WORLD RECORD FOR COLLEGE STUDENT In April, Portlaoise College student Joseph Thompson made his way to school with world records probably being the furthest thing from his mind. He was due to run as part of the school’s team in the John Treacy Olympic silver medallist whereby a team of 32 students run a Marathon Relay. This is an initiative introduced by the former marathon in relay format. Each team had to complete approximately 105 laps of a 400m track and Portlaoise set a blistering pace as they set out to complete the course in a quicker time than Treacy’s own Irish record of 2.09.15. m/sec. The star of the show, however, was Joseph Thompson. His average time of 28 seconds per 200m interval broke the world record of 34 seconds, and the national record of 36 seconds. It was all the more remarkable as Joseph is not a member of an athletics club, although after his impressive performance here, it’s likely he will draw some attention from the local clubs. Portlaoise College won the overall event, making it a double success for the school on the day.

Joseph Thompson


Early last year, Anne O’Keeffe, CEO, commissioned a piece of artwork for the new reception area of the VEC Head Office. The Art, Craft & Design students of Further Education Centre, with the help of tutors Jackie Carter, Edel O’Keeffe and Jock Nickol completed the piece last summer. It was with great pleasure that the students – Maria Desmond, Amy Brannigan and Fiona Doyle presented this piece to Joe Cunningham to close the annual Abbeyleix Further Education Centre awards ceremony on Friday February 18th.

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On Tuesday 1st March the second year boys spikeball Team from Portlaoise College travelled to uCD to compete in the National spikeball finals, where they beat st. Raphaels College, loughrea in the final. This was the school’s first ever time to compete in spikeball and the boys remained undefeated all season and only dropped one set on the day of the National Finals. After the finals, two of the players Pawel Nowakiewcz and Kristof Hanczar were called up to trials for the Irish u17 volleyball team. All Ireland spikeball winners with their coach Oliver Hally ST. FERGAL’S GREEN SCHOOLS

st. Fergal’s Green by collecting litter on a regular basis, water conservation and saving schools energy. They have also been busy collecting used mobile phones from Committee are students and staff. These phones raise vital funds for meningitis currently in the research. Having collected over 100 phones they were exchanged for a process of gaining brand new Dell laptop, which was then raffled and the lucky prize their fourth green winner was Emma Keane (1st year). flag. With the They also organized st. Fergals first “Walk On Wednesday”(W.O.W.). new building All pupils were encouraged to walk to school, where possible, or “ride underway since and stride” – parents drop their children in the square and they walk september they the remainder of their journey to school, or simply to carpool with have turned their other pupils. The longterm aim of this project is to reduce levels of attention to the harmful car emissions from the local environment and at the same time travel theme. alleviate the traffic congestion which is evident at the school gates daily. However they still It is hoped pupils will continue these good habits in the future. Emma Keane is presented with her prize maintain the The Green schools Committee are looking to the future, and are by Ms Áine O’Neill standards of the planning new projects which will involve improving the landscape of other green flags our new building in the coming year.

Deputy Brian Stanley, TD, and Deputy Charles Flanagan, TD, explain the Irish political system to students from the Adult Refugee Programme, Adult Learning Centre on a recent visit to Leinster House

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Ms Noreen sweeney was appointed Principal of Clonaslee Vocational number of years and were instrumental in the growth and development of school from 1st January 2011. Noreen was Deputy Principal of Clonaslee the school. Good wishes have been extended to Noreen in her new role as and she replaced Mr Fran Bates who retired at the end of 2010. Both Fran Principal. Good wishes have also been extended to Mr John lee who is the and Noreen worked together as Principal and Deputy Principal for a long new Deputy Principal of Clonaslee Vocational school.

Members of Staff with the new Principal: Anne Joyce, Sandra Prendergast, Sarah Delaney, Pamela Cummins, John Lee (Deputy Principal), Roisin Lalor, Helen Dunne, Aisling Roche, Maeve Mangan, Noreen Sweeney (Principal), Martina Lydon, Pat Mahon ECO MEDIA PROJECT BIRCHGROVE MOTHERS’ PROGRAMME Clonaslee Vocational School students took part in the Eco Media Project organised by the Environmental A group of ladies from the Birchgrove Women’s Group recently Awareness Office of Laois County Council. completed a thirty two week programme at their Centre. This The students wrote the script, directed and filmed their own short programme was a joint venture between Community Education and the movie on an environmental topic. Five schools from County laois took Adult learning Centre. The aim of the programme was to provide a part in the Project. Each of the films were available for viewing on the return to education opportunity for eleven ladies. It was funded and County Council website during the month of May and the public were supported by a number of agencies – Co. laois VEC, laois Partnership, invited to vote for their favourite film. The results will be announced in Department of social Protection, HsE and Home/school liaison June 2011. Ty students Blaithín Tynan, Gemma Kelly, susan O’Neill, Officers. The original plan was that it would run for fourteen weeks John Hyland and Adam Wynne were the actors in the Clonaslee film until Christmas, but because of the commitment and enthusiasm of the and Drama teacher Ms Roisin lalor worked with the students on the participants, it was decided by the agencies involved to continue the project. programme until the end of May. The content of the programme was varied and covered areas such as cookery, drama, personal development, art, interior design, computers and guest speakers.

TY students filming

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learners and staff at st. Canice’s raised €200 for Trocaire during lent 2011. This money was raised through a sale of work and Easter raffle.

Pictured: Kath Donoghue, Alice Nevin, Rose Harty, Anne Cawley, Bridget Donoghue, Teresa Ryan, Caroline Maughan, Rosaleen Harty, Rena Mc Donagh & Marian O Dwyer CADETTE HEALTHY BREAKFAST BASKETBALL MORNING IN AID OF WINNERS PAKISTAN FLOOD APPEAL

The Voluntary Fundraising Committee (VFC) in laois youthreach got together to organise a healthy breakfast morning in aid of the Pakistan Flood Appeal. students prepared a display of colourful, fresh, healthy nibbles and treats for the students and staff, in return for donations. Breakfast included muffins, scrambled eggs, scones, granola, cereals, fresh fruit salad, smoothies, apple and orange juices, etc. The canteen was decorated with posters informing students on the benefits of donating to a cause like this. The VFC talked to other students in the school about the difference any contribution or donation would make for the people of Pakistan. The Clonaslee Cadette Basketball Team were the Regional Winners The students involved in organising the event were Nicole Redmond, of the B League in 2011 and also made it through Rachael Kane, laura Christie, Holly lawless, shelly Mcdonagh, Joanna to the All-Ireland Quarter Final Murphy, louise McInerney and stephanie Murtagh.


Community Education students have completed FETAC level 5 Communications as part of a level 5 Organic Horticulture Course in Emo Court. The course is a partnership between Co. laois VEC, laois Partnership, FÁs and Department of social Protection.

In the process of completing the course, the students will be restoring the walled garden in Emo Court. The garden, which was in complete disrepair before the course started, has now had its 50 plus apple trees pruned, vegetable patches dug and planted, polytunnel erected and the surrounding walls cleared of ivy and moss. This programme will continue over the next few years until the garden is fully restored to its former glory.

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The John Paul II Awards ceremony was held recently in the Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow. The Award is dedicated to the memory of the late Pope John Paul II and aims to encourage teenagers between 16 and 18 years to become more actively involved in the life of their parish and community. A number of students from Portlaoise College received recognition for their hard work and commitment at the ceremony. Kearen Roberts was chosen as the spokesperson for the Portlaoise Parish and was interviewed by RTE Correspondent, Joe O’Brien. In order to achieve the gold award, students had to complete 20 hours of work to help the church and 20 hours to help their local community. The students helped out at weekends in the Church and at the Parish Centre. The highlight of taking part in the award was a chance to climb Croagh Patrick, which was Principal Colette Dunning, Deputy Principal Noel Daly and Religion teachers Linda a great achievement. Well done to all involved. Bergin and Aisling English with the John Paul II students from Portlaoise College

Successful FÁS/VEC Return to ST. VINCENT’S NURSING Education Programme HOSPITAL VISIT TO LAOIS

The closing ceremony for the Return to Education programme was YOUTHREACH held in the Adult learning Centre recently. The Return to Education programme is a joint programme between Co. laois VEC and FÁs. Community Employment scheme workers attend classes with Co. laois VEC in Abbeyleix and Portlaoise for 9 hours per week from November to May. Many of the participants completed FETAC accredited programmes and some are also doing Junior Certificate English and Maths this year.

Return to Education programme participants pictured with tutors and staff of the Adult Learning Centre, CE Scheme Supervisors and Laois Youthreach recently hosted a very successful visit from eight residents Ms. Mazz Gavin, FÁS and three staff members of St. Vincent’s Hospital,

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History students from Portlaoise College discovered Armed with maps of Portlaoise dating from 1560 and 1803, they recently that we can learn a lot about history by walking inspected photographs of the town at the turn of the century. There were no road markings, no road signs, no electricity or telephone poles. through our town. These students will tell you that their town is full of history and drama. Did you know that the British Empire started in Portlaoise, in 1548, with the building of the Fort Protectorate? Our old Vocational school was built inside the walls of the fort in 1929. The students followed the 500 year old wall down Tower Hill to the tower where watchful English eyes defended the fort from the O’ Moores. The students read two eye-witness accounts describing a tunnel that runs underground from the stone House into the fort. The stone House is the oldest building in Portlaoise, and is part of the tower at the back of the Presentation Convent. Did you know that the last man in the British Empire to be hung, drawn and quartered met his grisly death in the Old Portlaoise Jail, which now houses the Dunamaise Theatre? He is most likely buried in the little graveyard of the Old st Peter’s Church. What a rich heritage we have!

chArity bAke sAle THE LIAM MCCARTHY CUP TRAVELS TO CLONASLEE Clonaslee Vocational school students and staff were delighted to welcome Tipperary All- Ireland winner and All-star Goalkeeper Brendan Cummins to the school recently. Brendan brought the liam McCarthy Cup Fifth year lCVP students at Portlaoise with him and students were delighted to hold College held a Charity Bake sale in April. the cup, have their pictures taken with it and Planning for the event took four weeksm the top goalkeeper in the country. Brendan with each student volunteering for specific recounted the magic moments he had when his tasks in the following areas: Administration, team won the All-Ireland Title in Marketing and Advertising, Finance, PR and 2010 by defeating Kilkenny. students and staff Paddy Rigney, Paul Kenny, Willie Young, sales. Excellent team-working skills and wished him well for this year’s campaign. Diarmuid Conroy, Brendan Cummins initiative was shown on the day by the students and much praise is due for the amount of money raised for charity - €420. students would like to thank all the teachers AustriAN exchANge: th who donated cakes and local businesses for 10 ANNiversAry celebrAtioNs their support. A special thanks to the Home Economics teacher, Ms Maher, who carried Fergal’s College and Borromaun High school, out a marathon of baking from 9am that salzburg, Austria. morning to 1pm. The visiting students enjoyed lessons in Irish, Irish dancing, Art, Music and Cooking. They also had a day trip in splendid sunshine around laois looking at historical sights such as the This is the 10th year of the very successful Rock of Dunamaise, Emo Court and student Exchange programme between st. Abbey.

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geogrAphy trip

First year Geography students at st. Fergal’s recently visited the Burren and the Aillwee Caves, accompanied by teachers Mr Gerry Quinn, Ms Ciara Cosgrove and Principal Mrs Aine O’Neill. At the Burren Centre, the students explored the museum and its artefacts and watched a short video. Next stop was the Cliffs of Moher where students were in awe of the view from the small castle out on the cliffs.


The students of laois youthreach are working hard establishing the centre’s Choir. They are singing, learning the guitar, drums, keyboard and many more instruments. The Choir performed in st. Vincent’s Nursing Hospital with many more events organised.


The students of the Art, Craft, Design level 5 and Art and Business level 6 courses at Abbeyleix Further Education Centre held their annual exhibition of work at the Dunamaise Arts Centre on Friday 6th May. The exhibition contains a piece of work from each student which is part of a much larger body of work completed over the year. There was a large turnout on the night of family and friends. The exhibition was officially opened by David O’Callaghan a Graphic Designer based in Tullow, County Carlow. David completed a two week workshop with the level 5 students, which culminated in the production of a new logo and website for the Art Department. This website was also officially launched on the night. David acknowledged the students’ commitment to the course and said the “exhibition overall would stand happily beside any third level body of work”. He thanked the students for their time and commitment and congratulated them on the show, but also stressed the importance of the wider network of supports each student had in completing the year including family, friends and tutors. The exhibition continues until the 10th June at Dunamaise Arts Centre. Level 6 Art & Business student Amy Brannigan

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Abbeyleix Further Education Centre had many reasons to celebrate at their annual FETAC and ECDl awards night held in the Manor Hotel. The night had a particular significance for the staff and students due to the fact that two full-time level 6 programmes were successfully completed by County laois VEC students for the first time at Abbeyleix FEC. It was an exciting moment for the graduates when they were presented with Major Awards in Art & Business and Business Administration and a proud night for the staff of the Centre. Part of the impetus for the development and introduction of both courses came from the students, who expressed an interest in furthering their studies locally. Completion of a FETAC level 6 course enhances students’ prospects of employment and progression to third level. A number of students who completed the course last June went on to study at Third level institutions throughout the country.

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CHARITY TABLE JuNk kouture eNtry TRANSITION Katarina lubiscakova, a Fifth year student at QUIZ Portlaoise College, recently entered the “Junk YEAR HERITAGE Kouture” fashion competition, which required As part of the laois Partnership funded The Fifth year class of Portlaoise College students to make a fashionable dress out of Historic Graves Project in laois, Transition held a charity table quiz for local primary recycled materials. Katarina’s hard work year students had the opportunity recently to schools in aid of Breast Cancer Ireland. Fifth resulted in the creation pictured below, which work with Eachtra, an archaeological class students from scoil Bhride, st. Paul's, earned her a place in the Eastern semi-final. company. Eachtra received funding from the Gaelscoil and sacred Heart were invited laois Partnership to engage in community to take part. In the week leading up to the archaeology which involves working with event pink ribbons were sold in the school local people in archaeological surveying and and on the day the hall was decorated in presenting their information on the Historic pink. Quizmaster Arjan Hendrix took the Graves Project website. students through their paces on ten rounds The students learned video and photo-survey of questions, covering history, sport and techniques and this was put into practice at beyond. In the end, a team from scoil Bhride Kilmanman Graveyard. They carried out a triumphed. At the end of the event, the Fifth geo-tagging survey of Clonaslee and year class reflected on a very enjoyable and completed a video and photo survey of the successful day. In total, €686 was raised and village. The students learned digital camera the students would like to thank everyone skills, sound recording skills as well as who helped them organise the event. smartphone tagging. This enabled the students to put together a local heritage tour which included the village of Clonaslee and Kilmanman Graveyard.


SCORAÍOCHT On sunday 10th April, Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, Craobh Cam Ros were successful at the Clasach Centre, Clontarf, for the All Ireland scoraíocht competition 2011. scoraíocht is a competition run by birr Activity Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and encompasses Irish traditional music, song, ceNtre dance, language and drama. The Cam Ros Transition year students at st. Fergal’s, group included six pupils from st Fergal’s accompanied by their Co-ordinator Mr Pat College: Aoife Bergin, Ruth Hyland, saoirse Roe, spent three days in Birr Activity Centre. Ní Chnáimhín, Aaron Mackessy, William Activities included orienteering in Portumna Third year students of Clonaslee Vocational Delaney and shóna Ní Chnáimhín. Forest, kayaking, peer jump, archery, rock school organised a Cake sale recently in the climbing, body surfing and abseiling. school in aid of the Irish Cancer society. The students produced a marvellous arrangement of cakes, buns, tarts, etc. Religion teacher Ms Pamela Cummins assisted with the project. students also gave up their mobile phones for a day, as well as selling raffle tickets for a hurley signed by the All-Ireland winning Tipperary team. The students raised in excess of €1,000.

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The ‘Parents Pampering Day’ was a great success in laois youthreach. The main aim of the morning was to highlight the importance of taking time out to relax and de-stress from the pressures of everyday life. Parents and guardians were treated to a relaxing breakfast, followed by a brief discussion on activities and courses that can help relax. The PlC students treated the parents in the hair academy and massages and facials were also available.

The ‘Coffee and Cake Morning’ was a great way to share information with Coffee and Cake Morning parents and guardians regarding some of the activities that the students of laois youthreach participate in on a daily basis. Parents and guardians had the opportunity to collect information on the various courses offered, talk to some of the teachers on any concerns, whilst sampling the tasty cakes and buns. Woodwork, art work, pyrography and photographs of students participating on various activities were also on display in the centre. RETIREMENT FUNCTION

Co. laois VEC held a retirement function on Monday, 21st February in Portlaoise College to acknowledge the dedication of eight staff members who retired in 2010 after many years of service. The presentation was held after the VEC meeting and members of the Committee were present, along with colleagues and family members of the retirees. unfortunately, three of the retirees were unable to attend the function. Fran Bates retired from his post as Principal of Clonaslee Vs, as well as three long serving teachers from the school – Philip Dillon, Edmund Dunne and Anne Joyce. George Gallagher, a former Principal in st. John’s Vocational school, Portarlington, retired from Portlaoise College, while two teachers from st. Fergal’s College, also retired – stephanie Butler and Marie Fogarty. Pat Hibbitts retired from his post as Caretaker at Mountmellick Further Education Centre. VEC Chairperson Cllr. Mary sweeney and Anne O’Keeffe, CEO, thanked the retirees for their many years of dedication and laois VEC! After the presentations were made, the retirees had a professionalism – when the service of all eight retirees was chance to catch up with their former colleagues. A very pleasant combined, it came to an impressive total of 199 years with County evening was enjoyed by all.

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“A STORY WITH ME IN IT” CREATIVE WRITING GROUP Catherine Delaney and Joe Begley from the Adult learning Centre seven aspiring writers from the Adult learning Centre’s Creative were selected to take part in a six week TV documentary “A story with Writing Group held a closing ceremony before the Easter break and Me in it”. The documentary series teams well-known Irish Writers treated all present to readings of their work. special guests at the event Dermot Bolger, sheila O’Flanagan, Alice Taylor, Peter sheridan, louis included Mary Carmody and Rosemary Finnegan of the Portlaoise De Paor and Marita Conlon McKenna, with six adults who have Writer’s Group and Elsie Deevy of the Patrick Kavanagh Appreciation struggled with literacy at some point throughout their lives. society. Denise Dunne, Creative Writing tutor opened the event by praising the seven students for their enthusiasm and hard work

Members of the Creative Writing Group and staff of the Adult Learning Dermot Bolger and Joe Begley Centre with members of the Portlaoise Writers’ Group and the Patrick Each programme focuses on one person’s story, and the challenges they Kavanagh Appreciation Society faced to write that story down. With the help of a writer, they look back over their lives and re-examine the past. They visit places that throughout the course. At the end of the event, the students thanked evoke strong memories, and learn how to turn thoughts and emotions Denise for her inspiration throughout the course and presented her into words on a page. Dermot Bolger helps Joe Begley remember the with a bouquet of flowers. Denise encouraged the group to continue Dublin of their youth, while sheila O’Flanagan works with Catherine their writing and thanked them for their zeal. Kathleen Bennett, Adult Delaney on her story. We wish them every good wish in the TV series. literacy Organiser, commended Denise’s on her hard work and the The series is broadcast on RTÉ One on Monday evenings at group’s enthusiasm and thanked Mary Dooley for her work in helping 7.30pm. Catherine and Joe’s episodes will be screened on the to put the stories together with graphics. All of the students entered 13th and 20th June. pieces into the recent listowel Writing Competition and the group are set to publish an anthology of their work in the coming months.

Clonaslee Football Team

The senior Football team of Clonaslee Vocational school reached the leinster B semi-Final in 2011. Clonaslee footballers had a very successful campaign, and beat Killina Post Primary school in the Quarter Final. They unfortunately lost to Prosperous Post Primary Catherine Delaney and Sheila O’Flanagan school in the semi-Final. The footballers are managed by Mr Eamon Whelan and Mr Tom Moore. COMHAIRLE

Two youthreach students, Anthony Dermody and stephaine Murtagh have been nominated to represent youthreach and participate in Comhairle na nOg in County laois. They attend numerous meetings and training days with other students from secondary schools around the county. Anthony Dermody was also voted for Vice Chairperson of the Comhairle.

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Thirteen recently elected Prefects from Portlaoise College successfully participated in a two day leadership Training programme in Emmaus Conference Centre, Dublin on the 27th & 28th March. As part of this programme, the students had the opportunity to develop the skills required for being leaders in their school and also the skills needed to communicate with other students, their teachers and the wider community. some of the topics covered were: What is Leadership?, Qualities of a Good Leader, Communication Skills, Personality Types, What is Mentoring? and Qualities of a Good Mentor. Valentina Alexandrova, Head Girl and James Kennelly, Head Boy described the training as “Excellent, it really helped bond the group and bring out our leadership skills as we looked at real-school situations and how to deal with them.” Back row L-R: Gary Hui, Mark Mukizza, Paul Brennan-Talbot, On completion of the programme, each student was presented with James Kennelly; Middle row L-R: Valentina Alexandrova, Gosia Czerwik, Sara Lukszewska, Katarina Lubiscakova; Front row L-R: Kasper Segen, a Certificate in leadership/Mentoring skills. Paulina Malik, Bianca Savin, Patrick Nowokowski SEIMINEÁR BUNTÁISTE BREISE NA GAEILGE I gCEATHARLACH

Bhí seimineár Buntáiste Breise na Gaeilge ar siúl i gCeatharlach ar an 24ú Márta. shocraigh an rang Gaeilge cúigiú bliain dul. An rud a bhí i gceist ná daoine ag caint faoi Gaeilge ina saol agus ina gairm beatha. Bhí sé an-suimúil ar fad. Bhí timpeall ceithre chéad daltaí ón scoileanna éagsúla ar fud laighean i láthair ar an lá. Bhí ceathrar aoichainteoirí ag caint: Bhí Emma Whitmore ag caint ar dtús, oifigeach forbartha Gaeilge í agus bíonn sí ag obair chun an teanga a chur chun cinn agus ag reachtáil imeachtaí Gaeilge sa phobal. Ansin, bhí Traic ó Braonáin ag caint. Bíonn sé ag obair le Radió Rí Rá agus tá dlúthdhiosca féin aige le amhráin Gaeilge. Bhí Mairéad Ní Mhurchú ag caint faoina obair le comhlacht Nemeton ar TG4. Bíonn sí ag obair ar GAA Beo agus ar TG4. Agus an cainteoir deireannach Joan Russell, (Acting CEO, County Cork VEC), Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn, TD, Anne O’Keeffe (CEO, County Laois VEC) and Sean Ashe bhí Eibhlín de Paor ag caint. Is aisitheoir ealaíon í i gcúige Mumhan. (Former CEO of County Kildare VEC) at the CEEOA Spring Conference Nuair a bhí siad críochnaithe bhí seans ag na daltaí ceisteanna a chur ar na haoichainteoirí agus bhí duaiseanna á mbronn ar na ceisteanna ab fhearr a chur ar an lá. Chuir John Burke ceist ar Traic faoina hobair agus creid nó ná creid bhuaigh sé geansaí ó Gael linn. Bhí lúchair air. Ag deireadh an seimineár thugamar cuairt ar na seastáin a bhí ann ag comhlachtaí difriúla Gaeilge. Bhí siad an-cabhrach ar fad. As go brách linn ansin go dtí an bhaile agus chuamar go dtí McDonalds chun béile blásta a fháil ansin!!! Bhaineamar go léir an-taithneamh as an lá i gCeatharlach.

A retirement party was held in McEvoy’s in Abbeyleix in November for Eva Phelan, who retired from the Adult learning Centre last June. Eva worked in the Adult learning Centre for many years and began her tuition as a voluntary tutor. Eva spoke fondly about her time with the literacy service and shared a few stories on the night.

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The students’ Council of Clonaslee organised a soccer league for students during lunch time. Each team had students from 1st MeMorAble MoMeNts – year to 6th year. trANsitioN yeAr MiNi-coMpANy

Ms Pamela Cummins presents Colm Poole with the Golden Boot Award Back row: Gavin Burke, John Hyland, Laura Maher, Niamh O’Donovan; Front Row: Marie Murphy, Aileen Hartnett, Valerie Hogan, Colm Poole Transition year students travelled to the Hotel in STUDENTS OF PORTLAOISE Portlaoise in March 2011 to take part in the laois County COLLEGE CELEBRATE Enterprise Competition. The students presented their mini- company “Memorable Moments” which is a photo software SEACTHAIN NA GAEILGE business. The production team use special effects on personal photographs and customers have a choice in settings and frames. The management team for this business is Aileen Hartnett, Niamh O’Donovan, laura Maher, Adam Wynne and Marie Murphy. The students have done extensive market research and have had numerous sales since they launched their product for the Christmas market.

PROJECT FIRST AND SECOND YEAR TOUR TO ENGLAND First and second year students of Clonaslee Vocational school travelled to England on 4th May. Their First stop was the Anfield Football stadium in liverpool followed by the Trafford shopping Centre in Manchester. The students spent a day at Alton Towers. The staff members who travelled with the students were Ms Pamela Cummins, Students model for Portlaoise College to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge Ms Roisin lalor, Mr Tom Moore and Mr John lee.

“seachtain na Gaeilge” was celebrated in Portlaoise College with a collection of interesting events for 2011. Both the Irish language and the Irish Culture were marked and celebrated. Firstly, the Irish Department ran a poster competition for all Junior students. These posters decorated the new canteen with sean fhocals and the bright colours of our Irish Flag. There was a seo Faisin for the Junior students with various different themes for the models, and the presenters spoke throughout ‘as gaeilge’. The audience was able to participate in the event by answering worksheets ‘as gaeilge’. Winners of the poster competition and the seo Faisin raffle were announced that same day. The Irish Department organised a student versus Teacher match. With a €1 entry fee, funds were raised to contribute to the Gaeltacht scholarships this year. It was a tough match, on a fine sunny day in March, which resulted in a draw.

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OPEN DAY AT CLONASLEE cloNAslee teAcher VOCATIONAL SCHOOL represeNts irelANd Aisling Roche of Clonaslee sixth class students and their teachers from the local primary Vocational school was one of two schools travelled to Clonaslee Vocational school for the Open Day Irish teachers who represented on Thursday 17th February. students were shown around the Ireland at this year’s international school where they viewed project work in a wide variety of subjects. conference of Guidance They visited the specialist rooms where they saw science Counsellors. The conference experiments, Metalwork and Woodwork in action as well as Art and “Networking with Partners in Home Economics. later that evening parents attended the Open Guidance” was held during the Night and Principal Ms Noreen sweeney gave a presentation. The Easter holidays in Estonia. A Transition year Catering Company provided refreshments with Guidance Counsellor from each their own baking. country represented gave a presentation on the networking systems available to them. The title of Aisling’s presentation was “The most effective network in my work – example from Ireland.” Aisling Roche

Art Teacher Ms Amanda Harkin with sixth class students

lAois couNty couNcil returN Aisling Roche giving a presentation in Estonia to leArNiNg success

A group from laois County Council recently completed the CSPE ACTION PROJECT National FETAC Pilot Programme for outdoor staff. Pictured at the closing ceremony are participants with tutor Dennis Maloney, Josephine Kavanagh, Partnership Facilitator, laois County Council, Evelyn Brownrigg, Training Officer, laois County Council, Catherine Tynan, Co-ordinator and Kathleen Bennett, Adult literacy Organiser. Four of the participants also completed an additional FETAC level 4 Computer Applications course in May.

CsPE students in Clonaslee Vocational school took a keen interest in the General Election Campaign of 2011. They invited labour Party candidate John Whelan to their class to debate and discuss the main issues of the general election. students Gearoid Carroll and Paddy Green chaired the meeting. The students asked numerous questions relating to the economy, the banking crisis, education, health care, local issues, the leaders’ Debate, etc. The students thanked John for taking time out to visit the class during his rigorous election campaign.

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SUMMER • 2011

TRANSITION OBAmA VisiT YEAR TRIP TO COmmEmORATiON DUBLIN Clonaslee Vocational School Transition Year students travelled to Dublin in April 2011. They visited the Mosque in Clonskeagh and this was followed by a trip to UCD. Later in the day, they travelled to the RDS for the “Tutankhamun, his Tomb and Treasures Exhibition”. This exhibition consists of the recreation of tombs and an extensive collection of treasures associated with Manuel Nzinga Garcia, English language Tutankhamun. student from the Adult Learning Centre, Co. Teachers Ms Pamela Cummins and Ms Laois VEC helps create a piece of art entitled Aisling Roche accompanied the ‘Life is a Journey’ to commemorate President Obama’s visit to Ireland students.


CSPE students from Clonaslee Vocational School travelled in April to the Bóthar Open Day. The students organised the trip themselves as part of their CSPE Action Project. The open day was held in the Mart, Roscrea and students from all over the country attended the event. On display were the species of animals that are sent to African countries by Bóthar. Presentations were made by Shelton Abbey Prison, where the animals are reared and Bóthar. The students were accompanied by Ms Marion Carroll and Ms Mary Higgins. Karen O’ Connor, Aimee Ambule Beya, Manuel Nzinga Garcia and Tutor Margaret Liston from the Adult Learning Centre, Co. Laois VEC create a piece of art entitled ‘Life is a Journey’ to commemorate President Obama’s visit to Ireland

ESOL students from the Adult Learning Centre, County Laois VEC with the piece of art entitled ‘Life is a Journey’

PAGE 15 N e w s l e t t e r suMMER • 2011


Students from St. Fergal’s College recently visited the Hunt Museum and Combatzone paintball, accompanied by Clodagh Kennedy & Jody Harkin

BRIEFLY • The Return to Education Group at the Adult • This year st. Fergal’s College welcomed two their lCVP exam. The students would like to learning Centre had great fun designing and new teachers to their staff, Mr William take this opportunity to thank management, printing t-shirts as part of the graphic design Kiernan (English and History) and Ms Ciara staff and students of st. Fergal’s College for module of their course. Marie Headen was Cosgrove (Geography, History and English). their support and participation. on hand with advice on using an iron – as it • 2011 saw the retirement of Ms stephanie was the first time many of the participants • Clonaslee had a number of players on the laois Butler and Ms Marie Fogarty. Many will County Vocational schools team. They held one in their hand! Designs ranged from remember Ms Butler as st. Fergal’s Home travelled to Wexford and beat the County animals to music and everything in between. school liaison teacher but she was also a very Wexford schools’ team. The team were less A “Return to Education” logo also designed effective learning support teacher. Her by the group. kindness and good humour is sadly missed by fortunate when they lost to the County Kildare school’s team in the new all-weather pitch at • On saturday the 13th of December Jason all. Ms Fogarty, Career Guidance teacher for many years, took great interest in the future of Heywood Community school. Mr Eamon young, a student in laois youthreach Junior all her students who benefited from her wise Whelan, Mr Padraig MacMahon and Mr Tom Cert Class, represented the school in Dáil na advice. staff and students wish them both Moore managed the County laois team. nÓg in Dublin Castle. Jason was one of four many years of health and happiness to enjoy students from laois who accepted the their retirement. Ms Mary Kelly also left this • A group of learners from st. Canice’s visited responsibility of representing young people’s year to pursue further training as a the Poor Clare sisters in Carlow on 17th views on a number of important issues. The psychologist. February. A collection was made amongst school would like to acknowledge how proud learners and staff to buy a hamper of food • st. Fergal’s College lCVP class under the everyone is of Jason and the responsibility he and flowers for the sisters. Two of the elderly guidance of Mr Pat Roe organised a successful took on. nuns met with the learners and chatted Jersey Day in aid of the Charity GOAl. happily to them for some time. They told • The Return to Education group at the Adult student Council Chairman Matt Meehan learning Centre recently went on a tour of together with fellow classmates Hazel Boynan, learners that there were only seven nuns the printing works at Mochua Print and were sophie Newton, Eoin Fleming, Rebecca remaining in the house in Carlow. Everyone given a good overview of the printing Ibbetson, lucinda Deegan and Martin Daly received scapulars and medals. It was a very process. Thanks to Matt sinnott for his raised almost €500 for this worthwhile charity. enjoyable trip for all and already a return trip assistance in organising the visit. This partly fulfils their “Enterprise Report” for is being planned.


Joe Cunningham, Teresa McEvoy, Emily McAuley, Mary Dooley, Anne Marie Keane

Articles, comments and suggestions are invited for the next issue. Items for inclusion should be sent by email to [email protected]

Every effort is made to include all contributions. However, space constraints may mean that some items have to be edited or carried over to a later issue.

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