SCIENCE & NATURE Useful Tails Materials Pictures of a possum, horse, lizard, rattlesnake, peacock, fish, bird, and beaver What to do 1. Display the animal pictures so the children can see them. 2. Say the following sentences. Ask the children to guess the animal by the usefulness of its tail. I use my tail for hanging upside down. (possum) I use my tail as a fly swatter. (horse) When my tail breaks off, I grow a new one. (lizard) I shake my noisy tail when I am about to strike. (rattlesnake) My tail opens like a beautiful fan. (peacock) I use my tail as a propeller. I cannot swim without it. (fish) I can’t fly without my tail. (bird) I use my powerful tail for building. (beaver) More to do Ask the children if they can name other animals that have tails. Ask them how these animals’Downloaded tails might by
[email protected] useful. from Games: Cut out the of each of the animals. Encourage the children to pin the tails on the pictures (like “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”). Dotti Enderle, Richmond, TX Dino Dig Materials Plastic or rubber dinosaurs or bones Sand Wide-tip, medium-sized paintbrushes Plastic sand shovels Small plastic buckets Clipboards Paper Pencil or pens 508 The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for Four-Year-Olds Downloaded by
[email protected] from SCIENCE & NATURE What to do 1. Beforehand, hide plastic or rubber dinosaurs or bones in the sand. 2. Give each child a paintbrush, shovel, and bucket. 3.