Red River Prospector, 03-24-1904 Fremont
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-24-1904 Red River Prospector, 03-24-1904 Fremont. C. Stevens Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Stevens, Fremont. C.. "Red River Prospector, 03-24-1904." (1904). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Red River Prospector, 1901-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I !, A) 7 RED RIVER PROSPECTOR VOL, IV- - KIVER, TAOS OOONTY, NEW MBXICO. a THDR3DAY MARCH 24, 1904. NO 32. " 1 WWTUCK SW APPLICATION FOllUNir-- I c 18 RISK LOOfl CI aI vi. 22o; and the Addi ioosl and Amended loca- ii MINERAL, Official Directory. Resolutions Passed STATB PATENT. Bsglnning at C N . 1 Identical wl h tion certificate ther f It recorded In Book by fa Washington Letter. AFTUCATIKIJI NO. 134 1 ill- - No. 22, Page (471 ; boih la the Mining Rec- Cor. No. of Fes Roll lode of this NEW aurrev, prpvi u-- i d U. 8. L. M. ords of Taos Countv, Ni 'V Ii- xlco. MEXICO. Uolt-- Offlc- -, 3 In Kay'ttitie In The location rertirlcett of the Statu Land Hmta So. Ins Mining District, ssd H. k kodey Delegate to Cnsigreaa. M Cn.hler lode ie recnid-- in Book F. No. In, The sensation of the week in Fr, Nav Mexico. Keb. 1. 1J1. Taos Crmnty, New vi.o, beara N. 89 14' M Page 719; and A. Otero fi'ivernor. - B. JS9.6 f . the Additional and Amend"d The res- Washington has been the decision Notlrs is htrehy gin fhst Tin- Csshier f. w, RajrnoM report of th" committee on S- location certiflcste thereof Is recorded In Secretary laltilngend MIIIIdk Company, a corpora- Thence WPW '. Ve. 13' B. Ascend. olutions was adopted as follows: of the Supreme Court against the I) N W.. Book ire, Psi;i 47o; In Mlninir A. L. Morrison Internal Revenue Col. We, on tion dulv "nil ex'sHna: under the 5.B ft. to Cm. 2, den-- al with S. 2. hatb the tour committee resolution, i i Records of Taos County, New M xlco. M O. Llewellyn" leave to submit the fnllowitiir: Uwi of tbe Terrltorf of New MfX'oo, and Cor. So. 2 oi t " m del location and Surveyor (Jeneral. lie Merger in the celebrated Northern 1 The Ioch ion certificate of aald fnnnd. W. (J. Whereas, at the last territorial repub- whom principal place of twatkttl and with Cor. So, nf the .iiiended location nf He Ii. rhilders 8. District Attonny. Securities case. Those who know land is recorded In Bi ok No. 17, "age lican convention, we were called upon peat offlo addrtss la Hid Ktver, New the Newfntiirila nl oil of thlH survey. ldJ O. .". Foraser U. 8. Marahnl. to US; and the Ai'diil nial mourn the tragic and untimely death about tb facts in the case d A eprnne p st 7 square, 4V ft. long, and Amen led little 'M.ico, by Frank Stoplln its duly author-la- Ins. M. II. Otero Register Land Offlce. of our baloved President, 18 In the gmo d, with mound of location certificate thsreof in recorded In William Ilia oisdn application for a eet ins. Vte l Muller Receiver Land arc enthusiastic in their approval ag"t. Book-no- 22, Page 471, bo h In the v inlng Ollicn. and now tiie sad news ootnaa to Jniterl Urate patent for the Os'rHar Uronp earth around 1, serine and E. L. Hecords of Taoa C lUotjr, New Msx;oo. IUrtlett 8 illcltor (leneral. us that his nearest friend and ndviaer, of the 5- - to - - finding of fhe court of toil mining claiT'ij-nlMhi- of ilia for Cor. S . 9. "'ssnior and Cor. So. 1, 11 1 It- J. II. Vaughn Treaauro. n, Newfoundland ide . sprucj tree 18 Ins. Mai tltero, glstee. the head of our national party organi-aatto- on it hits monop- northern Liuht, Pay Roll, Cnnhlar and T. the ground that First I'ublirin'ion pVbrnar 11 l04. F. Chavex Sup't Public instruction . Nsjsvfoiiwii- ml lode mining claim', iu dlam. braes 8. 97' 2 i' E. 33.2 ft. and A has followed his great chief to olies but thoughtful men of i W. Surrfent .1 a rap, Surv.-- So. ! 1M, situate apruce tree lo 1. i nlstn. beara N. (. Auditor. the w. beyond : Inr-- Desires Peace. to tha Keyatnce Mining Distr.ct. Tana W. 67 I' .. eai h d and ecribed x B frr John H. McFle District Judge. Be !t reerlved, That In tha death of both parties are keeping very CoOoty. Sew Mexico, embracing n total T and C4. K. C. Abbott District Attorney. Marcus A. Ilauns, the na'leu has lost still and examining the merits of B, 37 ' 4 ' K. Vs. 13 Descend, rat ir of40.337 icre, and lying inHao. Thence E. Arcording to reixirts persistent-entl- y one of Its grenteat statesmen, the l.'no ft. la (! r. .N, 3. uleutical with TAOS COUNTY. the problem. The White House Tp. , rig. , (UBurvycil), and nooro N. (senate one of its foremost members . Cor. So. 8 Cnsliier au Cm. No. 4, New-- f circulating in court and Hlj'nio itomero ) Attorney-General- particularly described a follows-- the Republican party able, and 's offlc are lUndlaud lodes of tn am nded locations ministerial circles here Russia A lb x. Ousdoaf I (JurnmittlonorB. its trusted HORTHBRN I.IUHT LODh CLAIM. Mnnnel ) and e gener- congratula- thereof. A apruce post 6 Ina, quire, 4l ft. Chacon wise leader, and the peopl quietb exchanging Beginning at B. E. cor. No. 1. idanti al has instructed kaisea long, set 18 lus. in the gr oind, with mouud the with the Katf3on Sanchez. Treaeurrer. ally one of their truest friends, iu what- is felt a with loc. cor. No. 2. A cpruce post, ti Int. tions and it generally that of earth around it. and mission of stopping the war rum as M. y (Jonzales Kecor.ter ever station or condition they might sqtiaie ft. long, 18 Int. In tbo ground, of such a as will i for Cor. No. 3, GeeMUr and Cor. No. AntQoio B. Trujillo Sup't of School. be. II was always tu be relied upon prohibition tiust frith ruouod of earth around it, scribed through personal mediation or in- 4, Newfouu Hand c . A spruce tree 11 prevent competition must be bene tor Oor. No. I, LtlOM Doniingueg Pruba'e Judge. for Httvtee ana assistance, wiBe counsel ins. in die iu. betr. S. Ao' E. 7.3 ft. and ternational mediation, initiated Lo 1 in I . s. L. M. No. in tdr Keyt.n Mining Ado'fo S intistevao Assnr and prompt action their behalf. ficial. But when gTeat wealth A spruce Hoe 9 i.i . iu Oiaui. bears N. 03 Bistn-t- , In Taoti County, Sew Mexi.o, W him. It is stated that the idea FauUin Trujillo Sheriff, him was embodied the true idea ol 4o' W". 19. ft., enc'i I.', r. d and scribed n B and vast commercial interests are N. 63 41" E. 128.7 tt American citizenship; a self-mad- e man Wri V and 1. 4. appealed to him stongly from the Ins, i enjoined, is it too much to A Lalam tree 10 Dlam hears N. ' in its best meaning, he was nn example thus Tbenoe N. Oti W V. Vs. 12 i' E. De- Standpoint of 17 E. 28.2 ti. ai.d A spruce ins. the advantage that Money is a scarce article with to and a to unions scend 8o5.5 lo C '. iNi 4. lueiKical with our youth monument our expect tbat workingmeu's In dlam bears 8. if--' 8.V E. iiti ft. would Cor. No. 3 of Pay K ill b.Uo ot tbii surrey, accrue to Germany if he institutions which can produce such a vociferous sen bed H 1' some people but we know some will be a little less 4,laie.l and I dceeirtta That our sympathy . previously r. should succeed in hos- character. heart Ml Thnnr-S- 6 40' W. Va. 15' B'.l' E. bringing by injunc- Theuoe S. 3i 4o' W. a. 12 86' FO. who are willing to lose a few doll- is txtended to his bereavea family in against "government i'fhi.O fU toCat -- No. 2. iilentlciii with tilities to an end. Ascsud along lb e 2 ra Roll ode of tl.i one so i to tion?" loc. cor if, A post fi tun the loss uf v them. S ipruce soiare., 1, ars in finding out at what a small survey 15o tt. to C jr. No. Ibe place of Russia has convinced Pergonal:--Postmaster-Gen- him, it is Tout 011 tbii tlfthieth eral 4S, ft. mi r sot 11 tna. iu tbe Rtaeufid, Beginning. with in i of earth artnjnd tt, said, that the fatherland, being price certain people can be bought. anniversary ot the blrtli of the Repub- A Payne is confined to bed with aeribrd, for Cor. So. 1!. A spruce NEWFOlTSOl l.uUE CLaJM. lican parly, we ate profoundly grateful C N . 1 allied to neitlieT belligerent, could 11-- bcgluniiig ni i. identical with is con- tree 10 ins. in diem. hears N. 38 SOf E. 7 Tim Amerind t the Provideuce which calleal It into gout.