Review of the Local Plan for

Consultation on the Call for Sites and other potential Local Plan sites 3 June to 15 July 2016

Review of the Slough Local Plan Consultation on the Call for Sites, 3 June - 15 July 2016

Executive summary

The purpose of this consultation is to find out what One of the reasons for carrying out the consultation people think about the various proposals that have exercise at this stage is that we will be able to feed been submitted for the future use of sites in Slough. the results into the review of the Local Plan for Slough. This is looking at how Slough could be These have come forward as a result of a “Call for developed in the next twenty years up to 2026. Sites” exercise which the Council carried out at the beginning of the year. That asked landowners, In addition to the proposals submitted by the public developers, organisations and members of the we are also seeking views on some proposals that public whether they knew of any sites which could have been put forward by the Planning potentially be allocated for development in the new Department. It should be noted that these Local Plan. It made clear that although there is a proposals have not been endorsed by the Council particular shortage of land for housing, the as the Local Planning Authority and so do not carry consultation also sought suggestions for a range of any weight at this stage. uses such as employment, open space or In order to help people understand some of the community uses as these are also important for context of what is happening in Slough we have Slough’s communities. also included information about the major In order to allow the widest possible level of infrastructure schemes that could come forward. engagement, the Council has not sought to pre Finally, in order to complete the picture, this judge the acceptability of any of these proposals. document also contains in the Appendix a list of the As a result every site that was submitted has been outstanding sites that have already been approved included in the consultation. in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document It is important to note that this means that the (published in 2010). We are not seeking views on inclusion of a site or a proposal in the document these sites at this stage. does not give it any planning status. During the consultation period (2nd June to 15th Around 130 proposals were put forward by 45 July 2016) details of how to respond and an people or organisations. These range from interactive location map are available online from suggested new footpath links through to major the link at residential and commercial developments. There are proposals within all parts of the Borough with a particular concentration in the and area.

Vn 1.1 Maps OS Data ©Crown Copyright and database rights 2016 Review of the Slough Local Plan Consultation on the Call for Sites, 3 June - 15 July 2016


1. Details of the consultation 1.1. How to participate 1.2. Location plans 1.3. Index of proposal sites Call for sites Other proposals Sites proposed for infrastructure 2. Introduction 2.1. Background to the call for sites 2.2. Local plan 2.3. Next stages 3. Sites submitted as part of the Call for sites 3.1. Background information 3.2. Location plans 3.3. Site schedules 4. Other proposals 4.1. Background information 4.2. Location plan 4.3. Site schedules 5. Sites proposed for infrastructure 5.1. Background information 5.2. Location plan 5.3. Site schedules Appendices a. Adopted Plan Existing Sites: site proposals being carried forward from the existing plan b. Additional information from the sites submitted in the call for sites


Vn 1.1 Maps OS Data ©Crown Copyright and database rights 2016 Review of the Slough Local Plan Page 1 Consultation on the Call for Sites, 3 June - 15 July 2016

1. Details of the consultation

1.1. How to participate You can request and submit a version in a different format using the contact details below: The consultation period will last for six weeks from the 3rd June to the 15th July (midnight). Email: During the consultation period an interactive map [email protected] with a ‘drop down’ information menu will be Postal: available online from a link at Planning Policy Section 3FW SMP It is important to be aware that the information in 51 Bath Road the site schedules contained in Chapter 3 has come SL1 3UF direct from the information submitted to the Call The online form is designed to generate an for Sites exercise and is intentionally presented here automatic acknowledgement. If you do not receive without any planning assessment: the site location this please contact us as staff resources mean no plans and areas are approximate. Where additional other acknowledgement will be sent. information has been submitted this is presented in Appendix C. The Council will analyse the results of the public consultation and feed these into its local plan If you have any views about any of the proposals or process. sites in the this document please fill in the Comments Form online from the link at If you wish to be kept informed about progress on the Local Plan please send your details to us using the contact details above. In order to register and consider your response we require you to state the site you wish to comment The Planning Policy section can also be contacted on using the unique reference number given in the by phone on 01753 477341 or 01753 875863 indexes below. In addition please provide your contact details in case we wish to clarify any of your comments.

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Location plans : Call for Sites

Part 1 of 3 – West

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Part 2 of 3 – Central

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Part 3 of 3 – East

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Location plans: Other Proposals (Section 4)

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Location plans: Sites proposed for infrastructure (Section 5)

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1.3 Index of Proposals i Call for sites (no prefix) Proposals submitted in response to the 1.3.1 These are provided in the three ‘Call for Sites’ exercise held by the sections below and link to the Council in early 2016. location plans above. ii Other proposal sites (prefixed ‘OTH’) 1.3.2. Separate from the Call for Proposals put forward for comment by the Sites proposals are the other Planning Department. These have no potential Local Plan sites. These planning status from the Council as the

are made up of (ii) other proposal Local Planning Authority. sites (prefixed with OTH) iii Sites proposed for infrastructure described in Section 4 and (iii) (prefixed ‘INF’) Key proposals for the sites for infrastructure (prefixed future infrastructure linked to non-car with INF) described in Section 5. modes of travel.

i Call for Sites

Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Blue/green wildlife The stream and its corridor with enhanced (additional habitat, reduced tributaries, Slough, SL1 1 information in flooding, co-designed, 0.78 Appendix b) 3PP created, managed by locals to improve resident’s quality of life. SN135312 National Grid, Uxbridge Redevelopment of site (additional 2 in medium term for 3.88 information in Road, Slough, SL2 5NA residential purposes. Appendix b) Agricultural arable land Land South of Colnbrook, with some landfill and restoration. Commercial Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 3 SN135033 operation involved in 31.55 0LQ heavy earthworks equipment. Large gravel workings yard. Industrial and Poyle Manor Farm, Poyle Warehousing 4 SN135019 Road, Colnbrook, SL3 0BL development, or 5.66 alternatively a distribution centre To create a path/narrow Bath Road, Colnbrook/ linear park on the 5 Poyle, Slough, SL3 0FG former railway line to 2.22 open onto Horton Road, Poyle connecting

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) to the southern trail to Moor. Bloom Park, Middlegreen Mixed Tenure 6 SN134978 1.58 Road, Langley, SL2 5NP Residential Brunel Place, Wellington A residential-led, mixed 7 SN134916 Street, Slough, SL1 1XN use development with a 0.17 proportion of retail use. Allocate part of the site Land to the west of Hollow for residential so that SN134881 the remaining part can Hill Lane, Between Railway (additional be identified for 8 9.67 information in and Grand Union Canal, biodiversity Appendix b) Langley, SL3 6EG improvements (as shown on the attached plan). Church uses on the St John the Baptist Church, front of the site (rebuilt church and hall and a Lane, Slough, 9 SN134692 new vicarage). New 0.35 SL1 3LW much needed housing on the remainder of the site. St Michael's Church, Whitby Redevelopment of site 10 SN134694 Road, Slough, SL1 3DW for much needed 0.19 housing. A mixed use Slough West Car Park and redevelopment of this Maintenance Yard, William site and adjacent land 11 SN135142 0.94 Street, Slough, SL1 3QE to south is proposed including residential, commercial and a hotel. Land adjacent to Trent The current use is Road, Trent Road, Slough, agricultural arable land 12 SN135120 5.02 SL3 8AB which has poor agricultural value. The site is currently occupied by 18 SN135358 Langley Business Centre, commercial buildings of (additional Station Road, Langley, 13 various sizes and 6.82 information in Slough, SL3 8DS configurations. The site Appendix b) has been in use for a range of B Class uses. Land at Speedway Farm, Storage and Colnbrook By-Pass, Slough, 14 SN135354 Distribution (Class B8) 2.31 SL3 0RD with ancillary offices. (additional Former Oil Depot, Station Residential. Please 15 information in 7.66 Road, Langley, Slough, SL3 refer to appendix. Appendix b)

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) 6EG

B2/B8 development of SN135207 Land South of Colnbrook up to c.25,000 sq m, or (additional By-pass, Poyle, Slough, 16 other mixed-uses 1.99 information in SL3 0NJ including potentially Appendix b) residential. Land at Manor Farm, Common Road, Slough, 17 SN135226 Residential 2.5 SL4 6PX

Uses permitted under Site Allocation SSA4 Slough Trading Estate, i.e. A1, A3, B1a, B1b, 18 SN135346 161.54 Slough, Slough B1c, B2, B8, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2 and Sui Generis SN135336 Land South of Kennedy (additional 19 Residential (C3) 2.95 information in Park, Slough, Slough Appendix b) Land at McArdle Way, The proposed change of use is from Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 20 SN135246 office/light industrial to 1.4 0RG residential dwellings on the site. 102-119 new homes (30-35dph). Land (additional Land South of Castleview, available for a primary 21 information in Slough, Slough school. 4.5ha of 11.85 Appendix b) publically accessible open space. 1.4ha of structural planting Poyle Manor Farm, Distribution warehousing (B8) with Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 22 SN135284 ancillary offices (B1) 5.66 0BL targeted on the logistics sector. Land to east of Tunns Lane, Residential, flatted Tunns Lane, Slough, SL1 23 SN135259 development, in excess 1.32 2XA of 100 units Land adjacent to former (additional Longitude House, 50 24 information in Wellington Street, Slough, Residential (C3) 0.1 Appendix b) SL1 1YL

Land between M4 and Commercial operation 25 SN135208 Colnbrook Bypass, involved in heavy 29.47 Colnbrook Bypass, Slough, earthworks equipment.

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) SL3 0LS Large gravel workings yard. Rec and Community Centre, The 26 SN135103 Education 3.86 Green, Slough, SL1 2SP

Residential led Akzo Nobel, development, to include 27 SN135198 12.73 Road, Slough, SL2 5DS employment and community uses. Open Space, Weekes 28 SN135101 Drive, Slough, SL1 9HW Education 2.59

Land to the rear of Opal Court, Park Hospital, Residential 29 2.64 Wexham street, Slough, Development SL2 4HL

Site of the School of Nursing, Wexham Park Redevelop for 30 0.63 Hospital, Wexham street, residential use. slough, SL2 4HL

3 fields north of St Mixed residential, Anthony's Church, Farnham social, 1st time buyer, 31 SN135042 Road, (A355), Slough, SL2 Extra Care, & 0.6 3AW retirement and quality homes. Land adjacent to Sutton The current use is Lane, Sutton Lane, Slough, agricultural arable land 32 SN135036 1.54 SL3 8AE which has poor agricultural value. 28 Bath Road, Slough, 33 SN133841 Slough, SL1 3SR Residential 0.04

Manor Park, Villiers Road, 34 SN133842 Slough, SL2 1NP Residential 0.42

Lacelles Depot, Lacelles 35 SN133844 Park, Slough, SL1 2AF Residential 0.18

Upton Court Park Changing Rooms, Upton Court Park, 36 SN133845 Residential 0.04 Slough, SL3 7LU

A mixture of residential, various parcels of land, A4 Commercial, Care 37 SN133744 8.95 Colnbrook By-Pass, Home, and Leisure development would sit

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Colnbrook, SL3 0JR very well on the overall site. 150 - 160 Bath Road and Ancillary Land, Bath Road, Small private residential 38 SN133788 0.11 Slough, SL1 3XS flatted scheme.

The Lodge and Adjacent Land, Mercian Way, 39 SN133725 Mixed Tenure Housing 0.29 Slough, SL1 5NA

Merrymakers and adjoining Mixed use community sites, Langley, SL3 7TY, 40 SN133706 provision and 0.51 SL37QA affordable housing Land north of A4 (Colnbrook Bypass), Strategic Rail Freight 41 SN133713 58.42 Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 Interchange 0FE

Haybrook College, Burnham Lane, Slough, 42 SN133722 Mixed Tenure Housing 1.33 SL1 6LZ

Garage compound, Fox 43 SN132165 Road, Langley, SL3 7SG ex garage compound 0.18

Garage Compound, Turton Currently a garage 44 SN132166 0.09 Way, Chalvey, SL1 2ST compound Langley Police Station and Housing scheme unit adjoining garage site, High 45 SN133701 size and tenure yet to 0.24 St, Langley, SL3 8NF be determined.

Former George White I think this site would be ideal for either a small Motors, Albion Close 46 SN132196 housing project or the 0.2 corner, Slough, SL2 5DT development of flats/apartments Replacement of the St John The Baptist Church, Church and hall, Stoke Poges Lane, Slough, provision of a vicarage 47 SN131804 0.35 SL1 3LW with the rear lane being available for residential housing St Michael's Church, Whitby 48 SN131803 Road, Slough, SL1 3DW Residential housing 0.19

Previous uses include a 49 SN132160 324 Trelawney Ave, 0.06 small doctors surgery

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Langley, Slough, SL3 7TY and more recently a courier firm. Riverside Cafe, Colnbrook By-pass, Colnbrook, SL3 Proposed commercial 50 SN134424 1.05 0EA use

2 New Cottage, Mill Street, Proposed Residential 51 SN134425 0.21 Colnbrook, SL3 0JW or Commercial Use former George Public House playing field, off 52 SN132366 Vicarage Way, Colnbrook, Residential - housing 1.3 SL3 0RD

Maria Cowland Hall, Bower Small flatted residential 53 SN133779 0.17 Way, Slough, SL1 5HX scheme. St Anthony's Field, Farnham Road, Slough, Residential 54 SN133782 0.6 SL2 34E Development

Rotunda Club and Community Centre, Mixed tenure 55 SN133792 0.39 Northampton Avenue, residential. Slough, SL1 3BP

Former Cross Keys PH Car Park, High Street, Chalvey, 56 SN133797 Private residential. 0.06 Slough, SL1 2RU

Community Centre and Day Centre, Davills Lane, Private residential 57 SN133803 0.46 Slough, SL1 2PH housing.

Slough Central Library, 85 2 no. Hotels, Offices 58 SN131733 0.26 High St, Slough, SL1 1EA and Restaurants Elliman Resource Centre, 27 Pursers Court, Slough, 59 SN133853 Residential 0.12 SL2 5DL

Vicarage Way Car Park, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 60 SN133859 Residential 0.13 0RF

Wexham Phase 3, Wexham 61 SN133849 Road, Slough, SL2 5QP Residential 0.81

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Harvey Park Dressing Room, Longwood Avenue, 62 SN133851 Residential 0.02 Slough, SL3 8GB

Proposed change of 18 to 24, Stoke Road, use and conversion 63 SN134339 0.21 Slough, SL2 5AG from office to residential. Approximately 90 Upton Lodge, Yew Tree residential units and 64 SN134305 0.18 Road, Slough, SL1 2AQ associated commercial use 202-208 High Street, Ground floor retail with 65 SN134190 0.26 Slough, Slough, SL1 1JS residential above. 174 - 178 High Street, Mixed Use - ground 66 SN134202 Slough, Slough, SL1 1JP floor retail with 0.16 residential above. The Grove Car Park, The 67 SN133868 Grove, Slough, SL1 1QP Residential 0.12

Montem Pleasure Ground, 68 SN133873 Montem Lane, Slough Residential 5.04

Stoke Road Bus Depot, Stanley Cottages, Slough, High Density 69 SN133862 0.54 SL2 5AQ Residential

22-26 Windsor Road, Residential and 70 SN133864 0.05 Slough, Slough, SL1 2EJ Commercial Light Industry (Class SN135341 Colnbrook Logistics Centre, B1c) / General Industry (additional Colnbrook By-Pass, Slough, (Class B2) / Storage 71 20.38 information in SL3 0EE and Distribution (Class Appendix b) B8) with ancillary offices. Land at Wood Lane, Wood 72 SN135224 Lane, Slough, SL1 9EA Residential 0.37

Land to the West of Slough STW, Slough STW, Slough, 73 SN135225 Industrial 17.32 SL4 6QN

Employment - B1a, B1b, B1c, B2, B8 and 225 Bath Road, Slough, Sui Generis. Trade 74 SN135352 4.89 Slough, SL1 4AU Park Uses - A1, A3, C1, D1, D2. Residential C3 (on backland),

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) 10, 11 & 12, Wellcroft Road, 75 SN135240 Slough, SL1 4AQ Residential use. 0.48

Slough Canal Basin, Stoke 76 Road, Slough Residential use. 3.61

Slough Canal Basin, Stoke Environmental 77 Road, Slough conservation and 3.61 residential Wexham Nursery, Wexham 78 Road, Slough Residential use. 3.33

Gurney House, Upton road, 79 slough, SL1 2AE Residential use. 0.37

Car Park, Alpha Street 80 North, Slough, SL1 1PA Residential use. 0.05

Tower & Ashbourne House, 81 Chalvey Park, Slough Residential use. 1.12

Rear The Centre, Farnham 82 road, Slough, SL1 3BP Residential use. 0.39

McArdles Offices, Tanhouse Way and Mill 83 Residential use. 1.4 Street, Slough, SL3 0JP

Old Air India Offices, Matthison Way and Poyle 84 Residential use. 0.45 Road, Slough, SL3 0HF

Pertemps Offices, Poyle 85 Road, Slough, SL3 0AA Residential use. 0.15

Either side of Railway footpath, Old Bath Road, 86 Residential use. 0.25 Slough, SL3 0FG

The Old Function Rooms, Bridge Street, Slough, SL3 87 Listed building 0 0JQ

Colnbrook Conservation 88 Area, Colnbrook, Slough Conservation area 14.44

BP garage, London road, 89 Slough, SL3 0NP Residential use. 0.54

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Heathrow Gateway, London 90 road, Slough, SL3 8QG Residential use. 0.26

Golf Driving Range, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 91 Leisure use. 2.4 0EN

Poyle Poplars, Colnbrook, 92 Slough, SL3 0BN Leisure use. 2.99

Railway footpath, 93 Colnbrook, Slough Footpath 2.22

Colnbrook Doctors Surgery, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 94 Medical services 0.05 0JX

Colnbrook Court, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 Residential and 95 0.31 0NN Commercial

Land east of Market Lane, Extension of park on 96 SN138207 Langley, Slough, SL3 8BQ the western side of 12.57 Market Lane Informal Nature Old Bath Road, Colnbrook, Reserve with public 97 SN138183 Slough, SL3 0FG access route (Public 2.22 Right of Way (PRoW) dedication) Heathrow Gateway, (additional Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 98 information in Residential use. 0.26 Appendix b) 8QG Gibtel Transport Café, (additional Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 99 information in Residential use. 0.28 Appendix b) 8QG Tanhouse Farm/McArdle (additional Site, Colnbrook, Slough, 100 information in Residential use. 0.71 Appendix b) SL3 0JP Golden Cross service (additional Station, Colnbrook, Slough, 101 information in Residential use. 0.54 Appendix b) SL3 0NP

(additional Aramex warehouse, 102 information in Residential use. 0.62 Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 Appendix b)

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) 0NS

(additional Poyle Place, Colnbrook, 103 information in Slough, SL3 0AT Industrial use 4.73 Appendix b) land north of the Colnbrook (additional By-pass, Colnbrook, 104 information in Leisure use. 29.47 Appendix b) Slough, SL3 0ED George meadow, (additional Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 105 information in Leisure use. 1.3 Appendix b) 0RD Land south of Imperial (additional Coaches, Colnbrook, 106 information in Leisure use. 0.36 Appendix b) Slough London Road to Horton (additional Road, Colnbrook, Slough, 107 information in New road link 0 Appendix b) SL3 0LJ High Street at Market Place, (additional Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 108 information in New road link 0 Appendix b) 0NG (additional A4 at Colnbrook, 109 information in Colnbrook, Slough New road link 0 Appendix b) (additional Mill street, Colnbrook, 110 information in Slough New road link 0 Appendix b) Longford Roundabout to (additional Poyle trading estate, 111 information in New road link 0 Appendix b) Colnbrook, Slough (additional Golden Cross, Colnbrook, 112 information in Slough, SL3 0NP Car Parking 0.54 Appendix b) (additional Colnbrook, Colnbrook, Rail Station (location is 113 information in 0 Slough, SL3 0NJ only illustrative) Appendix b) Former Star & Garter (additional public house, Colnbrook, 114 information in Community buildings 0.02 Appendix b) Slough, SL3 0JF (additional Former Olympic VIP Coach Industrial, commercial 115 information in 4.73 Park Site, Colnbrook, or emergency services Appendix b)

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) Slough, SL3 0AT

116 Number not used

Enhance the natural Off New Poyle Cottages, quality of the site creating wild planting, Bath Road, Slough, SL3 117 engaging with local 10.35 0NU community volunteers to maintain a rich bio- diverse environment. Golf Driving Range, Enhance site boundary with tree and shrub Galleymead Road, Slough, 118 planting for wildlife. 2.4 SL3 0EN Provide sport facility for youth / young adults. The development Former University of West proposals will deliver a SN136867 London site, Corner of comprehensive (additional 119 residential led mixed 4.57 information in William Street & Wellington use regeneration Appendix b) Street, Slough, SL1 1YG scheme in the heart of Slough. George meadow, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 120 Leisure use. 1.3 0RD

Golf Driving Range, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 121 Leisure use. 2.4 0EN

Budgens lawn, Colnbrook, 122 Slough, SL3 0JH open space 0.03

Old George and Colnbrook Grill, Colnbrook, Slough, 123 open space 0.02 SL3 0LX

land on the corner of Drift Way & Rayners Close, 124 Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 open space 0.04 0HD

The Old Smithy, Colnbrook, 125 Slough, SL3 0HS Community buildings 0.01

land next to CVH, 126 Community buildings 0.04 Colnbrook, Slough, SL3

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Web Reference Site Area Site Given Address (additional Given Proposed Use Ha Ref information in (approx..) Appendix) 0RF

land on the corner of A4 / Poyle Road, Colnbrook, 127 Educational use 5.95 Slough, SL3 0FF

The old Biffa infill site, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 128 Leisure use. 29.47 0ED

plot on the corner of A4 and Sutton Lane, Colnbrook, 129 Leisure use. 0.17 Slough, SL3 8XE

Colnbrook, Colnbrook, 130 Slough Conservation area 14.44

Penn Road, Penn Road, Land set aside for flood 131 4.65 Slough defences.

132 Number not used

Newbery Way, Newbery 133 Way, Slough, SL1 2PE Flood defences. 0.28

Salt Hill Park, Bath Road, 134 Slough Flood defences. 3.37

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ii Other Proposal Sites

Site Location Proposal Number OTH 135 Railway land off Frank Sutton Business/industrial development/uses Way

OTH 136 Railway land at Simpsons Way Business/industrial development/uses

OTH 137 Horlicks Playing Field; Plough Residential development with open space Lees Lane. and pedestrian/cycle link from Stoke Poges Lane to Stoke Gardens. OTH 138 Stoke Gardens Residential led mixed use comprehensive redevelopment OTH 139 Stoke Road east side (south of Residential led comprehensive Canal Basin and North of Mill redevelopment including pedestrian/cycle Street) link north south from Canal basin redevelopment site towards Slough Station OTH 140 Mill Street (north side) Review potential for comprehensive redevelopment for business and residential development including pedestrian/cycle link north south from Canal basin towards Slough Station.

OTH 141 Mill Street (south side) and Residential led comprehensive Grays Place. redevelopment and enhanced access to station. OTH 142 Number not used OTH 143 Albion Close and adjacent Review potential for comprehensive business premises on redevelopment for business and residential Petersfield Ave. development plus and street-scene enhancement. OTH 144 Petersfield Ave (north side) Residential led redevelopment and street- existing commercial buildings. scene enhancement OTH 145 Railway Triangle (rear of Residential development with east- west Lansdowne Ave/Stranraer cycle link. Gardens). OTH 146 Southside of High Street Review potential for comprehensive (Church St to Park Street) redevelopment for retail and residential development. OTH 147 Southside of High Street (Park Review potential for comprehensive Street to Alpha St North) redevelopment for retail and residential development OTH 148 Number not used OTH 149 Land west of Upton Court Park International Information and Technology Centre OTH 150 Waterside Drive, Langley Residential redevelopment of some employment use buildings. OTH 151 Canal Wharf; Langley Residential led redevelopment.

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iii Sites proposed for infrastructure

Site Location Proposal Number. INF 152 Burnham Station Improve access to and the appearance of the approach to the station. INF 153 Path Lane to Bath Foot/Cycle path improvements and Road (adjacent to Westgate realignment School) INF 154 Baylis Road/Salt Hill Park Improve pedestrian/cycle link (alignment and appearance). INF 155 Lansdowne Ave to former Create pedestrian/cycle link over railway university site INF 156 Slough Station North forecourt Access and appearance improvements

INF 157 Slough Station (east side) Bridge over railway (pedestrian/cycle access from Mill Street to town centre) INF 158 Slough Station east car park; Multi-storey car park Brunel Way INF 159 Langley Station Improve access to and the appearance of the approach to the station. INF 160 Langley Station; land east of. Western Rail Link to Heathrow INF 161 Junction 5 and Colnbrook by- SMART Phase Two – rapid transit pass INF 162 Alexandra Road (south end) New railway station (Chalvey Halt)

Review of the Slough Local Plan Consultation on the Call for Sites, 3 June - 15 July 2016 Page 21

2. Introduction

2.1. Background to the call for sites 2.1.7. In order to allow the widest possible level of engagement, the Council decided to put all 2.1.1. The work that has been carried out in the sites out for comment without any pre reviewing the Local Plan for Slough has judgement about their acceptability. As a shown that there is a huge demand for result every site that was submitted has housing and the schools, jobs, transport been included in this document for public and leisure facilities in Slough but a consultation at this stage so everyone will shortage of land on which to build or have the opportunity to comment on other provide them. people’s ideas. 2.1.2. As a result the Council decided that it should 2.1.8. In addition to the proposals submitted by try to tap into local and professional the public we are also seeking views on knowledge to help tackle this challenge. some proposals that have been put forward 2.1.3. In order to do this it carried out the first by the Planning Department. It should be stage of the “Call for Sites” exercise in noted that these proposals they have not January this year. This asked landowners, been endorsed by the Council as the Local developers, organisations and members of Planning Authority and so do not carry any the public whether they knew of any sites weight at this stage. which could potentially be allocated for 2.1.9. In order to help people understand some of development in the new Local Plan. It also the context of what is happening in Slough sought suggestions as to whether there we have also included information about were any sites that would benefit from a the major infrastructure schemes that could change of use or from improving what was come forward. already there. 2.1.10. Finally, in order to complete the picture, this 2.1.4. It was made clear that although there is a document also contains in the Appendix a particular shortage of land for housing it list of the outstanding sites that have would also welcome suggestions for a already been approved in the Site range of uses such as employment, open Allocations Document (published in 2010). space or community uses. We are not seeking views on these sites at 2.1.5. All that people were required to do was to this stage. provide a plan showing where the site was, include information about what they knew about its current use, and explain what they thought it could be used for. 2.1.6. Around 130 proposals were put forward by 44 people or organisations during the initial stage. These ranged from suggested new footpath links through to major residential and commercial developments. There are proposals within all parts of the Borough with a particular concentration in the Colnbrook and Poyle area.

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2.2 Local plan 2.2.7. This means that consideration will have to be given to developing areas outside of 2.2.1. The results of the “Call for Sites” exercise will Slough’s boundary. The Council has made feed into the review of the Local Plan for representations to Chiltern/ Slough. Councils that they should consider a 2.2.2. The new Local Plan will cover the period up northern extension of Slough in the form of to 2036 and replace all of the existing plans a new “garden suburb”. This is, however, which include the “saved” parts of the Local likely to be required to meet the housing Plan for Slough (2004) the Core Strategy needs arising in South Bucks rather than (2008) and Site Allocations (2010). from Slough. 2.2.8. The Council has taken steps to increase the 2.2.3. The first part of the plan making process amount of residential development in the has involved collecting the evidence that is Borough by increasing the housing target needed to guide the plan making process. for Slough from 315 dwellings per year to This has included the preparation of a 550. Sufficient sites have come forward to Strategic Housing Market Assessment ensure that we have a Five Year Land supply (SHMA) and a Functional Economic Market when measured against the higher target Assessment (FEMA). The results of these but there is likely to be a shortage of land studies show that there is a very high for housing in the medium to long term. Objectively Assessed Need for housing and an anticipate a need for more employment 2.2.9. A significant amount of the residential generating land in the Borough. Further development that has taken place in Slough details can be found at has been on employment land. This has come about through building on former industrial areas and the conversion of 2.2.4. The Council will be producing more reports offices to flats. There is, however, a need for in due course, including a Green Belt Study more jobs in Slough and a demand for more which will look at the extent to which land for large developments such as individual parcels of land continue to fulfil a warehousing. As a result a balance will Green Belt function. have to be drawn between the provision of 2.2.5. The next formal stage in the preparation of new housing and employment. the plan will be the production of an Issues 2.2.10. New development also brings with it the and Options report for public consultation need for more supporting infrastructure. at the end of the year. Further information The rapidly growing population has meant when available can be found at for example that we have had to significantly increase the amount of school 2.2.6. One of the biggest problems facing Slough places in Slough and there is still a need for is the shortage of land for development. another four secondary schools in the The previous Local Plan released Green Belt Borough. This all adds to the shortage of land for housing in the previous Local Plan land. and in many areas development has now 2.2.11. The need for development also puts taken place right up to the Borough pressure upon the existing open spaces and boundary. Elsewhere there are physical green areas in the town. barriers, such as the , which 2.2.12. All of this means that in planning for the means that scope for the expansion of future it is all the more important that we Slough is limited. make the best use of all available land. The “Call for Sites” exercise is therefore one of the first steps that we have taken in the Review of the Local Plan so that we can get as much information as possible about where development could take place in the most sustainable way.

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2.3 Next stages 2.3.4. Some of the proposals put forward in the Call for Sites are in the Green Belt. The 2.3.1. The Council will analyse all of the proposals Council will be carrying out a Green Belt that have been submitted and any Study to assess the extent to which comments or suggestions that have been individual parcels of land still fulfil a Green made about them. It is anticipated that Belt function and assess what impact that many of them will then come forward as development would have upon the Green planning applications in the normal way. Belt. It should be noted that this this does Other proposals will be considered for not imply that there will be any relaxation inclusion in the Local Plan. in Green Belt policy which will continue to 2.3.2. All appropriate residential schemes will be be applied until formal decisions have been fed into the Housing Capacity Study that we made about the review of the Local Plan. are carrying out. This is a high level 2.3.5. The results of this consultation exercise will assessment of how much housing is likely to also feed into developing the “Issues and be built in Slough based upon past trends Options” for the Local Plan. It is anticipated and the development of known sites in that this will which is due to go out for accordance with current planning policies. public consultation by the end of the year. 2.3.3. All outstanding sites will then be This will be a high level look at what the considered for inclusion in a Housing and spatial options for the future development Economic Land Availability Assessment of Slough are and what strategic policy (HELAA) which will involve a more detailed choices there are for trying to meet all of assessment of sites to determine whether the needs for development in the Borough. they are suitable for development and the 2.3.6. The Council will then produce a “Preferred likelihood of them coming forward. Option” for the Local Plan which could include some of the proposals that have come though the Call for Sites exercise.

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