Assad Said Said For Contracting Co., Ltd. Since 1977 2015.11 Edition Your experienced and reliable Partner for Construction of Civil, Architectural, Small Power, HVAC, Firefighting, Drainage and Plumbing Works required by Power Plants, Substations, Desalination Plants and Industrial Plants. We are also General Contractors for any type of Horizontal & Vertical Projects. COMPANY PROFILE ص.ب 3936 الرياض 11481 - رقم العضوية : 5045 - المملكة العربية السعودية P.O. Box 3936, Riyadh 11481 - C.C. No. 5045 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia الهاتف : 4790900 11 966+ / 4788344 11 966+ - فاكس : Tel.: +966 11 4790900 / +966 11 4788344 Fax: +966 11 4765284 +966 11 4765284 Email:
[email protected] Website: Assad Said For Contracting Co., Ltd. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE MANPOWER & EQUIPMENT RESOURCES BRIEF INTRODUCTION SUPPORT FACILITIES HSE POLICY ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE QMS CERTIFICATION PROJECTS HIGHLIGHTS INDUSTRIAL DIVISION QA/QC POLICY o POWER GENERATION TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY o DESALINATION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM o POWER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTS o MANUFACTURING PLANT AFFILIATES ORGANIZATION GOVERNMENT PROJECTS DIVISION ASC LOCATION & COMMUNICATION LINKS PRIVATE SECTOR DIVISION CONTRACTOR’S APPROVAL DOCUMENTS CLIENT’S APPRECIATION AND COMPLETION CERTIFICATES LIST OF MAJOR CLIENTS & CUSTOMERS Assad Said For Contracting Co., Ltd. CHAIRMAN’S Our present and future clients, Welcome to Assad Said For Contracting Co. Ltd. First of all I would like to take the pleasure to thank you for giving me the opportunity to present our company to your good selves. As you turn the pages of this Company Profile, you will explore the company’s resources and assets, details about completed as well as ongoing projects, our project philosophy, the company’s operational standards, bank references, and many more information to help you to get knowledge about the operational capabilities of our company.