
Journal of Articial Intelligence Research Submitted published

Total and PartialOrder Planning

A Comparative Analysis

Steven Minton mintonptolemyarcnasagov

John Bresina bresinaptolemyarcna sagov

Mark Drummond medptolemyarcnasagov

Recom Technologies

NASA Ames Research Mail Stop

Moett CA USA


For many years the intuitions underlying partialorder planning were largely taken for

granted Only in the past few years has there b een renewed interest in the fundamental

principles underlying this paradigm In this pap er we present a rigorous comparative

analysis of partialorder and totalorder planning by fo cusing on two sp ecic planners that

can b e directly compared We show that there are some subtle assumptions that underly

the widespread intuitions regarding the supp osed eciency of partialorder planning For

instance the sup eriority of partialorder planning can dep end critically up on the search

strategy and the structure of the search space Understanding the underlying assumptions

is crucial for constructing ecient planners

Intro duction

For many years the sup eriority of partialorder planners over totalorder planners has b een

tacitly assumed by the planning community Originally partialorder planning was intro

duced by Sacerdoti as a way to improve planning eciency by avoiding premature

commitments to a particular order for achieving subgoals The utility of partialorder

planning was demonstrated anecdotally by showing how such a planner could eciently

solve blo cksworld examples such as the wellknown Sussman anomaly

Since partialorder planning intuitively seems like a go o d idea little attention has b een

devoted to analyzing its utility at least until recently Minton Bresina Drummond

a Barrett Weld Kambhampati c However if one lo oks closely at

the issues involved a numb er of questions arise For example do the advantages of partial

order planning hold regardless of the search strategy used Do the advantages hold when the

planning language is so expressive that reasoning ab out partially ordered plans is intractable

eg if the language allows conditional eects

Our work Minton et al a has shown that the situation is much more inter

esting than might b e exp ected We have found that there are some unstated assumptions

underlying the supp osed eciency of partialorder planning For instance the sup eriority of

partialorder planning can dep end critically up on the search strategy and search heuristics


This pap er summarizes our observations regarding partialorder and totalorder plan

ning We b egin by considering a simple totalorder planner and a closely related partial

order planner and establishing a mapping b etween their search spaces We then examine


AI Access Foundation and Morgan Kaufmann Publishers All rights reserved

Minton Bresina Drummond

the relative sizes of their search spaces demonstrating that the partialorder planner has

a fundamental advantage b ecause the size of its search space is always less than or equal

to that of the totalorder planner However this advantage do es not necessarily translate

into an eciency gain this dep ends on the typ e of search strategy used For example we

describ e a where our partial order planner is more ecient than our total order

planner when depthrst search is used but the eciency gain is lost when an iterative

sampling strategy is used

We also show that partialorder planners can have a second indep endent advantage

when certain typ es of op erator ordering heuristics are employed This heuristic advantage

underlies Sacerdotis anecdotal examples explaining why leastcommitment works However

in our blo cksworld exp eriments this second advantage is relatively unimp ortant compared

to the advantage derived from the reduction in search space size

Finally we lo ok at how our results extend to partialorder planners in general We

describ e how the advantages of partialorder planning can b e preserved even if highly ex

pressive languages are used We also show that the advantages do not necessarily hold for

all partialorder planners but dep end critically on the construction of the planning space


Planning can b e characterized as search through a space of p ossible plans A totalorder

planner searches through a space of totally ordered plans a partialorder planner is dened

analogously We use these terms rather than the terms linear and nonlinear b ecause

the latter are overloaded For example some authors have used the term nonlinear

when fo cusing on the issue of goal ordering That is some linear planners when solving a

conjunctive goal require that all subgoals of one conjunct b e achieved b efore subgoals of the

others hence planners that can arbitrarily interleave subgoals are often called nonlinear

This version of the linearnonlinear distinction is dierent than the partialordertotal

order distinction investigated here The former distinction impacts planner completeness

whereas the totalorderpartialorder distinction is orthogonal to this issue Drummond

Currie Minton et al a

The totalorderpartialorder distinction should also b e kept separate from the distinc

tion b etween worldbased planners and planbased planners The distinction is one

of mo deling in a worldbased planner each search state corresp onds to a state of the

world and in a planbased planner each search state corresp onds to a plan While total

order planners are commonly asso ciated with worldbased planners such as Strips several

wellknown totalorder planners have b een planbased such as Waldingers regression plan

ner Waldinger Interplan Tate and Warplan Warren Similarly

partialorder planners are commonly planbased but it is p ossible to have a worldbased

partialorder planner Go defroid Kabanza In this pap er we fo cus solely on the

totalorderpartialorder distinction in order to avoid complicating the analysis

We claim that the only signicant dierence b etween partialorder and totalorder plan

ners is planning eciency It might b e argued that partialorder planning is preferable

b ecause a partially ordered plan can b e more exibly executed However execution exibil

ity can also b e achieved with a totalorder planner and a p ostpro cessing step that removes

unnecessary orderings from the totally ordered solution plan to yield a partial order Back

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

strom Veloso Perez Carb onell Regnier Fade The p olynomial

time complexity of this p ostpro cessing is negligible compared to the search time for plan

generation Hence we b elieve that execution exibility is at b est a weak justication for

the supp osed sup eriority of partialorder planning

In the following sections we analyze the relative eciency of partialorder and total

order planning by considering a totalorder planner and a partialorder planner that can

b e directly compared Elucidating the key dierences b etween these planning algorithms

reveals some imp ortant principles that are of general relevance


A plan consists of an ordered of steps where each step is a unique op erator instance

Plans can b e total ly ordered in which case every step is ordered with resp ect to every other

step or partial ly ordered in which case steps can b e unordered with resp ect to each other

We assume that a library of op erators is available where each op erator has preconditions

deleted conditions and added conditions All of these conditions must b e nonnegated prop o

sitions and we adopt the common convention that each deleted condition is a precondition

Later in this pap er we show how our results can b e extended to more expressive languages

but this simple language is sucient to establish the essence of our argument

A linearization of a partially ordered plan is a total order over the plans steps that is

consistent with the existing partial order In a totally ordered plan a precondition of a plan

step is true if it is added by an earlier step and not deleted by an intervening step In a

partially ordered plan a steps precondition is possibly true if there exists a linearization in

which it is true and a steps precondition is necessarily true if it is true in al l linearizations

A steps precondition is necessarily false if it is not p ossibly true

A state consists of a set of prop ositions A planning problem is dened by an initial

state and a set of goals where each goal is a prop osition For convenience we represent a

problem as a twostep initial plan where the prop ositions that are true in the initial state

are added by the rst step and the goal prop ositions are the preconditions of the nal

step The planning pro cess starts with this initial plan and searches through a space of

p ossible plans A successful search terminates with a solution plan ie a plan in which all

steps preconditions are necessarily true The search space can b e characterized as a

where each no de corresp onds to a plan and each arc corresp onds to a plan transformation

Each transformation incrementally extends ie renes a plan by adding additional steps

or orderings Thus each leaf in the search tree corresp onds either to a solution plan or

a deadend and each intermediate no de corresp onds to an unnished plan which can b e

further extended

Backstrom formalizes the problem of removing unnecessary orderings in order to pro duce a least

constrained plan He shows that the problem is p olynomial if one denes a leastconstrained plan as a

plan in which no orderings can b e removed without impacting the correctness of the plan Backstrom

also shows that the problem of nding a plan with the fewest orderings over a given op erator set is a

much harder problem it is NPhard

Minton Bresina Drummond


Termination check If G is empty rep ort success and return solution plan P

Goal selection Let c selectgoalG and let O b e the plan step for which c is a precondition


Op erator selection Let O b e an op erator in the library that adds c If there is no such O then

add add

terminate and rep ort failure Choice point al l such operators must be considered for completeness

Ordering selection Let O b e the last deleter of c Insert O somewhere b etween O and

del add del


O call the resulting plan P Choice point al l such positions must be considered for completeness


0 0

Goal up dating Let G b e the set of preconditions in P that are not true

0 0

Recursive invo cation TOP G

Figure The to planning algorithm

Plan P

S O A B O del need F

+ O add

SOO O A B F del add need

SOO A O B F del add need


del add need

Figure How to extends a plan Adding O to plan P generates three alternatives


A Tale of Two Planners

In this section we dene two simple planning algorithms The rst algorithm shown

in Figure is to a totalorder planner motivated by Waldingers regression planner

Waldinger Interplan Tate and Warplan Waldinger Our purp ose

here is to characterize the search space of the to planning algorithm and the pseudoco de

in Figure accomplishes this by dening a nondeterministic pro cedure that enumerates

p ossible plans If the plans are enumerated by a breadthrst search then the algorithms

presented in this section are provably complete as shown in App endix A

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

to accepts an unnished plan P and a goal set G containing preconditions which are

currently not true If the algorithm terminates successfully then it returns a totally ordered

solution plan Note that there are two choice p oints in this pro cedure op erator selection

and ordering selection The pro cedure do es not need to consider alternative goal choices

For our purp oses the function selectgoal can b e any deterministic function that selects

a memb er of G

As used in Step the last deleter of a precondition c for a step O is dened as


follows Step O is the last deleter of c if O deletes c O is b efore O and there is

del del del need

no other deleter of c b etween O and O In the case that no step b efore O deletes c

del need need

the rst step is considered to b e the last deleter

Figure illustrates tos plan extension pro cess This example assumes that steps A

and B do not add or delete c There are three p ossible insertion p oints for O in plan P


each yielding an alternative extension

The second planner is ua a partialorder planner shown in Figure ua is similar to

to in that it uses the same pro cedures for goal selection and op erator selection however

the pro cedure for ordering selection is dierent Step of ua inserts orderings but only

interacting steps are ordered Sp ecicall y we say that two steps interact if they are

unordered with resp ect to each other and either

one step has a precondition that is added or deleted by the other step or

one step adds a condition that is deleted by the other step

The only signicant dierence b etween ua and to lies in Step to orders the new step

with resp ect to al l others whereas ua adds orderings only to eliminate interactions It is

in this sense that ua is less committed than to

Figure illustrates uas plan extension pro cess As in Figure we assume that steps

A and B do not add or delete c however step A and O interact with resp ect to some


other condition This interaction yields two alternative plan extensions one in which O


is ordered b efore A and one in which O is ordered after A


Since ua orders all steps which interact the plans that are generated have a sp ecial

prop erty each precondition in a plan is either necessarily true or necessarily false We

call such plans unambiguous This prop erty yields a tight corresp ondence b etween the two

planners search spaces Supp ose ua is given the unambiguous plan U and to is given

the plan T where T is a linearization of U Let us consider the relationship b etween

the way that ua extends U and to extends T Note that the two planners will have the

same set of goals since by denition each goal in U is a precondition that is necessarily

false and a precondition is necessarily false if and only if it is false in every linearization

Since the two plans have the same set of goals and since b oth planners use the same goal

selection metho d b oth algorithms pick the same goal therefore O is the same for b oth


Similarly b oth algorithms consider the same library op erators to achieve this goal Since T

is a linearization of U and O is the same in b oth plans b oth algorithms nd the same


last deleter as well When to adds a step to a plan it orders the new step with resp ect to

There is a unique last deleter in U This follows from our requirement that for any op erator in our

language the deleted conditions must b e a of the preconditions If two unordered steps delete

the same condition then that condition must also b e a precondition of b oth op erators Hence the two

steps interact and will b e ordered by ua

Minton Bresina Drummond


Termination check If G is empty rep ort success and return solution plan P

Goal selection Let c selectgoalG and let O b e the plan step for which c is a precondition


Op erator selection Let O b e an op erator in the library that adds c If there is no such O then

add add

terminate and rep ort failure Choice point al l such operators must be considered for completeness

Ordering selection Let O b e the last deleter of c Order O after O and b efore O

del add del need

Rep eat until there are no interactions

Select a step O that interacts with O

int add

Order O either b efore or after O

int add

Choice point both orderings must be considered for completeness


Let P b e the resulting plan

0 0

Goal up dating Let G b e the set of preconditions in P that are necessarily false

0 0

Recursive invo cation UAP G

Figure The ua planning algorithm

Plan P

A S O O F del need B

+ O add

O O A add add A

S O O F S O O F del need del need


Figure How ua extends a plan Adding O to plan P generates two alternatives The


example assumes that O interacts with step A


TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

all existing steps When ua adds a step to a plan it orders the new step only with resp ect

to interacting steps ua considers all p ossible combinations of orderings which eliminate

interactions hence for any plan pro duced by to ua pro duces a corresp onding plan that

is lessordered or equivalent

The following sections exploit this tight corresp ondence b etween the search spaces of

ua and to In the next section we analyze the relative sizes of the two planners search

spaces and later we compare the numb er of plans actually generated under dierent search


Search Space Comparison

The search space for b oth to and ua can b e characterized as a tree of plans The ro ot

no de in the tree corresp onds to the toplevel invo cation of the algorithm and the remaining

no des each corresp ond to a recursive invo cation of the algorithm Note that in generating

a plan the algorithms make b oth op erator and ordering choices and each dierent set of

choices corresp onds to a single branch in the search tree

We denote the search tree for to by tr ee and similarly the search tree for ua by


tr ee The numb er of plans in a search tree is equal to the numb er of times the planning


pro cedure ua or to would b e invoked in an exhaustive exploration of the search space

Note that every plan in tr ee and tr ee is unique since each step in a plan is given


a unique lab el Thus although two plans in the same tree might b oth b e instances of a

particular op erator sequence such as O O O the plans are distinct b ecause their

steps have dierent lab els We have dened our plans this way to make our pro ofs more


We can show that for any given problem tr ee is at least as large as tr ee that is


the numb er of plans in tr ee is greater than or equal to the numb er of plans in tr ee


This is done by proving the existence of a function L which maps plans in tr ee into sets


of plans in tr ee that satises the following two conditions


Totality Prop erty For every plan U in tr ee there exists a non


fT T g of plans in tr ee such that LU fT T g

m m


Disjointness Prop erty L maps distinct plans in tr ee to disjoint sets of plans in


tr ee that is if U U tr ee and U U then LU LU fg


Let us examine why the existence of an L with these two prop erties is sucient to prove

that the size of uas search tree is no greater than that of to Figure provides a guide for

the following discussion Intuitively we can use L to count plans in the two search trees

For each plan counted in tr ee we use L to count a nonempty set of plans in tr ee


The totality prop erty means that every time we count a plan in tr ee we count at least



one plan in tr ee this implies that j tr ee j j LU j Of course we must

U tr ee



further show that each plan counted in tr ee is counted only once this is guaranteed by



the disjointness prop erty which implies that j LU j j tr ee j Thus the

U tr ee



conjunction of the two prop erties implies that j tr ee j j tr ee j


We can dene a function L that has these two prop erties as follows Let U b e a plan

in tr ee let T b e a plan in tr ee and let par ent b e a function from a plan to its parent


Minton Bresina Drummond

ua search tree to search tree


h h

f g




L Hj

h h h

f g




h h h


f g



h h h

f g

Figure How L maps from tr ee to tr ee


plan in the tree Then T LU if and only if i T is a linearization of U and ii either

U and T are b oth ro ot no des of their resp ective search trees or par entT Lpar entU

Intuitively L maps a plan U in tr ee to all linearizations which share common derivation


ancestry This is illustrated in Figure where for each plan in tr ee a dashed line is


drawn to the corresp onding set of plans in tr ee


We can show that L satises the totality and disjointness prop erties by induction on the

depth of the search trees Detailed pro ofs are in the app endix To prove the rst prop erty

we show that for every plan contained in tr ee all linearizations of that plan are contained


in tr ee To prove the second prop erty we note that any two plans at dierent depths in


tr ee have disjoint sets of linearizations and then show by induction that any two plans


at the same depth in tr ee also have this prop erty


How much smaller is tr ee than tr ee The mapping describ ed ab ove provides an


answer For each plan U in tr ee there are j LU j distinct plans in to where j LU j is


the numb er of linearizations of U The exact numb er dep ends on how unordered U is A

totally unordered plan has a factorial numb er of linearizations and a totally ordered plan

has only a single linearization Thus the only time that the size of tr ee equals the size of


tr ee is when every plan in tr ee is totally ordered otherwise tr ee is strictly smaller


than tr ee and p ossibly exp onentially smaller


Time Cost Per Plan

While the size of uas search tree is p ossibly exp onentially smaller than that of to it do es

not follow that ua is necessarily more ecient Eciency is determined by two factors the

The reader may question why L maps U to all its linearizati ons in tr ee that share common deriva


tion ancestry as opp osed to simply mapping U to all its linearizati ons in tr ee The reason is that


our planners are not systematic in the sense that they may generate two or more plans with the same

op erator sequence We can distinguish such plans by their derivational history For example supp ose

two instantiations of the same op erator sequence O O O exist within a tr ee but they corre


sp ond to dierent plans in tr ee L relies on their dierent derivations to determine the appropriate


corresp ondence

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Step Executions Per Plan TO Cost UA Cost




O O e

O n O e

Table Cost p er plan comparisons

time cost p er plan in the search tree discussed in this section and the size of the subtree

explored during the search pro cess discussed in the next section

In this section we show that while ua can indeed take more time p er plan the extra

time is relatively small and grows only p olynomially with the numb er of steps in the plan

which we denote by n In comparing the relative eciency of ua and to we rst consider

the numb er of times that each algorithm step is executed p er plan in the search tree and

we then consider the time complexity of each step

As noted in the preceding sections each no de in the search tree corresp onds to a plan

and each invo cation of the planning pro cedure for b oth ua and to corresp onds to an attempt

to extend that plan Thus for b oth ua and to it is clear that the termination check and

goal selection Steps and are each executed once p er plan Analyzing the numb er of

times that the remaining steps are executed might seem more complicated since each of

these steps is executed many times at an internal no de and not at all at a leaf However

the analysis is actually quite simple since we can amortize the numb er of executions of each

step over the numb er of plans pro duced Notice that Step is executed once for each plan

that is generated ie once for each no de other than the ro ot no de This gives us a b ound

on the numb er of times that Steps and are executed More sp ecically for b oth

algorithms Step is executed fewer times than Step and Steps and are executed

exactly the same numb er of times that Step is executed that is once for each plan that

is generated Consequently for b oth algorithms no step is executed more than once p er

plan as summarized in Table In other words the numb er of times each step is executed

during the planning pro cess is b ounded by the size of the search tree

In examining the costs for each step we rst note that for b oth algorithms Step

the termination check can b e accomplished in O time Step goal selection can also

b e accomplished in O time for example assuming the goals are stored in a list the

selectgoal function can simply return the rst memb er of the list Each execution of

Step op erator selection also only requires O time if we assume the op erators are

indexed by their eects all that is required is to p op the list of relevant op erators on each


We assume that the size of the op erators the numb er of preconditions and eects is b ounded by a

constant for a given domain

Since Steps and are nondeterministic we need to b e clear ab out our terminology We say that Step

is executed once each time a dierent op erator is chosen and Step is executed once for each dierent

combination of orderings that is selected

Minton Bresina Drummond

Steps and are less exp ensive for to than for ua Step of to is accomplished

by inserting the new op erator O somewhere b etween O and O If the p ossible

add del need

insertion p oints are considered starting at O and working towards O then each exe

need del

cution of Step can b e accomplished in constant time since each insertion constitutes one

execution of the step In contrast Step in ua involves carrying out interaction detection

and elimination in order to pro duce a new plan P This step can b e accomplished in O e

time where e is the numb er of edges in the graph required to represent the partially ordered

plan In the worst case there may b e O n edges in the plan and in the b est case O n

edges The following is the description of uas ordering step from Figure with some

additional implementation details

Ordering selection Order O after O and b efore O Lab el all steps preceding O and

add del need add

all steps following O Let steps b e the unlab eled steps that interact with O Let O b e the

add int add del

last deleter of c Rep eat until steps is empty


Let O Popsteps

int int

if O is still unlab eled then either


order O b efore O and lab el O and the unlab eled steps b efore O or

int add int int

order O after O and lab el O and the unlab eled steps after O

int add int int

Choice point both orderings must be considered for completeness


Let P b e the resulting plan

The ordering pro cess b egins with a prepro cessing stage First all steps preceding or follow

ing O are lab eled as such The lab eling pro cess is implemented by a depthrst traversal


of the plan graph starting with O as the ro ot which rst follows the edges in one direc


tion and then follows edges in the other direction This requires at most O e time After

the lab eling pro cess is complete only steps that are unordered with resp ect to O are


unlab eled and thus the interacting steps which must b e unordered with resp ect to O


are identiable in O n time The last deleter is identiable in O e time

After the prepro cessing stage the pro cedure orders each interacting step with resp ect to

O up dating the lab els after each iteration Since each edge in the graph need b e traversed


no more than once the entire ordering pro cess takes at most O e time as describ ed in

Minton et al b To see this note that the pro cess of lab eling the steps b efore or

after O can stop as so on as a lab eled step is encountered


Having shown that Step of to has O complexity and Step of ua has O e complex

ity we now consider Step of b oth algorithms up dating the goal set to accomplishes this

by iterating through the steps in the plan from the head to the tail which requires O n

time ua accomplishes this in a similar manner but it requires O e time to traverse the

graph Alternatively ua can use the same pro cedure as to provided an O e top ological

sort is rst done to linearize the plan

To summarize our complexity analysis the use of a partial order means that ua incurs

greater cost for op erator ordering Step and for up dating the goal set Step Overall

ua requires O e time p er plan while to only requires O n time p er plan Since a totally

ordered plan requires a representation of size O n and a partially ordered graph requires

a representation of size O e designing pro cedures with lower costs would b e p ossible only

if the entire plan graph did not need to b e examined in the worst case

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

The Role of Search Strategies

The previous sections have compared to and ua in terms of relative search space size

and relative time cost p er no de The extra pro cessing time required by ua for each no de

would app ear to b e justied since its search space may contain exp onentially fewer no des

However to complete our analysis we must consider the numb er of no des actually visited

by each algorithm under a given search strategy

For breadthrst search the analysis is straightforward After completing the search to

a particular depth b oth planners will have explored their entire trees up to that depth

Both ua and to nd a solution at the same depth due to the corresp ondence b etween their

search trees Thus the degree to which ua will outp erform to under breadthrst dep ends

solely on the expansion factor under L ie on the numb er of linearizations of uas plans

We can formalize this analysis as follows For a no de U in tr ee we denote the numb er


of steps in the plan at U by n and the numb er of edges in U by e Then for each no de U

u u

that ua generates ua incurs time cost O e whereas to incurs time cost O n j LU j

u u

where j LU j is the numb er of linearizations of the plan at no de U Therefore the ratio

of the total time costs of to and ua is as follows where bf tr ee denotes the subtree


considered by ua under breadthrst search


O n j LU j



ubf tr ee




costua O e

bf u

ubf tr ee


The analysis of breadthrst search is so simple b ecause this search strategy preserves

the corresp ondence b etween the two planners search spaces In breadthrst search the two

planners are synchronized after exhaustively exploring each level so that to has explored

exactly the linearizations of the plans explored by ua For any other search strategy which

similarly preserves the corresp ondence such as iterative deep ening a similar analysis can

b e carried out

The cost comparison is not so clearcut for depthrst search since the corresp ondence is

not guaranteed to b e preserved It is easy to see that under depthrst search to do es not

necessarily explore all linearizations of the plans explored by ua This is not simply b ecause

the planners nondeterministicall y cho ose which child to expand There is a deep er reason

the corresp ondence L do es not preserve the subtree structure of the search space For a plan

U in tr ee the corresp onding linearizations in LU may b e spread throughout tr ee


Therefore it is unlikely that corresp onding plans will b e considered in the same order by

depthrst search Nevertheless even though the two planners are not synchronized we

might exp ect that on average ua will explore fewer no des b ecause the size of tr ee is less


than or equal to the size of tr ee


Empirically we have observed that ua do es tend to outp erform to under depthrst

search as illustrated by the exp erimental results in Figure The rst graph compares

the mean numb er of nodes explored by ua and to on randomly generated blo cksworld

problems the second graph compares the mean planning time for ua and to on the same

problems and demonstrates that the extra time cost p er no de for ua is relatively insigni

cant The problems are partitioned into sets of problems each according to minimal

For p erspicuity we ignore the fact that the numb er of no des explored by the two planners on the last

level may dier if the planners stop when they reach the rst solution

Minton Bresina Drummond



7500 40 TO TO

30 5000 UA 20 UA Nodes Explored 2500 Time to Solution 10

0 0 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6

Depth of Problem Depth of Problem

Figure ua and to Performance Comparison under DepthFirst Search

solution length ie the numb er of steps in the plan For each problem b oth planners

were given a depthlimit equal to the length of the shortest solution Since the planners

make nondeterministic choices trials were conducted for each problem The source co de

and data required to repro duce these exp eriments can b e found in Online App endix

As we p ointed out one plausible explanation for the observed dominance of ua is that

tos search tree is at least as large as uas search tree In fact in the ab ove exp eriments

we often observed that tos search tree was typically much larger However the full story

is more interesting Search tree size alone is not sucient to explain uas dominance in

particular the density and distribution of solutions play an imp ortant role

The solution density of a search tree is the prop ortion of no des that are solutions If the

solution density for tos search tree is greater than that for uas search tree then to might

outp erform ua under depthrst search even though tos search tree is actually larger For

example it might b e the case that all ua solution plans are completely unordered and that

the plans at the remaining leaves of tr ee the failed plans are totally ordered In this


case each ua solution plan corresp onds to an exp onential numb er of to solution plans and

each ua failed plan corresp onds to a single to failed plan The converse is also p ossible

the solution density of uas search tree might b e greater than that of tos search tree thus

favoring ua over to under depthrst search For example there might b e a single totally

ordered solution plan in uas search tree and a large numb er of highly unordered failed

Since the depthlimit is equal to the length of the shortest solution an iterative deep ening Korf

approach would yield similar results Additional ly we note that increasing the depthlimit past the

depth of the shortest solution do es not signicantly change the outcome of these exp eriments

This denition of solution density is illdened for innite trees but we assume that a depthb ound is

always provided so only a nite subtree is explicitly enumerated

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

UA Search Tree TO Search Tree

* * * * * *

* = Solution plan

Figure Uniform solution distribution with solution density

plans Since each of these failed ua plans would corresp ond to a large numb er of to failed

plans the solution density for to would b e considerably lower

For our blo cksworld problems we found that the solution densities of the two planners

trees do es not dier greatly at least not in such a way that would explain our p erformance

results We saw no tendency for tr ee to have a higher solution density than tr ee For


example for the problems with solutions at depth six the average solution density for

to exceeded that of ua on out of the problems This is not particularly surprising

since we see no a priori reason to supp ose that the solution densities of the two planners

should dier greatly

Since solution density is insucient to explain uas dominance on our blo cksworld ex

p eriments when using depthrst search we need to lo ok elsewhere for an explanation

We hyp othesize that the distribution of solutions provides an explanation We note that

if the solution plans are distributed p erfectly uniformly ie at even intervals among the

leaves of the search tree and if the solution densities are similar then b oth planners can

b e exp ected to search a similar numb er of leaves as illustrated by the schematic search

tree in Figure Consequently we can explain the observed dominance of ua over to by

hyp othesizing that solutions are not uniformly distributed that is solutions tend to cluster

To see this supp ose that tr ee is smaller than tr ee but the two trees have the same


solution density If the solutions are clustered as in Figure then depthrst search can b e

exp ected to pro duce solutions more quickly for tr ee than for tr ee The hyp othesis


In our exp eriments a nondeterministi c goal selection pro cedure was used with our planners which meant

that the solution density could vary from run to run We compared the average solution density over

trials for each problem to obtain our results

Even if the solutions are distributed randomly amongst the leaves of the trees with uniform probabili ty

as opp osed to b eing distributed p erfectly uniformly there will b e some clusters of no des Therefore

to will have a small disadvantage To see this let us supp ose that each leaf of b oth tr ee and tr ee


is a solution with equal probability p That is if tr ee has N leaves of which k are solutions


Minton Bresina Drummond

UA Search Tree TO Search Tree

* * * * * *

* = Solution plan

Figure Nonuniform solution distribution with solution density

that solutions tend to b e clustered seems reasonable since it is easy to construct problems

where a wrong decision near the top of the search tree can lead to an entire subtree that

is devoid of solutions

One way to test our hyp othesis is to compare ua and to using a randomized search

strategy a typ e of Monte Carlo algorithm that we refer to as iterative sampling cf

Minton et al Langley Chen Crawford Baker The iterative

sampling strategy explores randomly chosen paths in the search tree until a solution is

found A path is selected by traversing the tree from the ro ot to a leaf cho osing randomly

at each branch p oint If the leaf is a solution then search terminates if not the search

pro cess returns to the ro ot and selects another path The same path may b e examined

more than once since no memory is maintained b etween iterations

In contrast to depthrst search iterative sampling is relatively insensitive to the dis

tribution of solutions Therefore the advantage of ua over to should disapp ear if our hy

p othesis is correct In our exp eriments we did nd that when ua and to b oth use iterative

sampling they expand approximately the same numb er of no des on our set of blo cksworld

problems For b oth planners p erformance with iterative sampling was worse than with

depthrst search The fact that there is no dierence b etween ua and to under iterative

sampling but that there is a dierence under depthrst search suggests that solutions are

and tr ee has N leaves of which k are solutions then p k N k N In general


if k out of N no des are solutions the exp ected numb er of no des that must b e tested to nd a solution

is N k when k and approaches N k as k and N approaches This is simply the exp ected

numb er of samples for a binomial distribution Therefore since k k the exp ected numb er of


leaves explored by to is greater than or equal to the exp ected numb er of leaves explored by ua by at

most a factor of

The iterative sampling strategy was depthlimited in exactly the same way that our depthrst strategy

was We note however that the p erformance of iterative sampling is relatively insensitive to the actual

depthlimit used

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

indeed nonuniformly distributed Furthermore this result shows that ua is not necessarily

sup erior to to the search strategy that is employed makes a dramatic dierence

Although our blo cksworld domain may b e atypical we conjecture that our results are

of general relevance Sp ecically for distributionsensitive search strategies like depthrst

search one can exp ect that ua will tend to outp erform to For distributioninsensi tive

strategies such as iterative sampling nonuniform distributions will have no eect We note

that while iterative sampling is a rather simplistic strategy there are more sophisticated

search strategies such as iterative broadening Ginsb erg Harvey that are also

relatively distribution insensitive We further explore such strategies in Section

The Role of Heuristics

In the preceding sections we have shown that a partialorder planner can b e more ecient

simply b ecause its search tree is smaller With some search strategies such as breadth

rst search this size dierential obviously translates into an eciency gain With other

strategies such as depthrst search the size dierential translates into an eciency gain

provided we make additional assumptions ab out the solution density and distribution

However it is often claimed that partialorder planners are more ecient due to their

ability to make more informed ordering decisions a rather dierent argument For instance

Sacerdoti argues that this is the reason that noah p erforms well on problems such

as the blo cksworlds Sussman anomaly By delaying the decision of whether to stack A

on B b efore or after stacking B on C noah can eventually detect that a conict will o ccur

if it stacks A on B rst and a critic called resolveconflicts can then order the steps


In this section we show that this argument can b e formally describ ed in terms of our

two planners We demonstrate that ua do es in fact have a p otential advantage over to

in that it can exploit certain typ es of heuristics more readily than to This advantage is

indep endent of the fact that ua has a smaller search space Whether or not this advantage

is signicant in practice is another question of course We also describ e some exp eriments

where we evaluate the eect of a commonlyused heuristic on our blo cksworld problems

Making More Informed Decisions

First let us identify how it is that ua can make b etter use of certain heuristics than to

In the ua planning algorithm step arbitrarily orders interacting plan steps Similarly

Step of to arbitrarily cho oses an insertion p oint for the new step It is easy to see

however that some orderings should b e tried b efore others in a heuristic search This is

illustrated by Figure which compares ua and to on a particular problem The key in

the gure describ es the relevant conditions of the library op erators where preconditions are

indicated to the left of an op erator and added conditions are indicated to the right there

are no deletes in this example For brevity the initial step and nal step of the plans

are not shown Consider the plan in tr ee with unordered steps O and O When ua


intro duces O to achieve precondition p of O Step of ua will order O with resp ect to

O since these steps interact However it makes more sense to order O b efore O since O

achieves precondition q of O This illustrates a simple planning heuristic that we refer to

as the mingoals heuristic prefer the orderings that yield the fewest false preconditions

Minton Bresina Drummond


O1 O1

O1 O O 1 2 O2 O1


O 1 O O O O O O3 1 2 2 3 1 O3 O2 O1 O2 O3 O1 O3



p r O q q O p

O1 2 3

Figure Comparison of ua and to on an example

This heuristic is not guaranteed to pro duce the optimal search or the optimal plan but it

is commonly used It is the of the resolve conicts critic that Sacerdoti employed

in his blo cksworld examples

Notice however that to cannot exploit this heuristic as eectively as ua b ecause it

prematurely orders O with resp ect to O Due to this inability to p ostp one an ordering

decision to must cho ose arbitrarily b etween the plans O O and O O b efore the

impact of this decision can b e evaluated

In the general case supp ose h is a heuristic that can b e applied to b oth partially ordered

plans and totally ordered plans Furthermore assume h is a useful heuristic ie if h

rates one plan more highly than another a planner that explores the more highly rated

plan rst will p erform b etter on average Then ua will have a p otential advantage over to

provided that h satises the following prop erty for any ua plan U and corresp onding to

plan T hU hT that is a partially ordered plan must b e rated at least as high as any

of its linearizations Note that for unambiguous plans the mingoals heuristic satises this

prop erty since it gives identical ratings to a partially ordered plan and its linearizations

ua has an advantage over to b ecause if ua is expanding plan U and to is expanding a

corresp onding plan T then h will rate some child of U at least as high as the most highly

rated child of T This is true since every child of T is a linearization of some child of U

and therefore no child of T can b e rated higher than a child of U Furthermore there may

b e a child of U such that none of its linearizations is a child of T and therefore this child of

U can b e rated higher than every child of T Since we assumed that h is a useful heuristic

this means that ua is likely to make a b etter choice than to

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning


TO TO without MinGoals TO UA UA without MinGoals 4000 TO-MG TO with MinGoals UA-MG UA with MinGoals

3000 UA


TO-MG Nodes Explored 1000 UA-MG

0 3 4 5 6

Depth of Problem

Figure Depth rst search with and without mingoals

Illustrative Exp erimental Results

The previous section showed that ua has a p otential advantage over to b ecause it can b etter

exploit certain ordering heuristics We now examine the practical eects of incorp orating

one such heuristic into ua and to

First we note that ordering heuristics only make sense for some search strategies In

particular for breadthrst search heuristics do not improve the eciency of the search in a

meaningful way except p ossibly at the last level Indeed we need not consider any search

strategy in which to and ua are synchronized as dened earlier since ordering heuristics

do not signicantly aect the relative p erformance of ua and to under such strategies Thus

we b egin by considering a standard search strategy that is not synchronized depthrst


We use the mingoals heuristic as the basis for our exp erimental investigation since it is

commonly employed but presumably we could cho ose any heuristic that meets the criterion

set forth in the previous section Figure shows the impact of mingoals on the b ehavior

of ua and to under depthrst search Although the heuristic biases the order in which the

two planners search spaces are explored cf Rosenblo om Lee Unruh it app ears

that its eect is largely indep endent of the partialordertotalorder distinction since b oth

planners are improved by a similar p ercentage For example under depthrst search on

the problems with solutions at depth six ua improved and to improved Thus

there is no obvious evidence for any extra advantage for ua as one might have exp ected

from our analysis in the previous section On the other hand this do es not contradict our

theory it simply means that the p otential heuristic advantage was not signicant enough

to show up In other domains the advantage might manifest itself more signicantly After

all it is certainly p ossible to design problems in which the advantage is signicant as

Minton Bresina Drummond


TO-IB TO Iterative Broadening UA-IB UA Iterative Broadening TO-IB 75 TO-IS TO Iterative Sampling UA-IS UA Iterative Sampling


Nodes Explored 25 UA-IS

3 4 5 6

Depth of Problem

Figure Iterative sampling iterative broadening b oth with mingoals

our example in Figure illustrates Our results simply illustrate that in our blo cksworld

domain making intelligent ordering decisions pro duces a negligible advantage for ua in

contrast to the signicant eect due to search space compression discussed previously

While the mingoals heuristic did not seem to help ua more than to the results are

nevertheless interesting since the heuristic had a very signicant eect on the p erformance

of both planners so much so that to with mingoals outp erforms ua without mingoals

While the eectiveness of mingoals is domain dep endent we nd it interesting that in these

exp eriments the use of mingoals makes more dierence than the use of partial orders After

all the blo cksworld originally help ed motivate the development of partialorder planning

and most subsequent planning systems have employed partial orders While not deeply

surprising this result do es help reinforce what we already know more attention should b e

paid to sp ecic planning heuristics such as mingoals

In our analysis of search space compression in Section we describ ed a distribution

insensitive search strategy called iterative sampling and showed that under iterative sam

pling ua and to p erform similarly although their p erformance is worse than it is under

depthrst search If we combine mingoals with iterative sampling we nd that this pro

duces a much more p owerful strategy but one in which to and ua still p erform ab out

equally For simplicity our implementation of iterative sampling uses mingoals as a prun

ing heuristic at each choice p oint it explores only those plan extensions with the fewest

goals This strategy is p owerful although incomplete Because of this incompleteness we

note there was one problem we removed from our sample set b ecause iterative sampling with

In Section we discuss planners that are lesscommitted than ua For such planners the advantage

due to heuristics might b e more pronounced since they delay their decisions even longer than ua

Instead of exploring only those plan extensions with the fewest goals at each choice p oint an alternative

strategy is to assign each extension a probability that is inversely correlated with the numb er of goals

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

mingoals would never terminate on this problem With this caveat in mind we turn to the

results in Figure which when compared against Figure show that the p erformance

of b oth ua and to with iterative sampling was in general signicantly b etter than their

p erformance under depthrst search Note that the graphs in Figures and have very

dierent scales Our results clearly illustrate the utility of the planning bias intro duced by

mingoals in our blo cksworld domain since on of our problems a solution exists in

the very small subspace preferred by mingoals

These exp eriments do not show any advantage for ua as compared with to under the

heuristic which is consistent with our conclusions ab ove However this could equally well

b e b ecause mingoals was so p owerful leading to solutions so quickly that smaller inuences

were obscured

The dramatic success of combining mingoals with iterative sampling led us to consider

another search strategy iterative broadening which combines the b est asp ects of depth

rst search and iterative sampling This more sophisticated search strategy initially b ehaves

like iterative sampling but evolves into depthrst search as the breadthcuto increases

Langley Assuming that the solution is within the sp ecied depth b ound iterative

broadening is complete In its early stages iterative broadening is distributioninsen sitive

in its later stages it b ehaves like depthrst search and thus b ecomes increasingly sensitive

to solution distribution As one would exp ect from our iterative sampling exp eriments with

iterative broadening solutions were found very early on as shown in Figure Thus it is

not surprising that ua and to p erformed similarly under iterative broadening

We should p oint out that the results presented in this subsection are only illustrative

since they deal with only a single domain and with a single heuristic Nevertheless our

exp eriments do illustrate how the various prop erties we have identied in this pap er can


Extending our Results

Having established our basic results concerning the eciency of ua and to under various

circumstances we now consider how these results extend to other typ es of planners

More Expressive Languages

In the preceding sections we showed that the primary advantage that ua has over to is that

uas search tree may b e exp onentially smaller than tos search tree and we also showed

that ua only pays a small p olynomial extra cost p er no de for this advantage Thus far we

have assumed a very restricted planning language in which the op erators are prop ositional

however most practical problems demand op erators with variables conditional eects or

conditional preconditions With a more expressive planning language will the time cost

p er no de b e signicantly greater for ua than for to One might think so since the work

required to identify interacting steps can increase with the expressiveness of the op erator

language used Dean Bo ddy Hertzb erg Horz If the cost of detecting step

and pick accordingly Given a depth b ound this strategy has the advantage of b eing asymptotical ly

complete We used the simpler strategy here for p edagogical reasons

Minton Bresina Drummond

interaction is high enough the savings that ua enjoys due to its reduced search space will

b e outweighed by the additional exp ense incurred at each no de

Consider the case for simple breadthrst search Earlier we showed that the ratio of

the total time costs of to and ua is as follows where the subtree considered by ua under

breadthrst search is denoted by bf tr ee the numb er of steps in plan a U is denoted


by n and the numb er of edges in U is denoted by e

u u


O n j LU j



U bf tr ee




costUA O e

bf u

U bf tr ee


This cost comparison is sp ecic to the simple prop ositional op erator language used so

far but the basic idea is more general ua will generally outp erform to whenever its cost

p er no de is less than the pro duct of the cost p er no de for to and the numb er of to no des

that corresp ond under L Thus ua could incur an exp onential cost p er no de and still

outp erform to in some cases This can happ en for example if the exp onential numb er of

linearizations of a ua partial order is greater than the exp onential cost p er no de for ua In

general however we would like to avoid the case where ua pays an exp onential cost p er

no de and instead consider an approach that can guarantee that the cost p er no de for ua

remains p olynomial as long as the cost p er no de for to also remains p olynomial

The cost p er no de for ua is dominated by the cost of up dating the goal set Step and

the cost of selecting the orderings Step Up dating the goal set remains p olynomial as

long as a plan is unambiguous Since each precondition in an unambiguous plan is either

necessarily true or necessarily false we can determine the truth value of a given precondition

by examining its truth value in an arbitrary linearization of the plan Thus we can simply

linearize the plan and then use the same pro cedure to uses for calculating the goal set

As a result it is only the cost of maintaining the unambiguous prop erty ie Step that

is impacted by more expressive languages One approach for eciently maintaining this

prop erty relies on a conservative ordering strategy in which op erators are ordered if they

even possibly interact

As an illustration of this approach consider a simple prop ositional language with con

ditional eects such as if p and q then add r Hence an op erator can add or delete

prop ositions dep ending on the state in which it is applied We refer to conditions such as

p in our example as dependency conditions Note that like preconditions dep endency

conditions are simple prop ositions Chapman showed that with this typ e of lan

guage it is NPhard to decide whether a precondition is true in a partially ordered plan

However as we p ointed out ab ove for the sp ecial case of unambiguous plans this decision

can b e accomplished in p olynomial time

Formally the language is sp ecied as follows An op erator O as b efore has a list of pre

conditions preO a list of unconditional adds addsO a list of unconditional deletes

delsO In addition it has a list of conditional adds caddsO and a list of conditional

deletes cdelsO b oth containing pairs hD ei where D is a conjunctive set of dep en

e e

dency conditions and e is the conditional eect either an added or a deleted condition

Analogous with the constraint that every delete must b e a precondition every conditional

delete must b e a memb er of its dep endency conditions that is for every hD ei cdelsO


e D


TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Figure shows a version of the ua algorithm called uac which is appropriate for this

language The primary dierence b etween the ua and uac algorithms is that in b oth Steps

and b an op erator may b e specialized with resp ect to a set of dep endency conditions

The function sp ecializeO D accepts a plan step O and a set of dep endency conditions

D it returns a new step O that is just like O but with certain conditional eects made

unconditional The eects that are selected for this transformation are exactly those whose

dep endency conditions are a subset of D Thus the act of sp ecializing a plan step is the

act of committing to expanding its causal role in a plan Once a step is sp ecialized uac

has made a commitment to use it for a given set of eects Of course a step can b e further

sp ecialized in a later search no de but sp ecializations are never retracted

More precisely the denition of O sp ecialize O D where O is a step D is a con

junctive set of dep endency conditions in O and n is the set dierence op erator is as follows

preO preO D

addsO addsO fe j hD ei caddsO D D g

e e

dels O dels O fe j hD ei cdels O D D g

e e

0 0

D nD g ei j hD ei caddsO D D D caddsO fhD

e e e

e e

0 0

D nD g ei j hD ei cdels O D D D cdels O fhD

e e e

e e

The denition of step interaction is generalized for uac as follows We say that two

steps in a plan interact if they are unordered with resp ect to each other and the following

disjunction holds

one step has a precondition or dependency condition that is added or deleted by the

other step or

one step adds a condition that is deleted by the other step

The dierence b etween this denition of step interaction and the one given earlier is indi

cated by an italic font This mo died denition allows us to detect interacting op erators

with a simple inexp ensive test as did our original denition For example two steps that

are unordered interact if one step conditionally adds r and the other has precondition r

Note that the rst step need not actually add r in the plan so ordering the two op erators

might b e unnecessary In general our denition of interaction is a sucient criterion for

guaranteeing that the resulting plans are unambiguous but it is not a necessary criterion

Figure shows a schematic example illustrating how uac extends a plan The pre

conditions of each op erator are shown on the left of each op erator and the unconditional

adds on the right We only show the preconditions and eects necessary to illustrate the

sp ecialization pro cess no deletes are used in the example Conditional adds are shown

For simplicity the mo dications used to create uac are not very sophisticated As a result uacs space

may b e larger than it needs to b e in some circumstances since it aggressively commits to sp ecializati ons

A more sophisticated set of mo dications is p ossible however the subtlies involved in eciently planning

with dep endency conditions Pednault Collins Pryor Penb erthy Weld are largely

irrelevant to our discussion

Minton Bresina Drummond


Termination check If G is empty rep ort success and return solution plan P

Goal selection Let c selectgoalG and let O b e the plan step for which c is a precondition


Op erator selection Let O b e an op erator schema in the library that possibly adds c that is


either c adds O or there exists an hD ci cadds O In the former case insert step O and in

c add

the latter case insert step sp ecialize O D If there is no such O then terminate and rep ort

add c add

failure Choice point al l ways in which c can be added must be considered for completeness

a Ordering selection Let O b e the unconditional last deleter of c Order O after O and

del add del

b efore O


Rep eat until there are no interactions

Select a step O that interacts with O

int add

Order O either b efore or after O

int add

Choice point both orderings must be considered for completeness


Let P b e the resulting plan

b Op erator role selection While there exists a step O with unmarked conditional add hD ci

cadd c

and a step O with precondition c such that O is after O and there is no unconditional

use use cadd

deleter of c in b etween O and O

use cadd

Either mark hD ci or replace O with sp ecialize O D

c cadd cadd c

Choice point Both options must be considered for completeness

0 0

Goal up dating Let G b e the set of preconditions in P that are necessarily false

0 0

Recursive invo cation UACP G

Figure The uaC planning algorithm

underneath each op erator For instance the rst op erator in the plan at the top of the

page has precondition p This op erator adds q and conditionally adds u if t is true The

gure illustrates two of the plans pro duced as a result of adding a new conditional op erator

to the plan In one plan the conditional eects u s and t u are selected in the

sp ecialization pro cess and in the other plan they are not

The new step Step b requires only p olynomial time p er plan generated and the time

cost of the other steps are the same as for ua Hence as with our original ua algorithm

the cost p er no de for the uac algorithm is p olynomial

to can also handle this language given the corresp onding mo dications changing Step

and adding Step b and the time cost p er plan also remains p olynomial Moreover

the same relationship holds b etween the two planners search spaces tr ee is never larger


than tr ee and can b e exp onentially smaller This example illustrates that the theoretical


advantages that ua has over to can b e preserved for a more expressive language As we

p ointed out our denition of interaction is a sucient criterion for guaranteeing that the

resulting plans are unambiguous but it is not a necessary criterion Nevertheless this

conservative approach allows interactions to b e detected via a simple inexp ensive syntactic

test Essentially we have kept the cost p er no de for uac low by restricting the search space

it considers as shown in Figure uac only considers unambiguous plans that can b e

generated via its conservative ordering strategy uac is still a partialorder planner and

In fact Step b b e implemented so that the time cost is O e using the graph traversal techniques

describ ed in Section As a result the uac implementation and the corresp onding toc implementation

have the same time cost p er no de for this new language as they did for the original language O e and

O n resp ectively

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

q r O s p q O []t u O

r Add Operator: O [u s]

q r u r q O r O O r O p q [u s] s p q s s O O []t u t u


Figure An example illustrating the uac algorithm

it is complete but it do es not consider all partially ordered plans or even all unambiguous

partially ordered plans

The same trick can b e used for other languages as well provided that we can devise

a simple test to detect interacting op erators For example in previous work Minton et al

b we showed how this can b e done for a language where op erators can have variables in

their preconditions and eects In the general case for a given ua plan and a corresp onding

to plan Steps and of the ua algorithm cost the same as the corresp onding steps of

the to algorithm As long as the plans considered by ua are unambiguous Step of the

ua algorithm can b e accomplished with an arbitrary linearization of the plan in which case

it costs at most O e more than Step of the to algorithm Thus the only p ossibility for

additional cost is in Step In general if we can devise a lo cal criterion for interaction

such that the resulting plan is guaranteed to b e unambiguous then the ordering selection

step can b e accomplished in p olynomial time By lo cal we mean a criterion that only

considers op erator pairs to determine interactions ie it must not examine the rest of the


Although the theoretical advantages that ua has over to can b e preserved for more

expressive languages there is a cost The unambiguous plans that are considered may have

more orderings than necessary and the addition of unnecessary orderings can increase the

size of uas search tree The magnitude of this increase dep ends on the sp ecic language

domain and problem b eing considered Nevertheless we can guarantee that uas search

tree is never larger than tos

The general lesson here is that the cost of plan extension is not solely dep endent on

the expressiveness of the op erator language it also dep ends on the nature of the plans that

Minton Bresina Drummond

partially ordered plans

unambiguous partially ordered plans

unambiguous partially ordered plans produced by conservative ordering strategy

totally ordered


Figure Hierarchy of Plan Spaces

the planner considers So although the extension of partially ordered plans is NPhard for

languages with conditional eects if the space of plans is restricted eg only unambiguous

plans are considered then this worstcase situation is avoided

Less Committed Planners

We have shown that ua a partialorder planner can have certain computational advantages

over a totalorder planner to since its ability to delay commitments allows for a more

compact search space and p otentially more intelligent ordering choices However there

are many planners that are even less committed than ua In fact there is a continuum

of commitment strategies that we might consider as illustrated in Figure Totalorder

planning lies at one end of the sp ectrum At the other extreme is the strategy of maintaining

a total ly unordered set of steps during search until there exists a linearization of the steps

that is a solution plan

Compared to many wellknown planners ua is conservative since it requires each plan

to b e unambiguous This is not required by noah Sacerdoti NonLin Tate

Totally Completely Ordered Unordered


Figure A continuum of commitment strategies

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning


Termination check If G is empty rep ort success and stop

Goal selection Let c selectgoalG and let O b e the plan step for which c is a precondition


Op erator selection Let O b e either a plan step p ossibly b efore O that adds c or an op erator

add need

in the library that adds c If there is no such O then terminate and rep ort failure


Choice point al l such operators must be considered for completeness

Ordering selection Order O b efore O Rep eat until there are no steps p ossibly b etween

add need

O and O which delete c

add need

Let O b e such a step cho ose one of the following ways to make c true for O

del need

Order O after O

del need

Cho ose a step O p ossibly O that adds c that is p ossibly b etween O and O

k nig ht add del need

order it after O and b efore O

del need

Choice point both alternatives must be considered for completeness


Let P b e the resulting plan

0 0

Goal up dating Let G b e the set of preconditions in P that are not necessarily true

0 0

Recursive invo cation MTP G

Figure A Prop ositional Planner based on the Mo dal Truth Criterion

nor Tweak Chapman for example How do these lesscommitted planners compare

to ua and to One might exp ect a lesscommitted planner to have the same advantages

over ua that ua has over to However this is not necessarily true As an example in

this section we intro duce a Tweaklike planner called mt and show that its search space

is larger than even tos in some circumstances

Figure presents the mt pro cedure mt is a prop ositional planner based on Chapmans

Mo dal Truth Criterion Chapman the formal statement that characterizes Tweaks

search space It is straightforward to see that mt is less committed than ua The algorithms

are quite similar however in Step whereas ua orders all interacting steps mt do es not

Since mt do es not immediately order all interacting op erators it may have to add additional

orderings b etween previously intro duced op erators later in the planning pro cess to pro duce

correct plans

The pro of that uas search tree is no larger than tos search tree rested on the two

prop erties of L elab orated in Section By investigating the relationship b etween mt and

to we found that the second prop erty the disjointness prop erty do es not hold for mt

and its failure illustrates how mt can explore more plans than to and consequently than

ua on certain problems The disjointness prop erty guarantees that ua do es not generate

overlapping plans The example in Figure shows that mt fails to satisfy this prop erty

b ecause it can generate plans that share common linearizations leading to considerable

redundancy in the search tree The gure shows three steps O O and O where each O


has precondition p and added conditions g p p and p The nal step has preconditions

i i

g g and g but the initial and nal steps are not shown in the gure At the top of the

gure in the plan constructed by mt goals g g and g have b een achieved but p p

and p remain to b e achieved Subsequently in solving precondition p mt generates plans

which share the linearization O O O among others In comparison b oth to and

We use Tweak for this comparison b ecause like ua and to it is a formal construct rather than a realistic

planner and therefore more easily analyzed

Minton Bresina Drummond




O2 O1 O3 O1

O3 O2

O3 O2 O1 O3 O2 O1

KEY g g g 1 p p2 p3 1 p 1 1 p O 2 O2 p O 1 1 p p 3 3 p p2 p2 p2

3 3 3

Figure Overlapping plans

ua only generate the plan O O O once In fact it is simple to show that under

breadthrst search mt explores many more plans than to on this example and also more

than ua by transitivity due to the redundancy in its search space

This result may seem counterintuitive However note that the search space size for a

partialorder planner is p otentially much greater than that of a totalorder planner since

there are many more partial orders over a set of steps than there are total orders Thus

when designing a partialorder planner one may preclude overlapping linearizations in order

to avoid redundancy as discussed by McAllester Rosenblitt and Kambhampati


Of course one can also construct examples where mt do es have a smaller search space

than b oth ua and to Our example simply illustrates that although one planner may b e

less committed than another its search space is not necessarily smal ler The commitment

strategy used by a planner is simply one factor that inuences overall p erformance In

particular the eect of redundancy in a partialorder planner can overwhelm other con

siderations In comparing two planners one must carefully consider the mapping b etween

their search spaces b efore concluding that less committed smaller search space

Related Work

For many years the intuitions underlying partialorder planning were largely taken for

granted Only in the past few years has there b een renewed interest in the fundamental

principles underlying these issues

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Barrett et al and Barrett and Weld describ e an interesting and novel

analysis of partialorder planning that complements our own work They compare a partial

order planner with two totalorder planners derived from it one that searches in the space

of plans and the other that searches in the space of world states Their study fo cuses

on how the goal structure of the problem aects the eciency of partialorder planning

Sp ecically they examine how partialorder and totalorder planning compare for problems

with indep endent serializable and nonserializable goals when using a resourceb ounded

depthrst search They rene Korf s work on serializable goals Korf intro ducing a

distinction b etween trivially serializable subgoals where the subgoals can b e solved in any

order without violating a previously solved subgoal and lab oriously serializable subgoals

where the subgoals are serializable but at least n of the orderings can cause a previously

solved subgoal to b e violated Their study describ es conditions under which a partialorder

planner may have an advantage For instance they show that in a domain where the goals

are trivially serializable for their partialorder planner and lab oriously serializable for their

totalorder planners their partialorder planner p erforms signicantly b etter

Our study provides an interesting contrast to Barret and Welds work since we investi

gate the relative eciencies of partialorder and totalorder planning algorithms indep endent

of any particular domain structure Instead we fo cus on the underlying prop erties of the

search space and how the search strategy aects the eciency of our planners Nevertheless

we b elieve there are interesting relationships b etween the forms of serializabili ty that they

investigate and the ideas of solution density and clustering that we have discussed here

To illustrate this consider an articial domain that Barret and Weld refer to as D S

where in each problem the goals are a subset of fG G G g the initial conditions

are fI I I g and each op erator O has precondition I adds G and deletes

i i


I It follows that if a solution in D S contains op erators O and O where i j then O

i i j i

must precede O In this domain the goals are trivially serializable for their partialorder


planner and lab oriously serializable for their totalorder planners thus the partialorder

planner p erforms b est But note also that in this articial domain there is exactly one

solution p er problem and it is totally ordered Therefore it is immediately clear that if

we give ua and to problems from this domain then uas search tree will generally b e

much smaller than tos search tree Since there is only single solution for b oth planners

the solution density for ua will clearly b e greater than that for to Thus the prop erties

we discussed in this pap er should provide a basis for analyzing how dierences in subgoal

serializibil i ty manifest their eect on the search This sub ject however is not as simple as

it might seem and deserves further study

In other related work Kambhampati has written several pap ers Kambhampati a

b c that analyze the design space of partialorder planners including the ua

planner presented here Kambhampati compares ua Tweak snlp McAllester Rosen

blitt ucpop Penb erthy Weld and several other planners along a variety of

He presents a generalized schema for partial order planning algorithms Kamb

hampati c and shows that the commitment strategy used in ua can b e viewed as a

way to increase the tractability of the plan extension or renement pro cess Kambhampati

also carries out an empirical comparison of the various planning algorithms on a particu

lar problem Kambhampati a showing how the dierences in commitment strategies

aects the eciency of the planning pro cess He distinguishes two separate comp onents

Minton Bresina Drummond

of the branching factor b and b the former resulting from the commitment strategy for

t e

op erator ordering or in his terms the tractability renements and the latter resulting

from the choice of op erator establishment renements Kambhampatis exp eriments

demonstrate that while eager commitment strategies tend to increase b sometimes they


also decrease b b ecause the numb er of p ossible establishers is reduced when plans are more


ordered This is of course closely related to the issues investigated in this pap er

In addition Kambhampati and Chen have compared the relative utility of reusing

partially ordered and totally ordered plans in learning planners They showed that the

reuse of partially ordered plans rather than totally ordered plans result in storage com

paction b ecause they can represent a large numb er of dierent orderings Moreover partial

order planners have an advantage b ecause they can exploit such plans more eectively than

totalorder planners In many resp ects these advantages are fundamentally similar to the

advantages that ua derives from its p otentially smaller search space


By fo cusing our analysis on a single issue namely op erator ordering commitment we have

b een able to carry out a rigorous comparative analysis of two planners We have shown

that the search space of a partialorder planner ua is never larger than the search space of

a totalorder planner to Indeed for certain problems uas search space is exp onentially

smaller than tos Since ua pays only a small p olynomial time increment p er no de over

to it is generally more ecient

We then showed that uas search space advantage may not necessarily translate into

an eciency gain dep ending in subtle ways on the search strategy and heuristics that are

employed by the planner For example our exp eriments suggest that distributionsensitive

search strategies such as depthrst search can b enet more from partial orders than can

search strategies that are distributioninsensi tive

We also examined a variety of extensions to our planners in order to demonstrate

the generality of these results We argued that the p otential b enets of partialorder

planning may b e retained even with highly expressive planning languages However we

showed that partialorder planners do not necessarily have smaller search spaces since

some lesscommitted strategies may create redundancies in the search space In particu

lar we demonstrated that a Tweaklike planner mt can have a larger search space than

our totalorder planner on some problems

How general are these results Although our analysis has considered only two sp ecic

planners we have examined some imp ortant tradeos that are of general relevance The

analysis clearly illustrates how the planning language the search strategy and the heuristics

that are used can aect the relative advantages of the two planning styles

The results in this pap er should b e considered as an investigation of the p ossible b enets

of partialorder planning ua and to have b een constructed in order for us to analyze the

totalorderpartialorder distinction in isolation In reality the comparative b ehavior of two

planners is rarely as clear as witnessed by our discussion of mt While the general p oints

we make are applicable to other planners if we chose two arbitrary planners we would not

exp ect one planner to so clearly dominate the other

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Our observations regarding the interplay b etween plan representation and search strat

egy raise new concerns for comparative analyses of planners Historically it has b een

assumed that representing plans as partial orders is categorically b etter than represent

ing plans as total orders The results presented in this pap er b egin to tell a more accurate

story one that is b oth more interesting and more complex than we initially exp ected

App endix A Pro ofs

A Denitions

This section denes the terminology and notation used in our pro ofs The notion of plan

equivalence is intro duced here b ecause each plan step is by denition a uniquely lab eled

op erator instance as noted in Section and Section Thus no two plans have the same

set of steps Although this formalism simplies our analysis it requires us to dene plan

equivalence explicitly

A plan is a pair h i where is a set of steps and is the b efore on

ie is a strict partial order on Notationally O O if and only if O O

For a given problem we dene the search tree tr ee as the complete tree of plans


that is generated by the to algorithm on that problem tr ee is the corresp onding


search tree generated by ua on the same problem

Two plans P h i and P h i are said to b e equivalent denoted

P P if there exists a bijective function f from to such that

for all O O and f O are instances of the same op erator and

for all O O O O if and only if f O f O

A plan P is a step toextension or step uaextension of a plan P if P is

equivalent to some plan pro duced from P in one invo cation of to or ua

A plan P is a toextension or uaextension if either

P is the initial plan or

P is a step toextension or step uaextension of a toextension or ua


It immediately follows from this denition that if P is a memb er of tr ee or tr ee


then P is a toextension or uaextension In addition if P is a toextension or

uaextension then some plan that is equivalent to P is a memb er of tr ee or


tr ee


P is a linearization of P h i if there exists a strict total order such that

and P h i

Given a search tree let par ent b e a function from a plan to its parent plan in the tree

Note that P is the parent of P denoted P par entP only if P is a step

extension of P

Minton Bresina Drummond

Given U tr ee and T tr ee T LU if and only if plan T is a linearization


of plan U and either b oth U and T are ro ot no des of their resp ective search trees or

par entT Lpar entU

The length of the plan is the numb er of steps in the plan excluding the rst and last

steps Thus the initial plan has length A plan P with n steps has length n

P is a subplan of P h i if P h i where


is restricted to ie

P is a strict subplan of P if P is a subplan of P and the length of P is less than

the length of P

A solution plan P is a compact solution if no strict subplan of P is a solution

A Extension Lemmas

TOExtension Lemma Consider totally ordered plans T h i and T h i

such that fO g and Let G b e the set of false preconditions in T


Then T is a step toextension of T if

c selectgoalG where c is the precondition of some step O in T and


O adds c and


O O and

add need

O O where O is the last deleter of c in T

del add del

Pro of Sketch This lemma follows from the denition of to Given plan T with false

precondition c once to selects c as the goal to will consider all op erators that achieve c

and for each op erator to considers all p ositions b efore c and after the last deleter of c

UAExtension Lemma Consider a plan U h i pro duced by ua and plan

U h i such that fO g and Let G b e the set of false


preconditions of the steps in U Then U is a step uaextension of U if

c selectgoalG where c is the precondition of some step O in U and


O adds c and


is a minimal set of consistent orderings such that


O O and

add need

O O where O is the last deleter of c in U and

del add del

no step in U interacts with O


TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Pro of Sketch This lemma follows from the denition of ua Given plan U with false

precondition c ua considers all op erators that achieve c and for each such op erator ua then

inserts it in the plan such that it is b efore c and after the last deleter ua then considers

all consistent combinations of orderings b etween the new op erator and the op erators with

which it interacts No other orderings are added to the plan

A Pro of of Search Space Corresp ondence L

Mapping Lemma Let U h i b e an unambiguous plan and let U h i

u u

b e a step uaextension of U If T h i is a linearization of U then there exists


a plan T such that T is a linearization of U and T is a step toextension of T

Pro of Since U is a step uaextension of U there is a step O such that


fO g Let T b e the subplan pro duced by removing O from T that is T h i

add add t

where Since it follows that T

t t u u t t

is a linearization of U

Using the TOExtension lemma we can show that T is a step toextension of T

First T is a linearization of U so the two plans have the same set of goals Therefore if

ua selects some goal c in expanding U to selects c in extending T Second it must b e

the case that O adds c since O is the step ua inserted into U to make c true Third

add add

O is b efore O in T since O is b efore O in U by denition of ua and since

add need add need

T is a linearization of U Fourth O is after the last deleter of c O in T since O

add del add

is after O in U by denition of ua and since T is a linearization of U Therefore the


conditions of the TOExtension lemma hold and thus T is a step toextension of T


Totality Prop erty For every plan U in tr ee there exists a nonempty set fT T g



of plans in tr ee such that LU fT T g



Pro of It suces to show that if plan U is a uaextension and plan T is a linearization

of U then T is a toextension The pro of is by induction on plan length

Base case The statement trivially holds for plans of length

Induction step Under the hyp othesis that the statement holds for plans of length n we

now prove that the statement holds for plans of length n Supp ose that U is a ua

extension of length n and T is a linearization of U Let U b e a plan such that U is a

step uaextension of U By the Mapping lemma there exists a plan T such that T is a

linearization of U and T is a step toextension of T By the induction hyp othesis T

is a toextension Therefore by denition T is also a toextension QED

Disjointness Prop erty L maps distinct plans in tr ee to disjoint sets of plans in tr ee


that is if U U tr ee and U U then LU LU fg


Pro of By the denition of L if T T LU then T and T are at the same tree depth

d in tr ee furthermore U is also at depth d in tr ee Hence it suces to prove that if


plans U and U are at depth d in tr ee and U U then LU LU fg


Base case The statement vacuously holds for depth

Induction step Under the hyp othesis that the statement holds for plans at depth n we

prove by contradiction that the statement holds for plans at depth n Supp ose that

Minton Bresina Drummond

there exist two distinct plans U h i and U h i at depth n in

tr ee such that T LU LU Then by denition of L par entT Lpar entU


and par entT Lpar entU Since par entU par entU contradicts the induction

hyp othesis supp ose that U and U have the same parent U Then by the denition

of ua either i or ii and In the rst case since the two

plans do not contain the same set of plan steps they have disjoint linearizations and

hence LU LU fg which contradicts the supp osition In the second case

hence b oth plans resulted from adding plan step O to the parent plan Since


there exists a plan step O that interacts with O such that in one plan O

int add int

is ordered b efore O and in the other plan O is ordered b efore O Thus in either

add add int

case the linearizations of the two plans are disjoint and hence LU LU fg

which contradicts the supp osition Therefore the statement holds for plans at depth n


A Completeness Pro of for TO

We now prove that to is complete under a breadth rst search control strategy To do so it

suces to prove that if there exists a solution to a problem then there exists a toextension

that is a compact solution Before doing so we prove the following lemma

Subplan Lemma Let totally ordered plan T b e a strict subplan of a compact solution T


Then there exists a plan T such that T is a subplan of T and T is a step toextension


of T

Pro of Since T is a strict subplan of T and T is a compact solution the set of false

s s

preconditions in T G must not b e empty Let c selectgoalG let O b e the


step in T with precondition c and let O b e the step in T that achieves c Consider the

add s

totally ordered plan T h fO g i where Clearly T is a subplan of

add s

T Furthermore by the TOExtension Lemma T is a step extension of T by to To


see this note that O is ordered b efore O in T since it is ordered b efore O in T

add need need s

Similarly O is ordered after the last deleter of c in T since any deleter of c in T is a


deleter of c in T and O is ordered after the deleters of c in T Thus the conditions of

s add s

the TOExtension Lemma hold QED

TO Completeness Theorem If plan T is a totally ordered compact solution then T

s s

is a toextension

Pro of Let n b e the length of T We show that for all k n there exists a subplan of T

s s

with length k that is a toextension This is sucient to prove our result since any subplan

of exactly length n is equivalent to T The pro of is by induction on k


Base case If k the statement holds since the initial plan which has length is a

subplan of any solution plan

Induction step We assume that the statement holds for k and show that if k n the

statement holds for k By the induction hyp othesis there exists a plan T of length k

that is a strict subplan of T By the Subplan Lemma there exists a plan T that is b oth a


subplan of T and a step toextension of T Thus there exists a subplan of T of length

s s


TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

A Completeness Pro of for UA

We now prove that ua is complete under a breadthrst search strategy The result follows

from the search space corresp ondence dened by L and the fact that to is complete In

particular we show b elow that for any toextension T there exists a uaextension U such

that T is a linearization of U Since ua pro duces only unambiguous plans it must b e the

case that if T is a solution U is also a solution From this it follows immediately that ua

is complete

Inverse Mapping Lemma Let T h i b e a totally ordered plan Let T


h i b e a step toextension of T Let U h i b e a plan pro duced by ua such

t u

that T is a linearization of U Then there exists a plan U such that T is a linearization

of U and U is a step uaextension of U

Pro of By the denition of to fO g where O added some c that is a

add add

false precondition of some plan step O in U Consider U h i where is a

need u u

minimal subset of such that



u u

O O and

add need u

O O where O is the last deleter of c in U and

del add u del

no step in U interacts with O


Since T is a linearization of U In addition U is an extension of U since

u t

it meets the three conditions of the UAExtension Lemma as follows First since c must

have b een the goal selected by to in extending T c must likewise b e selected by ua in

extending U Second O adds c since O achieves c in T Finally by construction

add add

satises the third condition of the UAExtension Lemma QED


UA Completeness Theorem Let T b e a totally ordered compact solution Then there


exists a uaextension U such that T is a linearization of U

s s s

Pro of Since to is complete it suces to show that if T is a toextension then there

exists a uaextension U such that T is a linearization of U The pro of is by induction on

plan length

Base case The statement trivially holds for plans of length

Induction step Under the hyp othesis that the statement holds for plans of length n we

now prove that the statement holds for plans of length n Assume T is a toextension

of length n and let T b e a plan such that T is a step toextension of T By

the induction hyp othesis there exists a uaextension U of length n such that T is a

linearization of U By the Inverse Mapping Lemma there exists a plan U that is b oth a

linearization of T and a step uaextension of U Since U is a step uaextension of

U it has length n QED

Minton Bresina Drummond


Most of the work present in this pap er was originally describ ed in two conference pap ers

Minton et al a We thank Andy Philips for his many contributions to this

pro ject He wrote the co de for the planners and help ed conduct the exp eriments We also

thank the three anonymous reviewers for their excellent comments


Backstrom C Finding least constrained plans and optimal parallel executions

is harder than we thought In Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on


Barrett A So derland S Weld D The eect of steporder representations on

planning Tech rep Univ of Washington Computer Science Dept

Barrett A Weld D Partialorder planning Evaluating p ossible eciency gains

Articial Intel ligence

Chapman D Planning for conjunctive goals Articial Intel ligence

Chen P Heuristic Sampling on Backtrack Trees PhD thesis Dept of Computer

Science Stanford Univ Stanford CA

Collins G Pryor L Achieving the functionality of lter conditions in a partial

order planner In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Articial Intel li


Crawford J Baker A Exp erimental results on the application of satisability

algorithms to scheduling problems In Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference

on Articial Intel ligence

Dean T Bo ddy M Reasoning ab out partially ordered events Articial Intel


Drummond M Currie K Goalordering in partially ordered plans In Proceed

ings of the Eleventh International Joint Conference on Articial Intel ligence

Ginsb erg M Harvey W Iterative broadening Articial Intel ligence

Go defroid P Kabanza F An ecient reactive planner for synthesizing reactive

plans In Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Articial Intel ligence

Hertzb erg J Horz A Towards a theory of conict detection and resolution

in nonlinear plans In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Joint Conference on

Articial Intel ligence

Kambhampati S a Design tradeos in partial order plan space planning In

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on AI Planning Systems

TotalOrder and PartialOrder Planning

Kambhampati S b Multi contributor causal structures for planning A formalization

and evaluation Articial Intel ligence

Kambhampati S c Renement search as a unifying framework for analyzing plan

space planners In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Principles

of Know ledge Representation and Reasoning

Kambhampati S Chen J Relative utility of EBGbased plan reuse in partial or

dering vs total ordering planning In Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference

on Articial Intel ligence

Korf R Depthrst iterative deep ening An optimal admissible tree search Arti

cial Intel ligence

Korf R Planning as search A quantitative approach Articial Intel ligence

Langley P Systematic and nonsystematic search strategies In Proceedings of the

First International Conference on AI Planning Systems

McAllester D Rosenblitt D Systematic nonlinear planning In Proceedings of

the Ninth National Conference on Articial Intel ligence

Minton S Bresina J Drummond M a Commitment strategies in planning A

comparative analysis In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Joint Conference

on Articial Intel ligence

Minton S Bresina J Drummond M Philips A b An analysis of commitment

strategies in planning The details Tech rep NASA Ames AI Research


Minton S Drummond M Bresina J Philips A Total order vs partial order

planning Factors inuencing p erformance In Proceedings of the Third International

Conference on Principles of Know ledge Representation and Reasoning

Pednault E Synthesizing plans that contain actions with contextdep endent eects

Computational Intel ligence

Penb erthy J Weld D UCPOP A sound complete partialorder planner for

adl In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles of Know ledge

Representation and Reasoning

Regnier P Fade B Complete determination of parallel actions and temp oral

optimization in linear plans of action In Hertzb erg J Ed European Workshop

on Planning Vol of Lecture Notes in Articial Intel ligence pp Sankt

Augustin Germany Springer

Rosenblo om P Lee S Unruh A Bias in planning and explanationbased learn

ing In Minton S Ed Machine Learning Methods for Planning Morgan Kaufmann


Minton Bresina Drummond

Sacerdoti E The nonlinear nature of plans In Proceedings of the Fourth Interna

tional Joint Conference on Articial Intel ligence

Sacerdoti E A Structure for Plans and Behavior American Elsivier New York

Tate A Interplan A plan generation system which can deal with interactions

b etween goals Tech rep Memo MIPR Univ of Edinburgh Machine Intelligence

Research Unit

Tate A Generating pro ject networks In Proceedings of the Fifth International

Joint Conference on Articial Intel ligence

Veloso M Perez M Carb onell J Nonlinear planning with parallel resource

allo cation In Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Planning

Scheduling and Control

Waldinger R Achieving several goals simultaneously In Machine Intel ligence

Ellis Harwo o d Ltd

Warren D Warplan A system for generating plans Tech rep Memo Compu

tational Logic Dept Scho ol of AI Univ of Edinburgh