A Floristic Survey of the Whicher Scarp

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A Floristic Survey of the Whicher Scarp Species reconciliation Appendix 3a in A Floristic Survey of the Whicher Scarp APPENDIX 3a: Species reconciliation MS Word: App3aSpeciesReconciliation.doc, disc Database name Species reconciliation name used in analysis Family (App2dQuadratSpecies.mdb) (Appendix 3b) NAME_ SPECIES_ Scientific name NAME_ SPECIES_ Scientific name ID CODE ID CODE Hydrocotyle pilifera var. Apiaceae 11546 HYDPILGLA 6236 HYDPIL Hydrocotyle pilifera glabrata Hydrocotyle pilifera var. Apiaceae 11847 HYDPILPIL 6236 HYDPIL Hydrocotyle pilifera pilifera Apiaceae 6291 XANPUS Xanthosia pusilla 19330 XANTAS Xanthosia tasmanica Apiaceae 6293 XANSIN Xanthosia singuliflora 19330 XANTAS Xanthosia tasmanica Millotia Asteraceae 8106 MILTEN Millotia tenuifolia 8105 MILMYO myosotidifolia Millotia tenuifolia var. Millotia Asteraceae 14344 MILTENTEN 8105 MILMYO tenuifolia myosotidifolia Pithocarpa pulchella var. Asteraceae 18353 PITPULPUL 8165 PITPUL Pithocarpa pulchella pulchella Asteraceae 8224 SILFIL Siloxerus filifolius 8225 SILHUM Siloxerus humifusus Wahlenbergia Campanulaceae 7386 WAHGRA Wahlenbergia gracilenta 7389 WAHPRE preissii Lepidosperma sp. (Eastern terete) (BJ Lepidosperma Cyperaceae -20199 LEPSPEA 936 LEPLEP Keighery and N Gibson leptostachyum 232) Dilleniaceae -20892 HIBAFF Hibbertia aff. aurea 5112 HIBAUR Hibbertia aurea Hibbertia Dilleniaceae 5109 HIBAMP Hibbertia amplexicaulis 5118 HIBCUN cunninghamii Drosera erythrorhiza Drosera Droseraceae 13217 DROERYERY 3095 DROERY subsp. erythrorhiza erythrorhiza Drosera stolonifera Droseraceae 13222 DROSTOPOR 3131 DROSTO Drosera stolonifera subsp. porrecta Drosera stolonifera Droseraceae 11569 DROSTOSTO 3131 DROSTO Drosera stolonifera subsp. stolonifera Leucopogon aff. Leucopogon Epacridaceae -20547 LEU_POLS polymorphus south 6434 LEUPOL polymorphus (Gibson et al. 1994) Ricinocarpos aff. Euphorbiaceae -21012 RICAFF Ricinocarpos aff. glaucus -21007 RICAFF cyanescens Ricinocarpos aff. Euphorbiaceae 13683 RICCYA Ricinocarpos cyanescens -21007 RICAFF cyanescens Conostylis aculeata Haemodoraceae 11826 CONACUACU 1418 CONACU Conostylis aculeata subsp. aculeata Conostylis aculeata Haemodoraceae 12109 CONACUPRE 1418 CONACU Conostylis aculeata subsp. preissii Cassytha racemosa Lauraceae 11799 CASRACRAC 2957 CASRAC Cassytha racemosa forma racemosa Phyllangium Loganiaceae 16825 PHYDIV Phyllangium divergens 16177 PHYPAR paradoxum Acacia pulchella var. Mimosaceae 15481 ACAPULGLA 3502 ACAPUL Acacia pulchella glaberrima Acacia pulchella var. Mimosaceae 15483 ACAPULPUL 3502 ACAPUL Acacia pulchella pulchella Agonis flexuosa var. Myrtaceae 5316 AGOFLE Agonis flexuosa 17202 AGOFLEFLE flexuosa Astartea aff. fascicularis Myrtaceae -20455 AST_FAG 20350 ASTAFF Astartea affinis (Gibson et al. 1994) Caladenia flava subsp. Orchidaceae 15348 CALFLAFLA 1592 CALFLA Caladenia flava flava A report for the Department of Environment and Conservation BJ Keighery et al. 2008 1 Species reconciliation Appendix 3a in A Floristic Survey of the Whicher Scarp Database name Species reconciliation name used in analysis Family (App2dQuadratSpecies.mdb) (Appendix 3b) NAME_ SPECIES_ Scientific name NAME_ SPECIES_ Scientific name ID CODE ID CODE Caladenia flava subsp. Orchidaceae 15350 CALFLASYL 1592 CALFLA Caladenia flava sylvestris Caladenia longicauda Caladenia Orchidaceae 15363 CALLONEMI 1602 CALLON subsp. eminens longicauda Eriochilus dilatatus Orchidaceae 15410 ERIDILDIL 1646 ERIDIL Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. dilatatus Eriochilus dilatatus Orchidaceae 15412 ERIDILMUL 1646 ERIDIL Eriochilus dilatatus subsp. multiflorus Orchidaceae -20252 PTEAFFNA Pterostylis aff. nana 1690 PTENAN Pterostylis nana Orchidaceae -20694 PTE_NAN Pterostylis aff. nana 1690 PTENAN Pterostylis nana Pterostylis sp. Slender Orchidaceae 18557 PTESP. Snail Orchid (G.J. 1690 PTENAN Pterostylis nana Keighery 14516) PN Papilionaceae 3862 DILACE Dillwynia acerosa 3866 DILUNC Dillwynia uncinata Hovea trisperma var. Papilionaceae 12907 HOVTRIGRA 3968 HOVTRI Hovea trisperma grandiflora Hovea trisperma var. Papilionaceae 12859 HOVTRITRI 3968 HOVTRI Hovea trisperma trisperma Poaceae 185 AIRCUP * Aira cupaniana 184 AIRCAR * Aira caryophyllea Poaceae 187 AIRPRA * Aira praecox 184 AIRCAR * Aira caryophyllea Austrostipa Poaceae 17253 AUSSEM Austrostipa semibarbata 17233 AUSCAM campylachne Poaceae 476 LOLPER * Lolium perenne 475 LOLMUL * Lolium multiflorum Poaceae 478 LOLRIG * Lolium rigidum 475 LOLMUL * Lolium multiflorum Vulpia myuros var. Poaceae 16914 VULMYUMYU * 724 VULMYU * Vulpia myuros myuros * Anagallis arvensis var. * Primulaceae 19404 ANAARVARV 6480 ANAARV Anagallis arvensis arvensis Adenanthos barbiger Proteaceae 14966 ADEBARBAR 14970 ADEBAR Adenanthos barbiger subsp. barbiger MS Adenanthos barbiger Proteaceae 14965 ADEBARINT 14970 ADEBAR Adenanthos barbiger subsp. intermedius MS Grevillea bipinnatifida Grevillea Proteaceae 19628 GREBIPBIP 1964 GREBIP subsp. bipinnatifida bipinnatifida Grevillea pulchella Proteaceae 15990 GREPULASC 2078 GREPUL Grevillea pulchella subsp. ascendens Synaphea petiolaris Proteaceae 2324 SYNPET Synaphea petiolaris 16864 SYNPETPET subsp. petiolaris Restionaceae 18049 LYGIMB Lyginia imberbis 1097 LYGBAR Lyginia barbata Boronia crenulata subsp. Rutaceae 17653 BORCREPUB 4413 BORCRE Boronia crenulata pubescens Stackhousia Stackhousiaceae 9070 STAPUB Stackhousia pubescens 4733 STAMON monogyna STYAMOA Stylidium amoenum Stylidiaceae 7684 STYAMO Stylidium amoenum 17666 MO var. amoenum Stylidium brunonianum Stylidium Stylidiaceae 11983 STYBRUBRU 7693 STYBRU subsp. brunonianum brunonianum Stylidium piliferum Stylidiaceae 11974 STYPILPIL 7774 STYPIL Stylidium piliferum subsp. piliferum Stylidium Stylidiaceae 7803 STYSTR Stylidium striatum 25829 STYNEU neurophyllum MS Zamiaceae 18119 MACFRA Macrozamia fraseri 85 MACRIE Macrozamia riedlei A report for the Department of Environment and Conservation BJ Keighery et al. 2008 2 .
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