University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-24-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-24-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-24-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1610 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Daily by Currier or Mnll, 800 1916, Single CopU 5 niinn v.si:yF.XTii year. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, ti Month. iiii,. i l. r. ni. Villa Reported IN PERSON FIRST DETAILED LOST HIITOn THE WEATHER DENTIST FACES ONLY ARTILLERY VILLA Surrounded by FORECAST. WEATHER' I)t liver. .March 23. New .Mexico: American and Friday rain in smith, snow north pm STORY OF MARCH Mouth por-tion- s ON HOLDS UP TRAIN: Troops IS FOUND, tion: nuicli colder oust anil MURDER CHARGE; IS ACTIVE Carranza IE with eld wave east porliiii: Saturiiay unsettled. ir MiiHNiNa inuNi arcv.aL liiid wtHKI I I Pic.ii, i,'ii. March iM. oie.ul LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. REVOLT announced louiiilt lie bint le- E RICNS twenty-fou- r ending at FATHER-IN-LA- W WESTERN FRONT; RERRERA t.ania BUI HUNGRY. IN For hours, eched a iclcgiani Hum Hcno.iil llort-im- i DM 6 l). m. yesterday. ilia was mm rounded at I I .Maxiitiiiin teiinieratnre, ti degree- - that (t-x- miles mmiiIi or Vninlquipii minimum, 40 degrees: range (le iti' b iiH i i itu anil troop anil grccs; temperature ut ti p. in Mlian THROUGH MEXICO I Imjiiiiuni. wihd; partly SLAVS ATTACK IS CONFIRMED bat a decisive battle was decrees: southwest ALLEGED VICTIM said the XnicilcHu troops DESERT ISTE cloudy; pr pitatlon, ,t7 of in inch. Hoilaiil i clinic up lolluvti.ig the deleiii ol' ilia i in the (lav b the CiiiTanei--la- s CITY RANK CLEARINGS. asiicr Yesterday at Santa ;erlrinle. -- r, !!.',. ,r Pin him inn.! Consul t.tiiv.ii made public tonight General Pershing Personally JBIt, S8. of Russians! Commando IIIit VNinuiM'"M of Fellow Birdmen; One of the Most Remarkable! Heavy Masses a telegram which he Mild he hail Lost Sight Iroiii l.cncinl (.iimiii aniioiiiic- - I eads Cavalry Force in Pur- Are Hurled Against Teutons While Not hiendly to ban- Began to Leak; reports that in Criminal Annals of hiK that the ( ai raiii hud dcl'ealcil Full Tank patched to investigate Cases (.ertriulcs, near of Villa; Progress Is been attacked and their dit, Declares Carrnnza Is Ilia oila nt Pallia suit trucks had Have in East; Ground Both Gained j to m to Descend on Bar- were missing. .Major (',. H Country Believed to NaJiiuiiipi cconllna the Forced drivers -I-'X-' Swift, that Offender, one in, Ilia, after leuiiuu Astonishingly Stockle, in command, announced Lost, t Greater re- Unearthed, and i" the field. ren Plateau, his Investigation,, proved that the Been cull ileail ami woimilcl ports were unfounded. aliail, lolled Kill hor-e-s anil llcl till I I ((Ml. iTASK BEFORE U. S. HAS EXPEDITION CROSSES WORKS BEUEVEsIn SUSPECT TAKEN WHILE GERMANS DECLARE WITHOUT FOOD FOR DESERT IN QUICK TIME ASSAULTS FAILED GREAT DIFFICULTIES Voltod with .iino men in t'hibuahua, TURNING OTHER CHEEK IN DRUG STUPOR ,. TWENTY-FOU- R HOURS DEEP and a clleciioi evidence at band Ifroni unofficial sources, denying the i (I KuiiHton was Hr MONIN JOUNL f ICIAL LI I0 WIKI1 Down It. !. 'tier. iCnirjnza Men Encountered Washington, March 23. Senator Leads to Austrian Lines Appear to Be To Hunt Co!i!mbus;;;r,l,;,;v tiunht as t" the exact stai. to! - Death of Millionaiie Alexicii as be Ibis left Note on Road as Works, republican, made an anti- For-- iis of affair in w.is Are Pies-su- re Is Much More ! Friendly; Bandit Leader speech ill senate to Sen- Holding Under Heavy . Raiders moi niliK, Dnc, t.reiinrednoss the Rigid Investigation and to Whereabouts and' Is i Ceneral l!el was the fust lled day but endorsed the iiaminisiraiion s midable Undertaking Than Loses Nearly Half His Men Developments Are From Italian and form tieiier.il that Mexico. sational I by Motor Truck Train action in lei l era was epol l' il to hav joined cued organizations Roundin; ; Geroiiimo, After Columbus Raid, Hit; business, military Follow, Czar's Troops, Reports Say, lln Villa in bis fk'hl against the I'liiled en Route From Columbus, and politician!), he said, were respon- Expected to Slates. (ieneral instructed sible for a war scare in the 1'nited r.eneral Hell to Investigate Ihe report MOHNiNa iOUKN iirtriAL MIIRNINa JOURNAl BflCLAL LIAtf D WlRIl and Inform lum of developments. The lv t iliuo ftmll States. PI Texas, March 'J3 T today," 1 - I'.l message today that be Pao, JOURNAL CIL II1H0 WIMI "What this country needs Iron, near ne- Pas.i, Tex., March Ceneral laconic late iV MOINIKl ' n "nuior! Fxccp, on the t yester-- . dispatch from Anho-clat- Lieu-tena- for- - revolted from (b bad "confil ined" his report ,,f followlna tin M., 23. protection from - r, Luis llerrera has Columbus, N. Maich he said, "is not CrJT"chse" ..r.Ar-icu- and the ! "nLiuW ered JWI,! d Press correspondent nt the. i..., .I..,1. .... ..,,n.iinur the from nru. iM Carr.m.ii and has declar-- that d.iv was Celieial Hell's reply. He did Edgar S. (iorrell, of this Limed nauoos, - - eign io a dentist UlUlMOMll, Hlicie i," "r" , . In Mexico Hist - warren Waite- - resist with all his power the not report additional fads concerning from is the complete been mis- . e he will aero corps, who has oi tne powei oi , play, ii a, vanial-'- in biiw asainsi iiii- States ...... .... .1,11 tll- - aggressive inlluences tennis troops into Mex- ami did not tell, story of the of the border I,,., ,. ...l... " . engagement have entry of American the tew movement since S n ' 111 u,, a lOUlglll mans,, no anfantry ..in . ion '"loncy ......hands ol "cuinii n""j,1(, ellstndy of detectives mi" ico, but is still opposed to Villa, ac- bow the report was confirmed. j of the punitive expeirjlijon aent to of . i along the line in plane' ,i:n iliree miles south few of tts own nuzi-ns- lie with tne mumi-- taken place be ('ohimbus I i,,.. " grasping twill chained "... Heavy fighting', how-e- cording t" reports from sources To offset Ceneral Hell's statement'.: ivelige the nias.4aern. l.v a motor truck train 12 his father-in-la- and lioUMUin. to- i relations with Mexico and, on March ..f t,, received here i:l (len-- 1 ieau,Uariers i nnea Miaies Tum in "our r, i the lieved he reliable mi ssages from Paso ipioled L. Parkinson, wentieth .. .1, K drug oiitinuos betwcti tlerniam in tenant J. .,,!,, this nation dm Peck, a millionaire day. tive r.xpeiiniou, iiumimi. ( in-,- u Consul Andres Caicla foionia to ncpt-- .u , Russians on the western front oral iJuvira and lantiy, according ilif-- 1 manufacturer of Oram! ltaputs. ic. and 'k il isaf ion sub-- ; Mexico, March 22 (Hy wagon . ,,,! owing out of them are entirely l'.iga Miutli-war- The news of llerrera fed consul at Laredo buahiia, ,i in Miilitarv headquarters gi c,,urt. from the legion of llv denial, the ' ' - was considered sufficiently authentic 'milted and Samuel Helden, train to Columbus, , M., Marrh "3.1 Lieutenant Oorrcll was uninjured, hut lercnt i.oin in ' the arrest of Dr. Waite, the ws- a denial I with for (ieneral Hell to telegraph Ceneral for Cairanv.a, made pub-- i here by a forced inarch was out of sasoline and had lost his condilions in Europe. hat our mtorncy's office believes it has The Cerniuns northwest of Verdun .consul here now on Mexican soil should be prove one of the continuing their violent shelling , Funstoi a I San Antonio that lie Ii, a message he said he had demonstrated the endurance of way. diets lmi.)lV(,,.Plj wn.lt wdi are Chl-dh- - lieved tile of the Oirrunzista In e American noldicr and obviously All Aviators Safe. reinforced by other sol- , ble cases in many years. of the Maluncoort section and again 'cived from Cemral llerrera iirotected and ..finarku - . Hell to - tie- .general tin (Ieneral added Ii uu Ii uu . dated today. In this message greatly amazed the Mexleana, neveral neen be, we are agreed." j Ajr. Peck, who is reputed to have iinve trained their guns on French (Hure baa ui"i"- diers if need all , tleniennnt r. o i - of llethineourt, Le .Molt.. Hom- his tnessag however, the empl.atu Ceneral li'irera denied that he had thousand Fnlted States troops, fortv-elK- in middle an estate valued at aooui n front for hours the .left denials of Hi rrera s revolt, issued adding on the ( mi- - cavalry, Infantry and artillery, were (Hid, uml bin wife die d within six me and Cumieres. probably prepara revolted, that ot a SalUl HW,pi, lino, "a " l' m 1 1 ii n r t nr h re today bv ( consul. was leailv to Villa IIS today this; point "' ai daughter t ii fn.sli infantry attacks in an the irrana '1 rare be hunt scattered between ii tion I of I,;ike Federioo, weeks wniie visiuni; their w ',,.,11.
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