Protection Society,Nc Vol. 4 No. ~ 02 NEWS September 1 JJ


To Members and Friends of the Camden Haven Protection Society Inc.



BUSINESS: This 1s an Information Meeting, where Members, friends and supporters can be informed of details of matters referred to in this Newsletter, and discuss them. You are welcome to raise any other matters which may interest the Society.

There will be no formal business, such being left. to the Annual Meeting, ,h1ch probably will be held in late November.

In this issue: Canals Inquiry Revisited: What the EMperts Say: Media Blackout: ''Coincidental" Fires: Protection Society Focus: Tree Preservation Order - changes?: Dicks Hill - What is a Pre-Lodgement Committee?: What do local business people really think?: Herons Creek Quarry Backflip: Smell about North Haven drains - and much more.

CHPS News is produced by members of the Camden Haven Protection Society Inc., your community organisation dedicated to protecting the natural environmental values of the Camden Haven. Each issue is delivered to over 2400 homes in the Camden Haven and mailed to members elsewhere. Contributors to this issue: Vivienne Cartwright, Alan MacIntyre, Phil Proudfoot, Jeff Smith, and our new cartoonist "C.W. ". Editor: Bob Emsell (597007). Advertising: Marcus Warnecke (598531) 1 Production: Betty Emsell.

N.R.MA. MEMBER SERVICE 59 Bold Street, Laurieton Phone 59·6411 * All types of private insurance * Personal Loans, min interest 181/3% * Savings and Interest Bonds * Road Service Telephone 594111 MEDIA BLACKOUT ON INQUIRY the "Courier's" Managing Edito r , Mr.Hodgkinson, have made it clear As the Friends of Fairfax told thel that the present management of the Parliamentary Print Media inquiry! Courier has seemingly little regard yesterday, it's often easier to I for environmental concerns if they detect bias in a newspaper byl confict with development "at all what's left out, rather than! costs". It seems that a newspaper's by what's put in. I duty to inform the public continues (Quote from newspaper article last! to be a casualty of this attitude. year.> I The "Courier" has in the past challenged environmentalists to back One puzzling aspect of the their views with those of expert interesting proceedings of the recent consultants. Elsewhere in this issue Commission of Inquiry was the lack of we tell of the array of consultants coverage given by our only local in various f i e 1 d s, whose e v id enc e the "newspaper". Despite the fact that Society has brought before the the canal proposal has been a highly Commission of Inquiry. Now, it contentious issue for many years, and seems, Mr. Hodgkinson doesn't want to is still a source of considerable know about them. Or rather, he controversy, there seems to have been doesn't want his readers to know a decided lack of media interest about them. judging from column space devoted to the Inquiry in the pages of the FOOTNOTE: The last CHPS Newsletter, Camden Haven Courier. (which was devoted entirely to th' Commission of Inquiry), received mo t'\. At best, the reporting could be recognition and comment than an'y desc.ribed as sketchy, with limited previous edition. Perhaps it~ details provided on dates and times, enthusiastic reception by thE as well as the odd optimistic quote community was a reaction to the from the developer. At worst, the vi rt ua 1 blackout by "our" 1 ocal situation amounted to a media newspaper. b 1 ac k out , with not a s in g 1 e art i c 1 e of substance to inform an interested community. Laurieton Protection Society members report that many local residents have been asking about the progress of the Meat Marke1 Inquiry. Questions were often asked SHOP 1 5, LAURIETON MALL by supporters of the canpl proposal, who were also were puzzled by the Corner of Bold & Seymour Street lack of media comment. Bulk Meat Specialists Why has the "Courier" turned its back on the canal controversy? What do -(065) 59-8006- they want to hide? Why were there no interviews with key figures attending the Inquiry? Why was there no attempt to record the evidence and argument put to Commissioner Cleland by opposing sides and keep the community informed on the most recent Protect your Investment disclosures?

Editorial outbursts in the past by use a Qualified Builder ,...... " JOHN COLLINS • . CAMDEN HAVEN TRAVEL • Lie. No.29889 • • • PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION • 9 Unique Close Dunbogan 2443 • Either Domestic or International • • Coach Rail Air • Phone 59·9138 ~ 73 Bold St Ph . (065) 599 048 6 ~ ...... , CANALS INQUIRY: AND A FISHY truck loads a day, for how many STORY 1 months or years, will be roaring their dusty way through the streets In our "Inquiry Special", 1n June, of Laurieton and West Haven, or maybe t old you about the hearings of North Haven ':> i=-' r ' 1 mary Submissions on the "Camden Shores" Development. The next stage In concluding our· submission, Har"·ry was the hearing of the Submissions in Yates referred to the kind of Reply. This opened 1n the H.M.C. speculator who buys land cheaply, Council Chambers on Tuesday, 21st taking a gamble on being able to get July, and closed on the morning of it rezoned and a development Thursday, 23rd July. Space does not application pushed through by a permit a full account but here are helpful Council. Even then, there is a few highlights: no guarantee that the development will be completed (even if it is not The Protection Society introduced a sold, with development approval, for renowned authority on wetlands, Dr. a quick profit>. The land may be Paul Adam. Having inspected the cleared, despoiled, then financial or ~ite, Dr.Adam had no hesitation in other problems arise, and a wasteland stating that wetland areas are far is left. (Where have we seen that more extensive than the area zoned at happen around here~). present.

LAURIETON FISH MARKET CHARCOAL CHICKENLAND Fresh Fish Daily COL. & WENDY CARR Hot Take-away Meals SHOP 9, THE HAVEN PLAZA Eat in We cook in cholesterol free vegetable oil LAURI ETON. Ph: Lisa Intemann, Betty Emsell

Our submission was very much helped Gary Peacock (Planning Consultant): A by the great community support shown former Deput y Chief Town Planner with by the people who made individual Hastings Council, Mr .Peacock submissions and who, where they considers much of the sub j ect site to possibly could, came along to the have conservatio n signific ance in Inq uiry and d e livered them in person. terms of vegetation communities, wildlife habitat and viability. The development does not, in his opinion, WHAT DO LOCAL BUSINESSES REALLY comply with the Department of THINK? Planning's criteria for siting canal estates. He described th e visual This Newsletter would not be possible impact assessment as "potentially without the support of our misleading " . adve r tisers, and of the other local business people who give us David Milledge (Wildlife Ecologist). donations, while preferr ing not to One of Au s t r alia's lead i ng and most advertise. The large number of these respected wildlife ecologists, indicates that most of the business Mr.Milledge has worked p r eviously fo r communit y 1s aware of the need to the NSW and Tasmanian National Parks control the de v elopment of our area, & Wildlife Servi c es, the Au st r alian and to preserve its scenic values and Museum, Victorian Department of unique quality a s a tourist venue, as Conservation & Environment, and as a well as a place to live. lecturer and p r ivate wildlife consultant. Between 1978 and 1979, In the course of canvassing for Mr.Milledge completed the Camden adve r tising, we have found only a few Haven Wildlife Study, an Australian b u sinesses who openly disagree with Museum ProJect funded by Mr.Dick our S ociet y a n d i t s objectives. Smith (now publisher of Australian Geographic magazine). We wonder if th e Camden Haven Chamber of Comme rce re a l ly k nows what the Dr.Milledge considers that maJo r it y of i ts me mbers think. The appro x imately two thirds of the Chambe r made a submission to the proposed canal estate site r epresen Canal Inquiry, i n which they parroted high quality wildlife habitat. the sp u rious c laims made by the listed 1 2 endangered species, d eve lope r a bo ut th e supposed economic incl u ding the Koala, as either known be n efi ts o f a canal d e velopment. or l i kel y to occur ( i.e. known to Pe r h a ps a l ot of the Chamber's occur in ad J acent ar e a s) . mem b e rs can s ee t h r ough these claims. Dr.Milledg e c ontends t h a t the EI S fauna r e po r t "fails to a dequatel y add r ess the issue of fauna" and furthe r more, found it mentioned 44 specie s c o ns idered · highly unlikely to North Haven Boatshed e x ist on th e site. The • Tackle • Boat Hire • Bait , incorrectl y "The displaced mammal fauna on the mapped vegetation communit i es, an d site will be decimated by the unidentified wetlands. proposed development". " ..... the r esidential zoning recently National Parks & Wildlife Service:(1) conferred on it should be revoked, "The Service contends that the f nd the site given some protection proposed canal estate is located in '-statu s" . an area with significant environmental values, which include Geoff Winning (Wetlands Expert): As natural areas with rar e or endangered Research Director with the Shortland species, habitats of r a r e o r Wetland Centre, Geoff Winning i s endangered flo r a an d con s idered a highly reputable fa u na .... approval of the propo s e d authority on the evaluation of development would be inconsisten t wetland areas and their significance. with existing Government Policy o n His conclusion with regard to the th i s bas i s ". proposed canal estate at Dunbogan was: National Parks & Wildlife Service:(2) "It is considered by this report The Service acknowledges that th e that wetland communities, some report (by S.J.Griffith), in the satisfy ing criteria for preservation company of additional mater ial such under the State's wetland policy as that r ecently submitted b y CSEPP 1 4 ) , occur on the subject site, Associate Professor Adam, p r o v ides a south of the existing wetland further insight into the vegetation boundar y . Most of these communities, communities on the land propo s ed fo ,· 1 ong with the existing SEPP14 development, as it establishes a hig h et lands, are considered o f deg r ee of local cons ervatio n value .... " sign ificance to the lands".

Prof.Paul Ada• (Wetlands Expert/Plant Bob Pressey (Wetlands Expert): Ecologist): Part - autho r of the Previously engaged as a cons u ltant b ~ sel ecti o n c r iteria fo r defining the developer, Mr . P r es s e y , lik e wet land s of State significance, and Dr.Laxton, became conce r n e d about r ep u ted to be one of the top experts certain aspects of the devel o pment h E in his fi e ld, P r of.Adam desc r ibed the had been commi s sioned to a ss e ss . c anal estate site as a " complex Changes to design, in par tic u l ar 0 mosai c of wetland communitie s '' . proposal to di r ect ur b a n r u no ff i n t c protected wetland areas , led

Resident Chiropractor GARY LOOMES ALLAN R. LOW Available for Consultation, Shop 6 Laurieton PORTERS Mall, Bold Street SERVICE STATION 531 -533 OCEAN DRIVE, PHONE: For appointment please ring 59·9512 NORTH HAVEN. 2443 (065) 599 167 Mr . Pressey to adv i se of his de c i sio n NORTH HAVEN DRAINAGE t o reconsider his prev i ous reco mm e ndat i o ns on t he proje c t . Another insta lm en t 1n t he l ong runn i n g No rth Ha ven dra i nage drama 1 s Dr. Ian Suters (Lecturer in Ma r ine about to be p l aye d out . An d , t r u e to Ecology): In a l e t t er to t he Soc i ety , i t s h i story , t ni s next a ct wi l l be as Dr.Sut e r s a dvises t h a t a c anal question a b l e as t hose past. de ve lopmen t at Dunb o gan would i ne v i t abl y lead to a d ec line in the Acting on t h e ad v i c e of two e xpensive prod ucti o n of yo ung f i sh , which will con s ultants, Coun c i l has reso l v e d t o probabl y b e e x pe r ience d 3-7 ye ar s concrete-line th e s e ction of d ra in a fte r ward s . The r emov a l of foreshore near David Campbell St r eet. Th e areas b y the digging of c an a ls, the developers of the G len Laur en E s tat e ine v it a bl e s mothering of seagrasses have been directed to proceed wit h from ex po s ed mu ds, and the increased the completion of their section o f depth which r educes light penetration the drainage system, 1n accordance needed f o r plan t g r owth, would all with the Condition s o f Developmen t c ont r ibut e to r e d uction in estuarine Consent, and will be r e qui r ed t o µr u uu <..: L1 v il y . pl ~ nt 100 swnm~ onk s nlon~ hoth s 1rle s of the drain, to replace tho se The impact of a canal development can destroyed during con s t r uction. extend over a fa r greater area than simpl y the numbe r of h ectar es to be Both consultants' r eports identif y developed •.... These concerns do not this design as a poss i ble solution t o include the on - going effects of the odour problems associated wit~ incr eased boat t raffic, u r b a n the drain near Da v id Campbell Stree t ~ r unoff, mino r f u el sp i llage s etc. It will have no p os 1t1ve impact o r the drainage capacity of the s y s te rr Departaent of Fisheries: The conce r ns and, by straightening the flow o f of NSW Fisher ies, abo u t acid sulphate st ormwater, will further overload th E soils, wat er q u alit y , impect on enclosed Beach front Car avan Par~ oyster leas es, d r edg i ng etc., are culvert . This c ulvert' s lac k o f such as to war rant appr oval for the capacity was identified 1n the Nortr p r oJect being with h eld, pending Haven Dra i nage Study as the ma1r fu r ther on - site investigations and cause of the a r ea's poor drainage. (most li k ely) r e - design of the The study r ecommended const r uct i on ol pro j e c t. an additional culvert through th E caravan park, however Counc1 l ha ~ Steve Ho~ Manager CES~: baulked at the cost. "In my opin i on, the p r oposed canal subdivisio n wo u ld p r obably have no While the residents at the end o · mo r e impact on the lab o u r market than David Campbell S treet ma y gain som 1 a standard d ry land subdi v ision in relief from t he odours associate< the sho r t o r long term " . with the drain, for those peep)· living upstream of the Edith S tre~ Limi t a t ions on space p r e v ent the culvert, the news is all bad. Th , pu bl ication of extract s f r om all the propo s ed wo rk will r educe tha othe r e x pe r t s wh o a s s i s t e d. Th es e culve r t's capacity and res u lt 1 1 included: propertie s b e ing in un d at ed w1t l Dr .Peter Nu tta l l, Al an Jones and stormwate r mo re f r equent ly , an d to Da v id Boot h (M a r i ne E cology) , Dr .Alan greate r depth. L l o y d ( Aci d Su lphate Soi l s) , F r ank Dennis , Li sa It was hoped b y a ll in v ol v ed 1n th 1 I nt em a nn (Plannin g ) , Dr . John Handm er so r r y d ra ma that t h e p roposed wo r k ( F l o o di n g), Tim Ro b erts on would b e th e las t act. However,t h i ( Barr is t e r) , B r~u ce Wo lff,L.L.B., a nd now appear s most un li k el y . Tom McLaughl i n ( Legal ad v i ce) .

SHOE HAVEN DUNBOGAN BOATSHED & MARINA Bold Street, Laurieton. 2443 Hire boats, half cabin , BBQ pontoon, bait and tackle, rod Phone: 59·8333 and reel repairs, gas, ice and drinks, fresh prawns and Specialising in oysters in season - Deep water moorings 46 The Boulevarde, Dunbogan - (065) 59·9713 Children's Fitting - Aged Comfort DICKS HILL: WHAT IS A PRE-LODGEMENT raising o f h a nds. De bat e could be COMMITTEE? ve r y limited. Mo r e often than n ot ( comm u nity groups ) only becom e This proposed development of j u st aware of de v elopment proposals wh en unde r 100 homes, over the top and to they are li s ted in the open Communit y the north of Dicks Hi 11, has been Development Committee paper. Th e delayed while the developer responded proposed procedure would mean to concerns of the National Parks and they could be denied . . . the chance Wildlife Service. to examine the development and b e part of the debate. We must ask " I s Many people have approached the this open council'">"" Protection Society about this worrying project, and ~-ihilst we have The Society Joins with the "Ne~-is" in been heavily occupied with the canals asking the question: recently, we intend to give this one IS THIS OPEN COUNCIL? the closest possible scrutiny.

Meantime, Council on 15th August REVIEW OF TREE PRESERVATION resolved that the applicant, Mr. Peter ORDER. Atkins, meet with the "Development Application Pre-Lodgement Committee". Hast 1 n g s Co u n c 1 1 ; s Eng 1 n e er-· 1 n g Department 1s proposing changes to "What is this new committee')" you may the present laws which limit th e well ask. While the expressed removal of trees 1n urban areas. H intention is to have aldermen and Discussion Document 1s available from ~enior council staff work with Council offices, and comment 1 s developers to iron out any problems 1nv1ted from the public, before 3(,t r, before proposals reach the Community September, 1992. Development Committee, the Society has serious concerns about the way The Engineering Department says that this process may work to the the present approach 1s 1neffective 1 detriment of community involvement. and creates " conflict between Counc1 l Apparently, the Pre-Lodgement and ratepayers where the net effect Committee's meetings are not public. on the environment 1s negligible .•.. On the other hand, massive areas o f The "Port Macquarie News" on 15th trees can be removed 1n rural areas, July, 1992 referred to some potential resulting in significant problems raised by Alderman John environmental damage .... " Murphy and we give you a few extracts from that article, in which it was The suggested approach would abolis h suggested that such a committee could the existing Order as it relates t o be open to corruption by developers. trees on private prope r ty, as it 1 <:: "ineffective and discriminator y" . "Although the committee won't be Instead, Council would take the :iking final decisions per s e, it positive approach of encouraging t r e e w i 11 be inevitably making planting. At the same time, control <: recommendations to the Council. would be applied to the clear fell1n ~ Developers, if they deal with the of rural properties. committee's concerns, could be forgiven for thinking the approval Whilst having a few r eservations, th E would be a fait accompl1." Protection Society s ees much merit 1T these proposals, and is making ~ "The proposed system has the submission to Council. potential to stifle public debate about developments. In theory they will be merely adopted with the


Now the inquiry is f i nished, these A 1 so, o ur grate f ul than k s to Bill and e ffo r ts wi l l be di r ectly focused on Margo Denne y, Norman and Bar bar a t wo other que s tionable p r oposals, Booth, Henr y and S hirley Williams and namel y the p r oposed ur banisation of Harry and Vi v ienne Cartwright, who D ick s Hi ll, and a Counc i i plan to worked so hard to put it all est abl i s h a "beach side" ind u strial together. e s t ate at Nor th Haven. The raffle of the two lovely r ocking Ot he r i t ems in t his issue show t hat chairs has not yet been drawn. This we are keeping our eyes and ears will be done at our Annual General open , in your inter ests. Meeting, to be held about November, where we hope to sell a few more tickets.

Finall y , g ratef u l thanks t o Bett Hughes a nd her team, who mailed and distribut ed t he Newslette r c o ntaining the notice o f the S ale. Bett always handles t h is c ons i derable t a sk, 260 0 Newslet t e rs, qui etly and efficiently, and we co u l dn 't thank her eno u gh. IAn interesting thought, for those! lwho s ay " Doesn't the water look! I lovely from my house". The reply I THE BLUE HEELER SHOE REPAIRS I could wel 1 be, " Yes, but do~sn' t I l yo ur house look b .•. ugly from! • Key Cutting • Engraving lth e water'". I • Stitching • Bowls Soles I I Laurieton Mall - 59·6661




BREAKWATER SPORTS 'N SURF Suite 2, 224 Victoria Street, Taree Proprietors: Ron & Judi Austin AFTER \.(OURS PHONE : Shop 3/64 Bold Street, Laurieton Ph: 51 0445 PETER SORENSEN. B.F . c. ot w Phone (065) 59·8676 594327 "AGENTS FOR MICHAEL HULL DESIGNER HOMES' HERONS CREEK QUARR Y: COST OF COUNCIL GYRA TIONS NORTH HAVEN POST OFFICE STORE "Your Local Convenience Store" A p ro p o s a l t o d eve l o p a h a r d r oc k Groceries - Fruit & Vegs - Gifts etc. quarry near He r ons Cree k , b1~ter l y Greg & Judy Ferraro - 1 The Parade opposed by neighbo ur i n g re sidents, is Phone 59·8444 headed for the Land a nd Environment C ourt . "COINCIDENTAL" FIRE The q u arr y, sit uated of f Bag o Road , AT NORTH HAVEN. includes plans fo r a full crushing and screening pl a n t . Res i dent CHPS, and the North Haven Progress o bject ions include n oise, r oad Associat ion have con s i s ten t l y o pposed saf e t y , t r uck movements and Council's plans to place a s ed i mentat i on of Her on s Cre ek. "beachside" i ndust r ial estate at North Haven, on land to the No rth of Hasti n gs Council a vo i d e d determining the school. While acknowledging that the i ssue by d i recting t he app l icant there ma y be a need f o r such a to a Commission o f Inqu iry. development in th e area, the S o ciet y believes that the site is q uite Then it appears that certain inappropriate, and that a l ocat ion Counc i llors had second thoughts and closer to the highway s ho ul d be planned to move a rec1s i on motion on selected. the Inq u iry. However , at t h e meeting o n 15th June, Council rece iv ed legal Now, Counc i l 1 s be i ng r em arkabl y jvice that a Commission of Inquiry secretive about the f i ndings o f a was not req ui red . Aldermen then report they have c omm i s s ion e d on the abandoned the rec i sion motion and envi r onmental values of t he No rt h p r oceeded to deal wi th the Haven site. The Society's Secretary De velopment Applicati o n . De s pite has been told t h at t h e r e p ort c ann o t heated obj ect i ons f r om bot h the be released as it hasn' t bee n p ub lic galler y, and some Aldermen, presented to Council b y t h e T own the D.A. was approved. Planning Department. Now, on the advice of leading Meantime, coincidentally , a se v e r e bar rister Tim Robertson, a Summons fire, fanned by st r ong winds, has been served on Co u ncil, to allow recently swept thr o u gh the site , proceedings to commence in the Land causing great destruction t o those and Env i ronment Court . Inevitably, "environmental val u es" in t h e form of t his will cost r atepayers f ar more trees, vegetat i on and wil dl ife . Was t han a Comm iss i o n of I n quiry. it an acc i d en t ~ Or d i d someone , perhaps, think h e'd h el p thing s along~ MIDC::C>AST :N[.A..TUR...A.L :E;LE:IVIENT LAURIETON SUPERMARKET IIOnll:ES Next to Eggins Newsagency OPEN 7 DAYS Free home delivery - Dunbogan to Phone 59·9049 LAURI ETON CALTEX


6 REGI STRATrnN I NSPECTIONS ALL TYP ES MEC a ANI CAL REPA I RS See Barry & Julie Smith ~t 461 Ocean Drive, Laurieton LAURI ETON Better Buy Ph: 59 8655 - For Your Electrical Goods repo r t: STATE BANK H & B Kuh r t, J i ll Yate s , A & 1,.1 Le v i s t o n, R & B Young, G & T MONEY WISE ACCOUNT S aunde ~ s, North C o ast Envi r o n me nt PENSIONERS & THE OVER 55's Council, Dunbogan Advancement League, YOU'LL DEEM OURS BEST. Mr. & Mrs.A.J.Sherack, C & N O'Har e, DEEMED RATE ON EVERY DOLLAR G & A Thomas, S & B Jones, J & J CALCULATED DAILY AND Ma r ion, L. Taylor , B & M Kell y , N & B PAID MONTHLY. Bo o t h ,. B & J J oh n s t on e , M & R Chambers, J, T, J & R McKay, G. Sute r s, OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY. Mrs.C.Mur ph y , S & N Delmas, Y F i sher , E & G Young, N. Daley, C & p Available at: NEIL JOHNSTON'S PHARMACY Richards, A & M Stewart, N & H Mo nck, ~ ONE SUPERSTORE T & E Tur ton, K,W & M Fo r ward, T & p V, STOP '(our Whitmore, R & M Palmer, Z. D' Aprano & agent for PHARMACV1SUPERMARKETt8ANK AGENCY R Ti 1 1 e y, M & H Howar d, J & S SHOP 16 LAURIE TON MALL• PH: 59 83311 State Bank Marchment, M Watchorn, J & R FIGHTING FUND SUCCESS Ande r son, J Colmer, R & R Cohen, Mr.Hutchinson, Smith Family, S.Baker , Our Tre a sure r , Be t t Warn eek e, D & M Jansen, B & P Atkinson , A r eports , "Th e Fighting Fund for our Thomas, G & J McIntosh, D Lowe & C an a l s Campaign reached t he sum of E. Merri s, E Clarke, S & A MacInty r e, $3, 755 b y 5 t h September , 1gg2. A I & B Griffiths, N & M Burgess. magni f i c ent ef f ort, and mu ch needed, a s the b i ll s are s t ill coming in from LAURIETON NEWSAGENCY t he v a ri ous experts we comm i ssioned FOR DELIVERIES / BOOKINGS to s uppo r t our appear anc e before the Co mmis s ion o f Inqu iry ". Grateful 72 BOLD STREE T . Ph: 5gg202 th a nks g o t o the following people fo r d on at i o n s rec e i ved s i n ce our last NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES,STATIONERY.


At $ 2 . 00 per person for membership of one of the strongest and most effect i v e community organ i s a tions on the North Coast, plus a regular News l ett e r with the news the local paper won't print, it has to be a s t ea l' We n e ed the money to keep us going, so if you haven't renewed, o r a r e t h i nking of join i ng, please do it now!

For speci al ef f o r t s , we rely on y o u r gene r ou s donations.

The " Canals" F ightin g F u n d isn ' t closed yet, as we may st i ll have battle s to f ight. A lso, there will be wars on other fronts.

***************************************·~* ***** *************************** To : Bett Wa r necke, 134 C amde n Head Ro a d, Dun bogan, 2443. ( or h and i n to St a t e Bank Age n cy, Johnston's Phar ma c y , Se y mo ur St r e e t, Laur ieton).

I e nclose : Membership Subscr i ption , New /renewal (t ick) @ $2. 00, f o r each of th e fo llowing fam ily members:

Na me(s) ....•..•.•. . ...• • .•..•.•.....•.. • .••.•.•••••.

Add r e ss .•...••••.•.. • . . .•...... •. • .• • ..•..•.....•.•..

...... (n u mb er) me mb ers @ $ 2 . 00 each: Enclosed: $ •••••••• Donation to Fight i ng Fund $ •••••••• Gener al Donation $ ••••••••


(P l e a s e make cheques payable to CHPS Inc.) iety1NC

February 1993.


The Camden Haven Protection Kattang with its Society has submitted a proposal to spectacular scenery is badly the Dept of Employment, Education infested by Bi tou Bush and Lantana and Training (DEET) in an effort to and needs urgent maintenance and create employment for up to 30 young reconstruction of its walking persons currently registered as trails. Weed removal would allow unemployed in the Camden Haven. for replanting of native species. This project would come under the It is an area enjoyed by locals and LEAP (Landcare and Environment visitors and now will provide Programme) · training opportunities in Landscap­ Leap Scheme is a Commonwealth ing, Operation of tractors, con­ initiative to provide employment struction of walking tracks and whilst training. Formal, acredited drains, techn~ques of soil con­ vocational training will occupy 25% servation, drawing, mapping and of the 26 weeks of employment. design, plant propagation of endemic The project will be · undertaken in native species, erosion control and conjunction with the National Parks communication and problem solving and Wildlife Service and St Josephs skills. Vocational College and will be funded by DEET. We believe this scheme will The Kat tang Nature Reserve benefit the community at large by Beautificati·on and· Bush Regeneration · undertaking works which are beyond Project is seen as a quality project the current resources of the NPWS as which will benefit the community in well as provide 26 weeks employment many ways .. and training for our young people. ********************************************************** ' N TREASU SALE 1993 al DUNE GAN HALL ors open al 8.00 a.m. VALUABLE s SELL, SELL, SELL!!! B ·ng You Money With You. DON'T MISS IT!

Your donations of pre-loved articles will be greatly appreciated. Please see back page for details. "Comparison between the Settlement LAURIETON Shores estate and the Dunbogan land for DELIVERIES/ are invalid and thoroughly mislead­ ing. 11 Mr MacIntyre added. 11 The 72 Bold St. Ph 599202 Port Macquarie project is an NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES extension of a highly urbanised area STATIONARY of low environmental concern. Conversely, the Dunbogan site is undeveloped and has been found to be SOCIETY'S POSITION VINDICATED. of the highest environmental value. The Commissioner accepted expert The Secretary of the C.H.P.S. Alan opinion that the development would MacIntyre, said his Society members adversely affect important wetlands, were absolutely elated to learn of wildlife habitat, water quality and Minister Webster's rejection of the the visual amenity of the Camden Dunbogan Canal Estate proposal. Haven locality. The site also has a major acid sulphate soil problem The Minister's decision clearly that may prove to be unmanageable." vindicates the position taken by many residents who have expressed On the subject of jobs, Mr opposition to the II Syvania Waters 11 MacIntyre said the Society was style development since it was fighting to protect existing jobs in originally conceived in 1973. the oyster and fishing industries. "Commissioner Cleland found However Mr MacIntyre was quick to water pollution from the react strongly in refuting the estate could lead to a loss o Minister's later criticism of the oyster and fish production. Why Society's opposition to the Dunbogan should these people lose their jobs canal proposal. so that speculative land developers "Mr Webster's attitude is typical can make quick profits?" of the "develop at any cost 11 mentality adopted by certain He said the Protection Society has sections of the National Party," received advice from both the said Mr MacIntyre. 11 His comments Department of Planning and a leading suggest he has little understanding barrister that the development of the State's planning laws and his application rejected by the Minister own Government's Coast Policy." was now effectively "dead in the water". Any new proposal will again The Society has presented a strong be subject to the same exhaustive and well supported case against the Inquiry process. development to an impartial Commiss­ ion of Inquiry. Commisioner Cleland's "It is our belief that the only subsequent 150 page report rejected way a canal development could be the canal proposal on almost every approved for this site is b· ground considered. Contrary to the thoroughly dishonest political Minister's assertion, the Protection decision that circumvents the Society has not taken the issue to State's planning laws II asserted Mr court. His claim of "persistent MacIntyre. vexatious litigation" is therefore utter nonsense.

KENDALLCOUNfRYiun~~~.~ 1st & 3rd Sundays each ...... ,...... Kendall Central School IMPROVE LOCAL ECONOWCS Natives SUPPORTING LOCAL PRODUCTIVITY and Assistance for New 12 years and still going Gardeners Enquiries Ph 594220 a. OPEN7 1993 THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE 5 Young Street WORLD'S INDIGENOUS PEOPLE. to More Phone 85 ALL THE FISH DIE. The sight of thousands of fish floating dead in coastal rivers and creeks is enough to shock and disgust most people but the cause of SHOP 1 5, LAURIETON MALL these ecological marine disasters has only recently been identified. Corner of Bold & Seymour Streets Most people in the Camden Haven Specialists will recall television images over recent years showing massive fish ) ·8006- kills in areas such as the Tweed The council staff responsible for River accompanied by a commentary preparing this report are to be suggesting misuse of farm pesticides commended and it is recommended or fertilisers as the likely cause. reading for anyone wanting to Only in the last few years has the achieve a greater understanding of real culprit been exposed acid the subject. water resulting from the disturbance To date the Camden Haven has been of acid sulphate soils. spared the devastation that follows Hardly a riveting dinner party a major acid water event, due subject, the study of acid sulphate largely to the lack of soil disturb­ soils has largely been confined to a ance on the estuary flood plain. few soil scientists with in interest But consider the following: The in river and estuary flood plains. proposed Dunbogan canal estate Put simply, when waterlogged soils involves a massive disturbance of containing pyrite are disturbed and identified acid sulphate soil. exposed to air, a chemical reaction Every attempt to manage acid takes place and sulphuric acid, the sulphate soil in similiar develop­ same acid as in car batteries, is ments on the east coast of produced. This acid, when washed has failed. All fish and most into the river by rain water causes marine life affected by acid water toxins to be released from river will die, 60% of offshore fish sediments. The result is death to species spend part of their life fish, crabs, prawn and marine cycle in coastal estuaries. Acid plants. In fact all marine life in water run-off willcontinue to occur, the immediate area is devastated. it is not a "one-off" event. Video Hastings Council's Municipal images of dead fish floating up­ Health Surveyor has recently side-down in the river provide presented an excellent report to graphic television news footage. Council's Policy and Priorities Those people in the Camden Haven Committee detailing acid sulphate associated with the professional soil problems west of Port Macquarie oyster andfishing industries, , the Fernbank and Partridge Creek recreational fishing and the tourism terns, together with an action industry have every reason to be plan to deal with the problem which very concerned about the Dunbogan is widespr:--ead throughout the canal proposal. Jeff Smith. Municipality~ **********************************************************************

.. spm Delicious meals reasonably priced Children most welcome

Mondays ...... Thursdays ...... Full facilities available. Watch all the racing ~~hc,oners ...... on Sky Channel in air conditioned comfort. Middies ...... unwittingly misled Council in its ANOTHER WIN FOR JUSTICE. determination of the amended development application. The Land & Environment Court, When a local resident requeste~ to after considering the Herons Creek speak at the Council meeting Quarry case, decided in favour of considering Mr McNamara'a report on the local residents who took Council the court's decision, three Aldermen and the quarry proponents to court. voted against the request, with Alderman Johnston having her name After careful consideration of recorded. both the environmental aspects and So much for open government. impact on property values of the proposal, residents felt they had no choice but to take court action. For economic reasons they chose to ABOUT OUR ADVERTISERS. fight the case on legal grounds. Those businesses which advertise The Judge, Justice Bignold, found in this newsletter are not asked or this to be appropriate, given the expected to support the views of the circumstances. Camden Haven Protection Society and its members. The legal grounds included major changes to the EIS, ( the complete However what they do provide for, relocation of the quarry) and by advertising, is to allow a failure to comply with mandatory broader range of views and opinions requirements of the EP&A Act, to be expressed than is generally. changes continually referred to by available to the community. ThE{ Alderman Johnston and Council's right to both hold and freely Chief Town Planner as "minor". express one's opinion without fear Justice Bignold found the· changes of intimidation or retribution is a were anything but minor and that foundation stone of our democracy. there was no legal capacity for the These democratic principles are as . court to grant development consent. important to our small community as He also found the Chief Town they are to the whole country. But Planner, Mr McNamara, may have do not be complacent, democracy is a fragile entity, its benefits hard won but easily lost. Support and encourage those businesses that advertise in this newsletter, they are leaders in our community. They support your right to freedom of speech. Tracy This newsletter is produced by the voluntary efforts of many local. citizens. The Camden Haven Protect( ion Society is committed to protect~ ing the natural environment of the Camden Haven area. The Society is not anti-development nor is it 11 against everything". Our natural environment is the only one we have, lend your support and provide a Wauchope­ better lifestyle for yourself, your Camden Haven Surrounding Areas children and your grandchildren.

7 The Parade Old School Road Herons Creek. North Haven 2443 ·~Canopus .. Deep Sea Charters Phone: (065) 59 9302 - Fax: (065) 59 9302 MIDDLE BROTHER THE ABORIGINAL CONNECTION By Jennie Kerr. I wonder how many of us, so fortunate to be living in the Camden • MUD BRICKS A SPEOAIJ'Y Haven with its rich and di verse •DRAFTING& natural beauty, know of the Aborig­ inal heritage and history of the area. For countless generations PHONE and long before the more recent 870 OCEAN DRIVE contact with people from distant BONNY HILLS 2445 (065) 855046 shores, this has always been Biripi country. Captain Cook, in 1770, gazed at the three majestic forms so close to Biripi country stretched from the coast and noting their resembl­ Narnbucca Heads in the north to the ance, called them The Three Great Divide in the west and south Brothers alluding, unwittingly to as far as Karuah. The Biripi the Biripi Dreamtime legend. traded and intermarried with other Aboriginal ties to the land of tribal groups, corning together for their forebears is strong and timeless ceremonies recognizing the children of Biripi descent are keen spiritual importance of ancient to lea~n of their heritage and have sites passed down in the Law of the access to places of cultural and Drearntime, preserved intact until spiritual significance. The _he devestating and often brutal Purfleet-Taree Aboriginal Lands contact with the Europeans. This Council is looking to protect, for clash of culture began in our area present and future generations, such following the establishment of a a an area, on the summit of Middle penal settlement at Port Macquarie Brother Mountain. in the 1820s. Today, many displaced descendants To the Biripi, the three great of the Biripi live in the Camden mountains which stand as silent ·Haven area. Many Kooris a sentinels to the past, have always contemporary term for Aboriginal been known as the three Birrooguns people were raised on missions or Three Wise Brothers. This such as Purfleet, Taree and in the Dreamtime story of the Three Wauch0pe and Kempsey areas. Many Brothers has been passed down, in are retracing their steps having story, dance and song, to present been part of the "stolen generat- generations and in recent times a ions" taken from their f arnilies local newspaper published a version under callous government recounted in 1981 by the late, legislation, unable to vote or to be initiated Gurnbangirra elder, Harry considered a c izen in this, their i, )Uchan~n of Kempsey. In the homeland, until 1967. Today -oreamtime story of courage and Aboriginal people have formed their ·sacrifice, the three brothers were own organizations and have more changed from human to mountain form control over their own affairs but and hold deep spiritual significance comrnuni ty attitudes take longer to to generations of Aboriginal people. change and many people feel threat­ ened by the Aboriginal quest for self-determination, justice and equality. Especially when it comes to the land we share. Sonny Paulson, Chairperson of the PENSIONERS & THE OVER 55'S YOOLL DEEM OURS BEST. Purfleet-Taree Aboriginal Lands DEEMED RATE ON EVERY DOLLAR Council responds "This area has CALCULATED DAilY ANDPAID MONTHLY significance to Koori people. It is most important to protect it as a OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY place of Aboriginal culture for the SPECIAL OFFER ALSO AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED PERIOD future. We have no plans to change the environment here but to protect Shop 2 No. 10 Seymour St. it as a place our kids and others laurieton (065) 596733 can visit, as part of our culture." Those who Jim Murray - Agent for would like further information can contact Sonny Paulson on 065 524 106. THE VISITING DUGONG A Special Council meeting was held Harvey Bay in Queensland had a at North Haven Hall on 14th Dec, known colony of about 2,000 dugong. 1992 to again consider the Chief Some six months ago heavy flooding Town Planner's report on Commisioner at Harvey Bay covered with silt the Cleland' s findings on the Dunbogan seagrass beds on which the dugong Canal proposal. This followed a feed. The turbulence also drove previous meeting deferred when dugong out of the bay and they were Aldermen realised they had not been dispersed north and south from their given the opportunity to read the normal habitat. Since then dugong Commissioner's report. have been washed up on beaches at The week leading up to the North Ballina and as far south as . Haven meeting witnessed a scare campaign mounted by some supporters It is more than possible that of the canals. Rumours spread reported sightings of Dugong in the through the community particularly and adjoining construction trades, that the areas are corect. Commissioner's findings would, This rare sea mammal, belonging to amongst other things bring a halt the Sirenia family which include the to all further sub vision approvals Manatee and Sea Cow, has always within the Municipality, stop fascinated humans. It is the construction on major building source of sailors' stories of projects, that no further rezoning mermaids and has been protected by of land or development could take law since the early 1900's when its place on the north coast of NSW, numbers first began to decline. even that the use of lizers on Scientists believe that one farms would have to s In shert, more of these endangered mammals may just about everythi the end have found refuge in the Camden of the world! Haven waters but it is expected that These exaggerated rumours were based they could be weak and emaciated and on a verbal pres to Aldermen being away from their normal given by the canal developer's tropical habitat it is unlikely they consultant at the first Special will survive our·winter conditions. Council meeting. This was despite confirmation given to Alderman Roberts by the Chief Town Planner and the Municipal neer that the Commissioner's fi ngs would have NO impact on future opment in the Municipal The recent reject of the canal • LOCAL CRAFT •FASHION development ication by the • BOOKS, STATIONERY Minister for ng has re- • CRAFT Sl JPPUES emphasised the of the Jimneva proposal and we believe, further highlights the folly of those Alderman who have consistently attempted to fast track this controversial development. Given the convincing nature of the COMMITTEE Commissioner's findings at the Commission of Inquiry is diff i A well attended AGM of the CHPS cult to see how many of the problems held 6th Decembver, 1992, saw the identified can ever be s sfactor­ following members elected to the ily resolved. committee: Office bearers elected for the 92- 93 period are: President, Henry QUOTE OF THE WEEK. Williams; Secretary, Alan MacIntyre; When authori aggressively Treasurer, Vivian Cartwright; support projects ch are against Committee Frank Kandilas, Jeff the demonstrated wishes of the Smith, Euleen Phillips, Tracy Dignum people; ask who stands to gain? and Helen Acheson. Sub-Committee - Phil Proudfoot and Trixie Whitmore. rl!I VAT I ~A TION FIGHTS ON. - 'lot.JR ~UMAI\N"t IL t>f l't Htlvt t\ ~'l ~Uf\VUllfU1(l A fiery meeting held at LUSC on 10th February, 1993, saw a capacity crowd of 19 8 concerned persons unanimously support a motion from the floor "That this meeting instructs Hastings Council to reject the Development Application for the Port Macquarie Base Hospital Pty Ltd on account of overwhelming public opposition and demands that council replace the caveat on the land which , rightly belongs to the people of the "/> Hastings Municipality". Earlier the meeting had learnt from s of the Hospital Action c...w. Group Inc. some of the implications of the present contract. Bob $32.4M 160 beds and 14,000 sq McClelland explained he was looking metres including roadworks and at one of 19 separate contracts from earthworks. In contrast Lismore ch "commercially sensitive Base Hospital recently spent $20M on information" had been exluded, a new WING. owever the bottom line appeared to Mr Murphy further pointed out that including the Lake Road with the present support in parlia­ , on com'pletion of this new ment the only action necessary is "base" hospital there would be 176 for our elected representative, hospital beds in Port Wendy Machin, to cross the floor of Macquarie and only 85 public beds. the House and vote according to her Thus with a growing, ageing popul­ constituents' wishes, for the ation of self funded retirees and Private Hospital scheme to be pensioners, together with sole defeated. parents and unemployed we would find Mrs Edith Hall spoke of the 96,000 ourselves with one p1:1blic bed less services rendered annually by than now is the case. Community Health, whose future is It is considered that there is a still in limbo. clear intention in these contract­ ural arrangements for the cost of She said she was "affronted by the 1th care to be shifted from arrogance of the proponents of this government to individuals as there model who have treated a community 11 be a need for individuals to be as this comrnun has been treated". in Top Medical Cover to be admitted Particularly the lack of public hospital and with a representation on the committee and the number of public lack of women on the committee. unlikely there would be a Before contracts were signed the in the waiting time for total consultation time with the admission. Hastings community was 16 hours, less lunch and tea-breaks. With 61 % of the municipality voting against the private hospital option, John Murphy said "Every 2KewRoad person has a right to have access Rear Shell Service Station to public health". He continued Auto Bake Spray Booth "Before the last election we were promised a $83M 230 bed hospital of Quality Panel Repairers and Spray Painters 21,000 sq.metres, now it is down to Rust Repairs and 1-1,:,,c::nr.:avc: All Insurance Companies Phone (065) 59 7199 SHOE REPAIRS

Key Cutting Engraving PRINTER Stitching Bowls Soles Horse Rug Repairs 57 ofH.C.U.) Mall - 59 6661 59 7289 ' ASURE SALE. WE NEED YOUR PRE-LOVED TREASURES

Our sale is on 6th March, 93 (see front cover). We need to replenish funds after the costs ofthe Commission of Inquiry. We are appealing to all members and supporters. Do you have something around the house which you no longer want, but someone else may love to buy at our sale. Anything - plates and pictures, fishing rods or furniture, clothing (clean please), knick-knacks and whatnots.

Please ring our organisers. We'll collect, if you wish. Organisers will be at the Dunbogan Hall from 10.00 a.m. until 5.0 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 4th and 5th March 1993, to receive your goods. The Camden Haven Protection Society is working hard to protect our beautiful Haven. Please help us to keep on fighting.

Do it Now!!! Ring any of the following and tell them what you would like to donate. Bill and Margot Denney 599 047 Vivienne Cartwright 598 961 Henry Williams 599 973

Don't forget to come to the sale! There may be some new treasures, just waiting for you. Bring your money with you.

An invitation is extended to anyone with an interest in preserving the natural beauty of the Camden Haven, to join the Camden Haven Protection Society Inc. The membership fee is only $2.00 per year and is kept low to allow other members of your family Off'"!J'( friends to join. '

Membership enables you to become part of a successful and dynamic community group, committed to the protection of the Camden Haven. You will also receive, where ever you live, our newsletters, enabling you to keep up-to-date with the major issues affecting the Camden Haven.

Current firumcial members may also renew their membership by filling in the accompanying form and indicating renewal To improve the service to our members and the community, the Society now has a Post Office Box at Laurieton Post Office Choose any one ofthe following 4 easy ways to join or renew;

L Post to Camden Haven Protection Society Inc., P.O. Box 234 Laurieton NSW 2443. 2. Pass your membership form to Bett Warneke, 134 Camden Head Rd. Dunbogan. 3. Drop your form and payment into the State Bank office in Seymour Street Laurieton. 4. Contact any member ofthe Protection Society co~ttee.

To: Camden Haven Protection Society Inc. P.O. Box 234 Laurieton NSW 2443.

I Enclose: Membership Subscription, New/ Renewal (tick) @ $2.00 for each of the following persons.

Name(s) ......

Address ......

...... (number) members @ $2.00 each: Enclosed: $ ......

Donation to Fighting Fund $ ......

General Donation $ ......

TOTAL: $ ......

Please make cheques payable to CHPS Inc.

JOIN CARE! Camden Haven Community NEWS June 1993


Tremendous news for the Camden Haven and 15 of securing future employment. Their formal training the area's youth with the commencement of the first includes, conservation concepts,· Senior First Aid Landcare and Environment Action Program, LEAP, certificate, business communications, occupational in the Hastings. health and safety and job seeking skills. The Scheduled to run for 26 wee.ks, the program opportunity will exist for them to continue their employs 15 young people and one supervisor to carry training and complete the Conservation Certificate. out substantial upgrading and rehabilitation work on The Commonwealth funding for the project will . provide a sizeable injection of cash into the local Construction of walking tracks, erosion controL re­ economy with wages, training funds and equipment vegetation, signage and a fauna and flora swvey are purchases remaining in the Camden Haven. some of the areas scheduled for completion. The The LEAP project is an initiative of the Camden program will result in a greatly enhanced nature Haven Protection Society. Other contributing reserve benefiting both the environment and the organisations are Skillshare, National Parks and community. Wildlife Service. Commonwealth Employment The young people employed on the project will Service and Training Essentials. gain skills and experience of significant use to them in HOW THE LEAP FOR

KATTANG WAS BORN. After a nail-biting wait the CHPS was advised that Over the seven years of its existence the Camden the application had been granted and :Mrs Phillips was invited to join with Skillshare in the inteIViewing of Haven Protection Society has always held as a a priority the need for ongoing employment for the supervisor and subsequently the young job applicants. Camden Haven in keeping with the environment. As we stated in our initial application to DEET "the When our Secretary, Alan, MacIntyre, learned of the Camden Haven Protection Society views this Federal Government's initiative in funding a LEAP Program as being very much a Community Outreach scheme it was seen as a great opportunity for the continued next page area, both in jobs and training for the young people and as a boost to the local economy. A committee member, Euleen Phillips, liaised with TOWN ANoCOUNTRY the National Parks and Wildlife Service to obtain pennission for Kattang Nature Reseive to be the TRENCHING designated site and, on receiving their permission and 0 ELECTRICAL encouragement, she then submitted a Program 0 PLUMBING Application through the CES. This Application 0 AGRICULTURAL named the CHPS as the Proponent for the Leap 0 BUILDERS Program and itemised the project, the area, training requirements, supervision etc. 100mm (4") -- 300mm (12") TRENCHES MAX. DEPTH -- 1.2M IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PHONE 018 658 963 PROTECTION SOCIETY MEMBERS (065) 857 061 SEE BACK PAGE MIDCC>AST THE TOXIC CHEMICAL LOAD N .A.TUR..A.I- ~LEJ.\IIENT We live in environments, both urban and rural, tru ~ C>l.\1.1:ES are receiving increasing doses of chemicals. Thes lC. No. l

Confusion is still rife in the community as to the Laurieton fuss made by envirorunentalists about the value of 'wetlands' , a visit to the Shortland Wetlands Centre Meat Market out of Newcastle, will answer many questions. SHOP 15, LAURIETON MALL Wetlands, which include freshwater swamps, bogs, & salt marshes, mangrove swamps, mires and Corner of Bold Seymour Streets ephemeral lakes and lagoons are among the most Bulk Meat Specialists productive ecosystems on earth. Although Australian Aborigines exploited to varying degrees the -(065) 59·8006 - resources available from wetlands, up until quite recently most Australians have been ignorant of wetland values. This ignorance has often led to degradation of those wetland values. L.J.Lane The Shortland Wetlands Centre is an education, research and recreational facility based on wetlands, Ii COMMERCIAL PRJNTER Ii which particularly focuses on the valuable wetlands of 5 7 Bold Street Laurieton (Rear of H. C. U.) the Hunter estuary. The Centre is located on 65ha Phone (065) 59 7289 of wetlands on the edge of Hexham Swamp. Hexham Swamp is a 2500 ha complex and a major component of the Hunter estuary which is perhaps mos widely known for the internationally significant We invite you to visit ... Kooragang Nature Reserve. The Wetlands Centre , which operates as an annex of the Department of Education's Awbakal Field Studies Centre and provides educational programmes and facilities for school children, offers a number of passive recreational activities which are available to visitors. The Centre, which is open to the public most days of the year, also offers a programme of non-formal education and interpretation that caters for the general community. There is a range of recreational opportunities and experiences ( such as a system of walking trails, bird observation and canoeing). The Wetlands Centre Canoe Trail was declared open in 1987 and since then several thousand people Phone us on have taken the opportunity to hire a canoe and explore Ironbark Creek. A number of directional (065) 594464 and interpretative signs are positioned along the canoe to arrange your trail identifying flora. visit Breakfast with the Birds is a novel activity which is offered irregularly throughout the year. A guide assists with bird obseivation and identification and can talk with visitors in general terms about wetlands. Following a hearty breakfast, at 8.30, a short 30 minute slide presentation focuses on various aspects of the wetland envirorunent. Volunteer guides generally provide visitors with a 8i..m 10 lot of anecdotal information. During the summer ,X'ffixk months twilight walks are offered several times a ~-ftmcii' I week, depending on demand. The walks take place Norfolk Punch (Australia) between 6.00pm and 8.00pm and are leisurely strolls Batar Creek Road, Kendall guided by an experienced bird obseiver. 1993.-THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE WORLD'S INDIGENOUS PEOPLE.

~or_ living space, food and resources. Today, Each year the United Nations proposes a theme, mdigenous people are among the most disadvantaged launched globally, raising issues and working towards groups on Earth. When integrated into a national awareness and improvement in the world relating to society, they confront discrimination and exploitation this theme. We have had the International Year of and often suffer under the worst living conditions. the Child, The Tree, Youth, The Disabled, Peace and Those remaining on their traditional territories face - last year - The Homeless. disruption of their cultures and physical displacement To mark this year - a landmark event in the history as their lands are claimed for national development. of indigenous peoples' struggle for swvival and Indigenous peoples have been demanding justice recognition of their rights - the United Nations will from the international community for many years. evaluate and enhance its programmes and activities They have organised locally, nationally and regionally relating to the worlds indigenous people. and are active in the international arena, seeking International efforts will be aimed at strengthening respect for their cultures and ways of life and full ~o?al co-operation for solving the problems faced by participation in decision-making processed that affect mdigenous communities in areas such as human them. A generation ago, many indigenous people rights, environmen~ development, education and were not entitled to vote. Today they are health. A major public awareness campaign will be increasingly visible partners in the struggle to protect mounted to inform the international community about the global environment and promote sustainable the issues and concerns of indigenous people - development and resource use. particularly their strong views on land, resources and This year gives Australian the opportunity to the kind of development they want for their future be~ome more aware of the needs, aims and goals of generations. their local and national Aboriginal communities. Indigenous people are the descendants of the Perhaps on a more personal level it will encourage original inhabitants of many lands, strikingly diverse you to connect with your local Koori - Aboriginal - in their cultures, religions and patterns of social and conununity, Land Council, families and friends economic organisation. An estimated 300 million wherever you are. indigenous people live in more than 70 countries For further information about the U.N. from the Arctic regions to the Amazon and Australia.' International Year please contact the U. N. Aboriginal people , with their rich cultural and Association of Australia; Taree-Forster Branch. Ph spiritual heritage, believe themselves to have been in Australia since the Dreamtime - before time began. 592 552. by Jenrue . Kerr Scientists quibble whether the date should be set at Jennie Kerr lives at , close to Middle 40,000 or 60,000 years of occupation! Australian Brother Mountain. She has worked for the NSW Aboriginal culture is definitely one of the oldest living Aboriginal Education Consultative Group in Sydney cultures on the planet and Aboriginal people in 1993 and has friends within local Aboriginal communities. are proud to be able to say "We have survived". !ennie is ~urrently undertaking a Graduate Diploma For centuries the special relationship to the land, ~ Educa~on from UNE Armidale and hopes to be shared by the world's indigenous population has been mvolved m strengthening ties between schools and threatened by colonialists and the demand of others local Aboriginal communities and individuals in teaching Aboriginal Studies in the future. Whilst in Wauchope drop into EARTHCARENURSERY I eRare Plants eRainforest Plants 6Fruit Trees eornamentals OPEN 6 1/2 DAYS elndoors eNatives and Herbs 6Advice and Assistance for New and Old • FRAGRANT & BODY OILS Gardeners - • FASHION • BOOKS, STATIONARY OPEN7 DAYS • ART SUPPLIES 5 Young Street Wauchope


An alternative to imported rainforest timbers now The Camden Haven Learning Exchange available is Rose Gum, also known as Flooded Gum. congratulates the Camden Haven Protection Society It is appearing again as a joinery timber and also as and the National Parks and Wildlife Service for taking fine furniture. It never really went away but had the initiative in applying for and being successful in been largely overlooked since imported rainforest obtaining a Federal Governments Landcare and timbers took over the joinery market on the east Environmental Action Program (LEAP). coast. The primary objective of the LEAP program is to Eucalyptus grandis, Flooded Gum, is one of the improve the long term employment of young people fastest growing eucalypts, occurring from Newcastle by broadening and enlarging their vocational to North Queensland. The timber is a warm pink to experience and equipping them with new skills red, straight grained and easy to work, it glues we~ through formal training and practical application of and is surprisingly light for a hardwood. acquired skills. Rose gum is marketing by a Bellingen company which selects quality timber from local resources of A secondary objective is to provide participants with plantation and regrowth forests, many of them on the opportunity to apply new skills to projects that reclaimed farmland. The timber is seasoned in solar promote environmentai conservation and cultural heated kilns, a slower process than conventionally heritage outcomes and are of community and heated kilns, but one which produces a consistently environmental benefit. better quality board and of course uses solar power. Known as Solarwood the company can supply a full Over 6,000 young people will be participating in range ofjoinery sizes, mouldings and lining boards. community based conservation projects in 1992/93 through the LEAP program according to the Department of Education, Employment and Training (DEET). Around 6,342 trees are cut down per second world­ The Kattang Nature Reserve Beautification and wide to produce paper products. Bush Regeneration Project will provide formal From Burkes Backyard. training and on the job training for 15 young unemployed people and at the same time promote environmental and heritage issues.

The Learning Exchange will be forming a partnership with other training providers and conducting part of the formal training in Laurieton. "The time has come" - the saying says - when the community can take an active part in the welfare and training on home ground. KENDALL COUNTRY LIVING A Working Craft Centre and Wildflower Garden ~,1=iis!mat•):~ Textiles Pottery Arts Crafts Herbs Native Plants LAURIETON Better Buy KEW RD. KENDALL Open 6 Days For Your Electrical Goods. (closed Tuesdays) Ph 594102 THE BIGGEST RETAILER OF ELECTRICAL Specialist Grower of APPLIANCES Australian Plants SALVA EST RES; ALL'S WELL. I was motoring north one bright September day I am content with this lovely area and its people. It back in '86, dial-twiddling, when the enthusiastic is a haven - the smug look in the pelican's eye says it voice on a talk-back programme ,describing his home all. town, engulfed the interior of my car. It seemed that Bonny Hills and its friendly people were the acme of perfection and the caller was taxed for superlatives. Now here am I, a resident of this Camden Haven area, echoing his sentiments - with a few of mine. How squeaky clean the beaches, with their effervescent swf, how blue the sky with scattered podgy clouds like galleons. It's a week-day and I see children weaving a nomadic course to schoo~ some with bikes. We need have no fear for their safety and mums don't need to take them in an armoured 4WD. Our womenfolk need have no fear of dark as we seem to have no muggers, no deviates, nor do we have to make a fortress of our homes. I look - but never see angry graffiti nor vandalism and 'litter' seems to be just a word. I do see smiling, easy-going people and hear the cheery "there you go" of girls BUSHWALKSPROGRAM who work in shops and "need a hand?" is stock-in­ trade no matter what rm looking for, be it meat pie or The National Parks Association has an interesting a book. and varied program of bushwalks during June, July We have a serious unemplo}fflent problem but I see and August. On June 20, Gwen O'Dea will explore no groups of young people sitting on street comers the Fossil Fields at Wauchope, whilst on June 26 Roy c?mplaining about it - they're too busy trying to find a Pullen will conduct an interesting and fun day ruche ...... and where are all the cranky drivers? The learning how to navigate with compass, meeting at only times I hear car horns are when friend passes the Forest Hut Road north of the Dennis Bridge. friend. July's walks include , Hat Head NP, Then those we take for granted, like the girls with Bitou Bash Bash, Diamond Head; Camp at meals on wheels or ever-genial sisters from the Coopernook, Old growth forest at Lome, a Lantana Corrummity Nursing Centre - it seems to me no Bash at the Big Hill and a Geology walk conducted matter what, you'll find help if you need it. by Ron Myson. I feel as though rm back in time - my Australia Further information regarding these walks may b~ which used to be; it's not just that we have less people obtained from Margaret Smith (ah) 823 612; Gem here and lots of oldies - like me - but there are less Gagne 832 272; Isabell Lee 598 114; Mollie pressures of course, despite those hurt by recession, Rowell 831 427 or Roy Pullen 821 669. It is ~ut there is an atmospheres of patient acceptance of important that you contact one of the above if you like and a feeling of security which stems from being­ intend coming on any walk or camp. all good old fashioned Aussies. LAURIETON NEWSAGENCY 72 Bold St.


To All Members, Thank you for your on-going support of the Camden Haven Protection Society. Your membership of the Society has allowed the development of a successful and dynamic community group, dedicated to the protection of the Camden Haven. Total membership now stands at over 500 people, representing the largest non-sporting community group in the Hastings. This strong support by members translates into an effective and unified organisation whose most recent success was the vindication of the Society's position against the Dunbogan Canals proposal by Commissioner Kevin Cleland. Unfortunately the proponents of the canal development have decided to press on with their massive proposal, ignoring both the official and community opposition to their plans. Indications are a new EIS and Development Application are imminent. The Protection Society is determined to again vigorously oppose this action and we are more experienced and better prepared to meet the challenge. The formidable array of experts who supported the Society at the previous Commission of Inquiry are again available. The committee of the Society has also identified the need to assist, where possible, in overcoming some of the social problems besetting our community. To this end the Society has initiated a Landcare and Environment Action Program project (see "A Great LEAP Forward"). · These and other successes are only possible because of the on-going membership of individuals. The demands on the Society's finances. are also substantial and the generosity of members in donating funds to cover these costs is much appreciated. Fees are now due. We value your continuing membership. Please take the time to complete and return the form below. Payment of just $2.00 per person will renew membership through to July 1994.

The future of the Camden Haven may depend on it.

To: Camden Haven Protection Society Inc. P.O. Box 234 Laurieton NSW 2443.

I Enclose for: - Membership Renewal @ $2.00 per person.

Narrie(s) ......

Address ......

Telephone ......

Membership Enclosed : $ ......

Donation to Fighting Fund $ ......

General Donation $......

TOTAL: $ ......

Please make cheques payable to CHPS Inc.


Colleen & Mike Creighton Centrepoint Arcade. Laurieton. 2443 Telephone/Fax: (065) 59 9434. Camden Haven Com 1

INC NEW HIGH SCHOOL FOR CAMDEN HAVEN? The Department of School Education has purchased conservation values of such significance to warrant 6ha of land west of North Haven Public School to nature reserve status. build an Education Complex for the Camden Haven. The subject land forms part of one The new complex will include an High School and significant areas of largely undisturbed facilities for use by all the community. The proposed Land within the Camden Haven "'"t'"''u:""'J.Ja. multi-purpose stadium may also be incorporated within the site. It is to be hoped the Steering the environmental significance Following a two day Community Consultation and ensures all steps are taken to Workshop, held in May this year, a steering development's impact on this sensitive committee was formed to ":find out what is happening coastal natural remnant with the planning of new schools at other places and to make contact with people who have relevant NEW NEIGHBOURS ARRIVING expertise". It will also assist in the early stages of . An 80% increase in population is exnect(~d planning for the proposed education facilities. The North Coast region over the next 25 committee includes representatives from local a result of new settlers arriving from schools, parents, students, the Department, the Teacher's Federation and community groups. The North Coast Draft Urban been produced by the Of concern to environmentally aware people who Grafton, in response to this forecast. care about the Camden Haven, is the high of an extensive consultation conservation value of the land in the area in which the government departments, local school is to be built A vegetation study, interest groups and the community. commissioned by Hastings Municipal Council and covering the whole area from Queens Lake to Ocean The strategy provides a vision for our,. .... ~'·""'"' Drive, concluded that conservation would be a better to accommodate the expected rrrn·nrti.. land use option rather than major development. A and sustainable manner. preliminary National Parks & Wildlife Service assessment recognises that this area possesses Members and supporters of:- CUNARD THE CAMDEN SOCIETY INC THE ULTIMATE­ are invited to:- A QE2 CRUISE A.'l"Nl.JAL GENERAL MEETING to be held on Sunday, 5th December, at Catholic Hall, Laurieton.

The Agenda will include election of &BALI and Executive Committee for 1994, Prese111tatton 13 NIGIITS FROM $2,990 Reports of year's work and CAL'1DEN HAVEN TRAVEL 1.fombership renewals may be made at 73 BOLD STREET LAUR!ETON NSW 2443 A new member/renewal form can be TELEPHONE: (065) 59 9048. FAX: (065) 59 8996 back page. The North Coast region is renowned for its natural beauty and environmental diversity. These .. characteristics could be threatened by uncoordinated I and dispersed urban development. There is a strong community view that growth should be well managed and environmentally sensitive. SHOP 1 5, LAURIETON MALL Since 1988, North Coast development has been Corner of Bold & Seymour Streets guided by the North Coast regional environmental plan(REP). The REP manages incremental change ul eat pecialists by providing guidelines to decide whether rezoning -(065) 59·8006- proposals and certain development applications are appropriate. The strategy will provide an overview for long-term planning for the North Coast by developing an hierarchical urban structure which L.J.La provides a basis for development and land releases. It will help to coordinate service provision and resource I COMMERCIAL allocation at all goverment levels. The strategy and the REP will complement each other. Copies of the 57 Bold Street Laurieton (Rear ofH.C.U.) stategy can be purchased from the Department of Phone (065) 59 7289 Planning in Grafton. Copies should also be available from the local council office or library. (Department ofPlanning) \Ve invite you to


We commend the Camden Haven Protection Society (Inc.) for their foresight in establishing a Community Newsletter available to all residents of the Camden Haven area. In this way they are able to demonstrate their ability and expertise in dealing with problems concerning the overall future of our area.

Our Association also feels there is an outlet through the Progress Association for benefit of the Community in dealing with the every day type of problem encountered from time to time. Your Phone us on Progress Association has regular contact with your (C'65) 594464 Council and is able to approach Council Officers on co arrange your the many matters which can crop up. Speaking from a group can have more effect than a singular \'IS l C approach, and can assist in having your problem attended to promptly.

North Haven Progress Association meets at 1.30pm on the :first Tuesday of each month at the North Haven Community Hall. Come along and have your problem dealt with on a community basis. You will be made feel most welcome

Contact President E. S. Jones on 599043 or Hon. Secretary N. K.. Burgess for further information. WHAT'LL WE HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? The seeds from Australian wattle trees could be a is also working with researchers to test major source of food for the world according to growth and seed production of CSIRO scientists, Dr Chris Harwood and Dr Alan species in different African environments. House. "The seeds must meet international v~•• they The two Canberra scientists are co-editors of a new are to be widely accepted as a ...... ,w.•.u book: 'Australian Dry-Zone Acacias for Human Food' Harwood said. "Our tests so far which describes how wattles could be used to grow encouraging." (CSIRO Press Release.) food in famine stricken, semi-arid developing countries. THREATENED PLANTS IN AUSTRALlA

"Aborigines in central Australia have used acacia Two hundred years of European seeds as a seasonal food for thousands of years, "Dr Australia has extracted a high price House said. "Veiy recently there has been a renewed native plant species. An estimated interest in bush tucker-including wattle seed flour in have become extinct in the past Australian gourmet circles. present 226 plant species are considered imminent extinctioa and 660 are 'To date Australian plants really haven't contributed much to the world's dinner plate. Despite our rich A species of Smokebush heritage of native flora only one Australian plant, the Australia demonstrates the value macadamia nut, is grown widely as a food crop. currently being investigated for its IJU~,_,... ,,., effects on the IDV / AIDS virus. "We believe there is great potential to use wattle seeds Species Alert) to help alleviate hunger in. semi-arid countries, many of which already grow Australian acacias on a large OCEAN CARE DAY

scale for firewood and as windbreaks around crops." 7 To assist in raising community awareness "'""".. '""' marine and coastal conservation Chemical analysis of acacia seeds showed that they Marine and Coastal Community were very nutritious - they were rich in protein, organise the inaugural carbohydrate and fat. Already one taste trial in Africa December 5 - the first Sunday had shown them to be highly palatable to local be working closely with the people. who will be publishing their Survey on November 30. Surfriders The Australian Tree Seed Centre (part of CSIRO's N1:C member, Brad Farmer is Division of Forestry), is working with specialist coordinator. So, if you would like more laboratories in Australia and overseas to determine would like to be involved contact which species of Acacia are most nutritious and to 075350999, or Karen at the Network's make sure they contain no toxic substances. CSIRO on 078485235


e Rare Plants eRainforest Plants eFruit Trees eornamentals 0 ELECTRICAL elndoors 0Natives and Herbs 0 PLUMBING eAdvice and Assistance for New and Old 0 AGRICULTURAL Gardeners 0 BUILDERS 100mm (4") --300mm (12") OPEN 7 DAYS MAX. DEPTH -- 1.2M 5 Young Street Wauchope (Right next to More Than A Bookshop) PHONE 018 Phone 85 3996 (065) 857 FORESTRY - FROM THE INSIDE something very daunting about being forced of gross over-simplification at this point but I hope to one of the biggest career decisions of your you will consider the concept) Essentially it would lite at the tender age of 18, having just spent all your involve a cave dwelling existence devoid of the trying to pass an academic fitness test known simplest developments, including agriculture. as the Higher School Certificate. "Well son, what do you want to do?" My answer was "I don't bloody If you do accept the proposition, we now need to know!" and I didn't really know till I was 25 years look specifically at forests. The way I feel about it, if we are going to interfere with a natural system, let it be a renewable and sustainable ~'Ystem and let us I never put much store in 'fate', however after interfere (read Manage) with the system within those """''" •..,,,,,. the turn of events which led me to the parameters. (My definition of the forest system University to study forestry includes, wildlife, plants, water, soil, fire, and air (including the 1983 Wednesday fires in Victoria) quality as well as timber) Forestry chose me!, and I have been ever since. To top things off I now :-\.s Australians, we are blessed to have native eucalypt a very rewarding job working in the forests that have an ecology which naturally requires ma:gnimcent forests of the Hastings and Camden some form of disturbance to sustainably renew itself Valleys. The trick for the Forester is to utilise the eucal:ypts'( natural requirement for disturbance as a way of· r-11.. ..--,·rru ,,..,.,....,..,,...,.,.,11 as a professional Forester providing useable products from the system without Forests of NSW (formerly NSW Forestry causing long term harm. In a nutshell, this is the goal Commission) based at Wauchope. Having originally of native hardwood forest management. some working in the private forestry move to a Government Forest Service was I certainly don't intend to plunge into a detailed some essentially based on a general analysis of the array of forest issues that are of to bureaucracy. After 4 years of service I interest these days, rather I simply invite everyone to can honestly report that the NSW forest service is a spend time in the local forests of Kendall and forest management agency staffed by hard Wauchope and to make your own mind up about professional people who genuinely care how you feel about forestry practices, past and bush - and that's a fact. present, and perhaps more importantly, where you see forest practices in the future. service itself, the original Forestry

vOL.<:iVllc>U-.•U by Parliament in 1916 to So spend some time in the bush, come and see us in to conserve crown forests from the office and think about the many values our ( A very far-sighted conservation Fores ts have and how we can best manage the forests Since then, the Forest Service so that these values are there for all. management through two World (Paul Wells) Great Depression, rapid national growth, on State Forests, and more intense public scrutiny and public reassessments values - not a simple task!. LAURIET N

certainly intensified in the past NE SA ENCY has been politicised and 72 Bold St. if you really want to analyse Forestry as a profession and as a practice, you really need to start by questions. The first step for DELIVERIES & BOOKINGS µu.1.,v.:,~,1..1u.l"""' ,...,...,.....,.. ,.,.u - do you accept the need Phone 599202 ,nt,"M"f'rP1,rP of natural systems for improving the w w conditions of the human race? You can't sit on the fence or pontificate on this one. rn leave you to NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES & civilisation if you do not STATIONERY (rm sure I will stand accused FORtSTRY - FROM When European settlers first arrived on the east coast has been incorporated into many logging of Australia, they found a forest vegetation that was prescriptions. the science that supports this essentially in a state of dynamic equilibrium policy is success of such measures are still (Australian Forestry Council, 1987). Within a short doubtful. to consider the provision of a time the impact on the landscape was such to in time replace the that the equilibrium that has previously existed was a continuity of tenure radically changed. According to Adamson and Fox population. is worrying. (1982) the change was "an apocalyptic event for So is the indifference to the effects that. Australian ecosystems". The remaining communities population crashes, resulting from the destruction of became mere "island of habitat" while others habitat, are to on the viability of otherwise disappeared altogether. In NS\V alone, the most stable arboreal populations possibly forested mainland state, in excess of 2/3s of the populations of the large original area occupied by forest and woodland has srn~ciec:s such as the powerful been cleared (Bell 1978). ,,.,.hA<"P'>I mammals for food. As a consequence, the forest communities that In recent become a catchcry of remain, generally consist of a fragmented mosaic of and often uninformed often isolated patches. Many of these communities "locked-up" vast tracts of have been subjected to intensive management activity reserves. So why resulting in stand simplification as a consequence of state forests are, after silvicultural practices. In many of our "commercial' forests not only has species simplification occurred but even the structure has changed as a result of the replacement of old-growth stands with younger, often even-aged regrowth . . The long-term consequences of the modification of old-growth forests, particularly the tall sclerophyll forests of the southern and northern coast and highlands of NSW have not been adequately assessed but impacts such as accelerated erosion, increased susceptibility of the forests to fire, reduction understorey moisture and consequent reduction in detritus turnover, increased transpiration and consequent water table deficits are all a likely consequence of widespread structural change. A major consequence that is now becoming e'1i.dent is the impact that changes in tree size and age have on the long-term survival of the more specialised arboreal fauna. animals tend to be territorially dependant on minimally disturbed native forest habitats. The arboreal mammals are particularly susceptible to the destruction of old-growth trees that provide resting and nesting sites in the form of tree hollows. "will In the past, while old-growth forests were being rapidly converted, little or no thought was being given (Terry Evans) to these animals and as a consequence populations have undergone significant decline. Unfortunately, animals displaced by logging did not move into adjacent compartments but simply died of stress or starvation. In more recent times, although often grudgingly, the importance of arboreal animals to forest ecosystems has been recognised by management authorities and consequently the practice of retaining "habitat" trees DON'T GET CAUGHT

two years of consultation and careful FISH SIZE Lil'vilT BAG LIMIT consideration by NSW Fisheries, recreational fishing Mullet: sea or bully 30cm have now been changed. The objectives of these Mulloway 45cm 5( only 2 over "'A.0."'''"'·"''"" are to ensure that everyone receives a fair 70cm) of the catch, and to promote the long-term Shark: school 91cm conservation of fish and invertebrate stocks. The new Snapper 28cm 10 limits should allow anglers to continue to enjoy Tailor 30cm 20 be able to keep enough for a meal for Teraglin 38cm 5 The new bag limits are much more Trevally 20 on species that have noticeably declined( eg Tun.a: Bluefin, under 90cm - yellowfi.n, bigeye. over 90cm 2 albacore are an estimated 1. 75 million anglers in NSW, Whiting ( sand only) 27cm 20 clearly so many anglers can have a major effect stocks. Research shows that anglers take a L~'VERTEBRATE SIZE Lil'vilT BAGLilvITT .:;q,;.u.1..u,,,.uu proportion of the total catch of the popular Abalone 11.5cm 10 angling species - such as tailor, bream, flathead, Lobster: eastern 10.4cm 2 lobsters 1Il sn.aoot:r. mulloway( and whiting. Fishstocks southern male 11cm total cannot continue to sustain unrestricted catches, and southern female 10.5cm so following catch limits have been imposed. Crab: blue swimmer 6cm 20 Crab: mud, black or 8.5cm 5 NEW FISHJNG RlJLES mangrove BAIT TRAP - Only one bait trap for mullet may be Crab: spanner 9.3cm 10 size:- long. 350mm diameter, Crab: soldier no limit Crab: all other 10 in total Pi . pis, cockles, - 50 in total BAG mussels BAG Lil'vilT Snails, turban 7.5cm & only 1 2 per day (Sydney, military) - over 35cm 4 in possess'n may be taken south 20 in total 5 of Seal Rocks only, 25cm 20 other snails, limpets, chitons Flathead: 10 Sea urchins 10 sand & Cunjevoi 20 20 in total Beach worms (whole - 20 U4W.L"""'""· all other or parts) species: - blue-eye, 5 in total PROTECTED SPECIES Cannot be taken - these fish cod, bass groper must be carefully returned to the water:- blue, red, - 2(by line Australian grayling, black cod, blue devil fish, giant only) Queensland groper, grey nurse shark. Herbsts nurse 10 shark, elegant wrasse, estuary cod, turban snails 60cm 5 (from Seal Rocks north) Luderick 25cm 20 Blackfish: rock 30cm 10 TO BE INTRODUCED LATE 1993 Mackerel: Spanis~ 5 in total FISH TRAPS will be banned, except for i bait trap, i crab trap and 1 lobster pot per person. FISHING METHODS Anglers will be able to use 4 rods or lines, with up to 3 hooks or gangs of hooks per sea 25 5 line. Un.attended lines or drift lines will be banned. CANAL DEVELOPMENT - BESIEGED BY PROBLEMS

A meeting of Hastings Council on September 20th, • Council's Koala Habitat Committee is to be asked :liscussed a Town Planning Department report on to provide advice as to the method it considers obstacles yet to be overcome by the companies appropriate to achieve completion of the Koala promoting the Dunbogan Canal Development. lvfanagement Plan for the Dun.hogan area.

Council's Chief Town Planner, wlr. Tony • No further action be taken on the project until a McNamara., told the meeting that there is still a strong "planning focus meeting" has been held in the campaign in the Camden Haven to stop the canal Camden Haven, and that a further report be development, and Council could expect legal brought forward detailing the steps involved in c:r.allenge at every stage of the process. He felt that conducting the planning focus meeting. this would be both costly and divisive within the community. Interestingly, none of the preceding information has been reported locally. Mr. McNamara also asked Council to consider the many hundreds of hours of staff time spent on this F1SHERMEN NEED WETLANDS project so far, and yet to be spent. and whether this is Wetlands play a crucial role in maintaining a given the other priority projects required to population of many species of fish, both freshwater and marine. Some 70% of commercially valuable marine species are dependent on estuaries and their Mixed ensued. Ald. John Murphy felt associated wetlands during some part of their council was wasting its time pursuing the project, and lifecycle. Destruction of wetlands results in fisheries predicted that the development would fail, yet again, losses. to meet planning standards. Disagreeing, Draining some wetlands produces acid sulphate soils. Ald. Johnston restated her strong and on-gomg Washed into creeks rivers after rain, the acid can support for the project. kill fish, reduce growth of prawns and cause red spot disease. Untouched wetlands are essential to the After discussion, Council decided on a fishing industry. (Total Environment Centre) number of Town Planning Department are bound to further delay development. Specialising in Feeney's Clays & Aust Soft Toys • The companies involved will be required to provide as to the value of wetlands that demonstrations 11 am Saturday exist on the are not currently zoned Shop 1 , Bayside Circuit, 'environmental protection'. Such advice is to Laurieton clearly justify, based on environmental factors, why the wetlands should not be included in an protection zone, as required by Clause 14(a) of North Coast Regional Environmental Plan.

• The Camden Haven Floodplain Management Committee is to provide advice to Council about '"THE BIGGEST RETAILER OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES" impacts of increased flooding on individual OPEN 7 OAYS property owners, as well as the community as a OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9am -11am Recycle your ilnd feed the garden whole. Choose from our great range of ..•

• A newly established Camden Haven Estuarine Australian Designed, Australian Made Management Committee will be required to ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY lawncare products from Black and Decker initiate preparation of a long term water quality From push mowers to the latest rechargeable lawn m~r and ecosystem management system for the

Camden Haven estuary Cr. Seymour & Sok! St. Laurieton recognise that saving energy can also save money. The passive use of solar energy in buildings can be seen to be both cost effective and energy efficient. A passive solar designed home results in minimal heating and cooling requirements. Energy bills are reduced and the home is pleasant and comfortable all year round. Natural lighting is another positive aspect e MUD BRICKS A SPECIAI.JY e PASSIVE SOlAR DESIGN e OAAfTING & CONSULTANCY of this design, giving your home a warm, cheerful atmosphere. Passive solar homes do not appear particularly different from any other home, however they are functionally superior and comparable in PHONE 8 70 OCE,AN DRIVE construction costs. 801',;NY HILLS 2445 (065) 855046 If you are considering building or renovating, you may wish to explore options such as passive solar design or mud brick construction. 1\!lid Coast Natural BUILD WITH THE SUN NATURALLY Element Homes not only cater to those seeking alternative forms of housing, but also people ).;fid Coast Element Homes was created with requiring quality tradesmen for any type of the intent of providing an alternative to the project construction. Jim would be happy to discuss yq,'"' home market. The business caters to those who design, drafting or building needs whether you A,..., desire a creative, functional, quality home rather than operating as an owner builder, or are intending to just a standard house. Jim Marchment, the contract a builder. He is available after hours on proprietor, specialises in passive solar design, drafting 855046. construction. He also provides a consultancy and building service for those interested in mud brick construction.

Mud bricks have been used throughout the world for thousands of years. The major advantages of building in mud brick are; the remarkable audio and thermal properties, the. aesthetic appeal - being similar in appearance to sandstone, and the reduction in price for people prepared to the bricks themselves. For those would prefer to avoid the physical aspects of constructing residence, the price of mud brick is comparable to that of a standard dwelling, the end product can be superior in comfort and re-sale. The mud bricks r.1eme:m Homes are impervious to water and erosion, therefore housing design is not restricted unlike the conventional mud brick.

Passive solar architecture dates back to at least 400 BC. Socrates wrote of openings in buildings designed to allow exposure to the low winter sun. He also described roof shading for protection from the summer sun. He went on to consider the advantages of locating store rooms, laundries and bathrooms on Phone (065) the more exposed sides of buildings where they could We stock .... act as buffers agamsr ... ,...,.,._

In recent become more aware of the Johnny Farouche importance conservation. We now Brian Rochford Beach Fash ion GO WALKING IN NATIONAL PARKS The National Parks Association is a non-government community organisation dedicated to preserving our natural heritage. Formed in 1957, N.P.A. is committed to proposing new areas for reservation as national parks, monitoring the management of existing reserves, securing protection for threatened PROPRIETORS and endangered flora and fauna, and providing a field ROB & ALISO activities and education program to encourage awareness of conservation issued in the community. H The Branch., covering from Taree to Port Macquarie, recently presented a submission 16 KEW RD for a Queen's Lake Nature Reserve. Members are LAURIETON, NSW actively involved in Bitou eradication and control at Diamond Head, Iantana removal and control at Big Hill near Point Plamer, and track clearance and maintenance at . Further information on activities and membership can be btained by ringing any of the numbers listed in the following bushwalks program. Sat, 30th October Comboyne Rainforest - Day w~ easy grade. Leader: Mollie Rowell ph 83 1427

Fri-Sun, 5th-7th November Woko National Park - Car Camp, Grade, whatever you choose - easy, medium. Also good for canoeing. Leader: Chris Sala ph 505 876.

Sat, 13th November Geebung Track - Day w~ easy grade. Leader: Gwen O'Dea. ph 83 2272

Mon, 15th November ..::'.ommittee Meeting - With Guest Speaker. Meeting starts at 5.30pm in Committee Room of Hastings Council in Hay Street, Guest Speaker Roy Pullen will give a talk on walks in the Great Dividing Range. This will be accompanied by slides and will be of great interest to all who attend. Roy's talk will commence about 7pm. Supper will be provided. Everyone most welcome. Sat, 20th November Lansdowne Road - Day walk. Grade: Downhill all the way!(A car will be stationed at the end to take drivers A Working Craft Centre back.) Leader: Mollie Rowell 83 1427 Textiles Pottery Fri-Mon, 26th-29th November Herbs Native Mooraback/Werrikimbe National Park - Car Camp. Leader: Jenny Kaberry. Contact: Mollie Rowell 83 KEW RD. 1427 or Gwen O'Dea 83 2272. Open 6 Days Sat, 11th December (closed Tuesdays) Herons Creek - Canoe Paddle. Grade: A flat water Ph 594 102 meander. Leader: Jenny Kaberry. Contact: Mollie Specialist Grower of Rowell 83 1427 or Gwen O'Dea 83 2272. Australian Plants ODE TO MUM TOOTHACHE - TIPS TO HELP Perhaps this should be 'Owed To Mum' For either fills the bill your aching and you can't get to a dentist, Be it out at Longreach or Queenslands Bowen Hills can you do to relieve the pain? First rinse It matters not what place you live "'"""'"""'"""' water or salt water. It can dislodge You'll find inside your home - an always caring, any trapped food that may be causing the problem. If Oft times worried, loving dad and mum. this floss gently, being mindful of sore gums. Ifyou can't even touch the tooth, You've probably forgotten all about that sickness vile an aching tooth, but if the tooth is - when, tossed and turned, you hoped or cold (ie. cold air moving past the for sweet oblivion and peace from pain- you groped your mouth's open) then it's mainly a Mum didn't then get on your wick She held you close ... perhaps you don't remember something warm to hold against the But inwardly she cried. is almost instinctive, however if is present, heat will draw it to the outside of Remember when your legs gave way and make things worse, so stay cooi even and down you fell and scorched your knees? an ice pack on the cheek, for some relief. Or did it happen in the park, or maybe climbing trees? Mum didn't then get on your wick RAINFOREST SAVIOUR She held you close ... remember? and kissed the pain away Gum, is on the East coast as a joinery timber · Now, of course, you've grown so wise It never really went away - a score of years is all you need. overlooked since imported What point in heeding mum and dad - you're in the uu.. ,J"'" took over the joinery market. nineties now. And don't they both get on you're wick is one of the fastest growing Old fashioned souls .. .I wonder why at times occurring from Newcastle to North it seems they've such moist eyes? timber is a warm pink to red, easy to work, it glues well, and is Of course you know what's best for you for a hardwood. - who cares what parents say, They always seem, to you, to think they know a better way

Their constant talk of drugs and sun and flitting from flower to flower It's all so very boring; perhaps they'll feel much better ...... if you kiss their pain away. c.w. P£'CSPMC£' Get all your:- Kni t Wools Crafts Cottons Haberdashery Gifts etc from PEG'S PLACE • Lining Boards 64 BOW ST $ Tops LAURlEiON · "' Door _Ph (065) 599 739 on (066) 55 2100 DETERGENT CLEAN-UP Phosphates in ~SW rivers and dams are IT MUST BE SOMEBODY acknowledged as the critical factor in causing algal blooms. The two sources of phosphates are \Vho me? the fertiliser super-phosphate, and household No, rm not responsible detergents. The draft Blue Green Algae Task Force It must be somebody else - addressed both sources by recommending the They ought to do something Department of Resources suggest more They ought, you know, efficient of fertiliser on farms and I can't do anything. called in detergents. Me, rm no one. It's them that's responsible an extension program They're the leaders. of fertiliser What us? consciousness of the Wha~ get together and community. also met with detergent Us? Not like them students, manufacturers and phosphate suppliers. The Bu~ but­ phosphate suppliers objected to a ban, so the But rd have to give up a Department duly recommended to the Ivfinister for And there's a fight on Natural Resources, Ian Causley, that he call for a Me? Study the problem limit of 5 grams per 100ml. Examine all sides of the r1HP•C'Tifvn Expose to Qm!stuJns An example of an effective is in Ohio which Make a decision straddles Erie, one Great Lakes on the And be responsible? border of Canada USA. There, a No, not me - phosphorous ma~(em.ent .:rr~1tf'orv been in place It's them, I tell you, since 1972. It's them that's responsible.

In NSW, only treatment plants remove phosphorous. Implementation of a phosphorous ban NSW a on the quality of BEACH EXERCISE our If you are going to be soc:nctl11i;!; beach, you could do called for an some walks on the your toes in it as you lie on it. sand requires considerably more on a hard surface. It is joints, as it is a low-impact ideal form of exercise if you Oct/Nov 1993) ankle, to bring it quickly back to flexibility.

RTA approved DUEL VEHICLE IS NOTHING SACRED? proposed Iron Gates Development at Evans "The present proposal for the first stage of 110 lots on the Far North Coast is becoming a test case and open space was approved by The Richmond for third party proceedings involving the Endangered River Council in March this year without an FIS Fauna (Interim Protection) Act despite a recommendation from the NPWS." he said. An application by the Lismore Greens was filed in The Iron Gates site has been identified by wildlife The Land and Environment Court on June 21, experts as a significant habitat for a number of claiming that the consent should be declared null and endangered species particularly the koala but also void as the proposal should have been accompanied including Brush tailed Phascogale, Grass Owl, with an FIS. White Eared Monarch, Queensland Blossom Bat, The present action is being funded by a coalition of Ground Parrot, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Planigale and environment groups without legal aid with Mr a number of Bat species. Oshlack a single parent made to stand costs if the case is lost. The applicant, The Lismore Greens have filed The result of the case will have a major impact on a affidavits from University Professor Dr Peter Bavistock and former N"'PWS koala expert Steve number of other North Coast Developments now being held up awaiting the outcome from the court, Phillips who claim that The Iron Gates site contains the last viable koala colony in The Richmond and these include "Cobaki" near Tweed Heads, Batsons Clarence areas of the North Coast. Quarry/Taylor Lake (Suffolk Park-Byron Bay) ar( North Ocean Shores (North Byron) current proceedings are the fourth undertaken by Donations are desperately needed and cheques to the environment groups to save this area, which also Iron Gates Legal Trust ale P.O. Box 125, Lismore, contains· littoral rainforests, aboriginal sites, SEPP 14 NSW 2480. would be really appreciated wetlands on pnstme estuary frontage, from For further information phone 066 222618 or ma1ppr1opr:1.ate development 212677

Media/Research Officer for The Greens, Al Oshlack, described the situation on the North Coast for endangered Species as "desperate". Rural Commercial "Nearly every habitat of endangered species such as Industrial Domestic Koala on the North Coast is being targeted for Owner-Builders Wauchope - Port Macquarie "The Gates Development involves the Camden Haven & Surrounding Areas construction of a road across a wetland from Evans to a proposed subdivision of up to 300 to 600 857 1 OR MOBILE 018 658 963 sites and is zoned village which allows most types of 24 Hours 7 Days commercial use. The development also Tracy Dignum Lie. No. 38448 includes construction of a compensatory wetland and Old School Road Herons Creek. open space (playing fields) on existing wetlands.

To: Camden Haven Protection Society Inc. Box 234 Laurieton NSW 2443. I Enclose: Membership Subscription, New/ Renewal (tick) @ $2.00 for each of the following persons.

Name(s) ...... Address ......

...... (number) members @ $2. 00 each: Enclosed: $ ......

GENERAL DONATION $...... < ... .. TOTAL: $ ...... •...... Please make cheques payable to CHPS Inc. Camden Haven Community .NEWS SEPTEMBER 1994

INC WETLANDS UNDER ATTACK It seems that wetlands being overlooked in the Dunbogan piggery south of Bonny Hills. Canals proposal are not the only sensitive areas in the lo<'.al news lately. Hastings Council business papers of May 9th Following inspection by Council officers, owners of the land reveal that designated wetlands have been the subject of were served with a stopwork order. Both Council and the unauthorised clearing at both Dunbogan and North Haven. In Department of Planning have requested that restoration the first instance the owner of a Dunbogan property was measures be undertaken immediately with the threat of possible questioned regarding the clearing ofland on two occasions. He legal action if the owners do not comply. claimed that the land had no wetlands value despite the fact that Hastings Council staff are to commended for their prompt it is clearly zoned 7 (a) Wetland Council resolved to seek a action in both the above circumstances. However, it should be development application for the clearing and if this is not realised that complete restoration of wetlands is very difficult forthcoming legal action would be taken to ensure revegetation. It is obvious that more rigorous prosecution is needed to deter Of even ·greater significance was the illegal clearing of wetlands, landowners from ignoring the value of these highly sensitive . including parts with special SEPP 14 significance, near the and very significant areas . NEW HORIZONS Earlier this year a meeting of members decided to change the Adult Education is financed by the community it serves. name of the Camden Haven Learning Exchange to Camden Govenunent funding is limited to a small grant which does not Haven Adult and Community Education (CHACE). A change cover all the operating costs. The shortfall must be made up of name takes a while to get used to but the reality is that the through course fees. Sometimes special grants are available. Learning Exchange lives on - as CHACE. Applications for these grants is time consuming and sometimes CHACE is operated on a day to day basis by the Coordinator, successful but sometimes not. This is why community Julie Proudfoot, who in turn is employed by a Management education needs community support. Committee. This Committee is made up of volunteer members Some people think Adult and Community Education sounds a from the Camden Haven community. Sometimes there are bit stuffy - it isn't. It's about quality of life. It's about opening vacancies but currently all positions are filled and we are up new horizons - large and small. It's about making new fortunate to have a dynamic and forward-thinking Management friends. It's about sharing interests. CHACE is diversifying its Committee. activities and seeking new paths to follow. NOW is the time to get involved! You may wish to enrol in a course or offer your services as a tutor. There are other opportunities for interested persons to become involved in the operation of CHACE. If not as a WATTS committee member, then as a 'Friend of CHACE". Friends of CHACE may help by assisting with clerical duties in the Office or by arranging a display in the Library or by folding brochures -OC;i ii;H5!4t1 t·1:\iJ: for the new term ..... or any other number of ways they may MTHE BIGGEST RETAILER OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES" wish to help out. Your involvement and assistance will be OPEN7DAYS appreciated so don't hesitate. Contact Julie on 596699 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9am -11am Recycle your garbage and feed the garden Choose from our great range of ... MULCHERS KO Lingerie Australian Designed, Australian Made .formfit, •Berlei, .warners, •Playtex, .Qsti, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY lawncare products from .Lyn Maid, .Holeproof, •Bonds, Black and Decker From push mowers to the latest rechargeable lawn mower •Christian Dior PHONE 59-9229 Shop 3 Centrepoint Arcade Cr. Seymour & Bold St. Laurieton Laurieton Ph 59-7044 WEIGHT LOSS IRENE MACRAE & NATURAL HEALTH CARE (1903-1993) IS OUR SPECIALITY There is something in the soil of the Camden Haven which grows not only beautiful plants but also conservationists, but If you need to reshape your body and feel fit and healthy we when Irene Macrae first became a conservationist the term have the answer. . didn't exit. Growing up on her father's farm, "Koala" at Batar Our counsellors are fully trained and will select a programme Creek the family would often picnic near a stand of original which will enable you to get the results you want Our calorie rainforest preserved on the dairy land. The family would also controlled programme is one of the many available. There are ride or drive the sulky from their holiday house at North Haven, no meal replacements to buy We simply combine Natural through the heathlands to a campsite near Spooky Beach at Healthy Foods with Australian Made Natural Herbs. Gl"een Hills ( to become Bonny Hills). During the spectacular wildflower season, Irene was allowed to carefully OUR PRODUCTS pick a few, to study and identify. Are available at all Natural Way Clinics. We have Irene's first teaching appointment was to a small school near Calcium, Natural Diuretics, Dorrigo, and the beauty of that plateau with its rainforest Evening Primrose, Vitamin escaipment drew her back all her life until two years before her C, Royal Jelly Plus, Natural death. Laxatives. Formulation B+, Newly married and living at Nambucca Heads, Irene would Formulation E+ and many walk every morning with Frank and their guests beneath a more. natural avenue of scribbly gums to the headland to watch the sun rise across the sea. One of their regular visitors, Roy Vmcent a friend from Dorrigo, was then Minister for Forests OUR FRIENDLY and Mines in the NSW government. Roy assisted Rene's COUNSELLORS ARE campaign to preserve much of the pristine bushland along the AVAILABLE TO HELP foreshores and within the township of Nambucca. Although, YOU sadly, the scnbbly gums were sacrificed for a wider road. 1B Irene and Frank returned to Kendall in 1937 where they lived Ifyou would like an obligation and cost free consultation to until 1962. Although kept busy with work and community discuss how The Natural Way can help, phone or call to activities, they found time for trips into the forests of Middle Brother and the Comboyne and took the family on steep hikes TIIE NATURAL WAY PTY LTD up North Brother Mountain. 73 Bold Street It was not until Irene and Frank retired to Bonny Hills in 1963 Laurieton and Irene came face to face with the gradual destruction of the between 9am - 5 pm Wednesday & Thursday heathlands and headlands that she loved as a child, that the PHONE 596 633 fighting "greenie" emerged. Irene stood in the path of bulldozers trying to flatten casuarinas and banksias on Rainbow Beach Reserve, and would have defended the tea trees on the The Natural Way headland opposite her home had the Council's plan to clear the Personal, supportive counselling from Nancy White, The area and lay concrete roads and tent sites gone ahead. She Natural Way's Counsellor of the Year is a plus for those helped organise a petition and letter writing campaign (sending residents of the Camden Haven wanting to lose unwanted kilos. her daughter to lobby the Minister for Plarming and Environment), which saved the trees, but sadly did not restore Nancy's caring attitude combined with the natural herbal the headland to public use. products and eating programs prepared to individual needs by qualified dietitians takes away the pain of traditional diet plans With her friend, Jess Steele, Irene was more successful with the and ensures results. headland overlooking Bartlett's Beach. She also helped to "persuade" a developer to restore the heathland reserve he had Established 12 years ago by Ann Wllkes, the Natural Way is an cleared without pexmission above Short St. In her own garden Australian owned company based on an individual approach to she was a pioneer, giving pride of place to indigenous trees and health care and weight control. shrubs which attracted native birds. The Natural Way encourages a healthier way of life using a During her days at BOIU1y Hills, Irene helped to establish the suitable diet and the highest quality herbal nutrition. unusual and imaginative nature park in Kendall - in memory of An obligation and cost free consultation is available to discover the poet who had been a close friend of her grandparents, how The Natural Way can help you. One simple telephone call William and Ann Wallace. This project, of which she was is all it takes to be in contact with a caring counsellor who justly proud, won a NSW Earth Week Award. understands the problems of weight control no matter what Irene, a foundation member of the Camden Haven Protection their lifestyle. Society, passed away peacefully on November 10th, 1993, but Many in the Camden Haven have already taken advantage of the beauty she created and conserved remain as her living The Natural Way program and are delighted with the results. memorial. Her "green genes" live on in her daughter Majorie Clients eat all natural normal foods which fit easily into a family and those she inspired. menu. THOUSANDS DECLINE TO SUPPORT CANALS 3 An exercise designed to secure evidence of substantial support lack of support for the Dunbogan development, in addition to for the Dunbogart Canal development appears to have faltered, revealing that a limited number of gullible residents signed in revealing instead, a less than favourable response from the favour of a development well in advance of the production and community. Proponents of the development apparently sought public display of crucial legal, planning and scientific to secure signatures of support from voters attending polling documentation. booths throughout the Hastings during a by-election held last The results in the Camden Haven indicate 931 people signed in December. The Camden Haven Protection Society has now favour, while 3,799 chose not to. learnt that 27,501 Hastings voters did not sign letters of support for the project. It appears less than 1,880 supportive signatures Mr MacIntyre said he considers that the Camden Haven by­ were gained, and these have since been questionably presented election result could be reasonably interpreted as an unofficial to Hastings Council as written "submissions" supporting the referendum on the development. development. "The level of knowledge in the ca:inden Haven is arguably Secretmy of the Camden Haven Protection Society, Alan greater, and most locals appear to have an opinion one way or MacIntyre, said the result effectively rebuffs claims by Jimneva the other. At the very least, it explains why representatives of Properties and Councillor Johnston that the majority of local Jimneva Properties are so fearful about holding a Camden residents favour the Dunbogan development. Haven referendum on the issue", he said. The CHPS has indicated that it would support any proposal for "Only 6 months before the by-election, Councillor Johnston claimed there were not a great many people in Laurieton a Camden Haven community referendum as a possible means opposing the development, and some 4,000 waiting for it to of resolving the 21 year development proposal. come to fruition." See separate article What'3 Happening With The Canals "Evidence suggests the opposite may be much closer to the truth", said Mr MacIntyre. "Hastings residents are simply not prepared to support a :itilJ.tia/WEeMRXiJEAtiiJieiAlvtii discredited development, rejected on four occasions by State Ministers and Commissions of Inquiry. Even more damaging for the developers, is the realisation that almost all of the fonn letters of support are dated well before the Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement were placed on public exhibition. In effect, people who signed these letters were supporting a development application which, at the time, did not exist." "Our inquiries have further revealed that only six original written submissions were lodged in favour of the proposal." "Once again, the promoters of this insensitive, tacky ·•• illilillii ······················ development have fallen foul of their tendency to rely on ~i ...... political means to advance their cause. All they have achieved J!li~lli~llllliil~\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!llll :llllll!llll!l! on this occasion is to provide unintended evidence of the true \w.®¢rn~iit1Mlt:tt:l//:\/:~/:\(\::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::=i:\/t . . . . -

r\uf/ ai//D CHRISTMAS IS COMING!! · c./\.A( V VU'v NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER 1.£.£D/CT1W /IC YOURCHRISTMAS:MEAT. CI U'vl c.Jt._( 1,nc.J ORDER NOW AND SA VE. /1V_BY YOUDON'THAVETOPICK LTl, I - YO~ MEAT UP UNTIL XMAS EVE. a(JB MJI( SIDES PORK $3.99/KG --fl.NO__ S--fl.VE'T A SIDE WILL GIVE YOU: LEG HAM, ROAST PORK, BBQ CHOPS, HAND ,,, - -.....__ . • PORK, SPARE RIBS All your Xmas meat for $3.99 a kg. "-- Order early and save an extra $10. Please ask for details. # LAURIETON MEAT MARKET -~~ Shop 15, Laurieton Mall. Ph: 59-8006 '°.,J~ '1"~ Free Home Delivery, Port Macquarie-Sydney THE WATER STEALlNG KOALA KILLER WATER

Many tales concerning Koalas can be found in Aboriginal Acid sulphate soils are creating major problems for marine lif mythology. The tale of the water stealing koala comes from in northern NSW. Thousands of fish in the Richmond Rive several tribes, in some versions the koala is in animal fonn, in have died from an outbreak of Redspot Disease or Epizooti others it takes the shape of an orphaned youth. Ulcerative Syndrome. It is the worst outbreak ever seen in th According to legend Kurburu is treated with disdain by the area. tribe with which he is lives. He learned to live off gum leaves This outbreak follows recent rains which flushed 1arg but seldom had enough water to quench his thirst. quantities on acid water into the river. Aerial inspection of th One day when the tribe were away hunting Kurburu stole all river showed large volumes of acid-polluted water streamin their water containers, hung them in a small tree and climbed out of Rocky Mouth Creek and the Tuckean Broadwater. into the branches. Using strong magic Kurburu made the tree Changes in the quality of water ie. lowering of pH leve~ very tall to escape their anger. damages the skin and allows the fungus to establish. Th Returning to camp the Aborigines searched in vain for their Redspot outbreak has cost the commercial fishing industr: water. Spying Kurburu and their water in the tree they thousands of dollars. ·(Waves, June attempted to retrieve it but Kurburu was too difficult to shake 1994) from his tree and killed two of his attackers. By calling in clever people Kurburu was eventually outwitted and hurled to the ground where he received a thorough beating. L.J.Lane In some versions the shattered body changed into a koala and COMMERCIAL PRINTER climbed into a nearby tree, in others the beating failed to kill liIJl i ·BAY 3, BAYSIDE CIRCUIT, Kurburu and he escaped by climbing a very tall tree. LAURIETON.. 2443 Special laws were passed as a result of this event, and although Phone (065) 59 7289 Aboriginals may kill a koala for food, they must not remove its skin or break its bones until it is cooked. Others believe that the . legs must be broken so the koala cannot escape and take the water with it. It is believed that if these laws are broken then FABRIC . the spirit of the dead koala will cause such a severe drought that CENTRE everyone except the koalas will die of thirst. 62 Cameron St Extract from Koala Australia's Endearing Marsupial. Edited by Wauchope Leonard Cronin. SPECIALISTS IN 85-3129 •••••••••••• • Fashion, Dress Materials • Butterick, Style, McCall's & GREENS FOR GOVERNMENT Newlook PATTERNS • Soft Furnishing Fabrics The many and varied groups that make up the environment and • Made to Measure Curtains and social change movements in NSW will present a united front at Curtain Tracks and Accessories the next state election, due in March 1995. • ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE The Greens NSW party will be campaigning for seats in the NSW Upper House and selected seats in the Lower House. Toe Upper House team will be headed by high-profile candidate, Ian Cohen, best known for his protests against Whilst in Wauchope drop into nuclear-anned warships ,entering Sydney Harbour. He will be supported by Josephine Faith and Leez.a Dobbie. The Greens NSW policy is based on four principles which ' embrace the broadest human concerns:- • Ecological Sustainability - - • Social Justice • CRYSTALS, JEWELLERY • Grassroots Democracy • Disarmament and Non violence • FRAGRANT & BODY OILS i - • FASHION Formed in 1984, the Greens have consistently increased their ·• BOOKS, STATIONERY vote in both State and Federal elections. Ian Cohen narrowly • CRAFT SUPPLIES missed winning an Upper House seat in the 1991 State poll. -· . With greatly increased community awareness of the critical state of the environment, the party has a strong chance of winning two Upper House positions and holding the balance of power. 4 WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE CANALS by CHPS Secretary, Alan MacIntyre Efforts to establish a large-scale residential canal development Endangered Species on environmentally sensitive lands south of Dunbogan have In addition to confirming the existence of a colony of 10-15 recommenced in earnest. According to local media reports, koalas resident in the Dunbogan/Camden Head area, the Hastings Councillors were expected to vote on the · developers' consultant (Kendall) located habitat on the site of development by August, and the Minister of Planning should the proposed development he considers to be core koala announce a final decision as early as Christmas. However, this habitat. does not seem possible, as another Commission of Inquiry must be held, and this process alone could delay proceedings Mr Kendall advised: 'The proposed development will remove by six (6) months. approximately 35% of the identified koala habitat, with a .farther 10% reserved for fature development ... I believe th; Some of the same old cliches have also started to resurface. Joss of habitat will cause a decrease in the koala population How many times have we heard representatives of Jimneva size." Properties confidently boast "all the 'i's are dotted", the 't's crossed", and "everything else has been fixed", when precisely In addition to the endangered glossy-black cockatoo, 13 bat the opposite has proven to be the case? species have been found to be utilising the site. Three of these: Axe these claims any more reliable this time? Certainly not. the little bent-winged bat, the common bent-winged bat and the Even the most elementary research reveals many difficulties eastern blossom bat, are also registered Schedule 12 still to be overcome if the current development application is to Endangered Species. be taken at all seriously. Unfortunately, the local print media Jimneva's bat consultant (Hoye) advised: "the development as appear far more disposed towards assisting approval of the proposed would have a drastic effect on most hat species development, in preference to providing objective information encountered The site supports a rich hat fauna ... making it to the community on the relevant facts and circumstances one of the richest sites in . applicable to the consideration process. Hastings Council is still awaiting advice from Jimneva The Camden Haven Protection Society has carefully researched Properties on the significance of the removal of habitat of the latest 1,00o+ page EIS and accompanying documentation, endangered species from the canal site and design details of a and consulted widely with scientific experts in the process of proposed wildlife corridor, including information on the clarifying the key issues and processes likely to affect positioning of a planned fauna underpass. determination of the development. The information set out Acid Sulphate Soils below is the latest available to the Society on the key issues, the politics and the decision making process. The areas of the site to be excavated are to be extensively sandmined. A hydrocyclonic process is proposed to be used to The Issues remove acid sulphate compounds which are then to be buried Flooding beneath the bed of an artificial lake located in the north eastern Hastings Council have written to Jimneva Properties requesting section of the site. information to establish whether the development complies 1bis is an experimental method of separating and containing with the primary objective of the State Government Flood acid soils, not previously tried elsewhere in NSW. Will it work? Prone Land Policy with respect to costs on individual property Huge quantities of lime will be used in an attempt to neutralise owners. Information is still required to ascertain whether the the leeching sulphuric acid. Lime is, in itself, a known benefits of the development to the community outweigh the environmental hazard and poses another threat to the estuary's costs of increased flood damages. oyster and fishing industries. Wetlands Hastings Council has written to Jimneva Properties asking for detailed information on areas of the site which could be considered wetlands according to the definition specified in the MIDCC>AST Department of Planning's North Coast Regional Environment N.A.TU~ Plan. Jimneva Properties have also been required to amend the EIS vegetation map to'recognise the existence of the saltmarsh ~LE1\l.l:ENT and sedgeland communities identified during the last :EI 01.\llES Commission of Inquiry.

Detailed mapping of wetland plant communities has been e MUD BRICKS A SPEClAlJY e PASSM SOLAR DESIGN requested by Council and the National Parks and Wildlife e DRAFTING & CONSULTANCY Service on a number of other occasions, but is yet to be provided. The CHPS has commissioned its own expert, a leading botanist, to complete field examinations and digitised computer PHONE mapping. After some difficulty, the CHPS gained site access on 8 70 OCEAN DRIVE BONNY HILLS 2445 (065) 855046 3 September. The consultants report should be available within two weeks. 5 WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE CANALS (Page 2)

Water Quality Hopefully, Parliament will support this recommendation. Water quality standards have increased four -fold in comparison Perhaps too, it may also investigate why a recently completed to those considered acceptable and appropriate two years ago. critical 15 page report, completed by four senior environmental The development is to incorporate numerous pollution control assessment experts within the National Parks & Wildlife devices to minimise the impact of urban run-off on the Camden Service, was surreptitiously replaced by a 5 page watered-down Haven estuary. version. This occurred following "high-level" intervention in the Scenic Impact assessment process. The CHPS commissioned a study completed by Dr Richard Decision Making Process Lamb, a Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at Sydney Firstly, Hastings Council should have a determination report University. Dr. Lamb has also worked as a consult.ant to the ready by the end of September. This means that a Department of Planning and is considered one of the leaders in recommendation will be made to Council to either approve or his field in Australia. His findings strongly support the views of reject the development. Unless something unusual occurs, Commissioners Woodward (1987) and Cleland (1992), and readers should not expect any surprises. Approval at this level those expressed by the CHPS, that the subject development is almost certainly guaranteed. Past decisions have to be will have a major adverse effect on the scenery and visual justified, and the majority of Councillors have an amenity of the Camden Haven. overwhelming desire to approve almost anything promoted as Hastings Council have recently forwarded Dr Lamb's report to "development". Jirnneva Properties for comment. Once Council has voted on the development, tlte Minister of Aboriginal Sites Planning will announce the details of a Commission of Inquiry. The previous Commissioner will not be appointed to chair the The large aboriginal midden situated in the south eastern part of Inquiry. It is likely to be chaired by either one or two of the the site previously proposed for destruction has now been Government's more recently appointed new Commissioners. saved and is to be protected as a site of archaeological importance. An Inquiry could be underway by November, but there remains one other factor which may influence proceedings. The Planning CHPS has approximately 10 weeks to mount legal action on a Because of its impact on endangered species, wetlands, and the recent amendment made by Hastings Council and the Minister scenery of the Camden Haven, the development application of Planning to water-down a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) remains inconsistent with many state and regional planning specification on flooding. When LEP's are amended to policies. The obvious question that follows: why, therefore is prescribe new standards, they can be required to incorporate the development still being considered? can be partly answered additional criteria such as that which is specified in the Government's Coastal Policy and the Regional Environment by some of the considerations expressed in the following Plan for the North Coast. This did not occur in the case of the section. Dunbogan development, because to have done so would have The Politics surely consigned the development to the scrap heap. Essentially, every effort is being made to fast-track the development. National Party identities, including one notable MP who played a prominent role in selling-off our public hospital, appear to be solidly behind the development. The National Party has a virtual aversion to environmental protection. Endangered species, wetlands, panoramic scenery, etc. are issues the Nats see as irrelevant in the running ofNSW, and when it comes to a choice between these values, and the motivation for short term profit, the latter will nearly always AcAcIA COTTAGE take precedence. Quality Craft Supplies & Classes Be assured, this development remains a massive environmental threat to the Camden Haven. It has been judged unacceptable @ Living Books, Paper Tole, Raffia Hats @ on almost every criteria available. Very little has changed. @ Patchwork, Folk Art, Decoupage @ Proponents of the development probably now realise they have to depend more on political fast-tracking to compensate for the @ New Subjects - Embroidery @ many environmental deficiencies of the development. See our new premises at The Labor Party will be presenting a special bill to Parliament in 68 Cameron Street a few weeks specifically designed to end the saga of the Wauchope Dunbogan Canal Estate development. The CHPS believes the subject site should be acquired under the Coastal Land 85 2799 Protection Scheme and, as recommended by one of the @Ask about our Frequent Shopper Discount Card@ developer's own consult.ants, be designated a nature reserve.


Camden Haven Protection Society (Inc.) continues, to their 0Rare Plants 0 Rainforest Plants credit, to provide a means for community awareness with their Community Newsletter. eFruit Trees 0 0rnamentals 0lndoors eNatives and Herbs The same cannot be equally said for Hastings Council's consideration of those residents east of Ocean Drive, North 0Advice and Assistance for New and Old Haven with respect to the Local Area Traffic Management Gardeners Study being carried out at present by Consultants for Council. A letter and questionnaire were hand delivered to residents of OPEN7 DAYS the streets south west of Ocean Drive, (near the Bowling Club) 5 Young Street Wauchope to Stingray Creek Bridge on 27/5/94. The questionnaire with (Right next to More Than A Bookshop) comments was collected on 30/5194. A few days later the same residents were advised by Notice of a Public Meeting on 7/6/94 L!::======P=ho=ne==8=5=3=9=9=6======!.I at North Haven Public School Library. During this time no communication, information, or invitation to the Meeting, was made to residents east of Ocean Drive, North Haven on this matter. A TALL STORY? North Haven Progress Association has for years been making When Judy Garland sang the line "Way up high" in that hit of submissions to ·Council about various traffic problems in the the forties "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" she wasn't thinking area of the study, and also the rest of North Haven. We were of supermarket shelves but the words are appropriate to-day as not allowed to be part of the Committee because the Secretary all the things you need most seem to be "way up high". There is lives east of Ocean Drive and not in the Study area. At the a reason. A supermarket displayed a notice : "Vacancies, same time, however, it was acceptable for the business people Packers. Night Work. 15 to 18. 'The notice omitted 'feet high' of North Haven to nominate a Consultant to look after their The company helps people who have some disability or interests. No residential status was required in this case to irregularity to find employment, such as vertically enhanced nominate or be nominated. people or very tall, regardless of their chronological maturity, or A letter of protest regarding the exclusion of the residents in the age. So then people who are between 15 and 18 feet tall are north eastern half of North Haven from being able to participate comfortable packing shelves at night as they are at times called in, or comment on, the Traffic Study was sent to the General things like "stumpy" by people not vertically enhanced. This is Manager, Hastings Council on 30/5/94. A further letter on why you don't see them in daytime. Unfortunately they pack 28/6/94 received a reply on 10/8/94, from Hastings Council's things at what they think is a convenient level for shoppers but Director of Strategic Planning, Mr S.R. Wood, outlining forget most shoppers are not very vertically enhanced, so you established practice for these studies. find eggs, bread, baby foods, tea etc. sometimes way up high We agree that those residents most affected by altered traffic whereas the lesser required things like beads, tacks or picture conditions in their streets should be those forming the basis of hooks are lower down where the tall packers think you have to the working party, but surely there must also be a place stoop and they don't want customers doing that what with all available to those familiar with on going requests to Council, the bad backs and things around. They are happy in their work and Council's previous responses to those requests. and so no-one wants to tell them that the things most wanted are high up or at the back as they mean well. So if mum comes Perhaps, one day someone from Council will have a good look home with a dozen axe handles because she cculdn't reach the at North Haven. They may be surprised to find that ·the half of eggs and said "What the hell - it's different, "jL ;t say OK. This residents in eastern North Haven are those most likely to is true. It is not a tall tale. traverse the full length of south western North Haven. They do this travelling to Laurieton for goods and services not available in North Haven. This would apply especially to Ocean Drive through North Haven Shopping Precinct We are advised - "Opportunity to comment on the draft plan by the wider community will be afforded by public exlubition of the draft scheme, after general agreement by the working party and review by Council. Unfortunately a greater part of local community have no knowledge of a Local Area Traffic Management Study taking place at North Haven. They have no idea how it could affect their local area and the implications upon their lifestyle. The necessity to employ a consultant by a non resident section of the community and the haste which appears to prevail should be explained, One would expect a traffic study to cover the busiest period of the year. Draft Schemes are generally aimed at achieving a desired result and do not necessarily include change from later comment to the scheme. 7 PEOPLE OF THE PARKS

National Parks Association was formed in 1957 by a group of Saturday 1st October Bago Slopes - Day walk people (mainly bushwalkers) who were concerned that the Inspection of fuel reduction fire effects - may be messy! natural, recreational and scenic resources of the state were Leader: Roy Pullen - 82 1669 inadequately protected. National Parks Association first major campaign called for the establishment of a government body to Sunday 2nd October Kendall Country Markets manage the diverse collection. of State Parks, Local Council Sunday 9th October Reserves ~nd Flora Re erves scattered across the state. Ten A super walk from The Gap picnic area to Hungry Rest area. years of discussion at I bbying eventually led to the National Leader: Mollie Rowell - 83 1427 Parks an Wildlife lv:t 1< 67 and the birth ofth.e National Parks and Wildlife Service. Much of the credit fi r om present National Parks system can Sunday 16th October Bitou Bush Follow-up Day be clairne by the National Parks Association of -N.S.W. Meet Diamond Head Camp Area !2y 9am. Bring hat, sun screen N.P.A. ~, a non-government nature conseivation organisation and drinking water supp rte largely by subscriptions from its members. The Fri-Mon 21st-24th October Mooraback Car Camp association's first priority is to promote an adequate and well A time to take it easy or ferret out new walking tracks in the manag .d system of national parks for New South Wales. western section ofWerrikimbe National Park. Today th.e efforts of the N.P.A. are directed towards th.ree main Leader: Jenny Kaberry - Contact Gwen O'Dea 83 1272 goals: Saturday 5th. November Coastal Rainforest - Day walk • proposing riew areas for reservation as national parks A lively and interesting walk at Halliday's Point • monitoring the management of existing reserves Leader: Roy Pullen - 82 1669 • providing an activities program which encourages members to visit natural areas and learn more about them. Fri-Tues 11th-15th Nov New England National Park - Cabin Camp For instance, our Mid North Coast branch has recently Cabin Aecom. $16/person for 4 nights. Max 8 people -"book prepared and presented to the govenunent a submission for a early! Queen's Lake Nature Reserve, which is presently under Leader: Jenny Kaberry - Contact Gwen O'Dea 83 2272 consideration. Our past efforts have resulted in extensions to Werrikimbe National Park and for protection of rainforests in Saturday 19th November Pelican Island - Day Canoe Paddle our area Paddle the Back Channel of the at Pelican Island. A great day is assured. Last month the 15th Annual Bitou Bash at resulted in the removal of3,566 plants from the Sat - Sun 26th - 27th Nov Hastings Riverside - Canoe Camp Diamond Head/Indian Head are by 18 members. The A camp on the banks of the Hastings River up Long Flat way. headlands have been kept ahnost free of the "coastal curse" by Leader: Isabell Lee - 598 114 one day ofwork per year. Fri - Mon 2nd - 5th Dec Brushy Mountain Car Camp Our branch has quarterly meetings with National Parks and · A long weekend car camp in the north east section of Wildlife Service Officers at Port Macquarie to discuss matters Werrikimbe National Park of concern and projects in which we can become involved. The Leader: Jenny Kaberry- Contact Gwen O'Dea 83 2272 varied Activities and Bushwalks program provides recreational, Sunday 11th December ,Westport Markets educational and exploratory trips ahnost every weekend. Sunday 18th December Kendall Country Markets Meetings of th.e Mid North Coast Branch are held at 5.30pm on Come and browse through the markets the third Monday of each month at th.e old Council Committee rooms in Hay St., Port Macquarie. Contact phone mnnbers - Gwen O'Dea 83 2272 - Molly Rowell 83 1427 SOLARWOOD SUPPLIERS OF NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION KILN DRIED ROSE GUM BUSHWALKSPROGRAM "The Alternative to Rainforest Timber" , Sunday 18th September Comboyne Spring Fair • Architrave Comboyne's Annual Spring Fair is being held at the Comboyne Showground. Come and sample the delights of a country fair in • Skirting a beautiful setting. • Panelling • Lining Boards Saturday 24th September Booi:ganna - Rawson Falls - Day walk • Bench Tops A beautiful and interesting walk on th.e Comboyne Plateau. • Door Jams Leader: Jolan King - 82 0823 Phone Roger Burke on (066) 55 2100 8 THE DISAPPEARING AUSTRALIAN NO TREES - NO KOALAS

A seminar held recently in Port Macquarie highlighted the Intensive research over recent years indicates that loss of increasing plight of what is known as Australia's most Lovable habitat from fires and development have had a devastating Marsupial - the Koala. effect on the koala population. The koala is not a "fire specialist" and many deaths from fire occur later from Envirorunent Director for the Australian Koala Foundation, inhalation of smoke and loss of food. Steven Phillips, BSc., told representatives from local council, National Parks and Wildlife Service, RTA, members of the After the January fires WIRES records showed no koalas Koala Preservation Society of NSW and others, "The Koala is rescued in the Sydney area Unfortunately for the koala the an animal in great trouble, there is not time for complacency. greatest threat to the coastal population is that people want to At the moment we are treating them with arrogance." live where the koala has always lived, so habitat clearing has decimated the coastal population. Mr Phillips' involvement with the koalas of Port Macquarie dates back to 1973 when he raised a small cub (known as Poo) Perhaps the last hope for the koala is the use of advanced which led to him becoming a founding committee member of technology which has allowed scientists to study their the Port Macquarie Koala Society. movements by way of radio collars. This has led to a better Despite the ongoing work performed by members of this llllderstanding of their habits, their use of trees ·and their strong territorial instincts. Where once is was believed that the society, which irl 1986 became the Koala Preservation Society presence of food trees was of the utmost importance it has now ofNSW Inc., and other dedicated koala carers along the coast, recent surveys undertaken in the Tweed valley, in the been established that when a koala is released back into the wild it is the presence of other koala which determines its Campbelltown area of Sydney, as well as in southern behaviour. Koalas have a very complex society with strong Queensland indicate numbers are declining rapidly. Between maternal Mothers will tolerate a sub-adult child staying 25,000 and 50,000 of the remaining animals are to be found in links. with her until the younger cub being carried in her pouch south east Queensland where their habitat is under threat of moves out onto her back, the older cub then moves on to development. The total population is very fragmented and establish its own territory. However, the very search for this sparsely distributed. Although 25/50,000 seems to be a large territory may lead to death from dog attack or as a road fatality. number the Australian Koala Foundation estimate that allowing for juvenile deaths only 400 cubs will reach maturity each year. The use of a computer base now allows scientists to predict which tree categories are important to koalas in a particular area. This also allows a re-appraisal in the light of new information of how to manage the declining population so these lovable Aussies can continue to exist in the wild. Telephone: 59 9324 rr.koola .c...""""~, m THE ULTIMATE IN HAIRDRESSING \I~\J 72 BOLD STREET, LAURIETON , N.S.W. 2443

LAURI ETON KENDALL NEWSAGENCY COUNTRY LIVING 72 Bold St. A Working Craft Centre and Wildflower Garden Textiles Pottery Arts Crafts for DELIVERIES & BOOKINGS Herbs Native Plants ~~ KEW RD.KENDALL ..~"1'W Phone 599202 Open 6 Days w w (closed Tuesdays) ~pecialist Grower of NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES & Australian Plants Ph 594 102 STATIONERY


The Camden Haven Community News is produced and published by the Camden Haven Protection Society Inc, as a service to the community. The aim of the newsletter is to present a variety of views and infonnation not nonnally available through the commercial media. The income from advertising in the newsletter helps defray the cost of production. Advertisers are not asked or expected to support the Society's position on any issue. With the concentration of media ownership in Australia, a situation that includes monopoly ownership of even small coastal village newspapers, the continued availability of alternative sources of infonnation is critical. The advertisers in this newsletter ensure the community has access to a broad range of information and you are requested to support those businesses whenever possible. The Camden Haven Protection Society Inc was fonned in 1987 with enthusiastic support and a simple charter - to protect the natural enviromnent of the Camden Haven area Membership has grown from a few inspired individuals to the current level of around 500. The Society is the largest non­ sporting community group in the Hastings. Contrary to the narrow-minded opinions of a few individuals, the Society is not "anti-development". Members recognise population growth in such a beautiful area is inevitable. The issue is how this growth is managed, and the type of development appropriate to meet this demand - without destroying the natural features which attract people to the area We all have an obligation to protect our planet for future generations. There is no better place to start than in our own·backyard. If you share our views you are welcome to join the Society. Become a member and play your part.

To: Camden Haven Protection Society Inc. Payments may also be made at:­ P.O. Box 234 Laurieton NSW 2443. STATE BANK Agency Seymour St, Laurleton I Enclose: Membership Subscription, New/ Renewal (tick) @ $2.00 for each of the following persons.

Name(s) ......

Address ......

...... (number) members @ $2.00 each: Enclosed : $ ......


TOTAL: $...... Please make cheques payable to CHPS Inc. We value your comments, please feel free to contn'bute ......

A SPECIAL THANKS to all members who responded to the recent membership renewal and donation letter. The result exceeded the ambitious target set by the committee. The generous donations provided by all of our friends will ensure the Society's work will continue apace. ++++++++++++++ + CAMDEN HAVEN TRAVEL+ + + + PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION + + Either Domestic or Intenationa1 + + Coach Rail Air + + + + Ph (065) 599 048 + + + + + + + + + + >-f ·r + + + + + ++