Confidential manuscript submitted to Engineering Geology 1 Landslide monitoring using seismic refraction tomography – The 2 importance of incorporating topographic variations 3 J S Whiteley1,2, J E Chambers1, S Uhlemann1,3, J Boyd1,4, M O Cimpoiasu1,5, J L 4 Holmes1,6, C M Inauen1, A Watlet1, L R Hawley-Sibbett1,5, C Sujitapan2, R T Swift1,7 5 and J M Kendall2 6 1 British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, 7 Nottingham, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom. 2 School of Earth Sciences, University 8 of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, United 9 Kingdom. 3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Earth and 10 Environmental Sciences Area, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, United 11 States of America. 4 Lancaster Environment Center (LEC), Lancaster University, 12 Lancaster, LA1 4YQ, United Kingdom 5 Division of Agriculture and Environmental 13 Science, School of Bioscience, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, 14 Leicestershire, LE12 5RD, United Kingdom 6 Queen’s University Belfast, School of 15 Natural and Built Environment, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5AG, United 16 Kingdom 7 University of Liege, Applied Geophysics, Department ArGEnCo, 17 Engineering Faculty, B52, 4000 Liege, Belgium 18 19 Corresponding author: Jim Whiteley (
[email protected]) 20 21 Copyright British Geological Survey © UKRI 2020/ University of Bristol 2020 22 1 Confidential manuscript submitted to Engineering Geology 23 Abstract 24 Seismic refraction tomography provides images of the elastic properties of 25 subsurface materials in landslide settings. Seismic velocities are sensitive to 26 changes in moisture content, which is a triggering factor in the initiation of many 27 landslides.