Hurlet and Brockburn Community Council Meeting
Hurlet and Brockburn Community Council Meeting Date: Monday 3rd June 2019 Time: 7pm Location: Leithland Neighbourhood Centre, 25 Kempsthorn Road, G53 5SR Web: Twitter: @HandBCC Facebook: Hurlet and Brockburn Community Council Minutes Meeting Agenda Responsible Time 1. Welcome, attendance & apologies Chair 7.00pm Attendance: Mahmood Ullah (Chair), Dale Hardy, Cllr David McDonald, Lynn Dale, Kathleen Mulloy, Helen McDonald, Anne J, PC Belinda Apologies: David Knox, Claire Brown, Asif Nasair, Andrew Mellis, Cllr Rhiannon Spear 2. Minutes 7.05pm - Previous minutes & amendments proposed by Kathleen Mulloy, seconded by Mahmood Ullah - Scottish Flood Forum, Anne J asked what this was - Funding for wider community projects - Matters arising Land next to Hurlethill Court update: Suggested again that we write to the registered office and ask what is planned. 3. Police Report – Police Scotland 7.15pm No further detailed updates – only trends. PC Belinda – trespass on curtilage of building – couple of these section 57s, bins set alight here at hall, several vandalisms, please give us a call if you see anything – reckless bus window smashing, some common assaults in area. Always check for id of workmen. Q. Plant pots taken late at night – not so many police after midnight so don’t see teenagers out late Police on patrol can be thin on the ground late at night Q. Leverndale incidents over last few weeks – are there any details – drugs, vandalisms, thefts – there is an officer PC Tracy McDonald assigned to the QE and Leverndale. Q. Are incidents related to hospital or coincidental? Difficult to say without going into details.
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