Confident, Respectful, Curious Kids Tuesday 21st March — Family Issue

Issue: Term 1—Week 8 23 Princes Street Principal: Yvonne Blair Waikari 7420 Ph: 03 3144250 Ph: 03 3144250 Email: [email protected] Fax: 03 3144350 Board Chair: Cath Petrie Email: [email protected] Webpage:

Tena Koutou Katoa If you are unable to attend please contact Bridget Frame ph 0276592364 Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau Leadership Camp Hawarden A and P Show This week I will be attending leadership camp with Emma Unfortunately I was unable to attend the show but I did and Matthew. We will be accompanied by , hear that the children who went really enjoyed it. I hope Hanmer and School children. Activities are run you all had the opportunity to view our children’s art through the Boyle River Activity Centre. This trip is spon- work while you were there. sored by the BOT, FAST and Hawarden Lions. The aim is to develop future leaders in our school. Enviro Schools Last week we had several visitors to our school to ex- Weka Teacher Transition plore visual art as an outcome for sustainability and is- This has gone very smoothly with Natasha Gillard taking sues based education. Thank you to Sam and Alison for over from Miss Jevins. The Weka children even had a visit sharing their knowledge, thoughts and artworks with the from Mrs Gillard’s pet budgie Skye, which reinforced the group. Alison has left a wonderful example of an Envi- letter S. ronmental Art structure in Room Kea for the children to gain ideas and discuss possibilities. Budgies come from Australia and budgies eat apples, seeds and they drink water. Macy

Yvonne Blair Principal Ukulele Lessons These have also started and take place on Friday mornings after R.I. If your child is still interested in taking up uku- Term 1 Events: lele lessons and would like to join in—please get a form March from the school office. Mon 20th Leadership Camp Tues 21st Hurunui Zone T-Ball/Softball Morning Tea Duty Thur 23rd pp above Is there any parents who are happy to be rostered to do an Wed 29th BOT Meeting occasional Friday morning tea duty. The staff are hoping to use this time to up-skill in playing the Ukulele so that April support can be given to students who are learning. Tues 4th Community Newsletter Wed 12th Celebration of Learning Hawarden Netball Club Registration Thurs 6th Canterbury Swimming Champs Where: Hawarden Rugby Club Thurs 13th END of TERM When: Tuesday March 22nd 3:30—5pm Who: All levels Future Ferns—Premier Grade

Information released recently by our National Prevention

Centre at Police National HQ:

Teaching children to keep themselves safe

• Teaching children with an emphasis on potential abuse/ abductions by people unknown to the child (sometimes re- ferred to as ‘stranger danger’) is an outdated, discredited and potentially dangerous concept that the Police has steered away from since the late 1980s. • Concentrating on abuse by people not known to the child provides a false sense of security. We think that if we’ve told children to avoid people they don’t know, we’re keeping chil- dren safe from abuse. But abuse is much more likely to come from someone known to the child. • Concentrating on incidents involving people unknown to the child makes it easier for abusers known to the child, because children think that people known to them won’t harm them. • Children might need to go to people they don’t know for help in certain circumstances. Children need to know how to iden- Waikari School Art tify and tell a trusted person if anyone is behaving towards displayed at the Hawarden A&P Show them in a way that makes them feel unsafe. • Concentrating on abuse by people unknown to the child can This year the art from both Room Weka also make children fearful of positive everyday situations such as being able to walk to school. and Kea reflects Maori Culture which has • Where there is community concern after an incident involving people unknown to the child, Police’s advice is to ensure chil- been the focus for learning in Term 1. dren know the behaviours to identify, avoid and report abusive behaviour no matter whether they come from a person un- known or known to the child. • Police’s Keeping Ourselves Safe programme for schools takes this behaviour-based rather than person-based ap- proach.

Advice for families, whanau and caregivers

• We encourage families, whanau and caregivers to have dis- cussions with their children about keeping safe. • Have sensible family safety guidelines. • Have discussions around behaviours and actions that are inappropriate or that make them feel uncomfortable, rather than concentrating on the types of people that could harm them. • Encourage children and young people to take action when they feel unsafe or uncomfortable. • Make it easy for your child to talk to you and tell you about anything that is bothering them. • Listen carefully to what your child is saying. They are unlikely to tell you directly that they are being abused so you may FAST NEWS need to read between the lines.

• In some situations when children feel unsafe they can take FAST Fundraiser : Dinner and Movie Night: responsibility and act appropriately to keep themselves Friday 19th May, Waikari Hall safe. In other situations, the child may or may not be able to do something to get out of the unsafe situation, but they still Be sure to put this date in your calendar need to report what has happened to an older responsible now! Details to follow person and seek adult help and support. For example, a child who witnesses family violence may be able to remove them- soon! selves to a safe place, but still needs to later seek the help of an adult to see if this family behaviour can be stopped.

We will be asking for all families to help sell Advice for kids tickets to this event as it is our major fund- • Remove yourself from the uncomfortable situation, no matter raiser for the year, plus also help on the who it is from. night. Feel free to contact Lisa, Maya or Yvi • You must tell someone if other people make you feel unsafe, worried or scared. if you have anything you would like to offer. • If the first person doesn’t help, go on telling until someone listens and takes action.