ProcessWire Image Guide

Version 3.x

Websoft9 ProcessWire is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running ProcessWire on Alibaba Cloud.

ProcessWire is an open source content management system (CMS) and web application framework aimed at the needs of designers, developers and their clients. ProcessWire gives you more control over your fields, templates and markup than other platforms, and provides a powerful template system that works the way you do. Not to mention, ProcessWire’s API makes working with your content easy and enjoyable. Managing and developing a site in ProcessWire is shockingly simple compared to what you may be used to.

ProcessWire Stack Components

Application Software(ProcessWire3.x) Software directory: /data/wwwroot/processwire

Application Server(PHP7.0,APACHE2.4) PHP Configuration File: /etc//7.0/apache2/php.ini Apache Vhost Configuration File: /etc/apache2/sites-available Apache Log Files:/var/log/apache2

Database(MYSQL5.7) Database install directory: /usr/share/ Database data directory: /data/mysql Database Configuration File: /etc/mysql/mysql.conf./mysqld.cnf PhpMyAdmin install directory: /usr/share/phpmyadmin Kown more from MySQL User Guide  ( image-%ef%bc%89)

Verify the Image

After the installation of Image,please verify it

Login on Alibaba Cloud console,get you Internet IP Address

Open you Chrome or Firefox on your local PC,visit the http://Internet IP Address/ If verify successfully,you can enter the Start Installation page of this Image If no response from browser,please check the Security Group settings ( to ensure that port 80 is been allowed

Start to install ProcessWire

Using Chrome or Firefox to visit: http://Internet IP Address/ to start the tapplication installation process.It is recommended to complete two steps before the installation:

Domain resolution if you want to use (Add an A record to the Internet IP Address of Server from your Domain Control Panel) Modify the MySQL password of Root through PhpMyAdmin Then access the installation page by domain directly and complete the  installation wizard for the following steps:

1. Visit http://Internet IP Address or http://yourdomain to enter the start page of installation

2. Click the “Get Started” and complete the Compatibility Check 3. Fill in the MySQL Database configuration(Default MySQL password of root is 123456) and click “>Continue” button

4. Fill in the Admin Account Information section,and and click “>Continue” button 

5. Then you will receive feedback on successful installation below

6. Click the “Login to Admin”,log in to backend of ProcessWire below: Frequently used Usernames and Passwords 

Three usernames and passwords are required for application installation, application using, andapplication maintenance:

1、ResourceSpace:Username and password is set by youself when installation, Backend URL:http://Internet IP Address/processwire 2、MySQL Database:Default username and password is root/123456, Control Panel URL:http://Internet ip Address/phpmyadmin 3、Linux Server:Username is root,Password is set by youself when buying.You can reset the password through console and restart the Server if you have forgotten it.Please Using the Putty for Remote and WinSCP for SFTP

Using Modules & Plugins

Plugins are packages that extend or modify ProcessWire’s function and presentation.

How to intall Modules?

1. Find modules from: ( 2. Log in your site as administrator,then go to Admin->Modules->Install- >Add New 3. We select the Add Module From Derectory method,then fill in the Module Class Name 4. Click the button “Download and Install” to start the process of  Module’s Installation


Routine backup (archives) of the database and application setup is essential to ensure failover is can use Manual Backup as following steps:

1. Download the entire software directory(/data/wwwroot/processwire) by SFTP or other tools 2. Visit http://< Internet IP Address >/phpMyAdmin,login in to the phpMyAdmin Panel 3. Select your database,then Export it

4. Click “go” button for backup process,and then download the SQL backup file

Upgrade Before upgrade you should put the site down for maintenance and always  Backup your code, data and config files.

Before Upgrading

Backup your database and backup all the files in your site (ensuring you can revert if needed). When possible, test the upgrade on a development/staging site before performing the upgrade on a live/production site. Login to your ProcessWire admin under a superuser account before upgrading. Temporarily enable debug mode ( mode) during the upgrade (optional but recommended).

If you have 3rd party modules installed, confirm that they are compatible with the ProcessWire version you are upgrading to. If you cannot confirm compatibility, uninstall the 3rd party modules before upgrading, when possible. You can attempt to re-install them after upgrading. If uninstalling is inconvenient, just be sure you have the ability to revert if for some reason one of your modules does not like the upgrade. Modules that are compatible with ProcessWire 2.4-2.7 are generally going to also be compatible with 3.0 with a few exceptions.

Automatic Upgrade

You can use an upgrade module ( is available. This upgrade utility can also help with upgrading other modules as well. However, the upgrade from 2.x to 3.x is a major upgrade and we recommend performing this upgrade manually rather than with any automated tools.

Below is the steps to use “process-wire-upgrade” module for upgrade

1. Log in as administrator,then go to Admin->Modules->Install->Add New 2. We select the Add Module From Derectory method,then fill in the Module Class Name,the text is “process-wire-upgrade” 

3. Click the button “Download and Install” to start the process of Module’s Installation 4. Once you have completed the installation of this Module,go to Admin->Modules->Site,you can find the interface below:

5. Click the “Settings” button to check for core and upgrade new version online

Manual Upgrade

You can using manual upgrade also : (

How to use your languages?

Every Language pack is a module in ProcessWire,below is the example to use Chinese: 1. To install a language pack, you must have the ProcessWire Language  Support module installed. This is included with ProcessWire, so all you have to do is click to Modules > Install > Language Support,then Install it

2. Once you have Language Support installed, you can install this language pack by going to Setup > Languages > Add New Language. Enter a title and name for the language and save.

3. Visit the Modules site of ProcessWire (,then download the language pack from Module Categories->LANGUAGE PACKS

4. Next, you can install the files for the language pack. Drag the ZIP file for the language pack into the files field. 

5. Now you can test out the new language by editing our profile and selecting the new language.

How to access phpMyAdmin?

Websoft9 Mantis Image have installed the phpMyadmin

Following is the step for access phpMyadmin

1. Open Chrome or Firefox on your local PC 2. visit the http://Internet IP Address/phpMyAdmin,you can enter the login page 

3. select you language,Username:root,Password:123456 4. Click the button “Go”

How to start or stop the services?

You can use the command to manage the services for Server.Please choose the corresponding command mode according to different types of operating system

Ubuntu Linux

Apache http service  ~# systemctl start httpd ~# systemctl stop httpd ~# systemctl restart httpd ~# systemctl reload apache2 #Configuration file

MySQL service

~# systemctl start mysqld ~# systemctl stop mysqld ~# systemctl restart mysqld


~# a2dismod ModuleName #disable Apache2 module ~# a2enmod ModuleName #enable Apache2 module ~# a2ensite Configuration #enable vhost configuration ~# a2dissiteConfiguration #disable vhost configuration

How to change the permissions of filesytem?

When install new extension from back-end it will not successful,may be the permissions of file and folder is not appropriate,you should change it

Web site root permissions to follow: file 644,folder 755 ,Permissions Users and groups www-data If there is a file permissions problem, execute the following three commands:

chown -R www-data.www-data /data/wwwroot/processwire find /data/wwwroot/default/processwire -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /data/wwwroot/default/processwire -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

How to modify the allowed limit for upload? Modify the /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini file to increase the allowed size for  uploads:

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. post_max_size = 16M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 16M

then,restart the apache

# systemctl restart httpd

How to modify PHP settings?

The PHP configuration file allows you to configure the modules enabled, the email settings or the size of the upload files. It is located at /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini.

There are some PHP settings that need to be sufficient to install.

e.g The values for PHP.ini below are suggested values only.

memory_limit – Minimum: 256M Recommended: 1G or better upload_max_filesize – Minimum: 20M post_max_size – Minimum: 20M max_execution_time: At Least 120 Recommended: 300

After modifying the PHP configuration file, restart both Apache and PHP- FPM for the changes to take effect:

# systemctl restart httpd

How to change the max_execution_time?

If you receive the message “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded”.You may also like to extend the max_execution_time for PHP and you can modify it by two methods below Method one: edit your /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini 

; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds ; ; Note: This directive is hardcoded to 0 for the CLI SAPI max_execution_time = 90 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data. It ; idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate ; long running scripts.

Method two: edit your .htaccess:

php_value max_execution_time 90

ProcessWire Help Links

ProcessWire Documentation ( Modules/Plugins Directory ( ProcessWire Forum (
