www.ukrweekly.com авяаии —і аааяивеиияяарим д^і11'-1 US WHIT Supplement to 'the SVOBQDA, Ukrainian Dally Published by the Junior Department of the Ukrainian National Association

•'• J "4 Till II•• l XII і" "і іІПППі No. 10 JERSEY GTTY, N..X SATURDAY, MARCH-fr, 1A87 Y0b."V ••'•' - і',-.-" і,' ! • YOUTH TODAY ШАТ Щ0ЙЕШ WOULD CAMPS FOB UNDERPRIV­ Ї ILEGED CHILDREN, TOO \ The month of Murch and the name of Taras Assemblymen Stephen J. Jarema Shevchenko are well-nigh synonymous to the Ukrainian has a bill pending in the Assembly people. For it was in this month that he was born and of the State of New York, - in died, and therefore it is during ibis month that Ukrain- J Albany, which would permit the ians the world over so religiously observe his memory. city to conduct Summer camps for underprivileged children in The deep homage that is paid to him during this nearby State parks. , month and throughout the rest of the year, clearly The other day Mr. Jarema indicates of itself bis unusually lofty stature as a great conferred with Mayor La Guardia man. And >w such he is recognized not only by his . of New York City on this bill 9HJBVCHENKO>S LIFE and discussed with bun several countrymen, but -even- by those of other nations as changes of the bill. \Cfieil, as wii^ees-abme of their comments on the next Born 18Ї4, March 9. page. - І4 years a serf. 9' years a freeman. COLLEGE SINGING, WHAT Tares Shevehenko was an extraordinary man, as 10 years a political prison­ er. - FOB? these comments'bear out. Both in his words and by l A renaissance has occurred in- his deeds, he showed himself to be a great idealist, otie 3 /z years under police the musical activities of colleges who devoted all of his poetic genius and the Whole of surveillance. and universities in this country, Died 1861, March 10. according to Dr. J. Lawrence Erb, his lifetime, who suffered every conceivable misfortune Professor of Music at Connecticut and oppression in the eause of liberty and humanity. , College, New London. THERE WAS А ТШЕ The old "Bull Dog on the Bank" In the eause of these ideals he died a premature type of song no longer charac­ death, broken on the /Wjheel of Moscow's savage There was a time, when cannon terizes the college glee club, nor persecution. Yet though his body-has long since joined roar- M do the music departments of the Reechoed through , the" dust, today his undying spirit, his courage and When Zaporozhian lads knew how institutions of higher learning idealism", burn brighter than ever, inspiring new legions concentrate their attention upon To rule their own domain. the development of music curricula of |Jkrainian youth and eldera to fnesher endeavors and They reigned and during life whose end and aim is primarily greater sacrifices in the cause of that which to him Gained liberty andvglory professional, Professor Erb says. was dearest—the freedom of his people. ;i> All that., has passed and what ;., is left • According to him, the music of : 1-І the old masters and arrangements Are graves to tell the story. of folksongs dominate college For all of us, of Ukrainian descent, Shevchenko will Trans; by W. Semenyna, choral' programe and in the always be the great "Bard of Ukrainian Independence," academic departments of music as that leading, authority on him, Br. Stephen Smal- • THY YOUTH IS OVER the accent is upon avocation and Stotsfcy, points out. It is the ratter too (a Ukrainian ' ! tbe amateur rather than on the professor of an ancient Czech university in Prague), ч Tarae Shevchenko professional. "Music for culture" Thy youth is over; time has' is the watchword. whose research labors in the field of Shevchenko's life andT. works have led hiha to соипвеГ the to brought 1 Winter upon thee; hope is grown NO SANTA OLAUS? go to Shevchenko, if they wish to find the answer to Chill as the north wind; thou" art Dr. Thurman B. Rice, hygiene their anxious question-—along what road should we old. chief for the Indiana Public Health proceed to attain the independence of our Ukraine? Sit thou in thy dark house alone; Division, today branded "fairy With no man converse shalt thou stories about the origin of babies" Were Shevchenko to rise from his grave today, he •bold, as the "ultimate in blasphemy and would surely say, in this connection, that which he had 'With no man shalt take counsel; ignorance," always said:—It is a. great shame upon us that We,-as nought, He said he referred to those Nougat art thou, nought be thy stories about "babies coming via a nation, are still enslaved, that we, a 44 million people, desire. the stork and the doctor's satchel, with ah ancient historical and cultural tradition, should Sit still alone by thy dead fire or sliding down rainbows from. still be "under the yoke." Till hope shall mock thee, fool, heaven." Dr. Rice declared that "appar­ .- _He would tell us that we will never, attain our free­ JBlinding thine eyes with frosty ently men and women do not dom, if we remain as disunited as we are. He would gleams. understand the role they should further recall to Us his oft-repeated injunctions of the Vexing, thy soul with dreams, take. At last the time is coming need of radical social reforms in Ukraine, and at the і I with -dreams when we can come before men and same time warn us never to look to Moscow for them, \ J Like snowflakes in the empty women and talk of important і ' plain. things.!! no matter how radical and projgressive they may appear Sit-thou alone, alone and dumb; "There is nothing dirty in the to be, for suoh reforms will never bring us good.'^ftB Cry not for Spring, it will not true story of sex," ne said. "Tell Moscow will never cease exploiting Ukraine. come. the children the truth. They It will not. enter at thy door, might not be able to grasp some Shevchenko would also remind us today what Nor make thy gardes-green once of it, but • that which they can't represents to us, as a nation, and point out more, grasp, smooth over as well as how absurd is the hope in some quarters that Ukraine' Nor cheer with'hope thy- withered -possible, -but always tell the can -achieve its independence through the help of her, age, truth. our ancterit and mortal enemy. Neither Poland, nor Nor tooee" thy spirit fntn the "We .have been taught wrong Russia, nor any Other oppressor of Ukraine is interested cage... to think of sex as filth; vulgarity Sit still, sit still! Thy life ie and dirty." „ in the Ukrainian national resurrection;only in its—death.: .spent; - He said approximately 85% of ;Freedom for Ukraine, however, can. be achieved*-by; Nought are thou, be.with bought the adults are "in the grip of content. serious sex-problems." the Ukrainians themselves, but only, as Shevchenko stressed, when the Ukrainian people stand as one and . Trails. by'E. Ii. Voyuteh. .T jjjp LONGING FOR UKRAINE fight as one. If they do, no power will be able, to < The deapire and' loneliness of The light is dim and darkness withstand them. the poet are clearly evident in the . creeps up hill > - . above poem, written shortly- be­ The birds are drowsing and the Shevchenko also appealed to us not to quarrel fore his death. He died only a fields are still, t few days before the publication The^people greet the night of rest amongst ourselves over what kind of a political, social, of Czar's Alexander П manifesto •'" к with joy— and' cultural order a free Ukraine should have, but to abolishing serfdbm, and thus : And^ Lj while . gazing from afar, base: such an order-upon the principles of liberty, truth, cruel fate did not allow to the ~ ^ afrejuld feign andjustice, which George Washington helpedto introduce poet the supreme joy of seeing Be ~іп5 вЗгае shady orehard in iiftc£tfeis7 our new land. his 'life's dream accomplished. ' Ukraine: ' =*= rJ^Only then, Shevchenko said, Will there be seen inijj rd Trans, by W. S. Ukraine a free and happy people. ™ 'Todi7'»"y- *•" «« » "svb*a»- , - . і UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1837 No. 10 as AN AMERICAN LOOKS ON UN ENGUSHMAN LOOKS OM THE nuiNM MECCA RAMBUHKfflF AWOffljfP Ш SHEVCHENKO SHEVCHENKO щ ¥Щ—stv**:' * Л& More Traglo and Original ! -As; is well known.- the grave - "Outstanding Incarnation of |HgnM* of Taras Shevchenko lies near the AN AMERICAN WOfcB tS toWn of Kanlv, in Ukraine, over­ WANXEJDL. ?>>?• National Gestae" ; "There is noCmore tragic--and looking the roaring,.' rushing Av; **й?4в^^^ B^?rS?-T-'V4rVvr- original figure in^the whole The Associated Press reports "In every land and in every Dnieper- and the vast steppes from Chicago that ^measure of . history of modern poetry, than Spreading beyond this mighty literature there* ia one author who of the. 'Ukrainian peasant-poet Immortality is offered to the many is the outstanding incarnation of jiveri Here the poet's remains woman, or child, who can Invent Tatas Shevchenko, to whom a were brought and buried -after the national genius, one man who fitting tribute is here paid, on an acceptable simple American [sums up all the past of his nation 1 he had died in St Petersburg. word for "hors d'oeuvres:" the 75th anniversary of his itjjjtjlj A high mound of earth was piled and stands "out like a guns; to the by the- most distinguished living future. Such a man, when he on his grave, surmounted by a The Hors d'Oeuvres" Reform ЦЛиаіпіап historian: He . has large iron cross. - ш spring and appears; Will elevate the language sometimes been called "the Burns Committee of the Midwest Hotel in which he writes and speaks summer-time it' serves as a beacon Show put up a loving cup, a cash of the. Slavonic world," and It is to thousands of pilgrims who from an archaistic survival of the certainly possible .to .draw an award and its eternal thanks for . past centuries into a method of come from all parts of Ukraine to some one who can answer "a analogy between the two men of render homage to the memory, speech which is to last hi the rude native genius, whose songs long-suffering public's л eternal future. He is to form the transi­ of the great national poet, patriot, prayer for relief." - Committeemen gushed .out from then* native and martyr. . ;. ! tion from the past glories of the soil as springs of limpid and think that this is a. vital. ques­ nation to. the future that is to living water, and who'overcame As early as1876 Emile" Durand, tion : ^"millions of persons" would come. ІЕЕ.Щ?^'^^ every obstacle of birth and a French scholar visiting Ukraine, order hors d'oeuvres if they dared environment. But here the sem­ wrote: ' \ to risk the waiter's-lifted eye­ Taras Shevchenko, one of the, blance ceases, for while Burns brows at their American tum­ "The grave of the poet is never blings with French syllables. . great masters of world poetry/ became the spoilt darling of a solitary. As soon as the first Lpfr is typical of the movements of j free- and democratic nation and sunbeams in ^tbe spring.; have It Is reported that no linguistic the early nineteenth century that fell a victim to misfortunes which melted the snow, that covers the possibilities are barred, but some­ the Slavonic world produced three were very largely of hie own country, pilgrims of a., new thing without an apostrophe or great poets, Pushkin among the creation, Q» unhappy Shevchenko fashion, merry .lay pilgrims, silent letters will be preferred. , Mickiewicz among the lived under the grinding tyranny come from all sides, and stop and Shevchenko among ,the of perhaps the, most autocratic at the foot of the barrow.- They The report is a very timely .Ukrainians. /Ф m interesting also of all the Tsars, and found him­ make their meals in the open air illustration of the labors about sitting on the grass, recite and the' development of the English to. realize that while the first two self severely cramped and hamper­ language going on parallel to . were born of noble and wealthy ed in all his efforts towards sing the poems of the poet according to their free fancy. those about the development of - families, the third, Shevchenko, literary expression. I know of no the -which I was a poor serf. Nevertheless he more repulsive incident in the, It would be impossible, t.o find elsewhere a poet to whom the had so many opportunities to was. welcomed during his periods long story of national repression speak of in this column. of relative happiness by the most than the deliberate orders issued almost illiterate crowd would distinguished men of the day both by Nicholas I that the luckless thus render homage such as ia The Committee •_ hurries^ to " in the capital of Russia and In his poet, in his remote banishment usually reserved for sanctuaries announce that the' introduction own dearly beloved Ukraine. ' should be deprived of every, kind or saints." of the new term for "hors It was almost necessary that a of writing material and closely And a few years! biter, an d'oeuvres" would not change the man who would express the aspira­ watched so that he could neither English scholar and trayeler, W, taste of those "dainty creations tions of Ukraine should be a serf. commit his poems to paper nor R. Morfill, wrote that: of anchovies, cheeses, caviar, etcV The last vestiges of the independ­ cultivate his . very ' considerable Which SO far has been embraced "The tomb of the poet is the by one term. ]'. ~g ence of the had been natural gifts as an artist. This object of special reverence among suppressed ruthlessly. The vast order remained in force for three his countrymen, the' Mecca Of the The horrible French, word йг majority Of the nobles who had years, and he never recovered any­ Ukrainian patriots." the tasty culinary. Importation survived the debacle had -been thing that could be called real And such it has been, to this means simply a dish ..that does nfit "drawn away from-' their country liberty, day. form part of a: regular ijcourtn. and their. traditions to join the "Today Tsarism belongs to the English dictionaries^ give [If or ^it dominant'' powers of societyy-yntt limbo of the past, and the new synonyms: relish, side-dish); Тішу was only the serfs who inlEeir "totalitarian" tyrannies plague could include also the "appitizerjjrV misery remained loyal to-the old the. greater part of our disunited MYTHS which means: something fp gjjrt dreams of ' the Cossacks, who Europe. But' though Ukraine is нита relish. It is evident that The remembered the old and glorious more enslaved , than ever, the Hors d'Oeuvres Reform Committee Ukraine, and who preserved the songs of Shevchenko are known Those of our young people and does not considers these synonyms village speech and the local tradi­ to all her sons.in Europe, Asia Others who are -.interested in as worthy of attention) but seeks tions. \^^^^^S^w^K^^^ 'will find and free America, and will continue — a completely new word. ' - ,*!$"ie against thte^background to play an inspiring part in the "Cosmogonic Beliefs' of the that Shevchenko lived out .his Hutsuls," by Samuel- Eoenig, To those who -might try .to movement for national liberty." ' solve this problem It might be of hard unhappy life, for he typified Professor B. W. Seton-Watson, appearing In the -. "Folklore" in his own existence the suffer­ (London,. December, -1936),' an interest to know the Ukrainian •^i D. Utt. F. B. A. terms • -for this concept. The ings of his native land and the (Being the preface to the Eng­ article well worth reading. hardships which all the sons of "The Hutsuls (Hoo-tsoo'li)," Mr. Ukrainian language'is- quite rich lish edition of 'Taras Shevchen­ in this respect. The most general Ukraine had to undergo. -But ko, Bard of Ukraine," by Prof. Koenig points out at the very Shevchenko is not merely a martyr outset, "are a small mountaineer term for anything that is offered ' D. Doroshenko, of the University not as a part of a regular ^eourse or a victim of the powers under of Prague, 1936.) people inhabiting the Eastern Whom he. lived and suffered. He Carpathians. Like their neigh­ is закуска, za-kus-ka. The cor­ summarized and, embodied the past bors, the peasants of East responding verbs are: закушува­ of Ukraine but also he was living plateaus; and'. plains; I they are ти, закусити. The word denotes just at that very moment when FBANKO'S EULOGY OF SHEV­ specifically a morsel of food, CHENKO Ukrainians, and hence belong to the ideals of the future were the Eastern . Due to the a "bite," Which is taken after an being forged in- the fire of Peasant sad ' Prince ' isolatory life, forced upon them appetizing, drink..- The diminutive. , ' adversity*. He spoke for the A beautiful - appreciation of by physical conditions, Ja • great of. it is: закусочка. It І85?ву' future of his land as well as .for Shevchenko '"was gven by Ivan morsel of food, and not a large number of the old Slavonic ideas, : the past, for the future liberty Franko in an article written on beliefs, and .practices, which in repast; hence the ironic expression _ and freedom that were to. come as the centenary of the death of the many cases are highly- original, of thanks af ter J a" repast of a' well as of that glory which had poet, but printed only in 1924, still survive among them." visitor who was asked to take a faded. Yes, Shevchenko became ten years lateri in the "Slavonic The - writer then goes on to. bite, but tucked away a full , a very embodiment of the ideals Review" (London): goose and a chicken: Cпасибіг ' and the aspirations and the "He was a peasants son and present "some of the beliefs of these picturesque highlanders за закуску, ща зів курку й dreams of every Ukrainian patriot. has become a prince in the realm гуску. \ 'ifL »-. He believed in his country, and of the spirit. concerning God and the universe." although seventy five years have "He was a serf, and he become "The cosmogonic beliefs of the Another word із перекуска. The ; passed- since his. untimely death a Great Power in the -com­ Hutsuls are eclectic," he observes; verb перекушувати, перекуси­ ;gg?fj)id his ideals have not been monwealth of human culture. "myth and legend are very ти, means: to take a hurried, realized, there can be no doubt "He was an unschooled layman, loosely connected with occasional short, bite. .that the .Ukrainian spirit which add has shown to professors and incidents from the Bible. The BibUcal element, as a matter of Other synonyms of "zakuska" Shevchenko voiced, will continue scholars newer and freer paths. are: заїдки, заїжка, though they, to struggle for its aspirations fact, is of small importance and "He sighed'for ten years under is often limited to the substitution have the tendency to be used to until it finally meets with success the Russian soldiery, end has .and Ukraine will appear again of Biblical for the original pagan denote "dessert," which is fruits, done more for the freedom of names. The beliefs are further sweets, etc., served after a dinner among the recognized nations of Russia then ten victorious armies. • -, the world. characterized by the ascription to or another repast. "Fate spared him no suffering, BibUcal personalities of powers, but did not stint his pleasures, The Ukrainian^ language-.\pos- deeds, and functions which have sesses several specific words , to .•/; Clarence A. Manning, Ph. D., which welled up from a healthy no foundation whatsoever in the spring of life. call the various short repasts. 5 Assistant Professor of East Bible Itself. On the whole, which preceed larger ones.r^'ra^ European Languages, "And it withheld till after Ukrainian myths show more death its best and costliest prize "bite" before brjakfast СснШ££і~ Columbia University. originality than do corresponding мок) is called поранок; агІ'ЩІдр^ хл- .-. —undying fame and the ever new beliefs among their neighbors, delight which his works call forth before the luneseoB (обіЙ^Зі^- M (Being the preface for the the Galician Poles." 2 '- called Яередоб&оВ а рИп|Йй§ Ш-- American edition of "Taras Shev­ in- millions of human hearts." chenko, Bard of Ukraine,", by (: Taras Shevchen­ Then follows a description'of the before the dinner (вечера) під­ Professor D. Doroshenko, of the ko, "Slavonic Review," Vol. 3, Hutsul version of the creation of вечірок. University of Prague, 1936.) 1934, London.) the world. er. і ЙиіШ'У'НТш";/т'-'т in*-''"sfoii?--^i.j.'' ,<4Vft.».rii&v,tw Ла» v- *L No. ^ ; UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, MARCIf -•& 1937 - X ,'.ii ": , • • ••! і ' і sjiJba fF М^ЧНШм !*£. 1*if" 1 4*3^,іІШШВйЙ, І ІШ ш ІС.- , ^..у-. gt" S-f 'ft -r- ; %i, . V*f &OHNtw. К08ВШ-£-43 p^v'foj'^-^i ЩШШ - (This article was prepared for .their youth, the-;Ukrainian people аЬ1е-И|і> produce leadersrj'sjBi tion of Ukraine can" only be publication in the U. N. A. Jubilee will find It aJdlfficult task to instructors well versedjpi military ^brought about by military force; Book, but because of the lack- of regain that j pfbwess. Foremost science^ • ?It therefore Щпаіпя for 'there are several essential elements -space Ф was not included therein; minds cannot лйеіі agree upon the those Ukrainians 'living.; in coun­ that go to make up a military^ subject^ It has. been ascertained! tries friendly Jjbp Ukraine, and power. First of these existing : TStudents of Ukrainian history that £ peace-time • training and those.v. in countries which grant essentials, is 'a, sufficiency of agree the only occasions upon organization' has, as its final' liberal civil rights to their citizens, numbers. These, in order to be which, Ukraine was in possession objective,..the attainment of the to assume the duty of-providing effective, must be . arranged into,. of her national freedom were 'highest efficiency possible, of an inexhaustible source, of such a suitable organization; efficient; those when-she had an organized the military forces, so that they instructors ' and leaders; Hence, leadership is then required from' military*potency. These occasions, .can be reasonable confident of by taking this responsibility unto every .commanding' official connecjj-, however^ were of lamentable victory. Some?-say it not only. themselves;' the XJkrainians dwell­ fit wijth (€.~ -'The personnel of a >eraon 8 military force, from highest brass shortness, due to repeated dis- . develops- c a 4 ' physical ing on foreign soil majfbe greatly , cordancy in the Cossack' ranks,' Joeing gind his 'self-control by the instrumental in the -.•freeing of hat to the lowliest private, should: For exemplifying instances, we discipline- taurat, but it also Ukraine. 3?fc|] Wfo boast of fully -sufficient technical turn back the pages of history and makes demands' upon his. intel- and tactical training. ТШз/ caBaj find'' that because of military Tigehee %nd'#iitiative; thereby, not Evolution of UknUhlah'jJpactfism for able - instructors and ample combination and organization the suppressing any qualities of . in­ There-have been some UTkraiii;1 modern - equipment Assuming, Cossacks served as the bulwark dividualism. НЙ_[ physical consist- ian young men.'.-here who have that loyalty exists, there is but had desire for military training; 'one_more essential to be taken against the relentless Asiatic [- ency calls for complete programs : into, consideration,- this being onslaughts. They are the unsung in athletics and recreation. Those the result of that desire is best ; evidenced by the .number of our - discipline/ Without dUs^pune-»in; j heroes of the halting of the opposing;.; compulsory military his.rankз > the commandant Wduld's Oriental invasion of Europe. We training '-tear down these ar- men wno, at one time or another, л enHated in one of the branches of be confronted with a пошив igob j proceed onward and review briefly j§ guments " as best r they can, of rowdies, eager to carouse or ' Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky's stressing- thai "one loses his the regular or reserve -military force of the United States,- and participate in a free-for-all among .'_ attempted unification of all individualism by ' militarization, themselves. W^Discipline is team . Ukrainians and the establishment but they- draw -as a reply that those who at present are serving such an enlistment A. sincere play—the instinctive, immediate, of .a permanent Ukrainian sov­ any training which tends to whole-hearted and і n t e 11 і g en t ereignty. Only Bohdan Khmel- suppress .any', individuality would movement therefore was' launched in our midst to acquire- such obedience* to the letter of orders." nytsky, one of the' wisest and reduce the man's efficiency and Viewing these . essentials; the. most courageous of our leaders, value. In the armies of old a. military schooling as is possible without having to join the regular Ukrainians in their present condi-' ' could bring to Ukraine-a freedom nian was but part of the mass; tion can in і no way. hope for that heretofore was but dreamed today his entity is recognized to army. This movement- d'd not meet with any overly success.- 'Victory. They -must to the best of of, by his ability in uniting the a great extent since there always their ability eradicate'as many-of, The impediment to its greater ! the ever-existing military efficacy. exists an occasion for him to apply the deficiencies as' {nt possible. No sooner was he claimed by his his - initiative and intelligence. success did not arise from any official quarters toutl" from the Those of US, in America, can do ancestors, the free Cossack state people aS whole desire peace and so to Some extent by an enlistment-^ apathy with which it was received 4 crumbled to pieces almost over­ entertain' sundry beliefs as to how in one of the , various part-time ІІ may best be . retained. On by our people. ?Д"; is" sji absolute night. The ensuing internal dis- ; military organizations provided by . sension continued through to the close * observation, we perceive truism that, of our present, day Ukrainians* .^e major "jatt is this adopted land of our parents, 52 І era of "3ietman George Khmel- thai they come under one or an­ There should be no necessity to jj nytsky, son of Bohdan, but un- other of the following three unquestionably! .aifc;a--pacifist "turn, df . піїй^" ^vby*2' This; is: ilot-'as mention . the details concenung^ " fortunately for Ukraine he did classifications: first, there are the these institutions,' і namely.' \ UttZ| pacifists. who firmly believe, that difficut^fe^teplain^S, onte^may a not inherit- the sterling qualities : JR. '^0. .T,": C. ' (Reserve ГбріоеЩ of .his 'able ' parent. After his universal peace is only possible ^agin^^J^l^g^ei Ukramej; during .^he; centuries of Cossack Training jCorp.); C. M. T. Ш retirement, the Cossack armies through total disarmament, many '(Citizens' Military -Training - , on the right bank of the Dnieper, arriving at this conclusion after QdstenGe, were the J3easant8".and. city inhabitants.. We rcaliz&dhe; Camps); and the National Guard; under Teterya, allied themselves swallowing nook, Use and sinker, but those having a more profound!' > subversive teachings Which attempt active PnWfyV^''tcomprisedf-ІтоГ a to "Poland while those on the left small, though potent pari of the interest should consider the -bank. remained in accord With to .undermine the military forces regular service or make determin- ' of .^capitAlistic countries; second, country's population; .With the Russia. Then, when Doroshenko advancement of years, this contin­ ed efforts for appointments to supplanted Teterya he offered ' are- the * conscience objectors" to gent underwent, numerous reduc­ West Pointful allegiance to Turkey. Little mifitajiy "training; the third, and tions, due to the seemingly, wonder why Ukraine could not pro-military training group, com­ Now, as we take stock of our­ constant wars with -Ukraine's selves, we discover, that we are a • survive; and, with the fading prises those who believe that a neighbprs.: Then again there were power of the Cossacks reaching country can only be safe from people possessed of distinctive, S climax' in the defeat of Mazep- attack by maintaining an adequate ., instances where Cossacks went qualities—language, literature, art pa, Ukraine was on the threshold national defense; in some' coun­ into retirement and became tillers and customs, all our own—but of complete subjugation. tries this latter feeling for an of the soil. The Ukrainians completely devoid of that which dwelling in the villages and n is essential to each and every .Post-War- Beccurence of In­ adequate defense is so intense that members of what was once ceiled the' cities lived comparatively Ukrainian individual in his consistency peaceful)' therefore lived longer, pursuit of happiness—freedom— The modern counterpart of this the "weaker sex" are "trained to expertly fly army airplanes, and as a result they -greatly the right to inhabit at liberty, a inconsistency occurred in the rise surpassed the Cossacks in num­ Ukraine denflaed of all virulent and fall of the Ukrainian National .handle .machine guns, rifles and those . many ' oSter_ instruments- bers. From this we visualize the oppressors. Such a Ukraine will Republic directly after the World procreation of Ukraine's succeed­ emerge from her "Slough of 'Wax. Had a happy medium been of-death that go to make up a nation's waft machine. „ ing generations was centered upon, Qesouiid, but only when the etrUck by our various leaders of and' carried out, by the village Ukrainian people shall, out of that time, perhaps today we would Obligation of Ukrainian Emigrants and city folk, who .instilled' in necessity,- again embrace mil­ observe November 1st as the - and Their Descendante them a peaceful outlook oh life; itarism and act in accord with, Ukrainian July 4th, and not as The Ukrainian youth in Amer­ Finally, the aftermath of the and not contrary to, one another. - a Memorial Day. Inadequate ica, however, is in no position World War supplied the decisive,. preparedness was perhaps the to assume any of the current factors in putting the Cossacks, more influential factor In our anti views і concerning ' military our chief exponents of Ukrainian т^ШШі^ЩЯі YORK СГГУ^ШЯ loss. Jt is quite ostensible, how­ training, it cannot be sympathetic militarism, completely .out of the ANNUAL DANCE sponsoredrlttgl ever, that simultaneous with the with these -views because it is picture. Today, when our parents UItr«ioian Choir of St George of New decline through the centuries of York City SATURDAY, MARCH 13, confronted by an obligation with discover that* their male off­ 1»37, »jl UkrwnUn НЛ,- 2.t 7-219 E. our military power as represented which no other' American citizens spring is bent on acquiring 6th St. Featuring Willy Basthqlc'S і by the Cossacks, was the progres- have to contend. -No independent military * schooling, they imme­ Orchestra and Tony Sal's Orchestra. sion of our National Ukrainian Continuous Dancing from 9:00.E- M. country, because of vast home' diately go jfnto the Ukrainian to"3:00_ A. M. Subscription 5Є/#.*-У culture, but our cultural advance­ armies, is compelled to call upon, equivalent at that popular pre­ ment alone failed to enhance the the support oi* her . nationals) war tune, "I Didn't Raise My liberation of Ukraine, for it seems residing in other lands. But not Boy To Be Av<5oldier." Stressing ELIZABETH, N. J. ^ЩЙІ we lacked tb^e impellent character so with Ukraine. ,»s to them the fact that this cloak: bft<- our forbears. Since our fit CHAMPIONSHIP GAME between Since Ukraine has failed to of militarism—which we, ouis the Red АіЧ AlMirtr Club and the .-Cultural achievements are well serves, would normally look upon UVrmmUn Social CMb of Elisabeth, under way, and with a newly procure her independence by peaceful methods,1^-!, e., by. with distaste—may be invaluable will be played on SUNDAY «»en'm», reborn' national consciousness to Ukraine in a few years, does MARCH T-, 1937 at theT. ACS. predominant, serious thought presentation of her .claims to the Auditorium, East Jersey & Second League of Nations,, AJjld to the not alter their point of view in SUn Elizabeth, N. J. Deucinf before should be given to the restoration ther-least ewnted. we soni ere • and afteМЙЙЖ«r the g-ume.2 Music bj; Al Ben of the military prowess of our world at largj^'thexe remains Admission 'people. With the sorry past as only one final .eolation, one that dear to our parents; but, on the f aj£,- Commencing at 8:00 P. M .."І;reminder, we should strive to has had repeated." B^ress,. that! other hand, is not "Ukraine? meet any conjunctive with full the terminatio^^tf." Ukrainian 1 drudgery can .-^іиЖ^е brought Necessary Factors fer Victory щ?";- NEWARK, ' н^ж ^УШ r -SECOND «IUAL DANCE К>4^ЦГ.1 about by military fij^e..- One'" ca» There lives greet hope of the .. Uhndnian Siteh Sport Club tat Controversy on Military £ readily surmise that because ' of liberation within the Ukrainians, SATURDAY E»e., MARCH 6th, 1937, but pacifistic dreams .alone cannot at 8:00 o'clock, Ukrainian Sitch H»ll, Training stringent restrictions imposed by ?29""SpVlngfield лу»?*гЦ*ігк^Щ *^ With the prevailing anti views Russia and Poland, our patriotic be relied upon for victory. As has Music PV' I" -^lece.-"Royal Ramblers. on military training influencing youth in those countries is un- been previously stated, the libera­ Admission 40 t. ^=i:--i&^:^adfiaa4

А иСАдцц so ,дет YOUTH really do -something! Help fami-' Regardless if you have a team made four of his six field goals in CHORUS liarize America with our melodies. or not, please respond at once ao the last chapter, the last one Really ACT on the resolutions that I will know if I can depend wmning the ball game. This Did you ever find yourself in that we are so extremely fond on your team or not youth displayed all the polish and a hilarious crowd of Ukraniana of making at our conventions. The teams participating are poise of a well-coached performer who did not end up without Remember It is your duty to putting on a reel battle for the as he spun shots in from all sides. singing? Didn't you wish you publicize Ukraine. Here ia one championship, so don't sit back, He also put on a neat exhibition ' knew at least a few these songs way of doing it. • but get in on the championship of dribbling and all in all had one of which they seemed to have Many small towns with only a race of your district. swell day. While Sawicki was the an inexhaustible repertoire? Well, Remember, the Sport Division leading scorer and played a perhaps you never had these fraction of the Ukrainian popula­ tion thit ^New York has are will awardj^very district champion prominent role in his team's experiences. But what red-blooded with a beautiful trophy and you success, "Wash" Morenko, a run­ Ukrainian has NEVER been moved accomplishing comparatively much more than 'we. We do not lack do not have to be affiliated with ning mate, also deserves a share by a kozak's poignant love song U. Y. L. of N. A. to partic­ of the laurels. or thrilled to a gay and lilting talent or ability. It is just that we have not as yet fully realized ipate. Gome on you teamsk let's . Cheater: Linaka, foward, 6 pts,; kalomeyka? There ie not a single go after that trophy! ~" Bartish, foward, 1; C. Morenko, true Ukrainian "with soul so dead our capabilities. Do your bit right now! STEPHEN. MADEZKI, foward, 10; Kaminsky, center, 8; who never to himself has said" B. Haschak, guard, 5; M. Sawicki, that he wished he knew a partic­ We shall be expecting you District Leader, Friday evening about 7:30 P. M. 3466 Stickeny Ave., guard, 12; L. Sawicki, guard, 1. ular song or that one was beauti­ Monessen: Miller, foward, 8 at the International Institute,.341 Toledo, Ohio. ful. pts.; Gagatko, foward, 5; Denego, Here, ia your long-awaited East 17th Street, New York City (affectionately known by the young center, 21; J. Kachmarik, guard, opportunity! The Ukrainian 0; Pishko, guard, 0; A. Kachma­ Choral Group, a branch of the Ukrainians aa the "Second Ukrain­ CHESTER TRIUMPHS IN INTER- ian National Home"). We are a SECTIONAL TILT rik, guard, 8; Kotys, guard, 0. Ukrainian Folk Art Guild, is open NICK LUZAK, to new members. Everybody is very informal group. Why not come and make yourself* at home. In one of the best played ball cordially invited (especially games seen on the Ukrainian floor tenors). КАТНЕВШЕ BELOUS. GEORGE WASHINGTON , — this year, the Chester Ukrainians At tiheir last meeting this group nosed out the Monessen Ukrain­ When Washington was a little boy, elected' the following officers: ATTENTION BASKETBALL ians, Titleholders in the U. Y. L.- He never played with a toy; President, Stephen Marusevich; MANAGERS! N. A. Basketball Conference by the For he worked and helped his dad, Vice-Presidents, Jerry Pochtar and The basketball division of the score of 43-42. The lead changed Because he Jivas a poor little lad. Elsie .Hociey; Secretaries, Alice Ukrainian Youth's League of many times during the game and Pochtar and Julia Kamarneky; North America wants to make at no time did either team enjoy Washington was a man very bold. Treasurer, Anne Elkowitz. this season the greatest basket- more than a three point lead. And many a story of him has Do not be too modest and think •. ball season ever seen among the "-Mike", Denago, one of the best been told, of coming down but hesitate be­ Ukrainians. In order to fulfill centers seen at the Ukrainian We celebrate his birthday until cause you are positive that you our plans for this season and to floor during the existence of this day, cannot sing. Why don't you let successfully conduct our tourna­ basketball there, gave- a dazzling And honor It in every way. ' our very competent instructor, ment we must have the coopera­ one-man exhibition by dropping ROSE MASLUK.age 12. 7 field goals and 7 fouls for a - -и-ши—— w— Mr. Stephen Marusevich, be the tion of every club. •^••i^*^*"^ * ** judge of that. Perhape you have Being district leader for Area grand total of 21 points. Prof. MAMCHUR'S brilliant scho­ some unsuspected talents. We do Six (6), which includes Ohio, The teams started off slowly, lastic rexord and attainments biogra- not expect you.to be another Lily phically featured In- March UKRAIN­ Michigan and Indiana, as yet I playing loose ball, passes contin­ IAN CHRONICLE. FREE Vecatioo in Pons or Bing Crosby. All that have not heard from: Detroit, ually being intercepted, but as Camp Offered; Life skits of Shev- is essential is a voice, a lack of Flint, Jackson and Grand rlapids, soon as the boys from both teams chenko and Koshetz; Snorts flashes; total deafness, and, we must Michigan; Youngstown, Campbell, began to find the range, the battle News Variety; Ukrainian Beauties pic­ insist, the ability to work hard tures. ORDER COPY NOV/ by send­ Niles, Gerard, and Lorain, Ohio; was on. ing 5 t, or 60 * 'or year's subsrip- and the ambition to learn. Fort Wayne, South Bend; and The star of the game was tlon, to: UKRAINIAN CHRONICLE, Here is your opportunity to Gary, Indiana. diminutive Miron Sawicki, who 536 N. 15th St., Philn, Pa. 5 3

the supreme power was to -be troops from the Polish front and The Ukrainian,. National* 'Republic vested in the hands of the form­ sent them to fight the. Bolshe­ .- • • я v і erly mentioned -Directory, headed viki. I, (4) by Petlura. Policy of Allies Towards nrjkratoe:^ Capture of Lviw fare. That despite this the Breaking of Pledge by Poland • Meanwhile, events followed one Ukrainian soldiers fought so To understand the causes lead­ another in rapid succession. The bravely and unceasingly, is a On March 19th, the Supreme ing to' the issuance of this товС National Rada, learning that the tribute to them and their cause. Council of the Pfcrls Peace Con­ unjust decree we must under­ Poles intended to seize Lviw, In the gloomy months that ference intervened by calling - for stand the policies of the "big immediately dispatched Ukrainian -followed, it is doubtful whether immediate suspension of hostilities four" (America, France, England troops to take possession of this anything else could have kept between the Ukrainians and. the and Italy), which led to its ancient capitol of Western them to their task than that Poles, pending a peaceful settle­ issuance in direct repudiation of Ukraine first. In the early pledge of their lives, fortunes, ment. The Ukrainians accepted Wilson's right of "self-determina­ morning hours of November 1st, and honor in the cause of Ukrain­ the proposal and ceased fighting, tion." 1918, the Ukrainian troops took ian freedom. whereupon the Poles, who had "From the very start the French possession of the governmental It is not our intention to go also given assurances of cessation policy was pro-Polish. France buildings in- it. Following this into detail in recounting the of warfare, broke the pledge was for Poland "grande et forte, example, the Ukrainians seized city events of the war between the they had raadb, caught "the tres forte," as one Mr. Pichon after city, including Peremyshl; Poles, and the Ukrainians, follow­ Ukrainians off their guard, and declared. The reasons for this and-by November 5th, the Ukrain­ ing the Polish attack and inva­ advanced deeper into Ukrainian policy were and are -obvious. ian blue and yellow banner waved sion of the newly-formed Western territory. It was at this juncture France and Poland, having gained throughout entire East Galicia, Ukrainian Republic. Conservation that the Poles received further most of Germany's territory, were "the Piedmont of Ukrainian of space forbids it. Suffice it to assistance with the coming qf_^ bound indissolubly by their com­ liberties," as it was called during say that, although the war was General Heller's army, which mon interest in upholding the new the pre-war days, and, as a characterized by varying fortunes consisted of two divisions of settlement. A Poland ''grand et matter of fact, it is today. on both aides, yet the Poles by volunteers from America and forte" may become "a new France force of superior military equip­ deserters from German armies, to the east of Germany," doubling An independent and permanent organized and: equipped by the the strength of France in_ the Ukrainian republic would have ment and supplies and the aid received from the Allies, parti­ Allies. With this help the Poles west. For that reason, through­ been surely established, were it attacked succesafuly and the out the entire negotiations, what not for the Polish insatiable cularly France, continually ad­ vanced deeper and deeper into the Polish advance stopped, 'a^ter Poland wanted, France granted. desire for gain. Although West­ protests from Paris only when Furthermore, Poland's demands ern Ukraine has been Ukrainian Ukrainian territory; -at times re- buffedv yet by sheer, force of their the -greater, part of Eastern also received very strong support in character since the days of Galicia had. been occupied by from America, which fact is Volodimir the Great, yet the Pales military superiority continuing their march forward. Polish troops. incomprehensible, in view of were set upon annexing it to their Wilson's highly touted self- newly-created state of Poland. The Ukrainian forces, fought Adverse Decision of the Peace determination clause. Finally, As-a result, fighting commenced heroically, but 'heroism alone, in Conference: Italy followed France and Amer­ between the- Ukrainians- and- the the fane of sUch overwhelming ica in giving her support- to Poles. A well equipped and odds as the Poles had on their On June 19th, the' Powers at Poland. armed Polish army was formed, aide, was not sufficient to win the Peace Conference, ignoring 4 — -; ' ami, under the guise of using the war. the just demands of the Ukrain­ The British alone reacted' un­ it against the Bolshcviki, the- . .. • , ians, issued the amazing author­ favorably to the Polish claims, Poles received for it supplies and Union of: Eastern and Western ization to the Poles to occupy.. all seeing that the extension of equipment from the Allies, who Ukraine. of East Galida, modified only by Poland's boundaries on the east at tbat time were panic stricken On January 22nd, 1919, in this some vague references to ultimate at the expense of another nation­ at the thought that the Bolsheviki turmoil and "amidst great rejoic­ self-determination. Great was ,the ality would prove in the future to might overrun all of Europe. ing, the Ukrainian National" Rada bitterness of the Ukrainians at be a continuous source of trouble Opposed to this Allied—equipped, proclaimed the union of Western this betrayal of their just cause, to Poland and the countries armed and trained Polish Army, Ukrainian Republic with the and this bitterness was enhanced supporting her. How true _was the Ukrainian Army, although Ukrainian National Republic by the fact tha|, relying, upon this prophecy! Being In ^.tiie of sufficent manpower, presented" (Eastern-Ukraine). Both com­ the promises of > the Allies *jnd^ .minority, however, the B^&isji a shabby contrast, being underfed 4 ponent parts of the federation the proposals fojr.an Агшййсег " ;*ould do nothing and Poland tju$$ and sorely in need of the neces­ were to „retain their individual they a few- days^previouety ••—•"(" /her way. J p T "^ ' sities of pursuing modern war­ forms of government; although moved the main body of Ukrainian (To be Continued)

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