
arXiv:math/0610572v2 [math.NT] 1 Nov 2006 S lmn,teei ipepoest dona dniyto identity an adjoin to process simple a is there element, o all for ,b c b, a, eot a to zero a If tms n eo If zero. one most at and hsnt eivsiaewa apn hnw tr ihtetrivial the with start zeros. we new and when identities happens new what add investigate and we note this sas ipepoest donazr to zero a adjoin to process simple a also is S eetn h iayoperation binary the extend We ∗ otisa otoeiett.Asmgopwt niett scle a called is identity an with semigroup A identity. one most at contains eetn h iayoperation binary the extend We S eirusae nasne hoesaottepr rcs fm of process pure the about theorems sense, a in are, o all for o in not ooilorder. monomial h S-UYRsac wr Program. Award Research PSC-CUNY the h eiru is semigroup The . 0 swl-endee if even well-defined is u sasmgopta sntamni,ta s if is, that , a not is that semigroup a is ti motn ont httepoeso donn niett oa to identity an adjoining of process the that note to important is It h element The iayoperation binary A nelement An 2000 Date nelement An hswr a upre npr ygat rmteNAMathema NSA the from grants by part in supported was work This e od n phrases. and words Key ossso igeelement single a of consists and DONN DNIISADZRST SEMIGROUPS TO ZEROS AND IDENTITIES ADJOINING v ′ ∈ a a S etme ,2018. 7, September : r eo nasmgop then semigroup, a in zeros are ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject dniisadzrst eirusgvsrs aual ot of to semigroups naturally additive rise the gives semigroups on to ordering zeros and identities n Abstract. ∈ ∈ S u n let and tpe fintegers. of -tuples A . ′ S S, r dniisi eiru,then semigroup, a in identities are and , and semigroup u v s nasemigroup a in nasemigroup a in 0 u 1. v hsnt hw o trto ftesadr rcs fadjo of process standard the of iteration how shows note This ntetiilsemigroup trivial the in ∗ ∗ eiruswt dniisadzeros and identities with Semigroups S abelian v u S ∗ = = sasmgopta osntcnanazr lmn,there element, zero a contain not does that semigroup a is eirus eiru dniy eiru eo lexicogr zero, semigroup identity, semigroup Semigroups, S swl-endee if even well-defined is naset a on v. u. sannmt e iha soitv iayoperation binary associative an with nonempty a is otisa dniy iial,tepoeso adjoining of process the Similarly, identity. an contains Then Then EVNB NATHANSON B. MELVYN if s a Z I 0 S S ∗ ∗ ∗ ( ( uhthat such S Z ,u S, I ,v S, b from from san is sa is ( ( is = ,u S, ,v S, = ) = ) v rmr 00,20M14,11B75,11B99. 20M05, Primary associative b zero = S S samni ihidentity with monoid a is ) sasmgopwt zero with semigroup a is ) ∗ 1 identity S S a n to S v to tpe fnneaieitgr and nonnegative of -tuples s { ∪ S { ∪ Let . o all for ∗ if 0 0 Z I v ∗ v S u ( u ′ ( v sbt niett n eo In zero. a and identity an both is ,u S, s ,v S, ∗ } } = = otisazero. a contains 0 if . . v a f( if = v S ,b a, u u ydefining by ) ea lmn o in not element an be ydefining by ) = ′ ∗ ∗ s osntcnana identity an contain not does a n oasmgopcontains semigroup a so and 0 a a u ∈ hoesaotabstract about Theorems . ∗ ′ ∗ = b S. = ) v elexicographical he S a ia cecsPormand Program Sciences tical ∗ u = Let . h rva semigroup trivial The ∗ c ′ v u n oasemigroup a so and = o all for = u ultiplication. v a u ∗ ∗ a v ∗ u ea element an be . a a o all for ( . ining b = = pia , aphical a monoid ∗ semigroup semigroup S a a c ∈ o all for ) ∗ ∗ n let and S. a u v ∈ = = If If . S. v a v 2 MELVYN B. NATHANSON

2. Lexicographical order A ≤ on a set S is a partial order if (A1) a ≤ a for all a ∈ S (A2) If a,b,c ∈ S and a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c (A3) If a,b ∈ S and a ≤ b and b ≤ a, then a = b. The relation is called a total order if it satisfies the additional condition: (A4) If a,b ∈ S, then a ≤ b or b ≤ a. We write a