Portland Daily Press: November 18,1884
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. PRICE 3 CENTS. psTAUT.TSui'n jiTvii! 1SB2 vm,. la. PORTLAND. MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY 16, 1882. JclIbbkj^mattk£$ ■ .. -g Michigan Letter. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, INSURANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. THE PBES8. Published every day (Sundays excepted,) by the PROFESSIONAL Bay City and Its Industries. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16. at 109 Ex change St., Portland. —— Bay Dec. Annual Statement We do not read anonymous letters and communi- City, Michigan, 31,1881. Truss: Eight Dollars a Tear. To mall suHeftb cations. The name and address of the writer are In This town is situated at the head of Saginaw art Seven Dollars a If in advance. — Tear, paid OF THE — SNOW, all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- Bay, a deep indenture ol Lake Huron, by THE PRESS a of faith. MAINE~STATE EDUCATIONAL. tion but as guaranty good moans ol which it has lree access to the whole undertake to return or com- is published every Thursday Morning at (2.60 a PH EX Wo cannot preserve system of great lakes that distinguish this part year, if paid in advance at (2.00 a year. munications that are not usod. of North America from any other part of the tho AKeKITEOTS. Rates op Advertising : One inch of space, globe. There is no town on the great waters engtii of column, constitutes a “square.** first week: 76 cents SNOW, Evert attach^ of the Press is furnished that has facilities than this for the (r.60 per square, dally per INSURANCE CO. regular greater or ooatinu r P. H. week after; three insertions less, (1.06; EAHSETT, with a Card certificate signed by Stanley Puller, of these internal seas. A after first 60 cents. ARCHITECT, navigation great Ing every other day week, All steamboat and hotel managers Half square, three insertions or less, 76 oents; Centennial Block, 93 Exchange Street Edltoi, railway, quantity of lake craft is now lying at her credentials one week, (1.00; 60 oents per week after. Of Hartford will confer a favor upon us by demanding hauled for the Winter, one-third additional. Conn., wharves, up during Special Notices, SNOW. of every person claiming to repreaent our journal. these waters are Under head of "Amusements’* and “Auction H. which season, practically three KIMBALL, Ou the 31st day of December, 1881 Sales,” (2.00 per square per week; Inser- KOEAS. ARCHITECT, closed to navigation. tions or lass, (1.60. lSOVe Middle Street. Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine State Because a of This “lake craft" consists in steamers, most- The capital Stock of the Company Georgia repudiated portion Press (which has a large circulation in every part MANUFACTURERS’ that are a all in.'.. $2,000,000.00 the bank of ly propellers, freight vessels, great of the State), for $1.00 per square for first inser- paid its debt in 1877, superintendent ai tion, and 60 oents per square for each subsequent CIVIL) ENaiNEERe. Now Get New York has forbidden the hanks many sailing vessels, propellers employed » arc ns Follows: savings insertion. The Auiei§ tugs and “barges"—that are vessels of 100, Address all communications to of that State to buy Georgia securities. Cash on hand and in Bank, in hands 300 as I them to as I PUBLISHING VO. 200 or tons, thought be, PORTLAND E. 0. JORDAN, of Ageutsandin coarse of trans- SAMFIiBS OF of Md. I DR. C. W. BENSON, Baltimore, The Western distillers are to make saw them lying at the wharves. These barges J CIVIL KNOESEKR AS S HD 8URV2V0B, mission. $ 497,387.07 going Real Estate. of the celebrated 184 Middle Street 178,256,31 inventor and proprietor Celery a effort to secure from Congress are furnished with short masts and sails—are United States Stocks and Bonds. 203.829.00 Your vigorous and Chamomile Pills. These pills are prepared ex- of the and ENTERTAINMENTS. State, County, and Municipal Securi- the total repeal or a large reduction of the loaded with the products country, to Nervous ties. ..... 322,409.45 pressly cure Sick Headache, Headache, the to a Tole- LAWYERS. tax. are towed by propellers market, Bank Stock. 874,884.00 Neuralgia, Nervousness, Paralysis, Sleeplessneos whiskey and FINE do, Cleveland, Buffalo, Ogdensburg or else- School District, Corporation _ and Dyspepsia, and will cure any case, no matter Water Bonds 238,376.00 Kansas City, Mo., continues to grow rap- where. The navigation of these lakes is now JEvTpOMMID THEATRE. Railroad Stocks and Bonds.... 1,104,020.00 how obstinate, if properly used. They are not a The are niemlMU* cf the Cum her land that its on a scale and is following Loans on Collateral C58.794.00 and the Times predicts popula- very great increasing every Frank Curtis,.Proprietor & Manager. Bar AaeociatLn: oureall, but only for those special diseases. They idly, on ROBES, Loans Real Estate. 219,780.00 the increase of contain no or and are not tion will exceed 100,000 by the year rapidly, with population Interest and Rents accrued.. 22,238.70 opium, morphine quinine, considerably GRAND SHAKESPEAREAN EVENT. O. and with the increase ot the ANDREWS, a purgative, hut regulate the bowels and cure con close of this rapid productions Monday nnd T mutiny Evenings Jan. AS. COEKSELLO* at LAW, year. Total Assets, $4,309,972.63 curing or removing the cause of it of the country, of whatever sort, agricultural 16.h and l*tb. 188 Middle Street. stipafcion by HAMBURGS! a of the taxable of real They have a charming effect upon the skin, and The increase rating and universal, and of the forests of pine and LIABILITIES. the nervous of the Popular Tragedian lovely quietiDg effect upon system, estate in New York above Fortieth Engagement t W. R. ROBES, its ten thousand in city, other woods. Within another half century, ANTH01NK, Cash Capital.$2,000,000.00 simply by feeding hungry, yes, n OOTO8KLLOR AT LAW, Reserve for reinsurance. 137,487.14 some cases starving absorbent#. They make or street, since the elevated railroads, but not the shores of these interior waters will be 48 Exchange St Reserve fur unadjusted losses 3,063,201.37 create nerve matter and give power, force and buoy THOS. W. We hate closed out a lot of because of is three-fold. swarming with a and prosperous KEENE, Net Surplus. 1,119,284.02 just ancy to the nerves, and in that way increase mental wholly them, busy people. Supported by a Specially Selected Company under of extra fine Hamburgs, power, endurance and brilliancy or mind. Nobody The rich soil, the abundant coal, iron, salt and the oi WM. R. HAYDEN. samples that has a nervous should to take date set for the of management BRADBUMT, Total Assets, $4,309,972.63 system neglect The latest completion and silver cannot fail to COCH8KI.LOB AT that'we shall sell in of 4 1-2 them two or three months in each year, as a nerve timber, copper give BEOS LAW, ROBES, strips is next which Jau. 16th. if for no other the Bridge Fall, subsistence to a Monday Evening, 84 Exchange Street H. KELLOGG, President. at about hair of food, purpose. Brooklyn employment and comfortable yards each, price Sold by all Price, 50 cents a box. luck Colly Cibber’s Version of Shakespeare’s Grand His- D. W. C. SKILTON, Secretary. druggists. means that it will be remarkably good great population. The people who live here torical Tragedy in Six Acts, goods of same quality. Depot, 106 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. By or boxes to finished before we into NATHAN & HENRY B. CLEAVES, State of Connecticut, ) mail, two boxes for $1. six for §2.60, if it is really get now understand all this, and many thoughtful County of The above samples represent RICHARD in, C 60UHBLL0R8 AT LAW, Hartford, ] any address._ 1883. and far-seeing men and women are earnestly OE THE 80 Exchange Street January 3d, 1882. many new and choice styles, with __ HARTFORD, BLANKETS, endeavoring to establish conditions that will Battle of Bosworth Field. H. Kellogg, President and match. The above Gen. Grant’s office at New York is crowd- Personal'y appeared. Inserting to DR. W. BENSON’S the D. W. C. Skilton Secretary, and made oath to the ^ ef- most surely promote in the highest degree DUKE OF GLOSTER, (afterwards King Richard W. and not ed with those who desire his kind COOMBS, truth of the foregoing Statement, by them subscrib- are all of nice line quality, daily of the IU).THOS. W. KEENE. eonrsBLLOB at interests coming generations. CARDON law, ed, according to their best knowledge and belief. stuff that the forts with Mr. Arthur, towards gaining of- 98 Exchange Street the coarse, cheap host took me to-day to a great Michigan January I7ih, Before me, My Tciomay evening, M fices for themselves. All such applicants city is flooded with. iSKIN CURESca and the salt works connected with it. Shakespeare’s Masterpiece, M. N. CLARK, BLANKETS, sawmill, a kind but refusal. 0. OOBB, Notary Public. § Is Warranted to Cure get positive I had often had these establishments described, MACBETH. CJOHN COCH8HLLO* AT LAW, * HUMORS, but never saw one before. This establishment MACBETH, (Thane of Cawdor) THOS. W. KEENE 81 Vi Exchange Street ECZEMA, T1TTER8, g Courier has The Charleston News and was a large one, and like all the others, faced Reserved Seat* 75 and 50 cents; INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, 3 $1.00, Gallery g in the waters of river, which is naviga- S5 cent*. Sale of seats commence Thursday, Jan- h jJSUMIiOND & been interviewing the State's delegation Saginaw DRUMMOND, g ALL ROUCH 8CALY ERUPTIONS, ble for all the lake craft.