Former Victoria Works Car Park Borough Council

Transport Statement December 2019

Accord Housing Association Ltd

Document History


DOCUMENT REF: Transport Statement


Revision Comments By Date

Draft 1 Client Comment JPS 17/12/2019

Final For planning submission JPS 19/12/2019

Fieldgate Consultants Ltd 14B Fieldgate Lane Kenilworth [email protected] Warwickshire Tel 01926 746 820 CV8 1BT


1 Introduction 4

2 Policy and Consultation 5 Introduction 5 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2018 5 The Local Transport Plan 2018-2030 (LTP4) 6 Worcestershire County Council Streetscape Design Guide 7 Borough of Redditch Local Plan (January 2017) 8 Redditch and Worcestershire County Council Consultation 11

3 Site Location and Baseline Conditions 12 Introduction 12 The Victoria Works former car park location and function 12 Existing site access and local highway 12 Redditch town centre local facilities 13 Walking and cycling 14 Public transport 14 Local travel characteristics 15 Local parking 17

4 Development Proposals 18 Introduction 18 Development 18 Travel Planning 18 Proposed vehicle access 18 Pedestrian and cycle access 18 Cycle and motorcycle parking 19 Car parking 19 Disabled parking and electric vehicle charging 20 Servicing 20

5 Expected Transport Impact 21 Introduction 21 Existing use 21 Committed Development traffic 23 Expected development traffic 24 Expected transport impact 26 Parking impact 27

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6 Summary and Conclusions 28

Appendices 29

Appendix: A Location Plan Appendix: B Proposed site plan Appendix: C Pre-application advice Appendix: D Public transport map Appendix: E Local car ownership Appendix: F Parking survey Appendix: G TRICS data Appendix: H Trip generation

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1 Introduction

1.1 This Transport Statement has been prepared by Fieldgate Consultants Ltd on behalf of Accord Housing Association Ltd in support of a planning application for redevelopment of the former Victoria Works car park off Edward Street, Redditch B97 6HA. The planning application is to provide 19 one bedroomed apartments, 90m2 of office space and associated parking and access.

1.2 A location plan is included in Appendix A and a proposed site layout is included in Appendix B.

1.3 Pre-application advice has been received from the local planning authority, Redditch Council, and the highway authority, Worcestershire County Council, on two initial development options: Option 2 residential only and Option 8 a mixed residential/office scheme. Option 8 was taken forward and revised into the application scheme. The pre-application advice received from the highway authority is included in Appendix C.

1.4 This report considers the transport implications of the proposed development. It has been prepared based upon guidance on Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements (DCLG; 6 March 2014) and also takes into account the pre- application advice received.

1.5 This application is “Phase 2” of development of the former Victoria Works factory and car park. “Phase 1” is the Victoria Works itself and this has outline planning permission for up to 75 dwellings. This Statement discusses the transport implications of the Phase 2 works and also considers the cumulative impacts of the phase 1 and phase 2 impacts.

1.6 The contents of this Transport Statement are: • Section 2 describes relevant national and local policy; • Section 3 describes the site location and base line conditions; • Section 4 describes the expected transport impact including the cumulative impacts of phase 1 and phase 2 works; and • Section 5 provides a summary and conclusions.

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Policy and Consultation

2 Policy and Consultation


2.1 This section reviews National, Regional and Local planning policy relevant to the development. Documents reviewed are: • National Planning Policy Framework; • Worcestershire County Council Fourth Local Transport Plan; • Redditch Borough Council Local Plan; and • Consultation with Worcestershire and Redditch.

2.2 A brief description of the above documents and their potential relevance is given below.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2018

2.3 Section 9 on Promoting sustainable transport has a section on considering development proposals. Paragraphs 108 to 111 state:

“108. In assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, or specific applications for development, it should be ensured that:

a) appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location;

b) safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users; and

c) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree.

109. Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe.

110. Within this context, applications for development should:

a) give priority first to pedestrian and cycle movements, both within the scheme and with neighbouring areas; and second – so far as possible – to facilitating access to high quality public transport, with layouts that maximise the catchment area for bus or other public transport services, and appropriate facilities that encourage public transport use;

b) address the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to all modes of transport;

c) create places that are safe, secure and attractive – which minimise the scope for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, avoid unnecessary street

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clutter, and respond to local character and design standards;

d) allow for the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service and emergency vehicles; and

e) be designed to enable charging of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.

111. All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed.”

The Worcestershire Local Transport Plan 2018-2030 (LTP4)

2.4 Worcestershire LTP 4 transport policies support Worcestershire County Council’s Corporate Plan “Shaping Worcestershire’s Future 2017-2022” with its four key priorities: • Open for Business; • The Environment; • Children and Families; and • Health and Well-being.

2.5 There are three policies relevant to new development set out below.

2.6 POLICY PR4 – Spatial Planning and Developer Contributions for Public Realm Improvements states:

“Worcestershire County Council will continue to work closely with the Worcestershire Borough, City and District Councils and developers to ensure that new developments, where possible: • Maximise safe pedestrian accessibility to local facilities; • Are designed to maximise permeability and legibility for pedestrians, and minimise delays to journeys on foot; • Are designed to maximise natural surveillance on pedestrian routes to support perceptions of personal safety and security; and • Make appropriate financial contributions towards improvements to the local public realm and pedestrian networks.”

2.7 POLICY WC4 – Spatial Planning and Developer Contributions for Walking and Cycling states:

“Worcestershire County Council will continue to work closely with the Worcestershire Borough, City and District Councils to ensure that new developments: • Are located to maximise pedestrian and cyclist accessibility to local facilities; • Are designed with safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists and pedestrians. • Are designed to maximise visibility for all on walking and cycling routes;

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• Are designed to provide an attractive environment on walking and cycling routes; • Are designed to incorporate cycle parking and other suitable facilities, on-site or within buildings as appropriate; and • Make appropriate financial contributions towards improvements to the walking and cycling network, including those proposed in planning policy documents.”

2.8 POLICY M5 – Spatial Planning and Developer Contributions for Motorcycling states:

“Worcestershire County Council will continue to work closely with the Worcestershire Borough, City and District Councils to ensure that new developments: • Are located to maximise motorcyclist accessibility to local facilities; • Are designed to maximise motorcycle visibility on key routes; • Are designed to provide an attractive and safe environment for motorcyclists; • Are designed to incorporate secure motorcycle parking and other suitable facilities (including lockers), on-site or within buildings as appropriate; and • Make appropriate financial contributions towards improvements to the highway network, including those proposed in planning policy documents.”

Worcestershire County Council Streetscape Design Guide

2.9 Worcestershire County Council has produced the Streetscape Design Guide (Winter 2018) to reflect the latest national and regional design guidance and to aid Developers, Designers and other professionals in preparing transport infrastructure related to new developments. The Borough of Redditch and Worcestershire County Highways have requested that this guide is referred to for the proposed streetscape development streetscape design and also for car and cycle parking standards.

2.10 The Street Scape Design Guide states in section 4 Planning for parking, and section 4.2 for residential parking a minimum car and cycle parking for residential houses and apartments of: • 1 car parking space and cycle space per one bedroom unit; and • 2 car parking spaces and 2 cycle spaces per 2 or 3 bedroom unit.

2.11 Section 4.2 also states:

“Garages are excluded form car parking calculations due to the ability to convert them into habitable accommodation without the need for permission and their usage for personal storage rather than that of a vehicle.

Worcestershire County Council strongly encourages all properties to be equipped with Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) charging points including provision where communal parking is provided. This position is supported by the NPPF.”

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2.12 Section 4.2 has a section on parking free development that states:

“For both residential and commercial developments in town and city centres the applicant may choose not to provide car parking spaces at all. Consideration must be given to the opportunity to access the site sustainably, the availability and capacity of public car parks, existing parking restrictions, the number of linked trips and the implementation of an approved Travel Plan or welcome pack. Provision for servicing and deliveries must always be made within the site, unless there is a strong fall-back position which would remove this requirement.”

2.13 On car parking and cycle parking specifications the Street Scape Design Guide states:

“Car Parking Spaces should be a minimum 2.4m x 4.8m. For residential development circulation space around the vehicle is needed so dimensions increase to 3.2m x 6m. A minimum of 6m is required in front of a garage


Garages can be used to provide bicycle storage as well as for other household storage needs, where this occurs garages should have an internal dimension of 6m x 3m.

Cycle stands – a minimum width of 1m must be provided between cycle stands. Stands for nonstandard cycles should be allocated at the end of a standard provision with a minimum width of 1.5m provided to allow for dismounting.

Separate bin storage areas should be provided which do not conflict with any proposed parking spaces.

ULEV charging systems should be […] Residential 7kW charging points.”

Borough of Redditch Local Plan (January 2017)

2.14 The Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 (BORLP4) is the most important planning document at the local level, as it provides a framework approach for growth of the Borough and it will form part of the Borough of Redditch Development Plan.

2.15 Section 1 of the Local Plan includes a Local Portrait that describes transport in Redditch as follows:

“Redditch Borough has good transport links, with the M42 (Junctions 2 and 3) located under 5 miles away and the M5 around 6 miles from Redditch Town Centre. The railway station for Redditch is located in the Town Centre and services run three times per hour to and from Birmingham New Street station and on to .

The urban area of Redditch generally enjoys free-flowing traffic and relatively little congestion. One key advantage for Redditch in terms of transport is its size. As the Borough is relatively small, distances covered travelling to work are low.

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Redditch has one train station that is very well used, two public transport interchanges in the Town Centre (bus and rail), including one proposed interchange at the Alexandra Hospital, bus-only lanes running through a number of the District Centres and a specific road hierarchy tailored to the New Town layout. These features contribute to the ease of travelling around the Borough.

Redditch experiences one of the lowest rates of Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) per 1,000 population in Worcestershire. In 2010/11, there were 151 RTCs within Redditch, a rate of 1.53 per 1,000 people.

Rail travel from Redditch to Birmingham is high; the cross city line from Redditch to Lichfield is a busy route which has recently expanded.”

2.16 Local Plan Policy 19 Sustainable Travel and Accessibility sets out how the focus on private car use needs to be reduced with a shift towards increasing public transport so that emissions from transport in Redditch are reduced. This policy seeks to contribute towards reducing the causes and impacts of climate change and to encourage safer, sustainable travel patterns, improve accessibility and reduce the need to travel.

2.17 Local Plan Policy 20 Transport Requirements for New Development describes how the transport aspirations set out in Policy 19 Sustainable Travel and Accessibility are to be delivered through requiring new development to achieve the following standards and requiring the following information:

“i. a Transport Assessment will be required where it is considered that development will have significant transport implications. The assessment of traffic impact should be undertaken in line with the policies in the Plan and other relevant transport policy and guidance;

ii. a Travel Plan will be required alongside all developments which generate significant amounts of movement;

iii. all proposals should incorporate safe and convenient access arrangements in their design for all potential users (including pedestrians, cyclists, emergency services and waste collection vehicles). Access arrangements should be designed to reflect the function and character of the development and its wider surroundings;

iv. all proposals should discourage unintended through traffic (“rat runs”) within the development site and/or between sites;

v. all proposals will be expected to be located accessible to local services (in accordance with the retail hierarchy this should either be a parade of local shops or a District Centre) and a public transport link (i.e. bus stop or train station);

vi. proposals should include parking standards as prescribed by Worcestershire County Council Local Transport Plan No.3 Highways Design Guide;

vii. the cumulative effects of development on transport infrastructure must be assessed and solutions sought in line with the policies in this Plan and other relevant transport policy and guidance, with particular regard to the cumulative

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effects of the delivery of the Strategic Sites;

viii. ensure that development does not have a detrimental effect on land safeguarded for road development and/or improvement schemes as depicted on the Policies Map;

ix. ensure that development does not have a detrimental effect on land safeguarded for Public Transport Routes as depicted on the Policies Map;

x. the Borough Council will use mechanisms such as planning conditions and planning obligations, including financial contributions where necessary to secure the timely delivery of any necessary transport mitigation measures; and

xi. development of transport infrastructure provision will be coordinated in line with the up to date Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will be subject to regular review.”

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Redditch and Worcestershire County Council Consultation

2.18 Pre-application advice has been received from the planning and highway authorities. The advice recommends that: • Intervisibility splays of 2m by 2m should be provided at the vehicle access with Edward Street and the fence line should be altered accordingly; • Tactile paving for pedestrians should be provided at the access; • Applicant to confirm pedestrian movements to and from the site; • Cycle parking should be provided; • A contribution towards local walking and cycling infrastructure of approximately £13,000 is required; • A travel welcome package should be provided for each person; • Zero car parking on site would be acceptable in this instance due to the location of the site, if car parking is to be provided and not the full allocation, applicant to confirm how this the car parking allocation will work in practice; and • Each car parking space to be provided with an Electrical Vehicle Charging Point.

2.19 These issues are discussed further in the relevant sections of this report.

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Site Location and Baseline Conditions

3 Site Location and Baseline Conditions


3.1 This section describes the site location, existing site function, local facilities and the current travel characteristics of the transport network local to Victoria Works.

The Victoria Works former car park location and function

3.2 The Victoria Works was a substantial manufacturing facility, situated in a central Redditch location set between Edward Street and Britten Street, just to the immediate west of Redditch Town Centre. The Victoria Works is on the west side of Edwards Street and the application site, the former car park, is opposite this on the east side of Edwards Street.

3.3 The Victoria Works car park site is bounded to the west by Edward Street, to the east by the railway line, to the north by “The Business Centre” flexible office space car park and offices and to the south by the Edwards Street Pay and Display Car Park.

3.4 The Victoria Works were occupied by Smithers Oasis Limited, who amalgamated and relocated to North East England leaving the building vacant. Smithers-Oasis manufactured floral products including floral foam. Smithers Oasis employed approximately 125 full time staff plus up to 30 additional part time staff on a double day shift basis working 6AM – 2PM then 2PM to 10PM Monday to Friday plus single 8 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday. Staff used a combination of the former car park and road for parking.

3.5 Transport movement into the Victoria Works site was heavy and continuous as deliveries arrived and were dispatched. Heavy goods movement was particularly high as a tight reversing angle into the yard meant loads were often received and dispatched on an unusually high volume of smaller HGV vehicles (rather than articulated trailers) due to problems with maneuverability.

3.6 The Victoria Works site has now been demolished, prior to the Phase 1 redevelopment works of upto 75 residential dwellings. The former car park application site is unused and is gated and locked.

Existing site access and local highway

3.7 The Victoria Works car park has a vehicular crossover of width circa 4m from Edwards Street. This access is gated and currently locked and inaccessible.

3.8 Edwards Street is a 5m wide one-way street approximately 200m in length running north from Bromsgrove Road to Bridge Street. Edward Street provides access to the former Victoria Works and the Edward Street Pay & Display car park at its southern end and to light industrial units and The Business Centre at its northern end.

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Site Location and Baseline Conditions

3.9 Bridge Street is a 7m wide two-way carriageway. Hollyoakes Field First School and Nursery is located on its northern side and light industrial units on its southern side that also front onto Edward Street and Britten Street.

3.10 Britten Street is a 7m wide one-way street running south from Bridge Street to Bromsgrove Road. It has light industrial units on both sides, including the rear frontage of Victoria Works. There are no accesses from the Victoria Works or other units from the east side of Britten Street. Units on the west side do have accesses. These include Britten House that lies opposite Victoria Works at the southern end of Britten Street. Britten House includes the Old Needle Works building and comprises a mix of Leisure and retail units including an arts and crafts shop, an art gallery and a tea shop.

3.11 The area immediately surrounding the site comprising Edward Street, Bridge Street Britten Street and Bromsgrove Road is predominantly light industrial mixed with the school and Britten House leisure/retail uses. The area to the north of Bridge Street where it becomes Elm Street is predominantly residential, mixed with some commercial uses including the Redditch Driving Test Centre.

3.12 The character of Edward Street and Britten Street will become significantly more residential with the permitted Victoria Works development of upto 75 houses and flats.

Redditch town centre local facilities

3.13 Edward Street lies on the boundary of the town centre as shown on the Redditch Local Plan Map and so the former Victoria Works car park lies adjacent to Redditch town centre and all its facilities. The majority of Redditch town centre lies within approximately 800m or 10 minutes’ walk of the site.

3.14 Redditch rail station is approximately 250m walk from the Edward Street site side. Redditch bus station is opposite the rail station and is within 150m walk of Edward Street site side. The Hub and Kingfisher shopping centre is within 150m walk. There is an entrance to the Hub at the bus station. The Hub is a leisure centre with cafes, restaurants, cinema and gym. There is access from the Hub into the Kingfisher shopping centre. The shopping centre has a wide range of shops and facilities including banks, food shops, clothes shops and all the shops you would expect from a town centre shopping area.

3.15 There are schools for all age ranges within Redditch including: • Hollyoakes Field First and Nursery School within 100m; • Birchensale Middle School within 600m; and • Trinity High School and sixth form centre within 1km.

3.16 Table 3.1 lists the key local facilities and walk distances from Victoria Works.

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Distance Bus stops on Bromsgrove Road 60m Bus station 150m Rail station 200m Supermarket (Kingfisher shopping centre) 400m Hollyoakes Field first school and nursery 100m Birchensale Middle School 600m Trinity High School and sixth form centre 1km Banks (Kingfisher shopping centre) 400m Cinema and leisure centre (The Hub) 150m Redditch Library 500m Hill View Health centre (GP) 225m Oasis Dental care 150m Alexandra Hospital 5.3km Table 3.1: Local facilities

Walking and cycling

3.17 There are excellent walking and cycling facilities local to the site.

3.18 Footways on Edward Street and Britten Street vary in width from 1.5m to 2.5m adjacent to the site. On Edward Street, along the site frontage, the footway width is approximately 1.8m. The footway narrows to approximately 1.2m by the Pay and Display car park to the south of the site, before widening again to 1.5m at the junction with Bromsgrove Road. To the north of the site and on the opposite side of Edward Street, the footway is 1.8m to 2m wide. There are 2m footways along Bromsgrove Road both towards and away from the town centre.

3.19 Towards the town centre, there is a signalised pedestrian crossing opposite the bus station and The Hub/Kingfisher shopping centre.

3.20 There are cycle lanes on the Bromsgrove Road in both directions both away from and towards Redditch town centre.

3.21 Edward Street, Britten Street, Bridge Street and Elm Road to the north have good footways and are lightly trafficked and suitable for cyclists.

Public transport

3.22 The bus and rail stations are within 200m or about 2 minute walk of Victoria Works. There are services form the bus station to a wide range of destinations form eight bus stands. Key destinations include: • Alcester; • Alexandra Hospital;

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• Alvechurch; • Bromsgrove; • ; • Greenlands; • Headless Cross; • Kidderminster; • Matchborough; • Solihull; • Stratford on Avon; • Studley; • Washford; • West Heath; • Winyates; and • Worcester.

3.23 There are over 30 buses providing well over 30 services per hour in total.

3.24 Redditch Rail Station is served by and provides 3 trains per hour to Birmingham New Street at a journey time of approximately 40 minutes. Redditch Rail Station provides covered cycle parking and travel information. Appendix D includes a map illustrating onward journeys from the station that shows the location of the bus station and Redditch town centre.

Local travel characteristics

3.25 Journey to work data from the 2011 Census provides mode share for journeys to work and car ownership levels for local residents. The Output Area including Victoria Works is shown in Figure 3.1. The full data is included in Appendix E and summarised in tables 3.3 and 3.4.


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Site Location and Baseline Conditions

Figure 3.1: Redditch Output Area E00164436 including Victoria Works site

Method of Travel to Work OA E00164436 Percent

Commuters 173

Work mainly at home 6

Underground 0 0%

Train 7 4%

Bus, minibus or coach 23 14%

Taxi 2 1%

Motorcycle 0 0%

Driving a car or van 83 50%

Passenger in a car or van 15 9%

Bicycle 5 3%

On foot 29 17%

Other 2 1%

Total 0 100% Table 3.3: Census 2011 local modes of travel to work

Flat/maisonette or Cars or Vans owned All dwellings Whole house apartment Households Cars Households Cars Households Cars

All households 123 84 39

No vehicles in household 47 23 24

1 vehicle in household 41 41 28 28 13 13 2 or more vehicles in household 35 84 33 79 2 5 Total cars 125 107 18

Average cars per household 1.02 1.28 0.46

Table 3.4: Census 2011 car or van ownership

3.26 Table 3.3 shows that only 50% of local residents drive to work and 50% use sustainable modes including 17% walking and 14% using the bus.

3.27 Table 3.4 shows that there are 39 households living in apartments out of a total of 123 local households. The average car ownership for the households living in apartments is 0.46 per dwelling, compared to 1.28 for residents living in houses. This relatively low car ownership level probably reflects the relative sustainability of the area and the fact that houses tend to accommodate larger families with higher car ownership.

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Site Location and Baseline Conditions

Local parking

3.28 A parking beat survey was been undertaken to assess on-street parking local to Victoria Works as part of a previous application for the Victoria Works site. Parking on all streets within 200m walk was observed on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 15 February 2018. The full survey output is included in Appendix F.

3.29 Surveys were undertaken between 3 and 9pm on the Tuesday afternoon and then between 2am and 5am on Wednesday morning. These surveys establish typical weekday afternoon and evening local parking including non-resident parking. The early morning survey then establishes typical residents’ parking.

3.30 Within 200m or around 2-3 minutes’ walk from the site, the main streets where parking is possible are: • unrestricted parking on Elm Road, Bridge Street, Britten Street and Vicarage Crescent; and • single yellow lines with no parking Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm on Edward Street.

3.31 There is a total of 169 spaces within 200m walk distance of which 77 are unrestricted. The surveys showed that of the 77 unrestricted spaces, a maximum of 62 were occupied at 3pm, falling to 17 at 10pm and 15 overnight. The use of unrestricted spaces starts to fall significantly between 5 and 6pm. At 5pm 50 spaces are occupied and this falls to 36 by 6pm.

3.32 The survey suggests that unrestricted parking on local streets is used by commuters probably consisting of local Redditch employees and possibly also commuters using the nearby rail station.

3.33 The results show that at the peak observed time of 3pm, there were 15 unrestricted parking spaces available nearby. Available parking increases to 27 at 5pm and 53 by 7pm. Overnight (residents’ only parking) there are 52 spaces available nearby.

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Development Proposals

4 Development Proposals


4.1 This section describes the development proposals.


4.2 It is proposed to provide 19 one-bedroom residential apartments and 90m2 of office space together with parking and access from Edward Street. A site plan is included in Appendix B. All dwellings are proposed to be affordable rent.

4.3 The flats are proposed to have 10 car parking spaces and the office area has been allocated 5 parking spaces. There is one visitor, delivery space for use for residential and commercial deliveries.

Travel Planning

4.4 Each resident will be provided with a Welcome Pack providing information on travel choices to encourage use of alternatives to the car. The Welcome Pack information can be agreed with the planning authority by planning condition.

Proposed vehicle access

4.5 Access to the car parking will be via Edward Street. The proposed access is 4.1m wide and is in the same location as the existing car park access. The proposed access will be in the form of a vehicle crossover, similar to the current arrangement. Pedestrian to vehicle visibility of 2m by 2m will be provided through fencing and a low wall no higher than 600mm either side of the 4.1m wide access.

4.6 Visibility from the access to the left at 2.4m is approximately 92m as far as Bromsgrove Road. This visibility is shown on the plan in Appendix B.

Pedestrian and cycle access

4.7 There is pedestrian and cycle access from the Edward Street footway with a width of 2m into the site and towards the apartment and office blocks.

4.8 There is a separate pedestrian and cycle access to the rear of apartment block 1 with a minimum width of 1.2m giving access to the office bins and cycle store.

4.9 The applicants will make a contribution towards local walking and cycling infrastructure of approximately £13,000 as requested by the highway authority, subject to a suitable planning obligation.

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Development Proposals

Cycle and motorcycle parking

4.10 Three motorcycle spaces are provided for shared use by employees and residents.

4.11 Table 2.2 sets out the cycle parking requirements according to the Streetscape Design Guide.

No. RBC minimum Minimum Provided 1 bed flat 19 1 per dwelling 19 20 Office 90m2 1 per 30m2 3 3 Totals 22 23 Table 2.2: Redditch Borough Council cycle parking standards

4.12 The table demonstrates that the proposed cycle parking exceeds the minimum requirement.

4.13 The residents’ cycle parking is covered and secure as shown on the plan in Appendix C.

Car parking

4.14 The highway authority has stated that a car free development would be appropriate at this location, accessible to the town centre. However, if parking is to be provided then details of how it will be managed should be provided.

4.15 It is proposed to provide: • 10 residents’ parking spaces; • 5 office parking spaces of which two are for disabled employees or visitors; and • 1 loading/service bay for use for office and residential deliveries.

4.16 The 2011 census data (included in Appendix E and described in the original Transport Statement) shows that local car ownership for: • Households living in houses is 1.28 per dwelling; and • Households living in flats is 0.46.

4.17 An average of 0.46 cars owned per household in the proposed 19 flats would mean a total of 9 cars owned by residents of the flats. This closely matches the proposed 10 parking spaces to be provided for flat residents.

4.18 The office space is to be occupied by Accord Housing Association Ltd with space for a proposed 5 staff and meeting rooms. The proposed 5 office spaces matches the expected parking need for the office use.

4.19 The proposed parking has therefore been provided to closely match expected need.

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4.20 The office parking will be managed on site by Accord Housing Association Ltd. They will ensure that spaces are used by employees or visitors to the offices and not used by residents or their visitors.

4.21 The 10 residents’ parking spaces will be numbered and allocated to individual flats according to need. Residents will be given a parking space or not when they rent the property and those not allocated spaces will not be able to park on site.

4.22 Victoria Works is in a highly sustainable location. It lies adjacent to the town centre within 10m minutes’ walk of the majority of the town centre facilities and within 2 minutes’ walk of the rail and bus stations. It is within 5 minutes’ walk of all key day-to-day facilities. All services are readily accessible on foot, by cycle or public transport.

4.23 Local surveys have shown that parking is restricted on Edward Street and there is unrestricted parking nearby. The surveys demonstrate that there is some limited free daytime unrestricted parking capacity nearby and overnight (when the majority of parking will be residents) there are up to 52 free spaces within 200m or 3 minutes’ walk of the site.

4.24 The applicant will provide Travel Plan welcome packs to all residents. Residents will therefore be fully aware of parking at the point of rent and will be provided with detailed advice on alternative modes of travel.

4.25 Therefore, it is expected that the proposed parking will meet the local demand and is compliant with Worcestershire County Highways Streetscape Design Guide parking standards.

Disabled parking and electric vehicle charging

4.26 Two disabled parking spaces will be provided for the office development. The need for electric vehicle charging will be discussed with the planning and highway authorities and is expected to be conditioned if appropriate.


4.27 Redditch refuse has been consulted and as requested by them, the residential bin store is located close to Edwards Street as shown on the site plan in Appendix B. Residential refuse can be collected from this bin store from on street.

4.28 Commercial waste is stored to the rear of the office space and there is convenient access from Edwards Street to this bin store as shown on the plan in Appendix B.

4.29 Day to day deliveries to the site can use the on-site delivery and loading bay shown in the car park. Larger occasional deliveries and service vehicles may deliver from Edward Street.

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Expected Transport Impact

5 Expected Transport Impact


5.1 This section describes the expected impact on the local transport network of the proposed development of the Victoria Works former car park (Phase 2 works). This assessment takes into account the previous Victoria Works use and considers the net impact of replacing the previous use by the Victoria Works development for 75 dwellings (Phase 1 works) together with the application development of 19 flats and 90m2 of office development.

Existing use

5.2 The existing use is as a car park for the Victoria Works site. Any trip generation associated with the car park would be that of the former Victoria Works site itself. A previous application for the Victoria Works site agreed a methodology with the highway authority for netting off the existing employment related person-trips against the proposed uses. The previous employment use was based upon: • 600m2 of external service yard; • 3150m2 ground floor internal B2 manufacturing and storage use; and • 2227m2 first floor office (B1) use.

5.3 B1 and B2 sites were selected from TRICS version 7.4.4 using the following criteria: • Multi-modal sites only; • Weekday surveys; • Mainland UK sites only excluding Greater London; and • edge of town centre sites.

5.4 These selection criteria ensure the sites chosen are representative of the Victioria Works site location and use. The selection criteria resulted in: • Two selected edge of town centre B2 light industrial sites both in the West Midlands; and • Seventeen selected edge of town centre B1 office sites throughout the UK.

5.5 The full data is included in Appendix G and the trip generation analysis carried out is in Appendix H and summarised in Tables 5.1 below and 5.2. Table 5.1 is based on predicted trip-rates for the B1 and B2 elements in the ratio of 35% B1 and 65% B2. Table 5.2 converts the predicted trip rates to person-trips based on the total site area of 5977m2.

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Expected Transport Impact

Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach 07:00-08:00 0.54 0.40 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.00 08:00-09:00 1.36 0.88 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.23 0.09 0.05 0.00 09:00-10:00 1.24 0.84 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.21 0.06 0.03 0.00 10:00-11:00 0.72 0.41 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.01 0.00 11:00-12:00 0.69 0.41 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.01 0.00 12:00-13:00 1.32 0.36 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.82 0.04 0.01 0.00 13:00-14:00 1.37 0.34 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.91 0.04 0.01 0.00 14:00-15:00 0.88 0.33 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.41 0.05 0.01 0.00 15:00-16:00 0.73 0.40 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.18 0.05 0.01 0.00 16:00-17:00 1.23 0.80 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.18 0.06 0.03 0.00 17:00-18:00 1.22 0.75 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.23 0.09 0.05 0.00 18:00-19:00 0.48 0.31 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 Daily 11.78 6.22 0.25 0.70 0.11 3.63 0.60 0.25 0.01 Table 5.1: Industrial unit trip rates estimated from TRICS 7.4.4 Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers Cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach 07:00-08:00 32 24 0 2 0 4 2 1 0 08:00-09:00 81 53 4 2 1 14 5 3 0 09:00-10:00 74 50 1 4 1 12 4 2 0 10:00-11:00 43 24 1 3 0 11 2 1 0 11:00-12:00 41 24 1 3 0 9 2 0 0 12:00-13:00 79 22 1 3 0 49 3 1 0 13:00-14:00 82 20 2 2 0 54 3 1 0 14:00-15:00 53 20 2 3 0 24 3 1 0 15:00-16:00 44 24 2 4 0 11 3 1 0 16:00-17:00 73 48 1 7 1 11 4 2 0 17:00-18:00 73 45 0 5 1 14 5 3 0 18:00-19:00 29 19 1 3 1 4 1 0 0 Daily 704 372 15 42 7 217 36 15 0 Table 5.2: Predicted person-trips for the Victoria Works site

5.6 Table 5.2 shows that the existing Victoria Works could be expected to generate 387 daily vehicle trips comprising 372 cars and 15 HGVs. Of the daily vehicle trips, 57 would be in the morning peak (8 to 9am) hour and 45 in the evening (5 to 6pm) peak hour. There will also be an estimated 4 lorry movements in the morning peak hour.

5.7 There will be an estimated 704 person-trips of which 372 are car drivers giving an expected driver mode share of 53%. This is a close match to the observed Census

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Expected Transport Impact

2011 car driver mode share for Redditch commuters of 50%. This data provides good validation of the TRICS data against known local travel characteristics.

Committed Development traffic

5.8 TRICS 7.4.4 data has been used to assess likely trips generated by the outline permission for the Victoria Works residential development of upto 75 dwellings (the Phase 1 works). For residential development, TRICS data was used meeting the following criteria for both private flats and houses: • Multi-modal sites only; • Weekday surveys only; • Mainland UK sites only excluding Greater London; and • edge of town centre sites.

5.9 The TRICS site selection resulted in eight edge of town centre sites for flats and also eight edge of town centre sites for houses. The full TRICS output is included in Appendix G and the expected person trips is summarised in table 5.3 below. Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach 07:00-08:00 27 13 0 3 1 5 1 3 0 08:00-09:00 45 21 1 8 1 12 2 1 0 09:00-10:00 27 14 1 3 0 8 1 0 0 10:00-11:00 31 17 0 4 1 8 1 0 0 11:00-12:00 33 16 0 5 1 8 1 0 1 12:00-13:00 35 18 0 5 1 9 2 0 0 13:00-14:00 34 18 0 5 0 10 1 0 0 14:00-15:00 36 19 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 15:00-16:00 38 17 0 7 1 12 0 1 0 16:00-17:00 41 19 0 7 0 11 1 1 0 17:00-18:00 50 25 0 9 1 11 2 2 0 18:00-19:00 37 19 0 7 1 10 1 1 0 Daily 433 216 3 69 8 114 12 10 1 Table 5.3: Predicted person-trips for Committed Victoria Works Phase 1 development

5.10 Table 5.3 shows that the 75 dwellings are expected to generate a total of 13 morning peak (8 to 9am) vehicle trips and 25 evening peak (5 to 6pm) vehicle trips.

5.11 There will be a predicted 219 daily vehicle trips comprising 216 cars and 3 HGVs and a predicted 433 total person-trips. This represents an average car driver mode share of 50% which closely matches the known existing car driver mode share for Redditch commuters. This close match suggests that the predicted trips for the residential development are reasonable and helps validate the data against known local characteristics.

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Expected Transport Impact

Expected development traffic

5.12 The expected trip generation for the proposed development of 19 flats and 90m2 of office space on the former Victoria Works car park (Phase 2 works) has been estimated using the TRICS data for flats and offices contained in Appendix G. The results are summarised in tables 6.4-6.6 below. Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach

07:00-08:00 6 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

08:00-09:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 1 0 0

09:00-10:00 6 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

10:00-11:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

11:00-12:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

12:00-13:00 9 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

13:00-14:00 8 5 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

14:00-15:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

15:00-16:00 7 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

16:00-17:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

17:00-18:00 10 5 0 2 0 2 1 1 0

18:00-19:00 9 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

Daily 95 47 0 15 1 23 3 4 1 Table 5.4: Predicted person-trips for 19 Flats in residential phase 2 works

5.13 Table 5.4 shows the expected trips generated by the 19 apartments. This table shows that the apartments are expected to generate a total of 95 person-trips of which 47 will be vehicle trips on a typical day of which 4 vehicle trips will be in the morning peak (8 to 9am) and 5 vehicle trips in the evening peak (5 to 6pm). There are no expected HGV trips.

5.14 Table 5.5 shows that the office element is expected to generate 26 daily person- trips of which 13 will be vehicle trips and no HGV trips. There are 3 vehicle trips expected in both the morning and evening peak hour.

5.15 Table 5.6 below combines the residential and office trips. This shows that the proposed development will generate a daily total of 120 person-trips of which 61 will be vehicle trips and one will be a lorry. There are an expected 6 vehicle trips in the morning peak hour and 7 in the evening peak hour.

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Expected Transport Impact

Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach

07:00-08:00 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

08:00-09:00 3 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0

09:00-10:00 2 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0

10:00-11:00 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

11:00-12:00 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

12:00-13:00 3 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

13:00-14:00 3 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

14:00-15:00 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

15:00-16:00 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

16:00-17:00 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

17:00-18:00 3 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0

18:00-19:00 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Daily 26 13 0 14 0 9 2 1 0 Table 5.5: Predicted person-trips for office space phase 2 works Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach

07:00-08:00 7 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

08:00-09:00 11 6 0 3 0 2 1 1 0

09:00-10:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0

10:00-11:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0

11:00-12:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0

12:00-13:00 12 5 0 2 0 4 1 0 0

13:00-14:00 12 5 0 2 0 4 0 0 0

14:00-15:00 10 5 0 2 0 3 0 0 0

15:00-16:00 9 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0

16:00-17:00 11 5 0 3 0 3 0 0 0

17:00-18:00 13 7 0 4 0 3 1 1 0

18:00-19:00 9 5 0 2 0 3 0 0 0

Daily 120 60 1 29 2 32 5 4 1 Table 5.6: Predicted total person-trips for 19 Flats and 90m2 office space phase 2 works

Page 25

Expected Transport Impact

Expected transport impact

5.16 The expected transport impact of the phase 2 development on the former Victoria Works car park will be negligible. The additional 61 car trips on a typical day add a maximum of 6 to 7 additional peak hour trips, or 1 vehicle every ten minutes. The additional 59 non-vehicle trips, comprising pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users will help improve the vitality of the local area by increasing local footfall and increasing the viability of local public transport services.

5.17 The cumulative impact of the proposed phase 2 development can be predicted from the net person-trips. That is the likely change in trips for the proposed, phase 2, mixed-use development compared to the existing light-industrial use, taking into account the phase 1, Victoria Works 75 unit residential redevelopment as committed development. Table 5.7 shows the expected net person-trips.

Time Range All Person Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach 07:00-08:00 2 -7 0 2 1 3 0 3 0 08:00-09:00 -25 -26 -3 9 0 0 -2 -1 0 09:00-10:00 -38 -32 0 2 0 -2 -3 -1 0 10:00-11:00 -3 -3 -1 3 0 0 -1 0 0 11:00-12:00 1 -3 -1 4 0 1 -1 0 1 12:00-13:00 -32 2 -1 4 1 -37 -1 0 0 13:00-14:00 -36 3 -1 4 0 -40 -1 0 0 14:00-15:00 -7 4 -1 5 0 -11 -3 -1 0 15:00-16:00 2 -3 -2 5 1 4 -2 0 0 16:00-17:00 -22 -23 0 3 -1 3 -2 -1 0 17:00-18:00 -10 -13 0 8 0 0 -3 0 0 18:00-19:00 18 4 -1 6 0 8 0 1 0 Daily -151 -96 -11 56 2 -71 -19 -1 2 Table 5.7: Expected change in person trips at Victoria Works

5.18 Table 5.7 shows that over a typical day the new mixed-use phase 2 development combined with the phase 1 residential development can be expected to generate 151 fewer person-trips compared to the Victoria Works industrial use. This reduction in overall person-trips is matched by expected reductions in daily vehicle trips of 96 and by reductions in pedestrian trips by 71.

5.19 Vehicle passenger trips are expected to increase. This increase is expected as the residential passenger trips include children travelling to school and elsewhere whereas employees won’t include younger or elderly people who are more likely to be car passengers.

5.20 The expected impact on the local network transport network will therefore be positive with reductions in vehicular traffic and, in particular, a significant reduction in HGV traffic by 11 per day from an estimated 15 with the industrial

Page 26

Expected Transport Impact

use to 4 with the residential and mixed-use.

Parking impact

5.21 Table 3.4 in section 3 of this report suggests that households living in flats will own on average 0.46 cars and local households living in houses will own 1.28 cars.

5.22 Both the proposed phase 2 mixed-use and the phase 1 residential uses are providing sufficient on site parking to meet expected demand.

5.23 In the event of any on-street parking being required, for example for occasional visitors if no on-site parking is free, there is adequate on-street capacity within a short walking distance of the development as shown in the survey results in Appendix F.

Page 27

Summary and Conclusions

6 Summary and Conclusions

6.1 It is proposed to provide 19 residential apartments and 90m2 of office space on the former Victoria Works car park, located on Edward Street directly opposite the former Victoria Works site itself. The proposals include 16 on site parking spaces with access from Edward Street via a vehicle crossover in the same location and the same form as the existing Victoria Works car park access.

6.2 Each resident will be provided with a Welcome Pack providing information on travel choices to encourage use of alternatives to the car. Cycle parking will meet the planning authority’s policy requirements of 1 space per dwelling together with 3 spaces for the office use.

6.3 The highway authority has stated that a car free development would be appropriate at this location, accessible to the town centre. However, if parking is to be provided then details of how it will be managed should be provided.

6.4 It is proposed to provide: • 10 residents’ parking spaces; • 5 office parking spaces of which two are for disabled employees or visitors; and • 1 loading/service bay for use for office and residential deliveries.

6.5 The 2011 census data shows that local households living in flats own on average 0.46 per dwelling. This would equate to a total of 9 cars owned by residents of the 19 flats. This closely matches the proposed 10 parking spaces to be provided for flat residents.

6.6 The office space is to be occupied by Accord Housing Association Ltd and the onsite parking will be managed to ensure it is used appropriately with impacting upon the surrounding streets.

6.7 Victoria Works is in a highly sustainable location and residents will be able to live there without the need to own a car. Local surveys have shown there is adequate on-street parking available nearby for visitors should it be needed.

6.8 Redditch refuse has been consulted and the bin stores have been placed to meet their requirements. Day to day deliveries to the site can use the on-site delivery and loading bay shown in the car park. Larger occasional deliveries and service vehicles may deliver from Edward Street.

6.9 The expected impact, taking into account the Victoria Works phases 1 (former works) and 2 (for car park), is a net decrease in person-trips and vehicle trips compared to the previous uses.

6.10 The proposed development meets all local and national policy guidance and there are no reasons for an objection to the proposals on highway grounds.

Page 28



Appendix: A Location Plan Appendix: B Proposed site plan Appendix: C Pre-application advice Appendix: D Public transport map Appendix: E Local car ownership Appendix: F Parking survey Appendix: G TRICS data Appendix: H Trip generation

Page 29



Page A-1

Victoria Works site (Phase 1)

Application site (Phase 2)

Location Plan Appendices


Page B-2




UP Living / Dining

mvhr 17.1m²

Living / Dining








Cycle Store Shower


Bedroom 20 x Spaces 6 Res 9m² Retained Tree 5 Res

4 Res E 8 x 1100L 3 Res 2 Res DOWN 3 Motorcycle F Bins 1 Res spaces 30m to bins



Room from apartment Shower

Shower Room





from apartment 7 Res 30m to bins 8 Res 9m from bin store Living / Dining to boundary 9 Res 17.1m²

10 Res Living / Dining

mvhr 2.4m Visibility splay 5 Office 17.1m²

4 Office mvhr 3 Office 2 Office Disabled 1 Office Disabled


space Delivery/Turning Communal Garden Retained Tree

Works Apartment Block One Retained Tree with Ground Floor Office D Path widening 17/12/19 CJL C Layout development 16/12/19 CJL B Layout development 12/12/19 CJL A Moving building away from the railway 29/11/19 CJL rev note date by

9m office bins from 3 x Hoop bike boundary 4 x 240L spaces for office West Bromwich West Midlands bins for office B70 6QG

Tel. 0300 111 7000


project Redditch Phase Two, Former Victoria Works Car Park, Edwards Street, Redditch, B97 6HA

title Sketch Layout - 12 20m 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

job dwg no rev date Nov 2019 scale 1:250@A3 Scale 1:250 19-1624 014 D drawn CJL Appendices


Page C-3

Sukvinder S Agimal Economy and Infrastructure Development Control Engineer Redditch Borough Council Town Hall County Hall Walter Stranz Square Spetchley Road Redditch Worcester Worcestershire WR5 2NP B98 8AH

Date: 22/11/2019 Our ref: Pre App / R Ask for: Sukvinder Agimal

Dear Sir / Madam

Transportation Pre Application Advice Edward Street, former car park off Edward Street, Redditch B97 6HA (Land south of former Clive works) 12 apartments, 4 houses

Thank you for your recent pre-app enquiry. Worcestershire County Council as the Highway Authority for this area has now reviewed your 2 proposals (Option 2 and Option 8) and have the following comments. It should be noted the most recent proposal Option 8 has been looked as a good will gesture and no pre-app fee has been requested in this instance. However further proposals will require a pre-app fee prior to any comments being provided by highways:

I have no highway objections in principal to the proposed Option 2 and Option 8. The proposed development is located in a town centre commercial and sustainable location off an unclassified road, the site benefits from an existing vehicular access. Edward Street benefits from footpaths and street lighting on both sides of the road with parking restrictions in force in the vicinity (“No Parking” Mon – Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm). The site is located within acceptable walking distance of amenities, bus route and bus stops, bus station and Redditch Railway Station.

I have the following comments on the 2-proposal submitted:

Option 2 1. Internal access road layout does not meet WCC`s requirements therefore WCC unable to adopt. 2. Pedestrian visibility splay at the new development access with Edward Street should be shown on a plan (2.0m x 2.0m). 3. Appropriate signage should be provided at the new access (one way).

Tel: 01905 843466 • Email: [email protected] • DX 29941 Worcester 2

Please recycle this item after use 4. It is noted the fence line may need altering to allow for the pedestrian visibility splays. 5. At the proposed access tactile paving for pedestrians to be provided. 6. Applicant to confirm pedestrian movements to and within the site. 7. Cycle parking for residents to be in a secure, safe and accessible location. 8. Contributions towards: local walking and cycling infrastructure (approx. £13,500). 9. Travel Welcome Pack for each resident. 10. Zero car parking on site would be acceptable in this instance due to the location of the site, if car parking is to be provided and not the full allocation, applicant to confirm how this car parking allocation will work in practice. 11. Each car parking space to be provided with an Electrical Vehicle Charging Point.

Option 8

1. Internal access road layout does not meet WCC`s requirements therefore WCC unable to adopt. 2. Pedestrian visibility splay at the development access with Edward Street should be shown on a plan (2.0m x 2.0m). 3. Appropriate signage should be provided at the new access (one way). 4. It is noted the fence line may need altering to allow for the pedestrian visibility splays. 5. At the vehicular access tactile paving for pedestrians to be provided. 6. Applicant to confirm pedestrian movements to and within the site. 7. Cycle parking for residents to be in a secure, safe and accessible location, for the office element applicant to ensure lockers and showers are provided. 8. Contributions towards: local walking and cycling infrastructure (approx. £13,000). 9. Travel Welcome Pack for each resident. 10. Zero car parking on site would be acceptable in this instance due to the location of the site, if car parking is to be provided and not the full allocation, applicant to confirm how this the car parking allocation will work in practice. 11. Each car parking space to be provided with an Electrical Vehicle Charging Point.

I hope that these comments assist you ii your planning application.

Yours Sincerely

SUKVINDER S AGIMAL FIHE MCIHT Development Control Engineer

Disclaimer The advice given by council officers in response to pre-application enquiries does not bind the council’s decision making or constitute a formal representation by the council as The Highway Authority. Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith and to the best of our ability without prejudice to the formal consideration of any future planning application.

However the written advice provided will be taken into consideration by the council in the representation to a future related planning application, subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that may alter that position. In this regard the weight given to pre-application advice will decline over time.



Page D-4



Page E-5

KS404EW - Car or van availability ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 29 January 2018] population All households; All cars or vans units Households area type 2011 super output areas - lower layer area name E01032238 : Redditch 006C rural urban Total

Cars 2011 All categories: Car or van availability 511

No cars or vans in household 87

1 car or van in household 200 2 cars or vans in household 170 3 cars or vans in household 38 4 or more cars or vans in household 16 sum of all cars or vans in the area 726 cars in 2+ car hhds 526 2+ car hhds 224 Average cars in 2+ car hhds 2.3

LC4415EW - Accommodation type by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 29 January 2018] population All households units Persons date 2011 area type 2011 super output areas - lower layer area name E01032238 : Redditch 006C no of usual residents in households All categories: Number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household

Flat, maisonett All Whole house Cars or Vans e, or Dwellings or bungalow apartmen t Househol Households Cars Households Cars Cars ds All categories: Car or van availability 511 427 84 No cars or vans in household 87 49 38 1 car or van in household 200 200 166 166 34 34 2 or more cars or vans in household 224 526 212 498 12 28 726 664 62

Avearge cars per hhd 1.42074364 1.554617 0.74 KS404EW - Car or van availability ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 29 January 2018] population All households; All cars or vans units Households area type 2011 output areas area name E00164436 rural urban Total

Cars 2011 All categories: Car or van availability 123 No cars or vans in household 47 1 car or van in household 41 2 cars or vans in household 25 3 cars or vans in household 6 4 or more cars or vans in household 4 sum of all cars or vans in the area 125 cars in 2+ car hhds 84 2+ car hhds 35 average cars in 2+ car hhds 2.4

LC4415EW - Accommodation type by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 29 January 2018] population All households units Persons date 2011 area type 2011 output areas area name E00164436 no of usual residents in households All categories: Number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household

Whole house or Flat, maisonette, Cars or Vans All Dwellings bungalow apartment

All categories: Car or van availability 123 84 39 No cars or vans in household 47 23 24 1 car or van in household 41 41 28 28 13 13 2 or more cars or vans in household 35 84 33 79 2 5 Total cars 125 107 18 average cars per hhds 1.02 1.28 0.46 QS701EW - Method of travel to work ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 28 February 2018] population All usual residents aged 16 to 74 units Persons area type 2011 output areas area name E00164436 rural urban Total

Method of Travel to Work 2011 Commutingpercentage only commuting All categories: Method of travel to work 283 166 Work mainly at or from home 6 Underground, metro, light rail, tram 0 0 0% Train 7 7 4% Bus, minibus or coach 23 23 14% Taxi 2 2 1% Motorcycle, scooter or moped 0 0 0% Driving a car or van 83 83 50% Passenger in a car or van 15 15 9% Bicycle 5 5 3% On foot 29 29 17% Other method of travel to work 2 2 1% Not in employment 111 Appendices


Page F-6




This parking beat survey has been carried out by 360 TSL Limited, an independent survey company. The survey methodology follows the London Borough of Lambeth Parking Guidance.

Each road included as part of this parking beat survey has been measured to establish parking capacity for each section of legal parking available. Where lengthwise parking is available along the kerbside 1 space = 5m long.

Parking capacity has been calculated by measuring each length of road between obstructions (e.g. crossovers, kerb build-outs, traffic islands, illegal parking, etc) then converted into parking spaces by rounding down to the nearest 5m and dividing the length by 5. Parking spaces that have been marked out or are of a crosswise orientation have been counted separately. If the width of the road is such that parking on both sides would cause an obstruction, then only one side of the road has been included as part of the roads capacity calculation. For reasons of highway safety the first 7.5m from a junction has not been counted as part of the capacity calculation.

Vehicles occupying spaces have been counted at set times and recorded according to the type of space they are parked in. A stress calculation has been applied to express the number of parked vehicles as a percentage of available parking for each parking type. Any private parking has not been included in this survey.

Any illegal or obstructive parking (on double yellow lines, crossovers, keep clear lines etc) has excluded from the stress calculation but noted separately (if observed). Skips or any other non-vehicle occupying a parking space has also been noted separately (if observed).


Date Times Beat Frequency Walking Radius TUE 14 FEB 3PM-7PM 15 Mins 200m WED 15 FEB 2AM-5AM 1 Snapshot 3. SURVEY AREA 4. PARKING CAPACITY OVERVIEW Bromsgrove Road Vicarage Crescent Prophets Close Edward Street Britten Street Bridge Street Elm Road Totals Road 77 15 16 12 30 0 0 4 Unrestricted 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0

Spaces: 5m = 1 Space Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 64 38 16 10 0 0 0 0 Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) Total Spaces 169 38 14 15 32 18 12 40 TABLE 5 TABLE 4 TABLE 3 TABLE 2 TABLE 1 TUESDAY 13 & WEDNESDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2018 5. PARKING BEAT SURVEY STRESS TABLES Vicarage Crescent Bromsgrove Road Bromsgrove Road Prophets Close Edward Street Britten Street Britten Street Britten Street Bridge Street Bridge Street Bridge Street Unicorn Hill Elm Road Elm Road Elm Road Road Total Road Total Road Total Road Total Road i S i S i S i S i S n U n U n U n U n U 320 190 355 150 Parked on Crossover 80 50 65 65 70 70 45 80 20 60

Keep Clear Zig Zags Lengthwise Lengthwise Lengthwise Lengthwise Parking Capacity Parking Capacity Parking Capacity Parking Capacity

Double Yellow Double Yellow Double Yellow Parking (m) Parking (m) Parking (m) Parking (m) 13 13 14 14 71 16 12 30 64 16 38 10 Details Lengthwise Lengthwise Lengthwise 9 4 Lengthwise Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crosswise or 1 1 Crosswise or 0 0 Crosswise or Crosswise or

Total Marked Spaces Marked Spaces Marked Spaces Marked Spaces 77 15 16 12 30 64 16 38 10 14 14 14 14 Total Spaces Total Spaces Total Spaces 4 Total Spaces 62 12 16 25 6 2 1 1 1 1 15:00 3 0 3 0 15:00 0 0 15:00 0 0 15:00 2 7 15:00 56 15 24 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 7 7 3 0 1 2 1 15:15 15:15 15:15 15:15 15:15 55 15 24 4 2 0 0 1 1 15:30 3 0 3 0 15:30 0 0 15:30 0 0 15:30 8 1 7 15:30 52 14 22 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 7 3 1 0 0 1 1 15:45 15:45 15:45 15:45 15:45 50 12 22 4 2 0 0 1 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 7

16:00 Illegal/Obstructive Parking 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 51 12 23 4 2 0 0 1 1 16:15 4 0 4 0 16:15 0 0 16:15 0 0 16:15 8 2 6 16:15 50 12 23 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 6 4 2 0 0 1 1 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 16:30 51 12 23 3 1 0 0 1 1 16:45 3 0 3 0 16:45 0 0 16:45 0 0 16:45 8 2 6 16:45 50 11 23 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 6 4 1 1 0 1 1 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied 45 11 21 4 2 0 0 1 1 17:15 TUES 3 0 3 0 17:15 TUES 0 0 17:15 TUES 0 0 17:15 TUES 6 2 5 17:15 TUES 43 11 19 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 4 5 2 0 0 2 1 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 17:30 39 19 0 0 4 9 3 4 5 3 0 0 1 1 17:45 3 0 3 0 17:45 0 0 17:45 17:45 17:45 36 16 0 0 5 9 3 3 4 2 0 0 1 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 18:00 18:00 Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 18:00 18:00 18:00 32 13 0 0 4 9 3 3 4 2 0 0 1 1 5 0 5 0 0 0 18:15 18:15 18:15 18:15 Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 18:15 29 11 0 0 3 9 3 3 6 3 0 0 2 1 18:30 5 0 5 0 18:30 0 0 18:30 18:30 18:30 26 11 0 0 2 2 3 8 5 2 0 0 2 1 18:45 5 0 5 0 18:45 0 0 18:45 18:45 18:45 Unrestricted 24 11 0 0 2 2 2 7 4 1 0 0 2 1 19:00 4 0 4 0 19:00 0 0 19:00 19:00 19:00 18 10 0 0 1 1 2 4 3 2 0 0 0 1 20:00 3 0 3 0 20:00 0 0 20:00 20:00 20:00 17 10 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 3 0 0 0 1 21:00 3 0 3 0 21:00 0 0 21:00 21:00 21:00 15 10 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 04:00 WED 1 0 1 0 04:00 WED 0 0 04:00 WED 04:00 WED 04:00 WED 100% 81% 80% 50% 58% 83% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 15:00 0% 0% 15:00 15:00 15:00 73% 60% 94% 25% 58% 80% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 15:15 0% 0% 15:15 15:15 15:15 71% 53% 94% 25% 58% 80% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 15:30 0% 0% 15:30 15:30 15:30 68% 53% 88% 25% 58% 73% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 15:45 0% 0% 15:45 15:45 15:45 65% 53% 75% 25% 58% 73% 11% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 16:00 0% 0% 16:00 16:00 16:00 66% 53% 75% 50% 50% 77% 11% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 16:15 0% 0% 16:15 16:15 16:15 65% 53% 75% 25% 50% 77% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 16:30 0% 0% 16:30 16:30 16:30 66% 53% 75% 50% 50% 77% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 16:45 0% 0% 16:45 16:45 16:45 65% 53% 69% 50% 50% 77% 11% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% Parking Stress Parking Stress 17:00 Parking Stress 17:00 Parking Stress 17:00 17:00 58% 40% 69% 50% 42% 70% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 17:15 TUES 17:15 TUES 17:15 TUES 17:15 TUES 56% 40% 69% 75% 33% 63% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 17:30 0% 0% 17:30 17:30 17:30 51% 27% 56% 75% 33% 63% 0% 0% 5% 0% 8% 0% 17:45 0% 0% 17:45 17:45 17:45 47% 33% 56% 75% 25% 53% 11% 0% 0% 6% 0% 0% 18:00 0% 0% 18:00 18:00 18:00 42% 27% 56% 75% 25% 43% 13% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 18:15 0% 0% 18:15 18:15 18:15 38% 20% 56% 75% 25% 37% 13% 0% 0% 8% 0% 0% 18:30 0% 0% 18:30 18:30 18:30 13% 34% 13% 69% 50% 25% 27% 8% 0% 0% 18:45 0% 0% 18:45 0% 0% 18:45 18:45 11% 31% 13% 69% 50% 17% 23% 6% 0% 0% 19:00 0% 0% 19:00 0% 0% 19:00 19:00 23% 63% 25% 17% 13% 5% 0% 8% 0% 20:00 0% 0% 20:00 0% 0% 20:00 7% 20:00 22% 63% 25% 17% 10% 5% 0% 8% 0% 21:00 0% 0% 21:00 0% 0% 21:00 7% 21:00 19% 63% 25% 17% 2% 0% 3% 0% 04:00 WED 0% 0% 04:00 WED 0% 0% 04:00 WED 7% 3% 04:00 WED 6. PARKING CAPACITY MEASUREMENTS

A working table showing kerbside measurements for each parking type.

Crosswis 5m Round Down (If Total Side of Measuring Section Length e Spaces Location Parking Type Lengthwise & Spaces (5m Road Orientation (m) or Unmarked) = 1 space) Marked Britten Street E N-S Double Yellow 11.2 10 2 Britten Street E N-S Unrestricted 81.7 80 16 Britten Street E N-S Double Yellow 24.5 20 4 Britten Street E N-S Unrestricted 59.9 55 11 Britten Street E N-S Crossover 3.5 0 0 Britten Street E N-S Unrestricted 17.1 15 3 Britten Street E N-S Double Yellow 15.4 15 3 Britten Street W S-N Double Yellow 14.7 10 2 Britten Street W S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 23.1 20 4 Britten Street W S-N Double Yellow 25.2 25 5 Britten Street W S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 22.4 20 4 Britten Street W S-N Crossover 4.2 0 0 Britten Street W S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 11.9 10 2 Britten Street W S-N Double Yellow 52.5 50 10 Britten Street W S-N Crossover 18.9 15 3 Britten Street W S-N Too Narrow for Parking 9.8 5 1 Britten Street W S-N Double Yellow 16.1 15 3 Edward Street W N-S Double Yellow 11.9 10 2 Edward Street W N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 12.6 10 2 Edward Street W N-S Crossover 7.7 5 1 Edward Street W N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 17.5 15 3 Edward Street W N-S Crossover 16.8 15 3 Edward Street W N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 34.3 30 6 Edward Street W N-S Crossover 12.6 10 2 Edward Street W N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 41.3 40 8 Edward Street W N-S Crossover 27.3 25 5 Edward Street W N-S Double Yellow 14.0 10 2 Edward Street E S-N Double Yellow 14.0 10 2 Edward Street E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 16.8 15 3 Edward Street E S-N Crossover 9.8 5 1 Edward Street E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 23.8 20 4 Edward Street E S-N Crossover 7.0 5 1 Edward Street E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 16.8 15 3 Edward Street E S-N Crossover 14.0 10 2 Edward Street E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 23.1 20 4 Edward Street E S-N Crossover 23.8 20 4 Edward Street E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 29.4 25 5 Edward Street E S-N Double Yellow 14.0 10 2 Prophets Close E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 3.5 CW 1 1 Prophets Close E S-N Crossover 4.2 0 0 Prophets Close E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 7.0 5 1 Prophets Close E S-N Crossover 9.8 5 1 Prophets Close E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 22.4 20 4 Prophets Close E S-N Crossover 5.6 5 1 Prophets Close E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 4.2 0 0 Prophets Close E S-N Crossover 2.1 0 0 Prophets Close E S-N Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Sat 8am-6pm) 42.7 40 8 Prophets Close E S-N First 7.5m From Junction 7.7 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Double Yellow 9.8 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Too Narrow for Parking 5.6 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 13.3 10 2 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Too Narrow for Parking 6.3 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 3.5 0 0 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Unrestricted 9.1 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 7.0 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Too Narrow for Parking 7.0 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 5.6 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Too Narrow for Parking 8.4 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 4.2 0 0 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Unrestricted 5.6 5 1 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Crossover 18.9 15 3 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Unrestricted 4.9 0 0 Vicarage Crescent E N-S Double Yellow 4.9 0 0 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Crossover 14.7 10 2 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Unrestricted 11.2 10 2 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Crossover 7.0 5 1 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Unrestricted 11.9 10 2 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Crossover 8.4 5 1 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Unrestricted 10.5 10 2 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Crossover 4.2 0 0 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Unrestricted 5.6 5 1 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Crossover 7.0 5 1 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Unrestricted 17.5 15 3 Vicarage Crescent W S-N Double Yellow 8.4 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Unrestricted 11.2 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 4.9 0 0 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Unrestricted 7.0 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 4.9 0 0 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Unrestricted 5.6 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 14.7 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 4.9 0 0 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 3.5 0 0 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 11.9 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 7.0 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 22.4 20 4 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Double Yellow 11.2 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Junction 11.2 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Double Yellow 12.6 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 11.9 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 8.4 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 5.6 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 4.9 0 0 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 9.1 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 11.2 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 8.4 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 5.6 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 7.7 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossover 6.3 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Single Yellow (No Parking 7am-7pm) 12.6 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Junction 12.6 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Double Yellow 11.9 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Junction 13.3 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Double Yellow 17.5 15 3 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Junction 13.3 10 2 Bromsgrove Road S W-E White Zig Zags 9.1 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Crossing 9.8 5 1 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Junction 15.4 15 3 Bromsgrove Road S W-E Double Yellow 21.0 20 4 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 18.2 15 3 Elm Road W S-N Crossover 5.6 5 1 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 11.2 10 2 Elm Road W S-N Crossover 3.5 0 0 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 5.6 5 1 Elm Road W S-N Crossover 3.5 0 0 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 21.0 20 4 Elm Road W S-N Crossover 4.2 0 0 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 12.6 10 2 Elm Road W S-N Crossover 6.3 5 1 Elm Road W S-N Unrestricted 22.4 20 4 Elm Road W S-N Double Yellow 11.9 10 2 Elm Road W S-N Junction 11.2 10 2 Elm Road W S-N Double Yellow 17.5 15 3 Elm Road E N-S Double Yellow 51.0 50 10 Elm Road E N-S Crossover 5.0 5 1 Elm Road E N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 50.2 50 10 Elm Road E N-S Crossover 6.9 5 1 Elm Road E N-S Single Yellow (No Parking Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 32.1 30 6 Elm Road E N-S Double Yellow 15.0 15 3 Bridge Street N E-W Unrestricted 32.3 30 6 Bridge Street N E-W Keep Clear Zig Zags 52.5 50 10 Bridge Street N E-W Unrestricted 19.7 CW 6 6 Bridge Street S W-E Unrestricted 18.1 15 3 Bridge Street S W-E Crossover 8.2 5 1 Bridge Street S W-E Double Yellow 3.0 0 0 Bridge Street S W-E Junction 10.0 10 2 Bridge Street S W-E Double Yellow 7.1 5 1 Bridge Street S W-E Crossover 16.2 15 3 Bridge Street S W-E Double Yellow 16.0 15 3 Bridge Street S W-E Junction 10.2 10 2 Bridge Street S W-E Double Yellow 23.2 20 4 Appendices

Appendix: G TRICS DATA

Page G-7

Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.043 8 56 0.097 8 56 0.14 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.058 8 56 0.137 8 56 0.195 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.067 8 56 0.099 8 56 0.166 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.103 8 56 0.119 8 56 0.222 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.101 8 56 0.117 8 56 0.218 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.144 8 56 0.092 8 56 0.236 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.106 8 56 0.137 8 56 0.243 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.115 8 56 0.124 8 56 0.239 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.088 8 56 0.074 8 56 0.162 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.121 8 56 0.09 8 56 0.211 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.173 8 56 0.106 8 56 0.279 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.121 8 56 0.092 8 56 0.213 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.24 1.284 2.524

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/C - FLATS PRIVATELY OWNED Calculation Factor: 1 DWELLS Count Type: TAXIS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 08:00-09:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 09:00-10:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.008 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.008 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.014 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.014 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.011 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.008 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.041 0.038 0.079

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/C - FLATS PRIVATELY OWNED Calculation Factor: 1 DWELLS Count Type: OGVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.011 10:00-11:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 11:00-12:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 15:00-16:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 16:00-17:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 17:00-18:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 18:00-19:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.012 0.013 0.025

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/C - FLATS PRIVATELY OWNED Calculation Factor: 1 DWELLS Count Type: PSVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 08:00-09:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 09:00-10:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 12:00-13:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 13:00-14:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 16:00-17:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 17:00-18:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 18:00-19:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.006 0.006 0.012

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.011 8 56 0.015 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 10:00-11:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.007 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.009 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.009 8 56 0.013 13:00-14:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.006 16:00-17:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.007 8 56 0 8 56 0.007 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0 8 56 0.004 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.034 0.033 0.067


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.115 8 56 0.167 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.063 8 56 0.193 8 56 0.256 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.083 8 56 0.124 8 56 0.207 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.13 8 56 0.153 8 56 0.283 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.126 8 56 0.157 8 56 0.283 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.175 8 56 0.13 8 56 0.305 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.146 8 56 0.162 8 56 0.308 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.142 8 56 0.166 8 56 0.308 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.124 8 56 0.115 8 56 0.239 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.164 8 56 0.119 8 56 0.283 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.238 8 56 0.137 8 56 0.375 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.16 8 56 0.128 8 56 0.288 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.603 1.699 3.302

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.018 8 56 0.036 8 56 0.054 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.013 8 56 0.081 8 56 0.094 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.031 8 56 0.067 8 56 0.098 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.049 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.101 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.047 8 56 0.038 8 56 0.085 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.054 8 56 0.047 8 56 0.101 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.104 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.067 8 56 0.036 8 56 0.103 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.067 8 56 0.04 8 56 0.107 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.058 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.11 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.065 8 56 0.036 8 56 0.101 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.061 8 56 0.067 8 56 0.128 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.582 0.604 1.186


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.025 8 56 0.025 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.04 8 56 0.042 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.009 8 56 0.011 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.006 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.006 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.013 8 56 0.011 8 56 0.024 13:00-14:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.009 8 56 0.009 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0 8 56 0.004 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.016 8 56 0 8 56 0.016 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.027 8 56 0 8 56 0.027 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.011 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.013 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.079 0.104 0.183

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.052 8 56 0.054 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.02 8 56 0.022 09:00-10:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.007 8 56 0.007 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.006 11:00-12:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.004 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.006 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.006 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.013 8 56 0 8 56 0.013 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.02 8 56 0 8 56 0.02 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.038 8 56 0 8 56 0.038 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.016 8 56 0 8 56 0.016 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.099 0.095 0.194


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 08:00-09:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 09:00-10:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 10:00-11:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.004 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.022 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.024 12:00-13:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 13:00-14:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 16:00-17:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 17:00-18:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 18:00-19:00 8 56 0 8 56 0 8 56 0 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.024 0.006 0.03

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.076 8 56 0.078 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.061 8 56 0.065 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.016 8 56 0.018 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.004 8 56 0.013 8 56 0.017 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.025 8 56 0.011 8 56 0.036 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.018 8 56 0.013 8 56 0.031 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.013 8 56 0.015 14:00-15:00 8 56 0 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.002 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.02 8 56 0 8 56 0.02 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.036 8 56 0 8 56 0.036 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.065 8 56 0 8 56 0.065 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.027 8 56 0.002 8 56 0.029 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.205 0.207 0.412


ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 8 56 0.076 8 56 0.238 8 56 0.314 08:00-09:00 8 56 0.083 8 56 0.335 8 56 0.418 09:00-10:00 8 56 0.119 8 56 0.207 8 56 0.326 10:00-11:00 8 56 0.184 8 56 0.225 8 56 0.409 11:00-12:00 8 56 0.204 8 56 0.209 8 56 0.413 12:00-13:00 8 56 0.252 8 56 0.2 8 56 0.452 13:00-14:00 8 56 0.2 8 56 0.227 8 56 0.427 14:00-15:00 8 56 0.209 8 56 0.204 8 56 0.413 15:00-16:00 8 56 0.216 8 56 0.157 8 56 0.373 16:00-17:00 8 56 0.258 8 56 0.173 8 56 0.431 17:00-18:00 8 56 0.375 8 56 0.173 8 56 0.548 18:00-19:00 8 56 0.252 8 56 0.198 8 56 0.45 19:00-20:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 2.428 2.546 4.974

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter6 - 94 (units: range ) selected: Survey date01/01/09 date range: - 09/11/16 Number of weekdays8 (Monday-Friday): Number of Saturdays:0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically0 removed from selection: Surveys manually removed0 from selection: This section followeddisplays aby quick the the total rangesummary number ofthe minimum ofnumber someof selected ofandof thesurvey maximum weekdays data days filtering surveythat and selections haveweekend dates been selected days mademanually in by bythe the theremoved selected TRICS® user. Then from setuser. of the Thesurveys selected trip arerate setshow. calculation outside Finally of parameter the standard range filtering of all selectedprocedure surveys are displayed. is displayed first

Trip Assessment TRICS Flats Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: VEHICLES

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.173 17 5692 0.018 17 5692 0.191 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.671 17 5692 0.088 17 5692 0.759 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.892 17 5692 0.101 17 5692 0.993 08:30-09:00 17 5692 1.076 17 5692 0.159 17 5692 1.235 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.854 17 5692 0.171 17 5692 1.025 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.532 17 5692 0.2 17 5692 0.732 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.318 17 5692 0.18 17 5692 0.498 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.249 17 5692 0.163 17 5692 0.412 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.231 17 5692 0.218 17 5692 0.449 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.226 17 5692 0.192 17 5692 0.418 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.194 17 5692 0.209 17 5692 0.403 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.197 17 5692 0.224 17 5692 0.421 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.236 17 5692 0.21 17 5692 0.446 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.247 17 5692 0.205 17 5692 0.452 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.212 17 5692 0.181 17 5692 0.393 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.178 17 5692 0.242 17 5692 0.42 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.144 17 5692 0.235 17 5692 0.379 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.15 17 5692 0.293 17 5692 0.443 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.143 17 5692 0.644 17 5692 0.787 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.128 17 5692 0.722 17 5692 0.85 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.122 17 5692 1.146 17 5692 1.268 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.065 17 5692 0.55 17 5692 0.615 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.039 17 5692 0.454 17 5692 0.493 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.157 17 5692 0.163 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 7.283 6.962 14.245

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TAXIS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.01 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.01 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.018 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.008 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.004 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.012 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.004 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.074 0.074 0.148

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: OGVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.004 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.005 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.003 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.005 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.007 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.007 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.004 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.008 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.006 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.032 0.032 0.064

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PSVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.002 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.002 0.002 0.004

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: CYCLISTS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.001 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.011 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.013 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.013 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.037 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.038 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.017 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.008 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.01 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.004 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.005 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.008 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.005 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.013 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.009 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.005 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.004 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.006 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.006 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.007 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.012 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.012 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.026 17 5692 0.028 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.027 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.013 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.008 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.137 0.133 0.27

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: VEHICLE OCCUPANTS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.182 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.193 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.739 17 5692 0.033 17 5692 0.772 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.993 17 5692 0.051 17 5692 1.044 08:30-09:00 17 5692 1.163 17 5692 0.109 17 5692 1.272 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.929 17 5692 0.151 17 5692 1.08 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.588 17 5692 0.203 17 5692 0.791 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.354 17 5692 0.187 17 5692 0.541 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.276 17 5692 0.175 17 5692 0.451 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.266 17 5692 0.233 17 5692 0.499 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.258 17 5692 0.211 17 5692 0.469 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.217 17 5692 0.255 17 5692 0.472 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.238 17 5692 0.242 17 5692 0.48 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.259 17 5692 0.233 17 5692 0.492 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.285 17 5692 0.227 17 5692 0.512 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.254 17 5692 0.217 17 5692 0.471 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.185 17 5692 0.295 17 5692 0.48 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.167 17 5692 0.266 17 5692 0.433 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.173 17 5692 0.353 17 5692 0.526 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.153 17 5692 0.733 17 5692 0.886 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.121 17 5692 0.832 17 5692 0.953 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.103 17 5692 1.314 17 5692 1.417 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.06 17 5692 0.611 17 5692 0.671 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.035 17 5692 0.525 17 5692 0.56 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.174 17 5692 0.178 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 8.002 7.641 15.643

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PEDESTRIANS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.025 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.119 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.126 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.219 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.243 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.337 17 5692 0.04 17 5692 0.377 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.244 17 5692 0.06 17 5692 0.304 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.184 17 5692 0.102 17 5692 0.286 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.104 17 5692 0.12 17 5692 0.224 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.128 17 5692 0.138 17 5692 0.266 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.1 17 5692 0.106 17 5692 0.206 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.089 17 5692 0.15 17 5692 0.239 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.343 17 5692 0.706 17 5692 1.049 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.56 17 5692 0.72 17 5692 1.28 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.695 17 5692 0.705 17 5692 1.4 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.748 17 5692 0.44 17 5692 1.188 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.492 17 5692 0.308 17 5692 0.8 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.212 17 5692 0.152 17 5692 0.364 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.125 17 5692 0.124 17 5692 0.249 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.1 17 5692 0.158 17 5692 0.258 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.09 17 5692 0.167 17 5692 0.257 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.061 17 5692 0.207 17 5692 0.268 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.073 17 5692 0.346 17 5692 0.419 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.218 17 5692 0.241 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.019 17 5692 0.125 17 5692 0.144 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.035 17 5692 0.042 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 5.095 5.16 10.255

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: BUS/TRAM PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.023 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.062 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.063 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.098 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.099 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.145 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.146 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.097 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.106 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.052 17 5692 0.022 17 5692 0.074 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.035 17 5692 0.013 17 5692 0.048 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.038 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.054 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.034 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.058 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.028 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.051 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.034 17 5692 0.058 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.025 17 5692 0.043 17 5692 0.068 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.019 17 5692 0.04 17 5692 0.059 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.026 17 5692 0.038 17 5692 0.064 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.049 17 5692 0.065 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.025 17 5692 0.052 17 5692 0.077 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.02 17 5692 0.059 17 5692 0.079 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.029 17 5692 0.052 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.025 17 5692 0.054 17 5692 0.079 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.023 17 5692 0.083 17 5692 0.106 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.014 17 5692 0.133 17 5692 0.147 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.091 17 5692 0.1 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.028 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.007 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.866 0.845 1.711

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TOTAL RAIL PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.01 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.017 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.037 17 5692 0.007 17 5692 0.044 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.098 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.101 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.059 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.062 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.031 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.036 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.014 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.016 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.021 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.008 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.008 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.005 17 5692 0.011 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.013 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.006 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.014 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.018 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.02 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.018 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.012 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.011 17 5692 0.02 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.003 17 5692 0.031 17 5692 0.034 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.06 17 5692 0.061 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.07 17 5692 0.079 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.037 17 5692 0.038 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.026 17 5692 0.03 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.001 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.017 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.359 0.349 0.708

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: COACH PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.009 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0.009 17 5692 0.009 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 17 5692 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.009 0.009 0.018

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.031 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.033 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.078 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.08 08:00-08:30 17 5692 0.135 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.143 08:30-09:00 17 5692 0.243 17 5692 0.004 17 5692 0.247 09:00-09:30 17 5692 0.156 17 5692 0.012 17 5692 0.168 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.083 17 5692 0.027 17 5692 0.11 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.05 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.066 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.049 17 5692 0.027 17 5692 0.076 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.042 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.066 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.043 17 5692 0.025 17 5692 0.068 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.03 17 5692 0.039 17 5692 0.069 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.028 17 5692 0.054 17 5692 0.082 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.025 17 5692 0.049 17 5692 0.074 13:30-14:00 17 5692 0.034 17 5692 0.049 17 5692 0.083 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.026 17 5692 0.059 17 5692 0.085 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.035 17 5692 0.06 17 5692 0.095 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.021 17 5692 0.07 17 5692 0.091 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.032 17 5692 0.04 17 5692 0.072 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.028 17 5692 0.094 17 5692 0.122 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.143 17 5692 0.167 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.024 17 5692 0.204 17 5692 0.228 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.01 17 5692 0.128 17 5692 0.138 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.008 17 5692 0.05 17 5692 0.058 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.002 17 5692 0.022 17 5692 0.024 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.237 1.208 2.445

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/A - OFFICE Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TOTAL PEOPLE

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 17 5692 0.237 17 5692 0.016 17 5692 0.253 07:30-08:00 17 5692 0.945 17 5692 0.044 17 5692 0.989 08:00-08:30 17 5692 1.361 17 5692 0.083 17 5692 1.444 08:30-09:00 17 5692 1.78 17 5692 0.154 17 5692 1.934 09:00-09:30 17 5692 1.344 17 5692 0.224 17 5692 1.568 09:30-10:00 17 5692 0.863 17 5692 0.332 17 5692 1.195 10:00-10:30 17 5692 0.516 17 5692 0.326 17 5692 0.842 10:30-11:00 17 5692 0.456 17 5692 0.341 17 5692 0.797 11:00-11:30 17 5692 0.41 17 5692 0.366 17 5692 0.776 11:30-12:00 17 5692 0.396 17 5692 0.389 17 5692 0.785 12:00-12:30 17 5692 0.592 17 5692 1.003 17 5692 1.595 12:30-13:00 17 5692 0.832 17 5692 1.023 17 5692 1.855 13:00-13:30 17 5692 0.985 17 5692 0.99 17 5692 1.975 13:30-14:00 17 5692 1.07 17 5692 0.719 17 5692 1.789 14:00-14:30 17 5692 0.773 17 5692 0.587 17 5692 1.36 14:30-15:00 17 5692 0.433 17 5692 0.512 17 5692 0.945 15:00-15:30 17 5692 0.317 17 5692 0.462 17 5692 0.779 15:30-16:00 17 5692 0.307 17 5692 0.557 17 5692 0.864 16:00-16:30 17 5692 0.274 17 5692 1.003 17 5692 1.277 16:30-17:00 17 5692 0.207 17 5692 1.193 17 5692 1.4 17:00-17:30 17 5692 0.203 17 5692 1.89 17 5692 2.093 17:30-18:00 17 5692 0.097 17 5692 0.98 17 5692 1.077 18:00-18:30 17 5692 0.064 17 5692 0.711 17 5692 0.775 18:30-19:00 17 5692 0.014 17 5692 0.238 17 5692 0.252 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 14.476 14.143 28.619

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter610 - 32793 range (units: selected: sqm) Survey date01/01/09 date range: - 23/05/17 Number of weekdays17 (Monday-Friday): Number of Saturdays:0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically3 removed from selection: Surveys manually removed0 from selection: This section followeddisplays aby quick the the total rangesummary number ofthe minimum ofnumber someof selected ofandof thesurvey maximum weekdays data days filtering surveythat and selections haveweekend dates been selected days mademanually in by bythe the theremoved selected TRICS® user. Then from setuser. of the Thesurveys selected trip arerate setshow. calculation outside Finally of parameter the standard range filtering of all selectedprocedure surveys are displayed. is displayed first

Trip Assessment TRICS B1 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: VEHICLES

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.072 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.029 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.058 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0.115 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.187 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0.259 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.288 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.086 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.058 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.13 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.101 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.072 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.288 2 3475 0.288 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.1 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.057 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.087 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.123 1.168 2.291

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TAXIS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0 0

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: OGVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.028 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.058 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.029 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.028 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.028 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.028 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.029 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.171 0.185 0.356

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PSVS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0 0

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: CYCLISTS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0.028 0.028

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: VEHICLE OCCUPANTS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.1 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.043 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.058 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0.129 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.201 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0.288 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.317 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.1 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.101 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.144 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.144 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.144 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.101 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.072 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.36 2 3475 0.36 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.101 2 3475 0.115 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.057 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.115 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.335 1.283 2.618

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PEDESTRIANS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0.014 0.042 0.056

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: BUS/TRAM PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0 0

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TOTAL RAIL PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0.014 0.014

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: COACH PASSENGERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0 0

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 2 3475 0 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 0 0.014 0.014

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Victoria Works Redditch 27/03/2018

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT Calculation Factor: 100 sqm Count Type: TOTAL PEOPLE

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time RangeDays GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00-00:30 00:30-01:00 01:00-01:30 01:30-02:00 02:00-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 03:30-04:00 04:00-04:30 04:30-05:00 05:00-05:30 05:30-06:00 06:00-06:30 06:30-07:00 07:00-07:30 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.1 07:30-08:00 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.057 08:00-08:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 08:30-09:00 2 3475 0.129 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.201 09:00-09:30 2 3475 0.288 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.317 09:30-10:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.1 10:00-10:30 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 10:30-11:00 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.116 11:00-11:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 11:30-12:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.144 12:00-12:30 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.158 12:30-13:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.014 13:00-13:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 13:30-14:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 14:00-14:30 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.072 14:30-15:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 15:00-15:30 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.072 2 3475 0.144 15:30-16:00 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.058 2 3475 0.101 16:00-16:30 2 3475 0.029 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.072 16:30-17:00 2 3475 0 2 3475 0.374 2 3475 0.374 17:00-17:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.057 17:30-18:00 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.101 2 3475 0.115 18:00-18:30 2 3475 0.014 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.057 18:30-19:00 2 3475 0.086 2 3475 0.043 2 3475 0.129 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 22:30-23:00 23:00-23:30 23:30-24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 1.349 1.368 2.717

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter1880 - 5070 range (units: selected: sqm) Survey date01/01/09 date range: - 06/07/17 Number of weekdays2 (Monday-Friday): Number of Saturdays:0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically1 removed from selection: Surveys manually removed0 from selection: This section followeddisplays aby quick the the total rangesummary number ofthe minimum ofnumber someof selected ofandof thesurvey maximum weekdays data days filtering surveythat and selections haveweekend dates been selected days mademanually in by bythe the theremoved selected TRICS® user. Then from setuser. of the Thesurveys selected trip arerate setshow. calculation outside Finally of parameter the standard range filtering of all selectedprocedure surveys are displayed. is displayed first

Trip Assessment TRICS B2 Appendices


Page H-8

Victoria Works Redditch 18/12/2019

TRIP RATE for proposed 49 Flats 26 Houses TRIP RATE for Land Use B1/B2 Calculation Factor: 1 DWELLS Calculation Factor: 100sqm B1 35% B2 65%

All persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals All persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals

Time Range Time Range 00:00‐01:00 00:00‐01:00 01:00‐02:00 01:00‐02:00 02:00‐03:00 02:00‐03:00 03:00‐04:00 03:00‐04:00 04:00‐05:00 04:00‐05:00 05:00‐06:00 05:00‐06:00 06:00‐07:00 06:00‐07:00 07:00‐08:00 0.36 0.18 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.36 07:00‐08:00 0.54 0.40 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.54 08:00‐09:00 0.60 0.28 0.01 0.11 0.01 0.16 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.60 08:00‐09:00 1.36 0.88 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.23 0.09 0.05 0.00 1.36 09:00‐10:00 0.37 0.19 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.37 09:00‐10:00 1.24 0.84 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.21 0.06 0.03 0.00 1.24 10:00‐11:00 0.42 0.22 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.41 10:00‐11:00 0.72 0.41 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.18 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.72 11:00‐12:00 0.44 0.22 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.44 11:00‐12:00 0.69 0.41 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.16 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.69 12:00‐13:00 0.47 0.24 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.47 12:00‐13:00 1.32 0.36 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.82 0.04 0.01 0.00 1.32 13:00‐14:00 0.46 0.24 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.45 13:00‐14:00 1.37 0.34 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.91 0.04 0.01 0.00 1.37 14:00‐15:00 0.48 0.25 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 14:00‐15:00 0.88 0.33 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.41 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.88 15:00‐16:00 0.50 0.22 0.00 0.09 0.01 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.50 15:00‐16:00 0.73 0.40 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.18 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.73 16:00‐17:00 0.54 0.26 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.15 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.54 16:00‐17:00 1.23 0.80 0.01 0.12 0.02 0.18 0.06 0.03 0.00 1.23 17:00‐18:00 0.66 0.33 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.66 17:00‐18:00 1.22 0.75 0.00 0.08 0.02 0.23 0.09 0.05 0.00 1.22 18:00‐19:00 0.49 0.25 0.00 0.09 0.01 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.49 18:00‐19:00 0.48 0.31 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.47 19:00‐20:00 19:00‐20:00 20:00‐21:00 20:00‐21:00 21:00‐22:00 21:00‐22:00 22:00‐23:00 22:00‐23:00 23:00‐24:00 23:00‐24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 5.78 2.87 0.04 0.92 0.10 1.52 0.16 0.13 0.02 5.77 Daily Trip Rate 11.78 6.22 0.25 0.70 0.11 3.63 0.60 0.25 0.01 11.77

Victora Works Phase 2 Residential 19 Flats Victora Works Phase 2 Office 90 sqm Floor space

All Persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals All Persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals

Time Range Time Range 00:00‐01:00 00:00‐01:00 01:00‐02:00 01:00‐02:00 02:00‐03:00 02:00‐03:00 03:00‐04:00 03:00‐04:00 04:00‐05:00 04:00‐05:00 05:00‐06:00 05:00‐06:00 06:00‐07:00 06:00‐07:00 07:00‐08:00 6 3 0 1 0 1 0106 07:00‐08:00 1 10 1 0 0 0001 08:00‐09:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 1008 08:00‐09:00 3 20 2 0 1 0003 09:00‐10:00 6 3 0 1 0 2 0006 09:00‐10:00 2 20 2 0 1 0002 10:00‐11:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0008 10:00‐11:00 1 10 1 0 0 0001 11:00‐12:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0008 11:00‐12:00 1 10 1 0 0 0001 12:00‐13:00 9 4 0 1 0 2 0009 12:00‐13:00 3 10 1 0 2 0003 13:00‐14:00 8 5 0 1 0 2 0008 13:00‐14:00 3 10 1 0 2 0003 14:00‐15:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0008 14:00‐15:00 2 10 1 0 1 0002 15:00‐16:00 7 3 0 1 0 2 0007 15:00‐16:00 1 10 1 0 0 0001 16:00‐17:00 8 4 0 1 0 2 0008 16:00‐17:00 2 10 2 0 0 0002 17:00‐18:00 10 5 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 10 17:00‐18:00 3 20 2 0 1 0003 18:00‐19:00 9 4 0 1 0 2 0009 18:00‐19:00 1 10 1 0 0 0001 19:00‐20:00 19:00‐20:00 20:00‐21:00 20:00‐21:00 21:00‐22:00 21:00‐22:00 22:00‐23:00 22:00‐23:00 23:00‐24:00 23:00‐24:00 Daily Trip Rates: 95 47 0 15 1 23 3 4 1 94 Daily Trip Rate 26 13 0 14 0 9 2 1 0 26

Trip Assessment Phase 2 Person Trips Victoria Works Redditch 18/12/2019

All Victoria Works Car Park Trips Victoria Works Committed developme 49 Flats 26 Houses

All Persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals All Persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals

Time Range Time Range 00:00‐01:00 00:00‐01:00 01:00‐02:00 01:00‐02:00 02:00‐03:00 02:00‐03:00 03:00‐04:00 03:00‐04:00 04:00‐05:00 04:00‐05:00 05:00‐06:00 05:00‐06:00 06:00‐07:00 06:00‐07:00 07:00‐08:00 7 4 0 1 0 1 1107 07:00‐08:00 27 13 0 3 1 5 1 3 0 27 08:00‐09:00 11 6 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 11 08:00‐09:00 45 21 1 8 1 12 2 1 0 45 09:00‐10:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0009 09:00‐10:00 27 14 1 3 0 8 1 0 0 27 10:00‐11:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0009 10:00‐11:00 31 17 0 4 1 8 1 0 0 31 11:00‐12:00 9 5 0 2 0 2 0009 11:00‐12:00 33 16 0 5 1 8 1 0 1 33 12:00‐13:00 12 5 0 2 0 4 1 0 0 12 12:00‐13:00 35 18 0 5 1 9 2 0 0 35 13:00‐14:00 12 5 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 12 13:00‐14:00 34 18 0 5 0 10 1 0 0 34 14:00‐15:00 10 5 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 10 14:00‐15:00 36 19 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 36 15:00‐16:00 9 4 0 2 0 2 0009 15:00‐16:00 38 17 0 7 1 12 0 1 0 38 16:00‐17:00 11 5 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 11 16:00‐17:00 41 19 0 7 0 11 1 1 0 41 17:00‐18:00 13 7 0 4 0 3 1 1 0 13 17:00‐18:00 50 25 0 9 1 11 2 2 0 50 18:00‐19:00 9 5 0 2 0 3 0009 18:00‐19:00 37 19 0 7 1 10 1 1 0 37 19:00‐20:00 19:00‐20:00 20:00‐21:00 20:00‐21:00 21:00‐22:00 21:00‐22:00 22:00‐23:00 22:00‐23:00 23:00‐24:00 23:00‐24:00

Daily Trips: 120 60 1 29 2 32 5 4 1 120 Daily Trips: 433 216 3 69 8 114 12 10 1 433

Net Trips Dwellings 75 GFA 5977 sqm TRIPS 5977 sqm

All Persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals All persons Cars Lorries Passengers cyclists pedestrians bus rail coach totals

Time Range Time Range 00:00‐01:00 00:00‐01:00 01:00‐02:00 01:00‐02:00 02:00‐03:00 02:00‐03:00 03:00‐04:00 03:00‐04:00 04:00‐05:00 04:00‐05:00 05:00‐06:00 05:00‐06:00 06:00‐07:00 06:00‐07:00 07:00‐08:00 2 ‐7 0 2 1 3 0302 07:00‐08:00 32 24 0 2 0 4 2 1 0 32 08:00‐09:00 ‐25 ‐26 ‐3900‐2 ‐10‐25 08:00‐09:00 81 53 4 2 1 14 5 3 0 81 09:00‐10:00 ‐38 ‐32 0 2 0 ‐2 ‐3 ‐10‐38 09:00‐10:00 74 50 1 4 1 12 4 2 0 74 10:00‐11:00 ‐3 ‐3 ‐1300‐10 0‐3 10:00‐11:00 43 24 1 3 0 11 2 1 0 43 11:00‐12:00 1 ‐3 ‐1401‐1 0 1 1 11:00‐12:00 41 24 1 3 0 9 2 0 0 41 12:00‐13:00 ‐32 2 ‐141‐37 ‐10 0‐32 12:00‐13:00 79 22 1 3 0 49 3 1 0 79 13:00‐14:00 ‐36 3 ‐140‐40 ‐10 0‐36 13:00‐14:00 82 20 2 2 0 54 3 1 0 82 14:00‐15:00 ‐74‐150‐11 ‐3 ‐10‐7 14:00‐15:00 53 20 2 3 0 24 3 1 0 53 15:00‐16:00 2 ‐3 ‐2514‐2 0 0 2 15:00‐16:00 44 24 2 4 0 11 3 1 0 44 16:00‐17:00 ‐22 ‐23 0 3 ‐13‐2 ‐10‐22 16:00‐17:00 73 48 1 7 1 11 4 2 0 73 17:00‐18:00 ‐10 ‐13 0 8 0 0 ‐30 0‐10 17:00‐18:00 73 45 0 5 1 14 5 3 0 73 18:00‐19:00 18 4 ‐1 6 0 8 0 1 0 18 18:00‐19:00 29 19 1 3 1 4 1 0 0 28 19:00‐20:00 19:00‐20:00 20:00‐21:00 20:00‐21:00 21:00‐22:00 21:00‐22:00 22:00‐23:00 22:00‐23:00 23:00‐24:00 23:00‐24:00 Net Daily Trips: ‐151 ‐96 ‐11 56 2 ‐71 ‐19 ‐12‐151 Daily Trips: 704 372 15 42 7 217 36 15 0 703

Trip Assessment Phase 2 Person Trips