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GENERAL ASSEMBLY Athens, Aug FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DES SOCIÉTÉS DE PHILOSOPHIE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES GENERAL ASSEMBLY Athens, Aug. 9, 2013 Nominations to the Presidency and the Steering Committee of Fisp CURRICULA VITAE FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DES SOCIÉTÉS DE PHILOSOPHIE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES BHUVAN CHANDEL 1. Professor of Philosophy, Panjab University, Chandigarh since 1984. 2. Dean, Faculty of Arts, (1988-90, 2002-2004) and Dean, Foreign Students, Panjab university, Chandigarh. (1991 – 1994) 3. Elected Member, Senate and Syndicate (Governing Boards of University) 1976 – 2004. (Youngest Teacher and 1st woman) 4. Founder Director (1981 – 1984), Indian Council of Philosophical Research. founded by Govt. for advanced Research in Philosophy. 5. National Lecturer Award, University Grants Commission, Govt. of India to deliver lectures all over the country. (1986 - 1987). 6. Chief Executive, Indian Council of Philosophical Researh, New Delhi. (Jan.1992 – Dec, 1994) 7. Chief Editor, Social Sciences Research Journal,. (1994 - 1999) 8. President, Indian Philosophical Congress (Annual Session 2003). 9. Vice President, (National Executive Committee) Indian Philosophical Congress (2006- 2009) 10. Chairman, University Grants Commission Committees for grant of autonomous status to several leading colleges in the country. 11. Nominee of Central Government, Governors and Chancellors on several assignments of national significance. 12. Director, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (2003 – 2006), the premier Institute founded by Government for Advanced Research in Humanities. 13. Project Co-ordinator of a 132 Volume publication project funded by Govt. on the History of Indian Philosophy, Science and Culture (92 volumes so far completed) INTERNATIONAL POSITIONS 1. Member, Russian Academy of Humanities Research, Moscow. (1996) 2. Treasurer, Afro-Asian Philosophers’ Association since 1998. 3. Member, International Institute of Philosophy (IIP) 2000 onwards. Member, Board of Advisors 2008 onwards. 4. Member, FISP Steering Committee 1998, Vice President 2003 – 2008 and CD Member 2008 – 2013. 5. Vice President, Counseil international de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines, UNESCO, Paris. 2008 6. Organizing Secretary, Afro Asian Philosophers’ Conference Delhi, 1994. (100 people participated from Afro Asian countries.) 7. Organizing Secretary, FISP Interim World Congress Delhi, December 16-21, 2006. (Nearly 2000 philosophers participated from all over) PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING : 1. Marxian Ethics: Some Preliminary Considerations (Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1979) 2. Nature of Violence (Chandigarh: P.U. Publication Bureau, 1980) 3. Philosophy of Daya Krishna, (Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1994) 4. In Quest of Peace, (Pune: Maharashtra Institute of Technology, 1996) 5. Samanvaya, (Pune: Maharashtra Institute of Technology, 1997) 6. Cultural Traditions and the Idea of Secularization, (Ankara & Delhi: FISP & Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 1998) 7. History, Time and Truth, (Delhi Kalki Prakash, 1998) Executive Editor 8. Identity and Status of Women in Ancient and Medieval India, (Delhi, PHISPC Publications, 2009) ABOUT 100 RESEARCH ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED TO VARIOUS JOURNALS / PROCEEDING OF SEMINARS AND ANTHOLOGIES – NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL. (RESEARCH GUIDANCE) PH. DS AWARDED – 20 M. Phils – large number !"##$!"%"&'($)*+' !"#$%&&#"'(%")#*'+#",-'+./0! !"#$%&&#"'#$'!123#&#4156'7-28%"&2*5'9#33%:%'(;<32-' "#$%%&!%'!($)&%*%+$,-! ./)012*)3,!4%&&151!678&)/-! 678&)/!9-!:21&;/<! =1&>!!?@A@!B!CBD!EBF@!! G;H>!?@A@!B!CBD!EFAE! IJKL:M>! <12N%3ON%2;/P7#<O)1! ! 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