(A Govt. of Maharashtra Enterprise Under Ministry of Environment) FFIINNAALL RREEPPOORRTT Comprehensive Study on Polluted River Stretches And Preparation of Action Plan of River Girna from Malegaon to Jalgaon CONSULTANT UJWAL PATIL 19, Siddivinayak Colony, Near Tulshiram Nagar, Deopur, Dhule - 424002 Mobile : 9423007455, Email:
[email protected] INDEX Chapter Chapter Name Page No. Nos. I INTRODUCTION 1-11 II INTRODUCTION OF MAJOR CITIES 12-37 III HYDROCHEMISTRY 38-61 IV CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND 62-71 ACTION PLAN PHOTO PLATES 72-73 CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION Water is the gift of nature making life possible on our planet. It is variable in quality and availability, and fluctuates from season to season and from year to year. Its availability is largely dictated by climate. India is blessed with abundant water resources, which are unevenly distributed in space and time. When one part of the country is reeling under severe water scarcity whereas, floods damage in another part. This creates economic losses as some parts of the country do not have enough water even for raising a single crop and in other parts excess rainfall plays havoc due to floods. Moreover demand for water is ever increasing with the increase in population and water is likely to become one of the limiting resources as well as one with multiple uses. The Girna river originates at Kem Peak in the Western Ghats range of Nashik District, and flows east across Nashik District and is joined by the Mausam River and then east into Jalgaon District where it then swings north to join the Tapti River.