Edition 24, September 2009

What’s on in August… In this issue... Sept 5 Monash Open & Graded—Monash Uni • L1/1A Refresher Course—SEBA From the BV Office Sept 6 Level 1 Course—Altona • BA News Sept 12 Ballarat Junior—Ballarat Sept 20 L1/1A Refresher Course—Ballarat • Juniors Sept 26-27 Kilsyth Veterans—Kilsyth • Grant Sept 29—Oct 3 U15 Val Nesbitt Carnival—Brisbane Opportunities

• Staff Profile

• Recent Results

Upcoming Badminton Events • Clendinnen Shield 2009

October 3 Bendigo Junior Tournament—Bendigo • Coaching October 4 L1/1A Refresher Course—Altona Corner

Oct 10—18 World Masters Games—Sydney, NSW • A Picture Tells A October 11 Regional Teams Championships—MSAC Thousand Words

Oct 17—18 WSBA Junior Tournament—Altona • Uniform Design Oct 19—25 Atalanta Jamboree—Noosa, Qld Winner

October 25 L1 Coaching Course—MSAC • SALE! Oct 31—Nov 1 Albury/Wodonga Veterans—Albury

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 2 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ From the BV Office

Well it is the 52nd time this has happened - so a massive Congratulations to the Victorian Clendinnen Shield team for their outstanding victory in Hobart last week! I encourage you to read the article in this months newsletter! Here at Badminton Victoria we are all very proud of you!

The warmer months are rapidly approaching, and with different seasons ending others are also beginning. Does your club or Association operate over the warmer months? Or do you players go off and do something else leaving Badminton as a winter sport? Could your club or association do something over these months, or would you like some help to initiate a new idea?

Summer is a fantastic time to play Badminton - especially now that local councils are cutting down on outdoor sports ground usage due to a variety of reasons. How can we take advantage of this? If you already do - please drop us a line and tell us about what you do over the summer, we would like to hear about it!

Badminton need not only be a winter sport -we are lucky to have one of few all year round sports. Lets take advantage of it. The time to start thinking about this is now, if you haven't already done so.

May your shuttles fly true, Mark Drehlich Executive Director

A special Congratulations goes out to Shirley Fran- cis of the Kyneton Badminton Club. On Saturday, August 8th, she was presented with a silver platter and Certificate of Appreciation for her dedication and involvement with the Kyneton Badminton Club. She’s played badminton for over 40 years, and has held many committee positions over the years since the club was formed in 1976. As well , Shirley also ran junior competitions for many years. While she has currently retired from playing, it may not be for long as she’s always mentioning she might pick up a racquet again!

Congratulations to Shirley Francis, it’s dedicated volunteers like you who keep badminton running across Victoria! Thank you.

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 3

BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’

NATIONAL NEWS—From Badminton

BA is looking for expressions of interest to host the Senior Na- tional Championships (Clendinnen Shield) in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Any associations interested in hosting one of the largest na- tional badminton carnivals in the next 3 years?

The bid document and tournament guidelines are available on the BA website (www.badminton.org.au)

Any expression of interest needs to forwarded to BA by 18th Sep- tember 2009. JUNIOR BADMINTON U15 VAL NESBITT CARNIVAL ~Brisbane, Qld

The Under 15 Teams to represent Victoria at the U15 VN Carnival to be held at the Calumvale Sports Centre, Brisbane from 29th Sept to 3rd October, are:

Victoria 1: Athi Selladurai Sarah Wong Arthavan Srithar Vinning Mak Eric Vuong Natasha Sharp Manager - Dianne Carter Coach - Jacky Chen Umpire - Greg Pilven

Victoria 2: Kevin Chen Shaun Matthews Natasha David Alen Ling Grace Hanratty Manager - Raelene Hanratty Coach - Jennifer Kang Umpire - Kevin Phillips.

BAV and Ballarat are also sending teams. Good luck everyone!

VICTORIAN JUNIOR REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Entry forms are circulating now and entries close on 18th September. (See BV website for an entry form)

LADIES UPDATE Reminder that entries for the Atalanta Jamboree, the Australasian Ladies Championships to be held at Noosa, Qld from October 19th to 25th close on 7th September.

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 4 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’



Applications for 2010 CAGS grants are open from 21 August 2009. PDFs of the 2010 guide- lines are attached. Applications will be considered in two phases. Please note that the closing date for applications for projects starting in the first half of 2010 is 30 September 2009. Please refer to the guidelines for details.

Community sport and recreation organisations in rural and regional Victoria may submit a 2010 CAGS application seeking one grant of up to $5,000 to: • Help organisations operate more effectively. • Fund attendance at relevant training courses. • Provide accessible sport and active recreation opportunities


Applications for 2010 CAGS grants are open from 21 August 2009. PDFs of the 2010 guide- lines are attached. Applications will be considered in two phases. Please note that the closing date for applications for projects starting in the first half of 2010 is 30 September 2009. Please refer to the guidelines for details.

Eligible organisations may apply for up to two $500 Victalent grants to support developing athletes, coaches, officials and teams who are required to travel extensively in order to en- gage in training and competition. Copies of 2010 CAGS and Victalent guidelines and appli- cation forms can be obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) website: www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/grants. Eligible organisations can also apply online at the same website.


The Victorian Government (Department of Planning & Community Development) is proud to launch the 2009-10 Victorian Government’s Our Club, Our Future Sporting Uniform Grants Pro- gram. The program provides the ideal opportunity for hundreds of Victorian clubs, organisations and community groups to inject a new spirit into their local sporting teams. The funding provides for new team uniforms, which can cover anything from team tops and shorts, to socks and foot- ball boots. Local sporting teams are vital to their communities and initiatives such as this continue to assist clubs, particularly those from disadvantaged areas, bring people of all abilities together and help shape a positive identity for our towns and communities. By reinvesting in Victorian grassroots sport we can all work together to continue Victoria’s proud sporting traditions and cre- ate more liveable and active communities

The Our Club, Our Future Sporting Uniform Grants Program provides grants of up to $1000 to assist in the purchase of sports uniforms. The total funding pool is $1.65 million. Applications are ac- cepted from Victorian community-based clubs or organisations involved in the delivery of sport- ing and active recreation opportunities.

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 5 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ Staff Profiles~ Mark

Full name: Mark Daniel Drehlich Age: 30 Position: Executive Director

Badminton Experience: From a playing point of view I used to play socially with Badminton Geelong and have partici- pated in the Monash Open twice. Other than that I have been in this role for almost 3 years, with a year working for previous to that.

Other sports: Have done a little of every- thing, however I have a passion for karate, mountain biking and cross country running.

Favourite parts of your role: Getting to work with a great team of people who are passionate about what they do, as well as seeing the difference sport can make in peo- ples lives.

If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why? John Landy. 26th Victorian Governor, Former 1500m runner who in the 1956 Olympic Games doubled back (while leading the race) to help a fallen mate and then went on to still win the Gold. Someone with a great deal of integrity and shows true sportsmanship.

Interests: Painting, reading, experiencing live music, being in the outdoors, cooking and sharing a meal with friends & family

Favorite quote: “Boats are safest when they are in port – but that’s not what boats were built for” Paul Coelho

Pets: A Bengal Cat- Savannah.

Favourite meal of the day, and what: A great breakfast

Coffee, Tea, Hot chocolate? Japanese teas, and percolated coffee!

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

6 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ Recent Results 2009 EDE-CLENDINNEN SHIELD ~Hobart, TAS

Team: Raj Veeran Erica Pong Andrew Paulet AnneLouise Slee Luke Chong Erin Carroll Ben Walklate Jessica Lyons

Coach: Ashley Brehaut Team Manager: Peter Brown Umpire: Kathryn Blencowe

A huge congratulations to the team who brought the Shield back to Victoria for the 52nd year! Results: Victoria—Western Australia 10—3 Victoria—Queensland 11—2 Victoria—Tasmania 12—1 Victoria—New South Wales 12—1 Victoria—South Australia 9—4

2009 AUSTRALIAN CLOSED CHAMPIONSHIPS ~ Hobart, TAS Congratulations to the following Victorians who took home trophies: * Women's Singles Champion: Renuga Veeran * Men's Doubles Champions: Glenn Warfe & Ben Walklate * Women's Doubles Champions: Erin Carroll & Renuga Veeran * Mixed Doubles Champions: Ben Walklate & Kate Wilson-Smith (SA) * Mixed Doubles Runner-Up: Raj Veeran & Renuga Veeran

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 7 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ Recent Results (cont’d) VICTORIAN JUNIOR TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIPS (August 30, MSAC)

The "Badminton Academy Victoria" at Kilsyth is congratulated once again as their young play- ers, from Under 11s to Under 19s, scooped the pool winning every age group of the Champion- ships.

All 20 badminton courts at the Sports & Aquatic Centre were alive with the sight and sounds of eager junior teams, plus their proud parents and busy coaches, representing country and metropolitan associations from 8.30am to 5pm.

The Victorian Junior Badminton committee wishes to thank everyone involved in the formation and performances of their teams - the players are fantastic great kids and their support groups equally fantastic. Well done all.





P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 8 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ Recent Results (cont’d)


The very first Primary All Schools Championships hosted by BV went off without a hitch on Thursday, September 3rd, 2009. 18 teams from across Victoria competed for the honour of being the first team to win the trophy.

Many of our junior club players were able to lead their school teams to victory with Winters Flat Primary School 2 battling hard for the win.

All the participating schools had a great deal of fun, and left exhausted at the end of the day. Many kids played upwards of 18 games!

Congratulations to the top 4: Winters Flat Primary 2 Mount View Primary Ballarat Junior Grammar 1 Ballarat Junior Grammar 2

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Entries for the Secondary All Schools Championships, taking place on October 8th, 2009 at MSAC close on September 25th!

Winners: Winters Flat Primary 2 Keely McGibbon, Alice Lorincz, Beau Ely, Josh Parsons

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 9 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ 2009 Clendinnen Shield

Written by Carolyn Beaumont, Information from Peter Brown

Hosted in Hobart, Tasmania the Clendinnen Shield Carnival was once again a success for Team Victoria. It was an interesting year with many players debuting for the senior team, but their obvi- ous badminton experience shone through.

Andrew Paulet had a tough first singles game, losing to WA’s Eddie Hung, but continued to show his skill through the week spending far more time on court than most of the other Victorians. Luke Chong also debuted to a tough singles match against former UK international player Nick Kidd. Everyone fought hard though and established doubles pairs Renuga Veeran & Erin Carroll, and Ben Walklate & Glenn Warfe won in straight sets. Victoria defeated Western Australia 10 points to 3 (22 games to 7 and 574 to 402 aces).

The second match of the day saw Victoria meet up with Queensland and proceed similarly to the first with the women winning and men playing phenomenally but being defeated by their more experienced opponents. Raj Veeran changed this by showing off his singles game, some- thing unexpected to opponents who know him as a doubles and mixed player. Doubles and mixed provided Victoria the chance to assert their authority and win the match 11 points to 2 (23 games to 4, 531 to 339 aces) ending the first day of play.

The third round was against our Tasmanian hosts and Andrew Paulet had the longest game of the carnival, losing to Brent Munday in an extremely close three sets. Suddenly a new pair jumped into the men’s doubles with Coach/player Ashley Brehaut teaming up with Raj, giving the other players a chance to recover and heal some unexpectedly sore muscles. The match ended with Victoria 12 to Tasmania’s 1 (25 games to 4, 605 to 437 aces).

New South Wales was Victoria’s next opponent and Australian Olympian Stuart Gomez defeated Ben Walklate in three sets. We were able to fight back victoriously though and an end score of 12 points to 1 (25 games to 3, 579 to 392 aces.)

The fifth round brought the two undefeated states together, and even Badminton Victoria’s of- fice manager Matt got in on the action, torn between supporting his friends in Victoria, or his home state of South Australia. There was no need to worry though as Victoria ended up with 9 points to 4 (19 games to 10, 571 to 456 aces.)

For the 52nd year, Team Victoria was able to bring the Clendinnen Shield home despite some tough games. Huge congratulations and thank you goes out to all the players, as well as coach Ashley Brehaut, Manager Peter Brown and Umpire Kathryn Blencowe. We at Badminton Victoria are proud of your hard work and dedication to the team!

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

10 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ Coaching Corner

BV COACHING CALENDAR 2009 Below are courses currently being advertised

September 20th Level 1 & 1A Refresher Ballarat Registrations close Sept 11th October 4th Level 1 & 1 ARefresher Altona Registrations close Sept 18th October 4th Level 1 Course Bendigo Registrations close Sept 18th October 10th Level 1 Course Kyneton Registrations close Sept 25th October 25th Level 1 Course MSAC Registrations close October 9th

Badminton Victoria Annual Coaching Conference!! November 29th in Melbourne venue TBC watch the coming BV Newsletters for more info For more information on any of the above please contact Michelle Rigg Email [email protected]


The new Badminton Australia Coaching manual is now available for sale for a copy call Badminton Austra- lia on 9397 4722 or visit the BA website. The cost of the manual is $40.00 COACHING OPPORTUNITY

BV is currently seeking coach nominations for the following team/s. Badminton Victoria will pay the travel and accommodation costs for BV Team coaches for the following. All coach nomination forms must in- clude your WWCC ID number. URGENT!!!!!! Victorian U13 Teams 2010 BV will enter 2 teams in the U13 Carnival – Altona January 2010 Your Nomination for this position should be submitted ASAP Victorian U17 Teams 2010 BV will enter 2 teams in the June Bevan U17 Carnival – Easter 2010 Your Nomination for this position should be submitted no later than October 1st.

BV Coach nomination forms are available on the BV website on the Coaching page. For more information on any of the above contact Coaching Coordinator Michelle Rigg email coach- [email protected]

Val Nesbitt Carnival Queensland September 29th – October 3rd

On behalf of Badminton Victoria congratulations to the Victorian U15 Team Coaches for 2009 Jacky Chen and Jennifer Kang BV wishes the players and team officials all the very best of luck for a most successful Carnival.

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 11 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ A Picture Tells A Thousand Words Dr Janet Young PhD Centre for Ageing, Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport School of Sport and Exercise Science, Victoria University.

“Every night before I go to sleep I try to visualise a successful moment in my life or something that may happen that I would like to see happen” (Pat Rafter)

Have you wondered why you frequently play better after watching a high standard match between top competitors at the Victorian or Australian International? Or, have you ever played a good match after “seeing yourself” do so before you step onto the court? For many players the answer to these questions is “Yes”.

This behaviour can be explained by the process of visualisation and its link with perform- ance. So, what is visualisation and why and how does it work?

What is Visualisation “Visualisation” refers to any mental projection using pictures, feelings, words or senses, that is actually seeing/feeling yourself in a particular situation before it happens. Individu- als differ greatly in their ability to visualise with some players reporting, “ I don’t see any- thing when I close my eyes”. While this may well be the case, these individuals frequently hear the sound of the shuttle and racket impacting. Some players feel the rhythm of hit- ting a well-executed shot. All these sensory experiences are referred to as ‘visualisation’. As such, visualisation can involve a visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (feeling) compo- nent.

Link to Performance The reason visualisation is thought to enhance performance is that when you imagine yourself performing exceptionally well you are physiologically creating the neuromuscu- lar responses similar to those of the actual experience. It can be likened to a “trial run” with mental rehearsal creating the neural patterns in the brain to help muscles do ex- actly what we want them to do with precision and perfection.

Research supports the link between visualisation and good performance. Studies of ath- letes who were injured, and unable to physically practise have shown that their perform- ances actually improved when they returned to their sport after completing a series of sessions on visualisation. Such research findings clearly demonstrate the power of visuali- sation techniques.

Types of Visualisation Players can adopt either an internal or external perspective when visualising. When play-

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au 12 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’ ers visualise internally, they see themselves inside their body actually experiencing the imagined sensations. This contrasts with an external perspective in which players imagine themselves from an outside observer’s view (somewhat like watching yourself on televi- sion). One perspective is not necessarily better than the other is – it depends on what suits the individual.

Visualisation techniques can be used both on and off the court. Extremely short, fast mental exercises can be completed in the space of a few seconds or minutes, with eyes open or closed, during competition (e.g a player may visualise where he/she wants to smash the shuttle). Alternatively, longer and more detailed reflective visualisation sessions can be performed in any number of off-court quiet places.

Tips to Learn and Use Visualisation Players might consider the following suggestions: • Be relaxed and calm – visualisation is most effective when the body is relaxed and the mind is calm • Imagine positive and successful outcomes • Use all your senses (e.g what you hear, think, feel, your body position) to create vivid and detailed images that correspond with ideal match conditions and out- comes • Practise visualisation with realistic expectations and in a quiet setting

Conclusions The images, sounds and feelings a player has in his/her mind can be tremendously pow- erful. Visualising a good result greatly increases the possibility of it happening.

Why not then use this tool to your advantage (like Pat Rafter did) in shaping your bad- minton destiny? The choice to do so is yours since you have control over whether or not to visualise and improve your visualisation skills. Also, next time you watch a good match absorb those images before you. Doing so can make you a better player!

Dr Janet Young is a lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Science at Victoria University and also con- ducts a sports psychology practice based in Melbourne, Australia . Her research interests in tennis are men- tal toughness, flow and talent development. and the International Hall of Fame have hon- oured Dr Young for her contributions to Australian Tennis.

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

13 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

14 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’

TEAM VICTORIA –Uniform Design Contest

Kyle Findlay of the Ballarat Badminton Association had his winning design chosen to be the new state team uniforms! We had many excellent entries and the choice was diffi- cult, but we look forward to seeing all state teams sporting a new playing shirt in 2010.

Below is a copy of the winning design:

Players will get two shirts, reverse colours of each other.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

15 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’

Official BV Polos & Hoodies


Women’s Style Polo (fitted, cap sleeves –not shown)

Available in Navy or White with contrast ribbing Available in Navy or White Sizes: 8 – 20 Adult sizes: S – 3XL 65% Poly 35% Combed cotton pique Kids sizes: 4 - 14



Unisex Colour: Navy Sizes: XS – 2XL Cotton Fleece

For more details or to place an order, please contact Matt in BV office Phone: (03) 9686 4777

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au

16 BADMINTON VICTORIA ‘Around the Courts’

Badminton Victoria would like to thank our official Partners and Sponsors for their ongoing Support...

P: 9686 4777 www.badmintonvic.com.au