Page | 1 ,Green Molehill LittleCanfield, Green, Priors

tlcchurches TakeleyBambers Green, Street, TakeleyPark


The Monthly Magazine for

Church and Community

Parish of Takeley Canfield Little with Takeley of Parish

Courtesy National Trust

Church of England | Diocese of England of | Church The Men’s Shed, Little Canfield June 2021

June 2021 Page | 2

Published by: PCC of Takeley with Little Canfield (TLC Church) Grapevine is also available as a pdf file on our website: EDITOR: Barbara Mascetti 01279 871 606,

12 Chestnut Way, Takeley, CM22 6RW

Please submit articles for inclusion to: [email protected]

ADVERTISING: Please submit adverts for inclusion to Pat: [email protected] Adverts and articles should be sent as a Word document or JPEG or PNG file, not PDF. Published online 10 times a year.

The parish includes: Takeley, Priors Green, Little Canfield, Molehill Green, Takeley Street, Bambers Green & Takeley Park.

June 2021 Page | 3 GETTING IN TOUCH

For enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, visits, church groups & activities, please contact ourChurch Ad- ministrator, Lisa Chambers, at: [email protected] 07766 444873

The Reverend Dr Colin Fairweather can be contacted on: [email protected] 01279 816721

Hugh Mascetti (Lay Minister)can be contacted on: [email protected] 01279 871606

CHURCHWARDENS: For Holy Trinity, Takeley: Alan Parkinson 01279 879373 For All Saints, Little Canfield: Stretch Fulcher 01371 872168.

June 2021 Page | 4 Church Services as we come out of lockdown

Now that we are once again able to meet for worship, we are holding a said service at Holy Trinity Church at 9.30am each Sunday, alter- nating between Communion and a Service of the Word. Everyone is asked to wear a face covering and adhere to social distancing.

For those unable to worship in person, we continue to join with Stansted Church for a Zoom service at 9.30am on Sunday mornings – you can find the direct link for that in our weekly email and on our website And we are also posting a video on our Facebook page tlcchurches at 11am each Sunday.

These services are jointly led by the Reverent Colin Fairweather, Hel- en Flack, Curate at Stansted, and Hugh Mascetti, our Licensed Lay Minister,.

Meanwhile, All Saints Church is open every day for private personal prayer. Using both our buildings in this way means we avoid having to engage in a vast amount of cleaning, for which we neither have the effort (volunteers) nor the money (paid cleaner).

We have a weekly sheet of thoughts and prayers based on the main Sunday Bible reading –

June 2021 Page | 5 if you’d like to be added to the mailing list, please let us know by email at [email protected] or by phone 07766 444873.

There follows a list of the services in the coming weeks:

Sunday 6 June, 9:30 AM. Family Service at All Saints, Little Canfield.

Sunday 13th June, 9:30 AM, Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Takeley

Sunday 20th June, 9:30 AM, Morning Praise at Holy Trinity, Takeley

Sunday 27th June, 6:00 PM Holy Communion at All Saints Little Canfield (Note that this service is at 6 PM, not the usual 9:30 AM)

PLEASE NOTE that this information may well change as Government guidance dictates and as the Church Council responds - the latest information will always be on our website: and our Facebook page: tlcchurches.

June 2021 Page | 6 Dates for your diary:

Canfield Coffee Pot is back in All Saints Church! Tuesdays 10—12 a.m. Contact Sue on 07773 910 080 for details, or email [email protected]

House Group 7:30p.m. on Thursdays on Zoom.

Men’s Group 7:30 p.m. Tues 8th June at the Shed.

Countess of Warwick Show 29-30 August 2021

Takeley 10k 12th September 2021

June 2021 Page | 7 Some pictures from inside the Men’s Shed, Little Canfield

The Shed is at Blatches Gate, Church Lane, Little Canfield, Dunmow CM6 1SR—on the lane that leads to All Saint’s Church.

Members get together to socialise and make things. It’s free and no skills are neces- sary.

Interested? Contact Geoff on 07768 284858 or Matt on 07540 222246.

Or see Face- book group “Little Can- field Mens Shed”

June 2021 Page | 8 From the Lay Minister

I was not sure what to write for this Grapevine article, so I looked back at last year’s June article. Then I picked up a church magazine, saw something, and it all came together.

As Barbara is finally tying the Grapevine together we are approaching Trinity Sun- day. It is one of the great festivals of the church year when we celebrate the HOLY Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit- but I don’t want to talk about that. What I do want to talk about is something different.

Trinity Sunday is the last of a long series of important festivals in the church year, running through Ash Wednesday, the various festivals and special seasons of Ad- vent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost- or Whitsun as we also call it - and finally, Trinity Sunday. Each of them have their own special flavour and in church we use altar and pulpit hangings of specific colours for them. Then after Trinity Sunday which is white or gold) we go back to the standard hangings, of green, which have not been used since last Novem- ber. It’s an interesting colour to choose because it’s the colour of the world around us, and the colour of grass, trees and other plants. It’s the colour of growth. It reminds us that after the momentous events we have been remem- bering over the last few months it’s time to get back to normal matters and get on with things, to build the church as Jesus com- manded.

The thing that struck me most was that as the church went "green", so did my garden After a dry, almost arid time when nothing seemed to grow, and I was thinking I might finally get control of the weeds, every- thing shot up almost overnight as shower after shower swept over us. Nature was getting back to growth as well.

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At the very same time, the country seemed to be getting back to business. After the long difficult lockdown and some very tentative opening to business, the country seems finally to be getting back to something like normal. Today, for the first time in well over a year, I found myself in a sizeable traffic jam! While that is not something I would normally welcome, it brought it to me that perhaps finally we might be coming to the end of the terrible events which have dominated our lives for the past fifteen months or so. Perhaps it is time for us to "grow" our lives, our relation- ships, our businesses, our working skills, our experiences in which ways have been impossible during the constricting period we have just lived through. Let us hope that we as well as the natural world are heading into a season of growth.

According to the book of Genesis, the first command God gave to mankind was to "be fruitful". I think that this shows that God wants us to be able to earn a living, have jobs farms, businesses and so on, and to make a success of them. And Jesus said in one of his parables that "your father knows you need these things." So I am going to be adding to my prayers in the coming month a prayer for growth; for per- sonal spiritual growth, for the church to grow and more people to come to know Jesus, but also for growth in the world of work and business.

By Hugh Mascetti, Lay Minister

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June 2021 Page | 12 Churchwarden’s Blog June 2021

Hi to everyone,

For this month’s churchwarden’s blog, I felt prompted to talk about something to- tally different. Something that is going to affect every one of us - whether you are a believer in Jesus Christ or not, this event will impact us all.

I am a retired paramedic, having served 41 years in the Ambulance Service, and from the day I started up until the day I retired, I was attending accidents and emer- gencies in front-line ambulance work. I now have the privilege of a more genteel role, serving as Holy Trinity’s churchwarden in the little community of Takeley.

I have always had a belief and a love for Jesus Christ, even though I didn’t go to church regularly. I love to read and study the Bible. Having said that, I do not consid- er myself a “devout religious person”, I am just an ordinary bloke who believes in Jesus.

But there is one thing I would like to share with you.

We have all heard about the birth of Jesus Christ at the first Christmas, and about the time Jesus went into the wil- derness for 40 days and 40 nights, and how he was tempted by Sa- tan and how after that he picked his twelve disciples. Some of us have heard the stories of him healing the sick and raising peo- ple from the dead, and about his his feeding the 5,000 with two fishes and five loaves. And at Easter time we have heard about Jesus’ riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, then his betrayal by Judas, his crucifixion on the cross, and then his death, how he was placed in the tomb, and how on the third day he rose, and then his ac- cension into heaven. And that is basically it: Jesus’ life and death in a nutshell - but obviously there is much more to it than that.

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Because that is not the end! Jesus has not gone into Heaven and forgotten about us. He has told us he is coming back for us, according to what the Bible says.

John 14:2-3, “In my Father’s house are many rooms, if that were not so I would have told you, that I go and prepare a place for you, and if I prepare a place for you, I shall come back for you, and take you unto myself, so that where I am you shall be also”.

This makes it clear that Jesus is going to come back for all those who truly believe in him.

1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, “We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still alive when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those have died. For the Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with the commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel; and with the trumpet call of God. First the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then together with them, we who are alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever, So comfort each other with these words”.

There are many other scriptures in the Bible proclaiming that Jesus is coming back for us. But we do not know when this will happen. In Matthew 25:13, Jesus said, “For you do not know the day or the hour of my return; but it is for you to be always ready”.

Jesus loves each and every one of us, that means all of us, not just those who go to church, or help around the community. He doesn’t want you to be all holier-than- thou and pious; he wants you to be yourself. He loves us all, and all he asks is; “Do you love me, and believe in me? Then keep my commandments, and love one another”. That’s all he asks you to do, so that you will be ready.

So, are you ready?

By Alan Parkinson, Churchwarden for Holy Trinity, Takeley

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Saffron Walden Dementia Café Re-Opening at new premises Wednesday 7th July 10am-12pm Fairycroft House, Audley Road, CB11 3HD Are you caring for or living with someone affected by Dementia / Alz- heimer’s or have you lost a loved one and would just like to chat? Then why not pop along to our Dementia Café and enjoy companion- ship, support, activities, information, and advice and of course refresh- ments. We will meet weekly in Fairycroft House, onsite parking available. Why not drop in and see us or if you would like to find out more call 07900123917 or email [email protected]

Could you offer the time and skills to become our Treasurer? Our current treasurer will sup- port you in taking over the role and help is also available from the Diocese.

Image for illustrative purposes only. The modern church treasurer rarely gets to count doubloons from an oaken pirate chest.

June 2021 Page | 15

Popular Dementia Activity Group Reopens in Dunmow

People living with dementia can once again benefit from a hugely popular weekly Activity Group in Dunmow run by Es- sex-based charity Action for Family Carers which has reo- pened following 4 months of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than a dozen people attend the Dunmow group and a further 50 in West attend similar groups mixing with oth- ers and participating in a variety of mentally and physically stimulating activities ranging from seated exercise, indoor bowling, reminiscence discussions and games often including music.

The Groups are led by a small team of professional and caring staff and a large number of dedicated local volunteers. Morn- ing sessions, called Keeping Active, focus on physical activity and afternoon sessions, called Active Minds, focus on activi- ties to stimulate the mind.

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and can help overall wellbeing. It can give opportunities to spend

June 2021 Page | 16 time with others, reducing isolation and loneliness and support people to continue being independent.

Cognitive stimulation involves activities and exercises that stim- ulate thinking, concentration, communication and memory in the person with dementia. It involves talking about day-to-day inter- ests, reminiscence and information relating to the current time and place.

Group Activity Support Manager, Clare Savva, said “There’s never been a more important time for groups such as ours which help stimulate minds and bodies and reduce feelings of loneli- ness and isolation. The group also provides a much-needed break for carers who are often close family members.”

The Activity Group takes place in Great Canfield Village Hall near Dunmow on Mondays 10-12.30pm and 1-3.30pm and new members are welcome.

If you know of anyone who might benefit from joining the groups and for more information please call 0300 770 80 90 and ask for Clare Savva or email [email protected]

June 2021 Page | 17

A T P Heating Services Ltd t. 01245 422355 e. [email protected]

ATP Heating Services Ltd, Unit 1 Reeds Farm

Estate, Roxwell Road, Writtle, Essex, CM1

The Patient Plasterer Very experienced tradesman Reliable Trustworthy Clean New work Repairs Plaster boarding Coving and decorating Nice result every time Call Gary on 07782347254 [email protected]

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Church Finances

Even as we re-open our church buildings, the lockdown and its aftermath has had a really detrimental effect on church income. The absence of col- lections and other donations means that we are currently losing out on about £200 per week. Additionally, most of our planned fund-raising events for the whole year (which amount to an additional £150 per week) have also had to be cancelled.

Even though worship things are not normal, most of the bills continue at the same rate as before. Our largest outgoing is the Parish Share which we pay to the diocese in order to pay the clergy, and we have had to signifi- cantly reduce our contribution to this. Next largest is the cost of insuring our two buildings.

If you come to a church service and would like to help us by making a do- nation to church funds, we can now accept card payments. If you would like to help us by making a donation to church funds, please go to our website:, where you can make an online dona- tion.

Alternatively, if you would like to con- tribute regularly, please donate either by direct debit or standing order. Natalie Hildyard, Treasurer – 07772 862142 – [email protected]

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Contributing to TLC Church by Debit Card We use an organisation called Give a Little to card giving. You can find out more at: Please just bring your card to church with you when you come to a service.

Contributing to TLC Church by Online Donation We use an organisation called Give a Little to handle online giving. You can find out more at: Just go to our website:, where there is a donation link on the homepage.

Contributing to TLC Church by Direct Debit We use an organisation called Parish Giving Scheme to handle giving by Direct Debit. You can find out more at: The easiest way to set-up a Direct Debit is to call PGS between 9am – 5pm on their dedicated phone line 0333 002 1271. You’ll need our parish details: Parish name: Takeley with Little Canfield Parish code: 080608527 Village: Takeley Diocese: Chelmsford

Contributing to TLC Church by Standing Order You can set-up or amend a Standing Order using online banking if you have it, or by contacting your bank directly. Our bank details are: Santander Bank Account name: TLC Church Sort Code: 09-01-29 Account number: 16013946 If you’d prefer to complete a paper form, please let one of us know.

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Baptism assistant wanted

Is God calling you to be a baptism assistant at Takeley and Little Canfield? We need someone who is prepared to visit families, gather information, suggest dates, and be the friendly face of the church prior to a baptism taking place. In part, it is a fact gath- ering exercise, and in part a pastoral role which involves making families feel welcome and at ease. It is an important aspect of the churches’ mission, and a fantastic way for the church to serve the local community.

Some informal training will be available should you decide you are interested. Please email or phone a member of the staff team if you would like further information.

Contact details: For all enquiries please contact our Church administrator, Lisa Chambers, at [email protected] Telephone: 07766444873

Revd Dr Colin Fairweather can be contacted at [email protected] Telephone: 01279 816721

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Wild Flowers

by Tricia Moxey, Trustee

As summer arrives, we hope that readers will continue to enjoy the walks listed on the website These varied routes provide a wonder- ful opportunity to appreciate the variety of wildflowers growing in field margins, hedgerows, verges, churchyards and village greens.

After this season’s chilly start, the warmer days have encouraged an abundance of flowers to provide essential nectar and pollen to support visiting pollinators. With the increasing concern about the alarming reduction in insect numbers, many of those caring for green spaces have adopted the ‘NO MOW IN MAY’ approach to grass maintenance, where the uncut grassy places can support a surprisingly large number of different native species. Their flowers add variety to these areas and the bees benefit as well!

Wayside plants such as Stinging Nettles, Goosegrass (the long, hairy plant that sticks to your socks) and Cow Parsley thrive alongside lanes and tracks. Cow pars- ley, with its splay of tiny white flowers, can grow as high as a person. A touch of pink is often added by the flowers of Red Campion, also known as Bachelor’s Buttons as it might have been worn as a buttonhole by unmarried men.

Common bright yellow flowers include Dandelions and the shiny golden petals of a great variety of Buttercups. The tall Ox-eye Daisy is often present where wildflower mixtures have been sown. In recent years these have become a common sight be- side new roadways.

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( Society, continued from previous page) The types of wild flower I have listed can be seen and enjoyed almost everywhere in the Hundred Parishes. There are many more varieties to be seen and occasionally something quite rare. For smart phone users there are apps to help with identifica- tion, but we do not have to be experts to appreciate and enjoy nature’s abundance.

Tricia Moxey, Trustee.


St Clare Hospice’s Open Gardens returns this summer!

This summer, St Clare Hospice’s perennially popular Open Gardens event is back for its 27th year and will be taking place safely in person, after last year’s event had to take place virtually.

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(St Clare Hospice Open Gardens, continued from previous page)

This year the horticultural event, kindly sponsored by Land Sheriffs, will take place on weekends throughout June and July, giving green-fingered fans of the event more than a dozen gardens to explore in aid of the Hospice. Horticultural enthusi- asts will get a chance to explore some of the best-kept green spaces in West Essex and East Hertfordshire – from the villages of Thornwood and Hastingwood, to the gardens of , Epping and .

Entry to participating gardens is payable on the gate and entry starts from £3 per garden or group of gardens. Tea, cakes and lunches are available in many of the gardens.

For details call Dan Bailey on 01279 773738 or email [email protected]


Opening Times (Check with club post lockdown) Tuesday – Thursday 7.30pm – 11.00pm Friday 7.30pm – 11.30pm Saturday 3.00pm – 11.30pm Sunday 12.00pm – 11.00pm Live entertainment most Saturday nights Large screen TV with Sky and BT Sports Darts, Snooker, Crib, Dominoes, Bingo and more

Located behind the Silver Jubilee Hall the club is a great place to meet and enjoy reasonably priced drinks. If you are not already a member why not join now. For more information visit our website

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June 2021 Page | 30

NEWS FROM THE GARDENS OF EASTON LODGE I like to look back when I write these news pieces – this time last year we were beginning to welcome volunteers back into the Gar- dens but couldn’t yet tell when we would have visitors. Now we have already had our first visitors, for the April Open Day which was a lovely sunny day enjoyed by all; and on the first few Open Thursdays, when visitors can come and see the volunteers at work, without the frills of catering and children’s activities. By June, hopefully lockdowns will be a distant memory and we will have normal beautiful late Spring weather. We will be joined at the 27 June Open Day by Jono Forgham local naturalist, who will show visitors the bugs in the Gardens; and by the RSPB, Essex Bat Group, Essex Wildlife Trust and the Woodland Trust. Our beekeepers, local coppicers and a local woodturner will also be with us. Assuming we have a bit more rain by June, the Gardens should be looking gorgeous and we may have some early produce from the walled kitchen garden on sale, as well as the usual plant and jam stalls. Key plants around the Gardens in early June are common or- chids, the philadelphus, allegedly planted by the Countess and on good years the lovely false acacia – they may be late this year? To- wards the end of June there should be roses and waterlilies. In the walled kitchen garden, we might expect the squashes to be starting

June 2021 Page | 31 to spread out and perhaps climbing up the hazel A-Frames erected for them? And we may be able to harvest potatoes and the first dwarf green beans.

Open Days are now by ticket only, obtainable through the Gardens website: or our Facebook page or direct from Trybooking.

Open Thursdays do not currently require tickets and details of the more limited offer on Thursdays can be found on our website.

Jill Goldsmith May 2021 June 2021 Page | 32

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Over a thousand cyclists take part in Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Ride for Helen cycle event raising over £50,000!

Over 1,000 cyclists from around the county and beyond, gathered at Crix in Hatfield Peverel to take part in Ride for Helen 2021, raising over £50,000 for Helen Rollason Cancer Charity!

Strict social distancing measures were adhered to to ensure riders could take part with confidence and guidelines set out by British Cycling were followed.

The annual bike ride, now in its eighth year, has become a firm favourite on the Essex cycling calendar. The Charity welcomed riders of all ages and abilities, with a choice of cycling routes; 6 miles, 15 miles, 30 miles and 65 miles. Those enjoying the

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beautiful countryside routes included families with small children, seasoned road cyclists and even a Unicyclist and penny farthings!

Gregory Bloyce, 9 from took part in the 6 mile route with his dad and raised £600 in sponsorship! “I real- ly enjoyed the event but got a bit wet in the rain! Next year I hope to do the 15 mile route and I can’t wait.”

Paula, Richard and Alice Threadgold from Chelmsford completed the 30 mile ride. Paula said; “We had a bril- liant day and were thoroughly im- pressed with the organisation and so- cial distancing measures which had been put in place. The route was easy to follow with very little traffic so it was a most enjoyable ride.”

Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Community Fundraiser Karen Mitchell said: “What a fantastic turnout with over 1,000 supporters attending our annual Ride for Helen raising in the region of £50,000 for the charity, with almost half of the income being generated from sponsorship and more money is flooding in! This event will fund 2,000 counselling appointments or 1,000 reflexology sessions for our clients.

We’d like to thank the following local businesses and volunteers for supporting Ride for Helen;

Bishop Nick Brewery for their well-received beers!

Ian and Alison Twinley for allowing us to hold our event every year at Crix in Hatfield Peverel

Tiptree (Wilkins & Sons) for sponsoring riders medals

Group 1 Audi Essex for rider support

Spokes Cycle Care & Repair in Chelmsford for helping with cycle checks and rider maintenance on the day June 2021 Page | 35

Nature's Choice Catering Greengrocer Ltd for bananas

Readings Greengrocers in Braintree for bananas

Great Braxted Farm Shop for bananas

Eat Natural in for rider snacks

Multitech Site Services Ltd in for financial support

Anytime Fitness for providing water supplies, hosting rider warm ups and sports massage/hamstring checks on the day

The Duke of Wellington Pub in Hatfield Peverel for providing water

Chelmer Radio who were playing music on the day

We’d also like to thank all of our volunteer photographers; Blake Mark Productions, Dave Brillus of Pixels for Pleasure, Graham Wilson and the Bishop’s Stortford Camera Club. June 2021 Page | 36

And certainly not forgetting the countless Volunteers, friends and family who gave up their day to make Ride for Helen such a success. Thank you one and all!

We are now looking for- ward to our brand new cy- cling event taking place on Sunday 5th September 2021; Ride for Helen Suffolk! Our new event will offer cyclists the chance to sign up for either 65 or 35 mile routes through some of the picturesque Suffolk countryside. The Ride will start and finish at Trinity Park, Ipswich, home of the Suffolk Show.

Registration is now open for Ride for Helen Suffolk on Sunday 5th September 2021. Adult tickets from £20 each and juniors from £10 each.

You can register by visiting or calling 01245 380719!”

Photographs for purchase will be available soon; visit for updates!

The Helen Rollason Cancer Charity is dedicat- ed to championing quality of life for every- one living with or affected by Cancer through the provision of support centres, comple- mentary therapies, information and advice and supporting clinical trials. The Charity receives no Government funding but there is no charge for the services provided.

For more information please visit or call 01245 380719.

June 2021 Page | 37 News from Little Canfield Parish Council

A snapshot this month of the work your Little Canfield Parish Councillors are in- volved in:

We are still carrying out our monthly Parish Council meetings via Zoom and we welcome local residents' participation. If you have any issues that you would like to discuss you can find all the details on how to join our meetings on the LCPC website, We meet the first Monday of every month at 19:30.

This month we convened a further EGM meeting to discuss the planning application submitted by Weston Homes for the redevelopment of parcels of land south of Warish Hall Farm, Smiths Green. LCPC have sent their objections to this proposal citing the fact that it sits within the Countryside Protection Zone (CPZ) and to allow the development to proceed would compromise and undermine the reasoning for the CPZ.

Issues around the works currently being undertaken by Gigaclear are still being raised with several complaints received concerning damaged walk- ways and green spaces. If you do have any concerns about these works please contact Essex County Council.

The latest project we as a Parish Council have initiated is the creation and adoption of a Little Canfield Wildlife and Biodiversity Policy. We have ap- pointed a Councillor to take the lead on this but if this is an area of inter- est to you please contact our Clerk for details on how you can assist.

We are mindful of the lack of ‘youth related services’ within the Parish so are looking at numerous options to address this, including developing a Neighbourhood Plan and identifying spaces for affordable housing, as an alternative route into securing open spaces or internal spaces to develop youth services/facilities. One of our agenda items this month was on youth engagement with the intention that LCPC will start to look at what youth activities would benefit our area. If you can think of anything please let us know.

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By the time this edition of Grapevine is published, there will be new picnic furniture sited on the Flitch Way near the little car park along High Cross Lane East together with a dog waste bin and litter bin. These new and wel- come additions to our Parish are for the use and enjoyment of everyone. Our thanks to Cllr Barker for her kind support and assistance with the pur- chase.

If you have any other suggestions for equipment and/or items that would enhance and/or be of benefit to the Parish, please drop our Clerk an email.

We have seen a steady increase in the number of emails being sent in from residents of Priors Green drawing attention to the bad condition of the Children’s play areas within the development. Some issues of concern are, damage to the surface/floor areas and repairs and upgrades required to the actual play equipment. As these play areas are still awaiting adoption by District Council any complaints should be addressed in the first instance to Countryside Properties Ltd who are still responsible for all maintenance and repairs.

Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

Due to safety concerns and to enable the buses that enter the Priors Green development to do so safely, the Bus Halt on Warwick Road is to be in- creased in size. The timescale of works is still awaited however please be advised that once completed penalty notices may be issued to vehicles that obstruct or park within the Bus cage itself.

More good news is that the Local Highways Panel have approved the up- grading of the Village Gates, west on the B1256 and for improvements to the Rodings Drive roundabout to help slow traffic at that junction.

Parking solutions are still on our Parish Council agenda and as soon as the Airport start operating as normal, we will be in contact with them again to raise the issue of Airport parking within the Parish. Having said that and after eight weeks of evidence hearings and cross examinations The Stansted Airport public inquiry to consider plans for the further expansion of the Airport came to a close on Friday 12th March. The three main par- ties, Manchester Airport Group, Uttlesford District Council and Stop Stansted Expansion all presented their closing submissions and it will now be for the panel of three Inspectors to decide whether to approve the Air- port expansion proposals. A decision is expected by the end of April.

Unfortunately, dog fouling continues to be a problem within Little Canfield and despite numerous dog bins sited across the Parish some owners still seem reluctant to pick it up and bin it. We have said this many times be- fore, we live in a fantastic area, let’s not spoil it: Please pick up your dog waste and place it in the bins provided.

Stay Safe.

- Compiled by Councillor Davidson

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Rotary in Takeley

There is now an official Rotary Satellite Club in Takeley, working under the umbrella of the Rotary Club of Dunmow, its sponsoring club. The new group, called ‘Rotary in Takeley” has now had several outside meetings of its new members who are busy setting out a programme of social events and pro- jects to help the community. They have agreed to meet once a month at the Green Man pub. Already they have planned two community help events:

1. Another litter pick on 12th June in the Prior’s Green Area

The group meeting at the Green Man

June 2021 Page | 41 2. Collecting of old unused bikes to repair & send to Africa in September.

Meanwhile, several social events are planned; a bluebell walk has been arranged already, and a curry night at the Belgian

Bluebell walk Brewery in Bishop’s Stortford and a crazy golf evening at Stansted Golf Club are planned.

* Rotary is one of the world’s largest and most successful global mem- bership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.2 million members in over 200 countries. * Rotary in Takeley welcomes new members- anyone who wants to help their community, be a volunteer, and join in our social events is welcome to make contact. * We are also interested in hearing from members of the community about any ideas to improve our community that we could get involved in. We are keen to support other organisations and charities. Contact: [email protected].

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June 2021 Page | 43 GREAT CANFIELD HAPPY CIRCLE The committee are pleased to announce that activi- ties will resume in August.

Members will recall that the August 2020 trip was arranged for a cruise on the River Orwell with after- noon tea. The boat company can offer us the same booking this year. The revised date is Wednesday 18th August.

Please ring Pat on 01279 870578 if you haven’t al- ready been contacted.

June 2021 Page | 44 Saffron Screen Listings


Independent community cinema Saffron Screen has reopened on its birthday weekend and there’s a bumper June planned for audiences.

The enticing line-up continues in June with The Father starring Sir Anthony- Hopkins in his award-winning role, the charming multi-Oscar winning First Cow about life in northwestern America in the early 19th and the highly anticipated Sound of Metal. There will also be screenings of Suffolk set The Dig starring Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan, insightful drama After Love with a breath-taking performance from Joanna Scanlon and Six Minutes to Midnight, a gripping Second World War spy drama starring Judi Dench and Eddie Izzard.

Families will also enjoy new Studio Ghibli animation, The Earwig and the Witch and there will be more films added later in the month – keep an eye on or sign up for the cinema’s ‘What’s on Email’ to be the first to hear!

Audience and staff safety remain a priority at Saffron Screen and customers can expect to see a continuation of the safety measures put in place last summer. These include mandatory face-mask wearing throughout the screenings, a significantly reduced capac- ity in the auditorium with socially distanced seating, a one-way system and thorough and regular cleaning in between screenings. There will also be temperature checks for all staff and customers.

Tickets will only be available to purchase in advance either online at, at the Tourist Information Centre and by phone on 01799 524002 (Monday- Saturday, 9:30am – 5pm).

Please visit for tickets and COVID safety information. June 2021 Page | 45 Parish of Takeley with Little Canfield Takeley & Lt Canfield Firework Display Miller’s Field, Takeley Fri 1st Nov : 6.30pm Gate opens 5.45pm ~~~~~~

Come and be amazed by another spectacular display of dancing colours and crackling sounds Great venue – beside Church Ln in Takeley NO PARKING ON SITE (except disabled) Hotdogs, hot/cold drinks & donuts available

Do not bring sparklers or your own fireworks

Buy your tickets in advance to save money

Keep up-to-date via our Facebook page: tlcchurches

~~~~~~ TICKETS available from 14th Oct from: Takeley News, Four Ashes One Stop, Priors Green Church on Sundays Advance price £4 adult,

June 2021 Page | 46 News from Councillor Susan Barker, Essex County Council

Dear Takeley and Little Canfield Residents

It was a pleasure to meet many people on the doorstep during the recent County Council election and I am delighted to have been re-elected as your County Council- lor.

Most issues raised with me were around traffic and parking and about the amount of housing development going on. The site at Warish Farm in particular. In June the District Council will be releasing details of land that has been put forwards for devel- opment and I believe that this will include land at Parkers and Warren Farm. I have a meeting shortly with the M.P. and I will again stress that in the new world of working from home the pull of London is not as great and the government should be re-looking at the geographical spread of housing. Uttlesford’s plans for the new lorry depot at Little Canfield have met with a hitch as Essex Highways have objected to the application in its current form. There will need to be a rethink. Their com- ments can be seen on the council website.

If there are any issues you wish to raise with me please do get in touch Susan Barker

01245 231250 [email protected]

[email protected]

June 2021 Page | 47 News from Brian Hockley about Rodings Showtime and Rodings Friendship Club

Rodings Showtime.

I am writing this report on Monday 17th May, but the date we are looking forward to is Monday June 21st, when we are hoping that we can run free everywhere.

I have some dates sorted until the end of the year. All 48 seats on the coach for the Thursford Christmas Spectacular Show on Friday 19th November have been sold, so we are looking forward to that date.

The Panto at the Cliffs Pavilion, Southend, is going ahead. I have tickets rolled over from last year. The date is Sunday 2nd January 2022, with the 5.00pm performance. Tickets are £41.00 which includes the coach. I am already taking bookings. Contact Brian Hockley 01279 871181.

Rodings Friendship Club.

These dates are booked till the end of the year for the Rodings Friendship Club:

Wednesday June 23rd - Strawberry Tea Afternoon at Leaden Roding Village Hall.2.00pm.

Wednesday July 28th - Day Trip. Stopping at Dobbies Garden Centre in Woodbridge for Coffee/Tea Break. Then we travel down to Southwold for the rest of the day. Price £20.00.

Wednesday August 25th. Autumn Lunch at the Black Bull, Fyfield.

June 2021 Page | 48

Wednesday September 22nd. Coach Trip. Spending time in Ely in the morning and then off to Fen Drayton for afternoon tea in the train carriage. Price to be an- nounced ASAP.

Wednesday October 27th. Peter Day entertains at Leaden Roding Village Hall. 2.00pm.

Wednesday November 24th. Brian's talk & films, Leaden Roding Village Hall. 2.00pm.

Monday December 6th. Christmas Lunch at the Black Bull, Fyfield.

Contact Brian Hockley on 01279 871181 if you would like to join the club or just come on the coach trips.

June 2021 Page | 49

Grapevine June 21 issue Roseacres Primary School

Roseacres Primary School Roseacres, Takeley Bishop’s Stortford. Herts, CM22 6QY. 01279879599

Science Learning: ‘Plants and Living Things’ Reception and Y2 children have been busy learning about plants and liv ing things by planting seeds and bulbs. The children have been amazed at the transfor- mation over time. Y2B observed and measured hyacinth bulbs that filled the air with a sweet perfume as they grew and blos- somed. The Y2 area has smelt fabulous as a result! Reception pupils decided to plant cress and beans. They kept a close eye on the seeds that they planted and were absolutely amazed at how fast they grew! In both year groups, the children kept a diary to record each stage, describing and drawing what they could see. Y2 B children used their scien- tific skills to predict, observe, measure and record the changes that they observed over time. They also used a ruler to carefully measure how tall the stem grew. The children

June 2021 Page | 50 learnt to measure accurately using a scale and helped each other to check and record the result accurately.

Reception tried hard to write a sen- tence independent- ly, to describe what they saw and then draw a picture us- ing their careful observational skills. Once the cress had grown, they all had a taste by making a cress sandwich which they enjoyed having a class picnic on the field!

All Saints Church is open during the day for personal private prayer only. Visitors are asked to follow the guidelines on dis- play in the church.

June 2021 Page | 51

Air Conditioning, Heat Pump & Ventilation Services

Cost effective and energy efficient multi-purpose systems, that both heat and cool your home or home office

New home installations qualify for an official GOV.UK 15% VAT discount

01279 293433 [email protected]

The Hair &

Beauty Barn COLORCRAFT High Cross Lane, Lt Canfield Cut & Blow Dry £20 THE ART & CRAFT SHOP Foils, Full Head Tint from £40 IN SAFFRON WALDEN Perms inc. trim £49 Gel Nails, OPI, Shellac & Gelish £15 We have everything, ( almost) that you may Manicures, Pedicures, Brow & Lash need to paint, draw, craft, knit, sew. Tinting Waxing from £6 We stock DMC, Anchor, Windsor & Newton, St. Tropez Spray Tan £15 Daler, Sirdar, King Cole and much more…. Lash Lift, Tint & Wax £25 Call To Book Your Appointment NOW 1 EMSON CLOSE, SAFFRON WALDEN 07880501549 CRB Checked mum of 3 01799 522607 Mobile Service Still Offered

June 2021 Page | 52

At Takeley Primary School, we are fast approaching half term! The children and staff have been enjoying being back in school and beginning to see the cautious loosening of restrictions.

Learning has continued apace, with the EYFS children thoroughly enjoying their outdoor area, with Bugingham Palace taking centre stage to help the children increase their scientific knowledge by investigating minibeasts and their habi- tats ...

The children also have an imaginative play cupboard to support den building, imaginative play and the promotion of spoken language.

Continued on next page

June 2021 Page | 53

Continued from previous page

In Year 1, the children have been learning about sculpture and have spent time making and paining clay animals such as hedgehogs, snails and ladybirds.

June 2021 Page | 54 Takeley Football Club

Takeley FC hopes everyone is remaining safe and well and looking forward to the “new normal”. We are still running behind the scenes and have been carrying out extensive works at the club making things covid-safe and enhancing our clubhouse and changing areas. Although our first and reserve teams are not playing until the new season starts, our youth teams are playing friendlies over the next month or so until the start of their seasons.

Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages for updates.

If you are interested in volunteering or playing for the club please contact us via the website.

University of the Third Age

If you are no longer in full time work or raising a family, we call it your third age. Dunmow u3a welcomes you with opportunities to develop your interests, make new friends and have fun! We are planning to restart our monthly meetings at ET Foakes Hall on July 28 (Government guidelines permitting). Our speaker is Peter Regelous talking about ‘A ‘Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Life’ which should be an amusing look at life in the entertainment profession. We also have a number of interest groups ranging from Art to Walking. Have a look at our website for more information and an application to join.

It’s local, social, friendly and low cost!

June 2021 Page | 55 God in the Sciences

This series is written by Dr Ruth M Bancewicz, who is Church Engagement Di- rector at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge. Ruth writes on the positive relationship between Science and Christian faith.

Exploring the Big Questions: scientists and theologians share their views

It’s important to have debates about science and Christian faith and to dig into the hot topics, but we can’t exist solely on a diet of controversy. I find it helpful, at times, to simply enjoy the wonders revealed by science and the big questions they raise about meaning and purpose. What’s the universe for? What do you do with your feelings of awe and wonder? Where do we get our sense of the value of the living world from? I had the privilege of meeting a group of Chris- tian scientists and theologians who shared thoughts about these big questions, and will share some of their thoughts here.

The Oxford-based theologian Alister McGrath shared that “science is wonderful at asking questions. Some of those questions can be answered, but very often June 2021 Page | 56 when you do answer them, they simply open up yet more questions. But of course, there are some more fundamental questions I think science simply can- not answer…questions like, ‘Why am I here?’”

Rhoda Hawkins, a physicist at Sheffield University, has had a similar experience. “I never cease to be amazed at quite how impressive the world is, and how im- pressive the mechanisms are for how things work...It really is beautiful in many ways, and it leads me to think about God. I’m not saying that I have any proof, but I’m saying that by looking at the world around me it tells me more about God and it leads me to worship Him.”

Another scientist who appreciates beauty is Jeff Hardin, who explained that “studying the wonders of the living world is an exercise in art ap- preciation. For me, God is the creator of everything… so the joy of discovery is also the joy of appreciating the world that God has made…and leads me to thank God for the amazing world that we have to enjoy and to explore.”

I will close with some words from Jeff Schloss, who – like the others quoted above – finds that Christian faith makes science more satisfying for him. “Once I became a Christian…I had the sense that I was studying the marvels of the natu- ral world, which are marvellous in their own right but become more profoundly engaging and enticing when one thinks that you’re studying the works of God.” Perhaps if we can spend more time listening to people like this, our discussions about science and faith will also be richer and deeper.

Quotes from videos on


United Message from Airport Campaign Groups across the UK

In a major breakthrough for airport campaign groups across the UK, the Gov- ernment has finally agreed that all aviation emissions are to be subject to legal limits under the Climate Change Act. Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) Chairman Peter Sanders commented: "This is a major cause for celebration and something we have long argued for. The Government finally seems to have recognised that if we are serious about tackling climate change, the environmental damage caused by the avi- ation sector can no longer be ignored." In the wake of the Government's announcement, campaign groups at the eight major UK airports currently threatened by expansion, have written to Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Communities Secretary Robert Jen- rick calling for an immediate moratorium on airport expansion on climate change grounds. SSE has also sent a further submission to the Planning Inspectors who pre- sided over the recent Stansted Public Inquiry, highlighting this important shift in Government policy and arguing that it would be wholly inconsistent with this policy to approve further expansion of Stansted. At this stage there is still no indication as to when the Inspectors will an- nounce their decision on the Stansted Public Inquiry, or what that decision will be. The Government decision to bring aviation emissions fully into a legal frame- work is in line with one of the key recommendations made by the independ- ent Climate Change Committee (CCC) last December. Another key CCC recommendation was that there should be no further expansion of UK airport capacity unless and until the sector could demonstrate that it had reduced its carbon emissions sufficiently to accommodate additional demand. The CCC concluded that, even with the aviation industry’s projections of new aviation biofuels and improved aircraft efficiency, the demand for flying would still need to be limited if the UK is to meet its climate change commitments. Peter Sanders concluded: "For far too long the aviation industry has had a free pass on its carbon emissions which has allowed it unlimited expansion regardless of its impact on climate change. Tax free fuel and a blanket ex-

June 2021 Page | 58 emption from paying VAT are other examples of the favoured treatment granted to the aviation industry. Finally, aviation will be expected to play its part like everyone else, at least in terms of emissions. The days of unlimited aviation expansion may now be coming to an end."


· Peter Sanders, SSE Chairman, T 01799 520411; peter- [email protected]

· Brian Ross, Deputy Chairman: 01279 814961; (M) 07850 937143 [email protected]

· SSE Campaign Office: 01279 870558; in- [email protected]


This is a pivotal role which is vital to the smooth running of parish life. The person we are looking for we will based in the St John’s office in Stansted, and act as the public face of the church for the many groups and people who have a relationship with us. They will be the primary point of contact for baptisms, marriages, funerals and local civic registrars. They will oversee routine payments and receipts, is- sue a weekly bulletin, manage the calendar, produce orders of ser- vice, and keep all the pastoral databases up to date.

Our new administrator will work for 10 hours a week, and also be paid an additional flat rate fee for the time on top of this that will be required to sort out bookings.

If you are interested, please reply by next Friday, 18th June, and send a CV and an email explaining why you would be interested in the job to [email protected].

June 2021 Page | 59

June 2021 Page | 60 GETTING IN TOUCH

For enquiries about baptisms, wed- dings, funerals, visits, church groups & activities, please contact our Church Administrator, Lisa Chambers, at: [email protected] 07766 444873

The Reverend Dr Colin Fairweather can be contacted on: [email protected] 01279 816721

Hugh Mascetti (Lay Minister)can be contacted on: [email protected] 01279 871606

CHURCHWARDENS: For Holy Trinity, Takeley: Alan Parkinson 01279 879373 For All Saints, Little Canfield: Stretch Fulcher 01371 872168.

June 2021