Morphometric Evaluation Using Geospatial Technology in the Kunur River Basin of West Bengal
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Journal of Indian Geomorphology Volume 6, 2018 z ISSN 2320-0731 Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) Morphometric Evaluation using Geospatial Technology in the Kunur River Basin of West Bengal Debasis Ghosh1, Monali Banerjee1, Mrinal Mandal2 and Surajit Prasad Singh2 1Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700019 2Department of Geography, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia 723101: E-mail: [email protected] (Corresponding author) Abstract: The topographic, network and hydrological parameters of the micro- watersheds of Kunur River Basin (KRB) has been analysed to understand the behaviour of the Kunur stream. The morphometric approach involving the analysis of multi-thematic and spatio-temporal parameters have largely helped in the logical assessment of hydrological character of the basin. The KRB is a ¿IWKRUGHUEDVLQZLWKGHQGULWLFWRVXEGHQGULWLFGUDLQDJHSDWWHUQ0RUSKRORJLFDO study substantiated by statistical and geo-spatial techniques was used in analysing the morphometric characteristics of KRB. The analysis helped to establish relationships between the morphometric characteristics of the drainage basin and its hydro-geologic parameters. The study also attempts to investigate WKHFDXVHVEHKLQGWKHKLJKLQWHQVLW\ÀRRGVLQ.5%7KHK\GURJHRORJLFDQDO\VLV provides information about the characteristics of groundwater recharging in the basin and recommends that any plan for water resource management in the KRB, should include the construction of recharging ponds and caution should be maintained during prolonged periods of heavy precipitation. Introduction parts of the world (Horton, 1932, 1945; Stra- Drainage basin is the most fundamental hler, 1952, 1957, 1964; Miller, 1953; Schu- unit of investigation in terms of geometric mm, 1956; Morisawa, 1985; Shreve, 1967; FKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIÀXYLDOODQGVFDSH0RUSKR- Scheidegger, 1967; Smart, 1968; Gardiner metry is mathematical analysis of the draina- and Park, 1978). In India, drainage basin ge basin where channel network plays a vital analysis using morphometric techniques has role in understanding the hydro-geomorpho- been done by different scholars in various logical behaviour of the drainage basin. Mor- parts of the country (Reddy et al., 2004; Tha- phometry also expresses the interrelationship kkar and Dhiman, 2007; Ahmed and Khan, between geomorphology, geology and preva- 2013; Dash et al.; 2013). However, there are iling climate of the catchment under study. few systematic studies carried out on Kunur Documentation of basin characteristics using River Basin (KRB) itself (Roy, 2013; Bandy- morphometric techniques was well known opadhyay et al., 2014) and none of the studies since early nineteenth century in various so far done on KRB has actually attempted 42 JOURNAL OF INDIAN GEOMORPHOLOGY: VOLUME 6, 2018 a correlation among the various morphome- (elevation 100 m) in the Faridpur area of tric parameters. A remarkable study has been Bardhhaman district (Fig. 1). The Kunur done on KRB by considering the entropy mo- River (23°25´ʾ1 WR Ûʾ1 DQG ÛʾE del which revealed the stage of evolution of WR Ûʾ( LV D ¿IWK RUGHU QRQSHUHQQLDO the KRB (Bandyopadhyay et al 2014). monsoon-dominated river traversing a total The geomorphometric analysis includes distance of 112 km before merging with river quantitative measurement and analysis of Ajay at Kogram (Plate 1D) as its right bank linear (stream order, stream number, stream tributary. Majority of the river course falls length, stream length ratio, bifurcation within the canal command area of Damodar ratio) and areal aspects (drainage density, river Basin covering 277 villages and three stream frequency, drainage texture, length urban areas, located partly or fully within of overland ratio, constant of channel the basin. The KRB extends over an area of maintenance, elongation ratio, circulatory about 826.50 km2 with a perimeter of 174 km ratio, form factor, shape factor) of the drainage having an elongated and asymmetrical shape. basin. The GIS platform was used for digital The basin is dominated by semi-dendritic extraction of morphometric parameters and sub parallel drainage pattern and basin from digital elevation models (SRTM DEM, elevation varies from <43 m to 100 m from 2006) Statistical analysis aids in reducing mean sea level. the correlation complexity and helping us The landscape of KRB shows great Figure 1. Location map and geological setting of the Kunur River Basin. in minimizing the error in the drainage diversity in terms of physiographic, geological basin research. The basic steps involved and pedological conditions. A fault zone runs LQ PRUSKRPHWULF DQDO\VLV DUH GH¿QLQJ through Jalangi-Debagram and Barddhaman- measuring and analyzing the quantitative :HVW*KDWDODUHDZKLFKLVSRVVLEO\UHÀHFWHG LQGLFHV UHODWHG WR ÀRZ SODQH JHRPHWU\ in the SSW–NNE course of the Kunur of KRB. The present study examines the river near Mongolkot (Bandyopadhyay et morphometric characteristics of KRB and its al., 2014). The morphometric and channel implementation. network analysis plays an important role in understanding the geo-hydrological Geographical setting of Kunur river basin behaviour of drainage basin. The Kunur river originates near Banshgara MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION USING GEO-SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE KUNUR RIVER BASIN 43 Figure 2 $ *HRORJLFDOPDSRIWKHVWXG\DUHDZLWKHQWLUH$MD\ULYHUV\VWHP PRGL¿HGDIWHU%KDWWDFKDU\D (B) Lineament map of the Kunur basin (GSI, 2015). Objectives Suite 11 and Adobe Photoshop CS6 were also The main objectives of the present study used. are: Morphometric parameters of drainage To evaluate the morphometric parameters networks such as the bifurcation ratio, of Kunur drainage basin drainage density, stream frequency, texture To understand the impact of the ratio, basin relief, ruggedness number and PRUSKRPHWULF SDUDPHWHUV RQ WKH ÀXYLDO time of concentration were evaluated with environment of KRB. established mathematical equations (Table-1). The drainage network was extracted from a Database and methods '(0 ¿J JHQHUDWHG IURP GLJLWLVLQJ WKH Survey of India topographical sheets of contours of topographical maps and prepared various editions with 1:50,000 RF were used the contours of 10-m intervals using the to create a base map. The morphometric Hydrology toolset in GIS environment. data regarding hierarchy of the drainage SRTM DEM is also used to derive and network, drainage length, drainage basin area calculate morphometric parameters as well and perimeter were extracted from the base as drainage network for the understanding of map using TNT MIPS (version Basic-2014) geo-hydrological conditions of the KRB. The which is a RS and GIS integrated software. precision of the DEM affects the accuracy Statistical software like Grapher 9 and photo of the extracted drainage network. Stream editing software like Coral Draw Graphic orders of drainage networks derived from Table 1. Data base used for morphometric analysis of Kunur river basin. Type of Material/data Details Source 73M/6, 73M/10, 73M/11, 73M/14, Topographical maps Survey of India (1971–72) 73M/15 with scale 1:50,000 Geological map Geological Map of Ajay Valley A.K. Bhattacharya, (1972) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography 3 arc sec (approximately 90 m Mission) data, 2006 resolution) 44 JOURNAL OF INDIAN GEOMORPHOLOGY: VOLUME 6, 2018 topographic maps were entered manually assigned automatically in GIS. Quantitative whilst those derived from the DEM were analysis has been done based on Survey of Figure 3. Elevation map of the Kunur River Basin based on SRTM DEM (2006). Table 2. Methodology adopted for computation of morphometric parameters. Morphometric parameters Formulae Abbreviation References Linear Aspects Stream Order (U) Strahler (1964) Nu = Total number of Stream Number (Nu) Horton (1945) streams The average length of streams of different orders in a drainage Stream length (Lu) Lu = Total length of stream Horton (1945) basin tends closely to approximate a direct geometric ratio. Mean stream length (Lsm) Lsm = Lu/Nu Lu = stream length Nu = stream Number Strahler (1964) Lu=Total stream length of Stream length ratio (Rl) RL = Lu/Lu1 order, Lu1=Total stream Horton (1945) length of its next lower order Nu1 = No of segments of the Bifurcation Ratio (Rb) Rb = Nu/Nu1 Schumm (1956) next higher order Continued MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION USING GEO-SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE KUNUR RIVER BASIN 45 Areal Aspects Lu = Total stream length of Drainage Density (Dd) Dd = Lu/A Horton (1932) order, A = Area Nu = Total no of streams, A Stream Frequency (Fs) Nu/A Horton (1932) = Area Nu = Total no of streams; p = Drainage Texture (Rt) Rt = nu/p Horton (1945) perimeter of the basin Length of over land ratio Lg = 1/2Dd Dd = Drainage density Horton (1945) (Lg) Constant of channel 1/Dd Dd = Drainage density Schumm (1956) Maintenance (C) A = Area, p = perimeter of Circulatory Ratio (Rc) 5F ʌ$S Miller (1953) the basin Form Factor (Rf) Rf = A/L2 A = Area, L = Basin length Horton (1945) Elongation Ratio ¥ $ʌ /E A = Area, Lb = Basin length Schumm (1956) India Toposheet and SRTM DEM (2006) The left bank tributaries are draining through XQFODVVL¿HG JQHLVVLF FRPSOH[ DQG WKH ULJKW Results and discussion bank lower order steams have cut their valleys Quantitative description of drainage through old and recent alluvium deposit. network and basin characteristics has Geology plays a vital role in the development been carried out for the KRB. The study of the drainage system in KRB. emphasises the use of satellite remote sensing STREAM