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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-24-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-24-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-24-1916." (1916). abq_mj_news/1610

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Daily by Currier or Mnll, 800 1916, Single CopU 5 niinn year. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, ti Month. iiii,. i l. r. ni. Villa Reported IN PERSON FIRST DETAILED LOST HIITOn THE WEATHER DENTIST FACES ONLY ARTILLERY VILLA Surrounded by FORECAST. WEATHER' I)t liver. .March 23. New .Mexico: American and Friday rain in smith, snow north pm STORY OF MARCH Mouth por-tion- s ON HOLDS UP TRAIN: Troops IS FOUND, tion: nuicli colder oust anil MURDER CHARGE; IS ACTIVE Carranza IE with eld wave east porliiii: Saturiiay unsettled. ir MiiHNiNa inuNi arcv.aL liiid wtHKI I I Pic.ii, i,'ii. March iM. oie.ul LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. REVOLT announced louiiilt lie bint - E RICNS twenty-fou- r ending at FATHER-IN-LA- W WESTERN FRONT; RERRERA t.ania BUI HUNGRY. IN For hours, eched a iclcgiani Hum Hcno.iil llort-im- i DM 6 l). m. yesterday. ilia was mm rounded at I I .Maxiitiiiin teiinieratnre, ti degree- - that (t-x- miles mmiiIi or Vninlquipii minimum, 40 degrees: range (le iti' b iiH i i itu anil troop anil grccs; temperature ut ti p. in Mlian THROUGH MEXICO I Imjiiiiuni. wihd; partly SLAVS ATTACK IS CONFIRMED bat a decisive battle was decrees: southwest ALLEGED VICTIM said the XnicilcHu troops DESERT ISTE cloudy; pr pitatlon, ,t7 of in inch. Hoilaiil i clinic up lolluvti.ig the deleiii ol' ilia i in the (lav b the CiiiTanei--la- s CITY RANK CLEARINGS. asiicr Yesterday at Santa ;erlrinle. -- r, !!.',. ,r Pin him inn.! Consul t.tiiv.ii made public tonight General Pershing Personally JBIt, S8. of Russians! Commando IIIit VNinuiM'"M of Fellow Birdmen; One of the Most Remarkable! Heavy Masses a telegram which he Mild he hail Lost Sight Iroiii l.cncinl (.iimiii aniioiiiic- - I eads Cavalry Force in Pur- Are Hurled Against Teutons While Not hiendly to ban- Began to Leak; reports that in Criminal Annals of hiK that the ( ai raiii hud dcl'ealcil Full Tank patched to investigate Cases (.ertriulcs, near of Villa; Progress Is been attacked and their dit, Declares Carrnnza Is Ilia oila nt Pallia suit trucks had Have in East; Ground Both Gained j to m to Descend on Bar- were missing. .Major (',. H Country Believed to NaJiiuiiipi cconllna the Forced drivers -I-'X-' Swift, that Offender, one in, Ilia, after leuiiuu Astonishingly Stockle, in command, announced Lost, t Greater re- Unearthed, and i" the field. ren Plateau, his Investigation,, proved that the Been cull ileail ami woimilcl ports were unfounded. aliail, lolled Kill hor-e-s anil llcl till I I ((Ml. iTASK BEFORE U. S. HAS EXPEDITION CROSSES WORKS BEUEVEsIn SUSPECT TAKEN WHILE GERMANS DECLARE WITHOUT FOOD FOR DESERT IN QUICK TIME ASSAULTS FAILED GREAT DIFFICULTIES Voltod with .iino men in t'hibuahua, TURNING OTHER CHEEK IN DRUG STUPOR ,. TWENTY-FOU- R HOURS DEEP and a clleciioi evidence at band Ifroni unofficial sources, denying the i (I KuiiHton was Hr MONIN JOUNL f ICIAL LI I0 WIKI1 Down It. !. 'tier. iCnirjnza Men Encountered Washington, March 23. Senator Leads to Austrian Lines Appear to Be To Hunt Co!i!mbus;;;r,l,;,;v tiunht as t" the exact stai. to! - Death of Millionaiie Alexicii as be Ibis left Note on Road as Works, republican, made an anti- For-- iis of affair in Are Pies-su- re Is Much More ! Friendly; Bandit Leader speech ill senate to Sen- Holding Under Heavy . Raiders moi niliK, Dnc, t.reiinrednoss the Rigid Investigation and to Whereabouts and' Is i Ceneral l!el was the fust lled day but endorsed the iiaminisiraiion s midable Undertaking Than Loses Nearly Half His Men Developments Are From Italian and form that Mexico. sational I by Motor Truck Train action in lei l era was epol l' il to hav joined cued organizations Roundin; ; Geroiiimo, After Columbus Raid, Hit; business, military Follow, Czar's Troops, Reports Say, lln Villa in bis fk'hl against the I'liiled en Route From Columbus, and politician!), he said, were respon- Expected to Slates. (ieneral instructed sible for a war scare in the 1'nited r.eneral Hell to Investigate Ihe report MOHNiNa iOUKN iirtriAL MIIRNINa JOURNAl BflCLAL LIAtf D WlRIl and Inform lum of developments. The lv t iliuo ftmll States. PI Texas, March 'J3 T today," 1 - I'.l message today that be Pao, JOURNAL CIL II1H0 WIMI "What this country needs , near ne- Pas.i, Tex., March Ceneral laconic late iV MOINIKl ' n "nuior! Fxccp, on the t yester-- . dispatch from Anho-clat- Lieu-tena- for- - revolted from (b bad "confil ined" his report ,,f followlna tin M., 23. protection from - r, Luis llerrera has Columbus, N. Maich he said, "is not CrJT"chse" ..r.Ar-icu- and the ! "nLiuW ered JWI,! d Press correspondent nt the. . i..., .I..,1...... ,,n.iinur the from nru. iM Carr.m.ii and has declar-- that d.iv was Celieial Hell's reply. He did Edgar S. (iorrell, of this Limed nauoos, - - eign io a dentist UlUlMOMll, Hlicie i," "r" , . In Mexico Hist - warren Waite- - resist with all his power the not report additional fads concerning from is the complete been mis- . e he will aero corps, who has oi tne powei oi , play, ii a, vanial-'- in biiw asainsi iiii- States ...... 1,11 tll- - aggressive inlluences tennis troops into Mex- ami did not tell, story of the of the border I,,., ,. . ...l... . " . . engagement have entry of American the tew movement since S n ' 111 u,, a lOUlglll mans,, no anfantry . ion '"loncy ...... hands ol "cuinii n""j,1(, ellstndy of detectives mi" ico, but is still opposed to Villa, ac- bow the report was confirmed. j of the punitive expeirjlijon aent to of . i along the line in plane' ,i:n iliree miles south few of tts own nuzi-ns- lie with tne mumi-- taken place be ('ohimbus I i,,.. " grasping twill chained "... Heavy fighting', how-e- cording t" reports from sources To offset Ceneral Hell's statement'.: ivelige the nias.4aern. l.v a motor truck train 12 his father-in-la- and lioUMUin. to- i relations with Mexico and, on March ..f t,, received here i:l (len-- 1 ieau,Uariers i nnea Miaies Tum in "our r, i the lieved he reliable mi ssages from Paso ipioled L. Parkinson, wentieth .. .1, K drug oiitinuos betwcti tlerniam in tenant J. .,,!,, this nation dm Peck, a millionaire day. tive r.xpeiiniou, iiumimi. ( in-,- u Consul Andres Caicla foionia to ncpt-- .u , Russians on the western front oral iJuvira and lantiy, according ilif-- 1 manufacturer of Oram! ltaputs. ic. and 'k il isaf ion sub-- ; Mexico, March 22 (Hy wagon . ,,,! owing out of them are entirely l'.iga Miutli-war- The news of llerrera fed consul at Laredo buahiia, ,i in Miilitarv headquarters gi c,,urt. from the legion of llv denial, the ' ' - was considered sufficiently authentic 'milted and Samuel Helden, train to Columbus, , M., Marrh "3.1 Lieutenant Oorrcll was uninjured, hut lercnt i.oin in ' the arrest of Dr. Waite, the ws- a denial I with for (ieneral Hell to telegraph Ceneral for Cairanv.a, made pub-- i here by a forced inarch was out of sasoline and had lost his condilions in Europe. hat our mtorncy's office believes it has The Cerniuns northwest of Verdun .consul here now on Mexican soil should be prove one of the continuing their violent shelling , Funstoi a I San Antonio that lie Ii, a message he said he had demonstrated the endurance of way. diets lmi.)lV(,,.Plj wdi are Chl-dh- - lieved tile of the Oirrunzista In e American noldicr and obviously All Aviators Safe. reinforced by other sol- , ble cases in many years. of the Maluncoort section and again 'cived from Cemral llerrera iirotected and ..finarku - . Hell to - tie- .general tin (Ieneral added Ii uu Ii uu . dated today. In this message greatly amazed the Mexleana, neveral neen be, we are agreed." j Ajr. Peck, who is reputed to have iinve trained their guns on French (Hure baa ui"i"- diers if need all , tleniennnt r. o i - of llethineourt, Le .Molt.. Hom- his tnessag however, the empl.atu Ceneral li'irera denied that he had thousand Fnlted States troops, fortv-elK- in middle an estate valued at aooui n front for hours the .left denials of Hi rrera s revolt, issued adding on the ( mi- - cavalry, Infantry and artillery, were (Hid, uml bin wife die d within six me and Cumieres. probably prepara revolted, that ot a SalUl HW,pi, lino, "a " l' m 1 1 ii n r t nr h re today bv ( consul. was leailv to Villa IIS today this; point "' ai daughter t ii fn.sli infantry attacks in an the irrana '1 rare be hunt scattered between ii tion I of I,;ike Federioo, weeks wniie visiuni; their w ',,.,11. " ,,n borders Carci.i, Inch were support , i ...lie ..m ,,.,uuil,.. i the W nt their Kiversld, to break through the line1 Andres in i n ii i I and the northern boundary of the and her husband endeavor I , a watering 1'laee f have been l , I, jormerly used for l tne will when moment seems propitious. by telegrams aid to ,'... i'.l Hum to the!.state of Cuerrero, intent on the task uOMIIitli drive iipariments here. the ,,.,i-..- ll..,-ie,'- . but suffered only shnhU ili-- ; ' II - himself .. for stock, .Mr. was eoually I'l'eiicli (inns Are ceived from . i tne message of capturinK or killing Francisco Villa plan? of Peek his estate efle. ( war eiiar tineiu iron. trom exposure to the sun. His not and Ceii'ial utierrez, arraii.a s',. .... , v..,,v ,,.,(,.,! in possible Mrs. Waite anil rei.v The French have slackened I the shortest timo and With the receipt f to ivided between was intact. nrntfliii Peck, of (Hand Itapids, his son. .Mrs. their bombardment of the Malaiiroiirt j field ehief. the result of the Investigation the; the bandit hand with of the eimit niinrn r day's report, all aim.'! Waite now is seriously ill at (irand wood from points in Ihe Argonne fin- (arrana Ol lender. state department had begun through; which he raided Columbus, New Mex- who left here last Sunday! nil rn ' , Cbi-- ,iio, AMm He phis. District Attorney Swaiin said est and also are shilling heavily Cor-- Ceneral llerrera has long been il its consular representative in i ico, and slaughtered nine civilians on Orandes. have been IIMIUk.ll ! rail-- to fly to Casus Ullllllllll had learned she bad been man positions and the roads and ! enemy of Villa II is position Torreou an, I Durango. ; March !. Troop movements and dis- today he personal , bualiua. accounted for. instructed by Waite to make a will In held bv the Hermans in Ihoi is said to be that the di facto govern-- Nor was (Ieneral punslon's knowl-- i positions, however, are shrouded In explained that shorll Pel-- ! The flyer his favor. .eastern part of the Argonne. iie-n- has betrayed Mexican interests, edge of lb" progress of Ceneral Ihe strictest secrecy, oy order of tli start, ho lost sight of the i IMiig Stupor. after the way. HAS GOOD STORY Ill The bombardment to the northeast in permitting' soldiers of the railed sbing's column Increased. The; war department. planes and missed his i well as in the Woevie territory, and passed a report from' other sur- When detectives went to the Waite ,,f Verdun, as States to eiiler Mexican day without sbs uni Frist AcrosN, After flying for miles over the 'apartment today they found thi young! to the east of the fortress has in-- , that this betrayal outweighs whatever' Ceneral Pershing, making this the! country in an effort to great The entry into Mexico occurred at rounding identisi ill bed. apparently ill jeeased in intensity, offenses Ilia has coininittcii fourth day Ceneral Kiinstoh has been! p. m.. .March l.r,th. At Uie t s he was ! , bis whercahou Dr. A. A. Moore, the pnysician, Heavy masses of Kussiaiu are Close upon this apparent i nfirnia-- i..n,ii'an i.f level, ipuiems south of ii. . , be nioinciit the American colors, wit ,i ,ii,rhi m the nlateau iidcl Peck while he was here. iiressinii the (iermans fioni the Kiga lion of llerrera s position, word was Casus ( irandes. le sent Ieneral Per- -' fuel tank. Th! Amusing Details of Exploits or the standard of the Thirteenth muse of a leakinc of;j;'(; Waite was sullering iionij district southward lor a distance , brought here tonight by C.ircia .M,i,j ions today to send more was uu intruci airy, 200 men of which beat oft Villa's nasoline oozed away and ne ;- loses of narcotics. onsiueranie seventy miles. While they have K lores, a Spanish merchant of th' .developments ami another message darkness. Moewe Are Given Outi;- "V ' to find the leak In the the ot .,iL.f,r. gained some advantages, the Kusslan ( Chihuahua, thai illu bad held warninc him of the rcpott'd iciivitiesl "V aide iiumtities mice ouienni jcity ... I.,., .neiu oi ,,,e iin in ixuuu,., Hcnuiined h Aeroplane. tn w er,. found in the dentist's clothing, war office admits that south of Lake up on hw a traveling ,,f trenernt llerrera. Tie, eipt ,ie.,i - Time; Hated a train which (arrled the boundary hy the hah- for First I e over There were no ninns of human and he said he had taken some of. trei-t- t ial , the Cetnians recaptured at Mocte.unui, eighty-n- i miles noirh-r- eoiiiniiiiiicalioiis was acknowledged at 1 color guard. Cel. J. Klocuin, no vegetation on tne kind, beginning yesterday morn-- the Romans had taken Wh the Cr- - (irandes, but today no (e- - Herlert itiition and Ship With Champagne each trenches thai east of Namiouipa, Casus late commanding- - Thirteenth, wan th( heiulit except burned clumps of buncn Sink ing. Asked how much he had taken,1, the previous night. I hit, liussians ,,,,., authorities have insisted th- port had Icon recel ed. the way to first commissioned officer' to crosH. urasH. lie finally made his he replied. "Plenty." have again pierced the opposing line ll(l,Md chief was located. Floies is camp-- went i lie was followed by Major James A. !L American i District Attorney Swann to' in the .lacobstailt section. , in busini ss elrcles in Hi recently abandoned well known nnn Ryan, acting of to General oil the wagon trail, about ,,T monino w,! the lions,, with a .stenographer to takej (,1'i'inaiis lenj Slav (ialns. mnnnnrT num chief staff inu place joual cil liio Paso .1. placed to lenlisi nui X John Pershing, who commands the six miles southeast. There he ,,,. March 2Z (by Wireless According to the Herman official ilia Holds p Ti'Hln. of his vhereabouts ami !s.(VViu,, details of some Waite was in "taper. Ir. .Moore communication, "not even the sniall-e.s- l punitive expedition. a note telling be! "We were traveling north fnn ' cou-- on which lie drove (ierman corn- - said his pato nrobablv would advantage against Ihe unshaken were This whs column Number one, ! ondition a stick tn(. rxt,loits of the Chihuahiia City." he said, "and ry ,.. . , i tomorrow. in nist Infantry, urtlllery eav-'al- .... i.. .v. ,r.l n,..11 tne irau. . one KCl lo emt, (',, defense" has been obtained we no- ing of and ' " Moewe nave ll., closely rniiiii Hearing Mocteiinia, when "y . . e !merv raider in,(. Wi,e will lie ol'fetihl'.e, ' burdened with heavy wagon .r ''- -' bis ..lane j, anywhere in this great a of men, mounted and ,,e,ug ,..,. by commander, captain i, m j (j ticed large force her which the liussians have undertaken surrounding' the 'Million. Bf SCORES OVER trains. It moved rather slowly ami Dohna-Schlodie- an,) on loot, wlili 'hat 'Count von jMThe aVrest of Dr. Waite was While I'.eilln 'camped the first night al Palomfts, :'n,:7,ke' the ion s- in northwest Husnia. my best estimate there riaii'.ai ... ,., re of the!..., ....i., , ivi.ilt!,iliin bv D - 'According to attempted to fm.l a t ..tag , ine ! declares that' Ihe liussians have n In nil. a filthy village of adobe huts and if hi X- h hmmI umm the must have La"" WOllt'd in tne niiiM au Appam ny ine .nue.M, (,vr., . ceased their vigorous attacks in the we seven miles below the wander . "When we reached the station summary j i o. ' of encountering bandits or seas New s agency's oi uu' esuns ""l' ''f-- , u ,,f neighborhood of Poslavy, eastward see v Him- boundary, south of Columbus. risk of , l ' were amazeii to I'ancno inn the , w men resea,. '" ; ' ll-- 1 v. He said he was confi- ..oonfv reminiscences, "the steamer .. ,, th, railway between DWnsk and enter the train. '1 am not fight VERDUN BATTLE Pershing; Leads Caal. wild animals. !() i ne case self Mex- poisoning. , announces two dent that his note would be louiet Clan MacTavish was sighted Jl . , ,, ,.., Jiuy ,lay. na, Russia otliclally inati, ing Mexicans, he iinnouui ed, 'except Column Number entered with the fighting there continues and that!.. (hose with ico froin Culberson's ranch, fifty-on- e before the three days' rations o'clock in the moimng. im "" , .lft(,r eiler, a negro maul at the first rhief and traitors Niiroey. Russian ,1 oVt-- Machita, New Mexico, was supplied gave out. fast, it was only alter Dr. 11. southwest of Lake the !blm who have turm Mexico lo miles south of which he TaviHh being ,,r wnites home, and Jacob ailvanceil under a accom- i Twenty-fou- r Honrs...... 1... Xl, n ...... I, ... I Hi, i.l Mil. troops again have Ceneral Pershing, who had .ii of long cnase I,lll'.. ' ' .the Americans.' beer. mai . .. violent I column part of thoi h,. was rescued, he had , "'""'" ' i. ut bomliardmenl. "Villa slopped to (lull with some! Pre- - panied the first Wh.. , ret Scene to near net-- rin n en.-u-" ", , rn n." combalting Hi" Rus- Rematkable Colum- twenty-fou- r hours set - 'The Aiistiians, l w ere on way to Palomas, returned to without food for Moewe attorney." which seemed to him to vat- friends of his ho the train. ihnt bp bad about deter- - the sians in C.iiicia, and the Italians along ,1J,. told them thai Ceneral llerrera; sonled When Fiencli and bus the same nflernoon, raced to Cnl- - WhaVX you.' Austro-ltalial- i appear to;. , i .ninerl to attempt to find his way to are aM Ihe frontier, lljm ihree days since with Person's m un antomolble and taking; , v ,..-- , men, i of second or "flying neenr. The party from ine uai' inp mhv iuvimi, t The grand jury Investigation win ;i',uu" uuiy eipnppen imu German Aviators Go Aloft to; command the , ' ; Chilniii-- ! . i tne wing )l .l.,trnL 11 ti VU. 'I U lllf .!" Witnesses from change. wn M1M tollowed him from column" drove It more than 110 miles! under T lir"continue several davs i lonnd "'"'"S, :;...! him. "M.7'. declared bv ...,,'i ox- -j A fourth Herman War loan has;hlla left. Ihe tram Chihuahua In his plane in no "The MacTavish (irand Hapids Detroit are rUv tinolly Get Views of Fighting, over the desert of closed, a dispatch says " j anyone, look, twenty-tw- the Intense glare ot the sun. 'I have stopped,' hut she con peeled here Suturdnv and probably and wjt hunt molesting but he o hours actual ma renins self from Moll- - money will exceed the inafi'- - need-- . long', lonesome wan, " .in,,..,i .,t f.,11 soeed." siiid the Moewe' will testify either that dav or on raised L,m, supplies which he said be time. official records show Hint "It was a no- - ,,, :n T eOll Id not help Hie inci- - day. M Walle will he tiiKeii!gaie oi kiwhu " "' ;Cd badly. spies the routo of the first ' L.I, commander in recountipfi anwhile.. .." dotted said. ' " ...1.1 1. i LiiaiDwinti T tin less man tne num. ins noun, inc,,,., M but feel hSi was ace to race wn" i to the Tomns ami neiu "u.ioiu Klores said that wires heiwccni (10:30 a. m.) -- .'obimn. but the men f Ihe second iftit. or-ini- ... ( were T'Vr"rT.rl Ii t. exploded i char; e,l with murder In tne nrst oenicei, ),!!, ua imu nil(t Tolreon cm; had forged their wily fifty miles "The first shell we sent io- - The battle of Verdun furnished the! Ihought of American j attorney said iiini,i,ua,iiuii mam nave ago and Ihat the iieopie, u. that some the went on free tile district - (avn first encounters re lllte colllliry neiere MORir iwum .. ... bridge. The firing second loan having 'nl- ( ,, 1 occasion for the on .i...:. Crandeslon the night. Both Dr. Cornell and Dora tain"d, the 0 ,,K j,(ii the country he traversed was seen: and to the patent surprise troops i"V" ' ' ,."'.- . MneTnvish. had been to- - and I, senibling the air battles popular! grand jury lined, !i7,0Mi,am marks, the third i going on. - - could not help nut imu in.v icn-- vi uihii m ie, ,,e Heller were before the V(,,v of what was Imagination befor of lln- Mexicans reached here Fri- back: copies of! I i:i,iiii,iiiiii,iiiii, lociiue,! in tin. when I was about. 8PVeral times, she wirelessed dnv The iurv was given loan, Another arrival here today from day night exactly forty-tw- o hours there were times ,it Mr. - the war, when (ierman aircraft were ; stopped.' ertificates of hmn City was Dr. J. ' t. II New- .'1:17 ready t.. irive tin." 'Wo have reiillv the death Chihuahua. sent up m onsideruble groups to take after crossing the border at on Flight . .1 Nairn .M..e,i. pecK aim nis win as filed with the IV, IIII .'Vlliei leu,, we li starts i". "ii ' nnlp f lln produced on Freiv Thursday morning, , ,i, effect s .v , .u nel.j which rescued! ... ., ...... a h..;,lih ileti.i rt nielli i I'l.i Iv of Ca rraiiza's n n iiii riiei chief sureeon guns, j every man "A at , IM field works by heavy In ibis column, rufban-el- of gasoline , wnom PRIME STEERS Nevvbv st;id he was - werl . - nia lariiiv. Dr. that avia- wagon im p Jhe.Ma.e yarded sent best lumbering tools ob-hi- was Bigmei wn (). ()ie Willi! The French their mounted and the and with the aid of some ve, nw , !no longer officially roniiected At ir head were by army mules was impossible to learn. Her cb i,y :tors to the scene. tin 'trains were supplanted iud from the truckmen, Lieutenant mrU 'the army but that, he was transact ing C iiyeiiemer, in I asked h.m who ,, into the' the famous Lieutenant 'which made the entire distance under his tank and rose (.aptain, when v ,nal ,;, Unite came some between the (le facto, ! somere.l din-- , business Adlutant Navarre and such emulat-- heavy packs with the loss of only would me name which was not she was preparing He In-- ' i l'll"ht which he predicted en'lwlis, gave a kitrnen where government and Washington. ! of exploits as the slill anonv-- j , something out of a, CHICAGO BRING I ors their three of their number. (irandes in an hour. Heleft(0 bp foulU any of lhe BhippinKPr ani poured that the reports of lerrera's I ti contingent in casas to was medicine,. moils recruit of the Field llatlery Keeis I i. with a wave of the hand , a k d h lin upol which hottle, that he told her 'defection must be untrue, as he knew! on the who br ,h down a Herman flyer i II nrttl-- ! iVio.- ,- train, as he,r afterward was served ah-- 1 llatlery of the Sixth field on- the truck riintllil, . into- soun which well and believed him ,,,e , . i,, 'lhe general trip in a, lual warfare Ldgaf """-,.'- nine cave 111 .,;.,, Tht his first lery, commanded by Captain get tnern ,,,. , , .H 1 (K lne ' " '.. .,.' 10 i ;, w t shouted. I'll th,., 00nfu-- . "... soluieiy loyai neneiai j The (ierman otics In the air are , P. i occurred, sum, aooui iwo o.,,s II. Yule and Lieutenant Charles boys! ('arran.u Soldiers Hcscrt. i as on the field, their aim really forgotten me name j ES ' the same a unit of the flying' nevern davs aeropmue scouts slon he had fore the druggist s death. FANCY Dr. Newby said Ceneral Culierrez being to ov."I'Whe Im their (ieorne, formed C j aiiDiireiillv cavalry traversed - Casas randes he first. In Tea. column. While the ill," M,.,in,MJ from (tave - Put "Medicine" ihad 4, "Oil men slrung out between adversary by numbers. Th y found llllll.l hills of indlffer- ate only a lalti-r- I rn Ih through the "mal pais," or bad h..,v been searching the "It was a matter of utter She. noticed that Peck Chihuahiia and Simla Ana, the Ii to be sending men up ., , . il,a uhill the From Wountry, moun- ,,, x...... -.-nhihimbllii. for some trace name WU of soup, and expressed ftj twenty miles south of' of the Sierra Madre turn, plane. lence under wnicn u" little the ilown about singly and they beg in sending their high, or (Iorrell or of his we should a cup of tea. Dr. Waite; he believed he ac-,-- ir tains, six to eight thousand feet Lieutenant sunk, but it was pitiful that desire for mUNNAt 'Namiiiuipa, with which men up in coup. The French report today army - ud I,, kitchen, she as-- ; r.u unaUiuA imin Wltfl lltio iinttery, encumbered by hospital When he failed to 1,1100 hot- i.:i.m iii her ihe K iinii IHIIH nil Villa breaking! (bull, led Then 'have a steamer with r )! 4'.H,. Lcmii it cordtllglv ih scuts of his to sink , ...a .,..i,.Ir- ilidn't like Chicago. Mar HO'iil ally gave up hope S , , III the,, . said, how- - and the Held wireless men nraclK f ,.hfim,i:n-ii- on ooaru, as w ... i ., I ,,, He the (iermans ,iia,lrn pled (Heirs and ambulances ties some more medicine in; me nignesi puce i,ni.,.v ' volley roads. safety. . j smtp I'll put ever, Ihilt llHT1 were many imsei ions k in March their e,iiipnient, traveled the todav mor of the stuff ourselves. '.., ie,'i u tea. stockyards for the s'nee he first wci With the truck train hod 1,1 drim the sheiof the army on account never have longer by eighteen miles. Nevetthc-- i sight- - . . were from the Carranza flying s'luailrons here r. n of soldters in Madeira the Appam was (March, when prune steers sold sol- camp only an ,,v,tt flvinir snuadron - riff ' of Ihe low pay. The government prised less ten less, it reached hour been tils- I stop. As the ;. ..,,..,, Kf(id h(. $10.(15 a pounds. Scarcity than light motor cars, who had .i irriHlled her to visited Peck 'at hundred .aid, were paid two Mexican fightim;. were a half behind the cavalry with-- ! n sirtgle C. , among diers, he Croups of machines ami I r,fP,n,,oii. March 11. and of choice cattle the farmers llli-e- l ...i ii.i not ohev. fired a day. five cents; .'i by lo loss of a mule or horse anil no- in- - dollars worth about rml.led the French out Ihe him about an nour. was given a ine reason ior - warning shell, upon which the steamer talked with for in American money. The horses of' Ih-i- ii d engagements at heights ol not u sore buck among- any of tho to be in good usually high price which - He seemed at that time llv sleersj 1,111, ,'f ma- this ex to a halt. 1 Ihe cavalry Were also in bad shape, ' ids in which a scire animals officers declared j came j Miiyers predicted that with-- Congress over to the Ap- - health the physician declared. While brought. they baldly any were employed were the re- long stand ns a record The Day in "When we steamed sawCj,, (W() will bring; he reported, as had chines ploit would was there, Dr. Cornell said, he ,onihs choice cattle propor-- 1 we noticed sailors of the I.ritisn he ,1,111 and lived mainly on dried grass, sult. The losses increased ill of speed and endurable. mam go another room which i(i . ... dir-nr- t Dr Waite into According to physician the, mn on I101I1 sides. Has First Honor. SEXATK. W ..l.nt t,. illil' con- - districts; the TliiiteiMiih navy no weie umi'ui Peik retired with a bottle eports from the farming im-- had American troops have 1111 almost j I .v (iralllicd. The Thirteenth cavalry, because of Met at noon. mon against us. The sailors were tainlng what Dr. Waite told him was thro m hunt the Fnlted States indicat-- l lein h at possible task to catch Villa if the hull-- ; sure they have ils achievement in driving Villa's was resumed on the Indian away by rifle fire. medicine. In a few minutes, he said. e, that choke cattle were scarce The French feel Ihat Co- Iebate driven ill chief ver reaches his haunts in: It so although ureal l.v superior numbers out of n besides four groaning. The next j all This was caused by the' bad the belter of far, ririroiriation hill. Appam, he heard Peck markets t a engagement, wan "On board the tele- - Illi-- ; Ihe Sierra Madre around Ciiierrero. ( iuyeneiiier was put "ill of lumbus alter brief considered thirty men British morning he was called on the fool and mouth disease in Lieutenant place In column. Finance committee tnej0fficprs nnd of.the Task Most Difficult. riven first the first' phone by Mrs. Wane anil loio ii.'i nol, Indiana and lowa. action for a fortnight by flesh wounds resolution repealing nee mh,.u navy Wf, found chests of gold These "f know that country well," he said,; landed Mi.ster rolls of the Villa command house was dead. When Dr. Waltej ,)nv 411,1,1111 head of steers were In the arm and machines tnrougn provisions. with us to Germany. father "and with good reason. For thirty oi'i everv (lav with pilot or oliserver lounii here after he passed tariff we carrii'd was iiiestioned at the district "" Shipped into the Chicagi yards this "On, the days ago bank, law to j forty days I was hunted there by In two cases both! going southward eight Kern amendment to ncy's yesterday afternoon, he.iW(,pl whj, h was 20,00. less than wounded, or killed. Co- - di-- . office Olid soldiers, who wanted to, I he made the raid on directors to serve as according to Mr. Swarm, , ,,, by the to ,.eeiii.,mis ,,f machine having laenishowe that permit bank RECORD BREAKING, IS admitted, the yards farmers bad. I was; with iiS3 men. Having in ,.. hi.,,l;M...... was favorably living with another W(.,.k year, drive ine out of a mine ini.-- llv In lured. Two machines of theilnnibus luia in th..r that he had been (.orI.lf lOIjK of last never a nee. anger his m i.i". 01 W. alone but they had clia Ri T1,, e,roiip came back and landed after deteat, deserters ir i FOR LAMBS under ine name at the St. Louis and Kansas reported. . PRICE PAID Huvers a good with a powerful on of either ported ihe laindtt clilettain Mil pn- - well as with his wife a sc'iicity of had rifle ,,,, v i,i,t 1,0 one k( that 6 p. m. to noon, Walters as City yards also reported I , l I men as Adjourned nt telescopic sight, ami usci 10 sn 'P,,f , The observer ,'t one appar-- the of his of leers and ! y com- day. prime steels. In mountains watching my pi"'-;(.d- w hile il was in the cowards. Thre was 2!Kt in his (IT KONIN JOUHNKI. PCIL tIAtED Wltl ,,f the scarcity choice those was killed through 23. The MALLORY STEAMER Heeaiise is.iers passing backward and f.u w ai d. 'Iin, ,(,,, pilot dh d .Inst alter the mand when be retreated Fast St. Louis. III.. March He. price of hog dropped iiorsK. at eat the w as never one that got wit Hin L,n(iiiigc. The pilot of the other also Colonia Dnblan. The Thirteenth highest price ever paid for lambs ' to $H.7. There Met at 11 a. m. was re- CALLS FOR ASSISTANCE',"-"-"- j son yards that I did not wing. harelv long enough lo bring bis for (he rest. bill the National stockyards here (ieneralHieil Major Frank Tompkins, who took Debate on army reorganization today when r,o lambs sold for 'took eighteen mouths for aeroplane home. He was unconscious corded I ob- - nflv-iiin- e of his squadron und pounds. FLYING CLUB OFFERS Miles to capture Ceronimo and ' t" w hell the machine landed. The men continued. $11.70 n hundred ! iFICIAL WIMI i demo-irat- s MONIN JOU'l. l ItIO nay. drove the bandits fifteen miles into Mal-lor- problem is Ceroninio over again. ,Scrver died the following . committee were shipped from y Villa i Wavs and means The lambs Norfolk, Va., March 23. The TO GOVERNMENT s, one f Hie Mexico, lifter thev had crossed the to perfect the administra- Colo., were put in the a PLANES onlv multiolieil about one hundred While the Cermaiis, in met Windsor, and line steamer Alamo sent out nts. the advunt- - irder. commanded the advance legislation. being on Ones . eliUaiM'tn have had commission yards before placed tonight 11 1 tion tariff feed wireless call for assistant and 11 ...! ....1,1101s gua 11. The rest of (he cavalry under average weight was h- - Iir. Newbv said that up lo three of u nibei s, the rench continued nation- The Onondaga went MOftNINO JOilPNA SrCCI ItAMO WIRl! ' j followed. Naval committee market. the coast guard cutter iar ,l:,w Hi., oeoole of Ch ill ua ll ua r lo outdo then) In audacity in Major Klmer Llndsiey Then was reported 23. In u tele- ,;, guns, al defense hearings. llv pounds. to her aid. The Alamo .New York, March Meiliimr ol ili ot maneuvering. lie , renon m.iciiim came the mountain nnd field W today City in..m 'ossiiii' army reor- Cape Hatteras gram sent to President ilson ot "don-!- h bovs." or the Infantry Passed, 402 to 2. Hay Filed. l:iu miles nortloast of American troops into Mexic il in horizontal speed to all next the ganization bill. His Kamage Suit with a broken rudder and her engines the Aero Club of America offered for I! of their adversaries excepting regiments, and last the wagon trains, 23. Four days d those Ways means commitete demo- Santa Fe, March - disabled. army use in .Mexico two types are quicker Hutu field hospital and sanitary equipment and ,.c,e husband An- say I ITXsTON i:i hy ilhc newer and on commission and ihe death of her The Alamo reported by wireless aeroplanes, which the club s exc pr.i any of Ihem in getting into the air. and the field wireless. The orders crats afreed tariff filed suit for $75,000 vay army flying (OM'LK TIM. :i:POItTS, every light." to consider dyestuffs tariff. drea Reves yesterday that she was being towed to in every the present IThis superiority in sensational speed were for man to "travel Kl Paso & Southwestern ' gave notice it t,ir..n the New York by a tug. Her message to- eiliilpment. .11 d';ti. by competent authorities to ne Officers Carry Few lamirles. Puiles committee .iir.t'iwt chnruinz be had been also said Aero San Antonio, Tex., March is sai, per report a rule tomorrow to im- that night did not state whether the tug The telegram the trump in air fighting, where officers and men were not would ovolosion. His name was already listed nineteen li- a message from Ceneral Hell before the carl more the mediately bring up the immigration 000 was still with her. She enrrinl fifty dub had report of yester- the uppi r hand counts in deadly mitted to carry much than Key?; Mrs. Heyes asks $2B New cense,) aviators who are willing to him confirming his clothing and equipment worn upon hill. Jose passengers nnd was bound from day that Cell. Luis llerrera bad re- - fashion. to 11 a. m., for ports when disabled. volunteer service in Mexico. Adjourned at p. m. un unborn child. York for Texas fr Friday. ;' and $25,000 for f TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916.

I'vi-r- were mate lightly Imnlrned, nl m til' iltHbt, tiitl tl nd oile. The DRUGGISTS IN EVERY STATE RELY ON h'liertil l'ei'xhltiK'.s cuvulry ew irt mountain mute reduced the dlj.ti.nce eroi-i-i il the lioiinil iry at 3:17 o clock to fifty mile, while the artillery and DOUGLA S UNEASY 'llintmlay inoi'nhii;, n.MiTh Hi. It W'm hospital Wlujonn ill Hip vallej Were a htinht inounllKht tiht ami frees-ii- i; doinif sitly-eiMi- t. Hy " o'elock i ri- THIS KIDNEY MEDICINE cold hnl the hrisU cavalry irot chly nixht eamti wa made Inside an kejit the men warm. IrrUnllon plant. Business Men's tor-tut- OVER a ". REPORT OF The ain rising over the tiiiiunlalns The last ten miles wvs almost I - Wa wind Wf iav luen Imndlink' 1m. Kil- We hfivc'ii hiiiidliiiK i Kil- i'.ne the men their firm view of the It hot. swirled . up by u KWHirm-ltim- t CacIm yetu s iner'H - Knot Miii VC y. a dreary desolate hi retell of the cloud of dust kicked the nwt for . nfr counli Hnd diirtPK thiil tlmo w lime not in hiisin.-sH- wlih Ii i ill... Ill mm fn'oriheij ineH'tnile and hnneli horse Into die 'eyes ami luoiuhs of Ihe ii. a dollar a swal- celved a iiitlM iimi'liiint from thC futir vent.. mS'ii. mid huve lin r Hinss dolliiur a level valley floofel tic W'aler al OF us-,l- .i DISAFFECTION Iihvh used II. Hit Kpeak in ci.tiiphtliil wwaliis; It; nil nf my i. dull red eroded from low could not be boiicrit anywhere Bank vh' thcja with hiL'htMl term of Hip tinud refill m nh- - t(ini"ts m i n K mj ei r- - hy oleank' aloiij! the Hue. j; et enntecii had ' the eminence (thrown ni w it. We know of i :i m been elllplied, tn.iliv lotlKlle Welf tinned from its tiie Wc know of scccrnl i iti'.sion in lire-- lHot'ie much. (licit. f vtlni'-Uladdo- Kwollen. Kyed, ru'dlril iif CUhan h or iiflnTiiinutl'n of l;li!iii'y .did (muMes Micre ieroiiini Mirr mlcivtl. mioilh and iriitiMit where! (he pi t i.'irti(loii pi udiieeil t li- iii'ml were merely orifice in nnd J.lver Al T o" (he fhiiiK eolnnin madi CAN i III I I it ( he every coiu-plaln- t. MEX THODPS Swiunn-Unn- t prow J very vnliiaHe. hclirf rt'l'llt. l.lillVe and fine, hut dole was lio li.Ttik nf facility for - 'rriZo. The tieuro eHVulrvinen Tins funis every KU not hi' il (jnoil no ill', i j j I In me ti'iiiihl' nil olil l.'oly yemx ohl will for for .soldiers of the artillery, hotqiltal mitt Hwuinp-l'tM.- i. w lil' Il II It fi i on, no titled niul HI' "(lod, 1 wihli I had a m Ithtxit Ir. Kllmrr'a and field radio onlfilH that had pre- tlie transaction nf any liankino' business. We rn'liov it Is it very "i'i medicine know it In I"' ii vri" kooiI ii llcr. on mouth U full of nciti." was die near- In . ceded the escort tvi'ii, encumped tlmeanrn il JiHnU-d- Very rnl Minis, est to a Complaint, libit wa heiitl. - In th for whlih (he allies of a t.nlto trontim,' Il deposits subject to cbeck- and Wry youri, 1: uraiillo Twenty miUa norihwesl of liere, Sol- -j imius trnlv i.AWT'iX I'll I Two Thousand Carranza TKOTA1AN', llie eanyi'ti in which o fonimo, the Is AUJlil) & lly Fr;mk i'. IjuvK made White the table fin. Knav nariow, , IiriiKKiNln. laiiioim AiKlclic warrior, li. outKuard were out on the Be extends as liberal accommodations as ;i i ik liih nii.t. thrown diets Said lo Marching1 ; Klondike, Tctuis. wlon. fitml Htahd snrroiimled hy Ametlcan flunk and two troop of cavalry nl j auo. f will November J 1th, !" Nmcniln'r 1llli, CM.". IroojiK, more than thirty jeat'H in putsult of dome horsemen ta ported Into Ae,ua Pricta, but Calles sound bankino; jiorniit. Tbose linvintj Tliln fact recalled to many of the of- lo (ieneral as haviiiK been Willi! Mvmiii-Hu- Will Ihi I'nr mt. whom par- I'riiin ficer, mini of the older of seep lurkillK in a imiijoii. The hori-lii- eti Declares Report Untrue, sui'ilns fmi'ls lying, idle arc invited to cent Kilmer '.., r.inHh.iinlon, X. V, ir fi smiipln ticipated In the Apm he campnii:ii, turned out to be riilerle Pend ton to J'r. .Mex- (d'0 UltllO. Jt Will (OHVItHC l.nyone. Ion will hi no receive U i t of Unit the preHeitt expedition into ranist- - liotse. t a .til themselves of our Time Certificates valinibln Information, ux iilioiit the knJni yi mid hhiddct Whi n wrlt- - ico hiol M't no precedent, and that I'll I'liroiiKli Narrow ( ativoii. ine, !,. Mire Hint mention the Alloi'i uertiie .Mornlmt .Imii n ii ): l.amlit himtiim In n f.irelcn coiinlH", Ihe hardest pmi ot ihe inarch was ORDINARY PATROL IS of Deposit vliich yield I'Ol.'lx I'F.R ir mile Mivel'.-l- nt y, v,im no fifty-cen- t tilhl iiiii'-iti'lh- kih hotlle fir nt nil diiiK sltucx of inih pendent IhroiiKh the pass Ju.-- l xvcsl of here' new tiling for Ihe fnlled .States iirniv. Jnown as I'ln-rl- Veceiu . This! MAINTAINED IN CITY CI'.XT IXTI'.lxF.ST. Here, eiicaniicd on the hillside, defile is so narrow that the column iippciir In its in'iipe throiich ,Mi .ii o. were ohseived lor the first tilde the had to movn f,,f M., ral mil" in sin-kI- c Colonel him Inn hulled ilu column other unilM of Hie 1'Klny column, the file, die hordes now clunliiii AZTEC FUEL CO. at Hi" hoi'diT i;ai. mhiiIi "f I "leti mints artillery, iieero riivalty. and other or- - rocky Kleppe. and nnw slippihi; wilh Bis Shipment of Ammunition until t lie colors m me up. IN In n taniallemi. Some of tlotn had v stiffened fori lex dow n into ravine BURNS IhcBii hail cresset th- - li.Miialarv lino innrclod f id n i 1'io't H uai. luicli, at the bottom of whuli ran tiny for General of de Facto Gov- &5At lulu Mcvlen. .Major 'I oiiipkiiin, a I Arizona, and other distant points, and Miriam ol alktilme wider, tinted by mtXi1 m-- Depository niliiniin of th,. noti'il l.iiMiu nant such was (In- nei recy thrown ahoiil the i opiii rockn. ernment Is Held Up but May for t'ololol Tommy Tiiiipl.ins "I llh'j (heir moveinents that (Mil the nf-I'l- 'i illfleer expei'iem ed difficulty in I, is Be GALLUP COAL. KeH'iiUl eu.ait.v, rpiciid Hitcuec iH of less, r rank did not know lireveiittnj; the famishetl men and Delivered Today, A. T. & S. P. RV. UNITED STATES ii wale pois-ono- u Ifiiald out. In th. form of of their comintf. (heir mount from drinking the BEST MILD fan, the ml' is of the uiiar.l calh'l'ed Officers In Dink. water. Hisciphne prevailed, soil! I, Will il. 'I ho ratine of Ihe - temi In fact Hi ocffh rs i. th orKa nlza- however, and there was Imt a ease of IBV MORN NQ JOURNAL tfCClAL I lASf 0 WtRII WEATHER COAL McKti'UllH w.i k Mill a matter of upcc- - IIoiik Ihelioa'hes move more or less llliic for Ihe meilnal officios and I oii!l:is, Ariz., .March L'.;. liepol t il ii. 'I h I i Were of el's W ho tin fi ' directed their staffs. Vp to today the hospital that, j.iilhi ON MARKET. i I in 'he dark. Their inlets approximalely de facto THE Would not haw-On- ' I. i .slll pt iseil to corp. only tin ill to proceed to certain point have had two ease to .Mexican troops hud heci .seen by entry of in I'lllted Wales for, handle, one a where other order . iiild he found, of them soldier acci- I'nitetl States soldier observers march- opposed lit Hot hound. H'.v. dent. illy ( FACTORY & NATIVE WOOD They proceeded thus hy stages, not shut at 'arri.o'o. arid who ing into Ats'ua Pricta from the south-cas- t No Mevlciitis ul lloriler. later died, and I.iein. T. S, l!nweu, Up knowlne; where tne Would tahe early this nl'leinoon, coupled PHONE 251 I'ut there wire no .Mcxaanx at nxl the aviator officer injured Morulay n Ihem Bud (be appcariiin c- of Cecral with apparent verification from holder tialc, and none wete n'i on win u hi biplane wa cauuhl by a, ' ii!y T'cishin fitHl at llai hila and then source in ihe Mexican town, usually the mat h to rali'inim. two! whirllmr wind, on il nose - ( Kiirpilsed Koldiers tiinicd uii ap- oil ics of at ined lie n (! em "iiio- at 'ulbor.son'H the plunged reliable, served to arouse much and to ihe (jrouitd. prehension toniiihl-- tercd by eilher of the columns on the land some of their officer Kioiii the irrigation plant, the here WHO ARE alcal-omcz- , (In- meal In Mexico . (lelieral Klias Calles, military inal'i h in re. At Am elision, the At Currio. fi'it ops, a of I. - Il of nrifiy lr. ufter fniiihl relrisliin tesentation he to them tbnt HRO.? de, Itatuon II, bad one hun- was inleii. consisted sleep desjiile 1'ivitnor of Son, ra, staled, howiver. F. TOMEI & part of the five davs' laiions the aluiost ftce,iii) no had on order s.ioitld he issued lo the troops 'lied Cailiin.a Holdlers aici lold ic were Imoved Salnrdi'V to that doops anived; that Ailments of Men lbo Oldest It4kl)llxil ami ilNt Hlociilu he did not whether to lb" men, hard hi k which the oilier band 2.".u of the five hun- .iiioueil here, so they cm Id lU'lltthlo 'Jailors! elal of the i'asas tlrande river which skin Doiigla pro- I lasles Homewliat like the miit.os dred in t ii Iom,. )lad hcen patrol and afford to fiKl'l or hi In American 'olumn Ihe Motrin u colony of Ihibliin. stationed Happily Overcome WHAT AHI3 Til Kill WINNING peacealdv pa on. .lewlsh rditiloiis frasl. and unsweet- sent to Cah.illoiia, eighteen mile tection to civilians. men fared 1 III I I'lll'suil toe. ills. . KI'KClAIl'IKH? Aricr an exchange of offi' lal visits, ened coffee, officers and soulh today. liiuesf a Menace-- c i.r.v hy Importol awl Ihmiestln Woolen", (lelieral I'ershini: ami Colonel is- si r.ssri tkiko dill ills" Which he ol. set v eil ul the alike, In lioniilus civil cin le.. tho The true niealiilin of the decree MANY. t'nHurpN4Myl Woikniiinslilp, (lititr-anttH- Ciilieral I'erdilnj.' allowed tile cotu-mati- l'i(of":e A. lNidd. coiiiimiiidln thel sued by (lelieral Calles against Chi- Am'tlcan camp the nssemhlv of men j inattiviiy of fie military in IxiHOt 1'rlcen (MnsJsl-c- nt (o lint II noon. The order second cavalry hrlcade, estahlishcil lit, accept rest i nese was learned today, when it was ami trims, lie decided to the n IMlrollinc, tb i'y was the chief Undoubtedly tile following with shovel Call on tlimn at then was to make till speed to rc:o hcad(iinrtera on the ilitht hank of j explained by lyes I.i ieviel I'nlted Slates army officer' statement en. ii- of uneasiness. It is currently Consul tl. th.. htir tUitos ranch, forrtierlv the the river, mid held there fur i tif!i;e.tion will work wondiu NORTH SECOND thai t'ariaii'Jt had nnrerd to die entry! them rep"ited liiat the American troops are that the Chinese in Solium live in (las 120 ST. of a brother of Admiral day. The conimundinsj- general al-- ; disease, some for that ureal of men who, of the troops unopposed. tiioiieitv under ordei to make no move which i miunicr inviliiiv. in nat- Vottr Spring and Summer ll.ord I'harlc.q I'leresford. of Irca' lowed the flviim j III through dissipation of their Suit The other body ol (roups were en- the tlnd tiuops of would serve to indicate the d" 'Use its many as fifteen sleeping Ir Also lo ( leanlnif, I'.ritain, at ni.',litfall. a full day of rest, hut at lo ural strength, find themselves IllOf I'N'm. la-r- Mali h IS. column lit appre- otic iniV", diluted room. This was the countered Saturday, I hot-- ' fa to forces that the slightest ill childhood'' in anil AIKtIux. (MituH Ri.xlv miles from tin Sunday mornlnp at i their ffiolill lie o'clock "le lual i cii'.is..- of the order (hat no more tln.n Major i:iisado IIi'Jch, who said . 7 camp hension felt llete. before threo score and (let-- At o'clock that night pursuit of Villa and his diminished live in one Chi- Ions the wan proceeding lo t'lisns - four should room. lile'.-- i jwa beint,- made by the American w - j Town Has Small (iuaid. ten allotted to pleasures Mjilcita, for band of hi iis'tuids a;' bei;tin. licit!- nese have a habit of "visit ill I? per- from after scoiilinn i Irrigation ditched and enjoyments are reached. troop beside tiieiil of cavalry Wi moved doutii-- j This would explain the peculiar manently." he al:-'- rela- neverthe-1"hs- , Villa, was Hlartled to see American run-- ; le explained, It tie t'mlr pprsonn. The trnlnw, through which flowed the first ban- - troop disposition in ciiy. only is presumed to infallible, Hi iit-i- i ward with order to o after the the tive to tin which forbids the ver lonK mid heavy, 'n;;t tjiinn-tlth'- troop in (his l(lnity. ill Mexico, clause and highly efficient in quickly ttiiiK water they had dcetl dlt as ipiickly a possible a. small provost xuurd pattols the one to as "yellow -- Mexi- - lender and ccleslial to visit another for of Hmmuiiltlon for nil types of tlxm Jackel." i H , also were seeti first ' How- restoriiii,' in "nervous, exhaus- the remain on hi trail until he i rtrcets, a in ordinary Units. more two days at a tim under nrmn Includlnif the mai lime ftiinn of He stopped one of the nuidea of toe than two who were oh- - atiht than tion," weak vitality, melan-ilioK- a ciin olhcr or killed. A fast a new troop ever, the smelters, city water plant pain of heavy penalties. He stated Ihn cuvalry ond Infantry, iiccounlcd column and asked In be taken to the s. i ved a tew mile nOt'l h of llllto.s. find the functions. nint public iiiiat-do- n column to nvsure hint I 'ml a reached headquarters reiiifoi-e- inebl other mimics arc Kiiarded further that the Chinese are f fur tnodt of tli weinht. Itatlonn were Amerlcaii j sllhouctlcd auainst the sky on lly takiiu? it at home no man thiriv-m- x Were dispatched to to by infantry tletai hmcr,ts. Camp to in any curried only five The ra- his force, consisting of men. , ,,,,,,,, r ;i i were at die southward enttaue occupation he wiser as to nnoth-ei'- s for day. lop. These two .1. Aniet'-lea- n need the Harry Jones in which the short-coming- tion were lincon, hardtack and cof- wej-- n,,t "VilllHtHH" ami In (urn be rjrt,t .i,.v,., p, he spice bill .scouts carry out the plan of campaign, i'art which may be classed as domestic and expen- and soldiers are (liailcfed about I service, doillc; fee. assured that they would not he fired , ,.poi t d to be rum tiers lUins" of these iroops left jesterday because they have been sive ices are avoided. them of city, en-- I cook-in- Th rolurnn Blictched out n letiKlh ul'oll. jM w,ley. lnt nijtbt. mile east the is not practically all of the washing, Lack of poise and equilibrium oeiii-tii- ( mll t'ohitn-Ini- Major Tonipkln.V advance, muni!,; Colonel Iiodd, allhoii.uh fii yeard rciiehed. I'o. 'so cleunim;. to the In men i of a ttnd a half. From .Mexlciin Iteap Harvest. many iU.. i constant source of threo iiillex north of tlm bound- Willi riders ;tt mleiMils ol' twenty IViilim Mexicans reaped a fiold-yanl- eld, ami a leader in the remarkable- Current report, iretliied by nl cf .Mexican women. embarrassment even when the xiie iicople, ary lint', ony it vast cloud of (hint. swept (he emintry between tin ',., hiirveHt anionif the limiKfy wddierji. march of the fljim (iduniu from tin local sa.vs that Ceiiclai Call' "We have many widows in Sonera, public least suspects it. For the is I'ahitl-bui- Whipped to lit lu lit by a JiIkIi Iiotder and I'aioma and Mu red 1'fijoiHs, lorlillas nnd chill Haiti c were border, a ha iidoned the t oin parnt tve assembling a laru" force at whose widowhood was caused by the benefit of those who want a f . in- Wind, cotild be ni'i'ii and two hour noihlnii bat .lack rcbbiiH. j (jreiit demand and, in conlrast to comfoit of the camp and look the Calles denies this-- In an war. We miisl protect them by pro- restoration to full, hounding Inter, when the. troop bomii niaklnt; M.i.1. Jamc A. lly. m, of Ihe Tlilr-- . (itl I'asa ilraiiibs Mi.xicans, who Held with these troops yesterday terview today, he said I hat Cahullona viding work thai thev- can do," said health, nnd all the happiness einiip, (hn men were thickly powder- tecum caMilry, aetlntr chief of staff 'doubled and trebled price on bread afternoon. W'li.miu trains which ar- - is merely a small camp and not a Consul l.t levier "All of them cannot nccompanyinj! it, let il be stat- o w I'ahi-'an- th- ed from hend foot by Kt aylnK hlte to ilencral I'clshitiK, found at every other edible, their )iriceK rived at (ho same time hroutht the j concentration point, He declared work in office, or stores and ed that die prescription calls continnii of pulverized lava. ma lust (wo human belnn, a crip-- ! were "whal you like to uive." The first lent to lie erected in camp, that there wile no more (han eiitht Chinese have h it them so little work only for throe-;- ; rain Cadomeno Thn kohnp of nnell detected T'nlo-nin- s pled .Mexican, described by die Anier-- ' seimt as of the ranch households cnok-l- i Previously the cotton wood I'liiiaiiu: hundred men there at present. of u sort they could perforin that tablets, in sealed tubes with full dc- - Itriu-tidi- lonir before it huddle of brown an iriildc as Ihe most ruiinlim horse-- ! ( A hall' the iii(4ht, their dauulHers the river provided the only sh( Her Ieneral Calles al., said that they bad cither to starve or follow directions for liv or served Ihe food, the opi-tito- st minhtirncd tints of mud ami ciihlde thief alonw tin boi'b'r. ami liis wife. red and from (bo ardent sun. . (lelieral Arnitllo Come, his sec. immoral lives." The tablets contain no i th( liabit-l'o- Ktolien raniB into view. The odotsiThe onlv other im t liim; w ere a h shnnds ami falhcrs Kalhered Niuhtu r I'vinid. ond in command, is now en route ilencral Calles slated today in tho or i mitifr drtiK, no i Hlock ray h fino-'h- y. Al Milo intelligence I de- a is vrre thimn of yard, nhbiitoir few si don whli nl"tulv i tnoni the i Im t s. always frisrid 'n from let niosillo to ".'loott'Ziima with coursii of an interview, that the physician's prescription not t receiv- - liurinn the ond tannery combined, 'loser, there coyote for (he mains of the cat tie Pint ment of (he fhiiia column tl, - tour thousand men, but they are to cree depriv all present holder. of necessary. Well stocked phar- coiiccrnlni; thi iillitmle of null feel, the shi' inn wan added that of unwashed Immun- by lh( Kat'iiKoii th ed il.s first definite word Suiior;'-Chihu.ih- nuur-antee- d macies supply slaiiMhlei ed and erinn nu n stipplemeiitcii mca.--i " reinforce die alum; the state com of the these tablets ity and untied raiment, ruKKed rrin-imnt- Vldii troops. Villa. The Mexicans there reported in which possess the most won- , t tiiipnient of blankets with hay piled bolder, to miard them by such plants, was of whlcli lav strewn about, with thai he had passed the ranch .Saltir-da- tonic pow- Infantry were posted all alone; lie beneath ami mi top of them, lliirh a possible western movement of Villa. course of pre pa ra lion and would be derful invi.oraliiis leinulliB of Maiir.hlci ell entile I Ml March II. two day after Ihe of milto from the holder to t'oloma wind prevailed contin- To Consult Willi published in about ten day. ers The effect In raid, an of only have almost Cal'iaiiii. I had furnlnhrd fenM for and hislhian to miurd the tin of I'omiuiiiilca-im- n with escort flattery A of the Sixth field artil- their use .soon apparent in - re- uously. There are wild dm k and The military is quoted dlli lnif tin ir brief M'Mi at l'ab'- t iWhile ( iikIiic, i s die tea ineii. They also staled thai smi inor also new strength and nerve force. Ion. mainlallled Hie'-aie?- lery in field ractice man, a nza ,.,,,, port been received at tho ranch cotton tail rabbits to be had for dc as s.iyiim dial Cent ral M. M. encased mid ration for the 'art , and tor had bill:; o l tt.,K, au.s shooting;. The coyotes, in of tie in lodi'V ill tile tor ob's '.'.'.1 troopa, who Were there bolti berore (lcner.,1 i oliiinn dial Vina mid Killed live .ucx.. atiractitt coiiiiiiaiitlcr the facto forces dink. Slo cum' of liouslas, ii t ion service (.ihd tho linliiltla' brief dojourn In :oc 1,1 ' '""'.. lilos, an American ranch to lint nc.s by the iiro.ximly of the eainpi their operations auaiusl the Yatpii In- sins after made (iiatide from loma - They t;iri?e!s VilhlKo, li l"'1'11" ,h,'v Wl,rl- - W illi its assemhlaKe of t aiit'poi t ani- dians, has started for hav- - ammunition. fired at the M.inh In. This wa tin. point from;"1" U(;,,v ineretaro, a scor- "Kl'in-Mie- H - about mile and a half distant, x ...... Mm' tbe hated mals, make die nittlils noisy with inir n summoned there cmi- Tho Aiiiei'lcan tmopd camped ne if .i.i..i. iii ...a i.i. .i.i i'... .1- - f"i' for aceord-ini- ; inn' n ni.iiiMi tin nn i.ini vii ing a high perccniti'-i- e of Mini-br- inn if ixly mib's for1 by 't head hils, H neried of lake formed by the i no.. I.,, s ii Was c,..n. I..' AhhotiKli th,. ninrcli their ciics and iirovhle interes! nustiai'o Cat r.ieza, near tinea ; to present. g mi. i ome feet lo the outpost hidden in ihe lull vol-- ; of tbe de f:n to i;ov c n n person who wel'e river, a oticutn whlclt like a mini that Villa ( ipli'ied and murdered reiue.i tender the - a nil'ui.incc made partial wreck '''v-- j (let, il I'lancii-e- I;, .s.rrauo, who tier of other In the eotidiwcHt. dis- Jthur Kllliic, a round-u- boss of and uuteif wheal and hunch K''as.s el of the sofier men niiui'iji the officers ill", valley the v icinity of was displaced bv I'icmiez. auain Waller Mad,. I lank Director. I'Mlnimi Ui n. and t at: le i oiup.i the in has soldier'!, column wa anain coiiiinainl of Vaipii taiu-paiu- I'Y, 23. At a ineetiusl three Auu rn met lic- - and the the river. taken Ihe Sanla .March and other in, In the sad. lie sliorlly after daylinht. I ol (i the raid line of rcrshiiiK's first acis cf the directors of the Kirs! National PLASTERS tool; trail j amniuni-lioi- l Hello of Simla nbcl. 'Ihe line of niarcli the on arriving at the caiiip was to make Sixty thousand round of at Sanla IV .vcsltrday afternoon tlifotuh liie nioiinlains from here on Moiiuoii fami-- : (bncral Calles her. Tht WorltTt GraUtt A mi lican so.llei- omul t he "ly inuuiry coiieerniiii; the for airived Paul A. I' Walter was elected a tli- - and ihiin' who forgot to fill canleens lie of colonic, .liiar-- j by i xpros today. Ii probably will ixttrnal Rtmtdy. of one of the i( tuns', h. (tiered : mil tiie litihlan and succeed It. .1. siil'feiad. I. r the day was torrid, the to rector to the lata Major Expert if ul dated, it ii.i in a condil ion (:, who refused abandon llutfi not be across to Aua I'ricta for such mi. In dust thiik and Ihe road hard, (loinn flitted! t Pal. Pain Side, ceoi-noei- l homes and iiroperty when die delivery until mv. The feelitm It i mild to. he t n ' onion down lull, it crowned preci- i Rheumatism, j tii and Slates ovcriimcht Issued its last of aiiprchciisioii in Iiotittlas was officer also e k"d up in the ' 1 1 pice and M.irlc.l ravines and dc-- ( tTct out of Mexico, follow- - riuinln-- riles f'nifil In 0 lo Days I il i warniiiK to ni.ltle evident lalc todav A Backache, 'Ion. ilU lupiiii'iil an expred" U v...... tts-- . j ides. lll(S IllflS.-.- l. . ,nf .1... W...... it ii iVIt' Drueccists refund money if VA 7.0 liolehdoli of ( '. It, Watson, leiolei ..f lie- in. of lilttiMiiis addressed to Senators Any Local Only l ive Minutes Ks(. of mining men at Santa Isabel last F. A. OINTMENT fails to cur,; ItrhiiK,'. he pal ly of ( 'inhlecli cuiili 'I' he Henry Ashuist and .Marcus Pain. 'Malpais," broken f t iiKinenl of Fitting w In c i January. Smith and Cotinrfssinan Carl Haydeil Blind, Wooding or Protruding Piles 'us! Minim; company et poi'otm volcanic rm I,, wa slrewn most It been reported thai Villa in niit on Having Ii v had were sent by prominent local men, application gives COc. lall'll lel e, I'ablo ill. of The next wa raided tho First relief. AUCOCK'S. III die a. water his retreat .southward had urninjr that war department leulellant Saulii Mabel i tie found al i de .l.inos, a ranch robbed the homes of the rep- - Men and o of both ' asis eoloiiie. be interviewed al once atni KrnulU friim Journal Wnnt Ai. Your attention is Ifaeis about fifteen miles suutli of (i.ilt". coonlts and killed a number. IHshop were not permuted to Willi Ihili-lan- . drink a A. H. Call, of 1'idonia invited to this display dial h.el cm been ptCVlollsU lesled. where riiiiiiing stream, fringed bv in chai'Ki ol (oltonwood, of tbe confirmed reports of cxleiiivel Tin y were foi hidden to cuter mi l'locs some M., few seen aloiiK was lootinn but said no live had been of new spring models. bolls, s fur fe n of -- ull trees die inarch typhus. The i. lost. In tbe old, battered, shot- - was .ill h.-.- l loiin.l. Here tbiictal I'crshiiiK that tea. here lietiltliy and Mormon (hureh of the colony It's of great import- Ifood ion d. d u five ininiilc orsc Wei e markid coiulit The ol rs la-- :t Sunday. ' i (I a praise serv lev; wa held a!.-lo- no 'ii I il l ncaus the ninianiliiii, nencia! ill It inell j fit- - str.-a- "A special proVidciiee .KUitl'ib d us." ance to you to be 11 should p.. oc( 'I into tne to iiniih. and lo wasn llpu Vol 'bishop said j ( said Hisliop I'all. Tile ( t e loll l.i.M'is dus:. Tlien the dine Ih reason the miioi al has hel Solium, j ted and in this w thai since Villa ret rent from right a as resumed. AND Was eslahlishl'd two mile le ul ufttf hi defeat at l'rleta. last BRINGS GRIP GOLDS. "Trot ten minutes, was' fk pnlH fl-i- Imblan and four miles II 1111 walk I'll." November, Mormon residents in 1A msf. rrtniTVnn nnnnl- cov tKoro nn rlantrv in that respect we offer you iiiaiihmi; v (rot the Niiia I'asis ilraiide. where t .c jtbe oruir. avail. the vicinity of Casus Ciraiiih s bad there are uncommon colds, colds which are dangerous; for many sickness begins ito au one uiiio ciislumed to jar-jm- a fatal with a cold. ex- i authorities a the .subjected of Impo- tlYt-- C the service and tan.. mamlaiit easy. been to all sort I,iHm.iilli' Ikn t o. -- ,.1.1 and jolt mu is an.Mlunu but twenty-fiv- e snbse-tliie- it. in.1 i..1 n IllOV Ul A COiU Ij.ll l:oH. sitions. For days .u.t.1' wioi .milt' imlihi.. vt'"ln""J - shim.-- tall, iV WWW, W ..Y.AVA. .AvV l,m4!MCmfc5-4.'- ic a eh t: f....hri,Y- o v.,,., ..,1 U.. : perience of a fitter t Men 'oiiricoiis, ibneral l,i slender, and to 1 let ember UU, -- ,a men had " vimi.r iiuuij,, BvcuuiJnilieu U SllVCilllV, iicraiia Ii Ain.-i'i- i f Krow h ion. at I an otl'n et s.n.l tin n,i, Kraer since the tiro ii itiartt red mi them. The colony or a tickling in the throat. The must fre- busi- i l''t'.i i be- - who knows his 'a i.i uai offniis. both civil ami I'fesldio ol San licisi which of I Hilda n (oiuain.s .subtttnntial brick quent of external causes are draughts, . - wet or l.ii- , i o-- ieiied hlni of wife and three dauth- 1H0 families, le.oh to .iceor.l iicnriv tiouses for more than cold feet, or Roino; from rooms suddenly ness. III of hllllllllj too, aheaih had become known to the roomy dw they are in hot llu'll the task ili'illl l.arue ellinus, cold ones. Villa and his bandit isant 'I he uu. in. mi as do- "old man," and thrmmli-oi- it ma iked contrast to the Mexican town into More frequently there is an We specialize in lie. le e (I. palltucut of th. lneiii an die man h (oinnu iits ran through of Nucva Cisa ("ramies. .Most of inner cause the stagnation of "blood caused louilloe ex p il it hoi headed lv Malm the ranks on his tendency to speed the colonists have been tiere since Its hy constipation or biliousness. Almost the 1 l up thirty Selz footwearbecause it n, u ed much in foi una i"i lo the utmost limit. establishments, inure than vein first symptom is the feeling; i t s. a .test Weary ano. of cold in the ti cm at r,t!i,i sour Autci of Soldier. feet and increased discharge neat die u, town of I'asas ill n I. "The old mail Illll- -l expect to mt enpied by from the nose, in so doing we are ('till- .(Hit hw est of t he ai niv camp, dc h Vlll.l tolimllt." said ope tiled ret ml. When the last warning of the followed by bronchitis, grip or even by able to give you a he ii inn; .iliinlii; the M", alls Ih Wo." Iiplittt all ciually v ed States K'overmneut to Ret out of consumption. as twenty-fiv- e is teo-- e, but theie ;ii been t'.u l (omi.i.te. "he is on die way to Mexico-w- given all but In. of tile ab- greater degree of sat- li. e of il Al( X ico i'it and we will jit t there families left. The 'limits - ' occupied promptly by Don't Wait i Tie- Allied, an trieops bl'oiiUht I.i tomorrow-.'- sentee were lor a Complete Breakdown by them isfaction than in any die fii .( sih i t nioue y si one of t.c The recruit, oiinc, and apparently Mexican families anil held - until Villa's last trip throimti. The Mexicans bad seen for (ill s, .1 iid will- Intle atiiiainlcd with ueoKraidiv and Unhealthy rat-'lii- Bad, i - still ordered Blood Makes an Unhealthy other footwear we an: p nil don1'!.' h. pints t hit t rpc- die vast distances in Mexico, look the bandit leader, j them to wet out. He told them he Body Mill at Ihe .! oiiuiiarv for ; statement at fate value and said: and Weakens Every Organ. know of. ' had killed a number of Mexicans ut feed .111.1 he dlich l stron.; Honest '."' - -, Corralitos because they wrre workim j native t"l .1, n.i i w a- in fact, j Kw rv soldier hail somt tiling tti sav for Americans, ttnd lie warned thorn j Doctor so IM. .1 tie alll'MH; Villa cm t Pierce's The reason for this hnl. elillefi about ami wice ir"iiiiunccd d living mj , that if they pcrsist-- in tile ,1. am II ha ml of j tin- i. ame not "Vci-i.i- ." it is the soia but as property bebniitiiit; to A merit .'ins thev j lies in the Selz policy, , Anierii .ui M oils t ho loiv e la it nl .spilled in laitilish. .Manx expressed would meet tic same fate. Only Golden u i I !. In tit d ilia raids, Ihe p. hope I Medical Discovery el dm mis thai the audit leader tl it-- of the houses iu the colony were that shoes bearing the in ll . w . r,. to pio ieil i han'o j would statu !.,tv,. the tune to net occupied by Mexicans when thcAmer-- j l"f hit doilii'.'. The one i'hiiKS.-- in iioiu tif his rule or army auio-- : lean troops ii'iived. t (in tablet ok liquid form) "Selz" con- . I I name I shall tl ke r to. inl tit N uc a 'asas mam pistol. Not one had a d'ubl Wherever American troop to camp ask.,1 would Works throuph the direct tain nothing but gen- rami. was he hut that tile object of the expedition (It'i: follow . .'uir made the loll!.' stomach, on the f. r an 1 i bill He blood, will MVc Amiliiin t would In' puuiiptiy accomplished. march with the flvinir columns from and make it red, rich, pure and uine leather and Selz, opi la d his e.i.vll lira uu a :.d w it h i If Villa tills au where mar the border t this point without np- - hoalth-Kivin- Pimples, Boils and other Skin evpl ssie no lion of t he arms and coo it lllsllt! was (he Hlllbmu'Uls S'.ireni trouble, lheir appetites, zeai-uiisl- y I Mseases are driven awav. w I, ati-rc- DO NOT as well as ourselves, amis that be w as ill! ic; ma i t a i avalrv man, one i to ly mess looks, were VrlT' - IWLAY IS DAXGEJiOUS. lo fur i( d e bale of nr- wli louthi t s.m Juan in I'uha nnd iinaffeetcd. There was a fifth d.'it. Start usinff the to-da- y. money j I v I - a spaniel, Discovery" stand back of this i .iiii and Villa paper it Wears st ice atits of vctal i a in little brown that started Send for Complete (allied an with the troops dispatched at F'O't Treat iso on Blood Diseases. ' th-lu- is name, thus giving you I If Icon Mules I is. I ('..toil nitht for von or I uu cut Huaehuca. Arii. lie lasted until aMiihlnn account of the In n w bite soldier. of Puerto San Vecetlte Was double assurance of in Then a pack of one w.iti.-i- Hails the lo ad ef tin fit tiootl nieht (or him." indignantly reached. master COMMON column del not enter die base tamp iaiisWt ied the black. "No man of the mule tr.ttr.s, not in? his exhaus- SENSE MEDICATIONS service. nitincl tion, Kt d up ride akes C,'U,1 V . pt him let him nr'sli:,;''l. nr exhausted, heie until Mlloml.iv ,,t poou ati i a ilbi w ill v. r put my lulu out." and "."I.88 and having what we which 1.".; u pack into .amp. is atunded with bUnl ami iuar. h ..f miles ti t vhnn bus antf to Hag ilia. unpjtvenshed exhaustion of nerve force. Of course, whenX bloS 'in th Tbe niachiiic cull tl", f Til .1 A while seiueant expiesse,l similar ( sURnant Kerms of frrip, catarrh, consumption, malaria or any "so , ay Is Ktletl. other di Tfertile It i nl h avail. . the w ,u s .tad si nt iiiit-iiis- ami Tt in which uke riK.t and grow. dan added that tf chatu'O Santa Ke, M h .':'. Test Case Ko. At the first symptoms the careful person will Sini taking lost W elV ' ir hml the bv a STATESON'S ether ulill tit. d ef sue linn the honor of bacnina the mild laxative. Atx.ut the 1 xsaininjf t i A l it K li!ti, of (h. Soiihes(ern Sivints, handiest and best th np is r. I'leasant l,.ll..t- - u:.nt mull j .n.ii il. tin one of lesser rank than which com,-- in fvsTom ' vials and are perfectly harmless -- tnlf, ffranu'e?' fl . . J I Loan nnd PmMiii to the !'fh"Ca The Old, ti cm, v h.t h t ohnit (oultt speak to turn. "And association of Iis co CUgh ,1 persists then Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery - am ' Spactaltxtnrf m t r I. lal P. i hn pi is. m il the colonel would have to say Vefia vs. Arthur U Await, et al., should be taken tL c 't8- In - an of ( injrredit-n- ' Shoes t .Me m not II il.b' the tl.o fi iii ("ul- n. '' was filed (u the supreme extract roots and herl printed on bott and hata sZhfn I Ii bi i st t s! till.. The Th,- ..! lo, t th- - .11 court today. A mucus membrane, allays t . "i:'" of unit march rnliiii; on the new the irritation and at the .tame time the imp'uri es of w5 from t anlm-- - i- Col-ni- Sarnif-htBi-n- the ghownnt Slyht Ttn Sinl) hartvrnt tr.ti'tpci cf the "i'i, lew- t.f ridBj to reach lu- - t law U involved. and you are rejuvaated-ne- w rich blood fills your arteries leave the body 1- - ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 24. 1916. THREE

M'll "(1 their full In city! flg-tli- strenRth the ho drawn; The im t authentic, o today, Charles Cilhcrl. the ne-- i ures Hie contained in largest WONDERFUL TALE know ledped OWNERSHIP leader of the proKies-- j Cn eminent publication cohdi-CHl- e wives, i.s a candidate for district nt-- l tlons flown to l :ii 4. havli.K a toriH'v. It in believed that today's re-- 1 population under lin.iiou were not tab- OF AN ACTRESS Milt means defeat for him in this' ulated but i.s to cities between 30.IMMI county and tliat if lie can't cornel-throug- IS SUCCESSFUL and Ml, OHO inhabitant Is appears last tifiy-clg- at were then munici- I in this county with a hii; ma-- ! there plants to twenty-fiv- e In Struggled with Sickness and Dis- Jority will ho in dis-- j pally owned he defeated the being couragement; How Relieved. trict. private hands, many of thce economical coffee ex- an plants w here long time I'raiieliisi s That the county primaries will be j Dayville, Killingly, Conn. DECLARES WOOD isted basing still a considerable period A cent's worth of ground coffee makes a tup "I shall a fiKht to th finish Is now evident. to run. glad to have every woman 25-CtM- he know It wax thought that if the loonies-- j The value of municipal plants is 'iM rif liminr YvtVliirr VOll Use lt CofffC Of twhat I know now, slvex won in the city today the result; usually measured by Ihe bonded In- after Using Lydia E. 1,1 ,u 'ounty would he practically! debtedness, thai generally represent- Statesman Coffee at 35 cents per pound. That to s. ing cost: These fll'ty-elg- mu- Pinkhara'a Vege- - the promessivi The their 25-ce- Forceful Address Made at 1 nt will produce Compound. fll,t ,hl,t ,h,'y '"'st wl" nie1"1 u is nicipally owned plains had a bolide is; one pound of cotlee table of $:ll.7 1 l.tiM; their Although I ,llllt regulars will put up indebtedness of Statesman V am only lh"ut Fourth Ward Meeting by total Income during that period was 25 cups of liquor or one pound 24 years old, I have per ' .i'T,.!?; $(1,323,453, cubslam iallv twenty 35-ce- Local Attorney; Interesting nt coffee will produce 35 to 38 cups. suffered for the past Vll tent computed on iheir bended In- was hitler enough lit' to the eight years. debtedness ; their updating expenses in I hated day of the primary, when the situa- Statistics Are Produced, , Cheap coffee is strong, but not strong the the doctors, for a during the same period was JJ.'.MJ,-047- tion eased considerably and the vot- considerably lss fifty per doctor told than flavor you desire. me to ing was done quietly, However there cent of their euiiiags, leaving their give up the stage waM quite n celebration after the re- Francis ', Wood, speaking before net annual earnings at substani iallv where I was playing sult was known. the Fourth ward meeting of advocates ten per cent of their bonded with my husband. j There are those who believe that of municipal ownership Wednesday Brand Coffee :., night, made one of the really notable a leading bond expert we Statesman P.Tim with todays light and another one From i k.tiimi Uim my j uoiinc uwnii union, kiLlirnlltl , speeches of the present agitation to following figures cov failed me. and I could work on !st)" m"re ln""ir,"m t'ni,' " the procured the flavor. not tha nave .wuuquerque own us own water eight plants in Illinois and wi- - is mild but full of that rich coffee and t.enrl hnlvu T1U in the party will he wid.-ne- d ering dtmre. wasn't able to mv supply, and at request of many Urn Whether or not this will be the 'consin which were taken over by in costs no more and is cer or even get arouna myseir. l was sufficient citizens tile speech is herewith repro- respective municipalities during the Fineness coffee flavor i eut down the party vide in alwavs downhearted and riiRrontenterl the duced in full. Mr. Wood spoke as fol- pasi few years. The average popula- is cheap but unde- county fall Is problematical, lie-sa- tainly more desirable. Strength with'the world, and only lived for ths this lows: tion of these cities was ;'D.f.(HI; the of mv little cirl. The doctor said i cause of the fact that the democrats "The Impression seems to prevail average gross earnings of the private sirable. Fine coffee then is the most economical to move to some quiet little town away have mil h a big lead over the repuh that municipal ownership us applied compallies at lie .time the plants trom tne noisy city, and I might be Bbla Means, it is thought hardly likely that to water works is disapi" oved hy the were taken over were Mtl.'diO, and the satisfaction considered. econo- coffee, health value and to live and feel well, so I went to Day- this will make o difference in the ul- most careful and conservative average purchase price of the prop- com- ville in November. At that time I was timate result of the party ole. How- mic writers anil bond uylng erties by the titles $::iti.(Mtt). In seven Statesman Coffee taste is instant gratification; it panies. of of k. 7 so sick I could not walk around, and my ever there were many put The opinions this class out of the eight plants there was an prises, writers and business men are very of which is .ATiWix.; husband kept house and I stayed in bed. sprung today, when enemies of past immediate reduction of the private is refreshing, comforting, cheering; all important, as they have given careful amounting to twelve per cent One day in January I read your adver- fights in the wet and dry elc-timi- rates study to the subject bused upon the in the dghlh case a produced by its mild strength and fineness of flavor tisement in a newspaper, and I sent for worked side by side at the pedis. (,f mu- atida decrease The experience various cities and by an of city ren- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- progressive faction was at one nicipalities municipal and increase nothing. time under both tals made on older of the public serv it satisfies the laste, and yet it costs sich a pound, and started taking it. Within dry private w ater supply companies. It Is the faction, but the leaders in the ice commission who held that the pro- - two weeks time I was a different wo- therefore a pr.ic-o- f city campaiKii fijtlu today were many remarkable fact that portionate rates to ihe city and the man, could get around, and so Rood elec'- ''""'"V- economic writer, even felt them ardent wets in previous - wry individuals were unjust. that it was a pleasure to do my house- i ne most conservative aim i nose w no disapprove of municipal ownership of I (i hi Application. work. I felt contented and happy, and of who fought with Abu-- j driest the drys. hard other public utilities, all aui'ee and Comparing these cities now am the picture of health, and am to defeat .Mr. .Mullls, who a few yours it will be seen that Willi to stage. We lure in accord that the water supply Hueritue tempted to return the i Ihe mi me pipnlatloii we, auo was among the dry leaders. 'is one tiling where municipal owner- - substantially ?'iLV appreciate my health as the most pre- I the ainwimt for our ' hat this question was eliminated shii is far superior to private owuer-T- o are paying twice cious thing on earth. H. L. paid under! '."Sum. "Mrs. from the today was gratifying i shi this effect are tlje folluwinu water that those cities Bo 85, Killingly, Conn. fiht nolwithstund- - Klenett, to many, because it was a sore spot authoritjes: private ownership and City (lovern-ment- ,' ing the subscqiu"in reductions of rates i -- i many city "'The American that has killed a movement nnmicipnl uwnership in those here in the past few years. by Charles A, Heard, professor under of political science of Columbia uni- cities their plants slill earn all oper- versity, ating expenses, interest, depreciation 3 Lb. PRIMARY VOTE III TAUPERT MAY BE HEAD " '( loernnictit and I'olitiis in the ami the necessary Making fund. I'nited Slates,' Hill, by William 'II. Kenosha, Otic of these cities, men- OF CITIZENS' TICKET tioned bv I'r. Farr treatly reduced uuittea, I'h,I. Order Troiii Can " 1 low A mericaiis Are (invented. Ills rale ami paid for iis entire eost in years out of iis net earn- vur grocer SPtCIAL COHftESPONOINCf TO MOANING JOURNAL Crittenden Marriott. fifteen SETBACK " 'American lovernment, by Itos- - ings. Some of these cities had to j KukI Vegas, N. M., March 23. din- - S1.09 Willi j coe L. Ashley. conduct their water considerable j Friends of former Mayor Kohcrt J. Itccognicd Authorities ( sod. tunce and go to unite heavy expense Tau peri have announced that he will Albu- - . I hi to secure the proper pressure, he a "These works are recognized candidate for nomination to text-'boo- is over apapicnlly an in1 TO PROGRESSIVES j schools and colleges as authentic guanine located head a citizens ticket In Ihe coining are in otic ac- - unlimiled wuter supply and has nil nmi it Nimnv; pi and the authors bor- - election. Mr. Taupert himsi If o, favor of municipal ownership. elevated mesa eight within her j In cnotiA'an of Statesman r,..i pressure from has said nothing, but It in believed j This is put upon the ground as slated ders to get the proper Coffee you Will fillll are sub- - that he I.s perfectly aware that theby Mr. Marriott that 'the popular reservoirs; those conditions valuable coupons which sufficicn-th- e stunttally ideal here. call for a meeting Monday evening atl'''eling seems to be that the X we will accept in part ajority for Mullis Slender i y are reliable, and Sanitary a citv hall of "persons interested !"ul I'i'rity of the water are if these statistics e appear to be. they would seem payment for Aluminum ' ' " " they Sealed, One, but Control Is Secured, " ;rr,,,',,,nl to leave little uueMion as to our pro- - xi'chcti Ware, start sav- llleki.l" uill noil... liim ilu p ...... inn..'"for' I 11'. (....i U S IH ge I) I on present summon, ing these coupons D m,Lp, H. M ell Sa oil per course tile today. by mayor, lie is ax to Th.-t- A I IICI'U He the negUlutS, DOWeiS and that not erse 7;, municipalilies with over 25,'Km ii of bull will. Itiiii-lr- il l navel's Iiiiiiu b il. mi iai k l it li hi pi n 0..M11H me imiiur imoBi upon ooo- population. own water worus anil at the coming election, vole on the OllallCeS OpOlleCl'IIIDy jetlOnijFnurIt years ago Mr. Taupert was! it is now the almost universal prac-- . proposition to place in the hands of Western Coffee Co. i - issue! Cans elected on a citizens' ticket, com-- 1 tfet. for the smaller cities in con- the city council the power to ' - j j posed largely of men named by th ' sti'ucling water works to adopt muui- - $100,000 of bonds, or "so much there- II. I'Nxn, 1UIS necessary," to build or j ispicial coRncsfoNOCNci to morninq journam " i i ownership.' of as shall be 'lec'il democratic o i' an a t o u lie!''''1' works. 23.-T- i says page 2S:t: purchase a system of water Koswell. X. M.. March hwas u ssor Heard at oll,t(!od' l.v the republicans. o municipal 1'nder this ordinance, if adopted, the; nomination of John H. Mullis for ,,, i( 'Te financial results u st:lt " uill, (niltl council must necessarily determine mayor in the democratic city priniar- - ownersnip irom uie sianupoini ni ioe I'hey is not known, that the democrats as j community and the taxpayers sire far how mtt'li should be Issued. ies here Monday is regarded ns a. set-- j suftie-lei- it a party will not endorse him t his better in th" three cities above tunned could decide that l,oo(i was back to the progressive wing of the ( th,. amount. ear, and that several leading demo- - Syrtu use, Cleveland and Chicago) or could issue entire .lone.-:- , Abu,iucl'ile; M. j. I'owell. democratic party. The majority was In they are given power to pur- crats will oppose him openly. The than in the case of the two private effect I'. ,1. Holme l.ns Angeles; only twenty-one- , however, and it isj chase, if they fo determine. STATE MUSEUM NOTES lumcr: republicans, it is bcliev William A. liiubakcr, t 'hieago; V. C. Frcckie-Fae- realized lead Xew Haven. The two with Itoiul l.leclion Xwoisnry, c that the the victorious cities 'Walseiiburg, ( ilo. : V. give hint their endorsement. What bot- a bond Is- 8teel, lMward faction has is not great. His op- private plants also stood at the 1'nder the constitution, TO will PCIL COKPONONC MOKNINO JOUNL I lavis, I C, Wallace: W. W. ponent. It. Howers, carried three effect the' Taupert candidacy tom of the list on the score of health sue must be voted on at a regular iciiver; I. ::!- .- The pliuled yenee, o. ; leot gc wards, and Mollis two. Howers' lead have upon the rumored fusion ticket as measured bv the death rate from election for choosing city officers. The Santa Ff. March Ulackbiirn Clu n Is ilio Time to (.t't Itul or I'lieso r purpose will be report of hearing before the com I (.'on, h. hilk Him.; AViliiam 1:. in the three was 4!t, while in two to be launched by the democrats and typhoid tvor. The private companies xt election for that the ''in. I'Rly fMii!, vears t would tlieli oc of the house Chicago: il. Iloss, t Mullis had a lead of 70 votes. Thej1 publicans Is not known. were a so found to have conirinuieii nil, hence. mit! n public lands ;imm e. Tin mas commence " I v Taupert, during the two years he largely to local campaign funds when too late to issue bonds ami of nil the Lock "uello, Colo.; W. 1.. lAinall, Jr., Ho you know hovv'eusy it Is to re- democratic city convention to beheld1 of a system, if that move iiuly was mayor, gave city best their interests weie involved.' the construction Na.lional I'ark," Colorado, mmbia, .Mo, those spots so that ilo one tomorrow will have a small majority the the expiration freckje-fac- e j were decided on, before the will call you '.' I'laii In NiKvessful. I elxetl by Ihe museum! . of delegates selected by regular! cleaning up it has had in years, as franchise, n con- lias jusi been the j of the present tins Simply yet an. ounce of othlne, "The subject, so far as the. econo-- i anil is of much Interest I ec tore-o- n ( democrats. J. A. iiilmore, the regit-- 1 everybody admits, but he was accused dition of affairs, even if we doubled lbrar Catliii hioa. double HlremKth, your dniKKist mie writers have discussed it, seems s' national !!. il lid Irom lars' candidate for city clerk. was of extravagance in nnving use.l pub- the wisdom of municipal ownership, cause of the slalislb of Santa l''e, March "I'hiiia and a. few apldi? Htions shoulil show up follow ing - to lie summed in the common business park" and nioiininenls til t Chinese," was of a ( lies nominated by a big majority, while K. lic funds lavishly in cleaning private - it would seem to be national the last you how' easy it Is to rid yourself of statement, in Ashley s American iniv- r In-- , to place in the hands of the lit In i bides. secretary of intern, lecture, hy H'-- j . . i .. ' M m ., i sense The of delivered i'aul frcckbs and a beautiful complex- G. Minton, the candidate for treasur-- properly. There is no doubt of his t--i oin.-Mi- ...... ttuo i... citv'.S ;ovcrning body Ihe power to. especial to the ib:- - Ill h h coti- - ion. The sun of er from the same division of the popularity with a large percentage of ership of water has been so successful! makes referttue Kailin last 'Veiling. wbh ami winds March buy or build a system, if H'r no other, sii'Hbilny ing private have a .s'ronif temlcnev to bring out party won by a larger plurality than the voters because of his willingness j that in the future the granting of of ciiininal all trusted Ho civilr.ation of China with purpose than to put them in position say- - is not ... holding, within national parks, ose of Kialioe, Ccrmany, llussia. freckles, and as a result more othlne Mullis. to sacrifice his time to the. interest,! franchises to water companies ...... n. nileoi oasis wun Is , sold '.ii this month. Me sure to ask likely importance." w 1MU. II ts. si,i, nil, i ...p...... and Italy, which had been There is one uncertain element in of the city. Mr. Taupert Is a good to assume the. present walei unpaiiy or UH n" bamland for ih,, double streiiKth othlne, as this authorities w should l" if the victory for the regular democrats. road and street enthusiast, and is a j "These authors and the any new company mat tier " i"" " the SllblelS Ihe previous lectures Is sold under K'liarnntee of money a s " referred to by them have not word fr inchise with eiiual utiaiantces on be made by eotiKrcss f ,r Hi,. in of if ii W. O. Jetton, the third candidate for member of the county road board, j the colllse back falls to remove the freckles. to say in opposition to municipal terms. truishiiicnt of orhate holdhms in til mayor, polled about fifty votes. tt He also is a director of the Commer- - better ownership of water supply. Should wi desire, hereafter to 1,'i'ant parks. I hese holtliugs se is only a guess where these came from name several cial club. "From the bond houses the a franchise, common sense tells us a ously wilh the proper II I "' "I1"". I1"1! IH'HI in hut It was predicted before the pol'.s! inkling as to mayoralty obtained, bonds of interfere i'i! J" 'IIHl"iltlif There is no results are the that if the ity officers have neither of the parks and imp. opened that he would draw ahout! re- municipally owned water works being build u minis! ration material being considered by the power nor means to buy of in ma coin-wi- ll their usefulness and beauty equally from each side. There are publicans and democrats. saleable at a lower rate of interest water Works, the terms the old many, however, who say that he de- than that to he secured for private puny offer will be very different ways. They ran hi extinguish if by way of direct appropriation feated Howers, since he was from that Tiirry I JOT HIM SI.K10P concerns. from thos,. that could be secured cither of one of I he or ny faction. When he refused to run as T. Straynge, Gainesville, Oa., R. "The representative the the citv was amply endowed with for their purchase auiiioi inm If. in country The passu b their candidate, Howers entered the H. Xo. 3, was unable to sleep all night leading bond houses the power to protect itself. their iMhaime for lands or limber." Chicago, d Iioitir-las- s. race as the avowed candidate of the without getting up. ".Sometimes only having offices in Xew York, of this bond ordinance as propost It is for Ihat reason that V. is. going to bed, I St. bonis and Kan Francisco, writes will plaeli that power in the hands of who is ul'Kinn creation of Ihe progressives. a few minutes after 'As the would have to get up, and I tried ev- concerning our local proposition: the city council. park on I'a.larilo plateau, Gilbert .UfU the Hook. general proposition we should say only argument against natlooal the erything T heard of for the trouble. a The Ihe of !;anioti The progressive faction, already owned water plants thin will advocates the i Hi i m Finally I tried Foley Kidney Tills and that municipally be the council by u controlling, the county organization. a we il of a of lil'.ompe- - Vkil and I'.aca locution grants the - one oomu j. have been success anil think composed collection Electricity Will taiting . unium i made a hard fight to extend iui- alter . , , T i on city imbeciles or federal government to be included inj entirely coreu, anu j bi ii ruuiuuj would be flood business for the tent dishonest ".rafters control. The fact that they lost Is re- up to puichase the present plant.' who will malic use of that power for Ihe proposed park. night." Foley Kidney Hills tone city's garded UH evidence thai they will lose w eak, sluggish Uldnevs, rid the body. of rigures A iv diM ii. their own advanta'e or t" the Mrs. Hurry I Wilson, librarian of! 4 il:'11!, in the county primaries to be held In energy re- - Turning to the statistics so far as injury. If we bellevt- - tiie latter projc the museum, been iiiile ill the poisons, give appetite, and by has ij'j'r..i.,jii Make Your Home May since It is believed that they freshing; sleep. Sold everywhere. available the same conclusion is to osition we hail belter commence pasi few days, being llireatcncd Willi: l',lneo:ri,iiratiiif the l itv at once and placing its Koverum-it- t' In the hands ,f tl, wnier comnanv direct or its' The lollou relh'lcrcd at the til ' more honest than thou" supporters, j scum : Mr.. Harry W. Modes, .Madelon So Cheerful Wo are entitled to assume that the,!'. Modes, Fairfield, Iowa .1. members of the city council will be, 1" a great majority they have been, - - Not only will brlKht m as the rIow of honest, mtelllueiit men; better uuali-fle- d Dlcctric l,ihts- - on or off at the to know the city's needs anil more twitch of a switch - add so much to likely to honestly protect Its interests VOUFi SICK CHILD the cheer of your home, but the many than the water company. oilier conveniences Klcetrle Service There Is a general Sentiment, how-ove- r, w, brim;s will malic the wliolo family and one which we believe ii" happy. council will iKiiol'e, to Ihe effect hal before cnt 't inK upon the constrm IS CONSTIPATED lion or purchase of water Works, if Every Household Task May Be any proposition Is offered thai would I seem to I"' u better one financially for I sub- Performed Better Electrically the til.y, tlv city council should to a peo- mit the matter vote of tile LOOK ftT TONGUE VI! I --.Foods cooked with Cottolene come to the table with ple. For Instance, if the water com- l!y removing all drudgery, unpleas- pany should hereafter submit a fran- ant la.-k- s ami disagreeable work 1'Uec-tr- je their natural goodness improved with a better .flavor. chise at a rale that will appear to be Service brines perpetual sunshine more favorable than the city could into the home. no - offer, the council could, and doubt And now comes llie lil opportunity i- bilious- - Biscuits shortened with delight by their taste, their would, submit to the people llie al cross, feverish or to have Kloi'trio Service in jour home. ternative to ni'ant til" franchise pi "Wire Vour Home" month, March lightness, their whiteness and their wholesomeness. noseit or in iiiiil'i the plant. They give "California Syrup i'.ih to April l.'iin, will brink' yon this could then vote upon it ami nickel comfort if you will take advantage ef u To of Figs," their choice iiilern.mndinitlv iiivcj our Special Itiiliu'cmcnts lor Wirius;. ,:'!i:.,'iMi,.1i.i' Up crust shortened with Cottolene has that flaky this privilege "hi! utlvaiiiae lo our, today full particulars. Pie .,..,. No matter what nils jour child, a R1 i I'lione ns for ... II. i.. ,.i..,..o. ,.,,.1' "' V. : I'ou't delay until the rash has started. goodness which perfects the whole pie. " I . ... kiltie, thorough lax.alve should ca not twain be submitted fori.'yVH be th'; irst treatment lven sitiot II le one two when it will be ,oo late.! is Albuquerque Gas, better-tastin- g vars hu.t-fcio- act- - All foods fried in it are and digestible because we ... k. ix' t resting ea ,nR and l:v defeatiuir the bond issue If ly limit oursclvus to approve sin h ln;r iiaiu'Jllv look. Mothet: I 1 does not soak into them. tons-'U- e Is slif'i ' Cottolene fratichlKe as is offered, or take our is coated. This a run.' rss Electric Light ...i,t, stomach, liver ind ' ovv- - on effect of i niliun that tt's litlie chalices the cl.iKKcd waste. When There is no substitute for Cottolene nothing "just as good." out anv franchise. It is iiu oiiceiv-1'- 1' with & Power Co. St u able that the people and the tav pay-mros- itrnaoi", leverisn, stom.o rv::iir' W) t i II y stomach-ache- , ers of Albuijueruue w ill h av e he jsour, bi'inth bad or has v v1' it in your biscuits, for example, then in ' "' oi:,l' ii,,, 'i 'i'1'" 'i'li i'i i,. il'itr:;.:v !l,;i "i Try Cottolene try Kuvernment thus at the mercy of the tfarrboea, tore throat, full of eold, V'' Ir' I""!' other cooking. Arrange with your grocer for a regular water company for want of power tojRlvp u tcaspoonful of "t 'ailfornla Syrup your deal wilh them on an citial basis asiof anil in a few hours all the supply. It is packed in pails of various sizes. business men would wish; and fof no icons'! pat'") poison, undu'eslcd food bctt'-- r n ason or argument than one land sour bile Keutly moves out of lis which would put the honesty of the jjit bowels without j:ripmr. and you ' water company and its s'lppoi I' i s ;hvo a Wfdl, playful cblid nKain. Chicago, for free copy our real - Write our General Offices, a of above the honesty of the elected Mothers can rest easy alter nivtnK cook book, "HOME HELPS." resentatives r,f the, people upon th" this haiinless "fruit laxative," because count il. , 'It never falls to leanve the little one's iliver and bowels and sweeten the sto-- I I'i'of. ftrownlee lit'cotcriiiK. math and they dearly love its pleasant EEESEFAI R BAN ("nil babies, chil- X. M., M taste, directions fir Silver City, uch S3. I'rof. p Glass-Pain- t. dren of all tiKes and lor grown-u- I J. K. lirownlee, vice president of the printed on ooltie -- each Cement-Plaste- State Normal school, is slowly jveov liewnre of counterfeit syrups. r complkalions out fir EUluiOELrf Pi!liHi:ilfiiiliiHliliWji !lll erltiK froni frrow nn Ak your dniKSist for a bottlo of an aggravated lib ersted jaw tooth, of "California Syrup of Fics;" then Albuquerque Lumber Company DCll en 4- lileTuT l!M ill!;! which for a lime threatened to de- ee that It Is made by the "California II -a KOIITH Fill ST STRFJCT velop into lockjaw. Fig Syrup Company," FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY," 'MARCH 24, 1916.

DAYS Will Saturday in Ring AMGELES "TIZ" FOR TIRED ONLY II Battle the for a Purse of $71,250.00iQS . :- -n BEFORE FILLIES 1 , HOTELS PLflfJ BUSY liD SDRE FEET

SEASON! COME 10 AN ID SUMMER Use "Tiz" for Puffed-u- p, Bin hing, Calloused i Feet and Corns, Continue to TIiioiu', Scores of New Mexico People Crowds "Hppy! Iks' Club am L'veiybody r ' ..... 1 to Visit City of Anac s; Ho- -: llappr! U.o 'TIZ" ' a Popular leaves Wit i the Dcshc to s tel Laiikershim '$.i-&- . ; I Repeal the Dose, r ''rx':-- Stopping Place, .... if ii I'. Itiir rnwds rnlllllMII lo pour Hi, ill al ill ma ll,l.-- i ,.f Ihi' re, .i ni nrisl' thai fil.WH it"' ( ini"'"'itiH t"r tin'j rn'iimh i:ik' into lit-- '.jlifoi in h suin-i- ii is imw (!li)tr I'll, "l CVCII j haunr that ihi-r- tin ii h is I.OS iltu Milii v iilKlil tin- rn!, ilil'..l" "f AU(.:i-l''- a lalf y.mi'iy I'lf.i'ant Him not sufficient to keep On- J''"!'! hotols nmli t as UHiiui. t Wn hin tllr iloWtlloMli llisll'il'l of iiwai. Jist an, and was h merry nilhcrniK mid rvi.ybody j Los Anm'l 'S llio holi'is laruc i'iiiippi-- and al,- so i hail ii food lime Those who a in j li Hun many pi oplc the l ill fifth imil i I always i ( ottir. illilln if in.'ikc tin ni thi 'i' pr t ina in lit hom''. I eav,. with I hf dosiir In cmnc back VJ-'l- Ainoni; th ,. hi s! known hot, Is in lhat Why k. limpiiiK around Willi a ni,, in k'-- i pop- - ' cily is tin ..i n sli ui, a most iiiK, puff lcct feci so In ,, llfllv I o llM.VK more of Follies" th' l:i l'..pitiH ,li for scon s of siini-- i ore Kv.'ollon i.iln. i in Kiitiinliiv nlcht III'' show chaff,!. and yon ran in, llll T l "I m Mcxii'o poinls t Mill he closed Tin- bb; Htudehnker isiioTs hardly your shoes on or oil".' Whv -- ' " - '' la ;i- ot its class. nt win, I ItS 4 I'nliki' most hofls don't yo Vet a hox of "Ci.'" Mlllom"hilc will then know thoii)-'- money will Ih,' l.anlo'rshim h siluali'd in from the dni!? store now mid vhiilih-- owner in mid the lar of K ' , , t lie VITV lli' l 11 ot city, i vo somebody to spend It. The V ; tlic maintains yni. f, rt feet? lid fniiiul ! - f , - a n a nmspi of cun centerpieces imil Markka flour ' conlialilv and fiz'' maki your feet filow wnii the if lout husv hiisiii- - ss man ,.,,,,,, (ho hales i,f hny and tin- - boxes of incur. t; tuki i down NWdliiiuM ami mul t seeking nil beluntr In nomebody, and hi' ph ISIH tourist hum draws 11, oreiass and misery ru;l,i innilv will Ii v- 'cn.ioy its spit; lit i h mill li will I m nil over. old of feet that ifc, smart and hum. In a ii', "lit ntorvieiv with Wil-th- c '"S"v." II Ih expected thai tonlKhl anil instantly stops pain in corns, lia I:. I'l iictivc niauuKer, Klor-ji.'ii- niKlii will he Ih'1 two bbtnest in jiallousos and hiinions. "Tiz'' is r he tlial mce I Ii e owner of t,f the lifisea'ir. The most I - stall'! the for tired, uehinir, sore feel. X,, entire opolita n ( 'o oncl .J. H, a liable articles are yd In be disposed met hotel. more shoe tightness no more foot. - kcishini, ass. Ih' nu si'iiu'iit i,f, mul tin- fun m K''ltiim better with unci tOl tU' C. lis nu, I he liotel has piuss- - HIIt'it'lillK ll'tV- 'I'll" "I'lilll'"'' . j i "A soini' moll hirll ed thr null the most prosperous sea- - lll'c workitiii lip I" II rlilMIIX, and ev- SOU ill lis liistorv. The - erybody Mini his Ih Interested r. m'eaf nuui iaa mm I,i'Ikt her ol visitors at the hotel ,lurin The Imiaur In beltlM itivon enable - . flflHC ti 4 : w indeed, hi KAIltie lh' Klk to raise a sum of money to Ki'alif.vinK t't - In says. pny off tin- indebtedness Incurred " j - Willi'- - no '"A. . In pn patalion for the husy Hum- Of f in nisliltiK tin' new club, and i-'i- vi Headache say !..l lll'T ; a anticipated, the I. anker-- 1 are i,l,tiunnlili' It Ih wife to Is necessary flKiiriH has had new equipment lidded, "It in order ta trnm !,,, II, I, I till- - SUcCCSS of shim aches properly to complete flllnllcllll -- understand the causci . y ami no il oi it many people from tin- - movement Ih already assured. C this T'hlch produce the affection" nays f)r. J w .I sei tH'ii me lountry win Kiijourn i Hlocktnn, Ala. Contlnulim. he says' there, as was the lasi ear. ow-- , Fhyiiletani cannot even beuln the treat' rui' ment of a GAMBLE CONCERT NEXT inu pi ih hotel h.'inif easily a, cessi-l- e disease without knowing wlint caiuee give rise to It, and we must renieni-- ; hie tl, Il lir.'ieh an, 111 o n a i il car ber that headache Is to be treated accord-- I SANTA FE ATTRACTION lines and all places of interest 1" tile lug to the eauie rule. We must not only be :ri.: particular to give a remedy Intended to WILL A.RL? CMAPLEY WKITC. MORAN counteract tbo cause wldcb. produces the -. l - Tho Stuitii IV i i- i ii k l oom has nil- urnuniur.miliveiliuil B1BO give S reillfrtv Ji-- II KM- linumed Ihi' Mnu'Bt liiunhli' I'oiircrtj Willaid, chamidon of the the i riliiK' ,f Mar li for ten will h- the third man. Willaril will 'actual flvlilinx. and .Mnlan half Miat j v' WISH kill to relieve the patn until the cause ol the 1 1; trouble ban wnrl, I, who Is 7 liiohiH I re, e v , t f I a e ll.l." changed its quarters been removed. To answer this coiiipuiiy iim tlic ni'nt mnvn lion for the feel tall, will nilil'M. Th ahlcsi referee ihc in from Tex Kickard, the piotnii-- tuim, if he of icia ilatemeuls to' Purpose, anti kumida j I W S "i will tablets will be fomid liillroml 'inpoyf himI tlii lr fmnllirH. ini'i't I'm uk Moian. ho is li feet ern rln known, Chailcs hite, ter. i; ii ii for his thirty minutes of he hrlicved. .sonth Third street and a ,. I ,1 uaiiKUirtory renni.K Till' ciiimiti will kIv,' lu IllKllI Inch, at Madl-o- .S,uaro ilaidcn on i.i c, n timi w it li Short 'i One tablet every one to three hours gives , l' . i I. a mn, nrliool 11 ul hi u in t ,iii"i H w I'vcnliiu an, u,. furni shltiv; li comfort and rest tn the most severe cases ,i ill Ih mh- - for ecu is. headache, neuralgia find particularly ttie mul t'liti'i'luliiini'lit headaches of miri'd who iiticinl. rhi- - iIooih women." tliow OAKLAND GOLDS HAVE takk this Fii rAf.mrrK Menu for Today j When we have a patient snblect to regular will open hi for .Siinlii F (U ol sick we ':'. " .IIS. Pauley Simp attacks headache, should caution X l T CHAMPION Biuj liinii fiiinllli'H mul ill DEFEATED TWO STRONG 0 PUTS Call'isli .MeliKne oiuiuieep ins Doweis regular, lor which j notfilngls better than "Actolds," f T the K''iitrnl piihll,'. Tho danger of laRrlnpe lies in Its' I'ol a la Sla iv and wlrnn lines I'leme. I'leam be feels the least sign ol an" oncoming at- In i oiuiiK ntiiiK on iIiih iilltii' tlon tendency to deielop prieumotiiu, and I BASKETBALL TEAMS 'i ile 'ea ii, Ta (tioca l'lidd tack, he should take two A-- Tablets. Such MllUHKi'l' M. I;. HlJNMtT, of til'' Il'iullllK Marcli pneu-- i patients tho ilenth record from I., moii. t 'rent. i and Apple I'm should always be Instructed to rnolUM. kii.vh: lunula is appalling. .Stop your cold carry a few a tablets, so as to ' - LEAD Tea, i "off. e or Milk Hanlu Ki. iiipIom h mic um v rin t The ilaklalld liolds, who will DEMOCRATS OFF MA hrfore it reaches the, dan","!' point, have them ready for Instant use. These - tablets are prompt In iilly iiriuiiiiiiril with I ',i ni Ht liiiin-- i play the I'nlverslty of New Mox- Ml j.'ind I' oley's Honey tin ' 'urn- -' action and can be thr take Tar depended ou to produce In very hli- - ("iinii'it mid nrii-- l ico hiiskcthiill leiiin Siilnrday 1'. .limps, TtH) TO tXASSIKY. relief a ioniiiiii 'rry pound. Mr. W. liowen, Ga., fow minutes. Ask for A-- Tablets. HO 1 IinilU'lOIIH rPIIH'Hln to iiiuht ut nrmory, hiivn la- - hllM' thr the writes; "j hud terrihle attack of I'i 'I; IlK.N'T Two lari;e, nle.-l- fur- tablets at all druggists. plan- - Aly Kt'i'iili'Hl having ilefeate,) my tin in mi thi' line. record of the grippe, aches nnd pains all oyer ni. rooms, a I lied housekeeping flu tl'olihlr han lifl'ii In plil' r llHmhli' ulj l) tuple cluh ii ii th,. Illinois A. OF ANCIENT CITY! AND HARD body, and a dry hacking kisrippo ,,, IRKS mil. H':i West San!. i Fe, Results from Journal Want Ads. nil tin- - ii'uiIImk riioniH, mid tlioHc wliii; I'. The liolds defeiiled the II- - cihirii. i iifRiin trjtinir Mucys iinnoy don't K' t him mi- unlit nanl, mi I IIiioIh Athletic el ni) ,,n Its west- - und Tar find uhen 1 had taken one tlioHo who Kt Mm link f"i' Inn, lliH ern trip hint season and haw bottle my cuukIi was cured, my cold twice ii i en the iilvmplc cluh. was well." Hold everywhere.. "Thi' i y hiii'i I'HHftil plmi I can f"I - The liolds contest ullli IheOlyiu- - Popular Hotel Man Nominated Willard Goes Through Fast YOUR ATTENTION, ONE MINUTE, PLEASE. low Ih lo pi, iii hlni lit till' flit in I mid pie chili In the uulioiial lourtui- - H, y i siiiil hy WE I I IMIVATF, plH' i and In inidovi'H nielli was expert to he f for Mayor at Convention Wwkout Spar- rXXECKSSAnV DlferiAY AXD EXPENSE. i ' l and Makes WE PAY NO KIOXT. i'IiIIKiioiih to "lay off mid oini' ovi r oil" of the fullest itlnl eh allest Albuquerque Shop mid hinr him. MiiineH ot the Herli'H Hold in Wi: ILMI'l.OY XO,X', ( Santa Fe Last Night;1 ring Partners Feel Sting of "I'hiHi. lire ii frw uf Ihi' thliiUs llu'i The mltland s,i,l,l w 111 arrive AllllS AMI AMM I'MTIOX. lMnnos Klilpiod dirtHt from factory to purchaser. Apixriatment lioyn like nhoiil thi' Hainlilr l 'onri rt here Siiturihiy uhthl on Santa I'e l'vpcrl Ki'timili'liu aiul Itcpairin, niailo y tclcplioni', tclrgrnplt or ! Full City Ticket Named, His Jolts, litter. roinpaiiy; lliiinlil,' hliiifi lt Ih iiiovi" I ruin No. I. ucioidliiK to Infor-- ' Unlit Mai hiiie Um k. tin, i, i iiiiihIi Ian ; Ih ii iiiiiIi, I'iiII-- f Inalloii lecelved yesterday hy the no s. m:om, ai r.Ufi i; GEORGE P. LEARNARD PIANO COMPANY i .; mid hl' awitki', mul IlkiH lo I 'lllverslly of New Mcxho nlll- - Mail oi'ilei's prompt allenllon ' Tl) M on N NO IBV tivcn TVIcplinno O. ISox 78. Hurl piopli' uml Nlliuuliilr Ihi'iii I" Ictlo iiianum'iiieul . IHI.40AL nP,CM J(,UNt MOftNINO JOUftNAl. SttCAL LIAStD WINKI l(l. P. 214 South Walter Street. hlKlur thliiKH Vrrna I'iihi' Ik innii' Simla I'",'. .March Thomas I New Vork, March 2". .less Wil- ill. ih a loliniHt, In r i hm imIiik" t, i' iii 4. 1. 4 'j- i In, ran, proprietor of the M nl e.iima lard made up his niiml to work hard linprfuwa Itwlf on hi t' midi- - hold and known all over New Mexi'oj today a h i in l; li he was to hae done ' " rn re, mid lin y homr lth I, ikIH-- t iik 'i'oni I l it n was the unanimous only t wolk in front of a motion i opetiM windows to ' ' com-- ! oiiri ptionH of tlif wm lil mid lif, for iter audi in i h t'o ol the ,1, iiioci a ic city picture camera. Ie post ,ciiei his . limit out Into I Mihx Kuhii ii tiiori' than a plu swcelci alls. mil tee tonihl fur he ni.O i a lly ill ciimmement with the movie men an 'n I you ih" throUH lur Hindi' lii'int; Into that need not ask to meet th llle eampaiKIl for eilv oil ices. The put in a husy afternoon Willi hN INDIAN li,-:- i i i (iamhle company; you en i,i ni'd inuti unifiit, mid thiiH are there." .Mr. came - : tioininalion of Iiorau afler, trainers in he dull house i;y mnasiii ni. TfNA.- o- - )n r umk In l oiiiin mi liiHiratli,n. Aillnir Selimnan had hcen sui:csle,l lie went much faster Hum when "MIhh Wilt Ih more t Ii li it fi hlliKcr; I'ol the iioininallon and had ilcihni'dl he took lirs workout ,s- - i tfi, iiinti'M you, jMotocycle nh" xi' wIiih, Iiihi mid ROTARY CLUB IS to he a candidal!'. lerday. He pul in n full session wi'h l.onnzo liilicrre. was nominal-fo- Ihe pulleys anil repealed his shadow cil , , k mid I'lanli Andrews I". I'OXillB. Then he oo on llelll,le, eDsr i lls treasurer. Vr ahh rman Ihc lo i:,ule, and Walter Moniihan for two is the SHOULD low ui'ii' noniiiialed: l irsl ward, rounds each. There was no playful FORMED; HAS 24 j M 1I41U i : , i , ii. Sr.; second iianl. ''. tappintr in any of the rounds, and .l. I!. n hu d ward. r, .1 II. Sloan all three of his spiirritiK partners felt & : mrr: loll II ward. In. I'. il. Ilariisou. the stiims of WHIard's .jabs. j,,ls and a rirr BEST II Kalpii ll.ish'i plcsided oyer lie hooks. The champion appeared in GET 'THIS HABIT col cllll and Willi. mi liose was, i eellciit cond il ion. M ,1 a I". I''. in!,i-imill- o NAM 0 ROSTER j seel Kancii was Trainer Willie ,ewls allowed Moran pi elel '. i, lillo rep oiled III,' to i;o alone in a !'. ::: tnday. Motorcycle i plallol in which taiois the suluuis In Ihe moi niiu:, Moran look a short so ii ol lo- qiictmn of muni walk and then ate a hearty break- - AS WELL M ownership of the i ater and lit: hi lasl. Ile spent the urea tor part of Dr, A, (i, Tc works l, i Ihc people. lies,, nil urns ! Ihe forenoon i(adiiii his mail, the Slioitle mporaiy n sp, ,q tin. lale I', lix Martiiicx size of which made the dining room Chaiimau J, F. Coodcll and Inline!' Hm el nor W. T. Tlmi'ii-lo- look like a. I. ranch poslol'floc. He and were ailoplcd. has .mil. developed "a KroiiehP as Don't Eat Cite' of Breakfast Temporary Will 'J'hc lollowui:; rential coumiill', piidlisls frequent ly do w lien on edue, Secietaiy; in- - was nanietl. Kit st ward. Juan Aland la, he did not seem to he much j Until You Di ink Glass Meet Apiil 10, and Nl, am, I' Kara; second ward. V Id, '.sic, when he went through sonic! IV Hill und '. J 11. noli; third ward, lilit work before the movie camci"i of Hot VVat( .hum i dives and Kni'arn.ieion aHrela in the cymnaslum. WnWP i fourth ward, Citiuillo i'.olilla uml l .Moiaii's training partners are well j Wllh I wi'iit chailcr mcni- - f. Allanl. phased with Ihe ehalleiim't's condi- - hert the Itotnrv Cluh uf AlhnoiieiuUe The tqieech nominal int. Mr lotan Ion. W illie l.t xiis, who has hiiil charMe HapI'V. bright, ti Ic r t i:;oi mm mil was organized nl noon yeeterdav at ! i, .a j U - was made y Judm N. uuii lin. of Moran in Ids traininu for hli in Ions a Kood clear hkni; il U't- 111,. lintel. I II A Ahanido Shorlel while .1, II I'list and 1'. I' Allard fields on both sides of the Atlantic,! m.ll. I'oev i oniplcMon ami f r, i " . as .1. K. Hood, I! as sec- - chairman and made lvi Hole spec. In today ft, mi iUn iw are assuii.l only tx' art. ol'liii'ik- said I'lt.iii litmiorai'i lo "I newr saw look so h an, lieii llhi I, loud If only i until April lit, when permanent Krank well! s,ri. ( or in. such splendid emidll ion Woman and llkewis, i t v man could ol U.lllial ion will he effected. II S li nil i' iiii.iir.iN. before L' 4 I any of his is realize the i,,tid,t.. f th" mm mm: The harter memhers r. Mrs. I'. lU'hKamii. llennnn previous; battles lie arc "I more yasllyl Ins, de hath, what a itilving change H. Shorlle. .1. :, Smitheis. II. l iiioi St.. I'lHill ;lcn, K., writes; have stronuef, vlcorous nnd I Foley's would ike place H.ims I! A Ixistler, W. li Walton. been Usui Honey nnd Tar inure confident than when he trained for nearlv two years nnd can find no for his last two Coffey, Inst' ad of the thousands of si, kly. HiiMiI S lioseiinald, John Millie, II hunts with 1 1 0 ni ai'inl -- lookliiK men, worn, n ami sir, mi' l;ei Hiiiih A I 'nop. r j better cotiKb sirup, liave islil and his hands are In fine shape, KU'Ih I ;, 'children and it to nil of them, w with pasty or muddy complex- I'. Ilemm;. U Pn id It. Iloyil, I.I, (rie hah was no! the uise when he lied I j They were t croup ions; Instead of the miilliluilis of Hoed, P. Ii. i i Stunner. 1'rnnk Itutt A. all suh.l"i to from enffex lust January," w 1 babies It is a i ',.Sfi ; "ncrv,. techs." "rundown"1," I'taiii, Sik. ili'urai' Tax Kir, 1. .'ia,-se- on" safe and reliable than an iiimr after the ual-- fairs" a nil pi'KsimiKts we should a ,,n. I I . 1 i ;. midicin,' Tor ln"n and women ns wellii,,, ph, If. s I'elclS. s tiekeU Were put on sale, at the : y.rjle. ..ptumsti, tlirotu,' of I "H - M, sin, hi sv. w, - Souih.ird o as children. Imn't let th conuli that i;uis,, S,!Ult i;..r,i..n i,l,i, everv i - , i. R heel- w i f Hows Kiippe liaii),' on and ., ,,,,' d people e ry In i c. 'ushimi n, I'. I'. ,,i niiini lli'msr V. weaken;,,.,., ,M ,,W1W,, ,.f i,,,.i, ,,r hy K , you. It is lo of ti An msldn hath is hud ilritik mi;. ceil' ".. M a X ordliails. easier net rid purchasers were FPX&n I I , or cold of Us ei'iisciip nccs. Sold i'i h moi nir.i; for, breakfast, aj .led,... H.'iM.I .1. I.eahv, of .as than away. There wire many disappointed leii-jiia- " every w here :lifs of tea! hot water wlln aid III' Shorlle spoke, the men In line win, could, ,,f Il'd teach the Mioonfal limestone ph ,sphat tn It o'n lin th, purposes ,,t ihe tirimm., whitlow before the sale xxas over, to lix c - sk.-t- w wash t.iii th' Mount h. ki imp and hm:.' ns Itipid iiiuitu ni' iii:i in mitu i: iii and some of them complained that ie . s and . n m ils of h,e v Is th pre m H e aped Sial, s. I ana, 1. u l.-- PKtirricn ou i i;s. 11:1 i r ; the speculators had been favored Minis iin indiKotihle yy .isle sol.!-- rope ItVKI M Mi- - si Ms. CIl s Shoyv ir f,-- The corporation, which is l !lie!,!ata,!i" d po'.sons, thus b I I S. , ttie oat, announced that the hai sinty w i ten nK and fresli ui'xICYrCI I CMT DDflPDAM I'." it i, 'solved that , v,'i day should , t ,11 i i p ni.iuauctnent had made every effort ihe entire al ini i'l e he iie.,ii-u- day in A an i anal invLLiun uuunnui inr, me but ohtain-iii- I to prevent speculators from f 1'Ut'h.i; mote too, pit a 't he stomach in xien of pre-e- conditions and the TO BE RENDERED BY a large by- re- - Tllnw sllho t.. si. k headai he, bih e.lilv aiiple.ldl of al! liti- - number of tickets sinenier tusing to sell more two to aiiyj i.uisnesH nuat i.ient'i. rbeuiiiatiMi, II e fa lied upon to clean t 11 ir than 81 Drop , Forgings I WOMAN'S CLUB TODAY olds: a p.,1 nlaCv hoe who n.ix e premises. abate all m is., tic, s and one persmi. in the 1916 Indian ii pallid, sil.oyv , .'uiplexion and yxh" leomply slrictiy Willi Ihe.healtii rules forftmgs alone-co- stly rue ..iisiipat. ,1 ii-- i . ' to make as are-m- ,,!ie!i, ale ' ll ei iim; r th ilea r'i s da'' luf the c;ti. M'CLOSKEY HERE IN rROP they eet Indian ideals i rscd t,, 'pun i. r pound "f la lo Id Ihls itiern promises (' ' Thai ill,', Apt firM. CM'!, thor-- of strength and stamina where durability ph.-ph- ite .,t ! and strength are most needed. liuicslone il.e ilrnif slore he lie ,,f th,- i"ot 'ntevj sliiigr thai ough inspection wi'l he made and ae- - INTEREST OF REVIVING whl'h iMii l,m a I est mile but is the lid, his iiel.i tins season The laoi ,k ord the i They are used because they are tougher than ,1, I , t castings and more dependable suff lent to inotis; the nun k program w 111 iy in eharstp of the d nunc s : i.i 'list tin St' not oiiiplymg RIO GRANDE LEAGUE; , than stampings. and r mafi a! ham;,, it, both health uiesti,. s. i, a e ilepar'uient mob r Willi till a the and a tip ra net awjititiir those who ii t, ,t badeiship of Mrs. John iIy'U, s tcso ui shall Indian is called drop-forg- e praitn e Internal v J. J. MiCioskey S to 1, y i e the all salutation. must the o resident ,,f the chile number he llCctll not, pi op. IV on tiers. effotts machine because it has more drop list.te Ic.i U Ki,y 1, fc-u-e that ttless is of client inesl, .1 m le, lions Will be fruit a., I. us. .Lei le", ami the c.tamle brought him forgings than any other II ei markets motorcycle made. more importaiit tlli, o.l!s,,te I'C- - I yvas Kiien. and on liie to, call cadi inem-- I all othct fitted to' .Vll,U,!el,tm y Merday. He ;itih- - t h,, si in ih s not i - p. p w 81 iisort. impnr- ',er will ii,,. her fav oil!" v Ipe f.,r Pass, by Ileal' h iiii'oii' tod h .1. A. Hardin Ic of these Samson pieces in the Indian W this make a machine ill. ,,lltllimtlHte til" hined. bile led hre id Mis C. May will read a .'utli il.iy ,,r iim, anted hero. MeClofkev retiirm I vhich withstands, ' M.inh. with pen f I i i 111 smallest wear thi in the thilti it ..I bowels ." en r- ouoniy and there iSxi't ,i , lo last McCloskets and cost, the motor-cyxl- e ' l',o mht. hardest tests to which a n : - t. he a deioonst rut ,otl of i offer and IH'IHV. plans fo- the rejiitenaled league m- -i can be subjected. hot Ins, lots In Miss Vane Maildi n, I' s l:i ,si: yy hide oulv tyy.) uf the cities which ooiia-sii.- ' s, ,. a itislln, 'ot of the iiy 1! li. K A i 1 't .M N, were liictnbels last year, A bu, r, ue ha,Ve StudIcd the schools I., i; KICK, add 1,1 He plans to extend the nlle,r;Slneer8' Vlho Indian nd manufac- In addition to th, ref.nhuly an-- ' Ma u; H it i;, UT, league ittto Colorado. turing at expensiveness .. x iati: and fineness of Indian " i"i'i I progr mi ther,. hiiI s.,ng-- m' libels Hoard , ef alth. construction, for it is built a high the Colonial ipnulet. d of : like grade OREAK-UP-A-COL- D oi,,(,ci i'st: m m motor car. mis yx yy imk ittiu: jonn itson .Mis Cemg, rn is. lU'UIUlS. j The noted palmist, who pndi, ted! I Mrs Jay Huhlis Vis. J TABLETS slid Cltv Ch I k. the .death of President MiKiuley and, m r J i. -4 o Schwi tilkcr, uml a violin duet hi Hie lifttvvMcn past, pies-- ; ALBUQUERQUE MisH , Jiood. tells NOVELTY lorns Lester unit Mis Cin, Wsnl htsli crsrt an,i WORKS mtO,,r? Or lh .'id future; reatU utrietty from! V Stoilu. seeompamed by Miss l.ouise -- MMOXsoX A I) I Ml. nr of SfrvunisT Mak of j SOX. I'lIOI's W ' . . us. lh science and Kfsrantres satisfaction :!21 SOI L' her nl Hnnns Mi I'll SIICOM) NTH MKT 'f JurBL Tent, West Central. I ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. FIVE

mpiiTfiiAirn IP ster .it I ju" Tyrone ininliiit camp, "as BUTLER LECTURE MAKES convh led uf murder In the first RECIPE TO CLEAR ILL f r the FhootitiK of his wife, Mrs. BIG HIT AT FLAGSTAFF nihil Donnelly's --. liullie Htvlitowcr. St i item b r :n. Antoinette Talks ,JJi Tile trial opened Mnmlay, when I hi' V. empaneling of the Jurv wus ln'cun. (FICIIIl. CON1tPONnNLl TO MOWN Nil JOUftNAl M to Women on Beauty Topics Ariz.. Mai cli I'l'of. land liy the afternoon of that liy. I CONVICTED OF of Chicago tinicr-wll- v PIMPLY this mms completed and the exiniinn-tifi- n Niitlciiucl lanler. I I. Per,. favor !li'J of wil in taken up. Assistant el mini' Ihioneb the ss's oi u li.'h's.iMie food Miiiiiiti' trensv tued. of the Simla rvaduiK rooms ,ii a n - lMsiriet Attorney .lame? S Vaimhi, the Matron. ' Ilairdrcss for nnd Wi' ts. lie mil in the nir nil Ziilion, proved lo be one of Ihe most of licinitiy. assisted by C. C. Hi. ;.'(, ' UK i ll i s In c speel plet't w I' iau mailer n j ou fiin Inink uf nter het ween iiopiihtr attractions in ut OF former ussistaul county prosecutor. - MURDER i I WIFE In u. n I a represented while Attor. lo I'niil .ri llle.'VS Jill. keep y.'iu mi. Is ir a slii ff his yea r. iplos Are Impurities Seek- f the stale, ' a lierltiK thiii If fie adepts u hii' I" hi Ihe afternoon he dcliw red neys C. W. M. Sherry and V. II. T rnndithm. There is i,u belt medlc'llH sill- i I'll' i address lo .Neh- - illl! style CUtl tilke irs for pin it mi; Ihe Plnml tlmn f rsh air and brilliant eMetnporancous ing an Outlet Tiiroui appointed hy Judge Colin in tile f iipt'i.iraiH-- s i I the noiinal s Pool student and led, acted I'oursel for Hi' de- - us ir ;is sunshine. have a I inieiil fur plniili'S i.t levenliiK III spile of the rain he had Skin Poies, ceini'd ber:i n ihe bl.o-kh- nils hich I si be ( fendanl. ee nil t) ;a uuoil house for his leiular I rtnre. Jury Makes Only One Ballot td,r ftft'iet k coitT tin- tn it is ui aii.'ilili- - Aieidcutul Sl ootinic (liilmed. If I" en if you ill hip a slampf d, After the lecluie rrolcssor Cutler If" H' a tlozeii testitieil I'm or unliei'diiritiK- iddi'is-'c- " , P i'1 witnesses envelope ;seiU. S i i k lo an audience Is ;;nd Finds Hi- - Kiii sores Usually te-- j Teamster UUIITy! the slate, while Miditower, - ,c- The wiiniin "f iild we!c. 'ine ihe W l'ilop'os. and boils like phiiini; tciiin.'-- hen sou selc - 1 poi'-oh- impuri- (he el' Hie hh;l, eii-ll- hiMil f it- suit from toxins, ami I rused. w.ts only witness lor the ri'Viviil Black'-- - ncMS'-- expect hall In be biilt d back of liahest Crime; Pete Moti ullltll'.K: fire .ion Ihe w u re in of si II i tiort hich kciici uti'd Ihe bowels defense, lie testifyins upwards with ih'lik'lit. Ker Minol he ci uied win. h I Impl- - you. ll il live name. THE ROAD TO fat ai ddehris nine In Thai makes ,'ind absorl'cd into ihe blood own inld his l c Ihen boms in his hehalf. lie net pniniiinliiiir hi liiili ill usictf nt hi the inl llp t he .My Kluitslaf f miiliences did their part tez on Tiial, hi- - i. , tlirunvh thi' very ducts wliu h should life story on the stand and tes- UK I liei si tu In I spleu-- more lii'ciiiu Iihh el he i IcaiilliM .. in i.iiist ualil lael, have been HEALTH ,. l Km renii' hiithhiir Ihe faen iihsorl) only Poiii isliment to sustain timony for detail Was ullpreoi me ye.-- j whole wimian uf nun ure is. The liiili colli 'in c is way in u li iliillv trealed throiiKhoiii ihe in n ihe neh the imsiKhliy the liodv. the annals of the district hni-.ib- In i ilimiiiy. 'niiilhwcsi, and i.'P"clall adiioie Ihel iilso with Iliesimp..' bleiu sbes may be ri nii.v . d If .your is Ihe I'linilioti of Ihe kblneis to; iiint lies lamely in what wo '.l.riAL CriMUffHOINCI TO MOKNIN, IflUINAl) He claimed the shootine to !iac ,i iikm lilieral policy of (lie Santa l''e It Mrcnetli pat teibin-tli- i ei uii-- . iiiulirul si les. ;ery Inipiiriiics from blood and ,M Is lit ti and dry a pure castlle t In w j filter the all I'iuhIk bread is Silver City, X. .March ::,. In Idenlul. iirni .is evpiesscil in Iheir trout-- ' cat. .mil aiiioiu; aci hili. pie. I Iwo lailiteid out in Ihe form of urine, but which weir mie er st WOlild be e tin) cast tli. in ;i ti'ial rctii.i I'Ka hie l'"r ils l.icvily. P. l'ilhwinr urtiumeiits hy louiis.-l- IClii'V belter te than moot of emploM s llu readme, probably the most Important. Tho , hi Instum es. the bowels create I nnn fur I'umr and old alike, heinc net I inaliv lliivmu oernpied til" il ell ii ill of the made lo the jury Tuesday tnuhi. tie-- k'l-- snap. If (ho skin is Ho k a e.d irreaKV rooms depill llienl." j bread the sturdier the only iiiibee-.imhn- but inure toxins ami impurities than the belter the h ss il dehi'cra-- j inisuiiHliie for tin y 111 - district court than two days, case was Kiven lo for It ri'ipiires careful hihI pe s Hoi llh- 'hldneis can elliiiitiiile, then the blood ;rmvn folks too. (Mir - wnnmn whu litis passed her fnrtieih .children anil Lucius l.. lliKhtou, team- - tion and a verdict, he court's inruc- lear. Mint My trentnu ut fi r hhicklieaiU uses skin pores as uie next lien Pu- CITIZENS GUARANTEE the bread simply perfect, In flavor, making possihlc three verdict, The lines of the enilVuro shuelil, as 1 is lions wouiil eli you, mo sure If on V Olllll means of nettinir rid of these impuri ' iiiiiiii'ly, in (lie first ns possible, hi- simple. Hut don't skin w holosoini'iicss and food value It I murder i. tiic, like II I shall be Klail p. si nd II to ou FUND FOR CHAUTAUQUA ties, which often break out all over the ilc.iili h nvvay I for Which Ihe penalty is the hair too lihily from the ears, 111 t of pimples. iioililm; of ideal. Try il today. Got Rid of My Corns if y.ui w semi me imp. d. adiln e.l skin in the form short haiiKiiiK ; murder in the second de- ns so niiin people do jus! now. The harsh Tint surest way to clear (he skin of envelope. (rKCIAL COSMaSPOMDtNCt TU MORNIN JOUI"ll. gree anil acintittal. severity of line so nehleved is trying to j hose eruptions, says a tinted auttior-- j - Ariz,. Mi4i'cli I'll. A mini With Magic "Gets-I- 'j Tin- jury took hut one ballot.; even Ihe most youthful faces; how riauMaff. Hy, in to ttet from any pharmacy about t miitn VYKlilKt: The yellowish tlutse (a of Ihe school men a Pioneer Bakery for a verdict of murder b- Per biisini'is and ounces of .lad Salts and take unanimous so will ll to the w y four more then woman ho hair is somel to. i h us. .1 by jami-ilir- e, signed the miar.iii-t- in the first decree. Ii was out hut city uf l''la';sta If Pave tablespoonrul In a tllass of hoi water j has left her .south behind her? or uray Imlr nia owe Its a . N. nAMJNG. l'rop. I wenty-oti- o minutes. dull yellow that' will secure for each innrniPK before breakfast for one Simplest Corn in (lie World Not A decidedly prctt Japanese touch mm put on hy Cuiv mdlicr Murder Trhil (In. color lo (he tint of dry alhiin.ln of which chaulaiiiiua next summer, week. This will prevent Hit formal ion j 107 Soutli nrst Hlrm. I'ain, No I'iiss, New, .Sure Wuy. he unhicd if the hair is wm-- d loosely ,e lycciini id IfiKhtuwer was remanded to jail. It ii composed. In order lo preserve th one of the leadini; bureaus of toxins iu the bowels, ll also stimu- to He evidenced no front, with just a suspicion of a side pai silvery whllenrss of may Imlr II should the cijiintrv. lates (he kidneys to normal a.tivity, When corns make you almost "die invnil sentence. ' At. It will In- the open ulr th'-i- your visible when (lie verdict Ihe back Is caught up to the lop n. ver wi'l except when It Is Tills fust Hills roaxlnif In filter the blood wilh hoots on," when you've emotion be shampooed (hi-iiit- (lei-sh- o!iaiiliiuiiia has had and el. of Mia !((! Ihcin picked tuny mean his was real! of Ihe head and rolled into one Imase a water of impurities and clearing the slUn and them and! which In Ihe last rinse after ahampnoltitf will be made to se- 4 g preparations pimples sliced them, when hy the clerk of the court. roll, the underneath of n few drops of bluing, j uu are add if cure ils success. It in dated for Jul) .lad Sails is Inexpensive, harmless The second murder ease on the hehiK heeoiulnnlv waved. n 111 Such the hah t of curl, uu your hair with when Ihe noriiiiil school will be In (he of grapes at was Ih'KUii Is and is iiiade from acid court ducket this term eoil'fure suitable for short, ihlok Imlr; curlers. I should discontinue It If t wrirt town will lie full of Hudson Signs j session, and the (mil lemon luice, combined with llthia. for today, when IN to Moiitrz. clmrKi- -l Is where tlui hair thin this is not so e. you and use crlmplm: pins Instead, bo a a and vacationists you a pleasant, with sliootiiiK to de:ith on the: tourists Hero have effervescent the ferttve. to ild use of The alinulrt The company carries its mvn run- - usually pimples early in the year of his iiv the waier. hair drink which makes ''street here e i Heeoinint, thoufch slightly inoi e. Im- unpolled less and the assembly will be held In disappear: deiinnert the blood nnd is unnuttii'-H'- l l?,if V In n 11 Was, ..( sh. not than once In three nein evil (s wny city this of dresslin;- the hair: In finnt I shall be tu send you my 'the pink Just west of ihe where client for the kidneys as well. Wall Paper phieeil on Jury had j weeks rlad trial. After the Ulliiw it (o In writer, shade and cuiiipinn facilities nee-- I full waves over Ihe forehead. fur aluimpoo If you will send tne been partially completed it wits formula a v A I tile back II is caught up riehi to the top ma be hail. essnry to issue n call for a special stn mi d. addresaed head, 1 sever!! y of venire to complete the pane). Xlnlit j of the he outline beini; PUT CREAM IN NOSE HUDSON for Picture muddied by deft or pin.-- , rertniidy be a ARIZONA IS sessions of (he court will he held to iirrnneiiicni AI.H'E K.: It must nwnt NORTHERN AND STOP CATARRH complete l His case, since u mini nun - and combs. Mstrous may avsll (hem uncomfortable fei liiiu, bill I should nut Frames der trial, thai of Coolie Carlson, a selves of the attractive accessories to tbv. worry alsiiit ttetlini; the vermin from my GETTING GOOD RAINS; Flow To Opon Nos- Inlted Stales Hopper at Hiiibilii, in, CoilTme in the w ay of jew elled ha'rpins. hair if I were you. fur 1 am sur by usinif Tells Clncirwl Fourth St. nntl Copper Ave. and Knd llead-CoKl- set for Pridav. combs, etc., which are so smarl for even- hi t vinegar you can rid of 1he condi- fSPfCAl ( OMSIiruNPtNCC TO MOSNIN JOUNl) trils ing wear. These combs &;ive u sph'iidl I tion the first treatment. Immerse th j FliiKstiifl', Ali'., March J.".. The Coiinly. i Mifiiuir in liruitt finish to a coiffure. head in vinKitr Just us led us can I ninth central part of this flute Is hav - - City, N. .M ., March 211. Mm-- ! Yon feel fine in a few moments. Hi Silver borne. Hold it thi re for live minubs, int? a warm soakini; sprim; rain, ve incr activity in (irant county continues V r cold in or will Im 'w w head catarrh Antoinette Donnelly's shampoo Itl 'rt Rood shauipoo. 'nur- In startup; il iimihated. With Chino Copper Amwers. then which will be instrumental Your cloCKi'tl w ill open. LUMBER C'(ii'iii "fiefs-It- the eoiie. nostrils Why Ifuvo A t All V lien " pi'nducini; full capacity at CARtH.lN'K: It Is lx"st to use denial ture of larkspur Is also KOod. It can he j the (trass lor early uruinK. passu your will I'hIiiIh, Oils. ;Iiism, .Mallliol.l Koof-- Iliuiovi-isTlieii- i tlio ,e .Dead-sur- e Way? company at Tho air rob of head i f'jv w i(h j Santa Itita and Hurley, (he floss removlnc particles of food that purchased at any drun Ktore hire It is reported that the rain, which clear and you r an breathe freeic. No Illl! and liullillii" I'uper Zinc company operating seven days, loilfcf belwet-- the No umoutit of lion fur lisinr. I shall be Klad to send ; Monday nil, lit In ! pa'ves, and tapes, 1 atidaires. nnd hrijun hard showers i I. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER a week mi Cleveland, Titios Altosl sprinij tonic will improve the ii'mly con- you my formulu for curling fluid If you a plasters that make corns pop-eye- d and has since charipil to drlttle, ::!ZU!!Z:'U!W: mines producing steadily, with much you me a ulutuiwd, no slruKnliui; at nlm'ht. have only made your corns growl dition of y.iur f:ice If Continue to eat will send uddre.ssed ' has extended well into the lower s ini'ss; for breath COMPANY dei eh'pment work of properties Ions j Tell otir you want it small faster, just hold your heart a moment so much candy every day. Adopt a diet to Ihe south, where it win, badly dniudlst dormant, and the oiienini; up of ihej j bottle of Kly's ("ream Halm. Apply a and fiunre this: f'ut two drops of ' needed. om'e tamous iiiaeK Hawk mtne norm-- i of i liis fraerant, antiseptic cream "Cicts-ll- " on the corn. at Hilda It dries west of Silver City, together with the re- - once. Von can put your shoe audi SANTA RITA TYPHUS is now improved and probably will In your nostrils, let it penetrate, crly resumption ,,f niiniiiK in the cover. t oNimiw-ioi- i i every passage of th !'p' : ' sioelfincr on r!j--h- over it. The corn is; iMsnusrs onipiaiin. jtliroUKh air DUKE CITY Carlisle and otlnr hit: mines :ii ih" I'V, 11. eor-hce- n ami heal swollen, inflamed doomed. It ma lies the corn come of f CASE UNDER A lomplete fuml(ratiii(f plant has! Santa .March The stale soothe the steeplcroi k district. (Irant county is CONTROL pre- - no, ami reiier comes Cleaners-Hatte- i Installed at tli" as a pnrutlou commission today issued tin tiiucous membra rs lear and clean. Tt's the new, easy: to produce the largest tuliuatre of Instantly. way. Xothini; lo or press on CHiitioiiHi y ineasure. The county ()1.,)(,r tn(. Santa Ke Cold nnd Cop- - stick the: miiu year in Its history. In TV ca-- 1 rals this iS'fClAL CClMSiaPONDINCI MOSNIN JOUINAIJ pnysietan lias liihi-- steps to preveni Il is Just what every cold and .'20 HCst (Jolil 1'liono i lll corn ion run wca r smaller shoes. addilii-li- Hi.- Colm-ad- per conipnny case aeainst the A. T. - l''uel mid lion Silver City. X. M-- March 23. The possible spread Of tho dlscnse, ns have tarrii sul'ft rer needs. Don't stay stuff- You'll he a Xo pain, no IV, el tesli-- ! company lias ils new mill at Hanover! typhus fever outbreak at tile Sanla also the company plislclans in all al.. holdim; tliiit. the ed-u- p and rniscr.'ihle. trouble. Accept no substitutes. now, a pro-- ! i rminiiiK' huiidliu.n steady : il ii niiniiiK: caniji, is reported iiiulei nearhy minim; camps. The prompt ninny is insufficient to Justify the "(lets-It- " is sold hy every- prop- - LEATHER AND FINDINGS drusceists duction of iron ore, while other complete contiol, due lo heroic meas- ness with the Chiim couipiiny commission to nil" that (he rate where, 'J.'ie a hottle, or by which, THE WM. FARR COMPANY sent direct jellies at Hanover are also shippinu. ures adopt'tl by the Chino Copper physician, F. X. Carrier, nnd charged coke Colfax Unrness. Deiot' ralul.1, Hoof K. Lawrence & Co., CliiciiKo. 111. Sold lr. for from the Saddle, The present liiKh prii e of metals has company to stump out Ibis fatal of camp. (ooR hohl nf the Wliolesal,, ond Uetall Dealers iu 1 'a i ill s, 1 :ti In A lliuiucr(iu as the eounly coal ramps to Stanley, Santa and recommended stimu'atcd mmint; In sotithweslerii s. Followine; the discovery of with enforce- I AMI ,M I '.ATS Ot-'c- oiiri'. outbreak, together the county. dis- SI,T the best corn remedy by ) pros- - I'V Is unreasonable or ltlll THOS. F. KELEHER world's Mexh as never before and the first ease, a second case develop- ment of !iiui rm ine regu- a Specialty - - the strictest Sausase well linn; Company, Highland J'har- j pority a nd Ihroimhoiit. ills- x criminatory. Tile complaint was here the ed, the patient dyini; In thirty-si- lations, is regarded (rencrally us coin-ineiiil- For Cattle anil lions Hie lUenost IMIONK 4 lt. 4t)H W. t'EXTHAfi inacv and Hull's I ne triet is murked. hours. The first victim of the fever e. MaiUct I'l'lccs Are I'ahl Allii!(iiicriiii

i,t? ir-- at V fered sonn Vsm mmmmm mwrnrnm mmmemm mmmm 1 Tfcj?ZZffiS?& Ttmjxm mmmsm mmmrnn 1 tVe hut Hethb! vf.-f-- i i m& mnmswR wimmtmzm mm:?&imM&M 'Hi'taiii i:MdL mm aid, falllt mmmm mmmjm sstmm lb b ! 'j, m rK j iv Mrij . j i rm . ft iuau um' iu.' Lt ' ' I.- -' vri-i.- ::..nv .f il rv i v w. (ViWr "Wi . lai'.jii .rw . . h,,.. mi xVJ-

... . . -.- - . - ir."tjt"- - Mjmji nrjji nuMawW'r laTia mi ir .1,11 100 OVER FINE PIANOS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE I

Including the Balance of the Learnard-Lindeman- n Stock Which We Can Sell at Less Than 25 Cents on the Dollar Tin choice ho luiiiid at i,i :ss AN I'lauo ul lour ran line Til IIAIil' I'KICi: mill on terms thai wnuhl lieuuar an onlinary I'iauo house. I.cslcr, l'.u- -i l.iiuc. Srlialfci-- Wchcr. ( hii kriina Urns, anil ilo.ens of ollieis. Sonir of these I'iamis ai' used, some Impw hoi most of our stork is brand new, hut all arc tin j;.riitost ulius i irr ollercil in Nru .Mexico. s To Public I'iiino Sale has rrrateil a sensation In lb,. Mate r New Mexico dial -i iiiipiirallclcil In tho history of all I'iiino We ran .iy without coitirailicllon thai no I'lauo I'lnn. the lioil- -t 11 , no luald e ulicri slllialcd. (an ol mi ureal in llillu nl Imsinrss in 11 iii'iliul ol' six siiiro. o Iihich oi i I Inst l,,ili,t ,,., ,. I,, .... I,,.,.. ...1.1 i...... i i 1,1...... - ilas ... ,.,.-- ,,, m.., ,IIM now n uu- I no in oisioii in nir iiano inisincss as a iTIIerlon In I'liim, srlllntf. II H no lnod llliislriuis example of (ho uenulni'iiess of Ihis sale wr roiilil I'l'inn slati-niri- ils hu-ci- ,, ahc made In pun 's ib, ,,aM hi we believe there ai'r a few people who haw In 1,1 back huviiiK on ari'oiinl of niisleailin:; slalcnicnls iiiailr ahotit us. To ibose who ilould or tnirsilon (lie M'laiily of this sale nc have ahsolute inoor of Ihe absiuilili nl such ( i roni-oii- s liniiccsvloiw ami nill buck ll on anv vn' von ill sire. lien in- - .... i..i ,., i i 1...1 (oiiipany slork in Mhiioin rune Ii meant all llial worn 10 iitiirin-lvri- y 1011 - ,iliii..-.l,l.- . unpins. prow lust Mial a hiulii" (liis sale inraiis In will IKK any I'laiio In our mliienso slm k hi voni- binnc of 11 I - 11 - I'lauo ruin any lions,- in Mir I you 11 nlleil Slalrs. ami are not more man coin liiccl ton are savin" at least ,,it we will lake llu- I'lauo hark anil no ocle i tun i,,i buibe. ini. n,,. visit lo our ill (o you 11 slore chance lo own u i'iauo von nner iimunt iiossimc. rrorr.'isliiialloii s Ihe tliliT of time. Tomorrow s Hav (bat nrier ( I viiu FRIDAY AND SATURDAYoSPECIALS

ALL MOW .HI7."". PIANOS Willi STOOL ami scAitr m i.i 1 i:i:i axvw iu:ii; i sr'n: or m:v Miaicn

These Pianos include the best known makes in America and every on; a brand new Piano; H TTJii naiaiiSMdiaisdiiii ,iW'W;Hiiiu? only if . wif.uiiM ',fa

fajtiM ,1 iiiJS!',,niiM.iii 1 J 1 "' " ! "1'IMiM.jyi.HIWWtfcif; l'l I .fef! $248 I (P"WW rtTfl ItlliinTTm rt)r im, it S 11 TERMS $1.75 A WEEK 1 jfflliplSPW 1 Store Opens 8 o'Clock. Come earyl Mr. Cash Piano Purchaser Mr. Tims Piano Purchaser

If we will sell you a Rootf piano You probably hav been thlnklnq for $!ifi.iii( 011 leriPR, or ihe host of buying the kiddles a Piano a long Piano in our store at $ IS.'H), time, hut never fflt able to pay $450 what will ho your or $500 for a good Piano but now price for that you can huy the beit old cash? ll takes a lot of money standard makec In America .it ts to sell rUnon on I lie Installment than ha,f price and on termt that a plan auu carry the leases, Wo schoolboy could meet, It U hlgn need the money, and we need It time you vere (jetting buay. Such Pi opportunity Jmt come lo a mnn badly, and If you possess Hitch once In a lifetime, to not accept in quantified thai: are hiifiicient. them when they do pretent them-elve- s to purchase a Piano wo will Ii to not avail youraelf of the S10 nuke the Inducement so meat pleasure and coiriforta of life that This Player your more lucky fellow-ma- hai. Down This Upright I hut 1011 ran t. reKlht.. If you are Anyboo can buy a Piano at the at even ihinkliiK of renting or huv-In- u prices and terma Hated In today's i'.. r-- V2 $1.50 a Piano, sen our pianinioth paper. tu ne on Hand at Is a Genuine slock first. Money talks here, a Week remember that. Come Down Today -- Right Now From New OoLlockMarn Rarair, in (he Morning

Out-of-Tov- vn f - Buyers A To Albuquerque Piano Buyers OitT..1 m To Piano Mq 11 p ' This K your one ureal, man d opixiiiuiiii.v 10 own Irulj (Ine I'lauo 9 C villi PinnO To UI your J' If u.u are al all Iiilci'e-lc- il In I he piireli.i-- c of a Hoc I'iauo MM' pi-ir- niean-o- ;.ll. We iav raiiroan Ul illiin Hie f JJ - 111 il-- 1 l I I I I 1! . Hi- lure lo anil from lhuiiieriiie lo any point In llie Stair of New Illi Wist (.old ( I 1 inn liidciiiano Old siaiul) Mhiiijuciipir. C NI All (lit ID IIKM WO III II liavr rut and -- IUIC-.- - Mrviro if you iiiH'lia- - a Piano line. We will lirepay tile rrrljilit opi;. i i;m.(.s i vhi, k oii.ik k lislicd Ihe oinkcs ,,' I'iiino- In Aniriica io pliers too lidii In( c selling I Co. Pi your lionir I oiilil niiMliiiit; l.r more lair Hum llie proio. lo nirmloii. jire Ihr rariun ton. l Puil u Pianos In New sliion vie are siihniiH Inst in llil advi rl . Could we do or are lo IJu'i. sdiH'd njwliere sliK'k and do not waul lo luio thi. 'lock of Pianos and More oil I -- say anytime.: llial would make (Ids proposil 'on more ald'arliie'.' Mriro. I )nl-"- f mi 11 l'iii'rliuri'S J'liooe at Our l ',H'iise hand for lony limr. lu rrlorr 11c nir .lasliinu prh i s (hat will -- 1 con-ii- mote Ihcin within it lew days. We oliril your iariic-- h rulioii. 11 Vou inn Not ail. piiom: CO. iiiai

iif nssri wmmm i'E7. Ji .rfrt'iJ(T--J-I Te?.4T jo At TKidftfeW VWiV .'"1.' Tt1 fjkW VrfHint KVtlT'T.-i- 1IVO1, ,nH'.kV SIX .mat ALBUQUERQUE MORNINQ JOURNAL'; - FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916.

N tNPKPENDKNT NEWSPAPK "a libel upon the federal (,'Ovirnnien, been reputed to lie quick-tempere- d a alander Ujoii Thad fleveng and jancl ready to fight et the slightest Zbt Albuquerque "Ited-haire- ChitileH Sumner." nor la It "a reflec- provocation. d people are tion upon General Nrant." It Is folke that are lo drede," runs a pre-oc- OUT Home and Books of the fifteenth century; and an morning nouicthintt of a "Klorlfkfitlon of the journal old French prove i h says: "Salute no Klux KJhii." Publlntaod the Jti v UdiK-ar- Rowland Sill. d man nearer than thirty IlAlfl bf The I'h ll war made a mil ion of tho off, eve n JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. feet and sn, hold three 1 1,'nlted Watea. Defer that, time, tlie Atones de- - ;i between three ancient trees, in thy fist wherewith to federation wag "poken of us "lhe 1KXOVY fend thyself," II. A. MAlTHKltHON I'fMHUnt r' leen ami grassy shade, !S. W. 1' McCllKIOHT BuilniM MiitiaKor 1'nlted pttitea," today we ppi-a- of the Arthur Holnniii, author of WIH "ST. JACOBS K. I D. MfAJ.UaTEH Nwi rMltnr Kovernment aa "the United Ftate. " Where the tall roses, naked to the knees, Magazine, may hmv this ad-- I A. N MOItOAfl Cltf Wlfif y. u rox Ki"r The deslKnation la no lonKer plural, hi that deep shadow wade., ngy in mind in bis attempt to recruit ii regiment of d men to be liefote the war had settled tho tir-- t I Klrni ftaprraffltiiUTa Whose rippled coolness drips from hough to nigh, ready to defend this country if at- C. J. AMKKOM. Ion, It was frenerally underatood that Karaorit UuUdlng, ttalevaio, 111. And bathes the world's vexation from .my brow. tacked. Already enough r d heads any iitate had a rif?ht to withdraw have applied to it Bottle-R- The gnarled limbs spring upward airy-fre- e, make certain the Get a Small Trial ub Pain, Soreness, Stiff, Ktiatera lUprowstaMr, from the federal union when U regiment will be recruited. KAfril H. MII.I.K1AM, wished. The New Eniflund Maleti ha4 And from their perfect arch they scarcely swerve, It will he safe to wager if this M How, w lork. that Muscles-Inst- rrk mo threatened often, and It w.oa with Like sprouted fountains from a dark green sea regiment ever goes to war ness Right Out of Joints and ant VntaT4 aa cutiel-claa- a matter at I ha It will he heard from, Bishop M difficulty on various occit'lona that So beautiful they curve whether ttifflcw of AltiUqurraue, N. UDdr Act Qmtylo goes o( March 1. 1171. Hottth Carolina wns kept In the union. with It or not. of OoBfrw Motionless fountains, slumbering in- - midair, Relief! Best Liniment, Doesn't Blister It may lie worth while to recall Larger circulation thn anr olhor paper With spray of shadows, falling everywhere. To Investigate Sandoval Killing. In h'rw MmIoo. Ttia cmlr IB Mo" Just federal c oiiHtltntion how the Kast Las Vegas, N. -- o. avry In rPr M., March Mailcn tuuri ilar th. nr. The Mali) weru Here the sun conies not like the king of day, Rheumatism is "pain only." Not a R'nall trial bottle of old, came into existence. Tmrhig the spring term of district -- honest the case fifty requires internal St. j aeons tin- - at any st,,n. TKICMS Of BUIIHUIUPTION held together by tho practlcully To rule his own, but hesitant, afraid, 'outt for Oiiadnlupe county, which one in drue Daily It carrier or mall, on month, lie treatment. Stop drugging. Huh sooth- and In Just a moment you'll hp fn.(, worthleaa "Al tielcH of Confederation." Forebears his scepter's golden length to lay will begin on the first Monday in ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiff, HUUHCIUUEHH April, NOTICB TO Controversies between the Across the inviolate shade. the grand Jury will investigate into your sore, stiff, aching Joints and ness and ".welling. Iion't suffer; ;P. HiiUarlbera to lh Journal when writing urf the killing of Juan Sandoval In a muscles, and relief comes Instantly. lief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" hau paper changed o a Of atateg reKardltiK trade, commerce and lo bava lhlr And wraps the broad space like a'. darkened tent, Vaughn saloon by a native of Mexico. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu- cured millions of rheumatism suffer, mual tea aura to give tha old addriaa. the navigation of the river". A com- The shooting occurred some ti m ago. matism and backache liniment which era in the last half century, mid is by VirKlnla. undj With 'many a quivering shaft of splendor rent. Just as good sciatica, "Tha MurolDg JuuroaJ bat a. higher circu- mission appointed Several cattle stealing cases and n never disappoints. for neuralgia, lation rating than la aeew.nlnl to enr nther Maryland to settle u,uetlon relutlntr Limber up! Qull complaining! Get lumbago, backache, sprains. paper In New Meilou." Tba Ainertcitn number of assaults will be probed into Neoatmper Directory. to navigation on the I'otomiie rehitltu-i- ; No garrulous company is here, but books by the Jury. It is the opinion of As- in a convention ti aclJuHt the navlgt-- j liartb's best men taken at their best bcsks used, sistant District Attorney Chester Hun- ana commerce, United 'PUB JOURNAL taken print' lion and of "thce dark-edge- ker that the spring term will not be With d paths, and jiemiled margin-strokes- , nixly hours and thlrtr minute of btnteK." called the "Annnpolla con! in session over three or four days. m m exclusive. Associated Press leaded place when- - itj Where friends have paused and mused, wira service each week. No other ventlon," from the (.overnor Appoints Notaries. newspaper 1 787. Inntcad of tukliif,'! And here and there beneath the noticed lines, publlhcd In New Mexico met, May I, S.tnta Fe, March lovernor Mc mora than twenty-fou- r Confidence J take hours tip die mallei' of Inlerntate commeicB, Faint zigzag marks like little C. Mcr-- of Aiwoclated lTea aervlca durinu trailing vines. Donald today appointed C. j tha week. Ihe convention framed the present chant, of Capital!, and Manuel Mar-- i constlttillon. Thus, it may be seen tine., of Truchas, as notaries public FIIIDAV MARCH 21. 1H6 that even the constitution, (ih II was wan to reu- - then presented, Intended the Orcit were red-- ailed. It was is a most important factor in the securing ;UAV12 DANOIIl ix hito coinmerco between the atnles, With SeitiHora and Paste said of Thomas Ji fferson that "lie YES--IT IS POSSIBLE rnther than to provldn for a central had tin- - reddest head in Aibemmlc of credit. Your business may not need ac- Koveinmeiii with paramount author- ,. w;viimiJ. count v." uncoi at TO STOP RHEUMATISM commodation today. Tomorrow a little aid IfVli Thoo who understood knew lmm ity. From the bexinnlitK, the rlhti (Christian Herald.) ..Swinburne, the pod; John Lunyan, We a pilgrimage to tee an old author of "i'llgt no w Schil- Rheumatism is a the beghiiiliitf that, unli.'NH Villa HhouM of the "oriental thirteen Independent made tormenting and may be a great advantage. Get acquainted who been a ler, the poet, had polls of blazing prueti- - retired army officer had all stubborn malady. In some cases it hit eliminated dy lliu merest luck republics" were nsHiimed an in Journeyman printer in an office red. And in our own day we have, to yields te treatment which is without with the officers of within tho first few day uftpr the cully unquestioned. Springfield, III., and one, of Lincoln keep nishop yuayle company, llar- - Thi voluntary association of Inde- avail in other cases. American tunltlvo expedition crossed Intimate acquaintance, and naked nurd Hhavv, Victor Murdock, Governor pendent el.ilea assumed the right, him to tell us a story that the maga- - Stulibs, J. Ham Lewis, yes, and Hob The darting pains, muscles or Mexico soon tho holder, iiruetlrully all however, lo prescribe liinitallotiH and zincs and books had not found. He I' itzsimmons. stiffened joints only disappear by grad- would be fighllntf the Culled States. conditions upon other stalen niid told this: Judge U'cifford, for many years ually expelling the uric acid, and so me to ridejjudge of the criminal court thin government Id to muko good, which liiiKht be admitted. "One day Lincoln asked of many thousands; have been relieved by Jf the nay knew fifteen miles out in the country wlthjclty, used to that lie never blood-enrichin- oil-foo- For Instance, die "Northwest Terri- the g d in Scott's State National Bank If It In even to save the Amerlcam him and become witness lo the w ill; a r"d-head- criminal. Dr. 1;. u Ma tory" was admitted on condition that, Kmulsion that you should give it a l'er-ahln- warn to a woman on her thlas, chief probation officer of our AliBUQUERQlTE, N. now In Mexico under General shivery never should be permitted he write for U. When the will had hem Juvenile coin t, asserted in a speech re- faithful trial. Scott's Emulsion acts as pe leathhed. not a moment mum be lost in Its borders. The ople of the blood-purifie- Corner Second Street and Central Arena within signed and witnrr.-ted- , the woman cently that he never knew a boy with a powerful r by increasing I "Original could li'dd slaves. mobilizing tha national guard of ho Thirteen" ashed him If he would not rend a few red hair to be inherently bad; and It the red corpuscles and it strengthens TJ rdted State Depository : : : : : Santa Fe Railway Depository undertook to withdraw red- unllin country and riiNlilng It lo the The south Vers'M out of the Itlble to her. They Is fin old saying that there are no the organs to carry off the acids which from the union because tho southern offered 111 in the book but he did not headed men in the penitentiary. Of cause the trouble. border. I states believed they hud a I lull to take It, but began reciting from mem- course, this may be merely a coinci- Try Scott's Kuiulsiou. It can not harm. The ulluiitlon In extremely celt ten I. withdraw. CongresH, under the lead ory the twenty-thir- d psalm, laying es- dence, but H is here offered to Ihe ted It has helped thousands and may be ex- pecial emphasis upon 'Though I walk lu ads for what it is worth. actly what you need. No Alcohol, On tluil point (hero run ho no dif- ership of Thad Hlevens III the hous MORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. whndovv of valley of d persona have ulways Scott & Bowne, Jlloomfield, N.J. 15 & and Charles Sumner In th" senate, through the the ference of opinion, llefore Ocherul death, 1 will no evil, for Thou art undertook to treat the southern fear me; thy rod and thy staff they lVrwhliiff are forces far greater thiui "conquered A with states us province." comfort me.' Without the book, he commands, to swnope I lie llehlnd him, ready board of "cHipeibiigaers" took up the first part of the cut It 1m ummunlcatlon, uro still down from the northern slates. J'ew Uth of John, 'In my Father's house of been in the union army. are many mansions." After he had linger force. Not only do the Mex-Icaii- thc.iii had Most of them were fortune liunls, given these and other quotations from him to one, or outnumber four an wa the brilliant but unaerupuluii the HcrlpturcHt he recited several of Ages, more, hut they are-- heller equipped Albion W. Touitye. hymns, closing with 'Iturk Cleft for Me.' I thought at Ihe time 1 wlih n iid ii Negro legislatures, led by these i amis iind iiiiiiiiunltlon tn had never heard any elocutionist began a of loot and veiiHoiHHl aohllem of many campaigns riot speak with as muc h power hs he did. rapine. They Issued and sold bonds j I my fully iH'uutiiiited with every foot of am an old man now, hut heart for railroads thai never were Ini'ltj melts us It did then in thai death country over fighting tho which the until they had piled a debt, for which chamber, as 1 remember how with al tumid occur. there was nothing to show, of above pathos truly divine he spoke the last ,,. stiiri7a beginning, 'While 1 draw this Tho possibilities which confront us JTOO.OOO.OOii. Taxes were piled peop.o .u, . , ore too grave for totiiporlzliiK. Wo an impove. isuou m(, W(( W(,.(, ,hen. ul( h ample, one of the richest plantations: X)r,,HM,(f Kliri,rise he should cannot permit the UNtcrmlnutlon of that of the south, lying right nt the edge hnvr acted as pastor us well ns attor the flower of the American, army bo-fo- of the capital of South Carolina, con- ney so perfectly, and he replied, 'Cod we feel In taking sisting of 1,400 acres, with 11 splen- and eternity and heaven were very Justified action " it, was sold It) a car-polb- near to me today," for Ita preservation. did mansion on office holder for $ 1,400 under In hap- WIT VS. TIUTKNKSS. Thing Mexico nro likely to dev by carpeth agg.r aiax law ised the (Chesterfield. ) pen with the auddennvHa of fire, and by negro legislature. unci passed tho It is by vivacity and wit thai man It would he Washington criminal for It was things audi as that, found tdilucH In company; but trite Jokes and to be unprepared to respond to the In profusion 'nil over the south, nn ljmid laughter reduce him to it buf- - cull. While wo ull liopo that the other and greater a bused, that cruised 'foon. the Ku Klnx Klnn to come Into 'ex- - may occur, Mex- Moral not that the Islence. The orluln of the dun vvaa I'l'T HIM OX Ol'll lWYltOI.I I i ( Holt ll till. I icans tuuy not concentrate with rap- f..,. ,. n,r,un mm, I II WHS On .Ihfna Sonicboily says: your competl- - idity, Obrcgou composed of good men, at the begin "If and that Curran.a and .11.., inn Vl ,.,' ning. It an Instrument ,, l.l .. may hr alio to check hostile move- Later, became , x.,r ,',, ...1.... i,e savs. so of abuse or I lie gravesi Hon, as is me ) I, ment for a few weeka, tho chance long as he talks." Inevitable result of all mob law. are that wo ahull he culled upon, The Journal Is convinc ed that 'The. j UU'IUI AT within the next few d.OH, to Mruin liirth of a .Nation" has a great educa- Fate nerved ine meanly, but 1 looked I at hor ami laughed, etery nerve lo avert a fireut ctittiH-troph- e tional value. That It is written from I That none might know how bitter was 11 southern viewpoint and with a below tho border. I Ihe cup I una ffed. prejudice is unmistakable. naithern Along came Joy and punned beside inc may be In order thut there clear where I sat, Culm passed a law against prlzv has undci standing of it, the Journal has Saying. "I crime to see what you were fiuhtlng. The Cubans abolished the decided to offer to Ihe civil war vct- - laughing at " '''"""gN' ' bull fight several years ago and' havo ci'iiu union and confederate Klbi Whecb r Wilcox. l.t eu trjing to get rid of ecu k fight- complimc ntary tickctn lo any matinee ing, but the natives Insist upon soiti" during the week the show Is presented A III IN lOMl'OlM A. (New H-r- t of niiiufieiiieiit, here. How the tickets uia be York livening Tost.) If every town had a of ured will be announced In Sunday'ii chronicler events as alert us the F.mpnrln Oa- - nun 11 Join mil. Tho Journal a desire is that nil; r nation. iiette, the history of refinement In t Ii. st the men who participated in the war country would present fewer difficul- The Italou Itaiuie hud the follow lug may see this great picture and wo ties to the historian. The fiit adver- editorial rcguldlng the iippeurniice of want their opinions Air publication tisement in an Kmpoiia newspaper the greatest picture show ever sl.igcd, reguidlng the fairness and truthful- from a man wanting work ns a butler There Are Only 26 Acreage Lots in ... as us w the "The liirth of a Nation," after lis ness f its presentation of the scenes receives much attention expect In that city; and inc IdelltH depicted. should from an editor who looks The " The liirth of a Nutlon," us pre- before and after. past rises before htm like a dream. sented at Ihe ilex recently, was u The Auiettcnns might do well to WOODWARD - PLACE spectacular production "It was a distinct nhock," he re- ADDITION Felix I'iass before bis activities by u marvelous composi- nab jnienibers. "alien the on of the imin fie Is r Every irrigation tion In, music which keyed the nerves become too formidable. Just who broke his own mules so any lot is under and has bearing fruit trees, and every foot of ground is under a high state of culti- to highest the tension. As a now the most active of the trouble member of the family, mother in- It libel vation and producing NOW enough to pay good interest on investment by hlstmicttl presentation is a milkers on Culled States soil. cluded, could drive them, hired 'a leasing. upon the federal gov eriiinctit, 11 upon chauffeur, and attired him In a liver-colore- d Blander Thad Steven end The purchaser of a lot makes a profit NOW and does not have to wait for an increase of of Charles Sunnier, two of the brainiest Why Hin t Americans ills; up a sub- livery. The livery went, but value. The owners the men piodueed, 11 i Ibis country ever stitute fur wood pulp. SnrnethniK wilt the h.iuffeur remains, and the town rich garden lands surrounding the WOODWARD PLACE could not afford sell ac- reflection upon (ieiieral (Irani, and Is to their land at near our prices, on bine to be done or the dully news- no longer shies vchen one comes down an injustifiuble glut iticatlon of the Ku the street." count of the productiveness of this soil. Uid-- paper soiin will be eltllveit'd from Kbit Klan, which the hiidorbiu l "It was another shock when the .iOi t i iiih as bad and reck Irs men the In tabloid form. son of the man who reached for his While there of of good agricultural handed together In opposition lo law-- f are thousands acres and garden land in the valley, the acreage of this high, very jl authority. The Vat pet Ovvn niedasses, went to Kansas City and i hatter' is about gnly sarnie a pas"! 'I'miioee referred to upon the hi r en Senator Worka the jbrnught trained butler to rich, deep soil, where ages have deposited the silt, is limited. was a brilliant man who tried 10 statesman left In Washington who haui'ne sviup. looay l.niporla raises nut He h was WOODWARD PLACE is nonie in ihe touih hut the couniu- - to advocate leaving the I,cimuneurs utid millers nerseir. 'Lit nhe from seven to ten feet higher than the Alvarado Hotel, any c Postoffice Building or most driven out by the lan. If bis wot It I'nited States naked before her cue tie by little does the town abandon are in the public library a pcrusul of 1he stern living of old days, nncl other valley point between Alameda and Isleta. This mlcs. the elevation makes the location so very desirable as a suburban them will give one a belter idea of take on the more effete civilization of the cinditions that existed the in to than the east thai is stealtlillv movlna ivrut. residence, addition getting the most productive soil the world can produce, close to the Electric Railway and the Oriffnh presentation of Dixon distor The ch.vnrter of the oppcuion M tion of tacts and hla pander to preju ward." City Water Supply. dice." the confirmation of (Iruudels doubt- - When the 10 tick rrt It pr of l'l.ei The editor t the Journal believes less has n coin lied a lm of people lo. strikes Kansas, what an article he can Prices range from $450.00 to per lot, writ., on "Kmporia - $600.00 according to size. Will sell on easy he Is In the position to Judge wui his appoint meal. K.ffete but Kffl- terms with 8 per cent interest reasonable fiuracsa the incident upon jciiut." on deferred payments. Th new 'papers m e trying lev sue unicn ti luiiti nt a .Nation 's IN : aim: 01 it. I) lll .WIS up See retary of War Haker. It H John M. Moore Realty Company or any of their authorized Agents based, as they iccurid in bis native ( Kansas Citj TimesA will show Property and close deals for unsold dihcus-tioi- i if young wtate and were matter ef doubtful the man has siod "To le d is a signal of lots, commencing today. In hi early boyhood. Incidentally, hlliiM'lf up .vet honor." said llishop W, A. Quayle in let it be ajel that h was born in a speech last week. The good bishop Call at our office, or phone and we will be ready with automobile. the mountain of Ihe sonlh where Mr. Fiiirbuuk's buttermilk cam- is d himself, and he was ad- dressing Hamlin llrd-luad- s' tha sympathies of a majortt paign for ihe republican prcsldcntM the Cniversity club. He pointed out that people Willi litilciil nomination g. cs on as Me.inib-h- as all of the Wefe the the angels painted by the old cve-r- . masters M. cause, were the active s mpathles had red hslr. JOHN MOORE REALTY COMPANY of his father and moat of people. Tb., liu, ..f l,A.,.l. .11.1 arel-i.- ear'y all the hiKli school c Is , , . . . .. The "Clansman," upon which "The Minima is n long one. ju 111s 1 aesar, ESTABLISHED now gi.eduaiing wuh the degrfa of , ., , , 1888 liirth of a .Xatiun" wua based, a M F., which ineiina m.stlfas written from a nouthern standpoint, cf.nolert Hruce. and so was Queen Klhta- - 214 WEST GOLD AVENUE. PHONE 10. fudge, but not one in a thoiiwiDd. helh. It is reputed that Helen nf , P. 0. BOX 586. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Tut presentation" U not lm ''historical known hew to build an edible biscuit jTro: ', rido, Cleopatra and Alexander r ALBUQUERQUE MORNINR JOURNAC, FRIDAY, MARCH 241916. SEVEM FOU I I'LL LEAVE IT OH ITS' Stunnin "R? VOU, HlLPA "Ton. geauy'it 7 . anp EVEN F YOU WHY- - YOU IF You like it they're Pewy, even POOQ. I OON'T WEAR IT ta MUMHV. 'U "TAKE IT IF You PonY weak. YfeAC You 0 good!!! PiPNV I It VERY MUCH-!- !! Later. Much - is think WAS TONNA TAKE. n n 1 You vJuST ON NDuli l Look?, you r pip i r I NEEDEP SOHE--' , Lrm inpucehent.

o ? i

1 .

$1.08 and July at 1.0fii4. Corn fin- DULL ished ! to 2 to 2kc down. Out SESSION IS off U to "j to 'lie and provisions varying from unchanged figures to a decline of 15c. YcM 115 Throng like JOUIMM, GLASSME! COLUMMi Bearish effects of German torpedo EXPERIENCED ON operations were much more apparent was in- iu the wheat trade than the T. Ii. McSrdden E. i. McS)dden fluence of rains in Texas and Okla THE LEE EEMOS CO. homa, where droughts had of latei SMALL AM C EICIANGE $1 J"1 :t i bath, (IcuiiimI, Steamed ud TIE been a serious handicap to the deve- .oi ott.'iye. sloeplnj Suits STOCK EXCHANGE i" ci nmnMied, includ- R A RCA INS Washing Machine, lopment of the wheat crop, iei,' lrNs'l 5 cents. ing uue gg range, Rund hot water Suit lYeswd 50 cents. Water Cooler, Vacuum Cleaner, Sharpest breaks i the price of heuter and modem electrical appli- HOME I01ES TEA Ice Cream Freezer, (Jus Range, of wheat followed the announcement ances; good outbuildings, shade For nn old resident we offer five 224 North Third. Phone 83$ Oiirden Tools, Punch Howl, Cash a second vessel from the t'nited trees; Fourth ward. acres of fin,, land improved, with Register, Restaurant Outfits, Pure having been destroyed by a $2,500 modern bungalow, Railroad Issues Neglected, States seven-roo- home with lots of trees Wool Mattress, Water Roiler, Gasoline submarine. This time the market hardwood floor", sleeping porch, CHAP U,E--Piiil- iry Tonus, and some alfalfa. Almost in town EOR S nml ECS. Stoves, Store Fixtures. Reading Being Only Active showed little or no power to recover, Fourth ward. only -- Price $4,200. Reasoniilile terms, and the final transactions were at $2,700 7 room, stucco dwell- hia;n II. uu r h,; It.Mlm C Viinilouct, KF.CO.Mi HAND MOODS BOUGHT ing, modern, lot 75x142; and MONEY. TO LOAN 11. J.fKltornR. Ki IfirnlBoii. Phone AND SOLD One; Equip- virtually the lowest level of the day. !" .' " t - Munitions and adobe on name lot. 1.:,;,: r,,e l.meiot.u 7on t,t.,...l ii r Rleyclo Headquarters A wave of felling in the corn trade . . $3,500 modern, u'tt'i'iii hum.-"- nivv('iui I't'ivii, TIEIMION & CO. Hid and S. C. White Ui'i'itiKton. UU South Phono 1111. J 20 Went Gold ments Show Strength, added materially to the embarrass- close-in- . Edith. bungalow, built-i- n features; ileep-ln- g on car line; Only $1,100; $50 it II West Gold Avenue session, ,1aU ". ment of the wheat bulls as the n nr. 1 .wttVi riALE Jiufr uiplniitoli front porch; also bungalow WW" 11, if au y jiivui Li. Full tnn came to nn end. In rear; ward. Henna airain. Tliomua Islierwood. iWESSKWAL CARD (BY MORNIN JOURNAL PBCtAk LSAStO WIRS1 by Fourth T'hono 4S4. Heavy liquidating sales holders $3,000 brick, modern, Bleep- FOR RENT Rooms. Now York, March 3. During- the corn decidedly downgrade. FOtt SAt.K Oil 1 liAfE --One Idine urai carried good outbuildings; e, 1 ATTORNEYS. proatcr part of today's lituless session ing porch, cellar, loi-- shuflloliariter'h Trimsfer leirn. -- I :ig and the absence of an North. leading wtooks rose and foil within stocks here Third ward, close In. West Copper. JOHN Xt. 11 HON, well-built, KOK HIONT ItttUHt'kri'piiiif ioum Willi fore- adequate outlet seemed to have grown $2,350 brick, modern, SEK AlUirney. fractional limits, except In the RlcrpliiK n,ri'h. !.' Nurih Blllh. A 11. W While l.ixlo rn hens (or sale, also noon, an abrupt decline in the too burdensome, especially after two Bleeping porches, good two lilnck l.nnKsliniiKs. "17 East Coat. noiitna II, 1? and 19, Cromwell Bullillng. when ! l lit KENT- - 1'tto desil-uhl- rooms foi HkIU began to break. Oats display- outbuildings; terms. Phone H..5. V. II. Mllho. Phone 117 J. .Mexican Rroup, chiefly petroleums, wheat lioiisekeeplm:. no sh k 701 West Koma. caused 1 to 6 points. ed sympathy with the action of corn. Many other bargains In Improved SALE Eaiis, 13 for Joe; White Leg- recessions of ForterSieltf - 'l' FOll RODEY RODEY Ca I'UK iiENT f ill nislled room. for trading was wholly and unimproved property. horns. Huff and White. Orplimtons; choice ATTOHN I VS AT I.AM'. Hails were more neglected than The iu oats almost 21 Gulil. llKht liousekeeplng. all) North fourth close, when West stock. 7I'8 K.sst Santa Fe. Mine .. Library ituliiiihg. usual, until toward the or a local cnaracter. ' Roftl Estate. Eire Insiirunce. IOflns. troet. Heading, made FOll HALE-Ek- us for liatclilng from S. C. an inquiry for which Provisions uere weakened by the I'(H HENT--I'u- i ulslu d n !. day or DK.NTI81S. in- A. FLEESG1E! U. t. I'.nls. llarted 1'. iWcka. Iled Poultry an extreme gain of lMs, awakened depression In grain. AD strong spots week i.'rant hull, Unit :nn, W,-s- t IVniral. in same Real Estate and Insurance. yards. 4U-4S- 3 West Allnntlc. I'holis IIK9W. UK. J. K. HBAFT terest other shares of the advantage KENT 'i in the market were taken I'ourtli Ki'K Jirea furnished homelneplim EOi.,-- K. H. I. Dental Snrgeoa, class. .Yew York Central was mod- Ill South Street. EOIE aleeplntf porch; no for hawhlng from C ltada; of to secure profits of owners of lard EME roonia. reasonable; fina layers; few brsediiiif couk-erel- s Rooma I S, Barnett Hiilg. Fhona 141 erately absorbed at higher price levels, f alek. luuH North Heoond eitra also C. V. Hay, -- 3U Appolntmente Made hy Malt. unrespon- arid ribs. Very four-roo- m bungalow In North lliith atreet. hut Southern Pacific was fine iiENT- - Eunilslu'd apurliueiiTs from state- Closing prices: Full Foil u, ODD eKKa from (,0 hens Id l'HVSH IAS) AMI HlliUEO.NH. sive to its favorable February Globe, Ariz., w.yit.l trudu for house, two to our rooms ea.h. hiecpliih' pontics. V tingla leg- -- & was May, $1.06 . FAYW00D HOT, SPRINGS elltht nionlhs: comb White ment, and Norfolk Western Wheat $1.08; July, I- or acttnt proin'rty in Albuquerque. Itus aint idrctrjr Huliis. Ilul North Second horns, l.gns. II for U. T. 8. Wiley, llox NOUIMUN Itl KION, M. D. dormant. Corn May. 72c; July, 73 ije. Street. 1.11,. 14113.1. Physician Hurgeon Trou- t Phoiin and general, equipments .May, 43 c; July, For Rheumatism, Stomach R. M tlA'C.II.VV, KENT-New- ly Ph-n- a (17. In munition Oats 42V. loilt iuluiHhed oulside riAl.l:-Et- ; Barnatt Blia. bles, Kidney Ailments, Inflamma- .210 Gold. 907. lull und cuckervls from Mat and oils contributed more than their May, $22.75; $22.57. West Phone rooms and also llKht housi keeplnu. rates B I Poik July, tions, Arterial Hardening, - prize C. llivwti eflioriis.Aloucii'tu'lo DHH. 11 II. IIAHKJ4 usual large iiuota, Mexican Petroleum l.urd May, $11.35; July, $11.60. rousonnble. l'hotie lili:. Colombu hotel, 309 and El Paso. J. W. klJ South of motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking, North Wlnl street. 'ren, 1'rncllcc limited lo I's: Car, Koa aa4 being the most active issue the May, $11.87; July, Edith. Phone 13D4J. day. loss of Ribs $12.05. etc Perfect Treatment, Perfect Throat. H recorded an extreme WANTED Moulll. SA I.E -- Hi onto iurk.y gga, : jc eacli, Blste Nailonat Hank Sldg. r, Climate. Health. Pleasure. Foil V4 at but closed at Laitfe 1044, 10fi. j ueli cry huino. liuvvlilns' newly from svvcepstitkea prize, wlaiiera at stntu some re- LEAD AND SPELTER. Modern Hotel. Rooklet. WAVTMil.lMhl Folt KENT Two furnished flout Kit. H. C. VOX AI.MKN United States Steel offered (frirry. V rooms. 219 West Hold, fair, 191ii, ideal poultry Haucli, Old sistance to pressure hut Bethlehem Phone Jlir.s. Practice l imited to K), Eat, NM 9 New York, March 23. The metal T. C. M'DERMOTT WA.N IIOU ll,iue liullamx mid j,a curimu-- ! IIENT Modiru rooioa, steajn Ileal, uu and rout. Steel continued to yield, falling to rull Full-bree- d Hoi-.k- Ih trjr.Jrtun Keller. I' ?'J2W. sick. fiOSli West Central avenue. HEI'UMl ECUS Haired Office Hours: 10 to 19; I to 4 4H5. Metal shares were active, exchange quotes lead $7.S7 bid. N. ;."e per selling of 1J; Duff orpluglona, Eajwood, M. i'iu',,1 Vp hutiKy. I.. E. I1U- - room, 21014, West Central Avenue. PhoB American Zinc and Butte and Speller Not quoted. hee Hilt KENT 1'lciisaiit, ulty chiiit II: Khodn Island Ileds, SI. 401 North lit ley ut springer TrHiwfor and well furnished. HUH Went Lead. Kuperiot. Thirteenth street. Phone Unit. lH. T. 1. TA JIM CAltl'Kr CLEAN iMi, nd atova 1'OK Two i iim and sleeping p Total sales of stocks amounted to NEW YORK MFTAL 5LVRKET. furniture t;i:N'f o:h g'tTAU ft 'C(7u N fiT NiHH'lullst Iu I e. La r, Nose and Throat. repairing. W. A. Ooff. I'liona DCS. housekeeplnit. IliO 7 4S5,(HIO for South Third. Egga for hutching, HI centa each, from Fiiltn Barnett Itldg, Albuquerqu. sharis. Slate Funds Apportioned. t There was less peace talk, and gen- New York, March 23. Copper LACK curtalna carefully launitrrt d by hand. FUHMSIIED rooms, hot water heal, ou the finest Buff Orpingtons and Ulack Honrs 10 a, m. 4 p. m. Phone til. Santa Fe, .March 23. State funds 1004 East Copper avonun. I'hopa ,87. sick, no children. 114 West silver. In west, 1.. 11. Morgan Sons, eral news from abroad threw little Steady. Electrolytic, nearby, $28 00 the and THE MlltPIIKV HANATOItKM $110,-692.2- .8 Ii.'oibc-ke- Phone light on existing conditions. for February, amounting to WAN'J'Eli House paintiiiH, only Foil JtliNT rooui8f ur finlit" i ll Souih Arno. l7u, 'I'uhereulosla of Ihe Thnuit and I anga. (928.00; June ana later, $27.00 .', today by Iei-ut- y used, l'tmnu 1S13, nulley HtroiiR. ptuir. very desiralile. '.' West Silver. HALE Egga, Huso comb State Hankers expressed no surprise at were apportioned FOll City office, SISli West . Central Avenu. 27.50. d the reported refusal of the entente al- Treasurer 11. N. Marion. The W'A NTE'li- - YollliR iii:iu warns 10 room Old Foil KENT Two nicely furnished rooms A. V. A, eliow. first cock, first and ac-n- Office Hours: to 11 a. m.j S to 4 p. m. Iron Firm unchanged. with not si, ic. . hen, pullet, first pen color and to grant a to Greece. and of $51,652.81 went Into in- board prince family; K (or housekeeping uu aluk. 017 West first Phone r:'6; Runutortum Phone 481. lies loan sum the W. shape special, egga, II, $3. 14 per Itos, was of the Metal exchange quotes tin quiet. l'.. Journal. Kllver. II. W, T. Murphey, M. D , Medical Director .Southern Pacific first stitutional funds, $13,712.36 into the comhjt. 1. wlilto, 12 per 16. J. Braiigle, February Spot, $ 4 9.00 g 50.00. FOK Jemea and Sulphur Hprlniis enKairs FOIt ltRNT Xlivly ftlrnlslietl rooms important roads to submit salary fund and $6, 220. til into the lame OuJ North Eighth atreet. of $204,-00- r'linon (lari'la's teams. Cheap ratea. Call or light huusekcoplnK. West Hold. W, M. SHERIDAN, M, D, earnings, with a net increase 121)2 11' tliey pay, (TTV GRAIN. state road fund. North Arno. fhone 17 73. Tilt? DAT, wtu. they lhat'a KANSAS enough tu any. Navajo It. I. Ileds, H. C. Practlc Limited par WANTIODA lew e.pus ( MiliMi KENT-- - suitable, for Honda were steady. Total sales, lulll. Full Furnished room White Orplngiona, 8. C. Anoonaa, H. 8. .States OUT N .stuie I lemocrat. Will pay two gi'lillemou, board if desired. 4111 Genito Urinary Diseases and value, were $2,825,000. United Kansas City, March 23. Wheat CTT THIS IT IS WORTH ' Harnburga stock, rgga and chicks. I.. K, L'.'e taih. .1. (',. All.rliiM. Soul It unit. bonds were unchanged on call. No. 2 hard, $1.031.10; No, 2 red, MONEY Thomas Poultry Yards, 'ii East HaaeKllns WANtTJiJ if7ueR"7uitaPIfo"r coal lattn liEXT-T- wo of Skin, Closing prices: May, $1.00V4; July. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this FOll rooms and sleeping nveniio, AlhtniuerqUH, X i. Diseases the $l.O5C'1.10; tvork. Address AlhiuiueriU( Vs Alaska Gold I'.)7' slip, enclose with 5c and mail It to irrillos porch, fiiriilHltetl for lmht housekeeping, FOtl HAI.EB. 0. Whl Leghorn baby The Waasermann and Nogurhl Testa; 89 lac. Ooal company, Madrid, or Altmijuerqiie, (nn; 1:107 V. Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing modern, West lion, phone chicks, the kind that grow tu be IT ,n vers "006'' Administered., No. 2 niix"d, 67c; No. 2 N. M American Pect Sugar 71 Vj Corn your name and address clearly. You Foil KENT Elegantly lui nlahcil roonia, and Payors;" chick $14.00 per 100; 17.60 CltUena Dank Uldg. while, 7c; No. 2 yellow, (iS'j 5160c; runnlnK In every room.. Vtndomu per 60; $4.00 per SCj egga 11.60 per 15. W. Albuiuerciue. New UstIoo American Can k""A will receive in return a trial package - water American Locomotive V 5 .May, Giisic; July, containing Foley's Honey and Tar EORJUVT- P.oard. Aiuien. Mis. John I'ornctto, corner Second J. Yott, Albuquerque, N, M, P. O. Bog 67c. 107. long phone 18D0M. E, E, D, Amor. Smelt, & Kef'ng 100 ft Oats No. 2 white, 4ii',.ic; No. 2 Compound, for lagrippe coughs, colds FOll IIENT Houms and hoard. Ratea 11.00 und Hllvcr. distance R0YER, M. per day 11 muih Brondway. and sleeping Eg-g- from the bast In Amor. Smelt. & Kef'ng pfd 112 mixed, 4 1 (ft. 43c. and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for IlOl'SEKEEI'lMi looms, clean FOtt rUliK the IIOMROPATIIIO PIITSICIAN. aleep-lin- 111, soy so. American Sugar Refining 11 (Hi lame back, weals, kidneys, rheuma- huli KENT Jioard und room, with t and well (urnixhed; III nd water free; stale their records Ithoile Island Of fleet Wllltlng llulldlng. Phone g porch, (it f20 South Hroada ay. close In; IIS.UO per nioiilh. American HeUs and Flack Minorcas, Mamnmth Hlolite American Tel. & Tel 130 YORK COTTON. tism, bladder troubles, and Foley Ca- ruit XEW KENT rooma with board, holel. Fll'lli und Ontral, turkeys, con sparo a limited number f DR, W. WTDiLC American Tobacco thartic Tablets, a wholesome and Foil Furnished shipping 17.60 per weak; close In. 124 Bouta FOll KENT Nice clean furnished and un- settings, nor. Ten kinds straw- Anaconda Copper thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for April 1. X . V.W...II..I. 114. - New York March 23. Spot cotton Edith street. furnished roonia by day ur week, under berry plants, ship Ited Feather i..,. i ,.., . It'..ivn. f'.nln.l niouur.S..A Atchison 1034 constipation, biliousness, headache Farm, limit 1, I'ortalea, N. M. ; Over I'eoiier More 3 to 4 p. m. 105 Steady. Middling uplands, $12.00. sluggish bowels. every- HIGH CLAH8 room and? board; sleeping Dew management. Tlltttier Houau, 3lVi Haldwin Locomotive and Sold street. T'hone 821. Uab" fi. Cr'XUUa 1AM) A ITOK N K V3 AMI sFlTVEYoTil Sales, 1,300 bales. porches. Special attention to health axek-er- s. South First Ighorus. ltaltimore & Ohio where. B r, 0 C77 eggs one day. Many f,12 Sonlh Hroadway. laionn Ko;. Ft H KENT Kooms, littv'ly furnished hens laid PUT 111 MS. (Viuiitj Surveyor! Kdmund llethlehem Steel 49" In use descended from hen with UAjNCU rooms with sleeping porches, running wat- cockerull Poss, U. B. Mineral Surveyor. HQ West Brooklyn Rapid Trausit SV NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. McKEIjLAK (Julet and altraoilv record of 446 eggs In two years 7r?is, LOST. postof-flc- er In each room; one. housekeeping apart- Cold avenue. Hog 419 Albuquerque. N. M. 2 3 4 health rasort, two mile) north of 11.60 per 16; 7 per 100; each; California Petroleum eggs, convey- ment. Call fil:t West Cold avenue. chicks lto I.OHT M'auluy evenltia: t Elks' cliiii pair fresh Jersey milk, free 17.60 per 114 per 100. cat- Canadian Pacific l"Vi New York, March 23. Mercantile ance, sleeping or 60; Illustrstcd MONEY Tit LOAN. of fckifH'H In rtMuru to C V. porch cottitKi. Phone 1690W Highlands, O.iiili-- Hunch, Central Leather 54 Vs paper 341314 alogue free. s Poultry percent. Itnydt'ii. ut K. I.. Wiililunr e, a ml 11AXCH The, moht M. Chesapeake & 64 t.i LOCItllAllT attructlva KENT Two aouiU rooms. ss4 ttoutb N. Ohio Sterling Sixty day bills, $1.72 'i; rtr.-lw- reward. health r aorL one utile north of town. Full Chicago, Great Western 13 Mi eggs Waller. Phone 1(173. FOll HALE White leghorns. Eggs for demand, $4.75 34c. All milk, cream end produced on place. cur 'hieago, Mil. & Bt. mailed 11 Doulh hatching. Baby chicks. Write for Paul 5 II ELP WANTED. Free carriage for guests. Eleetrlo llghta, FOll KENT Fur rooma. g I.EGAD NOTICE. Chicago, K, I. & Pacific 17',i liar silver Hie city mall service. Ilooms of ' oottagea. Walter atreet. Phone mating list telling aMul eg-- records and Ry.... 40 Male. prlza winners. At the last New Mcalou All Ml Mi I it A Mill S NO I H I t'hino Copper . 54 Mexican dollars 'c. Phone I0S. Mrs. W. H. Heed. KENT Two !.rooma for light WA.VTKD; furnished Ktals Fair we won more first prises than In tile matier of itie ehtnte of Eugenlo P. Colorado Fuel & Iron 46 Government bonds Steady. Maid, uaUriKS, good itiilher housekeeping, electric lights, ga, Path, lur dairy, h'mpluymnnt Asrtncy, 110 South FOR RENT Apnnmimig, any other Whlto Leghorn exhibitor. Also liuleln. dcccaeil. Crue)bl0 S9r bonds Steady. private elll Wood-fol- Con-f.iih- s Steel Railroad 1 htrd strci't. I'honn .1f.4. en'ra.lue. East leal registered Introc Jersey hogs. A. C. Notice Is hereby glen that'8otdud Denver & Rio Grande pfd lCVi Time loans Steady. Sixty days, TWO-HCiO- aparniieut reasonable. Imiuira Hnnt.a Fe, N. M de Uarelu. a 'I lllllosi la trig of the estate 5) WAX'J'KI) CurpKnlei-- und liilini-vin- S'n,d Distillers' Securities 48 3 90 days, per New hotel, corner First and Tl.leraa. JFOJItUJTj of Eugchlo P. C.IICill. decegficd, bus filed 2(ff per cent; 2(!f3 tvaKCH. Apply Tliomas I'liiplov mi nt 37 I: EXT" 'lriii 1hicc-ii,on- i In tiie Probate Court of HeriiatiUo County, cent. HRiify. I'M Suuth FOH nisln:J apio North. l Bft.nd. rowF)RSArEMblht New Meiiio, her fliiut report as sut h o 16" piiviito haili, slci'Plne: porch. 45 u d furniFhed Electric rate, FOll KENT house i Vs Call money Steady. Ruling WA.N'TICIi A fli'Kt waRli man to uimli CEttAlt POST.-- olid fertiliser. Phone 154IW. IniNt rn c.rocu Northern pfd 121 class per month. Incliuln.K renter, Unlit, gas mid with sleeping p,,iiTi at :'l.h0. water paid. v and tin. Court has appointed 2 cent. anrt rirt. intisi I,e nober and 110 ie.owiti' garune. 'OH HA I.E - II. u se. iniggy ,uid ucss, lav, tiie Isth day of April, Ulii, nt ctfs 44 per use of 1114 Wist Central. At 00 Nor Hi Second. Phono owner, jsihW. luii. real Northern Ore smiikfr; prefer married mini. Addn bs wilii np, I. ten o'clock In the forenoon ef auld day, us t'Uggenheim 20 nRXTigl-- ' lass one L. Hayes, 41U South High. ihi Phone tin. F.xploration ihe I'arlion I'liy kunmlry, Gal- Foil opartiinint f. ihe time f,,r bearing objections, If any Illinois 103 CHICAGO IJVESTOCK. rU'i'tmi. large, beaiitlfuUy furnished living rijorn, f 'i: BA I.E l iulerw ood typewriter, good Centrul lup. N. M. Hoiltll. :ui. IV 2 tlieie be, to the approval of said final re- 1 7 V private bath room, glnsgenclosed steep-lu- g order, South Fourth. Phone IU. Interborough Consol. Corp Foil KENT Unfurnished, houaa, port lltol tile iTs, ll.llge of toliil llilllllllic- - va Ffmni.. porch with sun porch, strictly modern, I' ill Slltlu r sewing loo, lline. Inspiration Copper 47 (Tih agu livestock, modern. Inquire 410 West Lead. SALE'o'oil tiatiix. A. V.. WALKEIt. Re- WANTED Coinpeleiit "c"'k. Apply sua practically new, snltnl'lo for two or four M. Tloj h.ingi-- fin West Cold. Phone International Harvester, N. J...110"i Chicago, March 23. Cuttle Foil PENT Modern houses. 4 lo 7 rooms, i:, clerk of satd Probats Court. 26 U'est Coliper R'.'pnUe. people; must be perniaine.nt: several ex- 1111. Kansas City Southern ceipts 3,000. Market strong. Native cellent dining rooms In nelghborhuod. 815 fine locations; some furnished. W. II. Woman - ;11 Coll). FOH SAI.E- - ilo" loll I011 i1i,.k. solid wa Lehigh Valley 7K7S beef 18.05; western IVAN'i'hU lor oookinu and tfen.r- We si Lead. West 1 steers. $7.70i nl housework. 423 nul; good condition. Hoom l, Anierlcsn Louisville & Nashville : ... 22 North Srond. Full HUN T New cement Idm k hou steers, cows and heifers, Hotel. 'IKeaweO-Ciirns- oi Mexican Petroleum IO6V2 $7.708.75; WANTED Expel loiiceil alexlad y. must filliilshld, lootiis modern, reasonable if ttitiiul Lisa $4.10(f(!B.OO; $8.00 10.50. JWRItJKTOJTJ H Voting Miami Copper 88 calves, spt-a- Upan ith. Alply Mundil!, Vycr & Co FuitiuSsTTjnoTo taken at once; 7i'f, West Iron nvenue, FOH t.E mute, hand planter, Dally passenger service leaving IloaweU 21,000. Market luiusiTv, eieam bargiiin. Call Missouri, & Hogs Receipts WANTIOti Clirl gtnTTul or',i, phersun. Jmfrnal office. It EN T - Two tiiioe-ioo- furn- soaiator, and Carriioio at 8:00 a. m. Kansas Texan pfd.. 10'i for houses, evenltigN. 1,07 Ms average. Ar-n- N'ollh Arno street. Through fare, one way Missouri 4 slow, 5c. above yesterday's smnll family, good waste. 707 South FOH RENT One-hal- f apace, 118 ished for housekeeping, gas stove, water ,,.1I.SI Pacific offloa - beile, 1 Met-oal- f. K.M.E- rurnnuivl drlasers, lniermsdlute points, per mile National Biscuit 124 Bulk, $9.60 fT 9.75; light, $8.209.75; phonn ::8. BoutU Fourth atreet. Apply W. P. end light paid. Apply Huh South First. FOIt It kltchsn c.iiiliiets. stoves, chnlrs. dishes an, I 60 lbs. bnggnge free Eices carried. National (fT WANTliD (SIi for Ri'nerul liousi'wi.rk; no FoP. 11ENT"-Ouo.o,,i- bungalow with Lead heavy, $9.35 9.80; pigs, $7.508.00. cookltig utensils. :ui4 Noitti HroadwHy. ROSWFIL Al'TO CO., 1 5 AppiU'iints writo to Mrs. 11. sleeping pop h. completely furnished, Nevada Copper Sheep Receipts 13,000. Market wurliinif. , Ownera and Operators. Phone 111 New York Central 105 lambs, II. Kinney. Cio'ihage. X. M. statinit light and water paid. 4111O0 per mnntii toll liel.avat s.paia-tor- firm. AYethers, $8.5011.25; natp-- i'li.elleiit condition with and Y N, 60 ae, expiTk'in;o and KENT Btoreroom oocupled by A. W. f;M West Coal, hand H. & Hartford 11.70. Foil power site' hinenis. Albuquerque Creamery. XurfoJk & Western 122 $9.751 Hayden at 419 West Copper. Inquire 417 llllilnds. 'i FOIt HALE Poll top desk, cheap; giiaalltle Northern 113 Vi West rvinrt Four-roo- completely DAILY AUTOMOBILE STAGS, Pacific Livestock. WANTKD- - I'osltiona. FOH PENT cottuge, engine horsepower; steroopilcau outfit Pacific Mail Kansas City furnished. 116 per month. 1416 Bouth IH Passenger Servlo 254 Cattle-Rec- eipts 8Vt North Eighth. Phone 13';4. Pennsylvania &67i Kansas City, March 23. tVANTi:iJ t'oittion hy youiiK woman sti:li-of- .i FOR KAI.E Real Fstate. Arno. Cointileie. Silver City 1:30 p. ra. 7"r Mogollon 6 (11) a, .ipher. Some enporieiivu. Will leuvo iai-ii- i p.oTiPArN and oil, good l.eav 01. Pullman 1,500. Market higher. Prime Folt HA LE llewt in llluew.tler Mille. Foil HEN T modern Palace Oar lfll'a city. Hoi ;ix. Journnt. furnished nny kind of f. 6i)c per gallcoi. i"c bar- Cars meet all trains. Largest and bsat Kay 1 beef Address 1. T Hrork. iallop, N. M. house wtiU sleeping porch. 'HZ Houth Consolidated Copper 23' fed steers, $9.25 9.60; dressed rel lois. Man.ano c.,.. 110 H0111I1 Walnut. equipped auto livery In the aouthweat. V TE D - I'ofii ion as of, gfiietal High. Heading 85 I7.S0 B 9.25 : western steers, mnnuft' MESA LAND FOll RALE. ITlTj BENNETT AUTO CO. steers. roliandlse store. ifo(l rcfiT'-net- K I'l': I Ta"k E 1 autoinol'l e model. Republic 52 ! nit and 10 acre to 100 acres with water. Phone Three-roo- IT Silver City, New Iron & Steel $7.75(T.9.26; calves, $6.50 11.00. MaiiaptT. oar .lournal. loK HEN'f house, screened brand new, four cylinder touiing car; go- Mstioo 9S expioi. nrcil. Addr.'ta 15DKW. at noon or svenlncra. porches, outbuildings, 111 per 1101 Southern Pacific 6,000. month. ing rnuth and do not care tu ship, choim Hogs Receipts Market WANTED Stcuograplur, xitertoiifed In y Inquire 1V4 Southern Railway 21 FOIt KALE Lots, whole half block, vei Houth Arno. Houth Arno. H'el. L. Kli.iw. heavy immf-dlat- chas. Rtudebaker Co 143 higher. PiulK, $9.3Of.60; Ki'nt' office work, wistiea good lots. Ihree bl'xks to university. MI0, FOH KENT Cottage, neaTTy furnished: (&. FOH HALE Forty plants, 10 of a Kind, II, 53 $9.50'o 9.65; light, $9.20 9.50; pigs employment, rellahle. not afraid to work. easy terms. Address Hog 3.;. Journal. three rooma with bath complete, large Tennessee Copper Aditr.ns E. P., care Journal. strawberry, rnspberry. black- Texas Company 196 $8.00 9.00. FOK SALE OR TKADE A e farm, steeping porch, perfectly aanitury. Apply berry, Himalaya gooseberry chrysan- WANTED Tia. her. Ensllsli disi. nt, si vi n mornlng-- t 1624 phone anj l'n ion Pacific 1334 Sheep Receipts 4,000. Mnrket within a mile of Dayton, N. M., In the East tVntral. 3t. themums: tomb honey, f2.40 a case. Barton years expori.'iu-- In atnlo. profession? Pecoa valley. Forty apple orch- ATCIIISON, 1 1.55; year-- 1 acre of t'eneral. Keller. Phone TOPFKA a HiVTA KAIL. J'uion Pacific pfd 824 strong. Lambs, $10.85 ft speaks Spanish, vrants position, ard, trees; alao i;s:W. FI 85 cerllficate. forty acrea in FOU H EN M'AF CO. tnitetl States Steel $9.50(10.40; wethers, $8.00(((; public, private s( hool. Kovernnes.. Address alfalfa; good house, barn fencing. Will 00 Foil SA ,E A 700 Krell autu grand pi- 116 ling, unit ebb ken houses, good water I'hone 14 1'iM'. Westboond. J rated States Steel pfd 900.' 1'eseher. carp Journal. sell on terms or trade for Albuquerque real ano, with 1100 worth of music, at a bar- No. tah ways; Closa. Arrives Depart! Copper 81 estate. W W Strong, Alhuqiieruuo, N M gain; easy terms: piano plays both 1. California Expresa l:S0p Western 90 EOR SAM' I.KcHtpk. all lead tubing. Call forenoons. Mrs. Tlt- - 7:Jp Cnion Denver Livestock. FOR SALtHniisoa. 1. California Limited 11:00 11:30a "'"Htinghouse 68 cow 414 tioulh Third street. 7. Expresa 10:16 Electric Cattle-Rece- ipts lull SALE Fresh with calf. Phono Past .:, 4 Denver. Colo., March 23. ,S A I.E f'K eroom briek house, mod- 9. Total sales for the dav, 35,000 KINIjS. both new aecond-hand- . FOH HALE Navajo blankets, eVhmeddtng Fast Mall ll:6up 11:20 ern, See owrfer, r. 24 WeBt Cngl. ALL and shares. 500. Market higher. Reef lot. e Direct from Guar- 19. Da Luxe (Thursdays) 7:60 bought, sold, rented and repaired. Foil HA1.E -- Three Sound young mares. standard. reservation. ... 1:01 Five-roo- absolutely genuine. steers. $7.75(3 8.75; cows and heifers. KOIl gAI.E modern house; Typewriter Exchange. Phone Hi. Phone UltiM. anteed to be Best Houthbound. 6;xti:'; cash or easy terms, rhonea Hi outh F,irth atret prices ever offered In Albuquerque. I). B. III. Ft Paso Express 10:l0p CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE. $5.75 fir 7.25; stockers and feeders. FOH HALE Voting, geill le pony, suitable or ti'iUJ. lMiEUWiil d 1 VI'TTwlllTEItS' New McKee. residence 411 North Thirteenth 615. El Paso Express 1:66 $6.50fi 8.00; calves, $9.50(f 1 1.25. for children, .;o. Liu:, West Fruit. atreet Phone Ml. Kusthound. Chicago. ly A1.E By owner, house, cor- Firt cUks rentals, Itepaha and March 23. Renewed 5c Full e',77E-O- ue fumTiy aiTd 10. Atlantic- Hoks Receipts 1.800. Market ner lot. trees, sheds, etc, It.luO.UO. Call high grade rebuilt Upew riter a. Expti t me- FOK cow, saddle Express T:I5 1:16 loss OVu t. Express 2 lf.p of submarines causing the higher. Top, $9.30; bulk, $9.15'i' South Edlih. chanic. In charge of shop. :til West li old. nnd drlv'lng h,,is North Second. DmsfjkKjrok Eastern l:40p "t Ul w 4. California Limited I:40p 7:00 four RhinH tn-- nf (hem from the Phone IU. 'mlei o,d Typewrllcr company. SALE Pino Jeia. y Ik if. r calf, two 9.25. FOll FASIIIi iNAIIt.n IiHESSMAKINO Your I. K. C. Chicago Ex T:Up T:60p I'nitea States, considerable to do un- ks old 'Ihe Exchange. .'') West Cold. or no had gheep Receipts none. Market DETECTIVE AOENY. home mine: patterns, satisfaction 10. D Lux (Wednesdays).. l:00p :llp today with In value of cor most any t SALE Coach colt, 11 nionlhs old, farm guaranteed. Madam L. Wood (Just from a setback the changed. tiAvlb wood lovaiioD aiud Foil , From Mouth. 'heat. Tha market eloserl steady". retull buslnesa. SIS South Flrit alraat IF KuU want a detective, write Box ill. wag-on- single harness and separator. C. l.cs Angeles), room 2, i.Yysial hotel. i231j 111. It ansa City Chicago... f:0la t0 City. B. Blaka, phone lSvon. liouttl becond 1'bouo 171. Kanssj City 1 to 1140 net lower with May at BetulU trvm Journal Want Ada. luqulra Savor hotel offlc. ureal. 11. A Chicago... I I9p ALBUQUERQUE MORNING MARCH EIGHT JOURNAL. FRIDAY, 24, 1916.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. PRIMARIES T HOOP TRAINS TO WHILETIIEY LAST THEATER More. Hiiiisc". limine l iiriil-lil- ii' (mud. Cut lerv. Tunis Iron Plic, Valve If Tin "'! topper Work. IH.ST So SHOW IN and I'iMlnir. riiuiihliitf, llciitlni:. INDIAN MOCCASINS TIIK 81 MK TODAY ON B PIOTI Ht.H CHANG! TODAY i sir, DETERMINE IRE ARRIVE sin w. i:m hi. w i:. ti i.i iiom: CHOICE $1.00 PER PAIR .M. i,'.--. ri i: "i' 'i. Sl7:,

I ,u.i l TIM". MOST IKUM '.WIVES slsT OX . Win I..,, i- n- in I. i'ii ii. WAY TO BORDER ci.oo. G. 0, P. NOMINEE iiddi. ii'- - I'"'"" "" Boss CHOICE 40c PER PAIR M FlourItlOMT.TS THEY TIIK MOST Page HfXVU'hK f.ET i.l'-'l- ' Wheth- Specials to ary h'.'i I'! mi I'' Will Be Known Tonight Four or Five PasSj niul SI. -- ;. '. I',., Iii- -' I'hnii i: ."I'll. I''"'. "lid er Mayor Boatrisht Will Through Albuquerque; Fiist. SECOND EPISODE TWO PARTS Have Majority of Delegates Due Between 8 and 9; BOND-CONNEI- L SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY GENUINE HAND MADE to Convention, o'Cloek This Morning. i NAVAJO BLANKETS SHEEP AND WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS I Chk, size U: ft.. ' ,1 K l w $1 Office mi'l Wrcliou-.o- , Tljrrim Avenue niul Kiillp.iiil Truck. H Idin .1 hll". i."l Win. will be tin. i', .iil,li, mi - Tin. firm trains, cairyinu troop to N 10.1111 ini- ,, pi tin- - fur mayor pnnKiM', will lie de-id- the Mexican border, to pays thnniKli fK I.. .'.. '. M.. ' s- l'. u k, i,l in tin. niin i,i ini;ii i, s loutuht Alluuiuci niie slue.. tli(. depart nr.- from T I. il 1'i.r. . "" I'l'K-- ui' tin- - xf,lM mil i 4 nl 0 it will l.c Mayor r.o.itriulil;('(iluiiil,iifi imiiii I..-.- Whether ' ;,, oi in- - elwe will I,' determiner IVrnlilliB. "ill bcifln Uplift sol under lieni'lal The ' .!. m. .' ii., ii ecii.nnly. I'rinled iM.ii i iy'it Ii' kctM, jiiri iviiiK this mornim;. . ; i U I,-- XM..V) ,, ilil-- , ' i ul.n .iii'I whie. 1,,'iirliiK tin- mi Mich l Hi,- iiiiivui'.s nut or train were v T r,.n il THREE-PAR- mi- - i !.it-K- w ill !'( l.y IiIm i s m h,.,hil,.. !,, A IbutiUcr-iin- T MASTERPIECE i.ii..' . ni'il Mii"rl' pass throiif;li i i i v.-- i i - YRIC THEATER : .!. ti is uli.'ii ihe ciuuil it. si kin il will li''',,m. williin III.' ii.'Xl two days, iiocord- I. i v. ,, lad., u i .up hil''. H'i.l'": .'i .simple niiiller to if n il wlii'lhei' Mr. 'llu, ieii-il..- received yesterday II TODAY ONLY Mill.. , Ii. - I . llonlrmht w ill cunn i'l the rcpublica n .ift.'i tiooii. Tin' first train, of cenviitioli eiulileell cars Is expected to lir-- l The no e lies etwi-e- the inn vol' i rive between and li o'clock thlBj ii ml M. i;. Illekey, Die first of the re- - inoriiintt. What oi KHiuzation tins IN ( ARTHUR HOOPS AND RUBY HOFFMAN STRONG'S ,ihli( :in eiimliiliiles lo ome out for train is transport iim was not known ieip.-i-l Mayor mini ownership. 'here l:i mi night, hut possibly il is one slihse,tietit!y hiis ilerlare.l hjin- - of the squadrons of tlic Fifth I'nitefl PASTIME THEATER si If on DiIh question. He, too, fuvot's Stales cavalry, which hits been d TODAY ONLY THE DANGER SIGNAL ,ily ownership of tMc water suppU to the order, or a squadron of . I 1 1 -- Book sU-in- . Store 1 s lib lnc-- diiui Valine In Mil' Adapted IVinil "( nniuaii. , lite Twenl fiflii infantry. lUtxidi Ki-i- l I Xiniiiiiiiilioil. ' Tin; lii' Xliin Mni Mini UK Win ." I.IkIH" The second squadron of Ihe Fifth , . Ti'iaiutle-Ku.- v Itee Draiiia. Feiilurinir iconic liiwci-ll- The I'.onl rlnlit oi miniziiDiin pious .av.ilry, w hich wa. stationed at I "i t M ( In re Wllliani. 'II Mi: OF SIIOWv 1:011 :t::tl. I:l."i, 11:00, 7:15. ItO, II: I.V to send out htillots fur tin- mayor's Kali., was over Ulllaid Mack and j worth. to navel so they will squad-jlon- I tmliiy, Dial Die Kanta Fe l iiilwuy (Mlier s FATTY AMI MAUFI. A UK FT j Ii With -- in rem the voters hefnre tniiinht. A Tiliinle-Keyslo- m Coineily in Three I'lirls. Fciitiirin: I'alty TOMORROW Gladys Hanson "The Primrose Path" OF ALL printed of this resimeiit were stationed BIGGEST the I'HllotH will he sent three i' t und .Mabel Noroiaiul. oiitlilirp t lat Fori Sheridan, ill., ami "i .iyer Kliilements, one of which lie i question. Vn. Nothiin,' was known here about WOTIIFK (iOOl) SHOW may, ii x stiiml on Hie water the route taken by Ihe firs! alid third une, printed In rid ink on kipi-i- i suuadrons. ADMISSION ADl ITS, 10 ( :: 'IIII.I!ti:, 5 FNTS :trc noinu tip in .'ill nf ihut IIHiper. n"U forth that Mr. Ii..iltiht eurrylnjr tlie Twn-- i:TS ion heruuse Four trains are i Mi tow n PICTURES COMING is entitled to leiiominat lilf.mtiv from Fort A. j of his fiRht UHainst the Ki'ttlVKated l. IMPORTED SARDINES, 1' S;ili'll,'. (oiitiiK lor urpeH RusKi'll, Wjfu. me bait.ilion of Hill , ilistrii't. This shuetnent also ainl uililer, irml Mill, .lullll S.iwti-lli..- regiment passed tlnotiKh liciivcr yes- li In the election of Mr. lloati iKhl with ti I'ioIiiI nod lloni s.. pure I el iirin.l yehleripiv from ' "d liemi. terday and the oilier two were lo PAY CASH-SA- VE MONEY I I Ml ; 'cninril in liaimotiy Willi Ins views. Hive liirne chih, l."r. y.uiiloViil i w A. in uiiiily, liere Mi. S.iwti'llr TO CRYSTAL SOON The mal'Miieiit. printed in have left Fori 1'. Kussell later , - other I'HONU YOIH OKhKUS IN. SO wn 1 lupins i ii f,,i .',- of i n- -j III" IWiliclo. In pure lllitr (li; tlih nrpi .'conventional hliuk mi plain white day. III I'pilll'illK III-- ' Iiliil:-,- ' iM'fOSS The tialu, which will itrrlve Oxif stMiicmMts. aij, ;oois llil'e eillis, ;.",f. jtelH til.' j paper, says that the mayor inherited HKIjI FJIKL). IMn up-- ; i utop so 1'in'lro iiinl luillilmu new j an "empty" treason- and ti lls of his morniiiK. to two hours 'that Siiidkeil, In Olive , Ill-- CRYSTAL pure nil; pl'i ill f,( tlliise 'iihIi,',I l,V manage-mint- " livestock may be fed rested. i,ii' i "paiiiMlakinK and careful the and PHONE 624 l( of cars, Mr iin,l Mr- -. Kniest l.iv, of Mml-- j of the city's finun lie The iraiii coiisit.j eighteen Ti'ofrleil, u.'ie. 'llil, Siinl.i I''. eiuinly, who 11 el" ini "Biitli of a Nation" cicdlted with paying $l.ti!l on "iW one of which is a slut k cur. if this till- CilV , - I a train Is carryint; Die Fifth G- llll' i.'ll llil"-- left .M'Klll- debts." The Reiieral fund now ltnx tupped P" & - St3r NaPhUia 5C' DOMESTIC SARDINES iliiy inn ri n for , Minn..' to Be the Greatest ' biihiiiee of J4,'"S4.:'S. it says. ureat.-- part ol the stock was , TONIGHT wlii'ie Mr. l.iv: oii.miii Hie M.ivol f.tliis; I'liiccs. on another train. ",l The or 6 bars today for . . 25c lo ToiiiiiIi, (Hi', I'm' I I i Ever Pi educed Shikc, ri i Ii mi, in, iv heir lionpi-- ! Masterpiece Is lion, 'st, h,. is s.tiare I eix imiiii' "lloatriKht J.V. i l M square liei toi i en) no in r. I. ix is and helievrs in honesty and TO P. & G. Naphtha Washing .1 in Wo, Id, 'CHICKLETS' PROVE In tliisluiil sioe.. I ii. '. lor jlillffel illt Hllllie Uillll of IT11.I I' Film lileallni; in the adminislration of city - , LeRoy ! Osborne --'"le; Infjn- l.'ie. .illin-'ii- t llnil Iiiim uri'.ill-- iinnnveil liiiuj affairs," says the stalement. "He has Powder, in several sizes. i BE BIG DRAWING CARD for III.- p:i:-- l .'iir. enforced cicunliuess in ailminislerin); expend- i,fl,-- ; i leitv and economy in To- IVi- -h (mil Nh, Mm. A. I. n week's) When lip n pen of Thoimis affairs 13 Lbs. Beet Sugar, 'KF.SF.XTS lloiteh - money. He . , I iture of llu- taxpayers' lias Milt company, now pla- - Imxex, J5e; Im.-- I."ie, vlhit Willi Ini llieinl-.- nnil Mis, I'. il. I'iM'ii. .Il poll :iyrl Ihe history of The klfls , In all time and lias j 'Kent, l.ll .M'Hlenlny fur llivel uhlc, Die liilHiimh-l'tooil- iinheln ynhli' i en on (he Job the inn at Ihe Crystal, is t;ct'im; latfier day $1.00 I every llollilllil 2 "!'; I ritti liiioii to detail llerrlliu, fill' 'I'lilif.. where w ill vliil I'm of tin re, onsl I'm ion M I' ii ii of ilven minute crowds every day ami putling on a I ev Tor '2'ti , !of city business." iriil iIiivh 1,,'lor,' on ii ui in; on li"l' Ihe south, it hnihliii heller Hum lie the much heller siiow iban Hie orfiinary Fresh Eggs, doz. 20c The Dancing The phi' c3 for the primaries .... i - X wny liom.' in Sun I'i ii in In. o. While; l lie votiiis Itabaloid coiupniiy. The lull last nitihi. Itliu ltuell lvlH a lliele Mrs. M ii ) M , .1 1, i, ml M Hill II i;t id W. Crif-fill- i re today, h North l'ole," Best 35c Pkg. White Corn lli irliiu, :i.".i', run is. iemiiiiie,l for Second street, land "A Trip the Ml-- t l.'irst ward, 21:' ptc-isent- I j.liilin lliown Mi .iii.I to xiye Die events ol host- iluyn - (is the best product en so far Siiliiion, nun I ele. i Si" olid ward, 118 West ('.old live- Ken I in miiklmt ilie i"ll of Alts. Kin-- I nnil niuhts Die kiii,! so i bv Ibis company. Tile musical Meal, Today 25c CHICKLETS In i l v i oil,-- I y -- tt ii nl (ion mnile pnssihl th. iiiotion pii ,'. .. i yireet iiunihei's were written lor this pl.t ti,i,.,i und 2S-l- b. lllli-- ' . perfee-tlol- , 3 Cans Empson's I tllles of It ill l ,.',,,',',,,' iiind were ry aiquopi iate Mr. IX AX F.MTIli: (TIAXf.F OF A ii i nl ,i ii it 11 Si M r. mum ell imlil will he of llelllll, oil MI'I'IK Ions aw Mutch II-- ward. 121 North Third HuKhes the chef and I'lttX.ltAM A li I.I ,il Hn- t u Avelill,- s, :, is- my. Fourth Hominy, today 25c LAP. WARD'S STORE lu Mel ho'llsl le hen ihlei street. Kyan as the Irish tailor, were, as .... COMPIIV h I Iiih v .,', loel, Ail- - 'I',, urejil liiir. veniiiK .il S,e Ihe ill l.llleolll The pulls will be open from until usual, on deck lo keep the audieiic" mission, II hli H i . HP,, llu- - linishiiu; Ion, hes (o Ihe his- - IIOMF.ll II. WAItP Mgr. I eii. nls X:M0 o'clock. in un uproar all the time. Straxvlierry , .lain, icuular price loll,' Mill 11 ;l t i II liK'bt the Oshorne as the captain, plays u today '.He Marlilo Ave. I'lionea 318-tl- t. A Trip to the Ill I coniedy part with tint anil uives Kaspberry .lam. rcuulur price, :;,"'; -- ITHE DANGER SIGNAL t, ..- stippml Pi the comedians. tMla ''.Ho "Si i i (llhbs put umiihi r soiq; liit to- AT THE LYRIC TODAY Miss cyif I'ltim .lam, retular price, :!."('; and scored heavily. J. Wilbur Mavi day :'0- North Pole shows ability in a difficult dialect lllackbcrry .luin. regular price, ;sSc; show j .' Mh- - I tunny ("alumni, "chief character lu part as Die French count. 'Ihe today i: i;itVTinx; i.v AM) w by Uirapo to- The Manuel Signal, a. is snappy ami Die riit obc worn liain, regular price. ;!,'; dm i i:ki:.t. Strong HOc Urthers Klcine maslt r photoilrama to be j the chorus is In autifiil Tlie play tor day Undertakers islmwii at the l.yilt: theul today only, Saturday "Chaplin and Kitcbie in .; Hcd Currant .Icily, rcsfiilnr price, ;$.1c: sri:t i r. si i:itiv 1 Hoc has an asi t risim; ft om i lay at the Fail-- promises Ifi be mc today I'ltoMi-- r luindinn aiee to- - si:i:Ki:. (iI'M-iirlt- anil In st. (irapc Jelly, regular price, itac; 1 1 to power, KDflal position of their Kl ltOXi I v . (OI FI K ".Ik-- political ini lit 11, DiroUKh aj - day Big Hits SI F II .itit'iil to-- Song AMI n Apple Jelly, regular price, :15c; i lil most remarkable i bain of cirotim-whe- Miiry I Unlay. I'iiki' day litk- - stance Im j. in n inm h", as a Pretty Dancing Girls rnbapple Jelly, - price, :i."c; hnier in a subway in New reeulai- NEW STATE HOTEL . Yolk, waves u ted fluit warning traf- - today .3lc Irish and Dutch Comedy YfH Irst-cliis- J ty -- I n rooms. Large Haiini, regular prliv, i explosion ol slc :!.; B rHWW fc of an iniicndinn aui-a.v-- i iDamlte under urmind. t'le is then a III X. MUST ST. I'llOVi: Kill today blow-jbeule- Large SI.C Hecf, price, vacillatlnK, n n'gular two snows, :::n ilim LOCAL ITEMS weak, ciiuuiiiK, tinlay . .;(! axii nian. but a liKbtniiiK cliaime BEBBER, OPTICIAN Or IfiTEHEST-- sweeps as he xvitnesses the 1 M over blm Kinpnon's Daisy Peas, can $ Ad m ission -- a ubcdieiicp paid to tin- flail. Il .10, 0c20c mi v. 1! red Citizens Bank Bklg. Mr. ami Mrs. t'olciunn, t is Fjnpson's Priniros Peas, cun .. .10 Fdw.ud Ma . t ilurliH his milt, I to a m'W chatiue! of I i '., ' l III, SilliM O pi'' Stale llri'linl, Ithomsht and in an hour Manny Canu-!vai- i, Knimoii's t'oliuuhiue Pens, can.. I '. life ill I he tils. tiiinsformed Into a dominatintr, Henry hauls baggage linpson's String-- llcuns. can 1)1)1 The i iiiiid Cheer , lull w ill inei'l virile man. Iteiiins a iriuniphaut career Standard t orn, a cans u5, I I;,, 4i);' W'i I.e. id , Willi Mi. hi. si ai" Dial simislies down all liarrici.s "jother things. Phone 939. Standard IVas, 3 cans 2.rt ini-'- . in '.' :in o t int k this ittieiiioon they lie at matter what are, until Tomalocs, A h cans l!5c .1 C, l of the KIhu-t.-- ll t(Inwi. tains a ureal ambition, l.ove. and "Tin-Manne- r .Mary H 1 cans Salmon 35 I .li mi r uriiii; , oil, are elo-el- y intertyvinetl in Piii Maiiiifact inI'. 7 on Ooiulenseil Milk $1.0(1 '11 it its l'.affie in Ihe cltv cslelil.lS He ' -- Then-llcullllil- Sptnal," and appeals its, S' i lie I'loiii "ihe llirlb of a Niilion,' Winch Will It.- ill the IX liil Walter Itakor'g (Tiuculauy, 1 lb.. .33 I strongly to women as ii mies to men. Herboth paints signs, houses MONDAY, MARCH 27 Ailz. lei- Ini I Ine Hi I J. KcJItHig's l.'isni Flakw U A - j Arthur Hoops has the title rule und t'niled Si, lies Inslllct Shreddinl Wheat Biscuits II. i Cooii-- , Jr., reiniiietl pi'Dclanial ion. or Die inlicpitl C.lanl displays masterful, dramatic talent land decorates. Phone 1495J ii lu y FajM-ak- 1 pkg 0; (lorn where he went mid sainted l.ce shall,- hands at Appii-malto- well as an especial uda ptabilif for lour, "it ler.itl Inislii' ss. kIm-- om an uncanny I'eelinu. xvork before the screen. The same Puftoil lUce 14 University of Redlands Aitii.'Uii. eon nl was mad.- - eslcl'd.l The meat haltl- 't show tun' tliousatiils may be said of Kuhy Hoffman, the Puffed Wheat 12!' CLIOE - woman. 8U- Wack-eye- i I'.. Kiipi'e Dial Ihe stale plialuuo TILE! etlKHHed on cilh side; lilllllill,; t.f ileiidinu "The Matiiier d IVas, il Ihs 25 vs. II, 1,1 .ellii-aillllll- f n.'il" Is an adaptation from Kupeit lioalil Woillu tj citns ami all Die imnlenls of terrihle sUcl-fu- t i Man Ont, meei uq: hci ' Mm I :l wail. ii Himhes' story, "Canav.m. the pks. 20c; 2 for f. it M University of New Mexico IN mil. ir'-.- will lie held In When 'peace" is ,i i la red then are Who Mail His Way," which, xvhen " Post Toastles oa Temple All, I'll Ibis evellim; at i I WESTERFlLU show n the itpimiles out of which a appeared ill the Sal unlay F.veniiiW AO I'o-d- , Hominy (Jrils and Pearl lloniiny l I decided inlel'est. It if ,.' 1". U. liillil'l llell'lllilll W ill speilk la urn is hoi li tl'catei) leine-Kdlsn- n Fea-lur- e A , ; o rei'uri-stiiictio- n t, K lts,s'. lb on Ihe life or Isaac M Wee, one of ilo ami s e the Hue slmy of leased tliniufih ' Service, 3 larjfo boxes Matches 10 HIGH SCHOOL Die most noted of A me 1, ., n llel.i.w,. met hods as you can necr I, , b urn theiu from hooks The carpel The uil. invited NEW GOODS-NE- W PRICES AUDITORIUM Mis. F. (' VVriuht ami .liililn-n- SECOND'S CHOICES burlier of Die north, the Ix u Kill of DEATHS AND FUNERALS. f.luill "f the c.islller ..I Die lo. ill ot- the .south, ale siii'ii a realistic settitiK CASH ONLY ic e of the I'a. Itle Mutual 1..1V Insur- that is Lhrillim; beyond dcscripllon. ADMISSION . 50c ance iiitiipinv, lift MMinlav tor The fav, intuitu! love stoi i, s; the loyal .1. S. pni'l. i.lil llll II I .llllolllia. Wlll'le Will uncles and mammies tHod bless .1. S. Fori, a member of tlie (I. A. It., , ) FRANK s s n i t I li1-- (hem of the dax.s: every phase TROTTER THTvFTS matsox is toi si a mum Delegation Agrees I'pon Nomi- olden died, at S::;0 o'clock last liikhl at his at 'I a of ol southern and plantation life is h,li- will be meetimi the home, mil North Third street. Ho j louit'.i waul tl. legale!, to the ileum- - vividly displayed. had ill lust October. The nee fix Aldeinian From is been since ,i.,i,. .lit eiint cut ii.u at Ihe cily liiillj line ol the best lesson pictures willow and ixvo dauKhtcts survive 116 WEST GOLD v o i o, I, nl- - Die brave battle of two union soldiers - j tins eveiiiui: nt mil Fn-dois- os The hoclv was to Strong Froth- r"Yi: WANT VOI K SODA Southeast Waid anil t , taken AXD. I. - - - lo pi ole, a otifcileiaie ami Ins fam- -', destied, as impnr'anl bu crs' undertaking rooms. Funeral ar- j AXII LIXOI TKADI-- . WAKII -, ily I l oin the fury of the enfranchised it..- ii. lo he transuded Ci.'iaimakei, rangements will be announced later. ron s.vnTuiAV caxdv Null lUipler. usststiiitl ctchl.-- iiei'ioes led by the uiisi rupulous W hite ' SAI.FS AT 1'elleHildes. THIS MORNING he Si.,1. hank, who has I.e. it Funeral of James Wllkin-oi- u LET US SEND A MAN a patient ot the SI. .lost ph s hosl'll.ili The Si i. qui warn ttill I.e. il ii Ihe tine reason of th" ornju-hatli- clans-i.itai- Funeral services will be held tit To U i ol' the Die Ileplacc That liroken Window Id s veial tie. l.s. Ihe I. s! nominate Chile Titujri I'm aid, tit. ii, while cloth. in o'clotk this tnorning nt Strom; We will have the follow- GRIMSHAW'S I ' ,1. il I ih'III'M I I- of of Hie Glilxq itil.ltiiK i Hlertlif afternoon, hi,, "til tt Will oil lie ill the knikhls Temple Lodge No. i I elan-il- l lirothcls' chapel. ixm-Bk- 1., 'll' The d. lem.t.S HKK'I'il 111 '. it Ml while lot h. he "ii of AT.nrgrpKQi d r Idillll .i the hospital later lit I!,.'; l.'l il, A. M., t baiK . ing Fresh Fish: x bat- F. and A. will hate company ,1 , I Tumi, a l;,: i Died ears' s war. who t Me is slow h i'Ct t 111: at held mi;lf rmhl Harry McNanghton, I'rother of Mrs. , w il s, tled for the of Phone 421 42.1 X. Tim hll',. lu lie unen tonight ,t .H lie- So uitl ai hind hollies and families on CATFISH First 'l it, S li, ileb'i;.lt Dial set I'.il lli Wilkiinitin. will leave the Santa Painting Paperhangmg III, e 11,1 111, I It 111 b I''te C INl.le- Wild l"lt also disl r.icletl lion. 'Tile of and m.i,-o- Ciillf.iinia Limited with IholmtK. . nali-ma- l el,,l,'l se,l llelllV estel'felil i a Nation" ttili he for eiiDil days 'i it., eli' wston. park will l"l Angeles. Mrs. FLOUNDER PIIOXI--: 1817 D l , , k J liurial is to he in Los k. i 111' s tor in lei ami nt The Crystal theater, bepinniui; i'l tin ill t o'l loi All llllen W w & IiAXCASTFR i Piniiiom- i Siind.iy, April likinson ill remain here. SIXiiKR TAXI COMPAXV VAXDFIISYPT e ill. n, I pufks itle iiitii. ,1. I.iji t,,i easit ,r BARACUDA w , I it - , ,1 Th. .ii r ,i nesi ion oi Phone 102.1 210 W. !,! I. ill 11 sls.les ol lie Yellow Central a Is. i A i was adopted Mrs. stifia 'I a pin. Tyvo Milie Will he lull esolu ion Cara for city lU lillil' ill.l III led ele, I.H s to oto 111 COURT DIRECTS VERDICT Mrs. Sofia Tupia, years old, died SMELTS Spei e l t ..lit iii t. n i. ,i ton 'I'i nii'le ii . calls, pleasure rides and touring ,f of JtllilCIHI l,"lltl IsSlle. tin s nigni ai a saunai-ium- I.o.l.-- M favor the jal Oclmk last i. F .nut w'll , IN FAVOR trips. Careful, experienced driv- in i.,.,. of t hi, h ,ii ,. I,, I,, used lo OF THE BUTTS She xvas the wile, of Augiistm SANDABS CtY THIS niSAXP OF i.e ii. la i iii. no 'i mm; at :i 4 .. .h.,i p ers. Rates by luix "i l.uiiil a w.ii-- i silpi-l- system. I'lipia. of Atrisco. The husband w hour or day. 1. ,, ,,. , ' t . , lie ,.in it tl tej lie t ,1, ,1 ar-- i GULF TROUT K. W. MOOKI-:- Mi. Ttn :l. ,U. Inn, sell i.t do nil ,. ,i at- in Moll, rook. Aria., ami funeral MaiinKer. .1 - fo'li I'i ills,. Lie idamliff f.iiietl neri.l ..f imc- ilkiiisoii in his powii I.. In Inn iibotii rnngemenis will not be made until , 11,1.1 . tach a copy in alleged contract lo a' ,t 'I, SIM, Sel I, e Will I','! III a, "I e a leso-- GULF BASS oWtlefslltli d.tll. with Ins , m I.i Kay ii, yes-t- , he arrives. The body xvus taken to h, 1,1 !. j Jiitliie 'ids at s' r. ii. Its h.ti 11 l (llosell "TELM0" 1I'e he Was itl. iv diiet led Die niry to find for Fred Ci'illott's undertaking rooms. Mi i.ittii II, he t'.n I'i e- - .tl'l.-- i , i; I, SEA NOTICE tit inn as in I'lltl'-- . BASS I the lletemlal't in the suit i Hie M.nw.'l Mnl ol mi.-- ' inc. Your AXI YOC ictaine by I '.tl xx 1, C I I bell S. Kraft. road lat for HI Hi s now ,,. CAXXPI) GOODS I . ! ... broiiv.hl the I'lume p. 10', eslet il.n a I li ..I Mary I'ai; -- II liiilny. RED SNAPPER tin- - Ihut the j F.lltett S Kraft, VJ years old. died and payable at 117 West Coi)M-- r 1U0ST M.,V I! ,,,l!.uno!.,. s p'.c cd toini ain. iiwinu to fad IIAVK TIIK ,! , t jal 1" (.(lock yesterday niorninu at c IIFIIXM.II.LO I Ill, III M, alien. nntia, t.,s n"t mmle part I'Ol'XTY .it lit. I'.llliel t. 1,1 very xx LOBSTERS KOF Lite ami saittllc horses. Trimble's Die 11 lu- in highlands. His ife. nv ( I I I of 'iimplaiiq could not he Ibis home the luniur, join, make. ollccti.r l. Hi, ell ..f (hi i.iis will' Uitl Km it daugh-tter- s sil,,l ll o.lii. t tl 111 i'l Idem e. mother, sister and two little I.. I 1,1 lie, t ,t el lo local p'll Also w.uln.K , a- -, xvhen came. the best line of . The of Finest Movers aiSainst were with him death i i hasel s sen e inn- t,,,.i VI AM) I'etcrs-ibuig- , )IIY To I'tUt .II'MI'Z the M . y i m , which was to '.Mr. Kraft came here from St. 'l I'le-- S' Ill, It. Ot Die j "iiii'.int. r. llliaill Si:.l l.. SI I. Till It M'KIM.s t.ei n yvas Fla., to better bis beuith. Smoked, Salt, Pickled and n ' Int.. tiled ti'sirtil.iv. not hoping U L I Lumber i'- Mill 011,0., in ,1 nrt.i d ,, n. m. iii for R leiiti'. r sioilioc For t ied w hen INit noltls set aside The body Wiis taken to Stronu I r HI .1.1 tl'.io l.'l. o... while Ii, mn I'li.-n- s 7. Judc ar-- i Mex- 'i.hkkTht mai jso nr F. Ittunero the older ;: i .i ii I in v, a iiett II ut I. un brtaking rooms. Funeral Canned Fish in New 1,'l'ri'M itli- - l W aliso - s'.e;,len 01 - inurements will be announced later. xniaisov II 1, b,i .li r. tt ho i iio.i,- - com 'tor en Mary la--- It ico. PRINTING MtloCKKQlF' Dr. C. H. Conner mdax. sld lal'le w el k under ,, 11, Ilia! I u.ian. ., Mii. Iiinolia dt I.ittii Mr. li. is. I, I. e mt. l.,.iiii. OsKsipntb Mis. Jiianila Can la de Lnjan. 4t - t,.- huil-- - Kti-r- l FOR SALE MESA LAND BINDING lias Die tnilloiiu- pn.l ami Offlc id 55. S"6 vears id.) .lied ai 11 'JIH o'clock last b(K)l) IV) 'nignt IF. ITS KT Will sell liny p.ut of Mill acres, all ai ISIS Smith Fourth street. WK 1IAVK IT. ' Ph-138- I l Expert Masscusc- - level and close in Adilnss 1 11. She tame here days ago from .1 , treatment. Moiiiuu .lotii'tial. Moiiiit..inair for medical r.allni) OTe 1 Tripni Her husband, Manuel J.ujan, and nine c.TrtoJ'i!J!mP Stue IliXlNvTlliXV TIXstyii, ii l.s u;(;(; cKiti." 30 Sold by children The body xvas Ccirillon 1 1 'entry's wills. survive. Hahn Coal am s. i Co. ri;t iiom: i;n. .liifl ii, Maloy niul Haw kins. taken tit Fed OrolloM underlrtkin PHOXK 91 rooms, Funersl arrangements will YOUR SATISFACTION Mill I'.l T- llinsi Line Cml ANTHRACITE, AI.Ij SIPS: STEAM COA& A- be announced later. Coke, Mill WoimI, Wn,e aril. Apply, Mrs. John (in In. TAXI PHONE 887 3M ffwt OntnO. Ptioue Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, : IS OUR AMBITION nil lit eiiioine AniK A, siiind mill sdxer. M. It. OlJOX. Mary Pagf B tmiBy.