Given by Dr. M. C. Baldwin
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■ SENIOR EXAMS ATHLETIC TEAMS START FINISH SATURDAY SCHEDULES Qfrvidsonian"ALENDA LUX LIBERTAS" 2tt# UBI ORTA Volume XVIII DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, MAY 13, 1931 No.28 George Pardington, Jr. Members of Court "Excellent" Rating RECITAL ON SKINNER ORGAN Represent by Notification h«» been received by To Davidson Elected Council the R. O. T. C. department of D«v- In Atwater Tryout idton College that the local unit hai GIVEN BY DR. M. C. BALDWIN Kent again been awardedthe "excellence" Senior members of the Student Council i rating by the War Department for Famous Received by Largest Has Won Contest at College have recently elected the Court of Control, Artist and its work this year,announced Lieut. FiveMenInitiated Audience Ever Attend Recital State for Last Two Years which will have charge of next year's Fresh- to men. It is composed of a judge, and mem- Col. W. R. Scott, commandant of By Phi Beta Kappa at Davidson KOONCE hers representing the three upper classes, j the local unit, today. Thi« rating it IS ALTERNATE bated on of the intpec- Cal Kuykendall, of Charleston, \V. Va., was the retultt The Phi Beta Kappa initiation was held IS INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN tion conducted here two or three Mr.Doux, Johnston, elected judge. Cal is a member of the Sigma Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. This fraternity Mrs. G. K. and ago by War Department Many Phi Epsilon social fraternity, is ex-vice- weeks the is the first of American Greek letter fra- Request Numbers Rendered Mrs. Elsie Moseley Are Judges inspectors. Among on president of tlie Kumencan Literary Society, ternities and recognizes scholarship. The Regular Selections Ths makes the sixth consecutive Program Last Thursday evening in connection and is on the varsity football squad. The men initiated were: Paul R. Alderman, Jr., with year that the Davidson corps has the National Music Week exercises, the members from the rising Senior class are:, A.B. 2, Alcolu, S. C. ;James Roy Caldwell, Bradshaw, received the highest ranking given On Wednesday night. May 6, Dr. Minor Atwater Kent Radio Audition was held in Mick of New York City; George : Jr., A.B. 2, Davidson, K. C. ;Albert Wal- by the War Department to R. O. T. C. Baldwin, organist of international fame, Chambers Auditorium to determine who will O'Hanlon, of Fayetteville, and John D. Mc- lace Cowan, U.S. 1, Bristol, Tenn.; C. units. Davidson's military depart- John gave an organ recital on the Skinner organ represent Davidson at the state contest next Connell, of Davidson. The rising Junior ; Wilson McCtltchail, A.B. 2, Warm Springs, ment was designated in Chambers Auditorium. Dr. Baldwin's se- fall. George Pardington, Jr., of Scottdale, class members are: Al Grant, of Mebane, as "dis- Va.; and Dean Rusk, A.B. 2, Atlanta, Ga. tinguished" for two years while that lections, some of which were request num- Ga., was winner of the contest, with D. K. C, and Jake MacKorell, of York. S. C. An interesting fact is that only one. North J. ranking was used, for past bers, including the following: Koonce as alternate. O'Keefe, of Bluefield, W. Va., and and the Carolina man achieved this distinction, and — John years ,-,Toccata and Fugue in 1) Minor Bach. Andy Mauson, of Jacksonville, Fla., arc three has enjoyed the top For the past two years, Davidson has been that with one exception, every Phi Beta — His members of the from the rising Soph- ranking by being named "excellent," Reverie own composition. represented at the state contest by George court j takes an A.B. course. otnorc class. under the new system of rating now Siciliana and Presto movements from Pardington. Last year George went to Nash- Concerto, The Court Control was nrablishrd here used. Col. Scott said that Davidson's Bonnet's Organ ville to represent North Carolina in the dis- of ii\ lf>23 vote of body to percentage this year was the high- Two movements from the G Major Suite trict meeting. He is now a Junior, sings after a the student Three Secretaries Are hazing. duty the court est ever given it by the War De- of baritone in college quartet, abolish It is the of Bach. the and is a part, and inspectors were to regulate and control the Freshmen in that the Chosen in Class Voting His own arrangements of Am MeT by member of the Glee Club. particularly high of their contact with the upper classmen. in their praise Schubert. This arrangement, which made The judges of the contest were: Mr. local unit. the Henry McFadyen,Bob Glasgow, Dr. Baldwin famous, brought forth more Doux, Mrs. Grace Kohn Johnston, and i i Jules and Andy Hanson any Mrs. Elsie Moseley, all of Are Elected applause than other number of the re- Charlotte. After Conway and Gorrell to Closing the contest, two request given in Ballots cital. numbers were Annual Day" — By by Mr. Doux, baritone, accompanied by "Mother's Meditation himself. bePublication Managers In the recent elections for the ensuing from the opera II Mrs. Moseley. Selections Trovatore Program is Conducted year, Henry McFadyen, of Donelsou, Tenn., by Verdi. The following students participated in A. J. Baker Completes Trio of by Glasgow was chosen secretary-treasurer on the third Selections from Seiiiirainitle Overture of the contest : George Pardington, Jr., bari- Managers for Next Year Mrs.Robert ballot. Rossini. tone, who sang a and "A Scottish ballad Bill Rule, George O'Hanlon, Kemp Mor- Variations mi the hymn tune, "God Be ; ' Spier, Covington, Dream" J. D. Koonce, lyric tenor, who Last week, 1\ M. Conway,/of Henderson, Nat H. S. and Bob ion, Pete Knox, and Henry McFadyen were With You 'Til We Meet Again." sang, "Ah, Moon of My Delight," "Ah, Carrying and Ky., was appointed business manager of the ; Gorrell Assist in Out the candidates for the office, Bill Rule ami And as an encore, his arrangement of Though the Silver Moon Were Mine";and Davidsonian by the publications board. He! Program George O'Hanlon being eliminated on the Dixie. Johnny Marvin, tenor, gave Concord, who "Little succeeds J. A. Cannon, of in Ibis (irst ballot. The second ballot left K'nox anil Dr. Baldwin's color effects on the organ Mother of Mine," and "Kashmiri Song." position, For the last years he has MUSICIS BY MRS.VOWLES three McFadyen in the race. wire so subtle and effective that it was Caldwell, baritone, Dave sang "The Old served on the business staff of the paper and readily seen how he had acquired fame as Road," "Homing"; Bob Glasgow, of Charlotte, N. ('.. was and Robert Lynn, bass, during the past year held,the office of as- Moral, Mental, and Physical an organist. In his rendition of Am Mer, lie gave Hallo," Strength elected secretary anil treasurer of the rising "The Hunter's Loud and sistant business manager. in Life is Stressed brought forth effects <>f waves rippling on "Thoughts You," Junior class on the first ballot, lie defeated of while L. T. Newland, Conway is a member of the Junior class the sea sands. Though Dr. Baldwin's tech- baritone, sang "Gray Days" Meade Bernard, of Jacksonville, Fla., and and "Rose in and belongs to Sigma Alpha Epsilon social A special "Mother's Day" program was nical skill is nut perfect, to his age, he Boyd, of Charlotte, N, C, for due the Bud." fraternity. He is prominent on the campus held at the regular vesper hour last Sunday John office. compensates for that by his varied colorful Glasgow is a member of I'hi Delta Theta Ernest Emurian, the college organist, and not only for his work on the publications J afternoon. Nat G. Spcir read a few verses shadings that he adds to his selections. but also an athlete. During the |Kist from chapter Proverbs, social fraternity, assistant manager of the Miss Ruth Siler accompanied the contestants. as sea- jj the .31st nf Hub S. The famous organist \\-is well receivedby varsity basketball team, is on the business Miss Siler has instructed three of the con- son he was captain of the varsity wrestling. Covington and Bob \V. Gorrell prayed, and the largest audience ever ti> attend an organ i staff of Ouips and Cranks, and is prominent testants. The other three received their team and was state champion in his weight,. Mrs. G. R. Vowles sang a lullaby. Mr. Speir recital ol any kind at Davidson. for his part in "V" work. training in the Glee Club. Conway has also been on the varsity foot- in introducing Mrs. Robert (ilasgow, of local He is serv- I ing as one of the Sophomore cheerleaders ball squad for the last two years. He is Ij Charlotte, said that she is peculiarly fitted secretary and treasurer of Club to speak to on this season. last year (ilasgow received his the "D" and ' Davidson men the program A.H.WhiteheadSucceeds Pres. H. E. Rondthaler secretary and treasurer of the local chap- because she is the mother of three boys and numerals for his work on the Freshman ter of Scabbard and Blade, national honor- a good friend of the College. track tram. J.A.Cannon as NewHead Speaks at Exercises ary military fraternity. Recently he was Mrs. Glasgow! in beginning her talk, dc- Andy Malison was elected secretary treas- vice-president urer of the rising Sophomore of Pan-Hellenic elected of the North Carolina;'clared that it is a privilege to come to Da class. Mansoil Council K. Fraternity ' is of Sigma Of 0.D. Collegiate Press Association at its conven- vidson and speak.