WATER MANAGEMENT IN THE NOYYAL RIVER BASIN A SITUATION ANALYSIS Veena Srinivasan D. Suresh Kumar Pennan Chinnasamy Swati Sulagna D. Sakthivel P. Paramasivam Sharachchandra Lele ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Discussion Paper No. 2 February 2014 Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment © Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) Published by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment. February 2014. ISBN 10: 81-902338-7-4 ISBN 13: 978-81-902338-7-3 Citation: Srinivasan, V.a, D. Suresh Kumarb, P. Chinnasamya, S. Sulagnaa, D. Sakthivelb, P. Paramasivamb, S. Lelea. 2014. Water management in the Noyyal River basin: A situation analysis. Environment and Development Discussion Paper No.2. Bengaluru: Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment. a Centre for Environment and Development, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment b Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Corresponding author:
[email protected] This publication is based on a collaborative effort between ATREE and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, as part of the research project titled Adapting to Climate Change in Urbanising Watersheds (ACCUWa), supported by the International Development Research Centre, Canada. WATER MANAGEMENT IN THE NOYYAL RIVER BASIN A SITUATION ANALYSIS Veena Srinivasan D. Suresh Kumar Pennan Chinnasamy Swati Sulagna D. Sakthivel P. Paramasivam Sharachchandra Lele Environment and Development Discussion Paper No. 2 February 2014 Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment Authors Veena Srinivasan Swati Sulagna Veena Srinivasan is a Fellow in the Land, Water Swati Sulagna is a Senior Research Associate in the and Livelihoods Programme of the Centre for ACCUWa project at ATREE.