St. Thomas’s Weekly ~ 3rd March 2019 ~

We meet in the name of Services/Events

Jesus Christ to celebrate TODAY

his life and what he has 11:00 Holy Communion – Led by the Revd. Darcy Chesterfield-Terry done for us, to listen to the WEDNESDAY – Ash Wednesday Joint service, with St Mary’s - at St word of God and to speak to Thomas, Colnbrook

God in prayer. Children are FRIDAY

welcome at all our services! 08.30 Said Communion 10:00 Little Fishes


11:00 Holy Communion led by Revd Rod Cosh



Revd. Darcy Chesterfield -Terry Tel: 07442 197 723

Church Wardens

Jenny Gregg Tel: 01753 792846 email: [email protected]

David Shields Tel; 07513 883412 A striking new figure has emerged to email: [email protected] fill the void in two villages that have Children’s & Family Worker been without a permanent . John Collins Darcy Chesterfield-Terry was licensed Tel: 07572 536475 email: [email protected] at St Mary the Virgin Church in by the Right Website:

Reverend on Monday. As well as being vicar at St Mary's he will urch/5822/

also take the reins at St Thomas Church Email: [email protected] in nearby Colnbrook………

……….Darcy, 36, who is married with a four-year-old son stands 6ft 4ins and with his impressive beard scored a big hit when he was one of several candidates for the job 'grilled' by pupils at Datchet's Church mead School. Now the village will be home for him and his family. He is a former police community support officer who was based in Hampshire, where he worked on various youth orientated projects and organised a successful soapbox derby which raised so much for good causes that he was awarded the Bronze Community pin from Hampshire Constabulary. He loved the job, saying: "It was a small community and nearest police back-up was 20 minutes away. "But it was not a problem. I knew everybody in the town so nobody ran away if I caught them doing something they should not, because I knew who they were." But something was missing and he says he began to realise he had a calling to serve in the church. He said: "When I got the calling I tried ignoring it but it would not go away. After a year I capitulated." During his training for the priesthood he attended a two- week study course based in Jerusalem and studied at English College in Rome - a Roman Catholic seminary - as part of an ecumenical exchange programme. He served as a near Portsmouth from 2015 where his contribution to the community included playing a genie and 'Little John' in pantomimes and becoming a vital part of the celebrated annual May fair. His other interests range from scuba diving (with experience of being a lifeguard), paintballing, photography, fishing, archery and boating. He is clearly destined to 'make a splash' in both the villages he now serves. Reproduced by kind permission of the & Observer Newspaper

Saint David, Dewi Sant, is the patron saint of Wales and also the patron saint of doves and poets St. David’s Day is celebrated on the 1st March throughout the world and especially in Wales. The 1st of March 569 is when it is thought that he died. It is said that he predicted this date in his younger life. It is believed that he was born in Pembrokeshire and that is where he founded a monastic community. The community was founded at the spot where St. David’s Cathedral stands today. St. David’s city is the smallest city in the UK. During his life David is said to have performed many miracles. The best known happened in Llanddewi Brefi when he was preaching to a large crowd. The ground on where he was stood rose up to form a small hill so that everyone could see and hear him and a white dove, which became his emblem, came and rested upon his shoulder. David was declared a saint in 1120 by Pope Callistus II. The shrine of Saint David was declared so important that two pilgrimages here were the equivalent of one to Rome and that three were equal to one to Jerusalem.

A Welsh joke Young Dylan comes home from school and tells his mother he’s been given a part in the school play. “Wonderful” says his mum. “What part is it?” The boy says: “I play the part of the Welsh husband.” The mother scowls and says: “Go back and tell them you want a speaking part.

Colnbrook & United Church The next Fellowship meeting will take place on Tuesday the 5th March at 2pm.

The Speaker will be Revd. Malcolm White talking about Ash Wednesday

All are welcome to attend, enjoy a relaxed gathering, several hymns and prayers, followed by chat and refreshments.

A place to foster awareness of spirituality; to deepen experience of spirituality as a full part of Christian life

You are invited to come to Burnham Abbey… Lake End Road (running south from Taplow Sainsbury’s) SL6 0PW

when The Venerable Guy Elsmore,

Archdeacon of Buckingham

will be presenting Photograph © David Maw 1

“Courage in the Early Church”

Whether they journeyed far or stayed nearer home, the first Christians faced hostility, danger, persecution and the unknown.

During this quiet morning, we will have a chance to explore the courage and the spirituality of the early church through story, contemplation, prayer and conversation.

Wednesday 13th March 2019 from 10.00am to 1pm

Please book by 6th March by contacting Rob Penn Tel:07768483385 or email [email protected]