Is the Chestnut-Capped Foliage-Gleaner Clibanornis
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Is the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner ISSN 1981-8874 Clibanornis rectirostris (Wied, 1831) 9 77198188700350 0 1 8 (Passeriformes: Furnariidae) a typical gallery forest species endemic to the Cerrado region? Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos1,2, Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni2, Alyne Perillo2, Thiago Oliveira e Almeida3, Filipe Cristovão Ribeiro da Cunha4, Christian Regis da Silva5, Eduardo José Gazzinelli6 & Santos D’Angelo Neto7 The Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner (Clibanornis rectirostris) is considered an endemic species of the Cerrado re- gion, having a strong association with gallery forests occurring in this mor- phoclimatic domain (Silva 1995, Betini et al. 1998, Silva & Vielliard 2000, Fa- ria et al. 2012). Despite the finding of Marini (2001) that the Chestnut-capped Foliage-glea- ner is not sensitive to forest fragmen- tation and probably has the capacity to cross unfavorable landscape matrices, recent studies have suggested the spe- cies’ vulnerability based on its depen- dence on the highly impacted gallery forests (Faria et al. 2012). Furthermore, future range loss and shifts are expec- ted due climate change (Marini et al. 2009). Here, we present records of C. rec- tirostris in habitats not represented by gallery forests of the Cerrado, including the first observations in the Atlantic Forest region. We also comment on the species’ conservation based on these new records. Our records were made opportunisti- cally while conducting several avifau- nal surveys in the states of Minas Ge- rais and São Paulo, between the years of 2001 and 2015. Whenever possible, records were documented by photo- graphs, recordings of vocalizations and specimen collecting. Vocalizations were deposited in the Arquivo Sonoro Elias Coelho (ASEC), Rio de Janeiro, Figure 1. General aspect of two areas of arboreal caatinga where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner and in the online database Xeno-canto was recorded at Riacho dos Machados, Minas Gerais. Photos: Thiago Oliveira e Almeida. 40 Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 - 02015.000518/2011-71; and SISBio per- manent permit number 28301-1). Records in other habitats not represen- ted by gallery forests in the Cerrado region Arboreal caatinga In January and July 2013, during an avifaunal survey conducted at Riacho dos Machados municipality, northern Mi- nas Gerais, in a transitional zone between the Caatinga and the Cerrado, MFV, TOA and CRS found C. rectirostris in typical dry arboreal caatinga, without any water- course or gallery forests (Figure 1). Four specimens, two males and two females (MCNA-2753, 3583, 3584, 3587 - Figu- re 2), were collected in two fragments of arboreal caatinga (16o03’S, 43o08’W and 16o04’S, 43o07’W). The closest wa- tercourse in the region is dry during the major part of the year (usually betwe- Figure 2. Specimens of Clibanornis rectirostris deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, from the following municipalities, from left en March and November), with running to right: Riacho dos Machados (MCNA-2753, 3583, 3584, 3587); Rifaina (MCNA-4230); water only in the rainy season, and it is Belo Horizonte (MCNA-2441); Almenara (MCNA-1550, 1551). Photo: Letícia Ferreira Pedroso. located c. 1.5 km from our record sites. Nevertheless, both areas were represen- ted by ravines, locally named barrancos. Cerradão woodland On 19 January 2004, MFV collected a female specimen (DZUFMG-4101 - Fi- gure 3) in a cerradão woodland at Fazen- da Jacaré-Riachão (18o38’S, 45o05’W), Felixlândia municipality, Minas Gerais state. This area was represented by tall typical cerradão trees of c. 8 m with dense tangles of vines. Despite not being close to any gallery forest, a small vere- da palm grove occurred 500 m from the collecting site. On 10 January 2015, another female (MCNA-4230 - Figure 2) was obtained by MFV in a cerradão habitat in Rifai- na municipality (20°00’S, 47°25’W), São Paulo state. This site is physiognomically very similar to that in Felixlândia and la- cks any watercourse in its interior (Figu- re 4), despite being located near second- -growth gallery forests of Rio Grande, c. Figure 3. Specimen of Clibanornis rectirostris (DZUFMG-4101) from Felixlândia, deposited in the 350 m from the collecting site. Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Photo: Letícia Ferreira Pedroso. ( Specimens were deposited in Urban areas the ornithological collection of Departamento de Zoologia On 17 December 2003, MFV observed and heard an indivi- da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (DZUFMG, under dual of the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner in an urbanized IBAMA permit number 228/2003, process 02015.020098/02) site of Montes Claros municipality (16°44’S, 43°52’W). The and of the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Pontifícia Universi- bird was recorded in the margin of a polluted river along dade Católica de Minas Gerais (MCNA, under IBAMA per- one of the most important avenues of the city. Vegetation is mits 126/2014, process 02001.002573/1999-42; 518/2012, represented by sparse trees, and the matrix is represented by process 02015.004288/2011-19; and 089/2011, process urban areas with asphalt roads and buildings. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 - 41 The species was also recorded during several months between 2010 and 2012 in an avifaunal inventory conducted at the campus of the Pontifícia Universida- de Católica de Minas Gerais (19°55’S, 43°59’W), isolated in an urban matrix of the large city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais (Vasconcelos et al. 2013). We estimated three individuals li- ving in a small forest fragment of less than 7 ha inside the campus. Vegetation cover of this urban forest fragment is re- presented by semideciduous forest and lacks riverine habitats. Nevertheless, there are some natural barrancos in its interior and a small artificial lake (Figu- re 5). In the MCNA there is a specimen obtained from this area (MCNA-2441 - Figure 2). Despite the majority of recor- ds having come from the forest fragment, in a single occasion one individual was observed when singing in the canopy of a “castanheira” tree (Terminalia catappa) in the urbanized area of the campus, 250 m away from the forest fragment. This Figure 4. General aspect of the cerradão where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner bird was chasing a Rufous Hornero (Fur- was recorded at Rifaina, São Paulo. Photo: Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni. narius rufus) that was perched in the same tree. Atlantic Forest fragments Vocalizations of one individual of the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner were heard by MFV and I. R. Lamas on 14 January 2001 in second-growth forest on the left bank of Rio Suaçuí Grande (18°21’S, 42°31’W), São Pedro do Su- açuí municipality, Minas Gerais. The area was very degraded by selective lo- gging and the presence of cattle, with a very open understory. Nevertheless, there were several ravines on the river margin. The bird was vocalizing from a dense clump of exotic bamboo (Bambusa sp.). Between 22 and 30 December 2003, SDN and MFV observed and heard an individual of C. rectirostris in the pro- perty of Mr. Onofre Sandinha (17°08’S, 42°44’W), Leme do Prado municipality, near the limits of the Acauã Ecological Station. The area is represented by typi- cal semideciduous Atlantic Forest (Ka- Figure 5. General aspect of the semideciduous forest fragment where the Chestnut-capped Foliage- mino et al. 2008) holding several bird gleaner was recorded at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Photo: Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos. species endemic to this domain (Vasconcelos & D’Angelo On 10 July 2008, LGM and AP observed and heard an Neto 2007, Carrara et al. 2013). The bird was seen fora- individual on the left bank of the Rio Piracicaba (19°58’S, ging in the mid-stratum of the forest and on the ground. An 43°13’W), Rio Piracicaba municipality. The bird was fora- additional specimen (complete skeleton) of C. rectirostris ging in the understory of a narrow strip of riparian vegeta- (MCNA-1673) was collected close to this area by B. Garzon tion. The surroundings of the area were composed by semide- on 15 January 2006 in a nearby area at José Gonçalves de ciduous forests on slopes and pastures (Figure 6). Barrancos Minas municipality, although there is no indication of geo- were present in the banks of the Rio Piracicaba, and also graphic coordinates on its label. along trails located within forested slopes. 42 Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 - 42°57’W). The region possesses typical semideciduous Atlantic Forest fragments (Figure 7) interspersed with pastures and second growth habitats. Barrancos were very common in this area, either within the forests or in forest edges and pastures. On 17 March 2011 the species was re- corded in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in the municipality of Carlos Chagas, eas- tern Minas Gerais. EJG heard the voca- lizations of four individuals in a riverine forest on the right bank of the Rio Mucuri (17°36’S, 41°02’W). The forest area was very narrow, with open understory and a small flooded area that was soaked with the accumulated rain of the past days. The surroundings of this forest were composed of a dirt road and deforested slopes with isolated shrubs. On 13 April 2011, FCRC collected two females, an adult and a juvenile (MCNA 1550, 1551 - Figure 2), in a fragment of semideciduous forest in the municipali- ty of Almenara, Minas Gerais (16°00’S, Figure 6. General aspect of the riparian degraded vegetation where the Chestnut-capped Foliage- 40°36’W). This fragment is bordered by gleaner was recorded at Rio Piracicaba, Minas Gerais.