Society for American Archaeology 14(3) May 1996 A Farewell to Ralph Johnson Click on image to go to article TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. A Farewell to Ralph Johnson 3. Editor's Corner 4. Commentary from Our New Southern Cone Associate Editor 5. Letters to the Editor 6. Point-Counterpoint: Ecuador Revisited 7. Archaeopolitics 8. Theme of the 62nd Annual Meeting: Celebrating National Commitments to Archaeology 9. SAA Principles of Archaeological Ethics 10. 61st Annual Business Meeting 11. 1996 SAA Award Recipients 12. Introducing the New Executive Director for SAA 13. Report from the SAA Executive Board: Spring 1996 14. Commentary from our New Editors 15. Working Together--Archaeological Research and Community Participation 16. Insights--Determining the Need for Survey: The New York Experience 17. News and Notes 18. Positions Open 19. Calendar The SAA Bulletin (ISSN 0741-5672) is published five times a year (January, March, June, September, and November) and is edited by Mark Aldenderfer, with editorial assistance from Karen Doehner and Dirk Brandts. Please send all materials to the the editor as follows: December 1 (January), February 1 (March), April 1 (May), August 1 (September), and October 1 (November); sent to SAA Bulletin, Dept. of Anthropology, UC-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3210. For further information, please call (805) 893-8604, (805) 893-8152, fax(805)893-8707, or email
[email protected]. Contributors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts via email or by disk using any word processing software. Advertising and placement ads should be sent to SAA headquarters, 900 Second St. NE #12, Washington, D.C.