k— 11 i. 1 "T iuL 1 "rr 1 T] "1 Marine News of 1911-1912 1 Excerpts from the 1 Amherstburg Echo 1 Volume IX 1 2006 '• I" r Apublication ofthe Marsh Collection Society Amherstburg, Ontario I Marine News of 1911-1912 Excerpts from the Amherstburg Echo Volume IX Apublication of the Marsh Collection Society, Amherstburg, Onto 1911 continued from Vol. VIII r July 7, 1911 The Hawgood steamer Umbria, coal-laden, struck hard on the Grecian shoal, Colchester, on the way up Saturday morning and was released Sunday night after lightering about 1200 tons. When the steamer arrived at Hurley's coal dock, Detroit, her master, Capt. George Robarge, received a message from A.H. Hawgood, Cleveland, one ofthe managers of the vessel, directinghim to tum over his command to Capt. Dorian Elliott ofBay City, Mich. A glass cupola has been erected on the Lake Carriers' house at Duff& Gatfield's, Texas Landing, above Lime-Kilns. Depths ofthe recently opened shallow-draft east channel over Ballard's Reefwill be posted on the glass ofthe cupola in black letters by day and illuminated by lanterns at night. The depths for the Lime-Kilns and the regular Ballard's Reef channel will be shown as heretofore. The new service was inaugurated Monday night. Capt. Alex. Cunning, wrecking master of the Great Lakes Towing Co., has completed building a cofferdam around the starboard side ofthe steamer E.L. Fisher, which is sunk below Mamajuda Light,DetroitRiver, and has the cofferdam constructed along two-thirds ofthe vessel's port side,wherethe workis moredifficultowing to the wreck lyingwith a list ofabout five feet to port.
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