Clark Public Library 1071 Raritan Rd. y Clark, N. J. 07066

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VOL. 2, No. 26 10 Cents T h e Q u ill Board of Education Election Scheduled For February 14 You know, next Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. So have The Board of Education penses include the salaries a heart — get out and vote. election will be held next of principals, teachers, jani­ The people of Clark will go to the polls next Tuesday Tuesday from 2 to 9 p.m. tors, and medical inspec­ Voters will select three new tors, fuel, textbooks, school (for information on the time and place see story on this members for the Board and supplies, transportation of page) to select three members of the Board of Education approve or disapprove the pupils, school libraries, in­ and to evaluate the budget prepared for the township's yearly school budget. surance, maintenance of Running for the three-year plant and incidental ex­ school system. terms in ballot order are: penses. Capital outlay is for Although we’ve had an opportunity to hear the candi­ Donald Dinella, Harold A. new equipment and installa­ Syvertsen, Jr., Alvin Skopp, tion. dates at meetings throughout the town — we cannot George Nucera, Michael Polling place for Ward single out "the three best". It’s up to you to decide Truss, Mrs. Rachel Araten One is at Frank K. Hehnly School at Raritan Road; for which candidates best reflect your views. . Frederick P. Wray, Jr., John A. Fitzpatrick, and Marc Ward Two at the Charles But on the school budget — "the best” is a clear- Eisen. H. Brewer School on West- cut answer. The best thing for education in Clark is to The budget to be voted on field Avenue; for Ward three is $1,456,343 for current at Valley Road School on Val­ PASS THE SCHOOL BUDGET. expenses and $27,093 for ley Road; and for Ward Four There’s been much question about the money Clark capital outlay. Total budget at Abraham Clark School received last year from the sales tax. Let’s face it. When is $1,483,436. Current ex­ at Ritter Place. the Governor pushed his tax lots of people — including this paper — tried to explain that the tax wasn’t going Gran Ccnturians Clark State to solve all our problems. The tax is giving the state $222 million — but only a small amount is going to Plan Dinner Dance B a n k Seeks schools to help ease your tax burden. In Clark, we received $90,890 from the state last For February 11 Trust Dept. year from the sales tax. By law, $60,593 of that was used The Gran Centurions have to reduce locd taxes LAST year. That leaves $30,297 completed plans for their Clark State Bank has Installation Dinner Dance at to be applied to the 67-68 budget which you'll consider announced plans to apply to the Mountainside Inn on Feb­ the New Jersey State De­ on Tuesday. For 67-68, a new formula for state aid has ruary 11. It will be the first partment of Banking and the been worked out and Clark w ill receive only 11.2% of its such affair for the organiza­ Federal Reserve System tion which is less than a year for permission to establish school budget from state funds. old and has nearly two hund­ a trust department and CLARK STUDENT MAKES ACHIEVER SALE - Jessica Sinclair (left), 80 Meadow Road, Clark, N.J., a senior red members. The prime change its name to Clark ******* at Arthur L. Johnson Regional High School sells the first combination therometer desk set to Fred A. Westphal objective of the club is to State Bank and Trust Com­ (extreme right), Manager, Humble Oil & Refining Company's Bayway Refinery. Listening to sales presentation raise a Scholarship Fund for pany. No one wants to pay more taxes — we aren’t too are Wayne Weinberg (second from left), Vice President of Sales and David Talabisco (second from right), Presi­ worthy youngsters of Italian A resolution to file for ancestery. happy about paying the ones we have now. But defeating dent of Baycraft Co., the Junior Achievement company sponsored by Humble OH & Refining Company. The Bay- the trust powers and name craft Achievers are competing with 800 other Junior Achievers for a spot in the highly coveted "Operation Novo Mayor William J. Maguire change was approved by a the school budget isn't the way to avoid higher taxes. Scotia — Area of Achievement" award. will be the guest of honor at vote of the stockholders at the dinner. The Rev. Denis Complain if you w ill to the politicians — on local, coun­ their recent annual meet­ Whelan of St. Agnes Church ing, according to Cuddie E. ty and state levels. But cutting the school budget is not Sweet Adelines. Southwest Civic will deliver the invocation. Davidson, president and the answer. Money Management The officers to be install­ chairman of the board. "Ap­ ed are: President, Daniel proval of this action by the To Sing Feb. 14 Assn. Program Colanegelo; First Vice state and federal authori­ President. George Nuceres; The Clark school system is one in which we can place ties,” Davidson said, "will Course Planned On Counselling Second Vice President, Ralph enable the bank to act in a prjde and confidence. For Linden PTA Collechio; Secretary, Mrs. fiduciary capacity, thus pro­ The children of Clark are putting the question of their Richard Rosenmeier; Trea­ viding an additional and much For Clark Library The Madison Hill Chapter A special program en­ surer, John Serio. broader service to our de­ education squarely up to you — w ill you have the right io i.vweet Adelines of Clark. titled "The Youth and Family In addition to the officers, positors.” answer? The only place they can get a passing grade is Vill entertain the P.T.A. of tounseUir.|j Srory” will b° newiy-elected members to Another resolution ad­ School 4, Cranford Avenue, presented at a meeting of the Board of trustees are: at the polls on Tuesday. Do you save to spend? For those persons attend­ the Southwest Civic Associa­ opted at the stockholders Spend to save? Or, do you ing the February 14 meet­ Linden, on Tuesday, Febru­ Vincent Barone, Peter Bon- meeting provided for the sale think that the only sure way ary 14. The P.T.A. there is tion scheduled for Monday, giovanni, Peter Campana, ing, a second meeting will February 20, at 8:15 p.m. of 22,680 additional shares to stretch your income is to be held February 21. The observing Brotherhood Frank Caroselli, Frank Rin­ of Clark State stock, there­ Week. in the Frank K. Hehnly School aldi and Vincent Vacarro. "budget?” And, if so, what topic of the second work­ Clark, it was announced this by increasing the institu­ ******* is a budget? shop will be, "Building your The Chorus, under the dir­ tion’s capital stock from 113, ection of John Marron, will week by Association Presi­ If you’ve never been able 1967 Spending Plan.” dent William W. Jones. 400 shares, $5 per value to We understand that an ordinance w ill be introduced to make a "budget” work, This course is open only feature songs from the 1920's 136,080. The additional stock discuss these questions done in the style of barber­ at the February 27 Municipal Council meeting fora Legal to those persons who1 are Milton Faith, Executive issue has been made avail­ above, with your own fam­ interested in becoming wiser shop harmony. Madison able to stockholders of re­ Hill's own quartet, “ The Director of the Youth and Clark Elks Department for Clark. The ordinance will provide for a ily. The, bring your answers happier spenders in 1967. Family Counselling Service, cord January 24, 1967, on to a discussion meeting at Whatever Four" will also the basis of one share for "salaried attorney". We are glad that the question is No pre-registration is re­ perform. with offices in Westfield, will the Clark Public Library, quired for this "off- be the featured speaker. Open Flag every five shares owned and being studied - and we hope that all the facts are avail­ 303 Westfield Avenue. campus” consumer educa­ The group rehearses at a rate of $15 per share. every Monday evening at the able for public consideration before a decision is made. Mabel G. Stolte, Union tion course offered Union The speaker will tell of "It is my sincere belief” County Home Economist, an­ Abraham Clark School, Davidson said, "that both County homemakers. For Broadway, Clark. Visitors the operation of the agency nounces this series of two additional information and some of the dramatic Campaign of these measures will add meetings. "Where Does are always welcome. Fur­ substantially to the sound phone: Union County Home ther information may be ob­ and moving cases which have Your Money Go?” will be Economics Extension Ser­ been handled by the agency. growth and profitability of held in the Clark Public vice, EL 3-5000. Parking tained by contacting Mrs. A campaign to stimulate Clark State Bank.” Louis Viggiano of Clark. Clark is one of the seven interest in our country’s The Municipal Budget w ill be introduced February 10 Library, on February 14 and facilities are limited at the towns served by this organ­ 21, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. “ How flag and heritage and to se­ at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The public may attend library but a municipal park­ ization. Mrs. H.P. Rutter, cure funds for the purchase To Analyze Your Spending ing lot is available across President, George R. Robin­ but there w ill not be a public hearing at that time. Habits” is the topic of the CLARK ELKS HOLD of a monument to be erected St. Agnes C.Y.O. the street. son, Vice-President of the in front of the Municipal first meeting in the series. CHARITY BALL Board of Directors of the Harrison S. Barnes, Pres­ Building to honor our men agency will also participate and women serving in Viet ident of the New Jersey State in the program. Mr. Robin­ Battle Of Bands Elks Association; Harrison Nam is now being conducted Women To Hear son is Clark’s representa­ by Clark Lodge No. 2327, S. Barnes, vice-president; tive on the Board. Clark Kiwanis together with other Elk dig­ B.P.O. Elks, it was announc­ Set For Feb. 12 Elizabethport nitaries including Francis ed today by lodge leaders. W. Kaiser, William R. Fran­ Members of the municipal It is reported that every With the 1). S. Armed Forces government, civic leaders, local merchant will be The finals of its specta­ Play Host For cis, Harold E. Hollberg, cular "Battle Of The Bands” Project Talk Stephen Cymbaluk and Peter members of the clergy, ser­ solicited to make a dona­ vice club leaders,represen­ tion to the lodge for the pur­ will be staged by the C.Y.O. Machinist’s Mate Firemen He is married to the for­ L. Greco, were among those of St. Agnes Church, Clark, Thomas D. Dobiszowski, mer Miss Elizabeth A. Mag- attending the second annual tatives of other organiza­ poses outlines. Home display Zion Leaders A talk on "Affluence And tions and many Clark pro­ flags will be given free to on Sunday, February 12, be­ USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. overn of 19 Laurel Way, Poverty” will be presented Charity Ball sponsored by tween the hours of 8 and 11 Edward F. Dobiszowski of Madison, N. J. Clark Lodge of Elks and held fessional people are being each family with a relative * * * The Clark Kiwanis Club by Rev. Joseph H. Garlic, invited to attend, it is serving in Vietnam, the flag p.m. in the parish hall on 836 Riverbend Drive, Clark> Director of Elizabethport at the Westwood Lounge in Madison Hill Road, Clark. is at sea off the Virginia entertained representatives reported. to be presented with the com­ Seaman Recruit John W. of the new Zion Lutheran Center, as the feature of the Garwood on Saturday, Feb­ The two finalists are “ The Capes participating in a ruary 4. pliments of both the Elks Andrews Jr., USNR, son of Church, including Pastor monthly meeting of the Wo­ Lodge and local merchants Daze End” and “ The Jour­ week-long operation as a men’s Association of Osce­ ney’s End”. An admission crewmember aboard the at­ Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews Joseph Kucharik, Building in Clark. of 16 Village Green Drive, Chairman Paul Mlklos, John ola Presbyterian Church to CALL US WITH charge of $1 will be made tack aircraft carrier For- be held Monday, February for everyone. Boys are asked restal. Clark, has been graduated Suba, Emil Mozolak and ARMED FORCES NEWS All citizens of the com­ from nine weeks of Navy Frank LaRusso at last 13, starting at 8 p.m. at Rahway Clark 388-0600 to wear ties and sweaters the church. munity are urged to partici­ or suit jackets for the big basic training at the Naval week’s meeting. Lt. Gover­ pate in the endeavor. Training Center, Great nor Richard T. Bueschel event. Ensign Walter A. Schmid- Lakes, Illinois. made his official visit ac­ Rev. Mr. Garlic will out­ Newcomers To lin, Jr., USCGR, son of Mr. * * * companied by Past Lt. Gov­ line the needs, problems and and Mrs. Walter A. Schmid- The five area youth en­ ernors Romeo Baker of important goal of the center lin, of 183 Gibson Blvd., listing in the Army during Plainfield and Kenneth Will­ to become a meaningful and Conduct Party Clark, has received a com­ the month of January accord­ iams of Westfield. integral agency in the lives mission in the U.S. Coast ing to Elizabeth Recruiting Mr. Bueschel spoke on the of the people of Elizabeth­ Plans for the Valentine Guard after completing Of­ Station officers are: Francis benefits and goals of port. Party on February 18 at 9 ficer Candidate School at the T. Reitmeyer, 39 Prescott Kiwanis. He brought greet­ p.m. were finalized by the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Turn, son of Mr. and Mrs. ings from Kiwanis Governor Circle 3 will be in charge Rahway - Clark Newcomers Training Center in Yorktown Theodore Reitemeyer, Clark of New Jersey, Frederick of devotions and Circle 4 Club at a meeting held at Virginia. Arthur C. Becker, 1673 Irv­ King. will serve as hostess. Pre­ Charlie Kelly’s Pine Room. As a graduate from the ing Street, son of Mrs. Mary Announcement was made ceeding the meeting at 7:30, The date previously had been' 17-week school, he is A. Becker, Rahway; Leonard that a Valentine’s Day Lad­ Mrs. Charles Denzau will set for February 11. qualified to meet technical F. Grant, Jr., 231 Hamilton ies’ Night meeting would be instruct Bible Study Class Miss Anne Sheelan of the problems facing a junior of­ Street, son of Mr. and Mrs. held on February 14. for Bible Study Circle lead­ N.J. Cooperative Extension ficer in the Coast Guard, Leonard F. Grant, Sr., Rah­ Newton J. Rogers, Public ers at the Church. Service gave a very informa­ and more important, the way; Robert J. Rommel, 2164 Relations Chairman of the tive talk on "Tips on Buying special leadership aspects of Evans Street, son of Mrs. Clark Kiwanis Club, mailed Beef.” A trip to New York an officer’s life. Cathrine Rommel, Rahway;. details of this meeting from City to see "Sweet Charity” Ensign Schmidlin was gra­ Roy J. Moyle, 28 Cleveland the Cappri Apt. Motel, San and a dinner at Patricia duated from Stevens Institute Avenue, son of Mrs. Ann Diego, California while BREWER FISH & GAME Murphy’s has been planned of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. Havranek, Colonia. awaiting a visit from his CLUB HEARS MISDOM for May 6. "kid” brother. "Floral Arrangements” Members of the active by E.M, Andrews will be. Charles H. Brewer Fish and given at the next meeting MEDICAL ASSISTANTS Game . Club heard Robert scheduled for March 1 at Clark Library MARK ANNIVERSARY Miscom, President of the Charlie Kelly’s Pine Room. The tenth anniversary of SKEET SHOOT Union County Hunter Safety Hours Changed the founding of the Union The 25th annual Union Federation discuss conser­ County Medical Assistants County Twenty-five Straight vation and the cleaning of SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS Society was celebrated re­ Club Shoot at Skeet and the the Rahway River during Five hundred and fifty The Clark Library will cently at the Union County 36th annual Union County their week - end meeting. grants each worth $480 for be open on Monday, February Technical Institute in Scotch Twenty - five Straight Club Members of the club asked the 1967-68 academic year 13 from 9 to 5 p.m. and Plains. Preceeding the Shoot at Trap will be spon­ man questions and ex­ will be available to Union from 7 to 9 p.m., but the meeting, three student medi­ sored and conducted by the pressed considerable County residents who gain facilities will be closed all cal assistants and the New Union County Park Com­ interest in helping to clean admission to Union Junior day on Wednesday, February Jersey State President elect mission at the County Park up the Rahway River before College for a Computer Cen­ 22, Washington's Birthday, Miss Pat Steward of Mercer County, addressed the group. Trap and Skeet Grounds, off the annual trout stocking ter to be established in the it was announced last night Kenilworth Boulevard, season arrives. The club is $1 million Science Building LAUNCHING NEW SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB — Mayor William J. Maguire reviews the by-laws by Library officials. Books Mrs. Mina Collins of 221 Cranford on Sunday, Febru­ sponsored by the Clark now under construction, lt of the new Clark Senior Citizens Club which was established through his efforts. Standing (left due on February 22 may be Westfield Avenue, Clark, ary 12, beginning at 2:00 Board of Education through was announced today by Dr. to right) are: Mrs. Anne Smar, treasurer; Mrs. Helen Walsh, Edward Ayers, president of the Clark returned without penalty on served as public relations p.m. it’s Recreation program. Kenneth C. MacKay, presi­ Library Trustees; Mrs. Rose Lauer, secretary; and Mrs. Christine Zimmerman, president. Mr. the next day. officer. dent. Ayers is serving by appointment of the Mayor as co-ordinator for the Club. February 9, 1967 Page 2 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot razi, Rector of the Church class on “ The Meaning of preach the sermon. Mr. and boys and girls are Invited of 25 Country Club Drive, eral Aniline Company as a Brunt of Keansburg and Ran­ of the Holy Comforter, Rah­ Church Membership” will Mrs. Dickman will sponsor to share with Children of Colonia, died Wednesday at chemical operator. He was a dolph Brunt of Rahway; two Area Religious Services way. convene at 11:15 a.m. the Oneg Shabbos following other lands a special service St. Elizabeth’s Hospital after member of St. Mary’s Holy sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Pen­ Saturday at 9 a.m. the Jun­ The second session of the the service. prepared for them. They will a long illness. She lived in Name Society. der of Phoenix, Ariz., and ior Confirmation Class will School of Missions will be The Bar Mitzvah of San­ represent children around Irvington for many years Survivors include his wife Mrs. Kate Bowman of Rah­ ZION LUTHERAN the World with Prayer. Pa­ Constance Schuberth Regn, way. Three grandchildren. to prepare pads for the Am meet in the Chapel. held in the chapel with War­ ford Dickman will be held before moving to Colonia 13 Services will be conducted ren A. Pearson as guest Saturday, February 11, at 9 rents are also invited. An years ago. She retired one two sons Ronald and Edmund Funeral services took at 8 and 11 a.m. on Sunday. erican Cancer Society. A offering will be received to at home; two daughters Mrs. place Friday February 3, at coffee party will be held at speaker starting at 6:30 p.m. a.m. Sunday morning ser­ year ago from the N.J. Bell “ The Good Shepherd” will SECOND PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, February 12. vices will be at 8:30 a.m. help with needs of children Telephone Company where John Scanlon of Smithtown, 2 p.m. at The Lehrer-Cra- be the sermon topic of the noon with those observing “ The Source of Our Stren­ everywhere. L.I., and Mrs. Kenneth Hug­ biel Funeral Home, with the birthdays in February as A buffet lunch at noon and the Sunday School and she was employed for 31 Rev. Frederick Fairclough, gth” will be the sermon topic will precede the meeting of religious school classes will years as an accounting hes of New Brunswick, two Reverend William M. Elliott pastor. hostesses. A “ Y” Party will of the Rev. Richard Streeter OSCEOLA PRESBYTERIAN brothers Joseph of Bloom­ Jr., officiating. Interment be held for the older scho­ Delta Class on Febru­ meet at 9 a.m. The USY supervisor. She was a mem­ The Friday Bible Study at the 11 a.m. service on Sun­ ary 13. A general meeting discussion group will meet The second message on ber of the Pioneers Guild of field and John in Germany; took place in Hazelwood Ce­ group will meet tomorrow lars of the Sunday School, day. Four seminars are of the Women’s Missionary two sisters Mrs. Margaret metery. Pallbearers were 5th grade and up, next Sat­ at 11 a.m. “ The Windows of Faith,” N.J. Bell Telephone. night at 8:30 at the home of being offered during the 9:30 Society of the church will be Morning services will be built upon the symbols within She is survived by her Winter and Mrs. Anna Be- George Lee, Herbert F'. Mr. and Mrs. William Dav­ urday evening, February 18, -10:30 hour on Sunday morn­ held at 8 p.m., February 14. held at 7 a.m. February 13 the stained glass windows of gert of Germany and three Brunt, William Brunt, Her­ is, 558 Lenox Avenue, West- at 7:30 p.m. in the Rahway husband Lawrence Dilts, one ings. The Girls Fellowship meet­ but the religious school the Osceola Church will be daughter Mrs. Jane Foster of grandchildren. bert C. Brunt, Victor Leone, field. Y.M.C.A. A Trustees meeting has ing will be held at 8 p.m. classes will not meet in presented by the pastor at The funeral will be held Philip B. Nerges. The young people of the Los Angeles, California; one been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Ing will be held at the church honor of Lincoln's birthday. worship services on Sunday sister, Mrs. Antoinette Yos- on Thursday from the congregation will attend the ST. PAUL’S Monday. “Questions People at 7:30 p.m., February 15. morning at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Thomas F. Higgins’ Sons PAUL E. KORTWICH, SR. Upsala-Wilkes College bas­ tpille of Avon and one grand­ Ask” will be the theme of Circle #1 will meet with HOLY COMFORTER This second message will child. Private funeral ser­ Funeral Home. A Solemn Paul E. Kortwich, Sr., of ketball game at East Orange St. Paul’s Church will the Wednesday evening Mattie Hontz, 187 Kearney cover the windows dedicated High Mass of Requiem will 34 Woodland Road, Clark, this Saturday evening. They Services will be held at vices were held on Friday mark Sunday, February 12, Lenten program. The Senior Avenue, Rahway, at 1 p.m. respectively “ To the Church and interment was in the be offered at St. Mary’s died on Monday at Rahway will leave the local Church as the 1st Sunday in Lent 7:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sun­ Choir rehearsal will be held February 16. The Fidelis day morning with the Rev. School Teachers Who Guide family plot. Church and interment will be Hospital after a brief ill­ at 6:30 p.m. with Choral Eucharist at 8:15 at 7:45 p.m. tonight. Class will meet at the church our Youth” and “ To Youth in St. Gertrude’s Cemetery. ness. He was 73. Born in The Youth- League will a.m. Music will be by the William A. Guerrazzi at 8 p.m. February 16 and the preaching on the topic, "Men the Gateway of God’s WILLIAM BERENT Chile he lived most of his meet on Sunday afternoon at G irls’ Choir under the direc­ Senior Choir will rehearse at Service.” MRS. SADIE MAGNIER life in Elizabeth before mov­ 4 p.m. and the Luther Lea­ UNITED CHURCH Wanted” at the 11 a.m. ser­ William Berent, 46, of 1277 tion of Miss E. Maury. the same hour at the church. vice. The Sacrament of Baptism Broadway, Rahway, died on Mrs. Sadie Anne Magnier ing to Clark 17 years ago. gue on Sunday evening at 7 Breakfast and Classes will OF CHRIST will be offered on Sunday. 70 of 224 W. Grand Avenue, His late wife, Florence L. p.m. The Church Council For the 11 a.m. service The confirmation class Saturday at Memorial Hospi­ follow. will meet at 3:30 p.m. Tues­ The class of instruction for tal, New York, after a long Rahway, a resident of Ro­ died last July. will meet Monday evening at At 11 a.m. there will be Sunday, Rev. Floyd Swart parents of children being selle for most of her life, Mr. Kortwich had been 8 p.m.. The Sewing Circle Morning Prayer and Sermon. will preach on “ Your Coven­ day, February 14 in the Rec­ illness. He was born in Eliz­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN tory and the Vestry will meet baptized at this time will abeth and spent most of his died Thursday, February 2, employed as a supervisor of will meet Tuesday evening at Music will be by the Senior ants and Your Life.” Rev. The First Sunday in Lent meet on Friday, February in Rahway Hospital. Mrs. the Mechanical Department 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Choir. Mr. Swart declared that at 8 p.m. that evening with life in Rahway. He owned will be observed at the 9:30 the Rector in the rectory. ’10, at 7;30 p.m. in the church the Dual Auto Parts Com­ Magnier was born in Wood- of American Cyanimid in George Zona, 1937 Lufberry At 7:15 p.m. the Senior Man’s style of life is deter­ and 11 a.m. services this narlor. haven, N.Y., and moved to Linden for 30 years, retir­ Street. YPF will meet and at 8 mined by his covenants or Holy Communion and quiet pany in Oakhurst, N.J. re­ Sunday at Rahway’s First hour will be held at 9:30 The Board of Deacons will tiring three years ago. He Rahway from Linden 11 ing 7 years ago. Mid-Week Lenten Service p.m. the Senior Confirma­ agreements with himself, his Presbyterian Church Davis meet on Tuesday, February years ago. She is survived He is survived by a son, will be conducted Wednesday tion Class for Adults will fellowmen or with God. The a.m. on Wednesday, Febru­ was a veteran of World War Hall. The Rev. Theodore H. ary 15. The Elizabeth area 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the church 11, U.S. Air Corps. He was by her husband, John J.; Paul E. Jr., of Cleveland, evening at 8 p.m. The convene. Christian must, to be a total Scott, assistant pastor, will parlor. two sons, John J. Jr., of Ohio; 2 daughters, Mrs. Ben­ Passion History will be stu­ Monday at 8 p.m. St. Paul’s Christian, make covenants Episcopal Churchwomen will a communicant of St. John speak on “ Among So Many, meet for their Lenten Com­ Circle ft1 will meet In the the Spostle Church. Fords, and Russell D. of jamin Hill of Fayetteville, died by means of film-strips' Vestry will meet and at 8:30 on all three of these levels. One.” church parlor at 1 p.m. on Colonia, three grandchil­ N.C. and Mrs. Orville White and meditations. "The p.m. the St. Martha’s Altar If these are violated, he may munion and quiet hour in Holy He is survived by his wife Senior High Fellowship Comforter Church from 9:30 Wednesday, February 15, and Anne Valentino Berent, one dren. of Mountainside; a brother Messiah” will be the theme Guild will hold a session. find himself in trouble with members will travel to a Mrs. John Wargo will serve The funeral service took Eugene, and a sister, Mrs, of Wednesday evening’s pre­ Wednesday at 10 a.m. Lit­ himself psychologically or a.m. to 12 noon. Meditations daughter Barbara Anne at nearby community church to on “ Missing The Mark” will as hostess. home. His son, William died place Monday, February 6, Max Hannig, both in Chile. sentation. any and Holy Eucharist in with others socially or with see what work is being done The Women’s Service be conducted by the rector. The second Lenten Service in 1964 at the age of 9. at 10 a.m., at The Lehrer- Also 8 grandchildren sur­ the Chapel. At 8 p.m. Thurs­ his God spiritually. and what young people of our Crabiel Funeral Home, with vive. Group will meet next Thurs­ day, Evensong with Sermon Boy Scout Troop 46, which The Rev. Christopher Ni­ will take place in Fellowship Also surviving are one bro­ congregation can do to assist chols, Rector of St. Paul’s Hall on Wednesday, Febru­ ther Anthony Berent of the Reverend Frederick Funeral services were day, February 16, at 10 a.m. by the Rev. William Guer- is sponsored by the church those in need. Leaving from will receive special recogni­ Church, Rahway will preach ary 15, at 7:30 p.m. A dis­ Miami, Florida and three Fairclough, Pastor of Zion held on Thursday, February the Community House at 4 at the evening prayer and cussion period on the even­ sisters, Mrs. Raymond Hunt Lutheran Church officiating. 9, at the Walter J. Johnson tion at the morning worship p.m. returning in time for service. litany service at 8 p.m. ing’s topic will follow the of La Cresecenta, California Interment took place in Ha­ Funeral Home, 803 Raritan LUTHERAN CHURCH OF CLARK supper. Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Guer­ service. Mrs. George Martin of Rah­ zelwood Cemetery, Rahway. Road, Clark, with Rev. Clark Junior High Fellowship razzi of Holy Comforter will way and Mrs. Charles Ter- Pallbearers were Val Hunt of 1st Methodist Church members will have as a The Board of Trustees FIRST BAPTIST be guest preacher at St. meets on Monday, February zella of Colonia. Maurer, Walt Gill, Walt Puk- Westfield officiating. MEETING AT FRANK HEHNLY SCHOOL special guest, Solomon Gwei, Paul’s on Thursday at 8 p.m,, The funeral was held on ton, John Sanchez, Michael Cremation followed in “ Faltering Feet” will be an African student from the 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Fellow­ RARITAN ROAD, CLARK, N.J. the sermon topic of the Rev. February 16. ship Hall; and on the same Wednesday from the Thomas Catov, H. Little. Rosedale Crematory, Cameroun who will share his World Day of Prayer ser­ F. Higgins’ Sons Funeral Orange, N. J. REV. JOSEPH D. KUCHARIK, PASTOR James F. Horton at the 9:45 African culture with them at evening the new Membership a. m. service on Sunday. vices will be held Friday Committee of Session will Home, 1116 Bryant Street. 5 p.m. in the Community morning and Friday after­ A Solemn High Mass of Re­ MRS. EVA BONE Church School will be held House. All Young People of hold their first meeting at Sunday School & Bible Hour at 11 a.m. and the pastor’s noon, February 10 at the 8 p.m. quiem was offered at St. Mrs. Eva Bone, 70, of Junior age are welcome. Holy Comforter Church. John the Apostle Church and 49 Prescott Turn, Clark died interment was in St. Ger­ Tuesday, February 2, at 9:30 A.M. TEMPLE BETH TORAH trude’s Cemetery. Runnells Hospital, Berkeley Watch for In honor of his forthcom­ WILLOW GROVE Obituaries Heights after a long illness. ing Bar Mitzvah, Sanford “What Is Christianity?” JOSEPHINE ARGENTIERE She was the widow of Bar­ Worship Service 10:30 A.M. Dickman, son of Mr. and will be the discussion topic MICHAEL REGN nett Bone. Born in Rahway, ' i j A i i Mrs. Josephine Argenti- Michael Regn, 66, of 393 'On The NEW CHURCH CONSTRUCTION A T - Mrs. Bernard Dickman will at 8 p.m. tonight at Willow ere, 65, of 181 Main Street, Mrs. Bone lived in Clark t r —F u n e r a l home conduct the Friday evening Grove Presbyterian Church. Rahway, died at Rahway Hos­ Jefferson Avenue, Rahway, the last 13 years. She was RARITAN & OAK RIDGE ROADS services and chant the Kid- The Rev. Mr. Alexander will died suddenly at home on 388-1874 pital Friday after a brief a member of Osceola Pres­ Teen Scene’ FOP. INFORMATION CALL ----- dush at Temple Beth Torah, preach at the 9:20 and 11 a.m. illness. Born in Italy she Monday. Born in Germany, byterian Church, Clark. 275 w.MILTON AVE.,RAHWAY Rahway. The late evening services on Sunday. Other he lived in Linden and New Surviving are a daughter 382-7320 or 276-4330 Funeral Directors service starts at 8:30 p.m. meetings of the week will be resided in Rahway 46 years. Brunswick before moving to Mrs. Dorothy Lee, with David B. Crabiel, Dir. Mgr. February 16 Hazzan Solomon Sternberg conducted on the regular She is survived by her Rahway in 1956. Mr. Regn whom she made her home; Louis C. Kiraly, Jr. husband, Mazzino Argenti- CHURCH OFFICE - 165 WESTFIELD AVE., CLARK, N.J. C. Fredrick Poppy will chant the Divine Liturgy schedule of times and places. retired last year after 26 three brothers, Herbert and Rabbi Rubenstein will ere, three sons, Floyd of years employment with Gen­ Brunt of Rahway, William Fords, Warren a Rahway AVENEL PRESBYTERIAN Police Detective and John uouooool>obo6dti6oobaooo6oao6oeooaoooo8ooooooc»i The Rev. Walter W. Feig­ a Rahway City Fireman; two ner will continue preaching daughters, Mrs. Christine on his series based on “ The Kirby of Iselin and Mrs. Conversations of Jesus? at Frances Gerow of Rahway; NO CERTIFICATES - both the ?c3C and 11 J.m. qne brother John Bacchichio services Sutv&y of Brooklyn, a half brother At the Singspiration ser­ Joseph Stiscia of New York vices Sunday evening at 8 City, three sisters Mrs. Rose STRAIGHT PASS-BOOK RATE p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ciniglia, Mrs. Philomena Kinsey will show slides from Manganello and Mrs. Louise their trip to the Holy Land. Dattoli of New York City Rev. Robert Lewis, assistant and eleven grandchildren. Pastor, will close the The funeral was held on service with a short Gospel Monday from the Thomas message. Refreshments will F. Higgins’ Sons Funeral follow the service. Home, 1116 Bryant Street. A World Day of Prayer A High Mass of Requiem Childrens Service will be was celebrated at St. Mary’s held at the First Presbyter­ Church and interment was ian Church of Avenel on Feb­ in St. Gertrude’s Cemetery. ruary 10 at 3:30 p.m. The CHARLES YANSTICK Charles Yanstick of 50 Chestnut Street, Avenel, died Thursday at Rahway Hospital after a long illness. He was born In Czechoslovakia and lived in Avenel 40 years. per annum Fill Your Coal Bin With He was employed as an ele­ Lehigh premium Anthracite vator technician for 17 years by the Equitable Life Insur­ ance Company N.Y.C., re­ NUT or STOVE tiring 6 years ago. He was a communicant of St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Rahway Compounded or paid quarterly. Now you can earn more when you save at 23“ TON and a member of the Wood- "A X IA .” By mail, too. (We pay postage both ways). t karting the course REA COAL____ —S 21.95 bridge, V.F.W. He was a ****************************★ ****'*-******■ BUCK COAL _ __ .$21.00 veteran of the U.S.A. Cal­ vary, World War I. He is survived by his wife to greater gains . . . Mary Hlinka Yanstick, two sons John and Raymond of AXIA FEDERAL SAVINGS Avenel and one daughter Miss Marsha Yanstick at home; a step-brother John "Our 40th Year" COMPOUNDED PER Krasnowski of Carteret and 1591 IRVING STREET RAHWAY, N J. ANNUM FUEL 137 two sisters Mrs. Margaret QUARTERLY Pitman, and Mrs. Mary ON REGULAR ON 6-MONTH OIL gal- Rlska of Brooklyn and one D A IL Y — ') u> 1:30; Salurdav — 9 lo J2 noon 4 ^ 2 % grandchild. w Drivr-l p WimioM — Parking 4 1 /4 % SAVINGS SAVINGS Premium Oi 1. The funeral was held on Accounts Insured to 15,000 by the ACCOUNTS CERTIFICATES National Brand. 24-hr. Monday from the Thomas Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. service on all F. Higgins’ Sons Funeral makes of burners. Home. A High Mass of Re­ gOOOOOOOpOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOgCPOOODOOOOflOOOftOftOO* For Fast service just quiem was celebrated by The trend is up! As always when people work to­ Rev. Emil Mihalik at St. give us a call. Thomas the Apostle Church gether with a w ill to do and to succeed, our com­ SIMONE BROS. and Interment was in St. m unity shows a record of development and accom­ LINDEN, N.J. Gertrude’s Cemetery. plishment. As always, we’ll join in to make sure HU 6-2726 of more expansion, more rewards to come, more HU 6-0059 FLORA W. DILTS benefits for each and every one of us. Mrs. Flora W. Dilts, 58,



Savings Institution • ELECTRIC OPERATORS • RADIO CONTROL SPECIALISTS 1500 IRVING STREET, RAHWAY, N. J. 24 Hr. emergency Service On All Makes Main Office ft Factory Serving Rahway and Adjoining Communities for 115 Years 17 Hoffman Blvd E. Orange OR 2-50J3 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Union Office MU 0-3900 Call Ui For A No Obligation Survey i

February 9, 1967 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot Page 3 Annual Report

This is a report to you, the community, on activities at your hospital. Follow

the new Jaycee signs reading "Hospital'' and you will come to our attractive,

well-maintained institution operated solely for the benefit of its patients, around the clock, every day

of the year. Within its walls in 1966 were served 262,817 well-planned meals • • • our patients

had 111,653 accurate laboratory tests jj • • • experienced 18,644 revealing X-ray examinations f

$78 beneficial physical therapy treatments • • • were rendered 5,898 relief-giving

" % inhalation therapy treatme: •••utilized 64,415 prescriptions • t« delivered 1,490

eautiful babiei • • • underwent 3,628 surgia ^rations ###used 600,238 lbs

of linen made 13L203 uni lected emetoency room visits, ••• We admitted 10,447 patients and their average stay was 6.8

days. Some of those patients had problems other than leir mediapl ones, m 480 such instances, our Social Service Director furnished compassionate, intelligent assistance and advice.

Progress in 1966 was not of a spectacular or dramatic native. One can’t kee Another group of dedicated, industrious communifWresidents working for the the new radioisottoqunit, incorporating use of the scanner as an additional education or new concepts in accounting and nursing, but such/factors do cont benefit of the hospital comprise the Woman’s Auxiliary\Their fund-raising ser­ diagnostic tool. An etbq^roencephalograph machine will be used for diagnosis of bute to improved patient core. vices provide financial suppVt of their Building Fund pledge earmarked for air- neurological disorders. The laboratory w ill carefully study further automation of The Nursing Department received almost unanimous praise from patients re­ condition ing\ of patient rooms\nd other areas, as well as nutwing scholarships, its facilities for more accurate studies of specimens without using additional garding the caliber of its staff and services. Not content to rest on its laurels, now numberita three. Of the 60\ enrolled members, 145 devotecKJ6,535 hours in personnel. abandoned or adapted outmoded methods with great flexibility and experimented 1966 to takind the “ Shop on WheoJs’’ to patient rooms, taking ordetw for pictures Automation w ill also occur in the Medical Record Library and microfilming with new techniques. Aware that more people must be attribcted to the nursing of newborn, anti to operation of thffiHospitality Shop, the only one inN^ew Jersey activities w ill increase there with the purchase of new equipment. Personnel and field and that skills of those already in the field must not become obsolete, Rih operated entirely by unpaid workers\Parts of the Auxiliary called “ Twins’’ con­ accounting recordswill also be microfilmed to keepthem from becoming too bulky way Hospital employed a highly qualified Clinical Instructor in 1966. She imme­ ducted service \nd fund-raising projects. The Juniper, Holly Wreath, Hawthorne Following establishment ofa centralized dictating system and a stenographic diately recruited students for a very rewarding pre-employment nurses aide cou and Pine Needlb Twigs prepared towels and wrappers for hospital use.''The pool, it is hoped that doctors w ill be relieved- of much handwritten paperwork so In addition, the hospital affiliated with Rahway High School on a pilot nurtes Holly Wreath Twiasold Christmas wrapping paper and cards and the Colonia Oafc that they can devote more time to their patients. Key hospital personnel w ill also aide program, with Union County Vocational Technical School on a licenced Twig made puppe\ for Pediatric patientk and created ceramic pieces for sale.' find the innovation an efficient time-saver. practical nurse program, and with Middlesex County Community College on One out of every eight residents in outaervice area is likely to be a patient The business office will become involved in a cooperative electronic data obstetrical nurse program. at Rahway Hospital during 1967. What changes can he expect to find? ^cessing program geared to the specific needs of hospitals. The first appli­ In September, George A. Van Gemert resigned as D/rector after nine year; He will find selective menus for regular,Vow sodium and low sugar diets - cation w ill be to payroll/personnel requirements and eventually to accounts re­ service and John L. Yoder assumed leadership of the nospital. He continued new bill of fare prepared by improved methods \ new colorful disposable dishes. ceivable, medical records, and inventories. The basic theory is that computers hospital's policy of high quality patient care at lowesl possible cost and im He w ill find that the hospital is using mor^disposable products for his in­ can accurately and rapidly monitor voluminous amounts of data and the program mented some internal organization and method change^ in line with his persopa dividual use, but only after evaluation indicating medical, esthetic or financial promises ntqny exciting applications in the future, including preventive medicine. philosophy of hospital management. benefit to him. Of coursV the friendly volunteers and Auxiliary members w ill be on hand to Twice os many pink and striped uniforms were Apparent throughout the h >s The extremely busy Pediatric Unit may be expanded. A Coronary Care Unit add “ that something special" to our patient care. We couldn’t get along without pitol as the result of on ambitious volunteer progrim. Sixty veteran volunte srs fully equipped with specialized equipment and staffed by specially trained per­ them. wear with pride the pins and bars awarded to them in recognition of their service. sonnel may be established. That is the outtbok for 1967. We look forward with enthusiasm and a strong Volunteers fill the need for extra service to patiefits as well as in vital areas Further expansion w ill take place in the ancillary services. The X-Ray De­ sense of responsibility to providing outstanding care to our patients during that not concerned with direct patient contact. partment w ill speed up film processing from 7 minutes to 3 1/? minutes and open year . . . and every year.


Fanwood I Roselle Park Hospital Profile » Hospital Admissions - 1966 Out of State Rahway Hospital is a non-profit (voluntary) hospital serving the municipality of Rahway and Ksnllworth the surrounding areas that lie within an approximate 10 mile radius. Incorporated in the year of 1917 the present large and modern hospital had its inception in a modest frame house that s till Scotch Plains stands at the original Jaques Avenue address. Garwood

Elizaboth With construction of a new brick building in 1929 the hospital was moved to the present lo­ cation. This followed the foresighted acquisition of a large tract of land bounded on the west gnd Rooelle east by Madison and Jefferson Avenues and on the south by Stone Street. The new structure hous­ Edison ing 60 beds represented, for the times, the ultimate in modern facilities. It comprised th ' nucleus Cranford for the existing complex and is now part of the west wing. The newer hospital served the needs of Rahway for nearly 30 years without major expansion and then burgeoning population demands Wostfleld suddenly changed the complexion! In less than a decade the hospital experienced phenomenal Woodbrldgo growth as manifested in a rise from 60 beds to 221. This was achieved through a major $3 million Avonol development program concluded in 1958 and followed by a one and one half million dollar expan­ t r n i sion project in 1964. Linden i m x f l Clark m i n i : The hospital is served by a medical staff numbering 150 members and it employs 340 other persons. Fully accredited by the Joint Commission Accreditation Hospitals it is licensed by Iselln m i n i : the State of New Jersey. A member of the American Hospital Association and the New Jersey Carteret IXSXXXZXK Hospital Association it is managed by a Board of Governors which is comprised of community Colonla minded, public spirited citizens who serve without pay. This board appoints the Director who mzixnxxxxl being the chief executive officer is responsible for the general operation of the hospital. Statewide N.J. ixxxirnxxxxfxxl Rahway [iixixxixxiixiixiixxxxxixii Each symbol represents TOO admissions I V ij\ • < Page 4 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot February 9, 1967 Clark Woman Siegel Chosen Life Insurance Company of 'CCarG @ 'Patriot Columbus, Ohio. Featherbed Lane School Joins Green Pennant Safety Program Published Every Thursday Morning by Kake Klub VP Outstanding Sidney Berman THE NEWS RECORD PRINTING COMPANY Mrs. George Hollerbach 1470 Broad Street, Rahway, N.J., 388-0601 of Cranford rue suceeded Insurance Promoted By Publisher...... Loree Collins Mrs. Lionel Pellcano, for­ Associate Publisher .... David M. Collins Jr, merly of Cranford and re­ Arnold B. Siegel, 225 Prudential Associate Publisher & Editor . , Barbara Curran cently moved to Florida, as Letlngton Boulevard, Apt. president of the Kake of the #15, Clark, has been chosen Syndey Berman, 27 Runny- Second Class Postage Paid at Rahway, New Jersey Month KUiIj, Mrs. Walter Outstanding Life Agent for mede Road, Clark, haB been Maxemow, of Clark, was el­ the second consecutive year promoted by the Prudential Subscription Rate by Mall Including Postage ected Vice-President. by the Seymour Kamm Agen­ Insurance Company to con­ 52 weeks S3,00 The Klub welcomed Mrs. cy of The Midland Mutual tract consultant In the group Barney David of 953 Lake­ Outside Union and Middlesex Counties $6.00 Life Insurance Company. eastern division at Newark. side Drive, Rahway, and This honor Is bestowed Mr. Berman Joined the Mrs. William Mlskowltz, 5 Member New Jerse' Press Association once a year by the agency company in 1957 and has Pine Street, Clark, as new upon an outstanding agent. been an assistant contract members. After the meeting, This newspaper Is responsible for typographical Mr. Siegel has Just com­ consultant since 1961. refreshments were served pleted a very successful He earned a bachelor's errors only J o the extent of the space the errors and the members decorated year with the Kamm Agen­ degree from Upsala College occupy. Claims must be made within one week of sugar cubes. cy, and In addition to this In 1957 and had served two publication, There will be a workshop also shared the Most Con­ years In the Army. on February 1 when styro­ sistent Agent award with Mr. Mr. Berman is married LETTERS TO THE EDITOR w ill be accepted by foam Valentine Centerpieces Sanford H. Gold, 37 Mara to the former Meryl Stadlin this paper as space allows, All letters must be will be decorated with royal Road, Lake Hiawatha, New of Hillside. They have a son. signed with name and address, Names and addresses Icing. The next regular Jersey. The Bermans formerly re­ w ill be verified before publication. No unsigned meeting Is scheduled for Located at Suite 202, 10 sided In Roselle, where his letter w ill be published. Names and addresses w ill February 15 at the home of Commerce Court, Newark, mother, Mrs. Gussle Ber­ be withheld by the paper upon request, Mrs. John A. Kirkpatrick, the Kamm ' Agency repre­ man, lives at 109 Maple 200 Beech Street, Cranford. sents The Midland Mutual Court.

Roger Hartmuller, Headmaster of the Featherbed Lane School, Clark, raises the flag to signify his school’s participation in the Green Pennant Traffic Safety Program. Looking on are R.F. Martin, Personnel Manager for New Departure-Hyott, sponsors of the program, and Roy George, Traffic Officer, for the Clark Police C -part- merit.

could guess they were, but the little ones couldn’t quite Donald Sims 125 Clark Boys believe what the costumes and the facial appearance of In Recreation the entertainers repre­ Promoted By sented. The entertainment was the • • • AND ONLY THROUGH Basketball Play more meaningful when var­ Savings Bank ious students from the group More than 125 boys are en­ were asked to Join Chief Red l«*rlc s ta te b e gaged In the annual basket­ Thundercloud and Princess in one ot the four major ball program sponsored by Little Song Bird in perform­ staff changes made by the the Recreation Department ing. Union County Savings Bank of the Clark Board of Edu­ Probably the highlight of this week, Donald C. Sims cation. For the past ten of Clark, will replace Arthur . . . you can own superb on-canvos reproductions of famous oil paintings for just $4.95 each. Open a the day came when Chief years this basketball pro- Red Thundercloud and Prin­ F. Kirk, manager of the Clark State Bonk account with $25 or add $25 to your present account, and choose from 20 treasures of ram has been conducted cess Little Song Bird ap­ bank’s 61 Broad Street office fetweeh the hours of 1 and peared in the school cafe­ in Elizabeth, and become As­ the art world for only $4.95, delivered from the studio to your door. 4 p.m. with boy’s leagues teria bent on eating lunch sistant Treasurer and”As­ performing In an organized there. sistant Secretary. league. The Abraham Clark PTA Mr. Sims Joined the Union Richard L. Byrnes and 1 County Savings bank in 1964 Imagine having your favorite painting by Constable, Cezanne, Renoir orVai provided the pupils with the Edward Muzik are the tea­ treat, a custom carried on as Supervisor of the General Gogh. Or a magnificent landscape by America’ s great artist Robert Wood. No chers in charge of the pro­ annually for a number of : Ledger. He was named As­ gram this year. The Harlem years. sistant Treasurer last year. just a print, but on actual 18" x 24" on-canvos reproduction, mounted on Otto S. Weil Trotters and Buner’s Bom­ Previously, he had been em­ h on d-c rafted wood stretcher. All the living colors of the original. Fitsa ston bers are pacing the league ployed in a supervisory cap­ 30-Years With with undefeated records. The acity at the International dard-size frame or hong it unfromed for a studio look. league’s high scorers to date j Clark Legion General Electric. Esso Research are: Bob Page, RickMannell, i Following his graduation from Duke University, Mr. Otto S. Weil of 83 Mea­ Billy Wray, John Herson,! Mike Cashmere, Frank Finn, WomenExtend Sims served with the U.S. dow Road, Clark, has cele­ Army as an instructor in brated his 30-year anni­ Rich Lewenowitz, Les Rut­ ledge, Andy Jursick, Dan military law and finance. An versary with the Esso Re Welfare Work Elizabeth native, he now re­ search and En;ngineerlng Graca, Caa Ziobro, and Ed Ryback. I sides at 7 Schmidt Lane, Company, where he is a Announcement of a ten Clark. senior research technician The Brewer program is dollar donation to the Claire In the Analytical Research open to all seventh and eighth Oliphant Scholarship Fund lay ot bo*!' o W '* * Division. A member of the grade students. and the purchase of $50 in Actual sample* are on color brochura* are Chemical Characterization U.S. Savings Bonds by Na­ "H ear Ye! Bonk. Order blank, and Section, he uses the techni­ Team Standings: tional Security chairman toller*. que of Infra-red spectros­ WON LOST Mrs. Joseph Walsh, were copy to solve analytical Buners Bombers 5 0 made at last week’s meet­ Hear Ye!" problems for other divis­ Harlem Trotters 9 0 ing of Clark Unit 328, Am­ Apes erican Legion Auxiliary, The following letter was ions. 4 1 received for publication. After starting his company Hock & Friends 4 1 Nylon chairman Mrs. Jack Irving reported 90 pairs of career In the main labora­ Black Hawks 3 2 Director Gustave Brugger tory at Bayway Refinery, Sonic Booms 3 2 used nylons were collected Police Headquarters Mr. Weil transferred to Impossibles 2 3 for the rehabilitation pro­ Morrell Street Esso Research and En­ Surfers i 4 gram. The Junior turned in Elizabeth, New Jersey gineering in 1941 and spent Monkeymen 1 4 12 pairs of eyeglasses to "Eyes for the Needy." hie entire time in the Gas Palya Playboys • 1 4 Dear Director Brugger; Laboratory until Joining the Spoilers 1 4 Any servicemen in Viet Analytical Research Di­ Clark Chargers 0 5 Nam wishing to receive the vision in 1960. hometown newspaper should Joseph Bodner,proprietor have his family contact the of Specky & Ea’s Liquor He is an active member Store, of 825 Rahway Avenue and a past piember of the auxiliary. It will be sent to Indians Capture him free of charge. Elizabeth, New Jersey, was Lafayette Lodge, F. and a member of the above as­ A.M., of Rahway. Hostess for the evening sociation. Abraham Clark was Mrs. Cub Bott, assisted by Mrs. Michael Gudor, Mrs. The Board of Directors of Did You Kenneth Rea, Mrs. John Gu­ the association have directed School Pupils dor, Mrs, Thomas Smith and me to advise you that it de­ Know About Mrs. Edward Kucharski. sires to post a $500 reward Chief Red Thundercloud, for the apprehension, arrest a Catawba Indian and his as­ and conviction of the person 'On The sistant Princess Little Song HIKES SCHEDULED or persons responsible for Bird, a Carib Indian, lit­ Miss Irma Heyer will lead the dastardly crime occur­ erally captured the seven an afternoon ramble in the ring at the aforementioned Teen Scene’ hundred thirty children at Watchung Reservation start­ liquor store on Friday even­ Abraham Clark School last ing from the Trailside Sci­ ing, January 20. week with a program of en­ ence Center parking area The determination as to February 16 tertainment viewed with eyes at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb­ the person or persons en­ wonderment and delight. ruary 11 and Zigmund Les- titled to the award, we would Are they real Indians was zczynski of Westfield will leave to your discretion. the big question. Older pupils conduct a . tour of Coney Is­ It is our intention to pub­ land Aquarium on Sunday, licize this announcement and February 12. This group will you may be assured that any meet at the main entrance information received dir­ of the aquarium at 12 noon. ectly by us will be held in the strictlst confidence and 'CCarZ @ 'Patriot PARENTS TO MEET turned over to you. The Essex-Union Section Copies of this letter will of the New Jersey Associa­ be forwarded to The Dally tion for Brain Injured Child­ Journal, Newark Evening SUPPORT YOUR HOMETOWN ren will meet on Tuesday, News, Star - Ledger, ana other weekly newspapers February 14 at 8:30 p.m. at circulating in Union County. NEWSPAPER the Taylor Park Recreation If you have any suggestions House, Millburn, to hear Dr. I would appreciate same upon Published Eyery Thursday Morning by Richard A. Gardner of N.Y. speak on “Psychological receipt of this letter by you. Problems of the Brain In­ Very truly yours, THE NEWS RECORD PRINTING COMPANY jured Child and his Pa­ rents.” Union County Package Stores 1470 Broad Street, Rahway, N.J., 388-0600 Association MINERAL CLUB The next meeting of the Julius R. Pollatschek Trailside Mineral Club will Only $3,00 brings you 52 weeks of good reading about be held in the auditorium of HEART CANVASS (the events of Rahway, Clark, Colonia and area....only the Union County Park Com­ Mr. and Mrs. John Voy- '$6.00 for yearly subscriptions outside Union and mission’s Trailside Science nick, Clark campaign chair­ Center in the Watchung Re­ man for the Heart Fund Cam­ Middlesex Counties, servation on Thursday, Feb­ paign announced today that ruary 9, at 8 p.m. The speak­ the drive will be held Sunday er will be J. Norman Con- February 26, Those wishing ...... i very of Liberty Corners who to volunteer their services Please send the "Clark Patriot" to will discuss “Mineral Col­ can do so by contacting the lecting Sites of the North­ Voynick family at 15 Ascot eastern Seaboard.” Way, Clark. What a NAME. wonderful ADDRESS. reward for

doing RARITAN ROAD AT COMMERCE PLACE • WESTFIELD AVENUE AT LINCOLN BLVD CITY- PHONE. business with .... MEMBER E D I □ Enclosed is my check or money order for J . □ Please b ill me. Return to: Rahway-News Record 1470 Broad Street '»•* • nhsmoiiE fERYIWS Rahway, N.J. 07065 AND HIGH QUALITY Oil Dial 388 - 5100 4 $

Page 5 February 9, 1967 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot post cards from Kate Dale February 13, a six two-and- day and seven day durations Third Graders for use of the art class in Mrs Pressman one - half - hour session Y Accepting after the regular camp has the State School for Retard­ Shelter Management course completed its season, and on Reading Party ed Children, Avenel, and a Braille Expert not only to train shelter special week-ends, Father- quantity of glasses to aid managers but to give them Camp Spears Son groups, Church groups AEyes for Needy” program Guest Speaker sufficient information to as­ and conference groups can At Columbian donated by Morris Basher. sist local officials in register to use the two sites. Reports included: Work­ organizing, preparing Registrations Last summer, the staff in­ A reading party to present Mrs. Harry Pressman, shop, Joseph Gaydos; out­ Past President of the Sis­ stocking, and equipping shel­ cluded six or seven staff and explain the components ings, Walter Clapp. The a- ters, according to him. The first registrations for and leaders-in-training who of reading was presented by terhood of Temple Beth ward for the club member­ Torah of Rahway, will be the This class will meet in the 1967 season of Camp have “ come up through the parents by members of the ship contest conducted by the Rahway High School, 1012 Speers were received by the ranks" at Camp Speers and third grade class in Colum­ guest speaker at the next Neil J. Deerey was received meeting of the Sisterhood of Madison Avenue, beginning Rahway Y.M.C.A. back in would rather be there than bian School taught by Miss by Frank J. O’Donnell. Congregation Beth Shalom, at 7 p.m. February 13, 20, December, it wa6 announced any other place. Dorothy B. Eckert. “Portugal With Pleasure” Union, to be held Monday 27, March 6, 13, and 20. last evening by B.U. Smith, Among the techniques pre­ was the theme of a popular evening, February 13, in Am6ng the subjects sched­ General Secretary of the lo­ sented during the long sess­ film projected by Boyd Gin- uled for study are nuclear cal youth organization. Now, ion were: phonics, syllables Bardy Hall. SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS ter and Joe Ricci. Vice- As Braille Chairman of the weapons, attack warning every few days another re­ word meanings singulars, president Randolph L. Gil­ systems, community shelter gistration or two is accepted. Five hundred and fifty Central New Jersey Branch grants each worth $480 for plurals, contractions, com­ man conducted the meeting of the National Women’s organization and require­ To date, 17 boys and girls pound words, suffixes, pre­ with William E. Cook in ments, shelter supplies, are registered for a total of the 1967-68 academic year League of the United Syna­ will be available to Union fixes, silent letters, silent charge of the music. Many gogue of America, her talk equipment, operations, and 48 camper weeks, Smith re­ reading, and oral reading members participated in the shelter living. ported. County residents who gain' will include demonstrations admission to Union Junior for comprehension and plea­ games and social features and explanations concerning The instruction includes From Rahway, Neil Kahn sure. The children were re­ after the meeting. The social eight hours of formal class­ Christine, Pat and Mike College as fulltime stu­ the transcription of books dents in the Day Session, quired to apply the rules period was in charge of into Braille. Mrs. Pressman room work and a shelter Weaver, Blair Svihra, Eric, learned to explain their ans­ George Zona, chairman, exercise. A shelter exercise Stuart and Herbert Southern it was announced this week has been certified by the by Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, wers. Lester Hardenburg, George U.S. Library of Congress Di­ is as important as a fire Jr., are registered; from Ralph Dunhamm and Van- Kobelas, James Maye, Sr., drill, something everyone Colonia, David and Seth Elan UJC president. The grants vision for the Blind as a will be available under the cilia Scott served as host Leroy Clark and Neil Deer­ Braille transcriber and is should experience, accord­ Larry and Glen Fishman and and hostess. They welcomed ey. ing to Col. Faron. Kevin and Leslie Schneider' Tuition Aid Plan adopted by now an instructor. She is Union Junior College and the the guests and conducted also a member of the Circle Robert Forschner of the are accepted; and from Lin- ; them to their seats. Rutgers CD staff is the in­ den, Chris Kjesbu and Robert j Union County Board of Free­ Players of Woodbridge with holders. The motivation consisted Joseph Atkins whom she recently appeared structor. Osada have been listed. of stories told by the teacher in their production of “ The All instruction and class­ Because of a new agree­ and pictures drawn by the Will Preside Unwicked Witch.” room materials are fur­ ment among the participating" children. Oral discussions The speaker will be intro­ nished without cost by the "Y’s" which use Camp brought out the desire to be duced by Mrs. David Schul- State University and the Of­ Speers, no new campers can fair and courteous, also the At Health Forum man, Past President and fice of Civil Defense and be sent in to the'Camp Speers need to work for improve­ Disaster Control. headquarters at Princeton Coming Soon- Joseph Atkins, 1046 Stone currently Braille Chairman ment. of the Beth Shalom Sister­ Persons wishing further until February 1. All former Before the game called Street, Rahway, will preside information about this Shel­ campers have already been at a meeting and forum of hood. Mrs. Schulman is also “ I’m Thinking Of” began, a Certified Braille Trans­ ter Management course sent applications and they On The the teacher presented the New Jersey Chapter of Am­ should contact Edward are the registrations being erican Natural Hygiene Soc­ criber. children with blue and red The invocation will be Hirschman, Rahway High received to date. Chinese Coolie hats on which iety, Thursday, February 16, School, 1012 Madison Avenue, Camp Speers is a moun- I Teen Scene’ at 8 p.m. at The Coronet, given by Mrs. Samuel Rab- “ Thinking Cap” had been kin, Past President of the Rahway. tain camp in the Poconos,! printed. The class was ad­ 925 Springfield Avenue, Irv­ consisting of a mile long ington. Atkins has long been Sisterhood and also Past vised to place the hats on President of the Northern lake and 1,000 acres of land1 their heads and to be sure active in society endeavor. on which the boys camp and j February 16 The forum theme will be: New Jersey Branch of the Pyfhians Plan they were straight in order National Women’s League. girls camp are located. to be able to think straight. “ How To Prevent Common Y.M.C.A,"s which use the; Diseases Of The Middle- Mrs. Maurice Rosmarin, They were also given blue Social Action Chairman, will Annual Dinner, camp are those which do not and red keys to remind them Aged Through Natural Hygi- have their own camps. They Vie had 3,800 squirrel bites last year ,ene Methods.” Guest present a “ Tribute to Emma to be courteous and to wait Lazarus” as an added at­ include, Westfield, Madison, 3,800 of our furry friends took out tneir auovo the cable. The squirrels bite the wire— for their turn. speaker will be Dr. Howard Take Members Asbury Park, Red Bank, M. Rosenbaum of Irvington. traction at this meeting. frustration on our telephone cables. They don leave the ca:;ie alone—ana everybody's happy. Among the guests were Mrs. Isidor Kirshenbaum Plans for the annual Din­ Rahway and a number of STILL eat the wire inside. They just stem to like to He is a chiropractic physi­ Of course, in years to come, the squirrel Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Scott, is Program Vice President ner Dance at Club Dianne, other Associations. Some of SHOVELING COAL? sharpen their teetn on the lead sheathing Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Daye cian and also a naturopath these “Y's" also use Camp problem wiil essen. We're burying more and and formerly served as nu­ and Mrs. Louis Gollin, Springfield Avenue, Union on Convert yonr present boiler to around the cable. and Gary Busse, the princi­ President, will preside. June 24 under the direction Wawayanda, located in New more of our cable. First of all, it looks nicer— pal of the school. tritionist at a health spa in York State. You'd probably never know If a squirr H had no telephone poles. But most important, Mexico. In connection with Refreshments will be of Herbert Siegel and his MODERN Children participating served by Mrs. Benjamin committee, were made at Children can register for bitten a cable carrying your converse ion. /.'e'd means. Petter telephone service for you. were: Patricia Chambers, the forum there will be a Camp Speers, who will have OIL HEAT know. Our equipment is sensitive enouugh to that s buni isn't affected by souirrels . display of recent books on Plotkin and her Hospitality last week’s meeting of Rah­ Angela Simms, Marlene Committee. way Lodge Knights of Pythias completed the third grade pinpoint a bite, and we can usually r pair it storms, oit Daye, Vancilla Scott, Bray- nutrition. The chapter, which held at the Italian American by the time they go to camp. $325.00 before any trouble develops. Ion Jackson, Ralph Dunhamn draws its membership from STB Any ideas about gophers? Clubhouse in New Brunswick They should be 9 years of S75 tank Honeywell controls If the squirrel bites get bad in one pi Donna Jackson, Shirlene all parts of the state, and Avenue, Rahway. age. The fee is $85 per two Palmer, Kathleen Benedict, has a number of Union Coun­ New Shelter week period, and no camper area (sometimes we think they're ore zed), New Jersey Bell ty residents, is now planning Announcement was made J. SERVEDIO we do them a favor. Ue put up a spe wire Fart at the ftationvmJ* Bell System and Wendy Burulia. that proceeds from the highly can attend more than four & SONS, INC. Other members of the a membership drive. Men successful candy sale will be weeks. A $5 Y.M.C.A. mem­ class are Eric Nash, George and women interested in Management FUEL OIL KEROSENE used to purchase a modern bership is required of all PTJ 8-1251 RAHWAY, NJ. Daniels, Thelma Mosby, natural hygiene and nutrition resusciator for the Rahway boys and girls who are not Leonard Huey, Peter Smith, are invited to attend the Course Set Fire Department and the already “Y" members. Leslie Bellinger, Rae Von meeting. First Aid Squad. For boys and girls 14 years Blanks, and Geneva Qualls. With the provision of add­ Harold Liss of 453 Prince­ of age and older, Adventure COMPUTER ORDERED itional shelter areas in new ton Avenue; David Broder of camping holds many inter­ An 1130 computing sys­ construction and improve­ 335 Woodruff Avenue and esting and thrilling side trips tem costing $106,000 has ments, the need continues to camping away from camp, Surprises Mark grow in Union County for Philip Rubenstein of 1250 St. been ordered by Union Jun­ George Avenue, all of Rah­ canoeing and bicycling hun­ ior College for a Computer persons trained to man these way, were received as new dreds of miles away from Retired Men’s Center to be established in shelters, says Col. Jack members. Anyone wishing the camp. The fee for Ad­ the $1 million Science Build­ Faron, director of the to join the organization can venture camping is $100 for ing now under construction, Rutgers CD Program. each two week period. Club Meeting To provide such trained receive information by writ­ it was announced today by ing to Morris Basher, 1532 For families, Family Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, personnel, Rutgers is con­ Main Street, Rahway. Camp is conducted for six Members of the Rahway president. ducting in Rahway beginning Retired Men’s Club meeting MONDAY AT Trinity Metho­ We’re dist recreation hall con­ sidered coincidences in the proud lives of two assassinated U.S. Presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kenne­ of dy. This feature came un­ Just arrived! New Cougar XR-7. expectedly when an article prepared by Morris Basher, this the club’s poet-laureate, was European elegance comes to Cougar Country in Mercury’s Car read, listing eighteen coin­ cidences in the lives of the of the Year. Soft glove leather! Walnut-grained vinyl panels. Dials you one... nation’s two chief execu­ Architect's rendering of Public Service's tives. can read! Overhead console! Hidden headlamps! Powerful V-8 engine. planned nuclear Another surprise feature generating station at was the unexpected celebra­ And all as standard equipment. Come drive Cougar XR-7—the first Burlington, New Jersey. tions of the 63rd wedding anniversary of Arthur K. popular-priced luxury sports car that’s customized for you. Stevens, and the 50th anni­ versary of George Zona, An additional surprise was given to the Zona celebration by the arrival of a specially made anniversary cake suit­ ably inscribed and received from his daughter, Mrs. Charles Paulick. Itwas slic­ ed and divided among the members. A warm welcome was giv­ but en Andrew Virostko, an ori­ ginal member of the club now residing with his daugh­ perhaps ter, Mrs. Fred Chase,Shrew­ sbury. A communication nothing from Club President John M. Kiesecker and Charles E. Gauer, now vacationing in has made Florida, contained greetings and best wishes for club members. your life Club welfare projects were aided by gifts of used easier than this one Dynamo Room, Thomas A. Edison's Pearl Street Station, world’s first central station for generating and distributing electricity.

Our first venture into the nuclear age runner of just about every comfort is exciting to us . . . and important to and convenience you now enjoy. The our customers. When completed in man behind it, of course, wasThomas 1971 (at an estimated cost of $125 A. Edison. It almost had to be Edison JUST ARRIVED? million) our Burlington Nuclear Gen­ because only a man w ith his genius, We've no red carpet to roll erating Station will be as clean, as his dreams, his energy could invent out; no brass band to sere­ safe, as economical and as depend­ nade you. But we can help and put into operation the first sys­ you with names and loca- able as any source of electric power tem of electric power generation and tionsof schools, lists of com­ that the world has known. distribution. munity facilities, shopping information and all the other But everything that Public Service February11 is the birthday of Thomas things you'll want to know and other electric utilities do today A. Edison. It is fittin g that the week about your new home town. is only an improvement on the orig­ of his birth, February 5-11, be desig­ A Welcome Wagon hostess will visit at your convenience inal: the first central station for nated National Electrical Week to to provide all this and gifts generating and distributing electric­ pay tribute to this man who has given as well. Mercury Cougar, Car of thenar. ity. Built in 1882, this was the fore­ us the twentieth century. £]* It's all yours—free—for a m m telephone call to Welcome Wagon ------Now on display at: ro g r e s s PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY For Clark Hostess NATIONAL ELECTRICAL WEEK FEB. 5 1 1 . 1967 Coll 232-5085 For Rahway Hostess Call 276-5990 RAHWAY MOTOR CAR CO., INC. m 1003 St. George Avenue-Rahway, New Jersey M Page 6 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot February 9, 1967 Mrs. Edward Furian of I Committee of the Rahway 251 Locust Avenue, Garwood and Mr. Holzapfel is a Pri­ Sayerville have just return­ Jaycee-ettes meeting at the to Alan C. Holzapfel, son vate First Class in the Army Social Notes ed from a ski weekend at Laura Lyn Restaurant. Miss Angela Gagliardi of Mr. and Mrs. William C. currently serving in Viet Lake Placid, New York. Win­ Announcement was made Holzapfel of 45 Florence .Nam. Mrs. Theodore Teitemey- ter sports were enjoyed by by president Mrs. John C. Drive, Clark, was made re­ all. Foulks that there will be an cently by the parents of the TROOP 40 MOTHERS er of 39 Prescott Turn, Clark ♦ * * Weds Anthony J. Romeo PLAN ACTIVITIES announced this week that area meeting in Garwood on bride-elect at a party in their March 13. Mrs. Barbara home. - Activities for the month there will be a fashion show The monthly meeting ofi including celebration of Boy sponsored by the Union- the WSCS will be held Thurs­ Lewis, temporary area vice- Both Miss Wallauer and president and Mrs. Grettel Mr. Holzapfel are 1964 gra­ Scout Week, February 6-12 Westfield District Archdio­ day evening, February 9 at and a camping trip to Winne­ cesan Council of Catholic 8 p.m. in Trinity Methodist Meckel, Woodbridge Presi­ duates of Arthur L. Johnson' dent were guests at the meet­ Regional High School, Clark. bago on March 3, 4 and 5, Women at the Elizabethtown Church with Rev. Irving B. were made at a meeting of the Gas Company auditorium, ing. Miss Wallauer is employed French as the guest speaker The Welfare Committee by Peter J. Marini, Garwood Mother’s Club of Troop #40 Elizabeth Plaza, Elizabeth, The refreshments will be held at the Rahway Elk’s on Wednesday, February 15, served by the Naomi Circle. reported that toys have been at 8 p.m. R. J. Goerke Com­ * * * collected for the Retired pany will present the show Karen Lynn Foy, infant Men’s Club and also sheets and refreshments will be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and men’s dress shirts col Elect LESTER OXM AN To served. John Foy, Jr., received the lected for the Cancer * * * sacrament of Christian Bap­ Society. Ronald Skocypec son of A Chinese Auction arrang­ tism on Sunday morning, ed by Mrs. William Seitz Mr. and Mrs. John Skocypec January 29, in Trinity Meth THE RAHWAY BOARD OF EDUCATION of 1184 Jefferson Avenue, odist Church. and Mrs. Roy Walton Was a Rahway, has been named to * * * feature of the meeting. The the Dean’s List of Rutgers next session will be held L E V E R 1 2 University, New Brunswick. Dr. Gerald Zinberg of February 22 at the Laura Ronald is a junior and is Rahway was a member of Lyn. majoring in engineering. the reception committee for TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14th * * * Sunday’s program honoring George L. Levine, who was P a id for by Lester Oxman & Friends Frederick Schupp, son of 1537 Main Street. Rahway Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sch­ for 15 years Director of the upp of 1124 Charlotte Place Northern New Jersey Region was a member of the PMC of the United Synagogue of Colleges marching band America. The farewell party which performed at the fam­ to Mr. Levine was held in South Orange. ous Mardl Gras in New Or­ * * » leans on Tuesday, Febru­ THE SWEETEST ary 7. Tony DiNetta, son of Mr. * * * and Mrs. Andrew DiNetta of 1145 Mayfair Drive, Rahway, VALENTINE Mrs. Charles A. Gering, a Junior at Montclair State Sr., of 1127 Jefferson Ave­ College, is director of the OF A L L ! nue, Rahway has just re­ Miss Montclair State Page­ turned from a trip to Florida. ant, to be held Friday even­ While there she visited Mrs. ing, February 10, in the Ann Scholl formerly of Rah­ college’s Memorial Auditor­ Miss Angela Gagliardi, the bride's godchild, served S t& V L T t way, now of Key Biscayne, ium. The pageant, conducted Miss Jean Dolores Lau daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as ring bearer. Florida and other friends in conjunction with the Mi6s Domenick Gagliardi of 800 The bride wore a white CANDIES in Palm Beach, Florida. Bower Street, Linden, be­ satin gown with lace and * * * America Preliminaries Rules and Regulations Com' came the bride of Anthony pearl applique from the waist Mr. and Mrs. George Ka- J. Romeo, son of Mr. and down and a three tier silk ASSORTED mittee, is sponsored by Phi Wed To Thomas L. Kuc CHOCOLATES lescky of 697 Linden Ave­ Lambda Pi fraternity. Mrs. Rocco Romeo of 320 veil with double pearl crown nue, Rahway and Mr. and Miss Jean Dolores Lau, Miss Christine Esmond of East Grand Avenue, Rahway, She carried white roses with 1 lb. box $1.70 * * « daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rahway, served as brides­ Miss Carol Quinn, in a double ring ceremony an orchid center. 2 lb. box 3.35 School Nurses, Edwin S. Lau of 157 Walter maid. performed by the Rev. The attendants wore gold Street, Rahway, became the Peter M. Kuc served as Gerard Brady, O. S. B. at brocade coat - gowns. The NJEA Official bride of Thomas Lawrence his brother’s best man. Robert T. Reilly 4 p.m., Saturday afternoon, coat was made of gold bro­ Kuc, 149 Walter Street, Rah­ Frank Kress served as February 4, in St. Eliza­ cade and the gown tops were way, in a double ring cere­ usher. beth's R.C. Church, Linden. in matching brocade with Hold Confab mony performed by the Rev.- The bride, a Rahway High Plan Aug. Wedding A reception followed at the bottoms in yellow crepe. Ferdinand B. Miller at 3 Lynn Restaurant, Elizabeth. The bride, a graduate of School graduate, is employed The engagement of Miss The Action Committee of p.m. Saturday, February 4,, by Haarmann-Reimer Corp., Given in marriage by her Linden High School is secre­ the Union County School of in St. Theresa’s Church, Carol Quinn, daughter of father, the bride had her tary to the Terminal Man. Union. Mrs. James L. Quinn of CUPID APPROVED Nurses Association held a Linden. A reception followed Mr. Kuc, a graduate of sister, Mrs. Ralph Chaume ager of Sea-Land Service, meeting during the past week the church ceremony at the 1237 Pierpont Street, Rah­ of South Orange as Matron Inc., Linden. IDEAS FOR Roselle High School, is em­ way, and the late Mr. Quinn with William J. Flynn, a Golden Lantern, Linden. ployed by Resyn Corp., Lin­ of honor. Mrs. Vito Gagli­ Mr. Romeo, a Rahway High field representative from the Given in marriage by her den. to Robert T. Reilly, son of ardi, sister-in-law of the School graduate is associa­ New Jersey Educati .1 As­ father, the bride had Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. bride; Mrs. Anthony Kluse- ted in business with Rocky's VALENTINE'S DAY The couple are now enjoy­ Reilly of Brooklyn, was an­ RED sociation. Richard Lau, sister-in-law ing a wedding trip to Wash­ wlcz, sister of the bride­ Bar and Grill, Rahway, and PARTY GOODS School nurses who at­ of the bride from Bridge- nounced at a dinner at the groom; Mrs. Ernest Hoffer is active in the Knights of FOIL HEARTS ington, D. C. Quinn home. 5 Vi oz. 85c JEWELRY tended include: Mrs. Dorothy water, N.J. as maid of honor. a friend of the bride; and Columbus, Elks and Holy Orsini, Roselle Park, Chair­ An August wedding is Miss Louise Romeo, sister Name Society. 1 lb. $2.25 HANDKERCHIEFS man of the Committee; Mrs. ate of St. Benedict Prepara­ planned. of the bridegroom, served After a wedding trip to lb. 3.65 NOVELTIES tory School in Newark and Miss Quinn, a graduate of as attendants. Jamaica, B.W.I., die couple Winifred Amos, Springfield; will b e graduated from Up- VALENTINE CARDS Mrs. Frances Bellamy, Georgian Court College, is Robert Romeo served as will reside in Woodbridge Scotch Plains; Mrs. Ludean ■sala College in February a teacher in the Edison his brother's best man. The Cross, Summit; Miss Patri­ with a degree in English and Township school system. ushers were Vito Gagliardi Featuring Hallmark . . . cia Green, Springfield; Mrs. Business. He has been quite Mr. Reilly, a graduate of brother of the bride; Anthony Supplemented by other out­ Margaret Hoffman, Clark; active in the college theatre Fordham University, is em­ Klusewicz, brother-in-law standing lines in the country Mrs. Jane Hummell, Berke­ group for the past few years. ployed by the National Lead of the bridegroom; Richard ley Heights; Miss Carolyn Company laboratories in Gagliardi, brother of the ***** Krog, North Plainfield, and Jaycee-ettes Hightstown. bride. Vito Gagliardi, Jr Miss Thelma Lambert, PATRIOTIC GOODS Plainfield. Ready Booklet SOM IN SERVICE? On Local Clubs CUT-OUTS ETC. CALL US WITH NEWS 388-0600 Booklets containing infor­ SWITCH mation on all the organiza­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ tions in Rahway will be com­ pleted sometime this month, it was reported this week TO GAS HEAT Did You by the Civic Organization ALSO THE Know About FANCY / i j j SATIN HEARTS PIXIE SHOP IN 8 HOURS! $3.50 to $10.00 "On The Marie Ferraro, Coming Soon — i i l j 1079 Raritan Rd., Clark, N.J. One working day is all it takes repairs. No more delivery problems. VALENTINE’S DAY IS TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14 to switch to modern gas heat. In And the cost of new gas equipment Sally Wallauer, OPEN ’TILL 8:30 Teen Scene”? Terence James mo$t cases it simply means a quick is surprisingly low. Call your local "On The switch of the burner — everything Gas Company office or your plumbing­ Phone us for prompt home EVERY NIGHT else stays put — and, presto, you heating contractor for the facts. Alan Holzapfel S UNI-CAW F UNTIL Plan Marriage have clean, dependable, quiet gas No obligation, of course. delivery service anytime. February 16 heat. No more worry about costly VALENTINE’S Teen Scene” Engaged To Wed 381-7555 DAY Mr, and Mrs. Anthony CLARK DRUGS Ferraro of 382 McKinley Announcement of the en­ 381-7100 Street, Fairview, recently gagement of Miss Sally Ann announced the engagement of •February 16 'Elizabethtown Gas Wallauer, daughter of Mr. 86 Westfield Avenue Clark. Mew Jersev their daughter, Marie Helen, and Mrs. Ray Wallauer of ELIZABETH I METUCMEN I PERTH AMBOY | RAHWAY I WESTFIELD to Terence James, the son- On* fi./abethtown P1«» 452 Mam Street 220 Market Street 219 Central Avenue I 184 Elm Street WINTER WEATHER PROBLEMS ? of Mr. and Mrs. James 289 5000 I 289 5000 ! 289 5000 I 289 5000 | 289 5000 Loughrey, 54 Ross Street, Clark. i Miss Ferraro is a gradu­ i ate of Holy Rosary Academy RIGHT JOB RIGHT PRICE NOW RENTING ... . this zvechcml i Union City and Upsala ■ OPEN A College, East Orange, where ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS A unique living experience awaits you at she received a degree in « CONVENIENT English this past June. While ■ in college, she was active on Carriage House Apartments in Rahway the school newspaper, the CHECKING literary magazine and the theatre. She is presently em­ ployed as an administrative ACCOUNT correspondent by the Metro­ politan Life Insurance Com­ at pany, Madison Avenue, New State Bank York City. of Rahway Mr. Loughrey is a gradu-

MATURING: Avoid the parking problems, the walking in snowy weather. Write TOTAL ELECTRIC LIVING 52 E. Cherry St. your checks, and pay your bills quickly and efficiently . . . without RAHWAY worrying about the weather. We Is the 1-stop shop cordially invite you to open a con- where you’ ll fina FREE COLOR TV vient checking account and use one of the the largest se­ WITH EACH 3 YEAR most modern and complete banking facilities with m m iB HEAT LEASE in the state. Our experienced tellers are on lection of fine duty to serve you courteously. at a new lower rate ONE AND TWO BEDROOM CORTLAND WHISKEY APARTMENTS FROM $115 MO. 80 proof 5th 2.79 FINISHED ATTIC Carriage House Apartments combine modern total electric DIRECTIONS, from Newark. HOLLYWOOD KITCHENS N o w York area: Rout» J to East MACABE’S living with the architectural charm of an elegant colonial era Grand Avenue. Rahway. Turn • Roofing (o|| type.) STOP IN TOD AY! VODKA & GIN e Kitchens Modern- e Masonry As Low As from Just $115. Check these outstanding features: V Gold right and pro card 3 blookstb • Siding (all types) ized e Attic Conversions HO Carriaga Houaa. From Elnabath Medallion Award Winner V Each apartment Soundproofed V araa. St. Georga Avanua to W es( • Brick Work MONEY 80 proof 5th e Bathrooms • Slate Roof Repairs $ General Electric Kitchens V General Electric Air Conditioners Grand Avanua. Rahway. Turn DOWN la/t and procaad 9 blocks to. • Leaders g , Gutters e Alterations • Porch Enclosures V Aluminum Storm Sash and Screens V 150% off Street STATE BANK 5 ONE Carriaga Housa. ( 2nd traffic I MACABE’S e Basements Re­ TO FIVE light.) From Woodbridge area: St. e Carpenter Repairs e General Repairs Monthly besignatad Parking V T.V. Master Antenna for Color and I YEARS George Avanua to West Grand 12YR.OLDSCOTCH model ed White V Phone Jacks V Ceramic Tile Colored Baths Avanua. Turn right and procaad ft TO PAY Mack and as abeva to "Carriage Housa. I O F R A H W A Y Aluminum Siding 7 Colors L ife t ime Job Distance No Object V Ample Tenant Storage V Superintendent on Premises. 86 proof 5th -5.99 RENTAL INFORMATION: " I Ablt Agency, 1608 Irving Street FINANCING ARRANGED IN YOUR HOME - NO SALESMAN - GUARANTEED WORK Free Delivery f . S. Buses 13*# 38 stop at East Grand Ave., Rahway Rahway. Tataphone: 3 82-0758 1515 IRVING ST., RAHWAY or 388-5020. } TELEPHONE Ask for BOB-672-3424 I HE THE CARRIAGE HOUSE APARTMENTS NOWI / NOW RENTIN6 FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! I Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp CALL ANY TIME • Eves - 376-5083 I GIACOBBE & SONS, BUILDER I I f

February 9, 1967 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot Page 7 wich, Turkey Noodle Soup •Hamilton Street, with Mrs. Following the business Wind. average, with no grade below World Prayer William H. Rand In charge JUDITH E. HUMMEL a "C , A 1965 Rahway High SCHOOL MENU with Crackers. meeting, a Valentine Social Other children participa­ IS ON DEAN’S LIST Friday of the meeting, Mrs. Earl was enjoyed. Games were ting were as follows: Mother School graduate, Miss Hum­ Oven Baked Fish Sticks with Hoffman. Secretary and Mrs. played and prizes awarded Miss Judith Ellen Hum­ mel was presented with an RAHWAY Day Scheduled Lori Sexton; Father, Darryl mel daughter of Mr. and Tartar Sauce, Pizza Pie, Lester Walker, Treasurer, the winners. Refreshments Arrington; Street cleaners: academic award certificate reported. were served. Mrs. Fred Hummel of 814 at the honors convocation Monday Garden Peas, Bread and But­ Paul Clay, Patricia Bentley, Falesky Street, Rahway, is Breaded Veal Cutlet, Oven ter, Fruit Cup For Friday Mrs. Nicholas Buroff an­ The social program was Michael King, Wanda LaRosa on January 27 at Wesley Col­ nounced that Robin Sue Krlss on the Dean’s List at Wes-' lege. Browned Potatoes, French Specials: Deviled Egg Salad arranged by Mrs. Nicholas f . and Vanessa Ellis, Snowmen ley College, Dover, Dela­ Style Beans, Roll and But- Platter, Tuna FIs! Salad The World Day of Prayer had been chosen “ GoodCitL Schneider and Mrs. Fritz were Flth Mosby, Wanda La will be held in the Church zen” for this year. Miss ware for the first semester ter, Juice. Sandwich, Manhattan Clam Bader and their committee. Rosa and Beverly Ware, of this academic year. To GIVE A PARTY? Specials: Sliced Beef Salad Chowder with Crackers. of the Holy Comforter, Krlss attended the annual The next meeting will be School children Included IT’S SOCIAL NEWSI Seminary Avenue, corner of spring conference of the DAR qualify for the honor, a stu­ Platter, Bologna Sandwich, held on Wednesday, March Suzanne LaRosa, Anna Marie dent must achieve a "B” 388-0600 Green Split Pea Soup with CLARK St. George Avenue, Rahway, In Trenton March 31. 8 with plans underway for Nash, Annette Rankins, Crackers. on Friday, February 10. Mrs. Mrs. Hoffman, program presentation of a lecture and Daryl Booker, Robert Gray, Tuesday Monday Harry J. Hoeft, President of •chairman, Introduced the colored slide program, Marybob Giles, Catherine Shell Macaroni with Meat Vegetable Soup or Mushroom the World Day of Prayer speaker -- Mrs. William “New Jersey, Know Your Aton, Andrew Woods, Denise Sauce, Italian Bread and Soup, Meat Balls on a Roll, Committee announces there Luckhurst, a member who State” to be given by a re­ Johnson, Johnny Bass, Jean Butter, Tossed Salad with Pickled Beets, Fruit, Milk., will be two sessions. previewed several books in­ presentative of New Jersey Dent, Darren High, Lajuanda A CHILDREN’S SHOE STORE—Designed to make your visit Dressing. Tuesday The morning session will cluding "Christmas Mem' ell Telephone Company. All Edwards, Brook James and more enjoyable tor you end you r children while they ere fitted. Specials: Meat and Cheese Franks, Rolls and Butter, begin at 11 a.m. From 12 to ory" - "With Kennedy” - women from St, Marks’ Richard Serpa. Salad Platter, Chicken Salad Potato Chips, Baked Beans, 1:30 will be a fellowship "Education by Uncles” Church are welcome and In­ Mrs. Helen Dwyer, kin­ Sandwich, Chicken Vegetable Sauerkraut, Fruit, Milk. period in the Undercroft of "Churchill” taken from the vited to Join St. Ann’s Soc­ dergarten teacher, was as­ Soup with Crackers. Wednesday the Church. Each one attend­ diary of Lord Moran and iety. sisted by Mr. Earle Hart­ Wednesday Chicken and Gravy, Rice or ing will bring their own sand­ ‘Everything But Money.” mann of the music depart­ Tom Kaczmarek's Hot Roast Turkey Sandwich Potatoes, Peas, Bread and wiches. Dessert and coffee A donation to the "Watson ment. with Gravy, Whipped po­ Butter, Jello, Milk. or tea will be served by the House” was received in Columbian tatoes, Garden Spinach, Thursday Churchwomen of the Holy memory of Mrs. Michael Applesauce. Hamburgers, Rolls and But- Comforter Church. Danko. Kindergarten Specials; California Fruit Onions,iio:ter, Baked Beans, The afternoon session will The next meeting will be Watch For Salad Platter, Egg Salad Potato Chips, Cookies or begin at 1:30. During this on March 1 at the home of session we will have as our Mrs. Lester E. Walker when Gives Play " I'm Tom Kaczmarek.. Sandwich, Corn Chowder Fruit, Milk. H O B S H O P with Crackers. Friday speaker Leiv Hov from Nor­ Miss Melinda Mundy will Children of the afternoon "On The I'd like to meet you.” Thursday Chicken Noodle Soup, Mush­ way who represents the Am­ show pictures of her recent kindergarten class at the Salisbury Steak, Rice, Sliced room Soup or Pea Soup, erican Field Service. trip to Spain and Portugal, Columbian School, Rahway, Carrots, Roll and Butter, Toasted Cheese Sandwlcn, Earl■1 "Mrs. Hoffman received recently presented a play Teen Scene" Dedicated to the proper Cole Slaw. Peanut Butter and Jelly the "dark horse” award. entitled, "Old Man Winter FEATURING Specials: Chicken Salad Sandwich, Cake or Fruit, Hospital Honors Mrs. Nicholas Buroff serv­ comes to Town." fitting of children's feet Platter, Baked Ham Sand­ Milk. ed as co-hostess, Lori Sexton and Patricia Rahway Residents Mrs. Donald C. Fagans Bentley were the announ­ February 16 in 5 special ways: announced a card party for cers. Michael Bilyak por­ February 16. The regular WE MEASURE BOTH FEET-To assure proper fitting at When service to Perth trayed Old Man Winter, while 1 5 key points . . . chapter meeting will be held Kevin Garrity was the North Elect LESTER OXM AN To Amboy General Hospital of at tne home or Mrs. Frank TRAINED FITTER8 — Dedication to proper fit l» our life’s 10 years or more was recog­ Henson on February 13. work. nized last night at the annual SINCE 1900 awards dinner given by the 3 WALK CHECKS ~ Feet in motion are the only sure check, D C I I DRUGSTORE dedicated to making 1 THE RAHWAY BOARD OF EDUCATION hospital’s Board of Gover­ the very best shoe SIZE RECORDS— These Indicate fitting techniques and nors for 89 members of the St. Ann's Plan DCLL RAHWAY for America's children. other guides necessary to perpetuating proper fit. hospital staff at the Bruns­ OPEN EVERY DAY OP THE YEAR FITTING REMINDER — Children's feet grow rapidly; It's L E V E R 1 2 wick Inn, East Brunswick, Important to check size periodically, John Svihra, Jr„ was re­ For Sauerkraut "T h v Com fill-If Mfdical C rntcr" N cognized for twenty years C TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14th of effort and Mrs. Luberta PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY tu James for ten years of ser­ Supper Feb. 22 FXfcE PARKING - lot by I «*•. let 0**i*an & F u p u J s 911 ELIZABETH AVENUE ■ ELIZABETH, N.J. • 352-8036 | 5.V Mom Street, K’oliway vice. Both are Rahway resi­ PREC DUUVERY dents and well-known In the Final plans for the annual Fu 1.2000 OPEN THURS. TIL 9 P.M. PUBLIC PARKING Opposite our Store community, Ernest R. Han­ Sauerkraut Supper to beheld IRVlNC ST. OPR. ELip.ARF.TH /\VF. sen President of the hospital on Wednesday, February 22 Board and hospital director at the church, were made by I'M GLAD I CHANGED TO... Robert S. Hoyt made the' St. Ann’s Society of St. awards. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Rahway, at their PREMIER OIL February meeting. All are Book Reviews welcome to the supper, tic­ ««>oN° ni C O i kets for which may be pur­ • U M kV V V l chased at the door or any­ Presented For time prior to February 22 at Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer S the rector^1- Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Custom** —tomer S Father Buttner expressed FOR FRIIND^Y RELIABLE HRVICf DAR Chapter his deep acappreclatiion and Customer Service Customer «u.vs«.. • _ - AND HIOH QUALITY OIL The Evening Committee pleasure with the new infor C tomer S Dial 388- 5100 of Rebecca Cornell Chapter matlon bulletin erected out­ tomer S DAR met at the home of side the Church by the Miss Helen Wright, 793 society. :omer S Cl :omer S dern omer S Cl Save C l Pull Lever No. 4 Cl Cu Cu ELECT Cu To Cu Cu RAHWAY BOARD OF EDUCATION Cu Cu: 3 YEAR TERM Cut Cut Cut DENNY R. BOWSER Cus Cus Cus Cus Cut EVERY CHILD SHOULD EVERY D0LLER Cusi Cusi RECEIVE AND IS ENTITLED WISELY SPENT Cusi Cust TO RECEIVE THE BEST ON EDUCATION Cust Cuft POSSIBLE EDUCATION IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. Cust Cust izabethtown AVAILABLE. Cust* Custi Custc Custc Custc Custc 1. I would like to present myself as a candidate for the pur­ Custo Works like three M a g i c C h e ! “ Chateau" pose of serving the Children of Rahway by promoting an Custo water heaters in Not elnce the birth of our gat appliance but:- R u u d one Customer- educational system that w ill develop their abilities to the Custo Model Z220-5B nets have we offered tuch big. beautiful, controlled dial Eye-Level Range maximum. Custo Hi-Speed ' Increases flame bountiful bargain, at Elizabethtown’, bu.y size for larger Simplest cleaning ever 2. To work for a budget that is realistic • having in mind Custo amounts of hot w ith oven door, oven thowroomt. Our tradition of tervice and tav- Water Heater water. Recovers liners, rack runners and that the school children and the taxpayers must have Custoi up to-44 pal. per Ings goe. back over “ one hundred plus a hour1. Features cook-top all easily every consideration. Custoi 3-speed flame removable. Windowed dozen" year.-but the tavings in '67 are as level, famous door on eye level oven. 3. To work for a good understanding and better cooperation Custoi Ruudglas tank. Bake and broil at the modern at gat ittelf. So save modern during Guaranteed 10 years. Fiberglass same time. between the teachers, administration and Board of Edu­ Custoi M Insulation. this once-e-yeer birthday event at Elizabeth- cation. Custoi town Oat. Remember - in appliances - gas More hot water, Sale priced at Custor faster, thanks to make a the big difference! Cotta lest, too! glass-lined steel Custor tank, SDPr-lal $ 3 4 6 4S DENNY R. BOWSER, 569 Jefferson Ave. Deluxe resilient Custor Insulation, iiu Kiih'T klclivry precision controls -t.ill-.Uion Educated In the Pennsylvania School System Member of: Custor Series 22 Smartly styled Completely Resident of Rahway for 13 years—Homeowner American Legion Post #5 Rahway Custor Water automatic. Custor Guaranteed for Married—Two children of school age V.F.W, Mulvey Ditmars Poit of Rahway Heater __ 10 full years. H a r d w ic k “Speciar Range Custor Custom Care Automatic Dryer Structural Steel and Ornamental Iron Model 4618-W-31R President of “K” Steel Erectors Custorr Model LRG557 Choese one of 5 heat Association of Northern New Jersey selections (even damp Enjoy fresh, modern Veteran of WW2 Pacific Theater of the Naval Both sale priced at 10°/o o f f styling and lasting Custom ,/WJ dryy clothes for ironing,ironing i r im-iutles delivery Service performance. Back- Custom or fluff up pillows, etc.etc In ------> * t* plate has clock.timer room temperature air!) and convenience Custom Select from 5 drying outlet.Complete with Custom cycles, Features top- NO MONEY DOWN EquaTemp oven mounted lint screen for burners and The following Is a partial list of Rahway taxpayoro who havo formod a eommltfoa Custom easy cleaning. $5 per mo. • FREE 5-year two-piece smokeless Custom broiler. to oloct DENNY R. BOWSER. 1 parts and service warranty Custom * Sale priced at Sale priced at Mrs. EHzabsth H. Pottor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrnos Customi . FREE delivery • Mr. and Mra. Jules J. Small Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charloo Murlngor H 8 9 95 Includes delivery Customi FREE normal installation ft, normal installation $ 1 5 2 95 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sides Mr. and Mrs. Claroneo Eaton Includes delivery Customi & normal installation Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Combs Mr. Robert Bendy Custom* ... ____ jc.vtuB uusromer Service Customer Service Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sulo Sr. Mtv and Mrs. jamas Corey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKinney Customvi service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service______Customer______Service_ Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service PLEASE NOTE: Our ad, like our company, has a background of customer service!

ELIZABETH I METUCHEN PERTH AMBOV I RAHWAV WESTFIELD VOTE ON FEBRUARY 14th One Elizabethtown Plaza , 452 Main Street i 220 Metket Street 219 Central Avenue !B4 Elm Street fElizabethtown Gas 289-5000 I 289-5000 289 5000 I 289-5000 289 5000 347 Paid for by Dsnny R. Bowiar h m )

Pag# 8 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot February 9, 1967

School, Walnut Street, Garwood, for the Acklar ,nd National Nawark u laatx legal voters of Oeneral Election Districts Bank, Exeeutori of tha Laat will and Nos. 3 and 4; Deerfield School, Central Taatament of JOHN W. ACKLEY, da- Avenue, Mountainside, for ths legal vot­ oeaaad, will bt audltad and atatad by ers of all Osnsral Election Districts; the Surroaata, Mary C. Kanant, and rt- David Brearley Regional High School, ported for aattlamant to tha Union m m rfi& roffi Monroe Avenue, Kenilworth, for the legal County court—Probata Olvlalon, on voters of all Osnsral Election Districts; Friday, March 17 tha neat at 0:30 A.M. f if S P O M f Jonathan Dayton Regional High School. pravalllnt tlmt. Mountain Avenue, Springfield, for the Dated January 30. 1007. legal voters of all Oeneral Election Dis­ John W. Ackley. Jr., Alaaandtr tricts; on ths 21st day of February, 1867, McF. Aoklay and National at 2 o'clock P.M., Eastern Standard Newark at Eaaaa Bank, W ANT ADS' Tims. Executory. DIRECTORY The polls at said meeting will be open Orlando H Day, Attorney until 8 o'clock P.M., Eastern Standard 7® E. Milton Avenue, Time, and as much longer as may be Rahway, Ntw Jaraay necessary for those present to cast their 3/3/41 Faaa: 319.30 ballots. At said meeting the question of v ^ 5 ! 1 £ o r y o o voting a tax for the following purposes shall be submitted: CURRENT EXPENSE ....$3,888,212.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ...... 118.188.00 Rahway Jayvees RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD MONTGOMERY BUILDERS APARTMENTS FOR RENT The total amount CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INCOME TAX SERVICES thought to be necessary Is ------$4,073,411.00 Has 10-7 Record HOME IMPROVEMENTS A MAINTENANCE • DORMERS • RECREATION ROOMS RATES At said meeting one member from each .RAHWAY Income tax returns prepared in of the following municipalities will be Minimum Charge Furnished 2 room apt. (Second elected to this Board of Education for your home at your convenience. the full term of three years: For Good Season OARAGES-KITCHEN AND BATH-CONVERSIONS GUTTERS— LEADERS— ROOFING 3 lines tor $1 00 floor) Modern Bathroom and M. Richman, Phone 388-7136. Oarwood The junior varsity basket­ Additional lines 30c each Kitchenette. All utilities - Mountainside Springfield ball team of the senior high FULLY 25% DISCOUNT electric range. 2 blocks to By order of the Board of Education P.R.R. station. Adults only. WANTED TO BUY of the Union County Regional High school after winning 8 of 9 INSURED CALL FU8-6127 anytime On Classified Advertisements School District No. 1 games went into a tail spin ordered to run 3 or'more times, $90. per mo. Call bet. 8 a.m. Dated: February 9, 1987 and 2 p.m. 381-5760. WE BUY BOOKS! Lewis F. Fredericks and dropped games to West- providing no changes are made Secretary field, Springfield and Hill in original advertisement, dis­ PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILSl P.M BOOK SHOP side. The locals who went count allowed only after first RAHWAY CHANCERY DIVISION. insertion, Beautiful, bright, 3 Vi room Plainfield 4-3900. 8UPERIOR COURT OF NEW JER8BY. into Monday afternoons UNION COUNTY Union County tournament modern apt. Large Kitchen, DOCKET NO. F-3364-88 Auto Brake fO SERVICE Beauty Salon Classified Display dining area, tile bath. 2nd CEMETERY PLOTS CITY OF RAHWAY, A MUNICIPAL with a 10-7 record after floor. Well lighted business CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF scoring a 59-42 win over BODY ART ANTHONY’S BIKE Col, Inch $1,25 NEW JERSEY. Plaintiff, VS. JOSEPH KEN'S Box No. Charge 15C area. 1645 Irving St. 381-9045 ESTATE - Graceland Memorial BAK08, ET ALS., Defendants. Civil Ac­ Clark in a game that saw the Body 8, Fender Shop tion NOTICE TO REDEEM. or 381-8757. Park, Kenilworth; 4 graves (8 TO: JOSEPH BAKOS AND ELIZABETH Indians move into a 18-6 Closing Hours for burials) $225. Perpetual care BAKOS, HIS WIFE, THEIR HEIRS. lead in the opening session Beauty Salon AND KEY SHOP DEVISEES. PERSONAL REPRESENTA­ Classified Ads: RAHWAY Non-sectarian, EL 2-3967 TIVES AND HIS, HER OR ANY OF and never trail. John D'Add- 46 E Cherry St., Rahway Unfurnished apt. — 4 rooms (EL 5-9222 eves.) THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIGHT. TITLE iaro with 12, Doug Springs Anton J. Horllng & Sons 5 P.M. TUESDAY and bath. 382-2332. AND INTERE8T, ROZ S. BRACHER. 388-2699 HER HEIRS. DEVISEES AND PERSONAL and Jim Baker each had 10. and Grandsons Cash, check or stamps should by Specialists! New and completely SHERIFFS SALE REPRESENTATIVES AND HER. THEIR Clark was topped by Rog- accompany advertising copy. OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN Colonial FURN. ROOMS FOR RENT RIGHT. TITLE AND INTERE8T AND lierk’s 22 points. RAHWAY SHERIFF’S SALE—Superior Court of MR. BRACHER. HU8BAND OF ROZ S. Beauty Shop (48 YEARS C p The paper is not responsible New Jersey, Chancery Division, Union BRACHER. LOUIS DUDLEY. WALTER At Scotch Plains the In­ County, Docket #F-62O-60. FIRST FED­ BARBER, JOSEPH COLEMAN, dians came from behind with BRAKE SERVICE Six hair stylists at SATISFIED CUSTOMERS; for errors in classified ads Nice, clean, furnished room for ERAL SAVINQ8 AND LOAN ASSOCIA­ TRUSTEES OF TRIUMPH CHURCH OF taken by telephone. rent on the comer of Bridge and TION OF NEW YORK, a United States THE CITY OF NEWARK, AND TRIUMPH a 22 point second period to a your service corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CLAUDE E. CHURCH OF THE CITY OF NEWARK. Shop 789-0330 To Place Classified Ad Main Street. Call 923-0522 after MILES, et als, Defendants. Civil Action NICOLA VILLAROSA. HIS HEIRS. DE­ score over the Raiders b; WHEEL ALIGNMENT Execution—Foreclosure For Sale of Mort­ Residence 789-0604 6 p.m. VISEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTA­ 61-52, John D’Addario’shigi SERVICE Open 9 to 6. Mon., Tues., CALL 388-0600 gaged Premises. TIVES AND HIS. THEIR OR ANY OF SALES SERVICE-BIKESl By virtue of the above-stated writ of THEIR SUCCESSORS IN RIOHT, TITLE point score of the season of Wed., Sat. execution to me directed I shall expose AND INTEREST AND MRS. NICOLA 22 was followed by Mike JSMSit Auto & Truck Refinishing RAHWAY for sale by public vendue. In the Court VILLAROSA. HIS WIFE. WEBB POWELL. House, In the City of Elisabeth, N. J.. HIS HEIRS. DEVISEES AND PERSONAL Stargell’s 13 and Jim Baker’s RAHWAY BRAKE SERVICE 24 Hour Towing Service Open 9 to 9 Thurs., Fri. LARGE, CLFAN, AIRY ROOM Room B-8 on Wednesday, the Bth day LOCKS-SAFES,etc. SPECIAL NOTICE REPRESENTATIVES AND HIS. THpIR George W. Kochera, Prop, for gentlemen. Private entrance, of March A. D., 1987, at two o’clock In OR ANY OF THEIR SUCCESSORS IN 11. Samuel J. Gassaway , Convaniant parking diractly in the afternoon of said day. RIGHT. TITLE AND INTEREST AND In Rahway's easy 71-50 win 107 Monroe St. Rahway 6 South Avenue raar of shop in Municipal lot. 1537 IRVING ST. IF YOC HAVE A PROBLEM convenient location. Call after All that tract or parcel of land, situ­ MRS. WEBB POWELL. HI8 WIFE. ROSA 6:00 p.m. 381-1868, ate. lying and being In the Township of MAY POWELL. HER HEIRS, DEVISEES over Cranford, Mike Star- Gatwood..NL J. Roar ontronco for your with alcohol, write Alcoholics Clark, In the County of Union, in the RAHWAY, N.J. AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES gell's 24 markers lead the convan ianca. Anonymous, Box 15, Rahway State of New Jersey: AND HER, THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR or call BI 2-1516. Being known as Plot #834 on a certain SUCCESSORS IN RIOHT. TITLE AND team. RAHWAY map filed in the Office of the Register INTEREST AND MR. POWELL. HUS­ Last Friday night the Furn. 3 room apt.1*suitable for of the County of Union entitled “Map of BAND OF ROSA MAY POWELL. SON- Rahway Estates, owned by the Kline DRA POWELL, HER HEIRS, DEVISEES Springfield bulldogs led all Book* Building Contractors Druggist PETS couple or two gentlemen. Realty and Improvement Company. lO' AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES the way to score a 60-52 win. 382-2332. cated at Union County, N. J.” said prop' AND HER. THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR erty being more particularly described SUCCESSORS IN RIOHT, TITLE AND Tom Fitzgerald, Mike Star- Six months old KITTEN with as follows: INTEREST AND MR. POWELL, HUS­ WILLIAM collar found vicinity Feather­ BEOINNINO at a point In the South­ BAND OP BONDRA POWELL. ULA gell and Doug Springe led the Lloyd Drugs HOUSES FOR SALE westerly side of Lexington Boulevard POWELL. HER HEIRS, DEVISEES AND scoring with 11 each. RAHWAY BOOK & GIFT SHOP QUALITY bed Lane. 388-4739. said point being distant 300 feet North­ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND west from the Intersection of the said On Saturday afternoon the RAHWAY HER. THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUC­ R0ESCH PRESCRIPTIONS side of Lexington Boulevard with the CESSORS IN RIOHT. TITLE AND IN­ Jaycees blew a 20-4 lead 4 bedroom home in High School Northwesterly side of Emerald Place; TEREST AND MR. POWELL. HUSBAND Wide Range'of Books Fenton Glass CONTRACTOR and BUILDER HELP WANTED-FEMALE area. $21,900. thence running Southwesterly at right OF ULA POWELL, THE NATIONAL midway through the second "Trained Cosmetician* angles to Lexington Boulevard 189.10 feet BANK OF WE8TFIELD. RAHWAY Best Sellers Hummels Established 1927 To Solve Your ' PASCALE AGENCY-RAHWAY by deed and 188.78 by survey to a point; BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY. A NEW period to drop a 53 to 49 Beauty and Hair LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 815 Pratt St., Realtor 381-3104 thence running Northwesterly 50.28 feet JERSEY CORPORATION. JOHN R. game to the Hillside Comets. Prayer Books Jewelry Cere Problem* to a point which Is 174.4 feet by deed KEILL, HIS HEIRS. DEVISEES AND Workers. All depts. Steady work. and 174.10 by survey Southwest of Lex­ • COSMETICS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES AND The Indians led until 5.52 Bibles Pilgrim Gloss UOME A INDUSTRIAL ington Boulevard; thence running North­ HIS. THEIR OR ANY OF THEIR SUC­ Good pay All benefits Hamilton east and at right angles to Lexington in the last period, when • TOILETRIES. GARAGE FOR RENT CESSORS IN RIOHT. TITLE AND IN­ Childrens Books Figurines MAINTENANCE A REPAIRS Laundry, 276 Hamilton St., Boulevard 174.4 feet by deed and 174.10 TEREST AND MRS. JOHN R. KEILL. Brown tied up the game at • BABY NEEDS'1 Rahway, 388-3000. feet by survey to the said side of Lexing­ HIS WIFE. THE STATE OF NEW JIR - Paper Books (3000 titles) Dolls & Plush Animoli RAHWAY ton Boulevard; and thence running 40-40, The teams were again remodeling our specialty • DIABETIC NEEDS Southeasterly along Lexington Boulevard 1110 Jaques Ave., garage or PLEA8E TAKE NOTICE that by an tied at 45-45 with 3.01 to go, • HEARING AID Experienced woman for general 50 feet to the point or place of Begin­ order made on 23rd day of January 1967, storage space for rent. Call» ning. This description is drawn in ac­ the Standing Master fixed February 13. when the Comets outscored 53 E. CHERRY ST. FUlton 1-1770 FUlton 8-2167 BATTERIES * CORDS house-work, 1 day per week 381-1873. ! cordance with the deed for said premises 1987 between the hours of ten o'clock Rahway 8-2. The only basket Ref Nec. 382-1705. and a survey made by P. T. Orall, Prof. In the forenoon and three o'clock In the Eng. de Surveyor, dated 9/5/61, being afternoon, prevailing time, at the office for the locals ^as byCallen If no answer call Free Delivery known as 135 Lexington Blvd. of the Tax Collector of the City of Premises are commonly known as 135 Rahway. City Hall, 1470 Campbell Street. The all-sophomore team was CLOSED MONDAYS FUlton 8-8645 $ SPRING $ Lexington Boulevard, Clark, New Jersey. Rahway. Union County, New Jersey, as led by Tom Fitzgeralds 12, FU 8-2427-9863 Means new wardrobes for your ARTICLES FOR SALE Included as part of the mortgaged the time and place when and whirs you 825 Midwood Drive, Rahway premises is one 38" Hardwick 4B TT gas may pay to the plaintiff ths amount so Doug Springs 11 and Jim 71 E. Milton Ave., Rahway family! Earn $$$ by selling found due for principal and interest on Baker’s 9. AVON COSMETICS in your There is due approximately $15,649.88 Its certificate of tax sale, which said 50 gal TANK completely with Interest from January 1, 1987 and premises are known and designated as: neighborhood. For interview costs. L6ts 15. 18, 17, 18. 19, 20. 21, 22, 24. phone MI 2-5146. equipped with fish and stand. The Sheriff reserves the right to ad­ 25. 26. 27. 28. Block 825 on ths Tax Learn The Truth About $45. Call 382-6294. journ this sale. Duplicate of the City of Rahway. Electrical F lo ris t RALPH ORI8CELLO. Sheriff Total amount required to redeem Elecprical WAITRESS OR COUNTER Meyers and Lesser, Attyi. S2.367.91 together with interest from IT'S GIRL Full time or Part time, DJ dc RNR CX-175-03 October 13, 1952, and costs. ENCYCLOPEDIA 2/9/4t F«ei: $54.40 Lot 55. Block 792 on the Tax Dupli­ Days. Nice atmosphere. For cate of the City of Rahway. THE JOHN urther info., please call 381- New condition, very reason­ SHERIFF'S SALE—Superior Court of Total amount required to redeem STEWART able. Call 486-8774. New Jersey, Chancery Division, Union 8237.46 together with Interest from Jan-EII 012. County, Docket #F-766-66. THE RAH­ March 13. 1946. and costs. WAY SAVINOS INSTITUTION. Plaintiff Lot 14. Block 540 on the Tax Duplicate BIRCH SOCIETY vs. ELOUISE COLBERT de HOWARD of the City of Rahway. COLBERT, her husband and MILDRED ELECTRIC CO. Total amount required to redeem F o r BUSINESS SERVICES RAYMOND, et als, Defendants. Civil $680 47 together with Interest from April Why It It belni attacked, Action Writ of Execution—For Sale of 23. 1968 end costs. "WATTS MY LINE" Smart Foshioni I Mortgaged Premises. J , Lot 47. Block 586 on ths Tax Duplicate Why It It rowing. By virtue of th t above-stated writ of of the City of Rahway ELECTRICAL At Amerigo Netto, Prop, I execution to me directed 1 shall expose Total amount required to redeem Who altt on Itt council. PIANOS REPAIRED, REFIN­ for sale by public vendue. In the Court • Electrical Outlets. Swtyches CLERKS TYPISTS STENOS I $1,350.85 together with Interest from How it affecta you. CONTRACTORS Modeit Prices FU 8-0932 Business Machine Operators | ISHED, BOUGHT & SOLD House, in the City of Elizabeth, N. J., April 28. 1948 and costs. Lights, Electric Stove, Drier Room B-8. on Wednesday, the 8th day Lot 48. Block 586 on the Tax Duplicate Jr., Misses & E v.'g. EL 3-2609 Free Estimates 388-5851. of March A. D., 1967, at two o'clock in of the City of Rahway. Hook-up. JOIN the afternoon of said day. Total amount required to redeem FOR INFORMATION •Wiring for air-conditioners 1/2 Sizts FLORAL All the following tract or parcel of $1,044.13 together with Interest from FU 8-2128 A-l TEMPORARIES land and premises hereinafter particu­ April 28. 1948 end costs WRITE TO ■ snd electric base board heat- ARRANGEMENTS SPECIAL SERVICES larly described, situate, lying and being Work Lot 55. Block 802 on the Tax Duplicate In,'. BOUSE It INDUSTRIAL For Top Notch Companies | in the City of Rahway. County of Union of the City of Rahway. P.0. BOX 842 1490 Irving St GRAVE BLANKETS and State of New Jersey: Total amount required to redeem •100 amp. 220 V Service! WIRING In BEOINNINO at a point In the west­ $135.84 together with Interest from Rahway Your Local Areas LOCAL TYPEWRITER SER­ erly line of Montgomery Street distant November 13. 1957 end costs. CLARK, N.J. 07066 Victor S. Skokondy 996 Thorn St.. CLARK VIEW FLORIST South 1° 45’ 45" West 135 feet from the And that unless, at the said time and Rohwoy Come in or Call Today VICE - All makes cleaned and Intersection thereof with the southerly place, you or one of you redeem by Paid for by; Rahway, N.J. 1435 Reriton Reed line of Washington Street, thence U) paying the aforesaid sum so found due Jamas Fitzgerald (TVvo blocks from Snuffy’s) repaired. Call 272-7346. South 1° 45' 48" West 40 feet along said FU B-3612 Clark, N. j. in plaintiff, then you. and each of you 484 Parry Street 388-0453 S&H Stamps line of Montgomery Street; thence i2) .“hall be debarred and foreclosed of and Ivy Storch Handi-Charge TOP RATES $6. BONUS ELECTROLYSIS North 88“ 14' 15" West 90 feet; thence from all right and equity of redemption Nawark, Naw Jarsay (3i North 1° 45' 45" East 40 feet; thence of. in and to the lands and premises NO FEE . (4) South 88° 14' 18" East 90 feet to 413 Park Ave., Scotch Plains ■ Unwanted hair removed by the ibove set out and described in the com­ latest shortwave method V. ■ aid line of Montgomery Street to the plaint and amendment and every part 322-8300 point or place of Beginning. thereof, and that the plaintiff be vested Furniture FURS De Salvo, member of American Being known as Lots 9 it 10. Block with an absolute and Indefeasible estate Furniture Foreign Car Electrolysis Association and 103 on the tax map of the City of Rah­ of inheritance in fee simple in said lands W ORLD BOOK I way, and commonly known as 1688 and premises. Association of N.J, 41 W. Main Montgomery Street, Rahway, N. J. David L. Ravlch GREEN’ S' St 388-0999, 8oid description has been drawn In Attorney for Plaintiff CLARK FUR accordance with map of survey dated ENCYCLOPEDIA FOREIGN CAR November 26. 1963 made by Marsh it NOTICE TO CREDITORS ol Rahway Lawrence, C.E. Surveyors, Rahway. it ESTATE OF CLIFFORD I. WORTH 1501 MAIN ST COATS JIM’S TV SERVICE New Jersey. Deceased. REPAIRS JIM MC DOWELL, JR. IS start­ There is due approximately $8,737.87 Pursuant to the order of MARY C. FL00R& 388-0318 Made HELP WANTED MALE with interest from December 1. 1968 and KANANE. Surrogate of the County of FOR INFORMATION ~ ing TV Repair Work in this $988.84 with Interest from December 6. Union, made on the twenty-seventh day Three Floors 1966 and costs. of January A. D., 1067, upon the appli­ Collision Work to LATHE, BRIDGEPORT, & hand area. Alumni Rahway High The Sheriff reserves the right to ad­ NO OBLIGATION! Nursery Furniture - Edison, cation of the undersigned, as Executrix BEDDING Free Estimates screw machine operators. Full School, Class 1950 Graduate journ this salt. _ _ , of the estate of said deceased, notice is Lullabye ChiIdcraftABuiltrite Order of JerseyCity Tech Inst. Qual­ RALPH ORISCELLO. Shsrlff hereby given to ths creditors of said de­ or part-time 381-7550. Armstrong and Little. Attyi. ceased to exhibit to the subscribers un­ IN RAHWAY CALL - • Linoleum • Carpets European Trained Bedding - Englander, 8 & S MANUFACTURING ified Electronic Tech. Second DJ it RNR CX-177-03 der oath or affirmation their claims and Mechanic C lass FCC License All people 2/9/4t Fees: $43.20 demands against ths estate of said de­ • Furniture • Bedding Sleepmaster, etc. 167 Wescott Dr,, Railway ceased within six months from the date JEFFERY GARGES Imported Auto who see this ad and would be LEGAL NOTICES of said order, or they will be forever COME IN AND BROWSE Bicycles - Rollfast A • REMODELING barred from prosecuting or recovering Columbia interested in acquiring my ser­ Sales & Service • REPAIRING MAINTENANCE MAN - all- NOTICE the same against the subscribers. vices, now or at a later date, Frances E. Worth and 1010 St. Gaorga Avanua Furniture - Bassett, Broyhlll around, handy, steady, over 21 Ths Board of Adjustment of the Town­ 276 8667 67 Westfield Ave., • COLD STORAGE call 388-3169 ship of Clark will hold its regular public DoriB Wohltman A V E N E l A Colony $2 per hr. Hamilton Laundry, meeting on Monday, February 20, 1987. Exeoutrices 276 Hamilton St., Rahway. 388- at 8 p.m., Municipal Building, Westfield Adolph Ulbrlch. Attorney IN CLARK CALL - (Naar Clovarlaof) TOYS Avenue, to hear the following applica­ 1143 E. Jersey St. Dally 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. RAHWAY FUR SHOP 3000. tion: Elizabeth, N. J, Clark Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. OPEN THURS A FRI. nights MRS. LYNN CAL. 1-67—Applicant. Lawrence Russo. 2 '2/4t Fees: $20 80 MRS. DORIS DALLAS FUlton 8-3323 Handwriting & Horoscope 271 Valley Road. Bl. 176, Lot 38. to M E 6 *9 0 7 0 Free Delivery & Free Set Up 1522 IRVING ST., RAHWAY YOUNG MAN General Factory R e a d in g s enclose front step landing and erect NOTICE fU1-6886 Handi Charge GE Credit one-car attached garage In violation of In the matter of the application of Duties. Good opportunity to Special Reading $1,00 EVELYN FORD for leave to assume the front depth and side yard requirements. name of EVELYN WADE. 233-7171 learn shipping and order filling. Open daily from 9 to 9 The Board of Adjustment of ths Town* TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TECHNA1R LABS PHONE 382-3179 ship of Clark approved the following Take Notioe that the undersigned will application for a variance at a public apply to the Union County Court on the 414 E. Inman Ave., Rahway 1582 Irving St., Rahway N. meeting on January 16, 1967; and rec­ 10th day of February, 1007, at 0:30 Moving 382-7270 ommended confirmation to the Govern­ o clock In the forenoon, at the Court ing Body: House in Elizabeth, New Jersey, for a WATCH REPAIRS Oeorge Mastro, to erect and maintain Judgment authorizing EVELYN FORD to SLIPCOVERS 4 o Local • Long Distance coin-operated Ice machine, Block 89. assume the name of EVELYN WADE. HELP WANTE0 - MALE Lot 01, Raritan Road it Gibson Boule­ Evelyn Ford DRAPERIES vard. „ , ALFRED K. BRIOOLA, ESQ. CUSTOM MADE-TO-ORDER with Full Guarantee Norma C. Nolan 23 North Avenue, East OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Board of Adjustment • Largest selection in FOR Cranford, New Jersey Expert Repairs NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL DIE* l/l0 /4 t this area Robert E. Brunner SALES REPRESENTATIVE TRICT MEETING OF THE UNION NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTMENT • Fitted in your home on All Jewelry COUNTY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS e Guaranteed Work­ Prescription Opticians irge manufacturer of fully guaranteed municipal and industrial DISTRICT NO. 1. COUNTY OF UNION, Announced dosing date for filing ap­ 3 Line Stamp $2 STATE OF NEW JERSEY. TO BE HELD man ahip 388-1667 plications, March 3, 1907. Chant-orb lemicals, has position open in New Jersey. ON FEBRUARY 21. 1967 For applications, duties and minimum These knob handle stamps are made , i • Finest fabrics NOTICE is hereby given to the legal qualifications apply to Department of ^ -> Lowest prices 4 No. Union Ave. voters of The Union County Regional Civil Bervlce. State House, Trenton, New to order from best quality materials srrltory protected by contract. Complete training program. $200 High School District No. 1, In the County Jersey. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS mUlt BRiboe 2-5650 eekly draw against commissions earned. Insurance program, of Union. Stats of New Jersey, that the be obtained from New Jersey State De­ within 24 hours and mailed hy our Free Estimate jtstanding future for a career salesperson. annual sohool district meeting of the partment of Civil Service. GOLDBLATTS STORAGE legal voters will be held at the Columbia Open to citizens, 12 months resident expert service, Ra«h your order to re g-SJU WlfTriELD School, Plainfield Avenue. Berkeley Jn Rahway. FREE ESTIMATES Heights, for the legal voters of General 100 E. B road St . pplicant does not have to live in Rahway, Election Districts Nos. 2. 3, 4. 8 and 6: Clerk Typist, 8alary, Contact Munici­ pal Authorities for salary rates. RAHWAY It.ili« Oldest ADAMS 2-8162 Berkeley School, Snyder Avenue. Berkeley Examination will be hsld Saturday. DIAL 388-4738 I slalilished Jeweler McColley Bros, equipments. Over 25, exceptional sa les ability, late model Heights, for the legal voters of Oeneral April 8, 1967. Candidates will be noti­ FASHI0R FABRICS Election Districts Nos. 1, 7, 8 and «i fied where to appear. ir, Arthur L. Johnson Regional High School. — MOVERS — A lso In Westfield Avenue. Clark, for the legal 2/2/3t W. F. NELSON Interior Decorators voters of all Oeneral Election Districts: 388-3914 TOMS RIVF.R or personal interview, send resume to: Washington School. East Street, Oar- NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT 35 Lake Ave., Colonia, N. J, 07067 Curtains - Linena - Yard Goods NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, That the 1421 MAIN ST. RAHWAY 84 E:CHERRY STREET wood. for the legal voters of Oeneral first and final account of the subscribers, DeL CHEMICAL CORPORATION Election Districts Nos. 1 and 2; Franklin John W. Ackley. Jr., Alexander McF. RAHWAY W158 N9332 Nor-X-Way Ave. 100 es4 Kuvelopu printed, $1.25 postpaid Menomonee F alls, Wisconsin Attn; Paul Des Jardins Real Estate Settaurant SPECIAL SERVICES Travel Help Wanted - Male or Female ______I i~ ELECTROLYSIS * Experienced TELLERS or will DIRECTORY The Brothers | TREATMENT I train. All Fringe Benefits. ■ Latest Short Wave Method | BOOK and ‘rjf/tai'eCQuide Community Bank of Linden. J Unwanted Hair Removed^ STATIONERY SHOP 925-35 00. Mrs. Makarchek. REALTORS & INSURORS Permanently AND 330 St. George Ave. Riuhway' 1085 RARITAN ROAD Special: I From 1/26/67 to 2/28/67 > ADS AMERICAN COMPLETE LINE CLARK, NEW JERSEY APARTMENTS FOR RENT I $5.00 per H hour. For freel OF SCHOOL AND 381-0260 I info, and literature call orf FOOD RAHWAY $2 A WEEK BAUER-BROOKS CO. DESK EQUIPMENT Unfurn. apt. near Merck. Newly IcONNIE KAPLAN, ME.! ALL.MAKES A COMPLETE TRAVEL dec. 4 rms., sunporch, garage. 381-5415 Chinatown Family Dinner SERVICE COMPLETE LINE 2nd fl. Supply own steam heat 1 549 W. Inman Avenue 13 WEEK MINIMUM CRUISES-TOURS (coal) and utilities. Avail Mar. ;| 1480 IRVING STREET, Orders to Take Out | Rahway, N.J. ePOCKET BOOKS HOTELS 1st. $95. 381-8133. BEST VALUE IN CANTON HOUSE • MAGAZINES ALL DOMESTIC AND DEMOLITION WORK RAHWAY • BOXED CANDY OVERSEAS TRAVEL RAHWAY TREE WORK DONE RESTAURANT ARRANGEMENTS 2*2 rms. heat/'hot water sup­ NEWSPAPERS TODAY • CHILDS BOOKS’* ATTICS AND BASEMENTS 1540 IRVING ST. plied. $15. per wk., E. Hazel­ cleaned out and junk hauled wood 4 Witherspoon. Call away. Call Pat O’Donnell, 381-9400 382-5770, 233-8180 388-7763. Very reasonable CALL 388-0600 rates. t % t

February 9, 1967 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot Page 9 Ray’s Corner Rec. Cage Rahway Scores Victories Over Indians To Springfield, Hillside To Tie By RAY HOASLAND- League Meet Lions Plainsmen For Watchung Title Mrs. Mary Stueber of 1026 Mike Glasset had 5 for the Standings On Friday Stone Street or Mr. Bob losers. A never say die band of win and the Scotch Plains Guempel of 245 Forbes * * * Indians from Rahway High for the title. The Rahway Indians de­ Street are in charge of the In the Union County CYO FRANKLIN School gained a tie for the Rahway controled the feated Holy Trinity High registration for the CYRC league this week, St. WON LOST Watchung Conference on Sat­ board 39 to 27, including School of Westfield Monday baseball and girls softball Joseph's of Roselle nipped Indiana 0 urday afternoon when they 12 by Joe Dorsey and 10 by night by an 82-58 score to teams for this year. Anyone St. Mary’s of Rahway in over Illinois 2 came from behind in the last Gary Ervick, who picked off move into the quarter-finals Interested should contact the time 26-25, in a girls divis­ Michigan 2 period to score a 50 to 44 six in the last period. Rah­ of the 31st annual Union above named. Mrs. Stueber ion game. Mike Berg led the Northwestern 3 win over the Hillside Co­ way hit 20 of 62 from the County Basketball tourna­ told the News-Record this senior boys with 13 points, Iowa 3 mets on the latters court. floor and 10 of 13 from the ment. week that there is a great but the locals dropped a 33- Purdue 3 The Indians opened the free throw line. Hillside was Rahway will meet the need for girls softball man­ 26 game to St. Elizabeth of Ohio State 5 fourth period trailing 34-33. 18 of 46 and 8 of 13 on the Lions at 8:45 Friday night agers and boys softball and Linden. At this point, little George line. This was Rahway’s 12 at the Roselle Catholic High baseball managers and * * * Wilks stole a pass in mid win in 14 games. School court. coaches. Registration forms CYRC President The Indiana team moved court drove in for a lay up On Friday night the Indians The Rahway Jayvees ad­ are being sent throughout Condron has been elected to two games in front of the and the Indians were in front scored an exciting 78-69 win vanced to the quarter-finals the local schools. the Trustees of the Union Franklin School boys bas­ 35-34. Then Wilk’s three over the Springfield Bulldogs I by defeating the Westfield * * Hi County Pop Warner Football ketball league of the Re­ pointer and Billy Thomas’ before a packed house at Jayvees ~ by a 55-48 score in Miss Margaret “Toots” Conference for this year. creation department with a scored from under with 5.20 home. The Locals never a comeback effort. They will Nusse of 701 West Milton Charlies Adasczik of Clark 14-10 win over Northwes­ left in the game, it appears trailed in the game but the meet Thomas Jefferson’s Avenue, is starting her 33rd was elected Treasurer. The tern. The league leaders the Indians were home, but bulldogs kept in range Jayvee Five at Westfield year as manager of the Ari- Chiefs will open their foot­ were led by Billy Wadding- the Comets scored six in a throughout. High School at 10 a.m. Sat­ •ans Women’s softball team. ball season against the Clark ton and Howard Marr with row and it was tied at 40-40 Five Rahway players were urday morning. Miss Nusse is an employee Crusaders on September 17 six points each. John La- with 3.36 to go. in double figures led by Joe Trinity battled the Indians of Merck & Company and is at the Arthur L. Johnson gala led the wildcats with Steve Varanko scored on a Dorsey’s 18, Jim Clarke’s nip and tuck through a hard six markers. 12, George Wilks 16, Steve 9 the ASA softball commissio­ hook shot from the right side, NLPVE Regional High School. fought first half when the ner for this district. The * * * Michigan moved into a but Charlie Atkinson tied up Varanko’s 14, and Billy Tho­ score was tied twice. Tak­ Arians will try to improve Frank Yarrish, Jr., of second place tie with a 12-4 the game at 42-42. Gary mas' 14. Rahway outrebound- ing the lead 31-30, Rahway their 1966 finish of fifth in Colonia announced today that win over Iowa. Philip Bar- Ervick, tapped in a rebound, ed the vistors by 44-29. They ran off eight points, four by ACE the Eastern Major Girls the annual Watchung Bow­ beri and Ken Rothweiler lead Joe Doresey hit a jumper, hit 30 of 62 from the floor Steve Varanko, two by Joe Softball league. Miss Nusse man vension and chicken din­ the winners with 4 points, Steve Varanko scored a free and 18 of 26 from the char­ Dorsey and a steal by Jim OF HEARTS said that this years team while Bob Moro led Iowa throw and George Wilk’s ity line. The win was the ner for members and guests with four. Clarke to hold the lead thr­ Your choice of milk, dark, “will have more experience, will be held at the College three pointer provided the Indians 14 of 17 thus far and oughout the remainder of Purdue walloped Ohio snapped a four game winning or assorted milk and plus a stout defensive unit Inn, in Hillside on Febru­ margin for the Indians to the game. dark miniature chocolates which should bolster the ary 25. State 21-2 with Mike Me- streak for the losers. Junior Billy Thomas scor­ team in their quest for the * * * Keever top scorer with 14 points. ed 20 points, getting 14 of $ 375 title.” The team is on the Leroy F. Donley of the Davie Chinchar 15, and Jim them in the second half while look - out for a pitcher. Recreation Department’s Brower 11. Kelly’s jumped!Joe D°rsey scored 21 and Secondly, the team will play Rifle club is conducting the ROOSEVELT A High Scores off to a big lead in the first had 13 rebounds. Varanko in a new ball field with ultra annual city championship at WON LOST quarter and were never and Ervick also played North Carolina 4 modern lighting which should the club range in the base­ 1 headed. The John Schwartz stron8 games, give them one of the finest ment of the old recreation Kentucky 4 1 game the Wake Forest Mark Clark team was led by A1 Geiger ln the Jayvee facilities in the section. building on Main Street. 2 3 with 19 points, Richie Stein-1 Blue Devils led 27-26 at the * * * * * * Flordia 0 5 ke 14, A1 Silber 13 and Jim half, but the Indians, led by ims Boys and girls of the Re­ Members of the Recrea­ Wherrity 13. j Jim Baker and Tom Fitz­ creation department’s Roll­ Ad League tion Rifle Club will attend Joe Rotondo’s three point The John Boyle A.C. team gerald outscored their rivals CHOICE er Skating program will tra­ the National Rifle Associa­ play in the final minutes which won only one game in by 29-22 count, Fitzgerald vel to the Carteret Roller tion conference in Washing­ gave the Kentucky Wildcats The Original Pals, first the first round defeated the hitting on four of six free HEART Skating Rink 100 strong on ton D. C. on April 1. The a 9-8 win over last place round winners of the Clark Country Squires. The Boyle throws in the last period Saturday morning for their group will travel by bus, Florida and enabled the win­ Adeult Basketball League, team had four men in dou­ while Mike Stargell and Jim annual trip. The buses will leaving at 5:30 a.m. ners to maintain their tie defeated Pailliard as all six ble figures paced by Joe Baker tallied four times IS FROM leave from in front of City for first place in the Re­ players hit double figures. Campana who threw in 13 each. Baker led the scoring Hall at 8:45 a.m. and re­ creation Department’s points, Tim Spicer 12, Pat with 19. turn about 12:30. Jim Powers and Mike Mar- THE * * * Roosevelt school boys bas­ zano combined for 49 points Nesgood and Richie Feith The Knicks fought off the ketball league with the North followed by Joe Poll with 14, each having ten. The John Rahway High School swim­ Celtics to score a 40 to 36 Carolina team that scored a Bob Yakublsin, and Jack Boyle A.C. broke the game Indian Matmen BIGGEST mers dropped a 58-37 match win in the opening game of 20-11 win over Wake For- open In the second quarter to the undefeated Somerville Kelly 12 points each and the Recreation department’s 6 S t Jerry Malia 10 points. The by outscorlng the Squires Pioneers this week. The only senior high school boys lea­ Mike Bailey with 14 led game was close at the end 17-7. Tie Country Squires Win Cranford OF ALL first place winner for the gue. All six members of the the winners while Phil Sobo of the first quarter but the were paced once again by Remember! locals was Dave Eisen in the Knick’s scored in double fi­ led the losers with seven, Pals rallied for 10 straight Doug Williams with 18 Match 28 to 16 Valentine's Day 100 yard butterfly. The 400 gures led by Charles Mot­ Mike Bailey is leading the SELECTIONS/ points early in the second points followed by Mike is Tuesday, yard freestyle relay team of ley with 9, Ed. Stockley and league in scoring with 51, quarter to break the game Becker with 12 and Marty The mat squad of Rahway Dave Summerer, Ronnie Harry Spears with 8. The followed by Dave Ziobro with open. Howie Koplan with a Rossman with 11. scored a 28-16 win over February 14 Toth, Dave Eisen and Craig losers were topped by Terry 29, Russell Currie with 23 variety of left hand push Cranford on the latter’s mats Sanwald won in the time of Avent’s 13 and Marcel Miles and Phil Sobo with 22. shots pace Pailliard with 18 on Friday night. The Indians 4.26.4. WATCHUNG TITLE * * * with 9. points. have one more conference There’s a little bit of love in every box of i Charley Kelly’s, the se­ The Watchung Conference match left with Scotch Plains In the CYRC Basketball The Lakers led throughout ' ROOSEVELT B cond place team In the first title will be decided when and to the winner will go the league this week, the Royal in their 33 - 29 win over the WON LOST round, defeated John Sch­ Rahway meets Scotch Plains runner-up spot In the league. 93 EAST CHERRY STREET scored a 35-23 win over the Warriors. Condell Staley led Alabama 4 1 wartz Inc. as Wyman Everly -Fanwood on Tuesday, Feb­ The undefeated Westfield Warriors with John Milazzo the Warriors with 14 points Tennessee 4 1 tallied 24 points. Bill Ken­ ruary 21 at either Clark or team has wrapped up the And throughout New Jersey of the Royals and Steve Nik- while Ron Smith had 12 for Duke 2 3 nedy 23, Ralph Bianchi 22, Westfield High School. flag. awiz of the W arriors scoring the Lakers. Georgia Tech 0 5 12 points each. The Knicks K** * * * SK** * * s3K***aW3(3S3aS!«t36Sawl3WK3S3W3Wl3W63tSBp scored over the Hawks 23- The Bullets rolled over Tennessee upset the Ala­ 12, led by Mike Bailey with the Pistons 27 to 11. Ira bama team by the score of 9 and Phil Hannibal with 8 Brown and Charlie Surber 23 - 14 and moved into a for the losers. The Lakers led the winners while Ralph tie with the Crimson. Ray walloped the Celtics 37-15, Jones had 9 points for the Wills and Andy Price led CAR led by Phil Sabo’s 13 while losers. the scoring with 19 of their teams 23 points. Duke led all the way as they scored a 23 - 15 win ELECT EXPERIENCE COUNTS over the last place Georgia AILING? Tech team. John Wargo led We'll Completing 9 years Tech with 8 while Dave Zim- mel had 11 for the Blue on board Devils. MEDICAR FOR Chaired all committees Dave Zlmmel Is lead­ Two Terms as President ing the league In scoring with 35 points, followed by YOUR CAR AT buy the Ray Wills with 34, A1 Mar- clno with 32 and Andy Prince with 19. Will continue same vrrcrr nm...HENKENIUSsgsgSL BROS. honest, diligent and S f ^ r n l P Atlantic Service Center GROVER CLEVELAND heater purposeful efforts. U. S Highway 1, of E. Grand Avenue WON LOST ; j Ji.. RE-USABLE Lakers 4 1 Phone: FUlton 1-55.35 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY C eltics 3 2 HEATER m Glenn J. Henkenius, Prop. > Royals 2 3 Hawks 1 4

to the Rahway Board LESTER OXMAN of Education In a game to decide first place in the Grover Cleve­ land league, the Lakers wal­ I'M GLAFI I CHAVGEP TO... LEVER 12, TUESDAY,FEB. 14th loped the Celtics 20-9 be­ Paid for by Lester Oxman and friends hind the ten points of War- 1537 Main Street, Rahway dell Armstrong. In the other game of the PREMIER OIL day the Hawks nipped the Royals 9-8. • vjpply no SERVING UNION & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES 1 SINCE 1914 JR. HIGH GIRLS FOR FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE WON LOST AND HIGH QUALITY OIL Bloomfield 2 0 Rutgers 1 1 D id 388-5100 CH0D0SH BROS. & WEXLER Montclair 1 1 Douglas 0 2 You COAL AND FUEL 0!L CO. Nadine Synder with 11 points led the Bloomfield team of the Recreation De­ fo r the, JL • Automatic Fuel Oil Delivery partment’s girls basketball buy the league to a 31 - 24 win over m n (fit., I3 P • Complete Installations Rutgers. Pat Flynn led the • Heating Modernization losers with 19 points. In The Entire Family their other game this week the undefeated Bloomfield lather girls won over Montclair Can Bowl Together 24 Hour Pnone Service 26 - 16 with Janet Dumay Rahway, .eading the scoring with 10 36 E. Grand C l .a r k ^ £ L a n i s New Jersey and Mary Ann Blackshear Avenue 388-1000 tossing ten points for the r is e " Hot Lather is brand new. We say it soft­ losers. 140 CSNTRAL AVINUI Rutgers defeated Douglas CUJUC. NfW JUSIY ens your beard as no cold lather can—comforts 18-13 behind Pat Glynn’s your skin as no cold lather can—gives you a 10 points, while Lorraine 381- 4700 closer shave than any cold lather can—or we're Skryka led Douglas with six. 1 out the 50? heater cap that comes free with rB Montclair handed the 50 Brunswick Automatic Lanes ROBBINS & ALLISON INC, Douglas girls their second your first can of new r is e Hot. Snack Shop straight loss, by the score The cap is re-usable, and it's quite an inven­ i of 34-16. Nancy Kobran had .Established 1912 12 for the Montclair team Cocktail Lounge tion. It makes r is e Hot Lather in five seconds. while Dale Nepshlnsky led Supervised Playroom A thick, special lather that's made to take heat, i the losers with 9. hold heat. W ilts your whiskers soft in seconds. for Bowling Mothers Once you try new r is e Hot you'll never go back • LOCAL AND St. Peter’s nipped the to cold lather again. That's why we're giving you the 50? heater cap free. How about it? LONG DISTANCE Setor. Hall team 26 to 25 In ta r Heaters Children under 1?Free MOVING and tied up the St. Mary’s You buy the lather. W e'll buy the heater. Look boys league tighter then a for the special r is e "Free Heater Cap" pack­ • STORAGE drum with all three teams tied for the first place spot. IS PARIS BURNING age at your store today. It's a $1.50 value, WITH AN INTERNATIONAL ALL,STAR CAST yours for only $1.00.” The offer's limited, so • PACKIN G St. Peters won the game in , and. I the last period when they don't wait. held the Hall scorless and *M fr. suggested retail price. TEL. 276-0899 JOAhT CAULFIELD RED TOMAHAWK 1966 Carter Products Div. of Carter-Wallace, Inc. tallied 12 times, led by Mi­ chael Berg and Bob Sojka. 213 South Ave., E. Cranford RoxOHtce opens i I DRIVE IN THEATRE Toite»fun«*aot'0*i»«e»r».pi The losers were led by Bill 6 30 Sun 5 30 1 Amboys I PA 1-3400- Carden State Pkwy Exit 127 Brown with 16. I Of N J Turnpike Exit 11 to Rt 9 V

February 9, 1967 Page 10 Rahway News-Record/Clark Patriot

led the St. Thomas G.C. series while Ruth Freist rol­ M irra’s 602 lead the scoring. Pelt in the bantam girls. umm Mixed bowling league for led 258, but the Clark Lanes * * * * * * Register February 4-11 three games. High games dropped two games to the Sam Trunzo's 253 and a Helen Owsiak with a high were hit by John Fundock Mountainside Inn in the Gar­ 625 series was top man in game of 201 and high three HI-LIGHTS 252 and Betty Ciuba’s 180. den State Mixed Classic this the Intercity League at the games of 512 led the St. SCHWARTZ SHOES The team of Pauline Remeta week. Recreation Lanes. JohnSon- John Vianney Women’s Clark Little Leaguers * * * Betty Ciuba, John Matuska, atore rolled 620; Carl Hoefl­ Tuesday bowling league. The All boys interested in par­ Any parents with questions Experienced Professional Jr., Ron Simko and Bob Ko- Ed Malinowski and Robert ing 615; Tom Jennings 612; eleventh place Cedar hit a ticipating in Clark Little about registration or eligi­ vack had a 2,377 score for Kelber each had a 254 high A1 Benedict 612; Joe Zarro high game of 522 while the League team, must register bility should call Ed Much- Fitting high three games total and game to lead the Knights of 600. Accurate Bushing Elm’s rolled 1417 for three between the hours of 9 a.m. more, President at 382- a high team game of 865. Columbus league. Dick No­ increased their league lead games. The Hickory’s still and 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb­ 2046. Team #9 still hold a seven lan had a high game of 242. to two games with a 2-1 stand at the top of the lea­ ruary 4 or Saturday, Febru­ game lead over team §2. High series were hit by Bob win over Monticello Plum­ gue with five game lead over ary 11 at the Brewer School High average as of this time Keller at 650, Ed Balasia bers. the Palm’s and six over Cafeteria, it was announced is Paul Caravella’s 173 and 618 and Carmen Ness at * * * third place Dogwood’s. Crusaders Win Veteran bowler Jack Hay * * * by league officials this week. Lillian Negy’s 147. 594. This registration is for be­ * * * * * * shot 648 last week in the John Fundock with a 589 Carol Roe led the Rahway ginners and last season’s Eleventh Over In the Rahway Ladies Ma­ John D’Addario hit a 624 Senior League with a line of Women’s church league with so and PauHne Remeta with 470 224-231 and 223. Other top Minor League players who jor league at the Recreation set and closed with a 276 a high game of 191 while wish to play Minor League Hillside High lanes, the Michael Builders games to lead the bowlers scores were Tom Calello had Lillian Buechler had 182-520 667, Joe DaPrile increased ball again this year. and the Dickert’s are tied in the Intercounty Industrial series. Phyllis Knoss with To be eligible to play, boys Clark’s Crusaders won soft! for first place with a season league at the Recreation his league leadifig average 180 and Betty Watson 181 their eleventh game of the to over 200 with 246-655 set. must be residents of Clark CANNEL record of 37-20 followed by lanes this week. Charlie were top scorers this week. and at least eight years old season a 48 - 42 victory over Win-Co Fireplaces who are Harvatt’s 668 was the top Art Sammond belted a 660, In a league up-set the Zion the Hillside Comets on Fri­ Warren Griffin 249-655 and prior to August 1, 1967. They one - game behind. In this series, while the Recreation Lutherans #2 scored a 3-0 cannot register if they will day night. weeks action the Dickerts lanes dropped a 2-1 decision Charlie Harvatt 244 - 645. win over the St. Paul’s # 1 Clark took advantage of the Mike Esposito’s 633, Andy become 13 years old prior won the odd game from Mich­ to Prem ier Oil. Tom Wahl and now trail by 1/2 game to August 1, 1967. Specifi­ foul line to win the game. ael Builders, Win-Co Fire­ and Joe Segotta had scores Mazzarella’s 631 and George while the First Presbyter­ The Comets made three Gordon’s 616 led the Maz- cally, boys are eligible to place won thre e from the of 653 and 610. Richie Ten- ian moved into third place register and play during the more field goals, but the Recreation Lanes, the Jeme neson hit 636. zarella Five to a 3,036 set. with a sweep over the St. 1967 season if their birth winners hit on 16 of 26 while Hair Stylists won 2-1 from Other top scorers in the Sammond, Ange Miele with a Paul’s #2. Zion Lutherans dates are between July 31, the Comets only had only 4 the Raritan Metals while Intercounty league were Kurt 635 and Harry Schreffler’s #1 won three from Osceola 1955 and July 31, 1959. Both of 8. Merwin Marine scored a 2-1 Booth’s 660; Joe Tarr 657; 600 led the Michaels Build­ and the Second Presbyter­ dates are inclusive. The Crusaders took over decision over Park Flying Frank Johnson 644; Tony ers to a three game win. ians won the odd game from The boys must be regis­ at 7 - 5 early in the .first “ A” . Barbara Rowan had Coppola 627; Frank Miller Also shooting high in the Trinity. tered by a parent or guar­ period and never trailed. high game of 225, Lil Chris­ 254-619; Angie Miele 614; league were John Motlack Chet Melli led the winners 635; Dan Gallagher and RAHWAY-CLARK dian. Birth certificates must W. w ill D E LIV E R in topher 222, Nita Silbon 213; John Motlack and Mel Ber­ be brought along to confirm with 20 points, while Eric QUANTITIES of Yi TON Pat Bennett 210; Dolly Mer­ ner 610; Tom Muir 609; Geo­ Frank Johnson 627; Harry SPORTS SCHEDULE Jann had 10, Frank Padus- Sherwood 614; Tom Deter birth dates. The registra­ rill 198; Joan Henderson 193; rge Yorke 603; A1 Medvigy Thursday tion fee is $3 for one boy niak had 7. FIREPLACE WOOD Julie Crans 189; Kay Horvath and Tom Deter 600. TheMik- 243-611-Tony Coppola 246- 607; Bill Dipple 606; Jim Swimming - Rahway at and $2 for each additional NATURE SLIDES PRESTO-LOGS 188; Trudy Perry 185; Dot los team won three games North Plainfield boy registered in the family. A.FULL LINE OF Hoehle 180; Rose Vogel 180 and moved into a tie for Erb 267-606 - Scully Mosso An exhibition of Nature first place with the Miller and Barry Prince 605 and Friday APRIL CRUSADE colored slides accepted in Fl'REPLACE TOOLS and Mable White 180. High Wrestling - Kenilworth at series of over 500 were hit Masons and Alban’s. Mike Figurelli 600. Volunteers of the New the Nature Division of the AND ACCESSORIES * * * * * * Clark Jersey Division of the A- International Salon on Photo­ by Barbara Rowen 573; Pat Basketball-Jr. High, Rah­ TRACTION SAND I Bennett 561; Lil Christopher Bill Heys lead the Union In the Union County Junior merican Cancer Society will graphy will be shown at the County Major League at the Bowling association meet way at Hillside seek $1,225,000 in the April Trailside Nature and Science Thot's what these adorable babies are. And that's what I IN 50 LB. BAGS 556; Julie Crans 578; Dolly Wrestling - Scotch Plains they should be fitted Intoi extra soft, wondrously flexible Merrill 546; Joan Henderson Clark Lanes with a 226-222- this week at the Federal Crusade to carry on pro­ Center in the Watchung Re­ Lanes in Elizabeth the foll­ at Clark; Jr. High, Terrill grams of research, edu­ servation, on Sunday, Febru­ Kali-sten-iks baby shoes. Beautifully crafted . . . 523, Rose Vogel 519. 226 for a 674 series, as his and constructed especially for tiny, tender feet. * * * owing were entered: In the of Scotch Plains at Rahway cation and service. ary 12, at 3:00 p.m. team the Miracle Mirror Tuesday Estelle Schwensfer hit a dropped into third place. The Senior boys singles Dennis ESeS6*SS»SSOOS3W3S3t3636SMMMkJ-j»3W3BMW«k3k3WWMWMKKuaM HHunnnemn HORAN Harvee Sales with Sam Zit- Hoyer of Clark Lanes; in Wrestling-Rahway at Sco­ high game of 235 in a 562 tch Plains Est. 1922 Oumers-Technicians 5 LUMBER & COAL CO. series to lead the Recrea­ tre r’s 639 won the odd games the Bantam boys were Jim WALT HANKS 5 from the Miracle. The Cillo Capodice and Ted Stanko of Wednesday Phone FU 8-1049 500 NORTH AVE. E., tion Lanes to a 2-1 win over Swimming - Rahway at BILL MARBACH \ CRANFORD the Jersey Lanes in a Union Five won in a sweep and Clark. In single girls divis­ At Parkway Exit J37 ion it was Debbie Clos and Perth Amboy • Records Are Kept of Your Child's Size County Women’s BPA Tra­ increased their league lead Basketball-Jr. High, Rah­ B R 6-5122 Ample Parking veling league. Tillie Rich­ to four full games. LenMaz- Kathy Reuther of Clark; in H & H Radio & the Junior class Barbara way at Hillside Avenue, • Reminder Cards Are Sent for Free size Check-ups ards was top’s with a 567. za’s 644; Randy Ross’s 628, Cranford. * * * Tony D’ Agostion’s 610, Martin with Nancy Pluznick • Doctor's Prescriptions Carefully Filled Russ Schmidt had a 667 Gordy Colettes 606 and Gene and Kathy and Barbara Van Television Follow the lead o f long ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS distance bus drivers and SALES & SERVICE Be Careful keep your headlights on dur­ SERVICING TELEVISION»RADIO»PHONO»HI-FI "Do with Growing Feet-We Always Are" APARTMENT FOR RENT RAHW AY ing the daylight, suggests AMERICAN ANTENNA INSTALLATION Beautiful location - Balcony overlooking the Institute For Safer Liv­ TOM’S & FOREIGN ing of the American Mutual river - Private garage - 3)4 rooms Liability Insurance Com­ ,1492 IRVING ST. RAHWAY, N.J. AUTO (1 bedroom) - Air conditioning .... pany. ■(VVVNVVV«VVVVV«*VVVV*-XVV*VVVV%VVVVVV%.*.'VVVVX CARS All the luxuries of a well kept small VCENTER apartment building. REPAIRS $125.00 per month (utilities not incl.) IEO TIRES FOR YOUR FAVORITE LIQUORS, CARBURETORS Call superintendent 382 - 5228 Also ask the superintendent about a WINES AND BEERS I Pickup & Delivery vacancy in our Prestige Apartment SHOES IGNITION. Building on the Rahway/Clark line. "One of New lersey's Finest Shoe Stores' - C A L L - SHOP AT.... XL $135.00 per month (incl. heat, etc.) 1519 MAIN ST., RAHWAY FRONT ENDS PETE'S CORNER DRIVE-IN PACKAGE STORE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. - X 381-4150 DO NOT DELAY, THESE BUILDINGS BRAKES-TUNEUP RARITAN RD., Corner of Seminary and Irving Streets, Rahway T CLARK USUALLY HAVE A WAITING LIST Bridgepark Co. Builders


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