A.O.K. Retriever Staff Writer News from the A.O.K

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A.O.K. Retriever Staff Writer News from the A.O.K 24 Features December 6, 2004 THE RETRIEVER Consistency pays off for Ted OLIVER BARANCZYK A.O.K. Retriever Staff Writer News from the A.O.K. Library by Simmona E. Simmons-Hodo I feel as if Ted Leo and I should be on a first-name basis by now. Having seen him per- form five times in the last 18 months, I’ve set- Burning the Midnight Oil tled into a routine of expecting to see Ted on stage every three or four months. Most people at the A.O.K Library might adhere to a pretty solid argument of my insanity for accumulating more and more Ted Leo and the Pharmacists ticket stubs. Count down! Only days left to com- “Why are you spending money on some- plete final papers and projects, and to Wednesday, December 15 body you’ve already seen when you could go study for exams. All mice point to 8:00 AM – 2:00 AM check someone new out?” I get that one a lot. Research Port, Google, and what, the Thursday, December 16 If it isn’t a question, it’s a confused glance or a library! The library has a link 8:00 AM – 2:00 AM quizzical stare that reads: “you are nuts.” http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/reference/bi/style Friday, December 17 The first time I saw Ted Leo perform was guides.php3 to useful style guides for cit- 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM in the heart of Amish Country: Lancaster, ing your sources. Ask your professor which Saturday, December 18 Pennsylvania’s Chameleon Club. Before about is the appropriate one to use for the disci- 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM 50 people Ted ransacked through about a 40 pline in which you are working. Help and Sunday, December 19 minute set and even played “The Ballad of the research guides at 12:00 noon – 2:00 AM Sin Eater,” the only time I’ve ever seen it live. http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/subjectguides/ Monday, December 20 Mark, the bassist from indie supergroup Oliver Baranczyk [Retriever Staff] are also available. 8:00 AM – 2:00 AM Pavement, was there too. Visceral Energy: Ted Leo shreds throgh another The Library has numerous full-text Tuesday, December 21 I’ve seen Ted Leo perform for free in Silver punk anthem. resources. However, if you use Google, 8:00 AM – 2:00 AM Spring, Maryland after an outdoor showing of there is Google Scholar. “Google Scholar a documentary about the late Joe Strummer, more energy on stage. The album’s opener, enables you to search specifically for schol- Please note that there is only service Let’s Rock Again!, at the SilverDocs Film “Me and Mia,” continues to be in my top five arly literature, including peer-reviewed at the Reserves Desk midnight to 2:00 AM Festival last June. Each time I see Ted on stage list of favorite songs of 2004 and its populari- papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, on Sunday - Thursday and 6:00 PM – I find myself looking all around and notice ty with those in attendance proved enormous and technical reports from all broad areas 10:00 p.m. on Friday – Saturday. For that I am merely one in a crowd of many, with after the roar of cheers after its distinct guitar of research. You can use the beta version of postings for individual service desks and the fist-pumpers and bouncing sing-alongers riff. Google Scholar to find articles from a wide hours, see better represented and showing some solidari- Besides his obvious talent and ability as a variety of academic publishers, profession- http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/adm/hours/ ty. performer, Ted gives off the impression that al societies, preprint repositories, and uni- current.php3 or phone 410-455-2233 for What is it about Ted Leo that inspires me simply because he is on stage does not make versities, as well as scholarly articles avail- the Library hours recording (updated for to repeatedly shell out around $10 every three him better than any fan present. Every Ted Leo able across the web.” (From Google weather emergencies). or four months? Could it be his knack for performance features a true visceral energy that Scholar’s page) For 24 HOUR STUDY the atrium crafting a real catchy chorus or brilliant lyrical fuels his equally intense music. Through older Are you looking for a quiet place to and building lounge remain open after the vocabulary? What about the intercalated sto- songs like “Under the Hedge” and “Parallel or burn the midnight oil, to read reserves, or Library closes. ries that emerge between songs or animated Together?” and newer ones like “The One to do research? Following the tradition guitar solos? Who Got Us” and the stalwart of his live set, for Finals Week, the Albin O. Kuhn The Albin O. Kuhn Library & For me, to see Ted Leo in a live setting “Where Have All The Rude Boys Gone?” Ted Library & Gallery will have extended Gallery is turning up its lamp of knowl- remains a repeatedly rewarding experience. It’s certainly does not disappoint. hours Wednesday, December 15th edge to direct your path to a great ending almost a no-brainer that when I see his name While I may have seen Ted Leo and the through Tuesday, December 21st 2004. of the semester. The best to each of you on on the bill of a venue I frequent, on that date I Pharmacists perform more times than one The extended hours are as follows: your exams! will make it there for the show. So, on might consider healthy or sensible, I see no end Thursday, December 2nd at the Black Cat in in sight. I believe that there are concerts that I D.C. - my fifth time seeing him live - Ted Leo could see and concerts that I should see, and a again proved to me that he is the most consis- Ted Leo performance is just that: a concert I tent and underrated live performer I have seen. should see. With his newest album, Shake the Sheets, Oliver Baranczyk is a staff writer for the garnering him a bevy of praise from critics and Retriever. You may reach him at casual listeners alike, the new songs gain even obaranczyk@gmail.com. Christmas traditions in the Old World — some odd and some familiar — all add magic to the holiday festivities ASTRID SPERLING a number of huts, selling everything that could Nicholas’ day. On the eve of December 5th, er luck. Retriever Editorial Staff be related to Christmas. Mostly they sell food, children and grown up shine their boots and In France, children place their shoes by the since food just like family around that time place them in front of their doors in the hopes fire place on Christmas Eve to get them filled With Christmas right around the corner, means comfort. that St. Nicolas will come by at night and fill with presents, while their parents attend mid- many of you will spend the days with your fam- The oldest and probably most famous of them with treats. Sure enough, in the morning night Mass. The French also celebrate St. ily in the common traditions. But how many of the Christmas markets is in Dresden, Germany. all shoes and boots are filled with assortments of Nicholas’ day, and around Christmas time, you have celebrated Christmas in another cul- The market was mentioned for the first time in chocolate, candy, and other little treats. almost every home displays the nativity scene. ture? While the holiday is reason for celebration 1434. Closely connected with the market is the Children who were bad only get a bunch of Santa Claus in French is Pere Noel, and instead all around the world, the customs surrounding “Stollen” - a kind of fruit cake and part of the twigs, but have the chance to improve before of reindeers a little donkey carries baskets filled it are not always the same everywhere. German Christmas time as much as Santa Claus Christmas. with presents for the children. Here in the United States, most people himself. Dresden is famous for its Stollen and As everyone knows, food is an important In Germany, all stores are closed between unwrap their presents on the morning of people from all over the country come to get part of every holiday. While Americans like to December 24 and December 26, so all that December 25th, dressed in pajamas, with heavy their own. The city also has the highest eat pounds and pounds of turkey, Germans can remains to do is eat and enjoy time with the eyelids and dark rings under the eyes, since Christmas pyramid with 14 meters in height choose between varieties of meals. After open- family. To get out of the house on those days, especially the children woke up much earlier (45 feet), and it is mentioned in the Guinness ing the presents on Christmas Eve, families usu- many people go and watch Christmas concerts than they would have on a normal holiday. Book. The pyramid is a structure made of ally eat a light meal; many opt for potato-salad. in the city’s concert halls and theaters. Germany, just like many other European wood. Wooden figures display Christmas tradi- On December 25, Christmas day and a holiday The Christmas trees stand until January countries, has very old Christmas traditions. tions from hundreds of years ago, with biblical for everyone in Germany, as well as December 6th, the day of the Holy Three Kings.
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