PPooppppyy SSeeeeddss The Official Journal For The California Child Nutrition Professional

CSNA • SPRING 2008 Volume 51• NO. 4 PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Permit #271 Tucson, AZ

Poppy Seeds - The Official Journal of the Child Nutrition Professional SPRING 2008 CC oo nn tt ee nn tt ss VOLUME 51 NUMBER 4 REGULAR DEPARTMENTS CHAPTER AND SCHOOL NEWS 2 President’s Message 36 CSNA’s Judy Harlow is “Outstanding” By Lynnelle Grumbles, CSNA President By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor 6 Food Service Representative Message By Kellie Cervantes, CSNA Food Service Representative 55TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE - PALM SPRINGS 8 Retired, Recycled and Retread 37 2008 Conference Highlights By Arlene Pearson, Retired Past President 9 Editor’s Message By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor 2008 INDUSTRY SEMINAR 62 2008 Industry Seminar - Save the Date! 50 CSNA Board of Directors Santa Barbara - Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort 53 Chapters and Presidents 54 CSNA Regular Membership Application 56 CSNA Sustaining Membership Application INSTALLATION 25 Save the Date 64 Master Calendar NUTRITION & NUTRITION EDUCATION 4 Want to Try Something New? Get Keen on Quinoa Basic American Foods ...... 19 By Steve Baldwin, MS, RD, Hawthorn School District Bevles ...... 51 47 Thank You NAC Sponsors Buena Vista...... 3 CSNA & SNA Cal Neva...... 23 12 Rhonda DeVaux Receives Director of Greatness Award California Restaurant Association...... 35 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor Driftwood Dairy...... 25 24 Heart of the Program Award Economy Restaurant Fixtures...... 15 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor FWE (Food Warming Equipment) ...... 21 24 CSNA Recognition Awards By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor Five Star Gourmet...... 61 24 California is “FAME-ous” GA Systems, Inc...... 17 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor Goldstar Foods...... BC 24 Update From SNA By Jane Johnson, SNA West Region Director J&J Snack Foods ...... 29 26 Audrey Melikian Memorialized with Scholarship Fund Jenni-O ...... 13 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor J.O.Y. Foods, Inc...... IBC 28 Garden Bar Grant Winners Announced Kelloggs...... 33 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor 30 Golden Poppy Winners Announced Marketsmart...... 13 58 CSNA Members Win Awards Montague...... 5 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor Pierre Foods ...... IFC 60 Kellie Cervantes Wins CSNA’s Louise Sublette Award Pro-Line Marketing...... 15 By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor 63 SCSNA Legislative Fundraiser Thank You Ralph Johnson...... 31 REWDCO - Alto Sham...... 33 Same Day Ditributing, Inc...... 17 THIS & THAT S.A. Products ...... 51 10 A Word Search to Keep You Sharp! By Arlene Pearson, Retired Past President San Diego Restaurant Supply ...... 11 34 Sudoku Puzzles Sysco San Diego...... 59 36 Sudoku Answers The Danielsen Company...... 11 Index Advertiser’s Poppy Seeds Spring 2008 32 Photographers “Fuel Up Right with School Meals” By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor The JM Smucker Co ...... 7 Utility Refrigerator ...... 55 PPRESIDENTRESIDENT’’SS MMESSAGEESSAGE Lynnelle Grumbles, California School Nutrition Association President

So long, farewell, auf Participated in the SB 12/965 Evaluation project; wiedersehen, au deau, adiós, Participated in the California Fresh Start evalua- aloha, shalom, ciao, sayonara, tion project; do svidanja, do videnia, hasta Successfully lobbied the California Legislature la vista, hej d?, goodbye. for a 6-cent increase in state reimbursement rates; Received a Specialty Crop Grant to give mini- As President, your term goes grants to our members to put Garden Bars in by so fast. You have all of schools; these plans, you try to imple- Sponsored the first annual CSBA Wellness ment them, you work like Conference and had many members present and crazy and then, suddenly it’s participate; over. You pass the command on to another and watch Geri Dee was named National Outstanding Food the ship sail away – without you….. Like sending Service Director of the Year by SNA; your youngest child off to college, which is some- Provided leadership training to chapter officers thing else I did this year. and leaders; Continued our State-to State Exchange Program Our Association is what you, the members, will make it to be. Some of you will step forward this next year with the state of Texas this year; as leaders and seek to improve or change your chap- Participated on an advisory committee to shape ter or the state association. CSNA needs you to do state regulations for SB12 and SB 965 (food and this work to sustain child nutrition programs in beverage nutrition standards bills). California. Keep the kids as the center of the program And those are just a few of the highlights….. and the center of your work and the center of the Association and all three will succeed and flourish in It’s been the honor of my life to be your President. I days to come. gave it everything that was in me to give. I’m grate- ful for the opportunity you gave me to serve. In a few Volunteer work is commonly done without thanks or weeks, at the end of May, I will conclude my respon- return on investment. When you step up as a leader, sibilities as President of CSNA, to once again understand that one night while you’re sleeping, a big become a regular member. Maybe I will actually get red target will become visibly evident on your upper to attend a whole break-out session at conference back. Keep telling yourself that thoughtful criticism again, and maybe sit in the back row at a general ses- and close scrutiny of those in leadership is an impor- sion if I want. I would like to take this opportunity tant part of a democratic society. Friends may walk to thank my Executive Committee members and away, take a pot shot at you, or treat you differently. Board members for the dedication and competence It’s just what happens when you’re willing to assume they have brought to their positions. a leadership role. Wear your armor, but still volun- teer, it’s worth it. No one could pay you enough to do the job for real.

Here’s a few of the awesome things we accomplished together: Executive Committee and Board members now serve from June to June instead of January to January; Honored many CSNA members with awards and scholarships; Followed over 20 child nutrition-related bills through the state legislature; Worked with Miss California to promote school nutrition programs through school assemblies; 2 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 3 WANTANT TTOO TRRYY SOMETHINGOMETHING NEWEW? GETET KEENEEN ONON QUINOAUINOA! By Steve Baldwin, MS, RD, Associate Poppy Seeds Editor

When it comes to whole grains, I thought I had quinoa grows in dry, mountainous terrain. While heard of them all. Barley, millet, bulgur, wheat. most quinoa is imported from South America, it is Cracked wheat, wheat berries, rolled oats, oat groats. also cultivated on the high slopes of the Colorado Amaranth for goodness sakes. And then there was Rockies. quinoa. Quinoa’s durability may be attributed to a thick, bitter “What in the world is queen-oh-ah?” I asked my die- coating that discourages predators from eating its titian friend who suggested I try it. “It’s pronounced seeds while providing cover from the bright sunlight keen-wah,” she replied. Turns out quinoa is a nutri- at high altitudes. This coating, called saponin, is tional powerhouse, packed with such high levels of removed to make the grain palatable; store-bought nutrients, it makes other grains green with envy. It’s quinoa should be rinsed to remove any saponin the rare plant food (similar to soy beans), that pro- residue. Rinse the grain through a strainer until the vides a complete protein – one that contains all essen- water runs clear, then drain well. tial amino acids, the building blocks of protein in our bodies. Quinoa is roughly 16% protein, compared to Cook quinoa by simmering ½ cup grain with 1 cup of 8% for rice and 10% for millet. water, cooking until the grains are translucent and the germ (the inside of the grain) spirals out like a tail from each grain. This should take about 15 minutes. If you have a rice cooker, you can steam quinoa as well.

Mix quinoa with vegetables and your favorite season- ings, or try it plain like couscous. Add tuna, chicken, tofu, or beans to quinoa and chopped vegetables – carrots, onions, garlic, and red bell peppers. Quinoa can be mixed into rice pudding, or cooked in fruit juice for a unique dessert. Try cooked quinoa with honey, almonds, and berries for a hearty breakfast.

Trying different foods within each food group can help provide your body with the balance of nutrients Compared to wheat, quinoa has about the same it needs – and you may even learn how to pronounce amount of fiber and 9 times the amount of iron. It’s a new word along the way. an excellent source of folacin, magnesium, phospho- rus, riboflavin, and zinc. Perhaps most importantly, it tastes good. It’s delicate taste and light flavor allows it to be substituted for other grains.

Quinoa has a rich historical heritage. The Incas, a native population who thrived in South America between 1200 and 1500 AD, believed the crop to be sacred. Quinoa was referred to as “chisaya mama” or “mother of all grains”. When Spaniard discovered and conquered South America in the mid 1500’s, Steve Baldwin, MS, RD can be reached at stbald- quinoa crops were actively suppressed, due to their [email protected]. Funding provided by USDA’s elevated status within Incan traditions. Despite Food Stamp Program, an equal opportunity provider and efforts to squelch quinoa crops, the plant survived in employer, helping limited income Californians buy more remote areas and has been actively cultivated since. nutritious foods for a healthier diet. For information about A plant that thrives in difficult growing conditions, Food Stamps, please call (877) 597-4777. 4 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 MONTAGUE F/P Color P/U FALL 2007

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 5 HHAPPYAPPY SSPRINGPRING,, MMEMBERSEMBERS!! By Kellie Cervantes, California School Nutrition Association Food Service Representative

Let’s talk about presentation. and put on that lip gloss. What we present to students with our appearance and food is very important for How are we doing on our food lines? Are we present- school nutrition. SMILE! Every day you have an ing our main entrée so it’s appealing and mouthwater- important role to fill. You are the representation of ing when the students come through the lines? Are our whole organization. You also wonderfully make a our fruits and veg- difference in a student’s life everyday. Be proud of etables placed in who you are and what you represent. Show it in pres- baskets and decora- entation. tive tins, freshly washed and shined? Our fresh milk needs to be placed on ice sheets or in a cold cooler even in the cold weather. What about our baked French fries, do they look crisp? The presentation of our food is what makes us as school nutrition employees proud of what we serve. Have a great spring! See you in the summer!

We also need to look at ourselves for presentation.

As school nutrition employees, we are important in our students’ lives. We fill their needs for food and communication and support. We need to remember our appearance. Wouldn’t you like to be remembered as the good-looking cafeteria employee? Are our shoes clean and pants pressed? How about our aprons? Have they been changed when we go to the serving lines? What about our hair and make-up? Pretend everyday that you are meeting someone new

6 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 JM Smuckers P/U WINTER 08

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 7 RETIRED RECYCLED AND RETREAD By Arlene Pearson, Retired Food Service Director and Way, Way Past President

How time flies! I wish I could write that fast. I imagine When I was working in the 1970s I used to take an our Editor wishes the same thing. old-fashioned ice cream freezer for the students to I am already late. Who invented crank. It was fun and something they had never done the word “retirement”? Just before. Plus it kept them busy. proves they knew nothing about it. Between Soroptimist, Salvation Army, the Museum and church And now for a short Ice Cream Quiz. Results will I barely have time to go to bed. go on your permanent record! Answers on Page 11.

One of the problems about being late is that I keep collecting more material. Now I have enough for two columns. It is no problem collecting jokes. In fact, I just purchased a new book entitled “Jolly Jokes for Older People” by Bob Phillips. Many of them are short and easy to remember. “Marriage is the mourn- ing after the knot before.” “What is the definition of a will? It’s a dead giveaway.”

I am so sorry that I missed Conference. It is only the second one I missed since 1953 or 1954. My hus- band was just home from the hospital due to a severe Question #1: After the USA, which count serves the blood clot and I would have been too worried not to most ice cream? be home. Fortunately he is better so I look forward to A. New Zealand? next year. There was one up-side to the situation. B. Canada? One of my granddaughters came to visit so my C. Denmark? daughter and I baby-sat while she was busy with her husband at a conference. We took the children to the Question #2: What are the three most popular ice matinee and as my daughter was purchasing the tick- cream flavors? ets she said “I want two senior and two children tick- A. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry? ets.” Sierra pulled on Susan’s sweater and said B. Vanilla, chocolate, butter pecan? “Grandma, are you a senior?” My daughter replied C. Vanilla, chocolate, chocolate mint? yes. “Well, Grandma do you have Life Alert?” As for me, they treated me like I was 100 years old, help- Question #3: Rocky Road was created after what his- ing me across the street, holding doors open, etc. torical event? A. The Stock Market Crash of 1929? With the collection of the new gold dollars and the B. USA entry into World War I? election, I have been reading a lot about history, C. USA entry into World War II? which I enjoy. Question #4: Which state produces the most ice Fact: The tallest President cream? was Abraham Lincoln (6’ A. New York? 4”) and the short was James B. California? Madison (5’ 4”). C. Indiana?

Fact: All but three Definition of a buffet dinner: Where the hostess Presidents (Fillmore, Arthur doesn’t have enough chairs for everyone. and Pierce) have had pets. I would like to recommend a very useful magazine Fact: Dolly Madison was called “Family Fun.” All sorts of ideas the first person to serve ice cream in the White House. Continued on Page 10 8 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Just Follow the Lady Bug EDITOR’S MESSAGE By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

Do you ever feel under-appreciated? Ignored? standing work in the field of child nutrition and cele- Over-looked? Are you an underground sensation that brate successes throughout our state. Perhaps you’ll no one has ever heard of? CSNA can help you with see some familiar faces or perhaps there will be that! some new folks you haven’t met yet. But all of us share the common goal of feeding California’s chil- dren right.

In upcoming issues there will be a chance to submit award nominations for next year. Think about the people you work with who are innovative, hard- working and exceptional and consider turning in some nominations. It’s time for us to let the world know what we do so well—and to thank those who do a great job every day.

Sally Spero Food Planning Supervisor San Diego City Schools In this issue you will find many stories of success 6735 Gifford Way from your peers as we feature the winners of the San Diego, CA 92111 awards presented at this year’s CSNA conference. (858) 627-7306 This is our organization’s chance to recognize out- [email protected]

PoppyPoppy SeedsSeeds The Official Journal for the California School Nutrition Professional SPRING 2008 • Volume 51 • No. 4

CALIFORNIA SCHOOL POSTMASTER: The information contained in this journal NUTRITION ASSOCIATION Send address changes to: is obtained from sources considered to be HEADQUARTERS OFFICE reliable. Materials represent the ideas, 210 North Glenoaks Boulevard, Ste. C CSNA beliefs and/or opinions of authors. Burbank, CA 91502 210 North Glenoaks Boulevard, Ste. C CSNA policy is indicated by official Tel: (818) 842-3040 Burbank, CA 91502 announcement or statements by the Fax: (818) 843-7423 Executive Board. PUBLISHER For advertising information and Most of the articles in this journal may Jon Nichols contributions, contact the be reprinted giving CSNA and the author CSNA Headquarters Office. credit. Copyrighted material, published EDITOR without permission and so designed may Sally Spero POPPY SEEDS IS PRINTED FOR CSNA only be reprinted with consent of the ASSOCIATE EDITOR BY: Sundance Press (800) 528-4827 author and/or publication. Steve Baldwin Poppy Seeds is published quarterly by the SUBSCRIPTIONS FEATURE EDITORS California School Nutrition Association With a contribution of $16.00 (California Arlene Pearson of the United States, an independent pro- residents), or $20.00 (out-of-state), you Retired, Recycled and Retread fessional education association will receive one year of Poppy Seeds. Kellie Cervantes incorporated not for profit. Single or additional copies are $7.50 Food Service Representative each (includes shipping and handling). CSNA Taxpayer’s Identification #95-02626680

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 9 RETIRED, RECYCLED AND RETREAD (CONT. FROM PG 8)

for children, the whole family and teachers. I had never heard of a game called “Who’s Got the Rutabaga?” It is a Christmas game that is more fun than hiding the pickle from the Christmas tree. In that game, the pickle ornament is hidden on the tree and the first child that finds it gets an extra gift. This is an old German custom. “Family Fun” can be reached at P.O. Box 37031, Boone, IA 50037-2031

Who’s Got the Rutabaga?

The highlight of Christmas morning for the Dirmeyers of Junk Food Junkie Maryville, Tennessee is not A Word Search to Keep You Sharp! opening presents of feasting on goodies. Instead it’s finally learning the answer to the burning question “Who’s got the rutabaga?” The family’s root-vegetable ritual began when 16-year-old twins Joseph and Haley were 3 years old. Mom Debbie teased that Santa just might leave a rutabaga in their stockings and a tradition was born. “For the last 12 years, we’ve given a rutabaga to a person who has had a particularly wonderful year, overcome some adversity or shown amazing persever- ance,” she says. The year Steven, age 10, survived bladder surgery he got the turnip trophy. And once- shy William, 13, received it for bravely joining a musical theatre group. A photo album shows each year’s winner holding up the treasured veggie. “Squeals of joy can always be heard from the recipi- ent as they exclaim ‘I got the rutabaga!” says Debbie. “What began as a joke has turned into a unique tradi- tion that means a lot.”

A fun gift for any time of year. Place in a plastic gift kit. BonBons Eclair Macaroons Crayon To color your day cheerful and bright Brownie Fifty Fifty Bar Nougat Balloon To lift your spirits when they are down Candle To light your way each and every day Cake Fudge Parfait Candy Heart Because you are all heart Candy Girl Scout Cookies Partry Thread To remind you of the things that bind us together Caramel Gumdrop Pies Lifesaver To let you know that I’ll be there for you always Chocolate Hot Dog Praline Lucky Penny So that you will always find happi- Cobbler Ice Cream Strudel ness and good fortune Cruller Junior Mints Sundae

What animal is smarter than a talking parrot?

Danish Licorice Taffy A spelling bee. spelling A Doughnut Lollipop Tart

10 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Solution on Page 11 Junk Food Junkie SOLUTION

Upside Down to Keep You Honest!

#1—A, #2—B, #3—A, #4—B #4—B #3—A, #2—B, #1—A, Quiz Answers: Answers: Quiz

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 11 DIRECTOR AWARD OF GREATNESS GOES TO RHONDA DEVAUX By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

Each year CSNA awards the Director/Supervisor of Greatness Award to a person who has achieved outstanding accomplishments in one or more speci- fied areas in a period of three years. The areas are;

Increasing food acceptability Interpreting the needs of the School Food Service Program Training personnel Securing adequate funding for the School Food Service Program Promoting members professional growth Cooperating with allied associations to promote child nutrition and/or professional growth oppor- tunities Teaching/promoting nutrition education Increasing student participation Increasing public awareness Involving students in decision making

This year’s award was presented to Rhonda DeVaux, Food Service Director at Irvine USD.

Rhonda has been an SNA member for 31 years, 30 of them as a director. In addition to California (her home for the last eighteen years) she has worked in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Indiana and been a member of local chapters in each of those states. In California, she has served as Secretary, Resolutions Rhonda with Awards and Scholarships Chair Elena and Bylaws Chair, Conference Chair (twice), Awards Dibble at Awards Brunch in Palm Springs and Scholarships Chair, Program Chair, Vice President, President-elect, and President. She has served on the committees for Public Policy and In order to keep students and their dollars on campus, Legislation, Marketing, Industry Seminar, and various Rhonda implemented Offer versus Serve and greatly ad-hoc committees. She has also served as president of expanded the menu choices at all grade levels. the California School Nutrition Foundation as well as Shifting the focus to meals and limiting ala carte items various offices and committee jobs in her local super- increased meal participation by 15% in middle schools visory chapter. She is a member of the local chapter, alone. Rhonda implemented a computerized POS sys- Sesame Chapter, and attends all of their meetings, the tem in all 32 schools in the district, and selected a sys- only local director to do so. tem that allows parents to go online to view purchases and deposit money to their child’s account. When Rhonda arrived at Irvine USD 13 years ago, the fund balance had a deficit of $300,000. Within two Rhonda provides employee training with an entrepre- years, Rhonda erased the deficit and built the fund bal- neurial flair. To keep food service workers interested ance up to $258,800. This success was accomplished in customer service, Rhonda developed a presentation by targeting food and labor costs. Monthly storage based on the Family Feud game show. Continuing the fees were eliminated by re-focusing menu planning to game show theme, she also developed a training ses- use high value commodities the district could order sion based on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to teach just in time. Each site’s labor costs were evaluated the mundane but important subjects of professional compared to sales, serving schedule, and facilities. conduct and attire.

12 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Continued on Page 14 Jenni-O NEW AD ON FILE

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 13 DIRECTOR AWARD OF GREATNESS (CONT. FROM PAGE 12) When she learned that time constraints, money, child Rhonda’s efforts extend beyond the kitchen. She has care, and fear kept staff from participating in profes- an in-house nutrition education program she calls sional development activities, she partnered with three Lessons-in-Line that displays posters with nutrition neighboring school districts and a community college messages in the cafeterias and food vending areas. Her to offer a series of classes called “Mini Courses for catering program provides healthy alternatives for Busy People” that earned .5 college credits each. classroom parties and ensures that all state and local Participants were ecstatic with their accomplishments wellness regulations are followed. as they completed each course, and a new interest in professional development emerged. She demonstrated entrepreneurship as the California SNA president as well. Starting with her term as vice For new employees, Rhonda has a “Buddy Employee” president, Rhonda listened to the concerns of Industry program so that each new employee has an experi- members regarding the number of food shows each enced person to go to for assistance and support. She year. During her year as president, California switched also encourages her employees to join her as part of a its state conference from Easter week to Martin Luther team in SNA’s Eat Right Get Moving wellness pro- King week in order to combine the state conference gram. with the commodity shows that were held in January. The result was a significant increase in revenue to A district having only 6.8 % of students qualifying for CSNA and a 25% increase in conference attendance. free and reduced price meals makes for a unique labor market. Most of the parents are either working as full- She presented to the Executive Board a plan for an time professionals or those that stay at home are finan- international school food service cultural exchange cially secure enough to do so. Rhonda, therefore, has program. It was approved, and after her slogan “We’re a difficult time getting part-time employees. She has not just thinking out of the box, we’re thinking out of been very innovative in finding ways to serve meals. the country” hit the street and website, 45 people At one high school, she partnered with the PTA. The signed up to go to London. Rhonda began several bold parents work on two food carts and get a commission initiatives including a mentoring program for experi- on sales which goes to the PTA. A by-product of this enced directors to mentor new directors; a $400,000 is that the parents could see for themselves what is marketing campaign that included radio air time, pub- offered and what students select. It also gives parents lic service announcements by teen star Hillary Duff; an appreciation of the professionalism and dedication and an interactive website for school meals called to their jobs that the food service workers have. At “Stay Fit, Eat Right, Looking Good California.” other sites Rhonda has partnered with other parent groups as well as with student groups such as the For years Rhonda has shown a dedication to the future National Jr. Honor Society to serve meals. They of the food service profession by being a preceptor for receive $20 per day for their organization, and more dietetic interns. She has hosted interns from four dif- importantly, neither are they competing with Nutrition ferent colleges and universities and encourages them to Services to raise money, nor are they selling candy at consider a career in child nutrition. Finally, Rhonda school. However, her most innovative labor recruit- supports the Global Child Nutrition Forum (now ment effort was convincing the bus drivers to “pick up Foundation) and its goals. As CSNA President, a second job” serving school lunch between doing their Rhonda made a special effort to support the Walk for morning and afternoon bus routes. Many loved the Global Hunger. The proceeds from the walk sponsored idea of earning some extra money! delegates to the Global Child Nutrition Forum through the Animal Kracker Alliance. When Rhonda was Rhonda has also been creative when it comes to facili- CSNA President, the walk raised over $4000; the ty management. One year at University High the cafe- amount the previous year was $1500. teria was undergoing reconstruction. She had two weeks notice that the food service area would not be As CSNA President, Rhonda worked on initiatives that finished in September. Rhonda worked feverishly and bettered the lives of children across the state. The first created the “Hard Hat Café.” All meals were served was a piece of landmark legislation designated as SB off carts on the quad and all of the food service staff 12. It sought to severely restrict foods that could be wore bright yellow hard hats to look like construction sold in school a-la-carte programs and by competitive workers. Actually, the cafeteria did not reopen until school agencies (ASB, Student Store, etc.) January! Unfortunately, Continued on bottom of Page 16 14 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Economy Restaurant Fixtures P/U Winter 2008

PROLINE P/U Spring 2007 1/2 PG B/W

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 15 HEART OF THE PROGRAM AWARD By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

The Heart of the Program Award is presented to rec- Anita Karakesisoglu of Irvine School District. Anita’s ognize school food service employees who work at accomplishments include: individual sites. These employees determine, to a great Creating systems for better efficiency for district extent, whether transport sheets, bank bag management and filing the program is an systems outstanding pro- Filling in for supervisors and assisting at special gram or merely events ordinary. They Voluntarily serves on the district’s Reclassification influence the committee, Classified Advisory Forum and Safety quality of school committee. Anita was nominated in 2004 and again food and nutri- in 2007 for Employee of the Year. tion programs by SNA certified since February 2007, she has now their appearance, taken the exam to become SNA credentialed. Anita attitude, interest is also ServSafe certified. in young people, Expanding her education through college nutrition cooperation, classes, state-sponsored training opportunities, the work attendance, annual Orange County School Food Service creativity, train- Workshop, and SNA courses ing and willing- Active in Sesame Chapter 25, and has attended three ness to “go the CSNA annual conferences. extra mile.” They are indeed, Her nomination form concludes by saying “Anita puts the “Heart of the her heart into her work every day and is very deserving Program.” of this award!” Congratulations, Anita!

DIRECTOR AWARD OF GREATNESS (CONT. FROM PAGE 14) the original nutrition regulations in the bill made good gram in Spanish. After learning of the “Stay Fit, Eat political sound bytes, but not good nutrition sense. Right” marketing program, Health Net stepped forward Rhonda and the PP&L Committee worked with the spon- with $100,000 (presented to her at CSNA state confer- sor to replace the original regulations with science-based ence) to fund a community outreach program in Spanish nutrition standards. This bill was supported by many to promote school meals, healthy eating, and physical organizations and was signed into law by the Governor. activity as components of good health. Ten programs, promoted by public service announcements on 40 differ- Another initiative was the Ralph’s MVP program. ent radio stations, were scheduled for different locations Rhonda worked with Ralph’s grocery stores to develop a around California. Rhonda and members of her staff program that distributes a monthly newsletter to children were also volunteers at the local events. with articles about both good nutrition and physical activity. The nutrition articles were always written by a Rhonda has one quality that defines her persona and con- CSNA member who was also an R.D. and the physical tributes greatly to her success. It encompasses the way activity component included an interview with a sports she treats people with respect, listens to and values their star the students could relate to. Often times the sports input, the way she tries to involve and provide opportu- star would visit schools and personally deliver nutrition nity for everyone. She is a lady of virtue and distinction, and exercise messages. Soccer star Kristine Lilly even and the people she works with (work or CSNA) react to stayed around to play soccer and conduct a soccer clinic. those attributes by working extra hard so they will never let her down. This all encompassing quality can be sum- Yet another initiative was a community outreach pro- marized in one single word – Grace.

16 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 17 CSNA RECOGNITION AWARDS By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor The chicken is actually made at the ber Price in Hawthorne and for Each year, CSNA presents district in a real rotisserie using Congresswoman Jane Harman in Recognition Awards in various cat- frozen commodity whole chickens. Lawndale. She also routinely egories. At CSNA’s Annual makes office visits to legislators’ Conference this January, Merit For a long period of time the Santa district offices. Awards were given to the follow- Rosa Unified School District was ing members. expending $25,000 - $27,000 to One of her big accomplishment in provide career technical education the past year was working diligent- Creativity, Catherine Luellen- to twelve 18 – 22 year old students ly against the trans- fat bill spon- Aflague, FS Director, Santa Rosa to acquire skills for a career in the sored by Assembly member Ted Unified School District food service and hospitality indus- Lieu. The bill was eventually try. Working with an organization pulled from consideration. called “Workability” and the coun- ty, Catherine has taken over man- Communications, Sally Spero, agement of the program. With the Food Planning Supervisor, San staff of one instructor and two Diego Unified School District aides, the class takes place in the central kitchen and provides stu- dents with job skills they can use to become productive workers in the future. By bringing this pro- gram under food services control, the Santa Rosa School District has Catherine has shown creativity in saved approximately $250,000 per the areas of summer feeding, men- year. She has also expanded the uing, and student labor utilization. use of student labor in secondary Her changes have benefited the schools; she employs over 400 program, the children it serves, and paid student workers. the financial health of the district. For the past five years Sally has Legislation, Lynette Rock, been the Editor of Poppy Seeds By collaborating with the local Director of Food Services, Magazine. Every quarter it is a food bank and the department of Torrance Unified School District tremendous undertaking, but the education, Catherine has increased magazine always comes out as a the summer meals served by her Lynette has been actively involved very professional publication high- district by over 300%. Most sum- in school food and nutrition legis- lighting the best of CSNA. The mer food programs routinely serve lation since 1995. During this magazine is of such high quality meals at schools and parks, but period she has served as a delegate that it attracts enough advertisers Catherine expanded the number of to National LAC five times, and to make the magazine profitable. locations to 51 and included com- attended all eight State Legislative This is a rarity among state school munity swimming pools and large Action Conferences. She has nutrition association periodicals. apartment complexes. She took served as Legislation Chair and the initiative to find out where the Co-Chair for the Southern Sally makes a tremendous effort to children were and brought the food California Supervisory Chapter. gather articles from members and to them. She also maintains a membership associates so that CSNA members in the SNA PAC. can be informed about what is She has also been creative in pro- going on in the world of school viding new food items to students. nutrition in California. Often New food items include organic Lynette really believes it is impor- times, Sally has to write many of brown rice bowls, sushi, food bars tant to have good communications the articles herself. She also does using fresh produce from local with legislators. She has arranged a tremendous job in editing articles farmers, and rotisserie chicken. a school lunch for Assembly mem- submitted by others. Continued on Page 20 18 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Basic American Foods P/U Fall 2007 CSNA RECOGNITION AWARDS(CONT. FROM PG. 18) Sally has also taken charge of the healthy lifestyles. Students partici- Principals, the PTA, school nurses, State to State Cultural Exchange pate in seven 15-minute sessions community groups that serve food Program. In 2005 she traveled as devoted to good nutrition and stamp-eligible recipients, school a delegate to Indiana and partici- physical activity, including of site councils, migrant education, pated in Indiana’s conference high- course, actual physical activity and staff, and teachers. lighting to their members the best a healthy lunch. She organizes a of California, and last year she did “Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt” Jill is a big believer in education the same in a reverse fashion for where students select items at the and together with her team of the Texas SNA President who grocery store meeting certain nutri- nutritionists takes every opportuni- came to California. tional goals. These items are then ty to provide nutrition and well- brought back to the Central ness education to students in order Nutrition, Jill Lancaster, Assistant Kitchen where the students partici- to promote life-long healthy Food Service Director, Torrance pate in a “Kids Cooking” class to lifestyles. Unified School District learn how to prepare those items at Hanging posters in the cafete- home. She is also educating others ria that promote good nutrition Jill sponsors five Nutrition about nutrition education. This and wellness. Advisory Councils in her home year she produced a ten-minute Monthly messages about good district and was the 2006/2007 video of the Southern California nutrition and physical activity NAC Chairperson for Southern NAC Mini Conference showing on the menus sent home California. She puts on the annual the benefits of supporting NAC’s Displays on nutrition and the NAC Mini Conference that com- and sharing taste testing results. child nutrition program at Back bines food tasting, education, and This video was presented at the to School Night and Open physical activity components. Southern California SNA House Supervisory Chapter in May 2007. The “Harvest of the Month” Since 2001 she has been a member Jill also presented a “District Best program of the state’s Nutrition Advisory Practice” at the Southern Creating nutrition centers at Council Committee, serving as the California SNA Supervisory each of the school libraries Southern California Chair in 2006- Chapter Meeting on her district’s Participating with other agen- 07. She participates in the annual wellness policy and how she com- cies in community activities San Gabriel Valley Directors municates the policy in her district. such as the Fitness Challenge Workshop conducting breakout and national 5-A-Day Week that sessions and has also presented to Jill involves parents in child nutri- support statewide initiatives on The American School Health tion. This year she gave a compli- nutrition education and physi- Association. mentary lunch ticket to any parent cal activity. who has concerns about the food Jill has created several innovative their children are receiving at Jill also manages “Caught Eating events to improve the child nutri- school. She has produced a Good” campaign in her cafeterias. tion program in El Monte. One of brochure for parents detailing the Each year 4 to 6 schools partici- her most ambitious projects has nutrition guidelines of the El pate in a month-long cafeteria- been to become recognized at the Monte City School District that based campaign. The campaign “Bronze Level” by the Alliance for also has suggestions for improving starts off with a school-wide nutri- a Healthier Generation. The menu overall health outside the school tion-related assembly with the goal standards of the Alliance are above day, including an emphasis on of promoting fruit and vegetable and beyond current USDA stan- physical activity. She also holds consumption among students. dards. El Monte was one of only “Bring Your Parents to Breakfast” Each student consuming a fruit or 26 school districts in the United events and distributes nutrition vegetable receives a “Caught States to achieve that status. education materials at those Eating Good” ticket that is collect- events. ed by teachers. Tickets, one per She has created some unique ways classroom, are drawn each Friday to provide nutrition education. As coordinator of the Network for during the campaign for “nutrition She holds several “Nutrition a Healthy California for the dis- education reinforcement” prizes. Expos” where the entire school trict, she sees that outreach and At the end of the campaign, the day is devoted to nutrition and education are provided for top two classrooms with the most

20 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Continued on Page 22 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 21 CSNA RECOGNITION AWARDS(CONT. FROM PG. 20) tickets (K-3 and 4-6), receive a Attended California School With the passage of SB – 12 and healthy party that includes fruit Nutrition Association the implementations of wellness and vegetable trivia and sampling. Conferences from 1995 to pres- policies, changes happened in ent many school districts. LaNae also Professional Growth, Jacci Attended three School published a four page pamphlet Morrow, Assistant Food Service Nutrition Association National titled, Nutrition Guidelines for Director, Westminster SD Conferences Food and Beverages, that Attended Annual Child describes the foods sold on cam- For twenty years Jacci has worked Nutrition Conferences from pus. It explained the changes that her way up the ladder to her cur- 1996 until 1999 until discontin- took effect July 1, 2007 as a result rent position. Her previous posi- ued of the district wellness policy and tions include lunch server, cashier, Attended School Wellness the implementation of new cook, lead cook, manager, baker, Conference October 2007 California standards and was dis- and operations supervisor. She has School Nutrition Association: tributed to all parents and teachers. devoted significant time to her Member from 1995 to present This effort has also benefited chil- own professional development and California School Nutrition dren in neighboring districts. has become active in her local and Association: Member from When other food service directors supervisory chapter of CSNA for 1995 to present saw LaNae’s pamphlet, they asked many years. Her professional Southern California School for permission to copy and distrib- accomplishments include: Nutrition Association Chapter 1 ute it under their own district’s let- (Supervisory) Member from terhead. As of now, that pamphlet 18 hr. Food Safety Sanitation 1995 to present is being distributed in 5 - 10 other Course 1993 Sesame Chapter 25 (Local districts. Last year this effort was California Culinary Academy- O.C. Chapter) Member from recognized by the Southern Healthy Food Preparation 1995 to present California Supervisory Chapter as Course 1995 Certified as Level 3 a “Best Practice.” Certificate of Achievement Certification by the School Food Service Management Nutrition Association School LaNae has shown dedication to her School Food Service 1996 Nutrition Specialist 2001 program by developing a mission (Orange Coast College) Orange County School statement for the department. It Certificate of Achievement Nutrition Association Directors states, “The principal objective of Food Service Management and Supervisors~ Attended the school lunch program is to Dietetic Service Supervisor Summer Workshops from 1988 serve an attractive, nutritious meal 1996 (Orange Coast College) to present at the lowest possible price to the American School Food Service Member of Westminster School greatest number of students. It is Association Personal Computer District: Westminster to be hoped that we have con- Seminar-1996 Educational Leadership tributed to the education of the stu- Cal Pro Net Food Based Menu Association dents in making them aware of Planning 16 hour course 1996- well balanced menus and the 97 establishment of good eating Completed Associate in Arts Public Information, LaNae Potter, habits.” However, the most impor- Degree Coastline Community Food Service Director, Garvey tant thing about the mission state- College 1999 School District ment is that she got all of the Healthy Edge For Child employees to buy into it and live it Nutrition Program 9-hr Course while they are on the job. LaNae 1999 realizes the importance of the atti- Exterior Certified Professional tude of the front line staff to pro- Food Manager gram success. Sanitation/Safety Class 1999 Approved as Proctor to teach Congratulations Certified Professional Food Manager Course and give to all Award Winners! Exam 2002 22 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 E AT E D TH VE SA CALIFORNIA IS “FAME-OUS” By Joyce Forsse, Chapter 22 President

In the Winter Issue of Poppy Seeds, we highlighted the accomplishments of California’s FAME winners. The awards were presented in January at the SNA Industry Conference in Monterey where a lovely photo was taken of Tony Roberts with the winners. From left to right: Tony Roberts, LaNae Potter (FAME Shooting Star), Marilyn Briggs (FAME Friend of Child Nutrition) and Jill Lancaster (FAME Silver Spirit).

UPDATE FROM SNA By Jane Johnson, SNA West Regional Director

Hi everyone! Go California! This video will go a long way to help surpass your goal. I wanted to thank you for inviting me to attend your state conference in Palm Springs. I had a wonderful time and you all made me feel right at home.

I appreciated being able to sit in on your House of Delegates. It helped me get a real feel for the passion your association brings to our profession.

I hope you all enjoyed the membership video I was able to bring ‘hot off the press’. And the feedback I got was spot-on as to what the message was supposed to be. Thank you again.

Speaking of membership, California had an increase Again, thank you for inviting me to be a part of your of 42 members from November to December. wonderful group. And keep up the great work!!

24 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 The Royal Cut Restaurant 2345 S. Grove Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 PH. 909-947-3322 $30$30 perper personperson Sponsorships Available! For all Information about this Important and Exciting Event, Please Visit wwwwww.CALSNA.org.CALSNA.org or call CSNA at (818)842-3040 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 25 AUDREY MELIKIAN MEMORIALIZED WITH SCHOLARSHIP FUND

By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

The James L. Melikian family recently honored their mother, Audrey Melikian by instituting an annu- al scholarship with CSNA. Many of us are familiar with “The Popcorn Man” but a significant number also knew Audrey and recognized how much she loved CSNA.

Born in 1919 in Fresno, Audrey was a first-generation American of Armenian parents. Times were tight growing up and even though Audrey showed tremen- dous promise as a student, skipping two grades in school, college was not an option. Instead, she mar- ried and was soon mother to Jim and his sister Karen. Jim recalls

“I was blessed with a mother who gave me unconditional love. Whether it was a ball game or studying for the preamble to the Constitution, Mom was always in my corner.

She was the team mother on our junior high baseball team. She would pack all of us ball players in her big Buick Roadmaster and take us to the game. Once there she would sit on the bench yelling encouragement to all of us. Of course, being a good Armenian mother, she had food—cookies, juice, water, you name it. We were a well-fed team.

There was only one problem. We never won a game! But Mom made sure we ate well.” Audrey attended over 15 CSNA conventions. Jim Life took an unexpected and tragic turn when Audrey Melikian called her his “secret weapon” at his first was widowed at age 47. She then took over running convention. After setting up his table, his mother her husband’s trucking business, Melikian Trucking began meeting people and soon she had a new set of Company. Knowing nothing about the field was no friends—directors and vendors alike. He laughingly deterrent to her. In a short time, she was active in “complains” that after awhile people didn’t come to both the local and national Women’s Transportation see him or his products, they came to see Audrey. Club, the California Trucking Association, the American Trucking Association and the transportation But it certainly wasn’t all work for Audrey! With her sorority Delta Nu Alpha. After 15 years, she sold the girl friend Annie, she traveled the world visiting company but stayed on to do public relations for the European and Asian countries and the Hawaiian new owners. islands. She was also a lifelong, active member of the St. Paul’s Armenian Apostolic Church in Fresno. Always active in politics, she was appointed by Governor George Deukmejian to the California Audrey passed away in 2006. To honor her and to Medical Board in 1982. This high-powered and high- encourage others to take advantage of educational ly political board was the licensing board for all doc- opportunities that were not present in her youth, the tors and hospitals in California. She served the maxi- family has chosen to keep her memory alive with the mum two terms. Audrey Melikian Scholarship.

26 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 To the Newly Elected Officers and Regional Coordinators.

Andrew Soliz - Vice President Charmane Williams - Membership Director Kellie Long Industry Representative. New Regional Coordinators are: Peggy Stevenson - Region 2 Lee Ann Frame - Region 4 Jane Maerki - Region 6 Dena England - Region 8

All will be Installed on May 30, 2008 along with: Stephanie Bruce, President Marilyn Briggs, President-Elect Denise Ohm, Secretary/Treasurer Kellie Cervantes, Food Service Representative Debby Andrews - Region 1 Coordinator Diane Brooks - Region 3 Coordinator Sue Rose - Region 5 Coordinator Arlene Sims - Region 7 Coordinator

The Royal Cut Restaurant 2345 S. Grove Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 PH. 909-947-3322 $30$30 perper personperson Sponsorships Available! AllAll MembersMembers AreAre InvitedInvited toto Attend!Attend! Visit www.CALSNA.org or Call CSNA at (818)842-3040

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 27 GardenGarden BarBar GrantGrant WWinnersinners AnnouncedAnnounced By Sally Spero, SNS, Poppy Seeds Editor

The California School Nutrition Association has been awarded a Specialty Crop Block Grant by the California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) for “The Garden Bar Project.” As part of the grant, California schools may apply to receive Garden Bar equipment and marketing materials. Twenty schools have been selected to receive mini-grants now and another twenty schools will be selected in the spring. The following districts and schools have been awarded grants:

28 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 J&J Snack Foods P/U Winter 2008 GG OLDENOLDEN PP OPPYOPPY WW INNERSINNERS

Golden Poppy Winners were announced and Awards presented at this year’s Annual Conference in Palm Springs, California. Each year, California School Nutrition Association Chapters are presented with a list of goals to achieve throughout the year. The idea is to promote School Food Service and Nutrition to children, parents and the community as well as State and Federal legislators. Some of the goals completed to win the coveted prize include presentations, published articles and increasing membership in CSNA. While activities are often fun and educational, it 2 should be noted that Chapter Members work very hard to obtain the Golden Poppy Honor and all members of the Association should be extremely proud of the individual and group efforts of the winners. Congratulations to all!

California School Nutrition Association President, Lynnelle Grumbles and Membership Director, Brenda Robinson were on hand to deliver certificates to Winning Chapter Presidents and Representatives. 1 9

10 25


32 44


APW WYOTT Counter-top Broilers, Griddles, Hot Plates and Fryers, Toasters, Soup Warmers Merchandisers, Food Wells, Overhead Heat Warmers and Lowerator Dispensers 45 BEVLES COMPANY, INC. Retherm Ovens, Slow Roast & Hold Ovens Climate 2000 Heated Holding Cabinets Proofing Cabinets, Transi-Tray Cabinets, Racks and Dollies

CMA DISHMACHINES High & Low Temperature Warewashing Systems

GLOBE FOOD EQUIPMENT CO. Heavy Duty Food Slicers Food Processors & Mixers

64 MONTAGUE Gas Ranges, Gas & Electric Convection Ovens

PELOUZE Thermometers-Instant Read. Cooking Digital Infrared, Pocket Probes, Scales/Digital & Dial Timers


PRINCE CASTLE Toasters/Bread Grillers, Waste Receptacles, 68 Grill Tools, Replacement Fry Baskets

VANSAN CORPORATION School Carts, Food Carts & Kiosks Beverage Carts & Kiosks, Services

750 Fourth Street, Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 465-6565


Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 31 PHOTOGRAPHERS “FUEL UP RIGHT WITH SCHOOL MEALS” By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

You can see the winning photo of this year’s Photo Contest on this issue’s cover. Our theme was “Fuel Up Right With School Meals.” The first place winner was Mary Tolan Davi of Manteca USD. During the first week of October, the district celebrated fitness and nutrition by sponsoring National Walk to School Day. Over 2,900 students walked to school and then enjoyed a healthy breakfast at the “Stop and Fuel Up Right” pit stop located in the cafeteria. This com- munity event was supported by the SHAPE network and the Manteca Police, Fire and Ambulance Above: Poppy Seeds Services departments. Editor, Sally Spero, presenting First Place Award to Mary Tolan Davi.

2nd place winner was Joan Swartzlander of Silverado High School in the Victor Valley Union High School District. The serving line at the school dou- bled as the “Finish Line”, showing that healthy school meals really go the distance. CSNA President Lynnelle Grumbles presents the 2nd Place Award to Winner Joan Swartzlander

Coming in third was Rita Wegner of Victor Valley High School, also in the Victor Valley Union High School District. The school has a multi-level campus and uses carts to provide service to the students. You can see a race car driver (or perhaps a member of the Food Service staff?) giving school meals a big “Thumbs Up.”

Mary Wood accepts the 3rd Place Award on behalf of Winner Rita Wegner

Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Photo Contest! 32 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 YYourour SourSourcece forfor ~~ CCOMBIOMBI OOVENSVENS ~~


RETHERM AND HOLDING OVEN REWDCO ~~ CCONVECTIONONVECTION OOVENSVENS ~~ REWDCO HHOLDINGOLDING CCABINETSABINETS 7530 San Fernando Road QQUICKUICK CCHILLERSHILLERS Sun Valley,, CACA 91352 (818)767-3501(818)767-3501 FAX (818)767-7891 CALLALL ABOUTABOUT OUROUR SEMINARSEMINARS! wwwwww.REWDCO.com.REWDCO.com ASKSK FORFOR MARKARK THEHE SCHOOLCHOOL SPECIALISTPECIALIST! Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 33 Sudoku Puzzles Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic. All that's needed is brains and concentration.

There is really only one rule to Sudoku: Fill in the game board so that the numbers 1 through 9 occur exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 box. The numbers can appear in any order and diagonals are not considered. Your initial game board will consist of several numbers that are already placed. Those numbers cannot be changed. Your goal is to fill in the empty squares following the simple rule above.



Solutions on Page 36 34 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008

CSNA’S JUDY HARLOW IS “OUTSTANDING” By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

Judy Harlow, Food Services Supervisor for Cucamonga School District, recently received the Outstanding School Lunch Program Award from the California Department of Education.

With a free and reduced-price percentage over 72%, the community truly benefits from a quality program. Among the accomplishments cited in the award were:

Tripling student participation in five years Replacing high-calorie, high-sugar and high-fat snack foods with healthy alternatives Discontinuing the use of outside vendors so that students eat the healthier school meals Eliminating price differences in meals. In previous years there was a line for the standard lunch and a different line for a pricier combo meal. Congratulations Judy on this outstanding accomplishment!

Sudoku Solutions

EASY MEDIUM HARD GULP! 36 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 55th55th AnnualAnnual ConferenceConference PalmPalm SpringsSprings 20082008

Inspirational Artist Eric Wahl wows the crowd during the First General Session with his renditions of Bruce Springsteen, U2’s Bono and Dr. Martin Luther King

American Idols The audience is treated to a beautiful version of the National Anthem as the Color Guard stands watch

Above, Keynote Speaker Eric Wahl spends time with CSNA Membership Director Brenda Robinson

The Pit Crew On the left is the 2008 Conference Committee Helmed by Co-Crew Chiefs Kathy Conner and Rhonda DeVaux. A great job was done by all!

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 37 55th55th AnnualAnnual ConferenceConference FuelFuel UpUp RightRight

AmandaAmanda GoreGore

38 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 PalmPalm SpringsSprings 20082008 withwith SchoolSchool MealsMeals

At the 2nd General Session, Keynote Speaker Amanda Gore delighted and entertained the crowd with her message to CSNA Members that they connect their hearts with other people's hearts, and reconnect their own hearts with their heads! Dancing and Silliness led to a genuine connection between audience and speaker leaving everyone a little happier and healthier after the session!

On the Right: CSNA Royalty! CSNA recognized Violet Roefs for 50 Years of dedicated service to California’s School Nutrition and feeding children.

Geri Dee was recognized for 35 Years with the Association and has been criss-crossing the country to accept a clutch of Awards for her efforts!

Marilyn Briggs received the Honorary Merit Award for her dedicated service to Child Nutrition

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 39 President’s Party

40 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 41 PPasastt PPreresidensidentsts

Past Industry

Regional Directors

Conference Committee

42 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Best Booths

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 43 Fitness Walk 2008

The Fitness Walk was generously sponsored by:

J & J Snack Foods

The Popcorn Man Executive Management Associates

44 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 It was a Banner Year!

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 45 Palm Springs 2008 TheseThese kidskids havehave aa NACNAC forfor eatingeating healthyhealthy foods!foods!

ThanksThanks toto allall thethe participantsparticipants andand volunteersvolunteers forfor aa greatgreat event!event!

46 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 The CSNA-NAC Committee is pleased to acknowledge the vendors listed below, who have graciously sponsored our two major regional NAC events this year. We thank you for your commitment to our most important customers; the children who eat in our cafeterias on a daily basis. Your vital support enables us to produce events that educate, inspire and gain insights from our students to, in turn, provide the quality meal service that draws students and models balanced, delicious and nutritious meals every day. Advanced Food Co JM Smucker Company ASR Produce KRh Thermal Systems Berkeley Street Beverage Co Otis Spunkmeyer Bosco’s Pizza Co Piazza Pizza Brakebush Brothers Inc. Piranha Produce Buena Vista Foods Pierre Foods Cal Neva Slush Schwan’s Food Service ConAgra Foods Shannon’s Imperial Don Lee Farms Simply Blues Foods Driftwood Dairy Tyson Foods Frito Lay Windsor Foods J&J Snack Foods Corp Z Trim Holdings, Inc.

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 47 Call for Breakout Session Proposals 2009 CSNA Annual Conference January 9-11, 2009 • San Diego

The program planning committee is seeking breakout session proposals in the following categories: business, leader- ship, marketing, technology, nutrition, & industry. If you would like to present a breakout session at the conference, please complete the attached form and either fax to Marilyn Briggs, SNS at (916) 663-2079 or mail it to her: 9920 Angel Pl Newcastle, CA 95658-9796. Email: [email protected]


Strand Preference (Check one): „ Business „ Leadership „ Marketing „ Technology „ Nutrition „ Industry „ Other______

Breakout Session Title (If your session is accepted, this title will be printed in the conference pro- gram): ______

Description (If your session is accepted, this description will be printed in the conference program):








Presentation Format (Check all that apply): „ Lecture „ Panel Interaction „ Multi-Media „ Audience Participation „ Role Playing „ Other______

Breakout Session Objective (What do you expect participants will know/be able to do at the end of your workshop?):




______48 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Call for Breakout Session Proposals (Page 2) Target Audience:

„ Director/Supervisors „ Managers „ Cook/Bakers „ Food Service/Workers „ Industry „ Officers „ All „ Other (please specify)______

Workshop Level: „ Newcomer „ Veteran „ Both

Equipment Needed: (CSNA can not provide laptops. Please make arrangements for your own) Audio/Visual Needs (Check all that apply):

„ LCD Projector „ Regular Overhead Projector „ Other ______Session Planning Contact Information Name:______Title:______Company:______E-mail address:______Address:______City:______State: ______Zip:______Phone:______Fax:______Thank you for your interest! Speaker Information (Please list all speakers who will be presenting. For additional speakers, please copy this page and submit info with original submission) Name:______Title:______Company:______E-mail address:______Address:______City:______State: ______Zip:______Phone:______Fax:______

Name:______Title:______Company:______E-mail address:______Address:______City:______State: ______Zip:______Phone:______Fax:______

Name:______Title:______Company:______E-mail address:______Address:______City:______State: ______Zip:______Phone:______Fax:______Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 49 CSNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REGIONAL COORDINATORS Exhibits Chair - Rick Mui 545 Chaney St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 PRESIDENT - Lynnelle Grumbles Regional Coordinator 1 Bus: 951-253-7022 FAX: 951-253-7144 801 N Mooney Blvd, Visalia, CA 93291 Debby Andrew E-mail: [email protected] Bus: 559-730-7871 FAX: 559-739-8788 1645 W Mill St, Anderson, CA 96007 Exhibits Co-Chair - Lauren Teng Email: [email protected] Bus: 530-378-7009x209 FAX: 530-378-7001 14325 Goldenwest St. Bldg 1, Westminster, 92683 Bus: 714-894-1698 FAX: 714-894-8198 PRESIDENT-ELECT - Stephanie Bruce E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 211 W 5th St., Ontario, CA 91762 Regional Coordinator 2 Treasurer- Denise Ohm Bus:909-460-5887x2630 FAX909-988-1511 Cathy Luellen-Aflague 1155 Mistletoe Lane, Redding, CA 96002 Email: [email protected] 6075 Della Ct.. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Bus: 530-224-4213 Fax: 530-224-4101 Bus: 707-528-5353 FAX: 707-528-5104 VICE PRESIDENT - Marilyn Briggs, SNS E-mail: [email protected] 9920 Angel Place, Newcastle, CA 95658 E-mail: [email protected] Tours & Local Arrangemts - Cindy Frazer Bus:916-663-2079 FAX916-663-2079 Reg. #2 Co-Coordinator: Phyllis Thivierge 47950 Dune Palms Rd, La Quinta, CA 92253 Email: [email protected] 2314 Reef Ct, Discovery Bay, CA 94514 Bus: 925-513-6338 Fax: 925-634-8217 Bus: 760-771-8560 SECRETARY/TREASURER - E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Denise Ohm Regional Coordinator 3 Prof. Development - Aulani Cler 1155 Mistletoe Lane, Redding, CA 96002 14735 Juniper St, San Leandro, CA 94579 Diane Brooks Bus: 530-224-4213 Fax: 530-224-4101 Bus:510-667-3508 255 Epperle Lane, Auburn, CA 95677 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Bus: 530-745-8824 FAX: 530-885-5170 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR E-mail: [email protected] Hospitality/Evaluations - Karen Papilli Brenda Robinson 10331 Stanford Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Regional Coordinator 4 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bus: 714-663-6155 Lee Anne Frame Bus: 661-631-4733 E-mail: [email protected] 27801 N Dickason Dr., Valencia, CA 91355 E-mail:[email protected] Jane Stallings Bus: 661-294-1188x1906 FAX: 661-294-0209 FOOD SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE 1460 E Holt Ave, Ste 411, Pomona, CA 91767 E-mail: [email protected] Kellie Cervantes Bus: 909-397-4711x3950 FAX: 909-622-1037 128 Walnuthaven Dr, West Covina, CA 91790 Regional Coordinator 5 E-mail: [email protected] Bus: 626-859-2900 Sue Rose Meals Chair - Terry Pangborn-Gerner E-mail: [email protected] 8900 Thurber Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93311 501 Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92803 ELECTED INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVE Bus: 661-837-6020 Fax: 661-837-6025 Bus: 831-663-4290 Cindy Otto E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] C. Otto & Co. Regional Coordinator 6 Decorations Chair - LeAnne Whitney 8194 E Peltier Rd, Acampo, CA 95202 Peggy Caballero 16703 S. Clark Ave, Bellflower, CA 90706 Bus: 209-607-8005 FAX: 209-365-7194 1326 W Philadelphia, Ontario, CA 91762 Bus: 562-866-9011x3135 FAX: 562-461-2205 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: 909 224-8464 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Special Services - Marilyn Briggs, SNS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Regional Coordinator 7 9920 Angel Place, Newcastle, CA 95658 Janine Nichols, CPL, CAE Arlene Sims Bus:916-663-2079 FAX916-663-2079 210 N Glenoaks Bl, Ste C, Burbank, CA 91502 15722 La Verida Dr, Victorville, CA 92392 Email: [email protected] Bus: 818-842-3040 FAX: 818-843-7423 Bus: 760-245-5221 Fax: 760-245-5783 Registration/Publicity/Resource Room - E-mail: [email protected] Regional Coordinator 8 Sally Spero 6735 Gifford Way, San Diego, CA 92111 Bus: 858-627-7306 Fax: 858-565-6378 Email: [email protected] Program - Stephanie Bruce 211 W 5th St., Ontario, CA 91762 Bus:909-460-5887x2630 FAX909-988-1511 Email: [email protected] 2008 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Industry Advisor - Cindy Otto Conference Chair - Kathey Conner 8194 E Peltier Rd, Acampo, CA 95202 17200 Pinehurst Ln, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Bus: 209-607-8005 FAX: 209-365-7194 Bus:714-847-2551x1450 FAX:714-842-1541 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Conference Chair - Rhonda DeVaux Trade Show Advisor/CSNA Executive 5050 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604 Director- Janine Nichols, CPL, CAE Bus:949-936-6525 FAX:949-936-6529 210 N Glenoaks Blvd, Ste. C, Burbank, CA 91502 Email: [email protected] Bus: 818-842-3040 FAX: 818-843-7423 Conference Co Chair - Sharon Briel E-mail: [email protected] 3701 E Belle Terrace, #B, Bakersfield, CA 93307 Exec. Advisor - Lynnelle Grumbles, Bus:661-827-3190 FAX:661-397-5523 President Email: [email protected] 50 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 51 CSNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2007 -2008 STANDING COMMITTEES AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS NUTRITION STANDARDS

Chair - Elena Dibble Chair - Theresa Mee 958 Quarry Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 29323 Palos Verdes Dr E, Rancho Palos Verdes Bus: 415-491-6499 Bus: 310-732-0900x790 FAX: 310-732-0193 [email protected] Executive Advisor - Brenda Robinson Exec Advisor - Denise Ohm, Secretary/Treas Membership Director

EDITORIAL EDITOR Sally Spero NON VOTING MEMBER 6735 Gifford Way, San Diego,CA 92111 LIAISONS Bus: (858) 627-7306 FAX (858) 565-6378 MARKETING E-mail: [email protected] & PUBLIC RELATIONS STATE DEPARTMENT ASSOCIATE EDITORS Karen Candito Chair - Robert Lewis Phyllis Bramson-Paul 524 Banyon Cir., Walnut Creek, CA 94598 325 E Huntington Dr, Monrovia, CA 91016 1430 N Street Ste 1500 Bus: 510-682-8000 FAX: 510-609-7568 Bus: 626-471-2053 x 253 Fax: 626-471-2078 Sacramento, CA 95814 Steve Baldwin E-mail:[email protected] Bus: 916-323-7311 FAX: 916-327-0503 3661 Senasac Ave., Long Beach, CA 90808 Bus: 310-676-2276 FAX: 310-219-4039 Exec. Advisor - Lynnelle Grumbles, President Committee Members: CDA LIAISON Peggy Stevenson Natasha Uhlik-Slebiss, RD P.O. Box 768, Antioch, CA 94509 NUTRITION ADVISORY 675 W Manning Av, Reedley, CA 93654 Bus: 925-706-5236 FAX: 925-778-3190 CHAIR Bus: 559-637-1210 x 1237 FAX 559-637-7136 Denise Garland Ohm E-mail: [email protected] Cathy Luellen-Aflague Chair - Virginia Allerton 19722 Center St, Castro Valley, CA 94546 Exec. Advisor - Lynnelle Grumbles, President Bus: 510-537-3335x1921 FAX: 510-886-5192 ACDA LIAISON E-mail: [email protected] INDUSTRY ADVISOR Pavel Matustik, SNS Exec. Advisor - Denise Ohm, Secretary/Treas 25210 Anza Dr, Valencia, CA 91355 Cindy Otto Bus: 661-295-1574 x 103 FAX 661-295-0981 C. Otto & Co. PROFESSIONAL E-mail: [email protected] 8194 E Peltier Rd, Acampo, CA 95202 Bus: 209-607-8005 FAX: 209-365-7194 DEVELOPEMENT E-mail: [email protected] WESTERN REG. DIRECTOR Exec. Advisor - Stephanie Bruce, Pres-Elect Chair - Aulani Cler Jane Johnson 14735 Juniper St, San Leandro, CA 94579 Yuma, AZ PUBLIC POLICY Bus:510-667-3508 Ph: (928) 373-3911 & LEGISLATION E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Chair - Rene Yamashiro Exec. Advisor - Denise Ohm, Secretary/Treas NUTRITION COMMITTEE 400 Derek Pl, Ste D, Roseville, CA 95678 Bus: 916-782-8860 x3 FAX: 916-782-8918 Geri Dee E-mail: [email protected] RESOLUTIONS & BYLAWS 10801 White Fox Lane, Agua Dulce, CA 91390 Bus: 626-933-3900 FAX 626-855-3759 Exec Advisor - Lynnelle Grumbles, President Glenn McAnally E-mail: [email protected] 1735 David E Cook Wy, Ste B, Clovis, CA 93611 NOMINATING Bus: 559-327-9236 FAX 559-327-9147 E-mail: [email protected] Chair - Michelle Curry 500 N Loraine Ave, Glendora, CA 91741 Exec. Advisor - Marilyn Briggs, Vice-Pres Bus: 626-963-1611 x388 FAX 626-852-4526 E-mail: [email protected] Exec. Advisor - Stephanie Bruce, Pres-Elect 52 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 LOCAL & SUPERVISORY CHAPTERS & PRESIDENTS

LOCAL CHAPTERS REGION 3(Cont.) REGION 7 78-ELK GROVE 14-RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGION 1 Maria Hernandez Bonnie Bernreuter 9401 Morcott Way, Sacramento, CA 95829 7661 Sea Vista Dr, Riverside, CA 92508 40-SIX RIVERS Bus: 916-686-7797 Fax 916-689-1563 Bus: 951-352-6740 Jane Miller 724 Lauff Ave, Crescent City, CA 95531 44-SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Bus: 707-464-0214 Fax: 707-464-0295 REGION 4 Theresa Hyatt 15579 8th St, Victorville, CA 92392 43-FEATHER RIVER 37-ANTELOPE VALLEY Bus: 760-245-5221 Fax: 760-245-5783 Karen Reynolds Johna Chandler 54-DESERT HIGH LOW 400 Grand Ave, Oroville, CA 95965 373 West Ave J-7, Lancaster, CA 93534 Bus: 530-538-2970 Fax: 530-538-2979 Martha Long Bus. 661-273-5052 x207 FAX 661-273-1995 83127 Ruby Ave, Indio, CA 92201 46-SANTA CLARITA VALLEY Bus: 760-238-5427 REGION 2 Lucinda Turner 66-CLAREMONT 24160 Newhall Ranch Rd, Apt 11101, Valencia, CA Bonnie Pourtemoor 03-BERKELEY Bus: 661-295-1574x119 Fax: 661-295-0981 135 Nassau Pl, Claremont, CA 91711 Cecelia Adams Bus: 909-398-0300 Fax 909-398-0370 833 Douglas St, Hayward, CA 94544 REGION 5 Bus: 510-644-6368 FAX: 510-644-8784 REGION 8 04-SANTA CLARA COUNTY 09-KERN COUNTY Dennis Seals Christine Cooter 07-SAN DIEGO COUNTY 442 38th Street, Oakland, CA 94707 2213 Harrison Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308 If Interested, Please Contact Bus: 510-664-6301 Bus: 661-392-2119 Fax: 661-392-0618 Region 8 Coordinator Sally Spero 06-SALINAS VALLEY 30-SIERRA MOUNTAIN Bus: 858-627-7306 Fax: 858-565-6378 Christian Huneke Janice Schlunegger Email: [email protected] 14475 Russo Rd, Castroville, CA 95012 31367 Auberry Rd, Auberry, CA 93602 34-EAST SAN DIEGO COUNTY Bus: 663-4290 Bus: 559-855-8433 If Interested, Please Contact 17-J.P. MORRIS Region 8 Coordinator Sally Spero Virginia Dickhart Bus: 858-627-7306 Fax: 858-565-6378 5033 Blacksand Rd, Fremont, CA 94538 REGION 6 Bus: 510-438-0693 25-SESAME SUPERVISORY CHAPTERS 22-SAN LEANDRO Linda Vernon Joyce Forsse 405 N. Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92801 13919 Sausalito Rd, San Leandro, CA 94577 Bus: 714-220-4114 Fax: 714-520-9752 01-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bus: 510-667-3508 FAX: 510-667-3569 26-EL MONTE Agnes Lally 33-CENTRAL ALAMEDA COUNTY Silvia Quezada 3430 Ocean View Bl, Ste A, Glendale, CA 91208 Sindy Alvarez 11955 Roseglen. El Monte, CA 91732 Bus: 818-249-8020 Fax: 818-957-6149 31028 Birkdale Way, Hayward, CA 94544 Bus: 626-443-3967 Fax: 636-579-6312 02-NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Bus: 510-784-2677 Fax: 510-784-2631 27-QUEEN MARY Loretta Gildner 48-REDWOOD EMPIRE If Interested, Please Contact 500 Acacia Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 Linda Buck Region 6 Coordinator Peggy Caballero Bus: 650-624-3127 Fax: 650-266-9626 4903 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Bus: 909-224-8464 Bus: 707-528-5688 Fax: 707-528-5104 10-CENTRAL CALIFORNIA 36-SOUTH BAY Andrew Solis, SNS, MBA 68-ANTIOCH Nancy Klosowski 5311 E Burns Ave, Fresno, CA 93725 Sandra Bowen 1740 Curtis Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 801 Greystone Ct, Antioch, CA 94509 Bus: 559-495-5621 Fax: 559-233-1867 Bus: 310-318-7337 Bus: 925-756-6777 Fax: 925-778-3190 20-FAR NORTH 62-HUB CITY 82- MT. DIABLO Michelle Larson Tracie Thomas Deborah Brewer 3200 Adams Lane, Redding, CA 96002 630 W 121st St, Los Angeles, CA 90044 138 San Joaquin Ct, Bay Point CA, 94565 Bus: 310-639-4321x55105 FAX: 310-635-7740 Bus: 530-224-3206 Fax: 530-224-3201 Bus: 925-682-8000x4129 Fax 925 609- 7568 45-MOTHER LODE 64-FOOTHILL Julie Dorman REGION 3 Daniel Kevorkian 1433 Broadway St, Marysville, CA 95901 15959 Gale Ave, City of Industry, CA 91716 Bus: 530--743-4428 Fax: 530-743-1408 32-ROCK & ROSE Bus: 626-933-3903 Janet Campbell 808 Trimble Way, Roseville, CA 95661 Bus: 916-782-8860 Fax: 916-782-8918 58-PLA VADA Shawn Stater 640 Appletree Ln, Meadow Vista, CA 95603 Bus: 530-823-6106x303 FAX: 530-823-0943 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 53 Person who introduced you to CSNA: ______Employer Pays dues: YES NO 210 North Glenoaks Boulevard, Suite C Employed by: Public School System Burbank, CA 91502 Private School System 818-842-3040 FAX 818-843-7423 Private Management Company www.CALSNA.org SUBSCRIPTION CATEGORIES: NEW Renewal Reinstatement Includes SNA, CSNA and Local Chapter Dues (Please Check ONE) Member #______ Foodservice Employee $37 Foodservice Manager $40 SUBSCRIPTION Student $37 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Retired $37 Foodservice Director/Supervisor** $135 Name______ District Major City State Agency Job Title______ Foodservice Educator** $135 Other (Principals, etc.)** $135 District______ Affiliate*** $20 School______ Part-Time Retired WORK Address______ I would like to Join a 2nd Local Chapter $5 ______ Voluntary California School Nutrition City State Zip Foundation Contribution $______WORK Phone______TOTAL $______FAX #______**Dues allow you to join one supervisory chapter in place of a Email______local regular chapter. You may choose Chapter 1, 2, 10, 20 or 45 Home Address______***All foodservice employees working less than 4 hours and retired members who do not choose to vote in SNA National ______elections or receive a subscription to School Food Service & City State Zip Nutrition magazine, but need SNA membership to maintain cer- Home Phone______tification Soc. Sec. No.______PAYMENT INFORMATION: Please make checks payable to CSNA Chapter______#______or pay by Credit Card 2nd Chapter*______#______Name on Card______*Your CSNA Subscription allows you to affiliate with Card #______ONE local chapter. You may choose to join an additional local chapter for $5 Exp.______Billing Zip Code______Billing Street Number______All mailings will go to your home address unless you V Code is the 3 digit code on the indicate otherwise below: V Code______back of VISA and MC and the 4 digit code on the front of AMEX Send all mailings to my WORK address Signature______Mail your COMPLETED application & payment to: Your information will be printed in the Membership California School Nutrition Association Directory unless otherwise indicated below: 210 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite C Exclude my HOME address Burbank, CA 91502 Exclude my email address Approximately eight percent of the CSNA subscription Price is used for lobbying purposes and are non tax deductible as an ordinary and neces- Exclude ALL information from Directory sary business expense. Taxpayer’s Identification # 95-2626680 54 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 55 SUSTAINING MEMBER APPLICATION Headquarters office: 210 N Glenoaks Blvd., Suite C Burbank, CA 91502 818-842-3040 FAX 818-843-7423 www.CALSNA.org

PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE NEW Renewal Reinstatement Name______Person who introduced you to CSNA: Title______Company______


City/State/Zip______Please staple your Business Card Work Phone______Here FAX #______


______DUES: Signature Date PAYMENT INFORMATION: Check the box of the chapter(s) you wish to join: Please make checks payable to CSNA You MUST join CSNA and at least one chapter or pay by Credit Card Dues are per Individual. Name on Card______Company Memberships NOT available. Card #______

Exp.______Billing Zip Code______CSNA(Mandatory) $50 CENTRAL(CCSNA #10) $30 Billing Street Number______V Code is the 3 digit code on the FAR NORTH(FNCSNA #20) $30 V Code______back of VISA and MC and the 4 digit code on the front of AMEX MOTHER LODE #45 $30 NORTHERN(NCSNA #02) $30 Signature______SOUTHERN(SCSNA #01) $25 Mail your COMPLETED application & payment to: SNA(optional) California School Nutrition Association Individual $250* 210 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite C Corporate $650* Burbank, CA 91502

TOTAL $______Credit Card Payments may be FAXED to: (818)843-7423 Reminder: You MUST join CSNA and at least one chapter QUESTIONS? Call (818)842-3040

56 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008 100% MEMBERSHIP!

Food Services Office Garfield Elementary Brentwood Union SD San Leandro SD

Palm School KWIS School Hacienda La Puente Union SD Hacienda La Puente Union SD

Bixby School Shadybend School Hacienda La Puente Union SD Hacienda La Puente Union SD

Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 57 CSNA MEMBERS WIN AWARDS! By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

Lynn Burke Wins Moscone Award Howard Mills Wins Industry Appreciation Award The Moscone Award is presented annually to recog- nize an individual who has made an outstanding con- Howard Mills is this year’s Industry Appreciation tribution to California’s children in the area of nutri- Award Winner. It is presented to a sustaining member tion education. Throughout the years Lynn has who has contributed to CSNA’s goals. During the served child nutrition in many different capacities as past 21 years Howard has participated in CSNA by both a child nutrition director and a member of indus- doing the following: try. Her service includes the following: Been a member of the Association for 20 years Mother Lode President (Chapter 45) and is also a member of Supervisory Chapters 1, CSNA President 2, 10, and 45. Conference Chair Exhibited at the State Conference for 20 years, Nutrition Standards Chair participated in 18 consecutive Industry PP&L Chair (5 years total on the Committee) Seminars, 17 consecutive National Legislative CSNA Industry Representative to the CSNA Action Conferences as a California delegate, all Board of Directors eight State Legislative Conferences, and three SNA Education Committee Representative Wellness/ Obesity Conferences. SNA Industry Advisory Board Member Served as a member of the Nutrition Standards SNA candidate for National Industry Committee in 1992 and as a member of the State Representative Nutrition Advisory Council Committee for seven years. He has also participated in the last 13 CSNA State LAC would not have happened without NAC events. the support and leadership of Lynn Burke; she took Sponsors the legislative fundraisers in all of the professional risks to establish that conference. She Supervisory Chapters and attends as many meet- was also a key legislative advocate for the ings as possible at Chapters 1, 2, 10, and 45 as Association before we had a paid legislative advocate. well as the Wellness Walk for Global Hunger at During the year 2000 legislative session, Lynn, along the CSNA conference for the past five years. with Brenda Padilla, went to the Capitol many times Represented CSNA at the CSBA Conference by to fight SB 1320 (Escutia). The bill, partly through working the CSNA booth (at their request) on their efforts, was amended 11 times. Lynn and two occasions, including this year. Brenda also were influential in getting Assemblywoman Helen Thompson, in whose com- Congratulations to Lynn for her many years of service mittee the bill was being heard, to call a stake hold- to CSNA and to Howard for his support of CSNA and er’s meeting so that the bill could be amended making Child Nutrition. CSNA couldn’t be proud of the both it more acceptable to all parties involved. of you!

58 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008


By Sally Spero, Poppy Seeds Editor

The Single Unit Award of Greatness, also known as the Louise Sublette Award, was presented this year to Kellie Cervantes.

This award is presented to a single unit food service manager who has achieved an outstanding accom- plishment in one or more of these fields.

1. Increasing Food Acceptability 2. Interpreting the needs of the school food service program 3. Training personnel 4. Securing adequate funding for the school food service program healthy meals; communicating with school staff, stu- 5. Promoting members professional growth dent workers and students; a thorough review of 6. Cooperating with allied associations to promote school meal patterns; and safety and sanitation. child nutrition and/or professional growth opportunities Her next step was to increase the points of service 7. Teaching/promoting nutrition education from two to five by using doors and windows that had 8. Increasing student participation been painted and nailed shut. Carts that were stored 9. Increasing public awareness away were also used to create additional serving 10. Involving students in decision making areas. This created shorter lines and increased the time students had available to eat. The cafeteria and Kellie is the Supervisor of School Nutrition at serving areas are decorated with fruit baskets, attrac- Suzanne Middle School in Walnut Valley USD. She tive posters and colorful menu boards. supervises 7 employees, 14 student workers as well as leading the after-school Nutrition Advisory Council of The meals themselves are promoted in various ways. 40 students (including 5 special needs students.) Student birthdays are celebrated with names on the bulletin board and a free fruit ice dessert. Lucky tray With new California laws restricting a la carte sales is another popular activity. The staff has even been looming, Kellie knew that she needed to promote known to hula-hoop during lunch! school meals. She began training her staff in the National School Lunch program including marketing Kellie also uses her student workers as voices to spread the word about healthy school meals. Her NAC students learn about healthy eating topics such as portion control. They taste-test new foods for the school menus and in the spring they planted a fresh vegetable garden. She also does classroom presenta- tions on nutrition, too.

Kellie’s dedication resulted in a 50% increase in the number of students who eat school meals.

Congratulations, Kellie, on this impressive achievement!

In the photo on the left, Kellie displays a month of meals in one of her colorful and informative Menu Calendars.

60 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008

2008 wiillll be another great year for the Calliiforniia Schooll Nutriitiion Associiatiion and you’’llll want to be on hand for the 2008 Industry Semiinar iin beautiifull Santa Barbara! Keep up wiith the llatest trends iin the schooll food serviice iindustry and network wiith colllleagues..

Mark your callendars now and check the CSNA websiite often for the most Up-tto-DDate iinformatiion about thiis exciitiing event! wwwwww..CCAALLSSNNAA..oorrgg

62 | Poppy Seeds -Spring 2008

MasterMaster CalendarCalendar April 2008 10 MotherLode #45 Meeting MotherLode #45 13-15 CSNA LAC - Sacramento, CA CSNA 24 Far North #20 Meeting Far North #20 May 2008 5-9 Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week SNA 8 Central Cal #10 Installation Central Cal #10 18 MotherLode #45 Installation MotherLode #45 22 Far North #20 Employee Recognition Event Far North #20 30 CSNA Installation of Elected Officers, The Royal Cut, Ontario, CA CSNA 31 CSNA Leadership Workshop CSNA July 2008 15-18 SNA 62nd Annual National Conference - Philadelphia, PA SNA November 2008 1-3 CSNA Industry Seminar - Fess Parker Resort, Santa Barbara, CA CSNA January 2009 8-12 CSNA 56th Annual Conference - San Diego, CA CSNA April 2009 26-28 CSNA LAC - Sacramento, CA CSNA June 2009 29-7/2 SNA 63rd Annual National Conference - Las Vegas, NV SNA

Please note that some dates are tentative and subject to change For further information on CSNA’s events, including chapter events, visit our website at www.calsna.org or call (818) 842-3040 For further information on SNA events, please visit www.schoolnutrition.org CONFERENCE HOTELS Omni Hotel San Diego 675 L St. San Diego, CA 92101 800-843-6664 Single/Double $209 TE Triple $229, Quad $249 DA HE Hilton San Diego - T Gaslamp District VE 401 K St. SA San Diego, CA 92101 Single/Double $209

One night’s deposit will be charged upon booking your room. Cancellations must be made 30 days prior to arrival in order to avoid a one night’s penalty. See CSNA website for full details. www.CALSNA.org.CALSNA.org Poppy Seeds - Spring 2008 | 65