Hermes Scythicus Or the Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin

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Hermes Scythicus Or the Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. -: * : El Tilſi D D C 0 K. K. H. O. F. B | B L | O T H E K OSTERR. NATIONALBIBLIOTHEK - · |- . |-|--- . .|-- |- | - ( )- |- |-- - .--|-|---| |----- --- - -- . - -| _ | | |-| - ( )|× |-|-|-|-- - - |--|-|-- |-|-, ,-|-!· *|-,|-|-|-*.|----- , ,|-|- · · *|-| |-|-|-·|×* * * • • |-|-*** •|-• · - |-|-|-·| |-|-·|-*|-· »|-· · * . |-·ae« |-----|--|- |-~|-|-|-·-- |-|-|-|-·|-| |-·|- *|-|-|- |-|-|-, ,|-|-|-| •| * aeae • .|- .|-|-|-| -|-|-, ,*|----- | |-|-|-•· ----|-·|-|-· - . |- -|- , ! -x' .|-|-| |-|-, ,|-�|-|-|- |-|-----|-|-*}| .*• … |-|-----* |-|-|-|-- -|-|-· *m. |-| ----|-|-|-•|-, ,|-- * * *| ----|-|-, ,----|-' |-| ... , , *|-|-·|-|----- |-|-|-| ·----**---- --- *• .!,·\·*|-* -·|-( , **| ·|-|- |-·|-· |-|-| |-*|-- -·|-· |-|-|- |-•· | |-*|-|-|- , , *|-··|- |-|-|-|-|-·· · · · ·|-| ·• "|-| | |-· |-|-|-→ |-!·|-· · -· |-|-|-----| |-*|-|-|-|-| **|-|×·|-*| |-----|-·|-·-|-→ |-|- |-|-|-· | |-·~|-|-|-|- º. |- ----|-|-!|- ;|-|-- • |-·|-|-| • • •|--| |-|-º.… *}|- |-•· |-· ·|-|-}|-|-~ |-|-|-| |-|-|- ; ··|-----·| | -|-|-----|-!· |-|-|-|-|-|-- * |-|- | - }! -|-|-|--·v ·| |- |-|-+-·|-→· |-·|-|--• • • ----|-|-| | , -··|-|-· · |-|-| …»| -- |-|-|-| ·|-|-|-|-*·|-• • • •|-· ----· · · -| -- ~|- ----· ----|-| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-!|-~ | ----|- |-|-. .|- |-|-|-| - - -|-|-|-|-*|-|-· · -·* , ! |-- | |-| |-|-|-· · · |-· ·:· · -|- |-|-.* ·{ |-| |-| |-~|-|-|-|-| *|- i -|-|--|-· ----.*|-·| |-* ----|-|-|-* · ·|-|-|- - |-|-*+ *|-| | |-·|-|-|-|-| - , -· ·- | |-|-|- -|-|-|-----„º·| ----|- · ----*º · .|-- -*…|-· | | !----|-*• | ·· | *~ | °----·*|-|-|- -|-|-|-| ----| |-|-| ~ ·| |-- -|-|-|- |-· |-* ·-| |- ,|-- :/→ |-|-|-!| |-|-- - |-|-•|-|-|-- |-| |-, , ,|-()*|-| |-|-º ·|- |-|-| · · · · · |-··|-|-|-| | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-·|-| |-*…|-|-|-|-| ----· :|-→( - )|-|---← •| | …-| * - ----|-----|-|-| |-|-| .*· ·|-*|--•• *|-|-| ** , ! « », |-|-|-|-|-|-|× |-|-|-|-|-|-|-→|-· … | :·|-* )| *|-|-|-|-~|-·|-| |-|-·|×-|- |-|-|-|-|-| · , !----|-|-→ |-|-|-|-|---| -, -, |-··|-|-|-| |-!| -|-·|-|-*| |-- *·|-|-|-|--|-|-| |-|-·| !|-|×·|-| | ,|-|-|×|-, !----, …|-|× |-. ,- --* |×|-|-|-| | |-|-*|-| | - |×|- |-|-, , , , |--|-|-|-· ,→ ·- -| |- |-|--|-|-·| |-|-| | |-|- |-----|-·| |-|- !----· |-|-|-|-��-|-- |-|-|-|-|-|-·, , ·|--|-*·|-| · |- ·|-|-|-|-|-|-·| = - |-|-|-| ) |-|-| - * * ·*----|-··| |-| |-|-|-|- |-·|-··|--|-· •) ~--- |-| · · *| |-|-|-|-| •|-| |-| |-|-|--· |-|-|-- - | |-·«.|-·|-.*| -- «|--|-* •}| | ·|-| --------|-|-·… -*…| ae* * * … -- - - - HERMES SCYTHICU.S.: OR, 3C9e 13abital 2ſ finitieg Or THE GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES (Libe (50tbit: ILLUSTRATED FROM THE MoESO-GOTHIC, ANGLo-sAxon, FRANCIC, ALEMANNIC, SUIO-GOTHIC, ISLANDic, &c. To which is PREFIXED, A DISSERTATION ON THE HISTORICAL PROOFS OF THE SCYTHIAN ORIGIN OF THE GREEKS. By JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. F.R.S.E. & F.S.A.S. AUTHOR OF AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE scottish LANGUAGE, &c. &c. EDINBURGH : rRinTED At THE UNIVERSITY PREss; For LoNGMAN, HuRsT, REEs, or ME, & BROWN, - ji, on DON : AND BELL & BRADFUTE; DoIG & Stirling; w. BLAckwood; J. ANDERson & Co.; AND oli PHANT, waugh, & INNES, EDINBURGH. i. 1814. P. R. E. F. A. C. E. This work, like some others which the author has published, owes its existence to a circumstance merely accidental. Having discovered various links of connexion, to which he had not formerly adverted, between the languages of the most po lished nation of antiquity, and that of a people generally reckoned among the most uncivilized; and having, for his own satisfaction, prosecuted the investigation to a considerable length; he presumes, that it will not be deemed totally un important to the interests of literature, that he should lay the result of his inquiries before the public. In all disquisitions of this kind, a wide field is necessarily opened up to fancy; and it may be thought, that at times it has not been restrained within proper bounds. The objects, which seem alear to one, to the eye of another may be in a 2 iv volved in obscurity. The author begs, however, that the reader would so far indulge him with the exercise of his candour, as not to form a judgment of the work from any detached article, but dis passionately to consider the combined evidence. Although himself satisfied, that the proof, ari sing from a comparison of the languages, is suffi cient to demonstrate the national affinity of the Greeks and Romans to the Scythians; to remove, as far as possible, every ground of hesitation with others, he has prefixed a Dissertation on the historical evidence which bears on the same point. The author meant to have added, as a conclu -sion to the work, a list of Greek and Latin verbs and nouns, compared with those terms, in the languages of the north, which are evidently al lied to them. But as he has not had leisure to arrange these, he finds it necessary to postpone this part of his plan. If what is now presented to the public meet with a favourable reception, he may be encouraged some time hence to give these as a supplementary illustration. C O N T E N T S. DISSERTATION - - - - page 1 § 1. Of the Name of Scythia - - - 3 2. The Scythians and Getae the same people - 7 3. The Goths the same with the Getae - 10 4. The Thracians were Scythae - - 12 5. Of the Diffusion of the Pelasgi through Greece 16 6. The Hellenes originally one People with the Pelasgi 21 7. Of the erroneous Opinions as to the Origin of the Pelasgi ~ * - - - 29 8. Of the Origin of the Name Pelasgi - 33 9. The Scythian Origin of the Pelasgi proved from Testimony - - A - - 39 10. Of the Progress of the Pelasgi - = 48 11. Of the Language of the Pelasgi - - 53 12. Resemblance of the Greek Language to that of the " Scythians - - - * 58 13. Of the Origin of the Religion of the Greeks - 68 14. Of those called Hyperboreans ... • tº 74 15. Of Saturn, Janus, Titaea, and Rhea - 80 16. Of Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Vesta, and Ceres - 94 17. Of Diana, and Apollo - - - 102 18. Of Neptune, Venus, and Mars - = 115 19. Of Mercury, and Bacchus sº e 126 20. Of Pluto, Hercules, the Muses, Deucalion and Inachus sº - - g 138 21. The Romans from the same Stockwith the Greeks 148 V1 CONTENTS, HERMES SCYTHICUS: INTRo DUCT1o N - - - - page 1 Book I.-OF PREPositions. - CHAP. I. Of 'Ascq), Lat. Amb-, am-; 'Avº, and "Aviv 5 II. Of 'Avri, Lat. Ante - - - 16 III. Of 'Azrº and Atº - - • 27 IV. Of 'Ex and 'Ey - - - 37 ** V. Of 'Ezri and Karº - - - 53 VI. Of Mºré, “sº - - - 64 VII. Of maga - - - - 73 VIII. Of ntºe, ºriger; II:gl; IIgº; and Xo, - 83 IX. Of 'rzie and ‘rza - - - 96 Book II.-OF CoNJUNCTIONs, ADVERBs, INSEPARABLE PARTICLES, TERMINATIONs, PRoNouns, NAMEs of NUMBERs, CoMPARIson, AND VERBs. CHAP. I. OF Conjunctions. Of 'Axx&; 'Aw, 'Eaw, Lat. An; Arêe adrat, ‘Hre, #rol, Lat. Aut, autem; Alè, 3irs; 'E', 'H; and "ori, Lat. Uti, ut - - - 115 II. OF ADverbs. Of 'Aal; Aº, airi, adéi, 2004, abrèe; "Ert; Nudºw; Niº, vvyi, yū; and "oºzov, *. - º • 129 CONTENTS, vii CHAP. III. OF ADVERBs. Of "ors; oº, oùx, oºz; Oāzł; IIoxº; IIešja, Lat. Porro; Xzatºs; and Târs 142 IV. OF INSEPARABLE PARTICLEs. Of 'A; "Agº, igº; A2; A's, biza, Lat. Dis; and Në, yu, Lat. Ne, ni - - 153 V. OF TERMINATIons. Of Ely; E, 9ty; 'He, *ng, Lat. Er, ter; Izos; Ivo;; Lat. Inus; Aizes, Lat. Lis; Aos, als, Aloy, Lat. Lus 162 WI. Of some LATIN PREPositions AND CoNJUNctions, DIFFERING IN oaigiN, ForM, or SIGNIFICATION, FROM THose USED IN GREEK. OF Ad, at ; Ob : Per;—Ac ; Aut, Et ; Sed; and Vel 176 VII. OF PRONouns. Of"Eya, Lat. Egos Xu ; Lat. Is ; Quis; Qualis ; and 'Extive; 187 VIII. OF THE NAMEs of NUMBERs - 197 IX. OF CoMPARIson - • • 201 X. OF VERBs º * º 208 INDEx, AN EXPLANATION OF THE CONTRAC TIONS USED IN THIS WORK.' Alem., Alemannic. Sar., Saxon. Arab., Arabic. Scot., Scottish. Armor, Armorican. Scytho-Scand., Scytho-Scandi A.S., Anglo-Saxon. navian. Belg., Belgic. Su.G., Suio-Gothic. C.B. or C. Brit., Cambro-Bri Sw., or Swed., Swedish. tannic, or Welsh. Teut., Teutonic. Celt., Celtic. Dam., Danish. E., or Eng., English. Flandr. Flemish. Fr., French. adj., adjective. Franc., Francic. adv., adverb. Gael, Gaelic. conj., conjunction. Germ., German. insep., inseparable. Goth., Gothic. N., note. Gr., Greek. part., particle. Heb., Hebrew, prep., preposition. Ir., Irish. pron., pronoun. Isl., Islandic. q., or quº, quasi. Lat., Latin. s., substantive noun. Lat. Barb., Latin of the middle term., termination. ages. V., vide. Moes.G., Moeso-Gothic. v., verb. Pers., Persian. U0., VOCC. DIss ERTATION - the more mºn . ºr 9 * * or . THE Scyth IAN or IGIN of The º . ; GREEKs. With the generality of mankind, a name is of far greater weight, in the scale of evidence, than they are willing to admit, or can allow themselves to imagine. It does not merely cast the balance when wavering; but is often found, on strict exami nation, to be the only thing that presses down the preponderating scale. With the name of Greeks, or of Romans, we have been accustomed from our early years to associate the idea of everything great, and wise, and excellent. Hence, even when arrived at maturity, we are extremely re luctant to acknowledge the claims of any other people to priority in science or in the arts; espe cially if they were stigmatized as barbarous by Q. t 2 ON THE ORIGIN those nations that claimed wisdom and refinement as exclusively their own. We are scarcely dis posed to give such a people precedence even as to national antiquity, although evidently entitled to this distinction from the incontestible proofs which appear on the page of history; but
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