22836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 27, 2008 they had falsified voter registrations by ille- across the nation, House Republicans will enormously important throughout the gally filling out hundreds of forms with continue to fight to remove the ACORN pay- world, as a matter of fact. names such as Dennis Hastert, Leon Spinks back and any other Democratic poison-pills It is important I think also to recog- and Fruito Boy Crispila.’’ Wall Street Jour- from the economic rescue package. nize there is an aspect of this discus- nal, 7/31/08. f ‘‘Eight workers for a get-out-the-vote ef- sion which does go back to the original fort in St. Louis city and county have plead- VACATING 5-MINUTE SPECIAL issue of illegal immigration into the ed guilty to federal election fraud for sub- ORDER country, and it is no small part of the mitting false registration cards for the 2006 problem that we now face. election, authorities said today. The workers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Several months ago in my own coun- were employed by the Association of Com- objection, the 5-minute Special Order ty, Jefferson County, , the dis- munity Organizations for Reform Now of the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. trict attorney indicted several realtors (ACORN), gathering voter registrations.’’ As- TANCREDO) is vacated. and mortgage brokers for fraudulently sociated Press, 4/02/08. There was objection. developing documents for people who ‘‘Acorn has had a number of missteps. This month its founder, Wade Rathke, resigned f were here illegally so they could buy after news emerged that his brother Dale had ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION homes. By the way, it is not nec- embezzled nearly $1 million from Acorn and essarily illegal in the , as affiliated groups eight years ago—informa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under peculiar as this may sound, it is not il- tion the group kept from law-enforcement the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- legal for someone who is here illegally authorities and most members. Dale Rathke uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from Colo- to purchase a home, but it is certainly left the organization only last month.’’ Wall rado (Mr. TANCREDO) is recognized for illegal to doctor the documents, to fal- Street Journal, 7/31/08. 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- sify the Social Security and tax So how exactly will ACORN be rewarded if nority leader. records. Now this is a tiny story. How the Democrats get their way? Very simple: Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I come behind closed doors, ACORN-friendly lan- does it relate to this issue. guage was slipped into the Democratic eco- to the floor tonight to speak on a sub- One county in Colorado, three or four nomic rescue proposal by Senate Banking ject that I have spoken on many, many realtors, three or four mortgage bro- Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D–CT) and times over the course of my career in kers, accounted for 250 homes being House Financial Services Committee Chair- this Congress. This will be the last sold in just that county in Colorado. man Barney Frank (D–MA). Take a look: time I will be able to address this body Across the Nation, this phenomenon Transfer of a percentage of profits. in a Special Order on this particular accounts for hundreds of thousands of 1. Deposits. Not less than 20 percent of any issue. homes that have been sold to people profit realized on the sale of each troubled I am reminded of nearly a decade ago asset purchased under this Act shall be de- who are here illegally. There have been posited as provided in paragraph (2). when I arrived in the House of Rep- major industries, certainly major 2. Use of deposits. Of the amount referred resentatives in 1999 and there was real- banks in this country that were de- to in paragraph (1) ly no organized effort to facilitate a voted to trying to identify illegal 1. 65 percent shall be deposited into the discussion on the critical issue of im- aliens as a niche market to both make Housing Trust Fund established under sec- migration and immigration reform. them loans, to identify them as poten- tion 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises The task I felt at that time was to tial bank customers so they can get Regulatory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. bring it to the Nation’s attention any the mortgage. 4568); and way I could, being one Member of the 2. 35 percent shall be deposited into the We saw hundreds of millions, in fact Capital Magnet Fund established under sec- House and as a freshman, there are rel- hundreds of billions of dollars flow into tion 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569). atively few ways to accomplish that these mortgages. Now what has hap- Remainder deposited in the Treasury. All goal. One way was to address the House pened? The economy has gone sour. Im- amounts remaining after payments under through the Special Order process, and migration reform efforts have gotten paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General I did that night after night after night. to the point where we actually are now Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the I would sometimes walk away from conducting raids at some of the major public debt. here thinking it may have been a futile factories and meat packing plants What does this mean? The Wall Street gesture. I would leave here and it Journal breaks it down in an editorial pub- across the country. And also States lished today: would be quite late walking across to have taken on this responsibility them- ‘‘What we have here essentially are a pair my office in Longworth, and I would selves and have passed laws. Because of government slush funds created in July as look back at the Capitol dome and I the Federal Government has been so part of the Economic Recovery Act that would see the light shining on it and I lax, we have States taking up the bur- pump tax dollars into the coffers of low-in- would think about the importance of den and passing laws to do something come housing advocacy groups, such as what I was trying to accomplish here. about illegal immigration in their Acorn.’’ And at my office, there were always State, and local communities doing the ‘‘Acorn, one of America’s most militant lights on the phones, I could see people left-wing ‘community activist groups,’ is same thing. spending $16 million this year to register calling and hear the fax machine going, The result is lots of people are leav- Democrats to vote in November. In the past and I knew there were people out there ing, going home. To the extent so much several years, Acorn’s voter registration pro- who were listening to this discussion so that in Mexico, the president of grams have come under investigation in and who were responding to it and that Mexico issued an urgent plea for us to Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri and always gave me the energy to continue do something to stop the flow of illegal Washington, while several of their employees the discussion, to come back the next aliens back to Mexico because they have been convicted of voter fraud...’’ night and do whatever I could to get couldn’t handle it. They wanted us to That’s right. Rather than returning any people to focus on what I considered to profits made in the long-term from the eco- secure our border, maybe to build a nomic rescue package, Democrats want to be and what I still consider to be one of fence. There were so many returning first reward their radical allies at ACORN the most serious problems facing the that they could not handle the influx. for their help—often illegal help—in getting Nation. Certainly it is one of the most What does that mean for us and the Democrats elected to office. Families, sen- serious domestic problems facing the issue of this mortgage problem that we iors, small businesses, and all American tax- Nation. are having? It means that all of those payers deserve better than what Democratic Now we are talking about a financial people simply walked away from those leaders are attempting to jam down their crisis and it has sucked up all of the mortgages, those hundreds of thou- throats. energy in the room and all of the en- sands of homes that were on the mar- The rescue package should not become a ‘‘Christmas tree’’ for the Democratic Major- ergy on Capitol Hill. All of the oxygen ket. They walked away because of ity’s far-left wing political agenda that seeks has been sucked up by this discussion, course they had nothing at stake. They to shower taxpayer dollars upon groups like and I understand why. It is a crucial were given 100 percent loans, some- ACORN. On behalf of beleaguered taxpayers issue, crucial to our constituents and times even more than that. Their

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:54 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00155 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 27, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 22837 names were oftentimes falsified. They they looked for help from the Federal onstrated how widely unpopular the had nothing at stake, were illegally in Government and could not find it, but notion of granting amnesty to illegal the country, so it was easy to walk they have passed wonderful bills to aliens is with the American people. away. They walked away from the deal with this, saying that employers More importantly, however, Congress’ homes and we are stuck with the mort- in their respective States have to use rejection of the bill may have signified gages, and they are now part of this the E-Verify system to make sure that the high watermark for advocates of huge bailout we are trying to focus on the people they have hired are here le- ever increasing levels of immigration, and deal with as the Congress of the gally. both legal and illegal, into the United United States. Legislatively, we’ve seen other States. We haven’t talked about that as an things that seemed impossible a while Supporters of the President’s immi- issue, but I suggest to you it is an enor- back. In October of 2004, Speaker gration plan were forced to even mous issue. No one wants to talk about HASTERT’s H.R. 10, which came out of change the rhetoric of the debate as it, just like no one wanted to talk the 9/11 Recommendations Implemen- they tried desperately to invent a non- about this issue for the last 10 years. tation Act, was passed in the House, offensive euphemism for amnesty. We Only recently have we seen a bit of a and it substantially targeted immigra- heard it referred to as ‘‘earned legaliza- change. In 1999, I founded the Congres- tion-related weaknesses related to ter- tion,’’ as ‘‘comprehensive reform’’ and sional Immigration Reform Caucus, rorist travel. as ‘‘regularization.’’ Despite their ef- and six people agreed to join initially. The following month, I used a rarely forts, however, Americans made it The task I felt again was something employed conference rule to force a Re- quite clear that they opposed amnesty. that I had to undertake. It was one of publican Conference meeting and post- It’s not surprising, but the amnesty those things that I decided to add to pone a vote on the Intelligence reform proposal contained within the bill isn’t the repertoire, if you will, of talking bills because immigration-related pro- the only fuel that fueled the grassroots about it here at night, forming an im- visions had been stripped from the con- brush fire that killed that bill. Dra- migration reform caucus and trying to ference report. The shutdown resulted matic increases in legal immigration get people to pay attention. in the promise that became the Real ID levels proved to be nearly as unpopular Act, which became the law the fol- as amnesty, and it also contributed to b 2045 lowing year. It mandates standards for the demise of the legislation. Well, there have been—I don’t the issuance of driver’s licenses that Public concerns about dramatically know—hundreds of speeches, literally would preclude the eligibility of illegal increased levels of legal immigration thousands of radio spots that I have aliens. helped to derail a similar Senate pro- done and interviews that I have done In 2006, the Secure Fence Act became posal in 2006 after Robert Rector of the on this particular issue, thousands of law, mandating the construction of ap- Heritage Foundation analyzed how speeches that I have given around the proximately 800 miles of fencing and many foreigners the bill would allow country. infrastructure on the U.S.-Mexico bor- into the United States over the next 20 Things have begun to change, and I der. Three hundred miles of that fence years, some 60 million people. Sheer am extremely happy about that. We have been completed. numbers began to transcend anecdotal certainly have more members of the The most important tool in forcing stories about friendly immigrant caucus now headed by BRIAN BILBRAY, Congress to deal with immigration is neighbors on the minds of the Amer- over 100 members, both Republicans the amendment process that we have ican public. and Democrats, and a number of things here. In 2003, I began offering amend- Indeed, the protracted debate over have happened around the country that ments to spending bills, seeking to en- immigration has voters increasingly are worthy of note. force Federal laws that prohibit sanc- focused on what is a very reasonable The Minuteman Project showed the tuary cities. This was a new strategy, question: What kind of immigration Nation how a few hundred concerned and I began to build a record for all of policy serves our national interest? citizens could shut down border traffic my colleagues. No longer could Mem- Not surprisingly, few have stepped for- with lawn chairs and cell phones, just bers just speak in platitudes about im- ward to defend the status quo or the doing what they could do in their spare migration. They had to put their massive increases proposed by the Sen- time as American citizens looking for a money where their mouths were and ate leadership or the President. Mr. lawful way to address the issue of ille- cast a vote up or down on these real Rector penned a report applicable to gal immigration. Thousands of people issues. that year’s Senate concoction. Despite did it. It was a wonderful thing to ob- I brought amendments on the sanc- all the talk about how critical low- serve even though, by our own Presi- tuary policy’s temporary protected sta- skilled immigrants are to economic dent, they were called vigilantes, and tus by removing reimbursements for il- growth, his study confirmed what of course, they were the people who legal alien health care, by repealing many already knew, that low-skilled were actually enforcing the law as op- food stamps for immigrants, by sus- legal and illegal immigrants are a net posed to the President, who was ignor- pending the Visa Waiver Program, by cost to taxpayers, not a net gain, just ing it. revoking visas for countries that refuse as their native-born counterparts are. We’ve had governors of southern bor- reparations. The Senate bill would have cost our der States, Democrats and Republicans As the votes began to pile up, the children and grandchildren $2.5 trillion alike, declare states of emergency in voting habits of my colleagues began due to amnesty provisions and in- their individual States because of the to change. The first sanctuary amend- creased levels of legal immigration au- massive number of illegal immigrants ment I offered in 2003 got 102 votes. thorized by the legislation. Again, it who have come across the borders. Now we regularly pass these amend- was Mr. Rector’s analysis that deeply We’ve had small towns, communities ments. The real catalyst was President shook the public’s confidence in the all over this country do what Mayor Bush’s speech in 2004, which caused Senate’s credibility in handling the Barletta did in the small town of Ha- widespread outrage with the amnesty issue. Once more, the question about zleton, Pennsylvania when he passed proposal. Our constituents showing the legal immigration became relevant in ordinances against hiring or renting to vast disconnect between themselves light of that information. illegal aliens. He earned national at- and the beltway elite started making Now, I’m not saying that America is tention and a crucial battle with the their views known with the benefits of ready to install a ‘‘no vacancy’’ sign on ACLU for that. high-paid lobbyists. the Statue of Liberty. At the same Of course, I mentioned earlier there Like most Americans, I was de- time, we cannot discount the increas- are other States, States like Arizona, lighted to watch the immigration pro- ingly disconcerting public feeling that Oklahoma, Georgia, that have taken up posal go down to defeat in the U.S. honoring our tradition of immigration this issue themselves because, again, Senate. First and foremost, it dem- while decreasing the yearly total of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:54 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00156 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 27, 2008 immigrants to more sustainable levels that most of us have about where we go us down—who we are, what we’ve built, are not mutually exclusive goals. A from here. It is imperative that we what we’re all about. This is the cult of significant decrease similar to that one stay strong in our opposition to am- multiculturalism. When millions of in the Commission on Immigration Re- nesty of any kind. It is imperative that people come into this country, either form advocated in the mid-1990s would we push for a border fence and for one legally or illegally, who are also inter- be a good first step toward creating a that is, in fact, a real deterrent to the ested in ideas and who are interested in more orderly and sustainable immigra- flow of illegal immigrants into the things other than becoming an Amer- tion policy in America, such as, by the country. ican, we become susceptible to a dis- way, eliminating chain migration and It is imperative that we never, ever ease that really will destroy us. It is a the visa lottery. I continue to believe do to anybody else what we’ve done to disease that works its way from within that a return to traditional immigra- Agents Ramos and Compean, who are the body politic in this country, and it tion levels as well as stepped up en- still imprisoned for essentially doing is susceptible to an attack from with- forcement can be won in a matter of what they were hired to do in pro- out. months and years, not decades. tecting our borders. We see what’s happening today. We For one reason I believe that this is There are threats to our sovereignty have been calling it a war on terror. It what will happen in this seminal legis- like the Security and Prosperity Part- is a misnomer. It is incorrect to label lative moment in my House tenure is nership and the North American Union. it that way. It is not a war on terror that Mr. SENSENBRENNER, the chairman They continue to exist in some form or that we face and that we are trying to of the Judiciary Committee, began the other. Legal immigration is still at an advance. It is a war against radical process in late 2005 of crafting a com- historical high. The effects of our lan- Islam. Terror is a tactic of radical prehensive immigration reform bill— guage and of our culture threaten not Islamists. It is not the entity with the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, only what kind of a nation we will be which we are at war. and Illegal Immigration Control Act. It but whether we will be a nation at all. Lao Tzu, of course, is a famous Chi- passed 239 to 182. Not only did the en- This leads me to the next part of this nese philosopher, and he has stated and forcement bill first receive broad bipar- discussion and, perhaps, even to the has been quoted over the years because tisan support on the final passage but more serious part that we must begin of his insight into both the nature of so did stand-alone amendments to to work with as we have now accom- war and into the nature of human build border fencing and to reduce plished a number of goals that we have beings. He said at one point that there legal immigration by eliminating the set and that I have set, essentially, for are two things that are desperately Visa Diversity program. myself here, which is one of the rea- needed in order to be successful in any Our immigration caucus played a sons why I chose not to run again. I clash. One is the knowledge of who vital role in making sure that not so mean, when I look back at where I your enemy really is. Who are they? much as a sense of Congress was al- started in this process and where we What makes them tick? Why do they lowed to suggest that we needed guest are now 10 years later, I feel like I have do the things they are doing? The other workers. accomplished many of the goals I set There is still, of course, much to do. is, he says, a knowledge of who you for myself in this body. There are I am proud of the accomplishments of are. We have to understand who it is many people here who I can turn to the caucus. I am proud of the accom- we are fighting. Again, it is not simply now and hand the baton to and know plishments that my colleagues and I, terrorists. that they will take it up—it’s wonder- who have fought for immigration re- b 2100 ful—to Judge Poe and to STEVE KING. I form, have made to this point in time. It is radical Islam. Islam’s hostility Certainly, it is the reason, by the could go on and on with the number of towards the West has nothing to do way, that I ran for the Presidency of people who are here today who are with American troops in Muslim lands the United States, for the Republican committed to doing something about or America’s support for Israel or the nomination for the Presidency of the true immigration reform. Hence, I feel plight of the Palestinians. The first United States. With little idea, in fact very comfortable in taking my leave of thing we must understand is that Mus- no idea, that I would actually become this place at this time, but I do so with lims believe the Koran is the word of the President of the United States in this caveat: that process, I was nonetheless inspired We must never forget the real threat god as dictated to Mohammed. It can- to do what I did and run for the nomi- that exists as a result of massive immi- not be interpreted by man. This is nation for President in order to force gration, both legal and illegal, into troubling because the book’s passages the people who were on the stage with this country when it merges with what call for the destruction of opposing re- me during that period of time to ad- I have often called the cult of ligions, the extermination of non-Mus- dress this issue. There was a reluctance multiculturalism. It permeates our so- lims, and the imposition of a worldwide in doing so. I know I started the proc- ciety, this cult does. It is an emphasis caliphate. ess out in February of last year and on all of the things that pull us apart Among other things, the Koran tells ended it in December, and between that as a society—an emphasis on creating Muslims: those who disbelieve we shall time that I started in February to De- linguistic and cultural enclaves, on roast them in fire, they may feel the cember, there was a complete change turning us into a cultural and lin- punishment. When you meet the unbe- in the way each person who was run- guistic Tower of Babel. It is a focus on lievers, smite them, and when you have ning for that nomination addressed the all of the negative aspects of Western caused a bloodbath among them, bind a issue of immigration. Finally, every civilization and the United States’ ex- bond firmly on them. Take the infidels single person, including the present emplification of Western civilization’s captive and besiege them, and prepare nominee of the party, agreed that we greatest attributes. for them each ambush. They that re- had to secure the borders first. We The colleges and institutions of high- ject faith, take not friends from their must do that. There was no longer am- er education and certainly even our ranks and make them flee in the way biguity in their statements about this. high schools and our K–12 educational of Allah . . . seize them and kill them Our borders have to be secure. system is fraught with this idea of this wherever you find them and take no Now, I hope of course that the rhet- cult of multiculturalism and the atti- friends from their ranks. Fight them oric turns into action. I commend to tude about America and about the until there is no dissension, and reli- my colleagues here who will be return- west. It permeates all of the textual gion is entirely Allah’s. Instill terror ing next year that their task will be materials of most of the professors who into the hearts of the unbelievers. Pre- ahead of them to make sure that that are at these institutions, who always pare for disbelievers chains, yokes, and is what is done. confront the issue of America and the a blazing fire. Cast terror into the So we have done a great many west and western society in the most hearts of those who disbelieve and things. There are still a lot of concerns negative terms, who are always tearing strike off their heads and fingertips.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:54 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00157 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 27, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 22839 This is Islam’s instruction book, and does not even contain nudity, and is casual consumption of alcohol and a the instructions are quite clear. primarily dedicated to Western pop failure of women to wear a veil or So whether we want to admit it or culture and fashion. head-scarf. not, the Western world is locked in a After the incident, it was not the Muslims in the UK recently used a struggle against this form of Islam—a militants, but Erwin Arnada—the mag- loophole in the Federal arbitration law religion whose practitioners and adher- azine’s editor—who was arrested and to make Islamic Sharia Law and the ents are inextricably linked to ter- forced to face charges of violating the decisions of the Sharia court legally rorism. And if we are to successfully country’s indecency laws and faces a binding in civil cases in the United defend ourselves against the desire of long prison sentence. Kingdom. For more than 40 years, Malaysia—a our enemies to impose a caliphate on A recent poll conducted by the Cen- former British colony—has successfully the world, we must first be willing to tre for Social Cohesion in the United balanced its democratic secular form of openly identify them, say who they Kingdom found that some 40 percent of government with the plurality of its are. Muslim students in the United King- citizens’ Muslim roots. Slowly, how- Politically correct politicians in the dom support the introduction of Sharia ever, these roots are ripping up the fab- United States, Europe, and elsewhere law there, and 33 percent support the ric of freedom in this country. are quick to dispute notions that Islam imposition of an Islamic Sharia-based In 2005, the country’s Federal court is inherently violent, and they flatly government worldwide. Another 32 per- system dismissed appeals by four Mus- reject that Islam is engaged in a global cent of the British Muslim youth living lims who were sentenced to 3 years in struggle to dominate the world. But a believe that killing for the religion is jail for wrongfully attempting to con- quick look around the globe tells a dif- acceptable, while 20 percent are unsure. ferent story. vert from Islam. Despite the Malaysian While the most obvious clashes be- constitution’s guarantee to all people Just days after the London subway tween Islam and the West are taking the right to profess and practice one’s attack, Tariq Ali, a prominent British place in the streets of Israel, in the own religion, the court disregarded the Muslim activist, was quick to suggest mountains of Afghanistan, and in the Federal constitution and ceded juris- that London residents ‘‘paid the price’’ deserts of Iraq, Islam’s foot soldiers are diction of the case to a Sharia court. for British support in the Iraqi cam- waging their war against non-Muslims In 2007, over the objections of his paign. in all corners of the world. Hindu wife and family, Emm Another academic, George Hajjar, In Sudan, the conflict between the Moorthy—part of the first Malaysian went even further proclaiming, ‘‘I hope north and the south was basically a team to climb Mount Everest and an every patriotic and Islamic Arab will conflict between Arab Muslims and army commando—was declared a Mus- participate in this war and will shift southern black Christians. lim after his death and buried as one. the war not only to America but to . . . A visiting teacher from Denmark was In another case, local authorities re- wherever America may be.’’ He added, jailed for insulting Islam after she let fused to recognize the conversion of a ‘‘There are no innocent people,’’ and her class name a teddy bear ‘‘Moham- Muslim woman to become a Catholic. referred to the victims of the attack as mad.’’ In addition, the local registrar refused ‘‘collateral casualties.’’ In Thailand, a nation of more than 60 her application for marriage to a In the Netherlands, the number of million that is more than 95 percent Catholic man because Islam prohibits Muslims has grown from just 54 in 1909 Buddhist—a nation that is known Muslims from marrying non-Muslims. to almost 1 million in 2004. These worldwide for its friendly people and Courageously, she filed suit, optimistic changes have not come without costs. enduring spirit of hospitality—some that the Malaysian constitution’s pro- 2002, Pim Fortoon, a politician who 3,000 Thais have been killed in brutal visions for equal protection and free- expressed concern about the rapid in- uprisings by Muslims who are deter- dom would win the day. Unfortunately, flux of Muslim immigration, was shot mined to replace Thailand’s demo- amid Islamist protestors’ shouts of six times in the head as he walked to cratic kingdom with an Islamic State. ‘‘Allah-o-Akbar’’ inside the courtroom, his car. During his court appearance, Last week, Islamic militants in the a judge dismissed her application find- the killer told the judge in killing southern Thai town of Pattani shot a ing that ‘‘ethnic Malays’’ are constitu- Fortoon he ‘‘acted on behalf of the state official some 30 times with a ma- tionally defined as ‘‘Muslims,’’ making country’s Muslims.’’ chine gun as he arrived to visit a conversion from Islam and her mar- 2004. Theo Van Gogh, Dutch school. After the attack, the gunman riage to a Catholic man illegal. filmmaker who had the temerity to dragged his body out of the truck and The judge went on to say that he make a movie critical of Islam’s treat- chopped off his head in front of the hor- could not allow her to change her reli- ment of women, was shot and killed by rified students and teachers. gion because granting her such an ex- In the Philippines—a former U.S. ter- emption would encourage future con- a 26-year old Dutch born Muslim in ritory known more for its food and ca- verts. broad daylight in a busy Amsterdam thedrals than for Islamic extremism— That’s part of the world that we sel- street. After shooting Van Gogh, the the government has also been strug- dom hear about but where actions like jihadist pinned a note to his body gling with Islamic militants seeking to this are everyday occurrences. These threatening the co-author of the script. overthrow the democratic system and developments in Asia and Africa are Then he began the task of decapitating ‘‘return’’ the country to its ‘‘pre-Chris- problematic, but the wave of Islam is Mr. Van Gogh’s lifeless body. tian ’Moor’ national identity.’’ also washing over Europe’s shores. Another Dutch politician who has This insurgency has gone on for dec- While Islamists work to eliminate raised concerns about the danger of Is- ades and claimed more than 120,000 legal protections for free speech and lam’s rise in Holland, Geert Wilders, lives. Over the last few years, Filipino free association in Asia and Africa in has received numerous death threats soldiers, priests, other Christians, and order to replace pluralism with Islam, and is forced to travel with 24-hour day non-Muslims have been routinely cap- they are using these freedoms and the security. According to Mr. Wilders, the tured and beheaded. legal system in Europe in order to de- Dutch government has completely In Indonesia—which is struggling to termine democratic institutions and capitulated to Islamists in the wake of maintain a democratic system amid replace them with Sharia Law, under- these politically motivated murders. calls for the imposition of Sharia law— mining democratic institutions. He recently told the Hudson Insti- dozens of demonstrators recently at- Sharia Law calls for brutal punish- tute, ‘‘We have gone from calls by one tacked the local ‘‘Playboy’’ magazine ment, such as the stoning of women cabinet members to turn Muslim holi- office, injuring police officers and dam- who are accused of adultery or having days into official state holidays to aging property. Keep in mind that the children out of wedlock, cutting off the statements by another cabinet member Indonesian version of the magazine hands of petty thieves, lashings for the that Islam is part of Dutch culture,’’ to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:54 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00158 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 27, 2008 an affirmation by the Christian Demo- bombings justified? Twenty-six percent America for the teaching of 7th grade crat Attorney General that he is will- said that they were always justified. history, the term ‘‘jihad’’ is defined as ing to accept Sharia Law in the Neth- Another 15 percent said they were ‘‘to do one’s best to resist temptation erlands. And there is another majority. often justified. and overcome evil.’’ Another potential threat, settlement We now have cabinet members who b 2115 pass with passports from Morocco and poses to the United States is made Turkey. More alarming still, one half worse by the fact of the sheer volume In 2002, the new guidelines for teach- of Dutch Muslims say they understand of both legal and illegal immigration ing history in the New Jersey public the 9/11 attacks. into our country. Combine that with schools failed to mention America’s Before I go on, going back to the the rise of culture relativism, political Founding Fathers, the Pilgrims, or the United Kingdom for a moment. The correctness, and the lefts’ obsession Mayflower. After this became public, largest mosque in the world is being with diversity, and you have a recipe New Jersey changed the guidelines. In a Prentice Hall history textbook built outside London. Recently Arch- for disaster as immigrants are pre- used by students in Palm Beach Coun- bishop of Canterbury said they should vented from assimilating and separate ty high schools, titled ‘‘A World Con- have two tracks, a two-track system in ethnic cultural communities spring up flict,’’ the first five pages of the World : one Sharia Law and one tra- all over the United States. War II chapter cover such topics as dis- ditional English law. Mohammed is We are again confronted with this crimination against women in the now the most popular name in England situation, and we are made less able to Armed Forces, racial segregation dur- for a child. deal with it because of this, the polit- ing the war, and internment of Japa- is also gripped by the crisis. ical correctness that—and this multi- nese Americans, far fewer than are Muslim rioting gripped the country for cultural society that we are creating dedicated to the 292,000 Americans who weeks last year resulting in death and here. It makes us weaker as a society died in the conflict, fighting against unprecedented destruction of private to deal with this. totalitarianism and genocide. property. There are hundreds of areas We are told constantly, as I said ear- lier, about the deficiencies of the West A Washington State teacher sub- inside and inside and around stituted the word ‘‘winter’’ for the Paris where police do not go. They are and that we are not really a country at all, that the United States isn’t just a word ‘‘Christmas’’ in a carol to be sung entirely Muslim areas, and the police at a school program so as not to appear are essentially afraid to go in there. Nation of sovereign people, it is just a place on the planet. Just a place on the to be favoring one faith over another. The PEW Research Center reported In a school district in , that more than half of all French Mus- continent. It’s called America, and if you live the introduction to a textbook called lims loyal to Islam is greater than here, you’re an American. There are no ‘‘500 Years of Chicano History in Pic- their loyalty to France, and one in other ties that should bind us, cer- tures’’ states that it was written ‘‘in three do not object to suicide attacks. tainly not a linguistic tie, certainly response to the Bicentennial celebra- The demographics, of course, are sig- not the English language. That’s what tion of the 1776 American Revolution nificant, and that is what is causing a they say. I say it is the imperative tie and its lies.’’ Its stated purpose was to significant change in the entire atti- that must bind us. It is the glue that ‘‘celebrate our resistance to being colo- tude of Western Europe about such holds our society together. It is the nized and absorbed by racist empire things as Islam and the changing of thing that allows us to communicate builders.’’ The chapter headings in- Western laws. with each other. And it is imperative clude ‘‘Death to the Invader,’’ ‘‘U.S. That is the point of this, that all of that we have something because we Conquest and Betrayal,’’ ‘‘We Are Now this comes with a cost. There is a chal- have so many things in this country a U.S. Colony,’’ ‘‘In Occupied Amer- lenge to western civilization. We have that pull us apart, it is imperative that ica,’’ and ‘‘They Stole Our Land.’’ This a system that was established by the we have something, anything, that is a textbook in a New Mexico school concept of the rule of law and many pulls us together. Language is that one district. other things that unite us as a Nation thing. Nicholas DeGenova, an assistant pro- in the past and united the West in the Our people come from everywhere fessor of anthropology at Columbia past are being threatened and de- around the world from every different University, told students that he want- stroyed. kind of culture, religion, color, histor- ed to see ‘‘a million Mogadishus’’—a Before liberals in America roll out ical background, and language. We reference to an operation in Somalia in the Islamic welcome mat any farther, have—something when they come here 1993 in which elite U.S. Army personnel they ought to look closely at Europe. has got to begin the process of assimi- were pinned down in a fierce firefight. As I noted, many Muslims in Europe lation because immigration without as- Eighteen Americans were killed and 84 openly expressed a desire to replace similation is creating a phenomena wounded. DeGenova added that, ‘‘The secular democracies there with Islamic that is like putting a gun to our heads. only true heroes are those who find caliphates. Hardly surprising when you Examples of this kind of political ways to help defeat the U.S. military.’’ have an immigration policy that allows correctness go on and on. Los Angeles Administrators at Columbia University for the importation of millions of rad- Roosevelt High School. An 11th grade expressed regret, saying they were ‘‘ap- ical Muslims, you are also importing teacher told a nationally syndicated palled by the statements,’’ but took no the radical ideology, an ideology that radio program that she hates the text- action to dismiss DeGenova, who is is fundamentally hostile to the founda- books that she’s been told to use and still teaching. Teaching, by the way, is tions of Western democracy, such as the State-mandated history curriculum a liberal way to interpret his activity. gender equity, pluralism, and indi- because they ignore students of Mexi- At Royal Oak Intermediate School in vidual liberty. can ancestry. Because the students Covina, California, students in Len These lessons are unfolding in plain don’t see themselves in the curriculum, Cesene’s seventh grade history class sight across the Atlantic in Europe, the teacher has chosen to ‘‘modify the fasted last week—this was some time but what many Americans don’t realize curriculum’’ by replacing it with ac- ago, last week was the quote from the is that these same problems are begin- tivities like mural walks intended to article—last week to celebrate the ning to manifest themselves here in open the students’ eyes to their indige- Muslim holy month of Ramadan. His the United States in parts of Michigan, nous culture. letter to parents explained that ‘‘in an , and Virginia. Yes, yet A friend of the teacher invited to attempt to promote a greater under- America’s political leaders remain help with the mural walk went on to standing and empathy towards the asleep at the switch. tell the students, ‘‘Your education has Muslim religion and toward other cul- The PEW Research Center, for exam- been one big lie after another.’’ tures, I am encouraging students to ple, asked American Muslims between In a textbook called, ‘‘Across the participate in an extra credit assign- the ages of 18 and 29, When are suicide Centuries,’’ which is used widely across ment. Students may choose to fast for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00159 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 27, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 22841 one, two, or three days. During this lims . . . who are simply here to inte- to their hearts, steadfastness in their time, students may only drink water grate and become part of democracy faith. during daylight hours.’’ and freedom and adopt these values. ‘‘They will need Thy blessings. Their A Federal judge in Brooklyn inter- Rather, what we hope to do is to en- road will be long and hard. For the preted New York City policy on holi- gage with the . . . society to . . . one enemy is strong. He may hurl back our day displays in public schools allow for day implement the Sharia over man- forces. Success may not come with the display of the Jewish Menorah and made law and sharia over . . . Wash- rushing speed, but we shall return the Muslim Crescent—but not the dis- ington, D.C.’’ again and again; and we know that by play of a Christian Nativity scene. The A Muslim man recently told CNN’s Thy grace, and by the righteousness of judge based his decision on the notion Anderson Cooper, ‘‘We are bound by our cause, our sons will triumph. that the Muslim Crescent and Jewish the rules of Islam. If a woman runs ‘‘They will be sore tried, by night and Menorah are ‘‘secular’’ symbols, while away, she must be killed.’’ by day, without rest-until the victory the Christian Nativity scene is not, and Our essentially ‘‘open door’’ policy of is won. The darkness will be rent by the list goes on and on. unlimited legal and illegal immigra- noise and flame. Men’s souls will be Certainly, many people have heard tion may seem like a harmless mani- shaken with the violences of war. about the professor from the Univer- festation of our national tradition of ‘‘For these men are lately drawn sity of Colorado who claimed that all welcoming newcomers with open arms, from the ways of peace. They fight not the people that were killed in the Twin but it is an invitation to our destruc- for the lust of consequence. They fight Towers deserved to be killed; they were tion. to end conquest. They fight to liberate. little Eichmanns. Again, it goes on and For example, the American left’s They fight to let justice arise, and tol- on. dogmatic adherence to the idea of ‘‘di- erance and goodwill among all Thy And individually, these kinds of inci- versity’’ and their tendency to elevate people. They yearn but for the end of dents may seem regrettable and harm- it above all other values also led them battle, for their return to the haven of less. They are just examples of Ameri- to establish the visa lottery, or ‘‘Diver- home. cans’ tolerance for diversity and sity Visa’’ program in 1990. Hundreds of ‘‘Some will never return. Embrace multiculturalism. Collectively, they thousands of people have come with these, Father, and receive them, Thy will subject our Nation to death by a these kinds of programs throughout heroic servants, into Thy kingdom. ‘‘And for us at home—fathers, moth- thousand cuts. the United States, and we do this at Islamic leaders have seen the inabil- ers, children, wives, sisters, and broth- our peril. ity of our government institutions to ers of brave men overseas—whose We were a Nation that was identifi- maintain cultural cohesion, and de- thoughts and prayers are ever with able. It was identifiable by the kind of spite the mainstream media’s attempt them—help us, Almighty God, to re- language that we spoke, the religion to report it because of political cor- dedicate ourselves in renewed faith in that we observed. Just an example of rectness, they are no longer shy about Thee in this hour of great sacrifice. expressing their own intentions. what we were at one time and what we ‘‘Many people have urged that I call According to the Manifesto of the must think about as what held us to- the Nation into a single day of special Muslim Brotherhood in America, ‘‘Our gether, the ideas, the attitude, yes, the prayer. But because the road is long work in America is a kind of grand religion, yes, the language. They were and the desire is great, I ask that our jihad in eliminating and destroying the something that at one point in time people devote themselves in a continu- Western civilization from within.’’ held us together as a Nation. ance of prayer. As we rise to each new The Trinity Church case in 1892 said, According to Professor Hatem Bazian day, and again when each day is spent, ‘‘If we pass beyond these matters to a of the University of California at let words of prayer be on our lips, in- view of American life, as expressed by Berkeley, ‘‘It’s about time that we voking Thy help to our efforts. have an intifada in this country, that its law, its business, its customs, and ‘‘Give us strength, too—strength in changes, fundamentally the political its society, we find everywhere a clear our daily tasks, to redouble the con- dynamics here.’’ recognition of the same truth . . . this tributions we make in the physical and Yousef Khattab, of the U.S.-based Is- is a Christian Nation.’’ Justice Brewer. the material support of our Armed lamic Thinkers Society, recently said ‘‘We are a Christian people, according Forces. in an interview that ‘‘Islam will domi- to one another the equal right of reli- ‘‘And let our hearts be stout, to wait nate, that’s what it will be. We want to gious freedom and acknowledging with out the long travail, to bear sorrow see Sharia Law here, and it will be. The reverence the duty of obedience to the that may come, to impart our courage flag of Islam will be, God willing, on will of God,’’ Justice Sutherland, 1931, unto our sons wheresoever they may the White House, if that’s where we the Macintosh case. be. choose it to be.’’ 1983, ‘‘To invoke divine guidance on a ‘‘And, O Lord, give us Faith. Give us According to a co-founder of the public body entrusted with making the Faith in Thee; Faith in our sons; Faith Council on American Islamic Relation, laws is not . . . a violation of the Es- in each other; Faith in our united cru- CAIR, Abdul Rahman Alamoudi, ‘‘We tablishment Clause; it is simply a tol- sade. Let not the keenness of our spirit Muslims have a chance, in America, to erable acknowledgment of beliefs wide- ever be dulled. Let not the impacts of be the moral leadership in America. ly held among the people of this coun- temporary events, of temporal matters The problem is when? It will happen, I try.’’ of but fleeting moment let not these have no doubt in my mind. It depends And then, of course, later decisions deter us in our unconquerable purpose. on me and you, either we do it now or began to erode that concept of reli- ‘‘With Thy blessing, we shall prevail we do it after a hundred years, but this gious similarity in this country. over the unholy forces of our enemy. country will become a Muslim coun- Who we were, this is something that Help us to conquer the apostles of try.’’ I want to read and will tell you at the greed and racial arrogancies. Lead us The head of another Muslim group, end who wrote this; although, probably to the saving of our country, and with Coordinating Council of Muslim Orga- the content of it will let us know. It our sister Nations into a world unity nizations, Imam Johari Abdul Malik, was written on June 6, 1944. that will spell a sure peace, a peace in- told a crowd, ‘‘Before Allah closes our ‘‘Almighty God: Our sons, pride of vulnerable to the schemings of unwor- eyes for the last time you will see our Nation, this day have set upon a thy men. And a peace that will let all Islam move from being the second larg- mighty endeavor, a struggle to pre- of men live in freedom, reaping the just est religion in America—that’s where serve our republic, our religion, and rewards of their honest toil. we are now—to the first religion in our civilization, and to set free a suf- ‘‘Thy will be done, Almighty God. America.’’ fering humanity. ‘‘Amen.’’ Muslim ‘‘activist’’ Abu Waleed told a ‘‘Lead them straight and true; give That, of course, was the prayer of crowd of reporters, ‘‘We are not Mus- them strength to their arms, stoutness Franklin Delano Roosevelt as our men

VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:50 Apr 12, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00160 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H27SE8.005 H27SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 27, 2008 embarked upon D Day. This prayer, I was the makeup of the market and the when we are pushed to make a decision wonder if it could be said today by the Fed and the Treasury that may have at the end of the day, at the end of the leader of this country. I wonder if the helped to facilitate the problems that week, at the end of a session when a President of the United States would we face today. crisis is looming over our heads, we are have the courage to start off a prayer b 2130 sometimes pushed in the wrong direc- asking for the Lord to help protect our tion. religion, our civilization, our Republic, And, finally, what are some of the so- And I would also ask the American and to set free a suffering humanity. lutions that are potentially out there citizen to consider this; you know, the Would we add the words ‘‘our civiliza- that can move us from where we are overwhelming calls to our offices I tion,’’ ‘‘our religion’’? Could we? Do today to a more stronger and safe econ- think across the board, across both they mean anything? What do they de- omy? Democrats and Republicans as well, scribe today to anyone? Or are we too I’ll just start for a moment, before I would say that they have been opposed afraid to mention this for fear that it yield to some of my colleagues who to spending $700 billion of the Amer- will be perceived by someone as nar- have joined me, to suggest to the ican taxpayers’ dollars to bail out, if row-minded? American public that tonight they you will, Wall Street. I would just ad- And so, therefore, we do not discuss should be concerned, not just about vise the American public, as a plan fi- who we are or at least who we were. what is occurring on Wall Street, but nally does come through the process But just as dangerous an event as D what is occurring right here in Wash- and is passed through this House and Day was and just as much as we needed ington, D.C. as well. the Senate, I would advise them to prayer to protect the men who were With regard to the situation on Wall look over it very, very carefully when going across that channel, we find our- Street, although as difficult as it may they are told that this is not the same selves in a world that’s equally dan- be, I have, deep down inside of me, the Paulson proposal, that the American gerous. We find ourselves daily facing utmost faith in the American people taxpayer is not going to be on the events that challenge us in so many and the American worker and the hook. I don’t know what that proposal ways and are as dangerous and as America businessman that, when faced will be—as negotiations are going on threatening to our very existence as with this challenge, that they will be literally as we speak—but look at it was the threat posed by Nazi Germany able to overcome it and to strive and very carefully to see that the prover- and the Empire of Japan. make a stronger economy tomorrow bial wool is not being pulled over all of They come from a different source, that will be beneficial for our farmers, our eyes, and that we ultimately, and those threats. They are not identifiable for our families, for our manufacturers, our future generations, our children as a single nation. It makes it harder for our economy throughout the United and our grandchildren, will be held re- for us to deal with it. But we as a coun- States. sponsible for paying the debt. I hope try must do so. And yes, there may be some need, as that’s not the case. And this is my parting thought for we will discuss, for the intervention by I remain optimistic that we can work this Congress, for this Nation. Pray for Washington, but the reason why I say out a solution. And the House Repub- the same thing that Franklin Delano that the American citizen should be licans have actually proposed such a Roosevelt prayed for: strength, courage concerned tonight—not so much about solution that would not put the Amer- to defeat an enemy that has every in- Wall Street, but about Washington—is ican taxpayer on the hook. And we are tention of defeating us and destroying what may come out in the form of leg- willing to work with our Democrat col- Western civilization. Do not walk islation tonight—or in the next day or leagues across the aisle to make any quietly into the night of a dark age. the day after that. Because, you see, changes or additions or alterations to Know who we are. Know who the we are being asked to sort of rush that so that it can be palatable to all enemy is. Hold up this Nation’s flag. through this process, where as nor- parties in both Houses to get through Take back our country. mally we would come to this body and the process, but let’s see how the final maybe spend hours upon hours debat- f end result is. ing whether we should spend a million And with that, I yield as much time VACATING 5-MINUTE SPECIAL dollars on this bridge over in this State as he may consume to the gentleman ORDER or a million dollars in this program in from (Mr. GOHMERT). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without that State. Mr. GOHMERT. I appreciate my objection, the 5-minute Special Order And we will go through committee friend, Mr. GARRETT’s, comments. I of the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. hearings and markups and subcommit- heard him earlier tonight on Fox Busi- GARRETT) is vacated. tees and the like and then finally get ness News. That’s the first I had seen There was no objection. to the floor of the House and pass it that channel, and it was quite good. f here. And then it will go over to the Perhaps if they had been on the air Senate, and it will go through the same longer, maybe we wouldn’t be in this CURRENT FINANCIAL SITUATION arduous process of subcommittees and problem, people would be watching OF THE UNITED STATES full committees and markups, and then that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to the Senate floor, where they will But I heard one lady comment that the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- have debate on it infinitum. And there is an adage that ‘‘Europe was uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from New maybe even then we’ll go to conference formed by history and the United Jersey (Mr. GARRETT) is recognized for committee and come back here to the States was formed by philosophy.’’ And 60 minutes. House where we will have to discuss there really is something to that. We Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. the issue all over again. And that may were founded on the basis of people Speaker, we come to the floor tonight be only for a matter of only a million coming together. And of course at the to speak about an issue that has dollars or two. Constitutional Convention they eclipsed all other issues, that has been But what we are talking about here couldn’t come up with a constitution, in the media and on the public’s minds is potentially spending $700 billion, and the Articles of Confederation had all of recent date, and that, of course, is we’re being asked to basically decide fallen apart, no common currency, it the financial situation that the United that issue in a matter of hours. Mind just didn’t work, too loose of a web. States currently finds itself in. you, we may, hopefully—as the opti- And so they came together 4 years As we go through this evening, we mist as I always am—get just the right later, 1787, in the Constitutional Con- will talk about deals or no deals, the answer. But the reason I say the Amer- vention, and for merely 5 weeks underlying fundamental problems that ican citizen should be warned is that couldn’t agree on anything. And that’s the situation has brought us to this history does not indicate that. And when the very elderly Benjamin Frank- point, who and how we got here, what many times, in the rush to judgment, lin gave his speech, that during the war

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