The Eider is the Quarterly Newsletter of the Argyll Bird Club ( - ScottishEider: SeptemberCharity No. SC2009 008782 (No. 90) September 2009 Number 90 The resplendent Skylark– ‘herald of the morn’. Photo © Tommy Holden 2009 Bird Atlas 2007-11. Update. Spring in the Picos De Europa, Spain Jackdaws on Islay, 1979-2009 Recent Reports May– July 2009 Annual Accounts and AGM programme To receive the electronic version of The Eider in colour, ABC members should send their e-mail address to the Editor. Page 1 Past issues (since June 2002) can be downloaded from the club’s website. Eider: September 2009 (No. 90) Editor Editorial Mark Williamson: Port Ban, Kilberry, Argyll PA29 6YD Phone: 01880 770201 Well, I think the main topic of conversation recently amongst Argyll resi- E-mail:
[email protected] dents has been the weather. Paul Daw’s comment in the Recent Reports section about the wet July is interesting- this reveals something about the micro– climates created by the topography of Argyll. July at Kilberry was exceedingly dry with most of the rain passing up the east side of the Kintyre peninsular! It would be interesting, of course, to see how all of this affects breeding species. One thing is for sure– despite the deluge during August, there seems to be an abundance of fruit and berries awaiting the autumn migrants. Inside this issue ABC Website: If you have anything to say or contribute on birding issues, Editorial 2 why not say it on the websites Forum– the forum needs your input! Announcements 2 Mark Williamson.