
Author Read Alike Clive Barker

Genre: Horror

Like Edgar Allen Blood. Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Not content with and , horror, Barker also Clive Barker is a has written master of the horror novels, such as genre. Weaveworld and Barker’s stories are Imajica the latter often violent and about a young man gory, full of vivid shoved into a war Always and the scenes and compli- between gods of our Abarat series. cated characters. world and another Born in England, world that exists Barker started out as along side ours. a writer, Barker has also with many of his dabbled with young short stories collect- adult literature, with ed in the Books of The Thief of

Read Alike-H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft is Lovecraft is best Lovecraft’s stories one of the pioneers known for his are vivid. And like of the horror genre, Chtulu mythos, Barker, Lovecraft 800 Park Avenue inspiring modern where old gods are was a master of the Plainfield, NJ authors like Barker resurrected and kill short story. 07060 and Stephen King. humans. 908-757-1111 Like Barker, [email protected] Plainfield Public Library ▪ 800 Park Avenue ▪ Plainfield, NJ ▪ 07060 ▪908-757-1111 ▪ [email protected]

Read Alike—Stephen King

Stephen King, a Like Barker, King collected in Night comtempoary of also has dabbled in Shift, Nightmares Barker, shares Bark- multiple genres, and Dreamscapes, er’s use of vivid, from horror to and Just After violent imagery, fantasy, to fiction. Sunset. supernatural beings King has also bend on death and written many stories, destruction.

Read Alike—

Also a contemporary Like Barker, Gaiman classic comic The of Barker, Neil is known for his Sandman. Gaiman writes short stories fantastical horror collected in Smoke (called Dark and Mirrors. Fantasy) and urban Gaiman is best fantasy. known for his horror

Read Alike-

Dabbling in multiple movies, like What trapped in a world of literary genres like Dreams May Come vampires. Barker, Richard and the Will Smith Matheson has written movie I Am Legend. numerous short Matheson is best stories and novels. known for his novel I Matheson’s works Am Legend, which is have been made into about a lone man