Refereed article The European Journal of Spatial No. 55 Development is published by August 2014 Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development and Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment. ISSN 1650-9544 To cite this article: Hazakis, Konstantinos J. & Ioannidis, Panagiotis G, The impact of the local government institutional framework on the distribution of intergovern-mental grants: Greek Republic as a case study Publication details, including Refereed Article No. 55, August 2014, European Journal of Spatial Development instructions for authors: URL: articles/refereed55.pdf Online publication date: 18 August 2014 Indexed in Scopus and DOAJ The Impact of the Local Govern- ment Institutional Framework on the Distribution of Intergovern- mental Grants: Greek Republic as a Case Study Konstantinos J. Hazakis & Panagiotis G. Ioannidis Abstract The article analyses grant allocation from central governments to munici- AUTHOR INFORMATION palities in Greece during the period 2003-2010. A quantitative analysis is Konstantinos J. Hazakis, based on two simple models that include normative socioeconomic and in- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, stitutional factors. Data of 970 municipalities and 50 prefectures of Greece Democritus University of over the period 2003-2010 clearly show that institutional variables such as Thrace, University Campus, years of general elections and prefect’s experience exert more influence Komotini, Greece on grant allocation than normative variables such as GDP per capita. A E-mail:
[email protected] substantial transfer of competences from central to local government could significantly ameliorate local tax revenues. Panagiotis G. Ioannidis, PhD Student (Corresponding Author), Department of Keywords: intergovernmental grants, decentralization, local government Economics, Democritus expenditure, regional government, regional economic policy.