane (wid Hiram), Ivs 72 Barrie " Mrs. Martha, Ivs 57 Union w CASEY WILLIAM, Manager Can- ^" Nathaniel, retired, res 382 Alfred adian Locomotive Co Ltd, res 213 Roy, woodwkr Hooper & Slater, Ivs 57 King e Union " S A (Caverly & Bradshaw), Cass, Annie (wid Alfred), Ivs 98 L Ba- mer cor King and Earl, res got 57 Union w W G, teamster Queen's Corps, " Chas, lab tannery ,res 98 Bagot Amb res 260 Victoria " Miss E, military nurse, Ivs Court House Cavin Gustave, chief mech eng Loco " Elizabeth, Ivs 98 Bagot Wks, res 251 Johnson " Harold, lab Davis' tannery, res 98 CAYS, DUNCAN A real estate and L Bagot broker, 57 Brock, res 128 Barrie " Mirandy, Ivs 98 Bagot CAYS, DR FREDERICK, Eye, Ear, Cassell Anne, servt W G Craig, Ivs 78 Nose and Throat Specialist, 124 Barrie Wellington, res 9 Wellington " Edw J, wks C L C, res 453 Division Chadwick Mrs Alice, Ivs 100 Bagot " Stanley, soldier overseas, res 301 --'^ CHADWICK. ALLAN, coal merchant. • Division Ontario and Place d'Armes and, Casselman, Mrs. teacher, K C I, Ivs King west, res 100 Bagot O'Kill Chas V, overseas, Ivs 213 Division Casford, Henry, shell mkr, C LC, 4 " Harford A, mgr for A Chadwick, res Concession 442 Brock " lab Loco res Helen, Ivs 217 Division Cassidy Andrew N, Wks, " 22 Simcoe Laura, Ivs 217 Division " Robt " Howard soldier, Ivs 22 Simcoe J, mach Loco Wks, res 217 Di- vision " Leo, mach C L C, Ivs 22 Simcoe " Sarah (wid Andrew), Ivs 55 John Chalkley Emma (wid Robt), res 69 " Wm Thos, driver Light Dept, res Chatham 55 John Chalmers, W H, wks C L C, res 9 Casterton Arthur, mach Loco Wks, res Mack 150 Bay Chambers Chas, carter, res 41 Rideau Caswell, John D, res 231 Victoria ' John, lab Loco Wks, res 279 Syden- Cathcart Alexander W, elk Customs Hse ham res 70 Clergy w " Prof L P, prof Queen's, res 171 Catholic Apostolic Church, 285 Queen Collingwood '"/"•'ance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds 1 36ePRINCE SSe STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINERY


Chamberlain, Beatrice. Ivs 190 Clergy CHERRY " " Ethel, Ivs 190 Clergy Oscar J, electr light dept, res 308 " George, wks E Chown & Co, res 515 Johnson Albert " Miss Pansy, elk Abernethy's, Ivs 3 " Wm, shel Imkr, C L C, res 190 Cler- York gy " Preston, mariner, res 297 Barrie " Ralph Chapman Albert, S, A C, res S, sold, Ivs 484 Barrie Q M M " 393 Division Truman, sold, res 484 Barrie " Ethel, studt K C I. Ivs 301 Albert Chidley, Wm, student vocational school " Harriet, Ivs 322 Queen Ivs 265 Johnson " Henry, btchr Anderson Bros, res Childs Gabriel, soldier A M C, res 27 25 Chatham Russell " Mrs. John, Ivs 426 Princess Chinnery Alice, wks Tile wks, Ivs 31 " Nellie C, bkkpr Carson's whlesale, Russell Ivs 301 Albert " Ellen, winder Cotton Mill, Ivs 31 " Rosanna (wid Hardy), res 301 Al- Russell bert " Frank, gardener, R M C, res 31 " Wm, wks Whig, res 82 Queen Russell " Vera, tchr Central School, Ivs 354 Chobin, Peter, sect man G T R, bds 37 Johnson Charles " contr and bldr. Chapman st, W J, CHOWN, ALBERT P, MD, Druggist, res 31 Garrett " 185 Princess, res "Edgehill," 305 Wm, bkkpr Davis' Tannery, res 220 King Queen w (overseas) CHOWN, A & CO (Alfred F & Percy Charles Edward, carp Canada S S lines, B (Zhown), wholesale res 93 William hardware, 252 Bagot " Dr Geo, retired, Ivs 80 Division " A F (A Chown & Co), res 126 Uni- Charlesworth, Chas, student, bds 98 versity William " Annie ,clk Mahood's, Ivs 325 Earl Charlton, Ernest, carp M T Co, res 230 Dorothy, dietitician Queen's Hos- Chatham pital, Ivs Sunnyside, Union " " M (wid Robt), res 92 Earl Miss Daisy G, mus tchr, Ivs 126 Uni- versity av Chart, Maud, agt for London Life As- Douglas, works Chown surance Co. Ivs 13 U Charles E & Son, Ivs 162 University " Wm, greaser M T Co, res 13 U Charles Edna, student, Ivs Sunnyside, Union " Edwin & Son (Oliver " Winnifred, cond K P & C St Ry, Ivs Chown), hard- ware 250 13 Charles Bagot " Eliz, student Queen's, Ivs 229 Albert Chase, R M, tchr, K C I, res 1 Mack " Frances J, Ivs 45 Clergy e Chatterton, Evelyn, teacher I, Ivs K C CHOWN, GEORGE Y, B A, Registrar 96 Barrie and Secretary-Treasurer Queen's " James E. Whig, comp bds 246 Uni- University, Dir Wormwith Piano versity av Co, res Sunnyside, Union w Cherbonneau, Henry, lab C L C, res 37 " Harvey R, trav E Chown & Son, res Charles (upstairs) 229 Albert Cherry, Annie (wid William), res 484 " Hubert, wks Chown's, Ivs 162 Uni- Barrie versity " Buella, elk Laidlaw's " Miss Hattie L, tchr Collegiate Insti- " Delmar, electrician Newman's, Ivs tude, bds 479 Princess 3 York " J E. trav E Chown & Son, res 325 " Geo, sold, res 294 Barrie Earl " Hilda, stenog Jackson Press, Ivs 3 " Miss May, Ivs "Sunnyside," Union York west " John, Capt (marine), res 3 York " Myrtle, student Queen's, Ivs 15 Dea- " Mrs Lily, maid Anglo-American Ho- con tel, Ivs same " Miss Netta. Ivs 325 Earl SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs )


108 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY CHOWN CITY TREASURER'S DEPART- " Oliver (Edwin Chown & Son), res ment, Oscar Bartels, City Treas- 162 University av urer, City Buildings " Olive, Ivs 162 University CITY WATERWORKS DEPART- " Percy B (A Chown & Co), res 36 ment, C C Folger, Superintend- Frontenac ent, City Buildings " Sarah (wid Wm), res 15 Deacon Clampson, see Clempson Chrisley, Jos, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs Clancy, Elizabeth, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 105 190 Ordnance Wellington ' Miss M, res 105 Wellington Christian, Wm. carp Shipyard, Ivs 41 Clapham lab, Gore Wm, res 11 Rideau Clarence Street Garage, 124 and 126 Christley, Edward, cigarmkr, Ivs 224 Clarence Queen Clarholm John, elk Loco Wks, res " 79 Mrs. Jane, bds 26 Stephen Division " Wm, barber Doyle's, res 226 Queen Clark, see also Clarke Christie, Henry, sold, bds 214 Division Clarke, Addie, nurse Home for Friend- carder Mill, Ivs Christmas Harry, Hos less Women and Childdren, Ivs 89 Collingwood 75 Union " res 91 Beverly H T, teamster, " Alice, Ivs 158 Bagot " mlnr Queen Milnry, Ivs 91 Mary, " Arthur, mach Loco Wks, res 25 U Beverley William " Stanley, dr New Eng Bakery, res 48 " Miss A M, treas McK & Birch Ltd, Elm Ivs Cataraqui " " Wm J, soldier overseas, res 263 Alice, Ivs 50 Qrdnance Queen " Chas, gardener, res 244 Victoria Cicolari Mary Claire, Ivs 201 Earl " Prof Arthur L, prof Physics Queen's, res 200 Albert Circle Murnie (wid Aaron), second hd " Benson, dr C P R, res 32 Ellis dlr, res 49-51 Princess DEPARTMENT, " Chas G. bailiff, res 158 Bagot CITY ASSESSOR'S " Catherine (wid Jas), res 92 William Mooers, Assessor, City Henry " Catherine, drsmkr, Ivs 92 William Bldgs " Charles H, gro 86 Pine, res same CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT, " Chas, retired, res 244 Victoria Dr W W Sands, city clerk, City " Colin, officer Customs Hse ,res Cat- buildings araqui CITY ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT, ' David, elk J Redden & Co, Ivs 191 R J McClelland, eng City Bldgs Brock CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, A. " Miss Emma, nurse, 209 Sydenham R B Williamson, MD, Medical CLARK, MISS EUPHEMIA (J W Health Officer, City Buildings Clark & Co), res 353 Princess CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT, C C " Edward, sold, res 239 Bagot (up- stcLirs Folger, general mgr, 19 Queen " D, elk McKelvey & Birch, res 191 CITY PARCEL DELIVERY, D J Brock Zurbrigg, 5G7 Princess " Francis, res 36 Markland " CITY REGISTRY OFFICE, J P Gil- Frank, carp, res 111 Raglan rd dersleeve Registrar, Court House " Fred, foreman C P R round hse, bds grounds 206 William " CITY SOLICITOR'S DEPARTMENT Geneva, stenog McKelvey & Birch, . bds 329 Johnson J L Whiting Solicitor, City Build- " elk Mills Co, Ivs 206 ings Geo, Geo & _ William CITY TAXI STAND, 281 King " Howard, tire repairman, Angrove CITY TAX COLLECTOR'S DE- Bros, Ivs 50 Ordnance partment, W Newlands, Collector " Gerald, fitter shipyard, res 31 On- City Buildings tario

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean A^nta 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n ' FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABl ilCAL DIRECTORY 109 CLARK CLARKE " Harold, sold, Ivs 158 Bagot " Algernon, lab, res 30 Fifth " Harriet, res 160 University av " Andrew, carter, res 28 Elm " Henry, baker Toye's, res 643 Prin- " Charles, wks gas wks, res 36 Union cess east " CLARK, JAMES W (J W Clark & Co) Edwin, soldier, res 223 Montreal res 353 Princess " Elizabeth (wid Benj), Ivs 10 Onta- CLARK. J W & CO (James and rio W " Miss Euphemia Clark), General Ethel, wks Hos Mill, bds 10 Ontario Repairers, Stationers and Rubber " Elizabeth, opr Bell Tele Co, bds 10 Stamp Mnfrs, 353 Princess Ontario " Jas, ironwkr Shipbldg Co, res 111 " Ernest, policeman, res 338 King e, Bay 3rd floor " Sergt Maj Jas, R S A, res 8 Brewery " Fred, sold, wks in Pension Office, Lane bds 229 Brock " T, James lab Gas Wks, res 22 James " George, carter, res 7 Cherry " Miss Jessie, Ivs 160 University " Herbert C, sergt Maj, pay elk R M " Miss Jessie M, Ivs 86 Pine C, res 425 Alfred " John W, driver Rapid Transit Co, res 511 Albert " Herbert M, shipper Crother's, res " John, dr A VanLuven, Rapid Tran- 134 Nelson ' sit, res Id Durham Gerald, wks K Shipbldg Co, res 31 " John W. dr Rapid Transit, res 511 Ontario Albert " Katherine, seamstress ,lvs 92 Wil- Joseph, mech Angrove's Garage, Ivs liam " 50 Ordnance J W, mach C L C, res 35 Mack " Leonard, sold. Ivs 236 Stuart Kathaleen (wid Jas), res 92 William " " Lily, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 92 Wil- Leslie, policeman, res 214 Frontenac liam " Lome, opr Opera Hse, Ivs 36 Union " " Mary (wid Wm), res 149 Division Thomas Nelson, guard K P, res 844 "^ " Miss Mary, elk Kinnear & d'Esterre, Princess " Ivs 149 Division Wm J, shoemkr, Abernethy's, res 13 " Oliver, lab tannery, Ivs 84 Quebec St Lawrence '^ Mildred. Ivs 191 Brock Clatworthy Elias, sold home guard, res " Naomi, elk Kinnear & d'Esterre, Ivs 163 Queen 147 Division " Jessie, wks McGowan's Cigar Fac- Peter, foreman Soward's, res 50 tory, Ivs 163 Queen Ordnance " X. wks McGowan's Cigar Factory, " Robt. elk McKelvey & Birch, res 78 Markland 49 James Claxton Edith A (wid Wm), res 103 L Russell, mcch Angrove Bros. Ivs Union 158 Bagot ' Matthew H. tinsmith McKelvey & " Robert J, pkr Rees Bros, res 14 Birch, res 96 U William Plum " Rupert L. paymaster Dom Textile " Walter, sold, res 187 Victoria Co, res 27 Mack " T W, mach Loco Wks, res 86 Que- Clay, Albert, orderly K G H. Ivs same bec Clayton Edw foreman M T Co, res Wesley, teamster C P R and grocer, J, 75 Ordnance res 848 Princess ' " Daniel, sold, Ivs 75 Ordnance H, Wm sergt overseas, res 2 Brew- ' Jas. mach C L C, Ivs 75 Ordnance ery Lane " lab tannery, Ivs 36 James " Jos, Wm, lab, res Regent " Katherine, Ivs 75 Ordnance " W H, barber Zl L Charles, res 107 " May (wid Martin), res 137 Bagot Stephen Cleary. Alice, opr Bell Telephone Co, " Prof res W C. 125 Centre Ivs 95 L Bagot ' Clarke, Alfred J, blksmith Cockburn's, Catherine (wid Hugh), res 117 Bagot res 31 Colborne " John, mach, Loco Wks, res 95 L Bagot SMITH BROS. ''°'' mon GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES fINE JEWELLERY When You Are in Need of Kyeslasses Reading Glasses Consult 0PT8METRIST AND OPTiCIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarenci and Wsllington Stmts, Golden Lion Block

110 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY CLARKE CLOW " " Catherine, tlrs O'Brien, Ivs 117 L Matthias (M Clow & Son), carriage Bagot and harness mfrs 471 Princess, " Miss Mary A, laundress Imp Steam res 481 Princess Laundry, Ivs 117 L Bagot " Mildred, Ivs 481 Princess " Thos H, signalman G T R, res 83 Clugston Thos, mason, res 364 Brock Hickson av " William R, mason contr, res 396 Brock Cleland Mathew, plmbr McK & Birch, Clyde Miss Florence, stenog Whig, bds Ivs 65 Livingston 79 Arch st " Robt, mldr Loco Wks, res 83 Alfred Coady John P, blrmkr, res 169 Stuart Clement, Alfred, wks cotton mill, res Coates, Ernest, dr McKelvey & Birch, 140 Stephen Ivs Raglan rd " C N, bds 140 Stephen Coates F W, jeweler and C P R br " Chas, carp, bds 92 Queen telegraph, 158 Princess, res 502 " Ephrem, mach cotton mill, res 140 Princess Stephen " Gladys, waitress Frontenac Hotel, " Laura, Ivs 277 King bds 129 Raglan rd " Lizzie, Ivs 363 Bagot " Sarah Jane, res l52 Raglan Rd " Webster, lab Swift's, res 202 Col- Cobb, Ernest, wks Donoghue's, res 34 borne Cherry " Wm, dr McFaul's, res 202 Colborne " Clayton, student, bds 64 Union " Leona, wks cotton mill, Ivs 140 Cobet Annie, forelady Crother's, Ivs Stephen 213 Bagot " Mrs Leonora, (wid Dr Leonard), " Ivo L A, mason contr, res 213 Bagot bds 120 Wellington Coburn, see also Cockburn Clenahan, see also Callaghan Cochrane Christina (wid Rev Wm), res " Earl, shipper E Chown & Co, Ivs 70 164 Frontenac Colborne " Isabella, Ivs 112 William " Frank, bellyman Wormwith's ,lvs 39 " Edw Jas, retired, res 178 University Main " Hy Gilbert, mgr Randolph, Ivs 178 " George, butcher cor Barrie & Colborne, University " Ivs 49a Main Jas B, elk P O, Ivs 164 Frontenac " Ivs 178 Uni- " John E, pntr M T Co, res 39 Main Walter, electr R M C, " John, driver R H Toye & Co, res versity 70 Colborne Cockade, Wm G. capt K F D, res 130 " Maggie, Ivs 39 Main Division " Mary, servt Miss Garbutt, Ivs 296 Cockburn Albert, soldier, Ivs 32 York University " Bella (wid Hurst), res 112 William " " Thos, baker militia, res 49 Main John, plmbr, res 32 York " " Wm, butcher, Ivs 49 Main Sarah (wid Wm), Ivs 140 Bagot General Clench, Annie, Ivs 98 Victoria COCKBURN, WILLIAM, Ontario, res 140 " Eliza (wid Jas), Ivs 98 Victoria Blacksmith 277 Bagot CliflF Jas A, Sergt-Maj, res 3 Miller's " hardware elk. res 243 Queen Lane W H, " Stuart, bkpr, Ivs 32 York Clifford, Walter, soldier, res Macdon- " Wm jr, elk Botsford & Nicol, Ivs nell st n 140 Bagot Clogg Miss Lizzie E, Ivs 228 Johnson Cockrell, W H, sold, Ivs 32 Ontario Clough Elsie, studt, Ivs 23 Pine Cody. John, lab, 274 Wellington " Grace, music tchr, Ivs 23 Pine Coe Chas, dyer Warwick Bros, res 11 " Thos, retired, res 23 Pine John " Miss J, school tchr, Ivs 260 Division Coffey, David, overseas, res 228 Raglan Clow Emily (wid Franklin), res 276 rd University " Jane (wid Thos), Ivs 69 Arch " Fred M, machine agt ,res 470 Albert " Robert, carp contr, res 35 U William " John, Ivs 276 University " Wm. mach C L C, res 315 Johnson Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance Specialize in Cliildren's and '

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


Coffin, Henry, motonnan St Railway, COLLINS bds 157 Sydenham " Wm S, fitter Bishop's Machine Shop,

Coglan, Isaac, retired, res 1 Park . res 56 Wellington Coghlin, Eliz (wid), nurse, bds 209 Syd- ColHnson John S, soldier 146th Batt, enham res 480 Montreal " Capt M F, A M C, res 251 Brock Colquhoun, Jas, eng C P R, res 522 Cohen Dora, stenog T Lockhart, Ivs Princess 214 Sydenham Comer Miss Bessie M, stenog, Ivs 80 " Isaac, whlsle metal mer, res 209 Division Queen " Edna, bkkpr Dr J F Sparks, Ivs 80 Division " Isfoiel, ladies & gents tlr, res 267 Princess " George W H. retired, res 80 Division " Joseph, ladies' tlr 203 Wellington, Commodore Rose, waitress Albion htl, res same Ivs same " " L, grocer, res 214 Sydenham Lillie, domestic Albion htl, Ivs same " S, confectionery and ice cream plr, Compeau. Lily, maid, Capt Leslie, Ivs 168 Ontario 23 West ' Fred, ship carp, res 57 John Colclough John, packer Robertson's, " Patrick, marine fireman, Ivs 57 John res 349 Alfred " Sarah, Ivs 57 John " Rose, stenog Robertson Groc Co, " Thos, pilot, res 234 University Ivs 349 Alfred Compton Chas, decorator, res 257 Cole, Ethel, wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 157 L Brock Bagot " George J, mail carrier, res 68 Nel- " Geo Edwr, fireman Dom Textile Co, son res 157 L Bagot " James, gardener, res Id Arch " Samuel, lab Davis' tannery, res 54 " Mary Rose, stenog Frontenac Loan L Rideau & Investment Co, Ivs 206 Fronte- " Walter, wks C L C, res 79 Gore nac " " Margaret, Ivs 20 Sydenham Mildred, student K C I, Ivs 68 Nel- Coleman Prof H T J, dean Education son Faculty, res "Roselawn" Union w " Wm Henry, retired, res 206 Fron- " Mrs Michael F, cook R S Waldron, tenac Ivs 31 King e Comrie Robt, bkkpr Anglin's, res 131 " Eliz, Ivs 6 First Nelson M F, elk Armouries, res 351 Johnson Conboy, Annie ,dom Prof Gummer, Ivs '' Wni, res 6 First 143 Collingwood COLLEGE BOOK STORE, Jos Nash, Conley, see also Connolly " n-igr, 160-162 Princess A J, soldier, res Zl Clarence " Collett Emily (wid Benj), Ivs 85 John- Becky, elk Waldron's .Ivs Adelaide son " Catherine (wid James), res 62 Bay " Joseph, carter, res 281 Division COLLEGE INN CIGAR STORE, 202 ' Kathleen, Kingston Hosiery Co, Ivs Princess, W J Baker, Prop 62 Bay COLLIER, S, Gent's Furnisher, D 214 " Luella, Ivs 62 Bay Princess st, res upstairs " Samuel, mason, res Adelaide st Collins, Catherine (wid Jas), res 94 L Bagot Conlan John, stonecutter, res 305 Di- vision Ella, elk Laidlaw's, bds 192 Division " Frank, lab Can Oil Co. res 12 James Connell. Hendry, Lieut A M C, Ivs 25 " Helen, stenog Poison's. Ivs 26 Ellis West " " Kathleen, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 56 Elizabeth. Ivs 98 Clergy W Wellington " Jaines, retired, res 98 Clergy w " Norton mach Loco Wks, res 182 Mon- CONNELL, JAMES C, Oculist and treal aurist, office hours 10 to 12 am, 2 " Peter, lab, res 26 Ellice to 5 pm, 7.30 to 9 pm, 265 King e^ Walter, marine capt, res 43 Main cor Johnson; 'phone 393; res 25 " Sadie, drsmkr, Ivs 56 Wellington West, 'phone 365 Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUKE

112 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY CONNELL COOK " " Wm S, trav, res 431 Brock Thomas H, trav W J Crother's, res " Walter T, MD and O C Queen's 327 Earl Military Hospital, res Queens- COOK, WM, Superintendent Dom Tex- cote, 11 Arch tile Co, res "Brierfield Hse" 251 Connolly, see also Conley Rideau " Thos), res 140 Queen Catherne (wid " Violet, studt Queen's University, Ivs " res 48 Patrick Ed J, sold R C H A, 270 Johnson " Charlotte, Ivs 30 Aberdeen " W VV. guard K P, res 308 Albert " (wid Thos), res 30 Aber- Elizabeth " Wm, lab City Parks, res 32 Main deen Cooke. Allan, studt. Ivs 171 Union " tchr Victoria Sch, Ivs 30 Hattie, " Chas H, lab tannery, res 199 Col- Aberdeen " borne Wm. wks C L C. res 1 Jenkin " Florence E, stenog J B Cook, Ivs Conner H, res 157 Frontenac 199 Colborne " Hazel, mlnr Miss Adams^ 225 Al- FRANCIS W, mnfrs agt, fred, Ivs 157 Frontenac COOKE, " Jennie, drsmkr, Ivs 157 Frontenac office 39 Clarence, res 219 Bagot " Connor, see also O'Connor Henry, overseas, res 212 Montreal " " Herbert H, trav Kingston Milling Co, Alfred J, elk Poison's, Ivs 136 Divi- sion res 517a Albert " Amy (wid Frederick), 134 Division, " Hugh G, elk Henderrson's groc, res res same 29 Garrett " Dorothy, deputy registrar County " Kenneth, opr C P R Tele Co, Ivs 327 Office, Ivs 134 Division Earl " Fred, mail carrier, res 45a Main " Joseph B, dist Mgr Imp Life Assce Co " J W^ sold, res 575 Princess 332 King e, cor Brock, res 171 " Wm. wks Frost's City Storage, Ivs Union w 120 Barrie " Jos E. bkpr, Ivs 171 Union CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, O F " Maj H P, dep reg Military Service Telgmann director, 216 Fronte- Act, City Hall, res 632 Princess nac ' Oscar F, stage mgr Grand Opera Conroy Mary (wid Michael), res 305 Hse, bds 163 Sydenham Alfred " Thomas P, photographer, 159 Wel- Contraiel, Chrisfefi, Ivs 16 St. Lawrence lington, res same " Frank, mach C L C, res 16 St. Law- " Wm, gardener city pk, Ivs 32 Main rence Coon Dr D A, surgery, 189 Brock^ res Constantine Mrs (wid C F), res 154 same Earl " Eva, V A D overseas, Ivs 189 Brock Convery, Mrs Ilee Leonor, bds 1 Jen- " H A, insp. of potatoes .Ivs 189 Brock kin " L W. cashier Can Exp Co, bds 275 " Robt, lab Gas Wrks. res 85a Main Brock " Mr. chauffeur. Ivs 135 Union " Mary, studt, Ivs 189 Brock CONWAY, FRANK, Freight and Pas- " Vernon, studt, Ivs 210 Sydenham Agent R, cor Prin- senger C P Cooling, see also Couling cess and Wellington, res loi see also Couper Union e Cooper, " " Jas, tlr Tweddells, bds 56 William Albert, lab, Richardson's elevator, Cook or Cooke bds 157 Montreal " Arthur, foreman cotton mill, Ivs 251 ' Carmel, cashier C P R Freight Dept, Rideau Ivs 71 L Bagot " ' Montreal Bertha, servant Rev W T G Brown, George J, elk. res 157 Ivs 181 William " Geo, lab, res 418 Johnson " Dora, Ivs 251 Rideau " Henry, cond C P R, res 71 Bagot ' Ella, Ivs 171 Union w " John, lab, bds 47 Concession " Gordon, wks C L C. bds 115 Patrick " Lieut P C, bds 250 Barrie " Mrs Mamie, bkkpr Daily Standard, " Thos, munition wkr Loco Wks, res res 163 Sydenham 375 Division Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debenture^! FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY V3

Cooperain, Mae, maid, Mrs A Carter, CORNELIUS 57 West " James, slsmn Jas Redden & Co, res Coplen. Frank, lab CLC, bds 101 Queen 302 University COPLEY, THOMAS, Carpenter and " John A, undertkr S S Corbett, res Builder, 58 Queen, res 19 Pine 33 (a) Main Coppins, Fred, lab CLC, res 44 Que- " Nora, elk Mcintosh Bros, Ivs 33 bec Main " Coray, Wm, lab cotton mill, res 283 Di- Robt J. soldier, Ivs 678 Princess vision Cornett Gordon, Ivs 234 Albert Corbett, Miss B E, elk Bk Montreal, res " Rebecca (w^id Wm), res 234 Albert 4 Couper Cornish, David, lab CLC, res 129 Ste- " Lucile. std. Ivs 79 Alfred phen " Rosalind, Ivs 4 Couper Cornwall Jennie, servt H D Bibby, Ivs CORBETT, SAMUEL S, Funeral Di- 28 Barrie rector, 246 Princess ,lvs Victoria " Beulah, lab, K Hosiery Co, Ivs 5 near Concession rd Johnson Corrigan, Catherine, Ivs 224 Johnson " Bernard, shipper Dom Tex Co, res S.S. CORBETT 146 Bagot Dry Goods Funeral Director and CORRIGAN, CHARLES J, 174 Princess, res 238 Johnson Embalmer " Daniel, Ivs 224 Johnson " Edw, shellmkr Loco Wks, Ivs 14 246 PRINCESS ST. Corrigan " Emma, bds and bkpr T Nicholson, TELEPHONE 143. William, cor Ontario Residence Victoria, near Concession Rd. " Miss Evelyn, cigarmkr McGowan's, Motor Ambulance in connection with bds 22 Patrick business. CORRIGAN, FRANCIS, dry gds mer, 174 Princess, res 35 Clergy w " G C, elk Ordnance Corps, Ivs 47 Corby Robt, blksmith K P, res 466 Earl Johnson " Helen. Ivs 238 Johnson Corcoran, A, wks Revere Hse, res 9 " Jennie T, bkkpr Metropolitan Life ins Barrack CO, Ivs 47 Earl " Henry, blksmith ,res 395 Division " Margaret, minr Corrigan's, Ivs 58 L " John, retired, res 9 Barrack Bagot " John (Corcoran Bros), blksmith, res " Margaret (wid Daniel), res 224 John- 49 L Bagot son " Thos, fireman CLC, res 283 Mont- " Michael, carp M T Co, res 73 Bagot real " Miss Ellen, Ivs 58 Bagot " Wm, blksmith, Ivs 395 Division " Patrick, wks Loco Wks, res 107 Corey, Chas, mach CLC, res 335 Divi- L Bagot " sion P J, elk C J Corrigan, Ivs 58 Bagot " Nellie, maid. 100 Bagot, Ivs same '* Rose, Ivs 57 Bagot " Corkey, see also Korkey Rose. Ivs 14 Corrigan " " Ethel, elk J Laidlaw & Son, Ivs 53 Mrs. Sarah J, res 14 Corrigan Rideau Cosby Elizabeth, Ivs 107 King w " Capt John, pilot C S L, res 53 Ri- " Fred, barber, 32 Montreal st, Ivs deau 107 King w " Miss Kathleen, Ivs S3 Rideau " Jane (wid Chas), res 107 King w " Malcolm, retired, res 252 Montreal " Mary, res 107 King Cornelius, Alex, sold, 678 Princess Cota F E, lab Loco Wks, res 347 Prin- " Cecil, elk Mahood Bros, Ivs 33a cess (upstairs) Main " John, lab. res 8 Orchard " Geo, sold, res 678 Princess " Ross, lab, Ivs 8 Orchard



Cote, Ernest, mach C L C, res 82 On- Couper, see also Cooper tario " Agnes, Ivs 772 Princess " Ernest, mach C L C, res 256 Victoria " Bert, music tchr, Ivs lid Princess " " David, mach C L C, Ivs 256 Victoria Chas, brakeman C P R, res 31 Ri- " Paul, soldier, res 11 Hickson ave deau " Jos, lab cotton mill, Ivs 48 L Rideau COUPER, DANIEL, Grocer, Flour and Cotman George, wks Loco Wks, res 22 Feed and Manufacturer of Cou- George per's Pure Baking Powder, 341- " George, provincial police, res 2 343 Princess, res 776 Princess Chestnut " Doris, Ivs 31 Rideau " Miss Miriam, res 772 Princess " Gertie, Ivs 2 Chestnut Coure, Robt, carp L " Maud, opr Hos Mill, Ivs 22 George C C Courtney, John, sold, bds 194 Division " Hosiery Mill, Ivs 22 Mildred, mach Cousins, Ed, wrks John McKay Ltd, George res 2A9 Johnson " Wm, lab M T Co, Ivs -22 George " Robt, watchman Richardson's eleva- Cotter Charlotte, res 24 Division tor, res 161 Alfred " James, policeman, res Princess 2nd Coventry, Frederick, wks Shipyard, res hse vf Bath Rd 5 Barrack Cottrall, Thos, sold, res 17 Russell Cox Miss A, opr C P R Tele office, bds Couling, see also Cooling 294 University " " Monty, retired, res 41 Stanley Blanche, opr C P R Tele Co. bds 294 University Coulson, Douglas, wks C L C, bds 46 Coxall, Walter, tinner, McKelvey Earl & Birch, Ivs 453 Alfred Coulson, Douglas, wks C L C, bds 46 Coxworthy, Geo, mach C L C, 27>^ Earl Hickson " Louise (wid Jas), res 43 King west " Mary (wid Edgar), elk Newman & Cowel, May. waitress Scouten Restau- Shaw, Ivs 43 King w rant, Ivs 343 King " Richard, overseas, res 116 L Bagot Cowan Emma (wid Edw), bdg hse, res Coulter, Albert W, cheesemaker, res 9 181 Division Cowdy Coward George B, pntr, res 386 Albert " Chas^H, grdnr. grocer & Bell Tel " Geo, student, Ivs 143 Pine pay stn, res 909 Princess " Eleanor, Ivs 143 Pine " Counter Isabella, companion 152 Fron- Kirk, elk Macnee & Minnes, Ivs 386 tenac, Ivs same Albert " slsmn Waldron, res " Lottie, opr (tel) Queen's Hospital, Mark W. R W bds 205 Alfred 143 Pine Cowelly, Marshall, sailor, Sowards Coal Countrel Frank, mach Loco res Wks, Co, res 138 Stephen 16 St Lawrence Cowie Robert, carp Hooper & Slater, res Countryman Annie (wid Thomas), res 21 John 4 Redan Coyle Anna (wid James), res 7 Aber- COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, deen John L Whiting, KC, Attorney, " Catherine, Ivs 7 Aberdeen Court House " Elizabeth, elk Steacy's, Ivs 66 Bay " COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, J W Emily, cashier Waldron's, Ivs 66 Bradshaw Clerk, Court House Bay " COUNTY COURT CLERK and Clerk Enroy, studt, Ivs 7 Aberdeen " of the High Court Justice, T Henry Jos, wks Loco Wks, res 259 Milne Asselstine, Court House King e " Henry lab, res 127 Montreal COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE, Jno J, " Irene, Ivs 7 Aberdeen Gibson, Registrar, Court House. " lona, Ivs 7 Aberdeen " COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Jas J, lab, res 82 Division David Purdy Treasurer, Court " John, lab Anglin's, res 66 Bay House " Kathaleen, elk Maclean's, Ivs 66 Bay

J. K. Carroll Agency Bonds and 56 BR.OCK ST. Debentures AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE r^ CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 115 COYLE CRAWFORD " Leo, cab driver, Ivs 66 Bay " Broom Factory, Geo Crawford mgr & " Leo, dr H F Price, res 8 St Cath- prop, 400-412 King e arine " Ed, painter C L C, res 211 Montreal " Miss Rose, elk Abernethy's, Ivs 66 " Edna, Ivs 460 Barrie Bay ' Evelyn, Ivs 327 Division " Roswald, Ivs 7 Aberdeen " Frances, elk Golden Lion Grocery, " Teresa, ivs 7 Aberdeen Ivs 165 Division " ' Wm J, boilermkr Loco Wks, Ivs 177 Frank, foreman Loco Wrks, res 246 Sydenham Barrie " " Wm J, studt, Ivs 82 Division George, broom mfg 400-412 King e, Coyne. M A (wid Matthev^^), Ivs 236 res 269 L'niversity ave University " Jas, marine capt, C S L, res 165 Craig Delerene, studt, Ivs 91 William w Division " blksmith Wellington st, res 460 " Ernest, paper agt, Ivs 69 John Jas, Barrie CRAIG, J. ARTHUR W (W G Craig CRAWFORD, JAMES, 182 Princess, & Co), res 75 Union w and Proprietor J. Y. Parkhill & " Ernest, soldier, Ivs 69 John Co, 239 Princess, res 327 Division " Jean, elk Standard Bank, Ivs 140 Johnson " Jas Stuart, manager Jas Crawford, " Eleanor (wid Wm). Ivs 354 Brock res 2>7Z Alfred " James, retired, res 69 John st CRAWFORD, JOHN J (Crawford & " James A, retired, res 85 Clergy w Walsh), res 368 Albert " " D M, mech Anglin's garage, Ivs 354 Mrs Jas, Ivs 92 Victor-a Brock " Jane (wid John), res 228 Sydenham " " James, manuf agt and bkkpr for Jennie, cashier Anderson's, Ivs 165 Nickle, Farrell & Day, res 140 Division Johnson " John A, opr. C P R, res 427 Alfred " " John, Dr, dentist. Ivs 140 Johnson John, shipper Robertson Groc Co, " John, cond C P R, res 91 William res 204 Rideau " " Joseph A, eng Dairy School, ivs Kenneth R, soldier Dept Battalion, 354 Brock Ivs 368 Albert " " Miss Louise, Ivs 376 Albert Loretta, Ivs 165 Division " Division " Samuel, mid C L C, res 12 Charles Overton. R A F, Ivs 165 " " Reginald, elk R Crawford, res 25 Dr V H, Capt, C A M C. Ivs 376 Al- Mack bert " Miss Rhea, Ivs 368 Albert " Rev secretary for Wm, Sydenham St CRAWFORD, ROBERT, Coal and Methodist Ch, res 376 Albert Wood, foot of Queen and 309 CRAIG, WM G (W G Craig & Co), King w, res 24 Barrie res 78 Barrie " Robt, piano tuner Wormwith & Co, " Mrs Wm, res 1 Couper st res 73 Ordnance CRAIG, WILLIAM H, Major overseas " Samuel, manager Kingston Coal Co, (W G Craig & Co), res 109 Gore res 124 Division " CRAIG, W G & CO, (Wm G. Craig, Miss Sarah, Ivs 293 Johnson " Wm, res 110 Barrack JAW Craig, W H Craig), whol " G. watchmkr Coates, bds grocers and tea importers, 229-235 Wm F W Ontario 92 Queen " wks Poison's, res 89 Queen Crallin Wm, carter, Ivs 106 Montreal Wm, (upstairs) CRAWFORD & WALSH (John J Crane. Mrs W A, Ivs 499 Division Crawford, Edwin Walsh), Mer- Crawford Arnold, lab Loco Wks, bds 35 chant tailors, 155 Princess Brock Creche, the, day nursery, 391 Barrie " Edna, Ivs 460 Barrie Crellian, Michael, cont, res 9 Russell Crawford Evelyn. Ivs 327 Division Creer Charles, asst mgr Imp Steam " Doris, Ivs 24 Barrie Laundry, res 535 Albert RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS,, • - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


Creighton, Dr, optician, res 309^ Johnson CROWLEY " " R J, millman, Wormwith Piano Co, Mary E (wid Charles W). res 110 Ivs 244 Wellington Ordnance CRESCENT WIRE WORKS (Fran- Crown Cafe, 203 Princess cis Partridge), King w, Francis CROZIER, FRED (Hanson, Crozier & Partridge, prop, res 144 Colling- Edgar, Printers, 20 Market st), wood Ivs 162 York " Crisp, Miss Harriet, Ivs 33 Pembroke Jas, wks K G H, Ivs same " Miss Sophie, res 33 Pembroke " Jack, wks Home's Bottling Works, Crissley, Caret, wks Callaghan's Gar- Ivs 146 Ontario " age, res 68 York Jas, blrmkr, Ivs 162 York " Cristley, Stanley, mach Anglin's Gar- Herbert, broommkr, Ivs 162 York " age, res 34 Main Mary (wid Thomas), res 162 York " Cromein. Martha (wid Lawrence), Ivs Wm Chas, foreman Wormwith's, res 472 Al&ert 381 Division Crocker, Col Randolph, res 21 Syden- Crumley Charles, sold, Ivs 7 L Charles ham " Edith (wid Alex), res 7 Charles Crooker, R H, gard Prof Coleman's, Ivs " Miss Ethel, Ivs 7 L Charles same. Union " Henry S, elk Newman & Shaw, res Crosier, Jas, soldier. Armouries, res 10 58 Union w Vine Cruse Arthur, soldier, Ivs 136 Alfred " Cross Sergt Chas, soldier, res 223 Sy- James caretkr K C I, res 136 Alfred denham " John F, elk Geo Robertson & Son, " Emeline, hskpr, Flynn's, 129 Dur- res 147 Nelson ham " Miss Laura, elk N C Poison & Co, " Mrs. maid Hotel Fiontenac, Ivs Ltd, ivs 136 Alfred same Crystal Bottling Works, 471 Princess, " Olive, wks K Steam Laundry, Ivs Mrs A Tyo, prop 390 Division Crystal Ice Cream Parlor, Geo Sakell " Wm, jobber, res 390 Division mgr, 180 Princess Grossman Celia (wid Ed), Ivs 162 Earl Cuccio, Frank, lab Loco Wks, res 18 Crosthwai'te, Lieut C A S C, bds 395 Markland Brock Cuddeford. Thos, night watchman C P R Co, bds 29 Brock Crothers, see also Carruthers Cudden Thos W, tanner Davis Tannery, '* Ivs 179 Earl Florence, res 112 Patrick " Hutchinson, Ivs 179 Earl trav Imperial " Muriel, Ivs 179 Earl Culcheth J B, Tobacco Co, " res 517 Albert Norman, mgr W J Crothers & Co, res 158 Earl CuUan, Wm T, baker, Crothers, W J & Co, res 65 Frontenac CROTHERS, WM J &.CO, Biscuit and Confectionery mfrs, 207-209 Wel- Culhane, Geo. eng S Anglin & Co, res lington, res 179 Earl 91 Rideau Alfred, overseas, res Fronte- CROTHERS, W J, KING ST BAK- Cullen, 65 ery, 302 King E, Bakery and nac Confectionery " Edward, blrmkr Loco Wks, Ivs 212 " prop Crothers Co, res King e Wm J, W J & " 179 Earl Elizabeth, elk O F R A, Ivs 65 Frontenac " jr, sec-treas Crothers & Wm J W J " Geo. elk Cullen's groc, Ivs 65 Fron- Co, res 456 Princess tenac Crowley, Ignatious J, architect Loco " Joseph, groc cor Alfred and Prin- Wks, Ivs 110 Ordnance cess, res 335 Alfred " John W, retired, res 373 Johnson " Mamie, Ivs 212 King e CROWLEY LAWRENCE E, MD, " Nellie, bkkpr Jos Cullen, Ivs 65 Physician, Ivs 110 Ordnance, of- Frontenac fice hrs 9 to 11 am, 2 to 4 and " Wm, ret, res 65 Frontenac 7 to 9 pm; Phone 1598 Culpack Mrs Barbara, res 314 University

J. K. Carroll Agency dominion ufe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. KEEP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For nre msuraoce. phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 117 Cumming Caroline (wid Geo), res 269 Curran Mary (wid Lawrence), Ivs 27 Brock John Cummings. Margaret, stenog C L C, " Clayton, guard Rockwood, res 35 bds 86 Division Sixth Cummings Wm, checker Loco Wks, Currell, Adelaide, wks Dom Textile Co, bds 39 King Ivs 47 John " Wm, barber, bds 340 Barrie " Eliza (wid Jas), res 47 John " Fred, cook, Queen's Hospital, bds " Elsie, wks Dom Textile Co, Ivs 57 212 King John " James, blksm C L C, res 38 Charles Curry, Hugh, wks C L C, res 266 John- Cummins Capt David, marine capt, res son 163 Division " Catherine, nurse, Ivs 266 Johnson CUNNINGHAM, LIEUT-COL A B, Currier. Peter, lav Loco Wks, Ivs 1 barrister, solicitor, &c., 79 Clar- Upper Chestnut ' ence, res 169 Earl Peter, tanner, bds 1 Chestnut " Alice, Ivs 56 Bay Curson Jean, Ivs 21 Frontenac " " Bridget (wid Daniel), res 258 Rideau S, retired, res 21 Frontenac " Charles, candymkr, res 56 Bay Curtis Donald, res 556 King st w " " George, soldier A S C, bds 379 Earl Francis, Ivs 556 King w " " David, piano mkr, res 21 King Frederick, bds 105 Colborne " " David, prtr Jackson Press, Ivs 85 Olive (wid Piatt), Ivs 556 King w " Johnson (rear) Wm, barber, res 329 Queen " Florence, Ivs No 3 Apt, Villa St Curry Orville, soldier overseas, res 361 Clare, Barrie Bagot " " Harold, lab Lemmon & Son, res 57 Miss Norva, studt, Ivs 361 Bagot Livingston Curzon. Benjamin, blksmith C L C, res " Miss Ida, Ivs 479 Princess 103 Queen " " James, soldier Home Guard, res 59 Benj L, wks Wormwith's, Ivs 103 Bay Queen " John A, prop Exchange restaurant " Miss Eva, Ivs 1P3 Queen " 23 Brock, res same Gene, elk Athanas, Ivs 21 Frontenac " " JoJin, soldier, res 14 Collingwood Walter, chauffeur militia dept, Ivs 41 " John, mach C L C, Ivs 49 Charles James " " John, tanner, res 49 Charles J W, barber, 236 Ontario, res same " Katie, drsmkr, Ivs 258 Rideau Gushing Agnes, Ivs 89 Gore " Katie (wid John), bds 479 Princess " Agnes (wid Thos), res 89 Gore " Margaret (wid Henry), res 169 Earl " Kathleen, mlnr Miss Greaza's, Ivs 89 " Miss Margaret, Ivs 169 Earl Gore " Mary A, school tchr, Sydenham school " Stella, Ivs 89 Gore Ivs 94 Earl Cusick Walter, mgr College Inn Cig^ar " Mary (wid Henry), res No 3 Apt, store, Ivs Barrie Barrie Villa St Clare, CUSTOM HOUSE, Strachan, Archi- " Matthew, elk Wartell's shoe store, bald, Collector, King, cor Clarence res 17 John " Sarah(wid Samuel H), r<'« 18 Deacon CUSTOM'S EXAMINING WARE- " Thomas, retired, res 240 Brock house, Thos Driver appraiser, 8- " 10 Market W J, caretaker Y M C A Caperson, Chas, soldier, res 41 Raglan Cutbrush Lieut S C, R M C, res 207 rd Frontenac Curl Geo, munition wkr Loco Wks, res Cutherson, Mary, maid Alwington Hse 222 King e " R, soldier, res 246 Montreal Curlett. Annie, maid Col Wilson, 120 » Barrie, Ivs same Curragh, James, mach K Foundry, res Dacey, Mary (wid John), maid T Rob- 10 Stuart ertson's, Ivs 82 Union " Madeline, bkkpr Maple Leaf Milli'ng Dafnas, Chas, candymkr Sakell's, res Co, Ivs 10 Stuart 163 Sydenham SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King St STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office

118 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY DAFNAS DALY, p WILMOT, Dentist, 129 ". G, elk New York fruit store, Ivs 314 Princess, office hours, 9i am to Princess 12.30 pm and 1.30 to 5 pm, bds Dainard, Ernest J, mach Chevrolet Co, 151 Earl bds 35 King " Oliver, returned soldier, armouries, Dainty Chas H, boilermkr Kingston res 116 Stephen " Foundry, res 106 Gore Wm J (capt), res 122 Earl " Nellie, bkkpr K Shipbldg Co, Ivs Dalzelle, Lulu, Ivs 365 (upstairs) King 106 Gore E Daire, Jean, bkkpr Midland Shoe Co, " Mary (wid Howe), Ivs 365 (upstairs) 174 Montreal King E " Neil, tinsmith Simmons Bros, Ivs " E F, pntr Loco Wks, res 365 King e 174 Montreal D'Apelng Fred, chemist N C Poison, " retired, res 174 Montreal Wm, res 59 Pembroke Dalby Miss Louise, mlnr Queen Milnry Darley Mary (wid A M), res 474 Barrie Ivs 360 Barrie Darling Grace H, drsmkr tchr, " W H, groc broker, 86 Brock, res 70 & music Nelson Ivs 546 Albert " Katie Dale Ernest, fur cutter John McKay, (wid Chas), res 6 James " Sarah bds 167 Division (wid Noble), res 546 Albert " Thomas, gen work bds, 241 " Jas S, soldier C A S C, res 2 Clow's Division Terrace, Quebec Darragh A J. managing slsmn Singer " Wm E, bkkpr, res 31 Cowdy Sewing Mach Co, res 236 Earl " Daley, see also Daly Evelyn, Ivs 236 Earl George, foreman " Bertram, soldier, Ivs 38 Wellington Loco Works, res 172 King " F, gardener, res 221 Earl " Geo P, carp Ivs " Joseph, elk P O, Ivs 38 Wellington Loco Wks, 172 King e " Mamie, maid R E Kent, Ivs 85 King " Gertrude, bds 255 " Minnie D, Ivs 38 Wellington Montreal " H, retired, bds 255 Montreal " Patrick, compositor Whig office, res " Helen, Ivs 38 Wellington 172 King " John, mach C, Ivs Dalgleish, Eva, nurse, Ivs 30 Garrett C L 236 Earl " Dalman A, res 394 Barrie Mary, bkkpr Price's Dairy, Ivs 236 Earl Dalton, C P (Da4ton & Sons), res 123 Beverly Daryaw Chauncey, Capt Str Ford Riv- er, res 16 " Arthur (Dalton Sons), Ivs 54 Rideau J & " Johnson Frank, sailor, res 50 Bay " " Leonard, Ivs 54 Johnson Capt Henry, "Mearl," res 59 John " Dash, Ed, clerk armouries, Ivs 195 Col- & Sons (Wm B, J Arthur and W Bartlett), wholesal hardware, cor borne Princess and Ontario Daunt Jane (wid Joseph), Ivs 117 King west " Wm B (Dalton & Sons), res, 54 Johnson Davane, Maggie, millhand Dom Textile " W Bartlett (Dalton & Sons), Ivs 54 Co, bds 19 Charles Johnson Davey, see Davie and Davy " Daly, see also Daley Alice (wid Geo), res 48 Quebec " Agatha, Ivs 120 Earl Davidson, see also Davison " Agnes, servant, Ivs 154 King " Miss Annie, tchr Cataraqui sch, res " Miss Annie M, res 212 Albert 405 Princess " Edmund T, traveller Dayton Scale " C S, eng C P R, res 36 Welington Co, Toronto, Ivs 122 Earl " Daniel, barber F Elmer, Ivs 159 Syd- " Geo W, gen acct Loco Wks, Ivs 122 enham Earl " Miss Dorothea, Ivs 48 Clergy " Miss Kathleen, Ivs 212 Albert " Edw, appren Whig office, Ivs 164 " Madge, slslady Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 54 Ontario Rideau " Eliza (wid Thomas), Ivs 48 Clergy " Margaret (wid James), res 54 Rideau " Miss Helen, elk J Cullen, Ivs 447 " Margaret ,lvs 122 Earl Albert 1

J. K. Carroll Agency ^^'^SrcTA-rr 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 119 DAVIDSON DAVIS " Margaret (wid Edw), res 164 On- " James, picture framer Mldg Co, re« tario, bdg hse 121 Stephen " Robert, carp, res 254 University " James T, dentist, Ivs 36 Sydenham " Roy, plmbr, Ivs 133 Clergy Jas, moulder Frontenac Moulding " Thos A, inst K P, res 49 Pembroke Co, res 121 Stephen " Wm, mason, res 12 Sixth " Mary (wid Jas), Ivs 36 Sydenham Davie Miss Barbara, Ivs 175 Montreal DAVIS, MATTHEW R, Inspector of " B Jean, bkkpr Midland Shoe Co, res Steamboat Hulls and Equipment, 174 Montreal office 12-14 Market, res 318 Uni- " Ross, gas maker Civic Utilities, res versity Montreal " Harold W, sec-treas Davis Tannery, Davies Sarah (wid Wm), res 83 Pine res 174 Stuart " Oram, elk P A Haffner's Grocery, " N R, mining geologist, Ivs 28 Fron- Ivs 83 Pine tenac " Wm Co Ltd, John Booth, mgr, " Peter, res 35 Union e btchrs, 86 Princess " Raymond, fireman K F D, res 93 SONS, Ltd, Hon E Da- Colborne DAVIS A & J " vis President, Elmer Davis Vice- Richard, Ivs 19 Sydenham " President, Tanners, Lower Rideau Ross M guard K P, res 200 Stuart street Roy, plumber .res 133 Clergy " " Alice (wid Arthur P), grocer}', res 337 Ruth, Ivs 210 Union " Queen Wm C, shoemkr 395 Princess, bds " Chas H, returned soldier, res 23 106 Nelson Sixth " Wm. teamster Shedden Co, res 39 " Caroline (wid Alfred), res 813 Prin- Princess " cess Wm J, soldier 109th Batt, res 316 " David C, stock acct Jas Richard- Barrie son & Son. res 145 King Davison Charles, eng C P R, res 36 DAVIS DRY DOCK CO, ship builders, Wellington foot of Bay " John, brakeman C P R, Ivs 36 Wel- DAVIS, ELMER, Vice-President A Da- lington vis & Son, Limited, res 3 Sy- Davy, Benjamin, elk Randolph Hotel, denham res 23 L'nion w " Mrs Elizabeth, cook Walkem's, Bev- " Charles, soldier, res 50 O'Kill erly C W, fly finshr Wormwith's, Ivs 94 " Edw, lab Loco Wks, bds 164 Ontario Queen " " Ethel M, elk R J Rodger, Ivs 106 Dora (wid Norman), grocer 25 King Nelson w, res same " Ellen, Ivs 7 York " F R, Ivs 176 University " Fred, varnisher Wormwith's, Ivs 165 " Goldsmith, gas mkr Gas Works, res Raglan rd 137 Montreal " " George A, returned soldier, res 8 Hattie C. elk J Laidlaw & Son, Ivs John 24 Garrett " Gertrude, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 326 John E, with Robertson Groc Co, Montreal res 25 King w " Harold (Davis & Son), res 174 "^ Lottie, stenog C L C, Ivs 25 King Stuart Melzar, clerk armouries, Ivs 137 Harold, dr Mr Percy, Ivs Princess Montreal " Jno C, carp, res 106 Nelson Nellie, res 24 Garrett " John R, mach Loco Wks, res 326 William, carp S Anglin's, res 173 Montreal Raglan rd " DAVIS, JOHN, Mgr & Owner Davis Wm R, carp, res 171 Nelson Dry Dock, res 210 Union Daw, Mrs, res 21 Ellice " John, lab S Anglin & Co, bds 11 Dawes, Ed, chauffeur M H Commission, Rideau bds 42 Clergy w WEDDING PRESENTS af SMITH BROS. In CLT OlASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET MpnHpl< For Well-Made Ready-to- wear at lowest prices


Dawson, Caspar, res 66 Frontenac De Bois, Gabriel, stenog Maj Cook, bds " Elizabeth A, maid Charles Taylor, 217 William Ivs 187 Johnson deCarteret, Clement, broker, res 370 " Edna, stenog Rockwood Hosp, Ivs 6 Albert Frontenac Decker, Chas, res 96 Victoria " George, studt, Ivs 6 Frontenac " M (wid Thos), 282 Earl "Miss Irene, tchr Moscow, Ivs 6 ' Thos, overseas, Ivs 282 Earl Frontenac Deem Albert, pianomkr Wormwith & " Jas, timekeeper C L C, bds 95 Wil- Co, res 16(5 Queen liam Dee, Mary, Ivs 831 Montreal " Julia H, Ivs 280 University ave Dehaney, Bessie, stenog Jas Richard- " Miss J S, nursing sister Queen's, Ivs son & Sons, Ivs 161 Brock " Court House • Phyllis, bkkpr Boyd's garage, Ivs 161 DAWSON, THOMAS, Sheriff County Brock " of Frontenac, office Court House, Wm, wks Loco Wks, res 161 Brock summer residence Wolfe Island, De Hertle, Lt-Col, city bldgs, bds Fron- bds 200 Bagot tenac Hotel " Wm Chas, foreman Davis Tannery, Deitrich, Jake, motorman, Ivs 156 On- res 280 University ave tario Day Alfred E, barrister etc, Nickle, Delaney, Helen (wid Patrick), res 831 F'arrell & Day, Ivs 270 University Montreal si, near Outer Station Delaroche Arthur, mach Loco Wks, Ivs " Ella, Ivs 103 Frontenac 31 Division " prof res 218 Frank H, R M C, John- Delina, Georgina, domestic K G H, Ivs son Stuart " George, lab Loco Wks, res 91 Delderfield, Annie, laundress K G H, Wellington Ivs Stuart " Harold W, supervisor Rockwood Deline, Hugh, brakeman C P R, res 187 Hosp, res 557 King Montreal " Hattie, Ivs 103 Frontenac Dell Robt, lab, res 247j^ Earl in rear " Hessie, cook W R Givens, Ivs 14 Delph Jas P, lab, res 51 Stephen Maitland " Jas, carpenter C L C, res 264 Queen DAY, H E, Physician, office hours 8-9 Delter, Murf^, maid Buchanan House, a.m., 2-4, 7-9 p.m., 271 Alfred 35 Brock " Rupert, elk Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Delyea Blanche, maid, Ivs 100 Victoria 212 Frontenac DeMille, Mrs Matilda, Ivs 390 Division Daybell, Mrs Ethel M, res 201 Colborne De Moulpied, Mr, linotype operator Daykin Mrs Maud (wid Wm Y), res 32 Standard, res 261 Colborne EUerbec Ave Dempster, David, driver K coal yard, Dean, Arthur, carp, Ivs 141 Colborne res 8 Clow's Blk, Chatham st " Sergt, Dental Corps, Kingston, bds " Miss S. employee Kingston Hosiery 292 Queen Co. Ivs 153 Nelson " Florence, domestic K G H, Ivs Stu- " Wm G, res 153 Nelson art Denn Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 278 " Fred, pipe fitter Loco Wks, Ivs 34 Division Plum " Emma, wks Kingston Steam Laun- " Hazel, stenog, Ivs 141 Colborne dry, Ivs 278 Division "Leonard, rivetter Loco Wks, res 25 " James, driver Jas Kelley & Co, res Elgin 47 Colborne " Lydia (wid John), domestic K G H, " Laura, wks Kingston Steam Laun- Stuart dry, Ivs 278 Division " May, wks Mrs Mitchell, Ivs 141 Col- Denna Frank, lab tannery, res 14 John borne Dennee, see also Dennie and Denny " Olive, Ivs 141 Colborne " Wm, carp, res 141 Colborne Denne, Miss H I, nursing sister Queen's Deane George, sexton St Andrew's Hospital, ivs Court House Ch, bds 102 Earl Dennee, Eugene G, hay dlr, res 868 " Geo, lab Loco Wks, res 244 Earl . Princess Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Dcbentures Automobile Fire and:^Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 121 DENNEE DERRY " Geo, dr Imperial Laundry, res 470 " Katie, elk Lockett's, Ivs 34 Welling- Brock ton " Leon, teamster Roddy & Monk, res " Marie, Ivs 185 CoUingwood 23 Russell " Norman, soldier, Ivs 34 Wellington Loco Wks, bds Denneng John, Mach " Olive, elk Keeley's jeweller, Ivs 34 47 Elm Welington Everest, market gardener, res Dennie " Patrick, retired, res 185 CoUingwood 461 Barrie " Russell, draughtsman Loco Works, " Wm, lab Sowards' coal yard, Ivs 461 Barrie res 15 Sydenham " H, eng P, res Dennis, Daniel, agt Prudential Life, Ivs Wm K 249 Barrie 65 Union w " Wtm, wks shipyards, bds 344 Prin- Dennison Mrs Elizabeth (wid Jas), res cess 37 Mack Deschamps Charles, comp Hanson, " Edw, elk Macnee & Minnes, Ivs 37 Crozier & Edgar, bds Anglo- Mack American " Fred, trav Fenwick, Hendry & Co, Descote, Thos, Dep Battalion, bds 114 res 37 Mack Earl Desrosiers, " Mrs F C, stenog Power & Son, Miss K, cigar maker, Geo A Brock, Ivs 72 Sydenham McGowan Mfg " George, wks Loco Wks, res 158 DesRochers, Mary (wid Zepheim), res CoUingwood 60 Clergy east " James H, stone ctr, res 133 CoUing- Desrosiers Venos, lab, Ivs Montreal st wood " Wm P, lab M T Co, res 378 Bagot d'Esterre Duncan, watchmkr Kinnear " Norman, studt Queen's, Ivs 37 Mack & d'Esterre, bds 314 University Denny, Ed S, ydman Windsor yard, res 33 Russell d'ESTERRE J C D (Kinnear & d'Es- " Jos, lab M T Co, bds 40 Raglan rd terre, Jewelers), res 146 Stuart, overseas DePose Mr, sold, res 51 Beverly d'Esterre, Percy, jeweller (Kinnear & res Derbyshire Byron, real estate agt, d'Esterre), Ivs 146 Stuart 163 Union w Detloro, Jeane, servant, Ivs 240 King " ^ Eddna, student Queen's Univ, Ivs 11 Devine, see Divine St Lawrence " Daniel, Ivs 447 Division " Eugene, carp, res 52 Beverly " James, carter, res 447 Division " Florence, Ivs 163 Union w " James, jr, lab, Ivs 447 Division " res 11 St - Herbert A, contractor, " Lawrence, lab Loco Wks, res 56 Lawrence Lansdowne " Sarah, elk C H Pickering, Ivs 52 " Michael J, carter, res 449 Division Beverly " Miss Rose, Ivs 447 Division DeRoche Fred, carter, res 228 Earl Devlin Francis. Ivs 44 William Dept. " Derry Burton J, foreman, Whig Job J J, time elk ship yd, Ivs William Ivs 249 Barrie " Peter, immigration officer, res 44 Wil- " Ada, elk Lockett's store, Ivs 34 Wel- liam lington " Phyllis, Ivs 44-46 William, elk ar- " Celia, drsmkr, Ivs 185 CoUingwood mouries " George L, accountant M T Co, Ivs Dewar, Dr Gordon, dentist, over Kin- 249 Barrie near & d'Esterre, Wellington, " Miss Harriet, Ivs 249 Barrie bds 232 Brock " Hugh, carter, res 157 Nelson Gordon, acct Bank of Montreal, res " Hugh, mason, res 34 Welington 665 West " James, boilermkr, res 39 William De Witta, bds 204 Bagot " Jessie, elk Geo Robertson & Son, Dewey Wm A, mgr Dominion Fish Cc Ltd, Ivs 189 CoUingwood res 171 Stuart " John, plmbr Loco Wks, bds 207 Deyo Chas A, baggageman C P R, res University 37 Johnson AT SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY_ HAVING fUS EXAMINE Save Your Eyes Y O L R E yes" I dR (G LA S S ES

J. J. STEWART, Opta^Opp^neral,Post.Office

122 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY DEYO Dingman, Pte, soldier, staff Ongwan- " Stephen, brakeman C P R, res 208 ada, Ivs same King e Dinnie see Dennie Milling Co, Dinsdale Spencer, elk Standard, Ivs Diack Robert J, miller K 300 res 231 Alfred Queen " Lawrence D, mechanic Treadgold's, " Ivs 231 Alfred Lillian, Ivs 300 Queen Chas, cabman, res 159 Montreal Diamond Lieut, milia dcpt, bds " Catharine, bkkpr R H Toye, Frontenac Ho- Miss tel Ivs 159 Montreal " H, mechanic Treadgold's, " stenog, Ivs 159 Montreal Wm res Edward, 300 Queen " Michael, cabman, Ivs 159 Montreal Dinsmore, Irene, waitress Queen's Ho- G T R, Ivs 686 Dick Chas, baggageman tel, Ivs 75 John Montreal Dion, see Dyon v.nd Dine " sales mgr Midland Shoe Co, David J, Jos, mach Davis' Tannery, bds 3 res 288 Earl Corrigan " Florence M, stenog Civic Utilities, Disney Fred, fitter Loco Wks, res 25 Ivs 288 Earl Elm " Gordon, shipper N C Poison & Co, Dix Miss Bertha J, Ivs 211 Nelson bds 75 Division " " Lines, Miss Jessie, Ivs 269 Brock Herbert J, gen agent Can S S " Capt John, retired res 86 Union e res 360 Brock DIX, CAPT Awning Mkr, res " BSc, R C H A, overseas, JOS, 211 Howard, Nelson ivs 288 Earl " Miss Margaret, " res 239 odg hse, res 2CJ Wm D, asst city assessor, Brock Victoria Dixon, see also Dickson Dickinson, Miss M, wks Imp Steam " Albert, caretaker armouries, Ivs 91 Laundry, Ivs 91 Chatham Chatham Dickson, see also Dixon Chas, lab, res 91 Chatham Dickson Annie (wid John), res 116 " Wm, res 135 Chatham Ordnance Dobbs Frank W, retired, res 124 Barrie " Fred, overseas, Ivs 163 Hickson ave DOBBS, JOHN R C R C Dobbs " (J & Mary, elk Waldron's, Ivs 116 Ord- Co), res 258 Albert nance DOBBS, R C & CO(Jno R C Dobbs) " Wm, carp, res 68 Cherry J Real Estate, Typewriters, Sewing Dillon Hannah, Ivs 236 Barrie Machines, Safes, and Insurance, " Anna, bds 302 University 41 Clarence " Bruce, lab, Ivs 115 York DOBBS, MRS R C, Teacher Voice " Elva, bkkpr London Life Ins Co, Ivs J Culture and Singing, Organist- 246 Princess director Chalmers Church, 258 Al- " James S, storeman Fenwick, Hendry bert & Co, res 111 York " Ven Archdeacon O G, chaplain K P, " Wm, dr Crawford's whlsale, res HI res 309 King w York Dodd, Mabel, maid Prof Walker's, bds " Wm, jr, driver G Y Parkhill & Co, 26 Frontenac Ivs 111 York Dogerthy, Daniel, lab C L C, res 282 " Wm, res 115 York Ontario Dillabough, Lizzie (wid Jos), res 187 Dohert>, see also Dougherty Wellington (upstairs) " Agnes (wid Edw), Ivs 309 Barrie Dine, see also Dyon " Carl, lineman Bell Tel, Royal Hotel " " Mark, blrmkr, res 6 Corrigan J V, driver Dom Exp Co, res 309 " Philbert H, overseas, Ivs 6 Corrigan Barrie " Roland K, sold overseas, Ivs 6 Cor- " Isaac W, postman, res 364 Johnson rigan " John, yard boss C P R, res 207 " Wallace A, driver Rees Bros & Montreal fish & game insp, res 38 Colling- Doleman Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 7 wood Devonshire Ter, Sydenham st


Dolan Bessie, Ivs 25 Wellington DONNELLY, CAPT. JOHN C, pres. " Princess Michael J, harnessmkr, 219 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking res 25 Wellington Co, Ltd, and mining eng, 193 On- " Martin, elk M J Dolan, Ivs 25 Wel- tario, res 329 Earl lington " Matthew A, postman, res 157 Rag- " Ray, med studt Queen's, bds 52 lan road Union " Ruby, nurse, Ivs 195 University av Dolphin Elizabeth (wid Jno), Ivs 364 DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK- Brock ing Co, Ltd, Capt John Donnelly DOMINION BOAT CO (A C Knapp) pres, 193 Ontario ft Ontario st " Thomas, bkkpr Poison's, res 30 Main DOMINION EXPRESS CO, F W Donnoghue Anna, bds 45 Aberdeen Carr, local mgr, 94 Princess, cor DONOGHUE CHARLES, Grain Mer- Welington chant, 291-295 Ontario, res 80 DOMINION FISH CO, Wm A Dewey Wellington ' Manager, 63 Brock Donoghue, E J, soldier, res 266 Wel- DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO, lington " Kate, drsmkr 73 Brock, Ivs 137 58 Brock St, K Carroll, agent L J Bagot TEXTILE CO, Cataraqui DOMINION " John, opr C P R Tele Co, rms & bds St, Cook, supt Wm 10 Ellis Dominion of Canada Guarantee and In- " James V, guard K P, res 252 Barrie surance Co, Thos Mills, agt, " John Jab Richardson's elevator, res Clarence st 101 Raglan rd Dominion Gresham Guarantee and " Julia (wid Timothy), res 137 L Ba- Causualty Co, Dobbs, agt, J R C got 41 Clarence " Louise, Ivs 80 Wellington Donaghue, Ida, maid Folger's, Ivs 1 " Mary, Ivs 222 Johnson Emily " Peter, foreman cotton mill, res IZ Donaldson Miss Florence, elk College Pine Bk store, Ivs 186 University Donovan, Cornelius, mason, res 97 L " Joseph, retired ,res 45 Division Bagot " Joseph R, mail elk C P R Toronto, " Cornelius, soldier A S C, res 278 res 186 University Sydenham " Miss J, stenog, Frontenac Moulding Donovan John, foreman vinegar wks, & Glass Co, res Kingston Junctn res 187 Clergy " Russell G, reprtr Whig, Ivs 186 Uni- " Jos, butcher Harkness, Ivs 57 Cha- versity tham " Sam, guard K P, res 9 Pembroke Doody, James, soldier, res 93 Barrack " Sarah Jane (wid Wm), res 5 Pem- Doolan Miss A B, bkkpr McRae & Co, broke res 244 Sydenham " Wm Jr, caulker, Ivs 5 Pembroke " Alice, cigarmkr McGowan's, Ivs 3 Donnell, Evelyn mlnr Gedye Milli- Clow's Blk, Quebec st nery, Ivs Portsmouth " Ann, drsmkr, Ivs 134 Bagot " Stanley, lab McKelvey & Birch, res " Anne (wid Jerry), res 244 Sydenharr 78 Markland " Helen, stenog Loco Wks, Ivs 244 Donnelly Allan, grocer 222 Welling- Sydenham ton, res TZ Queen " Miss Mary, Ivs 244 Sydenham " Adelaide (wid Matthew), Ivs 157 " T E, timekpr Loco Wks, res 73 Di- Raglan rd vision " Doris, Ivs 329 Earl " Wm P, overseas, res 145 Charles " Florence (wid Capt Thos), res 195 Doolin Edw, soldier, res 3 Clow's Blk, University Quebec " Foster, wrecker Donnelly Co, res " John, retired, res 134 L Bai^ot 118 Welington " Margaret, drsmkr, Ivs 134 L Bagot " Harriet, studt, Ivs 329 Earl " Mary, cigarmkr Geo McGowan Donnelly's grocery. 222 Wellington res 3 Clow's Blk, Quebec SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


Dopking Enia, Ivs 199 University Doyle's Bakerv, 48 Mack " Geo, lab Queen's Univ, King Ho- Doyle Cleary, bkkpr Bell Tele Co, bds siery Mill, res 124 Victoria 332 Brock Doran, soldier overseas, Ivs 125 Queen " Catherine, manicure & hair dressing, " James, munition wkr Loco Wks, res Ivs 186 Victoria 359 Division " Miss Dorothy, Ivs 99 York " " John Jr, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 125 Edith, elk College Bk Store, Ivs 693 Queen Montreal " Sarah (wid John), res 125 Queen " Ellen (wid Patrick), res 398 Brock Dorey, Frank, mach I^oco Wks ,res 229 " Miss Ellen, res 296 Johnson Earl " Elizabeth, Ivs 106 Bagot " Lotta May, Ivs 633 Princess " Miss Estella, stenog C M B A, Ivs 65 " Matthew, marine eng, res 633 Prin- York cess " Eva, Ivs 693 Montreal " Robt Henry, overseas, Ivs 633 Prin- " Hugh, barber, res 167 Wellington cess Irene, stenog Can Freeman, Ivs 693 Dorian, Geo, wks Mica Wrks, bds 426 Montreal Princess " J Ferguson, hse surgeon Hotel Dieu Dougherty Wm, gardener, res 20 Sixth Ivs 398 Brock " " Wm, returned soldier, M H C, Ivs John W, capt Str V/indsor, res 65 236 Stuart York " Douglas Donald, overseas, Ivs 510 John, lab Loco Wks, res 99 York " Brock John J, cond GTR, res 693 Montreal " " Miss E, nursing sister Queen's Hos- Joseph H, carp M T Co, Ivs 106 Ba- pital, Ivs Court House got " " Florence, Ivs 510 Brock Joseph F, mach Loco Wks, res 102 " Hugh, contr Douglas & Mcllquham, Clergy " res 510 Brock Kate, furrier, Ivs 65 York " " Harold, head knitter Hosiery Mill. Katherine A, Ivs 186 Victoria " Ivs 217 Stuart Margaret, Ivs 106 Bagot " " Mrs. Sarah, dressmkr, Ivs 2Garrett Margaret, res 163 York " __" Robert M, shipper Geo Robertson Martin, butcher. Ivs 186 Victoria "" " & Son, res 13 Nelson Mary, Ivs 167 Wellington (upstairs) " Dowe, Roy S, instr I S I, res 113 Pat-, M W (Doyle & Burns), meat mar- rick ket, 2791^ Montreal " Dowling Fred, bicycle store, 289 Prin- Mary (wid Jas), res 445 Johnson " cess, res 345 King Mary (wid James), res 186 Victoria ' Downey, Edmund, bkkpr, G T R, Ivs Minnie ,lvs 167 (upstairs) Welling- 32 Pine ton " " Hester (wid Robt), Ivs 87 Colborne Nellie, elk Model Shoe Store, Ivs 65 " Geo H, salesman Laidlavv's, res 239 York " Brock Patrick J G. sailor Can. S S Lines, " George, contr, res 136 Queen res 174 Bagot " " Jas A, polcieman city, res 32 Pine Thos, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 445 " Jas M, elk Abernethy's, Ivs 91 Earl Johnson " " John, overseas, Ivs 91 Earl Lieut Thos, bds 1 Victoria Terrace, " Joseph, overseas, res 91 Earl Montreal " " Kathleen, stenog, Ivs 91 Earl Doyle, V, res 48 Mack " " Kathleen, Ivs 13 6Queen Wm, retired, bds Royal Hotel, Prin- " cess Robert, coal oil & gasoline mer, res i 610 Division Drake, Alice (wid Walter), Ivs 55 West'St " Mrs Charles, bds 10 Rideau " Timothy, shoemkr, res 91 Earl " Edith, Ivs 22 George " Wm, timekeeper C L C, Ivs 91 Earl " Jas, soldier, bds 10 Rideau Downs Richard, lab, res 65 Cherry st Dowsley W R, trav W R McRae, bds Drapeau Stanley, sold A S C, Ivs 1 204 William Queen Doxtater, W J, shoe repair shop, 318 Draffin William, trav Matthews & Barrie, res same Lang, bds 56 William

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean Acciderit & 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n FIRE INSURANCE -^ CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 125

Drever, G C, soldier, Ivs 44 Frontenac DRURY, WM. Coal and Wood dealer, Driscoll, sec also O'Driscoll 255 Wellington, res 290 Queen " Miss Irene, stenog Dr Bogart, Ivs Drysdale, Alex, ins agt ,res 43 Raglan

110 L Bagot . rd " " Daniel, wks C L C. res 93 York W J, trav, res 186 Union w " Harry, mach C L C. ivs 23 John " Samuel, fireman Richardson's ele- ' Mrs Lily, maid Dr Third. Ivs West vator, res 171 Sydenham " Miss Marcella, Ivs 45 Wellington Dryden Luke, soldier, res 341 Johnson " Miss Mary E. res 45 Wellington Du Berry, Chas, mach C L C, res 53 " Patrick, mach Loco Wks, res 130 Beverly Johnson Dubinovsky Harry, pedler res 103 York " Patrick, res 23 John Duckett, Mrs P. maid nursing quarters. " Percy, mach C L C, Ivs 23 John Court House. Ivs same " Thos, janitor Frontenac Club, res Duff Mrs Helen (wid Wm), Ivs 236 Al- same \^ bert " " Wm J, lab Loco Wks, res 110 L Daniel, wks Van Luven Bros, Ivs Bagot Westbrook '' Driver Beatrice, elk Bk Toronto, Ivs 43 Helen, Ivs 480 Princess George " Miss Jean, prop Princess Pat Tea Rooms, 58 Brock, Ivs 480 Prin- " Emma, Ivs 186 Queen cess " George H, Lieut, overseas, Ivs 43 " Hugh), res 480 Prin- George Mrs Amy (wid cess " Hildred, elk MSA, City Hall, Ivs Duflfy Evelyn, waitress Prince Geo htl, 43 George bds 200 Ontario real insur- DRIVER, JOHN, estate and " Michael, driller C L C, res 33 e s ance, 352 King e, res 43 George George " Rcta A, Ivs 71 Colborne " Francis, foreman Hosiery Mill, res " Robt John, mess Merchants Bk, res 145 Collingwood 58 Brock (upstairs) " Richard, Loco Wks, bds 334 " wks Miss Ruby, Ivs 43 George Montreal " Stanley, sec-treas Moulding Ivs Co, " Wm, asst insp Weights and Meas- 43 George ures, res 94 William DRIVER, THOMAS, Customs Appr, Dufty. Albert, soldier R C H A, res 23 res 186 Queen Chatham " Wm J, grocer 271 Queen, res 71 Duggie Charles, lab Loco, res 35 John Colborne Dumas Chas, wks Loco Wks, res 25 Druce George, steam fitter McK & Ontario (upstairs) Birch Ltd, res 21 Pine Dumbleton Geo, meat cutr 62 Brock, DRUCE, JOHN JAMES (Vice-Pres, Ivs 560 Albert McKelvey & Birch Ltd), res 770 " John, lab, res 61 York Montreal Dumbtlon, Wm, driver E H Baker, 303 John, grocer and post office, outer Montreal, res 323 Montreal depot, res 800 Montreal Dumphy, see also Dunphy ' Druramond Jane B (wid Thomas) Ivs Ed J. carriage pntr, 34 Montreal, res 36 Barrie 14 Colborne " Jean, bds 207 William " Alina, Ivs % York Ivs Drury Alfred, chemist Queen's, Ivs 290 Dunbar May, asst forelady Poison's, Queen 8 Cherry " Chas W. prof Quene's, res Apt B. John, retired. Ivs 337 Earl 142 Albert Duncan Alex, taxi dr, res 72 William " Coal & Wood Yard, Wm Drury, " Jessie (wid Alex), res 70 William prop, 255 Wellington " Robert, wks Loco Wks, res 20 York ' " Leonard, lab, Ivs 393 Princess Wm. assist time clerk shipyards, bds " Miss Lulu, bkkpr Jas Swift & Co, 40 Clergy Princess st, Ivs 393 Princess Duncombe, Josiah. mason, res 20 Plum " Miss Olive L, stenog Queen's, Ivs J Stanley, driver Price's Dairy, Ivs 290 Queen 20 Plum SMITH BR.OS._ niOH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES lUiL JLnLLLLKl,7J,,_ When You Are in Need of Eyejjlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTIMETRIST AND OPTICIAN,

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Stretts, Golden Liin Black

126 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Dunlop, A Wallace, trav W G Craig & DUNPHY Co. res 187 Stuart ' Fred, lab, Ivs 14 Colborne " Albert, caretaker Apostolic Ch, res " James, packer Carson's, res 96 York 285 Queen " Kathaleen, mlnr McLaughlin's, Ivs " Miss Albina, Ivs 21 Colborne 96 York " " Andrew, elk Loco Wks, bds 71 Col- Alma, Ivs 96 York borne " Howard, plmbr McK & Birch Ltd, " Charles, driver McParland's, res 775 Ivs 96 York Montreal " Noel, Ivs 96 York Dupuis, (wid Prof Nathan), res 144 " Mrs E, drsmkr, res 476 Brock M University " Edith, Ivs 184 Rideau Dupont Nelson, lab Loco Wks, bds 166 " Grace, elk Geo Robertson & Son, Sydenham Ltd, Ivs 468 Brock Durand, Jos, wks C L C. res 357 Barrie " overseas, Ivs 184 Rideau Harold, Dustin Delwood, lab ship yd, res 29 " Herbert A, mach Loco Wks, res 468 Ontario Brock " D, lab, res 27 Ontario " 184 Miss Isabelle, nurse K G H, Ivs Dutton, J B, res 260 King e Rideau Corset Manu- " BUTTON, MISS MAUD, James, sold Ordnce stores, Ivs 184 facturer, boots and shoes, 150 Rideau Sydenham, Ivs 175 Sydenham " Andrew^, pntr P R, res 184 James C " Samuel, lab gas wrks, res 156 Rag- Rideau lan rd " Miss Jane) Ivs 21 Colborne Du Vail, R S, mach C L C, res 368 Bar- " retired, res 21 Colborne John, rie " instr Vocational Training John J, " Simon, carp Riley Smith, contractor, Queen's, bds 347 Brock res 298 Johnson " William, res 21 Colborne J " H B, wks C L C, res 136 Wellington " Kenneth, wks C L C ,res 383 John- Dwyer), cloth- son Dwyer Bros, (Edward J ing, 112 Princess " Leah, Ivs 285 Queen " Edward (Dwyer Bros). Ivs 64 Barrie " Miss R, elk Pub Library, res 38 Ri- " Eliz res 79 Johnson deau (wid John), " Frances, stenog, Ivs 361 Brock Dunn, Ambrose, marine eng M T Co, " Geo, orderly Dr Sparks, res Ports- res 230 Division mouth " Jos, eng M T Co, Ivs 230 Division _ " John, iron worker K Foundry, res 79 " Martha, (wid Wm), Ivs 1*64 Ontario Johnson " Michael C, mgr Exp office, CNR " Josephine, bkkpr L W Murphy, Ivs res 29 Mack 361 Brock " Thos. lab C L C, bds 111 Bay " Johanna (wid Patrick), res 361 " Elizabeth (wid Jas), res 232 Raglan Brock rd " Josephine, Ivs 64 Barrie " Isabel, elk Corrigan's Dry Goods " Mary, tlrs J Tweddell & Son, Ivs 79 Store, Ivs 232 Raglan rd Johnson " Robt, freight agent Can S S Lines, " Mazie, Ivs 64 Barrie Ivs Johnson " Louise, nurse-in-training, Ivs 361 Dunne. Annie, bkkpr armouries, Ivs Brock 232 Raglan " Nellie, maid N D Convent, Ivs 79 " Lily, elk Waldron's, Ivs 232 Raglan Johnson Dunnette Miss, drsmkr, 209 Sydenham " Miss Norma, stenog J O Hutton, Dunnett James, teamster C P R fgt Ivs 79 Johnson sheds, Ivs 290 Wellington " Stella, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 79 " Wm, wks C LC,- res 290 Wellington Johnson Dunnigan Wm, eng, res 230 Ontario " Wilfred, overseas, Ivs 361 Brock " Catherine (wid Omar), Ivs 230 On- Dyason Geo, tlr R C H A, res 444 tario, upstairs Johnson Dunphy, see also Dumpby DYDE, W HOBART (James Redden & " Ed, pntr W Vince, res 110 U Charles Co), res 189 Johnson Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance : Specialize in Cliildren's and qi^i

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 127 DYDE EDGAR " Jane (wid Samuel), Ivs 200 Univer- " Mrs R T, stenog Dom Textile Co, sity Ivs 95 Clergy w " Jessie, stiidt Queen's College, Ivs 189 " Russell, soldier, overseas, Ivs 374 Johnson Alfred " Dytt, Katherine, maid H E Davis, Ivs Robt F, soldier, res 95 Clergy w 174 Stuart " Wm, pntr Rockwood, res 374 Alfred Dyte Leonard, soldier, res 43 EUerbeck " Wm R, soldier overseas, Ivs 374 Al- Dye, May. maid Betts, Ivs 253 Albert fred Dyon, see also Dine Edmonds. Ernest, returned soldier, Ivs 265 Johnson Edmondson Fred W, elk Wm Davies Ltd, bds 269 Brock " Charles, res 406 Johnson Edson, Annie, slslady. Laidlaw's, Ivs Earl Blanche, opr Jackson Press, Ivs 406 Johnson 211 Queen Edwards, A B, mach Clarence st garage " Fred, carp M T Co, res 370 Bagot res Portsmouth " Jas, lab, Ivs 57 Queen " Annie. Ivs 482 Brock " " Mrs, res 187 Wellington (upstairs) Capt J, res 482 Brock " Mrs Mary, res 211 Queen " David, wks cotton mill, res 131 Divi- Easson Catherine, tchr Portsmouth P sion S, Ivs 315 King w " Dora, wks Imp St Laundry, Ivs 234 " Elsie, stenog city, Ivs 315 King w Victoria " " Mr, soldier, bds 181 Division Frederick, sold convalescent home, "' Marjorie (wid Wm), Ivs 395 Divi- res 234 Victoria sion " Fred, lab Wormwith's, bds 379 John- EASTERN DAIRY SCHOOL, L A son " Mrs Harvey, maid Wormwith's, Ivs Zufelt, supt, Barrie cor Clergy 195 Earl Easton, Geo, brakeman C P R, res 90 " Melville, soldier. Ivs 131 Division Bay " Miriam, wks Imp St Laundry, Ivs " Mary E (bus overseas), res 60 234 Victoria Cherry " Peter, wks Hos Mill, res 219 Stuart " Walter, soldier, res 60 Cherry " Rhoda (wid John), Ivs 104 York " Eastwell George, soldier, res 67 John Rosanna, wks Poison's, Ivs 131 Di- Eccles, Arthur, soldier, Ivs 11 Colborne vision " Henry, driver R H Toye, res 54 Egan Alice, wks K Steam laundry, Ivs John L Bagot Fred Geo, foreman Richardson's, " Chas. elk Royal Hotel, bds 340 res 433 King e Princess " Geo, prop Revere Hotel, 383 King. Mary, elk P O inspector's office, res same bds 175 Montreal " Geo, shvlr Richardson's, res 161 Jas, mach C L C, Ivs Royal Hotel, Princess 340 Princess " James, sailor (pilot) Leslie Wreck- Robt. .guard Penitentiary, bds 300 ing Co, res 11 Colborne Albert " Lewis, taxi driver, Ivs 433 King e Miss Tessie. assist acct C W Lind- Ralph, soldier, res 4 River say. Ltd. Ivs 175 Montreal Victor, mach Loco Wks, res 68 EGAN. WM, Tailor, 131 Brock, res 34 Princess Rideau Edgar. David O, mach C L C. Ivs 17 Egglestone. Thos W. Serg-Maj Instr Ellice R C H A. res 184 Queen EDGAR, HAMILTON (Hanson, Cro- Eke Robert, soldier Ordnce stores, res zier & Edgar, Printers, 20 Market 63 Cherry st), Ivs 374 Alfred Elder, Ardelle, Ivs No. 5 Villa St Clare " Norman A, bkkpr Geo Robertson & Apts, Barrie Son, Ltd., Ivs 374 Alfred " Catherine, Ivs 248 Barrie Satisfactory SuppHed JEWELRY WANTS ^^HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVER.Y FIGUKE


ELDER ELLIOTT MATTHEW (Elliott Bros) " Evangeline (wid Jas), res No 5 Villa res 364 Division St Clare Apts, Barrie " Melita, elk Bk Montreal, Ivs 362 " Georgina, public schl tchr, Barrie- Brock field school, Ivs 248 Barrie " Olivia, Ivs 362 Brock " Miss Ivs 248 Barrie J, ELLIOTT, ROBERT F (Elliott Bros). " mach Foundry, bds 216 John, K res 366 Division Queen " Robert J, letter carrier, res 392 Barrie " Mrs Sarah (w^id Geo), res 248 Barrie " Thos C, retired, res 251 Victoria " W. plumberand fitter McKelvey & Elder Wm, lab, res 30 Pine Birch, Ltd ,lvs 248 Barrie " teamster Co, res 30 Pine Ellis Arthur, architect, res 165 King e Wm, M T " Ellsback, Victor, wks shipyard, bds 32 Prof Douglas, prof Queen's, Ivs 209 Ontario Albert (overseas) " tinsmith Ellerbeck, Chas, lab shipyard, res 110 J, E Chown & Son, bds Clarence Brock St " D, pastor St Ch, " R, millman Wormwith Piano Co, res Rev J Queen Mcth res Colborne 110 Clarence 30 " Jas W, orderly K G H, bds 81 Cler- Elliott, Arthur W, auto repr wk, res 306 Queen gy w " Marjorie, Ivs 30 Colborne " Annie. Ivs 366 Divisioii ELLIOTT BROS (Robt F. Matthew B " Walter, soldier overseas, Ivs 209 and John M), plmbrs, etc, 11 Albert Princess " Louise (wid Wm). res 209 Albert " Charles Capt M O, A M C, Ivs 262 Elmer Albert E, com trav Geo Slater & Brock Co, Montreal, res 374 Earl " Miss Cora, bkkpr Green Music Co, " Aldeine, mlnr Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 306 Ivs 306 Queen Brock " Courtland, studt, Ivs 94 Barrie Li'"Alice (wid H E), res 214 Union w " Edwin, wks in country, res 85 Que- " Fred, barber 68 Princess, res 29 bec Colborne " Miss Fawcette, studt K C I, Ivs 364 " H L, overseas, Ivs 306 Brock Division " Jas A, checker Loco Wks, Ivs 306 " Florence (wid Rev Jos), res 362 Brock Brock " J D, overseas, Ivs 306 Brock " Florence, tchr, K C I. Ivs 94 Barrie " Joe Sr, barber, res 150 Ordnance " Frank, dr Davies Ltd, Ivs 214 Di- " Lena, bkkpr Wormwith's, Ivs 28 Di- vision vision " Miss Grace, maid Prof Martin, 81 " Miss L D, mlnr Steacy's, Ivs 306 King e Brock " Helen, stenog, Ivs 362 Brock " Mrs N J (wid John), res 306 Brock " Serg H -H, soldier, bds 2 Victoria " Miss Norma, Ivs 126 Bagot Terrace. Montreal " Richard, jr, Ivs 126 Bagot " Jas O, barber R H Elmer, bds 132 " Richard H, barber 161 Princess, res Clarence 126 Bagot " Mrs Jas, Ivs 340 Brock " Mrs S (wid Jos), res 164 Queen " Mrs Jeane, manageress G T R res- " Wallace, elk W J Baker, Ivs 306 taurant Brock " Miss Jennie, Ivs 366 Division Elsmere, Mary, bds 479 Princess ELLIOTT JOHN M (Elliott Bros), Elvins. Frederick E, teller Bank of res ZZl Earl Commerce, res 330 (upstairs) " Joseph G. president British Whig, King res 94 Barrie. 'phone 233 Elton. Thos. wks C L C. res 44 James " Elliott, Louis, soldier, res Zd Clergy Emery. Charles, pntr T Milo, res 213 w Earl " Miss Kate, tchr Frontenac school, " Daniel, plmbr Loco Wks, Ivs 273 Ivs 366 Division Queen " Kate, waitress Randolph Hotel, bds " Gerald B, Lieut. Ivs 61 West 167 Bagot " Gertrude (wid Dr G F), res 61 West Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Dcbentures FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SONS Phone 1 030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 129

EMERY Eva, Ailsa. elk C P R Tele office, Ivs "GAR, Lieut overseas, Ivs 61 West 189 Collingwood " S, soldier, cook, Ivs Ongwanada " Jack, soldier, Ivs 189 Collingwood Hosp " Wm John, bricklayer C L C, res 189 Emmons, Frank, carter, res 487 Alfred Collingwood " Mrs F, Ivs 236 Ontario Evans Mrs A S, res 228 King e " Mrs Richard, bds 76 Durham " Bessie, stenog, Ivs 309 Brock '' " Wm (auto mach), res 619 Princess David J, Ivs 214 Union Enipey, Effie, trained nurse, bds 24 " Edythe, subscription elk Whig of- Frontenac fice, Ivs 31 Chatham Employer's Liability Co, J R C Dobbs, " Elizabeth, tlrs Hall & Wellwood, agt, 41 Clarence bds 169 Clergy e England John W, storeman Fenwick, EVANS, JAMES G, Commandant Vet- Hendry & Co. res 432 Alfred erans' Assn. res 31 Chatham " Eliza (wid Thos), Ivs 432 Alfred " John, chief eng Electric Light Works " Sarah (wid Jas), res 5 Couper res 309 Brock English Annie, Ivs 336 Johnson " John H, overseas, Ivs 309 Brock " John, carrier P O. bds 105 L Bagot " James, mach, res 279 King w " Edith M, tchr Victoria Sch, Ivs " Martha, invoice elk N C Poison, Ivs 336 Johnson 31 Chatham " Geo A, elk I Zack's, res 336 Johnson " Mary E, Ivs 279 King w Ennis, Albert, lab gas w^orks, res 24 " Minnie .Ivs 279 King Patrick " Thos, soldier overseas, res 1 To- " J, lab. Moulding Wrks, Ivs 41 Hick- ronto son " Wm H, soldier, Ivs 309 Brock " Jas. apprent mach shipyards, Ivs 41 " Wm, sorter Tannery, Ivs 216 Rideau Hickson Eves Alfred, Ivs 61 Livingston ave " Jas, stage carp Grand Theatre, res " Ceclia, slslady Steacy's. Ltd, Ivs 147 338 Queen Ordnance " Mae. stenog and bkkpr M H C, Ivs " Chas Earl, butcher, Ivs 71 Cherry 22 George " Daniel, carter, res 147 Ordnance " Silas C, minef, 260 Division " Earl, butcher, 222 Montreal, res 109 " William, lab Moulding Wks, res 41 York Hickson ave " Emma (wid Wm), Ivs 122 Bagot Enright Daniel, fireman city, res 24 " Frark, cab driver, res 86 Bay Chatham " Henry- V. elk L W Murphy, Ivs 147 Esford Clifford, elk Merchants Bank, Ivs Ordnance 232 Division " Henrietta. Ivs 246 Albert " Garnet, mach Bishop's Mach Shop. " Jas. warehouse hand. Imp Oil Co, res 521 Princess res 14 L Rideau " Capt Henry, capt Str Scout, res 232 " Jas, dr Sowards. res 62 North Division " James T, cab driver, res 171 Raglan " Mrs J W, bds 170 York " John, retired, res 225 Wellington " Robert, v^rks Loco Wks, bds 286 " John, grocer. 320 King e, res 320 Ontario King " Sterling, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 363 " Daniel), Ivs 115 Ordnance Brock Julia (wid " Kenneth, soldier overseas, Ivs 109 Esford, Wm, soldier, bds 357 Bagot York Eslywn. Mrs Florence, Ivs 42 Johnson " Leo, elk Loco Wks, Ivs 147 Ord- Esson, Violet, hsekpr, Ivs 38 Raglan nance rd " Lola H. bkkpr Waldron's, Ivs 109 Estes Winfred, fireman ship yard, res ' York 155 Nelson " Mark, porter Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 147 Ettinger John Geo, prin Victoria Sch, Ordnance res 437 King w " Mark, cab owner, res 315 Montreal " Elizabeth. Ivs 437 King " Mary (wid Wm). Ivs 14 L Rideau " Harold, studt, Ivs 437 King w " Mayme, elk Livingston Bros, Ivs 109 Karl, overseas. Ivs 437 King York

All Standard Railroad Watches Watch Repairing IN STOCK SMITH BROS, - * King St. A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye- strain If you are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office

130 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY EVES Fannon Patrick, coachmn Archbishop's " Miss Myrtle, Ivs' 109 York palace, res 34 Alma " Oswald J, taxi driver, Ivs 315 Mon- Farley Raymond, druggist McLeod's, treal res 449 Johnson " Miss Rose, mln/r Steacy & Steacy, Ivs " Daisy, maid, Wm Shurtleflf, Ivs 118 147 Ordnance Victoria " Wm H, btch, res 109 York Farmer John G, carp bridge, res 70 Eward Agnes (wid Robert), res 209 Col- " Ivy, nurse, P G Campbell, Ivs 57 borne George " Eva, lys 240 Division Cherry " Fred W, blksmith Loco Wks, res " Jennie, elk Wells' grocery, 330 Di- 240 Division vision, Ivs 70 Clergy " Jane, music tchr, Ivs 209 Colborne Farrar, Harold overseas, Ivs 119 Al- " Joseph, lab Loco Wks, res 96 Pine J, fred Ewart Miss, bds 60 Chatham " Joseph, asst supt Loco Wks, res 119 " Thos, retired, Ivs 61 Pembroke Alfred Ewing turnkey Jail, res 282 Johnson J, " Phyllis, student, Ivs 119 Alfred " Pearl, stenog Taylor & Hamilton, Ivs 186 Johnson Farrell Chas, retired, res 412 Montreal Exchange Chambers, 115-116 Brock st FARRELL JAMES A (Nickle & Far- Exchange Hotel, 23 Brock, John Cun- rell), Barrister, 194 Ontario, res ningham, prop 36Barrie " Jas, carp, Ivs 412 Montreal " John, lab Bottling Works, Ivs 450 Division " Michael, shellmaker C L C, bds 412 Montreal Pagan Cecelia, spinner cotton mill, Ivs " Wm, wks shipyard, bds 412 Mont- 307 Montreal real " John, A S C, res 307 Montreal Farrelly Vincent, foreman K Hosiery Fair Alice (wid James M), res 380 Co, Ivs 42 Division Brock Farrow, Herbert, linotype oprtr, British " Miss Florence, elk Bk Montreal, Ivs Whig, res 436 Alfred 380 Brock Faulk, Pearl, maid Judge Lavell's, Ivs " The, Fancy Goods, etc, 101 Prin- 22 Barrie cess, Mcintosh Bros, Belleville, " Minnie, maid Henry F Mooers', Ivs props, Percy E Jesse, mgr. 68 Barrie " Henry, soldier, Ivs 380 Brock Fay Miss Catherine, Ivs 18 Duflferin " Roland, studt, Ivs 380 Brock " Fred, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 292 Mont- FAIR, WM J, District Manager North real American Life Assurance Co, " Hannah (wid Fred), res 271 Syden- Wellington, cor Clarence, res 221 ham King e " Jas, overseas, Ivs 18 Duflferin Fairborn, Robt ,trav, bds 116 Rideau " Lucy, Ivs 18 Duflferin Fairful, Capt, Vocational Officer, res 11 " Miss Margaret, nurse overseas, Ivs Nelso n 18 Duflferin Fairlie Catherine, Ivs 480 Brock " Margaret (wid John), res 18 Duf- " Rev lohn, retired, res 480 Brock ferin " Wm A, R N V R, Ivs 480 Brock " Patrick, wks Oberndorflfer's, Ivs 18 Fallon Bros, Granite Wks ,139 Clergy Duflferin " Bridget (wid Dolninique), res 241 Fearr see also Fern Alfred Fearne Arthur, asst electrician St Ry,' " Catharine (wid Pat), res 23 Redan res 57 Queen " Frank E (Fallon Bros), granite wks, " Ivs 241 Alfred Margaret, Ivs 57 Queen " retired, Ivs Patrick J, stonecutter, res 94 Raglan Featherston Jackson, 186 " Sarah, Ivs 23 Rideau Johnson " Vincent (Fallon Bros), granite wks Felman, Hyman, peddler, Ivs 58 Chat- 139 Clergy, Ivs 241 Alfred ham Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. Dcbcntures AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030


Felstead, Henry, carp tannery, res 19 FERGUSON Stephen " Thos H, agt Metropolitan Life Ins, " Henry, jr, lab Moulding Wks, Ivs 19 res 370 Brock '' Stephen Walter J, plb McKelvey & Birch, res " Mabel, Ivs 19 Stephen 116 Barrack " Marion, ironer K Laundry ,lvs 19 FERGUSON WM G, Supt Metropoli- Stephen tan Life, res 122 Colingwood Feeney, Jos, chauffeur, 2 Rideau, res " Wm, shell mkr Loco Wks, res 94 same Yprk Feeney, Jos, chauffeur. 2 Rideau, res Fern, Arthur, electrician, 57 Queen same Ferns, Annie. Ivs 275 Brock " Thos, lab Loco Wks, res 8 Rideau Furrier George, mach, res 140 Bay " Fegg James A, guard K P, res 631 Mabel, tchr, Central School, Ivs 140 Princess Ferris Miss Annie, wks Kingston laun- dry, bds 495 Barrie Penning, Chas H, eng K P ,res 5 Pine " Amelia, Ivs 239 Albert " Hilda, tchr, Frontenac School, Ivs 5 FERRIS C, teamster, res Pine EDWARD 689 Princess FENWICK HENDRY & CO (H E " Edward, retired, res 239 Albert Richardson), whol grocers, 189 " Mary, Ivs 399 Barrie Ontario " Jas, pntr Savage & Co, res 132 Ba- " Miriam (wid K N), prop Chateau got Belvidere, 141 King e " Wilbur, electrician Loco Wks, res " Myra D (wid Geo S), res 200 Uni- 399 Barrie versity av Fields Ann (wid Arthur), res 16 Dur- " Sarah, Ivs 327 Earl ham Ferguson Alice (v^rid Geo), res 161 " Harry, staff sergt R C H A, res Sydenham 264 Wellington " Alexander, marine capt M T Co, Ivs " Mamie, conductress St Ry, Ivs 16 354 Albert Durham " A S, prof Queen's, res 220 Union w Fife Geo B, trav Br Amer Oil Co, res " Bessie,* Ivs 125 Bagot 215 William " Charles, elk Loco Wks, res 89 York Filson Harry K, soldier, Ivs 41 George " Chas, carp, res 679 Princess " Cecil, carp ship yard, bds 355 Di- " Miss Frances, res 191 King e vision " Prof G D, prof emeritus, res 125 " >Tarv Jane fwid Robt). res 41 George Bagot " Dr Ralph (capt overseas), Ivs 41 "H orace, Ivs 191 King e George " Hugh, mldr Loco Wks, res 165 Filtz Olive, Ivs 79 Elm West " Phillip, messr Bank of Montreal, res " James, barber 202j^ Princess, res 79 Elm 296 Barrie " Mildred. Ivs 344 Albert " J A, marine capt M T Co, res Upper " Richard, mason, res 3^4 Albert William Finkle & Co (C H Finkle), Livery " Joseph E, carp M T Co, res 453 and Auto Stage, 120-122 Clarence • Alfred " C H CFinkle & Co), res 386 Earl " Maud, asst supt Infants' Home, Ivs " Caroline, stenog MSA, City Hall, 75 Union w Ivs 386 Earl " Nina, Ivs 125 Bagot " Miss W B. elk Bk of Montreal. Ivs " Robt, overseas, Ivs 370 Brock 386 Earl " Robt J, agt Prudential Life Ins Co, " Jennie, drsmkr, res 21 Montreal (up- res 230 Universit}' stairs) 264 Bagot. res 230 L'niversity Finlay John, patternmkr Loco Wks, res " Robt L. lab. res 97 Chatham 110 Barrie " Rose, waitress Frontenac Hotel, Ivs Finn Alice, studt, Ivs 106 Clergy same " Lieut Clifford, R S A, Ivs 19 Rideau " Roy, soldier, res 29 Main '' Elizabeth (wid W). res 106 Clergy " Stanley, shell mkr Loco Wks, Ivs 94 " Katie, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 106 York Clergy RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - • • - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


Finney Capt Wilfred (overseas), res 44 FLEMING U William " Geo, mach Loco Wks, les 40 Ord- First Division Court, T Lambert clerk, nance 219i^ 273 Bagot st " Hugh, lab H F Price, Ivs Fisher Frank, storekpr Hosiery Mill, Princess res 477 Johnson " Mary A (vi^id Hugh), res 219j^ " Erwin, lab C P R Princess " " Dr J H, overseas, res 524 Princess Wm J, agt Singer Sewing Machine " Harry A, bds 140 York Co, res 252 University " Mrs Percy J, bds 201 William Flett Alexander G, slsmn C Livingston " John, retired, res 524 Princess res 74 Colborne Fitzgerald Bridget (w^id Patrick), res Flint Chas, lab, res 108 Charles 25 Nelson " Charles, soldier, res 14 St Catherine " " Annie, maid W J Fair, Ivs 221 King Gertrude, wks Dom Textile Co, Ivs east 108 Charles " Miss A, stenog Moulding Wks, Ivs " Sadie, drsmkr Laidlaw's, Ivs 108 U 113 Stephen Charles " David, blrmkr, res 32 Union e Flinter. P S, Sgt-Major M H C C, res " Fred, foreman Moulding Co, res 113 60 Livingston p Stephen Flower Herbert, wks Hosiery Co, res " Hilda, nurse in training Eastern 87 Collingwood Hosp, Ivs 75 Gore Fleury, Lieut T J, overseas, res 194 " James E, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 25 Wellington (upstairs) Nelson Flynn, Clifford, inslr Vocational School, " James, lab, Ivs 75 Gore Ivs 129 Durham " " James Jr, shipper Robertson & Sons Miss Ellen, wks Imperial laundry, Ivs 75 Gore Ivs 164 Bagot " Mary, drsmkr, Ivs 25 Nelson " Haveland Eugene, retired miner, res FitzGerald Rev Canon W F, rector St 7 Mack Paul's Anglican Ch, res 238 " Louis A, res 129 Durham Brock " W F, piano tuner C W Lindsay, Ivs " Wm, packer R Waldron & Co, res 90 L Bagot 54 Division Fobell, Geo, lab, res 225 Wellington Fitzgibbon Daniel, tobacconist 210 Prin- Fobster, Mrs G, Ivs 212 King e cess, res 286 Princess, upstairs Foden James, mach Loco Wks, res " Mamie, res 261 King e 164^ Princess (upstairs) Fitzmartin John, mach Loco Wks, res Foley Wm J, trav Fenwick Hendry, res 194 University 243 Division " Flaherty, Edward, letter carrier, bds 24 Barbara, Ivs 272 Johnson , Charles Folger Miss Aileen, Ivs 17 Sydenham Flammer, Dr E, prof Queen's, res 55 FOLGER, COLLAMER C, Gen Mgr Alfred city's light, heat & power dept, Flanagan Miss Agnes, Ivs 130 L Bagot Ivs 17 Sydenham Flannigan Agnes, tlrs Hall & Well- " Doris, studt, Ivs 1 Emily " vvrood, Ivs 81 Clergy w Gwendolyn, studt, Ivs 1 Emily " Charlotte, Ivs 82 Barrie FOLGER, HOWARD S, Investment " Gertrude, Ivs 82 Barrie Broker, Bonds, Real Estate, In- " Madeline, Ivs 82 Barrie surance and Deputy U S Consul, " Mary B, Ivs 82 Barrie ofifice 44 Clarence st, res 1 Emily " Michael E, florist, 82 Barrie " Howard, Jr. soldier. Ivs 1 Emily " Miss Sarah E, Ivs 82 Barrie " Irene, Ivs 17 Sydenham " Wm L, -wks Loco Wks, Ivs 82 Barrie " Mary (wid Fred), res 17 Sydenham Fleet, Elsie, press feeder Hanson, Cro- Fong Charlie, Frisco Cafe, res 183 Wel- zier & Edgar, Ivs 151 Clergy lington " Wm, carp, Davis' drydock, res 151 " Charlie, laundryman, res 47 Mon- Clergy w treal Fleming Miss Bessie, bkkpr McKay's, " Sing, laundry, 383 Princess Ivs 40 Ordnance Fon Se To, laundryman, res 408 Brock " Ed, soldier, Ivs 40 Ordnance Foot, Mrs J, Ivs 436 Division

J. K. Carroll Agency dom.^PoTlIfe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. KEk:P DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, ft r«, \umm. phone 1030


Forbes, Allan, soldier, Ivs 119 King w FOWLER " Florence, confectioner Crothers, Ivs " Agnes, stenog C M B A, Ivs 40 * 119 King w O'Kill " Fred, musician, R C H A band, res " Eliz (wid Robt), Ivs 111 Raglan rd 119 King w " Edward, waiter lunch counter G T " Martha, Ivs 429 Barrie R station, Ivs Montreal st " Wm, mariner, res 429 Barrie " Elsie ,wks McGowan's factory, Ivs Ford George, lab Loco Wks, res 283 121 Bagot Sydenham " Florence, wks McGowan's factory, " Ethel, stenog Dom Fish Co, Ivs 40 Ivs 121 Bagot O'Kill " Kathleen, stenog C Livingston & " Miss Mabel, elk P O, Ivs 11 Arch Bro. Ivs 96 Rideau " Mrs Robert, bds 122 Montreal " The Misses, res 249 Brock Forest Jeanette, ironer Imp Laundry, " George, fitter, res 121 L Bagot Ivs 213 Division " Jas, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 40 O'Kill Forrest, Miss.wks Cotton Mill, res 276A " H, overseas, res 96 Rideau Sydenham " Rev Prof Jas, retired, res 121 Union Forresters' Hall, 21 Montreal " Mary, elk C M B A, Ivs 40 O'Kill /Forneri, Miss Constance, Ivs 218 Albert " Michael Jas, caretaker St. Mary's L-^ Rev Richard S, retired, res 218 Al- School, res 40 O'Kill bert " Thomas, keeper K P, res 70 Livings- Fournier, Joseph, bkpr C L C ,res 374 ton ave Albert " Thos Jr, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 70 Liv- Forrest Edw J, elk Jas P Forrest, Ivs ingston ave 82 Earl " Vincent, lab shipyard, Ivs 40 O'Kill Forrest James P, men's up-to-date fur- " Wm, hlpr M T Co, Ivs 96 Rideau nishings, 348 King e, res 82 Earl Fox Cecelia, waitress Anglo-American " Nettie, wks Imp Steam Laundry, Hotel, Ivs same Ivs 213 Division " Florence, elk Whig office, Ivs 240 " Wm J, carp M T Co, res 89 William Wellington Forster Rev J Wm, retired, res 303 " Agnes (wid Wm), Ivs 86 York Collingwood " Geo, wks C L C. res 240 Welington " John R, reporter British Whig, res " John A, wood finisher Jas Reid Co, Kensington ave res 11 Redan Forsythe Andrew, ship carp shipyard, " Katherine, stenog Armouries, Ivs res 140 Collingwood 228 Sydenham " Francis, eng, res 175 Montreal " Morris, chauffeur Finkle & Co, res ".Neil, wks Whig office, Ivs Ports- 86 York

Imouth , Fralick C E, retired, res Princess, 1st " Thos, lab, res 260 Johnson hse west of Bath Road Fortt Edward L, paying tlr Bank of " George C, elk Campbell Bros, res 294 Montreal, bds 64 William Barrie Foster Anna, servt E Robertson's, Ivs Francis Annie (wid Jno), res 23 Uni- cor Earl & Sydenham versity " Frank, chef Military Hosp, bds 168 " Alice, wks mica wks, bds 278 Syden- Bagot ham " Miss E, sec Y W C A, Ivs same " Claude, soldier, Ivs 3 Jenkins " " Leonard J, bookbinder Jackson Evelyn, elk Gilbert's grocery, Ivs 23 Press, res 531 Albert University " Susan, servt, 152 King, Ivs same " Fred, lab C L C; res 34 Charles Foubister, Arnold, lab C L C, 110 Clar- " Gladys, wks mica wks, bds 844 Prin- ence cess Fournier, see also Forneri " Herbert, lab, bds 63 John " Mrs Ernest, bds 255 Rideau " James, sergt Ordnance stores, res 3 " Joseph P C, bkkpr Loco Wks, res Elm 374 Albert " John, shoemkr Johnston's, res 312 Fowler Alexander, Immigration Officer Collingwood Govt, res 323 Dom Johnson Fraser, John' J, foreman C L C, Ivs 271 " Miss Annie L, Ivs 121 Union w Earl SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King St. STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stev^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office


ERASER Fredenburg Floyd, ins agt, Ivs 318 Uni- " Louis, lab M T Co, bds 328 Montreal versity " Mildred, tlrs Crawford & Walsh, Ivs " Geo, mail elk CNR, bds 116 Rideau 23 University Frederick Francis L, blrmkr Loco Wks, " Walter, baker Pollitt's, Ivs 301 Col- res 106 York lingwood " Gladys, winder Hosiery Co, Ivs 106 " Wm H, lab C L C, res 148 Raglan York rd Free Hugh, elk post office, res 38 Fron- res Francisco George, lab Loco Wks, tenac 37 Hickson ave " Robert contr, res 94 Division " Henry, wks Davis' tannery, bds 461 J, Barrie Freeman Caroline, mlnr Steacy's, bds 193 Earl Franklin Hazel, stenog T Co, Ivs 125 M " Beverly Eason, wks C L C, Ivs 461 Albert " " G W, wks K G H Elma, studt, Ivs 461 Albert " Evelyn, studt, Ivs 461 Albert " Hilda, studt K C I, Ivs 125 Beverly " " Francis C, res 461 Albert Wm J, retired, res 125 Beverly " Harold, Ivs Franks, Thos, lab, Ivs 400 King overseas, 461 Albert " Eraser Charles, lab Guess' livery, res 8 Capt J E, res 208 Frontenac Quebec " Ross, soldier, Ivs 208 Frontenac " " Bertha, soldier, res 218 William Wm, soldier, res 155 Hickson ave " " Mrs Catherine (wid Hugh), res 133 Wm, Sgt, res 163 Hickson ave King e Freemantle Miss Stella, elk Laidlaw's, " Clyde, mach C L C, Ivs 56 Union bds 82 Quebec " Miss Ella, artist, Ivs 133 King e Friendship Miss Alice J, dressmkr, 427 " Isobel (wid Norman), res 174 Earl Albert " Miss Evelyn, tchr Victoria sch, Ivs " Miss Annie M, Ivs 427 Albert 34 Aberdeen " Charles C, market garden, Bath rd " Miss Frances, Ivs 106 Barrie 3rd hse " Gladys, cond St Ry, bds 16 Durham " George, elk Friendship's grocery, Ivs " Helen, res 106 Barrie 427 Albert " Isabell, Ivs 196 Union w " Fred, wks shipyard, Ivs 427 Albert " Capt J D, res Belvidere, King " John & Son, grocers, 208-210 Divi- " John J, foreman Loco Wks, res 271 sion Earl " Roy, overseas, Ivs 427 Albert " James W, BA, tchr Collegiate In- " Stanley, elk Friendship's groc, Ivs stitute, res 13 Mack 427 Albert " Lillian, Ivs 106 Barrie " Wm H, solicitor British Whig, res " Rebecca (wid D M), res 196 Union 83 Frontenac " Rebecca (wid Geo N), res 34 Aber- deen Frink, Dwight, pckr W G Craig & Co, " Ltd, res 343 Division Stanley J, lab C L C, Ivs 271 Earl " Stanley, mach Loco Wks, res 113 Frisco Cafe, 183 Wellington

Raglan rd , Frizzell Alexander, blrmkr M T Co, res " Wm A, jeweller Smith Bros, res 363 26 Charles Barrie " Francis, munition wkr Loco Wks, Prin- Frasso, Wm A, retired, res 667 Ivs 309 Montreal cess " Lucilda (wid Robt), res 309 Mon- " Alice, opr Bell Telephone Co, Ivs 97 treal Earl "Thomas, caretaker Custom's House, " Alger, soldier, res 97a Earl res 309 Montreal " Edward, elk McBroom's, res 328 " officer Inland Revenue Office, Montreal Wm J, Ivs 309 Montreal " Joseph, ice cream mfg, 300 Montreal " Vera, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 26 U res same Charles " Melvina, furrier Geo Mills & Co, Ivs 97a Earl FRONTENAC CLUB, cor King and Frayne Emily (wid Milford), nurse, Ivs William 379 Earl " Hotel, 178-182 Ontario REAL J. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE « LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 135 FRONTENAC LOAN & INVEST- GAGE " MENT SOCIETY , W. F. J R B, grocer, cor John & Montreal, Nickle, M.P., President; R C and 239 Bagot, res 359 Bagot " Cartwright, Managing Director, Otis, elk J R B Gage, res 221 L Ri- 87 Clarence deau FRONTENAC FLOOR & TILE CO, " Richard, Ivs 179 Pine Outer Station, Jas McCabe, mgr Gainsford Mrs Katie, Ivs 14 U William " Moulding & Glass Co, Outer Station Gale, Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 28 Mark- F Phillips, mgr land Frost Alma, nurse in training K G H, Galbraith, Robt, linotype operator, Brit- Ivs 120 Colborne ish Whig, bds 472 Barrie " Norman, carriage pntr, W G Frost, Gallagher, Clifford, M B, Toronto, Ivs Ivs 120 Colborne 398 Albert " William G, carriage pntr 299 Queen, " Emanuel, carp M T Co, res 224 res 120 Colborne Montreal " " & Wood Machinery (Wm F Alarie Frank J, eng Loco Wks, res 79 agt) 27 Brock Queen Fry, Sarah, cook Albion Hotel. Ivs 42 " Frank, hack dr, res 216 Montreal Johnson ' Leo, taxi driver, Ivs 39 Markland " Wm, soldier, res 63 Rideau " Mamie, bkkpr, Ivs 79 Queen Fruitland, confect and fruit (Peter Kar- " Mary E, drsmkr, Ivs 96 Earl son), 348 Princess " Nellie (wid Ernest), tchr Central Fuller, Jas, mach Loco Wks, res 64 Bay Sch, Ivs 428 Alfred " Joseph, carter, res 39 Concession " Patrick Wm, caretkr St Vincent's " Martha, res 30 EUice Academy, res 112 William Funnell Arline, stenog P O, Ivs 184 " Thomas, inspector weights and meas- Barrie ures, res 197 King " Bernard, plbr McKelvey & Birch " Miss Tot, Ivs 197 King e Ltd, res 12 St Catherine " Wm S, cab owner, res 39 Markland " Charles H, w^ks Wormwith's, Ivs " Wm Jr, taxi dr, bds 103 Pine 186 Barrie " W H, retired, res 398 Albert " David J, eng C P R, res 184 Barrie Gallant, Fedel, fireman Davis tannery, " David, elk Gage's groc, Ivs 184 Bar- res 249 Patrick rie Gallery Catherine (wid Thos), res 560 " Elizabeth, Ivs 135 Montreal Princess " Earl^ dr G T R, freight shed, Ivs 12 Gallivan Catherine (wid Michael), res Catherine 75 Raglan rd " " Evelyn, Ivs 12 Catherine Francis J, eng C L C, res 79 Queen " K, wks Hosiery Co, Ivs 12 St Cath- " John, eng Light Dept, res 139 Col- arine borne " Kenneth, Ivs 184 Barrie " Lily (wid Ed), Ivs 521 Brock " May, drsmkr, Ivs 184 Barrie " Michael, wks Loco Wks, res 166 " Olive, studt, Ivs 186 Barrie Victoria " Thomas, cond C P R, res 186 Barrie " Timothy, shvlr M T Co, res 565 Funey, Jos, grocer, 2 Rideau, Ivs same Princess " Thos, lab C L C, res 8 Rideau Gallon, David, overseas, res 58 Chat- Furlong Sarah (wid Michael), Ivs 163 ham Division Gallogly, Hugh blksm shipyard, res Fursey Robt, Auto Garage, res 102 J, 6 Quebec Frontenac Ivs 73 Gore Furth, Wm, mach L C, res 17 Ste- Galloway Isabel, C " phen Margaret (wid John), res 75 Pine " Robert, dr Carnovsky's bakery, res 187 Victoria " Thos, retired, bds 75 Pine "Ellen, dom K G H, Ivs. same Gage's Grocery, 254 Montreal " John W, retired, res 75 Pine " D Benj, elk Ben Lee Grocery, res Gamble Andrew, elk Frontenac Htl, 179 Pine res 42 Clergy w


in CIT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET MpnrlplQ For Well-Made Ready-to- wear at lowest prices


Gammon Jas T, blrmkr Loco Wks, res Gatchell Joseph A, gunner "A" Battery, 142 Bay res 240 Colborne Gamsby Helen (wid G A), sch tchr, Ivs Gates Abel, mason's tender, res 64 Vic- 317 King w toria " Marjorie, ledger kpr Merchants Bk, " Francis, mason McKelvey & Birch, Ivs 317 King w res 238 Victoria Gannon Arch Wm, foreman uphol T F " Mrs (wid Jos), res 627 Princess Harrison, 237 Princess " Nellie, stenog Donnelly Salvage & Garbutt Ida E, stamp vendor P O, res Wrecking Co, Ivs 64 Victoria 296 University " Wm, soldier, res 37 James " Gardiner, see also Gardner Wm J, carpenter, res 214 Alfred " Aleda, studt, bds 220 Albert Gaudreau Zephirin F jr. trav Macnee & " Anne (wid James), Ivs 188 Ordnance Minnes, Ivs 304 Earl " Elsie, bds 220 Albert " Arthur, comp Whig Ivs 260 Univer- " Harriette, studt, Ivs 180 Bagot sity " Mrs May, Ivs 114 Patrick " Gena, Ivs 290 Ontario " James E, trav Crother's, res 190 " Zephirin, grocer, 290 Ontario Division Gauthier, Marie, slsldy Woolworth's, " Miss Mary, Ivs 188 Ordnance Ivs 218 Stuart GARDINER, ROBERT Physician Gautier Alfred, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 21 J, James and Surgeon, office and residence " Bert, dr Soward's, Ivs 106 Barrack Bagot, cor William, office hrs 8-9 " Marie, confectioner am, 2-4 & 7-9 pm, phone 870; Grimm's, Ivs 106 Barrack A D M S, M D No 3 " T, dr Soward's, res 106 Barrack Garland, Alex, guard K P, res 185 Col- Gavine Miss Ivs borne Jessie, 25 Frontenac " Mary, Ivs 25 Frontenac Garrah Gertrude, bkkpr Oberndorffer, " Wm, uphol McFaul, Ivs 25 Fronten- Ivs 324 Brock ac St " Mary, servt Miss Brown, Ivs 84 Geary, George, Barrie res 12 Frontenac " Miss Gertrude, bookbinder Mac- Garrett Mamie, Ivs 52 Johnson T Auley's, Ivs 12 Frontenac " Reginald, studt, Ivs 52 Johnson Gedye Mrs P V, Milliner, 178 Welling- " Richard W, physician, res 52 John- son ton, res 66 Centre " Philip V, draughtsman Loco Wks, Garrigan, Frank, printer Standard, Ivs res 66 Centre st w 5 Montreal Gee Albert, overseas, Ivs 29 King " w Bert, wks Whig office, res 3 Victoria " Blanche, looper Knitting Mill Ivs Terrace, Montreal 29 King " James sr, shoemkr, J H Sutherland " Benj, overseas, Ivs 29 King w 6 Bro, res 3 Victoria Terrace, " David, mach Loco Wks, res 29 King Montreal " Stanley, driver K Ice Co, Ivs 29 " Morris, plmbr, Ivs 3 Victoria Ter, King w Montreal General Hospital, see Kingston General " Wm, plumber appr Elliott Bros, Ivs Hospital 3 Victoria Ter Montreal st Geiger A G, trav W G Craig & Co, Garrison, Jean, studt, Ivs 107 York 276 Albert " Ruby, opr C L C, bds 393 Johnson Genge Robert ^ elk post office, res 48 " Herbert, wks C L C, res 507 Albert Clergy Garrow John, blksmith ship yd, res 31 Geraldi, Elwood, asst pressman Stand- King w ard, Ivs 116 Johnson " Bert, mach C L C, res 260 Colborne Garvin Catherine (wid Edw), res 258 " L, wks C, res 116 Earl John C L Johnson " Russell, wks C L C, Ivs 116 Johnson " Gordon, wks C L C, bds 243 Brock Germain John, grocer, res 54 Ontario Gask, Luke, Q M S, R M C, Ivs 449 Geoghegan Annie (wid John), res 13 Johnson Colborne Gaskin Thomas, chief elk Custom's " Fred, purser C S Lines, Ivs 13 Col- Hse, res 198 Union borne Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures Automobile Fire and. Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 137 GEOGHEGAN GILBERT " " Kathleen, wks K Hosiery Co, Ivs 32 Miss Blanche, Christian Science, Ivs Clergy w 184 Alfred ^. " " Leo, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 32 Clergy Ben J, wks W J Crothers & Co, res west 309 Queen " " Wm, eng Shipbldg Co.. res 32 Clergy Evelyn, V A D, Ivs Belleview, Cen- west tre st e George Peter, elk N Y Fruit store, Ivs " Frank, lab C L C, Ivs 42 Johnson " Princess st George, foreman Loco Wks, res 14 " Philip, eng, res 366 Barrie St Lawrence " Gerow, Iva, stenog MSA office, bds 80 John, grocer 194 Barrie, 39 Welling- Clergy w ton, res Bellvue, Centre st " Getty Jas, overseas, res 45 Concession Joseph, soldier, res 173 Sydenham " Gibbison Jas, soldier, res 127 Stephen Maggie (wid Albert), res 184 Alfred " Gibbs Geo, mach Loco Wks, res 272 Lieut Wm J, 75th Can. Inf, returned Wellington Ivs Belleview, Centre " Fred, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 54 Gilchrist, Carman H, rep I C S, Ivs 100 Elm Piae " Mary (wid Robt), Ivs 441 Albert " Earl C, slsmn J C Gilchrist, Ivs " Robt, blrmkr Loco Wks, Ivs 56 Elm 330 Division Gibson Alice (wid Wm H), res 681 Prin- " Joseph C, retired, res 100 Pine cess Gildersleeve, Ernest C, Ivs 45 Gore " Alice, Ivs 433 Alfred GILDERSLEEVE, JAMES P, City Re- " A, nurse (Queen's Hospital), Ivs gistrar, office City Registry office. Court House Court House Grounds, res 45 " Agnes, Ivs 321 University Gore " Anna, military nurse, Ivs 336 Barrie " Mrs Mary (wid C F), res 199 King " Constance, bkkpr Simmons Bros, Ivs east 458 Division " Miss M, Ivs 45 Gore " Daniel, lab, C L C, res 59 Earl Gill Noell, prof Regiopolis Coll, res 66 " Effie, wks Hos Mill, Ivs 517 Albert Earl " George, res 433 Alfred " Miss Sara, Ivs 195 Earl " Jack, lab gas works, res 25 Ontario " Trexie, Ivs 66 Earl " James, Dr, retired, res 336 Barrie " Wm, mgr Geo Robertson & Son, res " John, Dominion police, res 459 Divi- 193 University av sion Gilham, Miss B, military nurse, Ivs " John, cheese buyer, res 179 Alfred Court House '* Marjorie, studt, Ivs 458 Princess Gillespie Elmira (wid John), res 495 " Mrs M J, Ivs 126 Bagot Princess " Nina, Ivs 433 Alfred " Miss Ethel, drsmkr, Ivs 309 Albert " Sarah, bds 321 University " Francis L, elk Macnee & Minnes, " Thomas W, eng R M C, res 458 Di- Ivs 309 Albert vision " Lt-Col George, insp cadet corps, Ivs " Wm, mach Loco Wks, res 14 Ann 495 Princess GIBSON WM, Registrar of Deeds, " Gertrude, stenog Percival & Granger County of Frontenac, office Court Ivs 77 Ordnance hse, res 103 Gore " Gilbert, trav Bovril Mfg Co, Ivs 77 GIBSON, WM, Physician, res 85 Wil- Ordnance liam, office hours 11 to 12, 1 to 3 " James, foreman of works Rockwood pm, ^ to 8.30 pm, 'phone 43 Hosp, res 309 Albert " " William J, blksmith Loco Wks. res 245 James F, carp, Ivs 309 Albert Earl " Mary (wid Jas), res 77 Ordnance " Wellington W, dispenser Queen's " Sarah, dressmkr, 309 Albert Hospital, res 151 Union w " Wm H, plmbr Simmons Bros, res Giflford Frank, leather wkr Tannery, res 337 Division 116 Patrick Gillett Prof H, prof Queen's, bds 45 " Major, Ivs Frontenac Hotel William Gilbert Benj J, shipper Crothers, res Gillie James, eng Can S S Lines, res 309 Queen 101 Clergy w SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOLR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D,, Opp. General Post Office


Gilliland, Earl, res 20 Earl GLOVER, ALBERT, Grocer 154 Bagot " Harry, grocer, res 71 Pine res 70 E^cirl " Gilmour Mrs, res 154 Raglan J E, bkkpr C P R Fgt office, res 59 " Andrew, blrmaker Montreal, res 239 Elm " Earl W J, barber Fred Elmer, Ivs 11 " Alex, soldier, res 37 Clarence Ordnance " Robert, mach Loco Wks, res 20 Ri- GLOVER, WILLIAM R, LDS, DDS, deau dentist, office 264 King e, res same " Wallace, carriage mkr cor Queen & Phone 911 Wellington, res 253 Victoria Gobeill Edw, soldier home guard, res " Wm Geo, wks Loco Wks, res 449 15 Charles Barrie Goddard Edmund, lab gas wks, res 25 Gimblett Miss Phronie, Ivs 179 Queen Arch " Wm H, capt "A" Battery, res 179 " Frank, soldier ,res 240j^ Montreal Queen (overseas) " Mary, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 25 Arch " Judson, soldier, Ivs 179 Queen Godfrey, Chas, bottler, Thompson's " Wm, jr, soldier, Ivs 179 Queen Bottling Wks, Ivs 23 Plum " Girling Jesse, mach Loco Wks, res 61 Lillian (wid Jas), bds 202 Bagot Union e " Samuel, lab Loco Wks, res 247j^ " E O, watch mkr Kinnear & d'Esterre Earl (in rear) bds 286 Queen Godkin Cora, Ivs 130 Union " " Elsie, maid N C Poison, Ivs same J D & Son, livery, 290 Princess Givens John, guard K P, res 76 Centre " Jas Delbert, livery kpr, res 130 " McClure, studt, Ivs Id Centre Union " " Gertrude, drsmkr, Ivs Beverly Roy, livery. Princess st, Ivs 51 Elm " Margaret (wid Chas), res 39 Bev- Godman Flora, elk Grant's groc, Ivs 290 erly Victoria " " Margaret, Ivs 39 Beverly Alfred, dr E Metcalfe, bds 46 Prin- " Maude, Ivs 39 Beverly cess GIVENS, WM R, President and Man- " Daniel, lab city, bds 46 Princess aging Director Standard, res Godwin Alfred, driver 62 Brock, bds "Maitland House," Maitland st Princess st " Emily, stenog Armouries, Ivs 8 Pine junk dlr, bds 168 Ontario Glaser, E, Godwin Glasgow Miss Jean, rooming hse, res GODWIN, ENOCH (W H & 44 Clergy e son, ins), res 8 Pine " Enoch sr, ins agt, res 25 Pine Glassford Thomas C, carp, res 81 Col- " James G, packer Fenwick, Hendry borne & Co. res 79 Quebec Gleeson, see also Leason " " Mrs W H, Ivs 340 Johnson Mary (wid John), res 123 King w " " Wm Hy, contr, res 14 Nelson Miss Mary, Ivs 123 King w GODWIN, W H, & SON (Enoch God- " Mary, tlrs, Ivs 235 Earl win sr, and Enoch Godwin jr) In- " Sarah, tlrs, res 235 Earl surance, etc., 39 Brock Glenn, Charles, electr Loco Wks, Ivs Going, Mary, bds 189 Earl 493 Barrie Goldfinch, L, lab shipyard, Ivs Miller's " 3 Catherine, bds 20 William Lane " Ellen (wid res 493 Barrie Wm), Golden, Mary, cook Archbishop's Pal- " Miss Edith, Ivs 142 Ordnance ace, Ivs same " A, elk Ivs 493 Barrie Geo F J Hoag, " Blanche, hsemaid, Archbishop's Pal- " Gertrude, Ivs 493 Barrie ace, Ivs same " Kathleen, Ivs 11 Montreal Goldman Carl, sec hd goods 152 On- " Margaret, elk Crothers King St tario, res same Bakery, Ivs 462 Brock Fred, " Goldup home guard, res 36 U Matthew, soldier, res 142 Ordnance Charles " Madge, nurse in training K G H, Ivs Gollogly Jane (wid John), res 42 Pa- 142 Ordnance trick " Thos, mach : C L C, bds 480 Barrie " Hugh Mrs, res 6 Quebec Glidden Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 399 " Carrie, wks Jackson Press, Ivs 328 Brock Montreal

J. K. Carroll Agency insurance 56 BROCK ST. of all Kinds 136GPRINCESS STRElET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y


Gommer, John, soldier overseas, res 23 GORDON Dufferin " Vera, slslady Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 78 " Leo, tinsmith Simmons Bros, res 85 John York " Wm, dr Swift's, res 78 John Good Jno, wks Allies shoe shine parlor, Gorman, see also O'Gorman " Ivs 72 Princess Miss Annie E, Ivs 576 Montreal Goodberry Earl, lab Loco Wks, bds 12 " Mathew, retired, res 576 Montreal Alma Gormley Edw, pressman Standard, bds Goodearle Miss Annie, bkkpr Loco 70 William Wks, res 157 Bagot Gorrie Geo, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 40 " Miss A, res 90 U William Gore, and grocery " Harold, chemist, res 90 William GORRIE, mgr Bell Tel Co, res 162 Earl Gooderich Robert, wks Bell Tele Co, " Mary (wid Joseph), grocer, cor bds 258 Johnson Gore and Ontario, res 40 Gore " Jas, soldier, 50 Stanley Gossage, Thos., pntr, res Saints' Rest, Goodearle, Roy, soldier, Ivs 90 William Maitland Goodfriend Eva, bkkpr A Maclean, bds " Clinton, wks Carson's Wholesame 324 Brock Co, bds 161 Division " Jas, retired, res 20 William Gosselin Phillip, lab Tannery, Ivs 46 L Goodil, Clancy, lab, 225 Wellington Rideau Goodman Michael, lab M T Co, res 62 Gossin Jacob, pedler, res 269 Sydenham Patrick Gott Joseph, mach, res 10 St Lawrence " Louis, overseas, res 112 Montreal Gough, Henry, mason, res Frontenac " " Wm, roadmaster C P R, res 11 Al- Jas, mason contr, res 170 York " fred Rhoda, drsmkr, bds 59 Markland Gould Helen, stenog I Cohen, Queen Goodridge, Chas, lab city gas tank, res st, Ivs 2 Sydenham 34 John " " Cora, tchr Central School, Ivs 206 Edw, soldier, res 244 University Bagot Goodwin, L F, Major, bds 151 Earl " Joseph S, caretkr Central School, res " Alfred, lab, J Swift & Co, res 90 2 Dev. Ter, Sydenham William " Jennie (wid Jas A), res 206 Bagot " Alice, studt, Ivs 3 Alice " Miss Mabel A, bkkpr D Stewart " Dorothy, Ivs 3 Alice Robertson & Sons, Ivs 206 Bagot " Wm L, BSc (Lend), DSc, Edin, FRS " Marion, bkkpr J Y Parkhill Co, Ivs 2 C, Dean of Kingston School of Sydenham Mining, res 3 Alice " Mrs Jennie (wid Jas A), res 206 Ba- Gordon Amanda, tchr Victoria Sch, bds got 245 Alfred " Miss T, tlrs Waldron's, Ivs 29 L " Agnes, Ivs 290 Albert Charles GORDON, VERY REV DANIEL M, Gourdier Louis, carver, res 253 Queen MA, DD. res 122 University " Marion, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 253 Queen " Miss Essie, maid Miss Macaulay, 203 GOURDIER, WM F, Furrier, 76-80 King e, bds same Brock, res "Willow Cottage," King " Ethel, ass sec Queen's Medical Col- west lege, Ivs 240 Alfred Gouthier, Albert, sailor, Ivs 106 Barrack " Capt G D, A M C, Ivs 240 Alfred Gow Edw Jas, mach S Anglin, res 144 " Geo S, messenger P O, res 290 Al- Rideau bert " John E, dist insp of Inland Revenue, " Harry, guard K P, res 11 Pembroke res 105 Union e " Jessie Ethel, asst sec Med Faculty " A, billing elk C P R, Ivs 144 Rideau Queen's Uni, Ivs 240 Alfred " Neil, baggageman G T R, res 740 " John M, Grocer, 149 Montreal, res Montreal, Elmbrook 87 Bay Gowdy Elsie, elk G N W Tele Office, " John, stone mason, res 300 Albert Ivs 218 Union w • " Patrick, soldier, res 187 Wellington " Mrs Mary G (wid John), Ivs 144 (upstairs) Union " Miss Wilhelmina, M.A., instr Eng- Gowsell Jas, lab Shipbldg Co, res 52 lish Queen's. Ivs 122 University Division SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


GOWSELL Grand Cafe, Peter Lee, prop, 222 Prin- " Harold, overseas, Ivs 52 Division cess Gowan, see also McGowan " Opera House, D P Branigan local " James, sail mkr M T Co, res 381 mgr, 218 Princess " Princess Trunk Ry System, City Depot ft " Wm, mach Loco Wks, res 101 Johnson, J P Hanley agt, outer Beverly- depot n end Montreal, freight Grace Frank, slsman C W Lindsay Ltd, sheds, Wellington st res 8 Aberdeen Grand Trunk restaurant, outer depot, GRACE M S, manager C W Lindsay Granger Geo A, soldier 146th Batt, res Piano Co, res 19 Aberdeen 44 Bagot " " Victor, soldier, res 103 Gore Jas, mason, res 45 Aberdeen " James, mach Loco Wks, res 165 Grady, Anna, sec to J J Harty, C L C, Ivs 68 Earl Bagot " " Michael, contractor, res 68 Earl Mary, maid Miss E O'Brien's, 67 Graham Agnes, mlnr 370 Princess, Ivs Union 22 York Grant George, electrician C Loco Co, " & Butler, mlnrs, 368^^ Princess res 244 Wellington " Catharine (wid Thos), res 264 Sy- " Jessie (wid Thos), res 525 Brock denham " Mildred, Ivs 425 Brock " " Christopher J, contractor, res 464 Prin- Wm, grocer, Brock and Nelson, Ivs cess 425 Brock " Edmund, policeman, res 151 Division " Wm, soldier, res 65 Collingrwood " Edward, grocer (Raglan rd & Main " Anna, maid Major Carr-Harris', 148 st), res 393 Brock Albert " Ethel, slsldy J H Sutherland & Bro Grantham, Jas E, bds 107 King " Grace (wid Isaac), res 66 Barrie " Jean, wks Knitting Mill, Ivs 107 " Harvey, mech Clarence St Garage, King Ivs Portsmouth Granite Lodge Rooms, I O O F, 28 Mon- " Henry A, slsman Rees Bros, res 382 treal (upstairs) Albert Loius A, finshr res " Henry ,lab C L C, Ivs 486 Brock Grass Wormwith's, " Capt insp Dom Police, res 390 325 Brock J J, " Alfred W E, retired ,res 139 Nelson " John, foreman tinsmith Elliott Bros, Gratton, G^o, foremn Richardson & Sonsf; res 75 res 22 York Queen " " Loretta (Graham & Butler), mlnr Margai(|bt (wid Peter), res 126 Di- 368^ Princess, Ivs 22 York vision " Miriam (wid John), Ivs 464 Prin- Graves, see also Greaves cess " Arthur R, plshr Wormwith & Co, Ivs 557 Princess " Nellie, drsmkr Waldron'n, Ivs 380 Al- " bert Miss Edith G, cashier Canadian Ex- " Percy, electrical contr (Burke & press office, Ivs 573 Princess Graham), Princess st, res 347 Al- GRAVES, FRED M, Manager Cana- fred dian & American Express Co, res " Robert Saxon, storekpr Rockwood 394 Princess " Hosp, res 236 Albert Geo A, plmbr McKelvey & Birch " Roy, carp, res 98 Pine TTni, Ivs 557 Princess " Maude, Ivs 573 Prirtcess " Miss Sarah, drsmkr Waldron's, Ivs 380 " Stanley, elk Robertson Grocery Co, Albert Ivs 404 Brock " Sarah (wid James), res 380 Albert " Stephen W, tinsmith McK & Birch, " C, confectioner, 102 Princess, res W Ivs 557 Princess 245 Brock " Wm D, customs officer, res 573 " Wm, porter, Steacy's, res 236 Stuart Princess " Wm H, trav Robertson's Ltd, Ivs Gravett, Alfred A. firemarf Dom Textile 228 Johnson Co, res 418 Montreal " Wm T, carter, res 20 Concession Gray, see also Grey

J. K. Carroll Agency oceanA™ent& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 141

Gray, Chas W, elk Roney & Co, Ivs 13 Grieswood Cecil, opr Whig, bds 243 Frontenac Brock " Alex, cook R C H A, res 409 King e Grevall, Wm, soldier, bds 56 Division " Chas H, soldier, res 66 Nelson Griffin's Theatre, 250-252 Princess " David, lab, res 19 Russell Griffin, Elizabeth (wid Joseph), res 202 " D retired, res 478 Albert Montreal J, ^ " Ellen, Ivs 58 Alma Grigg, Clara, maid 124 Bagot, Ivs same " ' John, marine eng, Wolfe Islander, Thos J, lab C L C, res 49 Earl Ivs 58 Alma Grimason, Annie (wid Thos), res 168 " Lena, (wid Edwr), res 13 Frontenac University " Thos, eng, res 58 Alma " Thomas, collector of Inland Rev- " Wm, boilermaker shipyard, bds 41 enue, res 168 University Gore Grimm, N Roy, confectioner, 102 Prin- GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELE- cess, res 126 Johnson graph Co, T A Hanley Manager, "W C (Grimm's), Ivs 126 Johnson 34 Clarence Grimshaw Bert Jr, plmbr, Ivs 247 Vic- Great War Veterans' Association Club toria Rooms, 67 Princess " Frank, trav, res 237 Division Greaza Miss Emma V, milliner, 182 " Gertrude, Ivs 284 Division Wellington, res same " Jas, weigh scales hay market, res 17 Green, Annie, bds 23 Sixth Ellice " Annie, candy store, 22 Johnson '• Robert, retired, res 247 Victoria " Bros (Samuel and John Green), who) " Roy, tinsmith Chown's, Ivs 17 El- btchrs, 74 Brock lice " Edw^ard, trav Steel Briggs Seed Co, " Russell, carp W Snowden, res 72 L res 519 Albert Bagot " Fred, firemn K F Dept, res 50 Elm " Silas A, contr, res 284 Division " Georgia, Ivs 230 Brock Grinham, Albert, soldier, res 34 Vine " Jas, mach C L C, bds 29 James Groom Herbert, soldier, res 436 Divis- " John, butcher 74 Brock, Ivs Bath rd ion " Lilian, mlnr Steacy's Ltd, Ivs Bath Grooms, John, wks shipyard, res 44 Di- Road vision " Nellie, servt R W Brigstock, 7 Wel- Grogan, see also McGrogan lington " Catherine (wid John), janitor St " SamueJ, btchr 74 Brock, res S92 Johns sep school, res same Princess Grozell, Wm, mech Queen's Military " Sarah, cashier King Edward Theatre Hospital, bds 42 Clergy w " Teddy, v^^ks City Utilities Gubskii. John, wks Moulding Works, " Vernon C, Can sales mgr Jas bds 9 Charles Richardson, res 224 Frontenac Guess. Ernest W, carp M T Co, res 40 Greene. J M Musjc Co, Ltd, cor Prin- Quebec " cess and Sydenham, J Johnston, Francis E, retired, res 129 Bagot mgr " Leighton E, Livery Stable, Bagot, Greenlees Robt F, retired, res 198 Al- cor Brock, res 381 Brock bert Guibord, Albina, tlrs. Livingston Bros, " A Lloyd, soldier. Ivs 198 Albert Ivs 106 Barrack " Elva G, tchr Victoria sch, Ivs 198 " Lottie, slslyd Woolworth's. Ivs 106 Albert Barrack Greer, Georgia, Ivs 230 Brock Guild Christina, Ivs 29 L Charles " Margaret, wks Imperial Laundry, " Eliz, Ivs 29 Charles bds 8 Johnson " Jennie, prof nurse, bds 218 Barrie " Sarah (wid Rodger), res 327 John- GUILD, Leman A, Editor and Manag- son ing Director, Daily British Whig, Gregson John, currier Tannery, res 216 res 33 Division Rideau GUILD & HANSON, Publishers King- " Kathleen O, Ivs 216 Rideau ston City Directory Gregory, Jas, wks Col Giles', Union •' Mildred, slslyd Geo Mills & Co. bds Grenier. Alfred, mech Frontenac Glass 218 Barrie Co. bds 214 Division " R Elizabeth, Ivs 29 L Charles

[p° SMITH BR.OS. p nrcn GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES 'n't JlIVCLLlki When You Are in Need of £ye8;lasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - ). J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence end Wellington Streets, Golden Lien Block

142 KINGSTON ALPHAB ETtCAL DIRECTORY GUILD HAGGERTY " Wm Thos, plmbr Taylor & Hamil- " Annie, mattress mkr K Mattress ton, Ivs 29 L Charles Factory, Ivs 461 Brock Guirey, see also Girey " H, operator Bell Tel Co, bds 106 " Agnes, stenog. Ivs 225 Montreal Clergy " Daniel, eng C P R, res 98 Raglan " Lena, maid, Ivs 285 Alfred rd Hagan, see Hogan ' John, soldier Forestry Batt, res 42 Hagan George, soldier, res 6 Orchard U Charles " Lucy, spinner Textile Co, Ivs 6 " John, eng C P R, res 225 Montreal Orchard Guisti, Alex, lab C L C, bds 34 Duf- " Lillie, spinner Textile Co, Ivs 6 ferin Orchard Uni, res 143 Gummer C F, prof' Queen's Hague Alice, Ivs 132 University Collingwood HAGUE, GEORGE E, Manager Mer- Gunn, John, mid C L C. bds 57 Charles " chants Bank of Canada, res 132 Un- John, contr, res 1 Thomas iversity ave Gurnsey, Wm A, soldier, res 21 Bala- " Winnifred, Ivs 132 University clava Guthrie Essia (wid Wm), Ivs 218 Sy- Ilaig, F, elk Jas Crawford, bds 23 Arch denham Haines Gordon, stationary eng M T Co, Gurden, Alice, maid 440 Albert res 262 Sydenham Gurten, Maude, Ivs 91 Rideau " Mrs Henry (hus overseas), bds 104 Guy Dinah L (wid Zachariah), Ivs 87 Montreal Division " Helen assist Dr. Waugh, dentist, Ivs " Harry J, elk Customs office, res 87 332 Johnson Division ' Marjorie slslady Newman & Shaw, " Minnie. Ivs 286 Barrie Ivs 332 Johnson Guyette, Emma, elk Steacy's, bds 195 Hall Annie L (wid Thos), res 25 Sixth Johnson " Bertha, asst to Dr Walsh, Ivs Fire Gwatkin. Emma, bkkpr Robertson's Hall, Ontario st Wholesale Ltd, Ivs 438 Alfred " Chas, plmbr D Hall, res 157 Alfred " John, mail driver, res 438 Alfred " C R, petty officer R N C, Ivs 433 Al- Gynane, John E, soldier, bds 44 James fred " Claud, studt, bds 256 University " David, plumber, 66 Brock, res 206 n Alfred " Miss Helen, bkkpr D Hall, res 206 Haaz Mmnie (wid Anton), res 190 Union Alfred Hackett, Joseph, carter, res 358 Bagot " Isabel, elk McKelvey & Birch, bds " Christoph ,lab, Soward Coal Co, bds 25 Sixth 218 (upstairs), Montreal " John, electrician Hall No 1, res rear " William( plmbr Lemmon & Sons, Fire Hall, Ontario st res 96 Bay "Miss Marion, mer Queen Millinerv Co, " Thos, wks Daniel Whalen, bds 206 174 Wellington, Ivs 10 Aberdeen Barrie " Samuel Sr, wks Loco Wks, res 10 Haflfner Arolia, studt. Ivs 75 Division Aberdeen " " Allan B, studt Queen's, Ivs 409 Samuel, taxi driver, Ivs No 1 fire Johnson station, Ontario st " 25 " Emily (wid John Christian), res 834 Stanley T, shipper Loco Wks, Ivs Princess Sixth " res 321 " Geo, mason, res 46 Durham Wm H J, elk D Couper, " Philip, retired, res 394 Brock Earl 148 " Philip A, grocer cor Johnson and "William Sergt-Maj overseas, res Frontenac, res 400 Johnson Bagot " Thos, frame mkr Wormwith's, res Hallett A LeRoy, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 75 Division 206 Rideau Haggerty Wm, mach Loco Wks, res Halliday, Miss H, nursing sister Qun's 461 Brock Hosp, Ivs Court House Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance Specialize in Ciiiidren's and

Mendels Inlants' Wear of All


HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO, J Halli- HAMILTON " day, Mgr, 355-357 King e, res Nellie, wks Kingston Steam Laundry, Portsmouth bds 263 Queen " Edward, res 129 William " Rebecca, servant, Ivs 244 King HALLIDAY, JAMES, Manager Halli- " Rena, elk confect store, Ivs 387 Divi- day Electric Co, Ivs Portsmouth sion " Jas. elk P O, bds 44 Clergy " Robt M, soldier, Ivs 147 Pine " Walter, core mkr Loco Wks, res 222 " Nina, wks Hosiery Co, bds 336 King e Brock Halligan Ed P. plmbr, res 110 Queen " Samuel (Taylor & Hamilton), res " Francis E, Ivs 245 Brock 411 Princess Halligan Jos, mach Loco Wks, bds 243 " Samuel, retired, res 127 Union w Brock " William, Ivs 147 Pine ' " Rev R T, sec, Ivs Bishop's Palace, Wm, mach Davis tannery, res 20 Johnson st Stephen Hallinan Miss Hannah, drsmkr 107 " Wm, elk Waldron's, res 716 Prin- Wellington cess " Miss Mary A, Ivs 107 Wellington Hammel, Mrs, cook Anglo-American Hambrooke, Fred C, baker Doyle's Hotel, Ontario, Ivs same Bakery, res 176 Alfred Hammond Ed, bartender Randolph, Ivs " Ethel, stenog Daily Standard, Ivs 168 Bagot " 176 Alfred Joseph, timekpr Loco Wks, Ivs 168 Bagot Hamer A H, tel opr Richardson's, " Thos, studt, Ivs 168 Bagot bds 20 Garrett ' Wilfrid, manager Freeman, bds 243 Hamilton. Mrs Alice, bds 25 Stephen Brock " Capt Colin, res 140 Albert Hampel, Carl, soldier, Ivs 575 Princess " Capt C M, paymaster Belleville Batt, res 142 Albert Hampson, P. lab, bds 3% Division " Clark, lab Loco Wks, bds 140 Queen Hanan, John, steel erector shipyards, " Dorothy, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 147 bds 40 Clergy Pine Handler Zangwell, second hnd goods, " Frank H. sanitary eng ,res 131. Al- res 284 Princess fred Handley John H, stenog G T R freight " Geo, retired farmer, bds 106 Vic- office, Ivs 135 L Bagot toria ' Wm, jr. office elk Davis Tannery Co " Hamilton H, salesman Waldron's, Ivs 135 L Bagot res 525 Albert • Wm, eng C L C, res 135 L Bagot " Isabelle (wid Colin), res 290 Earl Sarah, stenog C M B A, Ivs 194 " James ,lab M T Co. res 25 Stephen Haney " James, Ivs 411 Princess Division " John, lab, res 387 Division Hanley, see also Handley " " Capt John, paymaster, Ivs 290 Earl Archibald, dep coll Inland Revenue. " Margaret (wid Wm), res 718 Prin- res 109 Wellington cess " A C, Hydro inspector, Ivs 81 Wel- " Margaret, forelady Woolworth's, Ivs lington 147 Pine HANLEY, FATHER ARCHIBALD, " Margaret (wid David), res 85 Vic- rector St. Mary's cathedral, Ivs toria Bishop's Palace, Johnson st " Mary (wid Robt M), res 147 Pine " James S, elk GTR office, res 65 Earl " Maud (wid Wm), res 302 Colling- " James, customs officer, res IZ Gore " wood J Swift, studt, Ivs 81 Wellington " Myrtle, Ivs 116 Gore '' Joseph P, City Ticket Agt GTR & " Miss, studt. Kings Bus College, bds O N Co, Ontario, cor Johnson, 44 Division res 67 Earl " Miss M O, nursing sister Queen's " Miss Minnie, nurse, Ivs 109 Wel- Hosp, Ivs Court House' lington " Myrtle, wks Hosiery Co, Ivs 185 " Robert, phys and surg, lOQ Welling- Colborne ton, res same Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS >%HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 Kins St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVER^Y FIGUKE

144 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY HANLEY, THOMAS A, Manager HARKNESS Great North Western Telegraph " Harry, btchr 221 Wellington, res Co 34 Clarence, res 81 Wellington 63 Frontenac " T A, Hydro Elec Com Dist Insp, " Jas, butcher Green Bros, res 857 res 81 Wellington rincess " " Gen Ry and Stmship Tckt Agcy, J Kate (wid Wm), res 689 Montreal PHanley prop, Ontario, cor " Mabel, asst librarian Pub Library, Johnson Ivs 237 Alfred " V C, ticket elk G T R, Ivs 67 Earl " Rebecca (wid Samuel), res 237 Al- Hanlon Anne E, stenog King & Smythe fred Ivs 88 Division " Wm Thos, elk P O, res 168 Rideau " Agnes, studt Queen's', Ivs 88 Division Harland James, lab, res 217 L Rideau

' Bernard J, letter elk P O, res 88 Divi- Harley Davidson Motor Cycle Agency, sion A Rawson agt, 41 Montreal " Mrs Frederick, Ivs 412 Barrie Harold, see also Herald " Joseph, soldier Lieut overseas, Ivs " Alex D, carp contr, res 104 Clergy 88 Division " Hugh, carp, shipyards, bds 184 Uni- Hanmer, Fray, lab, C L C, bds 3 Corri- versity gan " Miss Jessie, stenog, Ivs 184 Univer- " Stanley, elk Lindsay Piano Co, Ivs sitv 3 Corrigan " Kathleen, bds 184 University Hann, Stanley, farm hand, res 308 Uni- " Miss Gertrude, tchr Macdonald sch, versity Ivs 104 Clergy Hanna. Bessie, wks K Hosiery Co, bds " Mary, Ivs 15 Nelson 202 Colborne Harpell Jacob, mach Loco Wks, res 47 Hannay. Geo, lab Crawford's Coal and Main " Wood Co, res Cooper st (between Willet, carter, res 258 Nelson Albert and Collingwood) Harper Frederick, eng W J Crothers, Hanson Albert, soldier overseas, res res 89 Bay 226 Raglan rd " Maud (wid Fred), drsmkf Ivs 327 Hanson, Bessie, elk Friendship & Son, Johnson Harrigan, C,.res 75 grocers, Ivs 226 Raglan rd John, mach C L Raglan rd " Major C S, res 152 King " Fred, soldier, Ivs 103 Gore (Hanson, Crozier HANSON GEORGE " Fred, bkkpr C L C, Ivs 6 Garrett Edgar, Printers, 20 Market st), & " Leo, barber H Doyle, Ivs 6 Garrett res 251 Barnc Harris, Albert, soldier overseas, res 55 " Thos, tlr Crawford & Walsh, res 182 King Bagot " Barton, crane man C L C, res 184 '* George, draftsman gas wks, res 1 Bagot Corrigan " Edw B, mldr Angrove's foundry, Ivs " Frontenac Hotel, res Mathew, prop 14 Cherry same " Elizabeth, stenog pay office armou- " Robt, mach Loco Wks, res 298 ries, Ivs 44 Frontenac Johnson " Elsie, servt Col Leslie, Ivs 3 Emily Hanton David, lab shipyard, res 151 " Miss G, wks Mica Factory, Ivs 209 Bagot Montreal Harding, C. soldier, bds 322 Division A " Irene, mlnr Steacy's, Ivs 56 William " Edmund, firemn city water works, '' Isabella (wid David), res 14 Cherry res Zn Earl " James, jr, electrician H Newman Hardy, Ellen (wid John), bds 571 Prin- Electric Co, res 44 Frontenac cess " James, mach Loco Wks, bds 336 Hare Mrs Caroline (wid John W), bds Brock 15 Mack " B, prop Montgomery's Dye Wks,- " J Anna (wid W J), res 118 Gore res 225 Princess (upstairs) Harkness Anne, Ivs 237 Alfred " Lucy, maid H E Davis, Ivs 174 Stu- " Sgt D, soldier, bds 81 Clergy w art " " Fred, foreman W J Crothers & Co, May, drsmkr Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 14 Ivs 689 Montreal Cherry Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. DeDcntures AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE >^1^ CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 145 HARRIS HARTMAN " Mrs R W, Ivs 474 Brock ' Minnie, furrier Mills' Fur Store, Ivs " Thos, overseas, Ivs 44 Frontenac 297 Queen " Wm, trav K Paper Box Co, res 56 " Nelson, farmer, res 460 Division William " Rose, Ivs 365 Bagot " Wm G, soldier, res 282 (upstairs) " Ross, barber R H Elmer, Ivs 426 Ontario Princess Harrison, Edward, eng Hooper & Sla- " Ruby, furrier John McKay, Ivs 460 ter, res 3 Corrigan Division " Charles, pianist, res 209 Montreal " Violet, mlnr Miss Wilson, Ivs 460 " Chas P, contr, res 572 Princess Division " George, soldier ^Ist Batt, re^ 216 ' Voldar, farmer, Ivs 297 Queen Sydenham ' Wm, assist foreman Kent Bros, Ivs " John, lab, bds 23 Elgin 426 Princess " Jas, soldier overseas, res 123 L Ba- '' Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 365 Bagot got Hartrick Edward, electrician Light " Katie, servant J F Leslie, Ivs 47 Wil- dept, res 152 Division liam " Charlotte, fur finisher John McKay " Laura, tchr Victoria School, Ivs 42 Ltd, Ivs Portsmouth O'Kill " Fred, electrician Halliday's, Ivs " Miss Olive, elk C M B A, Ivs 176 Portsmouth Rideau ' Wm D, lab Macnee & Minnes, res " Stanley J, slsman C W Lindsay Ltd, 89 King Ivs 3 Corrigan " Fred, grocer, 109 King w HARRISON, T F CO (T F Harrison " Flossie, Ivs 89 King w '' and C E Taylor), Furniture W J, real estate, Ivs 474 Barrie Dealers, Upholsterers Carpets, " Wm, riveter, K shipyards, res 155 Curtains, 229-237 Princess Bagot " Thomas Frank, chief eng Loco Wks, Harty John J, MD, vice-pres Canadian Ivs 176 Rideau Loco Co, Ltd, .Ivs 107 Bagot " " Thomas j, mason contr, res 176 Ri- Wm Jr, overseas, res 104 Stuart deau HARTY, HON WM, retired, private of Harte Sergt Maj John, chief elk Armor- fice Ontario Chambers, Clarence ies, res 170 Rideau street, res 107 Bagot Hart Emily (w^id Jas R), res 42 Raglan Harvey Charles B S, elk militia, vocal- Road ist, res 138 Union w " Harry, bkkpr Swift's, bds 58 William " Marjorie, ledger kpr Bank of B N A, " Israel, Sgt R C H A. bds 37 York Ivs 138 Union w " Leo, fireman K F D, bds 291 Brock " Eliza (wid Joseph), Ivs Tfi Colborne " Harte, Willis, took mkr C L C, res 299 Edmund J, Capt, R M C, res 75 Earl Colborne " Frank, guard K P, res 295 Queen Hartman David, wks Loco Wks, res ' Henry, retired, Ivs 42 Livingston 426 Princess " John E, studt Queen's, Ivs 139 Union " Miss E, tlrs C Livingston & Bro, Ivs ' returned soldier, Queen's Rideau Monty H, Voc, Ivs 75 Colborne " Delos C, riveter Loco Wks, res 27 James HARVEY, ROBERT R F, Organist Gerald, wks mica wks, Ivs 426 Prin- and choirmaster St .George's Ca- cess thedral, mgr Bank of B N A, bds " Gertrude, wks Geo Mills, Ivs 297 81 L Union Queen " Mrs Ruth, Ivs 376 Alfred " Hilda, Ivs 460 Division " Wm J C, retired, Ivs 81 Union e " " Irene, elk Dr W R Glover, Ivs 297 Wm J, soldier, res 19 Crowdy " Queen Wm , soldier, overseas, res 2 Lans- " Jas, lab Mowat Hosp, res 297 Queen downe " Joseph Jr, Ivs 297 Queen " Wm, cement contractor, bds 92 ' Mary, fur finisher Geo Mills & Co, Queen Ivs 297 Queen Hasson Miss Susan, Ivs 174 York RICH Our Stock Is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


Hastings Maud, elk Woolworth's, Ivs Hazelton Sergt Robert, soldier over- 311 Queen seas, res 200 Frontenac " Harriet (wid Wm), res 311 Queen Hazlett, Miss C, stenog Pension Claim " Thos, retired, res 135 William Office, Ivs 83 Clergy w Hatch Augustus T, BA, manual trainer " Foster, R A F, Ivs 474 Brock Public schools, res 90 Frontenac " Geo M, marine eng Can S S Lines, Hatcher, Albert G, instr Naval College, res 167 Frontenac bds 160 King E " Howard, marine oiler, vs 474 Brock Hattan, Archibald, ship carp, M T Co, " John M, BA, studt Queen's, Ivs 83 Ivs 21 Pembroke Clergy w Haunts James, wks Loco Wks, res 256 " Thos, mar eng M T Co, res 474 Rideau Brock " Havory, Mary, maid Dr J C Connell, J Walter, chief mech eng C S L, Ivs 83 . Ivs 25 West Clergy w Hawkey, Sarah (wid Thos), res 119 " Wm, mech eng C S L, res 83 Clergy Beverly west ' Hawkins Edward, soldier, res 87 Cha- Healey, see also Hoaly and Haley tham " Agnes, maid Donnelly's, Ivs 329 Earl " Moses, packer Robertsons Ltd, res " Edith, assist cashier Manufacturers' 264 Victoria Life Ins Co, 58 Brock, Ivs 394 " Reginald, shipbldr Davis dry dock, Brock res 49 Beverly " Mrs Sarah, Ivs 91 Clergy w " Reginald S, butcher, Ivs 49 Beverly " Thomas, customs officer, res 57 Arch Hawley, Edwin, soldier, 72nd Battery, Heaney see also Haney bds 58 William " Jas, spinner Hosiery Mill, res 90 " Clarence, lab Loco Wks, bds 375 Collingwood w Bagot Heasilp, Effie. forelady K Hosiery Co, " Harry M, mgr Stroud Bros, res Ivs 42 Montreal 109 Princess (upstairs) " John E, barber 42 Montreal, res same " Wm. opr G N W Tel Co, Ivs 109 " Miss W, slysldy Woolworth Co., Princess Princess, Ivs 42 Montreal Hay, John, res 389 Johnson Heath, Miss E B, nursing sister Queen's Haye, Jas, soldier overseas, res 220 Hosp, Ivs Court House Montreal Hebert, see also Herbert " Ernest, bds 237 Brock " Chas, pntr, res 26 Plum Hayes, Cyril, pattern mkr Loco Wks, " Fred, deliverer Parcel Post P O, res res 322 Johnson 5 Plum " Frank, fireman city, res 259 Earl " Lewis, carp, res 7 Plum " J G, fitter C L C, res 87 Wellington Hedley, W P, tchr K C I, bds 408 " Miss O S, Ivs 48 Division Johnson " Richard, lab, res 61 Elm " Catherine ,cook Jas Rigney, Ivs 55 " Winnifred, waitress Grimm's Ice George Cream Parlor, Ivs 37 King Heflferman, Jos H. traveller John Mc- Hayman, J R, soldier, res 215 Earl Kay, res 113 York Haynes, Hubert, lab, bds 161 Division Hegadorn Jessie, maid, Ivs lid Princess " Lillian, waitress G T R restaurant, " Florence, n-\aid. Ivs 228 Johnson Ivs Montreal st " Isabella (wid Wm), Ivs 426 Division Hays, Blanche, res 42 Johnson HeflFron Ernest C, agt Manuf Life, bds Hayward, Beatrice, maid Sgt-Maj Worth 250 Barrie Ivs 88 Barrack HefTord, Chas, saldier, bds 10 Rideau " Edith, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 260 Heines. Mrs Edna, elk McLaughlin's, Queen 204 Princess, Ivs 47 L Bagot " Grace, elk "The Rest," Ivs 301 John- Heinz, Margaret, hkskpr John Hays, son Ivs 389 Johnson " Miss Ida, wks Bell Tele Co, bds 260 Queen Helm, Wm,' lab,. C L C, Ivs 4 Colborne " John, soldier, res 10 Fifth Helsley, Richard, fireman Davis' tan- " William, taxi driver, res 99 Elm nery Co, res 779 Montreal


Hely, Laura, maid Geo Mills, Ivs 124 Hennessy Elizabeth, finshr K Hos Co, University res 15 West Hembry Harry, eng C P R. res '7 Pine " Martha, res 83 York Hemming Brig General T D R, G O C, " Thomas E, guard K P, res 229 MD No 3, res 157 King e Brock " Margaret, Ivs 157 King e Henry Archibald, riveter M T Co, bds Hemsley Chas G, v^^atchmkr R J Rod- 8 Corrigan ger ,res 51 Quebec " Chester, pntr M T Co, res 58 Ste- " Lionel, watchman Roger's jewellery phen store, Ivs 51 Quebec " David, teamster Nolan wood yd, res Henderson Mrs Alice, bds 68 Quebec 46 James " Davis, soldier R C H A, Ivs 440 " Ernest, joiner M T Co, res 115 Rag- Johnson lan rd " E W, prof Electrical Engineering, " Jane, Ivs 316 Queen Queen's, res 104 P'rontenac " John, carp, res 342 Division " " Emma, Ivs 87 York Robt, carter, i es 468 Albert " Fred, Ivs 40 Elm Henstridge Miss Elizabeth, tchr K C I, " Geo, carp contr, res 74 L'nion Ivs 31 Peni-broke " George, eng M T Co, res 70 L Bagot " Josephus Wm, res 31 Pembroke " Geo, caretkr Robertson's, res 306 Henshaw. Mr. bds 200 William Earl Hentig Florence, tchr Victoria School, " Henrietta, Ivs 117 Earl Ivs 558 Princess HENDERSON, JAMES R, grocer 59 " George W, hardware, 345 Princess, 61 Brock, res 117 Earl res 588 Princess " Princess HENDERSON J R, Wholesale and Re- Isabelle, Ivs 558 tail grocer, 59-61 Brock Henwright, Daniel, n'mch C L C, bds 42 " James E, dr Gordon's groc, res 97 Montreal Bay Henzy Harriet, dressmkr, 429 Brock " " Jane (wid Thos), res 69 Stephen Miss J A, res 429 Brock " " Jane R (wid John), res 49 Clergy Kate, elk J Laidlaw & Son. Ivs 429 ' John, soldier A M C, res 434 Prin- Brock cess Hepburn Chas, overseas, bds 9 L " Margaret (wid George B) res 40 Elm Charles " " Miss M, studt K C, bds 284 Albert Frank lab Cohen Co, Ontario, res 9 " Richard J, trav A Chown, res 443 Charles Johnson '" Mary, Ivs 140 York " Oscar, mach Loco Wks, res 20>^ " Wm. plmbr Loco Wks, res 140 Earl York " Robert, man editor Standard, res 426 Hepler. Mr, elk Royal Bank, bds 395 Johnson Brock " Robt H, tanner Davis' tannery, Ivs Herbert see Hebert 69 Stephen Herbison, J E, grocery, res 611 Prin- " Wm Geo, carp, res 74 L Union cess " Walter C, dr W G Craig & Co, res Herlehy. John, elk Prince George Ho- 87 York tel, Ivs same Hendrie, Jas, mgr Singer Sewing Mach Hermist* n Chas, contr, res 84 ColHng- Co. res 260 Alfred wood " " Leslie E. soldier, bds 30 Aberdeen Ella rwid Robt), res 380 Alfred Herns, Henry, baker A Arthur's estate, Hendry, Archibald, stableman Shedden res 365 Bagot Co, res 74 Earl " Edith, bkkpr Nicholson's meat mar- Hess, Geo. wks Mahood Drug Co, res ket, Ivs 74 Earl 25 Elm " Ambrose B, elk Bank of Commerce, Hethering. John J. lab M T Co. res 104 bds Alfred (upstairs) Wellington Terrace. HENDRY, JAMES A, Mnfrs' Agt 75 Montreal Princess, res King, cor West Hetherington, Annie, stenog Cunning- • Maud, bkkpr G Y Parkhill (Jas ham's office, Ivs 237 Earl Crawford), Ivs 74 Earl " May. Ivs 237 Earl

Ail Standard Railroad Watches IN STOCK Watch Repairing SMITH BROS. - - King St A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office 148 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY

HETHERINGTON Hillier Adam, btchr A Maclean, res 3 " Robt, shell mkr Loco Wks, res 237 Adelaide Earl " G, retired, Ivs 318 Princess, upstairs Hewgill, Percy, Sergt-Maj R C H A, " S Frederick, Ivs -^06 Barrie res 56 Earl " Hanson, driver A MacLean's, Ivs Hewett, Geo L, overseas, res 37 (up- Adelaide st stairs) Clarence " John, retired, res 406 Barrie Hewitt, Miss Mabel, Ivs 93 Union e " William, barber 316 Princess, res " Elizabeth, wvr Cotton Mill, bds 114 same, upstairs Patrick Hillock, W, staff Ongwanada Hosp, Ivs " Thomas, retired, res 93 Union e same Heyman, Henry, lab Jas Richardson & Hiylard, John, ship carpenter M T Co, Sons, Ltd, res 40 Ellice res 167 Montreal ' Lome, moving pic opr, Ivs 40 Ellice Hinckley Ca.pt Coleman, tes 185 Uni- Hibbert, Silvanus, soldier, res 322 Divi- versity av sion Hinks, Wm, wks C L C, res 129 Raglan Hickey Miss Annie, Ivs 138 Johnson rd " John, retired, res 176 Johnson Hinchcliffe Jas, caretaker, res 36 Clar- " John jr, studt, Ivs 176 Johnson ence " Miss Mary, res 138 Johnson " Jas. driver K Shedden Co, res 114 " O James, eng Queen's Univ, res Raglan rd 16 College " Samuel, dr Botsford & Nicol, res 34 " Wm, wks C L C, res 72 (upstairs) Colborne Princess Hinds, see also Hynds " studt Vocational Course Hicks Frederick, porter R J Rodger, Norman, res 132 Princess (upstairs) (military , bds 158 Bagot " " Earl T, mgr Can Oil Co, bds 111 L Wm, soldier Ordnance stores, res Union 3 Miller's Lane " Keith, Prof Queen's, res 44 ColHng- Hinehan Susan, Ivs 68 Centre w wood Hines, Arthur, Sergt H staff, Ivs 141 " Q Russell K, prof Queen's Univ, res 44 Colborne Collingwood " Wm. driver H Waddington, res El- Higgs Wm, fireman C P R, res 121 lice st Montreal Hingey Fred, soldier, Ivs 101 Rideau Higgins Chas, paper hanger and pntr, " John, soldier, res 101 Rideau res 535 Brock " Ernest, plumber, Ivs 101 Rideau " Jane, (wid J Wm), Ivs S Wellington Hinks, Gladys, waitress Frontenac Ho- " R. soldier, Ivs 5 John Welington tel, Ivs Frontenac Hotel " Leo, lab Moulding res 134 Co, shoemaker, 350 Johnson, Stephen Hinton, David, res 189 Alfred " May, (wid Jas), Ivs 123 King e " Gertrude, tchr, Ivs 189 Alfrfed Hill Alfred Henry, mach Loco Wks, res 268 Johnson Hipson Edw, soldier, Ivs 136 Division " Andrew, restaurant, res 33 Brock " Ella. Ivs 136 Division " Chas, Ivs 170 Rideau ' Joseph R K, blrmkr Loco Wks, res " Sergt D H, elk Armouries, res 236 136 Division Wellington " Joseph, elk Loco Wks, Ivs 136 Di- " Edward, mach Loco Wks, res 130 vision Nelson " Marshall, fitter Loco Wks, Ivs 136 " Henry, lab C L C, res 22 Elm Division " sch, Ivs " Henry, studt Cornell University, Ivs Miss Louise, tchr Victoria 14 Maitland 136 Division '' Di- " James, farmer, res 462 Barrie Wm, elk K Coal Co, Ivs 136 " John, miner, Ivs 115 Barrack vision " Samuel Geo, soldier 39th .Batt, res Hiscock Edgar C, retired, res 102 Barrie 30 Chatham " E C, jr, overseas, Ivs 102 Barrie " Lieut Sherman, A S C, Ivs Maitland " Elizabeth (wid Jos), res 117 Wil- St liam B^n^s and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Dcbcntures LADIES' WEAR If ifs the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.

KINGbTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 149 HISCOCK HOGAN " Florence, grad nurse, Ivs 117 Wil- " Wm W, wks Loco Wks, res 12 Mon- liam treal " Grace, nurse overseas, Ivs 117 Wil- Hogle W N, sawyer Moulding Co, res liam 236 Victoria " Howard, overseas, Ivs 117 William Holden Robt, tanner Davis Tannery, " May B, tchr Sydenham H school, Ivs res 16 St Catharine 1Q2 Barrie Holder, see also Houlder *' Reta, tchr Sydenham sch, Ivs 117 " Bella, Ivs 245 Colborjie William " Bertha, stenog O F R A, Ivs 245 Hitchen M Harry, retired, res 20 O'Kill Colborne Hitsman Samuel, tchr K C I, res 331j^ Herbert B, paver and mason contr, Brock res 34 U William " HOAG, FRANK J, Druggist, Sub P O Isabelle, Ivs 245 Colborne " No 1, 357-359 Princess, res 394 Al- John B, carp St Ry Co, res 245 Col- fred borne " Melba, Ivs 394 Alfred Vera, slsldy Lockett's shoe store, Hodge Fred, undertaker Jas Raid, bds Ivs 462 Montreal 95 York " William, boatbldr, res 462 Montreal ' Herbert, soldie roverseas, res 316 Holiness Movement church, 267 Divi- Brock sion " Joseph, piano tuner, res 273 King Holford Wm, overseas, res 138 Col- west borne " Walter, driver J Turk, res 28 Fifth Holman Albert E, tinsmith Loco Wks, Hodgins Chas C, bursar Rockwood, res res 45 Arch " 103 Clergy w Florence, elk Mcintosh Bros, Ivs 45 " Dorothy, jr elk Bank of B N A, Ivs Arch 103 Clergy w Flolmes, Clara, Ivs 86 Union " Eileen, Ivs 103 Clergy w " Miss M E, elk G N W Tel Co, bds " Kathleen, elk Bk Montreal, Ivs 103 Y W C A, Johnson st Clergy w Holland Miss Alice, trained nrse, Ivs " Marjorie, elk MSA office, City Hall 431 Johnson Ivs 103 Clergy w Bertha, knitter Kingston Hosiery " Wm Chas, soldier overseas, Ivs 103 Co, Ivs 25 Elgin Clergy w " Arthur, express dr Am Exp, res 114 Hodson, Alfred, mach C L C, bds 21 Johnson Main Chester, lab Mowat Hosp, res 64 Hogan, see Hagan Cherry " Bella, Ivs 218 Sydenham " Eleanor, Ivs 40 L Rideau " George H, ele.ctrician Opera Hse, " George, hlpr C P R round hse, res bds n York 40 Rideau " Geo, teamster I Cohen, res 218 H, overseas, res 273 Brock Sydenham " James B, shipper W G Craig & Co " Helen E, bkkppr Harrison's ,lvs 131 Ltd, res 182 Clergy Nelson " James, wks E Beaupre, res 429 " Herbert, fireman G T R, res 112 Johnson Montreal " John, eng Shipbldg Co, res 81 Al- "James, inland revenue officer, food fred inspector, bds Anglo-American " Mabel, lab K Steam Laundry, Ivs 64 " John, carp, res 302 Earl Cherry " Mrs (wid Michael), res 7 Clow's " Marjorie, stenog McKelvey & Birch, Block, Chatham Ivs 180 Alfred " Michael, driver United Grocery, Ivs " Robt F, traveller, 87 Centre 7 Clow's Block, Chatham " Sterling, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 27 " Sgt-Maj R C H A, bds 2 Victoria Elgin Terrace, Montreal st " Miss V M, elk R Uglow & Co, Ivs " Thomas, retired, res 728a Montreal 431 Johnson " Wm H, hack driver, Ivs 218 Syden- " Wm E, mldr Loco Wks, res 10 ham Frontenac

WEDDING PRESENTS al SMITH BROS. in CIT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc. 350 KING STREET Mpnrlpl< For Well-Made Ready-to ^ ICllLlClo wear at lowest prices


HOLLAND Hopkirk Jno E, retired, res 202 Fron- " W B, soldier, res 523 Princess tenac HoUingsworth G, sec foreman G T R " Marjorie, stenog Armouries, Ivs 202 station, Ivs 831 Montreal Frontenac Holtham Wm, overseas, res 29 Patrick HOPPES, JOSEPH H, Local Manager Holloway, John, soldier, vocational stdt Canadian Pacific Railway Go's bds 120 Earl Telegraph 40 Clarence, res 196 Hollowell Carolina (w^id Henry), res University 216 Earl " John, elk Richardson's, Ivs 137 Wil- Holton Chas, sergt armouries, res 103 liam Union w Hoppins Densmore, woodworker S " Alfred, D Q M Serg armouries, bds Anglin & Co, res 276 Wellington 15 Aberdeen " Abiram, retired, res 212 Stuart Hollywood, John ,lab St Ry, res 23 (up- " Christina, Ivs 276 Wellington stairs) Ontario " Miss Elizabeth M, tchr Victoria Home, Chas D, mgr hardware dept, School, Ivs 276 Wellington McKelvey & Birch Ltd, res 415 " Harvey, lab Queen's Uni, res 200 Albert Union " Jeanette, tchr, bds 78 William Hora Arthur, retired, Ivs 18 Wellington HOME FOR FRIENDLESS WOMEN ' Helen (wid Traverne), Ivs 18 Wel- and Infants, Mrs Thompson supt, lington 75 Union w " Hansord, Capt overseas, Ivs 57 Home Lunch (Lee Bros). 191 Princess West " Miss Homer Joseph, barber cor Division & Mary F, res 18 Wellington Main, res 305 Division Hore Wm, lab S Anglin & Co, res 150 Hong Bros (Charlie Hong), hd Sundry Stephen 61 Division Home, Clifford R, salesman Dom Exp ' Lee, laundryman, Ivs 61 Division Co, res 453 Albert " " Tom, laundry, 86 Queen Francis, studt K C I, Ivs 106 Gore " Hood A, meat market 222 Barrie, res 229 Robt A, mail collector, res 628 Prin- Barrie cess " " Alex, overseas, res 256 Division Silvanus V, bottling wks, 146 On- " Chas W, brakeman G T R, res 69 tario, res 303 Albert Frontenac " Sidney, Dr, physician, bds 185 Earl " Magnus, returned soldier, bds 44 Horsey Edwin E, bkkpr C Livingston Frontenac & Bro, res 408 Albert " Bessie, elk R Uglow & Co, Ivs 408 Hooper Ethel, Ivs 160 Sydenham Albert " Harpld, Queen's, Ivs 176 King studt Horsefall Alfred, " pntr Milo, Ivs 87 Henry F, glass man. Moulding Co, Queen Ivs 152 Bay Horwitz Arthur (Lion Clothing Hse), " Louise (wid Alfred), res 152 Bay 347 King e, res same, upstairs contr (Hooper HOOPER JOSEPH, & HOTEL DIEU, Sister Farrell Mother Slater), res 160 Sydenham Superior. Sydenham, cor Brock & SLATER (Joseph Hoop- HOOPER HOTEL FRONTENAC, 178-182 On- Thos. Slater, and er and Sash tario Door Manufacturers, 128-132 On- HOTEL RANDOLPH, H Cochrane, tario street. mgr, 133-139 Princess Hopkins Sergt Maj Walter, A Battery, Hotson, G H, watchman Smith Bros., (overseas) res 48 L Bagot bds 347 Brock " Mary Jane (wid Thos) Ivs 372 Brock Hough, John, lab C L C, bds 120 Earl Hopkinson & Bros (Wm E and J C), " Mabel, stenog C N Express office, grocers 37 Brock Ivs 460 Princess " (Hopkinson Bro), Ivs James C & Houlder, see also Holder 109J^ York " Maria (wid Edw), res 109^ York Houghson, Dora, mlnr Gedye Mlnry, " Wm E (Hopkinson & Bro), res 165 Ivs cor Mack and Nelson Alfred Houghton, Mary (wid Isaac), Ivs 275 " Wm, overseas, Ivs 202 Montreal King Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Deijentiires KEliP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For fire insurance Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 151 HOUGHTON HUDSON " Chas D, dr T F Harrison, res 558 " Henry, carp Shipbldg Co, res 204 Albert Montreal " Miss Grace, opr Bell Tel Co, Ivs 558 " Geo W, studt, Ivs 232 Stuart Albert " Jessie, wks Poison's, Ivs 204 Mont- House John, carp, res 23 Elm real " " of Industry, Baldwin, Roston, supt), Marie, cashier Prudential Life Ins 362 Montreal Co, Ivs 232 Stuart " of Providence and orphanage, con- Huffman, Harold, lab, city, Ivs 2 Col- ducted by the Sisters of Charity, borne Montreal st, between Ordnance Hughes Lieut Albert L, A S C, res 405 and Bay Earl " Ada, Ivs 85 Johnson Hounslow, Jas, carter, res 26 Main " Ernest, soldier Convalescent Home, Houston, Elizabeth (wid C), res 129 Nelson res 11 Sixth " Lieut H E, A S C, bds 257 Brock HOWARD, DR C ALMANAZER,MD, " Harold Franklin, mgr Bailey Broom 122 surgeon and physician; office, Co, res 115 Gore Wellington st; phone J801. Hours: " Isabella (wid John), 85 Division afternoons and evenings, and by " Mrs L, musician King Edw, res 117 appointment; residence 385 John- King w son st; phone 497 " Jas, prop Queen's Hotel, res 119- Howes Anne, alb Cotton Mill, Ivs 18 127 Brock Stephen " Jos, blksmith. Loco Wks, res 14 " Ambrose, soldier overseas, res 39 Clergy w " (upstairs) Charles John J, guard K P, res 246 Colborne " Edna, studt Queen's, Ivs 24 Garrett " John M (Bailey Broom Co), res 165 ' James, vvatchman Frontenac Mldg University Co, res 18 Stephen " Isobel, studt K C I, Ivs 252 Alffred Howie, Jas, lab, K shipyards, res 49 Col- " Laura, Ivs 24 Frontenac borne " Miss Mabel. Ivs 40 Union e " Jennie, maid Wm Drury, Ivs 393 " Mina (wid Albert), res 24 Frontenac Princess " Phelan, millman Wormwith's, res Howison Miss Charlotte, mlnr Pearsall, 246 Colborne Ivs 179 Montreal " Robert, birmkr Loco Wks, res 40 Un- " J E H, asst grand sec CMBA. res 179 ion e Montreal " Wm H, agent Mattress, res 252 Al- " Leo, studt Kalamzoo Art College, fred Ivs 179 Montreal Hughson Ernest, wks Wormwith's, res Howitt, Frederick, storeman Loco Wks, 220 Division res 24 Plum Hull Edward, lab Loco Wks, bds 270 Howland Thos, lab Tannery, res 675 Wellington Montreal HtHnane Society, J R C Dobbs, secre- Howley, Albert, gardener Mowat Hosp, tary, 41 Clarence res Z7 Pine Humphreys Hanna (wid Chris), res 8 " Jack, carder cotton mill, Ivs 37 Pine Cherry " Hubbell Eliza J (wid Henry S), res 108 Kathleen, bookbinder Jackson's, Ivs Bagot 8 Cherry Hubbell Walter H, carp, res 26 Quebec Hunn Chas, restaurant 83 Princess, res " Miss W, hskpr, Ivs 26 Quebec same Hubley Edward Chas, Q M Sergt, res Hunt Archibald, barber 288 Princess, 96 L Bagot res 458 Princess Hudon Jos A G, Col, retired, res 39 " Bert, bkkpr C P R fgt office, Ivs 458 Union st Princess " Florence, Ivs 39 Union w " Bert V, studt, Ivs 18 Earl " Lieut Leo, overseas C A S C, Ivs 39 " D C, chauffeur S S Corbett, res 246 Union w (upstairs)y Princess Hudson Geo E, foreman Loco Wks, " Ed, washman. Imp St Laundry, res res 232 Stuart 144 Pine SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - - 350 King STARR PHONOGRAPHS St. Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office

152 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY HUNT Hurst Albert, soldier, res 4 L Rideau " Freeman, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 185 " James, carp, res 428 Barrie Division Hussy, Geo, mach C L C, Ivs 376 Bar- " Hanna (wid John), res 18 Earl rie " Harold, opr C P R Tele Office, Ivs Hutchings Chas, lab Loco Wks, res 35 458 Princess Stanley " James, lab Loco Wks, res 69 Pine " Emmanuel, soldier A Battery, res 90 " Pearl, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 458 Prin- Wellington cess ' Ilene, Ivs 90 Wellington " Thomas G, builder, res 312 Brock " John, chauffeur Dr Connell, Ivs 18 Hunter Miss E A, sec General Hosp, West Ivs 7 Montreal Hutchison David, retired, res 624 Prin- " Capt, soldier, bds Verdun, 232 cess " Brock J Bj grocer, cor Hellington and Bar- " Col George, justice of the peace, rack, res 246 Wellington res 298 Collingwood " W C, studt, Ivs 246 Wellington " George, contr, res 128 Victoria Hutchinson Grant, shell mkr Loco Wks " George, carp contr, 125 William Ivs 2/^6 Wellington " Gladys, bkkpr Botsford & Nicol, Ivs " " Rose, domestic "Home for Wo- 128 Victoria men and Infants," Ivs 75 Union " Harold H, veneer layer Wormwith's " Ada (wid Daniel), hskpr, Ivs 54 Ivs 341 Johnson Place d'Armes " Harold, elk P O, res 305 University HUTTON, J O, General Agent Canada * Henry, carp contr, res 332 Barrie Life Assurance Co, 18 Market, res " Hilton, carter, Ivs 22 Patrick 142 Albert, Apt A " " Mrs J, matron Orphans' Home Dr J B, Ivs 142 Albert, Apt A " John, attendant Rockwood Hosp, " Miss Jessie, Ivs 142 Albert res 560 Albert Huycke Fred, lineman Bell Tele Co, ' John, asst office mgr Richardson's, res 441 Albert res 127 Beverly " Dr P H, physician, 102 Wellington, " John J, teamster, res 22 Patrick res 80 Clergy w " J W, mach Loco Wks, res 30 Mon- Hyames, John , orderly K G H, Ivs treal same " Jas, foreman composing room Daily Hyett Daisy C, stenog W G Craig & Standard, bds 16 Corrigan Co, bds cor Frontenac and Union " Mrs Mary, res 341 Johnson " Miss Bessie, res 27 Arch " Richard H, hardware niercht, 85-87 Hyland Addie (wid Wm J), Ivs 390 Princess (Stevenson & Hunter), Montreal res 332 Barrie " Rev Francis D, asst dean Regiopo- " Richard, carp, Ivs 486 Barrie lis College, Ivs Johnson *' Robt, retired, res 7 Victoria Terrace, " Geo, res 134 Union " Montreal John J, elk C L C, Ivs 312 Montreal " Samuel, miner, res Regent st, w side " John, gardener, res Bath Road " Stewart, contractor, Ivs 128 Victoria " Marcella, Ivs 312 Montreal " & Harold (Henry Hunter, Alex D " Melville, elk Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Harold), contrs 175 Queen 21 John " Thos G, builder, res 312 Brock " Matilda, Ivs 309 Montreal " " Wm J, carp cotton mill, res 59 Murton, farmer, res 846 Princess Markland " Normand, farmer, Ivs 134 Union Huot, John, wks C L C, res 19 John- Hynds, John, dr VanLuven Bros, Ivs 40 son York Hurd Frank, carp, res 38 Stephen Hynds, Lucinda (wid John), res 40 " E Howard, carp, bds 38 Stephen York " Florence, dom, Ivs 176 Johnson Hyssop, Mary E, Ivs 258 Alfred " Gordon B, soldier, bds 37 Clarence " Jane (wid Chas), res 31 Clergy w Hurley, Gerald L, Sub Lieut RCNVR " Ivs Alfred res 77 Gore Sarah J, 258 " Thomas Emett, riveter Shipbldg Co, Hyslop Percy, guard K P, Ivs 556 Ivs 77 Gore King w "^^al J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. t^ I A I t 1^6£PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 153 IRWIN " Miss Irene, wks Bell Tele Co, Ivs 557 Albert Imperial Hotel, John Elrey, prop, 76 Jennie M, stenog Jackson Press, Princess Ivs 79 Colborne " Imperial Life Ins Co, J B Cooke dist mgr, John C, soldier, Ivs 79 Colborne " 332 King e, cor Brock Mary, Ivs 169 Rideau IMPERIAL STEAM LAUNDRY, C " Mary (wid Capt Chamberlain), res Thompson, mgr, 308-312 Barrie 79 Colborne " Immigration Agent's Office, ft Johnson Mildred (wid Robt), Ivs 85 Pine Imperial Oil Co, Queen City division, " Mildred, stenog S Anglin & Co, Ivs John Morris, mgr 700 Montreal Incinerator 405 King e " Robt, lab Loco Wks, res 517 Albert Ingledew Lieut Fred, res 137 Colborne " Robt, soldier, bds 700 Montreal Inglis Isabel (wid John), nurse, Ivs 52 " Vera, bkkpr, Ivs 56 Division O'Kill " Willa, stenog, Ivs 319 King " John McD, letter carrier P O, Ivs 52 Irvine William, pattern mkr Loco Wks, O'Kill res 51 Livingston ave " John A. acct Bank off Commerce, Irving, Richard, evangelist, res 78 Fron- res 60 Victoria tenac Ingoldsby Anna, elk W A Bowen, Ivs " Miss M G N, tchr K C I, bds 78 458 Barrie Frontenac " Stella, stenog Jas Ried & Co, bds 329 Brock Isbell, Leonard, butcher, Anderson Ingram, Mr, wks shipyard, bds 144 On- Bros, res 112 Barrie tario Isaacs, Chas, ins agt, res 376 Barrie INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, 16 Iveney, Nestor E, elk Bank of Com- Market merce, bds 320 (upstairs) King Inman, Emily, studt, Ivs 282 Albert Ivey I, agt C P R, res 451 Johnson " Wm Francis, prin Central Sch & Model Sch, res 282 Albert International Harvesting Co, J W Mar- tin, mgr, 110 Clergy International Mercantile Agency, J S Jack, Mrs. wid Alex M), res 105 Gore McCann, agt, 51 R Brock " Miss Barbara, Ivs 312 University av Iiivadide Soldiers' Commission, Golden " Isabell, res 312 University Lion 242 Block, Wellington Hugh,wks Richardson's, Ivs 105 Gore Ireland Anna, Ivs Alice st s s Jackman Wilfred, sold A, res " R C H Beatrice M, Ivs Alice st s s 71 Ordnance " Geo E, retired, Ivs Alice st s s Jackson Arthur, lab, bds 229 Wellington Francis C, retired, res Alice st s s " Augustus, lab Anglin's, " Kenneth M, trav Dalton & Sons, res 91 Ri- deau res 125 King e " Benjamin, carp, res 30 Nelson Irish, Mrs, elk Waldron's, Ivs 194 Di- " Calvin A, lab Loco Wks, res 108 vision Montreal " Samuel, dr W J Crothers & Co, res " Chas, lab T Andre, res 40 Clergy 132 Nelson w Irwin Isobelle, grocer 281 King, res " Edwin A, elk A Chown, Ivs 30 Nel- same son " Annie, res 169 Rideau " Fred C, bridge contr, res 286 John- " Anna (wid John), res 256 Sydenham son " Alma, Ivs 319 King w " Fred, wks Loco Wks, res 78 York " William, eng Loco Wks, res 319 " George, lab Hotel Dieu, res 94 Bay King w " Herbert, elk Gilbert's grocery, Bar- " Baird, mach C L C, bds 281 Bagot rie, Ivs Herbert " Elliott J, soldier, Ivs 79 Colborne " Jean, stenog Geo Mills & Co, Ivs 30 " Frank, lab. res 700 Montreal Nelson " Miss H i\', bds 318 University ave " John, mech C L C, res 623 Princess SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade ^ 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS

154 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY JACKSON JAMIESON " Lena, slslady Newman & Shaw, Ivs " John, lab shipyard, res 88 Gore 283 Queen ' Jos, draftsman Loco Wks, bds 159 " Nancy (wid Phillip), res 4 Pine Stuart JACKSON PRESS (Wm Jackson, " Lome, bellyman Wormwith's, Ivs prop), 173-175 Wellington, Job 155 Pine Printers, Bookbinders and Loose " Louise, Ivs 88 Gore Leaf Mfrs " Mary, Ivs 202 Montreal " Miss Sarah, Ivs 30 Nelson " Robert, coal shvir Booth & Co, res JACKSON, WM, Job Printer 173 Wel- 284 Montreal lington, res 97 U William " Victoria, wks Cotton Mill, Ivs 202 " Wm H, blksmith Loco Wks, res 194 Montreal Ordnance " Wilham, plmbr, res 417 Johnson " W L, lab shipyard, res 203 Nelson Janeway, Harvey, bds 37 Plum Jacobs, Marguerite, wks Imp Steam ' Jno, pntr, res 37 Plum Laundry, 240 Colborne Jarrell Geo, eng Can S S Lines, res 142 " Colborne Nellie (wid Wm), res 40 L Bagot Thos ship carp T Co, Jacquith, J, W " Catherine (wid Jas), res 66 Quebec res 55 Bay " Edmund, trav Loco Wks, res 218 Oats Co, James, Alva F, trav Quaker Stuart 5 Burtch res " Isaac, driver K S L, res 413 King e " Bert, tax driver ,res 435 Barrie " Jas, carp M T Co, Ivs 66 Quebec " ,res 30 Quebec Ed, soldier " Joseph elk Loco Wks, res 159 " Portsmouth, bds J, Rev H R, minister, Stuart 462 Barrie " Jno A, eng Ship yd, res 556 Albert " res 203 Univer- Julia (wid John V), " Wm Henry, lab Loco Wks, res 4 sity av Rideau " Francis, lab, res 103 Chatham Jarvis, Fred, soldier, res 61 Bay " Martin, carp, Ivs 203 University " Harry, soldier, Ivs 451 Division " Mary, cashier R Waldron's, Ivs 203 " H, foreman mica factory, res University John 7 Ann " May, elk Murphy's groc, Ivs 275 Al- " Samuel, soldier, res 131 Queen bert " Thos H, dr Lackie's res 92 Vic- " Michael, bds 203 University toria " Richard F, dred^geman, res 275 Albert Jeckell Henry, plmbr, res 184 Queen « " Richard Jr, soldier, Ivs 275 Albert Jenerunax, Mary, Idrs Imp Laundry, Ivs " Thos, dr Lackie's ,res 92 Victoria Montreal " Thomas O, grocer, 83 Colborne, res 244 same Jemmett, D M, prof Queen's, res 356 Albert " Wm, carp, res 7Z York Miss Ada M, Ivs 379 Princess " Wm, wks R Crawford, res 92 Bay Jenkin " studt, Ivs 27 University " tailor 370 Princess, res 306 Dorothy, Wm V, " Johnson Earl, wks shipyard, res 112 Johnson " policeman, res 112 Johnson " H, mech transport, res 82 Col- Earl, Wm " res borne Edward J, broommkr Bailey's, 63 York Jameson Miss Birdie, mgr Chown's drug store, Ivs 153 Sydenham JENKINS, EDMUND P, Clothier, "ED (wid Geo) res 153 Sydenham Hatter and Men's Furnisher 114 Jamieson, Emma (wid John), res 50 Princess, res 461 Princess Quebec " Miss Gertrude, mlnr Steacy's, Ivs 27 " Emma (wid John), res 50 Quebec University " Harry Hugh, soldier overseas, res " G W, eng M T Co, res 321 Mon- 24 Cherry treal " Herbert K, elk John Gilbert, Ivs 88 " Isaac, millwright K Hos Co, res 27 Gore University " " Howard, teamster W J Crothers, Ivs Ibrena C, studt, Ivs 461 Princess 88 Gore " John, res 379 Princess " John, foreman K Shipbldg Co, res 8 " Mary (wid Wm), dom K G H, Ivs Garrett same

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean Accident* 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 155 JENKINS JOHNSTON " Walter C T, livery kpr, res 15 Que- Miss Edna, stenog Macnee & Min- bec nes, bds 330 Brock Jenman George, shoemkr R Paynter, " Ella, drsmaker, Ivs 30 Garrett res 265 Johnson " Fannie E (wid John R), res 298 JENNINGS, HARRY Sr, Boots and University shoes, 356 King e, res 31 Mack JOHNSTON, FELIX S S, United "Fairview" States Consul, Clarence st, res 252 Jerome. Mr, acct Lindsay Piano Co, bds King e 219 Division " Fred, carter, bds 12 Orchard Jerrett, A, soldier, res 24 Pine " Herb, carter, bds 12 Orchard Jesse Percy E, mgr Mcintosh's store, res JOHNSTON, JOHN E, Boots and 101 Centre st Shoes, repairing, ordered work. 70 mldr, Loco Wks, bds 14 Jessop, Jos, Brock, res 100 U William Markland " John, mgr Greene Music Co, Prin- contr, res 27 Wellington Jewell, Wm J, cess st, res 140 Colborne Jinks, Arthur Jas, guard K P, res 67 " M G, dist mgr Mnfg Life Ins Co, Chatham res Alwington, cor Union Johnson, see also Johnston "^ Richard, res 66 North " Annie M, res 53 Earl " Sarah (wid Jas), res 332 University " " Annie V, res 268 University V, elk W G Craig & Co, Ivs 198 Ri- " Alex J, joiner etc, 216 Bagot, res 354 deau Johnson Walter, elk armouries. Ivs 298 Uni- " Beatrice, Ivs 285 Sydenham versity " " Edward, lab, res 5 Cataraqui William, elk J E Johnston, Ivs 100 " Eva, Ivs 53 Earl U William JOHNSON, FRANCES (wid O G), " Wilson, lab, res 12 Orchard Florist, 115 Brock, res 467 John- Johnstone Agnes, drsmkr, Ivs 49 York son Isabella, Ivs \^ 49 York " " Miss Frances, music tchr, Ivs 467 Hugh, grocer & baker, res 49 York Johnson John S, material supervisor Loco " Frank, elk armouries, res 6 Chestnut Wks, res 180 Clergy e " Mrs Geo, res 285 Sydenham Jolliflfe, Jacob Harrison, brewer Bajus' " Geo, florist, res 2nd hse Johnson st brewery, res 102 Pine " Gertrude M, ivs 30 Pembroke Jones " James, janitor Queen's Uni, res 72 Ada (wid Frank), res 118 Bagot Albert, instr Queen's, Arch |] bds 81 Alfred Rev A, Jane, tchr Business College, Ivs 354 C retired, Ivs 670 Division Johnson Elsie, weaver, Dom Textile Co, Ivs " John, res 330 Brock 30 James /' Mary E, Ivs 336 Johnson «' 1*^'?,^ ^^^^ John), res 391 Johnson " Emily (wid K L), res 134 Norman, mach C L C, Ivs 30 Pem- ^ King e broke Emile, lab Dom Textile Co, res 221 " Nettie, res 354 Johnson Montreal ' Frank, " Percy, shipper Dalton's, res res 30 Union w 30 Pem- " broke Frank, soldier, 401 Division " Fred, driller Russell, dr Jas Redden & Co, ,3 El- y Loco Wks, res 30 gin James " Wm, res 378 Barrie s' Fi-ed, plmb McKelvey & Birch, res \ 451 Division Johnston Chas G, studt, Ivs 298 Uni- \ " Miss Gertrude, versity tchr, Ivs 391 Johnson ^,^"y> sold R C H A, res 35 King Agnes, drsmaker, Ivs 49 York .. w " Harry, presser A C Waggoner, Bertha, cashier Whig office, Ivs lOO res William 314 Brock " Jno Ed, auctioneer, *•"« HniYrf n (^-^ Edward, dr Can. Oil Co, res 5 Cata- ?g8. J raqui '' Mary (wid Robt), " bds 24 Ellice David, tlr Livingston's, res 28 ' Que- Matilda, weaver Dom Textile Co, Ivs bec 30 James SEAMLESS WEDDING SMITH BROS. RINGS ISSyEIS 8F MARIIUE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office

156 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY JONES JOYNER " Mildred, Ivs 134 King e " S, elk Wm Davies & Co, bds 107 " Norman, res 385 Earl Queen " Norman, res 385 Earl Judd, Rebecca (wid Alex), Ivs 10 Or- " Phoebe, weaver Dom Textile Co, Ivs chard 30 James Judge Michael, laborer, res 4 Corrigan " " William J, butchr H Waddington, John, mach C L C, Ivs 39 Raglan res 785 Princess rd Jordan Albert Edw, soldier Ordnance " May (wid Wm), res 39 Raglan rd Corps, res 107 Queen Judson, Leah, bkkph Dr Nash, Ivs 366 " Harvey, lab McKelvey & Birch, res Albert 40 Stanley " Hilda, Ivs 116 Barrie " Samuel, Lieut RCA, res 358 Brock K " Thos, steam fitter ship yd, Ivs 116 Barrie Kaminske Adolf, shoe repairer, res 157 " Rev Wm G, BA, DD, prof Queen's Queen College, res 116 Barrie " Gisela, Ivs 157 Queen " Jos, barber, 157 Queen, Ivs 19 Mont- Joyce Jas, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 33 Charles real " Stephana, drsmkr, Ivs 157 " Annie, Ivs 64 Rideau Queen Kaincaid, " Douglas, peddler, res 158 L Bagot Jas, wks C L C, res 89 Wel- lington " Edna, elk Donnelly's grocery,Queen Kane, see also Cain st, Ivs 64 Rideau " A, chief operator Bell Tel Co, bds " Jas, wks shipyard, Ivs 242 Barrie 106 Clergy " John, lab gas wks, res 87 Cataraqui " Anne, bdg hse, res 120 Earl " John, fitter shipyard, Ivs 89 Cata- " raqui Miss Annie, Ivs 67 Colborne " " Lawrence, soldier R C A, res 59 Bessie, maid 293 Alfred, Ivs same H " Charles Capt Carl, returned soldier, Ivs 81 Earl " Lawrence, lab Gas Wks, res 33 Up- " per Charles Dr J E, jr, A M C, overseas, Ivs 81 Earl " Luke, lab Loco "VVks, res 242 Wel- " lington John, carter, bds 78 William " " Elizabeth, bkpr Laidlaw, Ivs 67 Margaret, wks W J Crothers & Co, J Ivs 89 Cataraqui Colborne " Ernest, Ri- " Mary (wid Edward), res 42 U barber R Elmer, res 200 Charles deau " E, res 81 " Marion, elk Model Shoe Store, Ivs John eng Can Loco Co, 242 Wellington Earl " " Mary (wid James), res 67 Colborne . Michael, lab, Ivs 89 Cataraqui " " M, elk C M B A, res cor Sydenham Patrick, Ivs 64 Rideau and Bay " Patrick, lab city gas works, Ivs 89 " Margaret, cashier C Lindsay Ltd, Cataraqui W Ivs 81 Earl " Percy, bkkpr Hosiery Mill, bds 361 " Jas F, elk P O, res 15 Colborne < Alfred " '* Michael J, prop Royal Hotel, res Robt J, butcher, res 498 Division same " Miss Rose, nurse in training, Ivs 42 " Pauline, elk C L C, Ivs 110 Earl Charles " " Miss M A, Ivs 120 Earl Wm J, whlsle btchr, res 498 Division " Thomas M, chief opr G N W Tel Joyner Geo, trav Midland Shoe Co, res Co, res 246 Sydenham 235 Brock " Vincent, returned soldier, Ivs 81 " Ed, mach C L C, res 192 Division Earl " Frank, mach C L C, Ivs 415 Johnson " Wm, shellmkr Loco Wks, bds 286 " Mae, nurse J B Walkem, Beverly st, Ontario Ivs same Karch, Herline, Ivs 130 Johnson " Hazel, stenog City Hall, Ivs 475 Karis, B, wks Sakell's, Ivs 220 (up- Johnson stairs) Princess '"S"!:^"^© J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all KIIIClS UK #• Specialize in Children's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 157 KARIS KEELEY " Frank, wks Sakell's, Ivs 220 (up- " Wm J jr, jeweller and optician 226 stairs) Princess Princess, res 256 Princess " Peter, elk Sakell's. res 138 Bay Keen Bessie, drsmkr, Ivs 127 Colborne Karl Herbert, overseas, Ivs 100 Vic- Keenan Mrs Margaret (wid Thos A), toria res 256 Barrie " Harriette, Ivs 100 Victoria " Delia, Street Car conductorette, bds " Nellie, hse maid Dr Day, Ivs 100 211 Queen Victoria " Miss K, maid Cohen's, Ivs 209 " Wesley, fireman fire dept, res 100 Queen Victoria Kee. Sang, laundry, 350 Johnson Karson, eter, prop Fruitland, bds cor Kehoe Miss Lena, bkkpr McKelvey & Garrett and Division Birch Ltd, Ivs Clarence st " Ivs " Wm, elk Fruitland, Ivs Brock st Joseph, caretaker P O, same Kavanagh. see also Cavanagh Keill, Emerson, elk Woolworth's, Ivs " Miss H, res 160 King e ' Zl Clergy w " " James, bdg hse, res 254 King e Mildred, elk T D Robinson. Ivs 37 " Capt Leo, C E F, Ivs 254 King e Clergy w res " Mary, stenog, Ivs 254 King e Kellar, Charles, carp. 10 Patrick, same Kaven, Mrs A, charwoman Ongwanada Kelley, see also Kelly res 316 Albert " Amelia, tchr Frontenac Sch, Ivs 115 Kay Harry, mach Loco Wks, res 50 Di- vision Bay " Edg Jas, elk Bibby's Ltd, Ivs 366 Al- Kearney. Kathleen, maid Mahood's, Ivs fred 185 Brock " Elizabeth, Ivs 115 Bay Keane, L P. soldier .Ivs Ongwanada " Henry, gardener, res Ellerbeck ave Keaney, Rev Patrick assist rector St J. " James & Co (Kelley Jas, and Kelley Mary's Cathedral, Ivs Palace Jphn). grocers, 270 Princess Kearns, see also Cairns " James (Kelley & Co), res 366 Alfred " Maggie, hskpr. Ivs 10 Redan " John E (Kelley & Co). Ivs 135 Bay " Robt. mach C L C, bds Royal Hotel, ' Margaret (wid Wm), res 135 Bay Princess st '• " Margaret, tchr Central Seh, Ivs 115 Patrick, lab, res Macdonnell st Bay " Samuel, wks M T Co, res 492 Barrie Kelliher Mary, Ivs 150 L Bagot Keats Fred, shipper Imp Oil Co, Ivs 14 " pianomkr Wormwith. L Rideau Michael John, Ivs 150 Bagot " Chas, appr Whig, Ivs 14 L Rideau " Winifred (wid Maurice), res 150 L " James, brakeman C P R, res 16 L Rideau Baeot Kelly, see also Kelley " Rachel (wid Thos), Ivs 16 L Rideau " Ada. tchr Frontenac School, Ivs 135 " Thomas, sr. retired, res 14 L Rideau Bay Keatinc Mrs Annie (wid Byron), res 321 " Alfred, bds 366 Barrie University " Byron, elk Loco Wks, res 50 Col- " Flossie. Ivs 321 LTniversity borne " James R. storekpr Loco Wks, res 127 " res 36 EUice Division Mrs James, " Edward elk Randolph, res 301 " Mabel, elk Thompson's groc, J, Ivs 321 Barrie University " Edgar slsman Bibby's Ltd, Ivs " Margaret, teacher Central School, J, 366 Alfred Ivs 135 Bay " Henry, gardener, res Ellerbeck ave Kee Sang, laundryman, res 350 Johnson " Howard, foreman Frontenac Tile Kee Wo, laundry, res 116 Clarence Co, res 400 Alfred Keeler Sarah (wid Arthur), res 104 " James, soldier, res Zd Ellice Rideau " Tas. lab. Ivs 34 Johnson " Ellen Irene> elk Zbar, Ivs B 104 Ri- " j W, tchr K C I. bds 58 Clergy deau " Tohn, carriage mkr, res 230 Barrie " Keeley Wm J sr, mfg Jeweller 103 John, blacksmith (J Kelly & Son), Brock, res 136 Union w bds 286 Queen Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGUKE

158 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY KELLY KENNEDY " John & Son, blksmiths, 54-56 Queen " Miss Gertrude, cashier London Life " Leonard, soldier Ordnance stores, Co, Ivs 395 Johnson res 260 Sydenham " Gertrude, maid Harold Hughes, Ivs " Lyon, blksmith, 54 Queen, res 11 115 Gore York " Hazel O, Ivs 395 Johnson " Mary, cook, Ivs 49 King e " ^Herbert, soldier, Ivs 395 Johnson " Peter, mach Loco Wks, res 16a " Howard S. ptc Ordnance stores, Ivs Pfltrick 350 Albert " Thos, soldier C O C, res 145 Ord- " Ida, maid Mrs Wilder, Ivs 32 Aber- nance deen " tanner Kennedy Leather KELLY, W F, res 346 Albert James J, Co, res 301 Montreal " lab, res 57 Wm, Bagot " Ivs 410 " Jas, blacksmith CLC, John- Wm, blrmkr Loco Wks, res Eller- son beck ave " Jane, res 410 Johnson " William, photographer, res 21 Jos- " John, marine eng, res 434 Brock eph " John D, slsmn Bibbys Ltd, Ivs Kelso Louise (wid Ephrain), Ivs 14 Portsmouth Vine " John F, mach Loco Wks, res 21 " Irene, Ivs 14 Vine Plum Kemp G, care inspr G T R, Ivs Mon- " Joseph M, marine eng, Ivs 395 John- treal St son " James M, fireman Imp Laundry, res " Miss L, drsmkr. Ivs 175 Sydenham 609 Division " Mary Jane (wid John), res 3 Centre " John, car insptr G T R, res Mon- " Mary Jane (wid Wm), res 432 Bar- treal St 2nd hse n of subway rie " Marsden, piano tuner, res 109 Fron- " Mrs M, res 213 Nelson tenac " Mabel B, elk Paymaster's olHce, Ivs " Miss Mary, Ivs 109 Frontenac 395 Johnson " Robt, res 10 Orchard " Matilda (wid Joseph), res 395 John- " William John, grocer, 134 Stephen, son cor Division, res 455 Division " Michael, wks Tannery, res Id Pine '' Patrick, munition wkr Loco "Wks, Kendrick, Gertrude, studt K B C, Ivs 373 Brock res 268 Sydenham " Patrick Sergt C, res 144 Keniston, Cecil, superheater insp CLC, Med R M res 84 Victoria Montreal " Frontenac Kennedy Alexis agt Metropolitan T, retired, Ivs 87 " Ivs 99 Rideau Ins Co, res 350 Albert Wm, soldier, " lab Donnelly Wrecking Co, res " Andrew E, marine eng Can S S Wm, 4 Queen Lines, Ivs 395 Johnson " Loco Wks, Ivs 395 " Andrew E, marine eng Loco Wks, Wm L, elk Johnson Ivs 395 Johnson Kenny, Joseph, grocer at 1 Pine, res " Mrs Amy, librarian public library, same Ivs 405 Princess " Lawrence, munition wkr Loco Wks, " Andrew, eng GTR, res 124 Colborne bds 204 King " Annie, Ivs 350 Albert " Mamie, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 175 " Charles, carp Loco Wks, res 84 Wil- Sydenham liam " Lizzie, drsmkr Mitchell's, Ivs 175 " Clarence, merchant marine overseas, Sydenham Ivs 434 Brock " Thos, contr, res 175 Sydenham " Elia. conductorette St Ry, bds 301 Kenrick. Thos. mech Boyd's Garage, Ivs Barrie 373 Brock " Ella, conductorette St Ry, bds 301 KENT BROS (Robert E and Wm C), Barrie Private Bankers, Insurance Agts " Ernest, soldier, Ivs 350 Albert and Mica Dealers 91 Clarence " Frank, fitter Loco Wks, Ivs 213 Nel- " Bros' mica factory. 211-217 Brock son " Miss Ethel, Ivs 85 King e Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Dcbenturcs FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


KENT, LIEUT-COL ROBERT E Kilgour, Miss M G, nursing sister Qn's , (Kent Bros), res 85 King e Hosp, Ivs Court House KENT, WM C (Kent Bros), Ivs 85 Killeen Charles, lab, Ivs 93 Bagot King e " Thos P, fireman Richardson's, res Kenyon, Mrs Alfred, conductorctte St 93 L Bagot Ry, bds 211 Queen " Ellen, Ivs 93 L Bagot Kerby, Mary, drsmkr, Ivs 365 Barrie " Ethel, maid H C Nickle, Ivs 155 Earl Kerr, see also Carr Killingbeck, Percy, dr J A McFarlane, " Jos, trav Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Ivs Royal Mil College Portsmouth Killoran, Thos. retired, res 100 Division " Wm J, night elk P O, bds 118 Col- Kilpatrick Fred A, stonecutter, res 44 lingwood Livingston ave Kerrison, Stanley, soldier, res 184 " Miss Ida, stenog John McKay, Ivs Mo'.'.trcal 44 Livingston ave Kershaw, Lilly, maid Mrs Constantine, Kilt. Lieut, militia dept. bds Frontenac * Ivs 154 Earl Hotel " Walter, litter Loco Wrks, res 28 Kim Hum, laundry, res 2^4 Rideau Charles Kinch Alfred, cashier Mfg Life ins co, Keyes, see also Cays res 186 Rideau " Alice, drsmkr, res 107 Clergy " John, foreman S Anglin & Co, res " Aloysius, employee C L C, res 59 188 Rideau " Division Stanley J, jacket-fitter, Ivs 188 Ri- " Anne, bdg hse, Ivs 107 Clergy deau Keyes Frank, barber J Lawrence, res " Millred. Ivs 380 Alfred 310 Queen Kinchler. Thos, retired, res 439 Alfred " Michael P, undertaker, 228 Princess, King Alice, asst registrar Queen's Coll, res 19 Montreal Ivs Alice st " Michael, lab Loco Wks, res 190 Ri- " Alfred. Ivs 375 Alfred deau KING & SMYTHE (Francis King, KEYES, DR STANLEY J, Physician, George H. Smythe), barristers, office and res 255 Queen 71-73 Clarence Keyworth, Harry, tool maker C L C, " Bella, Ivs 59 Stanley res 27 Colborne " Edward Barber Shop, 202i/$ Princess Khaki Club, cor Princess and Ontario " Edward theatre, Wm G Ashley, mgr. Khant, Elizabeth, maid Dr D Phelah, Princess, cor Montreal Ivs 191 Johnson " Bruce, electrician Loco Wks, Ivs 204 Kidd Annie, Ivs 182 Queen William " Clifford, mach C L C. bds 110 Queen " Elsie, studt K C I. Ivs 59 Stanley " Emma, Ivs 182 Queen " Miss Ethel, elk F W Coates, Ivs 204 " Jane, res 182 Queen William " John R, carriage bldr, res 155 Sy- " Miss Edith I, asst sec Oddfellows' denham Relief Assn, Ivs 204 William " Robert, varnisher Wormwith's, res " Emma (wid Robt), res 204 William Z7 Main KING, FRANCIS M.A. (King & " Robt, carp Loco Wks, res 42 L Smythe). res 154 Stuart Bagot " Flora, drsmkr, Ivs 33 Stanley " Major T A, Headquarters Staff, res " Francis K, iron wkr Loco Wks, res Apt 4, Belvidere, King 148 Bay " Wm G, retired, res 146 Barrie " " Fred G, returned soldier, Ivs Zi Kiddy, C, mach C L C, bds Royal Ho- Stanley tel ' Miss F K, slslyd Steacy's, bds 148 Kilborn, R E, trav N C Poison & Co, Bay res 142 Welington " J George, chemist Poison & Co, res " Anna (wid Dr R K), res 244 King e s s Alice. 3 w University av " Laura, Ivs 244 King " Henry C, carter K Shipbuilding Co, Kilborne. Harvey, fireman C L C, bds res 10 George Royal Hotel, Princess " Howard, carp, res 330 Montreal Kilduff, Thos, supt Hosiery Mill, res 4 " James, slsman Lockett's, Ivs 375 Al- Couper fred

mon ORAOE CLOCKS, WATCHES fINE JEWELLERY When You Are in Need of Eyesrlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - ). 1. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden lion Block

160 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY KING KINGSTON POST OFFICE (James " James, wks shipyards, res 122 Bagot Stewart, P M), Clarence, cor " John, tailor, 291 Princess, bds 161 Wellington Bagot KINGSTON PtlBLIC LIBRARY, " John, carp contr, res 375 Alfred Mrs Amy Kennedy librarian, Ba- " Carruthers, Ivs 59 Louise, stenog J B got st, cor Johnson Stanley Kingston Rag & Metal Co, M Susman, " Mary, elk city bldgs, Ivs 10 George prop, Ontario, cor Barrack " niach Wks, res 33 Thomas, Loco " Realties Co, Ltd Builders, head ofifice Stanley Bank of Commerce, Kir'^ st " T H, soldier, res 409 Barrie " School of Mining and Agriculture, " Wm jr, elk E P Jenkins, Ivs 59 Stanley Prof W L Goodwin BSc, Lond, '' Wm, freight elk C S L, Ivs John- DSc Edin, FRSC, Director, Queen's son College grounds " Wm, carp, res 59 Stanley " Taxi & Cab Co, Stansbury, prop, " J Roy, RAF, bds 263 King 279 King e Kingham Wm, lab Tannery, res 667 KINGSTON SHIPBUILDING CO, Montreal Ontario, cor Union e, Hugh C " Albert, soldier R C H A, res 210^ Welch mgr, F MacMillan, sec- Montreal J treas Kingsbury B, barber 209 Princess, A " Skating Rink, Queen's College res 261 Earl grounds. Arch st Kingsly, F, yardman Wormwith's Piano KINGSTON STEAM LAUNDRY, Co, Ivs 101 Queen Albert Thompson Manager, 251 see KINGSTON BOARD OF TRADE, Princess Board of Trade KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, " Vinegar Wks, Wilson, Lytle, Badge- row Co of Toronto, Ltd, props, F Metcalfe, prin, hd of Queen H Bagot, cor Ordnance " Coal Co., S Crawford, Mgr, s s " Window Cleaning Co, Geo Hillier, King. 2 n Queen KINGSTON BOTTLING WORKS, mgr, 281 Princess " Yacht Club, ft of Maitland Edw. Beaupre prop, 268 Princess Kingswell Charles, lab, res 32b Clergy w " Collegiate Institute, Alfred st cor Earl " Elizabeth, elk Newman & Shaw, Ivs " Covered Rink. Arch, near Union 32a Clergy w " Dairy School, see Eastern Dairy " Geo, plmbr McKelvey Birch Ltd, School & KINGSTON FAMOUS FUR STORE Ivs 32b Clergy w " Gertrude, studt K B Col, Ivs 32b (Geo Mills & Co\ 128 Princess KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL, Clergy w Kinnard, Henry, soldier, res 232 King Stuart st KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE, Jwlrs (F " Hosiery Co Ltd, King w^ Kinnear & C d'Esterre), 100 " Humane Society, J R C Dobbs, Sec- J Treas, 41 Clarence Princess (Kinnear KINGSTON ICE CO, LTD, office KINNEAR, FRANK & Market street d'Esterre), res 465 Princess " " Ice Yacht Club, ft of Maitland Miss H M, nursing sister Queen's KINGSTON MILK DAIRY, H F Hosp, Ivs Court House Price prop. 277 Princess Kinsler Thos, res 439 Alfred Roy, baker Carnovsky's. res 18 KINGSTON MILLING CO, J M Kirby. Campbell, Manager, Flour Mills Elm foot of Brock street Kirk, Michael ,mach C LC, Ivs 37 John- KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO., The son studt Queen's, bds T Brown, prop. King st w Kirkby, R W. med KINGSTON PENITENTIARY, R 186 Barrie Creighton. Warden. Portsmouth Kirker Quinton, lab Loco Wks, bds 164 KINGSTON. PORTSMOUTH & CA- Ontario Kirkgerrard. Carlos, supt munitions, Ivs . taraqui Electric Ry Co, Hugh C Nickle Supt. offices and barns 139 William King, cor Queen Kirkham Thos, pntr Milo, res 212 Earl Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance AUTOMOBILE fNSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS. Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 161

KIRKPATRICK, CHARLES S, insur- KNAPP, ADELBERT C, Boat BuUder ance, and steamship agent, 42 ft of Ontario st, res same Clarence, res 90 Victoria st " G J, confect and bakery, 272 Prin- cess, res 272 (upstairs) Princess A. C. KNAPP " George, studt R M C, Ivs 68 Johnson " George H, mgr Kirkpatrick's Art Boat Builder Store, res 33 Garrett BOATS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE " Harriet B (wid Wm W), res 96 AND BUILT TO ORDER. Barrie Oars, sails and all boat fittings sup- " Louise, Ivs 96 Barrie plied. All materials and workmanship " Miss L A, Ivs 68 Johnson of the best quality. A first-class boat connection. Launch for " Mary, Ivs 228 Johnson livery in charter. Boat houses to rent. Gasoline " Michael, wks art store, Ivs 292 Bar- and motor supplies. Tents for hire. rie Office and residence: " Margaret (wid Alex), res 68 Johnson Cataraqui Bridge, foot of Ontario St " Prof S F, prof Queert's, res Ken- Telephone No. 767. sington ave Knapp Charles, retired, res 206 Rideau " Miss S, Ivs 68 Johnson " Chas F, electrician Bell Tele Co, res " Wm, carter, res 27 Ellice 382 Earl " Dixon S, carder K Hosiery Co, res Kirkwood Miss Letta, elk T H Sargent, 347 Albert Ivs 173 Montreal " Elsie Irene, nurse, Ivs 347 Albert " Frederick, soldier, Ivs 347 Albert " Capt Jas, mariner, res 173 Montreal " Noel, soldier, Ivs 347 Albert " Angus, elk Sargent's Drug Store, Ivs " Stanley, carp, res 10 Pine 173 Montreal " Wilhelmina, bkkpr St Ry Co, Ivs 347 Albert " Miss Mary, bkkpr Dr Chown, Ivs 173 Knight A, market gardener, res J46 Montreal University " " Agnes, wks Imp Steam Laundry, Wm J. capt ,res 4 Jenkin bds 558 Albert Kiser Alfred, munition wkr Loco Wks, " Archibald P, MA, MD, Prof Queen's res 190 Clergy College, res s e Alice st " John, returned soldier, Ivs 91 Col- Kisma, Michael, lab C L C, res 668 borne Montreal " H R. packer W J Craig & Co, res 123 Colborne Kitley Edw^ard, wks Dalton's, res 8 " Kathleen, stenog Vinegar Works. Fifth Ivs 43 L Bagot " Louise, studt, Ivs 346 L^niversity Kleinsteiper, Wilhelm, stone cutter " Miss Phyliss, Ivs Alice st " MacCallum's, res 66 York Mrs T, servt R J Carson, Ivs 12 Barrie Klugh Alfred B, lecturer Biology, " Robert, wks Loco Wks, res 108 Ri- Queen, res 117 Bagot deau " A, retired, res 75 Arch KNIGHT, ULYSSES R, prop Brad- ley's City Delivery, res 123 Col- •KNAPP, A E, Dentist, 258 Princess, borne Ivs 333 Johnson Knights of Columbus Hall, 156 King e " Amanda, advertising elk Whig, Ivs Knowles, J T, staff Ongwanada Hosp, 136 Ordnance Ivs same RICH Our Stock is Complete

SMITH BROS., - • ; Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician 0pp. General Post Office


Knott Mrs A (wid Walter) res 382 Lafountiene Jos, wks cotton mill, res Johnson l32 Stephen " Otto, currier Tannery, res 60 Charles La France, James, lab Loco Wks, res Knowlton John F, grocer 225 Division, 50 James res 391 Division LaGrea, Jennie, nurse, Michael SuUi- " Silas J, lab, Susman & Spiczman, van's, King, Ivs same res 19^ Union Lc Hcup, Hugh, plbr McKelvey & " Wilson, lab Loco Wks, res 72 Prin- Birch, res 81 King w cess Knox Albert, wks Swift's coal & wood LAIDLAW, DAVID G (John Laidlaw yard, bds 68 Ontario & Son), res 149 Earl " Florence ,stenog Kent Bros, bds 276 " James R, retired, Ivs 248 Division Earl LAIDLAW, JOHN & SON (David G " Geo, mach Loco Wks, res 7 St Laidlaw), staple and fancy dry Catherine \ goods and mantles, 170-172 Prin- " Geo A, teamster Jas Swift & Co, res cess '68 Ontario Laidley, see Lailey " Lawrence blksmith W, M T Co, res " Edith, tchr Ernesttown, Ivs 622 276 Earl Princess " L, blksmith T Co, res 276 Earl W M " Fred, dealer, res 622 Princess Koen Frank, mach Loco Wks, res 21 Arch Lailey, John, soldier, 12 Russell " Helen. Ivs 238 Johnson Laing, Rev. Douglas, res 172 Alfred Komph Miss, minr Geo Mills & Co, bds " Miss Jean, Ivs 172 Alfred 230 Barrie Laird A B, elk Bk Commerce, Ivs same Kutoskie, Mrs Robt, bds 9 Charles (upstairs) Kwong Yick, Chinese tea 111 store " Albert E (John, Laird & Sons', pntr -Brock res 214 Colborne Kyle, Jas, porter Randolph Hotel, Ivs " Edith, elk Waldron's, Ivs 350 Prin- i 50 Union cess " Minnie, waitress Anglo-Amercian, " Gertrude, elk John Laird, Ivs 350 Ivs 50 Union Princess " Eliz (wid Frank), res 50 Main " John & Sons, wall paper, pntr & Kynaston, Kate, elk Waldron's, Ivs 24 decorator, 350 Princess, res same Garrett " John (John Laird & Son), res 350 Princess " Miss Mary, Ivs 18 Russell '' Mrs T. cook Frontenac Hotel, Ivs same " Wm G, pntr (John Laird & Son), Labor Union Hall, 39-41 Brock st res 412 Johnson Lacey Wm, lab G T R fgt shed, res 438 Division Lnke, see also Loke " K, carp, res 18 Division " Alex, soldier, Ivs 438 Division Amos " Ann (wid John), res 26 Elm Lackie's Bakery, 65 Brock (Mrs Jas J Lackie, owner), res 108 Qiteen LAKE. ELMER J, MD, Eye, Ear, Nose " Jas, lab Loco Wks, res 108 Queen Throat and Skin Blemishes; of- Ladies' Residence (Queen's College), 174 fice hours 9 to 12 and 1.30 to 5. Earl Saturday evenings 7 to 9, 258 Ba- Ladies' Auxiliary of Kingston Veterans got, telephone 301, res 353 Alfred, Association, 205 Princess (2nd telephone 299 floor) " Ella, elk Crawford's grocery La Flair, Rev J S, pastor First Baptist " Ethel May, bkkpr Dairy Sch, Ivs 18 Church, res 179 Johnson Division Laflave Fred, eng, res 225 Bagot " Ettie, cashier Crawford's grocery, Lafferty, Wm, soldier, res 257 King c Ivs 34 Quebec Laflamme Jos, sergt, res 78 North " Franklin, instr Mily Sch Queen's, La Fortune, Albert, soldier, Ivs 163 res 361 Alfred Stuart " Gordon, elk Bibby's ,lvs 34 Quebec

J. K. Carroll Agency dominPon IIfe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE C( FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGH 1 & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 163 LAKE LANE " Grace, fur finisher Geo Mills & Co, " Cyrus- W, jwlr 192 Wellington, res Ivs 89 Chatham 85 Gore " Hercules, lab, res 89 Chatham " Eldred, Ivs 85 Gore " Irene, school tchr. Ivs 357 Johnson " Hugh, plmbr McKelvey & Birch, res " John, munition wkr Loco Wks, res 24 Alma 34 Quebec " Wm H, plmbr Taylor & Hamilton, " Lila, elk Reid's grocery ,cor Division res 104 Chatham and Pine Lang, Jas C, wks G T R, bds 831 Mont- " Milford, stdt, Ivs 34 Quebec real " Milton, opr Standard, bds 317 John- Lang Kee, laundry, 350 Johnson son Langdon Louis, slsman T F Harrison " Samuel K, Dr retired, res 357 John- & Co, res 146 Division son " Mabel, drsmkr, Ivs 15 St Lawrence " Sarah (wid res 316 Queen Wm), " Martha. Ivs 253 Victoria " Susan (wid maid Peter Ed- Jas), " Mary (wid A), res 15 St Lawrence Stuart wards, 219 " Nathaniel, contr, 222 (a) Division Simpson, LAKE VIEW HOUSE, A " Sadie, stenog City Hall, bds 316 proprietor, 286 Ontario Queen E, studt, 42 Clergy Lalonde A bds w " Ivs 15 St " Wm, opr K Hosiery Co, Ada (wid Louis), bds 197 William Lawrence " Francis, blksmith cotton mill, res 2 " Vera, stenog E Chown & Son, Ivs IS Orchard St Lawrence ave " Henry, pattern mkr, Ivs 20 George Patrick Lalaveck Walter, overseas, res 92 Elm Langham, Jos, tanner, res 108 Lamarche Dolor, lineman G N W Tel Langley, Jas A, Lieut, soldier, res Ot- Co, res 294 Johnson terbourne, Central Lamb, John G, lab shipyard ( Ivs 80 Langworth Joseph, lab Loco Wks, res Arch 19 Ellice " Nathaniel, wks ship yd, res 80 Arch Lanigan Andrew, messenger Bd Educa- Lambert, Alfred, pckr Anderson Bros, tion, Ivs 325 University res 459 Barrie Lanos, Annie (wid Prof J M), res 111 " Beatrice, elk Bk of Montreal, Ivs 54 Union e Clergy Lapier Geo, milk vendor, Ivs 769 Mon- " Helen, Ivs 26 York treal " Jos, craneman C L C, Ivs 472 Albert " Isobel, elk Best Drug Store, Ivs 769 " Kathaleen, Ivs 26 York Montreal " Marjorie, music tchr. Ivs 459 Barrie " Joseph, milkman, res 769 Montreal " Mark, lab, res 472 Albert " John, lab Loco Wks. res 67 Charles " Mary, Ivs 141 Hickson av Laplant Louis, steamfitter Loco Wks, res " Michael, elk Loco Wks, res 26 York 404 Johnson *' Ovelia, apprentice Whig office, Ivs Lappen Margaret (wid Thos), res 486 459 Barrie Brock " Rachel, servt, Ivs 160 King " Catherine, Ivs 317 Brock '' " Thomas, elk of Div Court, res 54 J B, marine eng M T Co, res 320 Clergy e Albert " Thos, soldier, bds 23 Rideau Larkin. Mr, elk armouries, bds 219 Di- Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 443 Princess vision Lamoureaux, Jos G, eng M T Co, 278 Laroche, Victor, ^oldier, res 7 Rideau Wellington I.arocque, Lieut A. bds 94 Queen Lampos. Peter, wks New York Shoe Laronge Johnj lab civic utilities, res Shie, 208 Princess, Ivs same 183 Colborne Lancaster. Maj E W, bds 138 King Larose Napoleon, caretkr Regiopolis Landrieu, Benj, vocational stdt, res 78 Coll, res 32 Russell Division LaShe. Chas. lab C L C, res 253 King Landry Noble B, pressman Whig, bds Lashea. Walter, mach C L C, Ivs 8 161 Division John Lane Benjamin, packer E Chown, res Latimer. Anna, Ivs 54 Mack 103 Pine " Edna, elk Laidlaw's. Ivs 54 Mack

kW standard Railroad Watches Watch Repairing IM STOCK SMITH BROS. - - King St. A largre percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye- strain If x^u are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office 164 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY

LATIMER LAWLESS, MICHAEL J, Proprietor " John H, elk Dominion Express Co, Anglo-American Hotel, res same " Ivs Mack J Michael, capt C S L, res 236 Prin- " J R, employee Anglin's, res 54 Mask cess (upstairs) " 242 Syd- Lattion, Ethel (wid Chas), res 45 Que- Michael, mech C L C, res bec enham " Patrick ins agt Metropolitan, res Laturney Alice (wid James), res lOS J, 108 L Bagot Frontenac " Patrick M, barber, 243 Bagot, res LATURNEY, EDW, Carriage Maker, same etc, 390 Princess, res same " Peter, cabman, res 171 Victoria " George, warden's secy K P, res 151 " Patrick M, barber 243 Bagot Frontenac " Pierre, lab Loco Wks, res 171 Vic- " Gertrude, tchr Victoria Sch, Ivs 105 toria Frontenac Lawlor James, instr K P, res 173 Col- " Howard, Ivs 105 Frontenac lingwood " " James, opr Standard, res 387 John- Thos, fireman fire dept, bds 34 Ri- son deau " res 124 " Jessie, Ivs 105 Frontenac Wm J, soldier home guard, '' Mabel, Ivs 302 Johnson Stephen " Rebecca (wid Geo), res 304 Johnson Lawrence, Mrs Lucy (wid F), Ivs 215 Laughern Eliz, res 99 Rideau Division " Laughlen Henry, carp, res 348 Brock Bridget (wid Frank), res 20 Garrett " " Hazel, wks Jackson Press, Ivs 348 George, soldier, res 24 Fifth Brock " John, sailor, res 215 Division " Joseph O, barber 227 Princess Laurier, Nicholas, wks Davis' tannery, res same bds 116 Patrick Elmer, tinsmith, 387 Prin- La Vaute Katherine (wid Arthur), Lawrenson cess, res 385 same seamstress, res 114 Clarence Lawson Gladys, Ivs Sydenham st eh Lavell Harry A, County Judge, res 22 179 William Barrie Ivs " Major Harry, res No. 2 Apt, Villa Lavery, Samuel, shoemkr, Ringland, St Clare, Barrie Princess, bds 495 Barrie " Henry M, caretaker Sydenham st Law. Capt H R, soldier, 192 Clergy Meth Ch, res 179 William " Wm, soldier overseas, res 23 Rideau " Percy C. agt Standard Life Insur- Lawes George, letter carrier P O, res 194 ance Co, res 68 Centre Ontario (upstairs) Layzell Charles, pntr, res lC;6 Bagot Edward, shipper Jackson Press Lawler, Ambrose, studt. Ivs 218 Alfred Leach, res 464 Barrie " Mrs (wid Jas), res 218 Alfred '• L, bkkpr A Hendry, Ivs 464 " Jas, guard K P, res 173 Colingwood Emma J Banie " Herbert, elk Dalton & Sons, res J " stenog Davis Tannery, 286 Queen Hilda, University " Michael D, tinsmith Edwin Chown & bds 272 Son, Ivs 368 Barrie " Miss Lydia, stenog J A Hendry, Ivs " ^!64 Robt J, mgr United Cigar Store, res Barrie 240 Brock " Mrs, res 216 Wellington " Thos, retired, res 24Q Brock Leaden, Fred, soldier, res 14 DufTerin " Wm, fireman So 2 fire station, bds " Mamie, stenog W J Crothers, Ivs 14 34 Rideau Dufifcrin " W J, soldier ,res 124 Stephen Leader. George, tailor, 241 Bagot, res Lawless, Kathleen, Ivs 211 University Barrieficld ." Howard, sailor M T Co, Ivs 108 L " Miss M A, fancy goods, 105 Brock, Bagot res 476 Brock " James sr, Ivs 211 University " Miss E, Victoria nurse, Ivs 302 " James, guard K P, res 211 University Queen " Leo, taxi driver, res 319 Johnson Leary John, musician R C H A, res 49 " Margaret, servt, 44 Collinggood Bay Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. Debenturcs LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


LeBlanc, Pte A, soldier, Ivs Ongwanada Lees Adam, retired, Ivs 34 Markland Hospital " Frank, blrmkr K Foundry, res 34 Leckie Lieut J, overseas, Ivs 179 Quccn Markland LeHeup, Alice (wid res 156 Ledford Geo, lab, res 106 Rideau John), L Bagot see also Lees and Leigh Lee, " Hugh, plmbr McKelvey & Birch, res " Bros, Chinese laundry, res 351 Prin- 81 King w cess " John A, carp, Ivs 15 University " " Ben, prop United Grocery Louise (wid John J), res 15 Univer- " Chas Y, prop New Eng Cafe, 331 sitj' £V King Leighton, Fred, elk E Chown & Son, " Charlie, laundryman, 235 Bagot, Ivs 143 Earl " Mrs. Elizabeth (wid George), res Leishman Karl, bkkpr A Chown & Co, 115 William Ivs 157 Sydenham " Mrs (wid Jos), bds 10 Ann " Martha, drsmkr, Ivs 157 Sydenham " Ethel, bkkpr McK & Birch Ltd, Ivs " Robt, elk Prince George Hotel, res 393 Earl 157 Sydenham " Geo E, asst Vice-Pres Loco Wks, Le Marsh, Ita. advt elk Standard, Ivs res 165 Sydenham 294 Johnson " Frank, boilcrmaker shipyard, res 34 Lemmon, see also Lemon and Lennon Markland " & Sons, tinsmiths and plumbers, 187 "Harriet, cook, Frontenac Hotel, Ivs Princess same " Allan, tinsmith Lemmon & Son, res " H L, mgr restaurant, Ivs 354 King e 277 Earl " Miss Ida, Ivs 115 William " Agnes, Ivs 273 Earl " Jas, lab C L C, bds 12 Alma " Miss Ethel, drsmkr, Ivs 384 Division " Israel, res 296 Queen " James, mach C P R round hse, res " Jas, carp, res 386 Johnson 232 Sydenham " Jos, tailor ,bds 396 Barrie " John (Lemmon & Sons), 187 Prin- " Lawrence, fitter C L C, Ivs 115 Wil- cess, res 273 Earl liam " John, taxi driver, res 456 Barrie " Liza (wid Joseph), res 231 Welling- " Jno, mldr Loco Wks, Ivs 384 Division ton " Joseph, grocer 213 Montreal st, Ivs " Mary Ann (wid John), Ivs 393 Earl 181 Alfred " Peter, prop Grand Cafe, res same " Rybert, RCHA, Ivs 384 Division " Sam, prop Home Lunch & Allies " Sarah (wid Joseph), res 187 Alfred Cafe, res 191 Princess " Thos, soldier, Ivs 273 Earl " Shing, laundry, 104 William " Thos, mach C L C. res 193 Colborne " Wee. laundry, 282 Princess " Walter P, mach E Chown & Son, " William J, grocer, 393 Earl res 20 George " Leeder, Edith, nurse, bds 302 Queen William J, barber Todd's, Ivs 32 Le Fave, Capt David, marine capt, res Union " 9 Aberdeen Wm N, pntr, res 459 Princess " Fred, eng Loco Wks, res 225 Lemon Charles, carp, res 149 Frontenac Bagot " " Effie, studt, Ivs 9 Aberdeen Chas Francis, teller N Crown Bk, Ivs 149 " Miss Olga, Ivs 9 Aberdeen Frontenac " Gladys, stenog, Ivs 149 Frontenac . Le Fevre John T, supt Prudential In? Le Moine, Jos, yardman Frontenac Ho- Co, res 62 Earl tel, Ivs same Clementine, wks Imp Steam Laun- Lennon, Hannah, wks K Hosiery Co, dry, Ivs Bath Road Ivs 179 Clement, Raglan rd dr Imp Steam Laundry, Ivs " Margaret Bath Road (wid Patrick), res 175 Pat- rick Leggett, Kathyline, studt, Ivs 425 John- ' Margaret, Ivs son 175 Patrick " Thos F, fitter " Claude, Loco Wks, res 193 soldier, res 425 Johnson Colborne " Jack, lab St Ry, bds 414 King Lennox George, dr McK & Birch Ltd, Legree Jennie, nurse, Ivs 44 Clergy res 125 Nelson " Anna, nurse, Ivs 44 Clergy Eva, dom K G H, Ivs same

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS, In CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET For Well -Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices


LENNOX Leznoflf Abe, elk Model Shoe Store, Ivs " Mrs Jessie, Ivs 380 Alfred 203 Wellington " W G. barber, res 125 Nelson Liary, John, soldier, res 49 Bay Leonard John, retired farmer, res 26 License Inspector's Office, 57 Brock Livingston ave Ledford Geo, lab John McKay, res 106 " John H, janitor Villa St Clare Apts, Rideau Barrie st Ivs same Leyman, Wm, naval college, bds 87 " Joseph, sold home guard, res 83 U Queen York Liask, Wm, soldier, res 63 Rideau " Miss M, nursing sister Queen's Liddell, Capt Wm, M T Co. res 104 Hosp, Ivs Court House Barrack " Phoebe, wks Imp Steam Laun- Lifshitz, A, tchr Jewish Synagogue, res dry, Ivs Villa St Clare, Barrie 1 Rideau chauffeur, Ivs 135 " Le Palm, Martin, Eva, cashier Mcintosh Bros., Ivs 1 Union Rideau Leronge, John, lab, res 183 Colborne " Jennie, bkkpr M Rosen, junk dealer, " Ida, Ivs 183 Colborne Ivs 1 Rideau Leronge Lega, wks cotton mill, bds 42 Light Alfred (Lieut), bandmaster R C Raglan rd H A band, res 143 Beverly Lesage Florence, forelady Cotton Mill, LIGHT, HEAT & POWER PLANT, Ivs 14 Russell cor King e & Queen, C C Fol- " Marguerite, elk County Registrar's ger, manager office, Ivs 14 Russell Lilley Samuel, boy's work sec YMCA, " G, soldier, res 14 Russell Wm res 60 Wellington Leslie, see also Lesslie " Jas, wks Loco Wks, bds 228 Barrie Leslie David, marine eng, res 82 L Bagot Linaugh Anna, opr Bell Tel Co, Ivs 42 e " Harold, bkkpr, Ivs 76 Bagot Union " Francis, elk " Isabel, studt, Ivs 187 Brock Mahood Bros, Ivs 42 " cashier F A, res 187 Union James, O R " Brock John, blrmkr Shipbldg Co, res 42 Union e " Col S, R C A, res 3 Emily J N H " " Sophia (wid David), res 7 River Mary, elk Waldron's, Ivs 42 Union Fong, " Wm, contr, res 23 West Ling Chinese laundry, 383 Prin " Wm, eng Queen's Uni, res Id L cess Bagot LINDSAY, C W, Ltd, piano ware- Lesses Louis, sec hd gds, 507 Princess, res room, 121 Princess same " Dora, bds 194 Division " Isaac, mgr Clarence St Garage, res ' Ella, studt, bds 194 Division 172 Johnson, " Helen, stenog Armouries, Ivs 36 El A Lesslie, James, retired, res 47 William lerbeck ave " " Marion ,lvs 47 William Robert J, carp, res 36 Ellerbeck av " Capt Wm, marine capt, res 23 West Lingham, Arthur, mgr R Toye & Co.'s Letlock, Catherine (wid John), res 56 bakery, res 82 Gore Raglan rd Linton Chas, agt Singer Sewing Ma- LeVeckue, Mary, cook McCauley's, chine, Ivs 442 Brock " King, Ivs 203 King Elizabeth (wid Jas), res 32 Quebec " Levoy, G L, soldier, res 175 Union Elsie, elk Bibby's Ltd, Ivs 32 Quebec " Le Veck, Frank, lab gas wks, res 28 El- Jessie (wid John), res 105 Gore " lice Wm N, mgr R Waldron, res 54 Lewers Manson, electrician Clarence Wellington St Garage, res 16 lum Lintz, Bessie, slsldy Mahood Bros, Ivs " Wm Thos, trav Rees Bros, res 46 Ordnance 2 Thomas st Lion Clothing House (Arthur Horwjtz, Lewis Alexander, acetylene welder mgr), clothier, 347-349 King Loco Wks, res 215 University Lipman Barnet, clothing store 170 Prin- " Isabel (wid Thos). res 13 Elgin cess, res 244 Brock " Marion, Ivs 154 Stuart " Sophia, Ivs 244 Brock " Mason, mach, res 16 Plum Lipton, Robt, trav, bds 213 Division Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures . KEKP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, F°r Fire ins.ra.ce. phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 167

Liscombe, Leslie, soldier, res 331 Al- LLOYD ' fred Laura, cook Frontenac Hotel, Ivs Lister. Herbert, lab Moulding Co, Ivs same " 169 Pine Margaret, stenog Nickle, Farrell & ^. " Benj, foreman Davis' tannery, res Day, Ivs 59-ytttoiv w- 1'r /--^t-sf^-*^ 290 Montreal " Rhoda (wid Louis), Ivs 57 Jueen " Sarah (wid res 74 Division Listen, Eliz (wid John), Ivs 216 Divi- John) ." soldier, res 214 Earl sion Thomas, ' Wilson, Lieut C, Ivs 74 Divi- " Patrick, elk Sand's cigar store, res A M 216 Division sion " Victor, elk Minnes, Ivs 83 " Thomas, carp, res 78 Quebec Macnee & Division Caroline (wid Thos), res Litchfield Locke Geo W, sold R M C, res 47 Bay 837 Montreal st Lockhead J F, photographer, 244 Prin- ' frgt shds, res J W, checker G T R cess, res 242 same 34 James . Lockett Edna, Ivs 24 Stuart " Martha, carder Dom Textile Co, Ivs LOCKETT, F G, Prop. Midland Shoe 32 James Co, 339 King e, res 24 Stuart also Lytle Little, see " Garnett H, mgr Midland Shoe Co, " E, advertiser E L Ruddy, res 67^4 A 13 Sydenham John LOCKETT, C, Manager " Earl G,- patternm,kr C L C, res 168 LAWRENCE * King Lockett Shoe Store, 116 Princess, " Elizabeth, knitter Hosiery Mill, Ivs res 23 Sydenham 15 Clergy w LOCKETT SHOE STORE, 116 Prin- " Edna, stcnog Geo Robertson & Son, cess wholesale, Ivs 24 Nelson LOCKHART, THOMAS Insurance " J, George F, postman, res 24 Nelson and Real Estate agent, loan ne- " Isabella, Ivs Z2)7 Queen gotiated, etc, 59 Clarence, res 133 " Thos, mldr Loco Wks, res 15 Cler- Union gy w Lockwood. Daniel, fireman C L C, bds Little, William, soldier, Ivs 168 King 116 Pa^trick Litton Agnes, Ivs 52 Prontenac Logan, Mrs (wid" Pat J), res 40 Conces- " Chas S, ins agt, res 188 Union w sion " " Miss H, Ivs 316 Earl Chas W, wks C L C, Ivs 40 Conces- " John F, lab Dry Dock, res 316 Earl sion " John W, contr, res 52 Frontenac Logue Wmi trainman G T R, res 128 " May, looper Hosiery Mill, Ivs 316 Johnson Earl ' Jas, wks C L C, Ivs 128 Johnson Livesay, Robt, soldier, Ivs 477 Johson " Wm E, elk, Ivs 126 Johnson LIVINGSTON, CHARLES (C Living- Loiseau Alice, wks McGowan's, Ivs 80 ston & Bro), res 162 Barrie Quebec LIVINGSTON, C & BRO (Charles " Annie (wid H), res 80 Quebec " Livingston), Merchant Tailors, Fortinen. wks Frontenac Tile Wks, Gents' Furnishings and Ready- bds 416 Montreal " Made Clothing 75-79 Brock Leo, mid Moulding Wks, Ivs 80 Que- " bec Emily (wid Wm J), res 455 Princess " Ross, Lieut, Ivs 162 Barire Lomax, Mary (wid Jacob), res 29 Rus- " Wm J, teamster, res 2 Toronto sell ' LloyU Herbert, mldr Loco Wks, res 83 Phyllis, cigrmkr, McGowan's fac- Division tory, Ivs 20 Russell ' " Alberta, maid Mrs Brooks, 134 Earl, William, mech tannery, Ivs 29 Rus- Ivs same sell " " Frank, soldier, Ivs 74 Division Nellie, weaver cotton mill, Ivs 29 " Isaac, sexton St. Mary's Cath, res Russell 389 Barrie LONDON LIFE INSURANCE CO, " Manson, carp ship yrd, res 202 Wil- 82 Brock liam Long. Wah, laundry, 155 Welington SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - - 350 King STARR PHONOGRAPHS St Stewart's Satisfactory Service1 When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office

168 KINGSTON ALPHAB ETICAL DIRECTORY Lorry Wm, wks ship yard, res 351 Al- Lumb Fred, inspr locomotives Loco fred Wks, res 21 Union w Loragen, Mich, rag man, res 139 L Ba- " Richard, res 44 Union got Lunman John, blacksmith C L C, res " Wah, laundry, 155 Wellington 67 Markland Loscombe Albert E M, genl insur and " Alfred, blksmith Loco Wks, res 28 real estate 187 Wellington, res Pine 275 Brock Lyall Rev John, minist Calvary Congre- Ellswood, lab McFadane, res Loshaw gation Ch, res 266 Rideau 303a Earl Lyman, Katherine T, Ivs 127 King w P, PhD, prof Queen's, res Lothrop A " Miss Julia, Ivs 127 King w Union 149 " Percy D, retired, Ivs 127 King w Canon, retired, res 27 Di- Loucks Rev Lynch Helen (wid Michael), res 240 vision Johnson " Ethelwyn, Ivs 27 Division " Gerald, studt, Ivs 240 Lougher, Henry, res 283 Queen Johnson " O'Gorman, studt, Ivs 240 " Miss Olivia, res 283 Queen Johnson " Wilbert, wks M T Co, Ivs 283 Lyons or Lyon Queen Lyons, Anna, Ivs 19 Sydenham Love Courtland, studt, Ivs 350 Brock " Anna, elk Laidlaw's, bds 281 Queen " Dorwan, soldier A S C, res 204 Al- " Benny, Lieut A M C, overseas, Ivs fred 447 Johnson " " Gwendolyn, Ivs 350 Brock Chas (P Lyons & Son), hide and " Jos, carp, res 820 Montreal skin buyer, Market st, res 146 " Ordnance J W, res 350 Brock Lovick Miss Charlotte, prin Louise ScI; " David, foreman Loco Wks, res 12 res 154 University Cherry " Miss Emma A, Ivs 154 University " Eleanor, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 281 " Hester M, nurse, Ivs 154 University Queen " Lovitt Kathleen, steuog C P R, Ivs 16 Elsie, studt, Ivs 67 Livingston av Earl " Flora, stenog Dalton & Sons Ltd, " Marie, stenog C L C. Ivs 16 Earl v Ivs 376 Alfred " " Thos, mach Loco Wks, res 16 Earl Gerald, electrician, Bell Te ICo, Ivs Lowery R, liveryman, res 492^4 Prin- 234 Earl cess J S, linotype oprator, Whig Job Lowry Celia A (wid Calvin), res 32 Dept, res 234 Earl Union w " James, res 270 University " " J A, blksmith 147 Brock, res 3 J N, lab Utilities, res 220 Wellington Chestnut " Margaret (wid Herbert), res 67 Liv- " Peter, blksmith 147 Brock, Ivs 3 ingston ave Chestnut Margaret, Ivs 75 Bay " overseas, res 259 Montreal .J' Wm, " Molly, Ivs 146 Ordnance Hilda, Ivs 156 Rideau Loye " " Albert, brmmkr Bailey's, Ivs 156 Ri- Patrick & Son, hide dlrs, Market st " deau Robert, foreman St Ry Co, res 447 " Roland, soldier, res 156 Rideau Johnson " Lozer, Henry, wks C L C, res 118 Ste- Ross, Dr, Lieut. Ivs 447 Johnson phen " Wm H, trav Robertson's Ltd, res 376 Alfred Luckin, WG, opr Cataraqui bridge, bds " 2 Victoria Terrace, Montreal st Wm, returned soldier, Ivs 376 Alfred " Lucy, Etta, Ivs 6 Elm Wm J, repair man Overland garage, " Wm, res 6 Elm res 251 Division Ludlow, Gertrude, Ivs 61 Arch Lysdon, Thos, carp M Co, bds 78 '" Richard, retired, res 61 Arch Quebec " Pat carp T Co, res 78 Quebec " Roy, office elk W G Craig & Co, Ivs J, M 61 Arch Lyson, Watson, wks ship yards, res 27a " Wm, plmbr Gas Wks, Ivs 9 Main Ellice REAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE 136'iPRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINERY


Lytle John W, pntr, res 35a Main McBratney Hugh, storeman Loco Wks, res 137 Bay " Ethel (wid Wm), bdg hse, res 245 " soldier F, Ivs Alfred Wm, C E 137 Bay McBride Andrew, slsman Crawford's " Lily, Ivs 35a Main whlesale, res 91 York " Stanley, taxi driver, Ivs 35a Main ' Bernice, stenog H Milne, Ivs 91 " Violet, elk Newman & Shaw, Ivs 3Sa York Main " J Stinson, mgr Robertson's Ltd, res 329 Barrie and " John, lab S Anglin & Co, bds 129 M Mac Bagot " Jos, sr, carp, Ivs 563 Princess McAdam, Samuel, eng C P R, res 15 " Miss Mae, bkkpr Gordon's groc, Ivs Markland 91 York " McAdams, Wesley, lab C L C, bds 212 Mary, bkkpr J Y Parkhill & Co, Ivs King 91 York " McAdoo, Alex J, teamster, res 687 Rachel (wid Samuel), Ivs 251 Barrie Princess McBROOM, WM. F„ feed store prop, " Bella (wid Andrew W), res 682 42-44 Princess, res 18 Rideau Montreal " Jessie, studt, Ivs 127 Union " Isabella, Ivs 682 Montreal McCabe Earl, warehsemn R McRae " W Kenton, 'vs 687 Princess & Co, res 300 Barrie McAllister, Edmund, mech Ford gar- " Jas, lab Tannery, res 11 St Catherine age, bds 89 L Bagot " James, M C electrician, res 42 Fron- " Olive (wid Jerome), res 676 Prin- tenac ces 9 " John, lab Roddy & Monk, res 81 " Park, driver Craig's Wholesale, res Pine 439 Barrie " John W, retired, res 84 Pine Macalister Rev John M, retired, res 331 " Mabel, Ivs 84 Pine Barrie " Margaret (wid Archibald), Ivs 300 McAnea Miss Mary, maid J Rigney, Ivs Barrie 55 George " Norman, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 84 McArthur A, barber F Robbs, bds 193 Pine Brock " Wm, eng. res 9 Redan " Miss E J, bds 200 William McCaig, see also McCuaig and McKegg " W G, trav, res 100 Victoria " Miss Alice, Ivs 448 Johnson McAskin, Thos, baker, res 152 Ontario " Kenneth, wks Loco Wks, bds 87 McAuley, see also McCauley Bagot " Albert, elk Laidlaw's, res 87 Col- " Mabel, stenog Nickle, Farrell & borne Day, Ivs 448 Johnson w " Miss Emily, tchr of dancing, Ivs " Louise (wid Malcolm), Ivs 100 Wil- "River View," King w liam " George, hospital overseer K P, res " Neil, bkkpr Jas Richardson's, res 87 Union e 448 Johnson " Henry, bookbinder T McAuley, Ivs " Stanley, gluer Wormwith's, res 329 River View, King w Montreal " Miss Mary, Ivs "River View," King McCall, see also MrGall and McCaul west '• Miss B, Ivs 159 Queen " Miss Minnie, Ivs "River View," King ' Isobel, tchr, Ivs 835 Princess west " Jessie (wid John), Ivs 443 Johnson McAULEY, THOMAS, Bookseller, " John, soldier, res 159 Queen 93 Princess, res "River View," King " John, retired, res 835 Princess west " M R, mgr Prouse's drug store, Ivs McAvelia M T, studt, Ivs 384 Brock 406 *rock " Mrs Letitia, res 384 Brock McCallister, Alex, overseas, res 4 Con- McAvey, Eliz, res 288 Wellington cession " Mary (wid Chas), Ivs No. 4 Apt, " Charlotte, nurse, res 22 Deacon Villa St Clare, Barrie " Geo D, Cataraqui bridge, res 25 " Margaret, Ivs 288 Wellington Ellice SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS

170 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY McCallum B F, stonecutter McCallum McCAREY Granite Co, res 358 Johnson " Vincent, mach Loco Wks, res 64 McCallum, Miss Barbara, Ivs 229 Uni- John versity McCarthy, dr. wm. Surgery, cor " Campbell, driver, res 28 Durham Brock and Montreal, office hours " Catherine, Ivs 99 Albert 10 to 11 am, 1 " to 5 and 7-9 pm, Douglas, Lieut overseas, Ivs 187 'phone 307 University McCartney Alex sr, contr, " res 248 Uni- Donald, overseas, Ivs 32 Wellington versity av " Frank, night opr G T R depot, bds Alex, mason, res Montreal, near stn 231 University " Geo, pres McCallum Granite Co, Ivs Alex, mason, Ivs 250 University 307 University " Evelyn, stenog DeCarteret, Ivs 250 " Granite Co., Ltd, 397 Princess University " " Miss Jean, school nurse, Ivs 187 Uni- Gertrude, Ivs 367 Brock versity John C, overseas, Ivs 315 Earl " " John, dr Couper's grocery, Ivs 229 Nelson, overseas, Ivs 315 Earl University " Harry, contr, Ivs 315 Earl " " Mary E, Ivs 229 University Wm, soldier home guard, res 67^ " Sarah (wid Neal), res 187 Univer- John sity " Wm H, contr, res 315 Earl " sec-treas Granite W J, McCallum Co McChain Fred, firemn light dept, res res 307 University 69 Stanley MacCallum E C D, Physician and McClelland Doris, Surgeon, cor Brock and Barrie Ivs 185 Clergy sts, telephone 1093; office hours Jas, wks ship yard, bds 3 Corrigan " 8-10 a m, 2-4, 7-9 p m Richard J, city eng, res 185 Clergy McCambridge, see also Cambridge MacClement W T, prof Queen's, res " Catherine (w^id Francis), res 396 college grounds Princess McClennan, Chas, eng C L C, res 451 McCammon Annie, stenog King & Barrie

Smythe, Ivs 64 Nelson McCloskey, Jas , soldier C A S C, res " Miss Catherine, res 52 William 170 L Bagot " James H, baker barracks, res 64 McColl, Jane, Ivs 301 Division Nelson McConnell, see also Connell and O'Co " Ellen, Ivs 52 William nell " Theresa (wid John), res 30 Main " Elmer, soldier, res 259 Patrick " Thos, electrician, Ivs 341 Division " George, soldier, Ivs 305 Barrie " Thos, bkkpr N C Poison & Co, res " Joseph, retired, res 672 Princess " 30 Main Melville, trav, Macnee & Minnes, Ivi " Wm, license inspector, res 341 Di- 232 Sydenham vision " Pearl, elk Ivs I T W Milo, 91 Bagot " Wm, market elk and harbor mas- " Thos, tanner Davis' tannery, bds 831 ter, Ivs 304 Johnson Princess McCANDLESS, WM, Watchmaker & " Walter, mach Paradis garage, res Jeweler 318 Princess, res same 318 King e (upstairs) " Jos W, overseas, Ivs 318 Princses McConville. Arthur, guard K P, res 138 McCann, A, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 113 Division York " Cecil, RAF overseas, Ivs 138 Divi- McCann Francis, lab Loco Wks, res sion 74 Arch " Chas, foreman mach shop Loco Wks J J, retired, res 5 Victoria Terrace, res 118 Ordnance Montreal McCONVILLE, ISOBEL, Physician, McCANN, JAMES S R, Accountant, office hours 10 am to 12 m, 3 to 5 Assignee, Insurance, Loan and and 8 to 9 pm, telephone 488, of- Real Estate Broker 82 Brock, res fice and residence 13 Montreal 26 Wellington (see advt opposite) " Jane (wid Bernard), res 29 George McCarey, Daniel, wks C L C, res 222 " John, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 29 Earl George

J. K. Carroll Agency ocea„Afcwent& *| 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp' I ESTABLISHED 1888

J. S. R. McCANN OFFICE—82 Brock Street. 'Phone 326 RESIDENCE—26 Wellington Street. 'Phone 621

INSURANCE Real Estate When you insure be careful to se- lect a Company that is sound and will pay your claim promptly. We or represent the following first-class Bought, Sold companies: FIRE Exchanged SCOTTISH UNION and NATIONAL > ALLIANCE, of England MANAGED ATLAS ASSURANCE CO., Limited, of ESTATES England. Established 1808 RENTS AND INTEREST HOME INSURANCE CO., of New York, Established 1^53 COLLECTED PERTH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., of Stratford. Established 1862 MERCHANTS FIRE INSURANCE CO., INVESTMENTS Toronto in Real Estate, Mortgages and NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO., of Toronto Bonds LIFE TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE CO., of Hartford MONEY TO LOAN ACCIDENT TRAVELLERS', of Hartford, LONDON on Real Estate at Lowest Rates & LANCASHIRE, London, Eng. and Easy Terms DOMINION, of Toronto GUARANTEE BONDS DOMINION OF CANADA, of Toronto Conveyancer, Commissioner for EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, of England AMERICAN SURETY CO. taking Affidavits, Valuator, PLATE GLASS Assignee, Etc. LLOYD'S PLATE GLASS INSURANCE

i ii ii»ii>i til m ii»iitii»ii« " »iii » «i til nn iit m Biit m mmm i »i »i ii>ii«ii»ii>ii»ii>ii» m BROWN BROS. LIMITED ^


ACCOUNT BOOKS, "The Best," all sizes and kinds LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS, BINDERS, SHEETS, a Specialty LEATHER GOODS—Diaries, Ladies' Bags, Wallets, Etc. PAPER—Every description ,size and weight PRINTERS' and BOOKBINDERS' SUPPLIES BOOKBINDING—Every Style of the Art, unexcelled NEW ADDRESS Simcoe, Pearl and Adelaide Sts. TORONTO Established 1846 Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHAB ETICAL DIRECTORY 171 res McCULLOUGH McCorkell Robt J, wks Loco Wks, " 211^ Sixth Clarence, soldier, bds 292 Queen " Ivs Eliz (wid Wm), nurse, bds 72 Chat- " Elizabeth, maid J Strange, 34 ham Barrie '• Frank, lab Hos Mill, res 500 John- Ivs McCormick Agnes, bkkpr Steacy's, son 118 Colborne "' John, farmer, Ivs 36 Union " AUie, elk R Waldron, Ivs 118 Col- " Miss Jennie, drsmkr, Ivs Concession borne " Robert, section foreman C P R, res " Bridget, Ivs 118 Colborne 136 Colborne " Wormwith s, Chas, action regulator McCully Andrew, Capt ordnance stores, res 69 Rideau res 147 Colling^ood " Co, res 327 Edward H, lab Shipbldg McCue, Ed E, carter, res 359 King Montreal McCune. Miss Hazel, bkkpr militia. Ivs " Robt), res 1 McCor- Elizabeth (wid 5 Devonshire Terrace, Sydenham Centre st w mack's Cot, st " Elizabeth, res 102 Centre st w " Harry, wks C L C " Ivs 176 Clergy Florence, " Wm A, mach K Foundry, res 5 Dev- " (McCormick & Mooney), Francis onshire terrace, Sydenham st res 176 Clergy McCutcheon Alfred, soldier overseas, " grocers, 39 Col- F & Mooney John, res 328 Alfred borne ' John P. res 532 Princess " Irene, Ivs 37 Wellington McDermott Miss Dora, stenog N A " res 29 George John, mach C L C, Tele Co, Ivs 29 Hickson ave " Jas. dr Arthur's Bakery, Ivs 38 El- " James, pipe fitter Loco Works, res lice 420 Johnson " Patrick, retired, res 118 Colborne " Jas, Ivs 270 Johnson " Robt, sailor, Ivs 1 Centre " Michael, returned " Roy, action regulator Wormwith's, soldier, res 162 Victoria Ivs 69 Rideau " Thomas cond R, res 29 Hick- " Samuel, guard K P, res 86 Colling- J, G T wood son ave McDonald, see Macdonald, McDonnell " Thomas, action regulator Worm- and Macdonnell res 327 Montreal with's, " Mrs Alex, res 104 Pine " Henry, munition wkr Loco Thos " Angus, retired, Ivs 104 Pine res 37 Wellington Wks, " Alex, car inspr G T R, res 360 Mon- " Bldg, res 38 Ellice Thos, carp Med treal " Ivs 1 Centre Wm, " Capt Augustine res 7 " M, Barrack res 47 Princess , W J, storekpr, " Charles John, wks Can Loco Wks, McCoy, Daniel, returned soldier, res res 227 Earl 243 L Patrick " Chas, lumber slsman, res 63 Living- " Mary, chamber maid Froatenac htl, ston ave Ivs same " Chas, wks St Railway, res 416 King " Peter railway contr, res 37 " W, D J, wks C L C, Ivs 311 Brock Beverly " Miss Edna, private sec Wm Nickle, Ivs McCreary, Stella, studt, Ivs 24 Garrett 87 Division McCuUa James, retired gentleman, res " Florence, Ivs 111 Division 188 Johnson " Ellen (wid Angus), Ivs 446 Johnson " " Robt. wks ship yard, res 187 Colling- Harriett (wid Donald J), bdg hse, wood 243 Brock McCullagh Samuel, caretaker Armouries, " Howard, Ivs 311 University res same " Isabella (wid Alex), res 104 Pine " " Ethel, stenog Armouries, Ivs same J, packer W G Craig & Co, res 364 " Jane (wid Geo), Ivs Armouries Barrie " Kenneth N H, acct W G Craig & " James B, carp Can S S Lines, res Co, res 20 Dufferin 407 Earl McCullough David, farmer, Concession " John A, purchasing agt Loco Wks, st res 311 University SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 350 18 K. GOLD KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office

172 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY McDonald Macdonell or Macdonnell " J S, studt, Ivs 182 Alfred MACDONELL, ANGUS J, Mgr Bank " Miss Kate, tchr St Mary's School. of Montreal, res 28 Sydenham Ivs 29 Pembroke " Archie, pntr, res 15 EUice " Luke, lab. Loco Wks, bds 361 King " Geo M, KC, \a\tytr, 38 Clarence, " Malcolm, carriage mkr Kelly's, res res Cor Stuart & University 47 Mack " Miss Lilian, stenog J K Carroll " Mary, tchr St Mary's' Sch, Ivs 29 Agency, Ivs 15 EUice Pembroke " Wm, painter, res 15 Ellic'e " Michael, stone cutter K Con Co, Ivs McDougall Miss C, nursing sister On- 190 Ordnance gwanada, Ivs 45 Clergy w " Richard J, lab, res 354 Montreal " Augusta (wid Alex), Ivs 68 Johnson " Roderick R, eng K P, res 29 Pem- " Duncan, prin Frontenac sch, res 99 broke - Pine " Roderick, studt K C I, Ivs 29" Pem- MacDowall, Elder, Ivs 84 Gore broke " Elder (wid R J), res 84 Gore " inspr Steamsh'ip lines, Wm C, Can " Sarah, hskpr Archbishop's Palace, res 96 Earl Ivs same Macdonald Bridget (wid Michael), res Mcllroy Alfred E, mldr Loco Wks, res 406 Montreal 14 Markland " Alex, soldier, bds 59 Stephen " Fred, carp and upholsterer, 149 Syd- " Annie, school tchr, bds 371 Brock enham, res same " Chas, motorman St Ry, res 416 McEwen John F, retired, res 202 King e King e " Beatrice, stenog, Ivs 255 Montreal " George, soldier home guard, res 7 " Alice, wks out, res 21 Elgin Adelaide " Geo, lab St Ry, res 203 Colborne " " George A, insp of income tax, res Mary E (wid Alex), res 255 Mon- 239 Alfred treal " Myrtle, bkkpr H W Newman, Ivs " Gordon A, lab, res 22 Earl 255 Montreal "'Jennie, studt, bds 284 Albert " Robt, dr Wm Ainslie, Ivs 2 York " Mrs H (wid Donald), res 243 " W C, buttermkr. Dairy School, res Brock 223 University " John Ford, prof Queen's Coll, res McFadden Elizabeth (wid Edw), res 32 175 Stuart Patrick " Ed, contr, Ivs 32 Patrick " James packer Craig's whlsle, res J, " Evelyn, Ivs 32 Patrick 495 Barrie " Genevieve, opr Bell Tele Co, Ivs 32 " John, sales mgr Toye & Co, bds 92 Patrick MACDONALD, JOHN, Secretary- " Jas, taxi driver, res 34 Patrick Treasurer Board of Education, McFarland, see also McParland res 334 University av " Miss A, res 220 Nelson " " John, baker Crother's & Co, res 93 M S, contr, res 388 Earl Bay " John Wilfrid, carp, Ivs 388 Earl " Mary E (wid George), res 205 Al- " Louis, lab John McKay, res 162 Rideau McFarlane Isabella, res 81 Frontenac " A, shell inspr Loco Wks, bds 172 " Mary E, Ivs 406 Montreal J Ontario " Malcolm, blksmith, Kelly & Son, J McFARLANE, A, Flour and Feed, res 47 Mack J 25 Brock, phone 444, res 313 Uni- " M R, v^rks Loco Wks, res 527 Prin- versity cess " Robert N F, contr, res 310 Johnson McDonnell Robt, gardener, res 297 Di- McFaul Herbert, mgr McFaui's, bds vision 114 Clarence " Ed, wks ship yard, res 161 Bagot " Mrs Mabel E, Ivs 362 Johnson " Ernest, farmer, Ivs 297 Division " Robert, Carpet Store, 130 Princess " Myrtle, Ivs 297 Division McFedridge, Miss Norma, studt. Ivs " Santfield, chauffeur, Ivs 297 Division . Bath road '"/""fance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of ail Kinds >. m Specialize in Cliildren's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 173 McFEDRIDGE McGLADE. " Wm, res Bath rd " Wm, tobacconist and pool room 274 " Wm John, bkkpr Green Bros, Ivs Princess, Ivs 105 Colborne Bath rd McGlynn Miss Annie, res 297 Barrie McFee, Robt, janitor 'Fiontenac Schl, " Miss Frances, elk Woolworth's, Ivs res 9 Cowdy 297 Barrie McGall, see also McCall and McCaul " Geo. drug elk Mahood's, Ivs 11 Aber- " Arthur, Ordnance Corps, Ivs II York deen res 429 " Fred, elk Jno McGall, Ivs 105 Queen McGoff John, lab Loco Wks, " Hugh, soldier, Ivs 105 Queen Alfred " James, shoemkr 268 Bagot, res 11 " Mamie, stenog Burke & Graham, Ivs York 429 Alfred " Shaw, John B, tobacconist, Cor Princess Margaret, bookpr Newman & Alfred & King sts, res same (upstairs) Ivs 429 " Melissa, Ivs 429 Alfred " Mabel, Ivs 105 Queen McGowan, see also Gowan " Mary (v/id John), res 105 Queen " Ayerest, mgr Geo McGowan, Ivs 212 " Minnie, elk Woolworth'j, Ivs 105 Barrie Queen " Nelson " Eliz (wid Geo), Ivs 220 Stuart, elk G T R ticket office. Ivs 11 " 212 Barrie York Miss Ethelwyn, studt, Ivs A, President McGarrity McGOWAN, GEORGE George, Ivs 133 Montreal The G A McGowan Cigar Mfg " James, marine eng, Co, res 133 M T Co, Ltd, res 212 Barrie Montreal " John D, overseas, res 89 Bagot McGarvey, Jas, lab C L C. res 18 McGrail. Chas C, rural mail officer, fO Cherry insp office, re's 217 William McGeein, see also McGuin McGranahan Samuel, spinner Hosiery " B V, meat cutter Burke's meat store, Mill, res 260 Queen res 148 Frontenac " Stanley, munition wkr Loco Wks, " Frank, wks Lqco res 51 Wks, Pem- bds 260 Queen broke McGrath Annie T. Ivs 406 Brock McGill Amy, Ivs 81 Union e " Edith, Ivs 360 Johnson " Florence (wid Sydenham), Ivs 81 ' Henry, soldier, res 42 L Bagot Union " Henry, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 69 Florence. Ivs 181 University Colborne " Geo A, blksmith Loco Wks, res 23 " eng. Loco Wks, res Main John, stationary 55 Earl " Mary, wks Cotton Mill, bds 132 L " Katherine, res 406 Brock Bagot " Miss Mary, Ivs 406 Brock " Richard, blksmth. res 405 Barrie " Sophia (wid Thos). res 11 Montreal A. veterinarv res 133 Colborne W McGraw Sophia (wid Thos), res 11 McGillivray. Donald, foreman C L C, Montreal bds 391 Earl * Alexander, lab Loco Wks, " Florence, bkkpr Queen's Uni, Ivs McGregor 181 University res 24 Russell " Ann (wid Chas). Ivs 295 Queen MacGillivray John PhD. prof of German, " John, lab shipyard, res 44/ Barrie Queen's, res 96 Albert McGuiness Thos, mason, bds 65 John Rev Malcolm, res 181 University " Gregory, advertiser, Ivs 65 John Roderick, studt. Ivs 183 Colingwood " Mary. Ivs 65 John ' Robert, eng, res 183 Collingwood McGuire, see also Maguire McGinness Rose, Ivs 178 University " Fred, lab Loco Wks, res 12 Raglan " Thos, lab C L C. bds Z2 Ontario " fitter Loco Wks, res 2 '• James E, Thos. lab C L C. bds 8 Rideau Quebec McGinty, Frank, barber R H Elmer, bds " Jas, Ivs 169 Union w 193 Brock Joseph. Ivs 169 Union McGlade Mary A (wid Peter), res 42 L " John, mech Mid Wks, Ivs Royal Ho- Rideau tel Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS when:you go to DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. • 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEICY FIGURE

174 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY McGUIRE McINTYRE " J E, butcher, 260 Montreal, res 38 " Mary, nurse, Hoag's drug store, Ivs Livingston ave 199 University " Margaret, Ivs 169 Union w Mclver, Miss Eva, drsmkr, res 130 " Mary, res 169 Union w Victoria " Mary, maid A E Treadgold, 48 " HaroH, motorman St Ry, bds 316 Frontenac Brock " Patrick, wks Loco Wks, res 275 McKane, Bernard, dr Wm Peters, res Montreal 78 Durham " Russell, opr Standard, res 32 Fron- " Burns, taxi driver, res 454 Barrie tenac '' James, butcher Green Bros, res 78 " Thomas, fish dlr, res 81 Queen Durham McGuirk Michael, lab Sowards, res 245 " Geo, wks Green Bros, res 30 Clergy Patrick w McHarg. Wm, wks ship yard, res 226 " Wm C, butcher Green Bros, res 30 University Clergy w Mcllquham Clifford, mason Douglas & McKay, see also Mackie Mcllquham, res 241 Victoria " Capt C, bds 164 Queen " A M Mrs (wid Andrew), res 241 Victoria-' " Edith, trained nurse Waldron's, Ivs " Clifford, overseas, Ivs 390 Albert . 80 Barrie " Herbert C, custom officer, Ivs 390 " Mrs I, bds 36 James Albert " Ellen A (wid Hugh), res 46 U Wil- " contr, James, res 390 Albert liam " James, liveryman, res 315 Brock " Francis, R C H A, bds 68 Mark- " Miss Lillian, stenog, Ivs 390 Albert " land Wm, city slsmn Toye's whlesale, res McKAY, GEO B, Manager Bank of ' 237 Victoria Toronto, res 146 University Mcllroy, James, soldier, 26th Battery, ' Helen. Ivs 61 Sydenham res 29 Rideau Leather Hides " Edith (wid Wm), Ivs 54 Patrick McKAY JOHN, LTD, & Retail Furrier. 149- " John, lab, Ivs 464 Division Wholesale and pres McKay " Mary (wid Rev James), res 464 Di- 153 Brock, (John vision Ltd), res 61 Sydenham " T). res No 1 Apt, " Mr. dr Simmons Bros, res 12 Ji.mes Mrs. (wid Chas " Villa St Clare, Barrie Robert J, elk A McLean, res 160 Ri- deau " Mar'orie, Ivs 46 LI William " R, bds 831 Mont- " Wm, electrician Halliday & Co, r£s Roy, operator G T 54 Patrick real " William Mcllwaine Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 23 Thos. elk.' Ivs 46 w " 415 Ontario William, lab Richardson's, res Mclnnes, Nellie, maid Harry E. Rich- King e " ardson, Ivs 154 Johnson Wm. sailor, res 411 King Mcintosh Blanche. Ivs 450 Johnson McKAY JOHN, LIMITED, FUR " Bros, props ' The Fair" Princess, Store, 149-151 Brock cor Wellington McKee. see also McGee and Gee " F. soldier, staff Ongwanada, res 401 " Amelia (wid John), res 14 Plum " William Division \ Andrew, mason, res 205 " ' Ltd, Louise, Ivs 450 Johnson ' Arthur, wks Richardson & Son, " Rose (wid Alex), res 450 Johnson Ivs 205 William Mflntyre Helen, tlrs Livingston's, Ivs ' Clair L. press feeder Jackson Press, 199 University ave Ivs 100 Ra.glan rd ' " Miss Isabella, Ivs 232 Johnson " Ethel, servt at 96 Bagot " F. lab C L C. bds 12 Charles " Tames, eng. res 16 Main " John, mldr Loco Wks, res 199 Uni- " John Sr. lab Loco Wks. res 106 Rag- versity ave lan rd " Helen, Ivs 232 Johnson " Joseph, decorator McMahon, res 366 " Kathleen, bkkpr Gourdier's. Ivs 199 Johnson University ave " Joseph, elk Lockett shoe store, Ivs " Katharine, res 347 Brock 205 William Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Dcbcntures FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHAB ETICAL DIRECTORY its McKEE MACKENZIE " Ignatius, soldier, Ivs 100 Raglan rd " P, photographer, res 180 Wellington " Lulu, stenog Cij:y Utilities, bds 211 (upstairs) Queen " Thos, caretaker Jas Richardson & " Margaret M. bkkpr Singer Sewing Sons, res 39 Ordnance Mach Co. Ivs 100 Raglan rd Mackie John, studt, res 432 Brock '• Mary (wid Robt H), res 275 Queen " Mary (wid Alex), res 58 Clergy McKegg, see also McCaig and McQuaig McKillop Miss Mary, res 21 Johnson " Gladys, Ivs 2 Jenkin MacKinnon, Alex, pres Continental " Mary (wid John), res 2 Jenkin Chemical Co, Cataraqui st, res 70 ' Margaret, elk Mahood Bros, Ivs 2 Barrie Jenkin " Catherine, elk Best's drug store, Ivs " Neal. blacksmith C L C. Ivs 2 Jen- 9 Colborne kin " Kenneth L, inspr militia, res 76 McKegney Michael, carter, Ivs 65 Ri- Mack deau McKinnon, Flora, maid Gen. Maunsell. " C, bds 153 Michael, craneman C L Ivs 59 Gore Montreal Mackinson, Anne, laundress Home for. " John, carter, res 65 Rideau Women and Children, Ivs 75 " Mary, elk R McFaul, Ivs 65 Rideau Union McKELVEY & BIRCH, LIMITED, McKim Charles, fitter Loco Wks, res Stoves and Tinware, House 2 Miller's Lane Furnishings, Plumbers' and Tin " James, lab Waterworks dept, res 58 smiths' Supplies, 69-71 Brock Charles " John, res 130 Bagot " John, lab, res 49 Markland " Evelyn (wid'R J), res 134 Bagot " Mary (wid W'm). res 185 Montreal McKendrv Anna, stenog Armouries, Ivs " Susan, Ivs 49 Markland 32 Wellington McKnight Mary (wid John), res 21b " James, dr J Y Parkhill Co, res 320 Sixth Division McKoen John, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 298 McKenester Edgar, wks R H Toye & Barrie Co, res 457 Division •* Florence. Ivs 45 Knig McKenna, Bridget, elk R Waldron, Ivs McLaren, Pte, staff Ongwanada. Ivs 176 L Bagot same " Eliz, wks K Hosiery Co, Ivs 61 McLauchlan, see also McLaughlin and George McLoughlin " Miss Helen, res 61 George McLauchlin Mrs E, mlnry 113 Brock, " res 176 James, watchman, L Bagot res 95 William " Leo. bds 166 Mrs Sydenham " Edward, sailor, Ivs 95 William " res Barrie Patrick H. retired, 385 " Edward, junk dlr, res 855 Princess " Capt Wm, mariner T Co, res 102 M McLaughlin J H, confectioner Princess Charles U st, res 214 Stuart McKenzie, Charlotte, laundress H, K G " Jas, lab, res 25 James Ivs same " John, soldier, Kingston, Ivs 216 " Isabel, dressmaker, Ivs 55 Arch Queen " Mr A, trav McClary, Toronto, res " Thos, foreman Richardson's, res 216 84 Earl Queen MacKenzie, Alex A, retired, res 46 Di- " Wm, confectionery, res 204 Princess vision McLavey, Mrs Daniel, bds 292 Queen " Elsie, elk Caverly & Bradshaw groc, Maclean Andrew, pork market & groc, Ivs 46 Division 272 Ontario, res 53 King " Jas, overseas, bds 154 University " Archibald, elk C Livingston, res 193 " George, mariner, res 234 Brock Brock " Isabella, supt Orphans' Home, res " Andrew jr, with A McLean Ivs 53 same, L^nion st King e " "' Margaret, bkkpr Robertsons Ltd, Ivs Flora, Ivs 33 King e 46 Division McLean, Alexander W, acct Kent Bros, " Miss Mima, Ivs 46 Division res 203 William SMITH BR.OS. '^°'' HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES fINE JEWELLERY When You Are in Need of Ryesrlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden Lien Blec^

176 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY McLEAN McMILLAN " Rev E R, MA, BD, pastor Cooke's " Callie, Ivs 3 First " Church, res 372 Brock Florence, slslady T J O'Connor, Ivs " Mrs Kate, Ivs 68 Barrie 3 First " Harry, bk binder Jackson Press, res " Janet, res 28 Wellington Chestnut " Jennie, Ivs 28 Wellington " Regina, Ivs 203 William " Joseph F, Treas K Shipbldg Co, res " Wm J, retired, res 91 Bay 279 Alfred " McLeod Cecil Roy, grocer 51 Union, Margaret, Ivs 28 Wellington " res 29 Union Margaret (wid Richard), res 3 First " Neil, soldier " F E, civil servant, Ivs 101 Frontcnac CPASC, Ivs 3 First " " Miss F, nursing sister Queen's Richard, soldier M T, Ivs 3 First " Hosp, Ivs Court House Robt. lineman Civic Utilities, bds Queen's Hotel McLEOD, JAMES B, Druggist, 53 Brock, res 293 Alfred McMurray David, wks Can Loco Wks, " Peter C, carp, res 200 William res 20 CoIIingwood McLelland, Ida (wid Edwin J), Ivs McNab Donald, baker, res 27 U Wil- 148 Earl liam " McLELLAND, REUBEN A, Manager Capt J, vocational officer, bds 460 Forw^arders Ltd, res 148 Earl Princess McNabe, Duncan, lab C L C, bds 66 McLoughlin, Ed, jr, overseas, Ivs 855 Ontario Princess " Duncan, soldier, res 27 William w " lab ship yards, bds 78 William John, MacNarriee Wilhelmina, nurse K G H " E, sect Soldiers' Aid Commis, W " Mrs (wid Wm), res 33 U William 237 Bagot. res 214 Stuart st " Violet, bkkpr Glover's groc, bds 90 McMahon Andrew W, trav Midland Victoria Shoe Co, res 87 Earl " Daisy, trained nurse K G H, bds " C, washer Guess' livery stable, 100 Frontenac bds 147 Princess " Francis, carp ship yards, res 64 " Miss E, Ivs 281 Bagot Livingston " Ivs Miss H, elk Bank of Montreal, " Kathleen, studt K C I, Ivs 64 Liv- 30 Sydenham ingston " Josephine (wid Jas), res 299 Division Macnee Alice, Ivs 26 Barrie " Laura (wid Andrew) res 74 Welling- " Francis Hill, retired, res "St Law- ton rence Cottage," 143 King w " Mrs Mary G, Ivs 30 Sydenham MACNEE, JAMES H, Barrister, So- " Marjorie, elk Bank of Montreal, licitor and Sec Board of Trade Ivs 30 Sydenham Bank of Cominerce BIdg, cor " Robert, pntr 231 Barrie, res 206 Wil- King and Brock, bds 13 Maitland liam MACNEE & MINNES (Walter H Mac- '' Robert A. mach and salesman An- nee, Wm T Minnes, James A grove Bros, res 30 Sydenham Minnes), Wholesale Dry Goods, " Wm, lab ship yards, bds 94 Rideau 245 Bagot, cor Princess McManus Jas, shipbldr, res 307 Bagot " Norah H, Ivs 115 L Union " Capt W, res 405 Princess (upstairs) MACNEE, WALTER H (Macnee & McMaster Capt H M, asst supt M T Co, Minnes), res 115 Union e res 78 Gore " Walter, Lieut, ret soldier, iVs 115 L " James, lab Kelly Oil Wks, res 23 Union Russell McXecley. Roy, R C H A, Ivs 93 U " John H, drill hand Loco Wks, res William 148 Pine " Pearl, Ivs 93 William w " Miss, Ivs 304 Queen " Wm. trav John Freedman, res 93 McMichael Albert, slsmn McK & Birch, William bds 193 Brock McNeill Charles, shipper Richardson's, McMillan Duncan, lab Loco Wks, res res 158 Rideau 266 Earl " Estella, Ivs H8 Rideau Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES

CLARK WRIGHT & SONS - - - - PHONE 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DII^ECTORY m McNeill McQUADE " Rev J E, curate St. Mary's, Ivs 225 " Joseph, lab Silas Grimshaw, Ivs IS Johnson Russell " H C C, tire repairer W J Moore " Leatha, drug elk N C Poison Co, & Son, bds 363 Barrie Ivs 322 Brock " Margaret (wid Neil), res 148 John- " Wm, cab owner, res 21 Russell son " Stanley, dr Ed McFadden, Ivs 21 " Mary ,lbs 148 Rideau Russell " Elizabeth, bkkpr Wal- Walkem & McQuaig Louise (wid Mathew), Ivs 100 kem, Ivs 148 Rideau U William " Thos, Richardson weighman Jas & " Alice, wks Kingston Hosiery Co, Ltd, Ivs 148 Rideau Son, Ivs 322 Brock " govt grain inspr, res 148 Ri- Wm J, " Marshall, lab, res 322 Brock deau McNicol. David, druggist. Red Cross McQuay, Mis sMaud, foreldy Croth- ers' factory, Ivs 77 Pine Drug Store, res 261 King " McPARLAND, JAMES, Cigars and Thos, lab, ship yard, res 77 Pine Tobacco Whlsale,79 Princess, res " Wm, metre reader Hydro-Electric 59 Gore Co, Ivs 77 Fine " 233 Serg, soldier, bds "Verdun," McQueen Jesse A, dr K Steam Lndry, Brock res 30 Frontenac " Wm, mldr Loco Wks, res 46 Patrick " Effie, nurse in training Brockville soldier oberseas, res McPheil, D C, Eastern Hosp, Ivs 3 Clow's 207 William Block, Chatham st " Catherine, lbs 207 William " Mrs (wid), res 21 Elgin " Mary, Ivs 207 William " Hugh, overseas, Ivs 3 Clow's A, (Pres MACPHERSON, COLIN Block, Chatham Birch Ltd), res 138 McKelvey & " University Samuel, lab, Ivs 3 Clow's Block, Chatham " Donald, studt K C I, Ivs 138 Uni- versity " «Wm, soldier overseas, res 3 Clow's " Ethel, Ivs 139 Collingwood blk, Chatham st " Major J A C, res 109 Bagot McQuirk Margaret, res 31 Union w " guard res 139 Colling- James S, K P, McRae, see also McCrea wood " Ross M, acct E Chown & Co, res " (Lieut) R, stenog Mrs J C W G 241 Brock Craig & Co, res 181 Alfred " Ross, oberseas, Ivs 181 Alfred McRAE, W R & CO (N E O'Connor), " Prof W E, prof Queen's Uni, res Wholesale and retail grocers, 4 College st Wellington, cor Brock " Wm. boiler mkr's helper C L C, McRory John, lab ship yard, res 60 bds 440 Dibisipn Clergy w McQuaid, Mary, stenog S Anglin & McSorley Theresa (wid Chas), res 289 Co, Ivs 21 Russell " Johnson David, J, res 115 Ordnance McQuade, Frank, mach Loco Wks, res McTaggart Miss Janet, Ivs 109 Fron- 249 Ordnance tenac " Bert, asst foreman cotton mill, res McUen Robt, lab gas wks, res 1 York 66 Markland McVicar, Kenneth, dentist serg Den- " Chas, stationary eng, bds 103 Queen tal Corps, bds 52 Union " Ethel, stenog Geo Bateman, Ivs 21 McWaters Annie, Ivs 1020 Union Russell " Edith, servant, Ivs 3 Sydenham " James, guard K P, res 1020 Union w " Jean, wks Kingston Hosierv Co, Ivs 322 Brock McWilliams Bert, soldier, Ivs 455 Barrie " John, mach Loco Wks, res 371 Al- " Charles, eng, res 4 Birch ave fred " Gertrude, drsmkr 7Z Brock, Ivs 455 " John, retired, Ivs 15 Russell Barrie RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - • Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


Mahoney Chas A Capt, res 458 Barrie " James D, sailor C S L, res, 32 John M " Neil, mgr Brokers' Office, res 198 University ave Names beginning with Mac are ar- MAHOOD BROS (Perry S and Fred- ranged alphabetically with names be- erick K), Jewelry and China, 113- ginning with Mc. 115 Princess " Mabee Mrs Lillian, tchr Macdonald Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 103 John- Sch, bds 357 Johnson son " Donald, elk K Shipbuilding Co, Ivs MAHOOD, FREDERICK K (Mahood 357 Johnson Bros), res 185 Brock Macarow, Maud, res 188 William MAHOOD, GEORGE W, Druggist 156 Macalister, Rev J M, retired, res 331 Princess cor Bagot, res 107 Gore Barrie MAHOOD, PERRY S (Mahood Bros), Macaulay Charlotte, res 203 King e Ivs 101-103 Johnson Machar Miss Agnes M, author, res 25 Maiden, Mary T. hskpr, Ivs Sydenham 25 Main " Wm polisher Wormwith Piano " Caroline (wid John), Ivs 35 Syden- J, ham Co, res 25 Main Maitland Frank, elk A Chown & Co, Mack C Isabel, stenog A B Cunning- bds 67 Colborne ham, Ivs 374 Barrie Makins Miss Elizabeth, Ivs 88 Clergy w " Wm H, agt, res 374 Barrie " Harriett, res 88 Clergy w " William H. jr, soldier R C H A, " Miss Jennie, Ivs 88 Clergy w Ivs 374 Barrie " Miss Wilhelmina, elk Newman & Shaw Mackie Mary (wid Alex), res 58 Clergy Ivs 88 Clergy w " John, studt Queen's, res 432 Brock Malcolm Mrs Jessie, Ivs 209 Madell, Mrs, house supt Y W C A, Albert res 196 Johnson Mallen, Almeda, Ivs 12 Pine " Madden Patrick asst steward K P, Annie, drsmkr, Ivs 103 Wellington J, " res 50 Earl Edward, dr Crawford Coal Co, res " 44\ Barrie C, lab L C, bds 144 Ontario , C " Maddigan Annie (wid Michael), res 41 Frank, driver Crawford's coal yard, L Bagot Ivs 16 Pine " Frances, bkkpr Mutual Life of Can- " Edward, lal) C L C, Ivs 42 Johnson " ada, Ivs 103 Wellington Eva, slslady Waldron, . Ivs 41 R " L Bagot James, custom officer, res 169 Wel- " Irene, Ivs 41 L Bagot lington (upstairs) " " Kathleen, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 41 Michael, sailor, Ivs 12 Pine L Bagot " Michael, mech Angrove's Garage, " Myrtle, cutter Kingston Hosiery res 28 York " Patrick, Mill, bds 57 King w foreman R Crawford, res 12 Maddock, Joseph, emplovee Hydro- Pine " Michael, pilot, res 103 Wellington Electric Co, res 97 Earl Mallock. Robt, Madrand, Dela (wid O), res 161 Rag- embalmer Thos Ronan, lan rd bds 240 Bagot Malone, retired, res 402 " Cecilia, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 161 Anthony, John- Raglan rd son " Miss Laura, Ivs 402 " Ernest L, pianist Griffin's, Ivs 161 Johnson " Raglan rd Miss Minnie, elk Bowen's, res 102 Bac^ot Mageau, Azarie, mach L C, res 240 C " Miss Vida, Ivs 402 Johnson Montreal •Mallory Chas, elk bds 218 " Miss A, forelady Dom Textile, Ivs Loco Wks, Barrie 240 Montreal Mamson, Miss elk Waldron's, Ivs 369 Magagine, Flamirico, lab C L C, res 34 J, Dufferin Alfred Magnet Helen (Wid Don), washwmn, Manning, Mrs, Ivs 16 Durham res 18 Vine Manahan Merritt. tuner Wormwith Co, " Helen, drsmkr, Ivs 18 Vine res 301 University

J. K. Carroll Agency dominion life i 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1 030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 179 Mangan, Frances (wid Michael), res 44 MARRISON Ordnance " Catherine (wid Michael), res 96 " Jos P, shell insp C L C, Ivs 44 Ord- Clergy nance " Eliza E, Ivs 90 Victoria " Mary, music tchr, Ivs 4 40rdnance " Miss Evelyn, Ivs 369 Alfred Mann, Bessie, maid Smith, Ivs 461 Prin- " Johanna, elk P O, Ivs Clergy st cess " L C (Robinson & Marrison, city " Frank, fireman, R M C, res 1 Miller's dairy), res 24 Johnson " Lane S A (wid Wm J), res 369 Alfred " Geo W, wks Loco Wks, res 57 Char- Marsh, see also March les " Alice (wid Geo), Ivs 31 Pembroke Ivs 92 " Mannion. Frank, carp ship yards, John J, trav Robertsons Ltd, res 215 Gore Nelson Mannigan, Grace, wks Imp Steam " John W, florist, res 64 Elln Laundry, Ivs 42 Johnson " M E, tchr K B C, res 97 Frontenac Manning Agnes (wid Ed), res 30 Union " Manly E, res 65 Frontenac east " Wallace, eng ship yards, bds 15 Pine " H, heater ship yards, Ivs 30 Union " Wm, soldier, res 24 Russell " Phyllis, Ivs 30 Union e " Wm, lab, res 49 John MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INSUR- Marshall & Son, grocers, 147 Montreal " ance Co, M G Johnston, dist A W, grocer R W Marshall's, 147 mgr, 58 Brock Montreal, Ivs 96 Bay MAPLE LEAF MILLING COM- " Allan M, shell inspr Loco Wks, res 19 Plum pany (branch) Ontario st, cor Place " Charles, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 8 L Ri- d'Armes deau Marble Hall, confect and ice cream, MARSHALL, DAVID, prop Allies Geo Masoud, prop, 238 Princess shoe shine 320 Princess, bds 1 March, see also Marsh Smith st " Henry S, auditor Military, res 48 " Prof D H, professor emeritus. Stanley Queen's, res U^nion cor Alwington " Lawrence, sold ordnance stores, res " Eliza (wid John), res 437 Albert 321 Brock J " Elsie .Ivs 13 St. Lawrence Marchen, Damen, inspr St Ry. Ivs 161 " Sydenham Emily (wid Wm), res 132 Union w " Emma (wid Henry, res 8 L Rideau Marchan Orville, checker G T R fgt "Mrs F, Ivs 213 Earl sheds, res 20 Patrick " Howard W, hardware, etc, cor Prin- Marchand Bertha, opr bindery Whig, cess and Montreal, Ivs 68 Colborne Ivs 44 Colborne " Hugh, soldier A S C, res 290 John- " Bernadette, Ivs 44 Colborne son " Cecilia, pianist, Ivs 161 Raglan rd ' Mrs Jas, Ivs 101 Queen " Leo, drug elk L T Best, Ivs 44 Col- " John, mgr Gilbert's, Ivs 437 Albert borne " John, retired, res 68 Colborne " Miss Maud, forelady Geo McGowan, " John, taxi driver, bds 18 Division Ivs 44 Colborne " John, mach Loco Wks, res 101 " Rayjnond, insp, res 394 Ordnance Queen " Roy, soldier, Ivs 44 Colborne " Lucv. chocolate dipper Crothers " Susan (wid Charles), res 44 Col- borne Biscuit Co, Ivs 101 Queen " Marcoux Joseph, cutter Gourdier's, res Richard W, grocery, 145 Montreal, 94 Queen res 96 Bay Markett, Jos, soldier, res 13 Clergy w " Robt. carp, res 653 Princess Marlowe Jessie (wid Ralph), res 33 " Thomas C, tlr Crawford & Walsh, Sixth res 448 Albert Marrison, C E, photographer, 92 Prin- " Miss T, cigar maker McGowan's cess, res -355 Albert cigar mfg, Ivs Rideau Marrison Bertha, drsmkr, Ivs 369 Al- " Wm, checker W J Crothers, Ivs 101 fred Queen

Ail Standard Railroad Watches IN^ STOCK Watcti Repairing SMITH BROS. - - King St. A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office

180 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY MARSHALL MARTIN " Wm Jas, returned soldier, res 218 " Marguerite, sch tchr Havelock, Ivs 1 Wellington Aberdeen " Martin Agnes, Ivs 259 Johnson Mrs Manly, Ivs 99 Clergy w " " Agnes (wid Geo), Ivs 275 Sydenham Margaret (wid Wm), Ivs 38 Clergy " elk store, Ivs " Alice, studt, Ivs 1 Aberdeen Marion, Mahood's drug " Alex carp, res 1 Aberdeen 47a Main J, " " Bessie, stenog city treas office, Ivs Nora O, Ivs 38 Clergy " 64 Wellington Miss, trained nurse, bds 243 Earl " " Chas, caretaker St Mary's cemetery, Miss Pearl, nurse, Ivs 99 Clergy w " res Division Ruth, elk Bank of Commerce, Ivs 38 " Clergy Capt Chas J, R St Lavv^rence pilot, " res 13 Balaclava Lieut S, Ivs 275 Sydenham " " Cecil, polisher Moulding Wks, bds W R, sailor, Ivs 64 Wellington " 27 Russell V, studt, Ivs 1 Aberdeen Martinelli Tuci, packer Poison & " Chas A Jr, capt, Ivs 13 Balaclava N C " Chas A. sign pntr 35-9 Montreal, res Co, res 437 Barrie 272 Johnson Masonic Hall, 152 Wellington upstairs " Capt Jas F, res 259 Johnson Mason Thos, lab, bds 12 Earl " Edward F, tobacconist 211 Princess, MASOUD GEORGE, Ice Cream, Can- Ivs 13 Balaclava dlr, Princess, res " dy & Fruit 238 Emma, drsmkr, Ivs 123 Colborne same 't Eva L, stenog Bk Commerce, Ivs 38 ^ Clergy, w Massey-Harris Agency, farm imple- ments, 132 Clarence " E Pearl, trained nurse, Ivs 135 Nel- " son Rev J G, pastor Holiness Movement " Frank, carp, Ivs 347 Brock Church, res 267 Division " Fred, soldier, res 367 Bagot Masters, Rev Chas, res 32 Frontenac " George, lab bridge, res 62 Welling- (overseas) to« Masterson, Bridget (with Dan), Ivs 296 " G Arthur, mach, res 41 Clergy w Johnson " Gertrude M, Ivs 13 Balaclava " Dr Donald, hse surg K G H, Ivs " Grace R, Whig office, Ivs 38 Clergy same MARTIN, G KENT, Bus Manager Matheson John, prof Queen's Coll, res Daily Standard, res 1020 Union Alice st ji^ " Harry J, mgr Strand Theatre, res ." John B, ship carp,* res 34 Simcoe 401 Earl " Matthew ,mouIder C L C, res 3 " Herbert, dr Vanluven, res 307 Brock Johnson " nurse, 91 Hester (wid John), bds Mathews, see also Matthews Queen " Annie, tlrs Livingston's, bds 28 " Irene M, stenog T J Rigney, Ivs 1 Stephen Aberdeen " Miss Angelique, Ivs 221 Albert " Irving F, Ivs 38 Clergy M, R A w " Miss Ella, elk Robertson's, Ivs " 81 Iva E, prof R M C, res King e 121 Beverly " Fred C, Ivs J, mech C L 47a Main " Emma (wid John), res Zl Chatham '.' res 319 Earl Jas, mach Loco Wks, " Georgina, Ivs 221 Albert " John F, shipper Vinegar Wks, res " Geo, carp ship yard, res 197 Col- 25 Russell borne " Deering co, 110 Jno W, agt mach " John, dr R H oye, res 2 Victoria Clergy, res 135 Nelson Terrace, Montreal st " painter and paper hanger, res 47a J W, ' Pearl, grad nurse, bds 243 Earl Main " May, wks Imp Steam Laundry, Ivs " soldier, res 92 Victoria J S, 37 Chatham " John retired, res 349 Brock W, " Ray. soldier, bds 67 Pine " Katherine (wid Jas), Ivs 187 Clergy " Marion, Ivs 221 Albert " Louis, pro^ '^Revere House, 383-385 " Perle H, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 197 Col- King e, res same borne " Louis, fisherman, res 99 Clergy w " Wm H, guard K P. res 121 Beverly B®"?* J. K. Carroll Agency ^x"** 56 BR.OCK ST. Debenturcs IHIIil

I Permanent Stability |



s= Note These Figures: = Assurance in Force, over $65,000,000 = Assets 17,268,471 = Net Surplus for Policyholders 2,774,854 g North American Life Assurance Co. = "Solid as the Continent," = HEAD OFFICE TORONTO

FAIR, Inspector B W. J. BH Kingstoci, Ontario Established 1864 The Merchants Bank of Canada

Capital Paid Up $7,000,000 Reserve Fund $7,000,000

Total Assets . . . . over $140,000,000

President—Sir H. MONTAGU ALLAN Vice-President—K. W. BLACKWELL, ESQ

E. F. HEBDEN, Managing Director D. C. MACAROW, General Manager T. E. MERRETT, Supt. of Branches and Chief Inspector

Over 200 Branches throughout Canada

A General Banking Business Transacted

Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, Interest allowed at current rates, and added half-yearly to principal. Joint accounts opened in the name of two parties, either of whom can draw the money Money orders issued, payable at all banking- points in Canada Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.

Kingston Branch, '"^;;^e.Son\"Lts

H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


Mathevvson, John P, ship carp, ship Menard, Letta, wks C M B A, Ivs 257 yards, res 3 Simcoe Montreal Matier Henry, lineman Hydro, Ivs 450 " Rhoda, stnog C M B A, Ivs 257 Division Montreal " Maggie, Ivs 450 Division " William, lineman Bell Tel Co, res " Wm, tanner Tannery, res 450 Di- 151 Montreal vision " William, eng Hamilton Steel Co, res Maudson, Helen, elk Royal Bank, Ivs 151 Montreal 161 Alfred MENDELS STORE, Exclusive Ladies' " Mary (wid Geo), res 161 Alfred Ready-to-Wear, 136 Princess Maunsell, Geo (General), G.S.O. M D (F E and J H Mendels, props), No 3, armouries, res 59 Gore F Mendels, mgr Maxam, Alfred, tlr, 9 Montreal, res 170 172 Johnson Queen " Fred, mgr Mendell's store, bds " Charles, carter, res 7 Cataraqui 172 Johnson " Frank, overseas, Ivs 170 Queen Menzies Roy, electrician Moore's, Ivs " Gladys, stenog M H C, Ivs 170 139 Alfred Queen Mepstead Stephen, overseas, res 34 " Thos A, watchman Smelter, res 6 Johnson River Mercer,Thomas, foreman Bailey Broom res Maxwell, Earl B carp Loco Wks, Co, res 3 Lower Rideau 21 Pembroke " Wm J, elk Laidlaw & Son, res 96 " Fannie E (wid Geo W), res 56 Ri- Frontenac deau MERCHANTS' " James, contr, res 422 Albert BANK OF CANADA, H A Tofield, Manager, Mayell John Robt, carp, res 16 Redan cor Brock and Wellington " Miss L P, Ivs 295 Alfred Merchants' Fire Insurance Co, Mayer Stanley G, chief elk pay office A E M Loscombe, agt, Armouries, res 65 Nelson 187 Wellington Meredith Albert J, mach Loco Wks, Mayhew, Albert, steam fitter Loco Wks res 204 Colborne res 2 Raglan " Chas. timekeeper C L C, Ivs 204 Col- Mayne Mary, maid, Ivs 78 Sydenham borne Mazeau Azarie, repair man Loco Wks, Merriam ,Mrs K, bds 40 Clergy w res 240 Montreal " Kenneth, lab ship yards, bds 40 Mea Rev C J, Ivs the Palace, Johnson Clergy w

Meagher Frederick W, real estate agt, res I Merrick Gweneth Hope, Ivs 139 Wil- 99 Albert liam " " Rev Vincent, prin Regiopolis Coll, Chas, moulder C L C, bds 172 Onta- Ivs 225 Johnson rio Medley Wm H, druggist 260 Univer- MERRICK, HENRY, Post Office In- sity, res 262 University spector, res 139 William " Stewart, F, druggist, Ivs 262 Univer- " Lucy, stenog P O Insp oflfice, Ivs sity 139 William Meek Miss Accy, elk Odd Fellows' Re- Merrin Ann (wid John), res Outer De- lief Assn, res 317 Earl pot " Helen, Ivs 325 University Merritt, see also Merrett " Margaret (wid Robert), res 325 Uni- " Alma, Ivs 205 Colborne versity " Edward, mldr K Foundry, res 205 " Miss Sarah, drsmkr, Ivs 317 Earl Colborne Meggs Buella, office asst Dr C C Nash, " Gilbert, mldr Loco Wks, res 41 bds 306 Earl York " Madeline, stenog McK & Birch Ltd, " Lillian, office girl Dr Stewart's, Ivs bds 306 Earl 205 Colborne " Robt, slsmn Steacy's, bds 123 Col- Metcalfe, Alvin, elk P O, res 680 Prin- borne cess Melville Jeremiah, " plmbr Elliott Bros, Edgar J, meat mer 62 Brock, res res 3 Division 826 Princess

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. in CIT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET MpnrlplQ ^^^ Well-Made Ready-to- wear at lowest prices

182 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY METCALFE, HIRAM F, Principal MILLER Kingston Business College, res Ina L, chief elk American Consulate, 243 Alfred res 294 Earl " Jas, retired, Ivs 680 Princess Sergt Ira, soldier, motor transports, " Muriel, Ivs 826 Princess Kingston, res 170 Nelson " " Percy, soldier overseas, Ivs 5 Bar- John M, elk Loco Wks, bds 236 Bar- rack rie METROPOLITAN LIFE INSUR- " Mrs Ida, res 62 O'Kill " Matthew, taxi driver, res 230 Earl ance Co, of New York, 262 Prin- Myrtle, wks hosiery mill, Ivs 154 cess Ontario Michea, Wesley, wks C, Ivs 72 L C L " Myrtle, Bagot drsmkr, Ivs 96 William " Robert, carter, res 96 William Mick, Sgt A C, staff Ongwanada, Ivs same " S H, fly finshr Wormwith's, res 212 " Stephen, soldier Queen's Hosp, Ivs Division " 57 Union Violet, wks mica factory, Ivs 674 Princess MIDLAND SHOE CO (Wholesale), " William, res 430 Barrie 341 King e, F G Lockett, prop " Middler ,Wm, lab, res 253 L Patrick Wm, carp Isaac Allen, res 78 Vic- Mieski, Freida, nlaid Dr Campbell, Ivs toria 237 Queen " Wm, lab, res 253 Patrick Millborougli, Geo, serg C A, M C, res Milligan Margaretta C, res 500 Princess 32 Livingston " Mac, night elk Frontenac, bds 301 Miles Mrs Mary, res 6 Johnson (rear) Barrie " Mrs Eliz, res 8 Johnson Milloy Gertrude, tchr Bus Coll, Ivs 384 " Hannah, Ivs 8 Johnson Alfred Military Hospital, 213-219 Queen st Mills, Amanda (wid Andrew), res 396 " store hse, 237 Wellington Barrie " Annie (wid Geo), res 124 University Millan Dennis J, butcher cor Ontario & Princess, res 80 Earl MILLS, CHARLES J (George Mills " Mary, studt convent, Ivs 80 Earl & Co), Ivs 124 University Ave " Leo, overseas, Ivs 80 Earl " Chas, studt, Ivs 124 University " " Norwal, elk D J Millan, Ivs 80 Earl Ernest, tinsmith, Ivs 396 Barrie " Rupert, studt, Ivs 80 Earl " livelyn F M, stenog MSA, City Millard Richard W, uphlstr T F Har- Bldgs, Ivs 120 University rison & Co, res 149 Colborne MILLS, GEORGE & CO (W Y & " layer Geo C, out, C L C, res 466 Chas J Mills), Hats and Furs, Albert 126-128 Princess " Wm, carp C L C, res 79 Pine " Geo, retired, res 124 University ave " Wm J, layer out Loco Wks, res 94 " Herbert, Ivs 120 University Frontenac " Irwin, contr, Ivs 3 Aberdeen " Clara, elk Mendell's, Ivs 305 Bagot " J, tinsmith, McKelvey & Birch, res Millburn Bert, elk Eng Armouries, bds Johnson 138 Queen " John, messngr Bk of Commerce, res

Miller, see also Millar . 102 Stuart " " A H, cbt nikr Wormwith Piano Co, Mary (wid Thos) res 378 Brock " res 91 Gore Mary (wid James), Ivs 3 Aberdeen '' " Bessie E, res 294 Earl Maude, Ivs 3 Aberdeen " ",W Edward, soldier C A S C, res 122 Robert, painter, 34 Montreal, res Stephen Colborne " Frank, carp M Co, res 154 Ontario " Samuel, furrier Geo Mills & Co, Ivs " Fred C, niach Loco Wks. res 26 U 124 University William MILLS, THOMAS, Insurance and " Harold S, finshr Wormwith's, res General Brokerage, 79 Clarence st, 212 Division res 178 Barrie. office phone 102; " Hazel M, Ivs 91 Gore house phone 116 Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures KEliP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For ru insurance, phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 18S MILLS Misoner, Alice W, bds 328 University " Thomas, retired, res 120 University ave Mitchell, Alex, lab, res 103 L Bagot " Thomas, baggageman Can S S lines, " jr, 184 Alfred bds 165 Queen Mrs A W, Ivs Mitchell, Ellen (wid Thos), Ivs 46 Ord- (George Mills & Co), MILLS, WM Y nance Defence, Ivs 124 Uni- Col Home " Emma (wid Chas), drsmkr and white versity av wear 73 Brock, res 28 Fi;ontenac " Wm, studt, Ivs 124 University " G W, prof Classics Queen's, res 98 Bicycle Repairer MILNE, HARVEY J, Bagot cleaner, 272 Bagot, and carpet " Prof H, prof Politics Queen's, res res 239 Bagot 148 Albert " dr Doyle's Bakery, res 36 Benedict, " Jas A, lab Loco Wks, res 4 Clow's Union w Blk, Quebec st " Peter eng Cereals Ltd, res 10 St. J, ' Mary, maid, Ivs 180 Bagot Catharine " Maud, wks N Y Fruit Store, Ivs 4 " Rebecca (wid T J S), res 318 Uni- Quebec versity " R, soldier, Ongwanada, Ivs same " Robt, sailor, res 36 Main " Sarah (wid Wm C), res 198 Rideau " carp, res 133 Raglan Road Robt M. " Miss Sybil, bkkpr Robertson Groc Millner Albert Edw, Ivs 162 Pine Co, Ivs 198 Rideau " C, pianist Grand opera hse, res Prof " 674 Princess Wm, overseas, res 169 Pine " " Chas R, Q M S, res 146 Frontenac Wilhelniina ,clk MSA office. City " Harry, wks C h Q, Ivs 674 Princess Bldg, Ivs 198 Rideau Milo Frank, pntr T W Milo, res 29 Di- Mittel Mr L, butcher at 346 Brock, res vision 142 Queen " T W, pntr 255 Princess, res 146 John- Moberly Wm, pntr, res 64 Brock son Model, Sgt Samuel, soldier. Dental Milton Nancy, Ivs 404 Brock Corps, bds 292 Queen Mimick, Serg M soldier, bds 116 Ri- J, Model Shoe Store, Leznoflf Rotgauze deau & props, 184 Princess Minifie H, fiinisher Wormwith Piano Co,' Ivs 68 Charles Modney, Jas, shoemaker, 279 King, res " Josephj gang boss Loco Wks, res 279 King 68 Charles Moffat Peter A, mach Loco Wks, res Minnes Annie, trained nurse, Ivs 124 61b Livingston av Bagot ' H, soldier, staff Ongwanada, Ivs " Lieut Arnott J, soldier 53rd Battery, same Ivs 124 Bagot Mohan, Agnes, bkkpr W F McBroom, MINNES, JAMES A (Macnee & Min- Ivs 190 Colborne nes), res 124 Bagot " Anastella, sten Maple Leaf Milling " Lorraine, Ivs 5 SClergy Co, Ivs 190 Colborne " Marjorie, Ivs 124 Bagot " Ida, elk Woolworths, Ivs 190 Col- " Nora, studt, Ivs 124 Bagot borne " Thomas D, acct K P, res Kensing- " Peter^ retired farmer, res 190 Col- ton ave borne ^^i;^ " Veta, studt Queen's, Ivs "Hillcroft," Moncrieflf, Earl D, elk C P R, Ivs 145 r^ Union w York " Victor, elk nvalided Sold Comm, Ivs " Florence, elk Anderson's grocery, Kensington ave Ivs 9 Fifth MINNES, WILLIAM T (Macnee & " Mary (wid Peter A), res 9 Fifth Minnes), res Hillcroft, Union w *' Thos E, pntr, res 40 Durham Minogue Mary (wid Wm), res 256 Earl " K D, teller Bk Toronto, Ivs 145 Miron^ Gladys, stenog E Chown & Son, York Ivs 56 L Rideau " Robt D, agt Royal Guardian Ins Co, " Jos, porter Frontenac Hotel, Ivs res 145 York same " Sarah, office elk Steacy's, Ivs 9 Fifth SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - - 350 King St. STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite Cenerai Post Office 184 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Monk, Francis A, stone contr, res 24 MOORE Elm " Bros, auto tire & vulcanizing Co, 206 " Walter, stove-fitter McKelvey & Wellington Birch, Ivs 288 Barrie " Charles L, carp Loco Wks, res 125 Monks, Agnes, winder Hosiery Mill, Ivs Colborne 20 Frontenac " David John, blksmith Trouthers, res Monroe, Harold, wks Dalton & Sons, 10 Cherry " res }2 Markland Mrs (wid Edward), res 58 Union " Montier, Jos, ptr Savage & Co, res Hatti' , Ivs 4 Quebec MOORE, HERBERT V (Moore ft MONTREAL TRANSPORTATION Son), res 95 Division Co Limited, E A Turner agt; ft of " Herbert T, soldier, Ivs 48 Union Qiueen st " Inez, wks Mica Factory, Ivs 93 Col- Montgomery Cynthia (wid Wm), res borne 294 University " Irene, Ivs 15 Division " Jennie, elk Glover's grocery, Ivs 211 MONTGOMERY'S DYE WORKS, J. B Harris Prop, 225 Princess Alfred " " Elsie, wks McGowan's, Ivs 73 Main Jane (wid Wm), Ivs 125 Colborne " " Miss F, nursing sister Queen's Hosp Letitia, Ivs 96 Earl " Ivs Court House Margaret, wks Mica Factory, Ivs 93 " John, Bishop's mach shop, res 73 Colborne Main " Peter, overseas, res 17 U Charles " " Jane (wid John), Ivs 361 Bagot Thos, foreman Utilities, res 76 " Miss Mabel, bkkpr Angrove Bros, Frontenac " Thos, tlr Ivs 294 University Crawford & Walsh, res 226 Division " Mary, dressmkr, Ivs 294 University " Murray, shipper Tannery, bds 92 MOORE, W J. & SON (WiUiam J, Queen William M and H V Moore), " Robt, retired, res 354 Albert wholesale and retail auto sup- " Wallace H, Inland Revenue officer, plies, 206-208 Wellington Ivs 18 Market (upstairs) MOORE, WM J (Moore & Son), res Mooers Henry F, res 68 Barrie 15 Division " Edwin, assessment commissioner " Wm, lab govt, res 4 Quebec " city, Ivs 90 Barrie Wm M, vulcanizing tire Dept, W J " Mrs (wid Henry), res 90 Barrie Moore & Son, Ivs 15 Division " Moon Melville G, wks Loco Wks, res Wm J, baggage, res 340 Brock 52 L Bagot Morahan, Patrick, res 180 Stuart 4 " Harold, returned soldier, bds 340' Moran, Alice, mlnr Steacy's, bds 56 Barrie William " " Robt T, mason retired, res 12 Alma Elsie, drsmkr, bds 56 William " Wm, wks Moulding Co, res 14 Step- " Michael, soldier overseas, res 182 hen University " Patrick mldr Loco Wks, res 182 Mooney Clara, Ivs 20 Stuart J, University " Ellen (wid Thos), res 20 Stuart / Isabella, music tchr, res 67, Alfred Morden Charles, mason, res 78 Main " " John, grocer 39 Colborne, res 41 Lassie, wks Imp Steam Laundry, Ivs Colborne 78 Main " Mabel, forelady John McKay Ltd, Moreland, Mrs, maid C Livingston, Ivs Ivs 67 Alfred 162 Barrie " Mary, Ivs 20 Stuart Morgan Geo, sec foremn G T R stn, res " Robt, mach Loco Wks, bds 200 On- 130 Bagot tario " Mathew, carp, res 396 Ordnance WOORE, ALEXANDER H (Moore " Prof Wm, prof of theology Queen's, & Son), res 15 Division res 20 Barrie "Alice, post mistress Queen's Uni, Ivs Morley, Edward, lab C L C, Ivs 39 Gore 58 Union w Morohan Ellen, Ivs 180 Stuart " Ann (wid Daniel), res 211 Alfred " Patrick, retired, res 180 Stuart "^^^ J. K. Carroll Agency -r^, 56 BROCK ST. ESTATt] 1363PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y


Morris Arlington, elk Post Office, Ivs 114 MOWAT Barrie " George, elk MeGall's Cigar Store, " Courtland, RAF, Ivs 114 Barrie res 224 Division " Isaac T. grocer, Zll Bagot, res 95 " George A, mason, Ivs 224 Division Frontenac " Miss H E, Ivs 180 Johnson MORRIS, JOHN, Manager Imperial " Lillian, Ivs 180 Johnson Oil Co, Limited, res 114 Barrie Moxley Miss Alice, Ivs 76 York " " Nathan, ladies' and men's clothing Mrs Ethel, Ivs 187 Stuart " store, 374 King, res 1Q2 Queen Miss Isobel, pte sec A B Cunning- " Sydney, govt shell inso C L C, bds ham, Ivs 76 York " 243 Brock Jane (wid Robt), res 76 York " Wm Thos, foreman Loco Wks, res Moyes, Elbert, ptr C L C, Ivs 262 Nel- 460 Barrie son " Morrissey. John, retired, res 28 Alma Herbert, lab Ship yard, res Mac- " donald st n D J, elk J S Asselstine, Ivs 368 Bagot " Lilly, wks K Laundry, Ivs 262 Nel- " John, barber, res 368 Bagot son " Morrison Dr Charles, physician, res 208 Wm M, mach Kingston Foundry, res Bagot 12 Redan " Catharine (wid Michael), res 96 Mowers Frank, barber E Robbs, res Clergy E 472 Brock " John, carp M T Co, res 441 Alfred Muchmore Richard, eng, res 27 John " Miss Johanna, elk P O, Ivs 96 Clergy " Michael, lab ship yd, res 292 Queen " Pearl, bkkpr Johnson, Ivs 98 Ri- J Muckler, Fred, mail elk G T R suburb- deau an, res 328 Johnson " Pearl, cook M Sullivan, Ivs 87 King " Margaret, elk M S A office. City " Vincent, elk C P R, Ivs 94 Rideau Bldgs, Ivs 332 Johnson " Wm, carter, res 94 Ridean " Mary (wid Wm), res 332 Johnson " dr Rapid Transit, bds 111 Wm, Muckleston Annie, res 35 Union Brock w " Emily, res 35 Union w Mortimore Joseph, mgr K Hosiery Mill Mucklewee Ferguson, carter & taxi, Ivs res 151 Alfred 27 Elliee Mortlock Geo, mar eng, res 35 Union e " George, lab ship yards, Ivs 451 Al- Morton, A, agt Prudential Life Ins fred Co, 264 Bagot, res 17 Nelson Muir Albert H, city auditor, res 50 '" Bessie, elk Couper's grocery, Ivs 17 Frontenac Nelson " Ellen (wid Thos), bdg hse, res 263^ " Geo G, lab Hos Mill, res 10 Russell King e " Miss, tlrs Waldron's, Ivs 10 Russell " Henry, retired, res 378 Earl " Ruby, elk D Couper, Ivs 17 Nelson Mosher Beatrice, maid Prof S F Kirk- Muirhead Elizabeth (wid Rev John W) patriek, Kensington ave Ivs 45 Clergy Mulholland, Edith, Mosier, John, lab C L C, res 2 North stenog Col Street, " Joseph, taxi driver, Ivs 2 North Ivs 138 Wellington " Moulday Benj, retired, res 38 Frontenac Cassie, drsmkr, Ivs 138 Wellington " Ethel, drsmkr, Ivs 138 Wellington " J T, shoe repairer, 381 Johnson, res same " Samuel, dr Golden Lion Groc, res Moulton, Herbert, carp, res 135 Chat- 59 Chatham ham ' Sylvester, barber Bazeau's, Ivs 138 Mounteer Albert, pntr Savage & Co, Wellington res 84 Arch MULLEN, JAMES E, Marble Works, Mountany, Rubena, waiterss Frontenac 155 Frontenac, res same Hotel, Ivs same " Johu capt "Keyport", res 145 Col- Mowat Miss E, Ivs 180 Johnson borne " " Catharine (wid Henry), res 224 Divi- Miss Lulu, bkpr R Waldron, Ivs 21 sion Redan " Emma (wid Prof John), res 180 John- MULLIN, EDWIN W, Real Estate & son Insurance Agt, 276 Johnson SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS

186 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY MULLIN MURPHY " Miss Hilda, tchr, Ivs 276 Johnson '• Mary, elk M S A office, City Bldgs, " Miss Margaret, BA, elk Merchants bds 82 Rideau Bank, Ivs 276 Johnson " Mabel, elk City Hall, bds 219 Divi- " Vincent, real estate agt, E W Mullin sion 6 Son, Ivs 276 Johnson " Margaret (wid Jas), private nurse, Muller Geo, bicycle mach, 373 King e res 108^ Montreal, downstairs res same " Margaret (wid P), Ivs 365 Brock Mulligan William, driver Douglas & Mc- ' Margaret, Ivs 15 Dufferin Ilquham, 445 Albert " Mathew, letter carrier, res 189 Mon- " V'.'m. lab city gas tank, bcls 12 Ri- treal deau " Mrs N, waitress Royal Hotel, Ivs Mullinger, Thos, policeman, res 291 same Brock " Peter, flag man G T R, res Hickson av " Violet, Ivs 291 Brock ' Richard, fitter C L C, res 15 Duf- MUNDELL, DAVID E, Physician and ferin " Surgeon, office hours 1 to 3 and Capt Thos J, pilot, res 111 William " 7 to 8, office and residence 228 Thos, fireman Loco Wks, res 153 Brock, tel 398 Hickson ave " " John, MD, retired, 59 Arch Thos, mariner (pilot), res 365 Brock " Thos milk Prin- MUNDELL, WILLIAM, BA, Barris- W, vendor, res 791 cess ter, Solicitor, etc, 93 Clarence, " Thos, fireman C L C, res 215 L Ri-^ Ivs 59 Arch deau Mundy Annie (wid Alfred), res 6 John- " lab Loco Wks, res 52 Welling- son (rear) Wm, ton '" Howard, lab, Ivs 6 Johnson " pilot, res 16 Division Munro John M, studt, bds 332 Univer- Wm J, " F, cntr, res 45 Bay sity Wm " mar capt, res 102 Barrack " H, baker R H Toye, res 12 Markland Wm, Munsie, Jas C K, acct, res 35 George Murray, Alfred J, elk Light, Heat and Power plant, Ivs 234 Alfred Murch S R, com trav Crescent Co, W " A, confect and bakery, 272 Princess, res 216 Johnson res 627 Princess . stenog Robertson's Ltd, Murphy ,Aiina. " Chas G, plmbr McKelvey & Birch, Ivs llo Colborne «* res 8 Chestnut " Catharine (wid Daniel), res 82 Ri- deau MURRAY, DAVID, Manager Northepn " Charles, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 51 Bay Crown Bank of Can, res 22 Fron- f " Chas, s.^ldicr, bds 10 Ruleau tenac " " Dominic, boiler mkr C L C, Ivs 15 David B, mgr Vinegar Wks, res* cor Dufiferin Kensington & Union " " Frank, retired, res 245 Victoria Dora, elk A Arthur's estate, Ivs 627 " Geo, mariner, bds 365 Brock Princess " " Irvin, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 16 Di- Dorothy ,clk Bowen's, Ivs 233 Earl * vision " Edward, parcel post city delivery, res

''• Dennis -J, lab, McKelvey & Biich 38 Main Ltd. res 116 Colborne • " Elizabeth (wid Jos S), res 20 Rideau " Jane (w^id Jos), res 793 Princess '^ " Harry, mach Geo Wright, Ivs 11 " John, lab Loco Wks, res 9 EUic^ " Vine John J, groc cor Bay & Bagot, res 75 Bay " Sergt Jas G, soldier, bds 166 Syden- '• ham J W, barber F [A Bazeaii, Ivs 16 Di- vision " Jane (wid Thos), res 100 L Bagot " Jos. wks C L C, bds 95 William " Miss Tennie C, elk Newman & Shawj " Joseph, lab Loco Wks, res 262 Earl Ivs 146 Bay "41 " Joseph, pntr Loco Wks, res 14 " Jas, soldier overseas. Ivs 91 Chatham Frontenac " John, retired, res 146 Bay " Lawrence W, grocer cor King & Prin- " John, carp Loco Wks, res 166 Sy- cess, res 27 Sydenham denham

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean Accwent& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Cor^n^ Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 187 MURRAY " Joseph, marine capt and pilot, Rey- nolds Steamship Co, res 30 N Frontenac " lab Milne's, bds Chatham Kenneth, Xancarrow Frederick, wks Electric light " Marjorie, studt K C I, Ivs Kensing- wks, res 67 Patrick ton " Edna V. bkkpr City Utilities, Ivs 67 " Marga.-et E, ledger kpr N Crown Bk Patrick Ivs 22 Frontenac Xardelli ,D, soldier R C H A, res 187 " Mary. Ivs 22 Frontenac Wellington " Olive, bkkpr Crawford's grocery, Ivs NASH, DR C C, Dentist, 183 Prin- Barriefield cess, res 366 Albert " Randall B, casemkr Wormwith's, " Clara, Ivs 208 Bagot res 233 Earl " Herbert, elk Armouries, bds 340 " Sylvester, mar eng, res 209 Syden- Barrie ham NASH, JOSEPH, Manager College " Sam, rivetter Shipbuildii^g Co, res 265 Book Store. 160-162 Princess. Ivs Earl 138 Clarence " Terrence, lab ship yards, res 8 Con- Naylon John, policeman, res 155 Raglan cession road

' " Wm, soldier, res 52 Stanley Katherine , cashier Dom Express Co, Ivs 155 Raglan rd " Wm, soldier, coachman B Car- J dr Crawford's ruthers, res 25 Johnson Wm, grocery, res 155 Raglan rd " H, agent Prudential Life Ins Co, W Neal see also 264 (upstairs) Bagot, bds 42 McNeil, McNeill, Neil Clergy Neill, O'Neil, and O'Neill " Mary (wid Peter), Ivs 158 Rideau " Wm John, carp M T Co, res 11 Vine " Martin, fitter " Loco Wks, res 114a Wm auctioneer 14 Market, res Barrie- Earl field Xeill, Anna (wid Wm), res 630 Prin- 4 Music, Harry, shell foger C L C, Ivs cess Concession ' Neilson Albert, tinsmith hlpr McK & Murton, Mrs Fred, res 263 University Birch Ltd, Ivs Kingston Jet Musselwhitc Fred, carp, res 265 Syden- Wm, hay inspector govt, res 160 ham Pine " factory ,lvs 265 Miss C, wks mica Xeish, Alice J, res 308 University Sydenham " 'Ada E, Ivs 308 University " " Ethel, press feeder Whig, Ivs 265 Miss Laura, tchr Victoria School, res Sydenham 308 University " Harold, appr Whig, Ivs 265 Syden- Nelson, see also Neilson ham " Alex D, bkkpr Dalton & Sons Ltd, LIFE ASSCE CO OF CAN- res 305 Alfred MUTUAL " ada, S Roughton District Agent, Jas, apprent mach C P R round hse, 60 Brock bds 152 Rideau " John, lab Shipbldg Co, res 152 Ri- T, 216 Colborne Myers H res deau " Lena, elk Nesbitt's groc, Ivs 216 " Mary, Ivs 152 Rideau Colborne •' Mary, drsmkr. 390 Montreal, res 390 MYLKS GORDON W, M D, Physi- Montreal cian, Surgeon, etc, ofBce hours 8 " Robert, aprent mach C L C, bds 152 to 9.30 am, and 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 Rideau pm. Telephone 119; office and " Wm, soldier ,res 125 Union res 79 William Nesbitt, see also Nisbet " retired, res 108 Victoria " Manuel, Andrew, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs 273 Myles Miss I, maid, Ivs 169 Union w Alfred SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office

188 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY NESBITT, W JAMES, Grocer, asg NEWMAN, HENRY W, Electric Co, University av. Ivs 337 Johnson. 167 Princess, Ivs 271 King w " elk " stenog Armouries, Ivs Z2)7 James J, customs hse, res 271 Lyla, King Johnson w " Jennie, Ivs 327 Barrie " Mary, tchr McDonald Schl ,lvs ZZ7 Johnson NEWMAN, JOSEPH A (Newman & " Pearl A, music ichr & organist Shaw), res 95 U William Brock St Meth Ch, Ivs 449 John- " Mildred, studt, Ivs 95 U William son " Minnie, Ivs 271 King " Robert W, police sergeant, res 337 NEWMAN & SHAW (Joseph A New- Johnson man, David Shaw), Dry Goods and Ladies' " Sarah (wid James), grocer 246 Bar- Ready-to-Wear Gar- ments, 122 Princess rie, res cor William and Barrie " Wm H, overseas, res Earl (in " ivs 335 Johnson 247J4 Stanley, chauffeur, | rear) Nevens W, signalman G T R stn, res " Wm W, office elk S Anglin & Co, 91 Cataraqui res 327 Barrie " Annie, Ivs 91 Cataraqui " Wm, cartaker city bathing houses, Newell, Louis, mach Loco Wks, res 56 res 271 King w Patrick " Wm, sr, mgr Poison's Iron Works, " Jas Edw, trav Maple Leaf Milling Toronto, res 327 Barrie Co, res 264 University " Wm, Salvation Army officer, Ivs 327 " Napoleon, returned soldier, res 39 U Barrie Charles Newton Melvin, munition wkr Loco New York Fruit store, 314 Princess wks, Ivs 347 King e (upstairs) " New England Chinese restaurant, 331 John, carp, bds 107 Clergy " Cyril, studt College, 135 King e K B Ivs Clergy New York Chinese Cafe, 83 Princess " Thos, lab C L C, res 135 Clergy Newlands Mrs A, bds Concession rd " Victor, piano tuner aprent Lindsay " Christina (wid Isaac), Ivs 58 Col- Piano Co, Ivs 135 Clergy borne Nichol, see also Nichols, Nickle, Nicol, " Elizabeth (wid Isaac), res 7 York Nicoll and Nicolle " Geo, checker Loco Wks, res 58 Col- borne NICHOLLS, Wm, Veterinary Surgeon, " Grace, pianist College Bk Store, Ivs office and hospital Bagot, cor 58 Colborne V" Clarence, res 134 Clarence NEWLANDS, JOHK C (Newlands, Nichols, Pte, returned soldier, voca- tional studt, bds 347 Brock Wm & Son, architects), res 39 Union; Lieut 14th Home Defence Nicholson Elizabeth (wid Alex), res 325 Johnson " Mary (wid John), res 165 Nelson " C, elk Can. Northern Express Co, (William and NEWLANDS & SON Ivs 134 Ontario John C Newlands), Architects, " Daniel, studt Queen's, Ivs 203 Col- 258 Bagot borne " Wm A, tax coll. City of Kingston, res " Agnes, asist Dr. Black, Ivs 425 333 Barrie Brock NEWLANDS, WILLIAM (Wftlianj " Harold, elk P O, res 80 Main " Newlands & Son), summer ad- Harold, dr Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Portsmouth dress Wolfe Island, bds 138 King " Herbert, plmbr McKelvey & Birch, Newman, Ann, Ivs 573 Princess Ivs 325 Johnson NEWMAN, EDWARD E, Manager "HEW, agent G T R, res third house, Royal Bank, res 47 George north of tracks Montreal, Junction " Emma, wks Imp Steam Laundry, " Howard, dr Dominion Express, Ivs Ivs 327 Barrie 75 Main " Frank L, mgr Jackson Press, Ivs 56 " Irene, tchr Barriefield, Ivs 134 Onta-

William w , rio '"surance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all KinCiS ^^1 Specialize in Ciiildren's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds

KINGSTON ALPHAB ETICAL DIRECTORY 189 NICHOLSON NOLAN " Lillie, Ivs Montreal st " Michael P, shell mkr Loco Wks, Ivs " Margaret, Ivs 425 Brock 329 Brock " " Thomas, btchr 136 Ontario, cor Wil- R, coal & wood yd, 241 Montreal, liam, res 134 Ontario res 275 Sydenham Nolton, Geo, dr E Wathen, res 672 " Thos K, horse trainer, res 75 Main (upstairs) Princess " Thos, contr, bds 286 Queen " Frank, wks ship yards, Ivs 72 Prin- " Wm, chauffeur Prof Wm Nicol, Ivs ces s 88 Victoria " Wilson, lab, res 72 Princess Nickle, see also Nichol, Nichols, Nicol, " Wm, lab ship yards, Ivs 72 Princess Nicoll and Nicolle Noonan, Bessie, stenog, bds 120 Wel- Nickle, Capt Douglas, RAF overseas, lington Ivs 130 Earl " L, soldier, bds 60 Clergy w NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY, Bar- Norman H F, real estate, cement pro- risters and Solicitors, 194 On- ducts factory, office and wks 69 tario (upstairs) Patrick, res 68 Charles NICKLE. HUGH C, Supt Kingston, " Harry, tinsmith hlpr McK & Birch, K P & C Elec Ry Co, res 155 Earl Ltd, res Barriefield NICKLE WM F, M.P., Barrister Norris Arthur, studt, Ivs 183 Montreal (Nickle, Farrell & Day), office " Annie (wid Marshall), res 368 Prin- 194 Ontario, res 130 Earl cess " " Capt Wmj aide-de-camp to Gen Tur- Annie, wvr cotton mill, Ivs 13 L ner overseas, Ivs 130 Earl Charles " Nicol Prof Wm, retired, res 203 Albert Frank, mariner, Ivs 183 Montreal " " Ernest, elk A Arthur's estate, res Gertrude, maid Prof E Scott, Col- 110 Montreal lege grounds, Ivs same " " Miss Lizzie, Ivs 163 Alfred James Sr, retired, res 18i_.Montreal " " Miss Mary, bdg hse. 163 Alfred Jas, marine eng M T Co, res 21 Nicolle Alda, Ivs 62 Barrie Charles " marine capt, res 46 Clergy " John, Hon Sec Produc'.ion Comm, James V, " (wid res 13 L Charles res 62 Barrie Jane James), " (wid Samuel), bds 106 Mont- " Miss Laura, Ivs 62 Barrie Jane real Niles. M H, mach C L C, bds 298 A1-. " farm lab, bds 106 Mont- bert Samuel, Nisbet Duncan, foreman bridge biding real " H, mgr Riidd Harness Co, res & rep wk C P R, res 105 Raglan Wm 175 Clergy " Jennie, Ivs 105 Raglan NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSUR- Nixon Ethel, elk Grant's groc. Ivs 225 ance Company, W J Fair District Earl Manager, 151 Wellington " Thos, mach Loco Wks, res 225 Earl " printer Jackson Press, res 9 " John, Wm, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 225 Earl Colborne Nobes George, plmbr. res 79 .Arch /. j NORTHERN CROWN BANK, David " i^uclnda (wiid res"l[22~Otrren W J), Murray, Manager, cor King e and " Mafy (wid hse, res Ann James), bdg Brock 46 Union Northmore, Edward, lab C L C, res 7 " Wm, carp, res 19 Division Pine Noble, Jas, marine eng, Ivs 31 Colborne " Geo, lab K G H, Ivs same Nokes, Mary (wid Albert), drsmkr, res " Nelson, dr Anglin Wood Yd, res 9 250 Queen (upstairs) St Catherine Nolan Geo, guard K P, res 17 Mac- Eleanor, sludt, Ivs 179 Stuart donnell Norton ' " Harry, studt Queen's, Ivs 179 Stuart " James, dr McKelvey & Birch Ltd, res 148 Montreal Nourry Lucien, organist St Mary's, res " John Henry, carp, res 30 York 100 Clergy " Michael, mach Loco Wks, bds 565 Norwell Capt John C, headqtrs staflf, Princess res 223 King e Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS \^ HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. • 350 King St. FOR CORSETS ^ Mendels TO SUIT EVER.Y FIGUKE

100 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY -Jugent Miss Bertha, opr G N W Tel O'BRIEN Co, bds 347 Brock " Margaret, Ivs 67 Union " " Fred P, traveller National Drug- Co, Mary, Ivs 118 Johnson " Toronto, res 78 Nelson Mary A (wid John), res 20 Russell " " Ed T, foreman Loco Wks, res 241 Mary, tlrs W A James, res 24 Ellice University " Mary (wid Thos), res 24 Ellice " " T Ivs 88 Division Mary (wid Patrick), res 117 Alfred J, ' Nurses' Home K G H. 44 O'Kfll Nellie, Ivs 65 Markland " Nurses Home of Hotel Dieu, 223 Brock Philla, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 71 Division " Patrick, wks C L C, Ivs 21 Clergy w " Robert, returned soldier, Ivs 65 Markland o " Robt, moulder C L C, res 155 L Ba- Oakes Alfred E, master mechanic St got " Timothy, mail contr P O, res 65 Ry Co, res 67 Nelson Markland " E H, returned soldier, bds 154 " Living- Montreal Thos J, mach C L C, Ivs 32 ston Oberndorflfer's Cigar Factory, 298-304 " Wm H, mach K Shipbldg Co, res Ontario 367 Brock Oberndorffer Cillie (w^id Simon) ,res 88 O'BRIEN & CO (Alex. O'Brien), Queen Merchant Tailors, 216 Princess " Esther, Ivs 88 Queen Ockley John W, Ivs 106 Rideau " Henrietta, Ivs 88 Queen O'Connell, see also Connell and McCon- " Henry, cigar mfr, Oberndorffer Cigar nell Co, Ivs 88 Queen " *' Marcus, cigar mfr, Oberndorffer Ci- Robert, shoemkr 176 Montreal, res gar Co, mgr Clarence St Garage, same res 88 Queen O'Connor, see also Connor O'Brien, see also A'Brien " Annie, Ivs 263 King O'Brien & Co, merchants tailors, 216 O'CONNOR, CHARLES E, Oculist and 10-1 2-5; 7.30-8.30 Princess Aurist, office hrs ; ^ O'BRIEN, ALEXANDER (O'Brien telephone 383, office 275 King e, residence 263 Johnson, telephone & Co), res 118 Johnson 598 " Alice, elk Prouse's Drug Store, Ivs " Regiopolis College, Ivs 14 Redan Chas, studt '' 372 Alfred Annie (wid Edw), res 150 Stuart E " ' Daniel, lab C L C, bds 95 William Alexander J, cutter O'Brien & Co, '• 118 Johnson Elizabeth, Ivs 11 West " C, Ivs 11 West ' Caramel, Ivs 65 Markland F X. Capt A M " " Edward, chauffeur Mech Transport, Miss K, Ivs 263 Johnson " Pat), res 214 William Ivs 108 William Mary (wid " P, plmbr McKelvey Birch, " Edward, retired, res 23 Division Maurice & ,1 Dufferin " Miss Elizabeth, res 71 Division Ltd, res 24 " Miss Ellen, drsmkr. Ivs 67 Union w " Mary (wid John), res 121 William " " Ivs Miss Helen, sten McParland's Liquor . Miss, maid Mrs Cunningham. Store, Ivs 118 Johnson No 3 Villa St Clare Apts, Barrie " Irene, Ivs 118 Johnson O'CONNOR, NICHOLAS E (W R " Jennie, bkkpr W J Crothers Co, Ivs McRat & Co), res 2G3 Johnson 65 Markland " Patrick res 282 Wellington " J, John, soldier 13th C M R, Ivs 65 " Miss Rose E, mlnr, Ivs 11 West Markland O'CONNOR THOS J, Ladies Exclu- " John, retired, res 21 Clergy w sive, ,260 Princess, res 372 Alfred " Joseph, Ivs 118 Johnson " " Capt Thos J, M T Co, res 11 West J J, Ivs 172 King " Justina, Ivs 71 Division ODD FELLOWS' RELIEF ASSO- " Katherine. Ivs 138 Johnson ciation of Canada, F S Evanson, " Lola, Ivs 23 Division Secretary-Treasurer, 334 King e Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency^ 56 BROCK ST. Dcbenturcs S FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPi^IABETICAL DIRECTORY 191 O'Donnell, see McDonell. McDonnell, O'Leary Daniel, deputy warden K P, Macdonell and Macdonnell res King w " " Arthur, dr Warwick Bros, 64 Arch Miss Ray, studt Convent, Ivs 198 King e " Florence, Ivs 64 Arch • "• Wm H, blrmkr, res 198 King e " Fred J, soldier overseas, Ivs 83 Col- Oliver Fred, fireman fire dept, bds 291 lingwood Brock " " John, inland Revenue office, res 333 Mary J (wid Dr Alfred), res 5 Wel- Brock iington " soldier returned, res 76 North John, Olsen, John, blacksmith cor Bagot ^i& " Jean (wid Peter), res 83 Collingwood Queen, res 76 Earl grocer " John Oscar, fitter Loco Wks, Ivs Id " Walter, taxi dr, Ivs 83 Collingwr'ood Earl ' Convalescent 400 O'Driscoll, Ongwanada Home, see also Driscoll King " w Augustinus, elk, Ivs 4 Garrett O'Nein, Arthur, soldier, Ivs 3 Cataraqui " John B, steward K P, res 173 Vic- " Catherine (wid T). res 174 Bagot toria " Edward, asst eng Shipbldg Co, res " Margaret (wid Jeremiah), res 4 Gar- 219 Montreal rett " George, mica cleaner, r'^s 312 Qne^n " Marjory, Ivs 173 Victoria " James A, lab city, res 280 Sydenham " Ogih-ie. Col G H, res 119 Earl Jos J. city editor Standard, bds 191 " Major, bds 134 Earl Brock " " Marian, studt, Ivs 119 Earl Jas. dr J R B Gage, 252 Montreal, O'Gara, Miss M, nursing sister Queen's res 311 Montreal ' Hosp, Ivs Court House Kate, maid C Bermingham, Ivs 18 O'Gorman, see also Gorman and Mc- Barrie Gorman " Kate, maid W H Macnee, Ivs 115 O'Gorman Alice slslady Waldron's, Ivs Union 6 Victoria Ter, Montreal " Margaret, Ivs 176 Bagot " Angeline. Ivs 6 Victoria Ter, Monteral " Mary Ann (wid Patrick), res 142 Ri- Jas. taxi driver, res 264 Queen deau O'Grady J Arnold, slsman C Livingston " Mrs, maid Dwyer's. Ivs 64 Barrie & Bro, Ivs 20Q Queen " Thos. elk G T R freight office, Ivs ' Barkley, barb A E Hunt, bds Royal 174 Bagot Hotel, Princess Onslow Jas, contr, res 26 Main Louisa (wid James), res 200 Queen Ontario Chambers. 59-65 Clarence 20-24 O'Hanlon Bernard, soldier, res 255 Ri- Ontario Dept of Agriculture. Mar- deau ket St, A W Sirrett. rep. lives up- stairs O'Hearn, cashier Griffin's theatre, Ivs Montreal st O'Reillv see also O'Reily, Reilly and Riley Ohlke Clara, tchr Louise School, Ivs " res Alfred M, shell mkr Loco Wks, , 216 University ave 338 Brock " Maria (wid Paul), res 216 Univer- " A, lab Cohen Co. Ontario st, res 50 . sity Place d'Armes Ohlman, Inez, studt, bds 222 Univer- ' Carmel. studt. Ivs 110 Earl sity " Frances (wid Edward), res 307 Al- • OLDFIN, JOHN W, Gas and Elec- fred • tric Fitter, grocery and resi- " George, soldier overseas. Ivs 50 dence. 133 Ordnance, res 135 Ord- Place d'Armes nance " Mi'^s Isobel, elk C P R, Ivs 110 Earl " Kate, elk R J Rodger's, Ivs 135 Ord- " Michael, marble cutter Fallon Bros, nance res 110 Bagot " Leo, R A F, Ivs 135 Ordnance O'Rielv Annie, elk Waldron's, Ivs 289 " Mary, Ivs 135 Ordnance Johnson Old People's Home for Aged and In- " Gertrude, stenog Armouries, Ivs. 289 firm. 362 Montreal Johnson

HIGH ORADLCLOCKS, WATCHf liNL JLIVllLLKI When You Are in Weed of RycKlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - 1. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarenei wd Willinttoi Stritts, Mitt Liii lliek


Ormston Edwin, pntr Loco Wks, res Otto Chas H, bk binder, res 34 Fron- 112 Barrack tenac

O'Rourke, Lawrence, sailor, res 10 Re- " Geo S, tchr K C I. res 35 Aberdeen dan " J J, Ivs 34 Frontenac " Edna, stenog Armouries, bds 195 Ovens Rufus K, retired, res 416 i Johnson Johnson " Thos, ins agt Prudential, res 28 Owens, McTavish, studt K C I, Ivs 416 Montreal (upstairs) Johnson Orphans' Home, see Protestant Or- Overbaugh, Lome, riveter C L C, res 53 phans' Home Stephen " Orphanage of the Hotel Dieu, Sister Geo W, Free Methodist minister, res / La Dauversiere Mother Superior, 53 Stephen Sydenham, cor Brock Owles Edgar, cook overseas, res 210 Alfred Orpheum Theatre, Griffin Amusement " Frank W, tlr, res 196 Colborne Co, prop, 250-252 Princess " M, elk Angrove's Garage, Ivs 196 Orr, Angus, trav Robertson & Co, res Colborne 111 Wellington " Gertrude (wid Henry), res 32 Wel- lington " Fred, soldier. Ivs 86 Ontario " Harry, gen wk, res 323 Barrie " John L, mach Light Dept, res 431 Packer Alfred, carp Loco Wks, res 65 Johnson Arch " John, studt, Ivs 431 Johnson " Emily, Ivs 186 Bagot " " Lillian M, elk O F R A, Ivs 431 Harold, mus tchr, Ivs 65 Arch Johnson Paddock. Geo, res 106 Victoria " Lewis, capt "Maggie L" res 110 Paddon Jane (wid Thomas), res 296 Di- Patrick vision " Maxwell, R C H A. Ivs 431 Johnson Page, Mrs Arthur, cook Y W C A, " Myrtle, stenog Dr Third, Ivs 32 Johnson, Ivs same Wellington " Delbert, carp Thos Copley, Queen " Vera, elk Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 32 Wel- st, res 292 Montreal lington " Frank, elk J B Bunt & Co, ivs Orrell Miss Mary, res 81 Union e Portsmouth Orser Chas, tinsmith hlpr McK & Birch " Hilda, wks K Hosiery Co, Ivs 5 Mc- Ltd, Ivs 294 Division Cormick's Cottages, Centre st " Creighton, lab McKelvey & Birch, " Lydia (wid Alfred), drsmkr, Ivs 94 bds 78 Markland Barrack Orser Mary (wid Isaac), res 294 Di- " Maria (wid Arthur), res 5 McCor- vision mack Cottages, (Centre st w " Susan, elk Mendell's, bds 78 Mark- " Lawrence, studt, bds 324 Division land Palace Skating Rink, Raglan Rd Orwell Robt, taxi dr and caretaker at Palavos Geo, N Y Hat Cleaning Co, 208 Queen's, res 52-54 Union w Princess, bds 361 Barrie Osborne Albert G, soldier, res 320 " Wm, wks shoe shine parlor, Ivs 208 Queen (upstairs) Princess " Rose, mill hand Frontenac Moulding Palmer Geo A, phy inst K C I, bds 179 Co. Ivs 827 Montreal Alfred " Wm, lab, res 827 Montreal " Benjamin, pedler, res 105 York O'Shea. Grace, tchr Macdonald School, " Catherine (wid T), res 352 Johnson bds 380 Brock " Capt F A, asst C P C E, Ivs 232 Ossen Geo, lab, res 421 King e Brock " Joseph, mldr Loco Wks, res 352 John- Ostrom. Mrs Libby, res 331 King e son (upstairs) " Mabel, stenog munition plant, Ivs " B G, elk Randolph, res 212j^ Earl 352 Johnson O'Sullivan. Miss May, mus tchr, Ivs 107 " Samuel, peddler, bds 36 Clergy Wellington " Wm. blksmith Loco, Ivs. 352 Johnson ^•»'® J. K. Carroll Agency . « 56 BROCK ST. Insuraiice ^| PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES


Pannell, see also Pennell PARKS " Emma, Ivs 190 University " Hazel, elk exemption bd, Ivs 26 Gar- " Wm S, carp Loco Wks, res 248 Al- rett fred Parle, Edw, carp shipbuilder, ship yards Papps John, carp, res 59 Queen res 143 Ordnance PAPPAS BROS (George and Nicho- " John, elevator man K G H, Ivs las), shoe shine, pool and cigars, same 200 Princess Parrott, Anna, stenog ,lvs 126 a Nelson " Bros, shoe shine Parlor, 90 Princess " Alonzo, attendant K G H, res 126a PAPPAS GEORGE, prop Pool Parlor, Nelson " Princess and Montreal, res 38 Luella, tchr Victoria Sch, Ivs 126a Alma Nelson " Shirley, stenog office. City PAPPAS, NICHOLAS, Billiards, res MSA Bldgs, Ivs 382 Alfred 40 Alma Parson, Henry, A, res 46 Stan- Paquin, Eva. confect Crothers, Ivs 125 R C H Montreal ley Parton, lab C L C, Ivs 1 Chestnut " E, wks C L C, res 217 Montreal Jos, Partis. Thos W, mach C L C, res 255 " Paul, carp res 125 Loco Wks, Mon- Earl treal Partridge Amy A, stenog Bk Toronto, Paradis, Chas, chief wireman Bell Tel Ivs 144 Collingwood Co, res 41 L Charles PARTRIDGE, FRANCIS W (Part- " Ed, garage Brock, res e 19 318 King ridge & Sons), res 198 Stuart (upstairs) PARTRIDGE, FRANCIS W, Jr (Part- " Jos, carp Co, res 21 Barrack M T ridge & Sons), Ivs 144 Colling- Pardoe Albert, soldier, Ivs 3 L Rideau wood Parke, Geo, lab city corp, res 7 Johnson PARTRIDGE, RICHARD (Partridge (rear) & Sons), Ivs 60 Victoria Parker Harry, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 45 Division PARTRIDGE & SONS (Francis W, Francis jr. and Richard), wire- " Annie, Ivs 171 Victoria W workers and electro platers, 66 " Jos H, overseas, res 352 King e (ivp- stairs) King w " Robert, packer Geo Robertson & Pateman William, Q M Sergt PAMC. Son, Ltd, res 190 Ordnance res 180 Montreal PARKER, R & Co, Dyers and Clean- Paterson Wm A, acct Poison's, res 106 ers, 69 Princess Victoria " Robert, lab Loco Wks,res 120 Mont- Patrick Albert, overseas, res 496 John- real son " Mrs Robert, res 28 Montreal " John M, locksmith 149 Sydenham, " Wm, returned soldier, bds 20 Que- res 9 Plum bec " Walter S, studt Queen's, res 61a Parkes. Ross, wks ship yards, res 663 Livingston Princess Lockett's, Parkhill, Donald, studt, Ivs 92 Victoria Patterson Miss A, elk bds 214 Frontenac " J Y & Co (Jas Crawford), whole- " sale produce, 239 Princess David J, postman, res 601 Princess " Mary (wid Jno Y), res 92 Victoria " Ethel, elk Crothers' biscuit factory, " Stanley V, retired. Ivs 92 Victoria Ivs 189 Victoria " nurse, Ivs 480 Parkin, Earl, salesman Steacy & Steacy, Gertrude, trained res 241 Division Princess " 140 " Alfred, foreman Loco Wks, res 292 Geo, lab, bds Queen Earl " Helen, tchr Cataraqui sch, Ivs 430 " Thos M, letter carrier P O. Ivs 292 Princess Earl " Isabella (wid John), Ivs 60 Victoria Parks, Marshall, conductor CNR, bds " Jas, retired, res 430 Princess 116 Basot " Jean, res 321 King RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office

194 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY PATTERSON, JOHN G, Tailor, 120 PAYNE " Johnson, res same William, dr Crawford Coal Co, res 12 Ann " Jno, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 430 Prin- " carter, res 12 Ann cess Wm, " John, pressman Loco Wks, res 161 Paynter, Miss Bertha, bkkpr Kingston Queen Steam Laundry, Ivs 3 Devonshire " Kate, wks mica factory, Ivs 161 ter, Sydenham st Queen " Fred T, asst supt shell dept Loco " Margaret C, res 601 Princess Wks, res 136 Ordnance " " Matthew, shoemkr, res 421 Brock Hugh, ironwkr Loco Wks, res 104 " Prof, Queen's, res 80 Victoria York " Richard O, dlr in live stock, res 442 " John, mach Loco ,Wks, res 3 Albert Devonshire Ter, Sydenham st " Robt W, pntr, res 189 Victoria " Mabel, Ivs 3 Devonshire Ter, Syden- " Capt Robert, res 313 King w ham " Stewart, mach Loco Wks, res 407 " Muriel, elk Steacy's, Ivs 113 Bay Barrie " Richard, baker Arthurs, res 113 Bay " Thos, fireman No 2 stn, res 43 York " Richard, electrician Newman's, Ivs " Wm J, drover, res 16 Frontenac 113 Bay " Wm, foreman tinsmith Loco Wks, " Robt, shoemaker, 269 Princess, res res 11 Cherry same " Wm J, pntr Loco Wks, res 254 Earl Peail, Jacob, pedlar, res 71 Stanley Paul Elizabeth (wid Capt Tohii), res 203 Peacock, Frank, waiter "Belvidere," Ivs Alfred Belvidere, King st " Grace, s'tenog Armouries, Ivs 106 Peaker, Mrs. Harriet, Ivs 31 Garrett Clergy w Peake, Thos, packer Robertson's Ltd, " William J, tobacconist 70 Princess, res 260 Earl res 106 Clergy w Pearce. Leonard, harness mkr Rudd " Wm Jr, studt Queen's, Ivs 106 Harness Co, 1)ds 118 Earl Clergy w Pearn Wm, soldier, res 305 Montreal Paus, Henry, eng M T Co, res 311 " T sr, es 154 Colborne Montreal Wm Princess Payea, Clara, laundress K G H, Ivs Pearsall's Millinery, 228 same Pearson, Eva, stenog K B C, Ivs 226 Earl Payette C, bandsman R C H A, res " Geo, carp, res 284 Sydenham 88 L Bagot " Gladys. Ivs 360 Ragot Payne, Miss B, mlnr E V Greaza, Ivs " Francis, sailor M T Co, bds 125 112 Johnson Montreal " Fred, driver Taylor & Hamilton, res " Howard, wks C L C, res 215 L Ri- 41 Main deau " Fred, fireman Loco Wks, 257 Vic- " Leslie, agt Metropolitan Ins Co, res toria 214 Princess (upstairs)_ " Ed, pntr Savage & Co, res 32 Onta- " Leslie, elk Abramson's, Princess, res rio 226 Earl " Anita, stenog exemption bd, Ivs 465 " Morley, munition wkr Loco Wks, Johnson Ivs 87 Johnson " Florence, elk Gilbert's grocery " Seret M, Ivs 272 Johnson " George A, carp & contr, 465 Johnson " J H, sergt Maj R C H A, res 360 " James, carp, res 240 University Bagot " John A Jr, brakeman GTR, res 686 " Norman, sold R C H A, Ivs 360 Montreal Bagot " pntr Savage Co, res 356 Jno, & Peatfield, Mary M (wid J H), Ivs 440 Montreal Alfred " L, studt Queen's, Ivs 465 Johnson Pechall, Chas. lab Davis Tannery Co, " Sarah (wid J Robt), Ivs 201 Brock res 64 Charles " Sarah (wid Henry), Ivs 32 Ontario Co, res " Violet, wks Kingston Hosiery Co. Peck Fred rivetter K Shipbldg Ivs 32 Ontario 102 Raglan AGENTS J. K. Carroll Agency dominion life 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


Pecor Mrs Mary, res 52 Place d'Armes I PENWARDEN, W H, District Mgr, Pellan, Peter, lab Davis Tannery Co, Crown Life Insce Co, res 120 res 410 Montreal Collingwood Peppiatt, Pellettier John J C, tailor 84 Brock, res Wm A, sergt-maj C Battery, same Ivs 428 Johnson " Eva. bkkpr Henderson's grocery, Ivs Percival & Granger, local mgrs McCor- 46 Markland mack Ltd, Wellington " F. wks Cotton Mill, res 45 L Bagot Percival Harriette (wid Henry), res " Harvey, loom fixer cotton mill, res 237 Brock " 64 Markland Robt B, agt McCormack Biscuit Co, " Josep Anne, Ivs 47 Markland res 17) Colborne " " Ludger, carp Loco Wks, res 47 Thomassina, res 237 Brock Markland " Victor, marine capt, res 6 Cherry " Marie, packer McGowan's, Ivs 47 Percy Miss Hethero, elk J Percy, Ivs 72 Markland Division " " Rose, Ivs 47 Markland John Alex, grocer 70 Division, res 72 Pelow Bertha, spinner K Hosiery Mill, Division Ivs 38 Clergy w Perkins. Pte, cook Queen's Hosp, bds " Dennis, carp, res 38 Clergy w 212 King " " Elizabeth, knitter K Hosiery Co, Ivs Reginald, studt Queen's, bds 197 38 Clergy w Frontenac " " Gerard, returned soldier, Ivs 195 Stanley, studt Queen's, bds 197 Johnson Frontenac " Thos H, mgr James McParland, Perreau Miss Gertrude, slslady Coll Bk res 30 John Store, Ivs 203 William " Mary, Ivs 137 Colborne Perrin, C. cigar mkr, George McGow- an Penfold W J, caretaker 12-14 Market, Mfg Co. Ivs same (upstairs) Ellen (wid Lawrence), wks out, res Pennell Gladys, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs 6 Garrett 154 Pine Perry, Annie, stenog A D M S, Armou- " Mrs Martha J, agt Arthur N Chris- ies, Ivs Z2> Union " tie, res 154 Pine Donald, returned soldier, bds 161 Pennie Sergt-Maj Duff, soldier, res 141 Division Ordnance " Mae, stenog Bank of B N A, Ivs 33 Union w Pennock, Harry, mill hand Wormwith's " Norman H, planer hand Anglin's, Ivs res 114 Stephen 228 Barrie " James, eng Wormwith's, res 114 " William, soldier C O C, res 33 Stephen Union Pense Arthur W, studt, Ivs 436 Princess Ferryman Geo, loom fixer Dom Textile " Edith G, Ivs 55 West Co, res 41 James " Elizabeth (wid E J B), res 55 West " Jas, mach ship yards. Ivs 41 James " " Elizabeth E, Ivs 55 West John, retired, res 218 Montreal, 3rd " floor Emma F, nurse overseas, Ivs 55 " West John, scourer Hosiery Mill, res 40 Frontenac " Frederick B, soldier overseas, Ivs " Richard, fireman Dom Textile Co, 436 Princess res 9 Pine " Harry Edw^, Maj 21st Batt, overseas Perthmore, Ernest, overseas, res 31^ Ivs 436 Princess William w " James P, retired, res 436 Princess Peters Adam, yardman Frontenac Lum- " Miss Marjorie, Ivs 55 West ber Co, res 2 Place d'Armes Penstead, Chas, soldier, res 54 Chat- ham " Alvin, soldier, res 123 Stephen " Austin, studt K C I, Ivs 184 Ord- Pension Claim Office, Merchants Bank nance bldg (upstairs), 81 Brock " Chas, lab Loco Wks, res 61 Cherry Penwarden Miss Elva, Ivs 120 CoUing- " Cyrus M, slsman VanLuven Bros, wood res 330 L^niversity

All Standard Railroad Watches IN STOCK Watch Repairing SMITH BROS. - - King St. A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office

196 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY PETERS Phillips Albert, bds 35 Brock " " Emily, mLnr Miss Greaza, ;lvs 571 Arthur W, gardener H W Richard- Princess son, res 222 Stuart " Fanny, drsmkr, Ivs 44 Victoria " Chas, caretaker Frontenac school, res " Florence,, elk, Ivs 330 University 11 Cowdy " Frank, soldier, res 94 Elm " Chas, soldier C O C, Ivs 195 Ord- " Frank, eng Loco Wks, res 129 Bagot nance " Fred, carp Loco Wks, res 258 " Frank A, traveller Frontenac Mould- Queen ing and Glass Co, res 142 John- " Jas A, lab shipyards, res 105 King son " Jas, soldier overseas, res 70 York " George, lab, res Zl Clarence " Johanna (wid Hugh), res 571 Prin- " Geo, home guard, res 112 Stephen cess " Ida, Ivs 461 Barrie " " J P, carp, res 657 Princess Hubert, elk A P Chown & Co, Ivs " John F, soldier, overseas, Ivs 105 222 Stuart King " James, finisher Wormwith's, res 87 L " Jno, wks Elmhurst, res McCormick's Bagot cottages. Centre st " James, tinsmith ship yards, Ivs 75 " John, contractor and builder, res 44 Quebec Victoria " John B, druggist Mahood's, res 211 " Laura, mlnr Gedye Millinery, Ivs 129 Bagot L Bagot " Joseph P, carp Davis' Dry Dock, res " Mrs Rose, res 45 Main 3 Pine " Miss Reta, Ivs 184 Ordnance " Nellie, servt Richardson s. ivs 118 " Rowlin H, retired, res 152 Victoria University " Sid, wks C P R fght shds, res 281 " Russell, lab cotton mill, Ivs 3 Pine Queen " Seymour, elk Newman & Shaw, ivs " Sadie, Ivs 330 University 3 Pine PETERS-THOMPSON SEED CO, " Thos, baker New England Bakery, 117 Brock res 75 Quebec " pres Moulding & PETERS, P (Peters-Thompson W C, Frontenac W Glass Co, Ivs Frontenac Club 117 Brock, res 184 Seed Co), " Ordnance Wm Hy. res 203 Frontenac " Winifred, modiste, Ivs 203 Fronten- " Capt Wm, res 47 Mack ac st Peterson Christopher, lab elevators, Ivs " 51 John W, ptr C L C, bds 157 L Bagot " Carl, Jab Imo Oil Co, Ivs 13 St Cath- Pickering, Albert Wm, returned soldier, arine res 26 Duflferin Pettigrew A D, retired, Ivs 281 Alfred " Bertram, soldier overseas, Ivs 212 " Arch J, bkkpr Jas Richardson & Nelson Sons, res 281 Alfred PICKERING, CHAS H, Grocer, 490 Pettitt, George Wm, soldier, res 241 L Princess, res 212 Nelson Patrick " Co, res 23 " Geo, elk Jas Redden & Isaac, lab Loco Wks, res 75 York Arch Phelan, see also Failon " Harry, dairyman, Ivs 126c Nelson " Chas, plmbr Loco Wks, res 67 L •' Norman, dairyman, Ivs 126c Nelson Bagot " Thos postman, res 92^ Victoria " J, Dr Daniel, physician, res 191 John- " Wm G, elk Gordon's groc, res 208 son Colborne " Miss Eleanor, Ivs 191 Johnson " H, res 126c Nelson " Francis, munition wkr Loco Wks, Wm Price's Dairy, res 562 Ivs 19 Charles Pickett, Lloyd, dr " Thomas, wks Davis Tannery, res 19 Princess Charles Pickup Wm, wks K Hosiery Co, res Phelix Chas Ed, capt M T Co, res 56 165 Stuart John Pierce, see also Pearce Phelps Elizabeth (wid Henry), res 152 " Rev Barry, retired, res 58 Victoria Bay " John, gen wk, bds 400 Barrie Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK^ ST. Debentures LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


PIERCE Pollick, Alien, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs " Mildred, studt Queen's, Ivs 58 Vic- 177 Pine toria PoUie, John, Insp. Children's Aid So- Pigeon Miss Essie, drsmkr, Ivs 282 ciety, res 15 Nelson Queen " Harry, R C H A, Ivs 15 Nelson •' " Francis (wid Richard), res 282 Hugh, fireman K F D, Ivs 15 Nel- Queen son " John, veneer layer Wormwith's, Pollitt's Bakery, 299 Collingwood res 33 Aberdeen " Elizabeth (wid Frank), res 40 Que- Pilson Henry, carp Shipbldg Co, Ivs bec 123 Montreal '' Fred J, returned soldier, res 355 Di- Pilley. Miss G M, drsmkr, bds 231 Di- vision vision " Lawrence, tinsmith McKelvey & Pindred, David, overseas, res 56 Col- Birch Ltd, Ivs 355 Division borne " Rachel (wid Thos), res 223 Division Pipe, David C, district insp London " Wm, baker, res 304 Albert Colingw^ood " Life Ins Co, res 305 Mrs Wm, Ivs .48 Mack " Catherine, drsmkr, Ivs 201 Frontenac POLICE COURT, James M Farrell " Kenneth, taxi driver, phone 960, res Police Magistrate, City Build- 25 Frontenac

. ings " Margaret (wid Wm), Ivs 25 Fronte- nac POLICE STATION, City Buildings Poison Miss Jessie, Ivs 165 Piror, Mrs J J, bds 331 Montreal King w Pitman, Reginald, soldier R C H A, res Poison, N C & Co, wholesale druggists 178 Montreal & manufacturing chemists, 261-265 " Mrs, cook Prince George Hotel, Ivs Ontario same " Neil C (N C Poison & Co), res 165 Pitt Edward, lab, Ivs 1 Smith st King w " Rosina, bkkpr, Ivs Smith st " Neil C, jr, (N C Poison & Co), res Pixley Josephine- (wid Gardner), res 160 Stuart 475 Johnson " Major Stewart, Ivs 165. King Plagianotos Apostolos, prop Star Fruit Poofley, Thos, watchman bridge, res an dCandy Store, 66 Princess, res 357 Bagot _^ 66 Princess Pope Mary Ann (wid Thos N), res " 169 E, elk Star Fruit and Candy Store, Clergy Ivs 66 Princess Pople. Wm, lab C L C, res 133 Queen Plum, Geo A, lab L , res 67 Col- C C Poppel, Miss Helen, cook Royal Hotel, lingwood bds same Plumridge John, soldier 2nd Batt, res Foquin. L (wid Edmond), carder Dom 285 Division Textile, bds 2 Orchard Plunkett Isaac, porter Gen Hospital, Porter Alfred, driver Imperial laundry, res 410 Barrie Ivs 242 University " Pogrue, Howard, depot battalion, bds Andrew, lineman Bell Tel Co, Ivs 43 281 Division Elm " " Irwin, carp, res 398 Division Chas, retired, res 133 Bagot " Eliz (wid " S, mech Angrove's Garage, Ivs 398 Stanley C R), res 466 Brock " Division Ella, drsmkr, Ivs 242 University " Fred, lab, " Stanley ,lab, bds 281 Division bds 115 Bagot ' Herbert, soldier overseas, Ivs 242 Polderman C, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 232 University Stuart " Jane (wid Frank), res 242 University Elva, Ivs Polks 22 Concession " Mae. stenog Robertson's, Ivs 242 " Merrill, Ivs 22 Concession L^niversity " Robert, farmer, res 22 Concession " Mary Ann (wid Wm), res 43 Elm " Sanford, farmer, Ivs 22 Concession " Wm, dr Toye's, res 445 Princess " Vada, studt, Ivs 22 Concession Capt S E, overseas, res 384 Alfred^ Pollard. Wm, foreman C L C, bds 229 " Wm, lab ship yard, res 152 (up- Barrie stairs) Ontario

WEDDING PRESENTS al SMITH BROS. in CIT GUSS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET MpnHplQ For Well-Made Ready-to wear at lowest prices


Posselwhite Chas Fred, elk Loco Wks, POUND res 34 Division " Clifford, studt, Ivs 178 Alfred " Ethel, drsmkr, Ivs 34 Division " Douglas, traveller Macnee & Minnes " Mav, stenog Nickle, Farrell & Day, Ivs 245 Bagot Ivs 34 Division " Eliza, studt K B C, Ivs 35 Rideau " Miss Elizabeth, " Violet, stenog W J Moore & Sons, tehr Frontenac Ivs 34 Division school, Ivs 271 Division " Post, Blanche (wid Russell), Ivs 40 Fred J, elk A Chown & Co, res 252 Quebec Bagot " George D, sailor missionary, res 178 " Richard Henry, mach Loco Wks, res Alfred 167 Bagot " Grace, elk O F R A, Ivs 128 Alfred POST OFFICE, James Stewart, Post " Henry, foreman T Co, res 35 Ri- master, Clarence cor Wellington M deau POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OF- " Miss Viola, sten Jackson Press, Ivs fice, Henry Merrick Inspector, Snug Harbor, King st Wellington Clarence, cor " Wesley, stationary eng M T Co, res Potter Alex, hostler C P R, res 12 L 157 Sydenham Rideau Powell Charles H, res 103 Raglan rd " Albert, mach Loco Wks, res 28 " Carl, wks K Shipbldg Co, Ivs 104 Stephen Gore " Mrs A, dry goods store, 181 Wel- " Miss Edith, sten Davis' Drydock, Ivs lington 103 Raglan rd " Gladys, " Alex, sailor, res 16 Corrigan wks mica wks, Ivs 4 Col- borne " Alex Jr, grocer, Ivs 12 L Rideau " " Andrew John, engineer C P R, res 35 John, shoveller Richardson's, res 226 James Sydenham " Florence, Ivs 152 Division Power Bessie W, stenog P O, Ivs 160 " Edna (wid Chas), Ivs 598 Princess Earl " Eflizabeth (wid Richard), Ivs 231 " Edward, trav, res 64 Gore Victoria " Hiram, mach C L C, Ivs 402 Barrie " Helen, Ivs 680 Montreal Barrie " " Jas, fireman C P R, res 205 Fronte- Joseph W, architect, res 72 Syden- nac ham " Jos, appr Whig, Ivs Portsmouth Power & Son (Joseph W Power, " Mabel, tirs Crawford & Walsh, Ivs 680 ARC A), Registered Architects,, Montreal 8i Brock " Thos R P, registered architect, res " Major Militia Dept, bds Frontenac 160 Earl Hotel Powers, Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 65 " Rebecca, elk Mrs Potter, Ivs 16 Cor- Union west rigan " Ida, Ivs 402 Barrie " Trueman, retired, res 680 Montreal " Kate, bds 184 Alfred " Trueman, pipe fitter Davis' Dry Dock, " John, retired, res 402 Barrie res 20 Frontenac " Thos, lab Loco Wks, bds 144 On- " H, retired, res 98 Earl Wm tario Potts Elizabeth, maid Jas Farrell, Ivs " Capt Paul, C, res 32 Frontenac 36 Barrie M H Prager Mrs Emma R, Corsetiere, trav " Joseph, carp, res 94 Victoria Spirella Corset Co, Ivs 69 Rag- " Samuel, fitter Loco Wks, res 5 Cherry lan rd Potvin Ernest, sold R C H A, res 28 Plum Frame, Ilda (wid Jerome), Ivs S Jenkin Pratehett Geo Edw, lab, res 82 Centre " Oliver, printer Hanson, Crozier & Pratt, Annie (wid Ed), Ivs 223 Albert Edgar, Ivs 28 Plum " Deborah, bds 154 Colborne Poulit, Lawrence, porter Frontenac Hotel, Ivs same Prescott, Mrs F, wks Imp Steam Lndry Poulter, Wm, lab C L C, Ivs 125 Union bds 234 Ontario Pound Miss Beaupre, stenog Queen's Preston Geo, soldier, res 16 Nelson " Uni, Ivs 35 Rideau Herbert W, overseas, Ivs 16 Nelson Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debcnturcs KEfc;P DOWN THE FIRE LOSS » ^ See Clark Wright & Sons, ^or nre \mmu. phone 1030


Prettie Agnes (wid Thos), res 451 PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S Princess Office, City of Kingston, J Russell " Mrs Gordon, bds 161 Division Stuart, inspector, Sydenham st, " C G, asst opr Strand, Ivs 520 Brock cor Princess " Richard, hack dr, Ivs 451 Princess PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, Bank of " Robt D, blrmkr, res 520 Brock Toronto Bldg, King & Brock (up- st3.irs I Prevost Oliver, elk 55 Brock, Ivs 113 PUBLOW, Earl GEORGE G, Chief Dairy instructor Eastern Ontario, res " Zotique, tailor 55 Brock, res 113 Earl 181 Clergy PRICE^S DAIRY, (H. F. Price, prop), " Ida, studt, Ivs 181 Clergy 277 Princess " Ivan, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 254 Barrie PRICE, H F, Dairyman, res 76 Sy- " Walter, Ivs 181 Clergy denham Puce, Alma L, Ivs 76 Sydenham " Ida, Ivs 1 Emily Puggy, Wm, mach C L C, res 86 L Ba- got Pride, Annie, maid Mrs Hague, Ivs 132 University Pugh Florence, drsmkr, Ivs 189 Clergy e " Thos, tinsmith, res 189 Clergy e Primeau, Chas, returned soldier, bds Pullen, Geo, chef Anglo-American Ho- 286 Queen tel, res 140 Union Prince George Hotel, Ontario st, cor Purcell Jos N, guard K P. res 181 Col- Clarence lingwood " Prince, John, wks ship yards, res 92 Alex F, real estate agt J K Carroll, Elm bds 275 Queen " Princess Pat Tea Rms, 58 Brock (up- George, retired, res 57 Bay " Michael, stairs) blrmkr Loco Wks, res 36 Colborne Pringle Frederick, overseer Cotton " Patrick, lab K Hosiery Co, bds 45 Mill, res 351 Division " Aberdeen I L, blacksmith M T Co, res 50 Vic- Purdy Annie (wid John), Ivs ISO Ord- toria nance " May, Ivs 120 Barrie " Arthur, milk dlr, res 204 Frontenac " Chas, Frinsep, Miss P, nursing sister Queen's blksmith 381 King e, res 379 King Hosp, Ivs Court House e PURDY, DAVID, Treasurer County of Pritchard Dolly, stenog Light Dept, Ivs Frontenac, Office Court Montreal House, 181 res 27 Clergy w " Montreal Cecik Ivs 181 " Ermina, bds 245 Alfred " capt govt, res 181 Montreal D J, " Fred W, carter, res 19 Lansdowne " attndt Sparks Miss Kathleen, lady & " E, elk in grocery K Pen, res 309 Montreal Sparks, Ivs 181 Geraldine, public school tchr, Ivs 309 " Warren H, sergt, res 168 Division Earl " Prithman, Albert, carp, bds 107 Clergy James E, grocer 226 Barrie, res same Earl PROUSE, C S Estate, Druggist, cor " R E, elk Penitentiary, Clergy & Princess res 309 Earl Purtell Jas Vincent, headqtrs staflf, res " Florence (wid C S), res 376 Earl 33 Johnson " Mrs V, bds 364 Barrie " James. Ivs 25 Charles " PROTESTANT ORPHANS' HOME, James J, supt letter carriers P O, res Mrs Hillard matron. Union w, cor 22 Alma University av " Francis, mach C L C, Ivs 25 Charles Provost Marshall's Office, 121 Barrack " Agnes (wid Michael), groc 258 Mon- treal, res same Co, Lefever Prudential Life Ins John T " Wm, blksmith Loco Wks, res 296 manager, 264 Bagot (over Craw- Montreal ford & Walsh) " Wm, blksmith Loco Wks, res 25 PUBLIC LIBRARY, 210 Bagot, cor Charles Johnson, Mrs. Amy Kennedy, lib- Purvis Clara, Ivs 183 Princess (up- rarian. stairs) SOLD AT MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. CTADD DUnMnriRAPUQ JEWELLERS - - • 350 King St / Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied tvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office

200 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY PURVIS Quinn Francis H, messenger Bk Tor- " Elizabeth, cashier Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 9 onto, res 332 King e John " John Francis, tchr Regiopolis Coll, " Ida, opr Bell Tel Co, Ivs 14' George res 331 Brock " " Kathleen, office Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 9 Lena (wid Thos), res 378 Alfred John " Ross, overseas, Ivs 378 Alfred " Louise, drsmkr, Ivs 20 George Quirt Miss Agnes, bkkpr Imp Laun- " Peter C, retired, res 183 Princess dry, Ivs 432 Princess upstairs " Etta, Ivs 432 Princess " Phyllis, elk Lemmon's groc, Ivs 14 " John, ship carp K Shipbldg Co, res George 432 Princess " Thomas, driver Booth & Co, res 9 " Miss Maud, sten Can S S Lines Ltd, John Ivs 432 Princess " Wm H, soldier, res 37 York " Wm J, lab Kingston Ice Co, res 14 George R Pyke Emma (wid Geo), res 506 Prin- I cess Radanovich, Antonio, shoemkr, res 246 " Grant, capt, res 21 Garrett Montreal " Lena, Ivs 506 Princess Rae, David J, soldier overseas, Ivs 60 Bay " Norman, plmbr McK & Birch, Ivs 60 Bay Rahan Johnston, mach Boyd's garage, Q res 69 Nelson Ralph Clifton, studt, Ivs 68 Livingston Loco Wks, res 197 ' Quail George, M^ks P'ord, RAP" ,lvs 68 Livingston av Frontenac " Reginald, studt Regiopolis, Ivs 68 " Ruby, studt, Ivs 197 Frontenac Livingston QUEEN'S HOTEL, (James Hughes, " Thos, soldier, res 68 Livingston Queen's Millinery, Miss M E A Hall mgr, Ramsay Mary (wid Jas), res 242 Vic- 174 Wellington toria John F, overseas, res CITY OIL CO., LTD, (John 48 Division QUEEN " John, mldr Morris mgr. Loco Wks, Ivs 48 Divi- sion QUEEN'S COLLEGE AND UNIVER- Randall Charles, carter, res 73 John Taylor, DD, sity, Rev Bruce " Capt A G, A M C, res 266 Albert Principal, Arch st " Cecilia, Ivs 42 William w QUEEN'S COLLEGE JOURNAL " W, soldier, Ivs Beverly (semi-weekly) Alma Mater So- " Wm, miner Verona mines, bds 33 ciety Publishers, Queen's College Cherry " QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Medical PVancis J. mldr Angrove brass and Faculty. Arch st iron fudry, res 90 Victoria " Jennie, maid Ovilia, St Ry, res Royal Hotel, bds same Quesnel motorman " 159 Wellington (upstairs) Wm, mason, res 42 U William Ranger Thos A, grocer, 36 Division " A, lab C L C, Ivs 57 Queen " Ralph E, 4th C M R overseas, Ivs 36 Quick Chas, butcher 112 Clergy, res 641 Division Princess Rankin James, tinsmith, res 19 Rideau Quigley Miss Ella, Ivs 141 William " Eliza (wid David), Ivs 284 Albert " Ellen (w^id Jos), res 141 William RANDOLPH HOTEL, 133-139 Prin- ' Hannah (wid Jas), grocer, res 214 cess (H G Cochrane, mgr) Montreal " Julia (wid John), res 521 Brock " James, mar eng, res 31 Charles Rannels ,Rev G W, med studt Queen's, Dr J P, physician, res 197 Johnson res 201 William " Mary, Ivs 141 William Rathman Wm J, Jeweler Kinnear & " Patrick J. baker R H Toye & Co, d'Esterre, res 402 Alfred Ivs 303 Barrie Rapeneckcr, Katherine, Ivs 70 Barrie "^^al J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER-Y

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 201 RAPID TRANSIT DELIVERY, A REDICK Vanluven prop, 377 Brock " Morgan, mach Loco Wks, bds 110 Ratty, Eliz (wid Jas), Ivs 49 Ordnance Queen Raven, Annie (wid John), res 316 Al- Redmond, Edward, wks ship yards, Ivs bert 37 JohnsoQ " Mrs Arthur, bds 114 Stephen " Ernest, taxi driver, res 303 Division Rawley, Archibald, lab C L C, res 2 Geo, overseas, bds 140 Queen " First Jas D, dr W J Crothers, res 49 Que- " Madeline, wks Imp Steam Laundry, bec " Ivs 2 First John, pressman Loco Wks, res 68 " Stanford, mldr Frontenac Moulding Charles Co, bds 80 Quebec " Jno, slsmn Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 235 Al- Rawson A, grocer and butcher and agt fred Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Co, Lloyd, tanner Davis' tannery, res 6 40 Monti eal, res 177 Clergy Raglan rd " Cecil, butchr Rawson, Ivs 177 A " Mattie A, stenog, Ivs 235 Alfred Clergy ' Katherine, drsmkr, Ivs 235 Alfred Ray, F A, traveller, bds 121 William " Mary, Ivs 235 Alfred " " Gertrude, elk Arthur's confestionery W J, lab, bds 140 Queen res 60 Bay " Mary, Ivs 154 Bagot Rayner Rev T De Courcy, minister 1st " Moque, lab, res 154 Bagot Congregational ch, res 220 John- Wm, carp Fiontenac Moulding Co, son res 258 Johnson Reed, see farmer, res 2 also Reid Raymond, Marshall, " Queen Chauncey, carp T Copley, res 165 Queen Rayson Charlotte E (wid Rev Robt W), C H, agent Massey-Harris, bds 71 res 192 University Nelson Albert " Rea Annie (wid David), res 252 Edith (wid Clifton A), res 384 Divi- " W Bert, oiano finisher, Ivs 527 Al- sion bert Marshall, retired, res 6 Rideau " Edna, bkkpr Model Shoe Store, Ivs Lionel, chauffeur Hon Wm Harty, 527 Albert Ivs 165 Queen " 527 Al- " Elizabeth (wid Henry), res Minnie, tlrs Livingston's, Ivs 6 Ri- bert deau " Wm, dr R J Reid, res 23a Main " Wm F, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 165 " Wm H, shipper Crothers, res 140 Queen Nelson Wm H, retired, res 165 RED CROSS DRUG STORE, W Aus- Queen Rees Bros, wholesale tin prop, cor King & Market sts fruit and confec- tionery, 244-246 Bagot REDDEN, JAMES & CO (James Red- den, W Hobart Dyde), wholesale ''^ Edw A (Rees Bros), res 217 Bagot Elizabeth and retail grocers, 176 Princess (wid Egerton), res 218 University " Byron, barber Curson's barber shop, " Fred S, bkkpr Rees Bros, res 192 Ivs 236 Ontario Ordnance " Caroline (wid Jeremiah), res 115 Ba- Fred, mgr Rees Bros, got res 63 Liv- ingston av " Eva, operator Bell Tel Co, Ivs 115 " H, wks Loco Wks, bds 147 Fron- L Bagot tenac REDDEN, JAMES (James Redden & " Mrs, Ivs 261 Colborne Co), bds 64 William Reeve Annie (wid John), res 49 Living- " Marion, Ivs 64 William ston " Wm, retired, Ivs 236 Ontario Reeves Geo, lab Tannery Redfern Edwin, retired, res 147 Fron- " Harry, lab Loco Wks, res 20 Ellice tenac " Mary (wid Daniel), Ivs 182 Alfred Redick Elizabeth (wid Ed), modiste, " Percy G, elk Dwyer's, res 324 Al- res 135 Clergy fred SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


Regan Miss Nellie, bds 3 Centre REID, ROBERT J, Leading Under- " Frank, returned soldier, Ivs 161 Stu- taker, Embalmer and Furniture art Dealer, .232. Princess, res same, Jas, moulder, Ivs 520 O'Kill (upstairs) Regiopolis College, Russell st " Samuel, prtr Whig, res 302 Queen Reid, see also Reed REID, SAMUEL F, Undertaker James " Mrs Agnes, res 388 Alfred Reid, res 241 Queen " Allan, boot and shoe nier. 111 Princess, " S H, ledger kpr, bds 27 Wellington Ivs 388 Alfred " Thos, shipper Geo Robertson & Sons " Bruce, crane opr C L C, Ivs 252 Vic- res 32 Aberdeen toria " Thos, gardener, res 252 Victoria 'I " " Christina (vvid James), res 256 Prin- Thos, mldr K Shipbldg Co, res 321 cess Victoria " Wm H, munition wkr Loco Wks, " David, butcher T. Nicholson, Ivs 388 res 244 Colborne Alfred " Wm, lab ship yards, res 330 (up- " David, barber shop 31 Brock, bds (upstairs) Montreal CoUender htl " Wm, moulder C L C, Ivs 30 Union " " Dora Mae (wid Delbert), Ivs 39 L Wm J, grocer 361 Division, res same Bagot " Wm, drover, res 388 Alfred " Elizabeth (wid Wm H), res 18 Con- P.enaud Geo, fireman Loco Wks, res 123 cession Montreal Rcnton Jack, studt, Ivs 319 University REID, FRANCIS C, Undertaker James •' Miss L Ivs 272 Earl Reid, Ivs 256 Princess J, " Thos T, trav, res 272 Earl REID, FREDERICK C, Undertaker, Wm J, city trav Macnee & Minnes, James Reid, res 55 Clergy res 319 University av " " Fred, capt Fire Dept, res 204 Bagot Wm W, elk Jackson Press, Ivs 319 " Harvey, carter, res 26 Elm University " Helen, day nurse Home for Women The Rest, confect and ice cream parlor, and Infants, Ivs 75 Union 296 Princess " George, foreman Loco Wks, bds 37 Revell Arnie, cement fnshr bridge, res Johnson 21 York " Ilia, knitter Hosiery Mill, Ivs 321 Revelle Bert, transfer agt P O, res 243 Victoria Colborne REID, JAMES, Undertaker Embalmer Revelle Miss Addie, Ivs 9 Cataraqui and Furniture Dealer 254-256 " Chas, wks C L C, res 21 York Princess " Bert, electrician St Ry, res 243 Col- " James E, cutter Gourdier's, res 48 borne " Earl E M, slsman C W Lindsay, bds 167 Clergy " James H, lineman city light depot, Edna, stenog Lemmon Sons, Ivs Ivs 388 Alfred & 9 Cataraqui " res 2 Clow's John C, eng Loco Wks, " Edward, eng K Milling Co, res 9 Blk, Chatham Cataraqui " John, soldier, res 463 Johnson " Evelyn, wks cotton mill, Ivs 167 " John M, mach Loco Wks, res 189 Clergy University " Geo. mech Clarence St Garage, Ivs " Joseph, undertaker R J Reid, Ivs 232 39 Charles Princess, upstairs " Minnie, wks cotton mill, Ivs 167 " Sergt J T, PAMC, res 463 Johnson Clergy " " Kinnear, undertaker R J Raid's, Ivs Geo W, wks C L C, Ivs 167 Clergy 232 Princess (upstairs) " Jamesj plmbr hlpr, Ivs 9 Cataraqui " Mosseline, Ivs 241 Queen " John B, forger C L C, res 34 Col- " Marshall, caterer, res 30 Union borne " Mary (wid Wm), Ivs 204 Earl " Mathe\v, mason, res 167 Clergy " M (wid Wm), Ivs 376 Earl " Wm, soldier overseas, res 2 College

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean1fccw?nt& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


Revere House, L Martin prop, 383-385 RICHARDSON, ALEXANDER W, King e MD, Physician and Surgeon, of- Revington Albert, wks Loco Wks, Ivs fice hours 8 to 10 am, 3 to 5 and 139 Ordnance 6 to 8 pm. telephone 589, office and res " Jean (wid Michael), Ivs 139 Ord- 247 Johnson nance " Convalescent Home, 100 Stuart , Eva, Ivs Reynolds Eliz (wid Wm), res 8 Fron- "Alwington," King w " Edgar, stenog, Ivs 21 Alfred tenac ' " Chas, printer Jackson Press, res 85 Evelyn, servant, Ivs 157 King " Colborne George W, dlr, res 21 Chatham " Clifford, Ivs 388 Johnson RICHARDSON, HENRY E, (Prop " Ernest, dr Peters-Thompson Seed Fenwick, Hendry & Co), res 154 Co, res 445 Alfred Johnson " Edward, tinsmith Lemmon & Co, Ivs RICHARDSON, SENATOR HENRY 325 Victoria W (James Richardson & Sons), res " Edgerton H, soldier overseas, Ivs "Alwington," King w 388 Johnson Henry, Lieut overseas, Ivs "Alwing- ton," King " Eva, Ivs 290 Victoria w " Mrs H, bds 7 Rideau " Francis Jr, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 196 Rideau RICHARDSON, JAMES (J Richard- son & Son), Ivs 118 University av " Fred, lab Loco Wks, res 31 John RICHARDSON, JAMES & SONS, " mldr Angrove's, res 290 Vic- John, Henry Richardson and toria W Jas A Richardson), grain dirs, ft Prin- " Miss Luella, studt, Ivs 31 John cess, offices 243 King e " Mabelle, elk Laidlaw's, bds 165 Rag- Jas, overseas, res 243 Montreal '• lan rd Jessie, stenog armouries, Ivs 25 Divi- " Mary (wid Howard), res 388 John- sion " son Mabel, Ivs "Alwington," King w " Jane (wid John), Ivs 105 " Pte, home guard, res 217 Earl King " xMatilda, Ivs 194 Division " Reginald, studt Queen's, Ivs 388 " Minerva, Ivs 25 Division Johnson " Major, A M C, bds 400 Brock " Robert, mason Douglas & Mcllquham, Myrtle, cutter K Hosiery Co, bds res 214 Nelson 57 King " Samuel, broom-maker Crawford's, res Roxa (wid Edw), rmng hse, res 194 325 Victoria Division " Thos, Vida, stenog J H Macnee, Ivs 8 Fron- blrmkr ship yd, res 25 Divis- tenac ion " Miss V, drsmkr, Rice Ellwood, stringer Wormwith's, Ivs 202 Alfred " L, Ivs 117 Raglan Wm photographer 151 Welling- ton, res 202 Alfred " Thos, lab M T Co, res 117 Raglan Richmond Etta, Ivs " Wm foreman bk Toye's bakery, 17 Union J, Esther, Ivs 17 res 57 King Union Gerald, Ivs 17 Union Richards Annie E, elk H Lougher, Ivs " Jane E (wid Jas), res 17 Union w 102 York Molly, Ivs 17 " Union w Carey, Ivs 89 King " Myra (wid David), " bds 190 Univer- Mrs Ethel, res 154 Raglan rd sity " Edwin, mach L C, bds 102 Rideau C Rideau, Dairy, 769 (rear) Montreal " Hiram, fireman, res 89 King w Rider,. Peter, soldier, res 26 Garrett " Howard, fisherman, res 370 Prin- Riddell, Christina, maid Prof Skelton cess Ivs 138 Albert " Samuel, mason, res 102 York Jas, yard man Revere House, Ivs Richardson Agnes, Ivs 118 University av same " Abraham, lab ship yard, 105 bds Rigby, Lieut W J, Dental Corps, bds King 380 Brock SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office


Rigney, James W, liquor dispenser ROBBS res 55 George " Frank, barber 185 Wellington, bds 192 Bagot RIGNEY, TIMOTHY J, Barrister, So- " Ephraim, Earl, res 160 licitor, etc, Exchange Chambers, butcher 101 115 Brock, res 169 King e Raglan rd " Reilly, see also Rielly, O'Reilly and Jas, studt Queen's, Ivs 134 Union O'Reily '^ Robert, barber F Robbs, Ivs 6 Cherry Riley Arthur, driller Loco Wks, res 18 Roberts, Miss Eliza, drsmkr, res 353 Clergy w Johnson " John F, lab C L C, res 260 Univer- " Ernest, plmbr waterworks dept, res sity 11 Deacon " Mae G, Ivs 260 Nelson " Fred, dr R H Toye & Co, res 116 " Mathew, insce agt Prudential, res William 230 Barrie '' Jessie (wid E T), es 85 Division " Nellie Jane (wid Thos), res 260 Nel- " Jessie, (wid Robt), res 19 Union w son " John supt Sailors' Snug Harbour, " P, soldier, res 314 Barrie J, W res King e Ringland Robt, shoe repr, res 355 Prin- " John, lab K G H, Ivs same cess " John, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 482 Barrie Ringslaben, Wm, studt Queen's, bds 52 '' Mrs J Sidney, Ivs 18 Earl Union " Thomas, lab ship yards, res 264 Risbridger, Geo, retired, Ivs 371 Division Johnson " Miss Mary, res 371 Division ROBERTSON, BENJAMIN W (Pres Son), res 61 Ritchie G, brakeman C P R, res 266 Geo Robertson & Johnson Earl " e " L, soldier, staff Ongwanada, res 2 Bessie, Ivs 82 Union " Wellington Colborne Donald J, studt, Ivs 82 " (Stewart and " Pearl, studt, Ivs 99 Frontanac D Stewart & Sons M 190 Ontario " Peter, gen wk, res 99 Frontenac Hugh M), brokers " Euphemia (wid George), res Syden- Rith, Sydney, driller 24 Loco Wks, res ham, cor Earl Earl ROBERTSON, GEORGE & SON Rix, L, lab C L C, bds 104 Rideau (Benjamin W Robertson), whole- Roach, see also Roche sale grocers, Ontario cor John- " Albert, soldier, res 102 Bagot son " Beatrice M, spinner Dom Textile, ROBERTSON, GEORGE (Robertson. bds 169 Montreal Grocery Co), Ivs Sydenham, cor " Bridget (wid Edv^r), res 5 Division Earl " Edward, storekpr Loco Wks, res 63 " Geo, conductor St Ry, res 408 Bar- George '' rie Francis (overseas), res 223 Welling- " Herbert N (Vice-Pres Geo Robert- ton son & Son), res 82 Wellington " Kate, tlrs Steacy's, Ivs 5 Division " Prof J K, prof of Physics Queen's, " Martin, electrician, Ivs 41 King w res 105 Albert Patrick Geo, soldier overseas, res whole- 169 Montreal ROBERTSON GROCERY CO, grocers, 183-185 Ontario " Wm, retired, Ivs 41 King west sale " (D Stewart Robertson & " Wm, wks Loco Wks, Ivs 5 Division Stewart M Sons), mgr, res 16 Sydenham Roadhouse Rev retired, Job, 142 Nelson " T McKean, retired, res 82 \jny6n e " Florence, nursing sister Queen's LIMITED (C A Mc-; Hosp, Ivs Court House ROBERTSON'S Pherson, Pros.; J. S. McBrid<'' Roadley Joseph, res 92 Frontenac Manager; J Taber, Sec.-Treas. Robbins Wm, retired, Ivs 219 L Rideau Crockery, Glassware! and Lamp Robbs Alfred, sergt C A S C, Ivs 12 Goods, 71-73 Princess " res Step- Concession Wm J, tlr Livingston's, 40 " Ephriam J, barber 346 Princess, Ivs up- hen stairs " Wm, Ivs cor Earl & Sydenham

J. K. Carroll Agency '"/".VIH*^® 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds iv/f „„ J „i^ Specialize in Ciiildren's and l^'ienueil^ infants' Wear of All Kinds


Robinson, Abraham, overseas, Ivs 235 ROBIXSOX " Colborne O J (Robinson & Marrison, city " Alex, lab Shipbldg Co, res 414 John- dairy), res 24-26 Johnson son " Mary, public school tchr, Louise " Amos, mach C L C, Ivs 414 John- School. Ivs 234 Barrie son " Mary, maid, Ivs S7 West " Alfred N, Q-M-Sergt overseas, res " Percy, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 172 York 85 Frontenac " Richard H, sexton Chalmer's Ch, res " Mrs Amelia (wid Henry), res 172 234 Barrie York ' Rose, elk grocery. 18 York, Ivs same ' Archie, wks Loco Wks, res 384 " Samuel, studt, Ivs 18 York Princess " Tessa, wks Mica Wks, Ivs 172 York " Bernice. ledger kpr Standard Bank, * & Wiltshire, garage. 239^ Bagot Ivs 234 Barrie ROBINSON, THOMAS D (Robinson " Blanche, agent Spirella Corset Co, Bros), res 279 Bagot res 249 Victoria " Thos, porter W^ormwith's, res 477 " Bertha, Ivs 414 Johnson Princess ROBINSON BROS (Thos D Robin- " Wm G. agt. res 218 Union son), pntrs and wall paper, 275- " Wm J, foreman Loco Wks, res 93 277 Bagot Division " Catherine (wid Geo), res 247 Queen Roblin, Wm, wks C L C, res 217 Fron- " Christopher, tlr 201 Wellington, res tenac 303 University ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL FOR THE " Lieut C, overseas, bds 218 Albert Insane, Edward Ryan, MD. Medi- " Clarence, shell mkr Loco Wks, Ivs cal Superintendent. H Hogan bur- 172 York sar. Lake Front. Portsmouth " Claire, elk Bk of B X A, Ivs 167 Roche, H W, elk Dom Express, bds Alfred W 32 Wellington " Miss C S. elk Bk of Montreal, res 167 Alfred Rochefort, Anthony, sailor, res 51 L " Elizabeth W (wid George A), res 167 Bagot Alfred " Katherine (wid Geo), Ivs 130 John- " Ernest, overseas, bds 10 L Rideau son Ste- " Elsie, teller Bank of B X A, Ivs 167 Rodcliffe, Gerald, soldier, res 59 Alfred phen Rodda. S. soldier Ongwanada staff, res " Frances (wid Gordon), Victoria J 63 John nurse, Ivs 302 Queen " Mrs Florence (wid Herbert), res 108 Roddv Tohn. prop Roddy's Quarry, res Bagot " 557 Albert " " H, partner Robinson & Wiltshire Ed. dr Anderson Bros, Ivs Ports- Garage. Ivs 477 Princess mouth " Ida. Ivs 172 York RODGER R J, Jeweler, 132 Princess, " Jas. caretaker Cataraqui School, res res 74 Sydenham 2 Colborne " Hnbert.-«iilitary elk. bds 404 Brock " Jas R. ptr Robinson Bros, bds 94 " Mary E, res 15 Union w Queen ' Wm C. electrical eng Civic Utilities, " Joseph John, lab Shipbldg Co, res res 55 Colborne 16 George Rodway Mrs Kate (wid Henry), res " H E, soldier, res 2iZ7 Brock 106 Patrick " Kenneth, munition wkr Loco Wks, bds 414 Johnson Rogers Agnes, elk G W Mahood, Ivs ' Levi P, milk vendor, res 392 Albert Ontario Chambers " Leah (wid Jos), grocer, 18 York, " Alice (wid Robt V), res 148 Barrie res same (upstairs') •' Annie, Whig office ,lvs 108 Clergy " & Marrison, city milk dairy, 26 ' Frank, insurance agt Metropolitan, Johnson bds 321 University " Melville, elk Midland Shoe Co, res " Miss F Aileen, stenog Am Con- 477 Princess sulate, bds 235 Barrie Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVEKY FIGURE

206 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY ROGERS ROSS, COL A E, C M G, M P P, phy- " Bessie, music tchr, Ivs Ontario sician and surgeon (overseas) Chambers, Clarence st " Alex, Dairy Sch, res 188 Barrie " Elizabeth, maid. Ivs 52 Johnson " Isabel. Ivs 309 Alfred " Gertie, stenog McKelvey & Birch " Rev Donald, DD, prof Queen's Col- Ltd. Ivs 52 Chatham lege, res 309 Alfred " Jas. fitter ship yards, res 108 Clergy " Edith, studt Queen's, Ivs 270 John- " Jennie, stenog H W Richardson, Ivs son Ontario Chambers, Clarence st " Ethel, stenog Richardson, Ivs 188 " Jennie (wid G R), Ivs 205 William Barrie " Jos, pntr, res 52 Chatham '• Mary, Ivs 309 Alfred " Mrs Eliz J (wid L W), res 234 Sy- Rotgauze. Harry, merchant, 153 Prin- denham cess, res same " May, ledger kpr Standard Bank, bds " Mrs Sophia, merchant, trunks and 234 Barrie valiges, 352 Princess, res same " Mrs Mary. Ivs 208 Alfred Rotheel, Jas H, soldier, res 50 Stanley " Mary E, res 15 Union Rotters, Kathleen, nurse, bds 45 Cler- " Ray. inspr shells Loco Wks, Ivs 55 gy w Princess ROUGHTON, STEPHEN, District Agt " Ray, slsmn Bibbys Ltd, Ivs 509 Prin- Mutual t.ife Assurance Co of Can- cess ada, 60 Brock, res 167 King e " Rose, bds 2.34 Barrie Rousseau Alma, Ivs 232 Brock " " Thomas X, janitor Bank of Mon- J E, bdg hse (Verdun), res 232 treal, res Ontario Chambers Brock bds 4 Rideau " Wilhemina, stenog First Div Court, Rousseau, Mrs Wm, shoe shine parlor, Ivs 208 Alfred Rousos, John, wks Princess ROLAND. FRANCIS Mngr Stand- Ivs 208 (upstairs) J, Routbard, Louis, new & second-hand ard Bank, res 317 University goods, 289 Princess, res 36 Clergy Rollow Jennie, wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 52 Cigars, To- Rideau ROUTLEY, ARTHUR K, bacco and Sporting Goods 175 " Joseph, mach Loco Wks, res 52 Ri- deau Princess " Marie A (wid John), res 123 Union Rolson Wm, Sergt, 3rd Brigade 12th west Batt, res 47 Ordnance Rowe, John, baker C A S C, res 414 Ronan Thomas, undertaker, 238-240 Ba- got Montreal Rowland see also Roland " Miss Ida C, Ivs 240 Bagot Rowland Thos W, acct Fenwick & Hen- RONEY, ADAM F (Roney & Co), res dry, res 384 Earl 320 University av ' John, soldier, res 39 Elm RONEY & CO (Adam F Roney), Cloth- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, E. E. ing and Gents' Furnishings, 127 Newman, mgr. 180 Wellington Princess " Cafe, (Peter Lee), 157 Princess " Dorothea, stdt Queen's, Ivs 320 Uni- ROYAL HOTEL, 342-344 Princess versity Rozman, T, wks C L C, res 199 (up- " Gordon, studt. Ivs 320 University stairs) Wellington Rooney. Jean, domestic K G H, Ivs Rubble, Olive .waitress Frontenac Ho- same tel, Ivs same Root, Ethel, bkkpr Anderson Bros, Ivs Rudd Harness Co. 143 Princess 2 Birch Rule. Eliz (wid Ed). Ivs 267 Division Rorabeck. Gladys, maid Henderson's, Rundell. Wm. dr Crawford's grocery, Ivs 117 Earl Ivs Barriefield Rosavaire. Sofia Ivs 181 Al- (wid Robt). Ruskin Wm, tlr Livingston's, res fred Charles Rose, Wm, soldier, res 195 Stuart Rutherford, see Rochefort Rosen. Max, junk dlr, res 162 L Bagot " Frederick H, acct O F R A, res Roseboom, Norman, lab N C Poison, 316 Collingwood " Ivs 49 Concession Hazel, Ivs 72 Chatham Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency* 56 BROCK ST. Debcnturcs FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 207 RUTHERFORD RYDER " Jessie, tailoress, bds 282 Queen " Lome, gardener, res 2nd hse Bath rd " James, guard K P, res 340 Albert " Peter, Sergt, res 26 Garrett " " Jas H, bkpr C P R. res 286 Earl Wilhelmina, Ivs 104 Patrick " Lottie, maid G Y Chown, ''Sunny- Rylott, Percy, fireman G T R, res 21 side," Union Charles " Roy, wks Crother's, Ivs 340 Albert " Thomas, grocer, cor Elm & Cha- tham, res 72 Chatham " Wm, elk Macnee & Minnas, Ivs 340 Alfred Sage Walter N, lecturer Queen's, res 50 Ruttan Henry M, treas Jas Richardson Clergy & Sons Ltd, res 183 Brock " Frederick, steward Frontenac Club, " 475 Princess E J, bds Ivs same res Rutter Levi, millman Wormwith's, Sager, Bernice, lab Moulding Wks, Ivs I Plum 42 York " Catharine, weaver Knitting Mill, Ivs " Berenice, tlrs Crawford & Walsh, 1 Plum Iv? 15 Pine Ruttle Albert, eng Swift's, res 33 James " Blanche (wid John), res 42 York " Victor, baker Lackie's, Ivs 33 James "Herb, eng ship yards, res 15 Pine " Albert, stat eng J Sowards Coal Co, SAILORS' SNUG HARBOUR, John J res 33 James Roberts, 420 King e Ryan, Albert, fireman C L C, res 8 Cor- Sakclls, Andrew (Sakelsl Bros), res 189 rigan Princess (upstairs) " Anna, nurse, Ivs 222 Johnson " Geo, elk Sackcll's. Ivs 180 Princess " Blanche, Ivs 55 Alice " Ice Cream Parlor, 220 Princess " Chas. Ivs Rockwood Hosp grounds " Peter, ice cream prlr and confect, " Daniel, grocer Devonshire Ter, Sy- elk Sakell's. bds 138 Bay denham st, res same " Thos, confectioner & fruit dlr, 220 "' Edward, MD, res Rockwood Hosp Princess, Ivs same grounds Salsberg Doris, bkkpr Dom Fish Co, " Lieut Hubert, res 154 King Ivs 383 Barrie " " Capt J F, bds 160 King Hyman, mer, res 383 Barrie " F Hubert, maintenance supt Loco " Ralph, studt, Ivs 383 Barrie Wks, res 132 Wellington Salisbury see Salsbury " " Howard, electrician Loco Wks, res Francis J. wood-turner, res 21 Sixth 491 Barrie " Phyllis, pianist, Ivs 21 Sixth " Loretta, drsmkr, Ivs 43 Livingston " Sarah (wid Benj), res 42 Main " Mary, maid Thos Ronan, Ivs 240 Ba- " Sydney E, foreman job dept Stand- got ard, res 16 Cherry " " Malcolm, electrician Cataraqui bdge W T. carp Hooper & Slater, res 157 bds 216 Earl Pine " Margaret (wid Jas), Ivs 196 Ord- SALVATION ARMY, 285 Princess st nance Sammons. Isaac, lab, res 5 Adelaide " Maude, Ivs 196 Ordnance Samson Alex, eng govt boat, res 62 " Mona, slslady T J O'Connor, Ivs 43 Markland Livingston av, Samwell Frank Z, mgr Dom Supply Co, " Rosetta (wid Michael), Ivs 83 York Wellington st, res 88 Frontenac " Wm F, ship yards, res 43 Livingston Sanderson. Maude, sch tchr, McDona'd av sch, bds 140 Wellington Ryder Earl, minister, Ivs Bath Rd Sands Frank, broommkr, Ivs 52 Bay " Henry, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 50 L " Anna, Ivs 177 Queen ' Bagot " Herbert, teamster Fenwick, Hendry " John, ship carp ship yards, res 293 & Co, bds 71 Cherry Montreal " James, cigarmkr McGowan's, bds 52 " John, carter, res 104 Patrick Bay " Miss Laura May, tchr Central Sch, " John, prop cigar store. Princess st, Ivs 104 Patrick res 71 Raglan rd

SMITri BR-OS. ifu/fufdv HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES ilNC JLlVLLLrKf When You Are in Need of Eyegrlasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, I I ^TPU/ADT Ont R J. I. OIlWAKI , Upi. U. ciarenci and Willineton streets, Golden Lion Block

208 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY SANDS SAUNDERS " Emma (wid Robt), Ivs 71 Cherry " G D, returned soldier, Ivs 62 Col- " Lorna, drsmkr, Ivs 71 Cherry borne " Wm, overseas, Ivs 177 Queen " Garnet W, blacksmith Loco Wks, res " Thomas W, tobacconist 165 Princess, 412 Albert res 71 Raglan rd " Geo H, baker Doyle's, res 464 Albert " Thos, carp M T Co, Ivs 52 Bay " Gladys, Ivs 412 Albert " SANDS, W W, M D, City Clerk, City Harry, motorman St Ry,res 61 Stan- Buildings ley " " Wm, blrmkr Loco .Wks, res 177 Herbert, cook Elmhurst Hosp, res Queen 150 Raglan rd Sanford. C F, elk armouries, res 168 Di- "Herbert, soldier, res 42 Main " vision Herbert, plmbr Lemmon & Son, Ivs Sang Lai. laundry, 220 Barrie 465 Albert Sanger Fred, steward Frontenac Club, " James, slsman Steacy's, res 98 Vic- res William st toria " Janet F, secy Dr Skelton, Ivs Alice Sangster Gertrude, elk Waldron's, Ivs " heater Loco Wks, res 353 Barrie John, 362 Brock " Marion, Ivs 362 Barrie " John, lab McKelvey & Birch, res 61 " trainman C P R roundhse, res Wm, Stanley 362 Barrie " Katherine (wid Dr H res Alice Sargent Edw, shell mkr Loco Wks, Ivs M J), St 12 DuflFerin " " Katherine L, librarian Queen's, Ivs George C, bkkpr J Richardson & Alice St Sons, res 84 Victoria " " Harold, elk Sargent's drug store, Ivs Laura G, bkkpr Sutherland Shoe 28 Frontenac store, Ivs 730 Princess " " Hubert G, drug elk Sargent's, Ivs 28 Miss Lois, librarian Queen's, bds Frontenac 212 King e ' " Isabelle (wid Fred R), res 28 Fron- Madeline, stenog Hosiery Mill, Ivs tenac 503 Princess " " Isabelle, Ivs 28 Frontenac Martha, confeet Crothers, Ivs 153 " Margaret, Ivs 12 Dufiferin Clergy " " Robert, lab Loco Wks, res 12 Duf- Mary C. elk Standard Bank, Ivs n s ferin Alice " Mary (wid O), res 465 Albert SARGENT, T HARRY, Druggist at J " Olga. servant. Ivs 168 King i86 Princess, res I20 Victoria " Reginald, garbage dr, Ivs 142 York " Thos, elk G T R freight office, Ivs. " Samuel A. linsiriu.i Lemmon & Sons, 12 Dufferin _ res 290 Barrie Sarles Thomas, shipner Crothers & Co, " res 31 (a) Main Verna, music tchr at home, Ivs 353 Saul, Elizabeth, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 308 Brock Queen " Wm, head slsmn Steacy & Steacy, Saunders, see Sanders res 17 Division " Albert, dr A Chown & Co, res 47 " Wm, garbage dr, res 402 Macdonnell Concession " Wm tchr K C I, res 124 Beverly " Albert, dr Harrison's, res 42 Clar- J, Co, res 91 ence Sauve Cyril, capt M T " Anna, elk Abernethy's, Ivs 19 Divi- Queen sion " George, repairer Loco Wks, res 153 " Benjamin, lab, res 132 Chatham Montreal " Livingston Bro. SAUNDERS, CHARLES, Grocer 505 Joseph, jr, tlr C & ' Princess, res 503 same Ivs 29 Clergy west " 29 Clergy " Chas, motorman St Ry, res 142 Joseph, retired, res w York " Thos, sailor, Ivs 29 Clergy w " Co, res 74 Mark- " Emily (wid Jno), res 730 Princess Thos W, eng M T " Ethel M, stenog Armouries, Ivs 465 land All)ert Savage, Annie (wid Jas), Ivs 288 Barrie Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF '* OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES


Savage Josie (wid Arthur), Ivs 333 SCHOLES Brock " Mabel K, stenog H S Folger, Ivs " Jennie (wid Henry), Ivs 120 Col- 288 Queen borne School of Mining, see Kingston School " Kathleen (wid Jas), Ivs 54 Patrick of Mining SAVAGE & CO, Wall Paper, Painters Schultz Frank, eng Cotton Mill, res 426 & Decorators, 133 Brock, cor Division Bagot " Walter, pipe fitter Loco Wks, Ivs " N J, bkkppr Frost's City Storage, 426 Division Ivs 120 Colborne Scorgie Wm, blksmith Loco Wks, bds " Patrick, driller res 46 C L C, Col- 200 Ontario borne Scott, David G, plbr City Light, Heat " W J (Savage & Co), res 192 Bagot & Power Dept, res 145 Frontenac SAVARY REV T W, Rector St James' " Chas, soldier, Ft Henry, res 40 Rag- Church, res 152 Barrie lan rd Savoy, Michael A. R C H A bandsman, " bds 258 Division Mrs C S, Ivs 619 Princess " C W, soldier, res 267 Earl Sawyer Miss Agnes, Ivs 382 Brock " Edgar, returned soldier, vocational " Eliza J (wid Wm), res 382 Brock studt, bds 99 Frontenac SAWYER, FRANCIS (W A Sawyer " E F, MA, DD, Prof Queen's Univ, & Co), Ivs 382 Brock res Queen's Coll grounds " John, pntr, Ivs 382 Brock " George, elk P O, res 307^ Johnson " " Miss Mary, Ivs 382 Brock G W, city trav W G Craig & Co, res 122 Colborne SAWYER, WM A, Boots and Shoes, " 212 Princess, res 183 University av Guy, packer Robertson Grocery Co, Saxton, Helen, maid McCabe's, Ivs 42 res 137 Union Frontenac " Harry A. studt Queen's, bds 52 Earl " Sayers Elizabeth (wid Geo), Ivs 52 Harry, pntr K G H, res 53 Beverly Union " H B, eng J Swift & Co, res 163 Henry, loftsman ship yards, Ivs 8 Stuart Garrett " Jessie, laundress K G H, Ivs 53 Saywell, musician R C H A, res 258 Beverly Division " John, contr, res 182 Barrie Scally, Jas, bkkpr Crawford's Coal and " Jas H, med studt Queen's, Ivs 139 Wood Yard, res Portsmouth L^nion Scammell, Constance, asst librarian " J Norris, chemist in Montreal, res Public Library, Ivs 17 Pembroke 306 University " Beatrice, assist librarian Public Li- " John, lab city corp, res Johnson brary, Ivs 17 Pembroke " Lillian, elk grocery 617-619 Princess, " Rev Edwin E, retired, res 17 Pembroke res same Scanlon, Mrs. John, maid Col Ogilvie, " Mrs (wid David), res 307 Johnson Ivs 119 Earl " Prof T S, civil eng dept. Queen's 'Llolui^lab, res 21 5 Pr;nrp<;s L^niv, address same "Rita, maid ColT^gilvie, Ivs 119 Earl " W D, gardener, res Regent Shermerhorn, Samuel, Ivs 42 Livingston " Wm H, trav Poison & Co, res 148 Di- Schetagne Paul, road foreman Bell Tel vision " Co, res 199 Brock Capt Wm, mar capt, res 27 Bala- Schyver, Leroy, returned soldier, bds clava 181 Division Seouten, see also Scruton Scobell Sidney S. cutter Geo Mills & " Grace (wid Levi), prop Yukon res- Co. res 78 Clergy w taurant, Ivs 343 King e " Mrs. maid H C Xickle, Ivs 155 Earl " Wm, lab C H Finkle's livery, res 59 Schofield Jas, grocer, res 647 Princess Queen Scholes Jas, retired, Ivs 171 Clergy Scriven John, carp, res 522 Brock Frank D, mach opr Loco Wks, res Scrutton' Alexander, blrmkr Loco Wks, 288 Queen res 194 King RICH Our.Sto-ck Is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - • Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office


SCRUTTON Seeley Melissa (wid David), res 115 " Chas H, brakeman CPR, res 117 Pat- Barrack rick Selby Charles, res 104 Gore " " Chas, riveter ship yards, Ivs 2)1 Chas H, soldier, res 60 Arch Johnson " Hilda, stenog Poison's, Ivs 60 Arch " " Edmund jr, blrmkr Kingston Foundry, Ida. elk N C Poison Wholesale Co, res 9 Deacon Ivs 60 Arch " Howard C, elk G T R ticket office, " James S, carp Hooper & Slater, res Ivs Johnson 212 University " James, night w^atchman Loco Wks, " May, bkkpr C R McLeod, Ivs 60 res 43 Stephen Arch " John, blrmkr Shipbldg Co, res 21 L Self Geo, returned soldier, Ivs 215 Mon- Charles treal Scully. Mary, maid Dr Hanley, Ivs 109 Seliski, Chas, tanner Davis' tannery, bds Wellington 116 Patrick Seney, David, riveter ship yard, Ivs 16 Scale, H E, civil servant P O, res 27 Frontenac Clergy w Senior, res " Mrs Luella, Ivs 182 Barrie Thos, wks C L C, 17 " Thos, traveller Brandon & Hender- Charles son Co. Montreal, bds 198 Rideau Sequin Eculid, lineman Bell Tele Co, res 257 Montreal Searle Geo E, designer Livingston's, res 82 Beverly SERGEANTS' MESS. R C H A, Tete de Pont Barracks " Harold, studt K C I, Ivs 82 Beverly Service, N T, elk Dom Express, res 605 Arthur, city, 50 Sears fireman bds Elm Princess " E Ferdinand, elk A Reid, res 396 Setterington George, soldier, res 5 Alfred Chestnut " Edith, servant Mr McKay, Ivs 148 Seventh Day Adventists, 295 Princess University (upstairs) " Harley, studt, Ivs 63 William Sewell, Samuel, soldier, Mowat Hosp, " Henrietta (wid domestic John), K res 301 Alfred G H, Ivs same Sexsmith Margaret, music tchr, bds 140 " Jordon, carter, Ivs 81 Rideau Wellington " John, lab Loco Wks. res 204 King " Frank, mech Robinson & Wiltshire " Margaret, Ivs 63 William garage, res 92 Gore " Margaret, hsemaid F A Ferguson, Seymour ,Jas S, blksmith, Taugher's Ivs 199 King . blksmith shop, bds 75 Queen " Samuel, Wks, res 8 On- wks Loco " Phillips, elk Newman & Shaw, res 3 tario Pine " William, sawyer Anglin's, res 81 Ri- deau Shackfield. Wm, hammersmith C L C, bds 212 King Seaton. Alice, bkkpr Woolworth's, Ivs 70 carter city, res 437 Prin- Charles Shane. James, cess " Francis, letter carrier, res 69 Arch " mason (at present ship yards), " Ida, Ivs 70 Charles Wm, res 308 Queen " Pearl, bkkpr Woolworth's, Ivs 70 '" 22 Elgin Charles Bruce, overseas, Ivs Shangrow, Pearl , finisher Hosiery Mill, " Richard, lab, res 14 Rideau Ivs 22 Elgin " Richard Jr, eng C Loco Wks, res 70 " Son, res Charles Edward, plmbr Lemmon & 114 Colborne Seeker musician A, res Henry, R C H " Peter, soldier, res 22 Elgin 106 L Bagot Shanahan, see also Shannon Seclaire, Jas, soldier Depot Batt, bds 9 " Frances, modiste Mrs Mitchell, Ivs Charles 39 Clergy w Secombe Emma (wid C C), Ivs Mait- " Hugh, fitter Loco Wks, res 39 Clergy land hse, Maitland st west Sedore. Marshall, upholsterer, res 23 ' Jas. mach C L C. res 208 Alfred Elgin " Margaret (wid John), res 39 Clergy w

J. K. Carroll Agency dominion life 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 211 SHANAHAN SHAW " Margaret^ tlrs W Carroll, Ivs 39 " Angenetta (wid John), res 62 Liv- Clergy w ingston " Maria, res 170 Bagot " Bertha, stenog J S R McCann, res " Nellie, Ivs 170 Bagot 143 Clarence r- Shannon, see also Shanahan " Calvin, wks Poison's, res 49 Conces- " Alfred prtr Standard, res 153 J, sion Frontenac " Chas G, deputy postmaster P O, Ivs SHAW, BAVID A (Newman & Shaw), 23 West res 181 Johnson " " Ethel, Ivs 98 Victoria Eliz J, res 129 Union " Miss F, elk Bank of Toronto, bds " Ida, Ivs 143 Colborne 195 Johnson " W, elk armouries, res 238 W^el- " H John, carter, res 270 Ontario lington " Minnie, studt Queen's, Ivs 107 Bagot " Miss Jennie C, tchr of art, Ivs 53 " Martha, maid Hon Wm Harty, Ivs Clergy 107 Bagot " Kate (wid W). Ivs 238 Wellington " J Mrs S, hskpr Hon Wm Harty, Ivs ' Laura, elk J Bannister, Ivs Union 107 Bagot " Leon B, Ivs 190 University Sharman, see also Sherman " Florence, modiste, Ivs 274 Univer- " Malcolm M, marine capt, res 173 sity Stuart " Jacob M, boat bldr Davis & Son, res " Mary A, organist Sydenham St Ch, 274 University res 53 Clergy Sharpe Andrew M, mach Loco Wks, res " Margaret, res 129 Union w 236 University " Vera, studt, Ivs 181 Johnson " Cvrus H, carp, res 294 Queen " William, mach Loco Ivs 143 " Miss Edith, res 313 Brock Wks, Colborne " Elizabeth (wid Andrew), res 318 Brock Shea, see also O'Shea " " Miss Elizabeth, elk Steacy's, Ivs 318 Allen, returned soldier, Ivs 100 Brock Barrie " " Mrs Ellen, res 238 (upstairs) On- Jenny M, Ivs 49 Arch " tario Mrs S O, res 54 L Bagot " " Fletcher B, studt Queen's, Ivs 294 Mrs Sarah (wid John) res 100 Barrie Queen Shear Abraham, stoves, furniture, car- " Harry, insurance agt Mutual Life Co, pets, etc, 261 Princess, res same res 7 Division Shearer, Louis, janitor New Medical " Jos, plmbr McKelvey & Birch, res Bldg, Queen's, Ivs 49 Arch 162 Nelson Shelly. Arthur, returned soldier, res 7 " Mrs_Jas, tlrs Crawford & Walsh, Ivs Pembroke 2 Jenkin SHEDDEN FORWARDING CO, Lim- " Melita, mlnry slslady Gedye's, Ivs ited, Wellington, cor Place 313 Brock d'Armes, cartage agents " Noble, slsman Bell Tel Co, res 183 Sheehan, Miss M, cashier Wm Davies, Division Ivs 243 Brock " " Major Wm J, vocational officer 3rd Wm, lab N D convent, Johnson st, M D, res 51 Clergy Ivs same Shapiro Aaron, second hd dlr 35 Prin- Sheppard Edgar, soldier overseas, res cess, res same (upstairs) 34 Union w " Joshua, second hd dlr, 45 Princess, " Mrs Elmer, bds 46 Montreal res same (upstairs) " Bartley, wks Loco Wks, res 80 Sharrette .Edwin, ship builder ship yds. Frontenac res 16 Markland " Frank, mach C L C, Ivs 80 Fronte- Shaver Eleanor (wid Chas), drsmkr, Ivs nac " 332 Brock John J. foreman riveter ship yards, " Robt. lab. bds 12 Redan res 72 Earl Shaw Abraham, insp of customs, res " Fred S, fireman fire dept, res 1 Di- 190 University av vision '

Ai! Standard Railroad Watches Repairing IN STOCK Watch SMITH BROS. - - King St. A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them See optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office

213 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY SHEPPARD Shultz, Walter, cutter Kingston Ho- " Lydia. elk Robertson's Ltd, Ivs 72 siery Co, Ivs 426 Division Earl " Wm, eng Moulding Wks, res 426 " George, soldier, res 14 Fifth Division " May, opr Bell Tel, Co, Ivs 72 Earl Shurtleff, Wm M, tchr K C I, res 118 " G W, instr Royal Naval College, bds Victoria 376 Bagot " Louis, wks C L C, Ivs 72 (upstairs) " Wilton, mach C L C, Ivs 80 Fronte- Princess nac Siddell, Robt, carp M T Co, res 48 Ord- " Beryl, trained nurse, Ivs 80 Fronte- nance nac " Capt W, M T Co, res 114 Barrack " Grace,. drsmkr Miss Anderson's, Ivs Sills, Alfred F, returned soldier, res 24 80 Frontenac Elgin ' Sherbino Francis R, watchman Knitt- Mary (wid Thos), Ivs 24 Elgin " ing Mill, res 238 University Mrs Z (wid Wm R), res 15 Mack " Gladys, wks Crother's, Ivs 457 Al- Silver Alfred, lab Loco Wks, res 5 St bert Catharines " Mae, mlnr Gedye Mlnry, Ivs Ports- " Emma (wid Wm), res 545 Albert mouth " Louise, finshr Hosiery Mill, Ivs 545 " Olive, wks Mica Factory, Ivs 457 Albert Albert " Wm, motor inspr C L C, res 415 " Robt Wm, ship carp ship yards, res Johnson 457 Albert Simm, Clara, elk Laidlaw's, bds 67 Col- " Henry, lab, res Bath rd borne " Wm John, baker Crothers', res 76 SIMMONS, ANDREW G (Simmons Markland Bros), res 265 University Sherman, see also Sharman " Alfred, retired, res 54 Livingston " " Albert Byron, bkkpr I Cohen, res Anna, Ivs 55 William 247 Montreal " Arthur, lab, bds 30 (upstairs) Mont- " Florence, drsmkr, Ivs 274 University real " J M, boat builder Davis' dry dock, SIMMONS BROS (Wm G, Andrew G, res 274 University Chas C, Fred), Hardware, " James, lab Loco Wks, res 256 Uni- Plumbers, Tinsmiths, and Steam versity Fitters, 169-171 Princess " Melburn, marine eng, res 83 Quebec SIMMONS, CHARLES C (Simmons " Roy, mail transfer agt, Kingston, Ivs Bros), res 55 William 22 Earl (Simmons " Wilfred, carp ship yards, Ivs 274 SIMMONS, FREDERICK William University Bros),, res 198 " shipper Edwin Chown & SHERIFF'S Herbert J, OFFICE, Thomas Daw- res 141 Montreal son, sheriff. Court House " S E, returned soldier. Queen's Hosp, Sherwood, Sherman, mason Queen's Ivs 125 Union Univ ,bds 286 Queen " Kathleen, Ivs 170 Barrie Shillington, Alice, studt K B C, bds 462 (Simmons Bros), Albert SIMMONS, WM G res 170 Barrie Shilington, Alice, studt 462 K B C, bds " Wellington, soldier, Ivs 55 William Barrie Simpson, Albert, wks Broom Factory, Shortt Elizabeth, Ivs 34 Rideau res 254 Nelson " Ellen B, Ivs 600 Princess ARCHIBALD, Prop Lake " SIMPSON Henry, bkr Lackie's, res 10 John View House, 286 Ontario " Margaret (wid Edw), res 34 Rideau " Miss Bessie, elk C B A. Ivs Lake " M Rev W K, res 600 Princess View Hotel, 286 Ontario Shufflebotham Samuel, bread mer, res " Chas, window cleaner, bds 768 Prin- 468 Montreal cess " Walter, retired, res 466 Montreal " Chas, overseas, res Regent w Shugrue Cornelius, lab Richardson's, " Eleanor (wid Chas D), res 213 Al- res 292 Queen bert Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. Debentures LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


SIMPSON Skinner Edw W, Lieut overseas, res 28 " Frederick, prop Hat Cleaning Co, Garrett 163 Princess (upstairs), res same " Margaretta (wid Wm), res 116 Gore " James E, soldier C M R, Ivs 213 Al- Slade Lieut James E, "C" Battery, res bert 141 Nelson " Miss, bank elk, bds 237 Brock Slater, Chas E, shoe rep Jas McGall's, res " Marcella, Ivs 286 Ontario 179^2 Collingwood " Miss Olive, Ivs 286 Ontario " Douglas, studt Queen's, Ivs 172 Bar- " Rose, Ivs 268 Ontario rie " Robt, lab Loco Wks, res 247K Earl " Stewart Q-M-S "A" Batt, res 356 (in rear) Brock " Rudolph, lab ship yards, Ivs 106 Vic- " Thomas (Hooper & Slater 128-132 toria Ontario), res 172 Barrie SIMPSON, S H, LDS, DDS, Dentist, Slaven Eliz, dom, Ivs 96 Clergy Dental Corps, res 270 Albert ' Sleeman Geo, studt Queen's, Ivs 156 " Wm, carter, res 30 Plum Frontenac ' " W H, soldier, stafif Ongwanada Hosp, Wm, tele opr, Ivs 156 Frontenac " Ivs same Wm H, mason, res 156 Frontenac " Sleep, Sydney, riveter ship Wm J, farmer, bds 56 Rideau yards, res Sinclair Miss Charlotte, res 212 Syden- 115 Stephen ham Sleeth Clifford, stringer Wormwith's, " Mrs, Ivs 46 Colborne res 246 University

" • " Robert, upholsterer, 360 Barrie, res Annie, Ivs 69 Arch " 35 Pine Elizabeth, studt. bds 7 Plum " " Robert, pntr, res 86 Frontenac Sergt E, overseas, res 27 Union w " Lawrence, stringer Sing H, laundry, res 206 Montreal Wormwith's, Ivs 246 University " Doo, laundry, res 238 Barrie " Minnie, res 304 Johnson SINGER SEWING MACH CO, A. Slinn, J Darragh, mgng salesman, 164 Lieut W H, Engineer's office, bds Princess 250 Barie Singleton Arthur C, city trav J A Hen- SLITER ERNEST O, MA, Prin Col- dry, res 74 Nelson legiate Institute, res 320 Alfred " Edna, sch tchr Central sch, Ivs 74 " Ernest, returned soldier, Ivs 320 Nelson Alfred " Harold T. R A F, Ivs 74 Nelson Slimmons John H, lab C P R roundhse, " Henry, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 32 135 Montreal Plum Sloan Albert, plmbr McK & Birch Ltd, " John E, trav Pugsley Dingman, To- Ivs 214 Rideau ronto, res 32^ Frontenac " Ethel, studt, Ivs 440 Brock " Sulphina, elk City Hall, bds 219 Di- " Eleanor, stenog F R A, Ivs 440 vision O Brock Sinnott Chas, soldier, Ivs 36 Johnson " Florence, studt, Ivs 440 Brock " John, carter, Ivs 36 Johnson " Miss Mary Jane, res 293 Montreal, " Jos, taxi dr, Ivs 36 Johnson upstairs " Margaret (wid My'es), res 36 John- " Mabel A, nurse military hosp, son bds 187 Alfred " Wm, lab, Ivs 36 Johnson " Richard A, agt, res 187 Alfred Sirrett A H, agri expert & dist repre- " Robert D, Sec-Treas Bibby's Limited, sentative of Ont Dept of Agricul- res 440 Brock ture and Trades & Labor Br, 24 Market st, res (upstairs) Small Beth, Ivs 23 Earl Skeggs Arthur J, eng Bailey's Broom SMALL PHILLIP H, Manager Iqe factory, Ivs 243 Montreal Co, res 23 Earl Skelton Prof Oscar D, prof Queen's, " John W, motor mech Queen's Univ, res 138 Albert res 135 Union " " John, lab Dom Textile Co, -bds 218 Serg W B, soldier, bds 250 Barrie (upstairs) Montreal Smallridge, Charles, mason, Ivs 318 " Wm, bds 480 Montreal Earl

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. in CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET For Well-Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices

214 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY SMALLRIDGE SMITH " Mabel, auditor city bldgs, Ivs 318 " Elizabeth, hsemaid Prof Coleman, Earl Ivs "Roselawn." Union " Wm, mason M Sullivan, res 318 Earl " Etta, res 58 William " Smart Chas, city trav Robertson's Etta, Ivs 127 Bagot " whlsale, bds 269 Brock E, elk McKelvey & Birch Ltd, res " Clara (wid John), res 270 Welling- 437 Albert " ton Ernest, action finisher Wormwith's, " Katherine ,clk Bank of Montreal, Ivs 178 Raglan rd W " address care same Frank, lab, Ivs 42 Johnson " Eraser, mach Loco Wks, res 468 Smeaton Ellen J (wid Chas), res 69 Raglan rd Barrie " Bertha, Ivs 49 Clergy " Frederick, barber 68 Princess, res " Frank, cutter Hosiery Mill, bds 78 472 Barrie " Victoria Fred J, eng Queen's Hosp, res 29 " Jean (wid Capt S P), Ivs 49 Clergy Arch " John, Ivs 78 Victoria " George E, manuf agt, Ivs 127 Bagot " Thos, retired, res 137 William " Geo H, soldier, Ivs 41 Balaclava " Smith, see also Smyth and Smythe Gordon J, stdt, Ivs 185 Johnson " " Alexander, M Sergt Artillery, res Geo, overseas, res 37 Clarence Q " 26 Frontenac Geo A, mason, res 27 Cherry " " Albert, overseas, res 131 Montreal Geo R, tchr K C I, bds 380 Brock " " A, shoe rep shop, 264 Earl, res same Geo R, soldier overseas, Ivs 546 Al- " Alfred, pntr Loco Wks, res 262 Nel- bert " son Grant J, overseas, Ivs 391 Brock " Alfred L, trav Cross Fertilizer, bds " Harold Jas, grocer, 23 Barrack 220 Alfred " Helena, elk grocery H A Smith, Ivs " Annie E, res 152 Frontenac 391 Brock " Arthur M, retired, res 118 William " " Henry A, grocer 155 Division, res 391 Arthur John, ensign Salvation Army Brock res 461 Princess " Henry, wks ship yard, res 331 Queen (Estate of John S and SMITH BROS " Chas A), Jewelers and Issuers of Herb M, lab Tannery, Ivs 108 Mon- Marriage Licenses, 350 King e treal " Mrs Barton, res 132 Wellington " Hilda, Ivs 303 Earl " Mrs Caroline, hsekpr, Ivs 248 Uni- " Capt Horatio N, dock foreman, K versity Shipbldg Co, res 45 Clergy w " Chas, lab C L C, res 28 Dufferin " Howard, messngr Can Exp, Ivs 191 '; Chas, lab C P R, bds 185 Division Clergy " Chas, sec to Warden K P, Ivs 60 " Hugh, fireman light plant, res 6 William Brewery Lane " Chas, overseas, res 4 Orchard " Ida, Ivs 166 University " Charles, soldier, Ivs 10 L Rideau " J, agt London Life, res 363 Barrie " SMITH, CHARLES (Smith Bros), res J, res 51 Chatham 110 Bagot " Jessie, Ivj 132 Wellington " Mrs C W, res 311 Queen " J A, soldier overseas, res 434 Divi- " Clara C, res 226 King e sion SMITH DANIEL, Retired, res 176 " Jas, aprent Wormwith Piano Co, Ivs King e 542 Albert " Daniel, carter, res 36 York " Jas, action finisher Wormwith Piano " Edith (wid Leslie), res 542 Albert Co, res 542 Albert " Edith, chamber maid Prin Geo Htl, " J B, mech Angrove Bros' garage, bds 200 Ontario res 39 Elm " Edward, lab C L C, res 6 Vine " James T, lab city, res 17 Plum " " Edward J, capt M T Co, res 177 John, Ivs 36 York Montreal " John P, blrmkr M T Co, bds Revere " Ellen (wid John), res 185 Johnson house Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures KEKP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, For nre i^rme phone 1030

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 215 SMITH SMITH " " John J, slsman Geo Mills & Co, res Thomas, stone mason, res 41 Bala- 8 Ellice clava " John B, mach Angrove Bros, res 30 " Capt T M, A M C, Ongwanada Elm (upstairs) Hosp, res 209 University " 10 " Jos, farm hand, res Rideau Thomas J, repair man Loco Wks, " John, Sgt artillery, res 156 Pine res 10 L Rideau " John, bds 194 Division " T Wesley, carp M T Co, res 191 " Kathleen, Ivs 391 Brock Clergy w " Joseph, lab, res 38 Johnson " Walter, wks Loco Wks, res 457 " Julia, servt Dean Cappon, Ivs 26 Barrie Barrie " Walter, lab gas wks, res 8 Vine " Julia, res 16 Deacon " Wm, retired, res 42 Main y" " Lena, elk Smith's grocery, 159 Divi- " William, soldier 21st Batt, res 268 sion, Ivs 391 Brock Wellington r " Leslie, Army Service Corps, Ivs 185 Capt Wm F, returned soldier, Ivs Johnson 250 King e " Lillian, maid Arthur Craig, Ivs 75 " Wm, trav, res' 249 Barrie " Union Wm J, soldier, res 47 L Bagot " " Louise C (wid Buxton), res 134 Mrs Wm J, bds 69 John Wellington " Wm K, capt retired, res 219 Univer- " Louis, barn man St Ry, res 414 sity " King Wryley J, mason, res 303 Earl " " Martha, res 60 William Wm V, sailor, res 263 Sydenham " " Zellah (wid Thos), res 250 King e Mary, maid J L Whiting, Ivs 52 Clergy Smithers, F H, steward govt employ, res 248 Earl " Mary, Ivs 60 William " " Mary (wid Henry), res 260 King e Francis, Ivs 248 Earl " Mary (wid Geo H), res 181 Division Smylie, see Smilie " Miles, soldier, Ivs 391 Brock " Mary A (wid John), res 56 L Rideau " Mary (wid Robt), res 195 Johnson Smythe, Bessie L, Ivs 59 West " Mary, Ivs 127 Bagot " Lieut Frank, overseas, Ivs 59 West " May, cigar mkr Oberndorffer's cigar " F A, acct W G Craig & Co, overseas factory, Ivs 47 L Bagot res 59 West " Patrick, riveter ship yards, bds 37 SMYTHE, GEO H. B A, (King & Johnson Smythe), res 59 West " A, res 322 Al- Norman comp Whig, Lieut John C, returned soldier ,lvs fred 59 West " Pauline (wid res 156 ' John), Ontario Robt, hostler Guess' livery stable, " Pearl, hskpr, Ivs 10 L Rideau bds 4 Clow's Block " Robt driver .Guess' livery, 4 J, bds Snelling Harry W, bkkpr govt, res 96 Clow's Block, Chatham Division " Robert, lab ship yd, res 260 Division Snider, see also Snyder " Rose Ann (wid Jas), Ivs 221 L Ri- " Bert, piano slsman R J Rodger, bds deau 365 Alfred " Sidney C, acct Robertson Grocery " Ezra, lab piano factory, bds 12 Alma Co, res 151 Alfred ' Harold M, registrar's assist City " Stanley J, overseas, res 263 King Hall. Ivs 33 Aberdeen " S, barber Hugh Doyle, bds 16 Mark- " Mrs Etta, Ivs 220 Montreal land " munition " John, wkr Loco Wks, Ivs Thos, bk Carnovsky, res 635 Prin- 28 Clergy w cess Thos, carp ship yards, res 6 Pine " T L, mason Riley Smith, contractor, " Wilfred, millman Donoghue's, Ivs 6 res 101 Pine Pine " Thos, foreman I Cohen, res 98 Elm Snowden Mrs Geo, bds 6 Orchard " Thos A R, sergt overseas, Ivs 250 ' Robt J, mason, res 159 Nelson King e " Wm H, contr, res 203a Alfred " Teresa. Ivs 177 Montreal Snug Harbor, cor Barrack and King SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. STARR PHONOGRAPHS JEWELLERS - - 350 King SL Ste^vart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Office


Snyder, see also Snider Speakman, Alex, gents' furnishings, 293 " Geo, lab C L C, bds 120 Earl Princess, res same ' ' Sperry C, blksmith E Laturney, Spears, Daryll, vocational officer, res 82 bds 34 Ellice Victoria Soles Joseph F, packer tannery, res 224 Spence Ella, tchr, Ivs 102 Victoria Sydenham " Harold, tchr Wolfe Island, Ivs 102 " Mabel, Ivs 178 L Bagot Victoria " W Benjamin, currier tannery, res " A L, soldier MSA office, res 136 176 Bagot Bagot " Wilfred, packer E Chown & Son, res " Jack C, agt Massey-Harris, Ivs 30 8 Redan Garrett Somers, Mary (wid Ed), drsmkr, res 28 " John, packer, Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Johnson 102 Victoria Somner George, lab Loco Wks, res 61 ' Sergt L P, overseas, bds 263 King Charles " Miss S, res 30 Garrett Somerville, see Summerville " Wm D, sailor Donnelly, res 102 " Frank, carp Chapman, res 474 Albert Victoria " Frank, case mkr Wormwith's, res " Wm H, piano agt, res 380 Alfred Portsmouth Spencer Amos E, lab Loco Wks, res 95 " Fred C, elk Wills' clothing store, Bay Princess, bds 76 Nelson " Edw L, eng C S L, res 17 Clergy w " R H, contractor, res Frontenac " Frank, rivetter Shipbldg Co, res 176 " R J, overseas, bds 76 Nelson University Sommerville Thos, asst to Dr G W Bell " Harry, soldier overseas, Ivs 450 Di- res 112 Clarence vision Southall David, wks Loco Wks, res 12 " Herbert, mach Davis' Dry Dock, res St Lawrence 124 Montreal Southey, Maj E C, inspctr 3 M D, Sol- " Jennie, studt K B C, Ivs 102 Victoria diers' Aid Com, res 56 Earl " Lizzie, music tchr, Ivs Victoria " Edward, overseas, Ivs 56 Earl " Louis, retired lake capt, res 17 Cler- SOWARDS, JAMES, Coal and Wood, gy w " cor Ontario and Place d'Armes, Maria, (wid Robt), bds 4 Redan " res 168 Montreal Myrtle, elk exemption brd, Ivs 147 " James, jr, coal merch Sowar ds Co, Ivs Division " 168 Montreal Warren, asst mgr Woolworth's, res 354 Albert SOWARDS JOHN F, Mgr Jas Sow- " Roy, mach C L C, res ISO Rideau ^ ards Coal Co, res 172 Montreal " Wm C, eng C S L, res 147 Division " Ellen (wid Jas), owner Sowards " Wm, mach, res 303 King w Coal yard, res 168 Montreal " Wilfred H, Ivs 147 Division " Wm, elk Sowards, Ivs 172 Montreal Speizman, A, junk dlr, res 69 Queen Spankie, Marguerite, bds 15 Aberdeen Spooner Agnes (wid Wm), res 314 Spangenberg Margaret, Ivs 140 Johnson Albert SPARKS ERNEST B (Sparks & " Charles,, retired, res 97 Frontenac Sparks), res 193 Johnson ' Charles, conductor C P R, res 95 " Gertrude, dom St Andrew's Manse, Frontenac " Ivs same Lazarus, Ivs 19 Union " " Mrs R Leslie, Ivs 171 Stuart Ellen, Ivs 32 Union " Lizie, maid, Ivs 169 University SPARKS, DR J F, office hours, 10 to " Louise, Ivs 97 Frontenac 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm, 'phone I Spotten, Mary, cigar mkr McGowan's 386, office and residence 100 Wel- cigar factory, bds 142 Rideau lington SPRATT, ARCHBISHOP, res Arch- SPARKS, ROBERT E (Sparks & bishop's Palace, 225 Johnson Sparks), dentist 159 Wellington, " Louis, soldier, res 212 Queen res 186 Johnson " Miss V M, drsmkr, Ivs 212 Queen SPARKS & SPARKS (Robert E and Spriggs Olive, bkkpr Frontenac Loan Ernest B Sparks), dentists, 159 Co, bds 85 Frontenac Wellington " Capt W A, overseas, res 183 Alfred REAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE: 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINER.Y


Spring Ellen (wid Hugh), res 60 Chat- STANSBURY " ham John, messenger Customs Hse, res Sproule, Mrs Grace M. Ivs 308 Albert 169 Raglan rd Squim, Arthur, soldier, Ivs 54 Chatham " John jr, taxi dr, Ivs 169 Raglan rd prof Queen's, res Squires Prof Arnold, Stanton John, finisher Wormwith's, res 2 Kensington ave 174 Rideau St. Amour, Jos, chauffeur C Livingston, " Nathaniel, varnisher C W Lindsay Ivs 135 Union Ltd, res Barrielield St Pierre Joseph, lab, res 45 Colborne Stark, Jas, govt shell insp, bds 243 Stagg Geo, sold A S C, Ivs 41 Elm Brock " Irene, elk O F R A, Ivs 41 Elm W A, real estate agt, res 64 " Martha (wid John), res 41 Elm Mack Star Fruit " Myrtle, elk O F R A, Ivs 41 Elm and Candy Store, 60 Prin- Stafford Clara, tehr Maedonald seh, Ivs cess 249 Johnson Starr, Rev Dean George L, rector St " Gerald, returned soldier, bds 178 L George's Cathedral, res 78 Wel- Bagot lington " Mrs G x\, bds 178 L Bagot Station Hospital, 213-219 Queen " Miss Jane, wks K Hos Co, res 282 Stasack V foreman Moulding Earl J, Co, res 281 Montreal " Ruben, messenger B N A bank, res 228 University av Steacy, see also Stacey " Wm W, trav Sharpies Separator Co, STEACY B N (Steacy Ltd), managing res 278 University Dir, res 162 Johnson " Staley Charles, carp, res 125 Bagot Annie M (wid Ed T), res 45 King ' " Gordon H, soldier, res 216 Colborne Capt F A, bds 232 Brock " Herbert " M E, nursing sister Queen's Hosp, J, secy Steacy's Ltd, Ivs 45 Ivs Court House King " Horatio, musician, res 165 Clergy e " John M, barber Theobald's, res 169 " Mary (wid Chas), res 307 Barrie Bagot " Teresa, stenog Wm Mundell, Ivs 307 •STEACY LTD (B N Steacy), Import- Barrie ers of Dry Goods, Millinery and STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, Mantles, Dressmaking and La- dies' J F Rowland, mgr, 140 Princess Tailoring, 118-120 Princess STANDARD (Daily and Weekly), The Walter J, Ivs 45 King Standard Pub Co Ltd, 177-179 STEAMBOAT INSPECTOR'S OF- Princess fice, M R Davis, Inspector of STANDARD PUBLISHING CO, Ltd, Hulls and Equipment, T P W R Givens Managing Director Thompson Inspector of Boilers and Editor, publishers Daily and and Machinery, 12-14 Market st Weekly Standard, 177-179 Princess Steen Evans S, driver Jas Redden, res Stanford, Edward, carp, res 17 Patrick 292 Johnson " Augustus, lab Ship res yd, 284 John- Clarence, mech Angrove Bros' son gar- , age, Ivs 292 Johnson " Eathelder, hskpr, Ivs 17 Patrick Steininson, M, clothes " Hyldred, Ivs 17 Patrick and shoes, res 197 Wellington " Michael, lab, res 4 Raglan rd Stephen Nellie, cigar mkr McGowan's,s, ^s John McL, manager Jas Ri- 18 Raglan rd chardson & Son, res 454 Princess " Thos, Treas Opera Hse, res 6 R\ Stephens .Alfred, electrician, res 490 " Thos, mldr Loco Wks, res 210 Barrie treal " Mary (wid Willard), res 85 Pine " Stanley, Wm, carp, res 141 Pine Edward, overseas, res 120 Bagot " Stansbury Albert, taxi dr, Ivs 169 Rag- Rev John W, pastor St Andrew's lan rd Ch, res St Andrew's Manse " Elsie, bkkpr W J B White, Ivs 169 Sterry, Pecy H, soldier overseas, res Raglan 262 Johnson SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


Stevens Robt, wks Loco Wks, res 3 STEWART Cherry " James, mach Loco Wks, bds 168 " A, soldier A M C, res 336 Montreal Bagot " A E, mgr Boyd grocery, res 471 " Jas, lab ship yard, bds 234 Ontaio Johuson " J D, overseas, Ivs 194 Division " Jessie (wid David), Ivs 51 Clergy ' Mildred, drsmkr ,lvs 471 Johnson " Frank, inspector steel C L C, Ivs 64 S'J EWART OPTICAL CO, Cor Wel- Union lington and Clarence sts " John, mach Loco Wks, res 404 Al- " Alice, maid W H Macnee, Ivs 145 Union bert STEWART (Stewart Opti- " Adelaide, groc elk, Ivs 471 John- JOSEPH J cal cor Wellington son Co), & Clar- ence, res 124 Victoria " Viole't, Ivs 471 Johnson " Thos, returned soldier, bis 194 Di- Stephenson Annie (wid Samuel), res vision 61 Pembroke " Thomas H, trav Geo Robertson & Sterling, Mrs. Edith, Ivs 1 Alice Son, res 180 Alfred Stevenson, Eliza (wid Andrew^), Ivs " Thos, returned soldier, bds 194 Divi- 2141^ Earl sion Stickney Edwin auto expert, res 470 " Harold, studt, Ivs 174 Barrie W, Johnson " John, elk Mills & Co, furriers, res Stiles George, currier Davis tannery, 8 Ellice " res 192 Rideau Lawrence J, munition wkr" Loco Wks, res 8 Ellice Stinchcombe Alice, maid, bds 35 Wel- lington STEVENSON, PERCY C, mgr Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, res 201 Stinson, Albert, elk C L C, Ivs 19 Wil- Brock liam w " " Francis, overseas, Ivs 19 William Percy, bkkpr ship yards, Ivs 214J/2 w " Earl Gertrude, Ivs 212 King " ' Robert H, partner (Stevenson & John, chef Queen's Hosp, res 212 Hunter), hardware merchants, res King " 174 Barrie Mathias, res 19 U William " Walter, overseas, res 257 Rideau Stitt, Edw, soldier, Jvs 50 O'Kill " Wm M, mgr Bajus Brewery, bds 47 St John, Miss E, hskpr, Ivs 315 King w Rideau Stockdale, Chas H, elk P O, bds 44 " Wm, lab ship yard, bds 18 Russell Clergy Stevenson & Hunter, hardware ,85-87 Stockridge Geo, gardener, res 72 Brock Princess upstairs Stewart Annie, dom Jas Hendry, Ivs Stoddard Wm, asst cutter Livingston's, 363 Barrie King e, cor Simcoe & West bds " Bessie, Ivs 180' Alfred Stokes, Benj, teamster J Sowards & Co, " Carrie, waitress R M C, bds 47 Bay res 105 L Bagot " Charles, studt Dental Coll, Toronto, " Edw, lab Alexandria Bay, N.Y,' Ivs Ivs 180 Alfred 105 L Bagot " Chas, studt Queen's, bds 186 Barrie " Evelyn, bkkpr W J'Crothers, Ivs 105 " Elizabeth (wid John), res 221 Di- Bagot vision " Jordan, eng marine, Ivs 105 L Bagot "Frank, mach C L C, Ivs 37 Johnson " Kathleen, Ivs 105 L Bagot " Geo, studt Queen's, bds 186 Barrie Stokem, Mrs M (wid O W), Ivs 34 " Geo, soldier, Ivs 180 Alfred Frontenac " Dr Henry A, dentist overseas, 194 Stone, Charles, soldier R C H A, res 68 Wellington, Ivs 180 Alfred Markland " H R, soldier, res 46 York " Charles W, harness mkr Dolan's, " James, studt Dental Coll, Toronto, Ivs 194 Ordnance Ivs 180 Alfred " Mary, Ivs 120 Earl STEWART, JAMES, Postmaster, res Stonebanks, Mrs Ernest, bds 16 Dea- 167 Collingwood con

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean A^ccwlnt* 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


Stoneham, Edith, wks Imp Stm Lijdry, Stroud Major Allan, res 376 Bagot Ivs 2 Alwington ave " Albert, overseas, res 291 Johnson Storey, A W, fireman C L C, res 102 " Earl C, elk Bank of Toronto, Ivs 375 Qiarles Bagot Storring, Harriet (wid Geo), res 13 " Bros, teas, 109 Princess, H M Catherine Hawley, manager. Storms Elton, carriage pntr Laturney's, Strowger, Mrs A G M, Ivs 188 Barrie res 2 Garrett Stuart, see also Stewart " M G, acct Whig, res 142 Colling- " Mary, Ivs 75 Alfred wood STUART, J. RUSSELL, School In- " Nellie, Ivs 26 Sixth spector, res 75 Alfred " Sarah (wid Archibald), Ivs 2 Garrett Studebaker Sales and Service Station, " Thos, motorman St Ry, res 26 Sixth J A Sweetman, mgr 213 Princess Stover Annie (wid Phillip), res 219 Di- Stundan, Fred, sailor, res 88 Welling- vision ton ' Herbert M, grocer, 109 Alfred, res Sturgeon, Wilfred, returned soldier, bds 111 Alfred 2l9 Division " Nancy (wid Hiram), res 305 Brock Sturgess, Herbert, brakeman GTR, res St Perre Jos, lab Loco Wks, res 45 36 L Rideau Colborne Sturman Chas, overseas, res 10 Corri- Strachan Miss Ada G L, res 248 Di- gan vision Suddaby, Keith, studt, Ivs THl Alfred STRACHAN, ARCHIBALD, Collctr Bros (C F and T W), tire repairers, of Customs, res Customs House, 177 Wellington " cor King & Clarence C S, Prop Double ServiceTire Co, Stradling Frank, overseas, res 16 Rus- 177 Wellington, res 111 Alfred " sell T W (double Tread Service Tire Strand Theatre (Nugent & Martin), 264 Co), res ZV Alfred Princess Suddard Miss F^ Ivs 6 Clow's blk, Cha- - "" Strange J Campbell, asst P O Inspector, tham " Ivs 34 Barrie A E, retired, res 270 Division " " Emma Xwid Col Frank), res 19 Syd- Geo, mar eng, res 59 Elm enham " James H. lab, Swift's coal yard, res " Miss Gertrude E, res 134 King e 270 Division " " Helen M, elk Stange & Strange, Ivs John, lab, res 6 Clow's blk, Chatham " 19 Sydenham Margaret Jane (wid Edw), res 231 STRANGE, JOHN, Insurance Agent, Division " lab 95 Clarence, res 34 Barrie Wm J, Crawford Coal Co. res 6 Clow's Block, Chatham " M retired, Ivs 133 King e J, Sudds, Arthur, mariner, " Mary, elk Standard Bank,lvs 19 Syd- res 49 Elm enham Anna, drsmkr, Ivs 114 Ordnance Geo, sailor, res 114 Ordnance STRANGE & STRANGE (John Eva, wks Mica Factory, Ivs 114 Ord- Strange), Insurance Agents, 95 nance Clarence Nora, stenog McKenzie, photograph- Stranger Mrs A G M, Ivs 188 Barrie er, Ivs 114 Ordnance Stratford, Henry, polisher, Wormwith Sugel Louis, Piano Co, res 44 York pedler, res 325 Montreal " James, taxidermist, 352 Princess, res Sugarman Harry, second hand goods, 307 Division 238-242 Ontario " " Kathleen, ivs 44 York Goldie (wid Simon), Ivs 238-242 " Olive, Ivs 44 York Ontario Straubenzie, Anne (wid Col), res "Hill- Sughrue, Kathleen, bkkpr Savage & Co side," Beverly st Ivs 292 Queen " Cordelia, Ivs "Hillside," Beverly " Mary (wid Wm), res 222 Johnson " Edith, Ivs "Hillside," Beverly Thos, capt, res 33 Cowdy " Madeline, Ivs "Hillside," Beverly Thos, sailor, res 426 Johnson Street Myrtle, maid J H Birkett, Ivs 104 Sullivan, Elizabeth (wid Michael), bdg Bagot hse, res 95 William SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES


SULLIVAN SUTHERLAND, ROBERT D, Insur- " Eva M, drsmkr Mrs E M Mitchell, ance, Real Estate, Manuf Agt, Ivs 155 Montreal cor Bagot and Brock, res 63 ' Frances, res No 4 Villa St Clare West Apts, Barrie " Robert (J H Sutherland Bro), res " & Geo,guard K I^, res 63 Livingston av 100 Earl " Jerald, lab city, Ontario bds 286 " Samuel, trav Macnee & Minnes, res " John, elk G T R freight sheds, res 32 Sydenham 155 Montreal " Mrs Wm, bds 81 Clergy " John E, elk R V^aldron, hs 155 Sutton Fred, night elk Anglo-American Montreal Ivs same " elk 121 John J, Newman & Shaw, res " Wm, agt London Life Ins Co, res William 332 Brock " F, Joseph eng M T Co, res 51 Bar- Swaffield, Harry, harness maker, 76 rack Brock, Ivs 216 Queen " Joseph, tinsmith Loco Wks, res 206 Swan Elizabeth, res 295 Sydenham University " Sarah, tchr St Mary's sch, res " 295 Katherine. stenog G T R, Ivs 206 University Sydenham " Lyn, hskpr, res 297 University " Katharine, Ivs 87 King ' w Swailes, Alfred, crane man C L C, res4 " Margaret, drsmkr, bds 250 Barrie 92 Collingwood " Mary, Ivs 87 King w Swain see Swaine " Michael, contr, res 87 King e " Bertha, Ivs 476 Brock " Minnie, stenog C M B A, Ivs 155 Swaine Chas, mldr Loco Wks, res 357 Montreal Barrie Thos, retired, bds Lakeview House, " Ernest, acct pay office Armouries, Ontario st Ivs 476 Brock ' Vinlent carp, res 156 York J, SWAINE, WM E, Piano Tuner, res " William H, barrister 36 Clarence, 100 Clergy w res 108 Earl Sweet Wilbert, lab, res 66 Ontario " Wm, lab Loco Wks, bds 164 Ontario Sweetman, Alex K, slsman W P Peters " Wm, sergt military hosp, res 79 Pine auto agency, Ivs 196 Rideau " " Wm Henry, mus R C H A, res 66 Thos, car inspr G T R, res 196 Ri- John deau Summerby, James, retired, bds 330 (up- Sweezey R O, res 122 Union w stairs) Montreal Swerbick, Miss A M, nursing sister Queen's Hosp, Ivs Court Susman Ethel, Ivs 185 Queen House " & Cohen, office 290 Ontario SWIFT, JAMES (James Swift & Co), res 132 King " Max, rag & metal co, res 185 Queen " Louis, lab I Cohen, res 109 Raglan SWIFT, JAMES JR (James Swift & Co), Ivs 132 King " Moses, Ivs 185 Queen " Rebecca, bkkpr L Abramson, Ivs 109 SWIFT, JAMES & CO (James Swift, Raglan rd James Swift jr), Coal Dealers, " William, Lieut overseas, Ivs 185 Wharfingers and Commission Queen Merchants, ft of Johnson st, SutclifFe, Wm, overseas, bds 263 King branches 167 Princess, 374 Prin- Sutherland Miss Anita, stenog, Ivs 435 cess, and 225 Montreal Princess " Loretta, Ivs 132 King e " Henry, overseas, Ivs 100 Earl Switzer Miss Annie S, nurse, Ivs 267 SUTHERLAND. JAS T, (Sutherland Queen " & Bros), capt overseas, Ivs 435 Marshall, sailor, res 277 Ontario Princess " Emeline (wid Peter), res 267 Queen Capt, sailor, 46 SUTHERLAND, JOHN H (J H Suth- Symonds bds Princess erland & Bros), res 76 Gore Symons Myrtle, Ivs 297 Albert " SUTHERLAND, J H & BRO (Jno H Sarah (wid John), res 297 Albert and James T), boots and shoes, SYNOD OFFICE, Rev J W Jones, 103 Princess secretary, office St George's Hall insurance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. of all Kincls "^^ Mendels Specialize in Cliildren's and Infants' Wear of All Kinds

KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 221 TAYLOR, HENRY H (Taylor & Ham- ilton), res 361 Johnson " James, lab Loco Wks, res 33 John " Taft Mrs John, res 99 William Mrs Jeremy, res 136 King e " " Grace, music tchr, Ivs 99 William John, retired, res 425 Division U " " Victor, studt, Ivs William Lewis, soldier, home guard, res 9 Taggart, Annie, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 164 Johnson Bagot " Kenneth E, returned soldier, Ivs 136 " King e Jessie, stenog McK & Birch Ltd, Ivs " 164 Bagot Marjorie, Ivs 209 Alfred " Margaret, studt Ladies' College, Taillon, Frank, wks Loco Wks, res 497 Barrie Montreal, Ivs 91 L Albert '• I, Ivs 209 Alfred Peter W, bk Crothers' bakery, res Mary, studt K C 639 Princess •' Mary, studt K B C, Ivs 91 L Albert " Martin, Ivs 81 King Tait, E Guy, mach C L C, res 160 Nel- Mary, servt Prof son " Muriel, stenog Robertson's Ltd, Ivs " Alex, res 284 Albert 92 L Bagot " Joseph, mason, res 37 Charles TAYLOR, REV R B.Principal Queen's Herbert, lab gas wks, res 27a Main L'niversity. res 91 L Albert " " Robert, wks S Anglin & Co, Ivs 37 Richard, eng M T Co, res 92 Bagot Charles •• W C, tlr Carroll's, bds 213 Albert ' S, farmer, res 284 Albert " Prof W D, Queen's, res 169 Colling- Talbot G A, carp M T Co, res 10 Rag- wood lan rd Teale, Davy, lab City Utilities, bds 5 Tallon John, retired, res 81 L Bagot Cataraqui " Michael, mach C L C, Ivs 81 L Ba- " Emily, maid, Ivs 91 Clergy w got Teepell Clifford, sold CASC, Ivs 162 Tanguay, P, lab Davis' Tannery Co, res Bagot 44 L Rideau " Hardy, carp, res 22 Carlisle Tanner, Arthur, lab C L C, Ivs 37 " Helen, studt, bds 7 Plum James " Herbert, elk A S C, Ivs 22 Carlisle Alice, carder Dom Textile Co, bds " Myrtle, stenog Robertsons Ltd, Ivs 37 L Bagot ^-^ 22 Carlisle " Tandy Harry, retired, res 161 King e Wilson, carp ship yards, bds 214 " Lottice S, Ivs 161 King e Division Rechab, prof singer, res 425 Albert Telfer Margaret, dom, Ivs 47 Rideau Tarrant Rachael. nurse, bds 17 Mack Telgmann Carmen. Ivs 216 Frontenac " Taugher James J, biksmith 381 King e, Norma, Ivs 216 Frontenac res 7 John TELGMANN, OSCAR F, Director Con- Taxi and Hack Stand, 47 Clarence, servatory of Music, concert man- Phone 749 ager, etc, res 216 Frontenac " and Hack Stand, 49 Clarence, No 1, " Mrs Oscar F, tchr of elocution, 216 Phone 490 Frontenac Taylor Annie Cwid F H), res 38 Rideau Temple Fred, soldier instr Barracks, " Alice (wid John), bds 100 L Bagot bds 148 Ordnance TAYLOR, CHARLES E (T F Harri- Terry Delos, soldier Ordnance Stores, son & Co), res 187 Johnson res 45 Ordnance " " D W, dental asst Dr Nash-, res 62 Nellie (wid Wm), bds 391 Division Victoria Terwillegar Colfax D, minister, res 651 Edward J, night eng Water Works, Princess res 209 Alfred Tetlock Catharine (wid John), res 5G " Florence, bkkpr Hon Wm Harty, Raglan road Ivs 92 Bagot Tett. A H, Capt. res 188 Union w TAYLOR & HAMILTON (Henry H " Bessie (wid Arthur), res 188^ Union Taylor, Samuel Hamilton), Tin- Tetro James, eng Loco Wks, res 15 Re- smiths and Plumbers, 89-91 Prin- dan cess " Michael D, eng, res 152 Ordnance " Harry E. eng C P R. res 107 York " Miss M, drsmkr. Ivs 59 Union Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS when:you go to DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. • 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SUIT EVERY FIGURE


Theobald John M, barber 297 King e, THOMPSON " I res same Elizabeth (v/id Frank), res 258 Sy- Therian, Miss M, carder Doni Textile denham Co, bds 2 Orchard " Emily (wid Geo), res 559 Brock Theriault Francis X, eng Can S S Lines THOMPSON, EMMA (wid Andrew res 14 Concession A), Supt Home for Friendless Roy, wks Loco Wks, bds Conces- Women and Infants, 75 Union w sion THOMPSpN, E. BLAKE, real estate Teresa, Ivs Concession and insurance, 39-41 Brock, res The Wilson Lytle, Badgerow Co, To- 34 Frontenac ronto, vinegar mfg, Bagot st s s " Florence, Ivs 22 Colborne The Creche, 187 Ordnance st " Fred, fitter K Shipbldg Co, Ivs 10 Thibert Alexander, mach Loco Wks, res Ontario 118 Earl "Ethel, servant Jas Swift, Ivs 132 King Thibideau, Jas, lineman City Utilities, " Frank, Ivs 258 Sydenham Ivs 12 Patrick " Fred, drug elk Poison wholesale, bds " Louis, sailor Donnelly Wrecking 363 Barrie Co, res 12 Patrick " Gordon, elk Treadgold's, Ivs 247 " E U, soldier Ongwanada Hosp staff, Earl Ivs same " Harry P, 2nd eng Mowat Hosp, res Thirett, Gordon, lab C L C, bds 164 On- 251 L Patrick tario " Mrs Hanna, res 31 Colborne " L, THIRD JAMES, MD, office hours 1 Harvey R C H A, bds 36 Fronte- to 4 wk days and by appointment, nac " office 67 West, res 12 Wellington: Mrs Ida, bds 19 Sixth 'Phone 268 " Jas, returned soldier, res 27 Rideau " Reginald, studt Queen's, Ivs 12 Wel- THOMPSON GEORGE A (Peters- lington Thompson Seed Co), res 154 Thomas. Annie, maid Rev Savary, Ivs Ordnance 152 Barrie " Jane (wid Robt), res 47 Clergy " " Jennie, Ivs 2 Colborne J, cooper Vinegar Wks, bds 70 Wil- liam " Miss Jennie, Ivs 10 Ontario " Jennie (wid Chas), res 103 Chatham J, grocer, cor Elm and Chatham, " tailor militia, res 7 Plum res 1 Clow's Block, Chatham st John, " " John, elk E P Jenkins, Ivs Brock Gladys, studt K B C, Ivs 154 Ord- " Percy, lab C L C, res 621 Princess nance " " Richard, lab ship yards, res 128 L Lyons, dr city garbage, res 136 Ste- Bagot phen " John, 2nd hand dlr, 333-335 Prin- Samuel E, mason, res 19 Frontenac cess, res same upstairs " Wm, stone cutter C L C, res 115 " John, driller Loco Wks, res 19 Uni- Patrick versity Thompson, see also Thomson " Miss Kate, cigarmkr Oberndorflfer's " Albert J. mp-r Kingston Steam laundry, Ivs 10 Ontario res 48 Colborne " Mae, maid Mis sRogers, Ivs 15 Un- " Albert, blrmkr Loco Wks, res 216 ion Stuart " Melville F, bkkpr K Foundry, res " Alexander R. plshr Wormw^ith & Co, 355 Brock res 247 Earl " Marguerite, studt, Ivs 189 Earl " i Alfred, butcher at 490 Princess, res " Mary, Ivs 89 Beverly 177 Pine " Mary A (wid Jas), res 22 Colborne " Augustus, foreman lab gang Loco " Mrs McLeod, res 128 Nelson Wks, res 199 Earl " Marjorie, stenog O R F A, Ivs 144 " Bella. Ivs 10 Ontario Bay THOMPSON BOTTLING CO, Geo " Robt, agt Shedden Co, Wellington Thompson, prop, 292 Princess St. res 8 SUnion " Charles A, mgr Imperial laundry, res " Robt, ship carp ship yd, res 40 Di- 144 Bay vision Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 223 THOMPSON Timmerman Albert E, office asst " Sarah J, Ivs 331 Earl Frontenac Lumber Co, bds 213 " Major Sidney physician, Ivs 162 Queen , King " Anna, forelady Mica Wns, Ivs 569 " Thomas, retired, res 331 Earl Princess " Thomas P, insp of steamboat boilers " Gertrude, candy dipper, Ivs 569 and machinery and exmr of engi- Princess neers 12 Market, res 162 King e " Mabel, press feeder Whig, Ivs 569 " Wm, pntr Milo, res 89 Beverly Princess " VVm, car insp C P R round hse, res 41 " Margaret, cashier Bibbys, Ivs 569 Main Princess " Wm, lab ship yd, bds 86 Ontario " Nicholas, sanitary insp, res 569 Prin- Thomson Mrs Hannah, Ivs 165 Clergy cess Thorogood, Jack C, carp, res 7 Cowdy " Nicholas, soldier home guard, Ivs Thorne, Mary J (wid John), merchant 569 Princess " wall paper store, 78 William, res Wm J, soldier, Ivs 569 Princess 78 William Timms Charlotte R, bds 909 Princess " Lawrence H, studt, bds 189 Univer- ' David, overseas, bds 46 L Bagot sity " Fred, packer Robertson's grocerv, Thornton J Alexander, plmbr McKelvey Ivs 67 Frontenac & Birch Ltd, res 11 Quebec " Geo W, overseas, Ivs 67 Frontenac \ " Herbert, printer Jackson Press, Ivs 17 " Mrs M H, Ivs 72 Brock Frontenac " Thos W foreman of sts, res 67 Fron- " Miss May, elk Laidlaw's office, Ivs tenac 17 Frontenac Timpson Fred, soldier, res 247}/^ Earl " Rachel C (wid John), Ivs IZ Colborne " Alice, wks cotton mill, Ivs 247^ " Wm J, millwright Anglin & Co, res Earl 17 Frontenac Ti%dale Harry, mldr Loco Wks, Ivs 91 Thorpe T M, caretaker Bell Tel Co, res Bagot 449 Alfred " Hubert, lab M T Co, res 255 L Pat- Thrussell, Frank, moulder C L C, res rick 256 Ontario " James, mldr Loco Wks, res 367 Thurlby Thos, crane opr Loco Wks, res King e (upstairs) 37 Ellerbeck ave ' " John, sign pntr, bds 47 Princess " Ethel, asst bkkpr Dom Fish Co, Ivs " John F, foreman S Anglin, res 180 Zl Ellerberk Rideau " Kathleen, stenog W G Craig & Co, " Lewis, carp Davis Dry Dock, res 91 Ivs 37 Ellerbeck L Bagot Thurston, Mrs. (wid Henry), res 92 " Lulu, Ivs 91 Bagot Barrack ' Roy, electrician Newman Elec Co, " Mabel, Ivs 92 Barrack Ivs 180 Rideau Tidman, Amy, wks Imp Steam Laun- Todd Fred J, barber, 375 King e, res dry, Ivs 7 Carlisle same, upstairs " Gertrude (wid Geo), res 7 Carlisle " Fred R, barber F J Todd, Ivs 375 " Oliver, lab Loco Wks, Ivs 7 Carlisle King e Tierney, A. caterer, res 151 Earl " Herbert, lab Loco Wks, res 271 " Cecil, retired, Ivs 345 Division Brock " Cecil, jr, acct C L C, Ivs 345 Divi- " Wm, overseas, res 36 James " sion Wm J, driver Crawford's coal yard, " Bernard, acct Loco Wks, Ivs 17 Col- res 92 Bay borne Tolhurst Norton, soldier, res 127 Rag- " Gertrude, mlnr Queen's mlnry, Ivs lan 345 Division " Wm, guard K P, res 56 Chatham " James, retired, res 17 Colborne ' Wm. Ivs 56 Chatham " Mary, music tchr, Ivs 17 Colborne Tolfts Henry E, lab Loco Wks, res 62 " Raymond, plmbr appr McKelvey & U Charles Birch, Ivs 345 Division Toland Campbell, elk McK & Birch, Timlin, Mary, maid E Smythe, Ivs 59 Ivs 41 Union w West " Hugh, returned soldier, Ivs 41 L^nion

SMITH BR^OS. fp^ p HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES \\^\- JCWLLLtKl When You Are in Need of Byeelasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarenci aRd Wellington Streits, Golden Lien Blick

224 KINGSTON ALPHA BETICAL DIRECTORY TO LAND Tozer Henry W, mldr Loco Wks, res " Stewart, Ivs 41 Union 118 Stephen " Joseph, elk Marshall's hardware, Ivs TREADGOLD A E, Sporting Goods 41 Union w Store, 88 Princess, res 48 Fron- " Mrs M, res 41 Union w tenac Tolles, Frank, wks Loco Wks, res 27 Tredinnick, Anne, bds 571 Princess Pembroke " Richard, bds 571 rincess " Annie, grocer, cor Montreal and Treneer, Chas, leather finisher Davis' Charles, res 312 Montreal tannery, res 18 Patrick Tompkins, Gertrude, maid Capt Adams, Treneer Chas, soldier, res 18 Patrick Ivs 130 Wellington " Ernest, varnisher Wormwith's, Ivs •! Toms, Andrew, mldr Frontenac Mlding Clow's Ter, Quebec st Co, bds 89 L Bagot " Edna, Ivs 1 Quebec " Mrs Mary (wid Henry), bds 298 Al- " Fred, tuner Wormwith's, Ivs 1 bert Clow's Ter, Quebec Toner Wm M, caretkr Court Hse, res " Gwendolyn, pianist Strand theatre, same Ivs 18 Patrick Tooher Miss Annie, grocer, 312 Mon- " John, lab city, res 1 Clow's Ter, treal, res 3 Charles Quebec Toohy Mary, res 324 Brock " Robert, mail elk & caretaker Whig, Toone. G F, head B C. bds 370 Brock Ivs 1 Clow's Ter, Quebec Topliffe, Grace, Ivs 64 Union " William (blind), Ivs 1 Clow's Ter, " Sophronia (wid Wm), res 64 Union e Quebec " Inda. elk College Bk Store, Ivs 64 Trenhaile, Wm, wks Baker's pool room, Union e res 49 Ordnance " Grace, Ivs 64 Union " Wm, dr Jas Swift & Co, Ivs John- " Earl, studt, bds 314 University son Topping, Carol, chief jailer county ijail, Trick, Cyrus, soldier, Ivs 161 Stuart res county jail res 220 Torrance, Rev Ed F, retired, res 153 Trotman Lillian (wid David), Alfred King e " Fred, studt Queen's, Ivs 153 Alfred Trotter Florence, stenog Macnee & Torr, Wm. bkkpr, Queen's Hosp, bds Minnes, Ivs 98 Division 60 Clergy w " Kate (wid Jas), res 98 Division Torrents, Mrs Henry. Ivs 133 Queen " Mary (wid David), res 201 Univer- Tothill. Mrs E. bds 134 Earl sity av Tousignant Frank, mar fireman, res 46 " Norma V, elk Bank of Montreal. Ivs Princess 413 Johnson " Stanley S, elk Macnee & Minnes, Ivs Towers. Margaret (wid Wm J), res 88 William 201 University av " Thos, lab Loco Wks, res 49 Di- Town Elizabeth (wid Richard), res 72 vision Wellington " W C, res 413 Johnson " Martha Ivs 72 Wellington J, bds 164 Ontario " Jane, Ivs 72 Wellington Troy, Wm, lab C L C, S L, res 8 Townsend, Ann (wid Wm), res 283 Vic- Truesdale, Frank, sailor C toria James " repr of Labor Bureau, " Hubert, shell inspctr C L C, Ivs 64 Capt C A, Union Mitrvale, Market st " Wm H, mason Loco Wks, res 281 Truesdell David Walter, carp M T Co, Victoria res 10 Chestnut " Wm M, soldier, res 283 Victoria " Henry Jas, mach Loco Wks, res 243 Toye, Jas, shell forger C L C, bds 29 Sydenham James " Lionel, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 243 Sy- " John, confectioner Crothers, res 29 denham James " Virnal M E, bkkpr K Milling Co, Ivs TOYE R H & Co, Bakery and Confec- 243 Sydenham tionery, cor Ontario & Clarence Truman Walter, soldier, res 559 Prin- " Wm, mach C L C, bds 20 James cess Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES CLARK WRIGHT & SONS .... PHONE 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 225 Truscott Samuel, insp public schools, Turkington, Vera, studt, Ivs 44 Main Frontenac co, res 72 Nelson Turner Mrs Arthur, Ivs 172 Barrie ' John, Ivs 34 Livingston TURNER, E A, Local Manager M T " Geo, mach Loco Wks, res 256 Divi- Co, res 138 Nelson sion " Maj Charles, acct Army pay corps, Tryon Geo, overseas, Ivs 426 Division res 444 Albert " Edward, farmer, res 33 Pine " Ed, riveter M T Co, res 82 William *' Levi, res 163 Sydenham " Gertrude, waitress Frontenac Club, Tucker Frank, tlr Crawford & Walsh, bds 306 Earl res 97 Raglan rd " Harry, wks Loco Wks, res 55 Bagot " Michael, mar fireman, res 17 Uni- " Hazel, elk A Glover, Ivs 304 Brock versity " Jas. jr, draughtsman C L C, Ivs 304 " Lt A M C Queen's Hosp, res Alice Brock " Thomas, retired, bds 173 CoIHngwood " Jas, picture agt, bds 204 King Tuckley, John, tanner Davis' tannery, " Jas, fire dept, res 304 Brock bds 66 Charles " Jack, bk D Abramsky, bds 160 Bagot Tuckett, Thos, lab, res 97 Raglan " Samuel, action finisher Wormwith's, Tugwood Alfred, soldier, res 8 Raglan res 310 Brock " Albert T, returned soldier, res 10 " Sydney, varnisher Wormwith's, res Raglan rd 6 St Catharines Tulloch, Capt Wm, marine capt, Ivs " Thos, packer Wormwith's, res King- 219B Division ston Junction Tunbridge, Jos, attendt Rockwood, res " Thos. lab N C Poison Co, res 96 7^ Princess Barrack " Tuppell, Wilson, carp ship yards, res 163 Thos, Sergt-Maj "A" Battery over- . Ba.^spt seas, res 80 Nelson Tupper John, carter, res 439 Brock Turpin Henry G, carter Sowards, res " 439' A J, soldier, Ivs Brock 27 Main " Rose, messenger C P R, Ivs 439 " Nora, wks Poison & Co, Ivs 27 Brock Main Turcotte. Alphus, ship carp, res 77 Di- " Samuel, caretaker Kingston Real- vision ties, res 119 Stephen " Bernard, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 77 Di- Tuttle Geo, marine eng, res 67 Rideau vision " James, lab ship yards, bds 43 Charles " Clarence, mach C L C. Ivs 77 Divi- " John, marine eng, res 43 Charles sion Tweddell Miss Annie, Ivs 100 Queen " Evelyn, bkkpr Redden's, Ivs 77 Di- " Henry, slsmn John Tweddell, Ivs 100 vision Queen " Harvey, cigar mkr McGowan's, Ivs " James, tlr instr K P, res 350 Uni- 8 Sixth versity " Pearl, maid, Ivs 13 Sydenham TWEDDELL, JOHN, Merchant Tail- Turcott George, carp, res 8 Sixth or, 131 Princess, res 100 Queen " Ernestine, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 480 " Miss Sarah, Ivs 100 Queen Barrie Tweedie Miss S, maid, Ivs Sydenham st " Nicholas sr. mach Loco Works, res foreman Davis' Tannery, 480 Barrie Tweedly Edw, res 353 Division " Wilfred, wks Loco Wks, res 416 Montreal Twigg Mrs Sarah (wid John E), res 90 Turk, Jacob, sec hd dlr, 281 Princess, Earl " res 254 Queen Arthur, overseas, Ivs 192 Barrie " Turkington Florence, elk Mahood's Edna, Ivs 192 Barrie " drug store, Ivs 34 Main Harry, overseas, Ivs 192 Barrie " " Gladys, mlnr Steacy's, Ivs 44 Main Norma, wks Hosiery Co, Ivs 192 " J W, grocer cor Main & Raglan, res Barrie same " Wm A, ins agt Metrop Life Ins Co, " Wm J, sailor, res 27 Elm res 192 Barrie Turnbull. Eva, Ivs 93 Johnson Tyo. Helen, Ivs 123 Raglan rl " Thos C, eng Richardson's, res 93 John " Mrs A, proo Crystal Bottling Wks, son res 473 Princess RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STfWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office 226 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY

TYO Van Arman, Miss Isabel, bkkpr the " Stephen Sr, mariner, res 123 Raglan Halliday Electric Co, Ivs _108 rd Clergy Vanasky, Ellen (wid Alex), res 334 Brock u " Katherine. drsmkr, Ivs 334 Brock " Ubdagrove, Adelbert, carp, res 396 Di- Minnie, floorwalker Woolworth's, Ivs vision 334 Brock Uglow, Helen, Ivs 164 Barrie Vancoughnet, Bertha, Ivs 37 Russell " " Marjorie, Ivs 164 Barrie Alex, contr, res 4a Orchard " UGLOW, R & Co, Booksellers, Sta- John, carter, 3 Cataraqui " tioners and Art Goods, 141 Prin- Joseph, carter, res 37 Stephen " cess Jos, returned soldier, bds 37 Russell UGLOW, RICHARD (R Uglow & Co) " Wm, shoveller M T Co, Ivs 136 Ste- res 164 Barrie phen Underwood, Ed, blksmith Loco Wks, " Mrs Z, bds 37 Russell res 79 York Vancroft, Mr, overseas, res 110 Mont- " real Miss J, Ivs 307 Division University Drug Store fW H Medley) Vandervelker. John, motorman St Ry, cor University and Johnson res 247 L Patrick Upton. Miss B, stenog Donoghne, Ivs Vandervoort. Eliz (wid John), Ivs (up- 224 Raglan stairs Bank of Montreal, Clarence " E, mach aprent Wright Machine St Stu- Co, Ivs 224 Raglan rd Van Dreaser, Capt Milton, res 179 art • " Geo A, cook, res 224 Raglan " Kathleen, elk Marble Hall, Ivs 224 Vanhooser, Omil, lab, res 23 Ontario (upstairs) Raglan . Urie, T R, studt Queen's, bds 186 Bar- Vanhorn, Miss Citney, Ivs 105 Clergy " rie Ethel. Ivs 105 Clergy " Urmson. Albert, wks C L C, Ivs 82 Frank, blksmith, Ivs 105 Clergy Queen " George L. slsman E P Jenkins, Ivs Urquhart, Isabella (wid John), Ivs 54 105 Clergy Wellington " Russell .driver Jas Redden & Co, Ivs 105 Clergv " Svdnev. Ivs 105 Clerg-y VAN LUVEN. ALVIN, Mncrr Rapid Transit Delivery, res 377 Brock " Bros, garage, agency Ford cars, 34- Vale, Alice. Ivs 248 Earl 38 Princess Valleau, Gordon, taxi dr, res 24 Fron- " Miss A. nursing sister Queen's Hosp Ivs Court House " V, elk, Ivs 164 Queen R " Miss E, tchr Central Sch, bds 189 res 294 Vallier, Chas, carp M T Co,- Albert Montreal " Mac. mach Loco Wks. res 35 Divi- " Irwin, ins agt Prudential Ins Co, Ivs sion 176 York " Marv C (wid Anson P), res 262 Vic- " James, lab, res 176 York toria " Thos, carp Davis dry dock, res 22 ' Ransom, lab tannery, res 416 Mont- Stephen real VanAlstyne, Birdie, Ivs 180 Barrie " Rav. mgr VanLuven Bros, res 34-39 " Alexander, mach Loco Wks, res 76 Princess V / Division " Ronald, mgr VanLuven Bros, res 34- " Edw B, elk Loco Wks, Ivs 180 Barrie 38 Princess " Harriet (wid Chas), res 180 Barrie " Miss Vera B. Ivs 377 Brock " Miss Hattie, cashier E P Jenkins, Bella, mlnr Mrs Gedye Ivs 180 Barrie Van Order.Miss " Jennie (wid Wm), res 14 U William bds 188 Ordnance " Stanley, overseas, Ivs 180 Barrie Van Straubenzee, Annie (wid Bowen), " Sam, studt K C I, Ivs 76 Division res "Hillside." Beverly

J. K. Carroll Agency domiwonIife 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHF & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 227 VAN STRAUBENZIE Voight, Caroline (wid Henry C), res " Cordelia, Ivs "Hillside," Beverly 226 Johnson " "Madeline, Ivs "Hillside," Beverly- Mary, Ivs 226 Johnson Van Winkle, Nial P, carp, res 117 Ord- Vokes, Fred, Lieut R M C, res 90 Cler- n s n c c gy w Vasil. VasiliflF, lab C L C, bds 668 Mont- Volume Anne E (wid James), res 428 real Alfred " Veale, see also Vale Margaret, tchr Frontenac Sch, Ivs " Charles, plmbr McKelvey & Birch 428 Alfred Ltd, res 154 York Vosper Dr L L, dentist Dr. Glover's, " Geo H, elk Allan Reid. Ivs 196 Bar- bds 88 Clergy rie Voteary, Ed, wks Hosiery Mill, Ivs 138 " Harold, ptr Wm Vince, Clergy st, Chatham bds 126B Nelson " John, packer A Chown, res 138 Chat- " John, baker and confectioner, 196-198 ham " Barrie, res same Willie, lab Hosiery Mill, Ivs 138 " J Melville, soldier, Ivs 196 Barrie Chatham " Mamie, Ivs 196 Barrie " W M, elk Geo Robertson & Son, Ivs 198 Barrie " w Wm G, pntr H Wilkins, res 161 Nelson Waberton, E, elk pay office, armouries, Veech Robt H, eng Tannery, res 304 bds 151 Earl Queen Waddell i^rof John, prof Queen's, res Veitch Miss Varona, mlnr Queen Mlnry 132 Earl " Ivs 254 Barrie Rev J A, pastor Princess St Meth- Verney, Ed, heater Loco Wks, res 22 odist Church, res 620 Princess Clergy w " Lucy, Ivs 132 Earl carp, res 173 Nelson Verdun Boarding Hse, J E Rousseau, Wade Jas, prop, 232 Brock Waddington Miss Ellen, Ivs Bath rd " Vernon, John, baker, res 505 Albert Henry, btchr 322 King e, res Bath rd " Ralph T, soldier, res 781 Montreal Venesse, Coleman, soldier P, res 30 M (wid Ivs 182 Mon- Hickson Wafer Isabel John), treal Venoss Edward, carter, res 404 Mon- Wager. Wm, lab St Ry, res 202 Wil- treal liam Venton. Eva, elk Laidlaw's, bds 98 Wil- Waggoner Alexander C, tailor 188 Wel- liam w^ lington, res same upstairs Vick Alice, stenog O F R A, Ivs 295 Wainer, Meyers, wks C L C, res 430 Barrie Brock " David A, carp, res 295 Barrie " W^ni, wks C L C, Ivs 403 Brock Victoria Cafe, 354 King e Wainwright Emily (wid Wm), res 9 Viddulph. Frank, mach C L C, res 300 Markland Collingwood " Fred, sold, res 2 McCormick's Row, Vierrier Ernest, bkkpr Garden Island, Centre st " Ivs 45 John Agnes, wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 9 Mark- John B, watchman W J Crothers land " Co, res 45 Markland Julia, wvr Cotton Mill, Ivs 9 Mark- land Vimson Alfred, overseas, res 23 Ste- phen Wah Long, laundry. 155 Wellington Waldron Caroline, Ivs 80 Barrie Vince, Wm Jas, pntr and decor, store " Miss Ethel, Ivs 80 Barrie 162 Clergy, res 164 Clergy RICHARD, Dry Goods, Vincent. Thos, soldier, res 43 Markland WALDRON, 168-170 Wellington, res 80 Barrie Virr, Lawrence, serg, soldier, res 480 Johnson WALDRON, RICHARD S, with R Vivian, Sarah (wid H C), res 218 Mont- Waldron, res 31 King e real WALDRON WILLIAM. (Merchant Vivine, Jane (wid), res 68 Quebec Waldron's), Ivs 80 Barrie

All Standard Railroad Watches IN STOCK Watch Repairing SMITH BROS, - - King St. A larg:e percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye- strain If you are troubled with them See -Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office 228 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY

Wales, Miss Emily, drsmkr, res 142 Walsh, see also Welch and Welsh Bagot " Agnes, res 201 Earl WALKEM & WALKEM (Joseph B), " Bessie, studt, Ivs 31 Aberdeen Barristers, Solicitors, etc, 93 " Edward, repair wk, res (upstairs) d3.rcncc 335 King WALKEM, JOSEPH B (Walkem & WALSH, EDWIN (Crawford & Walsh) Walkem), res Beverly, cor Union res 433 Brock Walker Albert, soldier, res 245 Mon- " Lieut Col F, overseas, res 31 Aber- treal deen " Chas, player piano expert Worm- " Helen, mlnr Steacy's, Ivs 281 Albert with's, res 37 Stephen " Herbert, mach Tannery, res 114 " David, lab, bds 1 Corrig-an Patrick " Ernest, stonecutter ,bds 1 Corrigan " Jas, soldier R C H A, Ivs 172 Bagot " Fred, soldier overseas, res 17 Bala- " John, lab Loco Wks, res 86 Ontario clava ' John, lab C L C, res 39 Gore " " Fred, returned soldier, Ivs 36 Wil- John J. manager Michael Sullivan liam w res 172 Bagot " " Mrs Fred, cook Mrs Strange, 19 J Leonard, Dentist 258 Bagot, Iv; Sydenham 281 Albert " George, soldier home guard, res 430 " Lawrence, guard K P, res 40 Living-11 Johnson ston ave " Hazel, wks mica wks, Ivs 245 Mon- " Miss Mary, res 281 Albert treal " Matthew John, guard K P, res 196 " Henry, carter, res 26 Stephen Queen " Herbert L, instr K P, res 156 Bagot " Muriel, elk MSA, office City Hall, " John, draughtsman apprent C L C, Ivs 433 Brock Ivs 156 Bagot " Pearl, maid W F Nickle, Ivs 130 Earl " Lettie, music tchr, Ivs 27 Clergy w " Patrick, lab city, bds 10 Ellice " Mrs, elk Waldron's ,bds 191 Brock " Mary (wid Patrick), res 82 Earl " Raymond, London Life Ins Co, res " Thos, soldier, res 44 John " 370 Barrie Thos J, eng Loco Wks, Ivs 56 L Ri- " Mrs Reta, res 38 Main deau " Rhea, Ivs 156 Bagot Walsworth Miss Garlet, tlrs Crawford " Robt H, shell finisher Loco Wks, & Walsh, bds 511 Albert res 475 Princess Walters Wm, supt London Life Ins " Walker, Thos B, soldier, bds 98 Co, res 272 Sydenham Pine Walton. Mrs. John, res 38 Main " W O, prof chemistry Queen's, res /Ward Ethel, Ivs 407 King e 26 Frontenac " A; "soldier Ongwanada Hosp staff, Wallace Herbert T, prof Theology res same Queen's, res 208 Albert " Fred, returned soldier, Ivs 132 Vic- " Arthur, studt K C I, Ivs 380 Barrie toria " John, sold home guard, res 9 Fifth " Henry, pntr, res 132 Victoria " Helen, stenog City Hall, Ivs 475 " James W, fitter Loco Wks, res S3 Johnson William " Lyman, contr, Ivs 380 Barrie " Josephine, nurse Orphans' Home, " Ronald, contr, Ivs 380 Barrie res Unoin " Mr R W, Ivs 160 L Rideau " John H, soldier, bds 81 Clergy w " Robert, contr, res 380 Barrie " Marie E, lab Loco Wks. res 202 Ba Waller, Addie, mlnr Steacy's, bds 260 got King *' Robt E, soldier, res 407 King e " Lillian, stenog St Ry, Ivs Ports- " Roy H, elk Richardson & Sons, res mouth 355 Alfred Wallis Ivor, ticket coll Griffin's theatre, " Wm W, agt Can News Co, G T R Ivs 236 University station, res Montreal Wallsworth, Garnet, tlrs Crawford & Warmington Geo, plmbr McKelvey & Walsh. Ivs T6 Durham Birch, Ivs Barriefield Walmsley John, wks Toye's, res 204 Ri- Warren, Geo, sailor, Ivs 174 York deau " Grace, Ivs 179 Wellington Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. Debentures NOTICE

Before selling your junk of any

description, see us.


We are paying the highest prices for

^crffs ^rass Rubbers Qopper Jron Xead

Old paper, etc.

A. SPIEZMAN 69 Queen Street, Kingston, Ontario

Phone 2211 g)iiiiillWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliili' ^>^ FLOWERS

of all kinds kept on hand for Funeral and Wedding Decorations


Design work promptly done and delivered to all parts of the city on shortest notice. Window ^oxes and Flower Stands our specialty.



^m LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


WARREN Watson Alex, fitter Loco Wks, res 34 " Douglas, studt K C I, Ivs 438 Brock Clergy w " Eden, soldier overseas, Ivs 438 " Anna, Ivs 75 Hickson " Brock Arthur J, tlr Crawford & Walsh, res " Fred, RAF, Ivs 438 Brock 328 University " M R, elk Bank of Montreal, Ivs 438 " Benjamin R, guard K P, res 326 Uni- Brock versity av " Robert, lab, res 174 York " David B, soldier overseas, res 227 " Sarah (wid Geo), bdg hse, Ivs 179 University Wellington " Elizabeth, knitter Hosiery Mill, Ivs " Sidney, soldier overseas, Ivs 438 36 Livingston Brock " George, brickmkr, res 75 Hickson " Mrs W E, bds 91 William " Isabella (wid Geo C), res 242 Uni- " Wm H, sec McKelvey & Birch Ltd, versity res 438 Brock " John, MA, LLD, Vice-Principa^ Wart, see Wort Queen's Coll, res 36 Livingston ' " Alfred, lab C L C, res 63 Stephen " Maude, maid Miss Robertson, Ivs " Milton, pntr C Higgins, res 38 161 Earl James " Margaret, cook K G H, Ivs same '.' Marshall, lab ship yards, res 240 Vic- " Robt. mach Loco Wks, res 309 Col- toria lingwood Wartell Hiram B, boot & shoe mer, 338 Miss R, nursing sister Queen's King e, res 48 York Hosp, Ivs Court House Wartellesky, Alex, grocery, 101 L Ri- " Thomas G, eng Loco Wks, res 243 deau, res 101 L Bagot Earl Wartman, see also Workman " Thos, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 34 " Sobrina J (vfid Horace Y), bdg hse Clergy w 92 Queen Watts Alexander, soldier engineers, res " Miss Gertrude, Ivs 92 Queen 131 Colborne WARWICK, ALLISON (Warwick " Bertha, Ivs 200 Alfred Ivs Bros), 39 Division " C F, Capt, C A D C. bds 30 Aber- WARWICK BROS (Charles J and Al- deen lison) proprietors "My Valet" " Eliza (wid Robt), Ivs 415 Johnson 189 Princess " Miss Emily, Ivs SO Rideau " L Carrie J (wid Chas J), res 39 Di- " Ernest, elk Gage's Groc, res 72 vision Markland WARWICK, CHARLES J, (Warwick " Ethel ,clk Dr Sparks, dentist, Ivs 50 Bros), res 93 Clergy w L Rideau WARWICK HARRY S, Agent Scot- Henry, elk J A McFarlane, res Bar- land Woollen Co, res 149 Col- riefield lingwood, office 189 Princess " Harry W, contr ,res 98 Frontenac " John S, electrical eng Angrove's, res WATTS, 515a Albert JOHN N, Gardener and Florist 179 Wellington, res 24 Washer, Oliver J, overseas, res 103 Stephen Regent " John, carp, res 157 Stuart Waterhouse, Geo H, trav Can Exp Co, " res 365 Barrie John H, carp dry dock, res 200 Al- fred " Kirby, R N A S, overseas, Ivs 365 Barrie Leroy, overseas, Ivs 98 Frontenac " Lona, elk " Muriel, studt Queen's, Ivs 365 Bar- G W Mahood, Ivs 157 rie Stuart " Waters John, munition wkr Loco Wks, Martha, Ivs 44 Livingston res 128 Clarence (upstairs) " Margaret, drsmkr, Ivs 415 Johnson Wathen, E., baker, 299 Collingwood, res " Myrtle, nurse K G H, Ivs 98 Fron- new house, Nelson st tenac Watkins, Guy. mach shop school " Miss P, nursing sister Queen's Hosp Queen's Mil Hosp, bds 42 Cler- Ivs Court House " gy w S J, grocer 81 Earl, res 83 Earl

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. in CUT OlASS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET ^^^ Well-Made Ready-to- Mpnrlpk 1 1^ IC 1 lUClo wear at lowest prices I

230 KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY WATTS WEIR " Samuel, ins agt I O F, res SO L Ri- " Harry, acct, res 199 William deau " Helena, stenog Queen's University, " Stuart, wks G T R freight shed, Ivs bds 199 William 50 L Rideau " James R, guard K P, res 139 Alfred " Victor, crane op C L C, Ivs 157 " Jno, turnkey Co Jail, res 92 Clergy Stuart west Waugh, Freeman, Dentist, 160 Welling- " Kenneth, shipper Kingston Hosiery ton, res same Co, Ivs 92 Clergy w Way Wm H, mechl eng K Fire Dept, res Weigh, A, mach C L C bds 95 Wil- 236 Barrie liam Waygood, spinner Kingston Hosiery Welch, see also Walsh and Welsh Co, res 242 Earl " Frederick, retired, res 179 Division Weatherhead, G F, Capt, A M C, res " Frank, cook,^res 205 University 3 Birch " Hugh C, mg*r K Shipbldg Co, res Weaver Ernest, sailor, Ivs 165 Victoria 115 Bagot " Jennie, Ivs 165 Victoria " Capt John, Queen's Conval Hosp, '" Serg, soldier armouries, bds 240 res 152 William Montreal " Lawrence, acct, res 63 Earl " Wellington, lab ship yards, res 165 " Mrs, res 63 Earl Victoria Weller Sarah, Ivs 249 Johnson " Wm Jas, sexton St George's Cathe- Wells, A, tlr. Barrack st, res 32 Divi- dral, res rear St George's hall, sion " Wellington st , Charles, lab, res 14 Elgin Webber, Hy, mach Loco Wks, res 811 " C A, grocery, cor Division and York Princess res 330 Division " John, soldier overseas,bds 667 Mont- " Eva, Ivs 133 Hickson real " Wm, lab Moulding Wks, res 133 WEBSTER, CHARLES R, Barrister, Hickson av " Solicitor etc, 304 King e (up- Wm J, elk P O, res 201 Alfred stairs), res 16 Frontenac " Sarah A, Ivs 14 Elgin " , Benjamin, lawyer Webster & Web- Wellwood Miss May, Ivs 205 William ster, Ivs 184 Stuart " William, tailor (Hall & Wellwood), " Fred, bkpr armouries, res 669 Prin- 28 Montreal, Ivs 205 William cess ' Chas, res 20 William w " W Ford, real estate, fire ins, acci- Welsh John, mach Loco Wks, res 202 dent ins, auto, office 14 Market st Stuart " Mary (wid Wm A), res 184 Stuart Wenborn Howard, rural mail carrier Wedicker, Jas, returned soldier, bds 195 P O, res 201 Queen Johnson Wenholdt, Chas, bk R H Toye & Co, Weese D A, photographer, 168 Princess res Barriefield res 371 King w Wesley, Beatrice, military nurse K G H " Clifford, elk C Livingston & Bro, Ivs bds 100 Frontenac 143 York Westbrook, Chas, retired, res 23 Gar- " Florence, music tchr, Ivs 371 King rett w Westbeare, Frederick, vocational offi- " Sydney O, mgr Fitzgibbons' tobacco cer Mowat Hosp, Ivs 66 Union store, res 143 York Westcott, Nellie, mlnr Gedye, Ivs 85 Wehman John, stone contr, res 336 Di- Beverly vision " Annie, trls Wm Carroll, Ivs 85 Bev- " Jas, elk A Chown 8z Co, Ivs 336 Di- erly vision " C, soldier Ordnance Corps, bds 30 Weir Ethel M, stenog Loco Wks, Ivs Union " art 199 William Walter J, gilder Kirkpatrick's " Andrew, ydman C P R, res 102 Ri- store, res 83 Beverly deau Westwood Harry, soldier, res 28 Mark- " Grace, stenog Armouries, Ivs 92 land Clergy w " Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 466 Barrie Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures KEKP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, f« fm \mmm. phone 1030


Whalen see also Whelan Whitfield, A, soldier Ongwanada Hosp " Agnes, wks Mica Factory, bds 138 staff, Ivs same Ordnance " Jas A, tank fitter C L C, res 108 " Daniel J, shoemkr cor Barrie & York Clergy, res 138 Ordnance Whitford, Joseph, lab city, res 43 Con- " Luke, capt, res 5 Aberdeen cession Whalley Rev Cecil, vicar priest St. Whitehead, Joseph A, stone cutter, res George's Cathedral, res 138 Bagot 110 Stephen Whan, Ellen (wid \Vm), Ivs 25 Elgin " Joseph, lab M T Co, res 42 John Wharrie Maurice, currier Tannery, res " Gertrude, Ivs 224 Johnson 109 Stephen ' Mrs Thos, bds 166 Sydenham Wheeler Calvin S, officer K P, res 220 Whitelaw, Alex, returned soldier, bds University 304 Earl " Albert, fitter C L C, res 54 Place Whiteman Steward, dr N C Poison, res d'Armes 94 Barrack " Jas T, prop Prince Geo Htl, res same Whiting Arthur G, overseas, Ivs 14j4 Clergy w " Roy, lab Loco Wks, res 525 Princess " Elsie, Ivs 14j/^ Clergy w " Thos, lab (fireman), res 260 John- son WHITING, JOHN L, KC, Barrister, Wheelock Mrs Adeline, Ivs 113 Albert Solicitor, etc, 69 Clarence, res 52 " Milton B, shipping elk Dom Fish Clergy " Co, res 113 Albert Lillie, knitter K Hos Mill, Ivs 14^ " Robt, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 113 Al- Clergy w bert Whitney, Benj, elk McFaul's, res 49 Whelan see also Whelen James " Lillian, treas Steacy's Ltd, bds 111 " Fred, retired, res 409 Barrie William " Mayme, Ivs 409 Barrie Whiskin, Arthur, dr Can. Northern Ex- " Mary (wid Thompson), res 298 Al- press Co, res 126 Pine bert " Whitcomb Charles, currier tannery, res Hotel, 29 Brock 42 Ordnance Whitty, James, opr Strand Theatre, Ivs " Fred, foreman mach shop Loco Wks 488 Barie Ivs 42 Ordnance " Michael, mgr Orpheum Theatre, res " May, elk Waldron's, Ivs 42 Ordnance 488 Barire ' Myrtle, elk Woolworth's, Ivs 42 Ord- " Noble, studt Queen's, bds 104 nance Charles Whig, see British Whig " Willet G, carp Davis dry dock, res 213 Colborne White Bertha, ledger kpr Royal Bk, Ivs 323 University Wilder Bessie, bds 127 Bagot " " Charlotte, music tchr, Ivs 207 Nel- Edw J, mill foreman Wormwith's, res 363 Bagot son " " Elizabeth (wid Jos), res 120 Stephen Emma, tchr Protestant Orphans' " Fred C, soldier, res 73 Stephen Home, Ivs 207 Nelson " Melbourne, studt, res 256 University " Harry M, jwlr and engraver Smith " Nellie (wid Lewis), bds 314 Barrie Bros, res 199 William " Russell, engraver Rodger's Jewelery " Joseph E, mattress factory 5S6a store, res 457 Princess Princess, bds 207 Nelson " Thos. wks C LC, res 162i^ Bagot " Laura, Kindergarten tchr Frontenac " Thos, quarryman, res 24 Stephen '" school, Ivs 207 Nelson Thos, wks C L C, res 33 First " " Mary (wid Artemus), res 207 Nelson W J, elk P O, Ivs 16 William " Wiley, Isaac, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs W J, wks ship yards, res 313 Mont- real 302 Earl Henry, pntr 106 Frontenac, res WHITE, WM J B, Insurance Agent, Wilkins 239 Bagot, res 323 University 408 Johnson " " Wm J, agt Fleischmann's Yeast, William, wks Loco Wks, res 42 res 334 Montreal Concession SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King St. STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied with both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Off ice


Wilkinson Arthur, mach I-oco Wks, WILLIAMSON, ARCHIBALD R B, res 14 Patrick Physician and City Medical Health " Alice, Ivs 443 Alfred officer and Secretary of Queen's " Cecil H, soldier, res 269 Earl Medical Faculty, 240 King e, of- " E, agt Prudential Life Ins Co, res fice hours 2 to 4 pm, 7 to 8 pm, Barriefield 'phone 451, res 240 King " " Horace, wks Knitting Mill, res 64 Frederick M, pressman Jackson O'Kill Press, Ivs 359 Bagot " Geo H, city editor " Thos, foreman C L C, Ivs 236 Earl Whig, res 236 Brock " Emma (wid H Ivs 130 Bagot J), " Geo, elk armouries, Ivs 359 Bagot " Geo, soldier home guard, res 12 " Helen, res 250 Barrie John " I N, elk McK & Birch Ltd, res 4 " John, carter, res 443 Alfred Cherry " Reta, Ivs 443 Alfred " Jas, soldier overseas, Ivs 113 Alfred " Wm, overseas, Ivs 443 Alfred " Margaret, Ivs 250 Barrie " Will, D J, clothing store and gents' Mary (wid John), res 398 Montreal furnishings, 263 Princess, res 417 " Mary, wks McGowan's factory, Ivs Albert 495 Barrie " Willard, Adeline, maid Dr Bell, Ivs 450 Richard, tlr room 3 (above K Edw Princess Theatre), res 495 Barrie " " & Wellwood, tailors ,28 Montreal st Wm J, trav, res 371 York " Zetta, pub schl tchr Sunnyside, Ivs (upstairs) " 371 Brock R, tlr, 28 Montreal st, res 10 Chest- nut Willey Arthur wd carver, Ivs 263 J. Williamsville Earl " Post Office, T R Carnovsky P M, '" Jabez W, mach Loco Wks, res 263 670 Princess Earl Willis, Chas E, mgr Savings dept Mon- Williams Angus G, prop Patent Med treal Bk, 123 King e store 171 Wellington, res 388 " James, lab corp, res 437 Alfred Albert " Ida (wid Jas), res 163 Clergy e " Charles, lab, res 275 King e " Mrs Katchleen, maid Dr Coon, bds " Elsie, conductorette St Ry, bds 408 189 Brock Barrie Willoughby Constance, music tchr, " Hilda, conductorette St Ry, bds 408 piano and vocal, Ivs 150 Syden- Barrie ham " Jas, opr G N W, bds 270 Division Wilmot Frances (wid Nathaniel), res " 91 Clergy w James, lab K Shipbldg Co, res 313 " Johnson R, soldier Ongwanada Hosp staflf, Ivs same " Joseph, soldier, res 96 Raglan rd Wilson Annie, tirs Wm Carroll, Ivs 92 " Mrs Josie, nurse, bds 270 Johnson William " U Lawrence J, retired, res 150 Univer- " Annie (wid Thos), res 386 Alfred sity av " Bertha, Ivs 40 Main " Louis W, supt A Davis & Son, res " Bessie, nurse in training, Al- 264 Rideau Ivs 73 fred " Miss M, mgress "The Rest," Ivs 314 " Bessie, elk Laidlaw's, Ivs 92 Wil- University liam " Marjorie, Ivs 150 University " Cecil, soldier overseas, res 269 Earl " Mary (wid John), Ivs 22 Elgin " Chas, mach Loco Wks, res 222 Sy- " Nora, Ivs 313 Johnson denham " Phelaney (wid Robt), Ivs 103 Queen " Ellen, Ivs 88 Victoria " Stephen Geo, sergt maj instr R C H " Elizabeth M, mlnr, res 119 Princess A, res 36 Charles (upstairs) " Thos, soldier, res 835 Montreal " Ernest, soldier, res 232 Earl WILLIAMS, W A, Mgr Canada Truss " Florence, elk Anglin's lumber yd, Ivs Co, Ivs 335 Earl 92 U William


KINGSTON ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY 233 WILSON WILSON " Euphemia (wid), res 40 Main " Samuel, caretaker Victoria Sch, res " Frederick J, general secretary Y M 419 Johnson C A, res 11 Nelson " Thos, lab, res 499 Princess " Francis, Ivs 126 Union w " Wilfred, stenog Col Gardiner's office " George, lab Loco Wks, res 142 Pine Armouries, Ivs 124 Victoria " Geo, blrmkr Loco Wks, Ivs 106 " Winnifred, cloth examiner cotton Montreal mill, Ivs 126 Stephen " George M, lab K Fndry, Ivs 222 Sy- " Wm, soldier overseas, res 126 Ste- denham phen " Harry, elk McRae grocery, Ivs 382 " William, lab, res 83 Victoria Princess " Wm, lab dry dock, res 88 Victoria " Harry, mach Boyd's garage, bds 393 " Wm, lab C P R, Ivs 501 Princess Princess " Wm, mach Loco Wks, res 453 Bar- " Horace, dr S S Corbett, res 246j^ rie Princess Wilton Miss Bertha F, Ivs 479 Prmcess " Houghton W, druggist K P, res 74 " Miss Emma, Ivs 479 Princess Clergy w " Hattie M, drsmkr 479 Princess " " James, lab J Turk, res 91 Elm Henry A, foreman tinsmith McKel- " Jas, lab gas wks, bds 157 York vey & Birch, res 11 Arch " Jas, gen wk, Ivs 392 Division Wiltsie, Ambrose, lab McKelvey & " Jeanette, wks McGowan's, Ivs 88 Birch, bds 40 Stanley Quebec Wiltshire Miss Edith, Ivs 181 Colborne " Jennie, wks Whig, Ivs 40 Main " Beatrice, stenog Queen's Uni, Ivs " John A,


Withers Wm, lab Loco Wks, res 90 Woodmoske, John, lab C L C, res (up- Gore stairs) 134 Stephen Withey, E J, soldier, res 62 Wellington Woods, see also Wood Wolfe Island Ferry Wharf, foot of " Chas, dr Finkle's, Ivs S9 Queen Brock " Chas, elk P O, bds 100 William Wolfe, Henry, dr Gilbert grocery, Ivs " Daniel P. carp, res 236 Alfred Tete de Pont Barracks " Harold, Ivs 27 Pine I Wolfe Sergt-Maj Wm, instr R C H A, " James, tinsmith, res 134 Chatham res IS Rideau " John Wesley, carp Davis dry dock, Wolfenden, Annie, maid Lockett's, Ivs res 27 Pine " 24 Stuart Mrs Louise (wid), helper M J Do- Wood, see also Woods lan. Princess st, Ivs 4 Colborne ' " Charity, candy mkr W J Crothers Maria, res IS Aberdeen " Co, Ivs 104 Montreal Mary A J, Ivs IS Aberdeen " Chaffey, grocer, 27 Ellice, res 19 " Muriel, binder, Hanson, Crozier & York Edgar, Ivs 236 Alfred " Chester H, bkkpr J A McFarlane, res " Miss O W, elk Steacy's Ltd, bds 236 84J/2 Collingvi^ood Alfred " Lieut G E, res 210 Frontenac " Stella, press feeder, Hanson, Croz- " Geo Wellington, dr R J Carson, Ivs ier & Edgar, Ivs 236 Alfred 144 Ontario " Wm, carp Loco Wks, res 54 Bay " Henrietta, elk Registrar's office. City Woodside Mrs M A, drsmkr, Ivs 238 Uni- Hall, Ivs 113 Alfred versity " Henry A, watchmkr, bds 263^4 King Woodrow Florence, elk Parker's Dye " Mrs H, charwomans Ongwanada Wks, Ivs 462 Brock Hosn, bds 316A Albert " Nelson, comp Whig, bds 21 Charles " Henry W, civil eng, Loco Wks, res " Violet, Ivs 462 Brock 113 Alfred " Wm H, wks Richardson & Son, res " Hilda, Ivs 144 Ontario 462 Brock " Ira, lab Cotton Mill, res Wellington Woodruff, Joseph, servant Frontenac Terrace, 104 Montreal Club, Ivs 389 Barrie " Leighton, carp, res S3 Victoria " W D, soldier H Q S, bds 244 Mont- " Mae, wks mica wks, Ivs 4 Colborne real " Roy, carp, res 1 Smith Woolgar Doris, cigarmkr McGowan's, " Stanley, letter carrier P O, res 470 Ivs 64 Patrick Barrie " Sidney, carp Shipbldg Co, Ivs 11 " Mrs Walter A, Ivs 189 Victoria John " Wm B, lab, res 17 Corrigan " Winnifred, cigarmkr McGowan's, Ivs " Wm, bdg hse, res 144 Ontario 64 Patrick " Wm, barber Smith's, res 140 Divi- " Wm G, ship carp M T Co ,res 64 sion Patrick " Wm, barber F E Smith, res 344 Woolley, John, orderly Queen St Hosp, Brock bds 116 Stephen " Wm, teamster, res 104 Charles Woolway, Sophia, mlnr Steacy's, bds Woodcock Fred, soldier, res 124 Ord- 260 King nance Wormwith, Wm H, retired, res 195 " Maurice F D, trav W B Dalton & Earl Sons, res 131 Beverly WORMWITH PIANO CO (G Y " Queen Peter, wks C L C, bds 89 Chown and H W Richardson), Col- Woodhouse David, carp, res 42 Piano Manufacturers, 27 Princess; lingwood Worth Sergt Thos, R C H A, res 88 " Chas, fireman K G H, Ivs same Barrack " Harry, soldier, bds 8 Rideau " Christopher, soldier overseas, Ivs 88 " Wm, carter, res 112 Stephen Barrack Woodman Elmer, ins agt Mutual Life, res 18S Earl Wright, Anna A, nursing sister R M C, " Richard, Ivs 185 Earl Ivs 25 Colborne " " Olive, Ivs 185 Earl Chas J. R A F. Ivs 323 Earl " " Geo, sailor, res 178 York Chas, carp, res 328 Division

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean1Pccw?nt& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Half a Century qHTOp^

For fifty years the WORMWITH PIANO has been made in Kingston. It has stood the test of time—the greatest test of all. Each year sbes an increased output. ^A piano which steadily gains in prestige and favor every year for half a century must have a merit * The Wormwith Piano Has Merit

It has more—it has a soul, as the best musicians will testify.

We do not need to dilate upon its excellencies ; ask any of the thousand or more users in Kingston. They will tell you.

SOLD BY C. W. Lindsay, Limited 121 PRINCESS STREET, CITY

See the different sizes and designs of PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS at their warerooms The Dominion Printing Ink and Color Co., Limited

, , 128-130 PEARS AVE., TORONTO

Manufacturers of

Fine Printing and Litho Ink DRY AND PULP COLORS Varnishes, Compositions, &c.


Our Blacks are the Blacks that dry with a luster Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030


WRIGHT Yeddow Hy, mining eng Queen's, res " Mrs Catherine (wid Clark), res 25 38 Union Colborne Yellowley Chas, elk Imperial Oil Co, " Daniel, carp, res 42 Livingston av , Ivs 69 Union " Elsie (wid John), res 32 James " Jean (wid Wm), res 69 L Union ' Earl Emmaline (wid Thos), res 323 " Robt, elk Loco Wks, Ivs 69 L Union " Frances Armouries, Ivs 25 N, stenog " Walter, elect Loco Wks, Ivs 69 Union Colborne east " Frank, mach C, res 15 St Cath- C L " Wm jr, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 69 L erine Union " Frank, yd man Queen's hotel, res 59 Yeomans Adelaide, wks McGowan's, Geor *^e bds 17 WRIGHT,'' GEORGE A, Machinist. L Charles " Levi, soldier, res 7 Quebec King, cor Queen, res 334 Johnson WRIGHT, GEO C, BSc (Campbell York Wm, overseas, res 38 Raglan " & Wright), res 107 Gore G, lab K ship yards, res 41 Gore " " George, soldier 38th Batt, res 295 Mrs Louise, res 38 Raglan rd Princess Youlden Nina (wid Henry), res 111 " Geo W, lab Loco Wks, res 387 Wellington Barrie Young Irishmen's Christian Benevolent " Dr Gordon, supt K G H, Ivs same Association, 116 Wellington " Harry James, mach Ivs 59- Loco Wks, Young, Bagot Archibald, elk Steacy's, res 37 " Union Rev J de Pencier, rector St Luke's " Anglican Church, res 311 Alfred David J, cond C P R. res 182. Alfred " " James, steam fitter, res 842 Princess Fred, pntr, Ivs 198 Colborne " " Mrs Jas, bds 150 Bay Claude, studt Queen's, bds 124 Vic- " Mrs Jas, res 30 (upstairs) Montreal toria WRIGHT JOHN R, Acct Bk Toronto ' Fred, lab Davis' tannery, bds 78 John also Life Insce Agt, res IZ Nel- " George, retired, res 198 Colborne son " Gordon, polisher and repairer, Ivs 89 " John, trav Macnee & Minnes, bds 7 Mack Barrack " " Lillian, nursing sister, Ivs 323 Earl Hazel, hsemaid R M C, bds 42 Rag- " Lora M, Ivs 334 Johnson lan rd " Meryl, nurse K G H, Ivs 42 Living- " James, mach Loco Wks, Ivs 218 Di- ston av vision " Robert mason, J, res 305 Bagot " Jean, stenog & corresp elk C E ' Samuel freight C, agt G T R, res 178 office, Ivs Zl Union w Colborne " Laura, tel opr, Ivs 135 Collingwod " Thos R, crockery packer, Robert- son's Ltd, res 260 Earl YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN Asso- " Wm A, mach Loco Wks, res 223 ciation, F J Wilson general sec, Earl Princess, cor Barrie Wrightson, Mary, nurse H Ryan, res Z2 " Mrs M (wid Hiram), Ivs 2 Queen Wellington " Myles E, retired, res 659 Princess Wylie, I, elk Anderson Bros, Ivs 302 " Pearl, wks Kingston Earl Hosiery Co, Ivs 218 Division " Vina, studt K C I, Ivs 182 Alfred " Rebecca (wid Wellington), res 12 Rideau " Thos, lab Corp, res 218 Division Yacht Club, end of Maitland st " Yampolsky, Morris, gents' furnishings, Wm, ins agt Metropolitan, res 135 349 Princess Collingwood Yates James B, carp R N F McFarlane, " William, cabman, res 72 York res 6 Sixth Yukon Restaurant (Mrs Scoutin, prop), William, overseas, res 37 James 343 King e SMITH BROS. SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES


Zebios, Jim J, candies and fruit, 386 Princess Zbar Ben, ice cream parlor & confnry, 280 Princess, Ivs 35 York Zabick, Michael, lab C L C, bds 160 " Solomon, pedlar, res 35 York Bagot Zeigler Margaret (wid Wm), res 152 Zacks Miss Eva, Ivs 273 Princess Bagot " Isaac, clothing, gents' furnishings, Ziegler Mrs Barbara, Ivs 19 Rideau boots and shoes, 271-273 Prin- " Ruth, elk O F R A, Ivs 396 Brock cess, res same Zufelt Lindsay A, supt Eastern Dairy " Kiva, mer, res 134 Ordnance School, res 125 Beverly " Moses, studt Toronto Uni, Ivs 134 ZURBRIGG, DANIEL J, city delivery Ordnance 587 Princess, res same

insurance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds Specialize in Children's and

Mendels - Infants' Wear of All Kinds



ACCOUNTANTS (Manufacturers) Cooke Frank W, 39 Clarence Burns, R E, Ontario Chambers Craig, 140 Johnson McCann, S R, 82 Brock Jas, J Dalby W H, 58 Brock AGENTS. De Carteret Clement (grocers' sundries) 59 Clarence (Insurance) Hendry James A (grocers' sundries), 75 Princess Bateman G A, 67 Clarence Percival & Granger, Golden Lion Bl'k Bell R C, 130 Clarence Smith G E, (jewelery), 350 King c Gar- Carroll, J K, 58 Brock Spence. John, Massey-Harris, 30 Cooke J B, 332 King e, cor Brock rett Davis R F, 352 King e (Ticket) Dobbs, J R C. 41 Clarence Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd, ft of Driver, J D, 352 King Johnson Fair W J, Wellington cor Clarence Hanley J P, Ontario cor Johnson Ferguson Wm G, 262 Princess Kirkpatrick C S, 36 Clarence Folger, H S, 44 Clarence Swift's Wharf Godw^in Enoch, 39 Brock AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Godwin Enoch Jr, 39 Brock Hanley J P, Ontario, cor Johnson Alarie W F, 27 Brock Heffron E C, 58 Brock Clow M & Son, 471 Princess Hutton J O, 18 Market st Martin J W, 110 Clergy Johnston M G, 58 Brock Massey-Harris Co, 132 Clarence Kent Bros, 91 Clarence APPRAISERS Kirkpatrick, C S, 36 Clarence Lefever J T, 264 Bagot Burns R E, Ontario Chambers, Clar- Litton Chas, 442 Brock ence street. Driver Thos. (Customs) 8-10 Market St. Lockhart T J. Ontario Chambers Loscombe A E M, 187 Wellington McCann, J S R, 82 Brock McCann J S R, 82 Brock ARCHITECTS Macnee H, 328 King e J Beaudoin. Chas (naval), 359 Brock Mills Thos 79 Clarence J Ellis Arthur, summer residence. Gar- Mullin, E W, 276 Johnson den Island Roughton Stephen, 60 Brock ^ Newlands & Son, 258 Bagot Sharp Harry, 60 Brock Wm Power & Son, 81 Brock Strange & Strange, 95 Clarence Power Thos R, 160 Earl Sutherland. R D. Bagot and Brock Thompson Blake E, 39-41 Brock ART GOODS Webster. Ford. 14 Market Kirkpatrick Michael. 159 Princess White W J B, 239 Bagot Uglow R & Co, 141 Princess Woodman Elmer, 60 Brock Wright, Clark & Sons ARTISTS Brophy, Miss Margaret. 59 Wellington (Loan) ASSIGNEES McCann. J S R, 82 Brock Burns R E, 65 Clarence Mullin Edw, 276 Johnson McCann, J S R, 82 Brock Satisfactory Supptled JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. FOR CORSETS Mendels TO SVIT EVEKY FIGUKE

238 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS BANKS AND BANKERS 251 University ave Allen R W, Bank of British North America, R R F Murray Wm jr, 18 Market Harvey, Mgr, City Buildings Bank of Montreal, A J Macdonell, AUTOMOBILES Manager, King cor Clarence Bank of Toronto, Geo B McKay mana- Angrove Bros, cor Queen & Ba^ot ger. Market Square Anglin Bros, Briscoe Garage, 35-37 Canadian Bank of Commerce, P C Montreal Stevenson, Mgr, King cor Brock Boyd Geo W, 129 Brock Kent Bros, 91 Clarence Clarence St Garage, M Oberndorffer, Merchants Bank of Canada, H A To- mgr, 124-126 Clarence field, Manager, Brock, cor Wel- E Paradis, 19 Brock, taxi stand lington Overland Garage, Arthur Callaghan, Northern Crown Bank of Canada, David 210-214 Wellington Murray manager, King, cor Brock Robinson, W G, 218 Union v^ Royal Bank of Canada, E E Newman, Studebaker Sales and Service Station mgr, 180 Wellington A Sweetman), 207 Princess (J Standard Bank of Canada, J F Rowland, Vanluven Bros, 34-38 Princess manager, 140 Princess

AWNING MAKER BARBERS Cooke F W. 39 Clarence Bazeau, F H, 196 Ontario Dix Capt Joseph, 21 Nelson Cosby Fred, 32 Montreal Doyle Hugh J, 167 Wellington BAILIFFS Elmer Fred, 68 Princess Elmer R H, 161 Princess Clarke, Charles G, 158 Bagot Ferguson, Jas, 202^^ Princess Heaslip John E, 42 Montreal BAKERS Hillier Wm, 316 Princess Homer, Joseph G, 305 Division (Wholesale) Hunt A E, 286 Princess Kingsbury, A B, Princess st Lawless, Patrick M, 243 Bagot Toye R H & Co, 195 Ontario Lawrence Jos, 227 Princess (Retail) Reid, David, 31 Brock Robbs E, 346 Princess Abramsky David, 160 Bagot Robbs Frank, 185 Wellington Arthurs A, 272 Princess Smith, Fred, Princess st, near Barrie 297 King e Bowen W A, 324 King Theobald J M. Todd F 375-377 King e Burns Wm, 96 Victoria J, Carnovsky T R, 668-670 Princess Crothers King Street Store, 302 King BARRISTERS Lackie James, 65 Brock McCammon Jas H, 64 Nelson Cunningham A B, 79 Clarence McLaughlin, Wm, 204 Princess King & Smythe, 73 Clarence Pound Joseph, 271 Division Macdonnell Geo M, 38 Clarence Schofield James, 647 Princess Mundell Wm, 93 Clarence Toye, R H & Co, 195 Ontario Nickle, Farrell & Day, 194 Ontario Veale John, 198 Barrie Rigney T J, 115 (b) Brock Sullivan W H, 34 Clarence BAKING POWDER MNFRS Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clarence Couper Daniel, 341-343 Princess Webster C R, 304 King e L, 69 Clarence Gordon J, 149 Montreal Whiting J KC, Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debentures FIRE INSURANCE CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY 239 BASKET MAKERS Burns Miss M, 61 Union w Campbell Mrs Lynda, 46 Earl Coleman W J, 6 First st Cousins Mrs, 161 Alfred BICYCLE DEALERS Cowman Emma (wid Edw), 181 Division Jones C, 610 Division Davidson Margaret (w^id Ed), 164 On- Milne H J, 272 Bagot tario Muller Geo, 375 King e Dix Miss Maggie, 269 Brock Treadgold A E, 88 Princess Duncan Alex, 70 William BICYCLE REPAIRERS Fitzgibbons, Mrs Mamie, 261 King e Gamble Mrs, 42 Clergy w Clark J W & Co, 353 Princess Glasgow^ Miss Jennie, 44 Clergy Dowling Fred. 49 Princess Hall Mrs, 10 Aberdeen Jones C A, 610 Division Harvey CBS, 138 Union Milne H J, 272^Bagot fohnson Miss A M, 53 Earl Muller Geo. 373 King e Kane, Anne, 120 Earl Treadgold A E, 88 Princess Kavanagh Jas H, 254 King e BILL POSTERS Killoran Mrs, 241 Alfred Kelly Miss Jane, 310 University Allen R W, 251 University Kcyes Annie, 107 Clergy '.aurcnce Mrs L. 191 Brock BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS Lawrence B, 20 Garrett Le Fave, Mrs, 9 Aberdeen Baker W J, 250 Princess (upstairs) Lytle Ethel (Wid Wm), 245 Alfred Baker W J. 202 Princess Fitzgibbon Daniel 210 Princess AIcGrath Katharine, 406 Brock Martin Ed, 211 Princess McDonald Mrs H (wid Donald), 243 McGlade Wm, 274 Princess Brock Pappas Michael, 200 Princess McRory Mrs, 60 Clergy w Sands T W, 165 Princess Milton Mrs C, 404 Brock Mrs Milne & Miss Richardson, 318 Uni- BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS versity ave Nicol Miss Mary, 163 Alfred Crothers W J, 207-209 Wellington Newman Mrs Wm, 366 Barrie BLACKSMITHS Nobes Mrs Mary, 46 Union O'Rielly Michael 110 Earl Bryant Frank, 5 Concession J, Cockburn William. 277 Ontario Orrell Miss Mary, 81 L Union Corcoran Bros. Queen Perry Mrs, 228 Barrie Pigeon Mrs, 282 Queen Lowry J A, 147 Brock Olsen John, ror Queen & Bagot Powers Mrs, 286 Barrie Purdy Charles. 220 Bagot Richardson Mrs Lilah, 194 Division Robinson Mrs Elizabeth, 167 Alfred Taugher J J, 381 King st "Saints' Rest," 13 Maitland BOARDING HOUSES Smith Mrs W, 181 Division Albertson Mrs, 7 Rideau Spence Miss, 30 Garrett Anderson Miss Arabella R, 34 Wellington Stevenson Robt H, 174 Barrie Anderson Catherine (wid Wm), 193 Tierney. A. 151 Earl Earl Toohy Katharine, 324 Brock Beaudry, Mrs Georgina. 94 Queen Trotter Mrs Mary. 201 University ave Beardsell Mrs Kate, 32 Ontario Vanorder Mrs, 447 Albert Benn Mrs Jane, 283 Queen Verdun Bdg House (J E Rousseau, Betts Mrs, 253 Albert prop), 232 Brock Berrigan Mrs Eliza, 118 Earl Warren Mrs Sarah, 177 Wellington Booth Mrs Kate. 64 William (upstairs) Brooks Mrs Annie T, 134 Earl Wartman Mrs Sobrina. 92 Queen Bruce Mrs, 428 Brock Williamson. Miss Helen. 250 Barrie Bruton Wm C, 261 University ave Woods Mrs. 250 Colborne Buchanan Geo (Buchanan Hse), 35 Wood. Wm. 144 Ontario Brock Y W C A, Bdg House, 196 Johnson SMITH BR.OS. "^^^ HIGH GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES fINE JEWELLERY When You Are in Need of E^yeslasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTQMETRiST AND OPTICIAN, n - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden Lien Block

240 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOAT BUILDERS BROKERS Bongard Ryerson stocks Davis Drj' Dock Co, ft of Bay & Co, and Holder Wm, 58 King w bonds, 239 Bagot Kingston Shipbuilding Co, Ontario Bateman Geo A (Customs), 67 Clarence Knapp A C, Cataraqui bridge City Brokerage (J O Hutton), stocks, Knapp James & Co, Barriefield bonds, etc., 18 Market Carruthers, J B, 151 Wellington BOAT LIVERIES DeCarteret C D, groceries, Ont Cham- Knapp A C, Cataraqui bridge bers, Clarence st Kirkpatrick Little Wm, ft West C S (Customs), 36 Clarence BOILER MAKERS McCann J S R (Loans and Stocks), 82 Brock Canadian Locomotive Co, Ltd, Ontario Mills Thomas, loans and stocks, 79 ft of Earl Clarence Davis Dry Dock Co, foot of Bay Robertson D Stewart & Sons (grocer- BOOKBINDERS ies), 190 Ontario British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd, 306- BROOM MANUFACTURERS 310 King e Bailey Broom Co, Cataraqui st Jackson Press, 173 Wellington McAuley Thomas, 93 Princess BUSINESS COLLEGES. BOOKSELLERS Kingston Business College, head oi Queen street College Bookstore, 260 Princess BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Bucknell Miss Jane, King & Clarence McAuley Thomas, 93 Princess Anglin S & Co, Bay cor Wellington Frontenac Coal and Lumber Co, On- McGall J, King & Princess Usrlow R & Co, 141 Princess tario, cor Place d'Armes McKelvey & Birch Ltd, 69-71 Brock BOOTS AND SHOES BUTCHERS (Wholesale) Ainslie G, 297 Princess The Midland Shoe Co, 187 Princess W Ainslie M, 262 University (Retail) Anderson Bros, w s Division, 1 s Prin-,, The Abernethy Shoe Store, 123-5 Prin- cess cess Blakey Alfred, 840 Princess Abramson Louis, 336 Princess Blakey James 90 Victoria Bibbys Limited, 78 Princess Burke T F, 68 Brock Dutton Miss Maud, 150 Sydenham Clenahan Geo S, 372 Barrie Jennings Harry, 356 King e The Wm Davies Co, Ltd, 86 Princess Johnston J E, 70 Brock D^yle M W, 260 Montreal Lockett F G, 116 Princess Eves W H, 222 Montreal Model Shoe Store, 184 Princess Green Bros, 74 Brock, wholesale Reid A M, iii Princess Harkness Harry, 221 Wellington Rotgauze, Harry, 153 Princess Hood Alex, 224 Barrie Sawyer W A, 212 Princess Jones Wm A. 785 Princess Sutherland H Bro, 103 Princess J & Joyce R J, 468 Division VWartell H, 338 King Joyce John, 498 Division Zacks Isaac, 271 Princess McCall John T (peddles on market), BOTTLERS res 835 Princess McGuire, J E, 260 Montreal Home S V, 148 Ontario - Metcalfe E 62 Brcok Thompson. Geo A, 292 Princess J, Millan D 252 Ontario Tyo, Mrs Alex, 473 Princess J, Nicholson Thomas, 136 Ontario BREWERIES cor William Bajus Brewery, 308 Wellington Purtell Michael, 260 Montreal Robbs E, 101 Earl BOX MANUFACTURERS Quick Chas, 112 Clergy Kivigston Paper Box Co, King w Waddington Henry, 322 King e Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES


KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTOR^ 241 BUTTER AND CHEESE EXPORT- CARTAGE AGENTS ERS C P R Co, Ontario cor Murphy L W, cor King and Princess Clarence G T R Co, Place d'Armes Crawford Jas, 239 Princess Swift James & Co, ft Johnson CAB OWNERS Cab Stand, n s Clarence st, 'phone 490 CARTERS Cab stand, n s Clarence st, 'phone 600 Cab Stand, Clarence near King, phone Andre, Chas, 35 Charles 749 Anderson, Samuel, malt house, King w Cab Stand, Clarence near King, phone Aiken Patrick, 149 Ordnance 396 Bermingham, W A, 305 Earl Boyd Geo W, 89 Earl Boswick, John, 37 Charles Boyd Richard, 7 Colborne Bradden, Jas, 261 Victoria Coyle John, 66 Bay Bruton Wm C, 261 University ave Diamond Charles, 159 Montreal Campbell Ed J, w s Beverly 2 n King Diamond, Michael. 159 Montreal Chambers C J, 41 Rideau Duncan J A, 70 William Christmas Henry, 35 King w Eves Edward, 31 John Clark Andrew, 28 Elm Eves Frank, 86 Bay Clarke Geo, 7 Cherry Eves Jas, 171 Raglan rd Crallin, Wm, 106 Montreal Finkle C H & Co, 120 Clarence Deroche, A, 228 Earl Gallagher Frank J, 139 L Bagot Derry, Hugh, 157 Nelson Gallagher W S, 39 Markland Emmons, Frank, 487 Alfred Godkin J D & Son, 290 Princess Eves, Mark, 315 Montreal Guess Leighton, Bagot. cor Brock Ferris, Ed. 689 Princess James T H, 209 University Fuller, J, 39 Concession Lawless, Peter, 171 Victoria Graham, Wm T, 20 Concession McQuaid Wm, 2l Russell Harpell, Willet, 258 Nelson Mitchell Jas A, 392 Division Henry, Robert, 468 Albert Nelson Wm, 255 Division Hounslow, Jas, 26 Main Prittie, Richard, 451 Princess Hunter, Hilton C. 22 Patrick Sinnott Jos, 36 Johnson Hunter John J, 22 Patrick Young, Wm, 72 York Johnson, Herbert, 12 Orchard CABINET MAKERS Kane, John, 78 William McEwen, Robt. 1 York Hooper & Slater, 128 Ontario Maxam, Chas, 7 Cataraqui Payne A, 465 Johnson G Morrison Wm, 94 Rideau CANOE BUILDERS O'Brien Timothy, 65 Markland Knapp A C, Cataraqui bridge Payne, Wm, 12 Ann Purdy Fred, 19 Lansdowne CARPENTERS (see Contractors.) Reid, Harvey, 26 Elm CARPET CLEANERS Ryder John, 104 Patrick Sinnott John. 36 Johnson Milne H J, 272 Bagot Smith. Daniel, 36 York CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS Trenecr, John. 1 Clow's Terrace Harrison T F Co, 229-237 Princess Tnpper, Tohn. 4.39 Brock McFaul Robert, 130 Princess Turpin Geo Henry, 27 Main Waldron Richard, 168 Wellington Vancoughnet, Jos, 37 Stephen Shear A, 366 Princess Venoss, Edward. 404 Montreal CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS Wathen E, 47 Mack Woodhouse ,Wm, 112 Stephen Clow Mathias & Son, 471 Princess Frost Wm G, 299 Queen Gilmour Wallace, 215 Wellington CATERERS Kelly Geo D, 54 Queen Kidd John, rear 184 Queen Reid, Marshall, 30 Union Laturney Edward, 390-392 Princess Tierney, A, 151 Earl RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - - Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service! WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - 0pp. General Post Office

242 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY CATTLE DEALERS CONFECTIONERY Blakey Alfred, 840 Princess Arthurs Alexander, 272 Princess Blakey Jas, 90 Victoria Asselstine Percy G, 162 Bagot Green Bros, 74 Brock Carnovsky W H, 94 Brock 302 Joyce Robt J, 470 Division Crothers' King St Store, King Crystal Palace, 180 Princess CEMENT DEALERS Bowen W A, 324 King e Anglin S & Co. Bay cor Wellington Dafnas, Chas, 286 Princess Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co, cor On- Fruitland, Wm Karson, 348 Princess tario and Place d'Armes Grimm N Roy, 102 Princess Norman H F, 60 Patrick Masoud Geo, 238 Princess McLaughlin John, 204 Princess i CIGAR MANUFACTURERS New York Fruit Store, Peter Dafnas, The G A McGowan Cigar Mfg Co, Ltd, 368 Princess Rideau, cor North Olymphia Fruit Store, Jos Zakos, 368 Oberndorffer Simon, 298 Ontario Princess Rest Ice Cream Parlor, cor Princess & CLOTHING Clergy Abramson Louis, 336 Princess Rees Bros (whol). 254 Bagot Abramsky Jos, 263 Princess Sakell, T & H, 220 Princess Bibbys Limited, 78 Princess Star Fruit & Candy Store, 66 Princess Dwyer Bros, 112 Princess Zbar B, 280 Princess st Forrest J P, 348 King e Zebios, J J, 386 Princess Jenkins E P. 114 Princess Lipman B, 107 Princess CONFECTIONERY MNFRS Livingston C & Bro. 75-79 Brock Crothers 207-209 Wellington Patterson G, 120 Johnson W J. J Cunningham Chas, 56 Bay Prevost Zotique. 55 Brock Dafnas Peter, 314 Princess Roney & Co, 127 Princess Grimm R, 102 Princess Speakman, Alex, 293 Princess N McLaughlin John. 204 Princess Yampolsky Morris. 349 Princess Toye R H, 195 Ontario Zacks Isaac, 271 Princess I COAL AND WOOD CONTRACTORS Alderdice, Jas. 326 Alfred Anglin S & Co, Bay cor Wellington Andre Alex, 59 Division Booth & Co, ft West Bailey, Wm (carp). 305 Division Chadwick, A & Son, 300 King w Bearance, Henry (carp), 63 York Crawford Robert, ft of Queen and 301 Colborne King w Bews. Jas, sr, 215 Bews. (mason), 97 York Drury William, 235^ Wellington Wm Bermingham. (carp), 249 Divis Kingston Coal Co, King near Queen Wm Billeness. R. 272 University Nolan, R, 241 Montreal Wm Black, Jas, 137 Alfred Sowards James Coal Co, The, Ontario Bruce (carp), 126a Nelson cor Place d'Armes Wm Burtch, Enoch, 2 Birch Swift James & Co, ft of Johnson and 374 Bustard, 78 Bagot sts Wm, * Princess and 225 Montreal Buck, P (carp), 442 Johnson COLLECTORS Chapman W J (carp), 322 Queen Clugston Thos (mason), 364 Brock McCann J S R, 82 Brock Clugston Wm R, 396 Brock (mason) Webster & Webster, 304 King e Cobet Ivo L (mason), 213 Bagot Copley Thos (carp), 60 Queen COLLEGES, SCHOOLS, ETC Compton C R, 257 Brock (See Miscellaneous Directory) Crellian. Michael. 9 Russell Davidson, Robt, 254 University COMMISSION MERCHANTS Davidson Wm (mason), 12 Sixth Craig W G & Co, Ontario, cor Brock Davis J C, 106 Nelson Richardson Jas & Sons, ft Princess Derbyshire, H A, 11 St Lawrence Swift James & Co. ft of Johnson Deane, Wnij 141 Colborne

J. K. Carroll Agency dominion ufe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. FOR LIFE INSURANCE See CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY 243 Dixon, Wm, 68 Cherry- McLeod Peter C (carp), 36 Clergy w Douglas Hugh, Brock, cor Albert Maxwell, J, 422 Albert Donneay Salvage & Wrecking Co, Ltd, Mayell John R (carp), 16 Redan 193 Ontario Mills, Irwin, 3 Aberdeen Du Vail. L, 298 Johnson Milne, R (carp), 133 Raglan rd Farrell, Jas, 412 Montreal Monk, Francis, 24A Elm Free R J (mason), 94 Division Morley Wm (mason), 460 Barrie Gates Wm J, 214 Alfred W J Moore & Sons (electric), 208 Wel- Godwin Wm H Jr (mason), 12 Nelson lington Gough, J (mason), 120 York Newlands Wm, cor Bagot and Princess Grady M J (railway), 68 Earl Newman H W, Electric Co, 79 Princess Graham. Percy (electrical) ,347 Alfred Nicholson Thos, 286 Queen Graham C J, 464 Princess Nolan, John H (carp), 30 York Grimshav/ S A (carp), 284 Division Payne George A, 465 Johnson Gunn. John. 1 St Thomas Papps, John (mason and carp), 59 Halliday Electric Co, 345 King e Queen Harold Alex, 104 Clergy Peters John (carp), 44 Victoria Harrison T J (mason), 176 Rideau Randall Wm (mason), 42 U William Harrison, Chas G, 572 Princess Redmond William T (carp), 258 John- Hartman. J (carp). 297 Queen son Harvey, Wm (cement), 92 Queen Richards Samuel (mason), 102 York Henderson, Geo (carp). 74 Union Revell, Matthew, 167 Clergy w Henry. John, 342 Division Reynolds, Robt, 214 Nelson Holder Herbert B (mason), 34 U Wil- Sharp Cyrus H, 294 Queen liam Snowden Robert J (mason), 629 Princess Hooper & Slater, 128-132 Ontario Snowden Wm (mason), 203 (a) Alfred House. John (carp). 23 Elm Stark. W A. 64 Mack Hunt, Thos G (builder), 312 Brock Sullivan Michael (carp), 87 King e Hunter, Richard (carp). 486 Barrie Tait Joseph (mason), 37 U Charles Hunter. Stevi^art, 128 Victoria Thomas, Samuel (mason), 19 Frontenac Hunter Geo (carp), 125 William Ubdegrove. A, 396 Division Hunter Geo (carp), 128 Victoria Van Winckle N P, 117 Ordnance Hunter & Harold (carp), 175 Queen Vancoughnet, A ,4A Orchard Hunter Henry, 332 Barrie Vancoughnet, J (carter and contractor), Hurd, Elswood (builder), 38 Stephen 3 Cataraqui Hyland Samuel (carp). 425 Alfred Wallace Robt (stone), 380 Barrie Jackson. Fred C (bridge and R R), 286 Wathen Ernest E, 47 Mack Johnson Watts H W (mason), 98 Frontenac Wilson (carp), 73 Alfred Jewell, Wm J, 27 Wellington Jos Johnson, Alex. 354 Johnson Wood, Miels D (carp). 236 Alfred King John (carp), 375 Alfred Wright Chas (carp), 328 Division Lake. Amos K, 18 Division Wright D T (carp), 36 Livingston Langdon Nathaniel (mason), 222 Divi- sion CONVEYANCERS. Lee Jas (carp), 386 Johnson Lockhart T J, Ontario Chambers Leslie, 23 Wm, West McCann J S R, 82 Brock Lindsay Robt J (carp), 36 Ellerbeck av Thompson E Blake, cor Brock & King Litton J W (mason), 52 Frontenac McBratney Hugh (stone) 137 Bay COTTON MANUFACTURERS McCartney A (mason), 248 University Dom Textile Co, Cataraqui st McCartney Wm jr (mason), 315 Earl McCoy, eter (railway). 57 Beverly CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE McDonald, Richard (mason).354 Mont- real (Wholesale) McElroy, Fred. 149 Sydenham Robertsons' Limited, 71-73 Princess (Retail) McFarlane R N F (carp), 310 Johnson Gordon John, 149 Montreal McTlquham James (mason), 390 Albert * Robertsons' Limited, 71-73 Princess McKe. A, 205 William Stroud W D & Son, 109 Princess

All Standard Railroad Watches Watch Repairing IN STOCK SMITH BROS. - - King St. A large percentage of Headaches are caused from HEADACHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them s^« Optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office 244 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY

DAIRIES Kaminske, Miss S, 157 Queen City Dairy, Robinson & Marrison, 24-26 Johnson, Agnes, 49 York Johnson Keys Alice, 107 Clergy Dodds Wm, 21 Frontenac Keys Miss Annie, 107 Clergy Kingston Milk Dairy (H F Price), 277 King, Flora ,33 Stanley Princess Leishman, Martha, 157 Sydenham Murphy, T W, mlk dlr, 791 Princess Little Mrs Catherine, 168 King e Pickering Harry, Ivs 126 Nelson McKenzie, Isabelle, 55 Arch Purdy, Arthur A, 204 Frontenac Mclver Miss Eva, 130 Victoria Magnet, Helen, 18 ine DENTISTS Martin, Emma ,123 Colborne Marrison, Aykroyd S A, 187 Wellington Bertha, 369 AVlfred Meek Miss Sarah, 317 Earl Black D E, 130 King e, cor West Miller, Myrtle, 96 William Daly O W, 129 Princess >.] Mitchell Mrs 73 Davis Jas, 36 Sydenham E M, Brock M Mulholland Ethel, 222 King Dewar, Dr (over Kinnear & d'Esterre), cor Princess and Wellington Nelson, Mary, 390 Montreal Nokes Mrs._ Mary, 250 Clover W. R. 264 King e Queen O'Brien Misses Hagey M H, 194 Wellington Ellen & Margaret, 67 Union Knapp A E, 258 Princess w O'Brien, Mary(, 24 Nash C C, 183 Princess Elice Perley, Mary, 365 Barrie Sparks & Sparks, 159 Wellington Peters Fanny, 44 Victoria Walsh L J, 258 Bagot Phillips Winnifred, 203 Waugh Freeman, 163 Princess Frontenac Pidgeon, Miss S E, 340 Barrie DRESSMAKERS Pilley, Miss G M, 231 Division Pipe Catherine, 201 Frontenac Abbott Miss Emma, 47 Division Porter Ella M. 43 Main Adams Miss Mary, 252 Alfred Posselwhite, Ethel, 34 Division Amos Miss Annie, res 106 Patrick Prager, Emma R, 69 Raglan rd Anderson Miss A, 178 Bagot M Pugii Miss Florence, 189 Clergy e Ashley, Eva, 192 Colborne Purvis, Louise. 20 George Bedore, Miss Bessie, 274 Nelson Redick Mrs Elizabeth, 135 Clergy Black, Miss Edith, 137 Nelson Redmond, Miss R, 235 Alfred Bovv^man, Miss Clara. 102 Earl Richardson Miss E A, 202 Alfred Boyd Miss Margaret, 261 Johnson Roberts Miss Eliza, 353 Johnson Burtch, Mrs Bernard, 471 Johnson Ryan, Loretta. 43 Livingston Caldbach, Miss S A, 367 Alfred Sands .Lorna. 71 Cherry Clancy Miss Mary, 105 Wellington Sloan Miss Mary, 293 Montreal Clayton Miss K M, 137 Bagot Smith, Julici, 16 Queen Connor, Miss Jennie, 157 Frontenac Spratt, Miss V, 212 Queen Cosgrove, Mary, 206 William Staley Miss Clara, 307 Barrie Dean, Mae, 141 Colborne Steacy & Steacy, 118-120 Princess l' Derry, Cecilia, IBS Colingwood Stevens, Mildred. 471 Johnson Doolna, Ann, 134 L Bag^ot Tetro, Miss M, 59 Union Douglas, Sarah, 2 Garrett Vanaskey Miss Katie, 334 Brock Elsmere Mary, 479 Princess Wilton Miss H M, 479 Princess Finkle, Jennie, 21 (upstairs) Montreal Woodside Mrs M A, 238 University ave Friendship Miss Alice, 427 Albert Fitzgerald, Mary, 25 Nelson DRUGGISTS * Gallagher. Miss M E, 96 Earl (Wholesale) Gillespie Miss Sarah, 309 Albert Poison Co, 265 Givens, Miss Gertrude, 39 Beverly N C & Ontario Gleeson Misses M & S, 235 Earl (Retail) Henzy Miss Harriet, 429 Brock Austin's Drug Store, King & Market Hallinan, Miss Hannah, 107 Welling- Best Drug Store, The, 124 Princess ton Best Drug Store, branch cor Princess Harper, Mrs Maude, 327 Johnson & Division Hughes, Miss Mabel, 40 Union Chov*^n A P, 185 Princess Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. DebGiiturei LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.


Hoag F J, 359 Princess Mitchell Mrs M, IZ Brock McLeod J B, 53 Brock Mcintosh Bros, 101 Princess Mahood G W, 156 Princess Potter Mrs A, 181 Wellington Prouse Estate, 312 Princess Uglow R & Co, 141 Princess Sargent T H, 186 Princess Woods Miss Marie, 15 Aberdeen st Medley W H, 260 University FEATHER RENOVATORS DRY DOCKS Milne H J, 272 Bagot Davis Dry Dock Co, ft Bay FISH DEALERS Kingston Shipbuilding Co, ft Union st Carnovsky W H, 94 Brock DRY GOODS Dominion Fish Co, 63 Brock (Wholesale) McGuire Thomas, 81 Queen Macnee & Minnes, 245 Bagot cor Prin- FISHING TACKLE cess Cooke 39 Clarence (Retail) F W, McGall John, cor Princess & King Corrigan C J, 174 Princess Paul W J, 70 Princess 170-172 Princess Laidlaw John & Son, Routley A K, 173 Princess Shaw, 122 Princess Newman & Treadgold Sporting Goods Co, 88 Steacy & Steacy, 118-120 Princess Princess Waldron Richard, 168 Wellington DYERS AND CLEANERS FLORISTS Montgomery Dye Wks, 225 Princess Baiden Bros, Portsmouth Flanagan E, 82 "My Valet," 189 Princess M Barrie Marsh 64 My Wardrobe, 190 Wellington J W, Elm Johnson Mrs, 115 Parker R & Co, 69 Princess Brock, and head of Johnson st ELECTRICIANS Watts John N, 179 Wellington and 24 Burke & Graham, 72 Princess Regent st Halliday Electric Co, 355-357 King e FLOUR AND Moore W J & Sons, 208 Wellington FEED Newman H W, Electric Co, 167 Prin- Couper Daniel, 341-343 Princess cess Donoghue Chas, 291 Ontario McBroom W F, 42-44 Princess ELEVATORS—GRAIN McFarlane J A, 25 Brock Donoghue Charles, 291 Ontario Maple Leaf Milling Co, Ontario cor Place d'Armes Forwarders Ltd, ft of Gore Peters P, 117 Montreal Transportation Co, ft Queen W Brock Richardson James & Sons, ft Princess FLOUR MILLS ELOCUTIONISTS Kingston Milling Co. ft Brock Telgmann Mrs O F, 200 Frontenac Maple Leaf Milling Co, cor Ontario and ENGINE BUILDERS Place d'Armes Canadian Locomotive Co, Ltd, Ontario FORWARDING COMPANIES st, ft Earl Forwarders Limited, foot of Gore st Davis ft Dry Dock Co, Bay Montreal Transportation Co, ft Queen EXPRESS COMPANIES FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Canadian Express Co, 145 Princess (See also Machinists) Dominion Express Co, 94 Princess Canadian Northern Co, 217 Princess Angrove T B, 382-388 King e FANCY GOODS FRUIT DEALERS Dutton Miss Maud, 150 Sydenham (Wholesale) Leader Miss M A, 105 Brock Rees Bros, 244 Bagot Mahood Bros, 113 Princess Toye R H & Co, Ontario, cor Clarence

WEDDING PRESENTS at SMITH BROS. In CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, Etc 350 KING STREET Mpnrlpl< For Well -Made Ready -to- wear at lowest prices


(Retail) GROCERS Amodeo M, 240 Princess (Wholesale) Carnovsky H, 94 Brock W Carson R J, 324 Princess Crystal Palace, 180 Princess Craig W G & Co, 229-335 Ontario Dafnas, Chas, 286 Princess Fenwick, Hendry & Co (H E Richard- Fruitland, Wm Karson, 348 Princess son prop), 189 Ontario Henderson J S, 59-61 Brock Maclean Andrew, 272-4 Ontario Masoud Geo, 238 Princess McRae W R & Co (N E O'Connor, New York Fruit Store, Peter Dafnas, prop), Wellington cor Brock 314 Princess Parkhill J Y (Jas Crawford prop), 239 Olymphia Fruit Store, Jos Zakos, 368 Princess Princess Redden James & Co, 178 Princess Sakells & Co, 220 Princess Robertson George & Son, Ontario, cor Star Fruit & Candy Store, 66 Princess Johnson Zbar Joseph, 280 Princess Robertson Grocery Co, 183-185 On- FURNITURE DEALERS tario (Retail) Harrison T F Co, 229-239 Princess Lesses Louis, 507 Princess Ahearn Jos Jr, 308 Montreal McFaul, Robt, 130 Princess Anderson Bros, w s Division, 1 s Prin- Reid James, 254 Princess cess Reid R J, 222 Princess Arniel Wm J, 163 Alfred Turk Jacob, 398 Princess Baker, P H, 91 Colborne Shear Abraham, 366 Princess Bannister John, Livingston ave and Union Sinclair, Robt, 360 Barrie west Bateson, Mis sMargaret, 90 William FURRIERS Belfast Tea House, J Gordon, prop, 149 Campbell Bros, 84 Princess Montreal, cor Bay Gourdier W F, 78 Brock Bon Marche Grocery,cor Earl and King McKay John, 149-153 Brock Campbell's, Portsmouth Mills Geo & Co, 128 Princess Carnovsky T R, 668-670 Princess Clark Charles H, 86 Pine GARDENERS. Cohen, Lazar, 214 Sydenham (See market gardeners) Cohen, S, 168 Ontario Coulter C H, 909 Princess GENTS FURNISHINGS Couper Daniel, 341-343 Princess Abramsky Joseph, 263 Princess Crawford James, 182 Princess Abrarason Louis, 336 Princess Cullen Joseph, cor Princess and Alfred Abramson J B, 257 Princess Davies The Wm Co, Ltd, 86 Princess Bibbys Limited, 78 Princess Davis Alice (wid Arthur P), 337 Queen Dwyer Bros, 112 Princess Davy Mrs Dora, 25 King w Forrest J P, 348 King e Donnelly Allan, 222 Wellington Jenkins E P, 114 Princess Driver W J, 271 Queen Livingston C & Bro, 75-79 Brock Druce John, Lower Stn Lipman B, 107 Princess Friendship Bros, 210 Division Prevost Z, 55 Brock Gage J R B, 254 Montreal Roney & Co, 127 Princess Gaudreau Zephirin, 290 Ontario Waggoner A C, 188 Wellington Germain Mrs J, 54 Ontario Zacks Isaac, 271 Princess Gilbert John, 194 Barrie, 39 Wellington and 94 Gore GRAIN DEALERS Glover Albert, 152 Bagot Donoghue Charles, 291 Ontario Gordon John, 149 Montreal Kingston Milling Co, ft Brock Gordon John, 338 Princess McFarlane J A, 25 Brock Grant Jessie (wid Thos), 525 Brock Maple Leaf Milling Co, cor Ontario and Haffner P A, cor Johnson & Fron- Place d'Armes Martin J W, no Clergy Hartrick. F W. 109 King w Peters-Thompson Seed Co, 117 Brock Henderson, J R, 59-61 Brock Richardson James & Sons, ft Princess Herbison, J E, 611 Princess Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. DeDcntures KEliP DOWN^THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, ^^' "re insurance, phone 1030 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY 247 Hopkinson W E & Bro, 37 Brock Chown E & Son, 248-250 Bagot Dalton Sons, Princess cor Ontario Hutcheson J B, cor Wellington & Bar- & (Retail) Irwin Bella, Beverly, cor King James T O, 83 Colborne Bunt J B & Co, 351-353 King e Johnston Hugh, 49 York Chown A & Co, 252 Bagot Kelley James & Co, 270 Princess Dalton & Sons. Princess cor Ontario Elliott Bros, 77 Princess Kemp W J, 455 Division Kenny Joseph, cor Patrick and Pine Hentig Geo W, 345-347 Princess Kennedy M, 303 Montreal Lawrenson Elmer, 385 Princess Knowlton, Fred. 254 Division McKelvey & Birch, Ltd, 69-71 Brock Lee, William, 393 Earl Marshall H W, 193 Princess Lemmon John, 213 Montreal Simmons Bros, 169 Princess McCormick & Mooney, 39 Colborne Stevenson & Hunter, 85-87 Princess McRae W R & Co (N E O'Connor, Taylor & Hamilton, 89-91 Princess prop), Wellington, cor Brock Maclean Andrew, 272-4 Ontario HARNESS MAKERS McLeod C R, 51 Union W Qow N, 471 Princess Marshall, R, 145 Montreal Dolan M J, 219 Princess Millan Denis J, 256-258 Ontario Bagot Laidley S G, 233 Wellington Morris I T, 377 Rudd Harness Murphy L W, 53-55 Princess Co, 143 Princess Wiseman A, King e Nesbitt Mrs Sarah, 246 Barrie J 379 Nesbitt W James, 259 University av O'Donnell, Mrs Jean, 83 CoUingwood HATS, CAPS AND FURS Percy John A, 70 Division Abramson L, 336 Princess and Uni- Pickering C H, cor Princess Campbell Bros, 84 Princess versity Jenkins E P, 114 Princess Rideau Potter Alex, 12 L , Mills George & Co, 106-110 Princess Purdy James E, 226 Barrie Purtell, Mrs Agnes, 258 Montreal HAY DEALERS Quigley Hannah (wid Jas), 214 Mon- treal Dennee Eugene G, 868 Princess Rawson A, 40 Montreal McFarlane J A, 25 Brock Redden James & Co, 178 Princess Peters-Thompson Seed (To, 117 Brock Reid W J, 361 Division Rutherford Thos, 1 Clow's block, Chat- HIDES AND PELTS ham St Saunders Charles, 505 Princess Lyons Patrick, 10 Market McKay Ltd, 151 Schofield J, 647 Princess John Brock Scott, Miss Lillian, 617-619 Princess Smith H A, I55 Division HOTELS Barrack Smith Harold J, 23 Albion Hotel, 46 Montreal Alfred Stover Herbert, 109 Anglo-American Hotel, 172 Ontario Annie. 312 Montreal Tooher Miss Bay of Quinte Temperance House, 69 Raglan rd cor Main Turkington W*n J, Queen Lee), 138 United Grocery Co (Ben Hotel Frontenac, 178-182 Ontario Princess Hotel Randolph, 133-7 Princess Montreal Valleau Gordon, 308 Imperial Hotel, 76 Princess Raglan Wartelsky Alex, cor Bagot & Prince George, 200-204 Ontario and Fronten»t Wilder H S, cor Princess Lake View House, 286 Ontario GUARANTEE BONDS Queen's Hotel, 119-127 Brock Revere House, 383-385 King e R, 82 Brock McCann J S Royal Hotel, 342-344 Princess HARDWARE Whitney Hotel, 29 Brock (Wholesale) ICE DEALERS Botsford Geo, 95 Princess Chown A & Co, 252 Bagot Kingston Ice Co Ltd, 255-267 King st w SOLD AT MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. JEWELLERS - - 350 King St STARR PHONOGRAPHS Stewart's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied zvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Off ice


INSURANCE COMPANIES Dominion of Can Guarantee & Acci- dent Ins Co, J S R McCann, 82 (Accident) Brock Canada Accident Assurance Co, C S Dominion Gresham Guarantee Casu- Kirkpatrick. 42 Clarence; G A Bate- alty Co, J R C Dobbs, 41 Clar-, man, 67 Clarence; B H Fogle, 91 ence Clarence, agt Employers Liability & Ins Corp of Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Ac- Lond, Eng, J S R McCann, 82 Brock cident Ins Co, W J B White, 239 Ba- Fireman's Fund Ins Co of San Fran- got; J S R McCann, 82 Brock, agents cisco, John Driver, 352 King e, agt Dominion Gresham Guarantee & Casu- The Home Ins Co, New York, J K Car- alty Co, J R C Dobbs, 41 Clar- roll, 56 Brock ence Liverpool, London & Globe, Montreal, Employers' Liability Insurance Corpor- J B Cooke, 322 King e ation of London, Eng, J S R Mc- Liverpool, Manitoba Assce Co, J B Cann, 82 Brock; J R C Dobbs, 41 Cooke, 332 King e Clarence London & Lancashire Guarantee & Fidelity & Casuality Co, W J Fair, cor Accid Co, J S R McCann, 82 Brock Clarence & Wellington st London Mutual Fire Ins Co, G A Bate- General Accident Assurance Co of man, 67 Clarence Canada, S Roughton, 60 Brock, agt Norwich Union Fire Ins Society, G A Globe Indemnity of Montreal, J B Bateman, 67 Clarence Cooke, 332 King, agt Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corpora- Imperial Guarantee & Accident Ins Co tion, Lond Eng, J K Carroll, 56 of Canada, Toronto, J O Hutton, 18 Brock; John Driver, 352 King e, agts Market st, agt Travellers Ins Co of Hartford Conn., J Law Union & Rock Accident & Eire Ins S R McCann, 82 Brock Co. T J Lockhart agt, Ontario Cham- Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd, John Driver 352 bers King e London and Lancashire Guarantee & Ac- cident Ins Co, S Roughton and H (Boiler) Sharp, 60 Brock; J S R McCann, 82 Boiler Inspection and Ins Co of Canada, Brock; G A Bateman, 67 Clarence, J S R McCann, 82 Brock agt and Thos Mills, 79 Clarence, agts Travellers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, London Guarantee & Accident, Rough- J S R McCann, 82 Brock ton, 60 Brock Maryland Casualty Co, Jas Swift, ft (Burglary) Johnson, agent Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Ac- Merchants Casualty, B H Fogle, 91 cident Ins Co, White, agt, 239 Clarence, agt W J B Bagot; S R McCann, 82 Brock Norwick Union Fire Ins Society, Acci- J Dominion Gresham Guarantee Co Ltd, dent Br, G A Bateman, 67 Clarence ^ C S Kirkpatrick, 42 Clarence, agent; Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corpora- R C Dobbs, 41 Clarence tion of London, Eng, K Carroll, J J 56 Casualty of York, Brock, agts Fidelity & Co N W J Fair agt, cor Clarence and Wellington Railway Passengers' Assurance Co of The Ocean Accident & Guarantee London, Eng, A E Loscombe, 187 M Corp of Lond, Eng, J K Carroll, 56 Wellington; G A Bateman, 67 Clar- Brock ence, agts

Travellers' Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, J (Employer's Liability) S R McCann, 82 Brock, and P Han- J Canada Accident Assurance Co, B ley, Ontario cor Johnson, agents W J White agt, 239 Bagot Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd, of York, Eng., General Accident Assurance Co, W J B John Driver, 352 King e, agent White, agt, 239 Bagot Accident Guarantee Corp of (Automobile) Ocean & Lond, Eng, John Driver, 352 King e Columbia Ins Co, J O Hutton agt, 18 Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd of York, Eng, Market, agent John Driver, 352 King e REAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendeis MILLINERY


(Fire) Hamilton Fire Ins Co, G A Bateman, Aetna Insurance Co of Hartford, James 61 Clarence Swift, agt, St Lawrence wharf Hand-in-Hand Ins Co, Strange & Strange Alliance Assurance Co, C S Kirkpatrick, agt, 95 Clarence; C S Kirkpatrick, Zd 42 Clarence, agt Clarence Hartford Atlas Assurance Co, J S R McCann, Fire Insurance Co, James agents, 82 Brock Swift agt, St. Lawrence wharf British America Assurance Co, W H Home Insurance Co of New York, J S Godwin & Son, agts, 39 Brock R McCann, 82 Brock, and J K Car- British & Canadian Underwriters J O roll, 56 Brock, agts Hutton agt, 18 Market Hudson Bay Ins Co, W H Godwin & Son British Dominions Fire Ins Co, J R C 39 Brock; J R C Dobbs, 41 Clarence Dobbs, agt, 41 Clarence Insurance Co of North America, Jas British Empire Ins Co, J S R McCann, Swift agt, St. Lawrence wharf 82 Brock Insurance Co of State of Pennsylvania. Caledonian Insurance Co, C S Kirkpatrick J K Carroll, 56 Brock 36 Clarence Law Union and Rock Fire Insurance Canada National, J O Hutton, 18 Mar- Co, J K Carroll, 56 Brock ket St Liverpool, London & Globe Ins Co. Strange Canadian Fire Ins Co, Clark Wright & & Strange, 95 Clarence; J O Sons agts Hutton, 18 Market Commercial Union Assurance Co, W J Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance Co. B White agt, 239 Bagot Clark Wright & Sons Connecticut Fire Insurance Co, James London Assurance Corporation, J B Swift, agt, St Lawrence wharf Cooke, 332 King, and W H God- Continental Fire Ins Co, of New York, win & Son, 39 Brock, agts W J Fair agt, cor Clarence & Welling- London Fire Insurance Co of London, ton Eng, Jas Swift agt Dominion Fire Insce Co, James Swift, London Guarantee Fire Ins Co, S ft Johnson; G A Bateman, 67 Clar- Roughton, 60 Brock ence; J S R McCann, 82 Brock; T J London Mutual Fire Ins Co, London, Lockhart, Ontario Chambers, agents Ont, G A Bateman, 67 Clarence, Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co, and Strange & Strange, 95 Clarence, G A Bateman, 67 Clarence, agt agents Employers' Liability Assurance Cor- London & Lancashire Fire Ins Co, G poration, H S Folger, 44 Clarence A Bateman, 67 Clarence Equitable Fire and Marine Insce Co, T L'Union Fire Ins Co, Paris, France, J J Lockhart, Ont Chambers. K Carroll, 56 Brock Fidelity Phoenix Ins Co, Jas Swift, ft Manitoba Fire Ins Co, B Thompson, Johnson 39 Brock, agent Firemans' Fund Ins Co of San Fran- Mercantile Fire Ins Co, G A Bateman, cisco, John Driver, 352 King e 67 Clarence Fire Insurance Exchange Corporation, Merchants' Fire Ins Co, A E M Los- Strange & Strange agts, 95 Clarence combe, 187 Wellington; J S R Mc- General Fire Ins Co, S Roughton, 60 Cann, 82 Brock; Thos Mills. 79 Clar- Brock, • agent ence; W H Godwin & Son; T J Lock- German American Fire Insurance Co of hart, Ont Chambers, agts New York, Jas Swift, agt, St Law- Monarch Fire Ins Co, G A Bateman, 67 rence wharf Clarence; J R C Dobbs, 41 Clarence Glens Falls Fire Ins Co of Glens Falls, Mount Royal Fire Ins Co, T J Lock- N Y, W H Godwin & Son, 39 Brock; hart, Ont Chambers; Thos Mills, 79 J O Hutton, 18 Market Clarence The Globe & Rutgers Fire Ins Co, NY, The Nationale Fire Ins Co, Paris, J K Carroll, 56 Brock France, J K Carroll, 56 Brock Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance National Union, J O Hutton, 18 Market Co, B White agt, 239 Bagot W J North British and Mercantile Insurance Guardian Assurance Co of London, Eng. Co; C S Kirkpatrick, Z6 Clartnce, W J B White agt, 239 Bagot Kmg & Smythe, 71 Clarence, agts SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade Starr Phonographs ;. H 350 KING STREET SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS

250 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY Northern Assurance Co Ltd, of Eng, Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd of York, Eng. Thos Mills, 79 Clarence; King & John Driver, 352 King e; Clu.rk Smythe, 71 Clarence Wright & Sons, agts Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, (Guarantee) J H Macnee, 328 King e, agent Nova Scotia Fire Ins Co, J O Hutton agt, American Surety Co, J S R McCann 18 Market; T J Lockhart, Ont Cham- agt, 82 Brock bers Canadian Surety Co, King & Smythe, Northwestern National, Thos Mills, 71 Clarence G A Bateman, dl Clarence; J S R Dominion of Canada Guarantee & Acci- McCann, 82 Brock dent Ins Co, W J B White, 239 Bagot The Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp and J S R McCann, 82 Brock Ltd, Lond, Eng, J K Carrol!, 56 Employers' Liability Assce Corpn of Brock; John Driver, 352 King e London, Eng, J S R McCann, 82 Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Co, A E M Brock Loscombe, 187 Wellington Guarantee Co of North America, C S Palatine Ins Co of Lond, Eng. T J Kirkpatrick agt, 42 Clarence Lockhart, Ont Chmbrs London & Lancashire Guar & Ace Co, Perth Mutual Fire Ins Co, J S R Mc- W H Renwarden, 151 Wellington, Cann, agt, 82 Brock G A Bateman, 67 Clarence, agents Phoenix Assurance Co of London, Eng, Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corp of R C Bell, 239 Bagot, and J B Wal- London, Eng, John Driver, 352 King kem, 93 Clarence; Miss D W Max- e, and J K Carroll, 56 Brock, agts well, 95 Clarence United States Fidelity and Guarantee Phoenix Fire Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, Co, C S Kirkpatrick, 36 Clarence, G A Bateman, 67 Clarence T J Lockhart, Ont Chmbrs, agts Protectors Underwriters of Hartford (Life) Conn, O Hutton, 18 Market J Canada Life Assce Co, Hutton Providence, Washington Ins Co, / O J O general agent, 18 Market Hutton, 18 Market Crown Life Ins Co, W H Penwarden, Provincial Ins Co Ltd, J O Hutton 18 120 CoUingwood, dist Market mgr Confederation Life Association, C S Kirk- Queen City Fire Insurance Co, Strange & patrick, agent, 42 Clarence Strange, agts, 95 Clarence Confederation Life Ins Co of Canada, Rochester American of Rochester, NY. B H Fogle, 91 Clarence, agt O Hutton, 18 Market J Dominion Life Assurance Co, Water- Royal Exchange Fire Ins Co, T J Lock- loo, Ont, K Carroll, agt, 56 Brock hart, Ont Chmbrs; C S Kirkpatrick, J Excelsior Life Ins Co, W H Godwin, 36 Clarence ; Son, agt, 39 Brock ' & St Lawrence Underwriters Agency, re- Imperial Life Assurance Co. B Cooke presenting Western Assurance Co of J district mgr, over B of T Toronto, Thos Mills, 79 Clarence; F London Life Ins Walters, Lockhart, Ont Chmbrs Co, Wm J Supt, Arthur G Brouse, asst supt. St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co, St Paul, Golden Lion Block B White, 239 Bagot; K Car- W J J London & Lancashire Life & General As- roll, 56 Brock surance Asso, Ltd, Thos Mills, Branch Sun Fire Insurance Office of London, mgr, 79 Clarence Eng, Kent Bros, 91 Clarence, and W Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co, M G H. Godwin & Son, 39 Brork Johnston, dis mgr, 58 Brock; E C Union Assce Society of London, Eng, Heflfron, gen agt Clark Wright & Sons, and B Thomp- Metropolitan Life Ins Co, G Fergu- son, 39 Brock, agts W son. 262 Princess, supt; Twigg, R, Waterloo Mutual Fire Ins Co, Jas Swift, W 192 Barrie St Lawrence wharf and W J B White, 239 Bagot, agents Mutual Life Assce Co of Canada, S Wellington Fire Ins Co, John Strange, Roughton, district agent: H Sharp, 59 Clarence, agent special agt, 60 Brock; E Woodman Western Assce Co, J O Hutton, 18 Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y, T J Lock- Market, agent hart, agt, Ontario Chambers

J. K. Carroll Agency ocean Accident* 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON BUSI NESS DIRECTORY 251

North American Life Assurance Co of New York Plate Glass Ins Co 328 King Toronto, W J Fair, dist mgr, cor e and A E Loscombe, 187 Welling- Clarence and Wellington ton, agts Northern Life Assce Co, Clark Wright Norwich Union Fire Ins Society, G A & Sons, agts Bateman, 67 Clarence Prudential Life Ins Co, J T Lefever, Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corp, supt, 264 Bagot Lond, Eng, J K Carroll, 56 Brock Royal Insurance Co of Eng, W J B Travelers Ins Co of Hartford, Conn, J White, 239 Bagot S R McCann, 82 Brock Standard Life Assurance Co, J W Cor- Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd, John Driver, 352 bett, 352 King st, agt King e Travelers' Ins Co of Hartford, J S R (Registered Mail) McCann agent, 82 Brock British & Foreign Ins Co, J S R Mc- (Live Stock) Cann, 82 Brock General Anmals Ins Co, T J Lockhart, JEWELLERS (MFG) Ont Chmbrs; G A Bateman, 67 Clar- Keeley W J sr, 103 Brock ence, agts Rodger Robert 132 Princess Yorkshire Ins Co Ltd, John Driver, J, Jewellers (retail) see watches, clocks, etc 352 King e JUNK DEALERS (Marine) Bordowarf, B, 53 Charles British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co Cohen I, Ontario st of England, S Kirkpatrick, 42 Clar- C Glaser, E, 168 Ontario ence and S R McCann, 82 Brock J Goldman Karl, 34 Cherry Commercial Union Assce Co, B W J McLaughlin ,Ed, 855 Princess White agent, 239 Bagot Rosen Max, 162 L Bagot Dale & Co, Ltd, Montreal, C S Kirkpat- Speizman, A, 69 Queen rick, agt, 42 (Clarence; S R McCann, J Susman, M, Ontario cor 82 Brock Barrack Wiskin. Roy. 174 L Bagot Western Assce Co, J O Hutton, 13 Market, agent. KNIT GOODS MANUFACTURERS (Plate Glass) Kingston Hosiery Co, Ltd, King w Canada Accident Assurance Co, W J B LADIES' TAILORING White, 239 Bagot, and C S Kirkpatrick. Cohen Isaac, 267 Princess 42 Clarence, and G A Bateman, 67 Cohen Jos, 203 Wellington Clarence, agents Cunningham Miss Katie, 258 Rideau Casualty Co of Canada, Plate Glass etc, Steacy & Steacy, 118-129 Thos Mills, 79 Clarence, agt Princess Mitchell Mrs E M, 73 Brock Dominion of Canada Plate Glass etc, Waldron R, Wellington, cor Thos Mills, 79 Clarence, agt Brock Dominion of Can Guarantee & Acci- LAMP GOODS dent Ins Co, J S R McCann, 82 Robertsons' Brock Limited, 71-73 Princess Imperial Guarantee Accident & Sickness LAUNDRIES & Plate Glass Ins Co, J O Hutton, 18 Lee Bros, 331 Princess Market Fon Le T, 408 Brock Lloyd's Plate Glass Ins Co, New York, Fong Sing, 383 Princess James Swift and G A Bateman, Hong Charlie, Earl and Division 67 Clarence, J S R McCann. 82 Brock, Hong Toms, 84-86 Queen B W J White, 239 Bagot, Strange & Hum Kim, 2Y2 Rideau Strange, 95 Clarence, agents Imperial Steam Laundry London Co, 308 Barrie & Lancashire Accident, In- Kingston Steam Laundry, 251 Princess demnity, etc, Thos Mills, 79 Clarence Lang Sai, 220 Barrie Montreal Plate Glass Insurance Co, Lee Shing. 104 William Robinson Bros, agents, 277 Bagot Lee Wee. 282 Princess National Provincial Plate Glass Ins Co, Lee Yin, 412 Princess (Queen's Laun- W H Godwin & Son, 39 Brock dry) SMITH SEAMLESS BROS. WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office 252 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Lee Sing, 206 Montreal MARKET GARDENERS Lee Wee, 282 Princess Baiden Bros, Portsmouth Sang Lee, 350 Johnson Bushell R J, s s Bath rd Shing Lee, 104 William Coulter Chas H, 909 Princess Wah Long, 155 Wellington Dennie .Evarest. 461 Barrie Wo Kee, 116 Clarence Dougherty Wm, 20 Sixth LEATHER AND FINDINGS Friendshin C C, s s Bath rd Friendship John, 427 Albert McKay Ltd, 151 Brock McDonnell, Robt, 297 Division LIVERIES Scott Walter D, Regent st Simpson Chas, Regent Finkle & Co, 120 Clarence Watts John N, 24 Regent Guess Leighton, Bagot cor Brock Godkin J D & Son, 290 Princess MARRIAGE LICENSES LOAN COMPANIES Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Kirkpatrick C S, 42 Clarence Canada Permanent Mortgage Corpora- Rodger R J, 132 Princess tion, G A Bateman, agt and appraiser Smith Bros, 350 King 67 Clarence I Colonial Investment and Loan Co J S R MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS McCann, agent, 82 Brock Kingston Mattress Factory, 456 Prin- Dominion Permanent Loan Co, J H Mac- cess st nee, 328 King e, and T.J Lockhart, 65 Clarence, agent MICA DEALERS Frontenac Loan & Investment Society, Anglin S & Co, Bay, cor Wellington 87 Clarence Kent Bros, office 91 Clarence; factory LOCKSMITHS 211-217 Brock Jones C A, 609 Division MILLINERY Patrick, M, 149 Sydenham J Adams Miss Ada, 252 Alfred .- LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Corrigan C J, 174 Princess 9 Gedye Co, 178 Wellington Canadian Locomotive Co, Ltd, Ontario Graham & Butler, 370 Princess ft of Earl Greaza Miss E V, 182 Wellington LUMBER MERCHANTS Hamilton Miss, 370 Princess Hannay & Ramsay, 179 Wellington Allen, Isaac, cor Ontario and Place McLauchlin Mrs E, 113 d'Armes Brock Mills Geo & Co, 126-128 Princess Anglin & Co, Bay cor Wellington O'Connor, T 260 Princess Hooper Slater, 132 Ontario J, & Pearsall Thos A, 228 Princess MACHINISTS Queen Co, 174 Wellington Steacy & Steacy, 1x8-120 Princess Angrove T B, 382 King e Bishop Thos G, foot Princess st MINING ENGINEERS Canadian Locomotive Co, Ltd, Ontario ft of Earl Donnelly Capt John, 193 Ontario Cockburn Wm, 277 Ontario Davis Dry Dock Co, foot of Bay MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES AND Hunter J- W, 30 Montreal ACCESSORIES. Kingston Shipbuilding Co, foot of Union Halliday Electric Co, 345 King e Wright G A, 382 King st e McKelvey & Birch, 69 Brock MANTELS, GRATES Milne, H, 272 Bagot AND TILES Newman H W, 79 Princess Hooper & Slater, 128-132 Ontario MOTOR BOAT ENGINE MFGRS. MARBLE WORKS Davis Dry Dock Co, foot of Bay Fallon Bros, 139 Clergy McCallum & Co, 397 Princess MOULDERS Mullen, Jas, Victoria st Angrove Thomas, 382 King st e insurance J. K- Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds Mendels Specialize in Cliildren's and Infants' Wear of All Kinds

KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 253 MUSIC TEACHERS (Monthly) Anderson Miss Helen, 178 Bagot The Canadian, C M B A, 15 Montreal Angrove, Madeline, 179 Sydenham (Quarterly) Betts Mrs H A, 253 Albert Queen's Quarterly, Queen's Burns, Miss Annie, 129 Collingwood College Chown Miss D G, 126 University av NURSES Clough Glace, 23 Pine Compton Rose, 206 Frontenac Adams Miss Bella, Ivs 323 Brock Allison Miss G, Ivs 21 Garrett Couper, Bert, 776 Princess M Alp, Bessie, 100 Frontenac Day Miss Ella, 103 Frontenac Beattie Anna, Ivs 301 University Dobbs Mrs J R C, 258 Albert Beswell, •. Fairlie Anna, 480 Brock Miss J, 17 Mack Birtles Minnie M, mily nurse, Ivs 80 Johnson. Frances G. 467 Johnson Clergy Lake Miss Edna, 361 Alfred w Black Margaret, Ivs Lambert, Marjorie. 459 Barie 137 Alfred Mangan, Mary. 44 Ordnance Brouse, Miss G, 188 Stuart Burgess Miss Vera, Ivs 678 Princess Mooney Miss Isobel. 67 Alfred Clark Miss Emma, University Newman Miss S Edith, 271 King w 310 O'Sullivan, May, 107 Wellington Coglan Mrs, Ivs 310 University Cullen Mildred, Ivs 8 Ontario Rogers, Bessie, over Bank of Montreal, Clarence Dalgleish, Eva, 30 Garrett Donnelly Ruby, Ivs 195 University Saunders, Miss Berna. 353 Brock Draper Martha G, 99 Clergy Sexsmith, Miss Margaret, 140" Welling- w ton Empey, EiTie, 24 Frontenac Fairlie, Catherine, 480 Brock Shaw, Miss M, 53 Clergy Filson, Hildred, 41A George Strachan Miss A G L, 248 Division Frayne Mrs Emily, 379 Earl Taft. Grace. 99 William w Eliz, 493 Barrie Tandy, R. 425 Albert Glenn Goodearle. Agnes. 90 William Telgman ,Miss Norma. 216 Frontenac Hanley. Miss Minnie. 109 Welington Telgmann O F, 216 Frontenac Harrigan Miss Ina, Ivs 6 Garrett Tierney, Mary. 17 Colborne Hiscock Flo. 117 William Walker Miss Lettie, 27 Clergy w Holland, Miss Alice A. 429 Johnson Weese Miss Florence, 371 King w Inglis Mrs Isabella, 52 Kill Wilder Miss Charlotte, 207 Nelson C Joyner ,Mae, Beverly Kerr, Mrs P, Ivs 160 King e MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Knapp Elsa. 347 Albert College Book Store, 160-162 Princess Leader Edith, bds 302 Queen Dutton Miss. 150 Sydenham Legree Anna, Ivs 44 Clergy Routley A K, 173 Princess Legree Jennie, Ivs 44 Clergy

Lovick, Hester .154 University ^ NEWS DEALERS Lyons Katherine, Ivs 13 St Lawrence Baker, W Jas, 202 Princess st Martin Mrs Hester. 97 Queen Bucknell Miss, cor King and Clarence Martin. Pansy. 243 Earl College Book Store, 260 Princess Martin Pearl, 135 Nelson McAuley Thos, 93 Princess Mathews. Pearl, 243 Earl McGall, John, cor Princess & King Murphy Mrs Margaret, 108 (downstairs) Montreal NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS McCallum Jean, 187 University McCay Edith, Ivs 80 Barrie (Daily) McCullough .Eliz. 72 Chatham British Whig, 306-310 King e Mclntyre, Ivs 20 U William Standard, 177-179 Princess Mclntyre. Mary. 199University (Weekly) McLean L E, Ivs 42 Clergy w McLeod Miss F, bds 380 Brock British W^hig, 306-310 King e McXamee. Daisy. 100 Frontenac Canadian Freeman, 318 King e Norris Edna, Ivs 175 Clergy Standard, 177-179 Princess Page, Lydia. 94 Barrack Queen's University Journal Patterson. Gertrude. 123 Colborne Satisfactory Supplied JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. • 350 King St. FOR CORSETS ^1 Mendels TO SUIT EVER-Y FIGUR.E


Patterson, Gertrude, 430 Princess Moberly William, 64 Brock Reid, Helen, 75 Union Moncrieff T E, 40 Durham Roadhouse Flo, 142 Nelson Patterson Robt W, 189 Victoria Roberts, Annie, 109 Bagot Robinson Bros, 275-277 Bagot Robinson Annie, 37 Johnson Rogers, Jas, 52 Chatham Robinson Mrs Frances, 302 Queen Savage & Co, cor Brock & Bagot Rotters, Kathleen, 45 Clergy w Sawyer John, 382 Brock Ruchford, Mrs K (wid Lev), Vince Wm, cor Clergy and Colborne Ryan, Anna, 222 Johnson Ward H, 132 Victoria Sleeth Margaret, 84 Quebec Wilkins Henry, 106 Frontenac, res 408 Sloan, Mabel A, bds 187 Alfred Johnson .ijiam Switzer Miss Anne, 267 Queen Wood, Geo, H4 Ontario ^^1 Tarrent Miss R, bds 17 Mack Turbett Julia (wid John), res 324 Al- PARCEL DELIVERY fred Bradley's Parcel Delivery (U R Wilson Miss Frances, 126 Union w Knight), 123 Colborne Wood Grace, Ivs 385 Johnson City Delivery (D J Zurbrigg), 587 Wright Lillian, Ivs 159 Sydenham Princess Wright, Meryl, 42 Livingston Rapid Transit, Vanluven A, 377 Brock OIL DEALERS PHONOGRAPHS AND GRAPHA Canalian Oil Co, Ltd, 228 Ontario PHONES ^9 City Oil Queen Co i Coates F W, 158 Princess Greene J M, Music Co, John Johnson' OPTICIANS mgr, 241 Princess Asselstine John S, 342 King e Lindsay C W & Co, 121 Princess Uest Drug Store (L T Best), 124 Prin- Mahood Bros ,113 Princess cess Routley A K, 173 Princess Chown Dr A P, 185 Princess Treadgold Sporting Goods Co, 78-80 Coates F W, 158 Princess Princess Keeley W J jr, 226 Princess Rodger Root J, 132 Princess PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL Smith Bros, 350 King e Chown A P, 185 Princess Stewart J J, cor Clarence & Wellington Best Drug Store, The, 124 Princess HoasT F 359 Princess PAINTERS J, Austin W E, 303 King e Birmingham, Vernon J, 4 Clow's Block McLeod J B, 53 Brock Bryant Chas, 307 Earl Uglow R & Co, 141 Princess Bryant, Harry, 460 Princess Bushy, Henry E, 3 Concession PHOTOGRAPHERS Compton Chas R, 257 Brock Boyes C H, 224 Princess Cossage, Thos, 13 Saint's Rest, Mait- Lochhead J F. 242 Princess land Marrison G. 92 Princess Driscoll, P, 23 John McKenzie P, 180 Wellington (upstairs) Dunphy E J (carriage), Ordnance, 1 w Richardson W L, 151 Wellington Montreal Frost W G (carriage), 299 Queen PHYSICIANS Hebert, Chas, 26 Plum Angrove, Harold, 93 Wellington Edgar, W T, 374 Alfred Ashcroft Dr Robt G, D O, and Dr Edna Higgins, Chas, 535 Brock E, D O (osteopathy), office hrs: 10 to Janeway. John H, 27 Cherry 12 & 2 to 5, and 6 to 8 pm, office 140 Kirkham, Thos, 218 Earl Wellington, phone 447 Laird John, 350 Princess Bogart I Gordon, MD, 102 Wellington, Layzell Charles, 166 Bagot office hours till 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 Lytle John, 35a Main to 9 p.m.; telephone 475. McDonell, Wm, 15 Ellice Boyce H A, 93 Wellington McKee Joseph, res 366 Johnson Campbell J W, cor Queen and Clergy, Martin C A, (sign), 35 Montre»l office hours 8 to 9 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to Milo T W, 255 Princess 9 pm, telephone 455 Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. DeDcntures FIRE INSURANCE^*-..** CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY 255

Cays Frederick, specialist, 124 Wellington Williamson, A R B, cor King and Wil- Connell J C, 265 King e, cor Johnson, liam, office hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm, (oculist and aurist), office hours 10 to telephone 451 12 am, and 2 to 5, 7.30 to 9 pm, 'phone 393 PIANO MANUFACTURERS Coon, D A (physician and surgery), 189 Wormwith & Co, 27-29 Princess Brock Crowley Lawrence E, 110 Ordnance, PIANO TUNERS 'phone 1598 Bazeau W A, 152 Ontario Day H E, 271 Alfred, office house 8-9 Besh Wm A, 223 L Rideau, cor

am ; 2-4, 7-9 pm Montreal Gardiner Robt J, William, cor Bagot, offi- Hodge Jos, 273 King w ce hrs 8 to 9 am, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 pm, tele- Kemp Marsden, 109 Frontenac phone 870 Swaine W E, 100 Clergy \- Gibson, Wm, 85 William, 'phone 43 PIANOS AND office hrs 11 to 12, 1 to 3 pm, and 7 to ORGANS 8.30 pm Green J M Music Co, 241 Princess Hanley Robert, MD, 109 Wellington, Lindsay C W & Co, 121 Princess office hours 8 to 10 am 2 to 4 and 7 Wormwith Piano Co, 27 Princess to 9 pm, telephone 540 Howard, Dr C A, 124 Wellington PICTURES AND FRAMES Phone 1801 College Book Store, 260 Princess Huyck, Dr P H, 80 Clergy w Kirkpatrick Michael, 159 Princess Keyes, S J, 255 Queen office hours, 9 to 10 am, 1 to 3.30 and 7 to 8.30 pm: PLANING MILLS 'Phone 831 .\nelin & Co, Bav cor Wellington Lake E J, 258 Bagot (eye, ear nose, Hooper & Slater, 128-132 Ontario . throat and skin blemishes), office hours 9 to 12 am, 1.30 to 5 pm, Satur- PLUMBERS day evenings 7 to 9. telephone 301 Elliott Bros, 11 Princess McCallum E C D, cor Brock and Bar- Hall David, (^ Brock rie, phone 1093; office hrs 8-10 am, Lawrenson E, 385 Princess 2-4, 7-9 pm Lemmon John, 456 Barrie McCarthy William, 163 Brock, cor Mon- Lemmon & Sons, 197 Wellington treal, office hours 10 to 11 am, 2 to 4 McKelvey & Birch Ltd, 69-71 Brock pm, and 7 to 9 pm, telephone 307 Nobes George, 79 Arch McConville Isobel. 13 Montreal, office Simmons Bros, 169 Princess hours 10 am to 12 m, 3 to S and 8 to Taylor & Hamilton, 89-91 Princess 9 pm. Telephone 488 Morrison C A, 208 Bagot PLUMBERS SUPPLIES Mundell D E, 228 Brock, office hours 1 McKelvey & Birch, Ltd, 69-71 Brock to 3 and 7 to 8, telephone 398 Mundell J. 59 Arch Mylks G W, MD, 79 William st, office PORK PACKERS hours 8 to 9.30 am, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 Maclean Andrew, 272 Ontario pm, telephone 119 O'Connor C E (oculist and aurist), 277 PRODUCE

King e, office hrs ; 10-1 2-5 ; 7.30-8.30 pm Jas Crawford, 239 Princess telephone 383, residence 'phone 598 Davies Wm & Co, 86 Princess Phelan Daniel, 191 Johnson Richardson A W, MD, 247 Johnson st, PRINTERS office hrs 8 to 3 to 10, 5, 6 to 8, tele- British W^iig Publishing Co, Ltd, 306- phone 589. 310 King e Sparks J F, 100 Wellington, office Hanson, Crozier & Edgar, 20 Market hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 386 Canadian Printing and Publishing Co, 318 King Third James, 67 West cor Wellington, office hrs 1-4 pm week days and by ap- Jackson Wm, 190 Wellington pointment, telephone 268 Standard Pub Co Ltd, 177-179 Princess SMITH BR.OS. ^,^^ men GRADE CLOCKS, WATCHES WM. JLIVLLLLKI\^,,,^ When You Are in Need of Kyeslasses Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D: Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden Lion Block


PROPRIETARY MEDICINES New England Chinese Restaurant, 331 King Poison N C & Co, 265 Ontario Np'v York Chinese Restaurant, 83 Prin- Bell, Geo W, Clarence st cess PUBLISHERS Royal Cafe, 157 Princess British Whig Publishing Co, Ltd, 306- Scouten Wm, 343 King e Victoria Cafe, 354 King 310 King e e Canadian Printing and Pub. Co., RAILWAY COMPANIES 318 King CNR, city office, 217 Princess Standard Pub Co Ltd, 177-179 Princess C P R, up-town office. Princess, cor REAL ESTATE Wellington; station opp City Hall G T R System, ft of Johnson Bell R C, 130 Clarence N Y C & H R R, ft Brock Bateman Geo A, 67 Clarence Carroll John K, 56 Brock ROPE MAKERS. Cays D A, 57 Brock Gavine William, 25 Frontenac Derbyshire Byron, 163 Union w Dobbs, J R C, 41 Clarence RUBBER STAMPS Driver, D, 352 King J British Whig Publishing Co, Ltd Folger Howard S, 44 Clarence Clark J W & Co, 353 Princess Hutton J O, 18 Market Lockhart T J, Ontario Chambers SAFES Loscombc A E M, 187 Wellington Dobbs J R C & Co, 18 Market McCann J S R, 82 Brock Meagher, F W, 99 Albert SALVAGE AND WRECKING COM- MuUin E W, Johnson, cor Division PANIES Norman H F, 69 Patrick Donnelly Sa:lvage and Wrecking Co, Roughton, S, 60 Brock Ltd, 193 Ontario Spence Wm, 380 Alfred Strange & Strange, 95 Clarence SASH DOORS AND BLINDS Sutherland, R D, IBagot and Brock Anglin S & Co, Bay, cor Wellington Thompson Blake E, 39-41 Brock Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co, On- Zacks, Kevy, 134 Ordnance tario cor Place d'Armes REGISTRARS Hooper & Slater, 128-132 Ontario Gildersleeve James P, registrar of SAVINGS SOCIETIES deeds. City of Kingston, office head Frontenac Loan & Investment Society, West St 87 Clarence Eraser Miss Helen, registrar Surrogate Court, office Court House SAW MILLS Gibson Wm, registrar of deds. Coun- Anglin & Co, Bay, cor Wellington ty of Frontenac, o ce head of West street SCALE ADJUSTERS REPAIRERS McKelvey & Birch, 69 Brock st Clark J W & Co. 353 Princess Jones C A, 610 Division SEED MERCHANTS Muller Geo & Sons, 373 King e McBroom W F, 42 Princess McFarlane J A 25 Brock RESTAURANTS Peters W P, 117 Brock Allies' Cafe, 326 King Beef Steak Jack, Exchange Restaurant, SECOND HAND GOODS 21 Brock Shapiero A, 35 Princess Crown Cafe, Windsor Blk, Princess ot Shapiero S, 45 Princess Frisco Cafe, 183 Wellington Circle Minnie, 39-41 Princess G T R Restaurant. Outer Depot Goldman Carl, bds 34 Cherry Grand Cafe, 222 Princess Handler Z, 284 Princess Masoud Geo, 238 Princess Lesses Louis, 507 Princess McCormick Wm, 47 Princess Rothard, L, 289 Princess Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance PLACE YOUR INSURANCE WITH ONE OF OUR RELIABLE COMPANIES

CLARK WRIGHT & SONS - . . . PHONE 1030 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 257 Shear Abraham, 366 Princess STORAGE Sugarman Henry, 238-242 Ontario Craig W G & Co, 125-127 Ontario Thompson John, 333-335 Princess Frost W G, 299 Queen Turk Jacob, 398 Princess Kelly, John, 54-56 Queen SEWING MACHINES STOVES AND TINWARE Singer Sewing Machine Co, 223^ Elliott Bros, 77 Princess Princess Halligan Ed P, 110 Queen Hentig G W. 345-347 Princess SHIP BUILDERS Lawrenson Elmer, 385 Princess Lemmon & Sons, 197 Wellington Davis ft Dry Dock Co, Bay McKelvey & Birch, Ltd, 69-71 Brock Kingston Shipbuilding Co, foot of Union Simmons Bros, 169 Princess SHOEMAKERS Taylor & Hamilton, 89-91 Princess & CIVIL Davis, W C, 395 Princess SURVEYORS Downey Timothy, 91 Earl ENGINEERS. Doxstater, W J. 318 Barrie Campbell & Wright, 86 Brock Hinton, David, 348 Johnson Johnston J E. 70 Brock st TAILORS Jenman Geo, 355 Princess Alexander, Robt, 116 Brock Kaminske, A, 157 Queen Carroll Wm, 206 Princess . McGall 268 James Bagot Cohen ,1, 203 Wellington Modney, Jas. 279 King Crawford & Walsh (mer), 155 Princess Moulday, J Z, 381 Johnson Egan, Wm, 131 Brock O'Connell Robert, 176 Montreal Hall & Wellwood, 237 Bagot Patterson Matthew, 421 Brock James Wm, 370 Princess Paynter Robt, 269 Princess Livingston C & Bro (mer), 75-79 Brock Radanovich, A. 246 Montreal Maxam Alfred, 9 Montreal Ringland Robt, 355 Princess "My Valet," Warwick Bros, props, 189 Sutherland J H & Bro. 103 Princess Princess Whalen Dan J, 206 Barrie O'Brien & Co, 216 Princess Prevost Zotique (mer), 55 Brock SODA WATER MANUFACTURERS Robinson Chris, 201 Wellington Princess Home S V, 148 Ontario Tweddell John (mer), 131 188 Wellington Thompson Bottling Co, 292 Princess Waggoner A C (mer). Wellington Tyo, Mrs A, 473 Princess Winstin Louis, 159 TANNERS SPORTING GOODS Davis A & Son, Ltd, Lower Rideau st Cooke F W, 39 Clarence McGall. John, cor Princess & King TAXIDERMISTS Paul W J, 70 Princess Stratford, Jas, 307 Division Routley A K, 173 Princess Treadgold Sporting Gods Co, 88-90 TELEGRAPH COMPANIES Princess Canadian Pacific Railway Go's Tele- graph, 40 Clarence STATIONERS Great Northwestern Telegraph Co, 34 Clarence Bucknell Miss, cor King and Clarence North American Telegraph Co, Ltd, Clark J W & Co. 353 Princess The, 40 Clarence st College Book Store, 260 Princess McAulev Thomas.' 93 Princess TELEPHONE COMPANIES Uglow R & Co, 141 Princess Bell Telephone Co, 81-83 Clarence STONE DEALERS TENTS AND AWNINGS Bazeau F X, 152 Ontario McBratney Hugh, 137 Bay Cooke F W, 39 Clarence Wallace Robert, 380 Barrie Dix Joseph, 211 Nelson RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS^ .... Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KING STREET Optometry Means Eye Service WE WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY General Post Office J. J. STEWART, optometrist and Optician 0pp. [

258 KINGSTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY THEATRES UPHOLSTERERS Grand Opera House, 218 Princess, D P Harrison T F Co, 229-237 Princess Branigan, local manager Reid James, 254 Princess King Edward, Princess, cor Montreal Reid R J, 230 Princess Orpheum, vaudeville, 250 Princess Sinclair Robert, 360 Barrie Strand, 262 Princess TINSMITHS VALUATORS McCann S R, 82 Brock Chown Edwin & Co, 248-250 Bagot J Elliott Bros, 77 Princess VETERINARY SURGEONS Hentig G W. 345-347 Princess Bell 110 Clarence Lemmon & Sons, 197 Wellington G W. Morgan vet McKelvey & Birch, Ltd, 69-71 Brock W J, R C H A, bds 116 William Simmons Bros, 169-171 Princess Taylor & Hamilton, 89-91 Princess McGill, W A, Colborne st Nicholls Wm, 134 Clarence TINSMITHS' SUPPLIES • Chown Edwin & Son, 248-250 Bagot VINEGAR MANUFACTURERS McKelvey & Birch, Ltd, 69-71 Brock Wilson, Lytle, Badgerow Co of Toron- TOBACCONISTS to, Ltd, e s Bagot, 1 s Ordnance Baker W J, 202 Princess WAGON MAKERS Fitzgibbon Daniel, 210 Princess (See Carriage and Wagon Makers). McGall, John, cor Princess & King McGlade Wm, 274 Princess WALL PAPER Martin E F, 211 Princess Laird John, 350 Princess Paul W J, 70 Princess Milo Princess Routley Arthur K, 173 Princess T W, 255 I Robinson Bros, 275-277 Sands T W, 165 Princess Bagot Savage Co, cor United Cigar Store, 164 Princess & Brock & Bagot Thorne, Mrs Mary, 78 William TYPEWRITERS' SUPPLIES Vince Wm, cor Clergy & Colborne Wilkins H, cor Frontenac and Johnson Dobbs, J R C & Co, 41 Clarence TYPEWRITERS WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY Coates F W, 158 Princess Dobbs, J R C & Co, 41 Clarence Keeley, W J jr. 226 Princess Kinnear & D'Esterre. 100 Princess TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES Lane C W, 192 Wellington Forwarders Limited, W G Craig pres, ft McCandless W, 318 Princess of Gore Rodger Robt J, 132 Princess Montreal Transportation Company, Ltd, Smith Bros, 350 King e ft Queen TRUNKS AND VALISES WHARFINGERS Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, ft Abernethy Shoe Co, The, 123-5 Princess Johnson st Bibbys Limited, 78-80 Princess Richardson Jas & Sons, ft Princess Jennings Harry, 356 King Swift James & Co, ft of Johnson Lockett F G, 116 Princess Crawford R, foot of Queen Rotgauze, Mrs Sophia, 352 Princess Rudd Harness Co, 143 Princess WIRE WORKERS UNDERTAKERS Crescent Iron & Wire Works, 144 Col- Corbett S S, 246 Princess lingwood Keyes, M P, 228 Princess Reid James, 254 Princess WRECKING PLANTS Reid R J, 230 Princess Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co, Ltd, Ronan Thomas, 238-240 Bagot 193 Ontario

J. K. Carroll Agency dominion ufe 56 BROCK ST. INSURANCE CO. »



Miscellaneous Directory

City Council, 1918. Garbage and Refuse—Aid Newman, chairman; Hewitt, Anglin. Mayor—J. M. Hughes. Aldermen Board of Health. Sydenham Ward—Dr D A Black, D P Millan, and Thos Hewitt. Chairman, Mayor Hughes; Dr. Wil- liamson, Dr. L E Crowley, E Ontario Ward—R E Kent, N E O'Con- MHO, Cain, Harry Sharpe nor and N A Smith St Lawrence Ward_W J B White, W Meetings J Hooper and G C Wright Cataraqui Ward—Jas Norris, A Sim- Committees meet the week preceding mons and Chas Samuel Anglin the regular meeting of Council as fol- lows : — Frontenac Ward—S S Corbett, J W Smith, and W P Peters Monday— City Property & Markets, 4 pm Rideau Ward—Wm Clugston, D Cou- per, R G Armstrong. Tuesday—Fire & Light, 4 pm Victoria Ward— HW Newman, J J Wednesday—Board of Works, 8 pm. Litton, Percy B Chown. Wednesday—Garbage and Refuse, Standing Committees. 4.00 pm. Thursday—Finance & Accounts, 8 Finance—Mayor J M Hughes, chair- man; Aid Kent, Wright, O'Connor, New- pm man, Litton, Corbett. Other committees meet at the call of the Board of Works—N E O'Connor, chairman chairman; Aid. Couper, Wright, Litton, Coimcil Meetings Black, Simmons, J W Smith. Fire and Light—Aid. Litton, chairman; The regular meetings of Council will be Aid. Clugston, Millan, Hewitt, Anglin, held every two weeks beginning January Chown, White. 21st, 1918. City Property—Aid. Corbett, chair- Special meetings of the Council at the man; Aid. Chown, Hooper, Norris, Mil- call of the Mayor lan, Peters, Armstrong. City Officials. Parks—Aid. Kent, chairman; Aid. Sands, City Clerk; Bar- Armstrong .Smith, White, Simmons, J. Dr W W O V W. Smith, Clugston. tels, Treasurer; R J McClelland, City Assessor -and Industries Aid. Wright, chairman; Engineer; Edwin Mooers; — Newlands. Tax Col- Hooper, Peters. Commissioner; W A lector; L Whiting, Solicitor; Dr Wil- for Aged and Infirm Mayor J Home — liamson, M H O; C C Folger, Mgr. Civic Hughes, Aid. Couper. Utilities; Robt Nesbitt, acting Chief of Board of Education—-A. W. Sawyer. Police; Jas Armstrong, chief Fire De- Court of Revision — Thos Dawson, partment; A H Muir, City Auditor; N Sheriff; S. R. Bailey, George Williamson. Timmerman, Sanitary Inspector.

Ml standard Railroad Watches IN STOCK Watch Repairing SMITH BROS. - - King St. A larsre percentagre of Headaches are caused from i| HEADACHES Eye- strain If you are troubled vvrith them See optometrist and Optician J. J. STEWART, Opp. General Post Office 260 KINGSTON MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. City Engineer's Department 32—Montreal and Charles R J McClelland, engineer; Thos 34—Montreal and Bay Timms, foreman. 35—Colborne and Sydenham 36—Cor Patrick and Balaclava sts Light Water, & Gas Depts under 37—Bagot and Ordnance Sts Public Utilities Commission. 38—Wellington and Place d'Armes G Y Chown, chairman; T J Rigney, R 39—Tete de Pont Barracks MacFarlane, Hughes, N F Mayor R F 41—Bay and Rideau sts Elliott; J W Rigney, accountant. 42—Raglan rd and Bagot Light Department 43—Cotton Hill 45—Davis' Tannery C C Folger, manager ; R J McClelland, 46— Cor. River and Rideau sts engineer; J W Rigney, accountant. 47—Opposite 684 Montreal st Waterworks Department 51—Cor Earl and Barrie sts 52 C C Folger. manager; R J McClelland, —Division and Johnson 53 engineer; J W Rigney, collector. —Earl and University FIRE DEPARTMENT 54—Earl and Albert sts 56—Cor Yorke and Division sts Jas Armstrong, chief; F Reid, Capt 57—York and Division sts No 1 station; Cockade, Capt No 2 Wm 58—Cherry and Plum sts station; John Hall, electrician; H W 59—Pine and Cowdy sts mech eng; Patterson, Tug- Way, T A 61 —West and Sydenham wood (overseas), A Lutz (overseas), A 62—Cor King and Maitland sts Patrick, G Murray, Hall, soldier; W 65—General Hospital Turner, F Shepherd, Chas Brown, T J 67—King and University sts Boucher, L Hart, A Boucher, R Davis, 68—King and Collingwood Burns, Polly. J H 69—King and Livingston ave Fire Halls 71—Union and University 72 No 1 —Ontario st, between Brock and —Alice and University Princess 73—Union and University ave No 2—Brock st, between Clergy and 74—Union and Frontenac sts Barrie 75—Union and Collingwood sts FIRE ALARMS 76—Johnson and Victoria 78 Cor Union and Livingston 3—Cor Queen and Ontario sts — ave 81—Alfred and York 4—Brock and King sts 84 Stephen and 5—Princess and Wellington sts — Cowdy 94 6—King and Barrack —Mowat Hospital No 1 Station Ontario st, 'phone 7—Cor Princess and Bagot sts — No 196a 8—Cor Queen and Montreal sts 9—Brock and Sydenham No 2 Station—Brock st, 'phone No 10—Brock and Bagot 196b 12—Clarence and Wellington Chief's residence, 286 Barrie, Phone 952 13—Cor Earl and Wellington POLICE COMMISSIONERS lA—King and Johnson Judge H Lavell. Police Magistrate 15—William st, east of Ontario st 16—K Shipbuilding Co. Farrell and Mayor Hughes 17—Gore and Ontario POLICE FORCE 18 and sts —Cor King Union Robert Nesbit, actnig Chief; James 19 Bagot and Wellington — Bateson, sergt; Leslie B Clark, Edmund 21 —Princess and Sydenham sts Graham, T L Armstrong, S J Arniel, 23 Cor Princess and Barrie sts — John Naylon, Thos Mullinger, M Arm- 24 Colborne and Main J — strong, James Cotter. James A Downey, Arch and Deacon sts 25—Cor Frank Miller; Annie Smith, matron. 26—Princess and Chatham 27—Princess and Albert CITY CORONERS 28—Princess and Victoria Drs D E Mundell, A E Ross, R K Kil- 29—Cor Brock and Frontenac sts born, W W Sands, D Phelan and R J 31—Montreal and Russell sts Gardiner Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Debenture» LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.

KINGSTON MISCELLLANEOUS DIRECTORY 261 CAB TARIFF Committees From any point to any point within The first named of each committee City limits, except as hereinafter pro- is the chairman, and the warden is a vided: member of all committees

( ) For one person $ 50 County Property—Councillors Dris- 1 (2) For each passenger to or coll, Wensley, Maitland, Stover, McFad- from any railway station or den steamboat wharf between 8 a.m. Roads and Bridges—Councillors Gem-

. mill, and 9 pm except as in item (3) . . . 50 Truscott, Howes, Gray, C McGre- (3) For a passenger to or gor from G T R Junction 50 Education and Printing — Council- (4) For each passenger to or lors Coulter, Patterson, Gox, Stover, from any railway station or Parks, Howes, Calvin steamboat wharf between 9 p.m. Finance—Councillors J Halliday.Span- and 8 a.m 50 kie, Wensley, Cox, Patterson, L D COUNTY OFFICERS Parks .Maitland Warden—W S Reed Good Roads—Councillors B Coulter, Judge—H A Laveli A A McFadden, C Truscott, W S Reed, Sheriff—Thomas Dawsor Maitland Clerk of Peace and County Attorney— Board of Audit—Dr Wm Spankie, P J L Whiting, K C J Wensley, D Gemmill, Truscott, Jas. Local Registrar of the Supreme Halliday Court of. Ontario, Deputy Registrar Children's Aid So. and Children's Admiralty Court and Clerk of the Co. Shelter—The Finance Committee. Court of the Co. of Frontenac—Thos POST OFFICE Milne Asselstine Postmaster—James Stewart Registrar of Surrogate Court—Miss Asst Postmaster—C Gay Shannon Helen Eraser Clerks—W J Wells, J B Cochrane, Treasurer—David Purdy R E Genge, Miss J Morrison, Wm T County Clerk—J W Bradshaw Harkness, H. Nicholson, Wm White, Inspector of Public Schools—S A Jos Daly, Geo B Scott, Jas F Kane, S A Truscott, M A Morris, H Hunter, A H Metcalf, H Free. Registrar of Deeds—W J Gibson Temporary—Miss F Allen. Miss Elsie Governor of Jail—C W Topping Easson, W J Kerr, John Hannah, Jas Surgeon of Jail—A W Richardson, Halliday, C H Stockdale, C Wood. MD Letter Carriers—^J J Purtell acting sup- County Poor Physician—Dr A B Wil- -rintendent; R J Elliott, B 1 Hanlon, liamson George Lawes, George F Little, M Mur- County Auditor A H Muir pny, D J Patterson, M A Donnelly, T M High Co Constable—P Ritchie Parkin, I W Doheriy, G J Compton, Fred Caretaker William — Toner Connors, Abel Blomeley, J McD Ingles County Council, 1918. Thos Pickering. John Allmark, A A Barrie, Chas McGregor, Myer's Cave; Buck. S J Woods, F J Seaton, E P Mur- Bedford, Wm A Patterson, Burridge; ray, S A Woods. Clarendon and Miller, P Wensley, J Transfer Agts—W J Amey F Muckler Wensley ;Garden Island, H A Calvin, Frederick Henry Garden Island; Howe Island, John Dris- Stamp Vendor—Miss I Garbutt; Miss coll, Howe Island; Hinchinbrooke, Thos Mae Riley, assistant. Howes, Parham; Kingston, Benson Letter Collector—Jas V McFadden Coulter, R R 2, Kingston; Kennebec. L Messenger—Geo Gordon D Parks, Arden; Loughboro, Charles Caretaker—Jos Kehoe Truscott, Sydenham; Olden, J M Cox. Parcel Post—F Hebert, W F Timms. Mountain Grove; Oso, Archie Gray, Fall Postoffice Inspector's Office River; Pittsburg, Geo Maitland, Brewer's Inspector—Henry Merrick Mills; Portland, W S Reed, Harrow- Asst Inspector—J C Strange smith; Portsmouth, Jas Halliday; Pal- Clerks—Miss M Ford. Mrs Isabel Ham- merston and N and S Canonto, David ilton, Miss M Eeran. Miss Power, Miss Gemmel, Snow Road; Storrington, An- Funnell, Miss Merrick. Thos E Bennett, drew A McFadden, Inverary; Wolfe Isl- C A Btint, C C McGrail, H E Seale, and, Wm Spankie, Wolfe Island. G F Gordon


For Well -Made Ready-to- Mendels wear at lowest prices

262 KINGSTON MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY CUSTOMS HOUSE Services—Every Sunday, Holy Com munion, 8 Choral (Cor King and Clarence sts. Examin- am; Evensong, 7 ing Warehouse 10 Market st) pm; Sunday School, 3 pm; Holy Bap- tism, pm. First Inspector of Customs Ports—A Shaw 4 and Third Sundays Choral Eucharist, Asst Insp of Custons, Chas R Martin 11 am; Second, Fourth and Fifth Sundays, clerks, Thos Gaskin, A W Cathcart, A. Choral Matins, Daily E Dogherty; preventive officer, James Services at 10 am. Holy New^man; appraiser, Thomas Driver; Communion on Saints' Days at 10 am A Y P A Tuesday p.m.; James Hanley, W D Graves, Harry Guy, 8 Boy Scouts parade, Monday 7.15 p.m. Jas Mallen, Thos. Healey, J Stansbury; emigrant officer, Alex Fowler; A Stra- St George's Hall, cor Johnson and chan, collector. Wellington Sts—Secretary's office, Rev J W Jones, Secretary and Registrar; INLAND REVENUE OFFICE Francis King, M.A., Lay Secretary (16 Market street) St James' church, cor Union and Arch Collector, Thos Grimason ; deputy col- Streets, Rector, Rev T W Savary, lector, A Hanley; officers, John O'Donnell, B A. Services : Morning prayer, Sun- Wallace Mont- W Frizzel, Jas Hogan, day, 11 am; evening prayer, 7 pm; Holy Hogan; gomery; food inspector, James Communion, 1st and 3rd Sundays after INSPECTOR OF INLAND REVENUE morning prayer, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 8 am, 5th at 7 pm ; Sunday (Govt Bldg, Clarence St) school, 3 pm Wednesdays service, 8 pm Inspector—E J Gow St Paul's Church, cor Queen and Mon CANAL OFFICE treal sts—Rev Canon W F FitzGerald, (Govt Bldg, Clarence street) MA, vicar, residence 371 Brock street; STEAMBOAT INSPECTORS' OFFICE Sunday services, 11 am and 7 pm; Holy Communion every Sunday at 8.30 am (Govt Bldg, elarence St, 2nd floor room and 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 am; last Sunday and chief festivals, 8 am; Sun- Inspector of boilers and machinery day school and Bible class, 3 pm; week and examiner of engineers—T P Thomp- night service, Wednesday, 8 pm; A Y son. Residence, 162 King st, Phone 982 P A, Monday, 8 pm

St Luke's Church, Nelson street, cor (Govt Bldg, Clarence St, 2nd floor) Princess Rev de P. Wright, B.D., rec- Inspector of hulls and equipment — J tor, 311 Alfred st. Sunday services, M R Davis. 11 am and 7 pm. Sunday school, 3 pm GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN- SPECTOR'S OFFICE Brotherhood of St. Andrew. (Govt Bldg, Clarence St) St Paul's Chapter—Rev Canon Fitz- Inspector—H Fraser Gerald, dir; C D Potter, vice-dir and WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OFFICE Secretary Gallagher; Inspec- Chief Inspector—T Baptist tor, Wm Duffy Food Inspector—Jas Hogan First Baptist Church, cor Johnson an dSydenham Streets—Rev John S La- CHURCHES. flair, pastor. Sunday services, 11 a m (Anglican) and 7 pm. Sunday school, 2.45 p m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm; B Ontario) (Diocese of Y P U meeting, Monday, 8 pm Rt Rev E J Bidwell, DCL, DD, Bishop of Ontario. Union St Baptist Church, Union, cor St George's Cathedral, cor King and Collingwood — Rev. (Capt) Fairfull. Johnson sts—Clergy: Very Rev Dean Services, Sunday 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 Starr, MA DD, Rector, 78 Welling- pm; Sunday School and Bible Class, 3 ton St; Rev Cecil Whalley, MA, BD, pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 Priest-Vicar, 138 Bagot pm. B Y P U, Monday, 8 pm Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ucbentures —; —— KEliP DOWN THE FIRE LOSS See Clark Wright & Sons, ft nr. insura.ce. phone 1030


Congregational Presbyterian First Congregational, cor Wellington Chalmers, Barrie, cor Clergy—Rev R and Johnson sts, Rev T De Courcy Ray- J Wilson, D.D, pastor. Services, Sun- ner, pastor, residence, 220 Johnson st; day, 11 am and 7 pm. Sunday school Sunday services, 11 am and 7 pm; Sun- and Bible class, 3 pm. Prayer meeting day school, 3 pm; Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p m. Managers' meet- Wednesday, 8 pm; Y P S C E, Monday, ing, first Tuesday in month, 8 o m 8 pm Cooke's Church, 197 Brock—Rev E Bethel Church, 248 Johnson St—Rev R McLean, MA, BD, pastor, 372 J K FairfuU (temporary), pastor. Sunday Brock Street. Sunday services, school services, 11am and 7 pm. Sunday 11 am and 7 pm. Sunday school 3 pm. 3 pm. Y P S C E, Friday, 8 pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. Pres- Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. byterian guild, Monday, 8 pm Calvary Church, Bagot, cor Charles Reverend John Lyall, pastor — St Andrew's, Princess, cor Clergy Monday, Young People's Guild, 8 pm Reverend John W Stephen, BD, pastor. Wednesday, prayer, praise and Bible Sunday services ii am and 7 pm. Sun- study, 8 pm; Sunday, public worship, 11 day school, 3 pm. Midweek service, Wed- day in am; Bible school, adults and junior class- month, 3 pm. Juvenile Guild, Monday, 2 pm. Young Woman's Guild es, 3 pm ; evangelistic services, 7 pm and Bible class, every alternate all are welcome ; all seats free Monday pm. Women's Home Asn, last Wednes- Methodist day in month, 3 pm. Juvenile Guild, Satur- day, 2 pm Sydenham St Methodist Church, Syd- enham St, cor William; parsonage, 181 Zion, Pine street, near Division—Rev William st—Rev W T G Brown, pastor; J D Boyd, pastor. Sunday services, 11 Rev Wm Craig, church secretary, 376 a m and 7 pm. Sunday school, 3 p m. Albert st. Services, Sunday, 11 am and C E Society, Wednesday, 8 pm 7 pm. Epworth League Monday, 8 pm. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 pm; Roman Catholic Bible school, 2.45 pm; junior league and Residence, the Palace, 225 Johnson st society classes, Sunday 10 am; Intermed- St iate League, Friday, 7.30 pm. Mary's Cathedral, Johnson, cor Cler- gy—Most Rev M J Spfatt, DD, Archbishop, Queen St Methodist Church, cor Cler- Reverend A J Hanley, Rector; gy and Queen sts—Rev J D Ellis, pastor, Rev R Halligan, Rev V Meagher, Rev C 30 Colborne St. Services Sunday, 11 a.m. J Mea, Rev Keaney, Rev Hyland, asst. and 7 pm. Sunday school, 2.45 p m. priests. Hours of service—Mass every Young Men's Club, Sunday, 2,45 p m. week day at 7.30 am; Sunday, low mass, Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. 7.30 and 9 am; high mass,. 10.30; vespers Young People's meeting, Monday, 8 and benediction, 7.30 pm; summer mass p m. at 6.30 every Sunday. Brock St Methodist Church, cor Mon- Other Churches treal st—Rev D A Lough, pastor, 242 Johnson St. Ministerial Association—Hon. Presi- dents, Very Rev. Bishop Bidwell, Rev. Sunday services, 11 am and 7 pm; Dr. Macgillivray; Pres., Rev D Boyd; Y P S, Monday, 8 pm; prayer meeting, J Vice-Pres, Rev T Savary; Sec-Treas, Wednesday, 8 pm. Brotherhood and W Mr F J Wilson young ladies' class, Sunday at 3 p m Evangelical Alliance Rev D Boyd, Princess St Methodist Church, — J cor Al- Pres; F W Wilson, Sec bert Street—Rev J A Waddell, minister. Sunday services, 11 am and 7 pm. Sun- Bible Society—Rev D E Laing, Pres. day school, 2.45 pm. Prayer meeting, Catholic Apostolic, 285 Queen street Wednesday. 8 pm. Miss Emma Wil- J W Dunlop, minister in charge. Hours of der, supt Sunday school, W C Gard- service, Sunday, 10 am; Holv Eucharist, iner, recording steward 10.30 am; Wednesday, 10 a m SOLD AX MARRIAGE LICENSES SMITH BROS. STARR PHONOGRAPHS JEWELLERS • - • 350 King St. — — —


IF NOT. SEE J.J.^ICjWAKI, opposite General Pest Office


First Church of Christ. Scientist, 95 KINGSTON CO-OPERATIVE SUM- Johnson st, Miss C Lovick, first reader. MER SCHOOL Sunday, 11 am; Sunday school, 9.45 am; Pres, Rev G S Clendinnen; Vice-Pres, (pub- Wednesday, 8 pm. Reading room Rev E R McLean and Miss S. Foster; Sunday, 3 lic), every afternoon except Sec, J M Macalister; Treas, Chas Anglin. to 5 pm. Holiness Movement Church, 267 Di- LADIES' AUXILIARY OF Y M C A vision—Rev J W Watchorn. Hours Pres, Mrs. John Wright; Vice-Pres, service at 10.30, 2.30 and 7 pm. Sunday Mrs F R Anglin; Sec, Mrs W H Dyde; school, 9.30 a m. Tuesday and Fri- Treas, Mrs E P Jenkins. day, 8pm MOTHERS' COUNCIL OF Y M C A Free Methodist Church, Colborne st Pres, Mrs. Geo A Bateman; Vice-Pres, — Rev E Snyder, pastor. Sabbath Mrs Newlands and Mrs Roney; Sec, school, 9.30 am; preaching, 10.30 am; A A Mrs Geo. MacCallum; Treas, Mrs A preaching, 7 pm; prayer meeting, Wed- W Richardson. nesday, 7.45 pm Ontario Lord's Kingston Hebrew Congregation Day Alliance Synagogue, 148 Queen st—L Abramson, Kingston Branch—Rev. M. Macgilli- president; M OberndorfTer, Sec. Ser- vray, pres; B W Robertson, treas; G M vices Friday 7 pm; Saturday 8.30 a m. Macdonnell, KC, secy Kingston Hebrew Zionist Society, Christian Endeavor Union Synagogue, 148 Queen st—L Abramson, Meets first Tuesday in each month. president; B Zbar, sec. Hon. president. Rev E R McLean; Salvation Army—S A Barracks, Pres, C W Simmons; vice-pres, Miss 285 Princess Street. Local corps Agnes Litton; treas, Staff-Sergt. Myer; Adjutant Smith, officer in charge. Ser- rec rec, Robt Treneer; cor sec, Miss H vices every evening 8 pm, Sundays 7.30 Buck; asst cor sec, Miss M Stagg; organ- and 11 am, and 3 and 7 pm izer, S T Lilley; supt of intermediate and CHARITABLE AND RELIGIOUS junior work, Miss Edna Revell. SOCIETIES Kingston Children's Aid Society.

Y M C A Office, City Buildings, Ontario St. Princess, cor Barrie st—O Chown, Pres, Dr A W Richardson; sec, Dr Sands; treas, O V Bartels; inspector president; F R Anglin, vice-pres.; and cor sec, Mr A Jack W T Minnes, treasurer; recording secre- tary, R H Ward; F J Wilson, general The Victorian Order of Nurses in secretary; S T Lilley, boys' secretary; Canada. W J Cunningham, cartkr. Rms open daily from 9 am to 10 pm. Sunday meetings: Founded :n commemoration of the boys, 9.30 am. Parlors, reading rooms, Queen's Jubilee. Pres, Mrs H P social rooms, gymnasium, baths, etc. Smith; 1st vice-pres, Mrs W Linton; Social privileges of the association free 2nd vice-pres, Mrs H Snelling; fin sec, to all soldiers and young men visiting Mrs S Corbett; rec cor, Mrs A Smith; the city treas, J B Walkem, KC; nurse, Miss Edith Leeder; asst nurse^ Mrs. Francis Y W C A Robinson, 302 Queen st. Meets Ist Thursday in every month 196 Johnson—Miss McCallum, pres; at 3 pm Mrs H Breck, treas; Miss C. Foster, gen sec; Mrs Madill, hse supt. Rooms City Poor Relief Society open 9 am to 10 pm. Pleasant Sunday afternoon, 4 pm. Evening classes, Pres, Mrs John Wright; sec, Miss Ma- gymnasium, cooking, sewing, educa- char; treas, Mrs S Corbett. Meets every tional extension work and club work Tuesday from November to May. REAL J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. ESTATE —


KINGSTON MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 265 EDUCATIONAL. Standing Committees. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Management—Messrs Anglin, Macdon- ald , Mills, Lemmon Bruce Taylor Principal— Dr. Property—Messrs Monk,Godwin, Vice-Principal Dr Jno Watson Met- — calfe, McKay, and Sawyer Geo Chown, office Registrar— Y Finance Messrs. Queen's University — Cohen, Craig, Bate- Kingston Bldg, man, Renton and Minnes grounds Industrial—Messrs. Anglin, Macnee, FACULTY OF MEDICINE W Cook, trustees; Messrs. James Bews, Dr Bruce Taylor, principal W Chapman, H Douglas, H A Wilton. Commercial—Messrs J C Connell, MA, MD, Dean Campbell (chair- A R B Williamson, MA, MD, MRCS, man), Metcalfe, McKay, McLean, trus- Eng, LRCP, London, Secretary tees; Messrs. C A Macpherson, A E Day, W R Givens, Francis King Faculty of Arts School Chairmen Dr Cappon Dean— Collegiate Institute—Mr. Renton Victoria Faculty of Education School—Mr Macnee Central School—Mr Anglin Dean—H T Coleman, BA, PhD, J Macdonald School—Mr Metcalfe SCHOOL OF MINING AND AGRI- Frontenac School—Mr Godwin CULTURE Louise School—Mr McLean Cataraqui School—Mr Cohen Dean—Dr Wm L Goodwin Sydenham School—Mr Minnes Rideau Ward— Other Officers Mr McKay Depot School—Mr Sawyer Council Registrar of University Orphans' Home—Mr Craig J M Farrell, BA Observatory Board—The Principal and COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Prof Buchanan (Established 1792) Curators of Library—Professors Ross, E O Sliter, M A—Principal MacClement, Watson, and Campbell PUBLIC SCHOOLS Librarian—Miss Lois Saunders. Central School—W F Inman, Prin, Asst Registrar—Miss Alice King Victoria School—J G Ettinger, Prin, Adviser of Women—Mrs W E Mc- Macdonald School—Mr Beatty, Principal Neill, MA Frontenac—Mr McDougall, prin Supervisor of Studies, Professor Louise School—Miss Lovick, prin McNeill Cataraqui School—Miss A Davidson Curators of Museum—Professors of prin Biology and Geology. Sydenham School—Miss S Gill, prin Rideau Examiners in Gaelic—Rev M Macgil- School—Miss E Wilder, prin Specialists— livray, M A, and John Matheson, M A Miss H Barney. Writing- Mrs Arnold, Household Science; Miss BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1917. lean McCallum, Nurse; A T Hatch BA Manual Training; Mrs Lily Mabee,' Art'. Trustees—J M Farrell , chairman; F R Anglin, G. Bateman, W Campbell. Jas SEPARATE SCHOOLS Craig, Isaac Cohen. Wm Cook, J G El- Chairman, Rev A J Hanley; secretary- treasurer, liott, William H Godwin, Allan Lem- J J Behan; representative to mon, F MacDonald, Macnee, the Board of J W H H Education, W Cook J F Metcalfe, T D Minnes, G B McKay, A Carty. Prin. St. Mary's W McLean, W J Renton, W A Sawyer son, J Carty, Prin. St Mary's Public School Inspector—J Russell Members of School Board—Rev A Stuart Hanley. J J Behan, Cochrane, C J Corri- Secretary-treasurer—John Macdonald. gan, F Lumb, Richard Seaton, Lieut W Lanigan. Bailey. Messenger—A G T J O'Connor, J O Lawrence. Regular meetings of Board, 2nd Thurs- W C McDonald, J Burke, W Gannon, T day each month. Sulhvan. M F Grace SMITH BROS. Agents for Famous High Grade 350 KING STREET Starr Phonographs SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Mendels OF ALL KINDS


ST VINCENT ACADEMY Palmer, CRCE; District Intelligence Of- ficer, (For girls) Lieut-Col A W Richardson, DIG- Cor William & Bagot—Conducted by A D of S & T, Major Lawson'; Lieut.-Colonel the Sisters of the Congregation de Notre J M Wilson, ADDS- Dame. Div Signaller, Major D E Mundell; KEGIOPOLIS COLLEGE Lieut-Col F E Birdsall, OC No 3 Dis- trict Depot; Rev. J V Meagher, BA, principal, Capt A McCully, SOO; Paymaster, Christian Doctrine, Latin, FrencH Capt C Turner; Capt W J Sharpe, Casualty Rev J E McNeill, BA, Christian Doc- Officer; R B Richard- trine, Latin, French son, DADMS; Provost-Marshall, Capt. Ogilvie; W H L Gill, English and Ancient His- A L Dist Adjt, Major W J Mc- tory Manus; Barrack Stores, Lieut Hughes; F J Quinn, Science and Commercial Tete de Pont Barracks, Lieut-Col Jas N subjects Leslie, Commandant; No 3 Bn CGR, CONVENT OF THE CONGREGA- Major Crav^ford; AMC Depot, Major TION DE NOTRE DAME Kenneth Mundell, OC; 1st Depot Bn (Boarding school and academy) EGR, Lieut.-Col C A Smart, OC; Offi- Corner Bagot and Johnson streets- cer in command Depot Batteries, Lieut-" Sister St Agnes, Mother Superior Col R Crocker KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Royal Military College of Canada (Head of Queen street) Colonel C N Perreau, Commandant; H F Metcalfe, president; J E Cun- ningham, secretary; Miss L Wilson, Major Hanson, Prof of Field Sketching shorthand; Miss Jean Johnson, principal and Map Reading ;Capt C C Adams, MC, Instr Military shorthand dept; Evelyn Chatterton, Engineering; Capt E. J. teachers. Harvey, paymaster; Lieut F Yokes, DO, EASTERN DAIRY SCHOOL RMC; Lieut. S. C. Cutbush, supt gym; Major W F Ingpen, prof of artillery; L A Zufelt, superintendent; J H Prof L W N Mulloy, prof of military Echlin, instr in cheesemkaking; J A history; H E Day, prof physics and Craig, instr in buttermaking; W T Con- chem; I E Martin, prof of mathematics nell, MD, bacteriologist ;W O Walker, and mechanics; Prof R P Budger, MA., lecturer in chemistry; W McEwen, W prof of English; Major C Wother- asst butter maker; Miss Ethel Lake, H spoon, Act Staff Adjut. stenog. KINGSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY THE GREAT WAR VETERANS' AS- (Cor Johnson and Bagot sts) SOCIATION OF CANADA President, Col. G H Ogilvie; vice-pres. Miss L Mowat; treas, Archie Strachan; Hon. Pres, Brig-General G S Maun- secretary and librarian, Mrs Aimee Ken- sell; president, Lieut Dyte; vice-pres, Mr. nedy M Ryan; sec, C W Topping; executive FRONTENAC LAW ASSOCIATION committee, Capt J Welch, Mr A J Tay- lc5r. Pres, J L Whiting, KC; vice-pres, J B Walkem, KC; sec-treas, T M Assels- ARMY AND NAVY VETERANS. tine; trustees John Whiting, KC; Francis Headquarters, Windsor, Block, Prin- King; Library committee, L Whiting, J cess St. J G Evans, commandant (chairman), T J Rigney, KC; Francis King, J M Farrell. Library, Court House FRATERNAL SOCIETIES MILITARY ODDFELLOWS Cataraqui Lodge No 10 Meets every Headquarters Military District No 3 — Armouries, Kingston—Brig-Gen T D Tuesday evening at 334 King St, (over R Hemming, CMG, GOG; Col. Ge- Oddfellows' Relief) — Charles Smart, net, AAG; Brig-Gen F S Maunsell,GSO; JPG; W J Monk, NG; W T Grant, VG; Major T A Kidd, DAA and QMG; R M Douglas, R S;A W Cathcart, FS; Lieut-Col R J Gardiner, ADMS; Lieut.- A McLean, treasurer; Alex Rich- Col T J Taschereau, ADVS; Lieut-Col G W W H Gillespie, O & I of C C; Captain F A ardson, MD, physician

J.K. Carroll Agency ocean Acci«ient& 56 BROCK ST. Guarantee Corp'n —

Automobile Fire and Life Insurance CLARK WRIGHT & SONS Phone 1030 KINGSTON MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 267

Kingston Lodge, No 59—Meets every Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Thursday at 334 King St (over Oddfellows Rose of Sharon Sovereign Chapter Relief)—T Marshall. JPG; T Morris. of Rose Croix de H R D M—Meets first NG; B Gilbert. VG; W T Edgar. Wednesday in each quarter, at 81 Brock Rec Sec; R Diack, F S; R Stafford, J street. Sov Prince, John A McRae, treas; A Richardson, MD, physician W 18 degrees, MWS; Sov Prince, George C every Granite Lodge, No 363—Meets Wright, 18 degrees, registrar Monday evening in hall, cor Princess and Montreal—JPG, Wm Harkness; Kingston Lodge of Perfection, No 7— NG, Kenneth McCulla; Thos Donnelly, Meets 3rd Thursday in each month. Sec; Dr O W Daly, treas. H W Snelling, 18 degrees, TPGM; Sov Prince, F Waugh, 32 degrees, S C War- Canton Kingston, No 6, Patriarchs den; Sov Prince, Jos E Mortimer, Militant—Meets 1st Thursday in each J G Warden; Secretary, Sov Prince George month in Oddfellows' Hall. Dr A E C Wright. Ross, captain; R Stafford, lieutenant; Craft Masonry F A Monk, ensign; R Meek, clerk; W Perry, acct The Ancient St John's Lodge, No 3 Limestone City Encampment, No 15 G R C—Meets 1st Thursday of eacli —Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays in Odd- month — W Bro Iva E Martin, WM; fellows' Hall, 334 King st (over Odd- W J Saunders, SW; T R McCormack, fellows Relief) —Chief Patriarch, James J W; W Bro O W Daly, treas; A W Cruse; Scribe, W T Edgar; F S, R M Cathcart, sec. McRae; Treas, J E Dillon Cataraqui Lodge, No 92, G R C—Meets 2nd Friday in each month—W Bro W A Canadian Order Oddfellows King. WM; W Bro H A Graham, IPM; 128 Meets 1st Frontenac Lodge, No — W J Linton ,SW; E J Hartrick, JW; W Monday at 21 Montreal street. Dr G W Bro H A Graham, sec; W Bro C Wheel- Bell, NG; VG, A VanLuven; R C Bell, er, treas; Rev George S. Clendinnen, secretary-treasurer chaplain

Oddfellows' Relie. Association of Canada Minden Lodge, No 253, G R C—Meets 1st Tuesday in each Head office, 334 King street, near month—W Bro R H Ward, WM; Bro Brock—J A Minnes, president; John W H Milne, IPM; Donogh, Toronto, vice-president; Fred. Bro H W Newman, SW; Bro. F J Cold- ham, S. Evanson, secretary-treasurer; A H JW; Rev Dr MacGillivray, chap; Blackeby, superintendent of agencies; V W Bro W M Baillie, treas; R W Bro. T D Minnes, sec J M Farrell, solicitor; D E Mundell. MD, medical examiner. D D G M 14th Masonic District— R W Bro W Shannon, Xapanee MASONIC J Canadian Order of Foresters The Knights Templar Court Stanley, Hugh de Payens Premier Preceptory, No 199—Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Orange Hall No 1 —Meets in Masonic hall, Welling- C R, W Poulter; VCR, John ton street, first Friday in each month. Whiskins; RS, H A Graham; I'S, James Berry; J Wright, pres preceptor; Fr W J treasurer, W J Wells Renton, registrar; John Birkett, treas Companion Capitular Masonry, Court, Foresters RAM No 437 Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Meets Chapter No 1 —Meets third Friday in cor Montreal and Princess sts each month in Masonic Hall, Welling- 4th Tuesday every month—CR, Mrs. M ton St —First prin, Chas Crozier; second E Stinson; PCR, Carrie Wilkinson; V prin, H Milne; third prin, J Bryant; C R, Mrs L B Rees; rec sec, Emma Scribe N, Geo Vanhorne; prin soj, W Prager; fin Bearance; sr soj. H Moore; jr soj, F sec, Mrs J Brown; treas. J S Crozier, scribe E, R S Graham; treas, R McCann orator, Mrs. M. Potter; phy- Jas A Minnes. sician, Dr Williamson SMITH SEAMLESS BROS. WEDDING RINGS ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 18 K. GOLD 350 KING ST. —



Independent Order of Foresters Sons of Scotland 3421 Court Cataraqui, No —Meets 1st Sir William Wallace Camp, No 13 Monday over Montgomery's Dye Works, Meets 2nd Monday in hall, 21 Montreal Princess street—M F Patton, CR; Geo street. Chief, Thos McKenzie; Chief- Hunter, fin sec; English, RS; J M J tain, J W Eraser; Physician, Dr Wil- Pickering, treas; Dr Byron, CD; W H liamson; rec sec, V Bryant; fin sec, G A W Richardson, physician B Scott; treas, V Bryant Court Frontenac, No 59 Meets 1st and — Canadian Order Knights of the Grip 3rd Thursdays in hall, cor Princess and Kingston Commandery, No 4—Meets Montreal sts—CR, I W Allan; VCR, J every third Saturday afternoon in Board E Sedgwnck; rec sec, S R McCann; fin J of Trade Chambers—HCG, A W McMa- sec, Thos Lambert; treas, R S Graham; hon; PHCG, W H Penwarden; CG, H H Jos Wilson, orator; H Pelletier, SW; Cooke; sec, W H Dalby; treas, A Wm Good, JW; Wm Crawford, SB; Dr J Abernethy; capt, B Culcheth; lieut, E A R B Williamson, court physician; fin Green Allen and Sherman; com, R W J M St Andrew's Society man; court deputy, Jos. Hipson. Pres, Court Earl Roberts (Military, No 4265 Rev John Dall; 1st vice-pres, McMillan; —Lieut Gimblett, CR; S M Marshall, J F 2nd vice-pres, J D Bank- CD; Cpl Smith, VCR; Q-M Pearson, ier; chaplain. Rev E R McLean; honor- ary FS; Sergt Rousseau, treas; Col Duff, sec-treas, James Stewart; executive physician. comm, Dan Couper, J M Campbell, D Canadian Order Chosen Friends Murray, John E Gow; piper, J W Fra- ser; physician, Dr Council No 20—Meets 1 and 3 Tuesdays A E Ross; bard. Prof in Chosen Friends' Hall, 21 Montreal St Alex Macphail Capt J M Ashby, PC; W J Amey, CC; Sons of England J H Jarvis, VC; R C Bell, rec; C E Lin- Leicester Lodge, No 33—Meets 2nd ton, treas; E J Smith, prelate; Wm and 4th Mondays in hall, corner Princess Payne, marchal; A Dehaney, warden; and Montreal sts— Pres, A R Fearne; PP, Dr A W Richardson and Dr W A Mc- A Brown; VP, S Hinchcliffe; treas, Chas Carthy, medical examiners Selby; F S, rec sec, R. Baldwin Council No 121—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays, in Chosen Friends' Hall, 21 Daughters and Maids of England.

Montreal st. C H Powell , chief coun- Duchess of York Lodge, No 56—Meets sellor; H Sharpe, rec; Dr S J Keyes, in S of E Hall 1st and 3rd Thursdays physician of each month—Past Pres, Mrs. A Max- Council No 217—Meets 1st & 3rd am; worthy pres, Mrs. Turner; vice-pres, Wednesdays in Chosen Friends' Hall. Mrs F Carter; secretary, Mrs J H Par- CC, E Dunphy; VC, J Donovan; record- ker; treas, Mrs. G Eastwell. er. Miss N Hanley; prelate. Miss Da- J Canadian Order ley; marshall, Mrs E Davidson;' physi- Home Circle cian. Dr. R. Hanley; R Hanley, treas; Kingston Circle, No 105—Meets 4th John Mosier, guard; warden, Mrs Annie Monday in Hall, cor Princess and Mon- Devlin treal sts—Leader, Mrs. Smeaton; sec and A O U W fin sec, Mrs E R Prager; treas, Mrs Wm Limestone Lodge, No 91 —Meets 2nd Nichols; physician, Dr Bogart and 4th Thursdays at 21 Montreal street. Knights of the Maccabees Chas Davison; Milne; MW, PMW, W A Frontenac Tent No 200—Meets 1st Foreman, J Brown; Overseer, W Tuesday in every month over Mar- Greaves; Recorder, Wm Pillar; Finan- shall's Hardware store—H Obern- cier, D Couper; Treas, Wm Murray; dorffer, C; A E Treadgold, R K Physician, Dr Sparks Daughters of Rebekkah Woodmen of the World. Louise Lodge. No 10—Meets Oddfellows' Con. Com, Mcllroy; Adv Lieu, B Building. 334 King St, 1st and 3rd Mon- Beckett; banker, A VanLuven; clerk, days—JPG. Mrs F Darly; NG, Mrs M J Fegg; escort, J Hipson; watchman, Creer; VG, Miss S Randall; rec sec, H Walsh; doctors, Bogart and Keyes; Mrs J Horn; fin sec. Miss E Gwatkin; managers, Hughson, Finnigan and treas, Mrs E Jordan Watson insurance J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Of all Kinds ——

Specialize in Cliililren's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds


LOYAL ORANGE LODGES Committee on Laws—J F Boland, Tor- (Hall, opposite Y M C A) onto, Ont; J E Faribault, L'Assomption, Que; R F Phelan, North Sydney, NS No 6—Meets second Wednesday in each month. H Ackerly, WM; Jas Mc- Appointed officers—Supervising medi- Cammon, sec. cal examiner, P J Mugan, MB, London, No 2679—Meets on 4th Wednesday of Ont; solicitor, C J Foy, Perth, Ont; each month. F Crozier, WM; Stanley asst sec, E Howison, Kingston, Trotter, sec J H Ont No 316. meets 1st Tuesday in each Auditors—P C Shannon, Montreal, month—Edward Harris, WM; Jas Berry, Que.; Geo Edwards, Toronto, Ont. rec sec C M B A No 352—Meets first Wednesday in each month—W Hodgins, WM; R J El- Branch No 9, meets 1st and 3rd Wed- liott, rec sec nesdays in C M B A hall, over Sargent's No 577—'Meets second Friday in each drug store. Pres, James Lawlor; 1st month—Thos Bennett, WM; J Bennett, rec sec vice-pres, James N. Donoghue; 2nd vice- Royal Scarlet District Chapter pres, Thos E. Hennessy; rec sec, J R Meets on the 14th of each month—Jas Keating; asst sec, Thos Burns; fin sec, Berry. WC in C; L Woods, Com. Scribe A W Gannon; treas, A W Gannon; chap, District L O L. No 1—Meets 1st Rev Hanley; each quarter—A B Bryant, WDM; Thos. A J marshal, J J Hughes; Bennett, rec sec guard, E Roach Royal Black Frontenac Preceptorv. Knights of Columbus Knights of Ireland—WP, Jas McCam- mon; DP. Thos Donnelly; registrar, E Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at hall, K Purdy. Meets fourth Thursday of each cor King and Union sts —GK, George month Daly; DGK, Dr E Crowley; chancellor, 'Prentice Boys Dr Gibson; warden, James Lawlor ;trus- No 1. Derry Lodge, meets 1st Friday tees, E H Howison, F Conway, B WM. W Salisbury; DM, W Clark; sec- J J treas. Jas Berry. Tierney; treas, G P Allaire; chairman prop com, Chas Corrigan; advocate, Dan True Blues, No 16—Meets 3rd Friday O'Leary; fin sec, C V Tierney; rec sec, of each month—W M, Rov Metcalfe; George P Allaire; lecturer, Harry Eves rec-sec, Charlie Godfrey; fin sec. T. Smith Catholic Order of Foresters CATHOLIC SOCIETIES Court No. 150—Meets 1st and 3rd Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Thursdays. R Seaton, C R; James Mc- Canada Guire, V C R; E J Clayton, FS; Frank (Head office, Kingston, Ont) Seaton, R S; Geo Hanson, treas; M Officers of Grand Council— Spiritual Goodman, J Kennedy, sentinels; W H adviser, Most Rev Archbishop C H Gau- Cassidy, H Cooper, D McGeen, trus- thier, Ottawa; chan, Hon Justice M F tees Hackett, Cowansville, Que; president, F St Vincent de Paul Society Curran, KC, Montreal, Que; first vice- J Meets every Sunday afternoon in St president; Hon P J Veniot, Bathurst, Mary's school at 4 o'clock. Presi- N B; second vice-president, W J Suther- dent, Thos Ronan ; vice-pres, A W Gan- land, Smith's Falls, Ont; secretary, J J non; sec-treas, J J Sullivan; spiritual Behan, Kingston, Ont; treasurer, W J adviser, Rev Fr A Hanley McKee, Windsor, Ont; Marshal, J J Costigan, Montreal, Que. Children of Mary Trustees—J I Brady, Montreal, Que; Meets 1st Sunday in the month at 3.15 W E Farrell, Fredericton, N B; B A p m in St James chapel—Miss Margaret Bourgeois, Moncton, N B; J A Mac- Brophy, president; Miss M E Shaw, vice- Dougall, Glace Bay, N S; H E R Stock, president; Miss May Bolger, treas; Miss Toronto, Ont Mary Gallagher, sec; Rev Fr Hanley, chap. Satisfactory SuppNed JEWELRY WANTS WHEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. —



Young Irishmen's Catholic Benevolent 'Jackson, D Couper, R Hendry, Wm Association Baillie, Dr I G Bogart, Dr D E Mundell, Wm Anderson, Geo A McGowan, Francis Branch, No 483 Meets in their hall on — King, C A Macpherson, Geo Hague, Wellington st. President, Behan ; 1st J J P Peters, C Kent, T D Minnes, vice-pres, D Pelow; 2nd vice-pres, M No- W W W T Minnes, T W Milo, Frank Reid, lan; rec sec, I McKee; fin sec, H Eves; John Gilbert, Dr F Sparks, Dr G treas, P N Lawless; marshall, P Fannon; J W Mylks, Hugh Macpherson, H New- sergt-at-arms, F Joyce; chap. Rev R W man, Dr Bell, Dr R J Gardiner, Dr J W Halligan Campbell, R N F McFarlane, James Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu Berney, F J Hoag, W H Wormwith, N Hospital C Poison, Jr, Dr A E Ross, MPP; J R Smeaton, H Macnee, J Fair, Elmer Meets last Wednesday of each month W W Davis, James Crawford, Geo Hague —Miss I Ronan, pres; Mrs W C Mc- Ofificers Lieut-Col Kent, chairman of Donald, 2nd vice-pres; Mrs. F J Quinn, — treas; Miss A Fowler, sec the Board of Governors; F G Lockett, vice-.chairman; N C Poison, jr, hon sec Ancient Order of Hibernians Committee of Management—T McK County Division No 1, Kingston Robertson, R F Elliott, Wm Jackson County pres, T J O'Connor; county Medical Supt—J G Wright, M,D. vice-pres, Wm Egan; county sec, P Supt of Nurses—Miss C Boskill Quigley; county treas, R Keating; J Gen Sec—Miss E A Hunter county chaplain. Rev Father Casey Auditors—Wm Gill, H M Ruttan Division Officers House Surgeons—W E Brown, D C Pres, John Cleary; vice-pres, P Quig- Matheson. ley; rec sec, J R Keating; treas, W Medical staff—Dr James Third, Dr J Egan; 'fin sec, James Green W Campbell. HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS AND Surgical staff—Dr W G Anglin, Dr D PRISONS E Mundell, Dr F Etherington Kingston General Hospital Gynaecologists—Dr G W Mylks, Dr (Cor Stuart and George streets) Williamson Governors ex-officio Judge County of — Ophthalmologist—^Dr J C Connell Frontenac, Mayor of Kingston, Warden Connell of Frontenac, Sheriff of Frontenac, Judge Pathologist—Dr W T County of , War- Officers of Medical Staff—Dr Third, den of County of Lennox and Addington, chairman; Dr Williamson, secretary Dr R W Garrett. The Life Governors Hospital visiting days—Every day, B M Britton, KC; B W Robertson, W from 2 to 4 pm F Nickle, McKelvey, B J J Home for Friendless Women and Carruthers, H A Calvin, R J Carson, D M Mclntyre Infants Subscription Governors—Rev M Mac- Shelter, 75 Union. General Commit- gillivray. Rev J Mackie, H Richard- tee on 1st Tuesday of each month at son, C Livingston. Professor D 10.30 am, Dr A E Ross, hon pres ; Walk- H Marshall, Hugh Nickle. T McK Rob- em & Walkem, hon solicitors; Mrs Mac- ertson, R F Elliott. R Waldron, Dr J C nee, pres; Mrs E J B Pense, rec sec: Connell. George Y Chown, B A, Dr Mrs D Phelan, cor sec; Mrs G Mc A P Chown, Dr Third. W B Skin- Gowan, treas.

ner, C M Strange ; James A Min- Hospital. nes, R E Kent, Rev Douglas Laing. Hotel Dieu Dr R E Sparks, Col Massie, A F Is situated on Sydenham St, between Chown, Dr W G Anglin, Dr Abbott, Johnson and Brock streets, A non- T F Harrison, E. T Steacy sectarian institution, conducted by the Principal Gordon, Dr A W Winnett, R Sisters of the Hotel Dieu. Rev Sr Uglow. F G Lockett, Prof T E Martin, Farrell, Superior; Rev D A Casey, W B Dalton, A Shaw, H D Bibby, Wm chaplain. Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency ^ 56 BROCK ST. Debcntures I ;


All doctors are at liberty to admit BANKS and treat patients Bank of British North America. City House surgeons—J Hanley. Kearnie Buildings—R R F Harvey, Mgr; Reuben Stafford, messenger House of Providence and Orphanage Montreal street, between Ordnance Bank of Montreal, cor King and and Bay—Conducted by the Sisters of Clarence—A J Macdonell, manager; Charity T X Rogers and P Filtz, messengers St James' Home for the Aged and In- Merchants Bank of Canada, cor Brock firm, conducted by the Sisters of Charity and Wellington—H R Tofield, mgr; Orphanage, St. Mary's-of-the-Lake, R J Driver, messenger conducted by Sisters of House of Provi- Northern Crown Bank, cor King and dence. Tuberculosis Hospital Brock—David Murray, manager Secy—Miss Hunter Standard Bank, cor Princess and Bagot —J F Rowland, Mgr; W R Campbell, Home for Aged and Infirm. Messenger Superintendent—F R Y Baldwin Bank of Toronto, corner King and Matron—Mrs Baldwin Brock sts—Geo B McKay, manager; F Quinn, messenger Board of Directors—Mayor Hughes, A Mr Dan Couper The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Rockwood Hospital for the Insane cor King and Brock—P C Stevenson, mgr; J Mills, messenger Portsmouth (Postoffice, Kingston")— Edward Ryan, MD, Med Supt; Dr W K Private Banks Ross, Actg Supt; Dr E H Peterson, asst Kent Bros, 91 Clarence street—Lieut- physician; C C Hodgins, bursar; Miss E Col R E Kent and W C Kent stenographer; Miss Edna Thompson, Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence st Dawson, stenographer; R S Graham, Frontenac Loan & Investment Society, storekeeper; Miss Louise Dwyer, supt. 87 Clarence street F Nickle, pres; nurses —W A B Cunningham, vice-pres; Dr. R C Protestant Orphans' Home C'artwright, mgr; Miss Olive Spriggs, Union St, cor University av—Directres- acct ses, Mrs H A Calvin, Mrs Strachan, NEWSPAPERS Miss Muckleston ; corres-sec, Mrs A P The British Whig—Daily and weekly, Chown ; rec-sec. Mrs Hugh Nicol ; asst .^06-310 King street. The British Whig rec-sec. Miss M Redden; treas, Mrs (Dr) Publishing Co, Ltd, publishers; Jos G Garrett ; registrar, Mrs R Crawford Elliott, president; Leman A Guild, man- matron, Mrs J Hunter; supt, J Hunter aging director and editor; Geo H Wil- Penitentiary Kingston liamson, city editor; E G Barrett, J R R R Creighton, warden; D O'Leary. Forster, reporters Deputy Warden; R Hanley, MD, W The Standard—Daily, 177-179 Princess T Connell, MD, surgeons; T D Min- St, The Standard Publishing Co. Ltd, pub- nes, accountant; Rev Archdeacon Dobbs, lishers. W R Givens, pres and manag- Protestant chaplain; Rev Father Mc- ing director; G K Martin, bus mgr; Donald, R C chaplain; C F Smith, G La- R H Henderson, man editor; Miss turney, H S Begg, R A Caughey, clerical Rosalind Corbett, society editress. assistants; Miss R A Fahey, matron; The Canadian Freeman—Irish Catho- Mrs Bushey, Miss Mahon, deputy ma- lic weekly, 318 King st. Rev D A Ca- trons; A Atkins, chief kpr; Houghton sey, edUor Wilson, Hosp overseer; T W Bowie, storekeeper; E K Purdy, asst storekeep- RAILWAYS er; C Bostridge, steward; W H Derry, Grand Trunk—Ticket office, foot of st P Hanley, city pass and chief engineer; R J Burns, chief trade Johnson ; J instructor ticket agt


When You Are in Need of Eyearl«"»se8 Reading Glasses Consult OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN. - - J. J. STEWART, Opt. D. Clarence and Wellington Streets, Golden Lion Block


C P R Offices—City Ticket Office, cor Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, Ltd. Princess and Wellington Sts; Freight Links at Portsmouth, Ont—Senator H Office and Warehouse, foot of Clarence W Richardson, pres; A B Cunningham, St; F Conway, city freight and passenger vice-pres; J Hunter, sec-treas; J New- agent. man, professional

Canadian Northern Ry—Depot. Ontario Life Underwriters' Association street, opp City Hall; office 217 Prin- cess; M C Dunn, city agent Pres, E Woodman; vice-pres, W J Fair; sec-treas, A. Kinch. Executive Kingston, Portsmouth & Cataraqui committee—T Mills, J B Cooke, W G Electric Railway Co—Offices, King st, Ferguson, W H Penwarden, M G Johns- east of Queen. H W Richardson, pre- ton sident; W F Nickle, secretary and treas- urer; H C Nickle, superintendent. BOARD OF TRADE Canadian Club. Hon Presidents, W F Nickle, KC,MP, Col A E Ross, CMC, MPP; pres, Wm Hon pres, Rev D M Gordon, DD ; pres, Cooke; 1st vice-pres, J M Campbell; 2nd Judge Lavell; 1st vice-pres, J G Elliott; vice-pres, Elmer Davis; treas, Geo B 2nd vice-pres, Dr Jordan; sec, Thos McKa y. Council: J D Boyd, O Chown, Mills; treas, A J Macdonnell C Livingston. J McL Stephen, Francis Ex Com—W H Macnee, WR Givens, King, J G Elliott, W R Givens, R E F C Ireland, Capt Crawford, Capt Don- Burns, R J Rodger, JAW Craig; sec, nelly, Prof Skelton, R E Burns, T A J H Macnee Mills, H C Nickle, Aid. H Newman, W PROTECTIVE H T J Coleman, J R Stewart, J M CANADIAN LAKE HugheSj Dr. Spankie, Rev T W Savary ASSOCIATION. Frontenac Club. Pres, T T Mathews, Toronto; counsel, Francis King, Kingston Club house, cor King and William streets—E A Turner, pres. DOMINION MARINE ASS'N. Pres, J T Mathews, Toronto; 1st vice- Directors C E Willis, Geo E Smith, — pres, W J McCormack, Toronto; 2nd Livingston, C Wm Cook ,H C Welsh, J vice-pres, G E Fair, Toronto; counsel, P Hanley, M B Baker, Elmer Davis, A J Francis King, Kingston Macdonnell, S J McBride, J F Sowards, R R Creighton LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE ASSO- CIATION Kingston Yacht Club Pres, R N F McFarlane; sec, H An- Club House, foot of Maitland st grove Commodore, L C Lockett; vice-commo- dore, N C Poison, jr; rear-commodore, KINGSTON FEDERATED Geo B McKay; sec-treas, E C Gilder- SOCIETIES sleeve Pres, Mrs Macgillivray, Kingston; hon Kingston Branch Canadian Patriotic pres, Mrs. Hugh Eraser; hon vice-presi- Fund dents, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. W F Nickle; Executive Committee—W R Givens, vice-presidents, Miss Machar, Mrs Ob- erndorger, Mrs E T Steacy, Miss Muckle- R E Kent, J A Minnes, C A Mac- sec. Miss. I C Ro- pherson, H W Newman, H C Nickle, N ston, Mrs. Lavell; rec nan, 240 Bagot; cor sec, Mrs. Wright, C Poison Jr, Dr A W Richardson J 7 Mack; treas. Miss H Chown Kingston Golf and Country Club Orphans' Guild Club house and links at Barriefield Pres, Mrs. H P Smith; 1st vice-pres, A J Macdonnell, president; vice-pres, Mrs T Murphy; 2nd vice-pres. Miss A Dean Cappon; sec. Col. Leslie; treas. Doolan; treas, Miss L Whalen; sec, Miss Miss Hora I Shaw. Meet 1st Sunday of each month Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance — ! —


Societies and Presidents. Women's Auxiliary of Blue Cross Orphans' Home—Mrs A Strachan, Miss Going, 198 University Cataraaui Chapter I D E Mrs King St O — W Macnee, Union st Poor Relief—Mrs J Wright, 7 Mack st Children of Mary (Sodality) —Miss Frontenac Chapter I O D E—Mrs T G Smith. 250 Kii^g e I C Ronan. 240 Bagot Jewish Society—Mrs Oberndorffer, 88 Municipal Chapter, I O D E—Mrs. Dufl: Queen st Musical Club—Mrs W E Macpherson, Life members—Mrs Fraser, Miss Machar, Mrs Oberndorffer, Mrs Skin- 4 College st H Y W C A—Miss MacCallum, 302 Bar- ner; individual members, Mrs Sullivan, l^Trs R E Kcrt, Mrs Cochrane; patrons, rie St. City Union of King's Daughters—Miss Mrs H A Calvin, Miss Doran, Mrs Strange. 134 King Crumley. Mrs J Mclntvre F General Hospital "Aid"—Mrs W DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE. Nickle, 130 Earl st Hotel Dieu Ladies' Auxiliary—Miss I Municipal Chapter—Mrs J B Carruth- C Ronan, 240 Bagot st ers, regent; Mrs Sanford Calvin, sec'y; Victorian Order of Nurses—Mrs H P Mrs. Arthur Ellis, treas. Smith, 260 King | LABOR UNIONS Infants' Home—Mrs W Macnee, 115 Union Kingston Trades and Labor Council Nurses Alumnae—Mrs G Nicol, Cata- —Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday in each ' month at Labor Hall, ?,9 Brock. Pres. raqui Cemetery j Soldiers' Wives League—Mrs T D R J Morris; sec, H Ferguson; tin sec, J Hemming, 157 King Fotts; treas, Xorman Smith Catholic Girls' Club—Miss I C Ronan, * AGRI- Bagot st KINGSTON INDUSTRIAL Orphans' Guild—Mrs H P Smith, King CULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Danghters of the Empire—Mrs J B Sec of Vegetable Growers, E K Purdy; Carruthers, Earl i^res ,John Baker; sec-treas and manager, Creche or Nursery Mrs Bid- Day — E J R J Bushell well, King st Women's Canadian Club—Mrs Lavell KINGSTON HORTICULTURAL Art Association—Miss MachaF,' Syden- SOCIETY ham '•' President, Lt-Col R E Kent; 1st vice- !!ed Cro^s Soci(?ty—Mrs-H R Duff, '480' pres, B Walkem; 2nd vice-pres. R J Triiicess J Baiden : directors—W H Macnee. Geo C T U—Mrs G A Bat^^man, 309, ' W Nicol, G Bell, Dr A P Chown. Jaa University W Craig. J O Hutton, Francis H Mac- \Vr)ivien's Teachers' Association—Miss' nee.::R J BusUell, W J McNeil. J;N l: Wilder. Nelson st ';' 'J Watts, Wm Mc^anKtpon, J A Minnes; Women's Emergency Corps Mrs GI — auditors, O V Bartels, L A Guild; sec- H-Oglivie, 450 Princess ''" ' • •' treas A' McLean (Kent Bros) K G H Graduate Nurses' AsDsciation— W Mrs S Crawford. 124 Division st KINGSTON POULTRY ASSOCIA- YMCA Boys Division—Mrs G A Bate- man, LTniversity ave TION Public Library Board—Miss Mowat, Hon Pres. W F Nickle. MP, A E 180 Johnston Ross, MPP. Col G H Ogilvie. B W Queen's Alumnae—Mrs L Macdonnell, Robertson, J W Edwards. MP, A Ran- 12 Alwington ave kin, MPP, Lt-Col Kent, George Nicol, St John's Ambulance — Mrs G H Mayor Hughes; Pres. C S Anglin; 1st Ogilvie, Princess st vicc-pres, L W Williams; 2nd vice-pres, St George's Women's Aid Mrs G A B O Whitney; sec-treas and show sec, Robinson, 167 Alfred W A Paterson. P. O Box 132; show supt. Women's Auxiliary of Patriotic Fund R Sinclair: auditors. P D Lyman and J —Mrs H R Duff, 480 Princess C N Munsie RICH Our Stock is Complete SMITH BROS., - - - • Issuers of Marriage Licenses CUT GLASS 350 KFNG STREET —

A largre percentage of Headaches are caused from HEAokCHES Eye-strain If you are troubled with them See Optometrist and Optician J. J. STE^WART, Opp. General Post Office

274 KINGSTON MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY KINGSTON HUMANE SOCIETY EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Pres, J B Walkem; vice-pres. Miss Kingston Branch Afacha'r, Col G H Ogilvie and Rev J Pres, Rev T W Savary; sec-treas, F J O Crisp; sec-treas, J R C Dobbs, 41 Wilson Ocirence st MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION KINGSTON CURLING CLUB Hon. presidents. Bishop Bidwell, Rev. Pres, Lt-Col A B Cunningham; vice- Dr. Macgillivray; pres, Rev J D Boyd; pres, Dr H T Wallace; hon sec, T M. vice-pres, Rev G S Clendinnen and Rev. Asselstine; hon treas, P D Lyman; ice T W Savary; sec-treas, F J Wilson master. M P Reid; executive, J M Elliott, W G Anderson, H Angrove, R N F Mc- KINGSTON ADVISORY COMMIT- Farlane, R C Cartwright; auditors, A W. TEE ON BOYS' WORK Queen's McLean, C F Smith. Rink at Pres, F L Newman; sec, S T Lilley; University grounds, Union w organizer, C W Simmons QUEEN'S LAWN BOWLING BIBLE SOCIETY. CLUB. Pres, Rev. Douglas Laing; sec, Rev J Hon Pres, Dr John Watson; pres, Lyall; treas, Dr Lake R E Sparks; vice-pres, W Jackson; sec- treas, Dr R C Cartwright; supt of lawn, KINGSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY A A Turcotte. Green at Queen's Uni- 'Pres, Rev Dean Starr; vice-pres. Prof versity Grounds, Stuart st Ferguson ; sec-treas, Prof Grant LADIES' CURLING CLUB PARKS Hon pres, Mrs R S Segsworth; pres, City Park—King, between West and Miss R Waldron; vice-pres, Miss L Barrie streets. Tandy; hon sec-treas. Miss Ada Birch. Clarence St Park, between King and Rink, Queen's Univ grounds, Union w Wellington Macdonald Park—Water front, foot of RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIA- Barrie street. TION Victoria Park—North of Alfred, be tween Brock and Mack streets. pres ; R Rodger, vice- _ _ J Frontenac Park Ordnance St secretary; Y Mills, pres; M S Grace, W Aberdeen Park—Portsmouth treasurer. Executive committee — J. Lake Ontario Park—Portsmouth. Laidlaw, R Reid, A F Roney, B N J Breakwater—King street west. Steacy. i CEMETERIES ASSOCIA- RETAIL DRUGGISTS' Cataraqui cemetery—Cataraqui, Ont, TION George Nicol, supt. W HMediey, pres; L T Best, sec- St Mary's cemetery—Eastern extrem- treas ity of Division St. m

Bonds and J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BR.OCK ST. ueDcntures LADIES' WEAR If it's the Last Word Mendels in Newest of Styles— We Have It.



R M COLLEGE GROUNDS Anderson, W H, traveller Anderson, Margaret, widow Caddicks, S, kitchen, R M C Baillie, Miss Ida Cresdee, G H, servant Baillie, Reginald, farmer Downey, R L, servant Barrett, James H, farmer servant Douglas, Mrs M E, Barrett, John J, farmer Egan, Miss A , servant Barriefield School, Miss Elder, teacher Gowan, Miss G, servant Braden, Edward, farmer Grant, Miss J, servant Bramah, T H, wks Ordnance Stores Hallam, A, servant Burnside, Edgerton, retired Hayter, W, servant Burnside, Wm, lab Light Dept Hobbs, T, servant Campbell, Harvey, carpenter Ingpen, Major VV F, R M C Clark, A, soldier Jackson, W H, servant Cook, Rev Alfred, rector St Mark's Ch Lawson, Major H H, R M C Cook, Miss Constance Palamountain, R, servant Coldham, F instr ^ t,. r- J, R M C Perreau, Col C N, commandant R M U Conway, Harvey, A S C Radwell, F W, servant Crozier, Wm G, farmer Shea, Cornelius, servant Curzon, Wm, fireman R M C Shea, N T, servant Dowler, Henrietta (wid Richard) Smith, F, servant Dowler, Herbert W, carpenter Smith, W, servant Esford, Jack, lab Stevens, A, servant Finnigan, Robt O, farmer Wash, W D, servant Finnigan, Geo, farmer Wright, B G, servant, R M C Finnigan, O J, farmer staflE adjutant Wotherspoon, Major H C. Grimsby, J, Military Hospital RIDING EST R M C Gumbrell, W, steward Country Club Pte Brownhill Hamilton, J, farmer Pte Connah, E Hartley, B S, mariner Pte Cornelius, P A Knapp, Fred, boat builder Pte Crowe, W C Knapp, Henry J, boat builder Pte Dennis, J Knapp, Henry, boat builder Pte Dowie, J Knight, caretaker, rifle range Pte Ferguson, R L Leader, Arthur, servant, R M C Pte Foster, A W Leheup, Henry, lab, M T Co Pte Garrett, J McAllister, Geo, teamster Pte Gaborre, E J McCartney, John, baker Lance-Corpl Lambert McCue, Michael, farmer Pte Plant, A McElrath, Wm, Ivs R Baillie Inst Sergt Scales, R F A Mcintosh, Wm, soldier Pte Tisser, F Malone, A, retired Pte Warwcik, J D Markell, Chas, soldier FORT HENRY Medley, Geo, post office Mcintosh, Wm, caretaker Medley, Miss Georgina Medley, Mrs. Parks, caretaker, Ordnance Stores (wid Geo) J, Medley, Jane (wid W F) BARRIEFIELD Merchant, Jas, soldier Alexander, J H, servant, R M C Milton, Wm, farmer Anderson, Joseph, laborer Moore, Sarah, widow Anderson, J M, clerk Murray, Edward, sailor


IF NOT, SEE J« J« ijlljfTAKl, opposite General P«st Office


Muller, Geo, retired Smith, Richard, carter Murray, Herbert, sailor Stanton, Nathaniel, piano maker Murray, Wm, Auctioneer Stanton, Nathaniel, jr, lab Nevison, James, latK>rer Norman, Wm, bagg:age master C P R Stark, Wm, lab Norman, Wm, plumber Thompson, E A, sailor Norris, Marshall, carter Tisdale, Albert, carter Norris, Wm, sailor Tisdale, Ross, carter Page, Robt, soldier Turner, Miss Maud, housekeeper Patterson, Robt, farmer Turner, Thomas, laborer Pester, Chas, farmer Vanconet, Wm, teamster Purtell, Robert, lab Veryard, A, soldier Quinn, James, lab Waldron, Douglas (Cohen & Co) Quinn, Bridget (wid John) Warmington, Geo, plumber Rickey, Alex, blksmith, Wellington st Wendholt, C, lab Milling Co Rickey, Archibald, boat builder Werdin, T G (wid E), storekeeper Saunders, Harry, lab Wilkinson, Fred, insurance agt Saunders, Clifford, govt inspec Loc Wrks Woods, Joseph, farmer


Frank, farmer Adair Mr, farmer Gardiner, Gibson John, retired Chas F, township clerk Adair ' Gordon, James H, farmer Ahern, Daniel jr, farmer Gordon, Wm. retired Aylesworth Rupert,. butcher, Ivs Mrs Alley 'Grice, Charles, laborer Aylesworth Grice John, farmer Aylesworth Wilbert, butcher, Ivs Mrs Guess, George, section hand Ailey Aylesworth Guess, Thomas, farmer Harpell Edmond, farmer, Ivs George Har- Aylesworth Ailey (wid John) pell sr Aylesworth, Albert A, farmer Harpell George sr, farmer Baker, Alfred, gardener Harpell George jr, farmer, Ivs George Baker, Chas, gardener Harpell sr Harpell Gertrude, Ivs George Harpell sr Baker, John, gardener Harpell, Henry sr, farmer Baker Sydney, gardener Harpell, Henry jr, farmer Bennington, Melville, farmer Harpell Harry, lab city Berry John, laborer Harpell, H J, sand drawer Harpell Mvrtle, Ivs John Harpell Black Andrew, lab Harpell Robt E Black, James, farmer Harpell, Wesley, farmer Black, Violet, Ivs Jas Black Heaton, Miss Alice Black John, farmer Heaton John, retired gardener Hennessy, John, laborer Blair, Mrs (wid gardener Wm J) Hennessy, Miss Margaret Blair, William, section hand Henry, laborer Brown Mary, hsekpr Wm. Hood. Wm R, laborer Campbell Mrs, Ivs Jas Sprout Tackson Waiter Sr, gardener Caverly, Ezra, farmer Keyes. Howard, farmer Clark, Miss Annie, bkpr city Kingston Thomas, lab Clark, Colin, laborer Kish, Benjamin, carp Clark James, florist Lancaster, Bartholomew, gardener Clark, Margaret Leatherland Frank, retired Clyde farmer Joe, Macdonald, farmer Clyde Mary (wid John) Wm, MacRow David, farmer Connor, Thos, farmer MacRow, James, farmer Cook, Ernest, gardener Marrison, Robert A, farmer and apiarist Cook, James M, gardener Marrison, Warren, soldier Cook, Walter gardener J, Merriman. H, farmer Cook, Wm, farmer Murray. George, farmer Cotter, Jas, policeman, city Nicol. George, supt Cataraqui cemetery Duffy, Wm, carp Nicol, Jessie Edwards A, carp J O'Shea, Wm. grocer Edwards, John W, MD, MP Patterson Samuel, lab cemetery Edwards J W, Jr, soldier Evans Chas, laborer Patterson Stafford, farmer Fairbanks, Isaac, lab Pearson, E H Fairbanks O H, farmer Polk, Elba Fern, Henry Polk Merrill, dairyman Foxwell farmer H J, Polk R N, dairyman Frizzell Wesley, gardener J Baker's Fralick Barrett, opr Orpheum Polk, Sanford, dairyman J '—"•'" Fralick Cha« E, farmer - " - -Post, W--PrfaTmer'^-^--~

All Stanilaril Railroad Watches IN STOCK Watch Repairing SMITH BROS.-- King St Stew^art's Satisfactory Service When we examine your eyes and make your Glasses you will be satisfied tvith both J. J. STEWART, Optometrist and Optician - Opposite General Post Off ice 278 CATARAQUI Specialize in Children's and

Mendels Infants' Wear of All Kinds

PORTSMOUTH 279 Portsmouth.

Alexander Roderick, wks G Y Chown Davidson, John, chief attndt Rockwood Ashby Wm. attndt Rockwood ' Arthur, overseas Asselstine, E H, retired Dawson Agnes (wid Wm) Asselstine Herbert, carp " Jane S, nurse (military) Atkins Alexander, chiet keeper K P Day Harry, attndt Rockwood Hosp " Irene, nurse (military) De St. Remy Miss Elizabeth Isabel, nurse K G H Deane Miss M. seamstress Rockwood 'I * Miss Wilhelmina Hosp Babcock, Wnij guard K P Deline Frank, teamster BAIDEN BROS (Richard and Henry " Arthur, prmter Whig E), gardeners and florists Donnell, John, retired " Bertha, mlnr Denny, Arthur, lab " Christopher, trav Chown's Hardware Dowsley, Percy, guard K P " Edna, mlnr " Richard D, retired " Fannie, nurse Hotel Dieu Dovie Francis, guard K P " Gladys, bkkpr Kingston Ice Co " Thomas, overseas BAIDEN, HENRY E (Baiden Bros) " John, laborer BAIDEN, RICHARD (Baiden Bros) " Miss Kate fi&iley Jane (wid Henry), nutse " Miss Mary Barclay Miss Ida, nurse " Philip, farmer Rockwood Bankier J D, grocer Doyle, Richard, attendant, Rockwood Beaupre Mrs Annie Drawbridge Frank, attndt " Peter M. quarry instr K P Drumm, John, attndt, Rockwood Hosp Becker Bert, florist Rockwood Hosp Drummond P, attndt Rockwood Burke Bridget (wid Edw F) Dupree G C, cond Ordnance Stores *' Miss Frances, tailoress Dyer, George, lab " Ignatius, electrician (Burke & Gra- Esford Miss Mabel, cook Rock Hosp ham) city Evans Miss Dora " Miss Mary Evans Thomas, attndt Rockwood Hosp " Rose L Ewart Robert, overseas " Thomas Frank, btchr, city " Wm, (overseas) Burns George, carp Fahey Miss Rose A, matron K P Bushey Mrs M, matron K P Fierrabend A, mach Loco Wks Byrne, F P, market gardener Fisher Miss Eliza Campbell Jas, sexton St John's Church " Miss Nora, nurse K G H " Miss Mary " William, retired " Patrick, millhand Ford, George, elect Rockwood Hosp " Robert, caretaker Mowat Mem hosp " John Jr, stoker Rockwood Hosp " Thos, laborer " William, farmer " Thomas, wks Loco Wks Forsythe Allan, overseas Carr .Charles, laborer " Andrew, butcher Clark, Robert, kpr K P " Florence, milliner Cledget F J, attndt " George, overseas Cook James, mach Loco Wks " Joseph, plmbr Rockwood Hosp CREIGHTON, ROBERT, Warden Freeman Charles, wks Loco Wks Kingston Penitentiary Geach Mrs A (wid John) Creighton Miss Helen, Warden's res Germain Daniel, guard K P Portsmouth Gibson John D, lab Loco Wks Crisp Rev J O, rector St John's Ch Gibson Wm, carp Croft, Hannah (wid Geo) Gill Prof L W, Prof Queen's Uni Culcheth Ernest, baker (overseas) " Miss Myrtle Gilmour Mrs Bella, Ivs Rockwood Hosp Satisfactory SuppHed JEWELRY WANTS \^HEN YOU GO TO DIAMOND RINGS SMITH BROS. - 350 King St. SPECIALIZE IN SKIRTS AND BLOUSES OF ALL KINDS


Graham Albert, gardener Kennedy Miss Bella, overseas " Charles S, plumber " Miss Bridget, hsekpr " Jack, Loco Work? "Duncan, overseas " L, " Miss Freda .< D MD, capt C 4 M C overseas " Harvey, mach Gibson's garage " Margaret E, stenog " " Jethro, ckrk Michael James, messenger K P " " Johnston, Loco Works James, lab " ' Nathaniel, farmer John D, elk Bibby's Ltd " " Percy, overseas John, chief night watchman K P " Richard M, retired Michael J, jr, capt CAMC " Phillip, ' Thomas F, carp lab " Grant Harold, guard K P Miss Rose, elk C J Corrigan, city " Fred, laborer Kerr Hannah (wid Hugh) " James, carp Kilroe Miss Mary * John, retired Kincaid, Epheirain, teamster " Miss Muriel, dressmkr KINGSTON PENITENTIARY, Ro- ' Sarah (wid John) bert Creighton, Warden Gravelle Miss Eva Kirby, Wm, lab " Oliver, farmer Krause, G K, baker and confectioner " Leon, student Lambert John, asst eng, Rockwood " Ida Langford Frank, overseas Gregory Jack, overseas Lawless James, supervisor Rockwood Greenhaugh, E (overseas) Lawrence A, constable G N W Telegraph Co, C V Southcott agt Langsford, Wm, carpenter Greer Graydon, lab Lazendy M, attndt Rockwood Hosp ' Samuel, retired Lcgros Regina. nurse Guthrie John Jr, attndt Rockwood Lindsay Herbert, machmist " T J, chef Rockwood Lipshaw M, teamster " Thos Jr, wks Loco Wks Lockwood Stanley, attndt Hall Robert, attndt Rockwood Lowe Eliz (wid Samuel) Hallidav. Isabella (wid James) Luby Ruth, nurse Rockwood HALLIDAY, JAMES, electrician. Cor Lucas Miss M E King & Princess Sts, city Lunman Ethel, overseas " William A, machinist Lunman Mabel, nurse " Miss Annie McCammoi Edward, overseas Halpin James, tradesman. Loco Works " Harold, C A S C " Mackie, wks Loco Wks McCarthy D J. asst farm instr K P " Jas Jr, elk Jas Short's McCaugherty John, farm inst K P Hartrick, Mis? Charlotte, drsmkr McConnell Miss Loretta, nurse Rock- " Fred, electrician wood " John, retired " Pauline, nurse Rockwood Haw, Robert, Rockwood Supervisor McDonald Gladys, nurse Rockwood Hawkins Sarah, supervisor Rockwood McDonald Rev M, pastor Church of th** Hospital Good Thief, and R C Chap, K P Hazlett Wm, attndt Rockwood McGeein Melville, overseas Heaslip Wm, attndt " Kate, elk J D Bankier , " Cecil, attndt " John, millhand K Hos Co , " Louie, nurse " Melville, laborer Henderson, Nicholas, artist • Oswald, WKS Loco Wks " Holden, Richard R, retired Richard, Jr, teamster Holland, Alex, baker " Richard N, caulker " Nelson, overseas " Rose (wid Daniel) " George, blacksmith's helper McGuire Jarres, wks Loco Wks " Harry, overseas McGuire, Melville, btchr " Mary (wid Wm) " Thomas, butcher Hornibrook Francis, asst eng K P " Thomas jr, Hunt Anna, nurse Mcllwaine Cordelia, spinster Jamieson Andrew, attndt Rockwood " Francis, retired Fire J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK ST. Insurance 136 PRINCESS STREET FOR READY-TO-WEAR Mendels MILLINEKY c PORTSMOUTH. 281. Mclver, Archibald, laundryman Rock; Reid Miss, hsekpr D O'Leary wood Hosp Revelle Herbert, attndt " Charles, overseas Richardson Miss Eva Mcllroy James " McLaren Agnes, cook Dr Ryan Senator H W, grain mer, city McMahon Miss, matron K P " Miss Mabel McMaster Jas, tax collector " Robert, overseas (wid F) McRae t Richardson Roy, lab McWaters Annie, housekpr Roddy Edward, lumberman Marham Arthur, stoker Rockwood ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL FOR THE Marks John Jr, carp Insane, Edward Ryan, " MD, med George, student supt; situated " on the lake front J R, ship carp Ross K, MD, Rockwood " Millhand W Martha, K Hos Co Ross Charles, mariner " Miss May, millhand K Hos Co " Miss Jennie, bds Mrs Mary Ross " Richard plumber Jr, Roundboug/i Mrs, maid Mowat Hosp ** Richard T, carpenter Ruskin Wm, tailor Livingston's Marshall Prof D H, Elmtree Hse, Un- RYAN, EDWARD, MD, Medical Supt ion St prof Queen's W, Rockwood Hospital Mathewson Mrs (wid Jas) " Edward Jr, overseas Milligan Reginald, attndt Rockwood Seagher, Steven, gardener Mills Clarence, guard K P Scally James, elk R Crawford city, vil- " James, carp lage elk •' carp John, " John, Mooney Edward, supervisor Rockwood Hosp night watch, Rock- " Miss wood Hosp Margaret " Stephen, gardener K P " Robt, guard K P Sears, Benj, messenger Rockwood Moore Melville, overseas Hosp " Warren, guard Morris Wm, guard K P K P Shanahan James, finisher Moreland Francis, gardener Loco Wks Shelley Arthur Mowat Memorial Hosp Shortt Miss Hannah Miles, Thomas A, overseas F James, prop Nicholson Frontenac groc Francis F, carp Rockwood " Miss Mary, " frank spinster Simmons John, attndt " Harold, tmstr Macnee Minnes & " Miss Maiy " Sadie, stenographer Smith Miss " Thomas, guard K P Agnes, bookkeeper " Thos Joseph, printer (now overseas) W, teamster K P " Thomas, " William, policeman teamster " Thomas Jr, overseas Noble Jas E, engineer Snider Miss Alberta, Norris Robert G. ship carpenter nurse Rockwood Snider' Hazel ""nur,?""'^^^^ O'Connell Mrs. hsekpr Warden v.»^Crei- f yy bomerville,Q"^^^,,Sf ^i' ghton's Francis, carver Piano Wrks Southcott, C V F, O'Leary Daniel, deputy warden P merchant K Sparling E, engineer O'Neil,, John, retired Steert, Miss Gladys " John Jr, wks Loco Wks Sullivan Edward, Paige, Frank, painter lab Tatton Wm, caretaker Payne, John A, mason military hosp Taylor John, Pipe, Alec, returned retired soldier Mowat Hos Thompson Andrew, Porter Andrew, caulker dairyman E' '"^d Potter George, attndt "..^P* ^ officer Mowat Hosp Rockwood hosp Esther (wid " John, machinist Charles) "John C, attndt " Joseph, wks Loco Wks Rockwood Miss Metta, spinster Powell Haffell J, guard K P Rawley, George Leslie, Wrecking Co Thompson, Esther (wid Chas) Redden Charles, kpr K P Thurlow Edward, attndt Rockwood Redden Corry, farmer Tobin. Mrs T (wid Thos) Read, Robt, attndt Rockwood Hosp \ " Thos, guard K P SMITH BROS. Agents fer Famius ^ Gr«le 350 KING STREET Starr FJnnographs BY HAVING US EXAMINE Save Your Eyes YOUR EYES FOR GLASSES

J. J. STEWART, Opt. D., Opp. General Post Office 282 PORTSMOUTH

Edwr, lab Tunbridge Joseph, attndt Rockwood Weller Wm Vanalstine Carrie, overseas Westlake, George, engineer Queen's Col " Wm B, standard hotel kpr driver Henderson's Waller George W, White Joseph, gardener " Lily, bkkpr Wickham Mrs Emma " " Charles, overseas Thelma, clerk , ' Walter, soldier Walker, W J, Rural Mail Delivery Watts, Chas, mason Wilson Frank, lineman Bell Tele Co " Nelson, sailor Watts William, overseas Winche Mr;?, hsekpr Nurses Home Webb Wm Ernest, sailor Wims Phillip, attndt Rockwood Wellborn Wm, teamster Woodcock Mrs Agnes (wid T)

insurance J. K. Carroll Agency ^ 56 BROCK ST. OT all KlllCiS




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Piinted by the British Whig Job Dept, Kingston, Ontf