ON THE RECORD 2014 The leader of Hungary’s Jobbik – a racist, xenophobic party – is forced to cancel a talk after anti-racists protest. One of few films dealing with the Atlantic slave trade, British director Steve McQueen, wins awards including the Oscar 2013 for best picture. United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination celebrated around the world in March.

FALSE DAWN Greek fascists Golden Dawn achieve electoral growth before the leadership are 2012 arrested following the murder of an anti-fascist activist. In December, Nelson UN anti-racism day Mandela’s death leads to millions paying homage to a life dedicated12 Years to ending a Slave racial oppression.

2014 TRAYVON MARTIN SHOOTING by Standing up to racism and through history INVASION? 2011 In Florida, a neighbourhood patrol organiser shoots Trayvon Martin, a black teenager returning home after buying sweets. The killer is only put on trial after a The tabloid media warn of an influx into the UK, on Bulgarian and Romanian workers being given mass campaign gains 1.5 million signatures. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually the right to work. Few actually come after the 1 January start date. In the light of the rise of far right 2013 parties both in the UK and abroad, the movement and other organisations come together to mark the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination with a 2008 MURDEROUS EXTREMIST on 21 March. On that day in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people in Sharpeville, demonstration on 22 March. Anders Breivik, a fellow traveller and sympathiser of Nazis/extreme right groups across Europe, kills 77 South Africa, at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid “pass laws”. people in Norway on a killing spree. IMPLODES 2005 This wallchart gives a very brief history of racism and fascism, and the struggle against During 71 “protests” marked by rampant and violence against Muslims, the EDL are met OBAMA ELECTED with consistent opposition by – culminating in major defeats at Tower Hamlets Barack Obama becomes the United States’ first black president. He wins the 2012 election too. and Walthamstow. these twin foes. In May, the UK Independence Party gain media attention through local election success. Former government minister Lord Heseltine describes it as “racist” in terms of its “language, the rhetoric, HURRICANE KATRINA A day of action against racism has been called for across Europe to coincide with the membership” while UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, proclaims Enoch Powell’s infamous rivers of blood 2002 The black urban poor are seen to get little US government assistance as deadly floods in New Orleans expose issues speech, “right for the wrong reasons”. of race, class and the legacy of slavery. In November, rioting spreads across France after the death of two youths of the marking of UN anti-racism day in 2014.In the UK we will demonstrating in 2012 Government-sponsored vans target multicultural areas, bearing slogans reminiscent of 1970s racism North African origin escaping the police. telling “illegal” immigrants to “Go home”. Thousands of texts are sent out with the same message and people stopped at stations across London. Vigorously opposed these measures are soon dropped. London on 22 March. We urge everyone to join the demonstration to roll back 2001 FAR RIGHT BREAKTHROUGH Front National’s Jean Marie Le Pen, a man who denied the significance of the Holocaust, comes second in the xenophobia. OLYMPIC CELEBRATION presidential election in France – shocking the world. 2011 The London Olympics opening ceremony celebrates multiculturalism. But in football, England captain John Terry gets a four match ban for using racially abusivewww.standuptoukip.org language. Following Luis Suárez’s similar ban, many fear a reappearance of overt racism in football. 1994 Almost 3,000 people are killed as al-Qaeda supporters crash passenger planes into New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon and other targets. A multinational force is sent into Afghanistan to capture the attack’s masterminds. CULTURE AND RECRIMINATIONS In February, Prime Minister declares multiculturalism dead in Munich. In August police shoot a black man, Mark Duggan, in north London. Riots erupt and 3,000 people are arrested with SOUTH AFRICA ELECTION 2010 1968 Nelson Mandela, released from prison in 1990, is elected president of a multi-racial South Africa. In Rwanda, half a million prison sentences totaling 1,800 years. Academic David Starkey registers agreement with the views of Tutsis are massacred by the Hutu-dominated army in one of the biggest genocides since the Holocaust. Enoch Powell blaming “black culture” for the riots. 1965 BNP DEFEATED AGAIN OPPOSING RACISM AT THE OLYMPICS 2008 Tommie Smith and John Carlos give black power salute as symbol of defiance against racism at the Mexico Olympics. After an impressive mass leafleting campaign led by organisations like Unite Against Fascism in Barking, the BNP is defeated. 1964 EQUALITY ACTIVISTS MURDERED LOVE MUSIC CARNIVAL Malcolm X is assassinated, to be followed by Martin Luther King 3 years later. 2007 Some 30 years after , hold a carnival in Victoria Park. It attracts 100,000 people. The BNP win a London Assembly seat and two MEPs in the Euro elections. 1960 Anti-fascists protest outside the BBC when appears on ANTI-APARTHEID PRISONERS In South Africa, ANC activists are imprisoned – including Nelson Mandela sentenced to life. 2005 ANTI EAST EUROPEAN RACISM Attacks on “Poles, Lithuanians, and other immigrants from the new E.U. member states [have become] 1955 SHARPEVILLE MASSACRE a major new component of hate crime violence” in the UK. While peacefully demonstrating against apartheid, 69 unarmed black people are shot dead by police with 180 injured. The United Nations declares 21 March an anti-racism day in remembrance. Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria are among 17 African states to gain independence. 2003 7/7 BOMBINGS 1947 Four explosions across London kill 56 people including the four bombers. There are reports of an CIVIL RIGHTS increase in Islamophobia ranging from attacks to verbal abuse on anyone who “looks” Muslim. The movement to end racial segregation in the United States begins.

1993 BIGGEST DEMONSTRATION IN BRITISH HISTORY INDIAN INDEPENDENCE Some two million people march against the war in Iraq in London. Salma Yaqoob takes a leading role in India gains independence with being formed soon after. A year later, the strict segregation of races or Question Time the anti-war movement. Later that year Unite Against Fascism is formed to stop the resurgence of the BNP. “apartheid” is instituted in South Africa with non-white groups being denied basic rights.

INSTITUTIONAL RACISM . THE HOLOCAUST Stephen Lawrence is murdered at a bus stop in London. After a tenacious campaign by his family, the history: the state-sponsored, systematic persecution” of Jews “by Nazi Germany 1981 Macpherson report identifies institutional racism for the first time. Meanwhile “openly Nazi” British National and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945”. Six million Jews were murdered, Party wins its first council seat, in east London. Over 60,000 anti-fascists march on their HQ with another 1939 with millions of “undesirables” also killed by the Nazis. ATLANTIC 40,000 marching in a demonstration organised by the TUC. The BNP lose their seat the following year. SLAVE TRADE was a “specific genocidal event in twentieth-century (c1400–1888) was “the FIRE AND RIOTS 1922 enforced transportation The largely ignored deaths of 13 African-Caribbeans in a fire at New Cross leads to deepening anger WORLD WAR TWO BEGINS of humanity between 1977 More than 2,500,000 soldiers from the colonies would serve in the 1939-45 war to stop fascism. amongst black people. Years of marginalisation and heavy-handed policing explode in nationwide riots. Africa and the Americas”. The Scarman report recommends challenging racial disadvantage and the notorious “sus laws” are repealed. 12 million Africans were 1914 FASCISM’S FIRST TIME forcibly transported in LEWISHAM First fascist dictatorship is established, by Mussolini in Italy. Hitler takes power in Germany a decade later. barbaric conditions. When it tries to march through Lewisham, the Nazi National Front is crushed by thousands of anti-fascists. “Transatlantic slavery 1968 left behind a legacy Activists, mainly organised around the Anti Nazi League, expose the fascism of the National Front and oppose 1863 EMPIRE AND WAR their marches. Hundreds of thousands attend two successful carnivals organised by Rock Against Racism. of racism... Those in After a 30 year period of rapid colonisation, the world is divided between European empires with strict the African diaspora/ racist hierarchies, and providing more soldiers to fight the First World War (1914–18). African continent found RACIST SPEECH 1804 themselves victims of Enoch Powell is sacked from the Tory government for a speech that stokes up racism across the UK. He states: AMERICAN ABOLITION 1965 Slavery is abolished in the United States. racial discrimination and “... in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”. Meanwhile, the Race Relations Act makes it illegal to refuse housing, public services and employment on the grounds of ethnicity. prejudice” from the favouring in SLAVERY SMASHED many cultures 1962 NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL HITS THE STREETS Formerly enslaved Africans led by Toussaint L’Ouverture and Dessalines of European After a spate of racist attacks, Claudia Jones conceives of an event to bring people together. strike a death blow against slavery as first black independent features and republic in the Americas, Haiti, is proclaimed. This later becomes the Notting Hill Carnival, Europe’s largest street carnival. light over dark skin to anti-African 1948 IMMIGRATION REDUCTION ANTI SEMITISM prejudice in societies The Commonwealth Immigrants Act is passed. It reduces immigration from the British Empire and against Jews just because they are that have few black is later strengthened further. Jewish”. In 1290 Jews were people. expelled from England.

1936 LATEST WAVE OF MIGRATION is “prejudice The Empire Windrush heralds a new wave of post war immigration, making the UK a modern multicultural nation.

CABLE STREET 1787 The British Union of Fascists and leader are met by 100,000 anti-fascists at Cable Street – destroying the fascists’ growing street movement. After 1945 a group of Jewish ex-servicemen stop the BUF ever reviving.

ABOLITION Campaigns by the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade introduce the consumer boycott, the petition and the 1562 political book tour – contributing to halting the slave trade. Saturday 22 March 2014 The British trade is abolished in 1807, with slavery itself abolished in the British Empire almost 30 years later. Stand up to racism and fascism Acknowledgements and references Creator/author: Gaverne Bennett FIRST ENGLISH SLAVE Designer: Jon Wedderburn www.algebradesign.com TRADE EXPEDITION The Oxford Companion to Black British History David Dabydeen, John Gilmore, Cecily Jones (Eds.) Assemble 11am Black History – forward into the 21st century at bit.ly/blackhistory21 Britain would become a major un.org/en/events/racialdiscriminationday/background player in the Atlantic slave trade. uaf.org.uk Parade from Parliament Square to understandingslavery.com theholocaustexplained.org/ks3/anti-semitism/medieval-anti-judaism irr.org.uk/news/eastern-european-workers-under-attack/ rally at Trafalgar Square guardian.co.uk/blackhistory Say it Loud! Brian Richardson (Ed.) The Age of Empire Eric Hobsbawn www.standuptoracism.org.uk UCU Holocaust wallchart at ucu.org.uk/equality#wall%20charts Pics: Claudia Jones, Museum of London; 1962 Immigration Bill demo, Museum of London; in the UK NO toaround scapegoating the world immigrants. NO to Islamophobia. YES to diversity Mandela, Paul Weinberg [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons; Carnival, Worth/LMHR; #M22 Salma Yaqoob, Zuhairali [CC-BY-SA-3.0] via Wikimedia Commons