BY BEV- .A__ J" _ F.RETZ, OF MILTON, N. J. With an introduction by ELI WISMER, of Plumstead,~'.Pa.

1993. MENNONITE PUBLISHING CO., ELKHART, IND. Entered, according to net or Congress, In the y.,..r li,18, By A. J. FRETZ, MILTON, !ii. J., In the Office of the Librarian o!Congresa at Washington.

~. ....


We Peqic~te this Book- To the ffiemory of our Worthy Ahcesfors, J~col:> Wismer ~"q D~""Y• his wife.

t I I


A number of the ·Wismer connection in Bucks Co., Pa., Canada, and elsewhere, desiring a history of the Wismer family compiled for publication in book form, requested us to undertake the work, and as a mark of favor and kindness towards those friends, we kindly consented. As is usually the case, in the compiling of family genealogies, tt 'l work is not as complete as it should be, owing to the failure of some of the connections to respond to . our communications to furnish us with their family records, and other information they pos- sessed. · We feel indebted to xw,ny of the friends for their kindness in furnishing information for this genealogy. Prominent among those who have interested them­ selves in the work, and given us valuable aid, by fur­ nishing us much information are: Eli Wismer. Plum­ stead, Pa.; Aaron Wismer, Jordan Sta., One.; Reu­ ben W. Kratz, Pomona, Kans; H. W. Gross, Doyles­ town, Pa.; Samuel Nash, Doylestown, Pa.; Till­ man W. Moyer, Campden, Ont., and others.

.Milton, .N. J., 189J. Tm:Aumo:a.


Deeds of great men live long after them. Monu­ ments rear their lofty heads to perpetuate their mem­ ory or commemorate some remarkable events iri which they moved as leading factors. Historical vol­ umes hand down to future generations the details df their achievements as monarchs before whom natioris trembled and vanished; as warriors whose word of command spread death ana desolation through the world; as statesmen whoso political abilities pro­ claimed liberty to millions of tho human race, and as religious reformers who suffered persecution and mnrtyrdom that the light of Gospel doctrine mi~ht shine over the whole earth and dispel the darkness of superstition,-the idle fancies, rigor or excessive ex­ actness in religious opinions and practices. · In introducing this volume tirthe descendants of our pioneer American ancestor, we do not claim for him any famous deeds as a man of renown, but a no­ ble courage and a virtuous and exemplary character, embodied in a person, who never rose above a hum­ ble position in life, which. if stro_ngly forme~l in t_he pe<'ple of a nation, docs more towards promoting its µrosperity and welfare than the courage an1l charac­ ter of many men of fame. - VIII - Any one somewhat acquainted with the early history of our country well knows, that tho principal motive that letl many people from different parts of Europe to come to America, was to escape from tho various religious persecutions which they had to en­ dure in their native countries. That our ancestor, Jacob Wismer, who settled in Bucks Co., Pa., about one hundred and seventy years ago, was one of those who abandoned the land of their births, and faced the dangers and hardships which confronted the early settlers in the New World, we have reason to believe; not from a positive knowledge of facts prior to his arrival in America, but from subsequent events in connection with the organization of the Mennonite Congregation at Deep Run, of which he was one of the leading originators.

It is not only a pious but an instructive task, to collect and preserve the memorial of our ancestor who, in making himself a home in the wilderness, also complied with the Divine command to the ances­ tor of the human f:unily, and laid the foundation of a family, in number, of thousands, whose members are now spread far and wide over the United States and Canada. People who fail to appreciate and cherish the virtues and e~mplary deeds of their ancestors, however humble their position or insignificant their acts, are not likely to transmit anything worthy of remembrance or imitation to their descendants.

Let us pavse and reflect. Let us draw a compar­ ison of the period of our ancestor in the " father­ land," and the land of his adoption. Persecutions and intolerance in the Old World. Savages and for­ ests in the New. -IX- How the beurts of our fathers must have beat with mingled joy and sadness when they bade adieu to their native land and set sail for the New World. Behind them the homes of their births and rulers in­ tolerant and oppressive. Before them the vast ocean and a land of liberty of conscience. What a contrast they must have felt after having been established in their new homes on American soil; no more bound down by the whims and caprices of tyrannical kings and rulers. These wore the preliminaries that our family encountered. Few of us have tasted hardships like unto bis. All of'us may enjoy the gifts, the ben­ efits and the advantages which promote our temporal prosperity and welfare, or seenre our immortal felic­ ity. Surely such blessings should awaken the grat~­ tude of all who partake thereof. Representatives· of the family fill many impor­ tant and prominent positions in the walk of life. They may be found, not only among the tillers of the soil and mechanics, but also among teachers of our public schools, and ministers of the Gospel; among the medical and legal professions, among editors and publishers of religious and secular papers, and among professors of advanced institutions of learning. Turning over the leaves of this volume may be a melancholy task to some of us. Therr- are names in it that revive no remembrance of those that bore them: and there are others which bring before us ve1y distinctly the forms and faces with which we were once familiar. Many of the names have long ago been chiseled on the grave-stones of their own­ ers, to remind us of friends whose book of life wa~ closed long ago. There are also names that belong to those who are still living and some of whom are Yery -X- dear to us. It is rather a humiliating reflection that this thing of rags and sheepskin will outlast many _generations of us. In the course of time its leaves will become discolored with age, and all will decay. But of the human volume it is only tho binding that decays. The contents are immortal, and if found worthy will re-appear with rare embellishments where the mildew of time can never mar them.

ELI WISMER. Pl1emsteadville, Pa., Jan. 1893. LIST OF E.ULANATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS. In the preparation of this work it will be observed that nil descendants are recorded in the regular order of birth, from the oldest to the youngest, each generation being marked consecutively from first to last. The Roman numer­ als placed before each name indicates the generation to which they belong, as:- I. Jacob Wismer (First generation). II. Jacob Wismer (Second generation). Ill. Rev. Abraham Wismer (Third generation). IV. Barbara Wismer (Fourth generation). Beginning with the first (I) 11.Ilcestor, Jacob Wismer, all his children are named in the order of birth as near as possible. Then follows his oldest son, Jacob Wismer (II. Generation), 11.Ild his children (III. Generation) next. Rev. Abraham, being the oldest, is followed down to the last of his descendants; then the second in order of birth o!' them. Generation, and so on until the end of the entire bmnchjof' Jacob Wismer of the II. Generation is reached. Then the second child of Jacob Wismer of the I. Generation, viz.: Elizabeth (Wismer) Angeny (II. Generation), is carried down In 1!1'e manner to the last of her descendants, aud so on throughout the entire connt!Ction. · Wliere marriages occur between ·members -of the con­ nection, the hushll.Ild carries the record. In all such cases a numbered reference is pl.a.ced after name and marriage of the wife, as, for example: (See Index of References No. l)~ In the Index of References will be found No. 1. Catharine Gross, Page -. On the page given, in the body of the book, the family records will be found. In the General Index will be found the names of all the descendants of eighteen years and over, also the pages on which their family records a.re given In the body of the book. To find family records see Index of Branches, where names of all that had issue of the first, second, third and fourth generations a.re given. Abbreviations: Mrd. signifies Married; bn. born; Dec'd. Deceased; S. Single; Montg. Co. Montgomery Co.; Twp. Township; ch. church; Menn. Mennonite; Ev. Ass'n. Evan­ gelical Association; Presby. Presbyterian; Luth. Lutheran; Ger. Ba.p. German Baptist; Ger. Ref. Germau Reformed; l\Ieth. Ep. Methodist Episcopal; Cong. Congregationalist.


I. Jacob Wismer, ancestor of the numerous fam­ ily of that name in Bucks and Montgomery Com.ties Pa., and other portions of the United States and Can­ ada, was born in Germany about 1684, and died in Bedminster Township, Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 4-, 1787 in his one hnn

*W. W. H. Davis' History of Backs Co., states tbnt he .-migrnted to North Carolina, where he lived ten years, etc. -2- dred and thirty of them perished. That he had been among the unfortunate emigrants in this German set­ tlt:ment is not in the ]east improbable, although there is no positive proof that such was the case. .A tradi­ tion of the family says, that a sister accompanied him to .America. that after they settled, the .Indians fell upon them and killod,1:be former, the latter held out some tobacco before the savages, which caused their savage nature to yield to such an extent that he was enabled to make his escape. It is said that after he made his escape he walked and ran ninety miles in one day. He traveled north as far as By berry in Phil­ adelphia County, Pa., from whence he later, moved to Bucks County. The motive that impelled tho Wismer ancestor to these shores is not known, but undoubtedly was on acrount of religious persecution which raged in the father-land, and which was the chief cause of the emigration in those early days of so many of the pio­ neer fathers to the New World where no cruel porse­ cution was waged against the devout worshipers of God. Hore was a refuge for the oppressed people of God. of other nations, and hither they came by the thousands where they might worship God under the bright sun of religious freedom, untrammeled and unoppressed. .As to his nationality, it bas been insisted upon by some that be was an Englishman, but of this there is no proof in fact. On the contrary, evidence point more directly and conclusively to German nation­ ality. The fact of his having been a member of a dis­ tinctively German church is strong evidence in favor of Germany having been the father-land. -3- Tbe deed of William Allen to the denomination of Mennonites for fifty acres of Lmd at Deep Run, was drawn in favor of six persons, who are named in the deed as being members of said denomination and who are supposed to have been the principal or lead­ ing originators of the Deep Run congregation. Among , the six was ,Jacob Wismer, who, we have,cvery reason to believe was the ancestor, or Jacob the first, and which shows that he was a Mennonite, and worshiped with German people, and from which we infer that he himself was a German. Also the fact that there are now in the United States, Wismers who were born in Germlilly and Switzerland, and that there are to this day Wismers still residing in those countries is strong · evidence · against the Bucks County ancestor's having been kn Englishman. An 11ged lady still living in Bucks Co., a great­ granddaughter of Mark Wismer, son of Jacob the first, rel11tas that she beard the oldest of her ancestors say that Jacob Wismer came from Germany. She also says that among her great-grandfather Mark Wismer's books, was an old German Bible, strongly bound, with brass plates and clasps, that had belonged to Jacob Wismer, and contained a record of bis family. After Mark's death the Bible came into the pos­ session of an aunt to the lady referred to, and later was owned by herself, and was finally' destroyed by fire during the burning of her house. Jacob Wismer was the first white man to settle upon the tract he purchased in Bucks County. Tradition says that tho party who brought him from Byberry unloaded family and effects under a big -4- tree in the woods, and on leaYing him gave the fol­ lowing tart advice, "Now Wismer work or die." In what· year he settled in Bucks County is not positively known, but is supposed to have been in 1726, in which·year the first sum of money was pa.id by the Leeches. According to the contract of Penn and Alcok, the rent on the tract did not become due until the tract bad become occupied, hence there is eYidenco of considerable weight showing the time of settlen· ·_. 1t to have been as stated. The tract on which Jacob Wismer settled in Bucks County, previous to his purchasing it, was comprised of 375 acres, and which William Penn Pro­ prietor _and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, granted and conveyed by indenture on the 16th of July 1691, unto one Jeffrey Alcok of Ordslvford, County of Chester, Kingdom of England. .A.look was held by the same indenture under a yearly rent of one shilling for every one hunilred acres, to become due and payable as soon as occupied. On the 6th of February 1723 Alcok granted and conveyed thii same tract to Peter Dicks of Upper Providence Chester Co., Pa.. under.the same rent as Alcok. On May 22, 1725, Dicks granted and conveyed the same tract to John Leech of Philadelphia, and his brother Isaac Leech. of Cheltenham Twp., Philadelphia Co. Up to this time the tract had been unoccupied and indefinitely lQcated (in the Province of Pennsylvania towards the Susqueh:mria river). By order of Jaco:t> Taylor surveyor general under date of. January 28, 1726, ·the aforesaid tract was located, surveyed and laid out unto Leech and brother by Thomas Watson, County surveyor on the 3d of February 1726, and for which they probably paid £60 lawful money of Sigl'\atures of Jacob al'\d Nal'\l'\H Wisl'T\er

-5- America, and which was the first sum paid for the eutiro tract. On Apr. 29, 1727 John Leech granted and con­ veyed hi'! share of the trnct unto his brother Isaac, who in his will, bearing date Oct. 14, 1744 authorized and empowered his wife Rebecca, and brother Thomas Leech to convey to Jacob Wismer, and other persons in the will named, the 375 acres. On May· 17, 1749, Rebecca Leech and Thomas Leech gavE' title to Jacob Wismer of Bedminster Township, Bnc•ks County, Pennsylvania for 210 acres being the south western portion of the 375 acre tract, and for which be paid £100 lawful money. On the 12th of April 1773, ,Jacob Wismer sold the tract to his son Henry of Hilltown for .t:500 which was to be paid in installments after bis (Jacob's) den,th. to bis nine children. About the same time be made/ i;. will in which he stated the time when the share oi each should become due after his death. The amount of £54: 12 s. 6 pence was the sum that fell to each of the nine h~rs; viz., Jacob, Mark, Ahraham, Daniel, John, Christian, Mary; Elizabeth sud Nanny. Henry the purchaser of the Homestead received no share of the £500. Jacob Wismer's son Henry, and son-in-law Henry Kephart, were appointed executors of his estate. · The old Homestnad is divided into six tracts and occupied as follows,- Abraham Wismer, a great great-grandson of Jacob Wismer, and great-grandson of Henry Wismer of the second generation, owns the old homestead with 72 acres; Samuel Wismer, brother to Abraham Wismer mentioned above, owns and re­ sides npon a tract of 49½ acres on the S. W. and 6 or 8 acres S. E. of the homestead belong to David K. Landis; William D. High, is tho owner of 90 acres 2 -6- on the N. E.; Jncoh M. Rush, owns 5 ncrcs which is surrounded on three sides by the High t1·nct, nnd Jncob D. Swartz owns 11 ucrcs S."\Y. of High's trnct. Towurds the close of his life his occupution wns tbnt of wheelwright, nnd which he muy have car­ ried on in connection with farming for mu.ny years. He is said to have had three wives, untl WllS mur­ ried to his third wife ufter coming north about 1720, and with whom he lived 6i y.eurs, she heing 84: years old at the time of his death. Her Christian name was "Nanny," :md she was the mother of all his children. Her maiden name is unknown, but it is known that the children and gmndcbildren received legacies from one Jacob Sowder, and it is presumed that she WllS the daughter of Jacob Sowder. *A pear tree raised from a seed which had been planted by Nanny is still standing on the homestead a living monument to the memory of the distinguished couple. Thirty five years ago it was the most mag­ nificent tree known in that vicinity. In wonder and astonishment, it is said, runny a mortal stood gazing at its stately form and admiring its magnitude, a strange contrast to its primitive state. Age and storms have overcome its strength, and greatly rc­ duc.:ed uncl diminished its former usefulness and noble appearance. It is not known that Jacob Wismer ever held any official position in the county or township, but he was a petitioner for the new To,vnship of Bedminster, as the "Jacob Weismore," signed to the petition for the township in 174.1 was no doubt meant for Jacob Wismer.

*Extroct from sketch of Wismer family, by Ell Wismer, of Plumstead, Pa. -7- At tho time of his clouth ho hnd one hundred nnd seventy children nnrl grnndchildren. Although living to tho great age of 103 years, he retained his mind until within about two months, noel could walk out nucl dress and undress himself within about two weeks of his death. The remains of himself and wife .were no doubt lai

II. Jacob Wismer,* bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1721. Mrd. Margaret -. The dates of death of him­ self and wife are not known. He received his portion of his father's estate in 1783. Lived in -Plumstead Twp. at what is known as the burnt mill, where he followed the occupation of miller. Children: Abra­ ham, Isaac, Anna, Mary, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary, Barbara, Hannah, Margaret. Ill. Rev. Abraham Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Aug. 21, 1746. Mrd.-. He was fomiliarlv known as Abraham Wismer, the "lonit~eard." • It is related that as he and bis nephew, 1v1artin Overholt, were coming near where a number of people were gath­ ered, some one among the crowd seeing his long snowy white beard, inquired, "What is that coming there·~,, and another replied, "Why, that is preacher Wismer; he has swallowed a white horse and that is its tail hanging out of his mouth." Martin Overholt, who heard the remark, became very angry, and was about taking off his coat to resent the insult when his ~~andfather laid his hand on his shoulder, holding mm back, saying, "Du musst nicht fechten." Abra­ ham Wismer was ordained to the ministry of the Mennonite church at Deep Run, where he served as one of the ministers. Children: Barbu.ra, Margaret, Elizst beth, Hannah, Magdalena.

* Jacob Wismer's old family Bible, printed in Numberj, Germany, in 1736! containing his family records, is now m the possa,sion of nis great-grandson, Jacob L. Shaddinger, of Hilltown, Pa. -9- IV. Barbara Wismer, bn. April 9, 1778; died Aug. 21, 1854. Mrd. Rev. Christian Gross, Apr. 26, 1803. He was born Dec. 24, 1776; died July 22, 1865. Farmer and minister. Menn. Children: Abraham, Jacob, Mary, John, Christian, Isaac. V. Abraham Gross, born Feb. 12, 1805; died June, 1853. s. V. Jacob Gross, bn. Jan. 29, 1807. Mrd. Mary Over­ holt in 1830. She died-. P. 0., Fountainville, Pa. Farmer, weaver and school-teacher. Menn. Chil­ dren: Margaret, Christian, Isaac. VI. Margaret Gross, bn.-; died-. S. VI. Christian A. Gross, born July 8, 1835. Mrd. Anna M. Moyer, Feb. 7, 1866. P. 0., Landis·dlle, N. J. Farmer and teacher. Ev. A1os'n. Children: (VII.) Lizzie R. Gross, bn. Sept. 22, 1872. (VII,) Mary Jane Gross, bn. Dec. 9, 1874. (VII.) Jacob W. Gross, bn. June 26, 1879. (VII.) David B. Gross, bn. Mar. 2, 1883. VI. Isaac M. Gross, bn. Oct. 28, 1837. Mrd. Jane it. ·Carroll, Dec. 31, 1868. P. 0., Kirksville. Mo. Teacher. Presby. One child: (VII.) Marv Carroll Gross, bn. Feb. 9, 1870. V. Mary Gross, born Nov. 4, 1810. Mrd. Abraham Leatherman-. P, 0., Seville, 0. No. issue. V. Rev. John Gross, hn, Dec. 3, 1814. Mrd. Cath­ arine Wismer,-. P. 0., Plmnsteadville, Pa. Farmer and minister. He was ordained to the ministry of the Menn. ch. at Deep Run in 1852, where be is still en­ gaged in the active work of the ministry. Children: Abraham, Mary. VI. -, bn.-; died. -VI. Abraham C. Gross, bn. Jan. 13, 1844. Mrd. Sarah, dau,ghter of. Rev. Samuel Godshall, Oct. 1, 1865. P. 0., Plnmstcadville, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) William S. Gross, bn. Oct. 10, 1866. Farmer. S. (Vl!,'1 Catharine Gross, bn. Dec. 8, 1867. Mrd. Abraham W. Shaddinger. (See Index of Refer­ ences No. 1.) (VII.) Mablon Gross, bn. Sept. 1, 1873. Teacher. S. (VII.) Jacob Gross, bn. Nov. 9, 1879. VI. Mary Gross, bn. July 18, 1848. Mrd. Samuel Gayman. (See Index of References No. 2.) -10- v. Christian Gross, bn. Jnly 10, 181i; died Jnn. 25, 1838. s. V. Is1111c Gross, bn. July 18, 1821. l\lrd. Deborah \Vismet·. Jan 15, 1852: Furmer. .Menn. Children: David, S11m11el, Sumh, Mary, Burburn, Tobias, John, Ephruim.-Mrd. s1:coml wife, Annie Smith (widow Dn·ks) of Rnssitt,-. Chil1lren: Isanc, Alfred. VI. D1wicl Gross, bn. Oct. 16, 1852; rlio, 18;;,1. He was bn. Feb. 10, 1830; -11- dicd June 12, 1870. Blacksmith. Menn. Children: (VII.) Lannh Markley, bu. Fob. 26, 1858. (VII.) Re­ becca Mnrkley, hn. Oct. 31, 1859;

hn. Feb. 13, 1883. (VIII.) Harold L. Overholt, born Dec. 27, 1887. VII. Leah Overholt, bn. Nov. 9, 1856;

-21- hn. Mar. 31, 1864. P. 0., Wadsworth, Ohio. Clerk. Monn. (VII.) Augusta Hunsberger, born Apr. 22, 1867. VI. Judith Ovorholt, born Sept. 22, 1831. Mrd. Abraham Fry, Oct. 27, 1867. Farmer in Barry Co., ~Iich;, M?nn. Children;.. (VII.) Charles Fry, bn. Jun. ,3, 1811; cltod May 26, 18,3. (VII.) Anna E. Fry, bn. Nov. 14, 1875. VI. Anthony Ove1·holt, bn. in Ohio, Mur. 4, 1834. l\frcl. Hannah N11Sh, in 1857. P. 0., Wadsworth, 0. Furmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Elminu Overholt, bn. Muy 16, 1858; died Mur. 1859. (VII.) Twin boys, bn. nnil died Dec. 26, 1859. (VII.) Ida Overholt, bn. June 21, 1863. (VII.) Mincrvn Overholt, bn. Jun. 1, 1865. (VII.) Reuben Overholt, born .Apr. 4, 1868. (VII,) Alvcrnu Overholt, bn. Mar. 2, 1872. VI. Joseph Overholt, bn. Nov. 30, 1836; died in 1838. VI. Simeon Overholt, born Oct. 25, 1838. Mr~. Almirn F. Miller, Mur. 27, 1862. She died in Oct. 1875. P. 0., Nashville, Mich. Meth. Children: (VII.) Lucy Ellen Overholt, bn. in Elkhart Co., Ind., Mur. 13, 186-1:. Mrd. Jacob H. Hocknthorne, June 27, 1888. Cushier in M. C. Freight office at Marshall, Mich. Meth. (VII.) John Wesley Overholt, born Sept. 28, 1865. Meth. S. (VII.) :Francis Asbury Overholt, born Aug. 27, 1870. S. (VII.) Elizabeth Overholt, bn. in 1873; died aged 1 your. VI. Eli Overholt, bn. Jun. 23, 1841. Mrcl. Cuthu­ rin.e Baughman, Oct. 6, 1869. She died :Nov. 23, 1877. Children: (VII.) Olive Bolio Overholt, born Aug. 19, 1870. (VII.) Albert O\·erholt, bn. Sept. 6, 1872. Eli mrcl. second wife Marv E. Millar (widow) Sept. 11, 1881. Children: (Vll.f Arthur B. Overholt, bn. Mar. 11, 1883; died Aug. 26, 1883. (VII.) Flossy M. Overholt, bn. Muy 2, 1889. Mr. Overholt enlisted in Co. H., 29th Rei't, 0. V. V. I., Oct. 23, 1861, fought in battles or Winchester, Port Republic and Chancellorsville, Va. He was captured by the enemy at Port Republic, and imprisoned at Belle Isle about 3 months. He was wounded at Chancellorsville and was dischlll'ged Dec. 3, 1863. Hus served as post- s - 22 - mnsto1· nt \Vnd,nvorth, Ohio, under the 11dmini1,tl'll­ tions of Omnt, l-foyi,1:1, Gurtiold 11ml I-forri.ion. VI. ,Jacob L. 01'1Jrlwlt, horn Mat·. 23, 18.J..J.. Mrd. Ellen Shownltcr, in 181.18. l'. 0., \Vudi;worth, Ohio. 1◄'01·cmu11 in pinning mill. Uhildrcn: (VII.) Mnry Overholt. (VII,) Emmu Overholt. V. Joi;eph Overholt, Im. -; died -. Mnl. Annn Dinstuum, Nov. 8, 1827. Shoemnker und former. D1111kurdt1. Uhildrcn: ,Tonns, Mnrgurct, Fnnniu, Bcn- jmnin, H1mry. , VI. Jonnl'! Ovel'l10lt, hn. in Mcdinn Uo., Ohio, Oct. 2, 1828; ditid Mnr. !I, 188H. Mrd. Snmh Ann Menus, in 1850. Shu died -. Moved to Iowu in 1854. Cur­ punter 1111d fnrmor. Ub1·istiuns. Children: Bcnjumin, Nettie, Hcmy, ll'll, ,Josc/1h, Eli. VII. Bcnjumin l◄'. Ovnr JOit, Im. in Modinn Co., 0. Dec. 3, 1851. l\frd. Mary A. Morgun, Mnr 12, 1877. Stock breeder in Iowu. Children: (VIII,) Gmco Ger­ trmlo Overholt. bn. Apr. 30, 1878. (VIII.) Eldorn Myrtle Overholt, Im. ,July +. 1880. (VIII.) Olivo Pourl Overholt, bn. Jnno 12, 1887. VII. Antoinottu Overholt, Im. in Mept. 12, 1871. Soon after mar­ ri:t,!!'e they moved to Meclina Co., Ohio, bon~ht a 160- acrc tract of woodland upon which they settled in the wilderness and cnguacd in farmin,!!', Menn. Children: Jaco_h, Elizahcth, Henry, Mary, Dnniel, Hannuh, Anme, Snsannn, Ahrnham. VI. Jacob L. Leatherman, hn. in Medina Co .• 01,io, i\far. 7, 1884. :Mrd. Elhmbcth. daughter of John Swartz, ,T:tn. 27. 186i. P. 0. Pipcrsvillc. Pu. His hoyhood was spent ut home with his p:1rents. niding in clearing the land uncl rnnninir_ the saw mill. At the a)l'e of 21 he learnecl tlw carpenter's trade which he followed until he married. In 18(;4 he was drafted -28-

in tho army, but e1·0<.mrcd II snhstitntc. He afterwards came to Bucks Co., Pa., 11nd in 1872 pnrclrnscd the farm of Israel D. Fox, ncnr Pipersvillc, where he still resides. Menn. Children: (VII.) Annie S. Leath­ erman, bn. Dec. 2-1, 186i; nrs, after which tl1ey: purchased n farm in Riehland Twp., Allen Co., 10., and moved thereon in 1887. Menu's. Children: (VII.) Henry W. Eby, bn. Mnr. 28, 1872. Menn. (VII.) Clara D. Eby, bn. May 9, 1873. Menn. (VII.) Har­ vey L. Eby, hn. Oct. -1-, 187-1-. (VII.) M. AmnndnEby, hn. Jun. 10, 1876. Menn. (VII.) l~mmn L. Eby, bn. Dec. 22, 1876. (VII.) Samuel L. Eby, bn. Apr. 23, 1878. (VII.) Ada L. Ehy, bn. Mny 31, 1881. VI. Abraham L. Leatherman, bn. Mar. 19, 1&1-9; died l\for. 30, 18-1-9. V. Daniel Landis, hn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jnnc 10, 1815; died in Ohio, June 28, 1852.. Mrd. Mary Lan­ dis.-. She was born in Lancaster Co., 0., July 20, 1810; ' '!rachine agent. Luth. One child: (VIII.) Anna MabEil. !::ilnnker, bn. Jnne 29, 1889. • -32- VII. Harvey Anson Moyers, bn. Doc. 29, 1853. Mrd. Alice B. Miller, in 1876. P. 0., Western Star, Ohio. Farmer. Children: (VIII.) Franklin A. Mvers, hn. Mar. S, 1 ~ii. (VIII.) Freddie H. Myers, bn. Sept. 2!l, 1878. (VIII.) Sndie M. .Myers, bn. June 18, 1881. (VIII.) M11ttie S. Myers, bn. Ang. 23, 1884. (VIII.) Huttio L. Myers, Im. Sept. 6. 1887. (VIII.) Elsie C. Myers, lJn. Jun. 21. 1889. (VIII.) Vernie J. Myers, bn. Dec. 20, 1890. VII. Owen Franklin Myers, Im. Mny 7, 1857. Mrd. Alice Helmich, .Mnr. 20, 1889. P. 0 .. Akron, Ohio. Clerk. lier. Ref. Children: (VIII.) E1ldie Alpheus Myers, bn. Juno 26, 1880. (VIII.) Bertha Mny Myers, bn. Oct. 2fi, 1881. (VIII.) George William Myers, bn. June 26, 1887. VI. Eliza Meyers, hn. Nm·. 3, 1822; died May 25, 1S69. Mrd. Tobins Kreider, ,Jun. 8. 1846. P. 0., Wa,lswortb. 0. Carpenter. Menn. Children: Snrah, S11snnnn, .Mnry, Emeline, LC\·i, Lucinda, Amandn, Pricilla. VII. Sarub Ann Kreider, hn. Miiy 23. 18!8; died Jnnc, 1876. Mrd. George Beery. P. 0., Bronson, Mich. VII. Snsnnnu Kreider, bn. Sept. 28, 1850. Mrd. Willis E. Van Alstinc,-. P. 0., Shipshewana, Ind. Photographer. Children: (VIII.) Charles Guy Van Alstinc, bn. Nov. 2, 1873. (VIII.) Nettie .Mand Van Alstine, bn. Jan. 8, 1875. (VIII.) Coru Bell Van Al­ stine, bn. Feh. 17, 1877. (VIII.) Willis Edwin Van Alstinc, bn. :Feb. 7, 1879. (VIII.) Claud Edgar Van Alstinc, bn. Feb. 10, 1881. (VIII.) Lucinda .May Van Alstine, bn. Feb. 22, 1883. (VIII.) Lee Coe Van Al­ stine, bn. Sept. 5, 1885. (VIII.) Philip Lalcy Van Al­ stine, bn. Oct. 15, 1887. (VIII.) Mary Frances Van Alstine, bn. Mar. 3, 1889. (VIII.) Fred Frank Van Alstine, bn. Feb. 9, 1890. VII . .Mary Matrdalena Kreider, bn. Jan. 26, 1853; died Apr. 17, 1865. VII. Ernaline Kreider, bn. Sept. 2, 1855; died Fob. 10. 1857. VII. Levi Kreider, bn. Nov. 13, 1857. Mrd. Rebecca Keller, June 4:, '1881. P. 0., Nappanee, Ind. Cahi- -33- not maker. Ono child: (VIII.) Lydia L. Kreider, bn. Juno 27, 1882. VII. Lncind11 Kreider, bn. July 15, 1860. Mrd. Dexter E. Wilder, Oct. 10, 1886. P. O., Orland, Ind. Farmer. Children: {VJII.) Bessie Wilder, bn. Doc. G, 1888. (VIII.) Jesse Wilder, bn. Apr. 19, 1890. (VIII.) Charles E.enry Wilder, bn. June 2, 1891. VII. Amanda Kreider, bn. in Ind. June 8, 1863. Mrd. Christian Greenenwald. He was bn. in Ger­ m:tny, Sept. 21, 1859. Rei:., Chica..,.o, Ill. Carpen­ ter. Lutll. Children: (VIII.) Bertha ~reenenwnld, bn. Aug. 26, 1879. (VIII.) Rudolph Grocnenwald, bn. Fob. 20, 1881. (VIII.) Saruh Greenemvnld, bn. Mar. 30, 1883. (VIII.) Freddie Greenenwuld, bn. Apr. 27, 1885. (,VIII.) Albert Greenenwnld, bn. May 11, 1887. (VIII.) Christena Grcenenwnld, bn. Nov. 8, 1889. , Vil. Pricilla Kreider, bn. June 5, 1866. Mrcl. Eu- 15ene Moore, Nov. 2-1-, 1887. P.O., Elida, 0. Farmer. lVlenn. Children: (VIII.) Laban Miles Moore, bn. flee. 7, 1888; died Dec. 16, 1888. (VIII.) Levi Tobini:. Moo1·e, bn. Nov. 1, 1889. VI. Sarah Meyers, bn. in Bucks Co., Pu., Sept. 19, 1836. Mrd. Daniel Friedt, Jun. 1, 1857. P. 0., Blake, O. Farmer. Menn. Children: Lavina, Eme­ line, Elias, Noah, Malinda, David, Samuel, Daniel, Snlome. Vil. Lavina Friedt, bn. Sept. 14, 1858. Mrd. Henry Houseworth, Nov. 21, 1878. P. 0., Poe, Ohio. La­ borer. Children: (VIII.) Norman Houseworth, bn. Doc. 5, 1879. (VIII.) Freddie Houseworth, bn. Feb. 18, 1881; died Aug. 18, 1881. (VIII.) Sadie House­ worth, bn. Nov. 21, 1882. (VIII.) William House­ worth, bn. Jun. 19, 1890. VII. Emeline Friedt, bn. Sept. 16, 1861. VII. Elias Friedt, bn. Sept. 14, 1863. Mrcl. Lizzie­ Lcshcr, Feb. 14, 1891. P. 0., Acme, 0. Carpenter. VII. Noah Friedt, bn. May 7, 1866. Vil. Malinda Friedt, bn. Sept. a, 1869. Mrd. Charles Hcnshue, Feb. 14, 1891. P. 0., River Styx, Ohio. Farmer. Luth. Vil. David Friedt, bn. Dec. 15, 1872. VII, Samuel Friedt, bn. Nov. 10, 1874. -34- Vll. Dnniol Friedt, bn. Jnly 28, 187i; died .Fob. 21, 1880. VII. S11lomo Friedt, Im. Muy 23, 1882. VI, Euwlinu .Meyors, Im. in Medina Co., Ohio, Aug. 14, 1s;w . .Mrd. D11vi(! Nold, Oct. 13, 18/ll. l'. O., Elkh11rt, Ind. C11rpontor in L11ko Shoro R. R. shops. Monn. No issuo. VI. Elins .Moyers, bn.-. S. VI, Snsnnnu Moyers, hn.-. Mrd. Hov. Mnrtin Louthormun. (Soo In

VII. Annu Fly, Im. May 17, 1858. Mrd. Abraham M. Moyor,-. P. 0., Cbnlfont, l'n. Children: (VIII.) l\ln_ggie Moyer. (VIII.) Hem·y Moyer. (VIII.) Theo­ dore Moyer. (VIII.) Alma .Moyer. VI. Henry Gross, bn. Mny 5, 1832. Mrcl. Mary Funk, Dec. 2, 1854-. P. 0., Doylet!town, Pu. H11.r- 11oss-n111kor. Presby. Children: (VII.) Milton H. (~1:os,:., bn. -; _diec_l Mnr; Hi, 1859:.JVII.) Snrnuel H. Gto:;s, bn.-, ched Sept. 4, 181 ,. (VII.) M. Ida Grost., 1111.-. (VII.) j\ 111111. M. Gross, bn.-. Mrcl. l:;11i11h Goclsb11.ll, Jan. 13, 1885. Mrs. G., Presby. (VII.) A. Lincoln Gross, Im.-; died Mar. 25, 1863. (VII.) Emma L. Gross, hn. Mar. 5, 1£-64. Mrcl. Jacob Bisscy, l\for. 5, 1887. Furmer. P1·esby. No issue. (VII.) Elin E. Gross, Im.-. (VII.) J. Asher Gross, !111.-. VI. Lewis Shnddinger, lm. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 2, 1836. Mrcl. Charlotte McKay,-. P. 0., LcMnrs, lown, Farmer. Presby. One child: (Vil.) Anna Belle 8hatltlini:rer, bu. Jun. 1883. VI. Sarah Ann Shnddinger, bn. June 12, 1838; died Oct. 11, 1868. S. VI. H11lcl11h J. Sbndclinger, bn. Sept. 26, 1840. l\frd. ,John I<'. Landis, Ang. ~ll, 1872. P. 0., Dnblin, Pa. Both Mr. :md Mrs. Landis in early life taught school, 11ml hnve nlso heen officially connected with Sunday­ ,;chool work. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Ad1t .May Landis, hn. Jan. 31, 18i4. (VII.) Fannie E. Lan­ dis, Im. Oct. 23, 1875. (VII.) Wilmer Landis, bn. ,Tnne :10, 1878; died Jan. U·, 1886. (VII.) George W. Landis, bn. Feh. 22, 1881. (VII.) Eugene S. Landis, Im. Ang. 30, 1886. VI. Harvey G. Shaddincrcr, bn. Jan. 7, 1848. Mrd. J.;lizubeth Ann Fretz, i\?ar. 18, 1866. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. He enlisted in Co. A. 10,1, Penna. Vol., Sept. 6, lSfll, for three years, and served io the followinf en­ _g-agements: Lee's Mills, Williamsburg, Chicknuum­ iny, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Bottom Bridge, White Oak Swamp, Carter's Hill, Jnmes' Island, Siege of :Fort W11,!?ner, and Siege of Charleston. He was ap­ pointed Corporal, April 1, 1863. He was discharged on expiration of enlistment Sept. 30, 1864, and re-en- -8tl-

Jh1tml llH Sorgo1111t in Co, I,, 213 Pn. Vol., l•'c,b, ltl, 18(15, for one yunr, 01· dt1l'it1g tho w1u·, nncl WIii! dit1- cl111rgud nt tho oloso of tho Will' Nov, 18, 18tl5. .Monn. Child1·on: (VII,) A. Wot1loy Shnddingor, Im. Ang. 5, 18(1(1, .Mrd. Cutlmrino Grot!t!, Ap1•, ll, 18112. P. 0., ~,ount11invillu, 1'11, Tonuhor, .Monn, (VII,) I~lmur I•'. Slrnddingor, Im. Apr. 12, 18(111; diUr Schantz, bn. Mny a. 188a.

4, -- 38 - VI. Jacob N Moyer, bn. Oct. 23, 1842. Mrd. Mary Jane Miller, Apr. 20, 1886. P. 0., Harrisbur~,. Pa. Ai::conntant. Meth. Children: (VII.) Willard white Moyer, bn. Apr. 12, 1887. (VII.) .'.Frances Mo,rer, bn • .July 19, 1889. (VII.) Richard Moyer, bn. Sept. 9, 1891. VI. Levi N. M~er, bn. Jane 19, 1845. Mrd. Mary E. Raymond, June 20, 1871. P. 0., Chicago, Ill. Dry goods merchant. Meth. Children: (VII.) Charles Raymond Moyer, bn. June 20, 1872; died Nov. 25, 1878. (VII.) Harry Rollin Moyer, bn. Jan. 6, 1875. (VII.) Eva Maud .Moyer, bn. June 24, 1876; died Dec. 11, 1878. (VII.) Mary Emma Moyer, bn. Nov. 1, 1877. (VII.) Edward Warren Moyer, bn. Mar. 15, 1880. (VII.) Jennie Moyer, bn. Feb. 4, 1885. . VI. S<>phia Moyer, bn. -; died Nov. 20, 1870. Mrd. John H. Book, -, (VII.) Infant daughter died un­ named. VI. Jesse G. Moyer, bn. Feb. 28, 1850. Mrd. Anna E. Tomlins, Oct. 15, 1874. P. 0., Kansas City, Kan. Real Estate Agt., Notary Public. Ev. Ass'n ch. Children: (VII.) Lillian Moyer, bn. Feb. 26, 1876. (VII.) Manirve Moyer, bn. July 7, 1877. (VII.) Her­ bert Moyer, bn. Oct. 12, 1879. (VII.) Mabel Moyer, bn. FeL. 3, 1881. (VII.) Edna Moyer, bn. Feb. 25, 1885. (VII.) Etta Edith Moyer, bn. Fob. 5, 1887. (VII.) Bertha Moyer, bn. June 24, 1890. V. Rev. Joseph Nash, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1812. Mrd. Mary Shelly, Sept. 8, 1833. P. 0., Campden, Ont. Mr. Nash emiQ'fflted to Canada in 1828, and 1836 settled in South cfayn~, Ont., where he cleared up and worked a farm, anct in the fall and winter worked at his trade that of weaving. He was ordained a minister of the Mennonite church about 1841. Some years later he united with the Evangelical As~ociation church, of which he is still a member, and has been for many years a local preacher. Chil­ dren: Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca, Aoraham, Sophia, Jacob, Samuel, Anna, Saloma. VI. Elizabeth Nash, bn. in Clinton Twp., Ont., Aug. 14, 1834. Mrd. Amos Albright, .Tune 17, 1849. P. 0., Faulkton, S. Dak. Carpenter. Meth's. Chil- dren: Angeline, Jemima, Mary, John, Rebecca, Joseph. VII. Angeline Albright, bn. in 1851. Mrd. Henry Livens, -. P. 0., Seaforth, Ont. Merchant. Meth's. Children: (VIII.) Dall Livens. (VIII.) May Livens. (VIII.) Harry Livens. VII. Jemima Albright, bn. 1852; died 1882. Mrd. - Herrick, -. P. 0., Ostrander, Ont. Farmer. Meth's. Children: (VIII.) Olive Gertrude Herick. (VIII.) Muriel Mn.r!!erette Elizabeth Herick. VII. Mary Albright, bn. in 1854,. P. 0., Faulkton, S. Dak. S. VII. John Henry Albright, bn. in :856. Mrd. - McCloud, of London, Ont.,-. She died-. P. 0., Sioux City, Iowa. Contractor and builder. , One child: (VIII.) Maybell Albright. VII. Rebecca Albright, bn, in 1858. Mrd. James Norton, -. Electrician. No issue. VII. Joseph Albright, bn. 1860. Mrd.-. P. 0., De­ troit, Mich. Conductor on street car. One child: (VIII.) Joseph Albright. VI. Mary Nush, bn. Dec. 3, 1836. Mrd. Daniel Albright, Jan. 2, 1855. P. 0., Campden, Ont. Boot and shoe merchant. Ev. Ass'n ch. Children: Mruy Joseph, John, Jacob. VII. Mary Margaret Albright, bom Nov. 24:, 1855 . . Mrd. Lewis A. Moyer in 1874. P. 0., Hamilton, Ont. Book-keeper. Meth. Children: (VIII.) Clay­ ton H. Moyer, bn. in 18i4. (VIII.) Gertrude H. Moyer, born 1880. (VIII.) Thomas S. Moyer, born 1885. (VIII.) Mary Winnifred Moyer, ho. 1889. Vil. Joseph Watson Albright, bn. Oct. 2, 1857; died Oct. 16, 1857. VII. John Arthur Albright, bn. Feb. 3, 1859; died in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sept. 11, 1887. Vil. Jacob High Albright, bn. Oct. 16, 1861. Mrd. Priscilla Culp, Aug. 1884. P. 0., Grimsby, Ont. Painter and paper lianger. YI. Rebecca Nash, bn. in Haldimond Co., Ont., Jan. 15, 1839; died Sept. 24, 1862. She attended the com­ mon schools of her section until her 18th year. But desiring to pursue a more complete course, prepara- tory thereto she attended a Grammar school, but on account of ill health she was compelled to discontinue her school attendancEl. When about 17 years of age she began teaching school, and continued, except when attending school, until within about three months of her death. When in her 18th year she was converted and soon after united with the Ev. Ass'n church, an,l though often in darkness, with conflicts, doubts, and fears, yet bri~ht hope as often intervened to cheer and light her pato until the end came, and the crown won. Among her writings were many pieces of her own composition, mostly of a religious character, that speak well of her poetical talents. We make room for one written for an intimate friend and schoolmate.

RESPONSE. You smooth the tangles from my hair With gentle touch and tend'rest care, And count the years ere you shall mark Bright silvery threads among the dark,­ Smiling the while to hear me say, "You'll think of this again some day! "Someday!" I do not E'Com the power of time, Nor count on years of fadeless prime; But no white glooms will ever shine Among these heavy locks of mine. Ah, laugh as gaily as you may, You'll think of this again some day, Someday!

Some day I shall not feel 118 now, Your soft hands move about my brow; I shall not slight your light commands, And draw the long braids through my hands; I shall be silent and obey,- And you-you will not laugh that day, That day! -41- I know how long your loving hands Wlll llnger with these glossy bands, When you shall weave my la.test crown Of these thick braldlnga Jong and brown; But you shu.ll see no touch of gray Adown their shining lengths that day, That day! And whlle your tears are falling hot Upon the lips which answer not, You'll take from these one treasured tress, And leave the rest to silentness, Remembering that I used to say, " You'll think of thia agafa some day, "Someday!" VI, Abraham Nash, bn. Mar. 28, 1841. Mrd. 'Saruh A. Logan, in 1876. P. 0., Perry Station, Ont. Meth. One child: (VII.) Richard Nelson Nash, born Jan. 28, 1877. VI. Sophia Nash, bn. May 1, 1843;

-53- 111. Jacob Wismer, bn. Feb. 8, 1756; probably died young. Ill. Mary Wismer, bn. Jan. 29, 1759. Ill. Barbara Wismer, born in Bucb Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1761; died May 17, 1801. Mrd. David High,-. He was bn. July 3, 1752; died Sept. 20, 1841, aged over 94 years. Farmer, lived in Hilltown Twp_., on farm now owned by his grandson Jacob H. High. Menn. Children: Philip, Jacob, John, Annie, Bar­ bara, l\fary. IV. Philip }!i_gh, bn. Mar. 3, 1783; died Dec. -15,. 1863. Mrd. mury Hunsicker, -. She was bn. Dec. 22, 1786; died Jan. 14, 1871. Farmer. Menn. Children: Elizabeth, Annie, David, John, Jacob, Hen!'y, Mary, Lydia. V. Elizabeth Hi~~' bn. -; died Feb. 5, 1845. Mrd. Henry L. Kulp, 1v1.ar. 1835. Farmer. Menn. Chil­ dren: Mary, Dilman, Hester. VI. Mary Kulp, bn. Mar. 29, 1836. Mrd. Jacob Kulp, -. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Henry Kulp. (Vil.) Dillman Kulp. (Vil.) Amanda Kulp. (Vlr.) Lizzie Kulp. . VI. Dilman Kulp. bn. Aug. 12, 1839; died, infant. . VI. Hester Kulp, bn. Sept. 23, 1840; died Jan. 21, 1878. Mrd. Joseph B. Fretz, Nov. 23, 1867. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (Vil.) Sarah Ann Fretz, bu. Feb. 10, 1869. (VII.) Hmry· K. Fretz, bu. Apr. 14, 1870. (Vil.) Emma Jane Fretz, b_u. A_pr. 18, 1872; died ~ec. '!., 1876. (Vil.) Catha­ rine I\.. Fretz, bn. Apr. ,, 1815. (Vil.) Harvey K. Fretz, bu. Jan. 12, 1878. V. Annie High, bn. -. Mrd. Garret Shoemaker, -. He died -. Farmer. Menn. One child: VI. Mllry Ann Shoemaker, bn. Nov. 25, 1844. Mrd. Tobias Schrauger, Nov. 10, 1864. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: Vil. Garet Schrauger, bn. Sept. 27, 1866. Mrd. Tillie Barnt, J:m. 5, 1888. One child: (VIII.) Welling­ ton Schrauger, bn. Nov. 12, 1888. 5 -54:- VII. Annie Schrauger, Im. June 29, 18i3; died Mar. 2i. 1883. VII. Katie Schrauger, bn. Mar. 2i, 18i9. VII. Ellen Schrauger, bu. Aug. 26, 1881. V. David Hin-h, bn. -; died -, an-eel 20 years. V. John H. HiO'h, bn. --. Mrd. I'iebccca Fry, Nov. 8, 1846. P. 0., l'lumi;teaclville, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: Mahlon, Amanda. Mary, Henry. VI. Mahlon F. High, bu. Feb. 2i, 1848. Mrd. An­ nie Detweiler, -. Farmer. Monn. Chilclren: (VII.) John High. (VII.) Joseph High. (VII.) -. VI. Amanda High, bn. June 26, 1850. Mrd. Da\'id Myers. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Hotel-keeper. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Oscar High. (VII.) Mary Lizzie High. (Vll.r Anna May High. VI. Mary Hi,!?h, bu. June IR, 1856. S. VI. Henry High, bn. Mar. 20, 1858. Mrd. Sue Johnson, -. Children: (VII.) A son, bn. -; died -. (VII.) A son,-. V. Jacob H. High, bu. in 1819. Mrd. Anna Moyer, daughter of Jacob Moyer, -. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: Abraham, Jacob, Henry, Elizabeth, Philip. VI. Abraham M. High, bn. -. Mrd. - Lapp. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Seven children. VI. Jacob M. High, bn. -. l\frd. Lywa Meyers. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Three children. VI. Henry M. High, bn. -. Mrd. Ida Keller, -. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Merchant-tailor. One child (VII.) -. VI. Elizabeth High, bn. -. Mrd. Jacob Frank. P. 0., 312, 2d St., Allentown, Pa. Laborer. Ger. Ref. ch. Children: (VII.) Ida Frnnk, bn. -. (VII.) - Frank, bn. - ; died -. VI. PhiliJJ High, bn. -; died -, aged 29 years, 11 months. S. V. Henry H. High, bn. Oct. 26, 1821. Mrd. Lydia Moyer, Nov. 1, 1850. She was bn. Mav 13, 1831; 4ied Oct. 19, 1856. Children: Mary, Lizzie, Samuel. -Henry mrd. second wife, Annie Yoder, Mar. 21, 1880. P. 0., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: Sue, Henry, Annie. · -55- VI. Mnry High, bn. Feb. 2, 1852. Mrd. John D. Detweiler, -. P. 0., Sellersville, Pn. Fnnner. Children: (VII.) Clayton Detweiler, bn. July 29, 1878. (VII.) Lizzie Detweiler, bn. Nov. 4, 1879. (VII.) .Allen Detweiler, bn. Dec. 3, 1882. (VII.) ..Anna Detweiler, bn. Feb. 22, 1884-. (VII.) Katie Detweiler, bn. Dec. 14-, 1885. (VII.) Mum1e Detweiler, bn. Dec. 25, 1887. (VII.) Susie Detweiler, bn. Mar. 1, 1889. VI. Lizzie High, bn. Oct. 27, 1854-. Mrd. Jacob Derstine, -. P. O., Sellersville, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Henry Derstine, bn. -; died -. (VII.) .Mumie '.Derstine. (VII.) Katie Derstine. (VII.) !du Derstine. ., VI. Samuel High, bn. Oct. 11, 1856; died Mny ill, 1858. VI. Sue Hicrh, bn . .Apr. 28, 1859. S. VI. Henry 'nigh, bn. Dec. 18, 1862. Mrd. Mary Hunsberger, Jan. 15, 1887. She wns bn. Mar. 1, 1866. P. O., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer, lives on the old homestead. Menn. One child: (VII.) Elmer Hi«b, bn. Jan. 17, 1888. vf. .Annie High, bn. Aug. 23, 1866. Mrd. Levi N. Moyer. (See Index of References No. 17.) V. l\fory High, bn. -; died -. Mrd. Henry L. Kulp (bis second wife), Oct. 26, 1846. Children: Elizabeth, Phili{?, Sarah, Jacob, Isaac. VI. Elizabeth Kulp, bn. May 19, 1848. Mrd. Jacob ::;, Kulp in 1869. Farmer. Children: (Vil.) Catha­ rine Kul;>, bn. 1870; died Apr. 11, 1877. (VII.) Henry l\.ulp, bn. 1872; died Apr. 11, 1877. (VII.) Abraham Kulp, bn. 1873; died .Apr. 7, 1877. (VII.) Sarah Kulp, bn. 1876; died Apr. 2-:1,, 1876. (VII.) Jacob Kulp, bn. 1878. (VII.) Annie Kulp, born 1879. (VII.) Isaac Kulp, born 1880. (VII.) Lizzie Kulp, born 1882. (VII.) Harvey Kulp, born 1884-. (Vil.) John Kulp, bn. 1886. (VII.) Samuel Kulp, bn. 1888. VI. Philip Kulp, bn. Dec. 25, 1850; died, infnnt. VI. Sarah Ann Kulp, bn . .Aug. 13, 1853. Mrd. Eli S. Strouse, Jan. 19 1878. Laborer. Menn. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Katie K Strouse, bn. Aug. 22, 1879. (VII.) Lizzie K. Strouse, bn. July 3, 1881. (VII.) -56- Mary K. St;·nuse, bn. Nov. 1, 1882. (VII,) Emma K. Strouse, bn. Mny 23, 188.J.. (VII.) H'.nrry K. Strouse, bn. July, 23, 1885. (VII.) Harvey K. Strouse, bn. Feb. B, 1887. (VII.) Annie K. Strouse, bn. July 16, 1888. VI. Jacob H. Kulp, bn. Sept. 13, 1855. Mrd. Sarah Ann D. Knlp, Jun. 11, 1879. F11rmor. Menn. Childt·cn: (Vil.) H11rvey K. Kulp, bn. May 28, 1881. (VII.) David K. KylI?, h1;, 1\!ILY 10, 1884; died Apr. 30, 1888. (VII.) Katie K. Kulp, bn. Apr. 4. 1887; died Aug. 27, 1887. VI. Isauc H. Kulp, bn. · Jun. 28, 1863. Mrd. Mary Angcny, !<'eh. 10, 1887. P. 0., Blooming Glen, Pa. Laborer. Menn. V, Lydia Hi~b, bn. -; died, aged about 20 years. IV. Jacob High, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Anme Huns­ berger. No issue. IV. John High, hn. Sept. 20, 1795; died May 20, 187.J.. Mrd. Mury Keyport,-. She was bn. July 24, 1797; died Dec. 15, 1858. Mr. High, Menn. Mrs. High, Ger. Ref. Children: David, Jacob, H1LDn11b,-, Annie, Catharine, Lavina~ Barbara. V. Duvid High, bn.-. Mr, Dec. 16, 1882. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn~s. No issue. VI. Mablon M. High, bn. May 13, 1863; died Dec. 1888. Mrd. Mary Krout, in 1882. Shoemaker and carriage trimmer. Ger. Ref. Children: (VII.) Oscar K. High. (VII.) Henry High. (Vil.) Susan High. V, Hannah High, bn.-. Mrd. Reuben Moyer-. V. Annie High, bn.-. Mrd. Jesse Klein,-. He died -. Farmer. Luth. Children: Sarah, ,James.-Annie, mrd. second husband Anthony Grass,-. P. O., Hill­ town, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Ref. One child: Levi. VI. Snrah Jane Klein, bn.-. Mrd. Levi Snyder. Farmer. Ger. Ref. One child: (VII.) Francis Snyder. - 57 - VI. James Klein, bn.-. Mrd. Elin Brunner,--. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: (VII,) Irvin Klein, bn. Doc. 30, 1876. (VII,) Leidy Kloin 1 bn. Aug. 8, 1880. (VII,) Lizzie Florence Klein, bn.-. VI. Levi Grass, bn.-. V. Cutharine High, bn, Feb. 14, 1820. Mrd. Henry Albright, Esq.-. He died June 24, 1874. Farmer. Justice of tlie Peace and conveyancer for nearly twenty-five yours. W us hi,,.hly esteemed, and re­ spected by all. Ger. Ref. Children: Lucy, Reuben, Mahlon, Henry, Mary, Charles, Lydia, Daniel, Titus. VI. Lucy Alb1ight, hn.-. Mrd. Simon Klein,-. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. Teamster. Children: Emma,, etc, VII. Emma Kline, bn. May 3, 1856. Mrd. Jacob Hl Moyer, Oct. 11, 1873. P. 0., Blooming Glen, · .Pa. Superintendent of Bloomino Glen Creamery. Monn. Children: (VIII.) Azalia ~yer, bn. July ·19, 1875; died June 17, 1882. (VIII.) Titus K. Moyer, bn. Apr. 11. 1877. (VIII,) Abraham E. Moyer, bn. Mar. 25, 1879; died June 15, 1882. (VIII,) Marv Estella Moyer, ha. July 16, 1881. (VIII.) Alice Kline Moyer, bn. Sept. 14, 1883. (VIII.) Lucy Ann Moyer, bn. Dec. 12, 1885. (VIII.) Charlotte Grace Moyer, bn. A pr. 24, 1889. VI. Reuben Albright, bn.-. Mrd. Christiana Huns­ berger, Oct. 29, 1870. P. 0., Dublin. Pa. Farmer. Pre!tby. Children: (VII.) Oliver H. Albright, bn. Aug. 17, 1871. (VII.) Maggie Albright, bn. Aug. 24. 1873, (VII.) Reuben H. Albright, bn. Aug. 4, 1875. (VII,) Sadie Albri~ht, bn. Aug. 1, 1877. (VII,) Philip H. Albright, bn. Jan. 1, 1880; died Mar. 14. 1882. (VII.) Howard H. Albright, bn. Mar. 24, 1882. (VII.) lrrover Cleveland Albright, bn. Mar. 28, 1885. (VII.) Katie Albright, bn. Feb. 24, 1888. (VII.) Wniter Albright, bn. Feb. 27, 1891. VI. Muhlon Albright, bn.-. Mrd.-. P. 0., Colmar, Pa. VI. Henry Albright, bn. Aug. 6, 1850. Mrd. SueM. Bishop, Oct. 2, 1875. Ticket Ag't at Lansdale, Pa. Ger. Ref. VI. Mary Albright, bn. Dec. 22, 1852. Mrd. Isaiah S. Bissey, Sept. 25, 1875. P. O., 1247 Sergent St. - 58 - Phila., Pn. Clork P. R. R. R. Lohigh Avo. Pbiln. Lnth. Children: (VII.) Raymond Bis,;oy, bn. Apr. 15, 1877. (VII,) Elwood Bissoy, hn. Apr. 15, 187i; dioa Apr. 17, 1877. (VII,) Oscar Bissey, bn. Jnn. 25, 1879i died M111·. 18, 1882. (VII.) Arnbolla Bissoy, bn. Nov. 26, 1881; died Apr. 22, 1889. . VI. 0hnrlos Albright, bn.-. Mrcl. Cnmilfa Moyet• -. P. O., Blooming Glen, Pn. Tnilor. Children: (Vll.)Bessio Albright. (VII.) Abner Albright. VI. Lydi11 Albright, bn. in Hilltown Twp. Nov. 8, 1856. 'Mrd. George W. Schoip, Feb. 10, 1876. P. 0., Fricks, Pn. Fnrmcr. Gor. Ref. Children: (VII.) Will­ iam F. Scheip, bn. May 13, 1877. (VII.) Maria Schcip, bn. Apr. -!, 1879; diet! Jun. 22, 1882. (VII.) Estella Scheip, hn. July B, 1880. (Vll.)Martha Schoip, bn. Mar. 2, 1883. (VII.) Viola Scheip, bn. Fob. 20. 1885. (VII.) Mary Schcip, bn. Nov. 21, 1887. (Vil.) Cathn­ rine Scheip, bn. June 8, 1889. (VII.) Anna Schcip, bn. Nov. 22, 1890. VI. Daniel Albright, bn. Jun. 10, 1859. Mrd. Eliza­ beth Krupp, of Lansdale, Pu., Oct. 11, 1883. His boyhood days were spent on his father's farm in Hill­ town, Pa. When 16 years of age his father died. At that time havin~ _shown some proficiency in his stud­ ies, his teacher .lVliss Emily Rowland, advised him to prepare for tho profession of teaching. Having a great desire for knowledge, and receiving encouragement at home, be concluded on a course, and in the sprin~ of 1875 entered the Millersville, Pa., State NorniaJ School, where he remained a number of terms, after which he received license to teach, and taught the home school in bis native township for six months. Feeling a lack of qualifications to teach properly, and detesting the yearly examinntions for provisional cer­ tificates, he concluded to overcome these obstacles, and returned to the Millersville Normal School and completed a Normal course, taking the de~ees of Master of the Elements, nnd Elementary Didactics, completin,g the course in 1880. In the fall of 1880, he took cnarge of a school in Lancaster Oo. and be­ came principal of the Borough Schools of Sellersville, Bucks Co. in the fall of 1881, where he taught two - 59- winters, and whore ho, dnring tho summer of 1882, conducted a teacher's training class, enabling several pupils to pass sa.tisfaotorily the Superintendent's teacher's examinations. In tho fall of 1882 ho received the appointment of Principal of schools of the bor­ ough of Lansdale, Pa. whore he remained two years. Then resigned, and discontinued teachin~,for a time, 1Lnd later took ch1Lrge of tho schools of .l.'lorth Wales for one term, then taught a school in Durham Twp., Bucks Co., two terms. Ho then became ambitious for tho position of County Sup11rintondent of Bucks Co., and being solicited to become u candidate, ho consented, but was defeated by a small majority. In tbe fall of 1887, ho took charge of tho schools at Hatborq, Pa. for one term. then quit teaching and entered tho ser­ vice of the Phila. and Rending R. R. servin~ one year as Station Ag't at Lansdale, after which no re­ coi ved the position of Freight Ag't at Phila. Meth. Ep. Children: (VII.) Mary Albright, bn. May 22, 1886. (VII.) Karl Albright, bn. Apr. 13, 1892. VI. Titus Albright, M. D. bn. in Bucks Co., Feb. 4, 1861. Mrd. Lizzie E. Eckel, in 1883. At the arre of seventeen years he entered tho Millersville Stnte~or­ mal School taking a two years course, niter which he taught school three consecutive winters in his native township. In the spring of 1882, be entered the of­ fice of his preceptor Dr. Harvey Kratz for the pur­ pose of reading medicine. In the fall of '82 be was admitted to the University of Penna. Medical Der,t., where he graduated in tho spring of 1885. In the fall of '85 be located at Hatfield, Montg. Co., to practice his profession, and where be still resides and enjoys a lucrative practice. Children: (VII.) Eva Viola Al­ bright, bn. Apr. 1, 1884. (Vil.) Blanche Albright, bn. Feb. 17, 1886. (VII.) Markley Cameron Albright, bn. Mar. 6, 1888. (VII.) Robert Burdette Albright, bn. Apr. 14, 1890. V. Lavinu High, bn.-. J\,lrd. Thomas Kooker,-. V. Barbara High. bn. in Hilltown Twp.• Bncks Co., Anir. 29. 1827. Mr.8, 1800; died M11y 2!l, 1880. Fnrmer. Menn, Children: Annie, Lydin, H11nn11h, Maria, L1m11, Sm111n, l1m11t•, Sophiu, B11rburn, Lennna. . VI. Annie Hnm1icker, bn. Muy 1, 18:J7. Mr

* This Is a rnre incident for a father and son to marry sisters. -65- VI. Hiram Moyer, bn,-, Mrd,-. P, 0., Sterling, Ill, VI, Amnnda Mo,Yor, bn,-, Mrd, -Roth,-, P.O., Sterling, Ill. Chtldron: (VII.) Bolio, (VII.) Lona Poarl, VI, Ma1·y Moyor, bn,-, VI, Hnnnuh Moyor, bn.-, Mrd. -Trewdeon,-, P.O., ~t11!·ling, Iii. Ono child: (VII.) Harr,v Trewcleon, VI. L1zz10 Moyor, hn,-, Mrd, -Wright, P. O., Sturling, Ill, VI. Samuel Moyer, bn.-, Mrd, Irene-, P. O., Sterling, Ill. One child: (VII.)-. I VI, John Moyer, bn.-. V. Anna Moyer, bn. July 29, 1820; died-. Mrd. Honry Button. He was born abont 1816; diod-. Jm1tico of tho Peace, etc, Children: James, Susanna, Infant, Infant, Maria, Sylvester,-Anna mrd. second hnsban

-69- bn. July 14, 1871. Electrician. (VII,) Bertha G. Hunsberger, bn. July 7, 1876. Bnptist. (VII.) Mabel A. Hnnsbergor, bn. Mar. 7, 1885. VI. Elizabeth Kline, bn. May 10, 1857. Mrd. Frank Compton, Aug. 18, 1874. P. 0., Sterling, Ill. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Anna Bolio Compton, bn. Dec. 22, 1874. Mrd. Ephraim B. Shumaker, Sert. 28, 1892. P. 0., Sterling, Ill. Baptists. ( VII. Clarence Eugene Compton, born Juno 14, 1877. {VII.) Claud Elmer Compton, born Jnne 14,, 1877; died Aug. 29, 1877. (VII.) Olive Maud Compton, bn. Mar. 2o, 1879. (VII,} Eva Blanch Comp_ton, bn. Aug. 2, 1881. VI. Sarah Ann Kline, bn. Mar. 9, 1859. Mrd. An­ dre,v J. Pexton, Apr. llJT 1881. P. 0., Sterling, Ill. Ono child: (VII.) Edwin ti. Pexton, hn. Dec.16, 1882. V. David Newcomer, bn. -; died. Mrd. -. Dea­ con in Menn. ch. Children: (VI.) Annie Newcomer, bn. -. Res. 123 Pigeon St., Elkhart, Ind. (VI.) Mathias Newcomer, bn. -. P. 0., Wakarusa, 1nd. (VI.) Barbara Newcomer, bn. -. Mrd. - Ginrich. :kcs. 720 Main St., Goshen, Ind.-David mrd. second wife Esther Wismer, in 1860. No issue. V. Mary Newcomer, born in Bucks Co.,- Pa., Apr. 21, 1820. Mrd. Charles Cassel, Oct. 8, 1840. He was bn. May 4-, 1812; died Jan. 12, 1888. Was blind 3 or 4 years. P. O.. Doylestown, O. Farmer. Baptists. Children: Ann, David, Mary, Lovina, Joel, Sarah, George, Elizabeth, Susanna, Jacob, Charles. VI. Ann Casse!.z. born Apr.. 3, 1842. Mrd. Louis Roland-. P. u., Port Providence, Pa. R.R. en­ g_incer. Baptists. Children: (VII.) Clarence, (VII.) ~lhnnan, (Vfl.) Benny, (VII,) Albanus, (VII.) LeWls. Of these children Elhanan and Benny met with a very sad death. Clat·encc the eldest had gone to Port Providence for the mail, and when returning wns met about t mile from home by his brothers. By the roadside was a sand bole, into which all jumped e,xcept little Louis. Suddenly the overhantpng bank gave way and buried the three eldest and tne fourth all but his head. Albanus told Louis to give the alarm, and help soon came. Albanus was rescued uninjured. Clarence was next reached, and was sup- a - 70-

posod to ho

*It is said that Schattinger was the original mode ot spelling the name, but it is now spelled Shattinger and Sbad­ dinger, by the descendants. t Hans George Shaddinger, according to the tradition of the family was a native of Wittenburgh, Germany. ·Erni­ wuted to America in the ship Patience from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. Arrived Sept. 17, 1768. Taught school at Deep Run. Had rent free for taking care of the Mennonite meeting-house. Children: Abraham, John, Andrew, Eliza­ beth, (mrd. Tinsman) and other daughters. - 72- IV. Margaret Scbattinger, born -. Mrd. Jacob Gross, -. Lived in Oliio. IV. Abraham Shaddinger, bn. Jan. 8, 1789; died-. Mrd. .A.goes Landis, Oct. 20, 1812. She was bn. July 29, 1791; died Apr. 28, 1852. Weaver. Menn. Children: Jacob, Mary, John, Hannah, Magdalena, Sarah. V. Jacob L. Shaddinger, bn. July 22, 1S13. Mrd. Mary Leatherman, Mar. 8, 1842. She died -. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Retired farmer. Menn. Children: Sophia, Mary, Charles, Edwnrd, Sallie, Elias.-Jacob mrd. second wife Sarah Fretz, Mar. 23, 1875. VI. Sophia Shaddinaer, bn. .A.pr. 12, 1844. Mrd. Henry M. Kratz. (s'ee Index of References No. 83.) VI. Mary Ann Shaddinger, bn. July 18, 1847. Mrd. • Rev. Henry B. Rosenberger, Dec. 19, 1868. Farmer anhia Myers, bn. Oct. 9, 1855. Mrd. John L. Fretz, Oct. 9, 1875. P. 0., Gardenville, Pa. Farm­ er. Menn. Children: (VII.) Wilson L. Fretz, bn. Apr. 15, 1878. ' (VII.) Ella Nora Fretz, bn. Aug. 5, 1884. (VII~) Mary Etta Fretz, bn. Sept. 6, 1886; (VII.) Flora Fretz, bn. May 20, 1888. . VI. John A. Myers, bn. -. Mrd. Mary Myers -. Menn, Have Issue. · VI. Mary Meyers, bn. -. Mrd. Daniel G. Gross-. P. 0., Fountainville, Pa. V. Levi S. Meyers, bn. -. Mrd. -"-. No issue. IV. John Shattinger, bn. Aug. 13, 1799; died Mar. 5, 1861. Mrd. Catharine Myers,-. She was bn. Sept. 1810. Farmer. Mrs. S. Menn. Children: Mary, Rac,hel, Jacob, Ephraim, Joseph, Eliza, Hannah, Samuel; John, Wilson, Levi. -- 78 - V. Mary W. Shaddin~r, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 30, 1829. Mrd. Geo. ttoverstick, May 17, 1849. He died Apr. 19, 1891. They lived in Pennsylvania six years, then purchased a farm in Indiana on which they lived from 1864: to 1889, when thoy sold it and bought a home in Nappanee, Ind. Sho<3maker and ]farmer. Mr. H. member Ch. of God. Mrs. H. Meth. Ep. Children: Washington, Caroline, Emma. VI. Washington Hovert!tick, bu. in Bucks Co., Pu., June 18, 1852. Mrd. Annie Kau1fruan, Sept. 12, 1874. She was bom at Fish Lake, Ind., Sc_pt. 10, 1855. P. 0., W uukesha, Wis. En~neer on w.:iscon­ sin Central R. R. Meth. Children: (VII.)" Zulah Hoverstick, bn. June 24, 1879. (VII.) Gracie Haver­ stick, bn. Feb. 5, 1885. (VII.) Della Hoverstick, bn. Aug. 23, 1886. (VII.) Frank W. Haverstick, bn. Oct. 5, 1888. VI. Caroline Hoverstick, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., A'$'· 6, 1854:. Mrd. Samuel J. Winder, May 5, 1873. tte wns bn. at Portage, 0., Dec. 17, 1848. P. 0., Otta­ wa, Kan. Carpenter in em:eloy of Sante Fee R. R. shops. Mrs. W. Meth. Children: (VII.) Frank Alda Winder, bu. Nov. 23, 1874. Meth. (VII.) Harry Le­ ander Winder, bn. Aug. 26, 1877. Meth. (VII.) Wil­ lis Nels~n Winder, bn. Jan. 6, 18~1. (VII.) Charles Earl Wmdcr, bn. Aug. 28, 1885; died l'eb. 2, 1892. (VII.) Nellie Elsie Winder, bu. Feb. 7, 1889. VI. Emma Hoverstick, bn. in Bureau Co., 111., June 20, 1858. Mrd. Fred. J. Bryson, son of Rev. George Bryson, Sept. 12, 1875. He was bn. in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 8, 1851. P. 0., Waukesha, Wis. Fireman on Wisconsin Central R. R. Children: (VII.) Nellie Irene Bryson, bu. Aug. 15, 1878. (VII.) Louis Leroy Bryson, bu. May 9, 1880. V. Rachel Sbaddinger, bn. Mar. 7, 1831. Mrd. Na­ than Fretz, -. P. 0., Gardenville, Pa. Farmer. Drover. Children: Laura, Lizzie, Ella, Eddie, Dan­ iel, WiUis, Clara. VI. A. Laura Fretz, bn. -. Mrd. Absalom Fretz, Dec. 27, 1883. Grocery business at 1430 Norris St., Philadelphia, Pa. Baptists. Children: (VII.) Herbert - 79- s. Fretz, bn. Dec. 20, 1886. (VII.) Walter L. Fretz, bn. June 12, 1889. VI. Lizzie F. Fretz, bn. Ang. 10, 1861. Mrd. Mont­ gomery Miller, Nov. 16. 1881. Machinist. Baptists. Children: (VU.) Pearl F. Miller, bn. Sept. 16, 1885. (VII.) Willis F. Miller, bn. Jan. 20, 1888; died Aug. 18, 1888. . VI. Ella Fretz, bn. --. VI. Eddie Fretz, bn. -. Mrd. Miss Black. One Child: (1/11.) -. VI. Daniel Fretz. VI. Willis Fretz. VI. Clara Fretz. V. Jacob Shaddinger, bn. Dec. 7, 1833. :Mrd. Mary J. Wismer,-. P. 0., Lahoska, Pa. Mason. Ba~ tists. Children: Hannah, Theodosia, Addie, Theodore, Lidie, Harry. VI. Hannah A. Shaddinaer, bn. at Richboro, Pa., June 5, 1865. Mrd. Charfes Lawson Pierson, Sr.,-. He was hn. in Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1868. P. 0., Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter and builder. Children: (VII.) Ida Myrtle Pierson, bn. Mar. 4, 1890. (VII.) Charles Lawson Pierson, Jr., bn. Jan. 13, 1892; died July 15, 1892. (VII.) Eurl Leslie Pierson, bn. Jan.12, 1893. . VI. Theodosia C. Shaddin~er, bn. in Plumsteadville, Pa., ~pt. 4, 1867. Mrd. 1saac Peters, -. He was bn. in N. J., Jan. 1, 1858. Laborer. Children: (VII) Isaiah P. Peters, bn. Nov. 21, 1888; died Oct. 25, 1890. (VII.) Agnes E. Peters, bn. Apr. 161 1891. VI. Addie G. Shaddinger, bn. in Bucks Co., Nov. 13, 1870. VI. Theodore Shaddinger, bn. Nov. 7, 1873; died Apr. 25, 1885. VI. Lidie Shaddinger, bn. in Solebury, Oct. 11, 1876. VI. Harry G. Shaddi.nger, bn. in Solebury, Oct. 21, 1881. V. Ephraim M. Shadinger, bn. Mar. 31, 1835. Mrd. Kate W. Cope, Ma:r. 30, 1865. P. 0., Pember­ ton, N. J. School-teacher. Baptists. Children: (VI.) - SO- Spencer C. Shndinger, bn. Jan. 9, 1874. Baptist. S. (VI.) John Hervey Shadinger, bn. -; died May 1877. V. Joseph Shadingor, bn. Aug. 27, 1837; died-. Mrd. Hnnnah Hnnwny, -. She died -. Children: (VI.) v!illiam Shaddinger, bn. -; died-. (VI.) David Shaddingor, bn. -. V. Eliza Shnddin~er, bn. Jan. 1, 1840; died Mar. 17, 1863. Mrd. Josepn Nash, - . Had one child, (VI.) - Na.sh, bn. -; died - . V. Hannah Shaddinger, bn. Dec. l, 1842. P. 0., Gardcnville, P11. S. V. Samuel Sbnddinger, bn. Nov. 5, 1843. V. John Shacldinger, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1845. Mrd. ,Tennie R. Titus, of Philadelphia, Pa., May 7, 1874:. P. 0., Goshen, Ind. Book-keeper. Baptists. Children: (VI.) Jennie Louisa Shuddinger, bn. Nov. 1, 1876; died Feb. 10, 1889. (VI.) Howard Sha

Inez Neal, bn. June 26, 1882. (VII.) Alice Neal, bn. Mur. 25, 1891. V. Susanna Shattinger, born July 29, 1826; died Oct. 2, 18-U. · V. Caroline Shattfo_ger, bn. June 29, 1830. Mrd. Rev. (). C. Bitting, lJ. D., Dec. 5, 1855. Res. 14,20 Chestnut St. Ph1la., Pa. Dr. Bitting was bn. in Philadelphia, Pa., graduated from the Central High School in 1850. Baptized Feb. 1847 and united with the Broad Street Baptist Church. Prosecuted bis studies at the University at Lewisburg, Pa., nnd the Hamilton N. Y. Madison University. Taught in the Baptist Female College of Tenn., and wns ordained at Murfreesboro, Tenn. He was pastor of the Mount Olh·et and Hopeful Baptist cliurches, in Hanover county, Va., 1855-1859. At Alexundria, Va., 1859- 1866. Secretary of the dunday-school Board of the Southern Baptist Convention 1866-1868. Pas­ tor in Linchburg, Va., 1868-1872, where the results were most successful. He was District Secretary for the Southern states of the American Baptist Publication Society, then became pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., 1873- 1876, and the Franklin S~1are Baptist Church, Balti­ more, Md., 1876-1883. Since that time be has been the Bible and Missionary Secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society in Phila., Pa. 1n 1874, Dr. Bitting vi.,ited Europe, Palestine and Egypt, during which time be baptized two persons in the river Jordan at the traditional baptizin~ place of the Redeemer. He has made valuable adaitions to the literature of the denomination. Children: Will­ iam, Charles, Linnaeus, Carrie, Miriam, Ruth, . VI. Rev. William Coleman Bitting, M. A., born in Hanover Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1857. Mrd. Anna Mary Biedler of Page Co., Va., Nov. 17, 1886. Mr. Bitting was !mlduatcd M. A. by Richmond College, Richmond, Va., June 1877. He was Final Orator Mu Sigma Rho Literary Society, of his alma mater, June 1876; Gwin Medallist, School of Philos­ ophy, session 1876-'77; Orator of Society of Alumni, -83- J une 1885. He was licensed to preach by Franklin Sqnare Baptist Church; Baltimore, Md., SeJ)t'. 2, 1877; the same month matriculated at Crozer Theo­ logical Seminary, Chester, Pa., by which he was graduated June 1880, after pursuing full course. He wus stated supply for Lee Street Baptist Church, Baltimore, Md., Jnly 1 to Dec. 31, 1880. Became pnstor of thu B11ptist Church at Luray, Va., Feb. 5, 1881, where he was ordained May 15, 1881, and con­ tinued until Dec. 31, 1883. While serving_ the church at Luray, be was also pastor at Front .l:(:oyal, Va., Feb. 27, 1881 to Jan. 31, 1882; and at Riverton, Va., Feb. 1882 to Dec. 31, 1883. On Jan. 1, 1884, he became pastor of the Mount Morris Baptist Church, New York City, which during his nine years of serv­ ice has incre,.sed in membership :from 253 to 750, besides building- an edifice costini $90,000•. B.e eclits a church paper, issued weekly; 1s the New iYork cor­ respondent of The National Baptist of Philadelphia, Pu.; Tlte Watchman of Boston, Mnss.; and Tlte Cen­ tral Baptist of St. Louis, Mo. ; bas contributed to various newspupers, magazines, and volumes of ser­ mons. He bas been President of the Ba1>_tist City Mission of New York City, since Oct. 1890; President of the Baptist Ministers' Home Society since Dec. 1887; member of Executive Committeo New York Baf.tist State Convention since 1889. One child: (VI .) William Charles Bitting, hn. Aug. 17, 1887. VI. Charles C. Bitting, Jr., bn. in Va., July 14, 1858. Mrd. Eva H. Rayfield -. Graduate from Maryland University Law School, Baltimore, Md., 1878. Law­ yer. Res. 1420 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Children: (VII.) Carrie R. Bitting, hn. in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 5, 1881. (Vil.) Hattie Ruth Bitting, bn. in Abilene, Kan., Jan 1, 1887. VI. Linnaens L. Bitting, bn. in Virginia, Oct. 14, 1859; died in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 21, 1886. Phy­ sician. Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. VI. Carrie Bitting, bn. in Va., Dec. 8, 1862; died May 28, 1864. - 84- VI. Miriam Bitting M. D. bn. in Alexandria, Va., Sept. 22, 1864. Pnysician. Graduate of tho wo­ man's Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., the woman's and children's Hospital; Belleview Medical College, N. Y. and Philadelphia Hospital, Pa. VI. Ruth Bittin~, bn. in Alexandria, Va., Fob. 12, 1866. Gradnuteo in Philadel_phin. VI. Naomi Bittin~~bn. in Lmchburg, Va., Nov. 21, 1869. Student at university of Pennsylvania. V. Samuel M. Shattinger, bn. May 16, 1832; died Sept. 13, 1853. V. Joseph S. Shattinger, bn. Au/6. 17, 1834. Mrd. Margaret Dudgeon, of Ill., -. Sue died-, leaving five children. -Joseph married second wife Susan McCound, -. P. 0., Abilene, Kan., five children by this marriarre. V. Hannah Shattinrrer, bn. July 19, 1836. Mrd. Prof. Thomas O'Neill, of Philadelphia, Apr'. 24, 1856. Res. 2405 Mast~r St., Philn., Pa. Professor of Music. Prof. Thomas O'Neill was born in Philudcl­ phia, Pa., Dec. 14, 1829. At a very early age he evinced o. talent for music which he gratified by writing notes to any thing in the form of a melody that hti beard whistled or sung. A talent, however, which his father thought not to encourage. In 1856 he became organist and choirmaster of the Broad Street Baptist church in Philadelphia. He was sub­ sequently induced to remove to Norristown, where for many years the music at the Frost Presbyterian church of which he was organist and choirmaster, was an at­ tractive feature of the services. After ten consecu­ tive years of service as principal of the music depart­ ment at the Oakland Female Institute, at Norristown, then a flourishing school for young l:idies, he volun­ tarily resigned tlie position at the seminary in order to attend to outside teaching. Quite a number of his pupils occupy prominent positions. · Mr. Elnord Beaver, a com_petent church organist of Norristown, was under his instruction for five years, and Miss Anna L. Cressinan, who succeeded him as organist at the F. P. ch. was his pupil for a like term of years. Among his brightest pupils is ('See page 151.)

- 85- his dnngbtor, Mrs. J. Juy Gheen, of West Chester, who is 11 pianist of such signal nbility thut her music is not only 11,.joy to her, but is un unfailing source of pleu.suro to her lurgo circle of friends. l\fr. O'Neill's compositions nre chnrncterized by 11.D originality and depth of feeling which_ proclaim him to be a composer cf decirle_t. 12, 1882. Farmer and miller. ·,,He Presby. She Disciple. No issue. (VI.) Cora L. Abbott, bn. in 1866. Mrd. Clifford V. Matter- - 88- son. P. 0., Seville, 0. Merchant. Presby. (VI.) Ida E. Abbott, bn. in 1873; died Dec. 12, 1881. IV. Anna Fretz, bn. in Bucks Co., Aug. 10, 1797; died in 1885. Mrd. Joseph Solliday, Dec. U, 1817. Children: Joseph, Mur,v, Lucy, Lewis. -Anna mrd. second husband Tobius Weisel, -. Children: Lucinda, Caroline, Anthony. V. Joseph Solliday, bn. Oct. 24, 1818. V. Mury Solliday, bn. Mur. 3, 1820; died Jun. 25, 1821. V. Lucy Ann Solliday, bn . .Mur. 18, 1822; died Nov. 11, 1822. V. Lewis C. Sollid11y, bn. Nov. 14, 1823. Mrd. Mary Ann Solliday, Nov. 2, 1845. Farmer. Ger. Ref. Children: Morris, C11tharine, Elwood. VI. :Morris Solliday, bn. Oct. U, 1849. Mrd. Emma Moyer, Nov. 7, 1878. P. 0., Erwinn:i, Pu. Farmer. Ger. Ref. One child. (VII.) Gertrude Solliday. VI. Catharine Ann Solliday, bn. Apr. 7, 184:5; died 1\Iuy 3, 1876. Mrcl. Newberry Sassaman, -. One child: (VII.) Mary May Snssnmun. VI. T. Elwood Sollin. in 1836; died Feb. 27, 1885. Mrd.• J. Howard Murray in 1860. .Mrs. M. Presby. Children: Can-ie, Edward, .Anita, Howard. VI. CaiTic A. Murray, bn. -. Mrcl. Richard White­ head. in 1885. Manufacturer of rubber goods. Mrs. W. Episcopalian. Children: (VII.) Ricb:.i.rd R. White­ head. (VII.) J. Murray Whitehead. - 93- VI. J. Edward Murray. VI. Anita R. Murray. VI. Howard Murray. V. Caroline Solliday, bn. in 1838. Presby. S. V. Wilson Solliday, bn. in 1839. Mrci. Lizzie Crook in 1861. Book-keeper for Lehigh Valley Shops at South Easton, Pa. Children: (VI.) Charles SollidaL. (VI.) William Solliday. (VI.) Ularn Solliday. (V .) Harry Solliday. (VI.) Lida Solliday. (VI.) Roy and Russel Solliduy, (twins). V. Edward Solliday, bn. in 1841. Mrcl. Mary Read­ ing, Feb. 6, 1864. Special agent in Le[~al Dept. of Penna. R. R. Co. Presby. Children: (V .) Ollie Solli­

II. l\fary Wismer, daughter of Jacob Wismer, I.

II. Elizabeth Wjsmer, bn. Apr. 29, 1725; died-. Mrd. Jacob An&eny, Nov. 11, 1762. He wa11 bn. in 1740; died -. .1rnrmer nnd miller. He built the mill known ns Angeny's mill, on the Deep Run, one mile cast of Dublin, and includes the places now owned and occupied by Abraham K. Meyer, Joseph Tyson, a portion of Ephraim Detweiler's farm, and where the Old Mill stood with about 3 acres belonging to Abra­ ham K. High. Children: Elizabeth, Mary, Barbara, Jacob. Ill. Eliz,ibeth Angeny, bn. Nov. 19, 1763; died-. Mrd. Abraham Mover -. Farmer. Lived in Sprin"'­ field Twp., Bucks Co. Menn. Children: Elizabeth,, Mary, Catharine, Henry. IV. Elizabeth Moyer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Jacob Moy~r, -. He died-. Farmer. Menn. Children: :A.oraham, Nancy, Elizabeth, Sarah. V. Abraham Moyer, bn. Nov. 14, 1820; died Nov. 19, 1879. Mrd. Catharine Ann Fretz in 184-8. She was bn. Julv 29, 1827; died Jaly 29, 1853. Children: Elizabttth, Henry.-Abraham mrd. second wife Eliza­ beth, daughter of John and Anna Lapp, Mav 1856. She was bn. Nov. 5, 1831; died Dec. 14-, 1888. Farmer. Menn. Children: Jacob, John, Sallie, Mary, and two died. VI. Elizabeth Moyer, bn. Jan. 21, 1850. Mrd. Jacob H. Myers, Nov. 28, 1874. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Flora M. Myers, bn. June 18, 1876. (VII.) Abraham Linford Myers, bn. Nov. 6, 1879. - 95- VI. Henry F. Moyer, bn. Jan. 18, 1852. Mrd. A. Eliza Swartley Nov. 18, 1882. P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Martha Moyer, bn. Mar. 2, 1889. (VII.) Laura Moyer, bn. -; died -. (VII.) Harvey Moyer, bn. -. VI. Jacob L. Moyer, bn. Res. 1429 Kay St. Phlla., Pa. VI. John L. Moyer, bn. -. P.O., Line Lexington, Pa. VI. Sallie Moyer, bn. -. Mrd. John Garges. P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. VI. Mary L. Moye1·, bn. Mar. 8, 1867. Mrd. Isaac M. Swartley. He was bn. Jan. 16, 1865; died May 21, 1892 . .P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. Menn. Chil­ cken: (VII.) Be.;tha M. Swartley, bn. Aug. 22, 1890. (VII.) I:larvey M. Swartley, hn. Jan. 17, 1892; died Fob. 17, 1892. V. Anna Mol'er, born-. Mrd. Jacob H. High. (See Index of References No. 28.) V. Elizabeth Moyer, born -. Mrd. William F. Myers, in 1849. He was hn. Nov. 20, 1819; died-. Farmer. Menn. Children: Catharine, Sarah. VI. Catharine Myers, bn. -; died infant. VI. Sarah Myers, bn. in 1852. Mrd. Jacob B. Rosenber.,.er, in 1873. Merchant. Menn. Children: (VII.) William M. Rosenberger, bn. 1875. (ill.) Allen M. Rosenberger, bn. 1881. (VII.) Susie May Rosen­ berger, bn. 1886. V. Sarah Moyer, bn. -. Mrd. Daniel Kaisin~r, -. IV. Mary Moyer, bn. -; died -. Mrd. Abraham Meyers, -. Farmer. Menn. (Author of Hymns p_rinted in German.) Children: David, Elizabeth, Nancy. V. David D. Meyers, born Apr. 30, 1821. Mrd. Annie Benner, Sept. 19, 1847. P. 0., Plumstead­ ville, Pa. Retired farmer. Menn. No issue. V. Elizabeth Meyers, bn. -. Mrd. Jacob 0. Leath­ erman. (See Index of References No. 29.) V. Nancy Meyers, bn. -. Mrd. Martin Leather­ man. (See Index of References No. 30.) IV. Catharine Moyer, bn. Dec. 24, 1805; died Nov. 8, 1879. Mrd. Henry Leath~rman, Oct. 18, 1829. - 96- Ho was born Juno 17, 1806; died Doc. 21, 1859. Farmer. Monn. Children: Elizabeth, Abraham, Sarah, Henry, Joseph. V. Elizabeth Leatherman, bn. Al$. 20, 1831. Mrd. Isaac M. Wismer. (Sec Index of .u:efercnccs No. 31.) V. Abraham Leatherman, bn. Juno 12, 1834. Watch­ man in Phila., Pa. S. V. Sarnh Leatherman, born Ma,Y 10, 1837. Mrd. Peter Bean. Carp!)ntcr in PhiJa., Pa., Menn's. Children: Emma. William, Laura. VI. Emma Bean; bn. Jun. 3, 1864. Mrd. Ambrose ].\foyer, Dec. 25, 1882. Provision denier in Phila., Pa. Menn. One child: (VII.) Elwood Moyer, born Sept. 29, 1883. VI. William H. Benn, bn. July 22, 1866. Stair- builder. Menn. ·• VI. Laura Benn, bn. Apr. 22, 1869; died July 16, 1869. V. Henry Leatherman, bn. Nov. 25, 1840. Mrd. Samh Fegley, Nov. 3, 1881. Whiting manufacturer in Phila., 'Pu. Mrs. L. Ger. Ref. No issne. • V. Joseph Leatherman, bn. Mar. 16, 1847. Mrd. Amnndu Smith, Jan. 7, 1870. Whitin"' manufact­ urer in Phila., Pn. Menn. One child: (VI.) Charles Leatherman, bn. Aug. 28, 1873. IV. Henry A. Moyer, bn. in Bucks Co., 1812; died Jan. 18, 1891. Mrd. Anna ]\foyer, -. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Sarah, Elizabeth, Nancy, Lana, Maria, Catharine. V. Sarah Mo,ver, bn. - . Mrd. Samuel S. Beidler, -. P. 0., Shelly Station, Pa. Menn. Children: Annie, Amanda. VI. Annie Beidler, bn. -. Mrd. Tobias Shelly, -. P. 0., Shelly Sta., Pa. Farmer. Ref. ch. Three children-. VI. Amanda Beidler, bn. -. Mrd. Allen H. Erd­ man, -. P. 0., Shelly Sta., Pa. Carpenter. Luth. One child: -. V. Elizabeth Moyer, bn. -. Mrd. Wm. H. Landis. P. O., Richland Centre, Pa. One child: (VI,) Henry Landis, bn. -. Mrd. -97- v. Nancy_ Moyer, bn. Feb. 24, 1840. Mrd. Enos S. Beidler, Mnr. 23, 1862. P. 0., Shelly Station, Pu. Menn. Children: VI. William M. Beidler, born Ang. 16, 1863; died Scr.t. 13, 1887. · V • Amnndn M. Beicller, bn. July, 28, 1866. l\frd. William L. Lapp, Mny 11, 1888. P. 0., Hilltown, Pu. Ono child: (VII.) Lnurn B. Lapp, bn. Oct. 16, 1891. VI. Climcnn M. Beidler, born Fob. 7, 1869; died Juno 14, 1887. VI. Lizzie M. Beidler, born Sept. 17, 1871; died Aug. 13, 18S7. VI. Katie M. Beidler, bn. Apr. 27, 1S74. ',II. Ida M. Beidler, bn. Dec. 13, 1877. VI. Henry M. Beidler, bn. Oct. 30, 1S79. V. Mugdnlcnn Moyer, born in $pringfield, Twp., Bucks Co., Pu., Oct. 1, 1S43; died Apr. 27. 1880. Mrd. Christian L. Rosenberger. He wns bn. in Richland Twp., Oct. 27, 183S. P. 0., Zion's Hill, Pu. Farmer. Menn. Children: Anna, William, Eh er, Lizzie, Harvey, Samuel, Cnthnrinc. . VI. Anna Mary Rosenberger, bn. Sept. 14, 1866. VI. William Henry Rosenberger, bn. Aug. 9, 1868. Mrd. Alice Schlifer; -. P. 0., Centre Valley, Pa. Butcher. Menn. One child: (VII.) Violet Rosen­ berger, bn. Feb. 6, 1891. VI. Elmer Rosenberger, bn. Jan. 25, 1871. Mrd. Elemina Young,-. P. 0., Zion's Hill, Pa. Farmer. Menn. One child: (VII.) Henry Rosenberger, born Nov. 23, 18S9. VI. Lizzie Rosenberger, bn. Apr. 10, 1875. VI. Harvey Rosenberger, bn. Aug. 14, 1877. VI. Samuel Rosenberger, bn. Feb. 28, 1S73; died Apr. 21, 1873. VI. Catharine Rosenberger, bn. Apr. 4, 1880; died Sept. 10, 18S0. V. Maria Moyer, bn. Sept. 2S, 1847. Mrd. William Stauffer, in 1866. P. 0., Zion's Hill, Pu. Farmer. Menn. Childrea: (VI.) Emma Stauffer, born Mar. 1868. Mrd. Harvey S. Rummery, -. P. 0., Allen­ town, Pu. Clerk. (VI,) John Stauffer, bn. 1870. -98- Menn. S. (VI.) Henry Stauffer, born 1872; died- 1875. (YI.) lioward Stauffer, born 1875. Menn. (YI.) Oliver Stauffer, bn. 1878. Menn. (VI.) Clar­ ence Stauffer, bn. 1885. Menn. V. Catharine Moyer, born Sept. 24, 1852; died Apr. 25, 1878. Mrd. William M. Geisinger, Jan. 15. 1873. P. 0., Centre Valley, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (V!.) Abrahll.JD Geisinger, bn. Dec. 5, 1874. (YI~) Henry Geisinger, bn. Jan. 18, 1878. Ill. Mary An,,.eny, bn. Mar.12, 1765; died-. Mrd Jacob Oberho'i'tzer, May 17, 1791. He was born Mar. 12, 1767. Farmer. Menn. Children: Jacob, Elizabeth, Martin, Barbara, Infant, Anna, Maria, Sarah. . IV. Jacob Overholt, bn. Apr. 6, 1792; died-. Mrd. Anna Shutt,-. Farmer. Menn. No issue. IV. Elizabeth Overholt, bn. Dec. 5, 1793; died -. Mrd. Christian Fretz, Mar. 6, 1817. He was born Sept. 5, 1787;

Farmer. Menn. Children: Jacob, Martin, Mnry7 Elizabeth, Barbara, Nancy. V. Jacob 0. Leatherman, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Elizabeth Myers. Farmer. l\lenn. Children: John, Martin, Samuel, Elizabeth, Abraham, David, Ann~ Jacob, &c. VI. Rev. John Leatherman, bn. -. Mrd. Mary Myers. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. v-.. Martin Leatherman, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. VI. Samuel Lcntherinan, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. VI. Elizabeth Lcathermnn, bn. Mrd. Joseph M. Tyson. (Sec Index of References No. 82.) VI. Abraham Leatherman, bn. -; died. -. S. VI. David Leatherman, bn. -; died -. S. VI, Anna Leatherman, bn. -; died -. S. VI. Jacob Leatherman, bn. -; died -. Mr

-101- deatb. On December 8, 1892, between the boars of six and seven in the eveninlZ', he left his home on :foot to transact some business affairs with a neighbor, dis­ tant about one mile. He did not return at the ex­ pected hour, and about midnight members of the family went to the place he had intended to visit and . learned he had not been there. A searching party im­ mediately started over the rout, througA, woods and field.,, supposed to have been taken. Between two and three o'clock his lif'lless body was found in a shallow pond of water. iQ his own woods, about fifty rods from his house. His coat and vest were open, his wateh and money were missing. Su,spicions of foul play were fully aroused, and were confirmed by further investigations. 1In a line from the spot where the body was found, about one fourth of a mile in length, alono- the trail of strange and peculiar footprints, were found an account book, and a purse and wallet from which the contents had been removed. all of which were identified as belonging to the deceased. An autopsy also revealed a number of contusions, caused by blows on the head. Great ex­ citement prevailed in the vicinity, and hundreds of people visited the spc>t and surroundings daily. De­ tectives were immediately employed. The county authorities offered a reward of $500 and a citizens' meeting of the ·surrounding vicinity an additional reward of $1000 for the apprehension and conviction of the guilty person or persons. His remains were interred at the Deep Run Mennonite church of which he was a member. On Dec. 12, an immense throng assembled to pay their last tribute of respect. By actual· count over 325 car­ ria~es left his late residence in the funeral procession. He was much esteemed and highly respected by hosts of relatives, friends and acquamtances. VII. Emma Detweiler, bn. Dec. 28, 1872. Mrd. Os­ car A. Rufe, Sept. 19, 1891. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Lutherans. VI. Anna. Detweiler, bn. -. Mrd. Mahlon F. High. (See Index of References No. 33.) 8 -102·-· Y. Elizabeth Leatherman. bn. -. Mrcl. Joseph G. Overholt. (See Index of References No. 34.) .V. Barbara Lenthermau, bn. -. Mrd. Abraham K. High, -. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Chil­ dren: John, etc. (YI.) John ~- High, bn. -. Mrd. Marv Moyer, -. P. O .• Dubhn, Pa. V. Nancy Leatherman, bn. .:...; died-. Mrd. Abra­ ham Kulp. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Fanner, shoe­ maker. Menn. Children: Mary, Anna, John, Abra­ ham, Barbara. VI. Mary Kulp, bn. -. Mrd. Aaron M. Kulp, -. P. O.,Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Menn. No issue. VI. Anna Kulp. bn. -. Mrd. Isaac 0. Yothers. -. P. 0., Dublin. Farmer. Menn. Children: Ed, Abt:1- bam, &c. VI. John L. Kulp, bn. -. Mrd. Hannah Barndt. -. P. 0., Bedminster. Pa. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Henry Kulp. (VII.) Isaac Kulp. (VII.) Ellen Kulp. (VII.) Mary Kulp. (Vll.)(Baby) Kulp. VI. Abraham L. Kulp, bn. -. Mrd. Emma Rohr. P. O.• Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Children: (VII.)-. - . .VI. Barbara Kulp, bn.-; died young. VI. - Kulp, bn. -; diedyonng. JV. Anna Oberholtzer, bn. May 15, 1801; .t. 20, 1827. Mrd. Fran­ cis Gerhnrt, Nov. 9, 1845. P. 0., Dublin, Pn. Tailor and farmer. Children: (VI.) Maria Gerhart, lm. -; died -. (VI.) Abraham M. Gerhart, bn. -. Mrd. Amanda Springer,-. (VI.) Emma Gerhart, bn. -. Mrd. Harry Leatherman,-. (VI.) Joseph Gerhart, bn. -. Mrd. Adda Derr,-. (VI.) Samuel Gerhart, bn. -. Mrd. Mattie Swartz. V, John Moyer, bn. Apr. 25, 1829; died nbout 1867. Mrd. Barbara Benner,-. Children: (VI.) Milton. (VI.) Reuben. (VI;) Lizzie. (VI.) Mary (dec'd.) V, Elizabeth Moyer, bn. Nov. 30, 1837; died Nov. 18, 1890. Mrd. Abraham Landis,-. Children: (VI.) John. (VI.) Reuben. (Vl.) Emma. (Vl.) Edmunrl (dec'd.) IV. William A. Moyer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Sarah Clymer. She died-. Children: Henry, Samuel, Bar­ bara, John, Mary. V. Henry Moyer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. V. Samuel C. Moyer, M. D., bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Lansdale. -107- v. Barbara Moyer, bn. Mar. 12, 1840. Mrd. George R. Landis, Nov. 15, 1860. P. 0., Dublin, Penna. Fnrll}er. Menn. Children: Sarah, Daniel, William, John, Samuel. VI. Sarah Landis, bn. 1861, Mrd. Daniel 0. Landis, 1880. Fireman on train. Children: (VII.) Abraham. (VII.) Barbara. (VI.) Ida. {VII.) Samuel. VI. Daniel M. Landis, M. D., bn. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., April 17, 1864. Soon after- his birth his parents moved to Hilltown Twp., where he was brought up on the farm. He was always foni I of go­ ing to school, and always had the good fortune to be at the head of his class. In 1879 one of bis teachers, Mr. A. R. Moyer, imbued him with the spirit to ao to a high school, and accordingly in March, 1881, he was sent to the Quakertown High School. In· the summer he work<>d on the farm again w:ith his father. The next winter, 1882, he resided with hill uncle, Dr. S. C. Moyer, and attended the Lansdale High School. His residence· here no doubt had something to do with his future professior.. In the fall of 1S83 he began teaching school, and taught for three suc­ cessive winters. In the sp1·ing o.f 1884 he went to the North Wales Academy one course. He took up the study of medicine in the summer of 1886, with his uncle, Dr. S. C. Moyer. In the fall of that same year he entered the llahnemann Medical Collep;e of Philadelphia, Pa., from which be ,k'Taduated in April 1889 as Doctor of Medicine, and .uoctor of Homeo­ pathic Medicine. In April of the same year of grad­ uation he located at Perkasie, Pa., where be is still practicing his profession. He was mrd. to Lizzie Hedrick, daughter of David and Sarah Hedrick, of near Chalfont, Pa., in 1889. Menu's. One child: (VII.) Joycelin Landis, bn. May 2, 1892; died July 16, 1892. · VI. William M. Landis, bn. July 4, 1869. Mrd. Liz­ zie Detweiler, Nov. 10, 1892. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. VI. John M. Landis, bn. 1878. VI. Samuel M. Landis, bn. Nov. 1883. V. John Moyer, bn.-; died-. Mrd.-. -108 - V, Mary Moyer, bn.-. Mrd. John Christman,-. P. 0., Milford Square, Pa. IV. Henry A. Moyer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1807; died Aug, 4, 1875. Mrd. Sarah Gerhart, Dec. 8, 1833, · She was bn. Au"', 20, 1814; died Feb. 28, 1890, Farmer. Menn. Children: Lydia, Abra­ ham, Barbara, Joseph, Sarah, Henry, Jacob, Isaiah. V. Lydia Moyer, ho. Feb. 22, 1835, Mrd. Samuel M. Gerhart, Oct. 22, 1852. P. 0., Perkasie, Pu. Re­ tired farmer. Ref. ch. Children: Mablon, Sullie, John, Albert, Frank. VI. Mahlon M. Gerhurt, bn. Oct. 7, 1853. Mrd. Susan Kramer,-. P. 0.. Hilltown, Pu. Farmer. Ref. ch. Children: (Vil.) Sallie Gerhart. (Vil.) Har­ vt-1y Gerhart. (Vil.) Lydia Gerhart. VI. Sallie A. Gerhart, bn. Oct. 28, 1856. Mrd. Jesse L. Stnmp,-. P. 0 .• Ridge, Pa. Blacksmith. Ref. ch. Children: (Vil.) Tiras (dec'd). (Vil.) Jennie. (VII.) Ira. VI. John H. Gerhart, bn. Dec. 17, 1S59. Mrd. Emma Leatherman,-. P. 0., lfountainville, Pa. Farmer. Ref. ch. Children: (Vil.) Howard. (Vil.) Elsie. VI. Albert M Gerhart, bn .. Mur. 10, 1863. Mrd. Laura Loux,-. P. 0., Piparsville, Pa. Creamery­ man. Ref. ch. Ono child: (Vil.) Wilmer Clarence Gerhart. VI. A. Frank Gerhart, bn. Dec. 12, 1866. P. 0., Mauch Chunk, Pa. Printer. Ev. Ass'n. V. Abraham G. Moyer, bn. Sept. 26, 1837; died-. Mrd. Annie Hunsberger,-. P. 0., Blooming Glen, Pa. V. Joseph G. Moyer, bn. Feb. 10, 1840. Mrd. Mary Ann Kratz, Doc. 23, 1862. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Lumber and coal merchant. Ger. Ref. Children: Madora, Irwin, Elmer, Mary, Lyre, Gertie. VI. S. Matlora Moyer, bn. Apr. 3, 1864. Mrd. B. Frank Hartzell, Feb. 23, 1883. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Merchant miller. Ger. Ref. Children: (Vil.) Russel M. Hartzell, bn. Mar. 11, 1885. (Vil.) Percy M. Hartzell, bn. Mar. 15, 1887. - 10» - VI. ·H. Irwin Moyer, bn. Aug. 2, 1865. Mrd. Eliza, daughter of David K. Moyer, of Hilltown, Sept. 29, 1887. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Clerk. Ger. Ref. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Marion Moyer. (VII.) Joseph Nevin Moyer. VI. Elmer K. Moyer, bn. July 22, 1867. Mrd. Laura Wickert,-. Res. 2111 Percy St., Phila., Pa. Ger. Ref. Children: (VII.) Ernest Wickert Moyer. (VII.) Grace Evelyn Moyer. VI. Mary Delilah Moyer, bn. Nov. 2, 1872. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Gllr. Ref. VI. J. Dyre Moyer, bn. Sept. 14:, 1875. VI. Gertie K. Moyer, bn. Mar. 4, 1882. V. Barbaro. Moyer, bn. Aug. 28, 18-. Mrd. Sam- uel G. Kramer. P. 0., Church Hill, Pa. · V. Sarah Jane Moyer, b"l. Oct. ·15, 1845~ Mrd. Henry 0. Moyer. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. V. Henry G. Moyer, bn. in Bucks Co., Au~ 2S, 1848. Mrd. Emeline Seiple, of Allentown,-. .r. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Mt·. Moyer spent his boyhood days on his father's farm in Hilltown Twp., and attended tho common schools of the township and several terms at the Leondonian Seminary, and graduated in the Phil­ adelphia Business Colle~e at the age of 20 years. He spent, the ne:!-.'t 15 years as clerk in store, three years at P,)!,t)ming Glen and sevel'lll years in Philadelphia, in .he- ,;,holeso.lo notion house of Mackey, Badder & Co., and 10 years with J. A. Hendricks at Perkasie. In 1879, when Perkasie Borough was founded, be was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, and on May 10, 1890, be entered upon bis third term, havi~ now served about 13 years in that capacity• .tho latter part of 1881, be engaged in the news­ paper business, and in company with Mahlon H. Sel­ lers, under the firm name of M. H. Sellers & Co., es tablished the "Central News," a local weekly paper. ln Feb. 1882 Mr. Sellers died, and his interest in the paper was purchased by Samuel R. Kramer, and since then the firm name has been Moyer and Kra­ mer. The "News," after hard strugglin"' in the be­ ginnin~, soon obti.ined a firm footing andis now rec­ ognizea as one of the leading papers of upper Bucks -110- Co., with a circulation of over 2000 co1>ies weekly. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer are members of the Evangelical Association church at Perkasie, of which he is it class­ lcader, and in this capacity has done considerable public spealdng. Children: (VI.) Bertha May Moyer, bn: May 13, 1871; died Dec. 16, 1877. (VI.) Walh1ce B. Moyer, bn. Dec. 10, 1873; died Apr. 8, 1875. (VI.) Henrietta Moyer, bn. \.pr. 21, 1876; died Jan. 18, 1882. (VI.) Jennie Mo_ bn. Dec. 16, 1877; died Jan. 9, 1882. (VI.) Mabel ...tebecca Moyer, bn. Oct. 10, 1882. (VI.) Emilie Moyer. bn. Mar. 2, 1886; died July 25, 1887. (Vl.),Henry Clayton Moyer, bn. Mar. 5, 1888. V. Jacob G. Moyer, bn. Feb. 23, 1852. Mrd. Susan B. Dill, June 20, 1874. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Ba­ ker. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VI.) Charles Linford Moyer. (VI.) Wesley D. Moyer. (VI.) G. Ida Moyer. (VI.) Cora May Moyer. (VI.) Annie Letitia Moyer. (VI'.) E1?1ma Fl_oyd Moyer•. (VI.) !an! ~tan!ey Moyer. V. Isaiah G. Moyer, bn. Nov. 1.., 18:>3; died-. IV. Jacob Moyer, hn.-; died in Canada. S. IV. Elizabeth Moyer, bn.-. Mrd. Abraham Ger­ hart. He died-. Children: (V.) Mary Ann Gerhart, bn.-; died-. Mrd. Abraham Zei"'enfuss. (V.) Re­ becca Gerhart, bn.-. Mrd. Elias Weikler. (V.) Abra-­ ham Gerhart, bn.-; died. Mrd. -. (V.) Elizabeth Gerhart, bn.-. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. S. IV. Mary Moyer, bn.-. MrJ. Abraham K. Huns­ ber~er, Apr. 11, 1833. He was bn. Mar. 1, 1811; died Aug. 23, 1865. Farmer. Menn. Children: Bar­ bara, Joseph, Veronica, Maria, Lucy, Eliza, Isaiah, Lydia. V. Barbara Hnnsbe,!paer, bn. Apr. 5, 1834. Mrd. Levi Loux, 1855. He died Mar. 15, 1863. Wheel­ wright. Children: (VI.) Abraham F. Loux, bn. May 14, 1856; died Mar. 8, 1863. (VI.) Oliver S. Loux and Alfred H. Loux, twins, bn. Sept. 6, 1857; died Mar. 8, 1863. (VI.) William M. Loux, bn. Sept. 17, 1859; died Mar. 3, 1863. (VI.) H. Erwin Loux, bn. Feb. 4, 1862; died Apr. 22, 1863.-Barbara mrd. sec­ ond husband, Samuel T. Morris, Oct. 14, 1865. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Ref. -111- V. Joseph Hunsberger, bn. Feb. 15, 1836; died aged nbout 3 years. V. Veronica Hunsberger, bn. Dec. 31, 1837; died ~ed about 2 years. V. Maria Hunsher_ger, bn. Feb. 15, 1840. Mrd. Willinm H. Fretz, Dec. 25, 1873. He died May 13, 1888. Carpenter. Menn. Children: (VI.) Edmund Fretz, bn. Oct. 19, 1874. (VI.) Mnry Lizzie Fretz, bn. July 16, 1876. (VI.) Leah Anna Fretz, bn. Mar. 17, 1879. . V. Lucy A Hunsberger, bn. Mar. 23, 1843. Mrd. Joseph Loux, Aug. 14, 1869. P. 0., Plumsteadville, Pa. Carri~e·trimmer. Ger. Ref. Children: (VI.) Ulysses G. Loux, bn. No,·. 5, 1872. (VI.) Abraham W. Loux, hn. Feb. 26, 1877. . I V. Eliza Hunsberger, bn. July 1, 1846. Mrd. Peter B. Loux, Dec. 24, 1871. Farmer. Menn. No issue. V. Isaiah Hunsber_ger, bn. Apr. 5, 1850; died May 31, 1877. Mrd. Emily Gick, -. No issue. · V. Lydia A. Hunsberger, bn. Nov. 1, 1853; died l\Iar. 24, 1863. Ill. Jacob Angeny, bn. Dec. 2, 1773; died -. Mrd. Barbara Gehman, -. Farmer and miller. Owned the old An~eny homestead. Children: Jacob, Eliza­ beth, Abranam, Samuel, William, David. IV. Jacob Angeny, bn. -; died -. Mrd. Mary Slifer, -. Sh,: died -. Farmer, owned greater por­ tion of the old homestead. Children: Joseph, Jacob, Catharine, Nancy. V. ,Joseph S. Angeny, bn. Mar. 10, 1828. Mrd. Snrah Detweiler, Feb. 15, 1851. P. 0., New Britain, Pa. Farmer. Children: (VI.) ,Josephine Angeny, bn. -; died Nov. 14, 1881. (VI.) Mary Angeny, bn. Aug. 21, 1854. Mrd. Benevil F. Markley, Oct. 22, 1890. Res. Phila., Pa. Mrs. M. Baptist. (VI.) Leidy An­ geny, bn. -; died Apr. 17, 1862. (VI.) Wilson H. Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. Amanda Brunner, -. Res. Phila., Pa. (VI.) Emma Angeny. (VI.) John D. Ana geny. (VI.) Edwin Angeny. (VI.) Joseph S. Angeny. (VI.) Ida Ang,my. (VI.) Sarah E. Angeny. (VI.) Granville Angeny. (VI.) Ferdinand G. Angeny. - 112 -· V. Jacob S. Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. Garner. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. V. Catharine Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. Abraham F. Hunsberger, Dec. 9, 1858. P.O., Dublin Pa. Farm­ er. Menn. Children: (VI.) Mary Ann Hunsberger, bn. 1860. (VI.) Remandes Hunsberger, bn. 1863. (YI.) Jacob Hunsberger, bn. 186i. (VI.) Leidy and Edwin Hunsberger (twins), bn. 18i7. IV. Elizabeth Angeny, bn. -; died S. . IV. Abraham Angeny, bn. Oct. 27, 1802; died May 14, 1880. Mrd. Leah Fretz, dau"'hter of Martin Fretz, of Hilltown, Oct. 21, 1828. flhey lived on the property known as Angcny's Mill, · in Bedminster Twp., until the spring of 1848, when they moved to Umon Co., Pa., and later (1859) to Milton, North­ umberland Co., Pa., where Mr. Angeny perished in the great fire of 1880 in his 78th year. Cnrpenter and cabinet-maker. Menn. Children: Anna, Barbara, Eva, Martin, Leab, Rachel, Abbie, Katharine, Mi­ nerva. V. Anna Eliza Angeny, bn. Dec. 21, 1829; died Jan. 13, 1850. s. V. Barbara Angeny, bn. Aug. 29, 1831. Mrd. Jac•ob Gehman, Oct. 2, 1849. P. 0., Beatrice, Nebr. Farm­ er. Menn. Children: Abraham, Jacob, Elizabeth, Fannie, Raebel, Sarah, Lillie, Emma, Benjamin, Samuel; Mary. YI. Abraham A. Gehman, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 26, 1850. Music teacher at Hutchinson, Kans. YI. Jacob Gehman, bn. Mar. 24, 1852; died Oct. 26, 1860. VI. Elizabeth Gehman, bn. Jan. 19, 1854; died Oct. 20, 1860. VI. Menno S. Gehman, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., May 17, 1856. Running a stock range in Wyo. VI. Fannie uehman, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1858. Mrd. Samuel Hornin"', of Clarinda, Ia., Oct. 31, 1878. P. 0., Pickrell, Nebr. Farmer. Disciples. Children: (VII.) Benjamin F. Horning, bn. Apr. 19, 1880. (VII.) Jacob Leo Horning, bn. Apr. 12, 1881. (VII.) ~dwin G. Horning, bn. Aug. 2, 1882. (VII.) -113- Jennic Agatha Hornin~, bn. Jan. 5, 1884. (Vil,) Al­ ice Hornin"', bn. Jan. 19, 1888. VI. .Raebel A. Gehman, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1860. Mrd. Henry Wm. Smith, of Rockford, Mo., Oct. 21, 1886. Mrs. S. Baptist. Mr. S. Luth. Children: (VII.) Arthur Raymond Smith, bn. July 23, 1887. (VII.) - Smith, bn. -. VI. Sarah Gehman, bn. in Fayette Co., Ia., Aug. 10, 1862. Mrd. William G. Grebe, Dec. 25, 1883. Farmer in Atchison Co., Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: (VII.) Elsie Grebe, bn. Sept. 27, 1884. (Vil.) Guy Grebe, bn. Mur. 28, 1886. (VII.) Herbert Grebe, bn. June 12, 1888. (VII.) - lirebe (a daughter), bn. -. VI. Samuel Gehman, bn. in Fayette Co., la., July 6, 1864. Runnin"' a stock ranch in Wyo. VI. Lillie A. Gehman, bn. in Fayette Co., Ia., ,Apr. 15, 1868. Teacher. S. VI. Emma B. Gehman, bn. in Fayette Co., Ia., Sept. 27, 1870. M.rd. Rev. H. R. Murphy, Sept. 1, 1891. P. 0., Beatrice, Nebr. Minister of Free Bap­ tist ch. VI. Benjamin F. Gehman, bn. in Fayette Co., Ia., Aug. 1, 1873. VI. Mary Annu Gehman, bn. Aua. 6, 1876. V. Eva Angeny, bn. in Bucks 5>., Pa., Oct. 25, 1833. Mrd. Reuben L. Hatfield, Dec. 4, 1851. P. 0., Milton, Pa. Tinner. Baptists. Children: Annetta, Ella, Lillian, Carroll, Edgar, William, Minnie, Grace, Mubel. VI. Annetta V. Hatfield, bn. May 29, 1853. Mrd. William I. Webb, Apr. 27, 1880. P. 0., Milton, Pa. Clerk and hook-keeper. Meth. Ep: Children: (VII.) John Webb, bn. Mar. 10, 1881; died Sept. 7, 1881. (VII.) Fannie B. Webb, bn. ,Tuly 18, 1883. VI. Ella E. Hatfield, bn. Aug. 9, 1855. VI. Lillian V. Hatfield, bn. Dec. 1, 1857. Mrd. John H. Krauser, Mar. 27, 1879. P.O., Milton, Pa. Traveling salesman. Children: (VII.) Webb Guy Krauser, bn. May 31, 1880. (VII.) James B. Krauser, bn. July 5, 1883. VI, Carroll D. Hatfield, bn. Dec. 1, 1859. Mrd. Laura Quick, Mar. 29, 1881. P. 0., Huntsville, Mo. Car- -114- riag-e maker. Baptists. Children: (Vil.) Walter Hat­ field, bn. Dec. 14, 1882. (Vil.) Annettn Jennie Hat­ field, bn. Jan. 25, 1885. VI. Edg-ar A. Hatfield, bn. Feb. 16, 1862. Mrcl. Anrn1 M. Bri8"g, Nov. 30, 1886. P. 0., La Junta, Colo. Mnchimst. VI. William 8. Hatfield, hn. Sept. 2, 1864. Painter nnd pnpcr-h:mger. VI. ~lmnio E. Hatfield, bn. Feb. 7, 1869. VI. Grace C. Hut field, bn. Jan. 24, 1872. VI. M. Mabel Hntfiold, bn. Jun. 17, 1877. V. Martin F. Anizony, bn. Nov. 27, 1835; died Oct. 30, 1865. Mrd. Clnrn F. Hagner, Mnr. 3, 1864. Carpenter. Baptists. One child: (VI.) Harry R. An- geny, died Oct. 5, 1865, ngccl 7 mo. . V. Lenh Angeny, bn. Dec. 9, 18;37; ched Jun. 13, 1866. S.· · V. Raebel Anizeny1 bn. Feb. 24, 1840. l\frd. Seth Comly Hill, Oct. 3, 1861. P. 0., Milton, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. Children: (VI.) Raymond C. Hill, bn. Ang. :n, 1862; died Ang. 11, 1864. (VI.) Clara R. Hill, bn. May 29, 1864. (VI.) Kate E. Hill, bn. Aug. 21. 1866. (VI.) Alice Hill, bn. June rn, 1869. (VI.) Bessie Hill, hn. Oct. 24, 1872. (VI.) Herbert Hill, bn. Apr. 16, 1874. (VI.) Hurry M. Hill, bn. Apr. 30, 1878. V. Abbie C. Angeny, bn. June 26, 184:2. Mrd. Thomas Shuler, in 1866. P. 0., Grund Junction, In. Machinist. Meth. Ep. Children: (VI.) Elmer E. Shuler, bn. Nov. 26, 1867. Druf,o-gist at Omnhu, Nebr. (VI.) Charles C. Shuler, bn. Ju y 2, 1869. Grocery­ man at Grand Junction, Ia. (VI.) J. Eugene Shuler, bn. Mnr. 28, 1871. Clerk in Chicago. (VI.) Martin A. Shuler, bn. Mny 27, 1872. (VI.) Bessie M. Shuler, bn. Oct. 3, 1875. (VI.) Willie T. Shuler, bn. Jun. 16, 1878. (VI.) Robert A. Shuler, bn. Ang-. 14. 1880. (VI.) David 0. Shuler, bn. Oct. 8, 1883; died Nov. 28, 1886. (VI.) Ben Harrison Shuler, bn. July 18, 1888. V. Katharine Angeny, bn. SeJ)t, 18, 1844. Mrd. William Shields, Dec. 26, 1867. P. 0., Kelly Point, Pa. Wheel-wrig-ht. Mrs. S. Baptist. Children: (VI.) -115- Esther Lucas Shields, bn. Dec. 26, 1868. Presby. (VI.) Lillian Angeny Shields, bn. Dec. 12, 1870. Bap­ tist. (VI.) Ellen Harris Shields, bn. Jan. 31, 1873. Presby. ·(VI.) William Scott Shields, bn. A pr.· 11, 1875. (VI.) Edgar Thomson Shields, bn. Sept. 24, 1877. (VI.) Charlotte Elliott Shields, bn• .May 4, 1880. (VI.) James Leigh Shields, bn. Jan. 27, 1885. V. Minerva Angen:}', bn. in Union Co., Pa., June 26,1852. s. IV. Samuel Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. Anna Ku_!p, Apr. 2, 1832. She was bn. Apr. 12, 1812; died Feb. 19, 1876. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Farmer. Menu. Chil­ dren: Hester, Barbara, Tillman. V. Hester Angeny, bn. Dec. 14, 1833. Mrd. Jacob Hockman, Oct. 15, 1859. Carpenter. Children: Reu­ ben, Annie. VI. Reuben Hockman, bn. Feb. 21, 1862. Mrd. Elizabeth Strouse, 1883. P. 0., Hatboro, Pa. Ton­ sorial artist. Meth. Ep. Children: (VII.) Lillian Hockman, bn. Jan. 5, 1884. (VII.) Gertrude Hoek­ m~n, ho. July 13, 1886. VI. Anna Hockman, bn. Feb. 11, 1865. V. Barbara Angeny, bn. May 28, 1835. Mrd. Henry M. Kramer, Sept. 29, 1864. Carpenter. Luth. Children: (VI.) Emma Kramer, bn. Jan. 18, 1867. Mrd. C. F. Follmer, Oct. 27, 1888. Machin­ ist. Luth. (VJ.) William H. Kramer, hn. Apr. 15, 1873; died Mar. 30, 1876. (VI.) Anna E. Kramer, bn. Apr. 9, 1875; died July 18, 1876. (VI.) S. Linford Kramer, bn. Sept. 18, 1879. V. Tillh1an Angeny, bn. Apr. 28, 1844. Mrd. Vic­ torin Grace Wickert, June 17, 1886. Salesman in general store. Lutherans No issue. JV. William Angeny, bn. Aug. 24, 1808. Mrd. Catharine Nonnmaker, Mar. 1, 1836. She was bn. May 24, 1817; died Apr. 14, 1886. P. 0., Garden­ ville, Pn.. Farmer. Menn. Children: (V.) Sarah An­ ~eny, bn. July 2, 1840; died Feb. 27. 1845. (V.) Abraham Angeny, bn. Nov. 2, 1841; died June 7, 1862. (V.) Samuel Angeny, bn. Feb. 21, 18':!:6. S. (V.) AnD:L Angeny, bn. Oct. 15, 1851. S. -116- IY. David Angeny, bn. -; died -. Mrd. Elizabeth Kul_p, Nov. 14, 1841. She was bn. June 30, 1815. P. O., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Chil- dren: Henry, Jacob, Anna, Mary. · · Y. Henry An!reny, died in infancy. Y. Jacob K. ~geny, bn. Dec. 11, 1845. Mrd. Cath­ arine Shelly. Apr. 12, 1873. Farmer. Menn. Chil­ dren: (YI.) Elizabeth S. Angeny, bn. July 23, 1875. (YI.) Henry S. Angcny, bn. Oct. 26, 1876. (YI.) Da­ vid S. Angeny, bn. Mar. 10; 1879. (YI.) Jacob S. Ang_e!I.Y, bn. Apr. 1, 1881. (YI.) Mary S. Angeny, bn. .J.VJ.ar. 5, 1883. (YI.) Katie S. An~ny, bn. May 9, 1886. (VI.) Anna S. Angeny, bn. -Oct. 27, 1888. Y. Anna Angeny, bn. Sept. 1, 1850. Mrd. Henry K. Detweiler, Feb. 28, 1874. P. 0 .• Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Menn. C,'hildren: (YI.) Samuel A. Det­ weiler, bn. Mar. 17, 1875; died Aug. 2~0 1875. (VI.) David A. Detweiler, bn. May 2, 1876. I.) Mary A. Detweiler, bn. Ang. 1, 1878; died -. I.) Elizabeth A. Detweiler, bn. Nov. 19, 1879. (YI.) Annie A. Det­ weiler, bn. Aug. 7, 1882. (YI.) Mary A. Detweiler, bn. Mar. 20, 1884; died Mar. 30, 1885. (YI.) Jacob A. Detweiler, bn. Dec. 21, 1886. Still-born. (YI.) Emma A. Detweiler, bn. Jan. 19, 1888. V. Marv Angeny, bn. Apr. 18, 1857. Mrd. Isaac H. Kulp. (See Index of References No. 38.) ~-~- fr -r:£.,,,/4_ (See page 177)


II. Joseph Wismer. bn. in Bucks Co.,-; died be­ fore bis father made his will. His portion of his father's estate, was pnid to his two sons in 1791 • .Mrd. -. Children: Jacob, Joseph. Ill. Jacob Wismer, bn. Dec. 3, i751; died Apr. 18, 1837. Mrd. Susan Delp, -. Stie was bn. about 1761; died Dec. 15, 1827, aged 66 years. Lived at Weaver­ town, and is known as "Weavertown Jacob." Farmer. Children: Mary, Catharine, Nancy, Elizabeth. IV. Mary Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Michael Bissey, -. Moved to Ohio. Had issue; a son: (V.) Adna. IV. Catharine Wismer, bn. Mrd. Joseph Fredericks ..:.. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Isaac, Jonathan, Jacob, Abraham, Henry. V. !sane Fredericks, bn. -; died youn"'. V. Jonathan Fredericks, born-. Mrd. Rebecca· Morris,-. Carpenter in Camden, N. J. Children: (VI.) Joseph. (VI.) Jacob. (VI.) Cornelia. (VI.) Em~a. (VI.) Susan. · V. Jacob W. Frederick, bn. in Plumstead Twp., Bucks, Co., Nov. 7, 1820. Mrd. Esther L. Morris, daughter of Joseph and Dorothy MorrJs of Wrights­ town, Pa., Mar. 26, 184:6. Farmer. Children: Joseph, Henry, Edward, Emily. · VI. joseph M. Frederick, bn. -. Mrd. Lizzie EI,r, -. One child: (VII.) Linford K. VI. Henry S. Fredericks, bn. -. Mrd. Lizzie H. Betts,-. P. 0., Carversville, Pa. Children: (VII.) Edward C. (VII.) Flora L. VI. W. Edward Fredericks, bn. -. S. P. 0., Carv­ ersvillc, Pa. 9 -118- VI. S. Emily Fredericks, bn. -. P. 0., Carvers ville, Pa. S. V. Abraham Fredericks, hn. Nov. 14, 1824. Mrd. Lo11iso. Van Hart in 1854. Laborer. Children: Amanda, Mary, Hannah. VI. Amanda Fredericks, bn. Feb. 18, 1855. Mrd. Thornton Worthington, Jan. 1, 1873. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Children: ~VII.) M_!!ry Worthington, bn. Mar. 5, 1876. (VII.) Charles Worthington, bn. Nov. 11, 1879. (VII.) Anson Worthington, bn. Dec. 2, 1881; died aged 6 years. (VII.) Taylor Worthing­ ton, bn. Feb. 5, 1884. (VII.) Levi Worthington, bn. June 14, 1886, (VII.) Laura Worthington, bn. July 12, 1889. VI. Marv Fredericks, bn. Oct. 8, 1856, Mrd. Taylor Worthiui;;on. P. 0., Levin, Pa. Farmer. Children: (VII.) L. Ellen Worthington, hn. A__!lg. o, 1878; died Oct. 27, 1879. (VII.) Arthur C. Worthington, bn. Sept. 19, 1880. Killed while trimming a fallen tree, Apr. 5, 1892. (.VII.) Lewis W. Worthington, bn. Apr. 20, 188?.. (VII.) Alonzo F. Worthington, bn. Mar. 20, 1886, (VII.) Edith Worthington, bn. July 7, 1889. (VII.) Eva B. Worthington, bn. Sept. 20, 1891. VI. Hannah Frede1icks, bn. July 5, 1859. Mrd. Alonzo Fesmire. P. 0., Hopewell, N. J. Foreman .and engineer of Hopewell Stone (.,'rusher. Children: (VII.) John B. Fesmire, bn. Nov. 10, 1878. (VII.) Bertha L. Fesmire, bn. Mar. 23, 1880. (VII.) A. Fred­ die Fesmire, bn. Dec. 16, 1881; died Sept. 6, 1882. (VII.) Nora Fesmire, bn. May 8, 1882; died Mar. 3, 1885. (VII.) Geor:re Fesmire, bn. Oct. 26, 1884; died Feb. 22, 1885. (VII.) Frank Fesmire, bn. ,Jan. 25, 1885. (VII.) Harry Fesmire, bn. Apr. 15, 1887. (VII.) Raymond Fesmire, bn. May 27, 1888; died Aug. 20, 1888. (VII.) Martha B. Fesmire, bn. Sept. 22, 1889. (VII.) Alonzo Fesmire, Jr. bn. June 8, 1891. V. '.Henry Fredericks, bn. -. Mrd. -. Lives in Ohio. IV. Nancy Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mr

VII. Rosa Lear bn. -. Mrd. Martin Hulshizer, ,Tune 12, 1884. P. 0., Doylestown, Pa. Druagist. Mr. Hulshizer is organist of the Presbyterian church of Doylestown, a position he has held for over 25 years, and a member of Brock's Orchestra since its or.,anization in 1876. vii. Minnie Dora Lear, bn. -; died Mar. 8, 1872. VI. Elizabeth Lear, bn. in Bucks Co., July 20, 1834:. Mrd. Samuel F. Welden, Oct. 1, 1854. P. 0., Dan­ boro, Pa. Presby. Children: Martita, Mary, Curtin, Kate, Anna, Geor"e, Jennie, Lizzie. VII. Martha L. Weiden, bn. June 5, 1856. Mrd. ,Tames M. Reijjale, -. P. 0.,- Da.nboro, Pa. Presby. One child: (VI I.) Samuel W. Reigle. VII. Mary 'Ellen Wolden, bn. 1J une 21, 1858. Mrd. Henry F. Bisson,-. P. 0., Solebury, Pa. Presby. Uhildren: (Vilt) Anna May Bisson. (VIII.) Florence Bisson. (VIII.) Lizzie W. Bisson. VII. A.G. Curtin Welden, bn. Nov. 27, 1860. Mrd. Annie Leatherman, -. Res. 2550 Germantown Ave., Pbila., Pa. Grocer_vman. BaJ>tist. Children: (VIII,} Mabel Wolden. (VIII.) Russel Wolden. (VIII.) Grace: Wolden, bn. -; died -. VII. Kate L. Welden, hn. Jan. 1, 1863. Mrd. Amos Fretz, Oct. 27, 1886. Res. 2550 Germantown Ave., Philu., Pa. Groceryman. Baptists. Children: (VIII.) Elsie W. Fretz. (VIII.) Florence Fretz. Vll. Anna B. Wolden, bn. July 29, 1865. Presby. S. VII. George L. Welden, bn. Sept. 27, 1867. S. VII. Jennie L. Welden, bn. May 12, 1870; died'July 22, 1890. VII. Lizzie Wolden, bn. Oct. 2, 1872. Presby. S. VI. Joseph R. Lear, hn. Mar. 5, 1837; died Feb. 21, 1885. Mrd. Mary Ann Wismer, -. P. 0., Wismer, Pa. Carpenter, undertaker, farmer, merchant. Mrs. L. Baptist. One child: (VII.) Lincoln Lear, bn. Nov. 9, 1866. Mrd. Anna Hunsberger, -. P. 0., 11 & · Mifflin St., Phila., Pa. Merchant grocer. Baptist. VI. Mary Lear, bn. in Bucks Co., July 5, 1840. Mrd. Jacob M. Steineback, -. P. 0., Shelly, Pa. Farmer. L,1th's. Children: (VII.) Howard Steine­ back, bn. _Dec. 9, 1864. Mrd. lda Benner, Feb. 28, -122 - 1891. P. 0., Zionsville, Pa. Merchant. Luth's. (VII.) Annie Steineback, bn. May 2, 1881. VI. Peter R. Lear, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 4, 1844:. P. 0., Clear Water, Cal. Stone mason. S. VI. Isaac R. Lear, bn. June 1, 184:7. Mn!. Emma Bissey, Sept. 28, 1872. P. 0., Tinicum, Pa. Mason. No issue. · V. Michael Ruth, bn. 1808. Mrd. Catharine Ders­ tine. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. Children: (VI.) Henry D. Ruth, bn. -. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. (YI.) Abraham D. Ruth, bn. -. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. (VI.) Annie Ruth, bn. -. Mrd. -. . V. Hettie Ruth, bn. 1810; died-. V. Elizabeth Ruth, bn. 1811; died-. Mrd. Isaac Cassel (dec'cl), -. V. Mary Ruth, bn. 1815; died-. V. Joseph Ruth, bn. 1818; died-. V. Anna Ruth, bn. 1819; died -. Mrd. Samuel Ebert (dec'd). V. John Ruth, bn. 1821. Mrd. _Catharine Derstine, Dec. 25, 1852. She was bn. May 11, 1830.. P. O., Lansdale, Pa. Shoemaker. Childrl'ln: (YI.) Mary Ann Ruth, bn. Dec. 23, 1853; died Oct. lS, 1856. (YI.) Henry ~uth, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Lansdale, :t>a. (YI.) Abraham Ruth, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Lansclale, Pa. IV. Barbara Wismer, bn. June 13, 1785; died Mar. 14, 1870. Mrd. Mark Fretz (son of "Shoemaker" Henry Fretz). Children: Joseph, Henry, John, Mary, Barbara, Elizabeth. V. Joseph Fretz, bn. -. V. Henry Fretz, bn. Nov. 27, 1811; died Sept. 12, 1864. . Mrd. Elizabeth Landis, Dec. 12, 1859. Farmer. Menn. Children: Maria, Catharine, Eliza, Sarah, Barbara. VI. Maria Fretz, bn. Jan. 6, 1855; died May 12, 1855. VI. Catharine Fretz, bn. Oct. 30, 1856. Mrd. Isaac M. Swartz, Sept. 7, 1878. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Elizabctli Swartz, bn. May 10, 1879; died Aug. 3, 1879. (VII.) - Swartz, bn. June 3, 1880; died May 20, 1885. (VII.) Annie Swartz, bn. Oct. 4, 1882•. ~VII.) Ida Swartz, bn. Aug. 15, 1886. -- 123 - VI. Eliza Fretz, hn. Sept. 27, 1858. Mrd. Mahlon Moyer,-. VI .. Sarah Fretz, bn. July 1, 1860. Mrur,e, Ont. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Barbara Cressman, bn. Julv 7, 1878. (VII.) Ida Mi­ nerva Cressman, bn. Apr. 19, 1880. (VI.I,) Maria Cressman, bn. Apr. 30, 1884. (VII.) Lanora Cress­ man, bn. Oct. 10, 1886. (VII.) Mabel Cressman, bn. Oct. 8, 1888. (Vil.) Wilfred Solon Cressman, bn. Feb. U, 1891. (VII.) Alvina Cressman, bn. Mar. 19, 1893. VI. Barbara Cressman, bn. -; died -, aged 5 years. VI. Mary Cressman, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 26, 1858. .Mrd. Titus Bing_aman, Dec. 12, 1882. P. 0., New Dundee, Ont. ~armer. Children: (VJI.) Olive Bin~~man, bn. Dec. 6, 1883. (VII.) Essie Binga­ man, bn. 1v.tay 23, 1885. (VII.) Ada Bingaman, bn. May 3, 1886. (VII.) Elmer Bin~man, bn. Sept. 14, 1887; died Nov. 18, 1887. (VII., Roy Bingaman, bn. Sept. 20, 1888, (Vil.) Moral Bi~aman, bn. Sept. 10, 18\JO. (VII.) Ina :8ingaman, bn. ;:,apt. 15, 1892. VI. Israel Cressman, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont.• Jan. 2, 1860. Mrd. Sarah Bowman, June 16, 1886. P. 0., New Dundee, Ont. Farmer. .Menn's. Childrc:n: (VII.) Ethelbald Cressman, bn. Jan. 13, 1888. (VII.) Orkney Cressman, bn. Dec. 17, 1889. VI. Menno Cressman, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Nov. 5, 1861. Mrd. Mary Ann Nahrgang, June 28, 1887, P. 0., Berlin, Ont. Dry goods merchant. -128 - Mann's. One child: (VII.) Grace Geraldine Cressman, bn. Jan. 30, 1892. VI. Lucinda Cressman, bn. -. S. V. Henry Cressman, bn. in WaterlooCo.,Ont., Feb. 27, 1825. Mrd. Sarah Woolner, Mar. 4, 1851. P. 0., Berlin, Ont. Retired farmer. Mann's. Children: Esther, Adaline, Susannah, Louisa, Phillis. VI. Esther Cressman, bn. Apr. 29, 1852; died Mar. 5, 1856. . VI. Adaline Cressman, bn. Mar. 25, 1855; died Aug. 21. 1862. · VI. Susanna~ Cressman, bn, July 25, 1857. Mrd. John K. Dev1tt, --. P. 0., Berhn, Ont. Farmer. Mann's. Children: (VII.) Elsie Selina Devitt. (VII.) Clarissa Leda Devitt. (VII.) Alice Adelia Devitt. (VII.) Bernice May Devitt. (VII.) Sarah Magdalena Devitt. VI. Louisa Cressman, bn. J unc 1, 1860. Mid. Dil­ man Brubacker, -. P. 0., St. Jacobs, Ont. Farmer• . Mann's. Children:JVII.) MagdalenaBrubacker. (VII.) Irvin Brubacker. ( II.) Adina Brubacker. (VII.) Hen­ rietta Brubacker. (VII.) Ida Brubaker. (VU.) Stanley Brubacker. VI. Phillis Cressman, born Aug. 25, 1863. Mrd. George S. W cber, -. P. 0., Berlin, Ont. Fa1mer. Menn's. Children: (VII.) Irvin Weber. (VII.) Ida Adelia Weber. IV. Henry Wismer, bn. Mar. 11, 1792; died an in­ fant. IV. Henry Wismer, bn. Mar.10, 1794; diedJune 11, 1876. Mrd. Mary Cressman. Lived in Waterloo Co., Ont. Children: Daniel, Henry, Barbara, Esther, Elizabeth, Macy. V. Rev. Daniel Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Berlin, Ont. Children: Moses, Esther. VI. Moses Wismer, bn. ,-. P. 0., Preston, Ont. VI. Esther Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont. Mrd. ,John B. Kraft. He was bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 6, 1844. P. 0., Caledonia, Mich. Farmer. Children: Lydia, Urias. Noah, Elsie, Alfred, George; Robert, John, Eddie, Sarah, Laura. - 121) - VII. Lydia Ann Kraft, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont.• Nov. 1, 1868. Mrd. Wesley Break, Sept. 16, 1889. P. 0., Crosby, Mich. Blacksmith. Children: (VIII.} Clinton Break, bn. July 14, 1890. (VIII.) Myrl Break, bn. S~pt. 7, 1891. VII. Urias Kraft, bn. Feb. 22, 1870, in Waterloo Co., Ont. VII. Noah Kraft, bn. Dec. U, 1871, in Waterloo Co., Ont. VII. Elsie Kraft, bn. Apr. 4, 1873; died Nov. 30, 1873. VII. Alfred Kraft, bn. Nov. 4, 1874., in Oxford Co.~ Ont. I , VII, George Kraft, bn. Oct. 26, 1876, in Oxford Co., Ont. VII. Robert Kraft, bn. Nov. 6, 1877, in Oxford Co., Ont. . VII. John Kraft, bn. Feb. 22, 1880, in Kent Co., Mich. VII. Eddie Kraft, bn. Sept. 4, 1882, in Kent Co., Mich. VII. Sarah Kraft, bn. Apr. 12, 1884, in Kent Co .• Mich. VII. Laura Kraft, bn. Sept. 16, 1886. V. Henry Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. V. Barbara Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont.• Oct. 25, 1816; died in Clinton Co., Mich., Aug. 28, 1889. Mrd. David Baer, Jan. 30, 1838. He was bn. Nov. 24, 1810; died in Oxford Co., Ont., July 6, 1881. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Amos, Henry. Mary, Abraham, Daniel, Elizabeth, Esther, John,. Martin, Sallie. VI. Amos Baer, bn. Nov. 27, 1838. Mrd. -. P. 0.,. Bright, Ont. VI. Henry Baer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Oct. 21,. 1842. Mrd. Leab Bowman, Feb. 27, 1868. P. 0.,. Mannheim, Ont. Caryenter and farmer. Menn's. Children: (VII.) Anaeline Baer, bn. July 7, 1869. (VII.) Elvina Baer, bn. Mar. 12, 1871. (VII.) Moses. Baer, bn. July 25, 1872. (VII.) Henry Ba.er, bn. Feb. 27, 1874; died June 14, 1874. (VII.) Fidia Baer, bn. May 4, 1875; died Oct. U, 1880. (VII.) Ephraim. -130- Baer, bn. Jan. 24, 1877. (Vll.) Simon Baer, bn. Dec. 22, 1879. (VII.) Louisa Baer, bn. Feb. 18, 1881. (VII.) Josiah Baer, bn. Oct. 9, 1882. (VII.) Noah Baer, bn. Oct. 26, 1884. (VII.) Eva Baer, bn. May 15, 1886. (VII.) Edon Baer, bn. Sept. 22, 1887; died Oct. 21, 1887. (VII.) Norman Baer, bn. Sept. 21, 1888. (VII.) Ezra Baer, bn. Nov. 20, 1890. VI. Mary Baer, bn. Dec. 21, 1844. VI. Abraham Baer, bn. July 30, 1846; died June 25, 1868. VI. Daniel Baer, bn. July 5, 1848; died Nov. 30, 1852. VI. Elizabeth Baer, bn. July 24, 1850. Mrd. Henry .Miller. P. 0., St. J'ohns, .Mich. VI. Esther Baer, bn. -. Mrd. Samuel Bauman. P. 0., Rosina, Ionia Co., Mich. VI. John Baer, bn. Dec. 18, 1853. VI. Martin Baer, bn. Oct. 17, 1855; died Oct. 13, 1861. VI. Sallie Baer, bn. Sept. 17, 1859; died July 27, 1878. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 28, 1824. Mrd. Moses B. Snyder. He was hn. Mar. 12, 1826; died Feb. 16, 1868. Farmer. Menu's. Children: Marv, Amos, Abram, Magdalena, Jacob, Henry, Ephraim, Isaac, Menno. VI. Mary Snyder, bn. Nov. 28, 1847. Mrd. John C. Shantz, Feb. 22, 1874. P. 0., Bresluu, Ont. Menu's. Children: (VII.) Hettie Shantz, bn. at Blooming-~ale, Ont. Mrd. Moses Eby, Mar. 9, 1890. P. 0., Moor­ field, Ont. Farmer. Menn. Bre. in Christ. (VII.) Israel Shantz. (VII.) Norman Shantz. (VII.) Annie Shantz. (VII.) Malinda Shantz. (VII.) Titus Shantz. (Vil.) Elvina Shantz. (VII.) Amzi Shantz. (VII.) Mary Shantz. VI. Amos W. Snyder, bn. Apr. l(i, 1849. Mrd. Lydia Shantz, Feb. 15, 1874. P. 0., Bloomingdale, Ont. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: (VII:) Ur­ ban Snyder, bn. Mar. 24, 1875. (VII.) Lizzie Snyder, bn. June 2, 1877. (VII.) Alvin Snyder, bn. Feb. 27, 1879. -131- lll. Abraham Snyder, bn. Dec. 19, 1852; died Jll.ll. 11. 1853. VI. Magdalena Snyder, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jan. 1, 1854. Mi:.d. John S. Frey, Feb. 21, 1875. P .. O., Breslau, Ont. Farmer. Menn's. Children: (Vil.) Ephraim Frey, bn. Feb. 28, 1876. (Vil.) Abram Frey, bn. Jan.18, 1877. (VII.) John Henry Frey, bn. Feb. 10. (VII.) Catharine Frey, bn. Mar. 31, 1880. (VII.) Elizabeth Frey, bn. Jan. 14, 1882. (VII.) Su­ sannn Frey, bn. Mar. 18, 1884. (~II.) Isaac Frey, bn. Oct. 6, 1885. (VII.) Benjamin Frey, bn. Nov. 15, 1887. (VII.) Josiah Frey, bn. Mar. 28, 1890. (VII.) Jackniah Frey, bn. Oct. 27, 1881. ( (i.'11.) - Frey, bn. 1893. ' VI. Jacob Snyder, bn. May 4, 1856. Mrd. Mary Ann Snyder, June 1878. P.O., Freeport, Ont. New Menn's. Children: (Vil.) Alberta Lorena Snyder. (Vil.) Luella Florence Snyder. (VII.) Harvey Alton Snyder. VI. Henry Snyder, bn. Feb. 11, 1857. Mrd. Sarah Shantz, June 1875. She died June 10, 1878. United Bre. One child: (VII.) Elah Snyder, bn. May 3, 1876. -Henry mrd. second wife, Elizabeth Snyder, Feb. 3, 1879. She died Jan. 20, 1883. One child: (VII.) Elton Snyder, died infant.-Henry mrd. third wife, Lena Moss, May 1885. P. 0., Caledonia Station, Mich. One child: (VII.) Ira Alvin Snyder. . . VI. Ep_lnaim Snyder, bn. Mar. 5, 1858. Mrd. Su­ sanna Eby, Mar. 14, 1880. P. 0., Bloomingdale, Ont. Gardener. New Menn's. Children: (VII,} Hannah Snyder, bn. Jan. 16, 1881; died Jan. 18, 1881. (VII.) Hiram Snyder, bn. Jun. 29, 1882; died Oct. 26, 1883. (VII.) Jeremiah Snyder, bn. Aug. 20, 1884. VI. Isaac Snyder, bn. Aug. 7, 1860. P. 0., Hes­ peler, Ont. Carpenter. S. VI. Menno Sny'der, bn. Oct. 6, 1864. P. 0., Grand Rapids, Mich. Farm laborer. S. V, Esther Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., June 1, 1826; died Nov. 20, 1881. Mrd. Daniel Shantz, Oct. 30, 1849. He was bn. Mar. 30, 1827. P. 0., Bloomingdale, Ont. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Ja- -132- coh, Hom·y, Noah, Mariu, Duniol, Esther, Barbara, Menno. · VI. Jacob W. Shantz, bn. Sept. 3, 1850. Mrd. Mag­ dalena Crossman, Jan. 10, 1873 .. P. O., Wnllaco, Ont. Farmer. Menn's. Children: (VII.) Ananias Shantz, bn. Oct. 21, 1873. (VII.) Esther Shantz, bn, Aug. 7, 1875. (VII.) Addison Shantz, bn. Sept. 24, 1877. (Vil.) Nathan Shantz, bn. Sept. 13, 1879. (VII.) Emma Shnntz, bn. Sept. 2, 1881. (VII.) Fanny Shantz, bn. Nov. 17, 1883. (VII.) Celina Shantz, bn. Juno 1, 1887. · VI. Henry Shantz, bn. Feb. 16, 1852; died Au~. 1, 1879. Mrd. Mug_dalena Bauman, Oct. 29, 1876. Children: (VII.) Hannah Shantz, bn. Oct. 10, 1877. (VII.) Henry Cyronus Shantz, bn. June 6, 1879. VI. Noah 'W. Shantz, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Aug. 10, 1854. Mrd. Rnchol C. Shantz, Feb. 27, 1876. She died Aug. 20, 1890. P. 0., Geneva, Ill. Millwright. Menn. Children: (VII.) Edmund Shantz, bn. Apr. 12, 1877. (VII.) Elah Shantz, bn. Dec. 23, 1878. (VII.) Daniel Shantz, bn. Oct. 17, 1880. (VII.) Myrtie Shantz, bn. 8ept. 3, 1882; died Oct. 13, 1883. (Vil.) Sui!llnnah Shantz, bn. Jan. 2, 1885; died Nov. 12, 1886. (VII.) Maurice Shantz, bn. Aug. 13, 1887. (VII.) Orvie Shantz, bn. Sept. 20, 1889. VI. Maria Shantz, bn. May 17, 1858. Mrd. Charles Reichel, .-!,-rr. 24, 1885. P. 0., Bloomingdale, Ont. VI. Dume W. Shantz, bn. Apr. 8, 1861. P. 0., Leetsville, Mich. S. VI. Esther Shantz, bn. Mar. 26. 1863. Mrd. Owen S. Bauman, Jan. 15, 1882. P.O., May City, Iowa. Three children. VI. Barbara Shantz, bn. June 16, 1865. Mrd. Chris­ tian Albemang, Apr. 19, 1885. P. 0., Bloomingdale, Ont. VI. Menno W. Shantz, bn. May 26, 1869. S. V. Mary Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Jun~ 12, 1831. Mrd. Abraham S. Cressman, Jan. 21, 1877. P. 0., Washington, Ont. Retired farmer. Menu's. No issue. IV. Joseph Wismer, bn. Apr. 9, 1797: died Aug. 25, 1861. Lived in Canada, where he died unmarried. Jacob C. Wisrrier, (See page 212.)

-133- IV. ,To.cob Wismor, bn. Fob. 23, 1700; died in Phila. Ap1. 10, 1871. Mrd. Esther Rosonborgor, -. She wuc lm. in Montg_. Oo., Muy 10, 1810; died in Philo.. Sept. 18, 1877. rrodnce deuler, Mr. W. Meth. Ep., Mrs. W. Reformed, Children: Mury, Joseph, Ann, B1u·bar11, Emmu, Henry, Clmrles, Jucob, Esther, Al­ len, lhunklin. V. Mury Ann Wismer. hn. in Phi\11, Jan. 8, 1830. Mrcl. Frederick Theilncker, Feb. 6, 184b. He was hn. in Wurtemburg, Germany, eume to the Unitocl Stntos when six yimrs of uge; died Feb. 27, 1864. Moth. Children: Churlotte, W:lliam, Christian, Annn, Esthor, M11ry, S11mnel. ; VI. Chal'iotto Thoil11ckor, hn. -. Mrd. Antone F. Miller, -. Res., 2715 Giro.rd Ave., Phil11., Pu. Ci­ gtLr mnnufo.cturor. Children: (VII.) Alice E. Miller. (VII.) Lottie Miller. (VII.) Frank Antone Miller. VI. William J. Thoilacker, bn. Fob. 14, 1850. Mrd. -. Fire Insurance. Children: (VII.) Mary Emma Thcilacker. (VII.) William Thoilacker. VI. Christian F. Thoiluckor. bn. Mar. 12, 1851; died Mar. 23, 1851. VI. Anna Eliza Theilaoker, bu. Fob. 13, 1853; died Mar. 13, 1854. VI. Esther Ann Thcil11ckor, bu. May 12, 1854; died Jun. 14, 1856. VI. Mnry Ellen Theilacker, bn. Nov. 28, 1858. Mrtl. ~lahlon E. Foust, -. Tin-roofer. One child: (VII.) Mnttie Foust, -. · VI. Samuel Sc11torgood Thoilackor, bn. May 27, 1860. V. Joseph Wismer, bn. -; died in 1832. V. Anna Eliza Wismer, bn. Sept. 4, 1833; died Sept. 1848. V. Barbara A. Wismer, bn. Oct. 5, 1835; died in 1838. V. Emma Matilda Wismer, bu in Philadelphia; Jan. 14, 1837. l\~ I. Henry .Fetters, Jan. 14, 1856. He was hn. Jau. i;,, 1830; died Aug. 12, 1886. P. 0., 1326 Palmer St., Philadelphia, Pa. Children: ,JamcF, Esther, Charles, Wilhclmmu, Milton, Jacob, C..Jm·d, Walter. Mnry, Elin. 10 -134-

VI. James Fetters, bu. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 16, 1857. Res. 1326 Palmer St., Philadelphia. Driver. S. VI. Esther Ann Fetters, bu. Aug. 8, 1858; died Aug. 17, 1858. VI. Charles Henry Fetters, bn. in Philadelphia, Sept. 13, 1859. Driver. S. VI. Wilhelmina Fetters, bn. Sept. 25, 1862. Mrd. Charles H. Royer, Apr. 30, 1889. Children: (VII.) Wilhelmina Edna Royer, bn. Apr. 20, 1890. (VII.) Mabel Irene Ro_ver, bn. Sept: 8, 1892. • VI. Milton Augustus Fetters, born :b'ch. 6, 1865. Mrd. Clam Spencer, Oct. 17, 18!J0. P. 0., 2127 Uber St., Philadclphiu. Carpenter. Baptist. VI. Jacob Wismer Fetters, bn. Sept. 2i, 1868. 1326 Palmer St., Philadelphia. Salesman. Moth. Ep. S. VI. Clifford Fetters, Im. Oct. 19, 1870. 1326 Palmer St., Philudelphin. Cnrpcuter. Meth. Ep. S. VI. W niter Fetters, bn. Oct. HJ, lSiO; died Nov. 16, lSiO. VI. Mary Emma Fetters, Im. Sept.. 20, 1Si2. Meth. Ep. S. VI. Elin May Fetters, bn. Mny 29, 18i6. V. Henry Wismer, bn. Aug. ~1. 183!J; died Apr. 18i4. Mr,1. Knto Sweaney,-. Children: (VI.) Bos• ter Wismer. (VI.) Drusilla Wismer. V. Charil'~ R Wismer, bn. in Philudelphitl. Nov. 7, 18-U. .Mrd. Eliza Shuman, Dec. 1, 1867. Res. 2122 Marshall St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk. Ref. Chil­ dren: (VI.) Infnnt, born und died unnamed, Aug. 3, 1868. (VI,) Laura Virginia Wismer, bn. Nov. 17, 1869; died July 10, 1888. - (VI.) Charles Eugene Wismer, bu. J nly 12, 1872. V. Allen Wismer, bn. Nov. 2, 1844; died Aug. 20, 184:6. V. Jacob Wismer, bn. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7, 1847. Mrd. Mary Catharine Sill, July 28, 1870. Res. 1422 Savery St., Philad~!phia, Pa. Dealer in delicacies. Children: (VI.) Lillian Wismer, bn. June 3, 1871. S. (YI.) Amiee Wismer, bn. Mar. 18, 1874. S. V. Esther Wismer (twin), bn. Jan. 7, 1847; died Mar. 10, 1848. -135- v. Franklin Wismer, bn. Jan. 23, 1851; died Feb. 6, 1856. IV. Mary Wismer, bn. in Towamencin Twp., Mont~. Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1801; died Dec. 31, 1889. Mra.. George Knipe. Children: Amos, Mary, Joseph, Anna. -Mary mrd. second husband Jacob Overholtzer, - He was bn. 1781; died 1856. Miller. Ger. Ref. Cbil­

II. Henry Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pu., about 1730; died -. Mrd. Barbara Ledorneh in 1754. Ho wns an enterprising, shrewd nnd prosperous mun, From old documents in the possession of his descend­ ants it can be seen that, of the entire family of Jacob Wismer, he (Honr.v) was probably the most promi­ nent. in wealth and business abilities. Agriculture wns his c,hief pursuit. In 1773 he became owner of his father's farm of 210 acres in Bedminster. At the sumo time he h11d u form in Hilltown of 140 ucres, on which he lived and died. In 1793 he sold the home­ stead with 120 acres to his son Abraham, and the re­ maining 90 ucres to one Eke!, and in 1805 he sold. his Hilltown farm to his son-in-law John :Fnnk. He re­ ceived u life right for himself and wife. Funk was to reside on tho form and take good cure of the old couple. Ho wus hound to provide all the necessaries and comforts for old age. even to the roint of ClllTY­ ing- their firewood into their room anc furnish them with five irullons of whiskey yenrly us long us either of the old folks lived. W caving and distilling whis­ key were ulso carried on in connection with forming. Judging from items entered on his Day Book from 1768 to 1800, we are led to believe that persons in need of money and work depended in a great meas­ ure on him for assistance. It also appears that a few of his brothers were dependant on him for support towards the close of their lives. In 1803 he ma·ie a will, which rends as follows: -140- ~n tho nnmo of Go

The children of Henry nnd Barbara Wismer aro as follows: Jacob, Abraham, Annie, Marin, Henry, Joseph, Christian, Esther, John, Elizabeth, Samuel, Barbara. Ill. Jacob Wismer, hn. in Bucks Co., Pu., Apr. 15, 1755; died -. Mrd. -. Issue: Henry, Jacob, 11 Mrs. Bradford, and a Mrs. Rittenhouse.-2Jncob mrd. second wife -. Issue, one child, Mary. They lived aloni the Schuylkill in the direction of Royer's Ford, in l\'lontg. Co., on the farm now owned and occupied by Henry Thomns. Miller and former. IV. Henry Wismer, M. D., bn. -; died of yellow fever. IV. Jacob Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. Issue: Henry, John, Ephraim, Eliza. V. Henry Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. Child: ,(VI.) Frank.. Wjsmer, P. 0. ,. Royer's Ford, Pa. V. John Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. V. Ephraim Wismer, bn. -; died-. S. V, Eliza Wismer, bn. -; died -. Mrd. - Rhodes, -. No issue. -145 - IV. - Wismm·, bn, -; die1l --. Mrd. Hozekinh Brndford -. No is1me. IV, - Wismer, bo, -; died -. Mrd, Henry ltittenhonse, -. Children: Uhurles, Mury, V, Uhurlos Rittenhouse, ho. -; u. Fm·ml'l', Menn. Children: Mury, IWns, Amundn, Knte, Smmnnn, Annn, Allon, Willinm, Dnniol. VII, M11rv F. H11m1horgor, Lm. Apr. 2G, 1855. Mrd. Chnrlci; 0. Atkinson, Nov. lt,, 18i0. Shoemnkm·. One child: (VIII.) Snmnol Hownrd Atkinson, bn. Fob. 8, 1882. VII, Elins F. Hunsborgor, lm. Oct. 13, 1850. Mr6. P. 0., Seville, 0. Farmer. Menn. Children: Isaac, Hannah. Home where Mark Wismer Died (Log Cabin.)

-149 - VII. Isanc H. Overholt, bn. Sept. 6, 1857. Mrd. Alice S. Ziegler, Aug. 7, 1881. · P. 0., Rittman, O. Carpenter. Children: (VIII.) Charles Franklin Over­ holt, bn. June 30, 1882; died June 29, 1883. (VIII,) William Henry Overholt, bn. Feb. 20, 1884. {VIII,) Effie Elizabeth Overholt, bn. Aug. 13, 1885. (VIII.) John Clifford Overholt, bn. Sept. 4, 1887. VII. Hannah LibyOvcrholt, bn. July 2J, 1859. Mrd. E. E. Pr:itt, 1888. P. 0., Dalton, 0. Farmer. Chil­ dren: (VIII.) Iva Irene Pratt, bn. Jan. 18, 1889. (VIII.) R:iy E. Pratt, bn. Sept. 22, 1890. VI. Abraham W. Hunsberger. ho. Au~. 29. 183,1,; died -. Mrd. Sarah Moore, Nov. 27, 1858. Farmer. Menn. Children: Milton, Franklin, Abraham. VII. Milton .M. Hunsberger, bn. Mar. 9, 1860; died Oct. 13, 1863. · · VII. Franklin M. Hunsberger, bn. in Bucks Co., Dec. 26, 1861. Mrd. Louisa B. Moyer. P. 0., Hill­ town, Pa. Carpenter. Luth. Children: (VIII.) Lillie Amelia Hunsber~cr, bn. Ang. 4, 1884. (VIII.) Charles Pierson Hunsberger, bn. Oct. 20, 1885. (VIII.) Mary Agnes Hunsberger, bn. Jan. 9, 1890. (VIII.) Anthony Franklin Hunsberger, bn. Mar. 19, 1891. VII. Abraham M. Hunsberger, bn. in Bucks Co., Dec. 9, 1863. P. 0., Hilltown, Pa. S. VI. Simeon W. Hunsberger, bn. Oct. 26, 1836. Mrd. Elizabeth Schrauger, Feb. 26, 1860. She was bn. Dec. 15, 1838. P. 0., Fountainville, Pa. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Jacob Hunsberger, bn. l\far. 13, 1862; died same day. {VII.) Susauna Hunsberger, bn. Apr. 22, 1863; died .Mar. 14, 1883. (VII.) Jon:is Hunsberger, bu. Jan. 12, 1866. Mrd. Kate Heacock, Apr. 24, 1889. She was bn. Dec. 1868. (VII.) Tobias Hunsberger, bn. Feb. 16, 1868. .Mrd. Anna Meyers, Oct. 17, 1891. She was born Sept. 22, 1869. Laborer. Menn. (VII.) ,John Hunsberger, bn. J nne 17, 1871; died Mar. 6, 1883. (VII.) Elizabeth Hnnsbergcr. bn. June 17, 1871; died same day. (VII.) Abraham Huns­ berger, bn. Aug. 29, 1874. Saddler. S. 1/1. Susanna Hunsberger, bn. Apr. 15, 1839; diPd J:in. 1, 1848. 11 -150-

VI. Elizabeth Hunsberger, bn. Dec. 13, 18-U; died Dec. 25, 1843. VI. Jncob W. Hunsberger, bn. July 13, 1844; clied July 21, 1845. VI. JoscJ;>h W. Hunsberger, bn. Mar. 19, 1847. P. 0., Fricks. VI. Snrnh Hunsberger, bn. June 19, 1850; died Jan. 10, 1851. V. John D. Wismer, bn. Aug. 20, 1806; died Oct. 16, 1878. Mrd. Nnncy Fly, -. SL ,emaker. No issue. V. Samuel Wismer, bn. Mar. 1, 1809; died nged 6 months. V. Bnrbnrn Wismer, hn. Feb. 1, 1811. Mrd. Samuel Nash. (Sec Index of References No. -!-1.) V. Cnthurinc Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pu., Sept. 20, 1813. .Mrd. Jacob Kratz, -. He was bn. in Bucks Co., Aug. 13, 1811; died Feb. 1, 1872. In May 1839 they moved to ·w ayne Co., 0., where they purchased a farm on which tbev lh·cd until he died. Menn. Children: Samuel, l\,iuria, Reuben, Henry, Jacob, Lee. VI. Samuel W. Kratz, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1836. P. 0., Acme, 0. Retired teacher and farmer. Menn. Single. VI. Maria Kratz, bn. in W aync Co., 0., Sept. 17, 1840. .Mrd. John C. Steiner, in 1863. P. 0., Ster­ ling, 0. Farmer. Menn. Children: Reuben, Edwin, Kate, Harvey, Alice, Franklin, Lizzie. VII. Reuben K. Steiner, bn. Dec. 6, 1863. VII. Edwin L. Steiner, bn. Aug. 3, 1866. VII. Kate A. Steiner, bn. ,Tune 20, 1869. Mrd. An­ drew D. Blough, in 188-!-. P. 0., Fredericksburg, O. Druggist. Disciples. One child: (VIII.) Walter H. Blouoh. VII. ~arvey J. Steiner, bn. July 8, 1872. VII. Alice C. Steiner, bn. Feb. 11, 1876. VII. Franklin K. Steiner, bn. Apr. 11, 1879; died July 6. 1879. VII. Lizzie May Steiner, bn. Nov. 10, 1882. VI. Reuben N. Kratz, bn. in Wayne Co., Q., July 2, l '345. In early life Mr. Kratz taught in the public -151 - schools, and also conducted si~ng-scbools in the vicinity of his former home in w ayne Co., O. He was married to Amanda M. Miller, of Akrcn, 0., Sept. 11, 1S73. In 1882 they moved to Mitchell, South Dakota. He bas been variouslJ occupied as lumber merchant, land office clerk, land attorney, and at _present occupies the position of Register of U. S. Office at Mitchell. He was also one of the founders of the University of Dakota, and is a mem­ ber of its managing board. He is also prominent in religious circles, and is President of the Sontb Da­ kota State Sunday School Association. Meth. Ep. Children:· (VII.) Frank E. Kratz, hn; Oct. 11, 1874; died July 6, 1878. (VII.) Fred M. Kratz, bn. Feb. 21, 1879. (VII.) Carl Samuel Kratz, bn. Feb. 13, 1888; VI. Henry Elton Kratz, M. ~.Ph.D., bn. in Wayne Co., 0., Oct. 14, 1849. He prepared himself for college in the common and high schools of bis native state, and supported himself by teachin~. He first entered Denison University, Grtmville, 0., where he remained two years, and then completed his collc~ate conrse at Wooster University, Wooster 0., gractuat­ ing with the degree of B. S. in 1874. Later the de­ f!fee of l\I. A. was granted him by bis Alma Mater. Hti at once entered upon the work of teaching, and has been Superintendent and Principal of schools in several important cities, principally those of Bucyrus, 0., and Dexter, Mich. 1n both: of these states he was frequently eng~ed in the institute work by the side of their best educators. 1n 1881, he went ab~oad, taking bis family with him, and during two years resided in London. While in Europe be made a special study of systems of education, and methods of instn1ction. He met many of the leadin~ educators of the Old World, and became familiar with their theories. Opportunities were offered him to observe school work there which he readily and profitably availed himself of, and returned to this countr.v. The year 1885 found him installed in the schools of Mitch­ ell, Dakota, as Superintendent, a position be held for four years. He organized and graded these schools and put them in a condition second to none in the -152 - Country. His pupils have found onsy admission to the schools of our lending cities. Ho promptly identified himself with the euuontors of the state, and has been present at every i111port11nt cdncntionul meeting in Dakota since 1886. When tho Educational Association or~nnized the rcuding circle department he was ma(lc tne chief oflioor, and in turn made the rending circle one of the vital educational forces of the stuto. He was three times unanimously chosen president of the State Eclucntional Association, un honor not before conferred on unv member. He wns also prominently mentioned for the position of Tor­ ritorml Superintendent of Public Instruction. At the first election for state officers, tho lending educators and teachers all over the stt1te made urgent appeals for him to consent to become u candidate for the of­ fice of State Superintomlont _of Public Instruction. Against his better judgment he was finally induced to make an effort to secure the Republican nomina­ tion. U nfortunatoly preceding nominations on the ticket, bunched the nominees in his part of the state, and he was defeated, although even then ho received a lim~e number of votes in the convention. In the spring of 1889 he was called to the chnir of Pedagogy and. principalship of the Normal De­ partment of the University of South Dakota. He also completed u 2ost graduate course in Philosophy and Pedagogy in Wooster University, and received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In November 1891, he was unanimously chosen Superintendent of the Sioux City, Iowa, schools, to succeed Prof. Chus. W. Doane. He completed tho year's work in such a satisfactory manner, that be was unanimously ro-clected for two years at IL salm:v of $2.500 per year. Sioux City has IL population of over 40,000, about 6,000 children are enrolled in her schools and 140 teachers arc required to instruct them. From this it can be readily inferred that Dr. Kratz's present field of work is a broad one, and bis responsibilities great. . In addition to his other duties be conducts Teach­ ers' Institutes, lectures from time to time, and ocea- - 153 - sionally contributes articles on educational topics to the press, and is Director of the Lake Madison Chau­ tauqua Assembly at Lake Madison, South Dakota. Taken altogether, it may readily be seen that Dr. Kratz is an exceedingly busy man. Ho was married to Lizzie M. Deni of Bucyrus, O., July 19, 1876. Meth. Ep. ch. Children: (Vil.) Horace Elton Kratz, bn. Nov. 12, 1877. (Vil.) Bessie May Kratz, bn. Jan. 2, 1879. (VII.) Arthur Murray Kratz, bn. Nov. 5, 1880. (VII.) Edward Mars Kratz, bn. Oct. 13, 1891. VI. Jacob Kratz, bn. in Wayne Co., 0., Fob. 7, 1855. Mrd. Acelia Kindig, Mar. 1, 1876. P. 0., Shepherd, Mich. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: (Vil.) Anna M. Kratz, bn. Jun. 1, 1878. (VII.) Harvel D. Krutz, bn. Sept. 27, 1879. (VII.) Infant, bn. July 9; died Sept. 19, 1881. VI. Lee G. Kratz, bn, in W;nyne Co., 0., July 27, 1858. He inherited musical tastes from his parents, both of whom were lovers of music, and each pos­ sessed gifts and accomplishments exceeding ordinary attainments. He early exhibited marked endowment with these family traits, was diligent at school, and availed himself of high school privileges at Seville, 0. After his father's death and breaking up of the old home, he went to live with his brother Reuben in Akron, 0., where he entered High School and came under the notice of Prof. N. L. Glover, the instructor in music, under whose influence and counsel ho de­ cided to make music his life study and work. For two years he en~nged in teaching school, all the time pursuing his study in music. He attended Ohio Nor­ mal Music School three terms, and SJ>ent one term in Dana's Musical Institute at Warren, 0. Later he en­ tered the College of Music at Cincinnati, 0., where he graduated in 1882, with second honor of his class. He afterwards engaged in the work of his profession at Davenport, Iowa. Here his influence was felt as a teacher and organizer of Church Choirs, Qunrtettes, Male Choruses, and as author of musical composi­ tions. His work in building up the Vocal Department of St. Catharine's Hall secured complimentary re~ - 154 - ommondation fl'om Billhop Perry, of tho Episcopal church. In 1887, desiring lal'"'Ol' opportunities and fiolds ho removed to Om11h11, where sncces1:1 nnd prosperity has invnriuhly nttc•n. 0., Gurdcnville, Pu. Furmer. Menn. Children: John, S11s11nn11, Joseph. VI. John L. WismPr, bn. Sept. 29, 1850. Mrcl. Kute Shelly, Sept. 8, 187fi. She mis 1111. ,Tan. W, 1856. P. o:, Gardum·illc, P11. Farmer. Menn. One child: (VII.) Wnlter Wismer, bn. Nov. 28, 1878. VI. Susanna Wismer, bn. Sept. rn, 1852. Mrd. To­ bins F. Shelly, Sept. 3, 1878. He wus bn. Jun. 20, 1854-. P. 0,, Gur_t. 29, 1835. She was bn. -; died May 27, 1892. EmfoTated to Canada --. P. 0., Port­ dalhousie, o'nt. Farmer. Menn. Children: Eli, Mary, Tobias, Aaron, Freeman, Alhed, Ephraim. VI. Eli Wismer, bn. Sept. ;.;, 1836. Mrd. Catharine High of Louth, Ont., Apr. 15, 1862. She died Feb. 9, 1877. P. 0., St. Catharines,- Ont. Farmer. Meth. Children: Emma, Ida, Joshua, Franklin, Huldah, James. - Mrd. second wife, Catharine Moyer, of Clinton Twp., Ont., May 21, 1877. Children: Curtis, Vernon. VII. Emma Amelia Wismer, bn. Feb. 10, 1863. Mrd.-. VII. Ida Sophia Wismer, bn. Sept. 10, 1864-. VII. Joshua Wismer, born Nov. 3, 1865. Married Emma, daughter of Daniel K. High, Esq., Nov. 18, 1891. VII. Franklin Wismer, bn. Apr. 10, 1867. VII. Huldah Orpha Wismer, bn. Nov. 21, 1868. VII. Curtis Wismer, bn. July 26, 1881. VII. Vernon Wismer, bn. Feb. 12, 1888; died Feb. 16, 1888. VI. Mary Wismer, bn. May 9, 1839. Mrd. Henry Grobb, Mar. 31, 1863. He was bn. Sept. 18, 1829. P. 0., Beamsville, Ont. Farmer. One child: (VII.) A:iron Grobb, bn. Feb. 14, 1870. VI. Tobias Wismer, bn. Jan.18, 1841. Mrd. Joanna Emery, of Louth Twp.• Ont., Nov. 21, 1866. P. 0., St. Catharines, Ont. Farmer. Meth. Children: Su­ san, Eliza, Ada, Ella, Harry, Minnie, Florence, Isaac. -161- VII. Susan Alberta Wkmer, bn. 1867. Mrd. Samuel Honsber~, -. One child: (VIII.) Ina.May Honsber­ ~r bn. Mar. 24, 1891. VII. Eliza Ma,,.uclalena Wismer, bn. Oct. 8, 1869. VII. Ada May Wismer, bn. Jan. 11, .1872. VII. Ella Belle Wxsmer, bn. Nov. 13, 1873. VII. Harry Thomas Wismer, bn. Ang. 29, 1875. VII. ~nnie Edney Wismer, bn. Apr. 25, 1878. VII. Florence Ethel Wismer, bn. Apr. 9, 1881~ died Sept 7, 1881. Vil. Isaac Arthur Wismer, bn. June 18, 1883. VI. A.aron Wismer, bn. Jan. 7, 1843. Mrd. Mary Margaret Martin, daughter of Abraham and Catha­ rine Martin, Jan. 19, 1876. P. 0., Jordan Station, Ont. Farmer. Baptists. No issue. VI. Freeman Wismer, b~. Oct. 19, 1845. Mrd. Mary Kratz, Jan. 8, 1866. S~c was born Jan. 23, 1841. P. 0., St. Catharines, 011t. · Farmer. Menn. Bre. in Christ. Children: (VII.) Salina Wismer, bn. Dec. 9, 1866. (VII.) Morgan Wismer, bn. July 10, 1869. (VII.) Albert Wismer, bn. May 11, 1872. (VII.) Arch­ ibald Wismer, bn. Oct. 14, 1875. (VII.) Hattie Wis­ mer, bn. Feb. 11, 1879. (VII.) Mary Wismer, bn. Nov. 8, 1881. VI. Alfred Wismer, bn. July 15, 184-8. Mrd. Bar­ bara Moyer, daughter of Jacob H. Moyer, Jan. 8, 1874. P. 0., Portdalhousie, Ont. Farmer. Baptists. Children: (VII.) Elsie Maud Wismer, bn. June 3, 1877. (VII.) Herbert Stanley Wismer, bn. Mar. 27, 1882. (VII.) Eva Florence Wismer, bn. Feb. 20, 1886. VI. Ephraim Wismer, bn. Aug. 25, 1851. Mrd. Magdalena Moyer, of Louth Twp., Ont., Aug 1, 1872. P. 0., St. Catharines, Ont. Book-keeper. Baptists. Children: (VII.) Clara Euretta Wismer, bn. Oct. 9, 1873. (VII.) Norman Howard Wismer, bn. Dec. 8, 1875. (VII.} Cora Mabel Wismer, bn. Oct. 6, 1877. (VII.) Effie Gertrude Wismer, bn. Feb. 7, 1880. (VII.) Hilliard Gro\"er Wismer, hn. July 11, 1886; clied Aug. 21, 1887. (VII.) Walter Stanley Wismer, bn. July 21, 1887. V. Anna Wismer, bn. -, 1808: died-. Mrd. Ja­ cob Detweiler, - • Ho w:1s bn. in Bucks Co., Pa.. -162- Jan. 20, 180S; died-. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Jsuac, Daniel, Benjamin, John, Jacob, Barbara, Su­ sanna, Christian, Enoch, Annie, Mary. VI. Christian Detwl'iler, bn. July 22, 1836. Unmrd. VI. Enoch W .. Detweiler, hn. in Waterloo Co., 011t., Sept. 8, 1839. Mrd. Victoria Willits, Nov. 27, 1860. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: Lavina, Ros­ etta, Alice, Barbara. Elsie, George, Effie. VII. Lanna Detweil~r, bn. Sept. 26, 186L S. VII. Rosetta W. Detweiler, bn. Mar. 20, lSR.'i. Mrd. Emanuel Hilborn, Apr. 1886. P. 0., Grand Valley, 011t~ Miller. United Brethren. Children: (VIII.) .Ada Hilborn, bn. Feb. 18, 1888. (VIII.) Leslie Hil• born, bn. Nov. 3, 1889. VII. Alice Jane.Detweiler, bn. June 1, 1867. Mrd. John W. Battler, Apr. 2, 1890. P. 0., New Dundee, Ont. Farmer. United Brethren. No children. VII. Barbara Annie Detweiler, bn. Feb. 18, 1869. S. VII. Elsie Eletia Cecilia Detweiler, bn. Aug. 2, 1873. s. VII. George William Detweiler, bn. Sept. 16, 1875. VII. Effie Detweiler, bn. Feb. 14, 1879. VI. Annie W. Detweiler, bn. July 21, 1844. Mrd. Adam B. Cassel. May 21, 1861. P. 0., New Dundee, Ont. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: Milton, Oliver. Lavina, John, Jacob. VII. Milton D. Cassel, bn. May 17, 1862; died same day. VII. Oliver D. Cassel, bn. June 16, 1863. Mrd. Bar­ bara S. Gei,g-er, Aug. 24, 1886. P. 0., New Dundee, Ont. Spinner and carder in wool factory. Children: (VIII.) James Lloyd G. Cassel, bn. June 15, 1887. (VIII.) Hattie Melissa G. Cassel, bn. Jan. 6, 1890. VII. Lavina D. Cassel, bn. Nov. 29, 1865. United Brethren. S. VII. John D. Cassel, bn. Sept. 3, 1871. Farmer. VII. Jacob D. Cassel, bn. Sept. 3, 1871. Employed in button factory. United Brethren. · VI. Mary Ann Detweiler, bn. Se})t. 12, 1850. Mrd. Albert Willits, Feb. 2, 1872. P. 0., Wroxeter, Ont. Farmer. Cong. ch. Children: (VII.) Jemima Willits, bn •. Jan. 25, 1873. (VII.) Barbara Anna Willits, hn. -163- May 19, 1S79. (VII.) Alberta Willits, bn. Apr. 5, ISSI. (VII.) Jacob Willits, bn. Apr. 19. 1SS3. (VII.) Alfred Willits. bn. Apr. 22. 1SS6. (VII.) Norman Willits, bn. July lS, lSSS. (VII.) Gordon Willits, bn. June 2S. 1S91. V. Philip Wismer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., A!]g. 31, ISl0. Mrd. Margaret High, Jan. 20, 1836. She died-. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Henry, Barbara, Elizabeth, Isaac, Joseph, Mary, W'i~ ~ John, Henrietta, M~dalena, Susanna. VI. Henry Wismer, bn. Oct. 26, 1836; died Jan. 21, 1837. VI. Barbara WISmer, bn. Feb. 12, 1838; died Nov. 16. 1S3S. VI. Elizabeth Wi Mennonite church. Children: (VII.) Louisa Catharine Wismer, bn. Oct. 21, 1877. (VII.) Annalora Marg-aret Wismer, bn. Mar. 11, 1880. (VII.) Jessie Alberta Wismer, bn. Sept. 4-, 1882. (VII.) l!:thel M!l:l"Y­ ettie Wismer, bn. Nov. 6, 1885. (VII.) Beatrice Vic- - 16-! - toria Wismer, bn. July IS, 1888. (VII.) Elma Elmira Wismer, bn. May 12, 1891. VI. Sarah Catharin<' Wismer, bn. Ang. 16, 1&1-8; died Dee. 14, 1883. l\frd. Jacob Issler,-. Cabinet maker. She had arr-.inged to join the Presbyterian ch. but death prevented. (lfll.) One child, still-horn. VI. John Henry Wismer, bn. Dec. S, 1850. Mrd. Nancy Catharine Tnffor


Rolland Wismer, bn. Nov. 12., 1868. (VII.) Delln May Wismer, bn. ,Jnn. 30, 1870. (VII.) Mnl')' Elvorn Wis­ mer, bn . .May 9, 187-l. (VII.) Florence Beatrice Wis­ mer, bn. l'Iar. 27, 1877. tVII.) Emily and Emerson Wismer. (twins) bn. Mnr. 5, 1880; died May 20, 1880, and July 30, lSSO, respectively. (VII.) Edwin Wis­ mer, hn. Mnr. 26, 1882; died 1'~eh. 24, 188.J,. VI. Francis J. Wismer, bn.. l\Iay 25, 18.J,5; died Sept. 20, 186-1-. . VI. Susan Amnnda Wismer, bn. May 15, 1849. Mrd. Cb:irl~s Phillips, Dec. 2-2, 1870. P.O., Grimsby, Ont. .Machinist. .Meth. Children: (VII.) W. E. Phillips7 bn. ,Tan. 7, 1872. Printer in the office of '•The Inde­ pendent" nt Grimsby, Ont. (VII.) urace D. Phillips, hn. Mar. 8, 1880. VI. Anna Elizabeth Wismer. hn. Mar. 21, 1852. 1\lrd. ,Tames A. Hewitt. Jun. 5, 1876. P.O.• Grimi-by, Ont. Carpenter and builder. Meth. Children: {Vil.) Lillian Orphefoi Hewitt, bn. Apr. 8, 1877. {VII.) James Arthur Hewitt, bn. Dec. 26, 1879. (VII~) Lot­ tie May Hewitt, bn. Mar. 9. 1881. (VII.) Ethel A; Hewitt, bu. Feb. 17, 1884. (VII.) Albert Roy Hewitt, hn. Oct. 10, 1890. : VI. Mary .Margaret Wismer, bn. in Lincolr.. Co., Ont., Feb. 12, 1854. Mrd. Edwin George Parntlice, of Bristol, England. Feb. 7, 1878. P.O., Grimsby, Ont. Children: (VII.) Louisa Maud Paradice, bn. Apr. 28, 1879. {Vil.) Edith Mabel Paradicc, bn. Ang. 7, 1881. (VII.) Marguerite Frances Paradicc, bn. Feb. 8, 1884. VI. Barbara Catharine Wismer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Dec. 26, 1862. Mrd. Alexander Ryckman. 1888. P.O., Grimsby, Ont. Meth's. Children: (VII.) Chnrles Edwin Ryckman, bn. Ang. 5, 18fl9. (VII.) Albert Franklin R_vckman, b. Aug. 31, 1891; d. July 15, 1892. V. David Wismer, bn. -; died young. V. Barbara Wismer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Aug. 10, 1816; died Apr. 10, 1886. Mrd. Joseph B. Moyer. Dec. 20, 1836. He was born Apr. 7, 1814:; died Aug. 3. 1891. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Anna, Franklin, William, Solomon, Mnrgaret, Olh·er. VI. Anna Moyer, bn. in Linec,ln Co., Ont•• Feh. 8, 1843. Mrd. Abraham C. Moyer, Mar. 28, 1872. ]2 -166- P. 0., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Moon's. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Harvey Moyer, bn. Jan. 21, 1873. S. (VII.) Franklin Moyer, bn. June 2, 1874; died Nov. 29, 1874. (Vil.) Madilla Moyer, bn. Sept. 27, 1875. (Vil.) Leidy Moyer, bn. Sept. 8, 1877. (Vil.) Lillie :.Moyer (twln), Jjn. Sept. 8, 1877; died Apr. 25, 1878. (Vil.) Granville Moyer, bn. Feb. 14, 187!1. (Vil.) Mel­ vin Moyer, bn. Apr. 29, 1881; died May 10, 1881. (VII.) Isaiah Moyer, bn. June 6, 1882; died Nov. 25, 1892. (Vil.) Alda Moyer, bn. Nov. 6, 1883. VI. Rev. Franklin W. Moyer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Aug. 22, 1845. Mrd. Leab Houser, Oct. 15, 1867. P. 0., ,Jordan, Ont. Minister of Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Children: (VII.) Morfi"'an Moyer, bn. May 22, 1869; died July 27, 1881. (V I.) Charley Moyer, bn. Jan. 30, 1871. P. 0., Fenwick, Ont. Clerk in store. (VII.) Rowley Mover, bn. Apr. 15, 1874; died Apr. 12, 1884. (VII.) Nettie Moyer, bn. July 11, 1876; died May 7, 1878. (Vil.) Hattie Moyer, bn. July 15, 1878; died Feb. 15, 1882. (VII.) Justus Moyer, bn. Feb. 22, 1883. VI. William H. W. Moyer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Jim. 20, 1847. Mrd. Margaret M. Moyer, Feb. 4, 1868. P. 0., Jordan, Ont. Farmer. lVJenn. Bre. in Christ. Children: Minerva, Irvin, Edwin, Sarah, Bosalphu, Herbert, Ellis. Vil. Minerva Moyer, bn. Mar. 15, 1869. Mrd. Byron Honsberger, -. P. 0., Jordan Stu., Ont. One child: {VIII.) Flossy Honsberger. VII. livin Moyer, bn. Feb. 11, 1871. VII. Edwin Moyer, bn. May 17, 1873. VUr,Sarah Jane Moyer, bn. June 29, 1875. VII. Bosalpba Moyer, bn. Mar. 5, 1878. VII. Herbert Lome Moyer, bn. Oct. 25, 1879. VII. Ellis Moyer, bn. July 18, 1883. VI. Solomon W. Moyer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Aug. 28, 1848. Mrd. Mary Jane Moyer, Oct. 10, 1872. P. 0., Jordan, Ont. Farmer. Menn. Children: (VII.) Harper Moyer, bn. May 1, 1877. (VII.) Gordon :.Moyer, bn. Sept. 10, 1879. (VII.) Wayne Moyer, bn. Mar. i9, 1888. -167- VI. Mnr~et W. Moyer., bn. June 19, 1850. Mrd. William u. Rittenhouse, Mnr. 17, 1874. P. 0., Benmsville, Ont. Proprietor of ''The Excelsior Fish Ponds," nod fruit fnrm. Meth's. Children: (VII.) .Nel­ lie Rittenhouse, bn. Feb. 26, 1875. (VII.) Hilda Rit­ tenhouse, bn. Sept. 28, 1877. (VII.) Howard Ritten­ house, bn. Apr. 29, 1883. (VII.) Bertha Rittenhouse, bn. Nov. 8, 1885. (VII.) Nelson Rittenhouse, bn. Apr. 22, 1887. VI. Oliver W. Moyer, bn. Jnn. 3, 1857. Mrd. Snruh B. Rittenhouse, P. 0., Cumpden, Ont. V. Catharine Wismer, bn. -; died young. V. Herny Wismer, bn. June 29, 1821; died May 14, 1884. Mrd. Anna Krntz, in 1845. She was born June 25, 1821. No issue. Mr. Wismer was one of the best known citizens in the county of Lincoln, Ont., having through official business nod otherwise become known to a large number of persons. While young he enjoyed the few educntional advantages which the county afforded. After marriage he enga,ged in farming in which he was very successful. In Jun. 1861, he offered himself for municipal honors, and by a majority of one vote, was elected a member of the township council, in what wns undoubtedly the sharpest contested Mu­ nicipal election ever held in the county of Lincoln. He was a member of the Twp., council for eight si.1c­ cessive years. In 1870, he was electecl Reeve of Louth Twp., which office he held for seven years. In 1875, he was elected Warden of Lincoln Co. He served as a member of the Louth Twp., council for 16 years. He lived on the shore of Lake Ontario, where he owned a farm of 80 acres which he sold for $12,000, and his estate at his death was worth $20,000. He was well known as a sterlini:i: and upright man, and a faithful worker for the best interest of the people, and enjoyed the high esteem of all who knew him. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn; May 16, 1823; died Aug. 4, 1879. V. Veronica Wismer, bn. Apr. 2, 1828; died Jun. 23, 1884. Partially insune. -168 -

0 V. Solomon Wismer, (by second wifo,) bn. June 13, 1837; died aged about ono week. IV. Burbarn Wismer, hn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 15, 1785; died Apr. 17, 1851. Mrd. Henry Rickert, -. Children: Daniel, Isa.ue, Samuel, Catharine, Bnr­ bnru, Frances, Henry, Jacob, Elizabeth. V. Daniel Rickert, bn. - ; died-. Mrd. -. V. Isaac Rickert, bn. -; died -. V. Samuel Riekert, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. V. Catharine Rickert, hn. -. Mrd. -Armntage. v; Barhnra Rickert. bu. -. Mrd. - Sherm. · V. Frances Rickert; bn. -. Mnl. - Delph, and - Hunsberger. V. Henry Rickert, bn. -. 1\-Ird. -. Have issue. V. Jacob Rickert, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. Had is­ sue. V. Elizabeth Rickert, bn. -. l\lrd. - Berks -. Have issue. IV. Cuthni-ine 'Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pu., July 23. 1787; died in C:ma

* John l\loyer of Wardsville, Ont., has coverlets made br. him, alRO a copper kettle still in use brouitht from Philade - phia, and a bl'll!IS clock l\lr. High took with him to Canada made either by Henry or Abraham Wismer in Pennr,,ylvania. - 169 - Ammcl, bn. Mar. 5, 1875; cliecl Mnr. U, 1875. (VII.) Salena Arrancl, born Mnr. 8, 1876. (VII.) Oliver Arrand, bn. Aug. 30, 1877. (VII.) Annie Melvina Arrand, bn. Dec. 13, 1878. (VII.) Richard James Arrancl, bn. Apr. 29, 1880. (VII.) Norman Arrand., bn. Oct. 25, 1886: cliecl Apr. 25, 1887. (VII.) Ethel May Arrancl, bn. Dec. 24, 1888. VI. Catharine Moyer, bn. Mar. 22, 18*9. Mrd. lsanc Saylor, May 2, 1871. P. 0., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Chilclrcn: (VII.) Mar~rct Ann Saylor, bn. Aug. 30, 1872. (VII.) Eva Bcll S:iylor, bn. May 1, 1874. (VII.) Flora l~tta Saylor, bn. Oct. 1, 1876; died Nov. 11, 1876. (VII.) Catharine Saylor, bn. July 3, 1878. (VII.) Hattie Saylor, bn. ,July 5, 188-l; died Sept. 23, 1884. VI. Anna Moyer, bn. 1850; died Sc:pt. 21, 1881. S. VI. John Moyer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., June 7, 1853. :\Ird. Esther Saylor. Dec. 21, 18761 She died 1\far. 5, 1883. P. 0., Wardsville, Ont: Farmer. :Menn. Chilclrcn: (VII.) Isaac Ervine Moyer, bn. Nov. 6, 1877; died Aug. 8, 1878. (VII.) Emma Grace Moy­ er. bn. June U. 1880. (VII.) :Mabel Bernice Moyer, hn. June 12, 1879. (VII.) Cora Esther Moyer, bn. Fch. 23. 1883. John mrd. seconcl wife l\far~ret Smith, Apr. 18, 1888. One child: (VII.) Rosinea Irene .Moyer, bn. Dec. 29, 1889. VI. Samuel :Moyer, bn. Dec. 26, 1855. P. 0., Wards­ ville, Ont. S. VI. Susanna Moyer, bn. Apr. :?0, 1858. Mrd. Robert AtT:tnd, Dec. 20, 1877. P. 0., Ferguson, Ontario. Farmer. Ch. of God. Children: (VII.) Wilbert Ar­ rand, b. Oct. 22, 1878. (VII.) Mary Arrand, b. Mar. 19, 1881. (VII.) George Arrand. bn. Ang. 18, 188-l. (VII.) Mnr~ret A:Tnnd, bn. Oct. 9, 1S86. (VII.) Minnie Arrand. bn. Apr. 26, 1889. VI. Lucimla Moyer, bn. Nov. 6, 1865; died Aug. 2, 1891. s. IV. Veronica Wismer, bn. July 22, 1789; die

* Buildin!!S were erected on the other 60 acres in 1843 and since occupied by Samuel Wismer. So far every transfer was made from father to son, either by private sale, will or agree­ ment. Jacob willed the homestead to his son Levi, and a life-riirht to his widow. Levi refu~ed to accept it under the provisions of his father's will, and this forced it to be offered at public sale in Feb. 18!11, for the first time since it was oc­ cupied by the first ancestor Jacob ,vismer about 166 years ago. The record of from father 1o son was also broken at this sale, the purcha.-er being a brother, and the occupant a neph­ ew of the fom1er owner. -173- VI. Jacob Wismer, bn. in 1857; died in 1858. VI. Anna ,vismcr, bn. Apr. 28, 185fl. Mrd. J:i.res Bergey. (See Index of References No. 5-1.) VI. Abrnham B. Wismer, bn. Nov. 11, 1861. l\Ird. Ella Shelly, J:in. 29, 1885. Farmer. Menn. No is­ sue. VI. Enos B. Wismer, bn. Jan. fl, 1S68. Mrd. Mary Overholt, -. P. 0., Plumstcadville, P:i. Farmer. Menn's. No issue. VI. Lizzie Wi,;mer, bn. Jan. 13, 1864-. Mrd. William B. Detweiler, Oct. 4, 1883. Farmer. .Mcnn's. Chil­ dren: (Vil.) .Mart.ha Detweiler, horn Dec. 31, 1855. (VII.) Ahrnh:im Detweiler, bn. Oct. 29, 1887. (Vil.) Bessie Detweiler, bn. July :30, 1889. VI. Emm:i Wismer, bn. Apr. 1S, 1871. Mrcl. Abra­ ham Hit•st:ind. (Sec Index of References No. 55.) V. Samb Wismer, bn. l\far. 15, 1849. Mrd. William O\·crholt, Jr. (Sec Index of References _No. 56.) Sarnh mrd. second husband Elias F. Hum-berger. (Sec Index of References No. 57.) IV. Elizabeth Wismer, born on the old Wismer homestead in Plnmstcad Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 2-:1-, 1794; died Aug. 12, 1852. a,!!cd 58 years 18 days. l\lrd. Ahruh:im Kratz -, and with him locate

• While out herding stock he rode bis horse onto an old well covered over with boards and dirt, and which breaking through, preelpitat.ed him down 108 feet to the bottom and the horse on top or him. His mother was the first to go down Into the Wl!ll by a hastily improvised windlass and rope to rescue the L'langled remains of her first born. - 180 -

VI. Jncob Bergoy, bn. -. P. 0., Fonnt:tinville, Pa. VI. James Bergey, hn. Mur. 23, 1851. Mrd. Anna ,visme1·, Nov. 7, 1S78. P. 0., Fo11nt11inville, Pu. F11rmer. Menn'~. Children: (VII.) Nouh Bergey, bn. Dee. 26, 1880.. (VII.) Hnttie Bergey, bn. Aug. 1-1-, 18S2 (VII.) Infant son, Im. uml d1ecl Sept. 8, 1888. VI. Oliver Bergey (twin), bn. l\Inr. 23, 1851 Mrd. Hettie Detweiler, Jan. 17, 1880. She w:1s born May 24, 1862. P. 0., Fonntuim·ille, Pu. Furmer. Meun's. Children: (VII.) Lizzie Bergey, bn. Feh. 26, 1881. (VII.) Mumic Bergey, Im. ,Tulv 5, 1882. (VII.) Wilson Bergey, bn. Oct. n. 1883. (VII.) Pricilla Bergey, bn. Nov. rn, 1885. (VII.) Anna Bergey, bn. Ang. 19, 1880. VI. Susanna Bor~cy, bn. -; died small. Others diecl ;;ingle. V. Susan Ber_gey, bn. Sept. 28, 1816; died Apr. 3, 1889. Mn!. Ahraham Funk, A11g. 28, 1S:36. P. 0., Lovin, Pa. Farmer. Menn. About two years ago, by the upsettin_g of a 1011,I of hay, he hurt bis ankle in such II mnnner that it was ueecssury to nmput.ate the foot. Children: Sumnel, Jacob, Annie, Hester, Will­ iam, John, l\fatilcla, Mary, Henry, .Abraham, Sus­ anna, Eliimbeth, Oliver. VI. Samuel Fnnk, Im. -; clied un infant. VI. Jueob Funk, bn. -. Mnl. Mnrguret Albright, --. Resides in Trenton, N. ,J. Children: (VII.) ,fo' o Funk. (VII.) Mahlon Funk. (VII.) Clinton Fun.:. (VII.) Daniel Funk. (VII.) Annie Funk. VI. Annie E. Funk, bn. Oct. 9, 1841. Mrd. Honr.v D. Haldeman, Dec. 25, 1868. He died Dec. 4, 1888. P. 0., Levin, Pu. Farm laborer. Menu's. No issue. VI. Hettie B. Funk, bn. -. Mrd. Daniel C. Kratz, Fob. 14, 1862. P. 0., Lacon, Pa. Farmer.. Menu's. Children: Anna, Abrahnm, Amum.Ta, Murin, Esther, Svlvnnus, Aramindu, Elizabeth, Emma, Hurry. VII. Anna F. Kratz, bn. Jan. 13, 1863. Mrd. Peter Hunsber,!!er, - . P. 0., Lucon, Pa. Farmer. C.,'bil~ drcn: (VIII.) Elmer K. Hunsberger, bn. Mar. 23, 1889. (VIII.) Edwin K. Hunsberger, bn. Aug. 16, ~890. VII. Abraham F. Kratz, bn. Mar. 31, 1865; died Apr. 24, 1885. ' ,...; .: -~ - ,.,._.-- .-~-~~--

Old Mennonite Church, Deep Run. Bucks Cc., Pa.


Vll.i Amanda F •. Kratz. hn. Nov. 20, .18tm-"i Mrd: Abraham L. Alderfer. Jan.-.S; 1889~ P. O •• Lucoo, Pa. Laborer. One child: (VIII.) Bertha K. Alderfer, bn. Feb. 1.5. 1890. . . VII • .Mary F. Kratz, bn. Jan. 1,.186,. Mrd. Joseph L. Wismer. (See Index of References No. 59.) Vil. Esther F. Kratz. hn. June 27. 1871. VII. S.vlvanus F. Kratz. bn. Jan. 10, 1S73. VII. Mintic F. Krat?., bn. No\". 19, .J874. VII. Eli7.abeth F. Krntz. bn. Sept. · 19, 1S76; died Feb. 187'7. Vil. Emma F. Kratz, hn. Dec. 24, 1S77. VII. H:trry F. Kratz. hn. Mar. 13. 1S80. VI. William Funk. bn. -. Mrd. Su.'-nnna Gehman. -. P. 0., Doylestown. Pa. Children: (Vll.)·Samuel. (Vll.f Abraham. (Vil.) Gerilla. (VII.) Mary. (\'II.) John. -Mrd. second wife Mary Ann Kime, -~ Children: (VII.) Jesse. (VII.) Oscar. (VII.) Willie. and one died. VI. John B. Funk. hn. -. Mrd. Sallie Johnson.-. P. 0 .• Fountainvillc. Pa. Children: (VII.) Ella. (VII.) Clavton. (VII.) Dorn. :ind two died. v1: M:itilda Funk Im. -. Mrd. Charles Junes. -. P. O.• Ambler. Pa. Children: (VII.) Mattie. (VII.) Infant died. (VII.) Lanrn. (VII.) Roy. (dec"d). (VII.) Mabel. VI. Mary Funk. bn. - .. Mr·• Mont.g. Co., Nov. 7, 1850. P. 0.,. Skippack, Pa. Tinsmith. Farmer. Menn's. Children: (VII.) Harvey Fuss, bn. Sept. 28, 1877. (VII.) John Fuss.. bn. Jan. 21, 1880. (VII.) Newton Fuss, bn. Feb. 26, 1881. (Vil.) Lizzie Fuss, bn; Oct. 2, 1882.. (VII.) Mary and.Martha Fuss (twins), •bn. )3 -182- Mar. 15, tSB-1-. (VII.) Annie Fnss, bn. Feb. 12, 1886. (VII.) Emma and Ella Fnss (twins), bn. Apr. l'i, 1890. (VII.) Laum Fuss, hn. Oct. 24, 1891. V. Jacob Bergey, bn. Ang. 31, 181S. Mrcl. Snsanna Leatherman,-. Chilclren: C11th11rine, Mary, Esther. -Jacob mrd. second wife, widow - Nice,-. No issue. VI. C11tharine Ber~y. hn. -. Mrd. Isnae L. Kulp, -. P. 0., Dan born, P11. Children: · (VU;)" Lizzie. (VII.) Hettie. (VII.) IS:lllc. (VII.) Jucob (dec'd). (Vil.) liarve.v (dec'd). (VII.) Sullie. (VII.) Kntie. etc. VI. Mary Ann Ber:?ey, bn. -. .Mrd. Ahruham L. Kulp, -. P. 0., Dunboro, Pu. Fnrm1:r. Menn. No issue. VI. Esther Bcr:?ey, hn.-. Mrd. Henrv B. Detweiler, -. P. 0 .• Dublin, Pa. No issue. • V. John Bcr~y, bn. Feb. 21. 1823. Mrd. Snsanna Wismer, --, r. 0., Gmters Forcl, Pa. No issne. V. Anna Berl?ey. hn. July 11, 1830. Mrd. William Gnrl?es, -. Furmer. Children: Amanda, Hettie, Ahrithum, ,John, Henry. VI. Amanda Garges. bn. -. Mrcl. Christian K. Meyer, -. P. 0., Plnmsteachille. Pa. Carpenter and undertaker. Mcnn's. On" chilcl: (VII.) Edwin G. Meyer. bn. in 1881. VI. Hettie G:tr,!!Cs, bn. Muy 10. 1857. Mrd. Benja­ min Wismer. (Sec .Index of References No. 60.) VI. Abmham Gnrges. bn. -. Mrd. Mary Ann S,vartley, -. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. VI • •John Gurges, bn. -. Mrd. - Moyer. VI. Henry Gurgcs, bn. -. $. Ill. Annie Wismer, bn. in Bnck~ Co., Pa., Aul?. 27, 1759: died -. Mrcl. Feitic Ruth, -. He died, -. Children: (IV.) Henrv. (IV.) ,Jacob. (Both went to Canada.) Ann mrcl. second husband Frank Albright, of Hilltown, Pa., some time__prcvious to 1788. They moved to Monroe Co., N. Y. where they resided in 1824. Ill. Mary Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Nov. 15, 1761; died -· • Mrd. Christian Knipe, in 1815. Reside,! in -183- Gwynedd, and ten years lnte1· in Montp:omery Twp., Montg. Co. Children: (IV.) Jo:1epli Knipe, (bachelor) and probably a son John.

Ill. Henry Wismer, bn. in Bncks Co., Feb. 15, 1i64; died 1823. Mrd. Mnry Freed, May 19, 1785. Lived in Montg. Co. Distiller. N.enn's. Children: John, Barburu, Mary, Eliz:ibeth, Nuney, Henry, Susan. IV. John Wismer, bn. Oct. 2, 17S6; died -. S. IV. Barham Wismer, bn. Sept. 28, 1788; died June 19, 1S58. Mrd. .Abraham Kolb, -. He was bn. Nov. 19, 17S9; died Sept. 1-J., 1856. Farmer. Menn's. Chil­ dren: John, Mary, Cutharine, Henry, Ann. V. -John Kolb. bn. 1811; died 1S.'32. S. ( V. Mary Kolb. bn. Sept. 2, 1813: died Sept. 2, 1S36: Mrd. William Fritzchurles, -. No issue. V. Catharine Kolb, bn. Jan. 31, 1S16; died-. Mn! • .Andrew Gallagher-. Children: tYI.) John Henry Gallat?her, bn. -. (YI.) Burb:tr:t June Gallagher, bn. -. Mrd. Michael Barn, -. (VI.) .Mary Ann G:11ln­ [hcr, bn. -. Mrd. lr.1 Rciisnyder. P. 0., Llnfield, ru. (VI.) .Abraham Jnm<>s G:1ll:1ghcr, bn. -. Was killed in the . Catharine mrd. second hus­ band Adam Bry - . V. Henry Wismer Kulp, bn. 1819; died -. M.nl. Susanna T., daughter of Rev. Geo. Hellcrm:m, of Ger­ mantown, Pu., in 1844-. F11rmcr. Menu's. Children: S:ir-.1h, Hetty, George, Winfield, Emma, Annie, Ellie, Mary. VI. Sarah Frances Kulp, bn. in 184-5. Mrd. Ssmnel A. T<>phum, -. Res. Philn


Dec. 25. lSSS. (VII.) Emma Pearl Penfold, bn. Apr. 22., 1S9(1. VI. Phrebe Ann Penfold, bn. June 1, 1856. Mrd. Robert Peel Winfield, l\for. 10, 1SS7. P. 0., Elora, Ont. Farmer. No issne. VI. Harriet Amanda Penfold, bn. Sept. 6, 1858; died Jnnc 1869. VI. Hannah Penfold, bn. Dec. 25, 1860. P. 0., Elora., Ont. S. VI. ,Jesse Penfold, hn. June 19, 1866. P. 0., Port­ U.,,CYC La Pr-.1irie, Man. S. V. Abroham Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Apr. 1827: died July 1861. Mrd. Susanna llott. She was bu. in O:•..-ford Co., Ont., Sept. 10, 1833. Chil­ dren: Rachel. John. Stillman, Rehccc:i. VI. Rachel Cornelia Wismer, bn. in Middlesex Co., Ont., Nov. 23, 185-J.. Mrd. Henry Nichols, June 19, 1877. He w:L'- bn. l\far. 29, 18-i2, in Middlesex Co., Ont. P. 0 .• Glendale, Ont. Farmer. Baptists. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Levert ,Jmlson Nichols, bn. Apr. 2, 1878. (Vl1.) Idn Alberta Nichols, bn. Dec. 24, 1879. (VII.) Henry L·m>y Nichols, bn. Jun. 9, 1886 VI • •John Louis \Yismcr. P. 0., Doon. Ont. VI. Stillman .T. Wismer, bn. --. Mrd. Mary Musser. P. 0 .• Blair, Ont. VI. Rehcct,'U Wismer, bn. -; died-. V. Joseph Wismer. hn. near Roseville, Ont., Apr. 20, 182». Mrd. Charlotte Hewitt, -. She was bn. Jnly 1, 1836. P. 0.. Blair, Ont. Fnrmcr. Children: Susanna. Mnry. Benjamin, Adelina, Sarah, Hannah, Joseph, John, Willium. VJ. Snsanna Wismer, born Mu_v 29, 1852. Married George Millard, Dec. 1, 1870. He dit•cl in Apr. 1879. Furmer. Children: (Vil.) Elizaheth Millard, bn. Nov. 10, 1871. (VII.) ,John Mill:mJ, bn. July 12, 1873. (VII.) Benjamin Millurd. Im. ,June 15, 1875. Su,mnna. mrd. second husband William Aires.", Dec. 25, 1882. P. 0., Winterbonl"Tle, Ont. Fnrmcr. Children: (VII.) Hannah Airess, hn. Apr. 16. 1884. (VII.) William Airess, bn. Oct. 27, 1887. (VII.) Hngh Airess, bn. May 7, 1893. -195- . VI. Mary Ann Wismer, bn. May 'i, 1854-; died Aug. 1856. . . VI. Benjamin Wismer, bn. Mar. 14, 1856. Married Maggfo Airess, Oct. 15, 1886. P. 0., Ayr, Ont. Carpenter. Children; (VII.) Charlotte Wismer, bn. Feb. 15, 1888. (VII.) Maggie Wismer, bn. Ang. 1890. (VII.) Julia Wismer, bn. Juno 1891. (VII,) Benjamin Wismer, bn. May 18, 1893. VI. Adelina Wismer, bn. Nov. 14-, 1858. Mrcl. William Short. -. P. 0., Hospeler, Ont. Farmer. Children: (VII.) James Short. bn. Aug. 1, 1879. (VII.) Charlotte Short, bn. Dec. 11, 1882. (VII.) JoseQh Leonard Short, bn. May 24, 1891. VI. Sarah Jane Wismer. bn. Nov. 1, 1860. Mrd. Thomas Mig-hton, -. P. 0., Alma.ville, Ontario. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Charlotte P:mlina Migh~ ton, born Jul.v 16, 1878. (VII.) Evn; Matilda Mighton, bn. Oct. 22, 18W. (VII.) Harriet Jane Mighton, bn. June 7, 1893. VI. Hannah Wismer, bn. Jun. 4, 1867. M1·

l4, -WS-

S:trnh Wismer, hn. Sept. 12., 1881~ died Jan. 2,, 1891. (VIL) Leah Wi.;,mer. hn. Aug. 10, 1883; died .Jan. 21. 18!!1. (VIL) Mary Wismer, bn. No,·. 22, 1885. (VII.) C:ith:irinc Wismer. hn. Dec. 28, lSSS. VJ. John Wismer. hn. Apr. 1859. Mrd. Susanrui Gehm:i.n. l\fav 1885. Farmer. Menn. VJ. D:i,~d \'\.ismer. bn. June 12., 1861. Mrd. Esther Sh:lnt:7_ Oct. 1. 1889. P. 0.. Blair. Ont. Farmer• . Menn. One child: (Vll.) D-.n·id Elton Wismer, bn. An.!!. 11. 1890. VJ: Re¥. Henry Wismer, lm. l\lar. 23, 18fi3. l\lrd. Lncind:1 Miller. Jan. 3., 1888. P. 0 .• Wyandott, Ont. l\fin;stcr. Engaged in farming until 189-2, when he wa.;, appoint

YI. Ellen Wismer. hn. Nov. 2. 186!1•. lfrd. William Cook, Mar. 10, 188,. P. 0 .• Amnlree, Ont. Farmer. Lutherall5.. Children: (VII.) Ephraim Cook, bn. Oct. 2, 1888. (VII.) Robert Cook, bn. AD:;r. 15. 1890. VI. Annie Wismer, bn . .Mar. 13, 18,3. Luth. S. VI. George Wismer. bn. July 11, 1876. VI. Susan Wismer, hn. No\". 10, 187S; died Apr. 3, 1880. VI. Henry Wismer, hn. Sept. 26. 1889. V. Julia Esther Wismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont. Mar. 18, lS-W. .Mrd. Jumcs Webster, Oct. 2.165ij. He was hn. in Rcnicnmir. Forpcrshirc, ScothmcL Miller. Baptists. Children: Wmiam, Georgwna, John. VI. William Alexander Webster, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., Mar. 14-. 185,. l\lrd. Sheloa A. Slipp, Ang. 1S,9. Res. 111 Moody St., Waltham. Mass. Pbotogrnphcr. Baptists. One child: (VIL) William A. Wehster,Jr. bn. Sept. 14, 1888. · VJ. Georgiana Elizabeth Webster, bn. in Brattlc­ lx,ro, Vt., Oct. 19, 1860; died Mar. 28, 1S63. VI. John Thomas W ebstcr. bn. at Brattleboro, Vt., Fcl,. 14. 1862. Mrd. Annie L. Francis, Sept. 28, 1888. P. 0 •• Cambrid1?eport, Mass. Merchant. One child: (VII.) J. Russel lrcbster, bn. Apr. 12, 1891.

Ill. Barbara "!'~ismer, bn. in B1Jeks Co., Pa., Mar. 9, li66; died Jan. 28. 1861, a~cd H-:1 years. 10 months and rn days. Mrflge 132.) V. Henry Wismer, hn. in W :itcrloo Co .• Ont., Aug. 21, 1833; died in Tcx:is, }for. 15, 1885. Mrd. Hattie, d:iu~htcr of John Blichm. Ill. Christian Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Dec. 17, 1767: died Oct. 11, 1852. Mrd. .Mary Rosenberger, -. Farmer. Lived and died in Skippack Twp., Montg. Co. Mcnn·s. Children: ,T:icob, Abrnh:1111, Barbaro, Henry, David, Efo,.:ibctb, Ann, Mary, Hnn­ nah, Christian. IV. Jacob Wismer, bn. June 10, 17!l5; :1. Miller, Justice of the Pe:tc(', denlc1· in real estate, farmer, - 203- and ut_pt·cscnt time memhcr of the Lciislutnrc of P:1. :Mr. W.. Luth., l\Irs. W.. Menn. Children: (VII.) Laura W. Walters. hn. Ang'. 21, 1883. (VII.) Howard W. Walters, bn. Feh. 2. IR85. (VII.) Emma Norman W. Walters, bn. Oct. 17, 1889. VI. Catharine Wi,m1er, hn. Sept. :!fl, 1S54-: died Dec. 29. 1878. VI. Benjamin Wismer, bn. Jnn. 27. 1S56. }lrtl. Hettie Gm·.gcs, Doti. 11, 1880. P. 0., Creumer_y, Pu. Furmer. l\fonn's. Children: (VII.) l\fot-y G. Wismer, bn. Jan. 15, 18S6; died next dav. (VII.) A.i~ancl:i G. Wist!]er, bn. May 18, 1S89. • VI. Henry Wismer, bn. Sept. :-], 1860; died Apr. 6, 1875. VI. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. Jnly 4-, 1S66; ruhum 11ml. second wife Fr:moy R. Landis, in 1866. Farmer. Uh. of Goel. Uhill, Uhristinn, Mnrv. Anna, Elizn, Barbnrn, Lydia. • V. John Wismer, bn . .Mnr. 24, 1822; die,1 Mny 1, 188H. l\frd . .Mary G. Bean, -. She died Nov. U, 1888. Fnrmer. Menn. Children: Henry, John, Cath­ arine, Lewis, Emanuel. VI, Henry B. Wi,-mer, hn. Mny 20. 1846. Mrcl. Mnry A. Wireman, No\·. 21, 1867. She was hn. S,·pt. S, 1850. P. 0., Schwenksville, Pn. F:111ncr. Mrs.• W., Ref. ch. Childr<>n: (VII.} John W. Wismer, Im. Oct. 27, 1870. (VII.) Katie W. Wi:-mfr. hn. Apr. 21, 1872; died Aug. 4, 1873. (VII.) Lizzie W. \Vi;:mer, hn. Dec. 1:3, 1873. (VII.) Mnry W. Wismer, hn. Sept. :{, 1875. (VII.) Hurry W. Wismer, hn. M:ti-. 4-, 187i. (VII.) Annie W. Wismer, Im. Aug-. 4. 18:iS. (VII.) Ah·in W. Wismer, hn ••Tan. 4, 18S0; died Jnly 1, 1887. (VII.) Alma W. Wismer. Im . .Nov. HJ, ISSI. (VII.) ,T1•11nie W. Wismer, Im. :\for. rn, Iss:t (VII.)" Flora W. Wismer, Im. Oct. 10. 188.J.. (VII.) Willie W. Wismer, Im. ,Tun. :30, 18S5. (VII.) Alice W. Wis­ mer, hn. Mar. 18, 1886; died Oct. 20. 1HS7. (VII.) Elin W. Wismer, bn. Sept. 1. 18Stl. VI. John B. Wismer, born Fd,. 1. 18-W. M:n·1·icd Amanda B. Kr.1tz. Mar. 2. 187ti. She di,•11 Aug-. 10, 1886. P. 0., Litificld, Pu. :\Icrdrnnt mill1•1-. Menn. Uhildrcn: (VII.) Irvin K. Wismer. Im. Oct. rn, 1877. (VII.) Warren K. Wismer, Im. ,June 12. lSW. (VII.) H:mnuh K. Wismer. Im. Jan. 11, lSS:?. VI. Uatharine B. Wismer, l,n. S1•pt. :?.J.. 1851. Mrd. James T. Grater. ,l:tn. 11, 187:t lfo died J nno 20, 1883. P. 0., Gr:1ter's For1l. P:1. l<'armor. :Menn. Children: (VII.) Mnry W. Grnter. 1111. i\Iay 27. lSi.J.. (VII.) S:1mh W. Gr:tt<-'r. Im. Apr. 3. 1~7(,; died Mar. l.J., 1878. (VII.) Sylvcstl•r W. (;ra!l'r, l111. Ang-. 3, 1878. (VII.) U:1th:11·ine W. Grater, Im. Aug-. S. 1880. (Vll.)Jumes W. Grater, bn. Mar. 12, 1S83; dit•d Sept. 21, 1883. - 20H- VI. Lewis B. Wismer, bn. Nm·. 9, 1853. l\lrd. Alice E. Fry, Jun. 21➔, 1881. She was bn.. May 18. 1859. P. 0., Collcge,·ille, P:1. Practicul sl:iter. Ref. ch. Children: (VII.) Ralph :F. and Anna Wismer, (twins), bn. Nov. 29, 1881. (VII.) l\fary F. Wismer, bn. Aug-. 11, 1884. (VII.) Herbert F. Wismer, '111. No\". 20, 1888; died Aug-. 16, 1889. (VII.) Lillian F. Wismer, bn. No\". 20, 1888; died Au~. :-1, 1889. V. Cutharinc Wi .. mer, bn. )for. 24, 1822; died Oct. 4, 1867. Mrd. John Gushow, Nov. 24, 18-16. Chil­ dren: Mary, Henry. Cathmine, Sarah, .John, Frances, Elizabeth. Samuel, Willie, Hannah. VI. Mary Ann W. Gnshow, hn. June 17, 18-!S; died Feb. 22, 1890. Mrd. Horace U. Rosenbl'rger, July 24. 1869. He died Feb. 1S, 1890. Children: (VII.) Harry G. Rosenberg-er, Im. July 24, 1870; r. 15, 1882; 11. Sept. 28. 1890. VI. John W. Gashow, bn. June 6, 1856. l\Ircl. Kute F. Nice, Nov. 12, 1881. Children: (VII.) Ab111hum N. Gushow, hn. Oct. 24, 1882. (VII.) Henry N. Gushow, Im. Dec. 2, 1885. VI. Frnnces W. Gashow, bn. Dec. 16, 185i; died Jnn. 15, 1858. VI. Eli7.11beth W. (Jushow, Im. Sept. 8, 1859. Mrd. Henry C. Godshnll, Nov. 30, 18i8. Children: (VII.) Mury G. Godshall, bn. July 16, 1880. (VII.) .H'.un-y G. Godshall, hn. Jnly 7, 1S82. (VII.) Abmbnm G. Godshall, bn. July 14-, 18Si. (VII.) Jolm G. Godshall, bn. May 25. 1889. VI. Samuel W. G-.isbow, 1111 • .1\foy 8, 1861. Mrd. Carrie Shc-.irer, Feb. 13, 1886. P. 0., Perkasie,: Pa. Mr. G., Ref. Mrs. G., Luth. ch. One child: (VII.) William Hl'nry Gashow. Im. Sept. 22. lSV0. VI. Willie W. Gushow, bn. Feb. 14-, 1863. VI. Hunnnh ,v. Gashow, lm. Dec. 2, 186+. Mrd. Alfred S. Moyer, Sept. 15, lSSi. H,i dil'tl NoY. 6, 1889. One child: (VII.) lrvin Enos G • .Mo.\'er, hn. }'ch. 20, 18SU. H:mnab nml. second husband Irving H. Swink, Aug. 19, 18!11. V. Samuel Wfsmer, Im. ,Tulr rn. 1S2v. .Ml'II. S:1r:1h Allebach, -. Children: S:ir:ih, K:1te. VI. S:u-ah A. ,Vismer. Im. -. 1\ht. 5, 1864-; died June 2, 188.J.. Mrd. John H. Zctty, NO\·. 3, 1883. No issne. (VI.) Mary W. Landis, hn. Ang. 22, 1866. Mrd'. - 210- Wilson 1\1. Underkoffler, -,Tan. 12, 188!1. Machinist. (VI.) Dunicl W. Lundi:.;, bn. Mar. 5, 186!1. Mrd. Maggie Heck, Jnly 25, 1891. (VI.) Lizzie W. Lundis, bn. Feb. 20. 1876. V. Hclll'y Wismer, bn. Feh. 17, 1838; died Aug. 2fl, 1838. . IV. David Wismer, bn. Apr. 5, 1802; died Sept. 1876. Mrd. Hannuh Shntt, -. Furmer. River Brethren. Children: Joseph, Murin, Surnh, Hunnuh, Duniel, Hester. V. Joseph S. Wismer, lm. -. l\frd. Mury Tyson. P. 0., Creamery, Pu. Furmer. Children: Salome. Duvid. Joseph, Burburu, Amos. · VI. Sulomc Wismer, bn. -. S. VI. David Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Mury Kulp, -. P. 0., Norristown, Pu. One child: (VII.) Russel Wis­ mer. VI. Joseph T. Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Mary F. Krutz,-. VI. Burburu Wismer, bu. -. S. VI. Amos Wismer, bn. S. V. Murin Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. J:icoh Rnth, -. Children: (VI.) Mulindu. (VI.) Ambrose. (VI.) Michael. V. Suruh Wismer, bn. -. S. V. Hannah Wismer. bn. -. Mrd. David Lenhmt, -. Farmer. River Brethren. P. 0., Silver Sprin"', Lnncuster Co., Pa. Children: (VI.) Lizzie. S. (VF.) Abraham. S. V. Daniel Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Augustine Huns­ berger, -. Shormakcr and gl'Ocerymiin. Children: (VI.) Lonisa. (VI.) Alice. (VI.) Willie. (VI.) Mary. V. Hester Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Henry Fitz Gerald, -. Six children, died yonu"'. IV. Elizabeth Wismer. lm. Apr. 1-1, lSOi; died, sin­ g:e, uged SO yeurs. IV. Ann Wismer, hn. Jnne 14, 1808; died-. Mrd. Michncl Benn, -. Farmer. Menu's. One child: V. Henry Bean, bn. -. Mrd. Sarah Schantz, -. P. 0., Center Square, Pa. Farmer. Children: (VI.) Annie. (VI.) George. . IV. Mary Wismer, hn. Apr. 21, 1810; died single. - 211- IV. Hannah Wismer, bn. June 1:-3, 1Sli; died small. IV. Christian Wismer, lm. Apr. 13, 1817. Mrd• .Mary Cassel, Dec. :3, 1837. She wns bn. Apr. 24, J814. Retired former. Mr. Wismer is 11 man of ven­ erable appearance, who with his wife have been faith­ ful members of the Rh·er Brethren chnrcb :it Lawn­ dale, Pu., for many yenrs. About 30 years ago he wus ordained deacon, and in the faithful discharge of bis religious duties it bus been his chief joy to see his beloved Zion prosper in the Lord, while his patri­ archal 11ppe11runcc, and presence in Zion is u source of inspiration to his fellow lnhorers in the Master's cause. In old age he is still nbumlunt in labors for his Redeemer, uncl 11 crown awaits him beyoncL ··Let me

18:;~. hut hy ruc1uost continued ll:l an evangelist. Up to date he bus conducted re,·ival services in thirteen states, and all through the Province of Ontario. Sim,-e lSS! he has travclecl uhout S,000 miles :mnually. Ju rcviv:11 work he has been eminently suct.-essfnl. He has not attempted u revival at any place whore he lms continuecl a week or mOJ"<', without some converts, :mcl he lms frequently con,Iucted revivals whore more than a hundred wero converted in a few· weeks. Chil­ drC"n: (VII.) Emma Naomi Ruth, bn. No,·. 26, 1886. (VII.) George Christian Ruth, hn. Nov. 28, 1888. (VII.) R:tymontl Reber R11tb, bn. Jan. l, 18!11. VI. Mary Ruth, bn. ,July 19, 1868. Mrd. Nutban h-:111 Hunsberger. Ho was bn. May 15, 1868. P. 0., Lawncl:1lc, Pa. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. One child: (VII.) ,valter R. Hunsberger, hn. June 7', 1890. VI. Sallie Ruth, hn. May 187'1. Mrd. Harvey K. Bishop. July, 1890. P. 0., Benjamin, Pa., E,·. Ass·n. VI. Lizzie Ruth, bn. Jan. 12, 187'!). Ev. Ass'n. S. V. Sarah Wismer, bn. June 25, lS!l. River Breth- ren c~ a· - V. Eli7..abeth Wismer, bn. June 11, 184-3. Mrd. Hcnr_y Allabough, Oct. 11, 1866. P. 0., Lawndale, Pa. Laborer. Children: (VI.) David W. Allabongh, Im. May 13, 1869. S. (VI.) William W. All:tbough, hu. Feb. 25, 187'1. S. (VI.) l\fary W. Allabongh, bn. Jnly 14, 187'3. S. V. Jacob C. Wismer, bn. Ang. 11, lS!S. Mrd. Cath­ arine Stout, Oct. 30. 187'3. P. 0., Lawndnle, Pa. Mr. \Vismer wus ccluented prineipnlly in the common schools, und uttended l;rsines College two terms. He resides :it Lawndale, where he bus an establish­ ment m:mnfactming clothing doing a business of about $50,000 annually. Children: (VI.) Joel Wismer, Im. Muy 23. 187'5; di<.'d Mar. 7', 187'7'. (VI.) Charles Wismer, bn. Jan. Ii, 187'8. (VI.) William Wismer, bn. May 28. 18W. (VI.) C:1tharine S. Wismer, bn. Sept. 9, 1802. V. Mary Wismer, bn. Oct. li, 1850; «lie«l Sept. 14-, 186G. V. Joel Wismer, bn. Jan. i, 1853. Mrd. B. Shelly, Jan. 29, 187'G. P. 0., Lawn

Ill. Esther Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Oct. 19, liil; died Apr. 22, 1852. Mrd. John Funk-, 1791. He was born about 1771; died in Hilltown Twp., in 1S19, aged ,1,S years. Furmer. Menu's. Children: Michael, Sumuel, Jacob, John, Abraham, Joseph, Mary. Bar­ bara, Catharine, Eli7.abeth, Anna, and one drowned in a tanner's vat. IV. Michael Funk, Im. July 1, 1793; died Feb. 22, 1S7S. Mrd. -, daughter of Abraham Hunsberger, -. She died -. Children: Abraham, Magdalena, :Elizabeth, Cutbarine.-Michael mrd. second wife-, daughter of Lawrence Hipple, Sen. Weaver, farmer, sawyer, near Campden, Ont. Menu's. V. Abraham Funk, bn. -; died in 1847. Mrd. Bar­ bara Fretz in 1844. She was bn. in Lincoln Co .• Ont., Jan. 15, 1824; died in 184:7. Farmer. Menu's. Chil­ dren: Mary, Jacob. VI. Mary Funk, bn. Dec. 28, 184-!. Mrd. Isaac G. Hunsberger, Apr. U, 1S63. He was bn. Sept. 13, 1841. P. 0., Souto Cayuga. Ont. Farmer. Menn's. Children: Annie, Rosetta, Jacob, John. VII. Annie Maria Hunsberger, bn. Nov. 6, 1864. Mrd. Henry Huber, Jan. 10, 1886. Fnrmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VIII.) Burness Huber, bn. Mar. 10, 15 -- 214 - 18S7. (VIII.) Clura Eli?..ahcth Huber, bn. Sept. 21, 1SS8. VII. Rosetta Hunsberger, bn. Jan. 13, 1872; died May 13, 1877. • VII. Jacob- Hunsberger, bn. Dec. I. 1876. Ev. Ass'o. VU. John Elmer Hunsberger, bn. Dec. 5, 1878. · VI. Jacob Funk, bn. Oct. 26, 1846; died Feb. 20, 1885. :\Ird. Dinah Honsberger, Nov. 26, 1867. Farm- . er. l\Ienn's. Children: (Vil.) William H. Funk. (Vil.) Arthur Jnmes Funk. (\:II.) Sarah Jane Funk. (Vil.) ,Aggie Mabel Funk. (Vil.) John Fr-.uiklin Funk. (VII.) Mary Elizabeth Funk. (VII.) Joseph Funk, (. Mrd. Mar­ erct Halclcmnn. She died Aug. 17, 1829. Children: lVlary, Catharine.-Jacob mrd. second.wife, Susanna Fretz, daughter of Martin Fretz of Hilltown Twp., Dec. 9, 1830. She was bn. Mar. 23, 1802; died Feb. 4, 1890, aged 87 ys., 10 mos., 11 ds. Mason, brick­ layer and farmer. Menu's. Children.: Margaret, Esther, John, Sarah, Abraham, Jacob, Susan. V. Mary Ann Funk, bn. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co .• Oct. 5, 1821. Mrd. Jacob Beidler, Apr. 23, 1844. Residence Chicago, Ill. Presoy. Children: Joseph, -215- Augustus, William, Francis, Emma, John, D:n;cI, George. VI. Josuph Beidler, bn. Sept. 12, 18-!5; died Oct. 22, 184-5. VI. Augustns F. Beidler, bn. Oct. 5, 1848. Mrd. Mary Louise Hannah, Oct. 16, 1890. Res. Hinsdale, Ill Dealer in real L-state io Chicago, III. Con~e­ gational. One child: (VII.) Augustus Hannah Beidler. VI. William Henry Beidler, bn. Jan. 20, 1851. Mrd. Ada M. Grc~ory, July 5, 1877. Lumberman in Chi­ cago, Ill. Episcopali:m. Children: (VII.) William Henry Beidler, bn. Dec. 24-, 1880; died Aug. 7, 1881. (VII.) Walter Gregory Beidler, bn. June 10, 1883; died Apr. 10, 1884-. VI. Francis Beidler, bn. Oct. 18, 1854-. Mrd. Eliza­ beth M. Loose, Mar. 8, 1893. Lumber dealer m Chi­ cago, Ill. Presby. VI. Emma Bcirller, bn. Feb. 28, 1857. Mrd. Arthur B. Camp, Oct. 5, 1887. Res. Chicago, Ill Presby. Children: (VII.) Mary Beidler Camp. (VII.) Jay Bei­ dler Camp. VI. John Beidler, bn. Dec. 16, 1859; died July 22, 1881. Presby. VI. David Beidler, bn. Apr. 13, 1862. Res. San Francisco, Cal Collector. VI. Geor~ Beidler, bn. Oct. 28, 1864-. Real estate business, Chicago, Ill. V. Catharine Funk, bn. in Bucks Co., Mar. 25, 1824. Mrd. George Swartley, Nov. S, 184-2. He wns bn. in 1820. P. 0., Colmar, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Chil­ dren: Oliver, Mary, Jacob. VI. Oliver Swartley, bn. in 18-!5;

child: (VI.) Samuel F. Frick, bn. July 27, 1856. Mrd. Lizzie Tbierolf, June 13, 1891. P. 0., Fricks, Penna. V. Esther Funk, bn. July 1, 1833. Mrd. John L. Frick, in 1854. He died in 1880. Merchant anr the firm name of John F. Funk and Brother, us publishers und bookseller~. They continued the publication of the Ilerald of Truth, and IJer Herold der Woltrlieit, and also issued during the continuance of this co-partner­ ship n number of religious works, the most importnnt of which was be great book of martyr,, in the Ger­ man Janirung-c, contuininir over 1100 qnnrto J>ngcs, :1nUccess of his principles, he never asked for any position or officl'. He was a member of the Lutheran church of Springfield of which be was an cider for a number of yt,ai-s. Chil­ dren: Willi1tm, Jonns, Joseph, John, Hester, David, Susanna, Tillman, Effie, Sarah. V. William Funk, bn. -; died -. l\lrcl. Catharine Frankenfield, -. She died -. Children: Charles, -. (VI.) Charles Funk, bn. -. Mrd. - Fr:mken­ field -. P. 0., Hellertown, Pa. Willi:im mrd. second wife Elizabeth (Hess) Wierbach, -. One child: (VI.) -. V. Jonas Funk, bn. -; died -·. Mrd.; Catharine Barron,-. One child: (VI.) Emma V. Funk, bn. -. Mrd. Henry Strunk, -. P. 0., Sprin~own, Pa. . V. Joseph S. Funk, bn. Apr. 1, 1831. Mrd. Anme Fretz. Nov. 23, 185i. She was ho. Jun. 29, 1837. P. 0., Rid,!?'e, Pa. Farmer. Mr. F., Luth., Mrs. F., Menn. Children: Adeline, Elmer. VI. Adeline Funk, bn. Jan. 28. 185!!. Mrd. Gideon Rosenberger, of Bedminster, ,Tan. 8, 1880. Farmer. Chil

VI. Ann Eliza Rosenberger, ho. Aug. -!, 1856. Mrd. Jacob S. Rosenberger, -. Own und occupy the Wireman form nl'nr Chalfont, Pa. Children: (VII.) P11ul Rosenberger, ho. --; died in infancy. (VII.) Elmer Wellington Rosenber,!l'er. (VII.) John Arthur Rosenberger. (VII,) Jucob Wilmer Rosenberger. VI. Isuiuh Rosenberger, bu. Apr. 11, 1S5S . .Mrd. Jemimu, d11ughter of Da,·id Rosonl,crger, of Hocker­ town, Pu.-. J>. 0., Harlo_rsville, Pu. No issue . . VI. Alpheus Rosenberger, bn. -; died in infnncy. VI. Amundu Rosenberger, bu. --; died in infancy. VI. Artemus Rosenberger, bn . .l\foy 10, 1S63 . .Mrc!. .Mary Ann Hendricks, of Hilltown, Pu. -. P. 0., Souderton, Pu. Owns olcl bomesteacl near Reiff's Corners. Children: (VII.) Joseph Wesley Rosen­ berger. (VII.) Fanny Eliznbeth Rosenberger. (VII.) Jucob Herm:m ltosenberger. VI. Susun S. Rosenberger, bn. l\foy 16, 1866 • .Mrd. William D. Krutz. Ho w:is ho. NO\'. -29, 1S5t!. P. 0., Lawncfalo, Pu. Farmer. Ger. Bap. Child1·e11: {VII.) Lucretiu R. Kmtz, bn. l\luy 29, 1882; died June 9, 1S82. {VII.) Jucob R. Kmtz, Im. Ang. 29, 1884. (VII.) L:1vina R. Kratr., bn. Nov. J., 1886. (VII.) Henry Clayton R. Krutz, Im. Nov. 28, 1888. (VII.) Artemas R. K1·:1tz, bn. Dec. 16, 1890. V. John F. Swartley wus bom in New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pu., July 29, 1826. He went west later in life and owned land :mcl farmed ne11r Rolling Prai­ rie, in LnPorteCo., Ind. Forunumberofyeursduring the lutter purt of his life be traveled through various parts of tho United States un

been tumod open. He was 66 years of a,te and a bachelor. His remains were buried in the Line Lex­ ington Mennonite grave yard. He was 11 member of the Christian ch. V. Mary Ann Swartley, bn. July 29, 1826; died-. Mrd. Valentine Clymer-. Ho died -, Children: Elmira, Sallie, Mary, Jacob, Emma. VI. Elmira Clymer, bn. Dec. 5, 184,9. Mrd. WillilllD C. Knipe, Mar. 13, 1875. Res. 309 Center St. Beth­ lehem, Pu. Carpenter. Meth. Ep. Children: (VII.) Walter W. Knipe, bn. Sept. 21, 1876. (VII.) Clara l\'I. M. Knipe, bn. Oct. 8, 1879. VI. Sallie Clymer, bn. -. Mrd. William S. Kratz,. -. Res. Philu., Pa. Children: (VII.) Flora. (VII.) Della. (VII.) Wellington, (dec'cl). (VII.) Howard, (dec'd). (VII,) Fmnk, (r. 6, 1861. Mrd. Catharine Zeigcnfuss. She was bn. Jan. 11, 1825. Carpenter. Luth's. Chil­ dren: Amanda, Elvey, Sarah, Mary, Emma, John. VI. Amanda Loux, bn. Apr. 14-, 1846. Mrd. -Reed Fretz of Bedminster, Pa., Jan. 27, 1870. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Mrs. Fretz, Presby. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Jacob Franklin ltretz, bu. Nov. 27, 1870. (VII.) Minerva Fretz, bn. July_21, 1872. (VII.) Anna Laura Fretz, bn. ,\ug. 18, 1873. (VII.) Nelson Os­ wald Fretz, bu. Nov_. 3, 1875. (\'.II.) Mabel Celia - 227- Fretz, bn. Nov. 3, lSii. (VII.) Mary Matilda lh·etz, bn. Dec. 31, lSW. VI. Elvey Zuchary Lonx, bn Ang. 4-, 184-8; died 1852. VI. Snruh Ann Loux, bn. ,July 13, 1850. Mrd. Jesse Walton, 1871. P. 0., Hurtsvillc, Pa. VI. Mary .Matilda Lon.'\'., bn. Oct. 16, 1852; ilied in 1878. Mrd. Levi Fluck in 18i0. Children: (VII.) El­ mer Fluck, (dec'., Bucks Co., Dec. 12, 1853. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Fnrmer. und resides on the homestead of his grandfather, Chris­ tian Fretz, now owned ">y hiR father Ely. When 17 years old he was sent by tiis parents to the Menno­ nite Seminary at Wadsworth, Ohio. He subsequently attended one term at the Excelslor Normal Institute at Carvcrsvillc, Pa., aftt.:r which he taught school - 233- olevcn torms, working on his father's farm during the snmmor months. In tho foll af 1882 ho accepted the nomination of tho Ropuhlicun party 118 u cundidate to tho state lcgisluturo, which wus tenclored him; his party bcin~ in tho minority i~ thut your's cumpuign, he was, witn tho rest of tho twkot dofcutod. 1n 1883 the s:icond .l\fonnonito church ut Deep Run culled him to tho pastomto of th.it ch111·ch, und ho was accordingly or­ duined to the mim,;Lry b:1 Bishop Moses Gottshall, Oct. 13, 1883, und in'ltullod pastor of tho same. Fce1- irig tho pressing nootl of 1m English paper in the in­ terest of his brunch of tho Mennonite church, be, with the uid of Rev. N. B. Grnbb, pastor of the church in Philudclphia, succeeded in getting ont the prospectus of "Th,e Jfennonite," which waA luicl before the conference and accepted ns one of the perioclicals of tho church. He is still ono of the editors of the pupcr, which hus since been· enlarged and improved, und hus steadily increased in popul:.irity und circula­ tion since it wits started. On Nov. 24, 1893 ho wus ordained bishop by Rev. Wm. S. GodshttH, assisted by ll<'v, J. S. Moyer, at Deep Rnn, Pn., and has the spi1·ituul oversight as bishop of the Deep Run and Sonderton churches. At the lntter place n neut and substantial church edifice bus recently been -finished, of which he wns elected pastor in foll charge Feb. 9, 1893. Children: (VII.) Jacob Rittenhouse Fretz, hn. July 22, lSSli. (VII.) Eli R. Fretz, Im. Nov. 27, 1888. (VII.) Vivlll Fret:;:, bn. Mur. 22, 1891. VI. Eli;:abeth Rittenhouse, Im. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Jnn. 7, 1862. S. VI. Murtha Rittenhouse, bn. Aug. 9, 1863; died Mar. 25, 1875. VI. Frunk K. Rittenhouse, bn. Sert. 2.J., 1866. Stu­ tionury engineer in Chicug-o, Ill. Mnl. Molly Kelly. Children: (VII.) .Mury. (VII.) Frank. VI. Martin K. Rittenhouse, bn. July 8, 1869. Res. Chicago, 111. VI . .Mary K. Rittenho,1se, bn. J1me 2, 1872. V. John 1?, Rittenhouse, bn. in Lincoln Co .. Ont.• Feb. 13, 1836. Mrd. Elizabeth I> Jerger, Nov. :rn. - 23,1,-

1858. P. 0., Jordun, Ont. Farmer. He wus orduinecl deucon of the Mennonite chm·ch in 1885, nncl orclnined mini:otcr in the sprin~ of 1889 nt .Moyer's church. Children: Infnnt, Solomon, Anna, Ettie, Enoch, Infant, Cindercllu, lnfunt, Edith, Alberta, Vulcriu, Jonathan, David. VI. Infant son, bn. Jun. 29; died Jan. 30, 1860. VI. Solomon Rittenhouse, Im. July 4-, 1861. Mn!. .Mattie .Moore, Dec. 1885. Moth's. Children: (VII.) Arthur Rittenhouse, Im. J nne 2, 1887. (VII.) Edith Rittenhouse, bn. Dec. 10, 1888. VI. Anni1 Rittcnhonsc, hn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., .Mar. 18, 186:3, Mrd. Joseph Wismer. (Sec Index of References No. 62.) VI. Ettie Rittenhouse, bn. Nov. 5, 1864. Mrd. Robert Martin, July 1, 1886. School toucher. Men n's. One child: (Vil.) Leo lvfortin, bn. July 5, 1887. VI. Enoch Rittenhouse, Im. Apr. 11, 1866; dicor, Mich., Doc. 26, fo65. Mrd. Etta Miles of Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 21, 1889. She was bn. in .Michigan, Dec. 6, 1870. At the time of his marrillgc he kept n General Store at Winchester, Emmons Co., N. Duk. Early in 1890 they moved to Pierre, South Dak., where they re­ mained only a few months, and then moved to De­ troit, Mich., where he was conductor on the Street Cars until the full of 1S91, when he remo,·ed to North Dakota. where he took· up a homestead in Lo~an township, 6 miles sonth-e:1st of Williamsport. He is now .Deputy Clerk of the District Conrt of Emmons Co .. N. D. ChilJr<>o: (VII.) Anna Geil, bn. in Detroit. Mich., July 2; 1890. (VII.) William Geil, bn. May 23, 1892; , 1891. V. Jacob High, bn. Jan. 24, 1865. P.O., 139 Gelston St., Buffalo, N. Y. Carpenter and joiner. Ev. Ass'n. V. Andrew Wismer, bn. Ang. 31, 1827. Married Catharine Swartz. She died -. Andrew rnrd. sec­ ond wife Sophia Stengle. P. 0., Campden, Ont. V, Abraham Wismer, bn. Dec. 6, 1829. Mrs. 49 Oak St., Hartford, Conn. Steno~­ pher. Meth. Ep. Children: (Vil.) Ruth Moyer, bn. July 29, 1889. (VII.) Pauline Moyer, bn. June 16, 1892. VI. William Henry Moyer, bn. -·. S. VI. Margaret Moyer, bn. -; .died -. VI. Aaron Moyer, bn. -; died -. -247- VI. tzra Mo_yer, bn. -; died -. VI. Curtis Moyer, bn. Aag. 14, 1866. Res. Hartford, Conn: Book-keeper. Attends Cong'l ch. S. VI. Gilbert L. Moyer, bn. Nov. 15, 1867. Res. Pitts- burgh, Pa. Electrician. Ev. ~•n. S. · VI. Edward A. Moyer, bn. Nov; 18, 1869. Res. Hart­ ford, Conn. Machinist. Meth. Ep. S. VI. Ella Moyer, bn. Dec. 81, 1~71. P. 0., Campden, Ont. 1 VI. Burness Moyer, bn. July 2'J lS75. V. Catharine Mo_yer, bn. in Lincoln Co .. Ont., Jan. 17, 1825; died May 3, 1891. Mrd. Christian H. Honsberger, Mar. 19, 1848. He was bn. June 28, 1825. Farmer. Menn. ch. Children: Malinda, Eliza­ beth, A,.lfred, Samuel, Mary, Amanda, Aaron, Curtis. VI. Malinda Honsbcr~r, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Dec. 25, 184-8. Mrd. Jacob G. Culp, Mar. 2, 1871. P. 0., St. Catharines, Ont. Farmer. Meth. Children: (VII.) Charles Ellston Culp, bn. Feb. 14, 1881. (VII.) Elsie Maud Cali:>_, bn. Feb. 28, 1883. VI. Elizabeth Honsberger, bn. Apr. 16, 1850; died May 30, 1851. ; C VI. Alfred Honsberger, bn. Aa~. 17, 1853. Mrd. Eliza Ryckman, Apr. 2. 1879. P. ,0., St. Catharines, Ont. 'Farmer. Meth. Children: (ill.) ;Chester Frank­ lin HQnsberger, bn. Dec. 15, 188().;, died Feb. 14, 1887. (VII.) Bessie Pearl Honsberger, bri.,._Jan: 14, lSSS. YI. Sa~ucl Honsberger, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., July 3. 1857. P. 0., Jordan Sta.. Ont. Mrd. Al­ berta Wismer, daughter of Tobias Wismer. Dec. 21, 1887. Farmer. Meth's. One child: (VII.) Ina May Honsberger. bn. Mar. 24, 1891. VI. Mary Honsber~r, bn. July 3, 1860. P.O., Jor­ dan Sta., Ont. Metn. S. VI. Amanda Honsber~r, bu. Mar. 22, 1863 .. P. 0., Jordan Sta•• Ont. Music teacher. Meth. S. VI. Aaron Honsberger, bn. Mar. 12, 1866. P 0., Jordan Sta., Ont. Farmer. Meth. S. : VI. Curtis Honsberger, bn. June 23, 1872; died Nov. 24. 1872. · V. Elizabeth Moyer, bn. Feb. 17, 1827. Mrd. Jacob Albright, Feb. 17, 1846. P. 0., Merritton, Ont. - :?4$ - Meth's. Children: Almn, Annie, ~o:ih, Moses; Jacob. Barbara, ,Tesse, Lizzie. · . VI. Alrua Albright.. bn. Dec. 19, 18-H. P, 0., -McF'- ritton~ Oat. Seamstress.. Meth. S; · . VI. Annie Albright, bn. May 2. 18-19. Mrd. William Gr.icnwood. May 28, 1874-. P. 0., Menitton, Ont. Moth's. Children: (VII.) Samud Hcrhcrt Greenwood. (VII.) Grace Greenwood. (VII.) -William· -Fielding Greenwood. (VII.) Eli7.abeth Greenwood . . VI. Noah Albright, bn. May 16, 1851; died July 25,' 1862. . . . VI~ :Moses Albright, .bn. OcL. 13, 1853. Mrd~ EliZI\ Rice-, Oct.. 26, 1882. P. O.,.Merritton, Ont. Bo$5 weaver. Meth's. Children: (VII.)· Ethel: Gertrude Albright, bn. June 9, 1885. (VII.) Mabel Irene Al.; bright, bn. Nov. 14, 1891. VI. Jacob Albri~ht, bn. Sept. 22, 1856. P.-0., 122 Hi..,.h St., West Detroit, Mich. Meth. S. Vt Barbara E. Albright, bn: M:,r. 13, 1860. Mrd; George W. Pilling, June 24, 1884. P. 0., Humber­ stone, Ont. Machinist. .V.-:s. Pilling wos a-mnsic teacher before marriag~. Meth. One ,chi,J& r (VII.) Elizabeth Pilling, bn. 'May 28, 1885. . VI. Jesse Albright, bn. Jan .. 3,. ,1863.. P. o;, Mer­ ritton, Ont. Book-keeper; Meth. .S. VI. Lizzie Albright. bn. Ang. 13, 1866. P. O.~ Mer~ ritton. Oi!t. Meth. S.· V. Henry W. Moyer, bn. AJ?r- :6, 1S28, J\.ird. Nancy Ann House, daughter of Lewis House, Aug. 30, 1851: She was bn. Feb. 5, 1831; died June,.12, 18i5. Chil­ dren: Lewis, Anna. Marietta...... ;Henry mrd. second wife Mary N. Fry, Dec. 19, 18i6. -P. O.~ Camp

and now at the B,,,"'8 of 33 after two years in his own dental office, he can only ,my that he is not sorry that ho chose this as his profession. He was mrd. to Jennie Hunter, Oct. 12. 1886. P. O.• Galt. Ont. Dentist. Presbyterian. Children: (VII.) Leslie Clare Moyer. (VII.) Alice Mand Moyer. VI. Elizabeth Moyer, bn. Feb. 22, 1861. Mrd. Levi H. Stanifer, -. P. 0., Breslau, Ont. Farmer. "Cosni~politan" ch. No issue. · VI. ::Morg:tn Moyer, bn. in Lincollll Co:, Ont., Nov. 16, 1863. Mrd. )iv.r~erite Florence Bain, dau!!hter of Frank Bain. Feb. 1, 1888. P. O.~ Montreal Junc­ tion, Ont. Roal estate, and dealer in suburban city property. Attends Meth. eh. Children: (VII.) Hazel Estella Moyer. bn. Nov. 29, 1888. (VII.) Margnerite Olive Moyer, bn. Dee. 10. 1891. VI. Simon Moyer, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Feb. 20, 18~6. Killed by li~htnin~ An~. 11. 1892. He and his brother-in-law, Mr. Allan Eby, were plowin~ in n field when a storm came ap snddenly. They to01, shelter under a tree, when they were strnck by light­ ning. and both instantly killed Mar. 30. 1872. Mrd. Annie Wilcox, daughter of Wm. and Susan Wilcox.-. She was born Dec. 7, 1810; died Oct. 29, 1849. .Mr. Wismer was a tall man, and stood 6 ft. 2 in. and weighed 300 pounds when at his best. It is related that on a wager, he carried 12 bushels of oats in a bed-tick up an outside stairs. He afterwards said be could carry the oats easy enough, bu~ the tick being so large rubbed a,,,<>'llinst -255- the weather boards, and be bad to steady himself with one hand, and pull the tick along. Children: Barbara, David, John, Henry, Elizabeth, Abrahrun, Jacob, Susan. V. Barbara Wismer. bn. Mar.30.1832. Mrd. John Dicknison. P; 0., Orvill. Ont. Farmer. · V. David Wismer, bn. in Yarmouth Twp., Ont., Aug. 10, 1834. Mrd. Sarah Hoskins, ~ 6, 1860. She was bn. Aug. 22, 1839. P. 0.,: Rodney.- Ont. At the a,,1,Jn­ ter and farmer. Menn's in early life, later joined Ev. Ass'n. Children: Samuel, Isaac, Mary, Elizabeth, Sophia, Sarah, Iin-ael. V. Samuel Overholt, bn. May 25, 1834; died Oct. 2-5, 1857. s. , V. Isaac Overholt, bn. Doc. 10, 1835. Mrd. Matilda Hoover, Nov. 11, 1850. P. 0., South Cayuga. Ont. In early life tau~ht school, now farmer. Mcth's. Children: Mary, Hervey. Emma, Ella, Percey. VI. Mary Catharine Overholt, hn. Dec. 7. 1859. Mrd. Rev. H. C. Dunsmore, -. Minister of- Congre­ gational ch. Children: (VII.) Harry. Coyne D•m~ - 266- more, bn. -; died -. (VII.) Percey Robert Duns­ more. bn. -; died -. VI. Hervey Ovr.rholt, bn. Auir. 5, 1861. Meth. S. VI. Emma R. Overholt, bn. Feb. 27. 1870. P. O•• South Cayu,..,ITIL, Ont. School teacher. Meth. S. VI. Ella R. Overholt, bn. Feb. 27, 1870, (twin). P. 0 .• South Cavuga. Ont. School teacher. Meth. S. VI. Percey Overholt, bn. Apr. 5, 1879. V. Mary Overholt, bn. Apr. 11. 1837. Mrd. Samuel M. Moyer, -. He died -. P. 0., Campden, Ont~ V. Elizabeth Overholt, bn. June 12, 1838. Mrd. Joseph Sherk, Au~. 28, 1873. P. O., Selkirk. Ont. Farmer. Disciples. Oue child: (VI.) Joseph .Meh;n Sherk, bn.• Tune 30, 1874. Attending high school at Dunnville, Ont. .V. Sophia Overholt, bn •. Apr. 12, 1840. Mrd. Val­ entine Stengel. He died -. P. 0., Campden, Ont. Sophia mrd. second husband, Andrew Wismer. (Sec Index of References No. 71.) V. Sarah Overholt, bn; in Lincoln Co., Ont., Apr. 22, 18-U. Mrd..Pcter E. Culp. Sept. 24. 1861. P.O., Beamsville, Ont. Farmer. Meth's. Children: Mary, Matilda, James, Emma, Israel, Lettie. VI. Mary Jane Culp, bn. Jan. 20, 1863; died Aug. 5. 1865. VI. Matilda Ann Culp, bn. Aug. 3, 1864. P. 0., Beamsville, Ont. Menn. VI • •Tames Henry Culp, hn. Aug. 28, 1866. P. 0., Beamsville, Ont. Farmer. VI. Emma Elizabeth Culp, bn. Apr. 8, 1869. Mrd. Jerome Tnfford. Sept. 14. 1886. P. 0., Beamsville, Ont. :Farmer. One child: (VII.) Arthnr Jerome Tuft'ord, bn. Aug. 5. 1887. VI. Israel Judson Culp, bn. Nov. 12, 1871. Mrd. Bertha Goudie, Dec. 22, 1892. P. 0., Tonawanda, N. Y. Street paver. VI. Lettie Bell Culp, bn. Oct.13.1874. Mrd. Charles D. Barber, Sept. 16, 1890. P. 0 .• Beamsville, Ont. Public laborer. One child: (VII.) Charles Lloyd Bar­ ber, bn. Oct. 28, 1892. -V. Israel Overholt, bn. Mar. 22, 1843. Mrd. C1lr~ line Beck, Mar. 21, 1865. P. 0., South Cayuga, Ont. -267-

Retired farmer. now enga.,aed in bee keeping. Ev. Ass'n. One child: (VI.) Lilly ldora Overholt. bn. Nov. 25, 1868. Mrd. Is:iac W. High, Dec. 15, 1886. Farmer. No issue. IV. Jacob Fry, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont.. Sept. 15, ISO-!; died Muy 7, 1845. Mrd. Elizabeth Nash, M.ar. 2, 1830, Farmer. Mr. Fry, Mennonite; after his d&th Mrs. Fry joined Ev. Ass'n ch. (.,'hildren: Mary, Joseph, AbrahllDl. Elizabeth, Anna, Salome. V. MafY Fry. bn. Nov. 30, 1830~ Mrd. Henry Honsberger, Oct. 29, 1851. He was bn. Oct. 21, 1822. Farmer. Ev. Ass"n. Children: Mary, Jacob, Salome, William. VI. ~ Honsberger, bn. Sept. 6, 1852. Mrd. Freem:in M. Moyer, Dec. 4, 1875. He died Nov. 22. 1887. Children: (VII.) Milton Leslie Moyer, bn. Jan. 29, 1879. (VII.) William Arden Moyer, bn. Sept. 4, 1887. VI. Jacob Honsherger, bn. July 25, 1855; died Aug. 28, JSS4. Mrd. Saphrona C. Culp, Feb. IS. 1880. One child: (VII.) Eva Dell Honsberger, bn. Dec. 9, 1882. VI. Salome Honsberger. bn. .Apr. 14, 18.59; died June 28, 1890. Mrd. William H. Crowe, Dec. 21, 1887. Children: (VII.) Effie Crowe, bn. Dec. 16, 1888. (VII.) Ethel Crowe, bu. Dec. 24, 1889. VI. William Honsberger, bn. Jan. 30, 1862. Mrd. Minnie A. Haist. Jan. 25, 1888. P. 0., Jordan, Ont. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. V. Joseph N. Fry, bn. Nov. 27. 1832. Mrd. Nancy Albri:rht, Dec. 3, 1861. P. 0., Campden. Ont. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VI.) John E. Fry. bn. Sept. 15, 1862. P. 0., Oaklawn. Ill. Carpenter. Attends Meth. ch. S. (VI.) Dunicl W. Fry, bu. June 2. 1865. Mrd. Man!llret Hedden, Sept. 1886. Res. 113 Emily St.. Bufl'J'o, N. Y. Stenographer and type writer. Mcth's. No issue. (VI.) Jacob O Fry, bn. July 1, 1867; died S,cpt. 3, 1869. (VI.) Henry Edgar Fry, bn• .Mar. 5, 1871. Res. 41 India St., Bos­ ton, Mass. Stenographer. Congrc:rational ch. V. Abraham Fry, bn. Aug. 10, 18a5. Mrd. Mart.ha Jane Pysher, Jan. 30, 1861. P. 0., Jordan, Ont. - 268- Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: Wilford, Edward, David, Sylvester, Abraham. , VI. Wilford Kirby Fry, bn. Oct. 29, 1862. l\Irpt. 6, 188(t (VII.) Raymond Aurill:in G11S<.·o_ync, bn. Jun.· 10, 1888; died Sept. 11, !ASS. (VII.) Per-.iy Harlan Gns­ co.vne, bn. Apr. 19, 1891. VI. Clara Leslie Fn·, hn. Nov. 4, 1866. S. VI • .Jacob M. Fry, bn. Jan. 2i, 1869. S. - 2i0- V. David Fry, bn. Dec. 28, 1831. P. 0., Dnnnville, Ont. S. . V. Dilman Fry, bn. May 30, 1833. Mrd. Louisa Jones,-. P. 0., South Cayuga, Ont. Carpenter and farmer. Children: Sarah, John. Wcllette, Janette, David, Rosa, Mary, George, Orpha, Eva. VI. Sarah Elizabeth Fry, bn. Dec. 18, 1861. P; 0., 31 Sackville, Toronto, Ont. Baptist. S. VI. John Malcolm Fry, bn. Si:rt. 2, 1863. Mrd. Jessie Deamude. P. 0., South Cayuga, Ont. Mrs. Fry, Baptist. Children: (VII.) Della Fry, bn. Jan. 16, 1886. (VII.) Donald Blane llry, bn. Nov. 15, 1887. (VII.) Helena Fry, bn. Jan. 21. 1890: died Feb. 15, 1891. (VII.) Mildred Fry, bn. July 11, 1892. VI. Wellette Fry, bn. Sept. 8. 1865. Mrd. John A. Honsberger, Jan. 7, 1885. P. 0., Dunnville, Ont. Painter. Mrs. Fry, Baptist. Children: (Vil.) Muriel Constance Honsberger. (Vil.) Harold Honsberger. (VII.) Murry Honsberger. (Vil.) Estella Honsberger. VI. Janette Fry, bn. Aug. 8, 186i. Mrd. Erie L. Crumb, Feb. 23, 1886. P. 0.,. Dunnvillo, Ont. Painter. Children: (VII.) William Benonni .Crumb. (VII.) Robert Victor Crumb. (VII.) Edward Frederick Cromb. VI. David Allen Fry, bn. Mar. 2i, 1871. P. 0., South Cayuga, Ont. S. VL Rosa Bell Fry, bn. June 11, 1872. P. 0., South Cayut?B, Ont. Teacher. S. VI. Mary Emma Fry, bn. Aug. 11, 1874. P. 0., South Cayuga. Ont. Evangelical ch. S. ·. VI. George Edward Fry, bn. Sept. 12, 18i6. VI. Orpha Estella Fry;bn. Aug. 22, 1879: died Jan. 22, 1880. VI. Ev11. May Fry, bn. May 26, 1881. Ev. Ass'n ch. V. Henry Fry, bn. Nov. 17. 1834;. died Jan. 1, 1835. V. John Fry, bn. Apr. 12, 1836; died Feb. 19, 1841. ., . . V. Samuel J. Fry, bn. Dec. 24, 1838. Mrd. Mal!da­ lena Houser, Sept. 27, 1864. P. 0., Dunnville, Ont. Baker. Inclines to Universalist ch. Children: John, Naomi, Jason, Agnes, Magdalena, Annie, Samuel. -271 -

VI. John Sylva Fry, bn. Jnly 14, 1865. Mrd. ~~ ¢c Sullivan, Oct. 27, 1886. P. 0., 252 Ohio St., Bnff'nlo, N. Y. Baker. Mrs. F., Catholic. Children: ,vn.) NcJiie Lauretta Fry, bn. July 22, 1887; dieu Dec. 30, 1891. (VII.) Ma,,."'gic Leland Fry, bn. Dec. 2. 1889. (VII,) Katie Fry, bn. Nov. 12, .1891. VI. Naomi Fry,. bn. Feb. 24, 1867. P. O., Buffalo, N. Y. Single. . ,JI. Jason Fry, bn. Jane 23, 1868; died Mnr. 25, 1869. VI. Agnes Fry, bn. Oct. 2, 1869. VI. Mitgdalcna Ophelia Jfry, bn. Nov. 15, 1870. VI. Annie Laurie Ft-y, bn. Ang. 12~ 1872. Reg". Newark, Del. VI. Samuel Iva Fry. bn. Feb. 19, 1874. V. Anna ·•lry, bn. Feb. 15, 1841; died Mar. 7, 1867. Single. V. Elizabeth Fry, bn. Aug. 19, J.'H-3. P. 0., Sonth Gaynga, Ont. S. V. Cath:irine Fry, bn. Ang. 14, 1846. Mrd. Abram W. Dickhout. in 1867. P.O.• Dunnvillc, Ont. Farmer. Children: (YI.) Meta Annetbl Dickbout. !ln. Au,!?. 22, 1870. Mrd. Bert Elderidge, of Buffalo, N. Y., May 28. 1891. Commissioner of the frnit market. (Vl,.l Edith Luella Dickhont. bn. J nne 12, 1872. (VI.) Earle L:. Elmore Diekhout, bn. Auir. 4, 1874. (VI.) Mary Mand Dickhont, bn. Apr. 15, 1877. (VI.) Genevieve Somerville Dickhont, hn. Apr. ll, 1879. (VI.) Rohbit• Roy Dickhont, stillborn Nov. 29, 1881. (YI.) Percival Lorne Dickhout, bn. Julr 27, 1886. V. ,Joseph Fry, bn. Nov. 23, 18-!8; . bn. Oct. 9, 1851; died Sept. 3, 1879. S. (VI.) Mary Ursula Cnlp. hn. June 25, 1853; died Feb. 11, 1872. S. (VI.) Dudley Jonas Culp, bn. Apr. 30, 1855. (YI.} ,Toshua F. Culp, bn. July 28. 1859. (VI.) Martha C. Culp, bn. Dec. 25, 1861. (VI.) Elizabeth Susan Etta Culp, bn. June 5, 1864. (VI.) Ella Amelia Culp. bn. July 28, 1867. (VI.) Evelyn Louisa Culp, bn. Aug. 12, 1869. (VI.) Silas Wright Culp, bn. Apr. 9. 1S72. V. Joshua Grobb, bn. Jan. 1S, 1S31; died Oct. 15, 1858. s. V. Barbara Grobb, bn. in Lincoln Co .• Ont., Mar. 3, 1833~ died Nov. 7, 1890. Mrd. James E. Nelles, Jan. 5, 1855. Farmer and pump-maker. Meth's. Children: Emerson, Ella, Anna, James, David, Barbara, Row- land. . VJ. Emerson W. Nelles, bn. Jan. 28, 1856. VI. Ella A. Nelles, bn. Mar. 17, 1857. Mrd. Geor~e H. Horning, Dec. 26. 1883. Farmer. Meth's. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Roy Nelles Horning, bn. Aug. 22, 1SS6. (VII.) Lloyd Harris Horning, bn. No,·. 3, lSSS. VJ. Anllll E. Nelles, bn. Jan. 10, 1S61. VI. James Edgar Nelles, bn. July 22, 1864-. VI. David Henry Xelles, bn. Mar. 21, 1867. VI. Barbara Maud Nelles, bn. Oct. 17, 1S72. VI. Rowland C. Nelles, bn. Mar. 29, 1876. V. Jacob Fry Grobb, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., June 17. 1835. Mrd. Mary Matilda Depew. Feb. 25, 1863. Wheelwright and farmer. Attends Meth. ch. Chil­ dren: (VI.) Clara A. Grobh. hn. Jan. 23. 1864; died Nov. 14, 1879. (VI.) Ida Elh,.nbeth Grobb, bn. Sept. 26, 1865. Mrd. Jacob Albright, Dec. 19, 1SS9. Farmer. Meth's. (VI.) Arletta May Grobb, bn. July 19. 1868. V. Anna Grobb, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., May 7, 1838. _ Mrd. lra R Culp, Nov._ 5, 1862. Farmer. -278.:.:... Metb's. Children: (VJ.) Joshll:l G. Colp, bn. Oct.11, 1863; died Aug. 31, 1865. (VJ.j Lillie JaneCaJp, bn. Aug. 25, 1866; died Mar. 12, 1880. (VI.) William D. Culp, bn. Oct. 4, .i868. (ii.) Martha Barb::r!t Culp, bn. Dec. 23, 1870; died A.up:. 10, lS'll. (VI.) Rosabdlc Culp, bn. June 15. 18'.i3. (VI.) Anna Colp, bn. N~. 1, 1874. (VJ.) Fred Nelles, :m-J Frank Depew Culp, bn. July 24. 1883. IV. Samuel Fry, i,n. in Lincoln Co., Ont., May 15, 1812; died Nov. ~. 1881. Mrd. Anna Nash, Jan. 2, 1838. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: Jacob, Elias, Samuel, Mary. S:irnh, Anna. · V. Jacob N. Fry, bn. June 10, 1839; died Aug. 26, 1850. V. Elias N. Fry, bn. Nov. l, 1841. Mrd. Catharine Houser, Sept. 25, 1866. P. 0., Cam))den, Ont. Wheelwright. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VI.) Albe,rta Fry, bn. Aug. 21, 1869. (VI.) Rosa Fry, bn. Aug. 4, 1872. (VI.) Sanford Fry, bn. Nov. 3, 1874. (VI.) Charles :Fry, bn. Oct. 1.5, 1876. (VI.) Edith Fry. bn. Mar. 6, 1878; died 1880. (VI.) Willie Fry, bn. June 22, 1882. (VI.) Lottie Fry, bn. Feb. 16, 1885. V. S:imuel N. Fry, bn. Nov. 19, 1843. Mrd. Sarah C. Grobb, Oct. 1, 1872. P. 0 .• Jordan, Ont. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VI.) Annie Rosetta Fry. bn. May 29, 1876. (VI.) Alpheus Leland Fry, bn. Mar. 22, 1883. V. Mary Fry. bn. Feb. l, 1846. Mrd. Henry W. Moyer. (See Index of References No. 72.) · V. Sarah Fry, bn. Aug. 12, 1848; died Sept. 15, 1886. · V. Anna Fry, bn. Oct. 30, 1850; died Jan. 30, 1876. Mrd. Samuel M. Houser, Oct. 31, 1872. P. 0., Campden, Ont. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. Children: (VI.) Nellie Belle Houser, bn. Oct. 8, 1873. (VI.) Sarah Dell Houser, bn. Nov. 14, 1875. IV. Dilman Fry, bn. Feb. 15, 1815; died Jan. 8, 1883. Mrd. Eve Werner, Jan. 4, 1838. Blacksmith. Disciples. Children: Catharine, William, Jacob, Caroline, Julian. V. Catharine Fry, bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Dec. 5, 1838. Mrd. James Edgar Ellsworth, Apr•. 30, 1856. - 274 - P. 0., Hamilton, Ont. Unitarians. Children: (VL) Ideuma E. Ellsworth. bn. in Walpole, Ont., Jul_y 25, 1857. Dressmaker. Unitarian. (VI.) Emil)~ H. Ells­ worth. bn. in WalJ>Ole, Ont., Nov. 4, 1859. Unitarian. (YI.) Jacob Fry Ellsworth, bn. in W alp<>le, Ont., Nov. 9, 1862. Mrd. Hattie Davis, of Alb10n. N. Y., Nov. 28, 1887. P. 0., Hamilton. Ont. Clerk. (VI.) Alexander W. Ellsworth. bn. in Rainha.m. Ont.. Nov. 25, 1864-. Clerk. (YL) :&!,,."'Ill" L. Ellsworth, bn. Sept. 24, 1866. Clerk. (VI.) Eve E. Ellsworth. bn. Oct. 13, 1869. Unitarian. (VL) Rodney 0. Ellsworth, bn. Mar. 12, 1872. Clerk. (VL) C.,'harles W. Ellsworth, bn. June 9, 187'4-. Printer. (VI.) Kanneth J. Ellsworth. bn. Nov. 4, 1876. (VI.) Richard S. Ellsworth, bn. MaJ 8, 1879. V. William Fry, M. D., bn. Aug. 20, 1840; died Mar. 29, 1876. Mrd. Mary E. Nevens,....:. Physician. No issue. V. Jacob Fry, bn. Sept. 30, 1842. Mrd. Elizabeth Honsberger. P. 0., Wellington, Ont. Veterinary snl'!!COn, graduate of the Toronto Veterinary Coll~ Cbiidren: (VI.) Harry W. Fry, bn. Jan. 5, 1868. Mrd. Frances. daughter of Dr. Joseph Michener, May 23, 1889. P. 0., Dunnville. Ont. Veterinary surgeon. Meth's. No issue. (VI.) William A. Fry, bn. Sept. 7. 1872. P. 0., Ingersoll, Ont. Printer. (VL) Myrtle E. Fry, bn. Mai 30, 1879. V. Caroline Fry, bn. Au~ 2, 1844. Mrd. William G. Scott. P. 0., Dunnville, unt. V. Julian Frv, bn. June 1, 1846. Mrd. R. H. Mc Kenn&. V. s: P. 0., Picton, Ont. IV. Joseph Fry, bn. Oct. 6, 1817; died Sept. 22, 1855. s. IV. Isaac Fry, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Aug. 17, 1819; died Apr. 16, 1892. Mrd. Mary Albright, Dec. 12, 1841. She was bn. Apr. 21, 1823; died Apr. 15, 1892. In early lifo Mr. Fry followed earyentering in in the neighborhood of the "Twenty" in Ont. In 1852 be moved to South Cayu,,,,aa,. Ont., where for about a year be man~ a general store for James Henry of Beamsville. fu 1853 be purchased the stock and good will from Mr. Henry, and secured the appointment -275- of Post Master, when the office was first established in the same year. and c:irried on the business (general store and post office) successfully for over 30 years. Having provided a comfortable home for his wife and twelve children he retired from business about 1886, with an income sufficient for all family needs and comforts. He for many years also held the office of Clerk and Treasurer of the township, and for over thirty years discharged the duties of local preacher of the Evangelical Association ch., in a ,,cry acceptable manner. He was very enthusiastic fo all church and Sonday school work. Children: Matilda, Maria., Menno, Pricilla., lsaac, John, Mary, Solomon, Ellen, Allen, Emily. Marth:L. V. Matiltfa Fry, hn. -. S. V. Maria Fry, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Mar. 25, 1844-. Mrd. Nelson Drake. . P. 0., Ca~o-a. Ont. Merchant. Meth's. Children: (VI.) Francis AJpbeos Drake, M. D., bn. Feb. 23. 1863. Mrct. - E~ &,s. 409 Connecticut St., Buffalo, N. Y. Physician. Meth. (VI.) Florence M. Drake, bn. July 26. 1865. S. (VI.) Chester A. Drake, bn. Feb. 14. 1867. S. (VI.) Daisy E. Drake, bn. Nov. 23, 1872. S. V. Menno S. Fry, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Dec. 16, 1845. · Mrtl Ma~et Pennington. She died about 1876. P. 0., Chicago, lll. Bookkeeper. Meth. Children: (VI.) George Fry. (VI.) Constance Fry. Menno mrd. second wife -. V. Pricilla Fry. bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Jan 11. 1848. Mrd. D. B. Phillips. P. 0., Woodstock, Ont. Dru~gist. Meth's. Children: (VI.) Wesley Tennyson Phihips, ho. Jan. 1875; died July 1881. (VI.) Mary Winnfred Phillips, bn. June 1877. V. ls:iac Fry, bn. in Lincoln Co., Ont., Dec. 9, 1849; died Sept. 27, 1878. School teacher. Meth. V. John Henry Fry, bn. Nov. 3, 1851; died J'an. 16, 1871. School teacher. Methodist. · V. Mary Jane Fry, bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Feb. 3, 1854. Mrd. Albion Wardell. P. 0., Hamilton, Ont. Unitarian. One child: (VI.) Bud Hope Wardell. V. Solomon Milton Frv, bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Mar. 1, 1856. Mrd. Bina Ethel Maxim, Sept. 1, -276- [1879. P. 0 .• Brnntford, Ont. Merchant. Unitarian. One child: (VI.) Roy Jay Fry. V. Ellen Fn\ bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Jnne 15, 185S. Mrd. Rev. Robert H. Balmer, Ang. 21. 1S79. He was bn. in Kingston, Ont~ Sept. 2, 1853. He was educated in Hamilton, Toronto, and Montreal, Can­ ada, completing his theological studies in the W cs­ leyan Theological Seminary of Montreal. He was or­ dained to the ministry of the Methodist church of C:mada June 1S79. At the time of the union of the Methodist bodies in Canada he removed 'to the United States and connected himself \\ith the Detroit Con­ ference of the Methodist Episcopal church Sept. 1S84: in which he had been offered nn excellent appoint­ ment. During lSSS, he was invited 1m:mimously to the pastornte of the Methodist Episcopal church nt Weston, Ohio, where he has rcmamecl 3 y11ars having more than ordinary success in revivals and building. At the meeting of the Centr-.il Ohio Conference at Toledo Sept. 1891, be was stationed at Napoleon, the county seat of Henry Co., Ohio, where he is still (1892) serving. Mrs. Balmer has l>roved an excellent partner for her husband in his ministerial work. as­ sisting him in his work, winning and maintaining a high degree of respect on every c,harge where they have unit.edly labored. Children: (VI.) John Ernest Balmer, bn. May 6, 1883. (VI.) Robert Wesley Bal­ mer, bn. Sept. 3, 1S86. ·(Vf.) Grnce Margurite Bal­ mer, bn. Mar.-17, 1891. V. Rev. Allen Bnmess Fry, bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Qct. 14-, 1861. Mrd. Mary E. Jordan. of Port Robinson, June 17, 1891. P. 0., Dublin, Ind. Mr. Fry received a common school edncation, and at the age· of 18 years began teaching school in his native i!rovince and which he followed for seven years. In January 1889 he came to the United States, and in April of the same year he entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church. One child: (VI.) Naomi Livin~tone Fry~ bn. Sept. 6, 1892. · .V. Emily Fry, bn. in Haldimand Co., Ont., Oct. 4, 1863. P. 0., South Cayuga, Ont. Meth. -277- V. Martha Fry. bn. in Haldimand Co .• Ont., July 3, 1866. P. 0., Toronto, Ont. Stenographer. Meth. IV. Catharine Fry, bn. Nov. 27, 1821; died May 17, 1889. Mr


II. Daniel Wismer, bn. -; died -. He W3S sickly, and wus provided for by his brother Abrnh:un, until bis (Daniers) death. His portion of his :father's estate he willed to his brother Abraham, on condition that he provide for and take ca~ of him durin:r his life time, which on falling due was paid to Abraham early in li95.


II. John Wismer, bn. -; died in 1794. He lived with Jacob Angeny, .Tr., where he died. From Feb. 1784, until his death he wa.<. looked .after by his brother Henry who furnished his wearing apparel, &c. pay­ ing for same out of his own (Jobr:i Wismer's) estate. The £3. 61:1. willed by Jacob Souder, and paid into the hands of his brother Henry, and his portion of bu; father's estate, also in Henry's care, the remainder of which after his (John Wismcr's) death was paid in 1795 to his remaining brothers and sisters, is con­ clusive evidence that be bad no issue. Among the items of sickness and funeral expenses paid to Jacob Angeny, Jr.," by Henry Wismer, in accordance with the custom of the times, was •42 gallons and 3 quarts of whiskey for John's burying 10 shillings 2 pence. DESCENDANTS OF MARK WISMER, SON OF JACOB WISMER.

IL Mark Wismer. "bn. in Bucks Co •• Pa.. in 1737~ died in 1831. ll,..CYOO 94- years and 22 days. buried at Deep Run. l\lrd. - • W caver by tr:tdc. The house in which be li\"cd during his last years. and in which he died is an old log cabin still standin~ near the old Wismer homestead. In style and ap_pcara.nce it is a curiosity. A representation of it is i:,ven on another pa,,.ff<:. (,"bildrcn: Henry. Susan. David. Mark. Catha­ rine, Daniel, Barbara, Elizabeth. Anna. IIL Henry Wismer, bu. in Bucks Co., Pa.. Feb. 2., 1766; died Sept. 17. 18-Y-. Mrd. Su.q,nna-.• For bi;. second wife he married Kate Crout. No issue. He was known as '"Wh~ Henry• ., Fnrmer. (.,'bildrcn all by first wife: Dand. Moses, Solomon, Mary. Elizabeth, Emanuel, Aaron. Anna. IV. David w·ismer, bn. Sept. 6, 1798~ died-. Mrd. liar)- Stover, dmt:?hter of Daniel Stover, -. Ma..'IOn. Christian eh. Children: Aaron. Henry, Levi, .John, Mary. Josiah. Jonas, Snmuel. Catharine. V. Aaron S. Wismer. hn. Feb. 15. 1824. MrcL Anna ·Andrews.Jan. 10, 1850. P. 0 .. Upper Blacks Ecldv, Pa. Children: Rachel, Joseph, Mary, William• .John, Anna. George. Aaron, William, Margaret, Dennis, David. Samuel. VI. Rachel Wismer, bn. Feb. 28. 1851. YL Joseph Wismer. bn. Apr. 11, 1852. Mrd. Mar­ ~t Milker.-. P. 0., Phillipi,hu~. N. J. Children: (VIL) Anna W-1Smcr. (VIL) Raymond Wismer.

• "She i8 auppc,Red to have been a half-bred Indian ot English delleent, and a m08t noble and beautiful woman." ·- 281 - VJ. l\faey- C. Wismer. bu. Sept. IS, 1853. VL William Hc.-nry Wismer, bu. Sept. S. 1855; died Sept. 17, 1557. VI. John S. Wismer. bu. Aug. 14, 1557. Mnl Lvdia Gilmer.-. P.O•• Milfo~ N. Y. (,"bildrcn: (VILJ Anna Wismer. (YJI.) John W-JS?Dcr. (VIL) Samuel Wismer. (VIL) M~c WJSJDer. (VIL) George Wi:,,ner. (VII.) Nellie ,vJSmer. (dee"d). VJ. Ann:a Elizabeth Wismer. bona Feb. 29, I~ died Apr. 11. 1891. Mrd. Jacoh 'Ulmer. -. One child: (VII.) Ida May Ulmer, died a.,,aed H days. VI. George Wismer. born ~pt. 16, 1860. M~ Emma Sheet?., -. P. 0., Pb11l1~burg, N. J. Chil­ dren: (VII.) Lulu Wismer. (VIL) Han-ey Wismer. VL Aaron S. Wismer, Jr.• bn. Apr. 26., 1862. VI. William D. Wismer, bn. July 26, 186-l. VJ. .Margaret Wismer, bu. Sept. 14-. 1566.. .Mrd. Ray Balliet, -. One child: (VII.) M:iy Balliet. VI. Dennis Wismer, bu. Aug. 6, 1865. -YL David Wismer, bn. July 16. 1870. VJ. Samuel Wismer, bu. Sept. 23, 187::. V. Henrv Wismer. bn. -; died -. S. V. Levi "Wismer. bn. - ; died -. .M.rd. M:in· Ann w·ismer, -. (.,"bildrcn: Emma, William, Hugh~ Henry. V. John Wismer, bu.-. Mrd. - Heaney. V. M:,ry Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Dennis 0. Daniel, -. (,'hildren: Laura, Albert (Jec"d), .(,'lin­ t.on. V. Josiah W-JSmer. bn. -; died-. S. V. Jonas Wismer, ho. -; died -. V. Samuel Wismer. bn. -; died -. V. C:rtharine Wismer. bn. -; dicq -. IV. Moses Wismer, Im. Nov. 18. 1800; died Oct. 21. 1874. Mrd. M:iry Slifer. d:tnghter of Henry and Elizabeth Slifer.-. She dic.-d -. Children: Samuel, Elizabeth, William. Anron, Mary. Delilah, Re~ Henry, Lydia, (,'Jur]es, John.- -Moses m!'tl second wife,, Barbara, widow of Daniel Fretz (maiden nllIDC Hockman), Oct. 28. 1847. Farmer, weaver. Menn•s. (,'bildreu: Israel, Eliza. -2S2 - V. Samuel Wismer, bo. -. Mrd. -. P. 0., Nesh­ aminy, Pa. Children: (VI.) Susanna. (VI.) Samuel. (VI.) Henry. /VI.) Barham. (VI.) Eli7.abeth. V. Eli7.abcth Wismer, bn. -; died in iofnncj. V. Willi:un S. Wismer, bu. July 31, 1S2S. Mrd. Mary Landis, Dec. 16, 184!t P. 0., Bedminster. Pu. In early life shoemaker, now farmer. Mr. Wismer enlisted July 12, 1S63, in the 90th Re_gt., Pa. Vols.• served nil through Wilderness campaign of battles, and Todd's tavern, where he was wounded in the right arm between the wrist nod elbow. While in front of Pctersbnrgh he had a severe attack of rheu­ matism lasting nearly four weeks, and wns unable to be on duty. Was in the engagement at North Ann river, and nt the battle of the Welden und Peters­ burgh R. R.. Aug. 19, 1S64-, he· wus taken prisoner, and confined in the famous Libby prison two days, Belle Isle seven weeks and three days, and in Sals­ hurry, N. C., a little over four months; altogether a prisoner of war for six months anil twelve days. Luth's. Children: Jacob, Moses, William, Joscpli, Mary. Hannah, Marcellina, Susnnnn, Francis, Infunt. VI. JacobL. Wismer, bn. Jan. 31, 1S51; died May 22, 1855. VI. Moses L. Wismer, bn. Apr. 3, 1853. Mrd. Elizabeth Stet•r, -. She was bn. Apr. 15, 1856. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Carpenter, farmer. Deacon, Lutheran ch., Dublin. Cl:iildren· (Vil.) William Henry S. Wismer, l>n. Sept. 1, 1877. (VII.) Andrew S. Wismer, hn. Mar. 7, 1S82. (VII.) Noah S. Wismer, bn. Jan. 6, 1884. VI. William L. Wismer, bn. ,July 6, 1855. Mrd. Caroline PoJ)p, Dec. 15. 1877. She was bn. in W er­ temburgb, Germany, Mar. 2, 1855; died Oct. 31, 1887. Children: (VII.) Violetta P. Wismer, bn. Sept. 26. 1879. (VII.) Isaac P . .Wismer, hn. Mar. 12, 1882. -William mrd. second wife, Mrs. Lucinda Miller, daughter of John C. {..'routbamel. Jan. 4, 1890.· She was bn. Nov. 29, 1857. P. 0., Dublin. Pa. Saddler. Mr. W., Lutheran. Mrs. W., Ger. Ref. VI, Joseph L. Wismer, bn. Oct. 10, 1857. Mrd. - 283- Martha J. Burrows (Nee Hopkins), • Grocery merchant in Philadelphia. VI. Mary Elizabeth Wismer, hn. June 25, 1859. Mrd. Milton Strawn. He was hn. Apr. 27, 1858. P. O.;· Dublin, Pa.. Farmer. Luth's. Children: (VII.) Irwfo:W. Strawn. bn. Ang. 29, 1881. (VII.)" Howard W. Str-.iwn, hn. Sept. 13, 1883. (VII.) Warren W. Stra,vn, hn. Oct. 24-, 1885. (VII.) Martha Jane Str.i.wn, bn. Oct. 8, 1887. (VII.) Bertha W. Str.awn, bn. Ang. 17, 1889. i VI. Hannah Wismer, hn. Jnly 31, 1861; died Apr. 9, 1862. VI. Marcellina L. Wismer, bn. Jnne 2, 1864-. Mrd. John·H. McCrork, -. He was bn. May 14, 1860. P. o:, Blake, Ohio. Ditcher. Luth's. Children: (VII.) Mary Ellen W. McCrork, bn. Sept. 22, 1889. (VII.) Flossy W. McCrork, bn. Mar. 13, 1891. VI. Susanna L. Wismer, bn. May 2, 1866; died Feb. 2, 18'75. Vl.-l'rancis Henry Wismer, bn. Jnly23, 1868. P.O., Olympia, Washington. S. · VI. Infant son, stillborn, Feb. 20. 1863. V. Aaron Wismer, ho. - ; died young. V. Mary Ann Wismer, bo. -. "M1-d. Levi Wismer. · (See Index of RcfercncesNo. 74.) V. Delilah Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. ,John Rcnshcimer, --. · He died-. Children: (VI.) Lydia Alice Ren­ sheimer. (VI.) - Rcnshcimer, (clcc'dj.-Delil11h mrd. second husband, Henry Lehr, -. Children: (VI.) Hattie Lohr. (VI.) - Lehr. V. Rebecca Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Rcnbcn Gruver, -. Children: (VI.) - Gruver. (VI.) Mary Grnver. V. Henry S. Wismer, bn. Mar. 23, 1838. When 18 yf',ars old he went to Ohio (1856). l\frd• .l.\foggic A. Rice, July 9, 1861. She was bo. Feb. 25, 184-1. M'Oved to Huntington, Ind., in Mar. 1870. Farmer. Lutherans. No issut1. V. Lydia Wismer, ho. in Bncks Co., Pa.. May 26, 1841. Mrd. Joseph S. Long, Apr. 12, 1864-. P. 0., Wadsworth, Ohio. Farmer. Ref. ch; Children: Clara, Sarah, David. - 284: - VI. Clara Ellen Long, bn. ,Tune _9, 1865; died Nov. 3, 1887. VI. Snruh M11y Long, bn. Oct. 1, 1867. Mrd. Peter E. Keller, Mnrch 13, 1888. P. 0., Wndsworth, Ohio. Laborer. Ref. ch. Children: (VII.) Olic Jnn­ ettn Keller, bn. Dec. 22, 1889. (VII.) Joseph Ervin Keller, bn. Apr 20, 1891. VI. David E. Long, bn. Sept. 13, 1872. · V. Chnrles Wismer, bn. -; died srunll. · V. John Wismer, bn. -; clicd smnll. . V. Israel H. Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pu.., Jnly 10. 184:8. Mrd. Mary E. Smith, Nov. 4:, 1871. P. 0., Wismer, Pa. C1u·Qentcr nnd 1'urmcr. Luth's. Children: (VI.) Willie S. Wismer. (VI.) Steward S. Wismer. (VI.) Horace S. Wismer. (VI.) Amos S. Wismer. V. Eli7.n Ann Wismer, bn. June 30, 1850. Mrd. Henry W. Wismer. (See Index of References No. 76.) . · tv. Solomon Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Nov. 5, 1802; died May 13. 1857. Mrd. C11thnrine Kile. She wns bn. Feb. 8, 1S14. Farmer und carpenter. Lnth's. Children: Etlmnnd, Mary, Abraham, Infant, Hnrt­ mnn, Cuthurine, ·Sns:mnu., Enos, Eli?.ubcth, Aaron, Oliver, Murtha, Isaac. V. Edmund K. Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co .• Pa.,June 13, 1834:. Mrd. Snsan Lenr, Sept. 19, 1857. Res. 916 Kurtz St., Philndclphia, P:t. Hnrnessmnkcr. Lnth's. Children: Ella, Harvcv. VI. Elin Minta Wismer. bn. Sef,t· 19, 1859. Mrd. Otto Schmolze, Sept. 29, 1881. Children: (VII.) F.. dna Lillian Scbmolzc. (VII.) Anna Estella Schmolzc. (VII.) Emma Dunc Sehmolzc. (VII.) Emily Oterson Sehmolze. Vt. Harvey W. Wismer, bn. July 20, 1861. Mrd. Annie Denf.?ler, Oct. 10, 1887. Res. 918 Kurtz St., Philadelphia, Pa. Harness mnker. Children: (VII.) Carl Edmund Wismer. bn. Jan. 1:3, 1890. (VII.) John Millard Wismer, bn. May 14, 1892. . V. Mary Wismer, bn. Oct. 7, 1835. Mrd. Joseph L. Wismer. (Seo Index of References No. 77.) V. Abraham K. Wismer, bn. June 21, 1838. Mrd. Hannah Bergstresser, Nov. 24, .1860. Shoeroaker. - 285- Lutb. He enlisted Aug. 23, 1862, in Company H, 138th Rcg't., Penna. Vols., was in several en~ements, and was tnken prisoner in the battle of Frederick Junction, July 9, 1864, and wns confined in the famous Libby prison. After his release he arrived at Ann­ apolis, Md., Sept. 26, und died Sept. 30, 1864. No issue. V. Infant bn. and died June 22, 1S3tl. V. H:i.rtman K. Wismer, hn. ,June ;19, 1840. Mrcl. ffiuTiet Van Horn. -. Res. 927 1\-fuster St.. Pbila­ clelpbia., Pa., Children: (VI.) ·Robert Lane Wismer, bn. near Flemington, N. ,T., June 13. 1865. (VI.) Lm1ra ,vismer, bn. in Bucks Co .• Pu., Dec. 19, 1867; died Jan. 3, 1873. (VI.) Debornh Gross Wisml'r, hn. in Bucks Co., ,Jnn. 10, 1870; died Dec. 26, 1S89. She w.as the pct of the family, and a ~eat favorite amon:r her Wismer relatives. and a noble, kind-hearted nod loving Christian Indy. She was cngnged to be married on the day she wa;, buried. Lnthernn. (VI.) Howard Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Mi1y 17. 1872. (VI.) lsauc Gross Wismer, bn. Arr. 7, 187+. (VI.) M:1ry Wismer. !,n. Mur. 7, 1876;

Mystic Chail" 1 of the American Lc~on of Honor, Roval Arcanum, Equitable Aid Union and United workmen. His life has been one of UJ>rightness and integrity. Lutheran's. Children: (VI.) Edmund Stan­ ton Nobbs, bn. Sept. 22, 1871; died May 30, 1872. (VI.) Lillian Mabel'Nobhs, bn. Apr. 7, 1873. Student. (VI.) Rella Gertn1dc Nohbs. bn. Oct. IS. 1S75; died Sept. 6, 1S76. (VU.) Villa Eui?Cnia Nohbs. bn. No\"". :?6, ISTT: died Mllr. 187S. (VI.) Myra Oleria Nobbs. bn. Dec. 23. 1876. (VJ.) John Roney Nohbs. bn. Aug. 21, 1885; died Ang. 11. 1888. (VI.) Joseph H:in-cy Nobbs. ho. Feb. 27. 1887; died Jnnc 24, 1887. V. Susanna Wismer, bn. in Bncks Co., Pa., Mnr. 6, 1844. Mrd. ,Joseph I. Anderson, Jnne S, 1865. Chil­ dren: (VI.) Charles Herhert Anderson, hn. J1ilv 20, 1S66. (VI.) Mary Ann Anderson, bn. May 5, iS6S; died Jaly 29, 1868.-Snsanna mrd. second~ husband. Thos. A. Hoffman, Oct. 20, 1881. P. 0., Box 1072 Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. H .• Lathcrnn. V. Enos 'Wismer, hn. Nov. 1845; dfod .May 1847. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. Fch. 20, 184-. · l\1rd. Anthony Hoffman. -. Res. 70-! W all:tcc St.. Phila. One child: (VI.) Lillie Bertha Hoffman, Im. Sept. :1, 1S74-. V. Aaron K. Wismer. bn. Oct. 12, 184S. Mrd. Elmira &ice, in 1871. R<.-s. 1218 N. 12th St., Pbila. Harness maker. Luth. Children: (VI.) Winfield Wis­ mer, bn. 1878; died 1874. (VI.) .Minnie Estella Wis­ mer, bn. 1875. (VI.) 1.<'r-Jnk Raymond ,vismer, hn. 1881. (VI.) Blanch Estella Wismer. hn. 1887. V. Oliver K. Wismer. bn. in Bucks Co.• May 19. 1850. Mrd. ·Matild11 Kcmc>ry, .Tune 4-. 1S78. She died -. Re-,. 201 Tremont St.. Boston. M:1ss. Car­ penter. Baptist. Childrm: (VI.) Anna May Wismc1·. bn .•June .J., lSU. (VI.) l\forth:1 L. Wismer. hn. ,June 25. 1876. V. Martha Wismer, hn. Ma_v 2'2. 1852. Mrd. George W. Lynch~ -. He wns l,n .•Jun. 28. 1848. Res. .J.4tb and North St.,. Pittshnr~h. P:1 Chil,Jr;,n: (VI.) H11rr_y Lynch. bn .•Jan. 1-J., 1873. .Mrrl. Ell:1 Hogue. 8(:r.t- 15. 1892. ltrs. L:1wrcnccdll<>, Pittshnr~h. P:1. (VI.) H11nm1h C:1th:1rine Lynch, hn. Mnv 23, 1876. (VI.) Mary Vir~nin Lynch. Im. Au:r. 2H. iSiU. (VI.) Frank B:mj11min Lynch. Im. Mnr. 9. 188~. V. Rev. Isaac K. Wi!'met\ Im. in Bucks Co.• Pa., $.:pt. 2-J., 1S53. Mr,!. Mnn· I,onisa Kirkbride, July 1, 1S85. P. 0., L~tri:>x• .P:i. When Mr. Wismer was 3½ years of age his father died, and a year later his -288- mother took the two youn.,,nest of the family (Martha and himself), and moved to Can·ersville, Pa., where they lived four years. and where he attended the vil­ la,..,n, bn. Aug. 7, 1836. Mrd. John P. Headley. P. 0., Horsham, Pa. - 290- v. Martha Wulton, bu. Nov. 15, 1838. Mrd. Joseph B. Shropshire, -. He died -. V. Susan Walton, bn. ,Tune 3, 18-U; died Sept. 12, 1871. s. V. Isruel W nlton, hn. Oct. 16, 1843; died Mur. 9, 184-1-. V. Mury Walton, bn. Apr. 1, 18.J:6; died Apr. 16, 1883. s. IV. Eli7..abeth Wismer, bn ••Tune 5, 1806; died June 15, 1875. .Mrd Elius Wis;11er. (Sec Index of Refer­ ences No. 78.) IV. Emanuel Wismer, Im. July 16, 1809; died Ang. 2!), 1885. Mrd. Eli7.ubcth Augcny, -. She died fall of 1892. Carpenter. Mcnn's. Children: Samuel, William, Abraham, Katy, Salome, Henry, John, Alfred, Hunnnh. V. Samuel A. Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Mury Ann Snyder, -. She died Feb. 2, 1865. One child: Mary. -Sumucl mrd. second wife, Christi:ma Mast, -. Children: Cuthnrine, Amandu, Lizzie, Sarah, Martha, Ella. VI. Mary Wismer, bn. Jan. 31, 1865. Mrd. William H. Esser, -. Children: (VII.) Zenas Esser, bn. May 12, 1888. (VII.) Elizabeth Esser, bn. July 24, 1891; died Sept. 11, 1891. VI. Catharine Wismer, bn. Mar. 7, 1866. Mrd. Wil­ son Huber-, -. VI. Amanda Wismer, bn. Dec. 10, 1867. Teacher. Single. . VI.· Lizzie Wismer bn. Feb. 1870. VI. Sarah Wismer, bn. -. VI. Murtha Wismer, bu. -. VI. Elin Wismer, bn. -. V. William A. Wismer, bn. -. Killed at the battle of Antietam. V. Abraham A. Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Martha Bisset, -. Children: William, Mary. V. Kuty Ann Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Edward Truu­ gcr, -. He died Oct. 5, 1891. Children: Rosella, Joseph, Lincoln, Robert. . VI. Rosella Trauger, bn. July 31, 1864; died Nov. 16, 1866. . -291- VI. Joseph Trau.,,"'8r, Qn. -. VI. Lincoln Tranger, bn. -. VI. Robert Trauger, bn. -. Mrd. Susan Landis, -. She $lied -. One child: (VII.) Lydia Trauger. V. Salome Wismer, bn. June 18, 184-5; died Nov. 30, 1866. s. V• .lfenry Wismer, died young. V. John Wismer, died young. V. Alfred Wismer, died yonng. V• .~annah Wismer, died young. IV. Aaron Wismer, bn. Jan. W, 181'2; died June 13. 1822. . IV. Ann Wismer, hn. Dec. 12, 1814. Mr

Ill. Susan Wismer, bn. -; died -. Single.

Ill. David Wismer, hn. in Bucks Co., Pa.,-; died -. Mrd. Lydia Everett.-. Farmer. Menn's. l!:mi­ ~ted from Bucks Co., to Canada in 1806. Settled in Markham Twp., Ont.. where he_ purchased a tract of 500 acres of land. Children: Moses, Asa, Jacob, Henry, Nancy, Lydia, David, Samuel. IV. Moses Wismer. bn. Feb. 27, 1794:; died-. Mrd. Euni<.-e Noble. -. Farmer. Christian ch. IV. Asa Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co.. Pa., Mar 14, 1795; died Sept. 30, 1869. Mrd. Elizabeth Lighte. She died Nov. 12, 1860. Farmer. Menu's. Children: Catharine. Jacob, David, Artemas, Elizabeth, Henry, Regina.· Asa. , • V. Catharhre Wismer, bn. Aug. 6, 1818; died June 3. 1827. V. Jacob Wismer, bn. Nov. 13, 1819. Mrd. Anna Heighcs, May 4, 1856. P. 0., Forestville, Mich. Farmer. Christian ch. Children: Elizabeth, Hannah, Alpha, James, Ella, George. VI. Elizabeth A. Wismer, bn. Nov. 21, 1$58. Mrd. Osro E. Van Wormer, Apr. 28, !SIT.• P. 0., Sand Beach. Mich. Miller. One child: (VII.) Myrtle A. Van Wormer, bn. Jan. 27, 1S7S. VJ. H:mnah K. Wi,;mcr. bn. Nov. 25. 1860. Mr,L .fames M. Smiley, June 3. lS!KI. P. 0., Sigel, Mich. Farmer. Latter Day Saint ch. (,'bildren: (VU.) Mar• shall J. Smiley, bn. Apr. 26, 1S91. (VJJ.) .Frune<.'S E. Smiley, h:J. Aug. 21, 18!!2. , VJ. Alpha W. Wismer, bn. Apr. 27. 1861. Mrd. Kate E. Oughton. Oct. 4, 1SS6. P. 0., Forestville, Mich. Farmer. One child: (Vil.) Alpboretta May Wismer, bn. Dec. 3, 18S9. VJ. James H. Wismer, bn•• June 10, 1863. S. VJ. Ella P. Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. Isaac Pipher, Dec. 3, 1890. P. 0., Jeddo, Mich. Farmer. Latter Day Saints. VJ. George T. Wismer, bn. Nov. 21, 187.t, V. David Lighte Wismer, Jr., bn. Jan. 27, 18.22. MnL Catharine Anderson. Mar. 10, 1846. She died ,Tune 19, 1871. P. 0., · New Market. Ont. Retired farmer. Methodists. (,'bildren: John, Marshall, Well­ ingt<,n, Albert. -- Mr. Wismer mrd. second wife, Eliz:ibeth Eves, Mar. 6, 1Si3. One child: Walter. VI. John A. Wism~r, M. A., bn. Nov. 29, 1846. l\foi Julia S. W ehstcr, Aui. 28, 1810. Is a graduate with honors of Trinity Umversity in Toronto, Ont., and for the past ten years has been a Master in one of the leading edneationa.l institutions there. Children: (VII.) Ernest. (VII.) Floyd. (VII.) Karl. (VII.) Wini­ fred. VJ. Marshall Hamilton Wismer, bn. May 23, 1849; died.Dec. 1. 18S1. Teacher. Unmarried. VI. W cllington Howard D. Wismer. bn. Oct. is, 1853. 1\frd.- Catharine Ba.mer. · Teacher. Children: (VU.) Hamilton D:1\·id Wismer, bn. Apr. 20, 18,4. In mail and printing office. Toronto, Ont. (VII.) Edith Wismer. (VII.) Alice Mabel Wismer. (VII.) Wilford ,T. Wismer. (VII.) Maud Eli7.aboth Wismer. (VII.)· Gordon S. Wismer. (VII.) Arthur Horace Wismer, (dec'd). 20 -294-- VL Albert Edwin C. F. Wismer, bn. May 16. 1862. Mrtl. - O'Neil. P. 0., Grand Rapids. Mich. Painter in Harrison wagon work-, VI. Walter h-cs Wismer, bn. l\by 15, lSU. V. Artemus Wismer bn. Dec. 23, 1S24: died Jan. 23, 1825. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. Jllll. 12, 1S26; died Apr. 16, 1827. V. Henry H. Wismer, bn. in Markham, Ont.. Au~. 9, 1829; died Mar. 20, 1881. Mrd. Anna E. Miller. She was bn. Oct.4.1828; died Apr. 10, 1871. Farmer. Methodists. Children: George, Isaac, Fidelia, Clar­ issa. VI. Geor!!C M. Wismer, bn. Apr. 14, 1856. Mrd. Anna E. Hunter, Dec.6.1884. P.O., Corunn:i, Mich. MerchanL Meth. Ep. No issue. VI. Isaac Wismer, bn. -: died --. VJ. Fidelia Wismer, bn. June 18, 1859. Mrd. Philip Bad,,.n-ers, Sept. 28, 1886. P. 0., Ballantra<\ Ont. Farmer. Christian ch. No issue. VI. Clarissa Jane Wismer, bn. in Markham. Ont., June 10, 1863. Mrd. Elias Degeer. Dec. 13, 1881. P. 0., Ballantrae, Ont. Farmer. Christian ch. Chil­ dren: (VII.) George Malcolm Dugecr. hn. 1882. (Vil.) Annie Dcgeer, bn.1883. (Vil.) Zella Dcgcer, lm. 188.'i. (VII.) Earnest Hillard D~r, hn. 188!➔• V. Re~na Wismer, bn. in Markham, Ont., July 26. 1831. Mrd. George Morrison. He was bn. in Ireland in 1831. P. O.. Nottawa, Ont. Farmer. Meth's. Children: Eliz:ibeth, Annie, David, Mary, Thomas, Seotburn. VI. Elizabeth Morrison, bn. June 20, 1856•. S. VI. Annie Morrison, hn. June 20, 1856. (Twin.) Mrd. John P. Baker, Dec. 3, 1890. P. 0., Nottawa, Ont. Farmer. Mcth's. VI. David Morrison, bn. July 1, 1858. VI. Mary Morrison, bn. Sept. 19, 1860. Mrd. Thomas Jackson, Mar.2.1887. P.O.• Nottawa, Ont. Miller. Meth's. One child: (VII.) Lillian May Jack­ son, bn. July 27, 1888. VI. Thomas Henry Morrison, bn. Mar. 19, 1864. S. VI. Seotburn Buist Morrison, bn. Oct. 10, 1867. S. -295- v. Asa W-JSmer, bn. .Aug. 9. 1834-; iscopalian. Children: (VII.) Warren Jackson. (VII.) Lillian Delilah ,Jackson. V. Emeline Wismer. bn . .Aug. 13, 1826. Mrd• .Ana- ni:ts Turner. P. 0 .• Toronto, Ont. V. Anna Wismer, bn. Jan. 15, 1829; died 1842. V. Enos Wismer, bn. Jan. 14, 1831: died 1842. V. Maria Wismer, bn. Jan. 28, 1833: died 1842. V. Jacob Everett Wismer, bo. July 9, 1835. Mrd. Sarah .Adaline Morrison, of Painesville, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1857. She died Mar. 4, 1874. P. 0., Markh:im, Ont. Vbildrcn: Laura, John, George, .Ada.-Mr. Wismer mrd. second wife, Mary Voleman, Oct. 3, - 296- 1876. She died }'ch. 12, 18!!0. One child: Lizzie. :Mr. Wismer left home in 1852, went to Ohio. where be remained until 1857, when he removed to N:mti­ coke, Ont. In 1861, he returned to Pnincsville, Ohio, :md later, w~nt south and worked in the Government Nuvy yard as ship cnrpcntcr. In the winter of 1870 be moved to Allcgnn, .Mich., and cngnged in farming. He bns also heen occupied ns merch:mt and fruit grower. He has also tmvcled quite extensively, hav­ fng traveled from the C. P. R. limits to the sonthem boundaries of the U. S. and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. He is also a fisherman of note, having made excursions among the lakes of Canada, and taken many of the speckled hea.nties, and other vari­ eties, and aside from his other duties he has also con­ tributed articles to the press. VI. Laura Janette Wismer, bn. at Nanticoke, Ont., Aug. 17, 1858. Mrd. Perley E. Lonsbury, ,Jun. 16, 1879. P. 0., Kellogg, Mich. Farmer. One child: (VII.) Beatrice M. Lonshury, bn. June 3, 1880. VI. John Everett Wismer, bn. at Port Dover, Ont., Nov. 24, 1861. General salesman in Chicago, Ill. S. VI. George Clark Wismer, hn. at Painesville, Ohio, Apr. 12, 1863. Druggist at Hinsdale, Ill. VI. Ada May Wismer, bn. at Port Burwell, Ont., July 18, 1866. Mrd. Reuben W. Hamlin. in Sanfa Barbara, California, Jan. 12, 1887. P. 0., St. Cntbn­ rines, Ont. Cb. of England. Children: (VII.) Ada Corinne Hamlin, bn. Dec. 9, 1889. (VII.) Cyrene Hamlin, bn. Feb. 2. 1890. (VII.) Reuben Floyd Ham­ lin, bn. Oct. 10, 1891. VI. Lizzie Jane Wismer, bn. Sept. 5, 1877. V. Abraham Wismer, bn. Sept. 30, 1838; died 1842. V.- Lewis Levi Wismer, bn. Mar. 2-1, 18-11; died 184:2. V. Abraham L. Wismer, bn.• Julv 5, 1844. Mr

IV. Nancy Wismer, bn. May 25, 18Q2; died Nov. 20, 1887• .J\Ird. Daniel Moore in 1819. He was bn. 1797; died 1855. Millwright. Christian chnrch. Children: Henry, Lydin, Abraham. Mary, Julia., Daniel V. Henry .Moore, bn. June 7, 1820; died Oct. 1842. V. Lydia .Moore, bn. Fob. 9, 1822. Mrd. Galon 0. Gilbert, Jnne 21, 1838. He died May 18, 1878. P. 0., Cresswell, Ont. No issue. . . V. Abraham Moore, bn. in Marlars, and to which in early life they walked and carried the baby, the distance being six miles. They lived together 57 years, and celebrated thei1· golden wed­ ding on Monday, Oct. 16, 1876. (Tho wedding day fulling on Sunday.) · The family consisted of 1-1- children, of whom 11 were living. OC tho 65 living descendants, including husbands alld wives, 43 were present at the golclen weclcling. Twenty-two were prevented from attending on account of ei,;kness, and otlierwise. The t.uble was elabomtely spread, in the center of which stood a six story cake with flags rising from the center, on which the words "'\Volcome Home" were beautifnlly laid in gold leaf. Immediately before eatin.!r, the child-ren sang the well known hymn, -'Welcome Homo," after which ,P:lvid Wismer and wife, their children with their husbands and wives, partook of the refreshments, :mt! the grandchildren finishing the repast. Tho artist, Mr. Tomlinson, of Stouft'ville, being present, a picture of the family group was admir:1bly taken, after which the various golden, and other presents, were placed on platters, and the company gathered in the parlor to witnC'SS tho presentation of the gifts, and to listen t<> an address b_y John Milne, one of the sons-in-faw, which was as follows: - 300- Deur Parents:-lt is with mingled feeling!! of regret. nnd pleusure that we ure hen,:1K"l'1Ubled tngether to commemorate the fiftieth annivers:uy of your wedding day. \Vith feelin1,,,s of regret that on uooount of sickness und other una,·oiduble causes there are some of our children depriwd of the privilege of meeting with us to-dny und pn.rtuking ulike of the pleosaut ussociatlous und remembmnee,,, thut thi.'< meeting will afford to u... ull; and also with regret that in the oourse of nature there is no humun probability or liklihood that so many of this family will ever be permittt.'d to meet you a~in on this side of eternity. But still we meet with united fet·lin(!S of pleusure to kno\v that God in His divine providence has i.,~ously pe_nnitted you nnd us to enjoy a meeting of this kind, one which is grouted to hut few in this world. \Vhen we, your children, cn"t our minds hack through our youn~r yeurs we cannot but admire und derh·e great ple:1sure in eontemplnting the cnre and diligence you mauift'Sled in raising so large a family in sueh a manner n." would enable them nil to become honest, iudustriouH and useful nwmb(>l'II of society and we trust in thi" respe<•t your t-tforts h:1ve not been altogether in vain. \Ve cnnnot but call to mind that in all your teachings you did not forget to continually drnw our attention to the all important fact that there wns an All-wise Providence to whom we should always look for guidance and support through onr walks in this life. We must naw congratulate you thllt God hn.'! so far blessed you with health, sti:ength of min,l and body, and pl'Oi1, u,, we ure met toi,:ether on nn occn... 1011 never to be for,.."Ottcn, and one tlmt will ne,·er occur 1t1,."llin during our Jh·es and in token of our lo,·e fot you, and a1< remembrances to be ·cheri8hed by you, dear father, we present you with the,ic few smnll i,:'ifl~, nnd to you denr mother we also pl'e8ent n few token" of our love nnd eile gifts, though smu.Jl in themseh-es and representing but little in value, still they nre rich in the love aud esteem which we have towurds you. Our united pmyer is thnt God in His i;."OOdness mny toee fit to hk'!crtina, Elijah, Cathnrint\ Nellie. V. Nancy Wismer, bn. in l\Inrkham T,~.• Ont., in 1827. Mrd. Augnstns ¥on Bnseck*, Jan. 1, 1845. P. 0 .• Stouff,·illc, Ont. &Jddlcr. Lntb's. Children: Ch:1rles, Theodore, Arucli:1. Arnetta, Eli. M:iry. VI •. Charles Willi:im van Busick, Im. Nov. 2'2, 1846; died Aug. 31, 1S4H. VI. Theodore Alex:mder von Busick. Im. J,Jly 14, 184-:}. l\Ircl. Elmira H11l,c1-. Ang. U, 1870. She w:is Im. l\foy 5. 1852. P. 0 .• Stouffvillc. Ont. S:1d1Hct. Con:.r. ch. Children: (Vil.) Arnette Const:mce Ccccli:t nm Busick, lm. Sept. 12. 1871. (VII.) ltudolpb Al­ cx:tnder Yon Bn,-ick, Im. 1\for. 6. 187-l-. (VII.) Albert Edwin von Busick. bn. Aug. 2-l-. 1S84. (VII.) Leo Ottomer von Bnsick, hn. Fch. 11. 1887. VI. Amelia J:ine \"On Bnsick. Im. Oct.6.1851. Mrd. Ottomnr Pureeki. ,Jnne 7. 1S82. He w:1,,; Im. Aug-. 22, 1S50. P. 0., Eric. P11. ,fowcler. L11t1i•,.. No is,;ue. VI. Arnette Cccdin von Buseck, Im. 01·t. 2'2. 1S53;

25, 1S8S. (VII.) Elflccla Isabella Wismer, hn. May 17, 1891. VI. Jacob David Wismer, bn. June 15, 186-!. P. 0., Gore Bay, Ont. Presby. S. VI. Ida Jane Wismer, bn. Mar. 1; 1868. Mrd. George A. Morris. P. 0., Thornbnrg, Ont. Mer­ chant. Children: (VII.) Gertrude Morris, bn. Sept. 26, 1889. (VII.) Ernest Russell Morris, bn. M11y 18, 18Hl. VI • .Mary Hannah Wismer, bn. Mar. 28, 1S71. VI. l\furtha Helena Wismer, bn. Mar. 2, 1Si3. VI. Ethelda Albertina Wismer, bn. ,Mny 31, 1S78. V. Sarah Jaue ,vismer, bu. in York Co., Ont., Apr. rn, 1S38. Mr1L John Balthurst Bm·k, Oct. 23, 1853. P. 0., Broughnm. Ont. Formerly blacksmith, now farmer. Cli. of England. Children: (VI.) Elcunor Bnrk, bn. Ang. 23, 1854; died Oct. 13, 1854-. (VI.) Mary M:igdnlen:1 Burk, bn. Oct. 10, 1855; clicd Aug. 25, 1859. (VI.) Eli Albert At1/:('11stus Burk, bn. Mur. 30, 1858; died Ang. 1-!, 1861. - V. Lydia Helen Wismer, bn. Fch. 2!➔, 18-!0. Mrd. l:Icnry Peard H:ind, Sept. 1-!, 1862. P. 0., Daytona, FliL V. Barbara Ann WisnlClr, bn. Feb. l, 1S4-:?. Mrd. ,John Milne, Nov. 28, 1860, P.O., Essex Centre, Ont. In c:1rly life Mr. Milne taught school, since then h:1s hccn l:1rgely in the m:muf:1etnri11,!!' business, :md is :it presc!1t e~,g-:1:.red in __ prh·:itc h:mking :ind. rc:il cst:ttl•. i\foth s. Chtldren: J.<'lorcnce, Arthur. Ari:ulnc, ,John. VI. Florence Milne, ho. Nov. 27. lStH. Mr1l. Frank. Lente, of Duluth, July 26, 18!➔ ::!. Railway despntchcr. VI. Arthur E. Milne, Im. Feb. 6, 181:-4-. Mrd. Ce­ linda Hobinson, Sept. 2S, 18-97. Childn•u: (VII.) Ad­ die L. Milne, bn. Jnly lSSt➔• (VII.) Carlisle Milne, bn. Sept. 1891. . VI. Ari:ulne Milne, bn. Sept. 2:3, 1866. Mrd. Orl:mdo C. Barrio, Feb. 22, 1886. M:mnf:ictnrer of paints. Chfldren: (VII.) 1'~:1rl Barrie, bn. NO\·. 26, 18S8. (VII.) Millie Barrie, bn. Aug. 1890. (VII.) Lcl:md Barrie, bu. Doc. 1891. VI. John H. Milne, bn. Sept. 28, 1878. - 30:1:- v. Enos Everett Wismer, bn. l<'ch. 11, 1844. Mrd. Jcmimu Yonnf,, l\far. 20, 186-!. She died .Mar. 1880. P. 0., Essex Centre, Ont. Farmer, carpenter, stone­ mason. Children: •.\lhcrt, Joseph, Elijah, Thcociore, Susan, Alice, Clarence.- Enos mrd. second wife, Robena .McConnocbie, Sept. H-, 188-. Presby's. Ono child: Archie. VI. Albert Everett Wismer, bn. Dec. 5, 1866. Mr:l. Elizabeth Kendrick, in 1888. P. 0., Essex, Ont. Farmer. .Metb's. Children: (VII.) Lulu Wismer. (VII.) Ethel Wismer. VI. Joseph Wismer, bn. Dec. 7, 1867. J.\,lrd. Mrs. Sicksmitli, in 1800. Tin smith in Toronto, Ont.. VI. Elijah Wismer, bn. Dec. 7, 1867 (twin). Mrd. - Styler, in 1880. P. 0., Essex, Ont. Sawyer. One child: (VII.) Jemima Wismer. VI. Theodore Augustus Wismer, bn. Nov. 27, 1868• .Mrd. - Copeland, in 1888. P. 0., Essex, Ont. .Me­ ch:mic. Meth's. Children: (VII.) Enos Wismer. (VII.) Alice Wismer. VI. Susan Wismer, bn. June 8, 1870; died Apr. 25, 1871. VI. Alice Alberta Wismer, bn. Feb. 25, 187:3. Mrd. George Loucks, in 1890. P. 0., Detroit. Machinist. Meth's. One child: (Vil.) Belin Loucks. VI. Clarence En"'cnc Wismer, bn. Feb. 25, 1880. VI. Archie M. \Vismcr, bn. Dec. 15, 1885; died Feb. :I:, 1888. V. Albertina \Vismcr, bn. in Markham Twp., Ont., Feb. 12, 18:1:6. Mrd. James Lo¢c, Nov. 9, 1862. He wus born on a Mill fnrm in Mornyshire, Scotland, Apr. 3, 1838. His mother died while be was an in­ fant. At 17 years of age he was compelled to seek on this side of the Atlantic a home which unhappily Scotia denies to so many of her sons. Chopping and clearing land occupied the first fi,·e years of his ex­ perience in Canada, when he wus appointed teacher m the school in Feversbam, county of Grey, with no other qualification than yonth; energy, and the limited education acquired at the Parochial school in his na­ tive parish. After three years service as teacher, he engaged in business in Fevcrsham, at which he con- -305- tinucd with variccl success in several towns in Canada, when, in 1885, he mo,·cd to Michib"lln with his family and cng~cd in business in Ithca, Gratiot county. Dnring 1887 ho wus appointed Steward of Alma Vollcgc, an institntion chart<:>rorl by the stutc, and under the care of the Presbyterian Synod of Micbi­ ~:tn, where he and wife now reside. Presbyterians.. Children: Charlotte, Mm·y, William, Eva. VJ. Charlotte Louisa Lo¢e, bn. ,Tone 11, 1S64. Mrd. James A. Ovas, of Rapid City, Manitoba, -. Mill­ o,vner. Prcshy. Children: (VII.) Cb~riotte Albertina Ovns. (VII.) James McDonald Ovns.: (VII.) Colin Al­ exnn

Ave., Detroit, Mich. Commercial traveler. Cong. Children: Minnie, Malcom. VI. Minnie Augusta Barrie, bn. Oct. 1872. Mrd. Fred H. Wilson, in 1890. One child: (VII.) Crid11 Gertrude Wilson, bn. in 1891. VI. 1\folcom Herbert Barrie, bn. in 1879, IV. S:imnel Wismer, bn. Mar. 7, 1811; died Dec. 16, 188.J... Mrposecl to have been lost at sen. Machine printer. Children: Susanna, Hannah, William, Emily.-Wilhelmina mrd. second hushnnd, Joseph H. Allen, Sept. 19, 1861. He was bn. Oct. 4, 1834:; died Oct. 26, 1875. Boatman. Metb's. Children: Wilhelmina, Josephine, Annie. VI. Susanna B. Clark, bn. Feb. 26, 184:6. Mrcl. Henry Umstead, Nov. 25, 1865. Res. 45 Tyrell Av., Trenton, N. J. Sawyer. Baptist. Chilclren: Frank, Charles, Jonah, Albert, Harry. - VII. Frank W. Umstead, bn. Oct. 18, 1866. Mrd. Effie T. Siefert,-. P. 0., Trenton, N. ,J. Children: (VIII.) James Umstead. (VIII.) William Umstead. VII. Charles 0. Umstead, bn. Apr. 16, 1873. VII. Jonah Umstead, bn. June 25, 1875. VII. Albert Umstead, bn. Nov. 29, 1877. VII. Harry Umstead, bn. Nov. 14, 1885. VI. Hannah Mary Clark, bn. in Providence. R. I., Dec. 22, 1850. Mrd. Alonzo P. Geddes. He died Sept. 1, 1890. Res. Phila., Pa. Keep boardin,g house. Meth. Children: Joseph, Alfred, Franklin, Everett, Martha, Emily. VII. Joseph Henry Geddes, bn. Feb. 8, 1870. Mrd. Mary Armstron~. Re'>. 35 Wister St., Phila., Pa. Driver. One child: (VIII.) Infant son, bn. July 2::'!, 1891; died Oct. 15, 1891. VII. Alfred Cooper Geddes, bn. June 5, 1875. VII. Franklin W. C. Geddes, bn. Feb. 24, 1878. VII. Everett P. Geddes, bn. Nov. 13, ~882. VII. Martha Emma Geddes, bn. Sept. 10, 1886. VII. Emily Myers Geddes, bn. Aug. 14, 1890. VI. William H. Clark, bn. Feb. -24:, 1853.. Mrd. Mary Fields, -. Resides in Pbila., Pa. Cbiidren: (VII.) Annie Clark, bn. -; died -. (VII.)_ Ellen -321- VI. Wil1iam Henry Kcphurt, bu. May 25, 1865. Mrd. Elizabeth Gilmer. P. 0., Mount Sidney, Va. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Welden Kephart. (VII.) - Kephart. VI. Charles 0. Kephart, bn. Sept. 7, 1866. S. VI. B. Kephart, hn. Oct. 15, 1868. VI. Mary Kefl_hnrt, bn. Au~. 29, 1870. VI. John T. Kephart,-bn. Feb. 9, 1874. VI. Martha Kephart, bn .. Aug. 29, 18i6. IV. John Kephart, bn. Jan. 3, 1810. IV. Margaret Kephart, bn. Feb. i, 1812. Mrd. - Owens. Children: Harriet, Sarah, Thomas, Eliza­ beth, Mary, D01·cas. IV. Catharine Kephart, bn. Feb. 1, 1814. Mrd. WiUiam Lash, -. Qhildrcn: Maria, Joseph, Mary, Maggie. · - 314- -

VI. Eugene Leslie Black, bn. Aug. 28, 1859; died Dec. 2, 1862. V. Mary Black, bn. in 1831; died -. V. Emanuel S. Black, hn. in Plumstead, Pa., Oct. 23, 1833. Mrd. Hannah Hofford, Feb. 22, 1870. Res. 1113 Poplar St., Phila., Pa. Brick-layer, and station­ ary e~neer. Attends Baptist ch. Children: (VI.) Ellen ~ranees Black, hn. Nov. 28, 1870. (VI.) Will­ iam Wallace Black, hn. Dec. 21, 1871. V. Cyrus S. Black, bn. Feb. 10, 1836. Mrd. Maria Shaddinger, daughter of Joseph and Ann Shaddinj?Cr, Nov. 1, 1878. She was bn. Apr. 3, 184-2. Blacksmith. Baptist. No issue. V. Hannah Black, bn. in 1838; died in 1839. V. Morris Black. bn. Nov. 19, 1840. P. 0., Point Pleasant, Pa. V. Zenas W. Black, bn. Nov.-, 1844. P. 0., Point Pleasant, Pa. V. John W. Black, bn. -, 184-6; died 184-7.

Ill. Daniel Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 1780; died in 185,!. Mrd. - Ott. No issue.-Mrd. seconJ wife, - Ruth,-. Children: Delila, Henry, John.-Daniel mrd. third wife, Efo,.abeth Lott,-. Laborer. Attended Mennonite ch. Children: Eper­ netu<'. Josiah, J oscph, George, Elizabeth, Zenas, Catharine. IV. Delila Wismer, bn. -; died -. IV. Henry Wismer, bn. -; died in 1853. Mrd. Su­ sanna Ott, --. Farmer. Ger. Ref. Children: Levi, Henry, Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Francis. V. Levi Wismer, bn. -; died about 1884-. Mrd. ~xdia Nichols, -. Children: (YI.) Lizzie Wismer. (VI.) Susan Wismer. ' . , V. Henry Wismer, bn. in Bedminster, Pa., Oct. 29, 1843. Mrd. Mary Louisa Wentz. P. 0., Do_ylestown, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. Children: (VI.) Laura A. Wismer, bn. Apr. 19, 1S70. Mrd. Wm. Carr, Dee. 25, 1891. Res. 19 ThomP.son St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Weaver. Ref. ch. No children. (VI.) Emma V. Wis­ mer, bn. Aug. 29, 1874. -315- v. Mary Wismer, bn. Aug. 15, 1845. 1\lrd. Jonh McNeal, Dec. 25, 1872. P. 0., Carversvillc, Pa. Farmer. Attends Christian ch. One child: (VI.) Rob­ crt·McNoal; hn. Sept. 16. 18i5. V. Joseph Wismer, bn. Sept. 16, 18-1-7. Mrd. Janetta B. Green, of Quakertown, PiL, Feb. 13, 18i3. P. 0., Solebury, Pa. After his father"s death he was taken by a family of Friends by name of Armitage, with whom he found a good home. Farmer. Meth. Chil­ dren: (VI.) Charles A. Wismer, bn. and died Jan. 13. 1S77. · (VI.) Hannah M. Wismer, :bn. ,Aug. 16, 1879. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. Ang. 24-, 1851. Mrd. John Lightcap, Jan. 1, 1874. P. O~. Trndesville, Penn:i. Butcher. Attends Meth. ch. Children: (VI.) Laura .May Lightcap, bn. May 24, 1876. (VI.) Evan Light­ cap, bn. Dec. 9, 1877. (VI.) Walter Jacob Lightcap, bn. May 29, 188S. V. Francis Wismer, bn. - ; died -. IV. John Wismer, bn. -; died -. IV. Epernetus Wismer, bn. -. Mrd. -. P. O., Wismer, Pa. In early life tai~ht school. No issue. Ii. Josiah L. Wi~mer, bn. July 2'J, 1818;

II. Christian Wismer, bn. -;

II. Nancy Wismer, bn. -; died -. Mrd. Henry Kefhart, --. Moved to Virginia, where descendants stil reside. Children: Stophel, Henry, etc.

Ill. Stophel Kephart, bn. -

Ill. Henry Kephart, bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. Chil­ dren: Polly, Anna, Elizabeth, Nancy, Henry, John, Mar!!Sret, Catharine. IV. ':Polly Kephart, bn. Feb. 3, li99. Mrd. David Ray, -. Children: Joseph, Frank, Lindy, NellJ,, Josiphene, John, James. IV. Anna Kephart, bn. Nov. 29, 1800; probably died small. IV. Elizabeth Kephart, bn. Feb. 3, 1802. IV. Nancy Kephart; bn. June 24, 1805. IV. Henry Kephart, bn. in Va., Sept. 23, 180i. Mrd. Mary Cole, May 21, 1834. P. 0., Lilly, Va. Farmer and weaver. Methodist. Children: Maria, John. V. Maria Kephart, bn. in 183i. Mrd. John Gilmer, -. He died -. Children: (VI.) George D. Gilmer, bn. 1859. (VI.) Nelly Gilmer, lin. 1863. (VI,) - Gil­ mer, bu. dead. - Maria mrd. second husband, Frank Klinesorgh, -. He died May 20, 1885. V. John Kephart, . hn. May 29, 1839. Mrd. Mary Allen, May 1864. P. 0., Lilly, Va. Farmer. Menn's. Children: William, Charles, B-, Mary, John, Mar­ tha. -321- VI. Wil1iam Henry Kcphurt, bu. May 25, 1865. Mrd. Elizabeth Gilmer. P. 0., Mount Sidney, Va. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Welden Kephart. (VII.) - Kephart. VI. Charles 0. Kephart, bn. Sept. 7, 1866. S. VI. B. Kephart, hn. Oct. 15, 1868. VI. Mary Kefl_hnrt, bn. Au~. 29, 1870. VI. John T. Kephart,-bn. Feb. 9, 1874. VI. Martha Kephart, bn .. Aug. 29, 1876. IV. John Kephart, bn. Jan. 3, 1810. IV. Margaret Kephart, bn. Feb. i, 1812. Mrd. - Owens. Children: Harriet, Sarah, Thomas, Eliza­ beth, Mary, D01·cas. IV. Catharine Kephart, bn. Feb. 1, 1814. Mrd. WiUiam Lash, -. Qhildrcn: Maria, Joseph, Mary, Maggie. · DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM WISMER, SON OF JACOB WISMER.

II. Abraham Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1743; died Apr. 27, 1828. Mrd. Anna-. She w.as born July 21, 1746; died Nov. 20, 1823. Weaver Children: Jacob, Elizabeth, Anna, Mary.

Ill. Jacob Wismer, bn. Dec. 1, 1769; died Nov. 15, 18.J:2. Lived and died near Pipersville, Pa., nnd wus miller at Esquire Lowe's mill. Unmrd.

Ill. Elizabeth Wismer, hn. Oct. 2.J:, 17il; died-. Mrd. Abraham Tinsman, -. Moved to Westmore­ land Co., Pa.

Ill. Anna Wismer, bn. Oct. 19, 1784; died Mar. 6, 1860. Mrd. -. One child. IV. Elias Wismer, bn. Feb. 28, 1803; died Oct. 10, 1870. Married Eli?.abeth Wismer, -. Carpenter. Children: Henrv, Mary, Catharine, Lewis, Amos. V. Henry W. Wismer, bn. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 7, 1832. Mrd. Eliza Ann Wismer, Jan. 29, 1870. P. 0. Wismer, Pa. Mr: Wismer was educated in the common schools. Early in life he en~ed in the mercantile business in partnership with his father for several year:,;, and afterwards on bis own account. After the deuth of his father, he went into partnership with his brother-in-law Joseph R. Lear. He still continues in the business at the old stand. He has been the Post­ master at Wismer ever since it was founded in 1872. He has been Auditor of the township for 9 years, and -323- has been Judge, Clerk. and Inspector of election for a number of times. He was a Director of the Point Pleasant Bridge Co., and was made President of the company,· which position he still holds. He is also Tre;tSurer of the Bucks Co., Mutnal YU'e Insurance Co., and is Manll,!rer and · Treasurer of the Union Dairyman's Association, and Director of Danboro and Point Pleasant tumpike. In politics he ie a Repub­ lican. Mrs. Wismer, Baptist. Children: (VI.J A daughter. i>tillborn. (VI.) Hannon Wismer, bn. Aug. 28, 1873; died Mar. 3, 1Si5. (VL) Pre5ton Wismer, bn. Oct. 25, 1875; died-, 1875. (VJ.) Mayna,d Wismer, bn. May 31, 1877. · (VI.) :Ella Wismer, bn. Apr. 2, 1881. (VI.) Mary Wismer, ·bn. Oct. 29, 1886. V... Mary Ann Wismer, bn. Feb. 22, 1834. Mrd. Joseph R Lear. (See Index of References No. 81.) V. ·. Catharine Wismer, bn. Apr. 22, 1836. Mrd. Ja­ cob W. Sterner, June 28, 1855. P. 0 .• Trevose Sta., Pa. Miller. Cbihlren: Alaminda, Emmu, Grant. Mary, Edward. VI. Alaminda Sterner, bn. in Sussex Co., N. J., Feb. 20, 1857. Mrd. Geo.!/5e Ridge, Feb. 12, 1880. P. 0., Churchville, Pa. ~armer. Children: (VII.) Clara Ridge, bn. Oct. 15, 1881. (VII.) Alvin Ridge, bn. Nov. 19, 1888. VI. Emma Sterner, bn. in Bncks Cc., Pa., Feb. 3, 186C. Mrcl. Thomas La Rue, Feb. 22, 1882. P. 0., Trevose, Pa. Farmer. Children: (VII.) Cora La Rne, bn. Apr. 9, 1883. (VII.) Bessie La Rue, bn. July 26, 1885. VI. Grant Sterner, bn. Nov. 20, 1866. VL Mary Sterner, bn. Jan. 21, 1869. VI. Edward Sterner, bn. May 29, 1874:. V. Lewis Wismer, bn. Oct. 10, 1839. Mrd. Annie Shaddinger. Res. Phila., Penna. Mason. Baetlst. Children: (VI.) Lottie Wismer, S. (VI.) Emma Wis­ mer, S. V. Amos Wismer, bn. Aug. 16, 184:5; died Feb. 18, 1876. Mrd. Amandn Shaddinger, -. Mrs. W., Bap­ tist. Children: (VI.) Laura M. Wismer, bn. Oct. 3, 1867. Baptist. (VI.) Mary E. Wismer, bn. Feb. -324 - 1870. Preshy. (VI.) Benjamin Wismer, bn. Apr. 17, 187-1-; died M:tr. 20, 1888.

Ill. 1\Inry Wismer, bn. Apr. 22, 1778; died Oct. 26, 1868. .Mrd. John Engert,-. Bh,cksmitb. Chil­ dren: Abmh:tm, Annie. IV. Abraham Engert, bn.-; died-. S. IV. Annie Engert, bu. -. .Mrd. John Kratz, -. Farmer. Children: Mary, Isaac. V. .Mary Krutz. bn. -. Mrd. John Crouthamel, -. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Blacksmith. Children: (VI.) Mary Ann Crouthamel. (VI.) - Crouthamel. V. lsuac Kratz, bn. -. S. DESCENDANTS OF FELIX WISMER OF WYTIKON, SWITZERLAND.

I. - Wismer, the earliest nncestor of this branch of whom we have any information, 'was a farmer and lived in the villa,..,"C of W ytikon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland. The village of Wytikon is situated three miles from Zurich, and at one time consisted of 34 families, 15 families bearing the name of Wismer. He is supposed to have belonged to the Reformed church.* He had but one child, a son: II. Felix Wismer. born in Wytikon, Switzerland, and lived on the old homestead. ls also suppoeed to have belonged to the Reformed church. And also had but one child, a son: Ill. John Wismer, born in Wytikon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, in Oct. 1778; died in 1849. He was a farmer, and inherited the old homestead from his fa- . ther. In early life he married, but bis wife died soon after, leaving no issue. In 1829 he married a widow Regula Glrettly, (Nee Muller). After the death of her husband she emigrated to the United States with her sons, and died in 1877 aged 79 years. Members of the Reformed church of Switzerland. Children: John, Henry, Elizabeth, JaCQb,_ Solomon. IV. John Wismer, bn. in Wytikon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, in 1830. Emigrated to the United States in 1850. P. O., Olney, Oregon. No family. * The Reformed church was the state church, and was closely guarded by the ~vernment:'In former yeam it sup­ pressed every other religious organization. - 326- IV. Henry Wismer, bn. in Wvticon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, Apr. 28, 1832. Emigrated to the United States in 1855. After lnnding he at once set out for Dubuque, Iowa, where he a1Tived Mar. 12th. In this city he resided until 1863. In the spring of this year he moved with his mother to Dayton Twp., Bremer Co., Iowa, where he purchased SO acres of land, to which he soon added 40 acres more. At this time Dayton Twp. had but few settlers, and his nearest neighbors lived n mile distant. On Sept. 16, 1865, he was married to Rosina Messerly. In the fall of 1890 be sold his farm in Davton Twp., and p11rcbascd ten acres in Sumner, Iowa. On the 3d of Oct., 1890, while he and wife were driving through a part of Sumner on the way to their purchase on which they were building a new house, the horse took fright as they t11rned a corner, the wagon wus npset and they were burled to the ground. Mr. ·wismer was slightly injured, but Mrs. Wismer died Oct. H, lS!l0 from the effects of injnries received by the ucc1dcnt. P. 0., Sumner, Iown.. Presbyterians. Children: Bennie, A-, Edward, Leila, :Vfortha. V. Bennie H. Wismer, bn. July 16, 1866; died Feb. s. 1868. V. A. J. ,vismer, bn. in Bremer Co., Iowa, Feb. 20, 1868. He remained ut home on the farm until he was 21 years of ngc, and attended the district school during the winter. He is now engaged in the restaurant business in Sumner, Iowa. 11• Edward A. 'Vismer, bn. in Bremer Co., Iowa, Mar. 15. 1870. W us brought up on bis father's farm, and recei.·cd his education in tlic public school. Ton­ sorial artist in Sumner, Iowa. Prcsb,vtcri11n. V. Leila E. ,vismcr, bn. ::i Bremer Co., Iowa, Dtc. 31, 1872. MrcL F. M. Lyon, in 1890. P. 0., Sum­ ner, Iowa. Presbyterian. One child: (VI.) Edna Lucile Lyon, bn. Jan. 31, 1892. V. Martha M. Wismer, bn in Bremer Co., Iowa, Apr. 29, 1874. She attended the district schools un­ til she wns H years of age, when she was sent to school at Ccdnr Falls, Iowa. P. O., Sumner, Iowa. Presbyterian. -327- IV. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. in Wytikon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, in 183-1-. Still resides in Switzer­ land. !if.rd. Jacob Fries, -. He died,-. One child: (V.) - li'rieR. She mrd. second husband Jacob Dig- gleman,, -. , IV. Jacob Wismer, bn. in Wytikon, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, May 26, 1836. Emfo-rated to the United States in 1855. 0Mrd. Frederica '.Hickethier, in 1859. P. 0., Bethany, Oregon. Furmer. Presby's. Chil­ dren: Emm:1, Bertha, Louisa, Walter, Otto, John, Ida, Carl, Solomon, Frederica. V. Emma Wismer, bn. May 29, 1860. Mrd. Henry Hamel. P. 0., Bethany, Ore~on. F:trmcr. Presby's. Children: (VI.) Bertha Hamel. (VI;) Ida Hamel. (VI.) Willie Hamel. (VI.) Otto Hamel. (VI.) Emma Hamel. (VI.) Alfred Hamel. V. Bertha Amelia Wismer, bn. Nov. 23, 1862; died Aug. 1, 1863. V. Louisa Mary Wismer, bn. l\fay 22, 1864-. Mrd. J. F. Dyslc. P. 0., Bethany, Ore"'on. Blacksmith. Presby's. Children: (VI.) Hedwig l:>ysle, (VI.) Wal­ ter D_vsle, (VI.) Id11 Dysle. V. Walter Jacob Wismer, hn. June 30, 1866. V. OLto John Wismer, bn. May 4, 1868. V• •John Jacob Wismer, bn. Oct. 20, 1870. V. Ida Julia Wismer, bn. Feb. 8, 1873. V. Carl Enoch Wismer, bn. May 23, 1875. V. Solomon Henry Wismer, bn. Apr. 4, 1878. V. Frederica Hortcnsias Wismer, bn. Apr. 22, 1880. IV. Solomon Wi:--mer, bn. in Wytikon, Canton Zu- rich, Switzerland, 1839. Emigrated to the United States in Mnr. 1855. P. 0., Menomenee, Wisconsin. DESCENDilTS OF CONRAD WISMER* OF AERZEN, GERMANY.

I. Conrad Wismer, bn. at Aerzen, Germany._ Mrd. -. Farmer and miller. Aerzen is located 'about· ten miles from the city of Hanover, Germany. Children: Conrad, Auguste, Elizabeth, Daughter, Johan.

II. Conrad Wismt:r, bn. at Aerzcn, Germany, about 1790; died about 1853, in Scharzfeld, Germany. Mrd. -. Miller, owned the homestead mill at Aerzen, and also a mill at Schar7.:feld. Children: Ferdinand and a daughter.

Ill. Ferdinand Wismer, bn. in 1830. Mrd. -. Mil­ ler, inherited his father's property. Had issue.

Ill. The daughter mrd. -, resided at Hildersheim, Germany.

II. Auguste Wismer, bn. about 1792; died -. Mrd. -- Piepenbrink, -. One child: (Ill.) Conrad Piepenbrink, bn. -. Probably never married.

II. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. -; died -. Mrd. -. Had a large family. Farmer near Hameln, Germany.

II. Daughter Wismer (name not known), bn. -; died-. Mrd. -. · Farmer near Hameln, Germany. Had a In.1~e .family, now supposed to be somewhere in the Umted Stateti.

* A descendant of Peter Wismer, Wurtembergian counselor,. born August 4, 1419. - 329- 11. John Henry Conrad "Wismer, bn. nt: Aerzeli, Germany, Apr. 4, 1800; died Dec. 13, 1853. Mrd. ElizabefliP.'.:orn Strnup, in 1830. She was horn in Landsberg oo-dcl' Wurthe, Feb. 91, 1797; died Mar. 21, 1891, aged 94 years and 1 month. Mr. Wismer went to Berlin, Germany, when quite young, where he remained until he died. His occupation was that of merchant tnilor. Children: Auguste, Ferdinand, Annn, Rudolph, Murie, Francis.

Ill. Auguste Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ1111y. Dec.· 16, 1831. Mrd. Au~ust Schrreder, :.._, Res. Berlin, Germany. Machinist. No issue. ·

Ill. Ferdinlllld Henry Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Ger­ many, July 27, 1833. Mrd. -. Mr. Wismer em­ barked for the United States on the 9th of Feb. 1852, and landpd March 31st of the same year at New York. In Dec. 1852 be went to Newark, N. J., and settled there permanently, and engaged very·exten­ sively in the manufacture of clothing, from which business he retired several years ago. Mr. Wismer has been, and is now connected with n number of public and private enterprises. He was elected and served three terms (nine years) as water commissioner of the city of Newark, and. took a prominent part in securing fer the cit.v, under the most favorable conditions for the same, the much needed new Water Supply from the Pequannock River. In 1887 he was appointed a member of the State Board of Assessors of New Jersey. and is the President of that Board. He is also President of German Building nnd Loan Association, nnd of the Finley Rubber Varnish Co., both very successful corporations. Children: Francis, Ferdinand, Eliza­ beth, Dora, Auguste. IV. Francis William Wismer, bn. in Newark, N. J., July 26, 1862. Mrd. Katie Schnfel', Mny 5, 1886. She wns bn. in Newark, N. J. Res. Newark, N. J. No issue. -330- IV. Ferdinand Henry Wismer, bn. in Newark. N. J., Dec. 10, 1864-. Res. Newark, N. J. Carpenter. Served seven 1ears in the 5th Regt. National Guards; four years as First Sergeant and received an honor­ able discharge June 1892. S. IV. Dora Wismer, bn. in Newark, N. J. IV. Auguste Isabella Wismer, bn. in Newark, N. J.

Ill. Anna Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germany, May 15, 1835. Mrd. -- Heinrich, -. Res. Berlin, Gc1·­ many.

Ill. Ruclolph Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germany, May 31, 1837. Mrd. -. Res. Berlin, Germany. Children: (IV.) Ottilie Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Anna Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Ferdinand R. Wism~r, bn. in Berlin, Germ. Res. Newark, N. J. (IV.) Rosalie Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Marie Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Otto Wis­ mer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Herman Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Clara Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ. (IV.) Emma Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germ.

Ill. Marie Wismer, bn. in Berlin, Germany, Apr. 24, 1839. She came to New York about 1865. Mrd. -- Fluegge, -. He

The following records should have been mserted on page 19, after Sarah Leatherman. VI. John Leatherman, bn. Oct. f!,_ 1828. Mrd. Mary Moyer. Farmer• .l'. O., West Carlislet. Kent Co., ,.Mich. Menn's. Children: Sarah, Susnnna, Cnristian~ Aaron, Abraham, Elizabeth, John, Amos, Mary, Nelson. VII. Sarah Leatherman, bn. July 80, 1850. Mrd. Henry Garber. P. 0., Bliss, Emmet Co., .Mich: Farmer. Menn's. Children: Salina, Delia, Olin, l\faude, Donald, Ellis. VIII. Salina Garber, mrd. Charles Keyser. Farmer. P.O., Bliss, Mich. Children: {IX.) Lottie. (IX.) Elsie. (IX.) Infant. VIII. Delia Garber. VIII. Olin Garber. VIII. Maude Garber. VIII. Donald Garber. VIII. Ellis Garber. VU. Susanna Leatherman, bn. July 17, 185:?; died July 81, 1852. VII. Christian Leatherman, bn. Aug. 80, lS.58; died June 11, 188-l. Mrd. Malinda Nogle. Policeman. Res. Grand Rapids, Mich. Children: (VIII.) Alvin. (VIII.) Oliver (dec'd). (VIII.) Revilo (dec'd). . VII. Aaron Leatherman, bn. Aug. 27, 18511. Mrd. Caroline Benawa. Farmer. P. O., West Carlisle, Kent Co. Mich. Children: (VIII ) Otto. (VIII.) Gilbert (dec'cl). (VIII.) Forrest. VII. Abmham Leatherman, bn. Apr. 17, 1859. Mrd. Lydia Beery. Creamery business. Res. Muskegon, Mich. One child: (VIII ) Orr. VII. Elizabeth Leatherman, bn. June 9, 1S61; dled May 41 1868. VII, John Leatherman, bn. Oct. 1,5, 186.'l. Mrd. Sarah Mer­ vau. Creamery business. Muskegon, Mich. Children: (VIII) Audie. (VIII.) Bert. VII. Amos Leatherman, bn. Aug. 14, 1867. Mrd. Carrie Wells. Farmer. P. 0., West Carlisle, l£ich. Children: (VIII.) Rosamond. (VIII l Clarence. (VIII.) l\Jelhurn H. VII. Mary Le:itherman, bn. A pr. Ill. 1870. Mrd. Albert M. Brubacher, Dec. 16, 1801. U. ll. l\Ianuracturer of tablets, with Garden City Stationery Co., Elkhart, Indiana. VII. Nelson Leatherman, bn. Sept. 21, 1873. -332-

The following should have been inserted immediately after the descendents of Ill Daniel Wismer, on page 818. Ill. Barbara Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Emanuel Gor­ don, -. Descendants not found. Ill. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. -; died -. l\Ird. an Everett, of New J81'!!ey. Descendants not found. · Ill. Anna Wismer, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Jacob Angeny, - Children: John, Abraham, Henry, Stophel, Catharine, Da· vid, Barbara.-Anna mrd. sooond husband, .John Loux, - One child: Moses. IV • .John Angeny, bn. -. l\Ird. -. Children: (V.) Jacob, Henry, Bettsy, Da,-id, Kate. . IV. Abraham Angeny, bn. -. Never married. IV. Henry Angeny, bn. -. Not married. IV. Stophel Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. - Berger, -. Children: (V.) Elizabeth Angeny, bn. -; died in 1892. Mrd. Emanuel Wismer. (See Index of References No. 85.) (V.) Daughter, name not known. IV. Catharine Angeny, bn. -. Not married. ·1v. David Angeny, bn. -. Mrd. -. Lived in Canada. ·1v. Barbara Angeny, bn. -; died-. Mrd. Dr. Henry Wis­ mer. (See Index of References No. 86.) IV. Moses Loux, bn. -.


Page 16 read Maggie Link instead of Maggie Sink. " 16 " Jfa11de Leathennan instead of Mandie. " 19 " VII. Albert Waterman instead of VI. " 28 " Hazel ShiYely bn. June 29, instead of Feb. 29. " 29 " Ida L. Eby instead of Ada. " 30 The family of Christian Myers and V. Magdalena Overholt should appear in the following order: (VI.) Mary. (VI.) &rome. (VI.) Eliza. (VI.) Elias. (VI.) Sarah Ann. (VI.) SU!anna. (VI.) Alfred. (VI.) Sarah. (VI.) Emeline. VI. Elias Myers was bn. Dec. l, 1824; died Aug. 8, 1850. VI. Sar.ah Ann Myers was bn. Mar. 5, 1827; died Feb. 12, 1829. VI. Alfred Myel"l'I, bn. Jan. 5, 1834; died July 25, 1846. · -333-

Page 30 read Salome .Kmtz bn. Aun. 80, instead of July 30. " 32 " VII. Samh Ann KreldeT mrd George Beery. Children: Lillian Grace, nnd Martha. " 65 " VJ. ·Hiram MoyeT, m~_ ..Fannie ReinbaJ't. Havei88ue. · " 65 " VJ. Mary MoyeT, mrd. Antony Trudo. Son: (VII.) Hany. " 65 " VJ. Hannah l!oyer, DU'd. Martin Grubb. No issue. • " 65 " VI. Su'!IUl MoyeT, mrd. Allen R. Hendri-:?ks, (anomi!l!

" 120 Ill. Joseph Wismer, bu. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 23, li'li-'l; dierl ia Chester Co., Pa.. Aug. 30, 1820, aged 67 yrs., l m., 7 d. l\Ianied Barbara. Wismer, daughter of Henry Wismer. " 128 IV. Henry Wismer, hu. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mu. 10, 1794; died in Waterloo Co., Ont., June ll, 1876, ~ 82 yrs., 3 m., 1. cl. Mrd.. Mary Cressman. She-was bu. in l\Iontg. Co., Pa., Aug., 17, 1792; died Jn \VateTloo Co:, Ont., July 12, 1872, aged 79 yrs., 10 m., 26 d. Mr. Wil'Jller ~ent to Canada in 1815 and Mrs. W. in 1806. Fanner. J.lennonites. Children: Barbara, Abrah11m, Daniel, Jacob, Elizabeth, Esther, Mary, Henry. " 1.29 V. Barbara Wismer, bn. Oct. 25, 1816; died Aug. :!fl, 1889. Mrd. David BaeT, &c. . V. Abraham Wismer, bn. Sept. 2, 1818; died Sept. 7, 1823. V. Rev. DanM Wismer, bn. in WateTloo Co., Ont., Jul:v .29, 18.."'0. l\Ini. Sallie ETb. She was horn in Wat.erloo Co., Ont., April 4, 1823; died in Marion Co, Kan., Oct. 17, 1885. Fanner. Mi-ni11t.er in Mennonite. ch. Children: Noah, MO!IP!<, I!lllllc, ERther, Henry, Lydia, Daniel. VI. Noah E. Wismer, bn. Dec. .291 1844; died April 9, 1867. Page 1.29 VL 1\loses E. Wi'!Iller bn. April 9, 1846. Mrd. Lena Snider. P. O., Preston, Ont. VL Isaac E. ,vismer, bn. Sept. 15, 1847. Mrd. Susanna Snider. P. 0., Elnura, Ont. VI. Esther ,vismer, bn. in \Vaterloo Co., Ont., April 19, !849. Mrd. John B. ~, March 29, 1888. For full report of Kraft familJ · seeJ)l'glll:?9. " 130 VL Henry E. Wismer, bn. Feb. IS, 1851; died Aug. 8, 1887. Mrd. :\lary Ann l!artin. VI. Lydia ,Vismer, bn. in Waterloo Co., Ont., July 14, 1852. 1\lrd. Samuel S. Moyer. P. O., Berlin, Ont. School teacher, butter maker; now book keeper. Men. Br. in Christ. Chil­ dren, eight in number. VI. Daniel Wismer, bn. Jan. 31, 1860. Mrd. Theresa GekeL P. 0., Berlin, Ont. V. Jacob Wismer, bn. January 9, 1822; died Septeml>l'r 9, 1823. V. Elizabeth Wismer, bn. :l\Iarch !!S, 1824. :\!rd. l\Ioses B Snyder. For further records of Elizabeth Wismer's family see page 130. " 131 V Esther Wismer, bn. June l, 1826. V. :\Iary Wismer, see page 132 V. Henry Wismer, bn. Au~ 21, 1833; died in Texas, :\Iar. 15, l&!-5. l\Ird. Hetty, daughter of John Bliehm Children, not reported. " 132 IV. Joseph Wi.'!Iller, bn. April 9, 1797; died Aug. 25, 1861. Single. " 138 IV• .Jacob Wismer, bn. Feb. 23, 1799 " 13-5 IV 1\lary Wismer, bn. Dec 15, 1801. " 137 IV. Anna Wismer. bn. May 10, 180.5. " 145 read IIL Abraham Wismer, mrd. second wife, Mary, widow of Christian Moyer, not Detwei­ ler (mllinen name Freed). " 175 " VI. Elias 1\1:vers, not VII. " 192 VI. Nancy Wismer, mrd. Geor,re Beck; names of their children are miss-printed Wismer, read Reck in each case. " 223 " VI. l\Iary Matilda Rosenberirer. mrd. second husband Jacob Fellman, not Tel!man. " 228 " Irma Crouthamel, im•tend of Zrma. " 315 " John Mc..~eal, Instead of Jonh 1\lcNeaL -335-


·Children Total ot born belu"lng Living. GenemtJon. the name Died. Living. De.cendants Died. Wismer. born. I. l --l 0 l l 0 II. 11 11 0 11 11 0 III. 37 37 0 43 43 0 IV. 106 93 13 202 176 26 V. 302 122 180 918 339· 579 VI. 40.5 73 3S:l .2334 478 18.56 VII. 199 34 165 !?313 347 1966 VITI. 4 0 4 366 33 333 IX. 4 1 3 106.5 3il ~ I 6192 I 1429 I-- 4763

The total number of descendants reported is 6,192. Complete returns of all born bearing the nrune Wismer, would probably brin~ the number up to about 1,200, and the total number of descendants to abont 6,800 more or less.


I Children Genemtlon. lbom bearing r I Total or I1 ng. thfl name Died. Lh•Jng. lI>eseendnnts Died. Livi Wismer. born. I •--- I IL 1 l 0 1 1 0 III. 10 10 0 10 10 0 IY. 5 5 0 31 30 1 Y. 0 0 0 1n 68 109 VI. 0 0 0 4i7 111 366 VI£. 0 0 0 780 125 655 VIII. 0 0 0 280 29 251 DC. 0 0 0 4 3 16 16 I 0 I 1760 I 37~ 1385 - 336 -


Children Tolal or bombearlng Living. Died. Living Generation. the name Died. Descendants Wismer. born. II. 0 0 0 1 l 0 III. 0 0 0 4 4 0 IV. 0 0 0 2-1 17 7 v. 0 0 0 96 29 67 VI. 0 0 0 260 ,54 206 VII. 0 0 0 119 8 111 504 l13 391


Children bombeartng Died Living. IDescendants Total or j Died. Living Genemtlon. the name Wismer. born. II. l l 0 l 1 --0 III. 2 2 0 2 2 0 IV. 14 14 0 14 14 0 v. . 18 9 9 i:? 35 37 VI. 4 0 4 180 32 148 VII. 0 0 0 2-16 34 212 VIII. 0 0 0 13 2 11 39 I 26 13 528 I 120 408


Children Total or born bearing Died. Lh·lng. Died. Living. Generation. the name Descendants ·-·tttmer. bom. II. 1 1 0 1 1 0 III. 12 12 0 12 12 0 IV. 52 46 6 80 il 9 V. 143 62 81 371 137 2ll4 VI. 236 53 183 1067 215 852 VII. 160 31 129 994 163 831 VIII. 4 0 4 70 1 69 608 205 I 403 2595 600 11995 -337 -


Children Total or bombearlng Died. Living. Died. Living. Generation. the DADle Dellcendanta Wlmner. uom. II. 1 1 0 1 1 0 III. 9 9 0 9 - 9 0 IV. 34 27 7 48 36 7 V. 136 60 86 183 69 114 vr. 164 16 188 823 61 262 VII. 39 3 116 168 17 1.51 vrrI. 0 0 0 3 1 2 373 106 267 ! 780 194 o86


. I Children Total or Ge ti bom bearing nein on. , the name Died. ILiving. Descendants Died. Living. Wismer born. rr. 1 1 0 1 l 0 III. 4 4 0 4 4 0 IV. 1 1 0 3 2 1 V. ,5 1 4 7 1 6 VI. 11 4 7 18 4 14 VII. 0 0 0 4 0 --4 - I 22 11 I 11 37 12 2.5 INDEX OF REFERENCES.

:So. Pnge, 86 Barbara Angeny, mrd. Dr. Henry Wismer, 206 38 l\Iury Angeny, mrd. Isaac H. Kulp 56 S.5 Eli1.abeth Angeny, mrd. Emanuel Wismer, !!90 18 l\Iary A. Cas.:;eJ, mrd. Henry N. Kline, 67 68 Maria Caughell, mrd. Abraham Grobb, .267 88 Anna Detweiler, mrd. l\Iablon F. High, 54 40 Barbara Fretz, mrd. George Wi1

No. Page 66 Priscilla :\foyer, mrd. .Toho E. Wismer, 241 82 Lydia Moyer, mrd. Henry H. High, 64 64 &rah Moyer, mrd. Samuel S. Nash, 41 14 Anna Nash mrd. Samuel Fry, 278 10 Elizabeth Nash, mrd• .Jacob Fry, 267 16 Hannah Nash, mrd. Anthony Overholt, 21 48 Susannah Nash, mrd. Abmham G. Wismer, 157 47 Susan W. Nash, mrd. .John R. Lear, 120 4 Mary Overholt, mn'I. EnOll B. Wismer, 178 5 Mary Overholt, m, ·. Abraham Wismer, li0 9 l\Iary Overholt, mrd. Jacob Gross 9 62 Anna Rittenhouse, mrd. Joseph L. Wismer, 164 75 Cinderella Rittenhouse, mrd. -:Edward'-Wllson Fry, 268 25 Amanda Shaddinger, mrd. Amos Wismer, 828 26 Annie Shaddinger, mrd. Lewis Wismer, 828 24 Maria Shaddinger, mrd. Cyrus S. Black, 814 88 Sophia Sbnddlnger, mrd. Henry M. Kratz, 80 89 Catharine F. Shelly, mrd. .Jacob K. Angeny, 116 il Sophm. Stengel, mrd. Andrew Wismer, !?48 49 Agnes Wismer, mrd• .John F. Rittenhouse, 232 46 Anna l\I. Wismer, mrd. D. \Vismer Nash, 44 50 Anna \Vismer, mrd. Cornelius Myers, TT 54 Anna \Visrner, mrd• .Tames Bergey, ]80 41 Barbara Wismer, mrd. Samuel Nash, 4.5 i8 Barbara Wismer, mrd• .Joseph Wismer, 120 52 Catharine Wismer, mrd. Rev. John Gross, 9 79 Catharine Wismer, mrd. Jacob Landis, 27 45 Deborah Wismer, mrd. Isaac Gross 10 i6 Eli?..a A. Wismer, mrd. Henry W. Wismer, 822 ;s Elizabeth Wismer, mrd. Elias Wismer, 822 55 Emma B. Wismer, mrd. Abmhum 0. Hiestand, 11 51 Esther Wismer, mrd. David New<'-Omer, . 69 61 Fannie Wismer, mrd• .John Funk, ~ 42 Frances Wismer, mrd. Abraham Nash, .... .53 Mary Wismer, mrd. Abraham G. Overholt, 11 74 l\Iary A. Wismer, mrd. Levi Wismer, 281 77 l\Iary Wismer, mrd. Joseph L. Wismer, 316 SO l\fary .T. Wismer, mrd • .Jacob Shaddinger, 79 81 Mary A. Wismer, mrd• .Joseph R. Lear, 121 44 &rah Wismer, mrd• .Joseph N. Gross, 51 ,56 Sarah Wismer, mrd. William Overholt, Jr., 14 5i Sarah WiRmer, mrd. EIIM F. Hunsberger, 148 48 Susanna Wismer, mrd. Ephraim Grobb, 257 67 SWl:ln Wismer, mrd. Henry Caughen, 254 INDEX OF BRANCHES.

Gen. Page, I Jncob Wismer, 1 1I Jncob ,vismcr, 8 III Abrnhnm Wismer, 8 IV B1irbnrn WIMmer, mrd Rev. Christilm Gross, 9 IV :Mnrb"ILret Wismer, mrd .Abraham Overholt, 10 IV Elil•.ubeth ,vismer, mrd Joseph Overholt, 13 IV Hnnnah Wismer, mrd Henry Landis, 28 IV l\lagtlalena Wismer, died single, 30 III Isnnc \Vlsmer, born 1748, 30 III AnmL ,v1smer, born 1750, 30 III l\111ry Wismer, born 1752,._ died young, 30 II[ Elizabeth Wlsmer1.mrd Joseph Nnsh, 30 IV l\Colly Nnsh, mrd .ttemy Overholt, 30 IV Abrnhnm Nush, nm! l\lnry Gross, 36 IV Jncob Nush, mrd Elizabeth Myers, 45 IV Henry Nash, mrd l\lnrb"ILret Overholt, 50 IV Elizabeth Nnsh, mrd Dnniel Gross, 51 III Jneob Wismer, born 1756, 53 III l\lary Wismer, born 1759, . 53 III Barbara ,vlsmer. mrd David High, 53 IV Philip High, mrd l\Inry llunsicker, 53 IV Jncol:i High, mrd Annie Hunsberger, 56 IV John High, mrd Mary Keypert, 58 IV Annie High, mrd D~acon Samuel Moyer, 62 IV Barbara lllgh, ll\rd Samuel Moyer, 64 IV Mary Hii?h, mrd David Newcomer, 67 III Hannah ,vismer, mrd John Schattinger, 71 IV Margaret Schnttlnger, mrd Jacob Gross, 72 IV Abraham Shnddlnger, mrd Agnes Landis, 72 IV Anna Shaddlnger, mrd Samuel Myers, 75 IV John Shattln1:,rer, mrd Catharine Myers, 77 IV Mary Sh11ttlnger, mrd David ,velrman, 80 IV H_enry ShattlngPr, mrd Mary Shaddinger, 81 IV Joseph Shaddlnger, mrd Anna Shaffer, 88 IV Jacob Shaddlnger, oled single, 86 III Margaret Wismer, inrd Anlhony Fretz, 86 IV Samuel Fretz, mrd Elizabeth Fretz, 88 IV Anna Fretz, mrd J. Solliday, nnd T. Weisel, 88 IV l\lary Fretz, mrd S. Solliday, and J. Blssey, 88 IV Mark Fretz, mrd ,Tulia A. BIS!ley, 89 IV Elizabeth l<'retz, died ~·oung, 91 IV Joseph Fretz, mrd Cnthnrlne Fretz, 91 -341-

Gen. Page IV Catharine Fretz, mrd Samuel Soliday, 92 II Mary Wismer, mrd Chrlstopher·Angeny, 98 II Elizabeth ,v1smer, mrd Jacob Angeny, 94 III Elizabeth Angeny, mrd Abraham Moyer, 94 IV Elizabeth Moyer, mrd Jacob Moyer, 94 IV 1\lary Moyer, mrd Abraham Meyers, · 95 IV Catharine Moyer, mrd Henry- Leatherman, 95 IV Henry A. Moyer, mrd Anna Moyer, 96 III Mary Angenf, mrd Jacob Oberholtzer, 98 IV Jacob Overholt mrd Anna Shutt, 98 IV Elizabeth Overbolt, mrd Christian Fretz, 98 IV Martin Overholt, mrd Anna Kulp, 99 IV Barbara Overholt, mrd John Leatherman, 100 IV Anna Overholt, mrd Peter Loux, 102 IV .Marla Overholt, mrd John Leatherman, 102 IV Snril.h Overholt, mrd Rev. Samuel LPathermnn. ]04 III Barbara Angeny, mrd Joseph Moyer, 104 IV Samuel Moyer, mrd - Hunsicker 105 IV Joseph l\Ioyer, mrd Elizabeth Hunsberger, 106 IV Willlam A. Moyer, mrd Sarah Clymer, 106 ·IV Henry A. Moyer, mrd Sarah Gerhart, 108 IV Jacob l\loyer, died in Canada, single, no IV Elizabeth Moyer, mrd Abraham Gerhart, no IV Mary Moyer, mrd Abraham K. Hunsberger, no III Jacob Angeny, mrd Barbaro Gehman nl IV Jacob Angeny, mrd l\Iary Slifer, 111 IV Elizabeth Angeny, died single. n2 IV Abraham Angeny, mrd Leah Fretz, n2 IV Samuel A11geny, mrd Anna Kulp, 115 IV William Angeoy, mrd Catharine Nonamaker, n5 IV David Angeny, mrd Elizabeth Kulp, 116 II Joseph Wismer, n7 III Jacob Wismer, mrd Susan Delp, 117 IV Mary Wismer, mrd Michael B1ssey, 117 IV Catharine ,vismer, mrd, Joseph Fredericks lf7 IV Nancy Wl11mer, mrd Charles Rice, n8 IV Elizabeth Wismer, mrd John Shaddinger, III Joseph Wismer, mrd Barbara Wismer, IV Catharine Wismer, mrd John Althouse, 123~-: IV Joseph Wismer, died single, i82 IV Henry Wismer, mrd Mary Cressman, 128 and 200 IV E11ther Wismer, mrd John Cressman, ]24 IV Elizabeth Wismer, mrd Jacob Ruth, 120 IV Barbara Wismer. mrd Mark Fretz, . . 122 IV Jacob Wismer, :mrd Esther Ro~euberger, 183 IV Mary Wismer, mrd Knipe nod Oberholtzer, 185 IV Anna ,v1smer, mrd Isaac B. Tyson, 187 II Henry Wismer, mrd Barb11ra Ledernch, 189 III .Jacob ,v1smer, mrd -·-·, · 144 IV Henry Wismer, M. D., died of Yellow fever, 144 IV Jacob Wismer, mrd --, 144 23 - 3.J:2-

Gen. Pnge. IV --Wismer, mrd He7.ekinh Bradford, 145 IV -- \Vlsmer, mrd Henry Rittenhouse 145 IV ~lary Wismer, mrd D. Stahl and I. L!nderman 1-15 III Abraham \Vlsmer, mrd Veronica l\Iyers ana1 :Mary Freed, 14.5 IV Henry Wismer, mrd Barbara Ruth, 145 IV Samuel \Vlsmer, mrd 8usanna Detweiler, 146 1v· Isaac Wismer, mrd Anna High 155 IY Barbara Wismer, mrd Henry Rickert, 168 IV l!utharine Wismer, mrd John High, HIS IV Veronica Wismer, died in Infancy, 169 IV Abralmm Wismer, mrcl Eli7.nbeth Leatherman, IGO IV Elizubet,h Wismer, mrcl Abraham Kratz, . 173 IV Esther Wismer, mrd Jacob Bergey, 179 III Annie \Vlsmer, mrcl Feltle Ruth, 182 IV Henry Rut.h, 182 IV Jacob Ruth, 182 III l\Iary \Vfamer, mrcl Christian Knipe, 182 IV Joseph Knipe, 183 III Henry \Vismer~ mrcl .Mary Freed, 183 IV John Wismer, aied single, 183 IV Barbara Wismer, mrd Abraham Kolb, 183 IV l\Iary Wismer, mrd David Levingood, 184 IV Elizabeth Wismer, died single, 18-5 IV Nancy Wismer, mrd Da,·. Shutt and Jacob Shutt., 18.5 IV Henry Wismer, 18-5 IV Susan \Vismer, mrd John Clemence, 185 III Joseph WIRmer, mrd Hannah Fried, 185 IV Eli7.nbeth Wliimer, mrd -- Dodire, 18.5 IV Henry WIRmer, mrd Hannah Schlichter, 185 IV Barbara Wismer, mrd Henry Schlichter, 187 IV Catharine Wismer, mrd Hcnr.v B. K. Baumau, 188 IV Jacob Wismer, mrd Susanna Detweiler, 189 IV John Wismer, mrd Susanna Cressman, 191 IV Hannah Wismer, III Barbara \Vismer, mrd Joseph Wismer, 199 III Christian Wismer, mrd Mary Rosenberger, 201 IV Jacob WIPmer, mrd l\Iary Detweiler, 201 IV Rev. Abraham W!Pmer, mrd Su@anna Kolb, 202 'IV Barbara Wl~mer, mrd J. Conner aud Abr. Bean, 204 IV Henry WIFmer, mrd Hammh Bean, 20o IV David Wismer, mrd Hanuah Shutt, 210 IV Elizabeth Wismer, died single, 210 IV Ann WIRmer, mrd Michael Bean, 210 IV Mary Wismer, died single, 210 IV Hannah WIRmer, died small, 211 IV C!hrlstian Wismer, mrd l\Iar.v Cassel, 211 III ERther Wlsnier, mrcl John Funk, 213 IV l\llchael Funk, mrd -- Hunsberger, 213 IV Samuel Funk, mrd Est,her Benner, 214 IV Jucob Funk, mrd l\I, Holdeman aud Su, Fretz, 214 - 343 -

Geo. Pnge. IV John Funk mrd Fannie ,vismer, 2..90 IV Abraham Funk, --, 220 IV Joseph Funk, mrd Sarah Cypher, 220 IV :Mary Funk, mrd Jacob Swartley, 222 IV Barham Funk, mrd John Loux, 2'l6 IV Catharine Funk, mrd l\Ioses Grobb, 229 IV Elizabeth Funk, mrd John Rittenhouse, 232 IV Anna Funk, mrd Jacob Geil 286 III Jot.n \Vismer, mrd Esther l<~ry, 240 IV Henry ,vismer, mrd Nancy l\Ioyer, !?40 IV Elizabeth Wismer, mrd SnmueJ S. :\-foyer, 244 IV l\Inry ,vismer, mrd David Caughell, 252 IV Jacob \Vlsmer, mrd Annie \Vllcox, 254 IV Barbara \Vismer, mrd Abmham Grobb, 256 IV John Wismer, mrd l\Iary Cmne, 267 IV Nancy Wismer, mrd Samuel Houser, 259 IV l\largaret Wismer, mrd Stephen Wilcox, 261 III Elizabeth \VlsmLr, mrd Jacob Fry, · 261 IV Mary Fry, mrd l\Ioses Vouse, 201 IV Henry Fry, mrd Anna High, 262 IV Barham· Fry, mrd Jacob O,·erholt, 265 IV Jacob Fry, mrd Elizabeth Nash, 267 IV John Fry, mrd Anna·l\toyer, 260 IV Amos Fry, died single, 271 IV Elizabetlr Fry, mrd David Grobb, 2il IV Samuel Fry, mrd Anna Nash, 273 IV Dilmau Fry, mrd Eve \Verner, 273 IV Joseph Fry, died single, 274 IV Isaac Fry, mrd Mary Albright, 274 IV Catharine Fry, mrd -- Albright, 277 III Samuel \ViRmer, mrd Fnnnie Cranmer, 277 IV Abraham Wismer, mrd Isabella Lincoln, 277 IV Jacob Wismer, mrd Almira Pace, 2i7 IV Elizabeth Wismer, mrd Jacob Bently, 277 IV John \Vi~mer, 27S IV Samuel \Vismer, 279 IV Fannie Wismer, 279 IV Nancy Wismer, mrd Isnnc Ryckman, 2'i0 II Daniel Wismer. No issue, 279 II John Wismer. No Issue, 270 II Mark Wismer, mrd --, 280 III Henr.v Wismer, mrrl Susanna--, 280 IV David Wismer, mrrl Mary Stover, 280 IV Moses Wismer, mrd l\ftiry Slifer, 281 IV Solomon Wismer, mrd Catharine Kile, 284 1V Mary Wismer, mrd Joslnh \\'nltou, 288 IV Elizabeth Wismrr, mrd Elias Wismer, 290 IV Emanuel Wismer, mrrl Elizabeth Angeny, 290 IV Aaron Wismer, died single. 201 IV Ann WIRmrr, mrd Georire Michener, 291· III Susan Wismer, died single, 292 Gen. Pnge. III David Wismer, mrd Lydie. Everett, 292 IV Moses Wismer, mrd Eunice Noble, 292 IV Ase. Wismer, mrd Eliza.beth Lighte, 292 IV Ju.cob Wismer, mrd Eliza.beth Wurts, 296 IV Henry Wismer, mrd Bn.rbe.m Angeny, 296 IV Nancy Wismer, mrd Daniel Moore, 297 IV Lydia Wismer, mrd William Witter, 299 IV David \Vlsmer, mrd Mary Toman, 299 IV Samuel \Vismer, mrd Anne. Urmy, 306 III l\Iark Wismer, mrd Elizabeth Nunno.maker, 306 IV John Wismer, mrd Catharine Krout, 306 IV Catharine Wismer, mrd Jacob Landis, 306 IV Marla Wismer, mrd Samuel Worthington, 306 IV Jonas Wismer, mrd - Benner, 307 IV Samuel Wismer, mrd l\lary Ann Roofner, 307 IV Nanc)" Wismer, mrd Michael Shoup, 807 IV ·Mark Wismer, mrd Debomh Johnson, 307 IV Jacob N. Wismer, mrd Sarah Afflerback, sos III Catharine Wismer, mrd Zenas W. Black, 309 IV ZenM W. Black, mrd Susanne. Solliday, 309 III Dnniel Wismer, mrd - Ott, - Ruth, and Lott, 314 IV Delilah Wismer, , 314 IV Henry ,y1smer, mrd Susanna Ott, 314 IV John Wismer 315 IV Epernetus \\'lsmer, mrd, . 315 IV Josinh L. Wismer, mrd Achsah J. Hall, 315 IV Joseph L. Wismer, mrd - Al~•tird, - Wismer, 316 IY George Wismer, mrd Barbnm Fretz, 317 IV Zenns Wismer, mrd Ann 8. Umstead, 317 IV Elizabeth Wismer, nm! Peter Beeler, 317 IV Catharine Wismer, nml Isnnc .l\lnust, :ns III Barbara Wismer, ri1rd Emanuel Gordon, 332 III Ell7.abeth Wismer, mrd - Everett, 332 III Anna Wismer, mrd .Tncob Angcny, 332 IV John Angeny, mrd -, 332 IV Abraham Angeuy, unmarried, 332 IV Henry Angeny, uumarried, 332 IV Stophel Angeny, mrd - Berger, 332 IV Catlmrine Angeny, unmarried, 332 IV David Angeny, mrd -. 332 IV Barbara Angeny, mrd Henry Wismer, 332 IV l\Ioses Loux, 332 II Christian Wismer, died 1795, No issue, 319 II Nancy Wismer, mrd Henry Keplmrt, 320 III Btopbel Kephart, 320 III Henry Kephart, 320 IV Polly'Kepluirt, mrd David Ray, 320 JV Henry Kephart, rnrd Mary Cole, 320 IV Margaret l{ephart rnrd - Oweus, 321 IV Cathnrlne Kephart, mrd William Lash, 321 II Abrnbnm Wismer, mrd Anna-, 322 - 345 - Gen. Page. III Jacob Wismer, !m. 1769; died 1842, single, 322 III Elizabeth Wismer, mrd Abraham Tinsman, 322 III Anna Wismer, mrd -, 322 IV Elias Wismer, mrd Elizabeth Wismer, 822 III Mary Wismer, mrd John Engert, 324 IV Abmbam Engert, died single, 324 IV Annie Engert, mrd John Kratz, 324 I -Wismer, 325 II -Wismer, 325 III John Wismer, mrdRegulaMuller, 325 IV John Wismer, no family, 325 IV Henry Wismer, mrd Rosina Messerly, 326 IV Elizabeth Wismer, 827 IV Jacob Wismer, 827 IV Solomon Wismer, 827 I Conmd Wismer, mrd -, 828 II Conrad Wismer, mrd - 828 III Ferdinand Wismer, mrd - 828 II Auguste Wismer, mrd - Piepenbrink, 828 III Conrad Piepenbrink, 828 II Elizabeth ·wismer, mrd -, 828 II John Henry Conrad Wismer, mrtl E, Dom Stmup, 829 III Auguste Wismer, mrd August Scbrceder, 829 III Ferdinand Henry Wlsme1', -, 329 III Anna Wismer, mrd - Heinrich, 830 JII Rudolph Wismer, mrd -, 830 '1:II M:arle Wismer, mrd -- Fluegge, 880 III Fmncis Wismer, mrd -, 830 GENERAL INDEX.

In the following index where there are more than two persons bearlng the same family name, tbe family name is given only with the first name on the list, 'fhe first col- umn of figures gives the generation, the lrJst column th1: page on which tlie name Is found. 6 AbmDlana 105 6 Albright Lucy 57· 6 Eliza Y. 106 fl Lydia 68 6 HP=,; Y. 106 7 l\lagfle 67 6 E'annai, 106 II Ma on 67 6 • J1cob F. 106 7 l\lary so 6 J11seph l!l(I 7 l\laryl\{ so 6 Julia 196 6 Mary 67 6 1\-fary 196 6 l\loses 248 6 Mo,'011 196 7 OllverH 67 6 Nonu 196 7 Oiha 169 6 Busamm 196 7 Re ecca so 6 . William 196 6 Reuben 67 6 Abbott Cora 87 7 Reuben H 67 6 Abbott Lewis F. 87 6 Ruby !!12 6 Albright Abraham 282 6 Titus, MD 69 7 Afines Ui9 6 Anderson CHmles H 287 6 Ama 248 U Andrews Reub. H, MD 60 6 Annie 248 6 Allen Annie H SlS 7 Angeline 89 6 Joi,ephlne H SlS 7 Barbara 169 6 Wllhelmlna S SlS 6 BarbaraE. 248 5 Althouse Enos 124 6 ChMles 58 6 Franklin B 124 6 Daniel 58 ,5 Joseph 124 6 Ezra 187 Ii l\lary 128 6 Henry 67 5 Mary C 124 7 Hen!? 168 4 Angeny Abraham 112 6 Isrs.e 23~ 5 Abraham 115 7 JacobH 39 4 Abraham 882 6 Jacob 187, 248 5 AbbieC 114 6 ~esae. 248 5 Anna 116, 116 6 John :132 5 AnnaE 112 7 John 39,160 3 Barham 104 7 John A 39 4 Barbara 8&2 7 Joseph 39,169 5 Barham 112, 115 7 Joseph W 39 6 Betty 332' 7 Joshua 169 4 Catharine 33'! 7 Jemima 39 5 Catharine 112 6 Lizzie 248 6 David 382 - 347-

4 Aniy,ny David 116 6 Bauman Bennel 188 4 ·· av-id 3l!2 6 Catharine 188, 189 3 Elizabeth 9-l 6 Catharine_\. 189 5 Elizabeth 33:! 5 Elizabeth 189 4 Elizabeth 112 6 Henry 188 6 Elizabeth 8 116 5 Henry 188, 6 Edwin 111 6 Hannah 188 5 Eva 113 6 Henrietta 189 6 Emma 111 6 .Jane A 189 5 Henry 332 i .John 188 4 Henry 332 6 .John 188 6 Hester 115 6 .Joseph K 188 5 .Jacob 8 112 6 Mary 189 6 .JacobK 116 6 Nancy 189 3 .Jacob 111 6 Nancy 189 4 .Jacob 111 6 Peter 188 6 .Jacob sat 5 }!et-er. 189 6 .John D 111 6 Holomon 188· 4 .John 332 7 WDl!am 189 6 .Joseph 8 111 6 Haer Amos 129 6 .Joseph B, .Jr 111 7 Angellne 129 6 .Joselbiue ]1] 6 Elizabeth 180 6 Kat arine 114 7 Elvina 129 5 Kate 332 6 Esther 130 5 Leab 114 6 Henry 129 3 l\Iary 98 7 Henry 129 6 Mary 111 6 .John 130 6 Mary 116 6 Mary 130 6 MartinF 114 7 Moses 129 6 Minerva 115 6 Bayard Joseph E 89 6 Rachel 114 6 Martha A 89 6 Samuel 116 6 Sarah L 89 4 Samuel 116 i Batters Elizabeth 193 4 St.ophel 332 i JeRBeE 102 6 Tilman 116 i JohnH 193 4 William 115 7 1\faryH 11)3 6 WllsonH 111 i Phoebe A 193 6 Algert D Stanley 222 i William 193 6 Irene 222 6 Barrie Minnie A 306 6 .Joseph F 222 6 Beeler Lizzie 318 6 Allabough David W 212 6 Mary 818 6 MaryW 212 5 Peter 818 6 William W 212 5 Sallie 318 7 Arrand Eliza 168 6 Bean Emma 06 7 FTillman 168 5 Henry 210 7 Mary A 168 6 WilllamH 96 ;-Baum Hannah 112, 63 6 Beidler Amanda 96 7 Harvey 63 6 Am1mdaM 07 7 Henry 62 6 Annie 06 7 Mary E 62 6 Augustus F 215 5 Bauman Abraham 189 6 CllmenaM 97 5 Aaron 189 6 David 215 - 3,18 -

7 Ella Beidler 98 6 Brooks l1111ry E 268 6 Emma 215 6 OrlD.Ddo 268 6 Francis 215 6 Saphroni11 258 6 George 215 6 Ste~henO 258 6 John 215 7 Boyer oward T l&l H Kat.eM 97 7 BowmanElo 185 7 Muria 89 7 Luetta 185 6 WllllamM 97 7 M11ry 186 6 WllliamH 215 6 111atl11 187. 5 Bergey Abraham lill: 6 Nancy 187 5 Anna 182 6 Solon 187 6 Anua 179 6 Button James 65 6 Catharine 182 6 l\fatla 65 6 Esther 182 6 Stvester 6'.i 6 Jacob 180 5 Caug ell Alma 253 5 Jacob 182 6 Alma 254 6 James 180 6 Annie 254 5 John 182 6 Arthur 254 6 Mary 179 6 David 254 6 Mary A 182 6 Edward 254 6 Oliver 180 6 Eve 254 5 Buaan 180 6 George 254 5 Bently Elizabeth 278 5 Henry 254 5 Fannie · 277 5 James 254 5 Samuel 278 5 John 258 5 TamerL 278 5 MarlaL 25S 6 Bilger Jacob A 268 6 Marla 254 6 John E 268 7 Co.p~ Allen B 2,5 6 WilllamF 268 7 ranklin 25 5 Black Cyrus S 314 7 James 25 6 Caroline H 312 7 Lizzie 25 5 Eruanuel S 314 7 Mary 25 6 FranklinJ 811 7 Sarah 25 6 Helen L 311 7 Carle Agn"s 158 5 Jeremiah S 313 7 Carle Robert 158 5 Morris 314 6 C11!!81'1Ann 69 6 WilmerD 813 6 Charles 70 5 WilhelmlnaC 812 6 David .70 6 Willlo.mS 809 6 Elizabeth . 208 4 Zenas W 809 6 Ellza~th 70 6 ZenasW 814 6 George 70 6 Bitting Charles C, Jr 83 6 Jacob. 7(1 6 LinnaeuA L • 83 7 J11cobD 162 6 Miriam,MD 84 7 John D 162 6 Naomi 84 6 Lo.vino. 70 6 Ruth 84 7 Lavlna·D 162 6 Rev. William C 82 6 Mary 70 6 Brigham Isaac N 231 7 OllverD 162 6 Brigham Mary A 231 6 Sarah J 70 6 Brooks Amanda 258 6 Suaanna 70 6 Etta 268 6 Clark Alberta V 268 6 Frank 268 6 EmilyE 813 - 3.J:9-

6 Clark Hannah M 312 7 Cressman Samuel 1211 6 John B 268 7· Selina lf,6 6 SusannaB 312 6 Susanna lz'l 6 WilllamH 312 6 Crouthamel Elvey 228 6 Clemens Abraham 186 6 Emma 228 6 Hannah 185 6 Invln 228 6 Henry 185 6 JohnT 228 6 Lydia 186 7 CulbertEvylena .298 6 186 7 HowardN .298 6 ~:t 186 7 JohnH .298 7 OliveM 186 6 Cul~nna 273 6 Rachel 186 6 avldH 272 6 Clymer Elmira 225 6 DudleyJ 272 6 EmmaE 225 6 EllaA 272 6 Jacob 225 6 Elizabeth S E 272 6 225 6 EmmaE 286 6 tm~ 225 6 EvelynL 272 7 Comfort A~es A 245 6 :(sroel J 266 7 ComfortJo nH 245 6 JoshuaF 272 7 Compton Anna Belle 69 6 JamesH 26!1 6. Coleman Arnetta J 305 6 Lettit B 266 6 Coleman Mary E 305 6 l'rlaryU 272 5 Couse Anna 262 6 Marth!\ C 272 5 Barbara 261 6 Matilda A 266 5 Catharine 262 II Rosabella 273 5 Elizabeth 261 6 Silas W 272 5 Margaret 262 6 WilllrunD 273 5 Mary 262 6 Darrah Charles W ~ 6 Craven Emma J 308 6 Darrah William T H 308 6 Cressman Abraham 126 6 Derstine John 104 6 Aaron 127 6 Mary 104 5 Annaw 124 6 Samuel 104 6 Anna 126 6 Detweiler Abraham L 177 5 Barbara 125 6 AblaJ 74 7 Elma 126 7 AliceJ 162 6 Enos 126 6 Anna 101 6 Esther 126 6 AnnaW 1112 5 ·Henry 128 7 Bnrbara 162 6 Henry 126 6 Catharine )77 6 Israel 127 6 Christian 162 6 John 127 6 Clayton S 74 5 John 125 6 EdwlnS 74 5 Joseph 124 7 ElsleE 162 6 Joseph 124 6 Emma 13~ 7 Laura 126 7 Emma 101 6 Louisa 128 6 Enoch 162 6 Lucinda 128 7 GeorgeW 162 6 Mary 127 7 Harry 74 6 Menno 127 6 Hannah 74 6 Moses 124 6 HarveyJ 74 6 Phlllls 128 6 Henrietta 138 6 Samuel 12b 7 IraG 74 - 350 -

6 Detweiler Jncob M 100 6 Fredericks Joseph 117 6 .Tosefih S i4 6 Mnry 118 7 Lav na 162 6 S Emily 118 6 l\JaryA 102 6 WEdwnrd 117 6 MaryE Iii 5 Fretz Aaron 91 6 Peter 100 AbrahamB 174 6 RoseannaK 177 7 ;· 6 AbrahamK 174 Rosetta W 1112 6 Abraham 98 6 Tyson 188 6 Anna 103 6 Dickbout Earle L E 2il 6 Anna 112 6 Edith 271 6 Annie !JS 6 lletaA 271 i Ann 53 8 Dohn Albert 156 5 AnnaW Si 6 Drake Chester A 275 4 Anna 88 6 DalsyE 275 90 275 6 Anna.E 6 Floreuce M 7 Anna 226 6 Francis A, M D 275 6 AnnaE 260 7 EbyCJamD 29 7 AnnleD 174 7 HarveyL 29 5 Anthony 87 7 HenryW· 29 6 Amanda 128. 6 ll:tlsworthAlexanderW2i4 6 Arthur.W 92 6 Coarles W 274 6 Allee A 90 6 EdgarL 274 6 A Laura iS 6 Emllv H 274 6 Barbara 260 6 EveE 274 5 Barbara 128 6 Ideumu. E 274 6 Barbara 123 6 Jncob F 274 6 Barbara 12!1 6 Rodnev O 274 4 Cntbarlne 92 4 Engert Abraham 324 6 Catharine 91, 123 4 Engert Annie 224 7 Catharine K. 63 6 Evans Carrie · 88 6 Cath11rlne 260 6 Evans Annie 88 5 Christian 98 6 Fettel'!I Charles H 134 6 Clam 79 6 Clifford 134 6 ClairW 87 6 James 134 6 Daniel 79 6 Jacob W 134 6 David 260 6 l\fary E 134 6 Eddie 79 6 lltllton A 134 6 Edmund 111 ii Wilhelmina 134 5 Elizabeth 123 6 Fenimore Adelbert L il 6 Elizabeth 98 6 Ella:N' 71 6 Elizabeth 174 6 Hiram A 71 6 Elizabeth 259 6 MIiton M 71 6 Eliza 123 .5 Frede~nJl:s Abraham 118 5 Ely 92 6 A,uanda 118 7 EmmaD 174 6 Hannah 118 5 Enos 99 5 Henry 118 6 Ella 79 6 Henry S 117 7 Ervin B 174 5 JacobW 117 7 Fannie B 174 6 Jacob 117 6 Franklin 259 5 Jonathan 117 6 George H 90 6 Joseph 117 1 Garret D 174 - 351-

'6 Fretz Harvey 10.~' 6 Frick Charles E 216 6 HenryM 99 fl Emma 216 ./i Henry 12.2 6 Fraucls J 226 ,fl Henry 123 6 Isabella 2.26 7 Hen_iK 53 6 Jacob W .220 6 Ida 87 6 JacobF .216 6 Isaiah M 90 ti Joel 216 7 JacobF .226 6 Sarah .226 6 JacobH 260 6 Samuel F 2111 ,fl JacobM 99 7 Friedt David 83 6 JennleD 92 7 Elias 83 6 John 123 7 Ernaline 83 4 Joseph 91 7 Lavina 83 6 JOSf'ph 122 7 :l\lallnda 83 6 Julia 91 7 Noah 33 ,fl Lavina Ill, 260 7 Samuel 33 ./i Lewis 86 7 Fly Anna 3.'i 6 LlzzleF 79 7 Mrr.ry 84 .(l Lucinda 90 7 Samuel 84 6 Lydia 00 6 Fry Abraham 21i7 92 6 LuluE 6 ~es 271 •6 MaryB 174 6 berta 273 4 Mary 88 5 Rev Allen B 276 6 Mary 00, 123 7 AnnaE 21 6 MaryL 91 5 Anna 2,•4, 268,271,273 6 Mary in, 260 R Annie L · 271 4 Mark 89 4 Amos 271 6 Mark 00 5 Barbara 2114 6 Margaret 90 4 Barbara !'ll6 ./i Mahlon 87 5 Catharine ~621 271, 273 7 Minerva .226 4 Catharine . 277 ./i Moses 92 5 Caroline 274 5 Nathan 91 6 CharlPS V 265 6 Nancy 259 6 CJamL 269 7 Nelson 226 6 Daniel W 267 6 Noah 91 6 DavldP ~68 6 Raebel 01 5 David 270 5 Reuben 91 6 David A ~70 6 Reuben K 174 4 Dllman 273 4 Samuel 86 5 Dilman 270 ·6 Samuel K 174 (I EdwardW 268 6 Sarah E 91 6 Ellen D 269 6 Sarah 123, 260 6 Ellen 276 ,fl Sallie 08 5 Eli:r..nbeth 262, 268, 271 -0 Slla!! 80 4 Elizabeth 271 6 Aof,hia 2f,0 5 l<~lias N 273 6 Sy vester 260 6 Eusebia A 269 6 Tobins 103 5 Emily 276 7 UlyPsesG H 98 6 EmilyW 208 6 Willis i9 6 l<'rnnk D 265 -0 Wlli,on 00 0 Harry W 274 6 William 259 4 Henry 262 - 352-

5 Fry Henry 2115 · 6 Fry Willinm A 274 6 Henry W 209 6 Wellette 270 6 HenryE 267 6 Wilford K 268 4 !SIUlC 2i4 5 Funk Abraham K 217 5 Isaac 275 4 Abmham 220 5 Jacob 265,2691 274,277 5 Abmham 213 6 ,Jacob 111 269 6 Abmbam 181 4 Jacob 267 6 Adeline 221 ti JamesR 260 4 Anna 236 6 Janette 270 6 Annie 180 6 JobnW 208 4 Barbara 226 5 John, !II D 205 4 Catharine 229 6 JohnE ·267 5 Catharine 214,215 4 John 260 {I Charles 221 6 JohnH 269,275 5 David 222 6 John 111 270 6 David 222 6 JohnS 271 6 EdnaJ 218 5 Joseph N 267 5 Effie 222 4 Joseph 274 4 Elizabeth 232 5 Julian 274 5 Esther 216,221 6 Loyell 265 6 EmmaV 221 6 Lillie ~I 265 6 ElmerE 221 4 llfary 201 5 HenryW 220 5 Mary 264, 207, 271 1 273 6 Henry 181 6 Mary E 270 6 HettieB 180 5 l\laryJ 275 4 Jacob ~14 5 Martha 265, 277 5 Jacob 218 6 Martha W 209 6 Jacob 180,214 6 llatlldo. 208 6 John B 181 5 Matilda 275 5 John 214, 221 5 Marla 275 4 John 2~0 6 Magdaleno.O 271 5 John F 216 5 Menno 275 5 Jonas 221 6 Melvin 0 265 4 Joseph 220 6 Minnie N 265 5 Joseph S 221 6 Naomi 271 6 Mary 181, 213 5 Prlscllla 275 5 Mary A 214 6 Roso. 273 6 MaryM 218 6 RoseB 270 6 Martha 217 6 Rosetta C· 269 5 Magdaleno. 214 5 Salome 268 5 Mar~ret 215 6 8ambE 270 6 Mab do. 181 5 Samh 273 4 Michael 218 5 SamueIJ 270 5 Michael 220 6 Samuel I 271 6 Phoebe 217 4 Samuel 273 4 Polly 222 5 SamueIN 273 4 Samuel 214 6 Sanford 273 6 Samuel F 214 6 Sylvester M 268 5 Samh 220,222 5 Solomon M 275 6 Susannn. 181 5 Wllllam 265 5 Suso.nnn. 222 5 William, MD 274 5 Susan E 220 - 353 -

5 Funk Tillman S 222 5 Gerhart Rebecca 110 5 William 221 6 Sallie 108 8 Garber Della 331 6 Samuel lNI 8 Garber Salina 331 H Gilmore Henry F 807 6 Garges Abraham 182 fl Laura · 307 6 Amanda 18~ 6 Martha.I 307 6 Henry 182 6 Samuel 307 6 Betty 182 tl WllllamE 307 6 .John 182 Cl Gell Amanda M 2i19 6 Gallagher Abraham .T 188 6 AnnaE 287 tl Barbara.I 188 6 Annal\! 289 6 JohnB 188 6 Anna 240 O l\InryA 183 5 EnosF 238 7 Gandy Anna B W 89 6 Frederick 238 7 Gandy Minnie B 89 6 .John F 286 6 Gashow Catharine W 206 6 Lincoln 288 6 Elizabeth W 207 6 Samuel F 289 6 B1mnab W 207 6 &rahM 239 6 Hency"W 207 7 Gerb,r Frank 245 6 .John W 207 7 Goodman .John G · 206 6 l\taryAnnW 206 7 Grolib Aaron lflO 6 Samuel W 207 5 Abraham 25; 6 WillieW 207 6 Adelbert A 257 6 Gayman A .Tames 72 5 Anna 272 6 Gavman Harvey 72 6 Arletta l\I 272 7 Gecldes Alfred C 312 5 Barbara 272 7 Geddes .Joseph H 312 fl ChnrlesH 231 6 Gehman Abraham A 112 6 CharlesE 257 6 Anna 76 6 Eli 2,57 6 Benjamin 113 5 Elizabeth 230,272 6 Catharine 76 (l Ettie 267 6 Elizabeth 76 5 Ephraim ,v 257 6 EmmaB 113 5 Esther 229 {j Fannie 112 5 Franklin 231 6 Hnrmah 76 6 JdaE 272 6 John 76 5 Jacob F 272 (i Lillie A 113 5 John W 256 11 l\tennoS 112 5 Jonns 229 0 Rachel A 113 5 Joshua 272 0 Samuel 76, 113 6 Joshua C 267 6 Sarah 76, 113 5 Lydia 229 6 Geisinger Abraham 08 0 l\Iaggie 256 5 Gerhart Abraham 110 5 l\Iargaret 257 6 Abraham 1\1 100 0 l\Jartha. 257 6 Albert 1\1 108 5 l\lary A 230 6 A Frank 108 (\ l\Iaryl\I 257 5 Elizabeth 110 (l Millie A 257 0 Emma lO•i 5 l\IosesW 267 (J John H 108 5 Sarah 231,257 6 Joseph 106 ;, Sof.hla 231 6 Mahlon M 108 (l Sy ,·ester 256 ij Mary A 110 tl Walter 256 - 354-

5 Qrobh Willlrun H 2511 6 Heisey Henry 187 6 Valeria 2':.?0 n lsnac 187 6 Qroft"Emma (',5 6 Noah 137 5 Gross Abmham 9 6 Reuben T 137 6 Abraham C 9 6 Wlllis T 138 7 Anna 1\1 35 7 High Abraham W 157 7 Catharine 0 5 Abmham 168 6 Christian A 0 0 Abrahum l\I 54 5 Christian 10 Ii Amanda 54 6 Daniel W 5:! 6 Anna 157, 243 5 Elizn. 52 5 Anna 168 7 EmmaL 35 5 Annie 53 56 6 Ephraim 10 4 Annie '62 6 Henry 3,5 6 Annie 55 Ii Henry \V 51 4 Barbara 64 !l Isaiah W 52 5 Barbara 59 5 Isnac 10 7 Barbara 157 6 Isnac 1\[ ll 5 Catharlne 57 5 Jacob 0 6 Catharine 242 5 Rev John 0 5 David 54, 56 5 Joser N 51 5 Elizabeth 53 6 Lev N 52 6 Elizabeth 54 7 Lizzie R 9 7 Emerson 157 7 :\Inhlon 9 5 Hannah 56 6 Magdalena 34 6 Henry M 54 7 Mary J 9 6 Henry 54, 55,242 7 l\fary C 9 5 HenryH 54 5 Mary 0 6 IBllRC 243 6 Mary o, 10, 34 7 Isanc W 157 6 Salome 34 5 Jacob 56 6 Samuel 10 4 Jacob 66 6 Sarah 10 6 Jacob 248 5 Sophia 1\2 5 Jacob H 54 6 SuBllnna 52 6 Jecob l\I 54 7 William S 0 4 John 56 ti Hartman Clam 221 6 JohnL 102 6 Francis 221 5 JohnH 54 6 Joseph 221 5 Lavina 119 6 Mary 221 6 Lizzie 55,56 6 Hatfield Annetta V 113 5 Lydia 56 6 Carroll D 113 6 1\[ah\on M 56 6 Edgar A 114 0 Mah\onF 54 fl EllaE lUl 0 Magdalena 242 6 Grace C 114 5 Margaret 168 0 LIiiian V 113 0 Mary 54, 55, 56 6 MinnieE 114 4 Mary 67 0 WllllamS 114 5 55 6 Heisey Anr1a T 137 4 i~wp 53 6 Cyrus •r 138 0 Philip 54 6 Daniel 'l' 137 7 Sarah 157 6 Emma 137 7 Susie 157 0 EzmT 138 6 Sue 56 - 355 -

6 Hill .Alice 114 7 Hoover Nancy 240 ti Bessie 114 7 Omar 241 6 Clan..R 114 6 Hoverstlck Caroline 78 6 Herbert 114 6 Emma. 78 6 KateE 114 6 Wo.shlngton 78 7 Histand Abraham 0 11 7 Huclson Edgar A 23 7 Anna.L 11 6 HunsickerAbrahamK 184 7 Lydia L 11 6 AnnleK 184 7 Srunuel S 11 6 Annie 02 6 Hiplj1e Alpheus 264 6 Barbara 64 tl Iara 265 6 Emma. K 184 fl Frank 264 6 Hannah 62 6 Lillie l\I 264 7 Henry 64 6 WllllamH 21',4 6 Isaac 63 6 Hockman Anna 116 6 Irvin K 184 6 Reuben 116 6 Josef,h C 184 6 Hoffman Lillie :?87 6 Lizz eE 184 6 Honsber~r Aaron :!47 6 Marla. 63 ti Anme 262 7 Martin 64 6 Alfred 247 6 Ma.ryJ 184 6 Amanda 247 6 Ml!tonK 184 ti George H 264 ·6 Sophia EM 64 6 Henry F 262 6 Susanna 63 264 6 Isaac 6 Hunsberger Ahr. W 149 6 .Jacob 267 2111 7 AbrahamM 149 fl Jerome F, M D 7 Abraham 149 6 J Oscar 264 247 7 Allen 14S 6 1\lallnda. 7 Alvah R 148 6 Mary 247, !?67 7 Amanda. 148 6 &Jome 267 7 Annlel\I 213 6 Samuel 247 7 Annie 148 William 267 6 7 Au~sta 21 6 Houser Abraham 261 5 Har rn 110 6 Allen 230 6 Catharine 148 6 Amanda 230 7 CharlesO 135 6 Barbara 269 7 Cha.rlesL 148 6 Ida. '.'30 7 Elias F 148 (j Levi 230 5 Eliza Ill fl Lucinda ::so 6 Emma. 102 6 Magdalena 261 7 Franklin 20 5 Margaret 260 7 Frankllnl\I 149 7 Maynard 41 6 Henry W 148 fl NeilieB 273 7 IdaR 148 6 &rahD 273 5 Isaiah 111 6 SarahC 230 fj Jacob 112 6 Sophia 230 7 Jacob 214 6 Hoover Christopher 240 7 Jono.s 149 6 Isaac 241 6 JosephW lnO 6 Rev John W 240 7 Kate 148 7 Jennie 241 5 Lucy A Ill 7 Mary 240 5 Maria. Ill 6 Mary A 241 6 MaryA 112 -356 -

7 Hunsberger Mary F 148 7 Kline Jeannetta N 46 6 Peter 102 fl JohnN 68 6 Remandes 112 6 Lavina 68 6 Samuel W 148 6 Mary A 67 7 Samuel W 135 6 SamhJ 66 6 SimeonW 140 6 SamhA 60 7 SUBD.nna 140 6 Susanna 68 7 TobiD.S 140 7 TheodoreJ 47 7 WilliamF l-18 Ii Kui~Amos 13/i 7 WilllamE 13/i 6 hester C 13/i 6 Jackson Edith 20/i 4 Joseph 183 6 Elizabeth 20/i Ii Josefih 13/i 6 Wellington 205 6 LewsW 13/i 6 WilliamF 20.5 5 Mary 136 7 Jenkins A Lizzie 47 6 Koch CoraS 222 7 FloraN 47 6 JohnS 2'"' 7 SFrank 47 6 OscarD 2'"' 6 Johnson Eleanor F 278 5 Kolb Ann 184 7 Johnson Emma 63 5 Catharine 183 4 I{ephart Catharine 321 5 John 183 6 . CharlesO 3:ll 5 Mary 183 4 Elizabeth 320 7 Kraft Alfred 120 3 Henry 320 7 Lydia A 129 4 Henry 320 7 Noah 129 5 John 3?0 7 Urias 129 6 JohnT 3tl ti Kramer Emma 115 4 John 3:?1 6 Kreamer Anna ,v 200 5 Marla 320 6 CatharineW 200 6 Mary Stl tl Ella 200 4 Margaret 3:?1 6 JacobW 200 4 Nancy 320 6 Kratz Abraham li5 4 Polly 3~0 6 AbrahamD 175 3 Stopbel 3~0 (\ AhrahamL 176 7 Kehr David F 24 7 AhrahnmF 180 7 .John 24 6 Amanda 17,5 7 Margaret 24 7 AmnndaL 181 7 Mary l\f 24 (\ Allen 171\ 7 Martin 24 7 Anna 30 7 Kepler Harvey 4,5 7 AnnaF lRO 7 .Joanna 45 4,; 5 Barbara 174 7 S Elwood 5 Catharine A 176 7 Kindig Clyde 70 181 70 7 Esther~~ 7 Kindig .Jesse 5 Frances 17-1 6 Kinsel Emma T 138 r, ~'ranees R 170 7 Kistner Catharine W 207 7 Henry l\[ so 7 Kline Charles (17 5 Henry 178 6 Elizabeth 69 (I HenryE, MA, Phd li'il 7 Emma 57 (I H Ervin 176 6 Emeline 68 6 Horace G 175 7 Frank 67 6 Horace C 179 6 HenryN 07 5 Isaac 824 6 James 57 (I Jacob 158 - 357 - ll Kratz Janet F 175 O Landis Eliza W 27 0 John 173 6 Elizabeth 30 (i Laum li6 6 Emma 106 0 LeeG 163 0 Enos 29 II Lemuel A 179 7 Fannie E 35 r, Levi 173 ll Hannah 27 Ii Marla 160 6 Hannah 27 R l\IaryB 30 6 Henry 27 6 l\[ary 324 6 Jacob 27 7 Mary F 181 0 John lOU ll Martha I 1711 6 JoE0ph ~,o- ll l\Iennan 176 (i Joseph 29 7 MlntleF 181 (l KatcW 209 ll Reuben N 160 0 l\fa~ '!!.7 r, Reuben W 177 6 Reu n 100 7 Sulome 30 6 Sarah 27 0 Samuel W 160 6 Sarah 107 0 Sarah 170 6 Susan 27 7 Sylvester F 181 ll Wlllin.mM 107 6 Valentine 170 7 Leatherman Abraham 17 6 WllllamH 176 7 Abraham S 28 ll Wlllln.mH 179 7 Abraham 28 8 Kraver Harvey F 31 0 AbrahamS 73 7 Kreider Amanda 33 6 Abraham 116 7 Levi 32 0 Abraham 100 7 Lucinda 33 7 Aaron 331 7 Priscilla 33 7 Alfred 16 7 &rah A 32 7 Alvin 16 7 Slllll\nna 32 7 Amos 331 Ii Kru.f,P Annie K 136 0 AnnleL 28 ll avldK 136 6 Anna 26, 100 6 Eliza 136 6 Anna 103 ll Isaiah K 136 6 Barbara 102 ti Kulp Annie 184 6 Catharine 26 6 Anna 102 6 Catharine 103 6 Elizabeth 66 6 Charles !16 ti Ella V 184 7 Christian 331. 6 HenryK 18.'l 7 Daniel S 28 6 Heeter 53 6 Daniel 28 6 Isaac H 56 7 DanlelG 62 6 Jacob H 56 6 David 20, 100 6 John L 102 6 Ell 100 6 Mary A 55, 184 7 Eli 25 6 Mary 53, 102 6 Elizabeth 13, 24, 28, 100 0 Sarah F 183 6 Elizabeth 96, 102, 104 ~ Winfield S 183 102 O Landis Abraham H 27 7 Elizabeth 18, 381 7 AdaMay 36 7 Elmer 16 6 Amanda 27 7 EliasM 16 6 Daniel 29 (j Emma 104 0 DanielM, MD 107 0 Fannie 26 6 Daniel W 210 7 Franklin 18, 26 Zf. - 358-

Ii Leatlrnrmun Hnnnnh 28 7 Lenr Cndie 120 5 Hnuunh 10-l 7 Cnlvin 120 (I Henry L 23,28 7 Ellen 120 5 HP'1ry 011 1 10-l 0 Eli7.nbeth 121 7 Bominn 2S 7 Hnrvey 120 7 Idn. !!5, 2H 0 fsnnc it 122 (j Jucoh lli, 100 (l .TncobR 120 (j .Tncob 0 !.!S (i John R 120 Ii Jncob L !!.7 (I Jo~eph R 121 5 Jucol>O 100 7 Lincoln 121 5 Jncob 10-l 7 1\Iury 120 7 Jncol> H 2-l (l l\Inry 121 (l .Joseph 17, 2-l II PekrR 122 7 .Joseph 10 7 Ro!

6 Moyer Mary L 05 6 Moyer Wllllrun H W l/l6 4 Mary 95, 110 6 William G 2.."9 6 MaryG 105 5 William W 246 5 Mary 108 6 WilllamH 246 6 Mary D 100 6 Munday Cornelia 120 6 l\foryJ 246 6 George 120 7 MarthaD 44 6 Samuel 120 7 Metta S 87 6 Carrie A 92 6 Melvin 2W 5 Myers Abmhnm H 66 6 Menno 249 7 Amanda 48 7 Minerva 26,166 Ii Amanda 66 Ii 1\lllton 106 6 Amos 49 G Morgan 251 6 Anna 49, 77 5 l\IosesW 252 6 Barbara 103 5 Nancy 97 6 Catharine 108 7 Norman 157 6 Charles 49 0 OliverW 167 6 Christian M 49 6 Owen 252 6 Cornelia 77 6 Priscllla 249 7 Damon 48 7 Rebecca A 48 106 7 DILlliel '/'7 6 Reuben 7 .EdwardM 49 6 Rhoda 246 7 Ella 77 7 Salome 26 6 Grant 66 6 Samuel 65, 105, 1691 65 6 Harvey 108 6 Rev Samuel G 87 6 Hiram 66 6 RevSnmuelN 42 7 HomceW 49 4 Samuel 105 6 Hulda 174 5 SamuelH 105 7 HughE 49 5 Samuel C 106 6 JncobN 48 6 Sallie 05 6 .Tames 66 7 SarahL 44 6 Jemima 66 5 Sarah 95, 96 6 John 66 5 SamhJ 100 7 John 48 7 Sarah 166 5 JohnS 76 6 Sarah. . 244,246 6 John A 77 6 SamhE 246 7 JosevaA 31 6 Simon 251 7 Lavina K 81 6 SlmeonN 44 6 Levi 120,174 6 Sofchia 88 5 LeviS 77 6 So omon ,v 166 7 Libbie • 77 6 Salome 246 6 Lincoln 66 5 Susan 67 (l Lydia 77 169 6 t,USllnDa 7 ifndia 77 6 S l\Iadom 108 (l o.ry 77, 108 6 Sybilla 105 7 Mary 1\1 31 6 Syl\'ester, 1\1 D 249 7 Mary 77, 77 5 Tillman W 249 (l Nelson 66 6 Tac,'Y 258 7 Peter 77 6 Tobias 37 7 SamuelH 49 6 ToblasN 50 6 Sarah 95 6 William M 105 6 Sophia 77 4 William A 106 6 Susanna 50 - 362 -

7 Myers S Allen 411 5 Nnsh Wlllinm 411 R Tobius N 48 Ii NellH Annn B 272 i UlysscsS G -18 ti Bnrbnru lit 272 7 ,vm1111n H :n 0 DaviclH !!72 0 William fill ti Ell11A 27:? 4 Nnsh Abruhnm 811 (j EmcrRon W :!i2 (l (j Abruhmu 41 Jnn1es ]~ 272 5 Abrnhnm 44 (I Rowlnucl C 2ii (ill ti Amnndn 47 6 Newco111er Annie 7 AnderRon -16 5 Burburn 6i till li Ann 4.'> Ii Burburu u Anna 41 5 Dnvid G!) 5 Annn -lli, ;30 5 I~Iizn il (i nunlel W -14 5 Jncoh 71 II Debbie A 47 5 Lnvinu 71 5 Eliznheth ;;o, 4fJ ti i\tnthias !iO 61! (i Eliznbeth 38, 47 • 5 l\Inry -1 Eli7.nbeth 51 5 Nnncy 6i 5 1:.:u 50 5 Susim 71 fl Frances D 46 Ii Nick~rso11 Alice E 231 i) Ha11nuh 51 (j John F :!31 5 Henry 4!l, 50 6 Lillie C 231 4 Henry 50 n l\Inrv E 2.'ll II Hulclnh J 41i H Nobbs 1:nu1u1 M 280 6 Jacob 41, 45 fl Nolile Ahrnhnm H 20!1 5 Jncolt -Iii n Alfurettu :mH .j ,Tucoh -Iii (j Alzinuh !!!JH 7 John l\I 411 G LycliuA 208 5 Rev Joseph 38 (i Nancy :.~IS 5 Joseph 4!1 (l Th0111n8 H 2!18 5 Jull11 A 50 7 Noggle Bllen A rn; 1!17 (i Lev!W 4(i 7 HoscE ;3 50 4 Oberholtzer A111111 102 Levi 1(1() fl l\£11riett11 47 .j Bnrhnru 4 l\Inry ao 4 :Muri11 102 :in, ,;o Ii Old hnm A lcxn11der 2H~ 5 lllury 2(i2 Ii lllnry 311,44 H .fames i :MnryR -Iii fl .rcnnie !!U2 1i Reheccu 4:l fi .Jesse 2H2 !W!! ll Rcbeccu au G John 0 Reuben \V 40 Ii O'Neil Currie R,'j i Heecl 40 (i lllnrgnrette Hii (l Salome 41 (i Thomns n 8~ H Samm•l S 41 0 Snmuel H S,j r, Snmud -15, r,o i Overholt Anron 14 j Snmue! N -l(i 5 Abrnhuru JO (i Sophia 45 (j Abruhnm G 11 (i Snsunna 44 7 Abmluuu 14 (j SU!lllll w 45 0 Abmhnm 20 ,5 Snsnn 48 i Albert 21 1i 'robins 50 8 Alice 13 fj Wlllium 45 8 Alphn V 14 - 363-

7 OvNholt Alvernu 21 6 Overholt Joseph B 00 7 Amos 13 6 Judith 21 0 Anthony 21 (J Ifote 00 7 Antoinetta 22 7 Leah 15 7 Annie 11 8 Lester 13 5 Annn 34 (i LIily! 207 ti Annn 00 .i LuoyE 21 7 Benjamin F 22 5 l\fogdnle1111 30 7 Cy11thi11E 20 G l\Iarin 10, 12 i Daniel 28 G l\forgnret 12, 22 6 EIJnR 2GO 5 l\Iargnret 23 (j Eliz11beth l\I 13 7 l\Inrtin 13 7 Eliz11beth 15 5 l\Iartin IO 7 ElimbethA 20 4 ·l\fortin 09 (l Elizabeth 20 ti l\fortln !JO 5 Elizabeth 34,260 6 l\Iary 10, 2(j.5 4 Eliz11bcth 08 7 l\Iary Il, 22, 28 (l Ell 21 8 l\IaryE 14 7 EIIS 22 7 l\IaryA ]5 7 Emnm 22 5 l\I.nry 10, 36,206 6 EmmnR 2ti0 7 l\IuryJ 20 6 Fannie 23 7 l\Ilnervn 21 7 Francis A 21 0 Minnie 262 7 Hannah 11 7 Olive Bello 21 7 Hnunnh L 140 8 .Or~n 14 6 Henry 11,23 6 Re cca 11 5 Henry 12 7 Reuben 21 (j HeuryM 13 7 Rufus ]5 (l Hervey 266 6 Samuell\! 13 6 Hetty OH 5 Samuel 265 7 Icln 21 (j Sallie 00 7 Iml\I 22 5 Sarah 13,260 • (l ISIIUC 11 G Samh 10 5 Isaac 12, .205 4 Snrah 104 6 . Simeon 21 6 lSIIUC l\I 13 2(i6 7 ISllaC H 149 5 Sophill 5 Israel 260 ti SuSllnna 11 (j Susan M ·12 7 Jncob 14 Wlllinm, Jr 14 5 Jacob 10 7 C, Jacob 100 r, Overholtzer Barbara A 135 0 .Tncob M 12 5 David '13tl G Jacob L 12 r, Emmn 136 5 JacobK \l\) (l EmE 137 4 .Tncob !JS 6 HarryE 137 6 John 1\1 13 5 Henry ,v 1:~o 8 John U 13 (l, l\InryL 137 7 John 1-1 6 Penfold Elijah 103 7 John Wesle.~• 21 n Elizabeth 103 7 Jonas 14 (j Hannah 194 6 Jonas 22 6 Jesse 194 (l Joseph G 10 6 JohnH 193 7 Joseph 0 22 6 Phoebe A lfl4 - 364 -

6 Penfold Susnnna 192 6 Rittenhouse John E 236 u Thomas 193 5 l\Iary 145 7 Phillips W E 165 6 l\IaryK 288 6 Pickett Amoi; W 197 6 l\Iartln K 283 u Elizabeth W 107 5 l\Iichnel 282 fl GeorgeW 197 5 l\Ioses F 2ll5 0 Jesse W 197 6 Naomi 2.'15 (i John W 107 7 Nellie 167 O Joseph W 197 6 Sarah 235 u Ma~W 107 6 Solomon 234 6 Price Jo 226 6 Sophia 236 6 Mary 225 7 Thania L 163 H Sarah 226 6 Tobias 236 5 Rickert Barbnm 168 6 Valeria. 284 5 Catharine 168 5 Willlnm, l\I D 236 5 Daniel 168 6 Rosenber'ft Anna l\I 07 5 Elizabeth 168 6 Ann 224 Ii Frances 168 6 Artemas 22-1 Ii Henry 108 6 Elmer 97 7 Isuiah 34 6 HannahE 223 5 Jaeob 1118 7 Homce G ~06 7 Lizzie 34 6 HFmnk 223 5 Samuel 168 6 Isaiah 224 6 Rice Charles 120 7 John G 206 fl Cornella 120 6 Lizzie 97 5 Elizabeth 120 fl Maryl\! 2?3 5 Jacob 120 6 SamhJ 223 Ii James 120 fl Susan S 224 5 l\largery 120 (I William F .T 223 5 Susan 119 7 William M Of> (I WllliamH 07 5 Rittenhouse Abmham 234 II Roth Abraham 0 136 ~ Abraham 235 (I 186 (I !Miah 0 Alberta 23-1 (I l\Iahlon 0 136 (l Allen 235 6 MaryL 13B ll Anna 232,234 5 Barbnm 232 7 Ruby Etta 23 fl BarhamE 235 7 Geor~ W 23 ,5 Cathnrine 23-1 7 Hora ioN 23 fl CharlesJ 235 6 Ruth Abmhnm D 122 5 Charles 145 6 Abraham 122 (i Cinderella 23-1 5 Anna 122 -5 Dinah 235 6 Annie 122 (l EdwardF 235 5 Barbara 120 6 Eliznheth 233,235 5 Catharine 120 (I EmmaA 235 6 Rev Christian W 211 fl Ettie 234 Jj Elizabeth 122 6 FmnkK 233 6 HenryD 122 (I Franklin 23/i 6 Henry 122 ;; George 235 5 John 122 5 Jaeob F 232 6 Mai 212 fl Jaeob 285 5 Mic ael 122 5 JohnF 233 6 Sallie 212 - 365-

6 Savacool ~•rank 07 5 Shattinger Cnrollne 82 fl Levi 67 5 Hannah 84 0 William OB 4 Henry 81 7 Saylor Eva B 100 5 Henry S 85 7 Baylor llforgoret A 160 4 John 77 8 Seiberling Allen S 31 5 Joseph S 84 8 Elsie 111 31 4 llfargnret 72 8 James F 81 5 llf nr1,'D.ret G 81 80 4 Shaddinger Abmlmm 72 4 llfary 5 SamuelM 84 7 A Wesley 116 82 ti AddleG 5 Susanna 70 6 Schall Hannah E 51 5 Amanda 86 6 Schall Snblna C 51 7 AnnaC 36 7 Schantz Lydia l\l 87 4 Anna 75 7 117 5 Annie 80 Orpha 111: 7 SophlaE 87 6 Charles F 72 7 Schrauger Garret 511 5 Ephraim 7U 7 Schult~ Edwin K 68 6 Edward E 76 68 5 Eliza 80 7 Sclntlh .Tames K Ii Sharih, Aaron 188 0 Harvey G 35 7 Annnill!! 132 6 Harvey 73 125 5 Hannah 73, 80 6 AnnaC 6 Barbara 124, 132 6 Huldah J 35 182 5 Jacob 72, 70 6 Daniel W 6 Eli C 125 4 Jncob 80 188 6 JohnF 220 6 Emanuel ti Enos C 124 5 John L 73 (I 125 I\ JohnH 73 Esther C (l Esther 132 5 John 80 132 l\[ i Esther i .Jonas 116 {j 132 -1- 8(1 Henry Jose11h 7 Hettie 130, 5 Joset 80 12.5 /j 80 7 Israel S Lev, l\ID (l 132 ti 35 JncobW Lewis i Jonathan 126 5 l\Inria 8B 125 7 11:l l\Ing-tlulcna 3(1 6 John C 6 l\lngdalena C 125 5 l\Ingdalena 73 182 ll -o,~ 6 l\Iaria :Mary A 6 132 /j l\faryL 72 l\Ienno 73· 7 Nancy 126 6 l\ln.ryE 182 5 l\IaryW 78 6 NoahW r, ll Susanna C 12/i Rachel 78 215 ;."i Samuel 80 7 Shelp Almn E (i Sallie 72 6 Sherk Joseph 111 266 ti Sarah A 85 6 Shelly (;atbnrine F 1211 0 Sophia 72 6 Edwin 104 6 Spencer C 80 6 Emma 104 0 Susanna 73 6 Fronk 104 6 Theodosia ill 6 Harvey 11!4 (l WesleyC IIH ti John Hl3 r, Wilson 80 6 Kate 1011 6 WilliamJ 78 6 Levi 104 - 360 -

6 Shelly Lizzie 1().1 6 Stnuffer .John fl7 Ii l\Inry 103 7 8telnebnck Hownrd 121 II Shields Ellen H 11,5 7 Steiner Edwin L 150 (I Esther L 115 7 Enos 20 II Lilllnn 115 7 Hnr,·ey .T 150 (l Wllllnm S 11,5 7 John !!9 5 ShouE Ifotle 807 7 Kate A 150 5 .l\ nrk /l07 i Lenh 21J 5 1\Inry A :lOi 7 1\Ienno 20 ti Shoeumkcr 1\Inry Ann 53 7 Heul>en K 1/iO ti Shuler BesHie :i\l 114 7 Snmuel 20 (l Chnrles C 114 II Stemer Almuimln il23 (I ElmerE 114 (I Edwnrrl 3:l3 (I J Eufiene 114 II Ennllll 3:l3 (I 1\Inrl n 114 (I Grnut 323 ll Shupe Eli?.nl>cth 187 ll 1\fory 823 ti Ueorge 187 (i Stm·er Ann E 1-W II Hnnunh 1H7 Ii Enuua 14/l II Smith Alum 25:-1 (l Funnle 146 7 Jncob 2U (l Jncoh HU 7 1\Innnsseh !!ti 6 :N°ewton ]-Hi (j 1\lnry.J 25/l (I Ollver HU Ii Willlnm H 258 7 Swnils Allee !JO 6 Snyder Amos mo 7 Swulls Evn 00 Cl Ephmim 181 5 Swartley Elizn 222 ll Henry 181 Ii ,Tnl•ob I? !l15 11 Is1we Jal 5 John F 224 6 Jncob 131 (i l\fury :.!15 6 l\Inry mo T> 1\luryA 225 6 l\Ingdnlenn 1:n 5 Sophin 22-5 R 1\lenno 131 fi 8usun1ut 226 7 Urban mo 8 S1\'ift Corn E 18 n Sollitl11y C11thnrine 88 fi 'l'ulhnan James H 2:-;o fi Cah•in oa 6 Orphn 2RO .; Cnroline !J3 Ii \Vulter F 230 811 Ii 'l'heilncker Clmrlolte 133 5 Clarissa 1:;a ;j Edward n:: (i 1\IarrE /j Elin n:: (l Saui1wl S Jail ;j Eli K S!J 6 Wiili11111 J 13:l ;j Hurry !i:I 8 'l'insnmn Com A :n ;j Joseph ss, 8!} 8 Edgar.A :n n Lewis C 88 8 Ina A 31 5 1\fnry !l/l 8 ,lose\'ll A m Ii 1\IorriR 88 8 LnvinnK 31 ,5 Hnchel 80 8 Snlome C 81 fj Sumuel !l3 ll Tomlinsnu Anna l\I 2Sll 5 Surnh sn H Benj11111i11 W 280 Ii rr Elwootl 88 fi llesSie l~ 280 ;; Willie fl2 Ii Clnru 280 5 Wilson !l3 (l Elin !!S!J H Stauffer Emma !17 Ii Walter 280 6 Howard 98 7 Trachsel Edwin 4/1 - 367-

i Trnchsel Lizzie ~3 i Wntennnn Noah JI) ti Trnugcr Joseph 2fll 8 Snrnh J IO Ii Lincoln !!Ill ii Wnlton Benjamin 288 u Hobert :!fll ii Edmund 288 6 Trnutmnn Alexnncfor L :!.~ti ii 1\Inrb"llret 280 U Trautman Lenncler A :!SU ii 1\Iurtha 290 Ii Tretfry Catharine 191 ii Sarah 290 Ii Emmn 190 ii Susan !WO II Jacob 191 ii UreeA 289 (i Lydia 191 6 Webster John T 190 (i l\iargnret 1110 ll Webster Wllllnm A 199 (j l\Inrbi A 190 U Welrmnn Annie 81 (i l'he e A llJ0 5 Cnrl E 327 Ii RobertJ ]!l(l {l Cnrrle 81 (j Susnnnn 190 il Charles so (l William I-I 1110 ii Cordelia 81 (i 'fribe AmbroHe 2i8 (l Emma so fi Eliznbeth :!i8 r; George 81 (l .Tucob 2i8 5 John, 80 (j Jnne 2i8 ii Joseph 80 ii Tyson llonjumin W l:li ii Weisel Anthony Ii' 88 ii Emeline W HS 5 Cnrollnr 88 ii Enos \V l:li (i DebbieD 88 5 Harriet 138 (l HRoss 88 5 Jsrutc 137 5 Ludnda 88 (l Joseph l\[ j(j 6 Wells Hnrry 90 5 Lydm - 'I 13i fi Ida 00 ,5 1\Inry 138 (l Susan !JO ii Reuben W ms i Wehlen ,\nna B 121 7 Umstoncl Charles 0 1112 i AG Curtin 121 7 Frank W 312 i George L 121 i Jonnh 312 1· ,Jennie L 121 8 ,·nu Alstine Ch11rl,•s G tl!.! i 121 tt•) KnteL S Vnn Alstine Nettie 111 ,,_ i Lizzie 121 i \ ·ogt Agnes l\I us i lllnrtlm L 121 i Bmeline (ik i Mqry E 121 (l8 i ldn:M 5 \\'ileox Esther 261. i ,fo!'ephino (i8 !!Hl (i8 5 George l\I i i\furgaret A ;i 261 6i Henry i Sue11111111 5 su~nn 2yl 11 ,·on Buseck Amelia J 301 68 301 7 \Viltlu~ln Anna i Arnette(.; C i Wildnsin Joshua 68 Ii Eli A :lOI i; l\Inry A RO!! i Willils .Tennie ](12 i Rudolph A :mt i Winder Frank A 78 (j 'l'heodore A :lOI I\ Wismer Anron 101, 102 k W11t~1rm11n Alfred g l!I ,5 Aaron S 280 i Cnroline ?O {i Anron 8, Jr 281 i Eliznbeth 20 5 Anron K 2fi7 8 Hnrlt>y A 10 ;j Anron A 3011 i Harvey J!J 3 Jlp,•. Ahrnhnm 8 i Louisn 20 3 Abraham 146 - 368 -

5 Wismer Abrab11111 147, 155 5 Wismer Asa 205 !~; mt, 200, 243, 255 2 Auguste 328 -11 3 Auguste 320 6 AbrahamG 157 4 Auguste I 330 7 Abraham 157 4 Barbara o, 122, 168, 183 4 Abraham 16!1,,277 187, 204, 256 6 Abraham B 173 3 Barbara 53, 109,332 4 Rev. Abraham !.'02 5 Barbara 120, 100, ms 5 AbrahamK 201,28-l 209 240 255 6 Abraham A 20-l 6 Barbru-a ' 158,210,282 6 Abraham C 208 6 BarbaraC 165 5 Abraham A 200 5 Barbara A 303 5 Abraham L 296 6 Benjamin 8 186, 197 2 Abraham 322 6 Benjamin 10,'i, 203 7 Ada 161 6 Bea)runin F 201 7 Adaline 147 5 Beanie H 326 6 Adella 160 5 Bertha A 327 6 Adelina 105 5 Brock 316 6 Agnes 159 4 Catharine 117, 122, 168 5 A .T 326 188, ~06, 318 7 Albert 161 5 Catharrne 150, 112, 189 5 AlbertE 277 206, 2+1, :!81, 323 6 Albert 21» 6 Catbariae 203, 290 6 AlbertE 30-l 6 Catharine B 205 5 Albertina 30-l 6 Catharine C 208 6 Alfred 161 5 Catharine K 285 5 Alma 258 5 Catharine C 305 6 Alice A 30-l 3 Catharine 309 5 Almira 277 5 Catharine A 316 6 Alonzo 2.55 7 Camby 150 (I AlphaW 293 5 CharlesR 134 r, Amanda 2.58 6 CharlesE 134 (j Amanda 290 6 Charles 302 6 Amiee 13-l (I Charles W 305 7 AmosS 147 5 CharlesH 315 (l Amos 210 (j Carrie 255 5 Amos 323 (I CarrieJ 308 5 Andrew 243,259 3 Christian 201 4 Ann 210,291 5 Christian 207 4 Anna 137 6 Christian A 204 7 AnaaM 156 (; Christian C 208 ;; Anna 161, 186, 208, 307 4 Christian 211 (j Anna E 165, 281 2 Christina 319 (I Anna 171, 173 7 Clam A 158 6 AnanM 287 7 ClaraE 161 5 AnnaC 307 6 Clarissa 294 3 Anna 322, 332, 330 1 Conrad 328 3 Annie 182 2 Conrad 328 6 Annie 199 (I Cyrus 187 1 Archibald 161 5 Rev. Daniel (128&200) 6 Arthur 302 6 Daniel 201 4 Asa 292 5 Daniel 210, 244, 164 - 369 -

3 Wismer Daniel 31-l 6 Wismer Ellen 199 2 Daniel 2i9 6 Emily 277 5 David S 186, 817 6 EmmaM 138 6 DavldE 186 7 Emma 147, 166, 172 6 David 198, ~l 7 EmmaA 100 5 David K 203 Ii Emma li3, 198 6 DavldB :»1 6 EmmaR 191 4 David 210, 280, 299 Ii EmmaF 302 !I David 210 O Emma V 314 5 David C 213 5 Emma 317, S-21 6 David 265 259 4 Emanuel 200 3 David '292 6 Emellne 296,317 .5 David L 293 O Enos B 173 6 Deborah 164 6 Enos E 304 6 Deborah 28.5 4 Eperneatus 315 7 DellaM 166 6 E~rueatns 317 6 Delilah 283 296 5 Ephraim 144 6 Dennis ' 281 6 Ephraim 161 4 Dora 380 5 Esther 131, 171 1 242 6 Dorothy 306 4 Esther 124, 179 6 Drucilla 184 3 Esther 213 6 Edmund K 284 6 Esiher 128 6 Edward 302 6 Fannie 146 6 Ed ward A 826 4 Fannie 279 6 Effie V 802 ll Felix 3:!6 0 Eli 1 il, 100 3 Ferdinand 828 5 Eli 302 3 Ferdinand H 329 6 Elias 316 4 Ferdinand H 330 4 Elias 322 6 Fidelia 294 5 Eliza 144 o Frank 144 7 ElizaM lUl 7 Franklin 160 6 Eliza A 284 6 Franklin L 172 5 Elrah 306 6 Frances 154, 306 Ii El~jah 304 8 Francis 330 4 Eli?..abeth 13, 120, li3, 6 F111ncis J 166 186, 210, 244, 2i7, 6 Francis H 283 327. 290,316,317 4 Francis W 329 3 Eli?..abeth 30, :WI, 322, 6 Franie L 204 382 6 Freeman 168, 161 2 EIJ?..abeth 94, 328 b Frederica H 82'i 5 Elizabeth 130, 1461 14 7, 6 George W 269 167, 187, 106, 211, 6 George T 293 265, 2-58, 287, 307 H George 281 0 EIJ?..abeth 166, 171, 6 George M 294 198, 203, 243, 255, 282 6 George C !96 O Elizabeth H 202 6 George W 308 6 Elizabeth B 203 4 George 317 O Elizabeth A 293 4 Hannah 26 7 Ella B 101 3 Hannah 71, 280 O EllaM 284 7 Hannah E 147 6 Ella P 293 ti Hannah 147, 195 6 EllaE 306 5 Hannah 192, 210 -:no -

6 Wismer Hunnuh K 293 :l Wismer Jueob 8 7 Humiltou 2n:; 3 Jacob 117, H-1, 3:!:! 7 Hurry T lnl -l Jacob 133, 1-l-l, um. 327 7 Harvey n;, 171 !!01, :.!fi-l, :!771 !!H5 6 Harvey\\' 284 Ii Jacob 13-1, 171, Wl, :lf,5 5 Hurtmun K 2-'fl :!fl:! 6 Henrietta lfi.l 7 Jncob ~I J;",H 6 Henrietta L 30:l 6 ,Tnoob 17:l,2-ll,:lH 4 Henry l:!8, 1-1-l, 1-lll, 5 Jncou J> :!OJ l&\ 20:;, :lrn, :!flli, 31-1, (j Jucoh C :!O:.! 326 5 JucohC 21·! 5 Henry l!!!l, 13-1, 14-1, Ii Jucou E :!H5 167, ms, :lOl , :.!O:!, (j Jucou I> 30.'l 258, 2s1, :n-1 -l .Tncob X :ms 2 Henry 13ll 5 .Jncoh A :mo 7 Henry L 1-li r, .Jucob H 31fi 5 Henry 1) lii4 (j .James S 2,'">ti Ii Henry Hi-I, li2, 208 5 ,James H .,-... 2-55, 282 H .JmnesH -"2B3 7 Henry L 1-0,_ 5 .Jenks Hli 183 3 Henry 5 .Tohn 1-1-1, 158, 1!17 (j Hev Henry ws 5 JohnD liiO (i :!00 Henry E ll 202 .John L 154,1!14 5 Rev Henry K (j .John G l;ifl (i 204,205 Henry J3 {I John 15!1, 187, l!l5, 11)8 (j Henry L 2-1-1 fi 28.'l John H 164, 2-12 5 Henry S :l John H C :J2!l 5 HenryH 2[14 4 John 18:l, ]Ill, 2-571 278 5 HenryW 322 30G, 325 5 Hettie A :ios 205 l:l-l 7 John W I\ Hester ll .John n 20.5 5 Hester :!10 32;;, 240 Hi-I a John 7 Hillinnl J (l JohnE 2-11, 2!1!i 15(1, 1110 7 Huldah ;) John F !.!,58 6 Howard 285 2 ,John 279 7 Ida 1-1;, mo, ua 6 John S ~81 6 IdaM 29!i (l John A, 1\1 A 2!J3 (j Ida J 30:i 5 John,J :i:!7 5 Ida J :{:!7 5 .Jonnthun ::mo (i Ida 30:l f, Joun.~ !!t-il 6 Isnuc M 147 4 ,lonn~ 307 4 Istute 15,5 5 Joel 21!! 6 IRIIIIC G 155 i Joshua ](j() f, lMllC 160, 1Ri, :.'O:l r, .To•inh 281 (i lfillncH ]81i .j .lr,Hinh L at& 6 Isaac I~ 200 2 Joseph 117 5 Isunc !\I 2U 3 ,Joseph 120, 18-5 5 Rev Isaac K 28i -l Jo~ph 132 6 Isaac. 285 G ,loi

5 Wismer Joseph 185, l!l-1 4 Wismer Mark 307 300, 315 (i 1\larshall H 293 (i Joseph 111 '.!02 7 1\Iartha 156 Ii Joseph B 20a {i 1\larthaE 2-l!l 5 Joseph S 210 i; l\lartlm 303 ,1 Joseph T :!10 5 1\Iartha !!87 r, Joseph H 30:! .5 Murtha 11[ 3"26 5 Jose11h F 308 !! Ma7 • !13 5 Joseph L :nu -1 l\!ary li, rn.,;, 115, 18-l, -1 Joseph L 31H !llO, 2,-,a, 2.'IS 5 Judith 30li 5 1\Inry 132, 17~ 18\ 208, 5 Julia E l!J9 :!5ll, 281, 28-1, 30tl, 315 6 KateR 20:! 5 l\lary A 13:1, :!83, 323 Ii KnteA 207 7 1\fnryJ 158 5 Kuty A 2!l0 n l\Iary liiP, mo, 171,172, Ii LaumV IM 241,2-H, 25:,, 200,303 (i LuuraJ 2H(l {I 1\lnry A lllll, 186, 208 (i LaumA 1114 7 11fnry E 16S 11 Lnuml\1 328 (i l\fory 111 16:';, 202 7 Lavina 156 3 1\lury 18:?, 324 Ii Leah 11)8 (; 1\lary E 191, 283, 823 5 LeilaE 3211 7 1\faryW 20S Ii Levi L 172 (i 1119.ry C 281 5 Levi 191, 281, 80~, 314 5 Mary E 308,317 6 Levi F 302 Ii l\Inry S 308 6 Lewis B 206 ti l\lnry C 30ll 5 Lewis 3~3 rl '.\laryJ 315 6 Lillian 134 G l\lnlindn 242 (I Lizzie 173, 290 Ii l\lntildn 159, 2-14 7 LizzieW 20.5 II l\lennoS 242 5 Louisa 1\1 327 6 1\linnie 287 5 LucettnA 3111 r, l\Iichnel 145, 317 G LydinA 18(1 Ii Moses 128 5 Lydia 187, !?83 4 Moses 2Sl, 29~ (I Lydia 200 II IllosesL !!82 6 LydinB 204 4 Nancy 118, 185,259, 5 Ly,lin D 20!) !li!l, 29i 4 Lydia 2HO .~ Nancy 258, 301 5 LydinH 303 2 Nancy 320 5 Lydia A 310 0 Nancy Hm, lll2, l!J8, 2-14 4 l\largnret 10, 2111 fi Nellie 30~ 3 1\larb"liret 81i (I Nellie W ·308 Ii 1\Iarb"aret 15!1, 281 II NoahE 200 7 l\forgaret E rn:i i Norman 156 fl Marcellina L 28:1 7 Nornum H 161 7 l\[nria u·,o a Olh·erK 287 5 1\larin 210 fi Orlando 258 4 l\faria 30H 5 OttoJ 327 3 Marie aao 5 Per!lnn 27; fi lllariaE 200 h Philip 163 2 1\lark 280 7 PhiliJl H 1ml 3 Mark 306 5 Philemon 302 - 3i2 -

4 Wismer Rnchel C 194 5 Wismer Stephen 25!l 0 Rachel 280 Ii Stillmnn J W-l 5 Rebecca :Iii 6 Susnnnn. 15-l, 15i, l!J-l 5 Re ·on. !!H-l 282 G notrtL 28:; 5 SU!lllllDQ. !!<111 1 211, 2.'li 5 Rocilln. :Iii 5 Su;;n.nnn 1\l :irn1 i Rolland 165 i SusimA IOI H RoseN 30:! 0 Susan A 165, 20-1 3 Rudolph 330 -l Susan 185 7 &Ille 172 5 Susnn l!ltl, 250 G SallieB 203 H Susnn C :!02 7 Snlinn 161 G SuSlln n 203 (j Salome 210 3 Susan 2n2 5 Salome !!Ill 1 Sylvester 150 4 Samuel 140, 2711, 306, G Theodore A 30-l 30i 5 ThOllltl.$ \V 308 HiO 5 Samuel 170, !!07 243 H Tohins 1 1 5 Tomncllln 307 277, 281, 28~ 307 J(l7 3 Samuel 277 5 Veronica 6 Samuel 281,282 6 Wn.lterl 294 5 Samuel A 290, 30!1 5 Wn.lterJ 327 5 Sarah 154,173,210,211, .fl Wellington 2!l3 . Slf, 5 Wesley 2i7 7 BarahB 150 7 Wilford 167 7 Sarah 156 H WilliamG 158 6 Sarah 150, Jll,~ 6 William A 163 6 SarahC 164 6 WilliamJ 191 0 SarahJ 192 5 William 2i7 6 Samh A 207 6 WllliamD 281 5 BamhA 317 5 William S 282 5 SamhJ 303, 3()1) G William L 282 7 Sandy 150 5 William A 290 6 Solomon 164 6 Winfield B 20'.! 6 BolomonG 241 5 Wilson J 316 4 Solomon 28-l 4 Zenns 317 5 Solomon H 32i 5 Worthin.gton :Mark 300 6 Sophia 2-ll 5 Worthington :Mary 306