Of the Utah Geological Survey
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Publications of the Utah Geological Survey January 2007 This list supercedes all previous lists for price and availability UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a division of Utah Department of Natural Resources Contents Odds & Ends (older publications reproduced on CD; Open-File Reports . 14 non-UGS publications) . 1 Contract Reports . 19 Bulletins . 2 Utah Geological Association guidebooks . 19 Water-Resource Bulletins . 2 Maps . 2 INDEX Special Studies . 5 7.5’ quadrangle geologic maps, alphabetically . 20 Circulars . 8 30’ x 60’ quadrangle geologic maps, alphabetically. 24 Miscellaneous Publication series . 8 County listing . 26 Public Information series . 11 Author listing . 27 Reports of Investigation . 12 Subject listing . 30 Seven ways to order from THE NATURAL RESOURCES MAP & BOOKSTORE by phone: 801-537-3320 by toll-free phone: 1-888-UTAH MAP by fax: 801-537-3395 by e-mail: [email protected] on our website: http://mapstore.utah.gov by mail: 1594 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 by hoof: Stop & Shop - open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm (except holidays) Prepayment is requested. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Please make checks payable to Utah Geological Survey. QTY PUBLICATION # ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM COST TOTALS Shipping Rates Total pre-tax order amount Shipping* 0 - $ 5.00 $ 2.50 $ 5.01 - $ 10.00 $ 3.50 $ 10.01 - $ 20.00 $ 4.50 $ 20.01 - $ 30.00 $ 5.50 $ 30.01 - $ 50.00 $ 6.50 $ 50.01 - $ 70.00 $ 7.50 $ 70.01 - $ 90.00 $ 8.50 $ 90.01 - $ 110.00 $10.50 Add $2.00 for each additional $10.00. *Rates apply for Domestic U.S. only. Purchase Subtotal Name ____________________________________________________________________ Order # Company/Agency ___________________________________________________________ Utah residents add 6.6% sales Address __________________________________________________________________ Check Shipping/Handling City __________________________________________ State ________ Zip ___________ (tube charge) $2.00 Charge Mastercard/Visa # ________________________________ Exp. Date _________________ Card TOTAL Signature _________________________________________________________________ UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - 1 ODDS & ENDS Older UGS publications on CD and outside items NATURAL RESOURCES MAP/BOOKSTORE HAS: Great Salt Lake: an overview of change, edited by J. Wallace U.S. Geological Survey TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS Gwynn, 584 p. + 16-p. color insert, 6/02, ISBN 1-55791- 667-5, DNR Special Publication $24.95 FULL UTAH COVERAGE Southwestern Utah coal fields: Alton, Kaiparowits Plateau and 1:24,000 scale $5.50 Kolob-Harmony, by H.H. Doelling and R.L. Graham, 333 1:100,000 scale (BLM edition also) $6.95 p., 1972, ISBN 1-55791-000-6. MO-1 $40.00 1:250,000 scale $5.50 Eastern and northern Utah coal fields: Vernal, Henry Mountains, Sego, La Sal-San Juan, Tabby Mountain, Coalville, UNITED STATES Henrys Fork, Goose Creek and Lost Creek, by H.H. Doelling and R.L. Graham, 1972, CD in pdf format (409 1:100,000 scale $6.95 p.) MO-2 $14.95 Central Utah coal fields: Sevier-Sanpete, Wasatch Plateau, UNITED STATES Book Cliffs and Emery, by H.H. Doelling, 1972, CD in pdf 1:250,000 scale $6.00 format (572 p.) MO-3 $14.95 Coal reports: Coal drilling at Trail Mountain, North Horn Mountain and Johns Peak areas, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, by F.D. Davis, and H.H. Doelling, 1977, 90 p., 6 pl.; Methane content of Utah coals, by H.H. Doelling, A.D. Smith, and F.D. Davis; Observations on the Sunnyside coal zone, TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS on CD-ROM by H.H. Doelling, A.D. Smith, F.D. Davis, and D.L. Hayhurst; Chemical analysis of coal from the Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau coal field, Carbon, Emery, and Sevier Counties, Utah, by J.R. Hatch, R.H. National Geographic $99.95 Affolter, and F.D. Davis ; Coal drilling, North Horn Mountain, East Utah Arizona California Mountain areas, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, by A.D. Smith, 32 p.; Geologic Colorado Idaho Montana evaluation of a central Utah coal property, Wasatch Plateau, Emery County, Utah, by J.M. Mercier and T.W. Lloyd, 12 p. (B-112, SS-49 Nevada New Mexico Wyoming and SS-54 reprints) CD in pdf format $14.95 County geologic reports: Piute, Garfield (reprints of Bulletins 102 & 107) on CD in pdf format, 6/04 $14.95 All Topo Tintic special folio, Utah, by George Warren Tower, Jr., 1900 Utah $84.00 New Mexico $88.00 (plus cultural update of 1911 for the Tintic mining district) Wyoming $88.00 Idaho $118.50 (Geologic atlas of the United States), 14 p. (pages are Nevada $80.00 Montana $98.00 18.5" x 21.7"): USGS folio 65, CD in pdf format $14.95 Colorado $86.00 Arizona $80.00 Geologic maps of Utah, 1 x 2-degree (1:250,000), CD in pdf Alaska $110.00 California $92.00 format of older USGS maps $14.95 All Topo is the only commercial product that can be imported in GIS or Geologic maps of Utah, 30' x 60' (1:100,000 scale), CD in pdf CAD applications; it can also be used to export royalty-free images. format of USGS and UGS maps, OFR-455, 8/05 $14.95 Geologic map of Utah, 1:250,000, 1963-4, in four parts, CD in pdf format of an out-of-print UGS map $14.95 Oil and gas field studies, compiled by Craig D. Morgan, CD in MULTI-PURPOSE MAPS pdf format (80 p., 29 plates) (reprints), Duchesne, South Myton Bench, Bridgeland, Humpback, Cisco Dome, Cisco Wash, Cisco BLM Land Status maps Townsite, PR Springs, Harley Dome, Agate, Danish Wash, Sage, Seiber Forest Service Maps Nose, Salt Wash, Cane Creek, 8/04, OFR-430 $14.95 Off-Road Maps Liquefaction studies, compiled by Gary Christenson, CD in pdf format (464 p., 81 plates) (reprints), Liquefaction potential Fishing Maps maps for: northern Wasatch Front, central Utah, and for Davis, Salt Hiking Maps Lake, and Utah Counties, 8/04, OFR-433 $14.95 Utah Geology, CD (reprint of all 4 years of the Utah Geological Survey journal, 1170 p., 14 pl.), 9/04 $14.95 Call the Bookstore for coverage and prices Survey Notes, CD, 40 years of the Utah Geological Survey newsletter in pdf format, 4 CDs, OFR-447, 4/05 $25.00 1-888-UTAH MAP Utah geological highway map, by L.F. Hintze, 1975, 801-537-3320 1:1,000,000, 37" x 24" BYU-3 $10.00 fax 801-537-3395 Geologic history of Utah, a field guide to Utah's rocks, by L.F. Hintze, 1988, 202 p., Brigham Young University SP-7 e-mail: [email protected] $15.00 Web: http://mapstore.utah.gov Uranium publications of the UGS (reprints of 14 out-of-print Mastercard/Visa/AmerXpress accepted items concerning uranium/vanadium), CD (1418 p., 14 hours: 7:30 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri pl.), OFR-462, 10/05 $14.95 Lead-zinc publications of the UGS (reprints of 6 out-of-print items), CD (620 p., 1 pl.), OFR-464, 10/05 $14.95 UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - 2 BULLETINS David B. Madsen, 190 p., 10/2000, ISBN 1-55791-648-9 $16.95 B-131 Late Mississippian (Arnsbergian Stage E2 Chronozone) Bulletins are topically and/or geographically comprehensive in ammonoid paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Antler nature, and contain mostly original work. They undergo full UGS foreland basin, California, Nevada, Utah, by Alan L. Titus, review to ensure that they satisfy both scientific and format 109 p., 11/2000, ISBN 1-55791-649-7 $11.95 standards. B-132 Energy, mineral, and ground-water resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah, by R.W. Gloyn, D.E. Tabet, B-109 Allosaurus fragilis: a revised osteology, by J.H. Madsen, B.T. Tripp, C.E. Bishop, C.D. Morgan, J.W. Gwynn, and Jr., 1976 (reprinted 1993), 163 p., ISBN 1-55791-076-6 R.E. Blackett, 161 p., 14 pl., scale 1:750,000, 1/03, ISBN $9.00 1-55791-679-9 $15.95 B-113 The geology and uranium-vanadium deposits of the San B-133 Geology of Millard County, Utah, by Lehi F. Hintze and Rafael River mining area, Emery County, Utah, by L.M. Fitzhugh D. Davis, 305 p., ISBN 1-55791-692-6, 9/03 Trimble and H.H. Doelling, 1978, 122 p., 4 pl., ISBN 1- $24.00 55791-080-4 $11.00 B-134 Consensus preferred recurrence-interval and vertical B-114 Geology, ore deposits and history of the Big Cottonwood slip-rate estimates: review of Utah paleoseismic-trenching mining district, Salt Lake County, Utah, by L.P. James, data by the Utah Quaternary Fault Parameters Working 1979, 98 p., 4 pl., ISBN 1-55791-081-2 $8.50 Group, by William R. Lund, CD (109 p.), ISBN 1-55791- B-115 Geology and mineral resources of Box Elder County, 727-2, 6/05 $19.95 Utah, by H.H. Doelling, 1980, 251 p., 3 pl., scale 1:125,000, ISBN 1-55791-082-0 $20.00 B-116 Great Salt Lake; a scientific, historical and economic overview, edited by J.W. Gwynn, 1980, 400 p., 2 pl., ISBN WATER-RESOURCE BULLETINS 1-55791-083-9, CD in pdf format $14.95 B-118 Proceedings, Fifth Symposium on the geology of Rocky Water-Resource Bulletins are identical to Bulletins on a water- Mountain coal, 1982, edited by K.D. Gurgel, 1982, 319 p., related subject. Series discontinued ISBN 1-55791-085-5 $20.00 Water-Resource Bulletins 1-25 of the UGS, OFR-465, CD B-119 Petroleum resources of the Paradox Basin, 1984, by K.M. Clem and K.W. Brown, 1984, 162 p, 4 pl., 1:250,000, (1066 p., 26 pl.), 10/05 $14.95 ISBN 1-55791-086-3 $16.50 WRB-26 The geology of the central Virgin River basin, B-120 Bibliography of Utah coal, 1869 through 1982, by D.A.