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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions Of E816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 13, 2017 HIV/AIDS awareness program that provided support for her service. It is with great pleas- Cardinal Husar championed and supported on-site testing and educational programs. He ure that I give her my endorsement to attend the establishment of the Ukrainian Catholic has been a major proponent of civil rights and this prestigious institution. University’s development in Lviv. Astoundingly, hosted discussions on apartheid in South Afri- Jeanette has demonstrated excellent leader- it is the only Catholic institution of higher ca and human rights in the former Soviet ship and a heart for public service as Class learning in the former Soviet space, a credit to Union. As a result of these efforts, he was in- President, National Honor Society President, Cardinal Husar’s leadership. Even today, it re- ducted into the Rockland County Civil and and 4–H President at her high school. She mains one of the pillars of higher education in Human Rights Hall of Fame in 2009, one of was also an active member and award winner Ukraine, uncorrupted by the grim Soviet leg- many well-deserved awards he has received. of her high school’s FFA chapter, in which she acy. Mr. Speaker, Reverend Sanders has im- held several leadership positions. Additionally, An enlightened figure, his temperance and proved the lives of countless people in his Jeanette qualified as an Honor Roll student for compassion instilled significant progress in the community and across the Lower Hudson Val- eight consecutive years and was given a vari- greater reconciliation efforts underway. ley. I urge my colleagues to join me in ap- ety of awards recognizing her outstanding A national symbol, Cardinal Husar guided plauding his years of inspired leadership and academic achievements, including the Young his homeland through an era of great uncer- dedicated service to the residents of Rockland Einstein Award. tainty, as it struggled to shed the horrors of County, the Lower Hudson Valley, and New Our nation owes no greater debt of gratitude the past and regained independence with the York State. than to those who fight to protect our freedom historic opportunity to build forward toward an f and liberty. I commend Jeanette and her fam- open and more democratic society, and vital ily for their commitment. On behalf ofthe 4th crossroads between East and West. Driven by IN MEMORY OF MR. FERMON Congressional District of Colorado, I extend his own internal moral compass, his teachings LEWIS RACHELS my best wishes to Jeanette. helped to usher in a new era of freedom and Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize unity. He exuded eternal hope for his newly HON. JODY B. HICE Jeanette Steerman as an appointee to the emancipated people. For the Cardinal, free- Naval Academy for her commitment to protect OF GEORGIA dom itself was more than liberty; ultimately, it and serve our nation. provided him ‘‘the opportunity to do good.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f The last time I had the privilege of speaking Tuesday, June 13, 2017 with Cardinal Husar, his vision was failing him. PASSING OF CARDINAL LUBOMYR But he was completely lucid and urged me to Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, HUSAR I rise today to pay tribute to Mr. Fermon Lewis always maintain hope for the future. When he Rachels, a World War II veteran and out- exited the meeting, he proceeded up the stair- standing civil servant from my district who HON. MARCY KAPTUR well of his residence with a lit candle in hand. passed away in February of this year. OF OHIO That flame continues to burn bright in his A member of the Greatest Generation, Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES memory. Rachels was born July 14, 1927 in Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Cardinal Husar’s teachings have preserved Wrightsville, Georgia. He courageously put his a spirited and theological legacy instructing fu- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, with deepest re- life on the line during World War II, serving as ture generations for years to come. May his gret and gratitude for his precious and sacrifi- a technician, fourth grade in the United States teachings continue to inspire and involve our cial life, I wish to include in the RECORD a trib- Army and was one of the last 12,000 WWII work every day towards a unified global com- ute to the earthly life of Cardinal Lubomyr veterans alive in Georgia. After leaving the munity. Against all darkness, I am confident Husar, a worldwide pillar of holiness, unity, Army, he served as a Trade Craftsman Super- the light of Lubomyr Husar will continue to and righteousness. Remembered for his un- visor at the Georgia Department of Transpor- shine and endure. May his soul guide and pro- wavering commitment to defeat tyranny in tation, and at the time of his retirement, at age tect his beloved homeland. Ukraine and beyond, we honor his legacy as 84, he was the oldest active employee in De- an indomitable defender of global harmony partment of Transportation history. He was an f and respect for life. active member of Brown Memorial Baptist Cardinal Husar’s tireless dedication to his Church and of the American Legion Post HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- faith helped revive the spirit of an aching peo- Number 44. Mr. Rachels was selected as SARY OF CANADA’S CONFED- ple. In an era fraught with division and ten- Johnson County’s Man of the Year in 1985. ERATION sions, he fought to preserve Greek Orthodoxy Mr. Rachels is survived by his loving wife of in Ukraine, using its teachings to restore the 68 years, Hazel Carroll Rachels, his son, identity and morale of the nation, and to in- HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK Charles Lewis Rachels, his daughter, Sharon spire millions beyond. OF NEW YORK Rachels, four grandchildren, and three great- As he worked to bridge the fissures of a di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grandchildren. vided world, Cardinal Husar courageously Tuesday, June 13, 2017 On behalf of the 10th District of Georgia and sought to remedy the upheaval of the last cen- the United States of America, I want to extend tury. Cardinal Husar welcomed John Paul II Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Mr. back to a former Soviet republic for the first honor and recognize the 150th Anniversary of Rachels and his family for his outstanding time in a thousand years and helped strength- Canada’s Confederation. service to our nation and our community. en global interfaith cooperation. I was privi- As one of our closest allies and largest trad- f leged to be present at that magnificent and ing partners, our country shares a historic grand occasion during which a mass was of- bond with the people of Canada. This connec- RECOGNIZING JEANETTE fered in open fields outside Kyiv, hundreds of tion is deeply felt by North Country residents, STEERMAN chalices gleamed in the sun as the eastern who hold strong economic and cultural ties and western Catholic traditions opened the with our neighbors across the border. HON. KEN BUCK event to people of all traditions. In celebrating Canada’s foundation, it is only OF COLORADO The Catholic Church in Poland was the fitting that we also celebrate the nation’s first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vault of national memory and identity during capital city; Kingston, Ontario. Located directly the 123 years the nation was temporarily across the Saint Lawrence River from New Tuesday, June 13, 2017 erased from the European map. Similarly, the York’s 21st district, the city holds an essential Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church led the archi- place in Canadian history; serving as the birth- ognize Jeanette Steerman, a Naval Academy val documentation of Ukraine’s national iden- place of Canada’s first Prime Minister, John Appointee from Colorado’s Fourth Congres- tity and aspiration during the decades Stalin Alexander Macdonald. sional District. I believe our greatest assets tried to starve Ukraine into defeat. Stalin’s ef- Congratulations to the people of Canada as are America’s brave men and women in uni- forts to erase the Ukrainian language, history they celebrate this remarkable milestone. I am form. Jeanette is making an incredible sac- and culture, failed because of the Church’s confident that our unique and enduring friend- rifice for our country and deserves our utmost preservation. ship will continue for many years to come. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Jun 14, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JN8.011 E13JNPT1 June 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E817 CELEBRATING THE BROWARD It is especially perplexing to see EPA’s HONORING LOUIS S. D’ANTONIO ON COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH small but mighty WaterSense program on THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIRE- COURT’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY the chopping block. WaterSense, like its MENT larger predecessor EnergyStar, is a vol- untary water product-labeling program that HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS partners with business and communities to HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO OF FLORIDA enhance the market for water-efficient fix- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tures and appliances. In this way, OF CONNECTICUT WaterSense encourages consumers to pur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 13, 2017 chase products that save water and energy. Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In just ten years since its launch, the Tuesday, June 13, 2017 congratulate the Broward County Mental WaterSense program has already made valu- Health Court on celebrating its 20th Anniver- able contributions to building water security Ms.
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