Local resident submissions to the City Council electoral review

This PDF document contains local resident submissions with surnames T.

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: carl tantum



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I support the idea of a Partnership Ward with , combining the two present Wards into one and sharing the 3 Councillors between us. I would make particular mention of the Westbury on Trym Village Hall which was donated by my Great-Uncle to the Villagers of Westbury-on- Trym it was not given to the residents of Henleaze. Please note that you are destroying historic and important links with the proposal as it stands. Carl Tantum

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4813 13/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: taylor alan Sent: 27 January 2015 21:37 To: Reviews@ Subject: Local Government Boundary Commission Review - Westbury on Trym, Bristol

Dear Sir,

Whilst appreciating the necessity to periodically review a Council area and where necessary to adjust the ward boundaries, the outcome must be one that is reasonable and reflects local circumstances, features and even sensitivities. To do otherwise is disrespectful to the local residents.

I feel that the current proposal for Westbury is a case in point. It has used Falcondale Road as a suitable proxy for division without appreciating that, by doing so, it will eliminate the long established and recognised area of Westbury on Trym which sits either side of this major artery.

I'm sure I speak for many, when I say that although I live on the proposed "Westbury side of the road" I would feel that if Westbury village was not part of this ward there would be a noticeable loss of "Westbury" community. The centre of the community is Westbury Village and should remain so - the new Westbury ward would have no real identity but instead would simply be a collection of houses.

I would urge you to listen to the people that matter - the local residents - and rescind your proposal. It would make much more sense, recognising that some change is needed, to have a 3 member ward called "Westbury on Trym and Henleaze".

I do hope you will look on these observations favourably and amend your proposals accordingly.

Many thanks.

Alan Taylor (resident of Westbury on Trym)


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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Taylor



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

When my parents and i bought our properties in Grange Rd we bought them because they were in Bishopsworths, had i wanted a house in i would of bought a house there. I have looked at the boundary line and i don't understand why it runs along church road and not Grange Road into Queens Road and joins back onto church Road. I know the value of our properties will decrease and feel that i will not be the only residence that as an objection to the Boundary line being moved.Once the residence realize what they propose they will be infuriated.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4675 09/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Sheena Taylor



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I have lived in since 1977. I do not want to be included in the Redland boundary. I see no point in changing the boundaries just for the sake of local government to equalise the numbers each councillor represents. If I had faith in them , then I might consider it , just let me know how all this will help the people of Bishopston ?!?! Leave the areas the same !!! Use your time spent elsewhere doing something that is useful ! This is the first time this change has been brought to my attention as well. I do not have a local paper, I work full time and get home too late to see the local news. Where has it been published in the past ?? It should have publicised more for the residents involved , maybe that was the plan all along so you could just vote in favour of it ...... LEAVE BISHOPSTON ALONE !! We are happy as we are !

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4642 06/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Clare Thalmann



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I understand that there is a proposal to re-draw the electoral boundaries, with the result that Hotwells and Cliftonwood will be divided. As a long-term resident of Hotwells, I am at a loss to understand this. Hotwells and Cliftonwood have been closely linked for many years, is clearly recognised as a community and has been represented jointly in the Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association. Residents of the two areas have worked closely together to improve local services and if the two areas are to be split, the strength of the partnership will be broken.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4560 02/02/2015

The Review Officer (Bristol) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG 12th February, 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

Bristol City Council Boundary Review

Having read your draft recommendations report I think you should be congratulated on your proposals. The changes outlined should be fairer electorally, better reflect communities and therefore lead to improved governance by Bristol City Council.

As a resident in the ward for over 30 years I make the following comments regarding your proposals on page 11 of the report regarding Henbury & :-

1. Community cohesion will be enhanced by renaming the ward Henbury & Brentry - with two councillors representing the voters.

2. Brentry is currently split in two as the Charlton Mead estate is included in the ward and the rest of the area in Henbury. This makes no sense as the people in both Henbury & Brentry share community facilities in all respects. Your proposal to include the Charlton Mead estate in a renamed ward is consequently welcomed by me and several friends I have on that estate.

3. It would not be appropriate to move the Royal Victoria Park Estate and Strathearn Drive properties ((RVP) out of the enlarged Henbury & Brentry ward. Whilst the properties may “appear to look to the south” as you describe them, there is no affinity between RVP and any other community other than Brentry. The residents use the same community services as everyone else in Henbury & Brentry.

In addition I think these properties are within the Brentry Conservation Area and the historical ties of Brentry Hospital and Brentry House also need to be considered. Brentry House (built 1802 grade 2 listed) was used as the administration building for Brentry Hospital. Now known as Repton Hall it has been converted into residential apartments as part of the RVP development. RVP is therefore an integral part of the Brentry community and your inclusion of these areas in the proposed new ward is correct.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Thistlewood

E-mail address:

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Cathy Thomas



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I think it it a waste of time, money and effort that could be spent better elsewhere by local government than trying to change ward boundaries for Westbury on Trym. I wish to stay in the Westbury on Trym ward.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4703 10/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 10 February 2015 09:00 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Re-ward proposals. Bishopsworth. Bristol

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Mary Thomas Sent: 07 February 2015 15:44 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: Re‐ward proposals. Bishopsworth. Bristol

I have been informed that my home in may be in danger of being pushed out of Bishopsworth and put into Hartcliffe Ward. Please may I register my disapproval at this proposed measure. No matter what it looks like on a map. We are in Bishopsworth, our postcoded address, and,certainly wish to stay there, We must not be divided It would be detrimental to all aspects of life, House prices, Relocation options, snob values if you like, Please do not move us.

Why not take a day to visit us and see for yourself that the proposals are not justifiable,

Many thanks for your help. I look forward to an acknowledgement.

Mary J Thomas

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1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: michael thomas



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

With this proposed change of boundary, the historic village hall and church would no longer be in westbury on trym. this seems senseless and unnecessary.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4788 13/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Graham S. & Patricia Thomas



Organisation Name: Resident

Comment text:

Sirs My address is , HENLEAZE. The land registry-as per my deeds states the address as HENLEAZE. This address has been our home for 36 years, Had I wanted to be associated with the southmead area I would have bought a house in that area which would have been far cheaper. This excersise purely numerical and takes no account of peoples feelings. The postal address, for the convenience of the post office, is BS10. This already incurs heavy costs in home and car insurance and not BS9 as for HENLEAZE. I object most strongly to this paper excersise and do not want Glenwood road included in this proposal. G.S and P Thomas

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4845 16/02/2015

Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 06 February 2015 08:45 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: LGBCE - Review of Bristol City Council - Westbury on Trym Ward boundary

From: Rod & SueThompson Sent: 05 February 2015 12:52 To: Reviews@ Subject: LGBCE - Review of Bristol City Council - Westbury on Trym Ward boundary

To: The Review Officer (Bristol) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

Dear Sir / Madam

We refer to the proposal to change the boundaries of the Westbury on Trym ward (34) as part of the current Bristol City Council Review.

We have been part of the Westbury on Trym community for over 30 years, as residents, as a teacher in a local school for 28 years and as the past owner of a professional business working in the local commercial centre. We have been part of the local business association and helped start a street neighbourhood association and neighbourhood watch. We understand the nature of many of the local community interests.

Please note that the village and community centre of Westbury on Trym is an ancient one, with historical and ecclesiastical records going back before the establishment of Bristol itself. The current ward review proposes to move the centre heart of the old village and church / monastery / college out eof th Westbury on Trym ward, to call it part of Henleaze ward (19). Henleaze has a separate identity, although historically mainly part of the old parish of Westbury.

We strongly object to the boundary review proposal. Putting the two halves of the Westbury on Trym community into two wards tdoes no provide an accurate reflection of the local community name, identity and interests of the local people.

We ask instead that you go to the other proposal mentioned in the Review document, to combine the proposed Westbury on Trym ward with the proposed Henleaze ward, to be one ward ande to shar 3 Councillors.

Yours faithfully

1 Rod & Sue Thompson

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2 From: Egan, Helen To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Re-warding houses in Bishopsworth Bristol Date: 13 January 2015 13:03:13

Hi Mark,

Please see submission below for Bristol.


From: Nicholas Thorne [mailto Sent: 13 January 2015 12:27 To: Reviews@

Subject: Re-warding houses in Bishopsworth Bristol

To whom it may concern,

I live at

I have recently received a letter from Cllr Richard Eddy stating that my house may be re-warded and classed as Hartcliffe. I have huge reservations regarding this. My biggest concern is that my house will drop in value as a result. When I bought my house I specifically searched for houses in Bishopsworth as it is a more desirable area. If the re-warding takes place and my house gets classed as Hartcliffe it will lose value and therefore will be taking my equity (in part) away from me. If this were to happen would you compensate me for my loss? This would be a situation that would be forced on me and not my choice. Just like theft for example. I am happy with where I go to vote and do not want this to change. Will this have a knock-on affect with where my children could go to school? Hartcliffe school has lower standards than other schools and I fear that my children would not have a choice on where they would be educated Can you please explain to me in full why this change is to happen and what you have done to minimize the effect to residents as a result of this change

Thank you

Nick Thorne

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Paul Thorne



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Centre of Westbury village should be in Westbury-on-Trym ward rather than Henleaze!

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Centre of Westbury village should be in Westbury-on-Trym ward rather than Henleaze!

Comment text:

It would be more logical to have the centre of Westbury village actually in the Westbury-on-Trym ward, rather than in Henleaze!

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4468 26/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: carol tiley



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am so angry I can hardly write this e.mail. Do the idiots who have come up with this proposal even know anything about this beautiful old part of WESTBURY ON TRYM. Have they even been here to see just how stupid the idea is. Many years ago, when my husband and family returned from abroad, we were longing to buy a house in WESTBURY ON TRYM. The thought never entered our heads to look for a house in Henleaze. 1200 years of this wonderful village must not be destroyed by some petty beurocrats. We have a unique and caring community here and we are very very pround to be called WESTBURY ON TRYM. How much valuable money could be spent, and wasted on this proposal. It must not happen.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4594 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Gemma Tiley



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Westbury-on-Trym village

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Westbury-on-Trym village

Comment text:

Westbury-on-Trym ward should include the historic village of Westbury-on-Trym (centred approx at point 1). On the proposed boundary map, the entire village centre is outside of the new 'westbury-on-trym' ward, which doesn't seem to make sense.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4593 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Lucy Tilney



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I object to these plans because the new grouping of part of Hotwells with part of Southville makes absolutely no social sense whatever. At present, both Hotwells / Cliftonwood and Southville are thriving but distinctive communities. If this plan goes ahead it would do enormous social damage to both. Hotwells and Cliftonwood have long been associated and worked together. A local resident of Hotwells & Cliftonwood.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4732 11/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Mike Timmins



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

am a resident of Hotwells in Clifton ward in Bristol. The proposal to create a Ward will divide the historic neighbourhood. The community of Cliftonwood and Hotwells has been long established and is clearly recognised as a single entity by residents. The new boundary proposals will divide this established community rather than reflect community identity. Voters in Hotwells & Cliftonwood are currently represented by two Councillors. The proposed Hotwells & Harbourside ward will have only one. The rights of this community to lobby for changes through the City Council will be diluted with only one Councillor rather than two working on their behalf. This represents a reduction in electoral equality relative to other 2 or 3 Councillor wards, not an improvement.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4691 09/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Mary Sent: 28 January 2015 15:07 To: Reviews@ Subject: Bristol: Review of ward boundaries in Westbury-on-Trym

I understand you are reviewing the ward boundaries of the ward of Westbury‐on‐Trym, Bristol.

I am a resident of this ward.

I am writing to support the views of the Westbury‐on‐Trym Society.

That is, to retain the whole of the Village of Westbury‐on‐Trym within one ward. The village forms a local area, know as Wesbury‐on‐Trym. This village forms an entity. It is regarded as a local village. The village should not be split between 2 different wards. The Falcondale Road runs through Westbury; it is not the boundary of the village.

At any event, you cannot call a Ward "Westbury‐on‐Trym", when it does not contain the ancient centre of the village....the Parish Church, the shops and the old College dating from Norman times.

I support the solution put forward by the Westbury‐on‐Trym Society to form a 'Partnership ward with Henleaze".

Mary Tippetts

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1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Nick Tolchard



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The proposals suggest part of Cotham ward joins Clifton East. The current and proposed boundary between Clifton and Clifton East is Pembroke Road. I suggest that issues for Clifton East are more similar to Clifton than Cotham, and therefore would suggest Clifton East as it is currently, joins Clifton with the boundary becoming Whiteladies Road.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4314 16/12/2014 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Sam Tolfree



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I object to this as combining the two wards including westbury village will have detrimental effect on services such as libraries.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4513 30/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Jennifer Tomkinson



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The new Ward of Westbury on trym cannot not include Westbury village within it! That is a ludicrous suggestion as the centre should be within it. Please keep the boundary as is including the village.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4325 16/12/2014 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Eileen Togneri



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

It seems a bit counter-intuitive to put Westbury on Trym village, a small mediaeval village which has been engulfed by Bristol but always kept its name, into a new ward called Henleaze, a thirties suburb of Bristol. Particularly as you propose to retain a ward called Westbury on Trym, which will not contain the village, and will further divide the secondary, smaller shopping centre on Stoke Lane from the village itself. (The ring road, Falcondale Road, is the physical divider.) It seems the symmetry of voting numbers has seduced you. The reality is that Henleaze and Westbury are distinct communities, and it makes no sense to have councillors representing the whole new incorporation of the two communities, and a separate councillor representing the small separated part of Westbury. Either keep Westbury on Trym ward as it was, including the village, and keep Henleaze as it was, or if you must combine the two communities, then include the ward you now propose to be Westbury on Trym and make it a 3 councillor ward. At least that will ensure the community of Westbury on Trym is not divided.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4425 14/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Tonks



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: 2: Henleaze

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1:

Annotation 2: Henleaze

Comment text:

I have lived in for 34 years and has always been in the Westbury on Trym ward. Lake road is a residential road that has little in common with Southmead. Giving Lake road a Southmead address will reduce the value of these properties and upset residence in the street. These proposals must be reviewed and put Lake road in to Henleaze or remain in Westbury on Trym.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4639 06/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 16 February 2015 10:37 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Henleaze Lake Area

From: Richard Tonks [ Sent: 14 February 2015 11:12 To: Reviews@ Subject: Henleaze Lake Area

Dear Sirs,

I have found out by word of mouth, as I do not know where this information was advertised that you are proposing to change the ward boundary of Lake Road and placing it under Southmead. Most residence of the area are like myself unaware of theses changes and are concerned that the changes will have a negative effect on the area especially on the property prices. I have lived in my property ( for 34 years and we have always come under Westbury on Trym and paid local rates inline with this area. This proposed change has little to do with this area as nearly all residence have dealings with either Henleaze or Westbury on Trym. Please review this change as a lot of residence do not want it.

Regards Richard Tonks.

1 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 16 February 2015 10:36 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Re change to Westbury on Trym / Henleaze boundaries

From: RHYS DAVIES Sent: 14 February 2015 15:50 To: Reviews@ Subject: Re change to Westbury on Trym / Henleaze boundaries

I would like to add my objection to the proposal to take Westbury on Trym village into Henleaze parish. I live in the "newer" area of WOT which would remain in WOT parish - which is ridiculous when the historic village will be lost. I support the alternative proposal, which is to merge WOT and Henleaze parishes and have 3 councillors.


Ann Touboulic


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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Guy Travers



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I live in the Henleaze Lake area. All my day to day activities take place in Henleaze/Westbury on Trym, with most of my close friends living here. My doctor, dentist, library, church and places where I shop are all in Henleaze/Westbury on Trym. Changing the boundary would place me in an area which I do not identify with. I thus believe that the boundary should remain unchanged.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4863 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Jennifer Travers



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I disagree with the proposed realignment of the boundary. I live in Henleaze Lake area. My children went to school in Henleaze. I shop in Henleaze and Westbury on Trym. My doctor is in Henleaze. I identify more with the Henleaze/ Westbury on Trym community. I would like the boundary in this area to remain as it is.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4859 16/02/2015 From: Fuller, Heather To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Boundary changes Westbury on Trym Bristol Date: 21 January 2015 15:30:24

From: J TROTT Sent: 21 January 2015 15:08 To: Reviews@ Subject: Boundary changes Westbury on Trym Bristol

Dear Sir

I understand that because of the increased population of the inner city of Bristol, the ward in which I am situated has to be deprived of a local councillor.

I live in the village of Westbury on Trym, a settlement for over 1,300 years, long before the city of Bristol was founded.

As Bristol was expanded northwards the village roads could not cope with the traffic. A new road was built in the 1920's dividing such roads as Stoke Lane into two sections. Owners of Georgian cottages on this road still consider themselves part of the village. Falcondale Road speeds the traffic but does not divide us.

I think that if our ward was joined with the next ward with 3 councillors representing us it would work very well.

The ward could be called Westbury on Trym and Henleaze ward.

Yours Sincerely

Hilda Leonora Trott Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Ken Trowbridge



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am totally opposed to the boundary change affecting Hotwells. There is a longstanding community of Hotwells and Cliftonwood and these changes do not recognise that. There is nothing common about the linking of Hotwells and Southville to form this new ward with single representation

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4604 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: gianfranco trucchi



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

2: end proposed change along cycle path

1: start proposed change along cycle path

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: start proposed change along cycle path

Annotation 2: end proposed change along cycle path

Comment text:

Hi the new bpundary line for should take a direct line along the cycle path, not at present, create an odd 'kink' at the end. I feel more affinity and part of the from vale community than I do of hillfields of which I have no knowledge of asa community. I identify myself with more with /rd than I do with speedwell etc.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4303 11/12/2014 Pascoe, Mark

From: malcolm tubb Sent: 28 January 2015 15:14 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Bishopsworth Ward borders.

From Malcolm & Valerie Tubb sent 28/01/ 2015 To [email protected] Subject: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Bishopsworth Ward borders Dear Sirs, I am writing to express our concerns of the proposed boundary changes. We live in the Middle of Bishopsworth on Highridge Common why should you split us up from the rest of Bishopsworth, as this would take away our rights from having our say in the future development of our local community. We are not even on the Hartcliffe boundaries, we cannot see any sense into what your trying to acheive. We already have fight on our hands with the " New South Link Road " so we certainly don,t need another. Yours Sincerly Mr M & Mrs V Tubb,

1 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 February 2015 09:15 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Ward Boundaries, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol

From: Sent: 30 January 2015 17:15 To: Reviews@ Subject: Ward Boundaries, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol

Dear Commission Members,

I appreciate the need to review local boundaries to reflect population changes and ensure equality of representation. I have noted the proposals of the Boundary Commission regarding Westbury-on- Trym. that would do this

I have read the proposal set out by the Westbury-on-Trym Society and would like to urge the Commission to accept the Society's proposal that Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze be combined to form one ward and be represented by three councillors.

I think the proposal combines the need to distribute representation fairly together with the wish of the Westbury-on-Trym community to retain the historic unity of the Village. I believe the Henleaze community, with whom there are many links, support the proposal.

Westbury-on-Trym has been an entity for hundreds of years, an early 'boundary change' saw it transferred from Gloucestershire to Bristol- a major change in its day. Despite having become a suburb of Bristol it has kept its historic character and is still a nucleus for the people who live in and near it most of whom want its name and integrity kept as one.

Yours Sincerely

Beryl Tully

1 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 06 February 2015 11:07 To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed Ward boundery changes

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: David Turner [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 06 February 2015 10:55 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed Ward boundery changes


I feel strongly that the proposed boundary changes will have a negative effect on the community spirits in the area.

A far better solution would be a partnership ward including Westbury and Henleaze with 3 councillors to represent the whole area thus preserving the strong historical identity of Westbury on Trym and keeping community spirit throughout the new ward. David Turner

1 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Judith Turner



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I object strongly to this proposal. Hotwells and Southville both have very definite community feelings, but they are different and should remain individual. As I live in Hotwells my loyalties lie here but local residents have worked tirelessly to promote a community feel in the area and we do not want to be "swept up" into a new ward. I would also be very interested in the rationale behind this proposal?

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4598 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Julia Tutton



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

REF the attached map of the Malago Vale area. This area has, in the past, been subject to repeated re-draw; and always suffered as the forgotten area of every electoral demarcation. As such, this community has struggled for identity, and to have a voice. Being co-opted into an area of social deprivation is perceived as a huge social put-down for the residents of this area, who are generally a traditional hard working base. Lifestyle: The proposals take little account of how we operate. This area is in the geographic area of Bedminster (with the BS3 postcode) and looks to central Bedminster as our hub for shopping high streets and services, and the route to central Bristol. This area is also geographically separated from the virtual boundary of ‘’ by the steep uphill escarpment of the Novers. The two communities have very little in common, and the current political set-up in Filwood ward is long-standing and well established. Similarly, the small area inserted into Bishopsworth ward. At present we have 2 community groups operating successfully across two NPs, (Bedminster & Windmill Hill) with a good working relationship with the Councillors old and new. We have a joint Community Plan for our current area registered with GBCP. From these community groups we have 2 members on the GBCP Board (Greater Bedminster), including the Treasurer, and also a local volunteer on communications. Both groups have joined an adjacent GBCP community group along with 2 (Bedminster) residents groups’ and 2 schools, and gained funding for a project to promote community cohesion across communities. The proposed new boundary makes our efforts unworkable, our future untenable, and will probably result in the dissolution of one of the local community groups.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4719 10/02/2015 Malago Vale Local Area Plan

Our vision

In 2025 we’d like to say: The Malago Vale area of Bristol (known as the Marksbury Road Area until 2015) is a safe, lively and popular area of the City in which to live. The local infrastructure supports a diverse and multi- generational population that actively engages with local amenities and enjoys the clean and green streets, parks and public areas.

Does that sound good to you?

This plan looks at how we might achieve it. It notes down the vision that community members or organisers and officials have for of each of the main features of the area for about 2025. It sets down the milestones (short, medium and/or long term) that we can try to reach, and who should be involved in getting there.

It has been written by representatives from the Marksbury Area Community Association (MACA), the Friends of Marksbury Road Library (FMRL) and the Governors of Parson Street School.

The main section headings are:

1. Local Services and amenities 2. Green Spaces 3. Roads and Transport 4. Development Potential 5. The Authors

Once we have your ideas we will work together and work with the Greater Bedminster Community Partnership and with Bristol City Council to complete the plan and draw up priorities for when resource opportunities arise.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 2 of 14 1. Local Services and amenities

By 2025:-

Malago Learning Partnership (currently a collaborative partnership of 8 local schools, including Parson Street Primary and Victoria Park Primary Schools) The Malago Learning Partnership (MLP) is an integrated and vibrant part of the local community, providing high quality education for local children, enabling them to realise their individual potential, have healthy and active lifestyles and be well balanced members of society. The Partnership works closely with parents/carers and the local community to promote and increase awareness of the immediate and wider environment. In addition, the Partnership continues to develop and strengthen links with local groups and organisations, such as the library, community gardens, churches, local sports providers, etc and provides facilities at the Schools for these organisations to use. The Partnership also provides opportunities for pre, after-school and holiday activities for their children. Perseverance, collaboration, respect, high expectations and celebration are at the heart of the Partnership. Stakeholders: (MLP) Parson Street and Victoria Park Primary Schools, their Governing Bodies and Parent and Teachers Associations. BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Continue to raise and sustain attainment and achievement of all pupils. Medium term: OFSTED - "Outstanding" rating. Possible expansion of the Partnership membership. Long Term: Continue to evolve in order to provide the best quality education and opportunities and reflect the needs of the local community.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 3 of 14 Library

In 2025 Malago Vale (Marksbury Road) Library is not just a local library with all the usual book borrowing and computer facilities that the local council library service provides, but also a lively and thriving local community hub used by local groups outside opening hours offering events for all ages. Sited at the heart of the area, demand for usage is so high that an additional small room has been built on the back of the building to increase available space and a public toilet has been installed inside.

Stakeholders: The Friends of Marksbury Road Library (FMRL), BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Fund raising and events organized by FMRL improve library usage and lettings out of hours, diverse activities are offered. Links with The Greater Bedminster Community Partnership are used to access local funding to improve its environs. Medium Term: Rename the library Malago Vale Library . FMRL work with BCC to support and enhance the library service in the area. Long term: Build an extension on the building in response to usage

Question – What sort of services, activities and events would you like to see at the Library?

Light industry and commercial By 2015 local employment has been encouraged, reducing the need to commute and balancing the neighbourhood. Stakeholders: Employers, Residents, BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Continued dialogue between the stakeholders to ensure planning applications consider local employment needs Medium Term: Long Term:

Small shops and public houses There is a diverse range of shops and public houses. They sell a range of produce that not only serve the food and drinks markets but also support healthy living and local traders. Stakeholders: Traders, Residents, BCC

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 4 of 14

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Continued dialogue between the stakeholders to ensure planning applications consider community needs Medium Term: If necessary, a cumulative impact area agreement is obtained to control licensed premises. Long Term:

Question – What sort of shops or local businesses would you like to set up in the area? Can you think of any ways we can encourage and support them?

Methodist Church We continue to serve God faithfully as a local church, following the teaching of the bible - particularly the new testament, and to reach out to the community with the gospel message about the Lord Jesus Christ. Stakeholders: The church congregation, elders and trustees.

How and when we’ll get there: Long Term: to maintain our building and its surroundings in as respectable a condition as possible

Elderly persons dwellings Residents feel part of the wider community and their needs are not overlooked. Stakeholders: Residents

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Medium Term: Long Term:

Question – Can you help us by letting us know who we can talk to about elderly persons dwellings?

Oasis Academy Oasis Academy’s vision is to create a new academy based on the belief that all pupils, regardless of background or ability, should be able to fulfill their potential as they develop aspirations, self-belief, justice and respect for their community and one another Stakeholders: Parents, Residents, School managers

How and when we’ll get there:

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 5 of 14 Short term: The first children attend the new school in 2015 Medium Term: The building works have been completed and all classes are full.

New GP surgery on Marksbury Road By 2025 the surgery is welcoming and well used space incorporating both up to date traditional medicine and also alternative therapies.. Stakeholders: Residents, Doctors

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Building work starts Medium Term: Surgery complete and fully operational

We donʼt know when the surgery will be built. Question – What sort of services would you like the surgery to offer?

2. Green Spaces

By 2025:-

Allotments The Enterprise Allotment site is popular and fully tenanted comprising of 13 full plots with some split into smaller areas. BCC manage the site and endeavour to use as many green and organic principles as practical and the tenants are encouraged to do the same. The land is protected by law and there is no intention to use it for any other purpose. Despite the minimal resources at the disposal of the BCC Allotments team, funds are allocated in a sustainable way wherever possible. Stakeholders: Tenants, BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short: Working with the allotment representative to ensure plots are tenanted and regularly tended. To encourage people to apply for allotments and maintain a waiting list, ensuring the continued protection of the site. Medium to Long: We would like to continue and build on the success of Enterprise being a well-used and popular site. Nearby (on the edge of the Malago Vale area) there is another allotment site –Vale Lane, that is currently used as grazing land and small holdings. Medium to long term the allotment office would like to see this land, or some of this land being used by a group to grow food for the wider community. Groups such as The Severn Project and The Community Garden have made wonderful productive use of some similar land in nearby areas and we would like to see a similar social enterprise project in Bedminster.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 6 of 14

Question – Would you like to be involved in a Vale Lane community allotment group?

The Northern Slopes and Malago Greenway including Pigeonhouse Stream The Northern Slopes and Malago Greenway are the green lungs of the south of the City. They are recognised as a valuable asset to the physical, mental and social health of Bristolians. Stakeholders: Northern Slopes Initiative, City Council, Residents

How and when we’ll get there: Short to medium term: to ensure we receive Local Nature Reserve (LNR) status. To work with BCC and their agents, using the Northern Slopes management plan, to ensure the they are maintained and managed for the benefit of people and wildlife. To continue to promote the Northern Slopes for use by locals and the people of Bristol and beyond, and encourage use by focus groups eg Green Gym; Forest school, Bushcraft and school curriculum projects. Be recognised as an exemplar site in Green City 2015.

Long term: to work with our partners to safeguard the Northern Slopes for future generations as a large natural urban space for the benefit of people and wildlife.

Children's play areas, formal and informal By 2025 there are facilities for all ages, fostering socialising between the age groups. Children of all ages have access to informal play sites and make use of “playing out” opportunities. They are encouraged to discover and respect

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 7 of 14 nature. The play equipment installed in Malago Vale Park 2013 is well used and maintained. Stakeholders: Parents, BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Play equipment well maintained. Local environmental groups encouraged to work with young people in the area. Medium Term: Residents encouraged to plan opportunities for children to “play out” in the streets Long Term: Individuals with a concern for the continued provision of play areas and equipment are encouraged to come forward and be a voice in the community.

Question – Would you like to set up a support group for Malago Vale Park childrenʼs play area ? How else can we improve the play area?

Community Garden

By 2015, using the recommendations of the Avon Wildlife report, the Garden provides space for childrens’ off-street informal play and raised beds for growing food. It provides an enhanced and maintained wildlife habitat; a place for neighbours to socialise; to plant fruit, nuts and berries for foraging by people and wildlife; and insect-friendly and sensory planting. The Garden is an example of community cohesion and shows how humans and the natural world inter-relate. Stakeholders: Residents

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Volunteer groups, teenage trainees and local residents have cleared rubbish, brambles and trees, levelled the ground, built raised beds including one for Parson St School, planted orchards and opened up the ‘secret garden’.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 8 of 14 Medium to Long Term: A large enthusiastic group will maintain all the aims of the Garden. The site will provide food from the communal herb bed, raised beds, orchards and wild areas, with benefit to people and wildlife. It will be recognised by various food growing initiatives,

Parks The Parks are clean and well maintained, encouraging adults to use them regularly, promoting a healthy lifestyle and interaction with other users. Dog walkers are supported by the provision of dog waste bins. Stakeholders: Residents

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Adequate dog waste bins provided to make the Parks a pleasant place to walk and play. Long Term: Individuals with a concern for the care and maintenance of Parks are encouraged to come forward and be a voice in the community.

Question – Would you like to set up a support group for Malago Vale Park? How else can we improve the space?

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 9 of 14 3. Roads and Transport

By 2025:-

Residential Streets Local streets are clean. The majority is wide, well maintained and leafy and provide occasional seating, allowing residents of all ages not only to get out and about but also take a rest when necessary. Front Gardens are cheerful and free of rubbish and residents are aware and supportive of the Bedminster Front Garden Awards. Drivers are considerate, and rarely block pavements when parking. Stakeholders: Residents, BCC.

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Work with BCC to improve street cleaning. Continue to participate in the Bedminster Front Garden Awards Medium Term: Provision of seating. Explore opportunities to make some streets traffic free. Long Term: Encourage walking groups to work with the Police and GBCP to challenge inconsiderate motorists.

Bartlett’s Road Bridge

This bridge is a well-used vital link between Malago Vale area and the rest of Bedminster. A partnership between the community and Network Rail has allowed the bridge to be made more visually attractive and is an artistic feature and welcoming entrance to the area. It is also more accessible to people with disabilities and parents with prams and buggies. Stakeholders: MACA, FMRL, Network Rail, Way Out West, HML Andertons, Residents.

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Continue to talk to stakeholders, cost up ideas for minor improvements. Medium Term: When resources become available, work with major stakeholders to undertake major refurbishment and make the bridge more welcoming. Long Term: Investigate solutions to accessibility issues for wheelchair users and carers with wheelchairs etc.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 10 of 14

Question – How can we make this a more pleasant bridge to walk over?

Parson Street Railway station The station is bright, welcoming and safe. It is also more accessible to people with disabilities and parents with prams and buggies. Stakeholders: Residents, Network Rail, the volunteer who tends the flower beds, Way Out West.

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Medium Term: Develop a working relationship with Network Rail. Long Term:

Question – Do you know who tends the flower beds at the station? What other improvements to the platforms could we ask for?

Bus routes Buses are regular and allow easy access to the rest of Bedminster and the City Centre Stakeholders: Residents, First Bus

How and when we’ll get there: Short: Monitor and comment on any service changes Medium: Long: Work with First Bus to provide a service that aids the daily commute and shopping needs.

Rail Service In 2025 the frequent connection to Bristol Temple Meads allows residents to travel to and from work and to enjoy wider ranging trips at weekends. The improved service links more easily with bus timetables. Stakeholders: Residents, First Great Western.

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Encourage local usage to ensure the future viability of the station Medium Term: Long Term: Use opportunities to promote carbon reduction benefits of rail travel.

Cycle Routes Cycle routes are well maintained and signposted. People of all ages are supported and encouraged to take to a bike for the first time. Stakeholders: Cyclists, Residents, BCC

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 11 of 14 How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Ensure that improvements to routes within the area are considered within discussions about spending recent funding allocations awarded to the City Council. Safer cycling groups are encouraged into the schools and to promote themselves at public fora. Medium Term: Long Term:

Roads Priority is given to pedestrian friendly streets and there are plenty of safe road crossing points and junctions. The road and pavement surfaces are maintained well allowing for smooth access for buggies, cycles and mobility scooters as well as motor vehicles. Stakeholders: Residents, BCC

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Discussions with BCC about solutions to traffic calming and control including a 20mph limit around our schools. Medium Term: Long Term: Take concerns about the condition of pavements and roads to BCC via the Greater Bedminster Community Partnership.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 12 of 14 4. Development Potential

By 2025?:-

Potential Development sites - Torpoint and Kingswear - Gas works - Bedminster Road Garage - George Taylor Yard - Bristol Boys Club

Question - What would you like to see in each of these locations? More green spaces? More play areas? More affordable homes? Local business opportunities?

Let us know.

5. The Authors

MACA (Marksbury Area Community Association) By 2025 MACA will be a representative and active group working to enhance the interests of this forgotten area of Bedminster. As a member group of GBCP, MACA will strive to make the area a desirable place to live, where people are healthy and happy, and have a range of local amenities and services. Members will be involved in Planning issues to ensure we live in a well- balanced community where we can contentedly live, learn, work and play.

How and when we’ll get there: Short term: Be involved in consultations and delivery of local initiatives eg the new Marksbury Rd School; future of Marksbury Rd Library; giving the locality identity of Malago Vale to enhance a sense of community; support Parson St School ; and promote the Community Garden and Front Garden Awards. Also to ensure our children have open spaces and places to play and exercise. Medium to Long term: Ensure all green and open space are conserved and enhanced for the physical, mental and social health of our residents. Ensure any Developments are of a high quality and are an advantageous fit in the local community; all housing sites should include premises for work and leisure. We will seek agreeable ways to change the focus of the area away from the dominance of traffic, eg traffic slowing initiatives of raised planters, trees and more street furniture.

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 13 of 14 FMRL (Friends of Marksbury Road Library) See Marksbury Road Library for our vision

Governors of Parson Street School See Malago Learning Partnership for our vision

Malago Vale Local Area Plan Page 14 of 14 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Judith Tyler



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I was horrified to learn of the possibility of Westbury on Trym being subsumed into Henleaze. The former is an ancient place with interesting history, and older than Bristol itself. It was once thought that Bristol cathedral would be sited there. Although I do not currently live there, I did so, in the old part of the village, for over 20 years, and I know what a close village neighbourhood it is. Henleaze is a modern suburb and shopping area. This proposal shows a total disregard for tradition and history. It maybe that this proposal has already been sidelined. I hope so.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4589 03/02/2015