The Technician . North Carolina State College's Student Newspaper Vol
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The Technician . North Carolina State College’s Student Newspaper Vol. XLVI, No. 29 State College Station, Raleigh, N. C., Monday, Nov. 20, 1961 Four Pages This Issue Coronation 0t Miss Woltpac .1. Chancellor Na ed . President “t"! Of Land-Gran Association ' By Bill Bryan 1961-1962 the 68 institu- films, TV presentations, leaders of the Land-Great . tions, of which State Col- magazine articles and other movement, will prepare ma- Dr. John T. Caldwell, Chan- lege is one, will be celebrat- projects are planned. terial from the Cannes“. cellor of State College, will head ing their centennial, mark- in book form, and will ferm- the American Association of ing 100 years since the The Centennial Convocation uiate press releases, arti- Land-Grant Colleges and State signing of the Merrill Act, held at Kansas City from No- cles, and. special materieb Universities in its centennial federal legislation which vember 12 through 15 was the for magazines. It will fer- year. made possible the- estab- ,first major national event of nish publications and speak- - g a -.j; lishment of these institu- the year. The major purpose of ers for meetings of patien- y" Dr. Caldwell assumed the tions of higher learning. At , the convocation was to assess al industrial trade, lahes, 7 duties of President of the each of these colleges and and evaluate the work of the agricultural associations. It. , / Association last Thursday universities throughout the Land-Grant colleges in their is also responsible for dis- at a meeting held in Kan- country, centennial commit- work in the United States and tribution of the mass mall.I ’ . sas City, Mo. tees are developing special abroad. leaflet “The Idea e! s .5 .... events, and nationally a During the year the as- Land-Grant College." 1... ,t:__-a In a statement to The Tech- " n u m b e r of conferences, sociation will pay tribute to 'r- .. nician, Dr. Caldwell commented: t ‘" Frosh Run-OH! a! “The Association of Land- l'v ' Grant Colleges is one of the Roger Wagner Chorale Slated Tuesday o most significant educational or- To Determine ganizations in the nation, and I so naturally feel honored to be ‘ asked to serve as its president Class Officers for the next year. This oppor- tunity for service comes at \a Run-oil elections for Predsf- " time when many educational de- men officers will be held tomero' cisions of national importance row. The offices to be W3“, are being weighed and it comes are: President, Vice- ”Qatar during the centennial year of Secretary, and Treasurer. " the Land-Grant College move- ment. I look forward to the "if. Ed Bailey. 11- Julian. ‘5 months ahead.” John Atkins, and Ashley- 4;, (‘1‘at- :2 3r Morris will vie for the 21.5 The State College Chan- Presidency. Wade (Batch) 3‘ i j; {7. Miss Helen Hite, Miss Wolfpack of 1961, is shown above as cellor will direct activities Fields. Zell Porter, Cell 5 , -. v5 Amy Lu Bell Hatley, the retiring monarch, prepares to trans- of the organization during Kingson, Allen Tothill, and “a fer the crown. Miss Hite was sponsored by Becton Dormitory one of the most significant Mike Scofleld are the VJ‘. ' and escorted by IDC President Ernie Freeland. years in its history. During candidates. For secretary; -' "f. the candidates are Gels, A :‘ Eagle and Donna Peehk" 3 Glenn" Chappell and rust: Administration Releases Dorn will light for the -. '1: &M_mfi....~4_o:om;> treasurer poet. " " "- ROTC Policy Statement "Tolling places will be the same as in the previous class. By Jack Watson that, “The administration tions with compulsory pro- the College Union, CoMJSi feels that all land-grant grams.” tion: The State College Adminis- Cafeteria, Student Supply Stem. ‘ . schools have the responsi- Winston Hall, Nelson Textile .- tration forsees no policy change bility to provide for the concerning compulsory R.O.T.C. Other reasons also enter into Building, the new Gym, and the '- ‘ defense of the nation in the “compulsory” policy. Ac- Berry - Bagwell - Becton Quad- ‘ Dean J. J. Stewart, Jr., every possible manner. One cording to statistics released Pictured above is the Roger Wagner Chorale which will rangle. "is“ of the Student Aflairs Of- way of doing this is by through Dean Stewart, it is tra- appear in the Coliseum Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. This fice disclos the adminis- providing officers for the ditional to require R.O.T.C. in second attraction in the Friends of the College series is free The Senators were eleet- .3121. tration’s point of view con- armed services through the land-grant schools. Out of fifty- to all students and their dates. ed in the first election. cerning the recent contro- R.O.T.C. program; and, ac- nine responses of a survey of versy“ over the college’s cording to studies that the military programs of the military program. In an- have been made, schools around seventy-three land-grant t swering the question “Why having voluntary R.O.T.C. schools in the nation, only three have compulsory R.O.T.C.?” turn out considerably few- institutions, the University of Company To Present Play Here ,. ‘ Dean Stewart remarked er olficers than do institu- Minnesota, Utah State Univer- By Cecil Hamilton is to use no sets and few props, Arts Search Party of the "$3.1: sity, and the Massachusetts In- The Bishop’s Company of and to engage the audience in State College YMCA 5 r5"" stitute of Technology do not re- dramatization. The Great sponsoring the appearance ., " Contest Santa Barbara, California will the Sigma Chi Wins Decorations quire military training as part appear on the State College Divorce is only one of the six of the Bishop's Com . of the curriculum. It is also of carefully-selected plays in the There will be no adm " -' ”’52-“ "i..." . 3., Campus on Thursday, November some interest to note that, ac- 30 at Danforth Chapel, to pre- company’s repitoire. charge, and all members "4 " cording to this survey, many of sent a dramatization of C. S. the State College cemmlnl- ’ these schools, especially those Lewis’ novel, The Great The Christianity and the ty are welcome. classified as technical institu- Divorce. tions, give only partial credit, if According to C. S. Lewis. any at all, for the advanced the residents of Hell make course in military. This is not an annual bus excursion to the case at N. C. State where the borders of Heaven. In full credit is given toward grad- this story, “man" goes uation for all military courses. along as an observer on this unusual holiday so that he Dean Stewart also point- might discover the “great ed out that the Department divorce" between Heaven of Defense is now re-evalu- and Hell. sting all R.O.T.C. policy with the very distinct pos- The Bishop’s Company is a sibility that in the near fu- group of young and enthusiastic ture a very sizeablegt'llblar- actors dedicated to the task of ship may be olfered for all ending the separation between through with a first p e students taking R.O.T.C. It gchurch and stage. Phyliss Ben- " The Sigma Chi Fraternity came is very conceivable that it entry in the homecoming decorations contest for its fern-kint . i rbow Beardsley founded the I may soon become necessary ,group in 1952 and named it in trophy in the past five years. The Sig entry featured a 14-foot to make the military here action replica of the Woifpack’s “Big Tom" 'Dellinger chasing ‘ Qhonor of"Methodist Bishop Ger. wing-flapping 7-foot Gamecock down the gridiron. The dis- . at State College selective gald Kennedy. Since then, the “Man" looks over his fellow bus passengers before play required approximately 900 man and woman-hours and , rather than compulsory be- company has travelled 600,000 on an excursion trip from hell to the eetehlrte ef " 30,000 pgper napkins for construction. Alpha Gamma Rho and ; cause of the possibility of miles in the United States and The Bishop’s Company production of C. 8.‘ Lambda Chi Alpha had runner-up entries. (See DEAN. page I) ,Canada. The troupe’s technique “The Great Divorce". .- LITTLE MAN O N CAMPUS rue vacuulcun @’7/ \‘ \ ti- ' a4 T , lined-20,196! 0<~ ml // -’ we. .5 a 4 flienka,_Not Turkey ‘ . Salli Terri ' can 3: . mum? Salli Terri is a soprano solo- created 'vocal arrangemeiits. h”: almost turkey us. down South, and State Col- ist with the famous Roger Wag- taught high school in Kyoto and ‘ students, like everyone else, are looking forward to ner Chorale scheduled to per- Tokyo in Japan, written a news- ( fromwork. 4 form at the William Neal Rey- paper column on education, sung ‘ '7 v‘. I‘ nolds Coliseum on November 21 with the Wagner Chorale‘ for story gees that Thanksgiving started back in under the auspices of “The Queen Elizabeth’s Caronation " , fmlonial times, when the settlers were so grateful for a Friends of the College”. festivities, and, with guitarist .Indian troubles that they 4% #1» harvest and a lack of Ever since her college days as Laurindo Almeida, and has won m to eat and pray. That is a fine way to a full-time student at Detroit’s two coveted “Grammys” from 7amdany day; the thought behind the occasion made it the National Academy of 30-: .\.\ Wayne University when she i very worthwhile. A \\ doubled or tripled as a member cording Arts and Sciences. of a sixteenovoice chorus on a The two records that won the Over two centuries have passed since that day,and the Detroit radio station, served as latter award were “Duets with ' motives 'ble for the event have more or less choir director in a Swedish Lu- Spanish Guitars” and “Conver- ‘ faded from the bright holiday known as Thanksgiving.