Democratic Onnciises. lloii. Geo. ]{. ^VeniUing ASn.OIEI) OF m OFFSPlllNG. Judge lIunliiigloM will speak at tho Wilson school house lo-inorrow evening. A Ifoi.sy Time at tho Ropublloan Uoavon- The DeiilooratB of tho city of Mnaon ai'e Third ctlterliilnmont of the Ladies' Lec• On tllo eighth intge will bo found an in- ture Course, Wednesday oveniner, March 2, tion. Saturday. ref|ilestod to meet—those of tho (ifst ward intorestiiig letter (rniu Rev. F. L. McCoy. lion. Geo. R. WondiiiiK will deliver his at the DE.MOEIIAT ollioo, nnd those ot the Continue to hold forlh a! papular lecture upon "Saul oC Turstis." No The ropuhlleaii county convelllluii hold There will bo a warm sugar social in tho secoild ward at t.lio Donnelly. Hoilse—in one should fail to hear this powerful and at the court house in this city last Saturday basement of the M. E. cliiirchi to-morrow eauotis, oil Friday evening, Feh. 2;Jth, thrillinc orator. Lecture will heain at 7;.'i0. proved to be, by all odas, the most interest- evening for the benefit of the infallt class. Adini.ssion 3,0 cenia. No e.vtrii char^je for ing—lo an outsider—held in this city for FORD'S BAZAAR. For a Big Stock of 1887, at 7 o'cloeh, /or the purpose 0/ elect- I^od, son of Clias. Lowe, wliile riding hi.s roaorved seats with single tlchets. Pol-sons many moons. father's horse Tllesday evening, the animal inc; five delegates fl'oin each ward, to attend liokllilg season tickets can got l'cserved seats Tho delegates assembled—a goodly iiuin- fell in turning a corner, and Ned's leg was the coHiily convention, to he held in this by paying 10 cents, 'j.'iclieta on sale al II. hor—eonaideriiig tho busineas of the eon- badly hurt, though not fractured, as at first city oll the followiii,'; Saturday, Feh. 2G, Jii. H^illiains'. * Don't fail to take advantage vcnlioii and there was only the appeai-nnce supposed. Dl.)MOORATlc CITY CO.MMITTEE. of the best of (eeliiig all around. Twcllty oranKea for 25c at the Bee Hive. of tliem. A. A. King of Ingham, was chosen In oonversation with S. A. Paddock yes• chairman and B. P.. Hall of Lansing, terday, he informed us he believed the out• Grceiihnck Cify Caucus. Ne.xt Sunday is lhe comnleilcnient of Lent secretary. look for business in hia line—all kiilda of $600.00 worth of Gold and FOUND—A pair of shell frame eye glasses, Only preliminary work waa executed in building material—was never belter. Nol- A national ffreeiihaeh cniicna will he held at this olfice. the forenoon, and after dinner tho colnniil- witlistunding his haild was quite badly hurt Silver Watches will be sold at tllo court house, itl Ihis city, Friday even• toos made their roporta, which wel'O adopted, l-eceiltly he is again able to bo at his ollice To.day llie sun rises al fil-M and sots al and the coiiveiilioil colnineilced the election and lhat his prices bring the people. at less than iirst cost. ALL NEW PATTERNS ing, Feb'y 25th, at 7 o'eloelt, for the pur• 6-Ao. Day's length, 10 houl-s and 59 min• ot 17 delegates to the stale colivonlioii pose of elecliiijr delegates to the county J. L. Fuller roeeived a diapateh last Fri• utes. and 20 to the judicial convention, i-osultlng convention, to be held on Saturday, the 2Glh day morning from Mrs. Fuller, who ia at Spectacles cheaper than S. B. Flaiisburg of Leslie, has just been as follows: iiist. A. W, PARKHURST, Fergus Falls, Wisconain, announcing tho allowed an lucrcaae of pensioa by Uncle STATE DELEfiATES. death of her sister, Mra. Adam.s, nee Misa ever. •1, A. Slil.liiwoon, .Saln. William Mi.v, Anrelhis; Wm, M. Vanllnron, Frank Ida Polar, who.se ilhie.sa was roeenlly men• G, W. VANSLYEE, f, I\Ioore, Edward Cidii.l, and Col, f). li. McCnmni. 111 about One Week, at The Weekly Anzelt/er la thu name of a tioned ill the Dl-;.MuCRAT, and who died on CoiiimiltcB. Limsini;; S, \V. Jlaynr, Holhi; M. II. Piclielt, Meldd- Now is your time to make German paper to bo publiahod at once in iaii; Samuel stetlor, OnomlaKa; A.O. Miller, Steck- '.riulrsdiiy afternoon Inat, of quick cotisunip- brlflKit; 'P.O. Holmes, Mason ; A. 11. Phillips, Alaio- tion. Deceased resided in Mason for a time Laiiaiiig. don; E. }). Leiri.^, Williantston; ,/. VV. Cliapin.A^ovav; money. LOCAIv A1VI> GEIVERAL NEWS. 11.11. Vork, Whoatneld; M. E. Itnmsoy, l.osllo ; F. and haa many young friends here wlio will P. W. Webb, our stirrinli; boot and shoo II. li'elleu-H, lieroy. regret to learn of her untimely death. Respectfully,' man, iu Conic block, has an advertiselnent DeleKato at Lar|;o—fl \V. Bomontof Ljinsing. ' Fresh roasted coll'ee every day nt the lice this week. I3e sure to read it. .JUniClAL PELEIJATES. The l-oadors of tlio Neio.i will perhaps be R. E. SCOTT, liivo. M. 11. Cai-pentcr, .lolui Reljson, Horace Laphani and surprised to leanl that the sermon publish• Loo A. Bettciidorf of .lackson, piano L. A. Iiaker, Lansirif!; Alonzo Olioney, AureliuH ; L. A.ltend tllo caucuses to-morrow evening. ed in that paper last woelc, oiilillod "Frauds Innlor, waa iu towll three days last week, Bal:er, Delhi ; Cyras Everett, Lansin(; Towtmldp ; At Ford's Bazaar. Tf 0 Doors Soutli of Postofflce, Don't Ibl-jot it. W, L. iilosliitr. Meridian; l'\ (J. Weoilworth, Leslie; Deteoloil," and represoillml lo bo hy the doing a good stroke of htisiiics.i. .L M. BrMSer, Jlason; (i. V. Palrick, White Oak ; great divine, licv. T. DoWitt Taliiiage, was Ball & Sliormail havu new locals for your Wni. 11. McEnniiily, Wlillamslon ; E. II. AoRidl, The Rork school of practical odiicatiou Ilurdcei'liiii; Anatd A. iCing, Ingham; Ciardner a bogus sernloii sent out as a decoy to catch liispectioii this weoh. the publishers of "patent insidos" used by al Ballsing ended its cviatence Ilisl Monday Ehdclmr, Wlieatlioiil. Pi'leKStes al Lar;;e—.1. 0. Camajn, Mason; .lohn the Ne/ii.s; whom it is cliiiined wei-eaecnring Special bargains lu iiiipliiiis and table liiorniiig. l^-of, U. wc hear will roaliino the ILilluook and. A. II. Wliilelienil, Lansing ; and .1. D. the sorlnous in lio legitimate niaunol-. The linens at Marcus Grogor's. ministl-y. I'ladps, Mason. bogus sermon was taken from "Addresses Of all kinds-at lowest living prices. Published ovei-y Tlun-sdny Had it not been for a alight delay in the h'il-al gnu for lhoaiiieudniontI llov. iMrs. to the Yonng and rniiooolit," by Dr, Wells S. A. PAUDOCK. hy Hoot Bl-o.s,, aro piiltiiig in morn vats, &c., procoedlligs.cnuaed by the convention wait• li. li. Lane will luldruss lllo |)oople nf .Ma- of Gla.agow, Scotland, published in 1S7S by iucrnasiilg thoir facilities for pickling eggs. ing to hoar from Jaoksoii, ihia professed Loavo Y'o moro on life's parnilu sinill moot " iu ouo rude burial blonl," annual oleclion, in which caso ho would bo "is a sharp, shl'owd husinoss man. Ho 'the iu'iivo and iliiraig fow. bnttlo of M'iuchoster came ou. His si'uii- cliiof foe in the Ileichstag, is descriliod At Codar Crook, Virginia, October lii, succoedod by Austin Corbin. Tho latter On I'muo's otciiinl ciini]iini.;-Ki'oiind lion roiiiiirod hini to stay two or llireo IHIi'l, when our army had regained its is a royal onlerlainor ami a ciiltlirod 'I'lioir silent l.intH nro spread. nud - his friends nro supposed to hold ffls.a. liiile imiii very ugly to look at, miles to tbo rear, with cooks, teamsters, camps at lho close ot the day, lue slain nf gontloman. The aftenliifc to fusion tho And (ilory uiiards with soleinn voinul wagons, und uinloa, liRloning idly to the enough stock to control tho May oleclion, witk eyes like a I'rog and inonllv rench- The liivoiiiiu of tho dead, tho niorning iny where they had hiUen, and wdiy it should bo hold if not for that repiilation of il jiokor-playiiig gambler sound ot tbo battle. His soldierly spirit slriiijiod of cloihing. It seoiiied crnel, bar- iing from cnr to ear. He is oppostld to purpose is n mystery on 'Change. Cor- Ko answor of tho foo's advaaco could uot bl'ook this restruint; anything biirous, at lho lime; but most of this Ireat- on him is an outrage. Long .lohn New swells upon lliu wiiiil; hin's brokoi'B have bad anolher block of 10,- Bitiiriarck ostonsilily on patriotic, but was hotter. He seized a musket, full into nieut was ]ii'obably uot wanton. Jinny of Wentwortli, an old iiolilical i-jjiponont No ti-oiiblud tlioiiitbl at inidnlijht liiiiiiils the ranks of the coiupiiuy lhat be had moro OUtl sharos cf •lorsey Coiitral stock IninfoiTed TMHV on ))ersoulil gi'onnds, his gricv- Of loved Olios luft holiiiiii: tilo Confederates wero poorly clad and of Farwell, ntiirtod tiio slory in IHliO al; No vision of tliu morrow's filrlfo than once led lo battlci and marched with shod, and robbed lhe dead only lhat thoy to Hieir name. 'This makes about dll,000 aiico being that in 188(1 by the annexa• The warrier'o dream aiiii'iiis; it to the liolil. If his Colonel saw him in iiliglil clolho themselves, for Ibo rest, shares now hold by Ihcni. and it is undor• a C'ongressioniil (.'oiivonUon whoro far- No bniyiiiit liorii nor sui'uaniing fifo tion of ITilnovor llo was oliniinatod froln lhat iiliicc, be did not feel like iulerl'cring tbero lire ghouls in human form Unit infest stood that, with the holdings by parties well was a ciiihlidiilo I'or l,.'ongress. .In At iliiwu sliall cull to inniii. with him; at such times, mun aro always a i'li.fc ofiice which he had bold in that every battlelield, after the fighting is done, friendly to Hiom, is snllicioiil to givo thorn needed. All that desperate and snugiiiu- s)ioaking agaiust l/'arwoll's nomiliiHion, Their rtliivni'iid swords arn red wilh niHt, who aro capablo of any alrouily. .Si.vtoeii control of the roiid nl the coming oleclion. tingdom. •' '111, ir pir.iiiuil lioiirls aro Ixciril; iiry day ho did a soldier's full work with W'ljiitwortli drew a pack of curds from of my regiment lay lliere, cold in death. 'There seem to bo iirepnrations lo conlinuo 'I'lieii' hiinu'hty liiiiiiior Ira fed in dust bis innskot. coining out of tbo tight uii- Tlioy wore tenderly httried in a row by a 1)11. Mn.LKli, who wns .sollt on il.iliii- his pocket and scaltoring then; on the Isiiow Iliuir iiiiirlial shroud, hiirl, and resinning his former degraded the receivership indelinilely, ns a company And pleiiluniiH fniioi'id tea's h ivu washuil slouo-wall, each ' gravo iiiiirked with a has been org'iuiizud under the tillo of tbo louuitic niissioll to ]\[oxiri), llas alroiidy Hour, exclainioil: "I'IIOKO aro the tools '['lie led stains fnim caeli brow. ]iosilioii. . . oracijcr-box tablot al tho head for future Anil llieir piouii forms in liiittio gaslied .lorsey Central Iiniirovumeut Company, tho mndo sonio vnlmiblo discovurios. lie Eiirwell work's with.' l''nrwell pilnys ideiitilicatinn. Are froo from antJiiish now, He had friends who did not fnil tu lay object of wliieh is lo ])i'ovido inenns for tbe exjohLiiis that pllhplo is pronollnci'd 'rhe stouo lionse on this lield that hnd )iokor oceasiounlly, and ilnflorstamls Uiesn fads hufnru Shuridnn; and wu nuiy duvulopnioul ot •ler. |U'uci.sely lo,so]iliii'al iinyiiiry sliuwod (lint tlitro But lho urniy foil hack, and tho woiiiidud the allotti'il timo. but tllu leliililalioli In So 'nuatli tlioir paroiit tiirf thoy rcflt,, as you ]int it lo the court." nilist liavo I'i'cii, Illlll .-still iiiiisl bo, l-'iir from tlio goiy Ilolil; hnd lo go 'ion. 'Tliere were not amlmlanoos go on. a tear lllat Minlld cast a nniiid Hnriiii tn a Spnrtitii mefli.'r'ii hruiiBt, Among Ihn good stories Unit are lold of enougli to carry them nil; uiiiny were tnins- oliaiigeil romliliolis. ,\H(ipfiiig lli'jin- On many al)!oii,l\' iiliiehl: niillioirwas too glilloriilg for Ilis lilllo Oeneral Jlii ior, die fnllowiiig di servesa lini'led six and leu miles iu w'.igoiis, with• Tile .-."iisliiuo of tlioir ii.'itivft sky out spriues, over lhe slono road. Some II(P1I//,S I bcDi'v that tho solar liolil was Sinili:s sillily on tli m lirro. )ilace. It was in!d me by (,'aptaiii I'liclp-', miud, imd bo bdl. • reacboil Winclieslor bei'oro accomnioila- ib'i'ive'd frnm tiic sliriiiiiago of tin; All.I kiiiitly huorts uiiil oyi'S watoli by who coiamanib.'d a .Mn^'-ncliu ells biit'ery, lioiis had been iirepared for tbeni, and Tile heroes' sepiilulior. wbicli was of the siiiall ariiiv that iccoiii- .U.MinisnN (lir.iiiiU'r, of Chili, llLlnis gnsi'inis or liiiid iiinss of lllo snn, ainl lay one frosty night out doors, covered pniiied jliiller to N'ew Orleans in the sprii g a hol'.se wliii'b wboli n, oiilt came into KeHtoii, eiiibnliiii'd nnd soniied dead! only by a canvas. ,'\ largo bill of morliil- I'l'diicillg ihc liypollii'sos to imitlioinat- of l.Si;o, ;p,.ii ('ii|,Iniil rulatud if In me at 1 )eni- as llio bliuhl I'lin gic'i., ily wus the coiisei|ueni.'e. ilio poKsc-iisiDii of bis I'lilhor liy a Iraile ical cab'iilntiinis, bis ciinelusions \Vi.'ro No ini})ii.iis reorst: pi hero idiiiil ti'eal bis (|iiarlei's near 'l.liiiiodcaux, La., tijo I'ol- Such is war. A'oiiu know its havoc, ils vfith fln^ IndiaiiM. .\1 Hull, time llu' lllal the period of the sun's illi- Tile hurl ell e nf yii r grave ; loii leg winter. Knl'Slinr \-olir ;jlory lie fnr;;i)!, •"rimt siiiuniei'," ho said, "tliur.:'wus lit• crtiully, even at the best, as do the vutor- colt was li yonl'.s old. lie was riiidrli ralioli of iiioiunlcsci'iioo colild nol V\iiile I'lL 11" bin' 1 erd k'l |is. tlo ligbliuL', bocaii':e wo had only men . iiiis;' none will join nioru feivcii ly tl.nu Or 111 iinr I .lists 11:,' belbnved siiiot in lli'j iirayer that this reitiiiled all tliloii;.',h Ibo Into war by i\ll', (lil- liavo c.'u'sli'il liiii;.;ei' lli.ili '-!0,- Where '\ IIler pionillv sleejis. e: oiigli to hold >,'uw Orleii'is and a I'uw out- ! "icy uuimlry may know it no more forovor. boi't, allil i'.si'a]i;'il iiiiinjiirod. Heilig ODb.H.'HI yours, and coiiM not olulni'o jio Is. I wii>—or thouglit .1 wns-—siuk Von lonrl' iiiinsir' I's vo'e'fol stou:' 01 ongli (o . Immu. A leavo of ab-ei.eo Amen niul nnleu! what is calle.l an Indian imiiy, he in I'nr as nilicli as ll».(Ki:f,(V)H lunger. L;O Til ll iiHib'ss Miiu'v, i.'uiP ten, wo.di! not lio iilhnvcil, nnd al let 1 got litlii: nnd j.^'arufiiI alld n gianl fravolrr. Wlieii mii:i\' a vniiidiu I ii::o liiitli Ilown. 'Tbo iiinruli of Dunks' arniv uu (be lied Tbe sV.ry lif,iv vo O'll: iiiysel info tliat I'r.ime of mind wlieru I If Iho lior.sc li\('.s until iiexl May lie ."I'Wni: (ri;::i|.:\. of liostnii, has .\nr wreeli, Ilia' elr ii'.;'. iiur v. i'ltur's blight, win williiiii; 10 ruxinii. Ilnt ii ru: ig lalio;i Kiver retreat from Ahi.xamhia (o tho Mis- yer Tiiiie's I'i'iii M'OS 1 ,lo ,111, sissip|ii was iiltonded by soiaa lighting', will Inive ri'ilobcd Ibo riNti'oiiio iiL'.'o nt lii'nujrbl: 111 the iilli'iiliun ni' Ihc, lioiu'il would not j;o Hirou.igli williout iliu s.rniig.ist Ilis father was a Inivyer with a small prnc- Slni.ll iliiii (lliu I'liy uf iio!\' p::lit and by some iii"iduiils that were liiiliei'inis kind of a certiliuiite of di iib lily. Well. 1 lieo nnd after h.; had given his soa an aca• 51 yoal'.s, lie is well cared fur and fi'il of .Milol'nlon of lh;il oity ail evil viilli Tlait gilds 30nr gbi'.uu.i l.liili. enou^^b. .'\t )iiiniiies|iorl, on Ihe ..Vbha- got ono aliiiiit'iis strong as it eoiild bn demic edneatiun, lio lefl him rely upon hiiu- eorli-bi'cail nml all ,s(irt IVods, as hi;.; which all of niil' largo on niiiiliiil ies nro niiiil'.. tlie doctor eerlifving that ho lind fiilaya, several liiindi'od very hot and dirty Army 'Wr^iia- sclf for his law studies. Like niauy nu• suliliur.s lit was in .\liiy, ISIil, nud sultry ns toidh lire cntirclv "'ono. alllioioil ill oiuilllinii, 11 s (;lic nssigii- exiiiniiiod inu, tliat, my system wa i full of niber grout and Kiicciissfiil mini, be taught the tio|iies) went down lo tile river to're• inolil: of wnges by eiii) (U-o,s of till! cil\' Out of the large e.vperiuiicu I bad as niidnrin. nnd that in lii< oi:i::iim my dentli school 'or iiwliile, and out of liis oariiiiio iu tiio water. Their diversion uiime to nn lho reininiseeiiu-'S of army days lhat is soi.nliy, instuad o. sending it up through al Kuwport, fllloile Island, llo soon )ier- vory glad io lialidle Clilii'iu'ilia fruits in wngi's lire now assigilod in the ilill'creiit iintimoly end. (.hi Hlis murch General strong in my memory. tho 'regular cliiiunols,' I went to Xew coivod Illlll the West lilVorded i.iiii boiler prcl'eronco to I'ol'eigll frliits; but iliH'or- di'parlmcnts, nlul nilirii to my sitrpriso Our einiri-ill'n'lial wns composed of Iho Oi'lOuiis. 'Taylor's forces wero liotli in front nnd renr, and on the move there was lighling oipoitnnities for advancement mid he wont tunately lllo C'alifnrllia fruit nlou, thoy maximum number of oHieuis i.rovided by "[ camo froln LowoU, aud had soiuo the iiggrcgiilc iiiiniliur is illlll, 1 inn both by lho advanco and rear gunrd. Ou lo D.ivenport, Iowa, iiiiciidiiig to nractico I'ogulatious -tbiitoeil, if 1 rightly ronu'iii- auipiaintaiico with Butler there before tho say, have a bad trick of pulling np in• assilroil by Ihc 'l.'reasiii'cr lhat this is a tliio occasion several of his force had rid• lav tiicru. He soon saw there wire groat ber—anil beard anil Hied many ciiso.s of war; su it wai with considuriiblo ciinlideU'O ferior goods under slandlird laliels. den up to tho oppo.'-ile bank of the opportunities for making nioiiuy throngh small nunilior ('niii|iiu'iitividv; that soliie- inililary oU'ense uri.^iiig in oar division, that I got jiast his Ad.nliiut General, into river, nnd, Kcrouiied by tbo bushes, loaus to Western farniet's, antl, procuring •For iuslauco, a box of rnisins will havo lu (be pleasant wnilbur of iSeidembcr nud his privalo ollice, and, presenting my jia- limos in years pas!, it lias reaobed tiiiicli reeonnoiterod what thoy could soo ciipiial from New Ibunpshire friends, bo pcrs. reqttestot bim io read them. a thin layer of )irimo rnisins on t.i]), higher iignroa, '.L'lio iiiuoiiids eollectod October, ISIil, wo nsnnlly held our s.'S- of our forces. 'Their silout scouling engaged in the business vory snuccHsfully. sions under a hil'gc leiit-liy, at a Inn ; pino "He devoured them in about a minute, wliil.i the rest will ho alniost u'ortlilosis. boing over they coneludetl to lake a fare• lie hucaiiie interested iu railroadiu;,', audin l.iy assignees iiiulor Ibeir assigiiiiionts and ilieii lurnud his cock-eye my way. tiilde, put t'lgelllor hy thu lleadi|Uai'lots well shot at liie Yankees in the water. bS,SI, unsuspoclod by anyone, soriirod from Moreover, it is .said the California fruit "'I observe, Capliiin Phelps,'he .said, aggregate ?l'2,l);lt) nionlhly, ol' a yoarly ciirpuiiter. When the nruiy moved, we siis- 'Three or four carbine roporls were heard, tbe bands of Messrs. Drexel it ilorgau a •that the surgiiou snys you will dio any men do not socni to roali/.o how iin- total of $l,")l,()t)il. Tliis, too, when in , liouud liu.i^'ncss nnlil il was settled for a and tho balls eamO splashing und skip• conlrolling interest iii V. e Long Island week somewhere, wlien we would resume way.' Ihiilroatl system. He also hecnine largely porhiiifc il. is nowadays tii pack' goods in tliree-fniirl.hs of the ilopnrlninnts the ping among them. operat ous. At tho biilHo of Cedar Creek " 'Ves, General; ho ihiuks ' iulere^tod k\ tho I. B. ,t W. Knilroad, of afctractivo packages. .'\nd such a panic! I'he iinlurni suiiposi- employes nre pai.l weukly. It is easy onr .Tiidgo Advocate was liikeii prison r, " 'Yonr resignation is uot acceptotl. Tho which hois at preseul President. For yours tion \yas that half the Confederate al'uiy and several otlicniicmbers killed or woiiild- fad is, Phelps, siiico you're bound lo dio, ho has been interested in ii selicmo for to seo what a. sonrco of income this has was ou the o)ipoaite bank, and that a nnir NOT far fji-oni Tnhlerjilah, I. T., a od, so tiiat this court was- broken np by Ihe you'd belter din in the service, where yoii'le boon to tlio fow imscrii]iulous men who derous volley would come '.!xt. 'J'he rnjud transatlantic travel, nnd bolioves lhat ouciuy, nnd ils uutinishctl business gone of sonio use, th 111 to go back and dio iu U three-year-old becalno lost in tho bathers scrambled for the shore; Ihey steamers can be built which will run from have boon engaged iu this business. Jn over I'lgnin bufoie a newly ordered one. Lowell, whoro you r.) of no use lo any- never 8tiiy.;d upon the order of their goucg, the terminus of tho Long Island Dailroart, -woods in Ihu nflornoon, and was uot I think it wns at our cninp ue.ar Charles- hodv.' no caso is tho ralo of iiitoresfc charged but went at ono'>. Nor did (hey hirry to at Moulauk Point, to England, in six days. found unlil noon lllo next day, at which town, wilbin a stone's throw of the s.eot ".'Vfter that I got mad—ir/id live.il!" • loss than .""i per cent, a inouldi, and in I dress. Each man snatched n]i his own-or Mr. Corbin has mado his way from jiovorty where lbe gallows of old .lohn Ih-nwii was timo the yonugstor was discovered Our Assistant .Surgeon Uaci a keen scout som body OIHO'S—clotiios, aud made the np to his position as tbe owner of S'.^''i,ll()0,- sonio cases it anuniiits lo 1110 por conh eroded livo years before. Hud Captnhi C. aboiit six milos dislaiit playing around for milk; would take buttermil.'c if ho could most rn|iid inovcniont pos ibio ior camp. (101), and still be works hnrd, nnd will hayo a year. waa brought before ns. I su|ipress his uot get the fresh artielu. hiiliily, Jtilll, Thu rocoplioii they cot thero—the molci- to work hard, as Iteading's Prosidont.. ..fin old Ireo toji, wilh ono shoe oil and name nnd rogimoiu out of deference to lho before Sheridan was put in command, less "Kuying and clinlling"—niny bo im• hk hat lost, 'l.'liu litllo follow seemed TrtE installment of Hay ami Nioolay's fuelinss of ono who was a bravo aud whilo Geueral riuntor was hurryiug us agined. . Some of Iho Thirteeut i and Six• V'IZAlil) FDhSOX. biilbful oflicor. spile of this tronb'o, aud happy. As ho ollnuot Inlk jilaiu, thoy .Lifo of Abraham Lincoln in the Felirii- about iu a distriiutcd kind of way from teenth Corps (Western meu) Wire witnesses who. I trust, is siill living loread this ac• Harper's Ferry to Frederick aud hack, nnd of the sceue, and one ot them called out to Sonic of Tlis AVouiUo'l'iil IiiveutimHt—What ciiig daily a naked fugitive, who was Irying lo hide 11 Ciiieliinali Atiin Tu Is About the AVork his night's rest in Iho woods, wllother story, illustrating the rsterling honesty The charge agninsl him was driinkonuess with sunslrolco, wo louud ourselves ouo himself loug ouou.cdi lo get dressetl: of tll« Cb'IMlt li^UK.'t riuiiui. on duty; and the evidence al first secniod ho wiilkoil ldl night or slopfc, aud the of the groat 'War rresident. At the sultry afternoon half way h.'lwoon the ICiuoiiniatI spocial.| lo make ifc out. It njiiioared lhat early ouo "0, I say, soldier! Is that the Nine• Ferry aud llalltowu, in that wild region A gentlflinnn who has just returned from night was a cold and frosty ouo. How timo Lincoln ran for Congress against iimruiuif, some weeks ibotole. when his rcg- teenth Corps' nui orin you've got on'i"'-;- known as Bolivar lloigbts. Wo wore pass• Florida, where ho spout a month with the Bov. Peter Cartwrighfc his friends iiiieut iiiovid wiUi the division, tho Cantaiii ing a nioan-lonking houso, in front of CliicM'jo Ledycr. -he oscapod being devoured by the Ellison, said, iu an iuterview lo-day, was missing from bis coniimny. He had which'a slatt rnly woina'i wiHi arms aldiii- •aiiKii>i'onH wolves of the neighborhood inmginod lhat the cailvaiis would ho a speaking of tho recently rojiorlod invention been seen in camp Hint morning, and two bo waa viewing wilh undisguised scorn and very dillionlt and expensive one. Coii- General Auger. of iiitiliciiil food: "Ha hna alroady por- fe nuolhor nivslerv. ot the men woro sent back to look for him, conteimit the innroh of the Yankee hiro- foclod this discovery so that au army need soiptcntly a purse of $200 was mn.do np 'Ihey fonnd him lying uujouseioiis on the lings over that ) orlion of ti,o soil whirli Christopher Colon Augur wns horn in carry no food. All it noeils is to tiiko along A-NDP.KW D. •\ViiiTE, gives t.liisincident groiiild, llnd perceived, when they aroused fi'oulod her dweUiug. 'Tho doctor thou dit Ntfw York in IS21; outored tha United and given him hy •Tosbua Siioad to two or thieo of Edison's ui.aohincs and turn him, thllt bo was drunk. Ills arrest, nnd he saw a chance for milk, nnd, riding up Sln'os Military Academy in 1830, and was . of Von Eauko, the hiytorinn, wlioso cover his expenses. After his election tho elements into food, ns it is needed. tbo charge and Irial followed as a matter to tbo dame, jiolilely iiccosted Ir r: graduated in IS-lll; Fcrvod in tho Mi xieau Hut ho has boon doing other things. For Iccfciii'os ho listened fco: "He had a j\lr. Lincoln returned jil!)!J.25. of tho of course. war aud ou tbophiius; commanded at AVest "Madam, have you any milk to spare':' I instance, ho has invented what bo calls tho I habit," ho says, "of becoming so absorbed amount to Jlr. Spci»l, Avith the oxjila- For the defense, tho Captain showed shall be glad to pny for it." niiragophoue. Itis like a telephone, only in his subject ns to sliii down in his natinu that as ho had usod his own horso his previous good character nnd So loud and oiliphatic was tho answer you look in it instead of putting ifc lo faithful service iu the regiment, •chair, holding his finger up toward tho and boon entertained by his friends ho thnt hal. tho regiment he.ird it: your ear, mid you seo what is going and thnt he hat< Ileon out on picket all lho "No, Hir\ wo hain't got no milk; wo on at the other eiid. By putting n mirnge- ceiling, and then, wilh lii.s oyosfastenod had only spent 7.0 cents of tho raonoy night before. Ho oonld not be svrorn as a hain't got no bread; wo haiu't got no moat; pllono ou the end of a lolograph wire nt St. .on the tip of it, go mumbling through a givofi him. Abralutin Lincoln would witness in his own behalf, hut was por- we hain't got uoth u' to eat; wo haiu't got Louis, fixing the corresponding instrument mittod to miiko a statement, which he did, ikind of rhapsody, wliicli most of my not have been very mmih of a politician uolh:n' lo drink—we're clean done gone np at this entl, you have a perfect picture of very clearly aud friuikfy, about as follows: a spout—and you kin just tote yourself •what is going on there. He has also in• -German fellow-stndents confessed they nowadays. Indeed, tis politicians li.iv Tho pickets hail been relieved jnst before away from hyar." vented a telegraph Iriinsmillor that writes . could not undorslaud. It wus a comical the army moved, and ho had reached tho ing other iioojilo's money in their hands 0, tho shouts that greotod tho disap• its own message in typewriter. You put camp of his regiment while the companies sight—half a dozen students crowding go, his scrupulous nnd exact honesty pointed sonrcher for mi.k! the langhtor yonr ihessnga in a box at this end, turn a were hilling in. His labors on tho pickot- that eased our sufferings for tha moment! .Hi-ound tho desk listening to tho pro- will bn quite generally regarded as lino had boon unusually severe; tho ene• crunk, nnd nt the other end the typowritor tho friendly jokes ovir that interview my's pickets were supposed lo bo in the rattles olf with lightning speed. .fo.ssor ns priests might listen to tho something extraordinary if not finical which Dr. B. has heard over since! vicinity, and ho had been coufcinimlly ou "To nmuse his wife ho rigged np a buggy isihyl on hor tripod, the othor students and fussy. Of course this happened in wilh electric motors in llie hirbs of the the lino, keeping tho men watchful. He The stern, glinsHy realities of war are Lcing scattered through the room in old times, but, .somchoiv, ifc i.s refresh• wheels. It would go nt Ihe rate ot twenty hnd hnd ao sleep, nnd cnmo in oxbansted, well known lo (lie veterntis; Iho pooplo can irarions stages of dLseourageinmits." ing to read about those old-fashioued wet with dew, chilled through, aud sick. never roaliiio them, never half und.-r.5taud miles an hour. Then ho invented a now Somebody offered him a whisky-flask; ho way lo catch fish. All he does is lo run a virtues, even if they havo passed away. them. took it, and drank a large dnjin. Almost wire ont ou tha bottom of tho sen or river, TuERU is a white-oak tree near the Burned into .my memory, starling as overcome with fatigue nud tho craving for nnd he has some electrical effect or other so plainly to view as 1 writo as doi s the pic• •base of "Sliii-down" mountain near sleep, this potion, •which upon most men Train Tliciit nt lloiuc. ture on the wall boforo mo. nro some of that every tish that swims above it immedi- .would hnve acted as a sliniulaut,mnde him. Fairburu, Ga., that measures fourteen the.scones that niveal grim war, stripped ntely dies nnd comes floating to tho sur• There nre colleges for females called drew sy. He fell asleep, and know nothing of its gilt nnd glitter, ils pomp and pride face." • foot iu circumforonco. Tho body up to seminaries, Avhere pooplo sond tlieir of his condition until he was brought back —showing the grinning skull of lha Mo• iho first limbs (which are about thirty- daughters to getiiolisliod. They shonld , to the regimont under arrest. loch. A Negro Murderer Lynched. •five fco.fc highj is nearly the samo size. bo able to teach their children good Tbo court wns cleared for deliberation. With hundred^ ot others, I fell beforo |^avaaotn, (Toxnai special.] breeding at home or give up Ihc child- 'This mountain has a sharp peak, is According to regnliilions, the inoinbers voto the works at Port llndsou in the desjierate Monday'Doputy Sheriff .Upohureh waa raising exporiinent, it seems to ine. ahot by .Tim Blchards, n negro, at Dedias, ;aboiit ono hundred feet high, and in luin upori the question of guilty or uot assault of fcinnday, •lune hi, 1SB3. It was The seminary system of rubbing down gnil.y, unil, if tho latter is the judgment, my great good forlntie to bo caiTicd from Point in 18G1, being then a Captain. Ho thirty miles from here. Upchnrch had . almost perpendicular on the north side, their scholars grinds them down protty fheiv upon the sentence. The junior tho. field. Half 11 mile hack in tue woods, commanded a division in the Fif.h Corps, Richards under' arrest, nud the latter, iMJxt the river. From imdor this preci- smooth, but unless tho sparkle is doop- nioiilber iu rank and coinniissiou speaks nt least a quarter of an acre of ground hid nnd was severely wounded at Cedar Mcuut- watching his opportunity, jorked Up- ain. Afterward he joined Banks' oxpe.li- church's pistol out of its scnblitird nnd in- • pkic gushes a bold spring of pure, cold, .set it is in danger of giving out before lirst, and BO on, accord ug to grade and been walled in wilh cotton hales, to be iion lo Now Orleans, and commanded the llieted tho fatal wound. A bout sundown the iiolishing is complete. Parents seniority, lo tho President of the court. used as a tumpomry hospital. So rapidly iQparkl'ng water. The top of tho nioiin- wero tuo violims of that Borrow.ul morn• District of Baton Ecugo. After the war he Monday evening over seventy-live masked who have sent their daughters to semi• Tliis is .the regulation; but an iuformal iain gives siilendid access to tho snr- discussion nsnally preceded tho vote, and ing brought in on stretchers, that hy snn- commanded the Deparlments o' Washing• men, armed to the leetb, took Richards naries to bo so polished as to be calcu• ton, the Plntto, and the Misflonri, in the .mmding scenery. From tho opposite it was ao in this case. rlse there was scant room lo lay anoihor. Irom the custody of the guards and swung niennlime I eing nmdo a Brigadier and bre- lated to shinn onlv in a stimpfuonsly My own mind was made up at onoo. Tho They covered the ground in long rows; him to a neighboring tree. vetted a Major General iu .the regular side of tho river the preciiiico will ro-, furnished parlor are tho ones who can't bearing of the accused ollicer, his previous some dying as ihey la J', some bleeding to army. His commiasion of Major General «T6rborafce I'roin ' ono to three syllables, | understand why young mon prefer fco go good servioe, hi^ st itement, which was per• death, sohie br.ivoly controlling the e.v- of Volunteers was dated August S), lS(i2. AN editor having charged n cortain Gov fectly in harmony wilh the ovidence, had pression of their agony, ot"crs praying, .dopend.'ng somewhat on the condition ifc alone, and can atlbrd to spend their He was retired about a year ngo. . " ernment oflieial with receiving a comfort- prepaeod me to voto for bis acq'iiltal. 'Xhu I shrit'kint.', somu bhisphcmini.,'.- Snrgeona ub'e sum for his' inllueuce, .tbo onicinl , of the ntmosphero. money jilaying pool rather than get married to ono of their scintillating eircnmstnuce was nn nnfor unate ono, nnd i were Imsy wilh siws, ktiivoi nud baadngesi wrote Ihe fol'owiug noto of explanation: The Bost Foot iu Front. jewels. The roa.son is because yonng conld not but roflei't upon him; but his ChaplniuB wore doin,g what thoy could to "DEAK SIR—'Tbo statement mado by you AN old gentleman traveled all tho strengthen tho dyin ', nud rocoivo (heir lust "Seo hero, now, I've heard a good deal ihnt I received money for my inilneace is a men can't atlord to furnish the sotting couduct seemed to mo to he far from crim• 'tray from Cape God to Deadwood a few inal. Indeed, I thou.iht that uot even in• words. 'The nir wns sick with chloroform about the honest farmerrbut what makes wicked lio. 1 nm as imio cnt of nuy Biich required for such costly ornaments, discretion could.bo justly ni-ged against him. —lioavy xvith horrorl Nothing npon lho you put ldl the best pi-OicheB on the lop of hnrges as tho babe unborn. I got no weeks ago to hunt up a grandson Avhoni and by the timo thoy become prepared Tho most correct and ahstumious subordi• biiUlo-::old ever uti'ected mo so! , "the basket?" asked ac.ty man of the fru.t- money Whatever, and lam au honest mnn. ' lie hnd made U|) his mind to adojit as to stand the cost the jewels are faded nate oiHow iu tho wliolo nrniv, pinood in On lho liold whenoo those stiCferer? oame soller. 1 he parties in charge of the Rchomo uovor Lis heir. On reaching that flonrishing or are lost.—P/«'/aiZe/j)/ria Call.. the same situ'itiou, might easily have ox- sDores of others lay despi raltily wounded, I He Borntchod his bond, thought ft mo- offered me anything. Yours tndy." • mining,center and making cautious in- posed himself to. the saino chnro. lying all day between tho 1 nes, without tho ' mcnt, nnd replied: "I 'upt'Ot it's for the "WE can never have much confidence In onr deliberations, I exprossod these slightest clinuoo of relief. Tlfo burning same renson .vou have the front oi your . qtiiries ho found tho yonng man sland- STUANOE bnt (lrne; it liord in season ia in the uprightno.ts of others uiitil we views ns forcibly ns I co'.ild; but tbo in v.or- suu of that awful dav oonsumed thom; house of brown 6tou«i and tho buck viostlv scarcely ever spoken by • fnan iu apeppeiy ~ icg iu the door of a saloon nnd smoking have discovei'ed some degree of uuright- itv wail largely auainst thom. One of tho moans fur water, supplications to haiuen. B.w<]l-burioi."' Iramu oi nimd, " i« cisarnt, Without makins bis proa-, ness in ourselves. 'Jix-Mnyor Xift'rolio, Bnltlmoro; lid., says A LESSON WITH A MOKJir,. Usarul anil Hurlful Modiolnoa. THK BOY KANDIT. There is a certain ohiss of remedies for con- tho best cough medicine is l?od Htiir Cough Btiimtlpn abBolutoly usoloaa, Those aro bolusofl Curo. Dr. Saniael K. Cox, D. D., of Wlvm Will Our n-lyiis Ji-.s and sovoral liiindrod tu llud tlnil most of tliiiui diuJ of apoplexy, woaltoii both tliom and tho nlomacU, Bolter bo quietly let a loun.—A'«io Orleans i'ica- far 10 1180 the agrooahli) aud Hidutary aporiiuit, falls. Tho most casuid obsorvor would of paral.vais, of uervoiis proalratiun, of iiuili^'- yiiiie. naut blood-humor, ot JJrijjhi's (ii.-oa-o, ot Hoiitottor'8 Stomach IJIttors, the lasatlvo olfoct havo booji willing to iiiaho a doiiosition lioart diaoaso, of kidnoy diHoiiau, of rhoumu- of which ia uover jiroeodod Uy pain, or aocoiii- As tko greatest luiiu-curo, St, Jacobs hot'oro the noarost magistrato that be- ti.im, or of pnuumoniii. panied byii couvulsivo, vloluiil notion of thu Oil ia recoiiiuionded by luiblin men of iiowola Ou tho coutrarv, it hivit'iir,i.to» tlmso America nnd other countriiw. illon. Bilhi Will imrlly the BL0OD> rrij iiuath a aoinowliat (ommimpluco anil li ia H.nKUtar that moat of our proniineul tho LIVER nnd KIDNEVS phononioiially dirty exterior (for onr niou dio of thoso di.-iorders. .'.uy .jouriiuliHt or;jiuiB, tho Btomaeli and tho oiitiro systuui. Aa Flint, Life-Soiuitor of tho Domiuiou Piir- JlKB-miil- Iho HEALTH nnilVIC wlio walclios tlio loiogriiiili rojiurts, will liu a incaua of ouriiit'aud iirovoiitini;; uialarial fo- linnieiit, Cnnnda, fonnd it to act liko a on of YOUTH. I))ii[io|iBlii,V.'«at hero bod a Imiiglity coiito:npfc i'or con- of Appollte, liiiliiifisilori.l..ica «P nstouiahod at Itio miiubor ot iiromnieut vic- vera, no luodieiiio can cuuiparu with it, ninl it cbiinn. ^ Hlrenidh and Tiled F™lin««it>- venlioniiliiio.s) this bov ooncoalod tin tim.s of tlieso diuordorH. reiuodloti uorvouH debility, ruouuiiLliKui, kliliiey w, Holulely eiired: Boaen, mnft- A physician whoso speeialty ia nnnl igS^ clus and iiervps oitri-ivii nwir indoniitnblii will aiuI a eollarless shirt. .Manyslatouienta Imvo appcarodinour pnpor nud liladdor iiiaotivity, aud other iiioryiuiic nll- ^Iw>. forco. Ihillveiis til*- minfl witli othors to tliu oll'oot that tbo diHuasoa tiuit iJionts, ; , diseases has boon studying tho relation "Strah. nnd siinplieii llrnin I'lww. 'i'ho person whom ho addro.-aoi'l was carriod otf so many proniinniit niou in ISSli, ^'Hiifforiai: from eoniplaiJilsiiHyn- a girl of about his own ago. She was of anal fjslnla to constiinptioii. It ia an S lii,|.l,ill„.u sex will Had i,n;»4t. aroronlly oao disoaso, takiiiK ciJlTerniit mimes Kiinniny an Aceutint. old idea that an anid listnla has a good J3 UAETTirS JPON aO»JC» poerlossly beautiful, nnd woro .store accor.liiig tu iho location uf ilio fatal oiruct.i. Rere, fiiaiedycur e. Oivesil eleiir, lit'.-il-liy eeiiij'timtciii. It is a convenient thing to havo a clotlies, aud had an ai'istocriitir. air. Wlion a viiliuUilo horuu porisluH, it hooouioa ofl'eet in caaoa of consumption, bnt this All lilteiiilU.i 111. ei'liiiterreillna only mills le ilsrt.,r>tt- tbo uiuodnva' talic of tlio nporliu|,' world, and atanding account at a store, whero you Inrity. Uu not e»periiiioiil-i.'el (InimNV l,,iymiv,ia' .Every uorvo stretehcd to its utmost physifinii says tbiit any inijirovohioiit in f nr. DARTER'S LIVKR, PILLS yot tliouBauila of oriliiiiiry horuus nro dying can go at any timo, ordor ivhat you IC'nroOoualipallon,Liver Coinelnlnt nnd Sick ffl t.onsimi, the ' boy awaited lior answer. ovory day, tiioir af;f,'''i't.'af=i ouorinoua, consumptive .symptoms wliieh follows irotdnuho. aainplo .Dose iiiKl Ilrenm llookffl please, and havo it charged, without With a i]nick inovoiuor.fc alio placed tho unit yot tlioir death oruiitea no coiuinout. tho oocurronce of a listuln i,s not por- tjnioklyanklyiindd coriinlottilcoiiinlotoly <^iiro( .H ISyfiptMiHia in all Jmnlloit on rooclpt ot uyo conts In postnco. F tho worry of having to considor whether f(« foi-uuiimii,, 'llriirtiMirii' , Urhtliintf, Tn.st iiiH t*io THE DR. BARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST, LOUIS.IWO. coveted eoul'ectiou out of his reach, ut• .So it ia Willi iiuiividuulrt. 'J'lio cauao of manont. He snys; "Aa a gouoral rule, Knndd* ol_olo.. _ItimrioljO. H jiiitl ,purincsthobioud.htimu -. - doiiili of piomiueiit mun nroalnrt eoiiiiuiint, you havo enough money in your purse ItiU^a tliH nppotilrt. uiid iiiil.i tho iiSHiinilntitui of lotid, tering, as .sho (lid .so, these words: llicso llstula greatly, aggravate tbo cfljiooially whou It can LDHIIOWU that ouo nn- -MJt. C\KUfl W. ,SirAF>', .riiiitUHi uf Ilio Tunco; to pny for it or not; but it is also true pulmonary iifl'uction by impairing tho Arxjolii, Ind., (IIIVH: "I WJIH tin unruly uniuitud with "Aaw, I won't, iioithor." tuaiiooloi'l liiHoaso earriea 011100.-51 of thoui, mdJKOHtion that 1 tuHild outuntliiiiKwitlumt diutruito, lhat 'these items, smnll though they Tho you 11 Ktiiffgvrod as if lio Iiad mul yot "vast iiiiinliorH of ordiiiiiry mon nnd constitntioniil pfiweri, especially if at• llrtuvn'ii rniii IIIIUIFH hfw mmpJi-'Nily oumi mo," maybe, mount up with appialling rap• Mit. CiiAH. 0. ItAKKK. liVnoliifulvillu, Ind.. flr.Vff: beon hit with a elub. wouiiMi die hsforc thoir timo ovory yonr from tended by copious diacbflvgc of ]uis,aud 'i UBod IJmwii'rt llittnw li>r DytipupelH wit,li Uio snnio CHiise." idity into a sum thnt .always surpasses L'roator bonnlit tlmn nny incdicmtj I ovur ntk>d." Mad ho not boon HO passionately at- much irritntiou. The principal indica• It is aaid if tho blood is Itopt froo from uno expectation. Besides, this, the vory Mm, OiiAfl, .S. Di.MMioK, ('hdwi, Ind., Btij-fl; tasliod to his iiativo land as to carry a acid, tluit lionrt diseaso, paralysia, iiorvous tion in such cases is to build up, not to "Kroini'H Ii-on ItittorrJ nntiroly oiirfld mo of acovoro best calculators, and thoso who genor- o(ia« of i)ynpnpnirt. I Rlndly itsounimond it," largo saniplo of it ou his I'aco, his coin- prostnxtion, pnoiiniouia, rliounuitism, and deplete.—Dr, Fnote\t Jfeallh Journal, Goiiuino tm;i nbmn Tiado Mark iiiui croHHod rod lines uiaiiv ousoa of oonauiiipliou, would novor bo .ally use a wiso economy, buy things in oiiwrnppHr, TuUr no (ilhcr. Mndoonlyhy pauion wonld have Hccii that ho waa cunts WHUIE Alt aSE.lAltS. luiowu, 'J.'his. iirio aoiil, wo aro tulil, ia tlio this way which thoy could easily do » * .X- Proiniitnro docliuo of jmwcr in lIItOU'A CHrSiKIAL CO. )tA I.TI MOU IJ. M P. hast Cough Syrup. Tastes irmid. Dci> ghastly pale. wnaio of tho Bvat.-m, and it is tho duly of tbo lu lime, aolil by drnuiiisls. JKV Avithont did tboy take the timo for ro- iiithcr BOX, liowiiver induced, apeodily and Tito iron had entered his soul. IjidiKiya to roiuuvo this waste. poriiutuiiiilly cured. Book for tO conta iii llection which cash payments would "So 1)0 it," lio bissod, in ii strange, "Wo aro tolil thnt if tho kiduoy.i aro ma.iii- utninp.i. World'a Diapoiiiiary jM'eiiical Aaaoci- WOKCES TEH'S taiiK.'d in perfect health, tliu urio, kidiioy, iioid often compel. It is so easy, when an at.uu, jMiiiii alrout, Buffulo, N. Y. Hiiiil unnatural voico. "This is tho bittorost ia kopt out of tlio blood, nud tlioao HUililuii niii', articlo that seeius^ at the timo desirable UNABRIDGED QUARTO blow of all. 'To-night 1 loavo New uuivoreitt disnaaoa onuaod by uric acid will, ia is seen, to order it sent and charged '.I'm.; devil is a cobbler who is always rtArNEOVlLLE.N, J,, I York forovor. Henceforth William a Inrgo nioasuro, diaiiiipenr. Ootobor 13, ISaa. f for, the temptation overcomes tho buyer pegging away at souls.— WkilcliaU, J'/'wcs. Ijogga ia doail. I!ut iu lii.s ])laee will Bill how aluill Ihia bj dono? It ia folly to IC, T. HAZEI.TINE, treat oll'octs, If tlioro IH any known way of before the stroiigtli w liich comes from spring to lifo ono of whom mon will CuArrKD hands, face, piniiilea, and rough Warron, Fn, gottiua at till) ottuao, lhat way should liu kuown looking at the ninttor on all sides en• aUinciiriid by using .Juniper J'nr Soap, made Dear Sir: speak with batod breath aud bulging to thu piibliii. Wu hel.evo lhat M'artior Eiifo 'H able hor to resist tho impulse to buy. liy (;aa\voll, ilaxard .t Co., New York. I was taken with a very oyes; ono whose foared and liated name euro, of wlnnli aomiicU lina boon written, nnd Often pureliasos aro made in this way Bovore colli last Spring, BO imioli lalkoil of by tho publio gcnoniliy, ia A LOCAL euudidnlo in tho lust cleetiou, will bo now recognized by iuipartinl ph,yaiciaiia and and regretted, while Boniothing that nml tried every cnro wo who hud to set 'ein np for tho boys very "What ? What ?" wailed tlio girl. tlio public as tbo ononponitioforHUctictiaoaHoa. liatliii llio storo,auil could was far moro necessary must iu eonso- froqueullv, snys, "a public oilieo is a public "Barbarous .liill, thu JJoyBandit, tho Bi;eaua:i publio iittoiiiiou luis bcuii diroctod quonco bo gone without, got no help. to thia great roniedy hy nicaua of ndvortiaiii,!,', thirst." IiiDl'l'lON oi<' Lssr. Holy 'Terror of tho Yoaomito." I had our village doetor SDinoportona liavo not boliovod in Uioronuidy. Blerchants understand thnt a groat JloThiinlii His I'lipcr. • ENI.AIIOICD Hi' TffK APW'PION OP As lio uttered those words the jujnlio \V can uot liow Mr. tt'aruor oould iinino- preacrilio for uio, but kept Q SCO doal more is likoly to bo bought whoro Jlr Editor: I waa iiidiiood by rending your A New Pronouncing Biograpliical Oicllonary, pasto foil from his coinpauion's iiorvo- diatoly boiiotit tlm publio in any other way, good papor lo try l;r. Unvtor'a Iron Tumo tor getting worse. I saw iin- uud hia viiliniblL' H]ieoilio aliould not ho ooii- thoro is a running neconnt than when loss iingors, and with a low ory she dobiluy, livor diaurdor, aud ucrofnhi, aud throo A New Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, otber physician from Port doniuod liocnuao aoniu uoHtruma liavn como cash is paid down, whieh explains their sank fainting fo tho ground, bottloa havo cured luo. Aocupt my tlinuks. .Torvis, N. Y., and bo told boforo tho publiii in Ibo sanio way, auy nioro readiness to trust thoso whom they ALSO OVER 12,500 iVEW WORDS. Tlio boy fieizod thu eonroetion a,iid than that ail iloclor.a .-^IiouU! lio oonduiuiiod bj- Joa. 0. Bosga.—A',c. mo ho used Piso's Curo hnve roaaon to boliovo will pay what run a.M.K iiv Ai,r, nooKaKM.t.:ns. eagerly devoured it. Then aa ho .strode caiiHo ao many of tboui aro incomiiutouL for Consumption in his they honestly owo. Tho excess will, in •\V1SLI.S' IIAIIS IlAL.'iAiir. ,T. IJ. I.U'l'lNOOT T COM TAN V, IMihUshora, «»pidly away ho nmttorod, hoarsely: It ia ftatonirtbiu},' what good opiuioua yon If gray, restorea to origiual oolor. An oloBeut practice. hoar on ovory aide of Hint groat roniod.v, imd nine cases ont of ten, moro than com- 711 and 717 .Mai-lait Street, Philadoliihia, "Tromblo, haughty gyurl, for the end druasliig, Boftona and boautilUis. No oil uor I bought a bottle, and publio opinion tlina biiaod upon an actual ox- pcnaato for the loss of interest on the Kniaiio. A 'J'auiu Koatoriitivo. Stops hair ooni- Ls not .yet oonie."'' poriouce hna all tho weight and iniportanoo of outstanding sums, though thero is no iug out; fitront'tlioua, cloaufloB, hoiUu soiilji. iXlo. beforo I hnd taken all of abaoiuto triitii. it there was a oliango for question but that thoy sometimes lose Tho host tiling on eiirtli to add to starcli to Clinpt*!!- 11.—lt,,v«Migit nt l.nsl. At this tiinu of tho yoar tbo uric noid in tbo I'rnttiost llliislraliid tho better. Then 1 got my blood inviloa puoumoiiiiv nnd rhouinatiam, aud largo amounts by tho failure of indi• pivoatiood liody and beiiutirtilItloaa,ia "itoiigh One year has passed. The auow.'i of on I)li-t," nzily'wasliiiig compound thiLtoiiu bo Sl!:jfin-CATAJ.(KiUK employer to order a quan• tlioro ia uot a man who dooa not dread tbuao viduals through rnisfortnne, sioknesa, over iiriiitiHl. Chi'iipeat another winter bavo fallen and pa.s.sod BO nsod, iMakua ironing onay and uavoa tho tity of (be medicine anil munstcraoC diseiiso; but lie nood havo uo foar death, or deliberate rascality to diff- starch. lias dirt roiiioviun iiowordouhle thiitof .4 heal SlSKDS Kn'WU, ot tlioin, wo nro told, if ho rid tho blood of tho Xkirdennrs trade, a Kjie- keep it iu stock. I took away; tliopatoiit-modieino men have all diMs.—Fmily S. Bov- any other. chargo thoir ddll.ij, J'ackctx tmlji :)e. issued now editions of thoir almanacs; urio aoid cause. one moro bottlo, and my Tlioab words nro atroug, and may aound lilco ion, in Toledo Made. I.'lieap aa ilh-L by a-/.. A 11>, tho veteran actros.s has coniplotod her IiMilimpkla new e.ttrna free, Cougli was cured. an ndvortiHoniont aud bo rojoeled ns aiicb by ; .SUUWrVVAV. Itookford 111. Jlcnpoctfully, olo\'onth annual farowell tour. nutbinkiug people, bntwc holiuvo thoy aro tbo A Strong llnilowincut Tbo lest nail ani-cst Kcaiedjr for Caro of ]'"IIANK MCKELVY. In tho cavern in the heart of tbo trutli, ami aa aucli aliould bo apokon Iiy ovory la conferred upon that magniflcout iustitiitioii, Ihe Oldest Medicine in the. Wortil is truth-loviug iiowKpapor. all dlneues canscd by auy derangement of probahiy Dr. Isnnc Thonijison's Yoscniite wliicli they make their ren• tlio liiimau ayslem, liy Dr. Picrco'a "(.ioldon Modioal Diauovory," that fortifies it against tlio tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomacli ami Cowelfi. dezvous aro seated Jiarbarous Bill, tlio •Tniinaicse Shampooing, oncroaiilinionta of diaoaao. it ia Ihc groat blood DysiMSIiaia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Boy J.iand.t, and his lawless gang—all pnrillor and altornlivo, and aa a romody for This arllele is a carofiilly propiirod pli.v.slcliui's pi-o- On a fine day oiiocan soarcely walk a coiiHiiniptinn, broiicliit.a, and all diaoasoa of a Billotw Complaiuts and Malaria of all kinds scrililliui, and liiiH bin.-n lu ciinstant use for jieaidy a stalwart, blaek-boardod rullians from i-i;uliirv, uuil nofwithstiiiniiiu- thn iiian.v uther livcpiir- Rullianvillo, but moro piiji]>otis in tho .square in auy of the moro thickly-popu- wuHliiiH iiaturo, ita iiiUuonco ia rapid, ellica- yield readily to tlio bencllcont infincnco of iilioii.s thnt hiivii been iiilrndiii-ed into tho iiiiirkel, the Ir.fod district.^ of Tokio without hearing cioua, and ]ioruiaucnL tiuld ovcrywhoro. sn'i-of tliisarUeleiseoni'taiitly increiisin.i;. If Uio dl- hands of tlioir boy eliiof, ri.t.f'oiiH are loUowed it will novor fall. Wo inirlien- tho shrill whistle of the blind shaiu- hirlyinviliilhenltention ot pliysicliiiis to il.s merii.s. "Away wilh yoiil" shouts the youth, IT liiirt.1 notllin.^• to drop a oouvorantlon pooor, as, with long stick in band, ho •lohn- ./., 'J'ltomiison, JSons *l'i Co., 'J'ro.v, N. Y. Buddoiily spriiigiiig to his ICo't. "A that is out of phico. slowly feels his Avay, calluig out from party of travelers will i^ross yonder ANTISEPtic timo' to timo his fee for a complete .SAVE, pormanout, and coiii]iloto aro tlio pass in an hour, Oo, eiiptnrt) thom curea of bilious nnd iiitormitlont diaoaacs, shampoo, and bring them to nio, Thero will bo made by Prickly Aab iJittors. Dyspepsia., A system of oinxjloyinont for tho blind general debility, habitual oonatipation, liver Unparnllolod succeaa In Diphtheria, Scarlet Eevur, a gynrl among them," and the outlaw's Croup, Inllsnied Tliront, lllccrnted Sore lloutha, HO suited to their condition, all'ordiiig as and kidiio.v coniiiliiiiila aro apeodily eradicated Quinsy, CoMghfl. Cohls, llimrseness. Kte. Mann- E WANT Yom voico grew tremulous, "For yonr livos from the liysteni, It diainfouts, eloaiiHoa, and fncturoilnnlybyO. W. Ituniil.N'B. Ulohmo'.vJ, Inil. prciMablo ciiiployraonl; to roprviBiiiit lis .u ctcjy it does fair profit aiul an abnndiiiico of loiiiily. Salary s;.--! per month anil c-tpcn.^-s. or * do not lot bur oaeapo you." oliniinato.Vall malaria, llnalth aud vigor nro liy druicsiatA W healthful exercise in-door and ont, cor- la.-KO cnninJs.slon on siilcs R preferred Go«le.-.l;ipll.. One of the band, a man of herculean oblnineil moro rapidly aud pormiinenlly by tbo furrntnloKiio Eyrrvoiie liiivs. Oiitlll.uiid parlleiiliin; Vrf.rr. tainly doaervcs at len.st passing notice. naoot tliia great iintural antidoto tliau by any n( CHEAP .s'l'ANUAlil) SILVEltWAItE CO., DOSTON, M.AK^ build, attemiitcd to miUto some fnoblo VIRGIN IA .Shampooing, or ]ierliaps, moro prop• othor rcmoily licrotofiirii known. Aa a blood ii'/VUMS nonil yonr iiniiio invi aildress plainly writ- I Itliirpidno linliU Cnr.-il in lO objcolioii, but iin instant lator a bloAv purifier and touio it brings lionltli, ronowod Io days. JVo pny till rurcd. erly speaking, niassiigo, as practiced by ton to II. S. AVI-hSKI II .fc CO , from tho young chief stretched him enorgy, and vitality lo a worn, and diseased AROiits Wanted. IJowlluu iJromi, Carolina Co., Va. I Ur. J, 8lL-iiheu>, Lvbuuou, Ulillk. the.so blind mon (ctdled auimn), consists senseless upon the iloor of tho cuvo. body. of a gentle rtibliing, Avith tho palms of In an hour throo captives were STKANGE ns it may seem, iron is uot tho hands, of the surface of tho whole brought iu—aa old man, bis wifo, and firm. 'The luaikot reports any so.—Lowell body, together with passive exercise of their daughter, whom tho reader has Courier- the joints, and a .slow kneading of tho already mot, stiperilcial muscles, more particularly A Sore Throat or Coii;;li, if snfVorod to progroaa, often resulta iu an incurablo It Ifl jileasant to tho taste, tones op tlic "Aha! Matilda Mulligan," hissed tbo WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOOnAPHY OF THIS COON TRY, WILS, thoso of tho trunk and oxtroniitie.i. Tho throat or lung Irotdile. "Broion's JlronchlaJ. boy, with a demoniac smile, "you are system, restores and preserves health. SEE BY EXAMINIMO THI3 MAP, THAT THE sensation to tho subject is lusually very Troc/ia" givo instant rolicf in nio power at last!" It ifl porely Vegetable, nnd cannot fall to plea,sant, especially if submitted to after DISTANCE lends cnohimtmont. AVho provo licncHcial, both to old and yonng. violent or long-continued exertion, as CliHiilfM' nr.—l;<.foll. would like to borrow? aftor a dilliciilt climb or a long walk. As a Blood Purifler it is superior to all Barbarous Bill bad stopiied out to JF TiOU Alli: LOSING YODK OKIl' others. Sold everywlicrc nt Sl.OO nljottle, .Tapancse physicians rcconiniond it ia aboot a few bears and othor wild ani- Ou lifo try "Wells' noaltli lloiiowor." Goes diroot nials, and the prisoners woro aloue with tabes, dorsalia, nnd certain other form,'} to weak sjiots. I'or weak iiioii, dolioato women. the band. of paralytic disorders, ns well as ui hys• UOW TO USE „ BJ teria and somo kinds of headache, in "BUCHU-PAIBA." Quiolt, compioto euro, "What in thunder is the reason," all aniiojiiig Kidney diaoasos, Catan-li ot lilad• CREAM BALKpATARRH lumbago, and in many other diseases; dor, Arc, $1, asked old man IMuHignn, "that yon fel• also in couvalesouco from diseases iu lows obey every order of that young If iiiuKllii.«. callooa, etc., appear to not wear riooo a particle of the which thero has been lo,ss of power or cub? .'Vro you attached to bim?" or wiiali as well us fonuorly tho roaaon is in tlio Balm Into each iiosti-i wasting of the mnsclcs. Tho skill and 080 ot iuforior alkulino—snap wasliing com- and drawatroug breath! "No,'' replied one of the gang, .shud- poniuls tliat doHtroy tho toxtiivo uud iicutraUzG aiiatomicnl knoyyledge soinetiines no- tlirongh tho nose, II deringly, "wo fear and hate biiii, but tho colors. Sluiiitlioiul Uso ••HDUKUon DIrl." qnirod by those unfortunates are trul.y will bo absorbed nne wo mns't obey him," wonderful, for, besides a gentle touch Art! You lUiikiu.ir Money? begin Its work of cleans, "Why?" 'I'liore ia no rcandii why you should not malco iui; and hcallns the dis and an almost instinetivo a]iprcciation Tho men exchanged wondering liu-go aiiiiis of monoy if yon aro able fo work. eased iiienihraiio. 11 of llio seat of pain, many of tbeni know All you need ia the right kind of cmplnymont glances. allays inllimimation all the siiperlieial muscles, and can even or b'uaiucsa. Writo to ilallott A Co., .Portland, and rrerenta fresi "Wby—w!i.y—beoauso it's tho ri}giilar tell in what position to insert needles Maiiio, and tbo.v will aoiul yon, froo, fuliin- colds. fonuatioii about woric that you can do and thing. W'o never read a dime no\-ol in for the curo ct' certain diseases.—Jlledt- which tho Boy Chief was not bold iu live at homo, wliorovor you are located, onrn- NotaLiquidorSnufi; cul TimeH. ing tiioroliv from $'> to per day, and up• awo nnd unnnestioningly oboyed." wards. Capital noli roquirod; you aro atartcil Ko poisonous dni£s. "Well, if I wore ono of your band Iiiiporluiit, free, Jiillior BOX; all agos. Bettor not delay. Ko on'ensivo odor, .Vpai-tiole isoppliod In'foTach nostril aud is agreeabTo I'd givo bim a switeliiugbe'd never for• Tflion yon riait or loavo Now York City, aavo to use. Prhre fift els., by ni-ill or at druggists, iijeiul for get and then clear bim out." baggage, oxproasago, and $3 earringo Uiro, and •'itouKii <,n i^irt" wuitons clociuug yellowed circular, liLY liROTHEItS, DriiBKlsts, Owogo, .\,Y, by cnvolofls wasliiug or nso of cheap wuahing "It's a groat .sehcinor" shouted tho •top at dio Oi-anil I/iiiou Hotel, oppoaito (.•oiiipouiids. Washes cvorytliing from liuost 01 otlwra.wtw with lo e«nmln« outlaws, in wild enthusiasm at the novel Grand Contrnl Dopol; laooato iioiivlost binnkets. Thero nood ho no this papor, or obtain cslimntoi tear ill uniug this article. Dooa not rot nor yol- idea, "We'll try it," C13 rooma, fitted up ata coat of ono niillioa low. S & 10c. on advorticing spaco whon In Chicaeo, will find it on file at Barbarous Bill returning at that mo• dollara, $1 and upwa.rda por day. Kuroiieau 45 to 49 Randolph St., plan, lillovator, ItostauraDt anpjiliod with tho 3 MONTns' trontment for fit'c. Piso's ment, ono of his gang took him over theAdvoitiiingAeoncy of 3y reason of its central pooition, close riJltttion to pTinoipiUl^^^^^ boat Iloreo cars, stages, aud elovatod rail• Remedy for Catarrli. Sold by druggists. aid continuous Unoa at forminar points West, Nortli-went pijd SoiiUro^ liis knco and ndiuiuistored corporal road to ail depots. Pninilioa can livo bettor for onlv true nidctlo-linlc in tliat tranaoonthiontna system •tvlycli Invitcn and facU- puuishmout until the youth howled for less money at tho Grand Union Hotel than at totes tenv?l and taafflo in oitiior direction between 1Jio Atlantio and Pn^^ ^ any other first-dasa liolol iu tbo oity. Tho noolc I^laaa main Uno and hranohos includo ChioiiifO^oUot, Ottawa, La mercy. SnlloVPooria, aenosoo, Molino and Book Island, in^olajbavcnpor . H^^ Parj'fy the Blood, It only remains to bo said tliat Iho tino, V/anlunrrton, I'airflold, Ottiimwa, Osltaloosa, West liberty. lovva City, Dcj Men ami Hoil. Moines. iSdiSSi.'W'intorsot, Atlantic, Itnoxvillo. Audubon, fiarlan, Qiilluio- next day tho Boy I'audit returned to f'Wo do not claim that nood'aSars.iparilla is tlio Centre njidcSiinoii Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton. St. Joseph, Ctuneronaj^^^ Now York with Mi: Mulligan, and is "Separated from tho soil," said Mr, only medicino doservlnff pnblic coiiQdcnco, but; LADY AGENTS TrmS Kansas City, in ivrisaotu'i; Loavonworth nnd Atchioon, in Kansas; Albert ieti, .Tames Parton, tho historian, iua recent wo believo that to purity tho blood, to restore and omploynieiit.it SSI) to SliKi per Minneapolis aSl St: Paul, in Minnesota; Watortowa in Bokota, and liundrediii now acting us errand-boy in a shoe nioulhsellin.-'iJiioniiCit.y.'jup- of intsi-modiatB cities, towns and villages. lecture, "man never yet has snoceoded renovate llio wholo system, It la absolutely lioi'ltu-s. Siiniltie Olitllt li-ce. store, I hale to make my .story end in tmequallcd. 'Iho iiinucnco of tho bUiod upon iu thriving. At best', without it, ho is \ildross Cin.iuiiiiti Suapcndor this taiao way, but I eaiinot tcjll a lio. tho health cannot bo ovcr-ostiniatcd. If it ho- Co., UE.Jtinth s.t„ Cinciuuati, 0, a potted plant, aud some of tho pots —F. jtL Hieani.^, in TiU-Bl'fi. coiuos contamluatod, tho train of consoquencea Guarantees Speed. Comfort and Safsty to those •who travel over it. Its j^^ aro miserably small. I havo visited hy which tho health is iindoimiuod is Immeasur- Is thorou3lily baUMtod, Its track ia of heavy ateel. Its bndgca oi-o aolta many factories iu New England, and I nblo. Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Ifoadacho, otruotuT03''S Gtono aid Iron. Its rolIin(r stock is perfect as htiman Blz^co^ixx^y.^ The Castor Bean in Atnprioii. (iVlailoilFREE. it. It has all f\o safety a.ppUanoos that mooliameal (jenius has mvcatcd trnd. Iind that wherever the operatives have Dyspepsia, DobiUly, Kcrvousness nud other lAr.CI.S lti:i i.r.. llomiiBleaLi, LouKlsiaud.N,!', esporionco proved valuable. Its praotioal operation la conservative and r^om^^^^ Few ])ersons, perhaps, iu thia sec• a good-sized garden, with access to "litdo (?) allnieuls" nro tho promoultioua c£ I AV[':,-\IC fi-oni •Serv-ons Debi'itv, Vi• ieal-its disoipUno strict and exaotiner. Tlio Itmiry of its passenger aooommoaoi- tal WiiKtlug. kc, Bend fitinip for lioiiIc tion are aware of tho e.vtentof tho cul• pasture for a cow, the jjooplo aro moro serious and often fatal results. Try tions is unonualod iu the West-unsurpasaed in the world. . -„,„„„ „„.,„i.,i. of Jl;tiiii;t powerful rem• R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHM, E. A. H0LBR0Q1{, ctl'ortof all tho orgn.ua is euro to follow, Houco edy known lor 1th "UiiiiiUsiii,Vleiiria.v,Njiiralglii,Liini- ~rilO N' MI XINO.. INVER'I'JIENT. iidpj,,,, p^S tion. To pay expenses aud yield a fair it ia that tho nuni^ous iiiliuonta ivhicli mnko b K". Baoka.,lio, W. u'uioaa col s in te- o oa;, IUMI id Il li h )*n t SI Security giiiiniltbe'ti.' Airdro's i. it. K.' Ass't G«n'l M'g'r, Chicaeo. Gon'l Tkt. ii Pass. Agt,, Chlca'eo U U U LU IU Kli-k ,^ I'O ,Hack "Ik, Mil wiinkoo.Wla .; Pros't & Gon'l M'c'r, Chicago, romunoration thei bean must bring at- woinau'a lito misoniblo aro tho diroot iaeaoof nolieaand pinna, iiidor.-ed li.v 5.1f«l Pli,vsin:i,» aid the abnormal a:;tion of tlio utoriuo nyaloin. Druggists of Uio hl.,'lii*t repute. I'en'on'a Plnatoiii tn Ilii.s a day. Samploi worth 81,50, rREE. least ijsl.lij per bushel. Last year it proiiintyretlevniu Icurowhoie oilier pla-tera inid I'or nil that lunnorous class of symptoms- imiiisy sdvi'S, liuiiuenta nnd lotions, nre a'isolutily lines not under the horao'a ffet, Afhlresa sold on an averagoat 1*1,41), and furni- and ovory woman knows tlioiii—thoro is one ineless. liewiiro iidin titloi s under Im liu-.soiiiiiiiiip; Ili-ewster'H S fcly Knin Holder, nolly..Micb- unrailing remedy. Dr. Piorco'a ''.Favorito I're- nn'nos,Hiiiliai "Ca^isicum," "Capucni," "Cap4cino,' ors were encouraged, 'The same kind ai tlieva'o uitorh-wortitlesfi nud intendid to floccivo. nrSIQJnM^J C'OI.Ll'Xrriil) and ineroiisnd by of soil that is favorable to wheat and Horiptiou," tho favorito of Iho sox, ASK I'iin BK.Nso.-i'fl ANPTAKK NO o-runns. Ali druK- riLlluiUlBu'1'itzKorii'd & Powell, Indianapolis, ciala. S..;AlillltV fcdOllNSOM,Plnprl elnr^,^n\vyork ind. OIil ea'os rooi eiiofl. ^oiiri foreouy of I.iiws.freo. corn servos for tho boan. It reiniros a sandy loam, and is said to bo ahead SnCH is the oliconragcinont given to of clover 'in its fertilising qiialities.— flattery, in the present times, that it is mado to sit in the parlor, while honesty Savannali Newk is turned out of doors. Flattery is oa THING JN XHK HUHSERY XIWB, Without first WlltlDB /forour valuable FREE Catalogue, the 21.LARGE GREENHOUSES never so agreeable as to our blind side; nBSX* wo over Issuetl, containlnfe- tbo Karest Kerr nnd 33d YEAR.. 700 ACRES. - PROBABLY no application of science commend a fool for his wit or a knave did the Women is developing more rapidly than pho• ciioicostoia. THE STOCKS & HARKiSOM.CO,, P/iiNESmiP. r,"'0. for his : honesty, and thev will receive tography, Aniong recent ajipliaucos is Cr. WtniamB' Inrtir n Pile OlntmwBj '- you into their \ioBom.—Fielding. rino'ii Bdmcily Ibr Catarrh Is tho is a Kuro rare tor blinil.blcoaini; or r n detective camera in tho iorm of a Beat, lilasicHt to Una, and C'hoapcst. „.itohini! lilies. Cure cuarantacfl,' of this country use over i/izn'ee;^ million cakes of .„BBi%a!M^l^''ii;el!Ooaii(i tl. At dniciriat'aer': .watch, with a charm to hold a. supply IT is well to givo horses a doublo niiillcd bv \vnldtiiK,.Klniian & Marvin, \\lia,OiHU« of: miniature dry-plates; and a tele- amount of feed on tho ovoning preced• Agis,Toledo,Ohio, ,. . . ,. . . .1,, Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886? \ acopie camera in which distant objects ing a long journey, and only half ra• • N. v., ST. W...... :...... Ni>;.«—87. are brought near by teleacopio aid aud tions of grain or a littlo bay on the ^Vhun AVi'UliiK l« AUvurllnui'B, pltiiiMonay;' pliotograiihed. fficu'Eins t>JE BtavtiuR, : >Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why* you saw tltc Ad'rortli!t)>uii&t lu tlild pajicm-';

iiiiisiiiiil It ia snmelliilig thai imiRt In.' seen to be up- the green piistirro." Then bleating in Bill Jones nnd a glilhili of cheap Disgiisling as (diis poor orealure was, ngliam ffloiint]) (democrat preciilted. About DO inilen I'l-oili Sun Diego HE.LEN LAKEMAN; imitation of a sheep the itisiiiio ereatiire Aviiisky Avoiild earry nmre votes mi Amos found'that sho Avils a beam of election day than all the sermons Old the raill-oad runs very near the eoaal, so — OR,— ran away. .sunshine in (Iiat place of horror. His we could soo the breakofs. We arrirod at Bhize might preach in six nionths, so infantile mind coukla distinguish in her Tlie Story of a Young Girl's Strug• Rose breathed more freely when THURSDAFEBRUARY 24,1887. SanDiego in the evening, wdlen we were she had disappeitrod in tho dark tilt!}'- gave tho ]ioor-lioiise, at Arnold's less sellisluiess than Avas iu inliiiy finally quartered with our friends, l'\Ir. and gle 'With Adversity, wooil.s. At the lop of the next hill suggestion, to Bill Jones, Avliom we olhors. Her iniiid, dwarfed iindcloudea Deinoc'i-dtic Hdilo Cotivciitioii. Mrs. H. D. Swilzcrand family. Wo gently they mot Bill .Jones and hi.s brutal find the proprietor when littlo Amos as it was, had yot .some faint gleains of pulled otiraelves logi'tller und propiired to BY JOHN E. MUSIOK, hired man hunting for the eaca]icd lu• Lakeman is untered, by oriler of Ar• luniianity, alul'he accoiited her proffered The Demooralio Stato Oonvention for tlio nomina• take a full breath of pure ond wholesome AuTiioa OE "Till-: riANKl-llt 01-' iiliui-'onn," nold, a pauper. The litlde fellow sat frieiidshi]). As he hobbled ldoiig on tion of oueJnslico of thoSnpreino Conrt to servo elBht ttir. The climate, J muat say, ia fine. The "AVALTER IJliOW.N'EIIil.n," iSTC. natic. Clarence dirootod thcin as best year«,oiio Jiibtico of tlie Snprenio Court to surve ten for a long time in his hard chair, after his crutches, at her side, he asked; years from January 1st, 188S, and two itogeiils of lho sun has shone evel-y day since we arrived, he could where crazy Jane had gone, Ifniversfty, and for tlui transaction of such other Had not seen the snow ur i-ilin (iill until GIIAPTKK XVI. and Ihen drove liomo. He was not on his ])iteoiis cull for his sisl.ol'. He was "Js .sister hero?" bushiess as may properly come before it, will ho held tbo .Oth of Februai-y, when it ruined ii very silent ilow. 'J'lioso Avretclicd creatures al the Detroit Opera Mouse. Detroit, IMIch,, on Tues• HOSE STUAIIT ANO IIKR MOTIIEH. good terms with the keeper of the poor- "Yes, yes; Pni your sister," tho light shower. While writing this il is had snarled at him like wulvils when day, March 1st, 1887, at 11 o'clock a. ni. Rnse seeiiieil I'ai- iiun-i) vexed than house, so exeliaiigod as few Avords as woman lii'iswercd, with a giggle. "Pm AccordinB to the rule adoplod hy tho convention raining, The wenlher ia warm and I have thoy hearil him, ami it seenied as if hold at Detroit in 1880 every county Is untitlcd to OIM^ Heliiii at tllo loss of •\Val'rell's luldress. possible. your sister and mother both." no need I'or a coal; am around all day in thoy hnd claws Avitli which to tear out dcilegate for eacli 600 voles cast for Bovurmir nt lhe Cllli-oilce still flinibhid in his jiockets, "But my sister Helen, is she luircP" laat general eluclioii and one addilioiial liolenate for my shirt sleeves. The coldest niornilig I "When tliey reached home Rose ailil growled savagely as only ;i great his eyes. lie could only groiiii anil a fraction of not less than 260 votes, hut any county have seen was ,'J0° ahove zero and the fouiul her iiiothoi- anxiously awaiting The wiimali seemed ]ni/.-/,led. Sho sob, wliilo his (lushed cheeks dried up is enlitled to al least two dolegaU's, All ilelegates awkward boy can. redcoted in her stiipilied way, and then, must lie ruHidonls uf the connlies tlisy represent. warmest 70° ahove. (heir return. She judged from the " Bi-oUler W^nrriln gave it to me bo- the tenrs before they fell. He dared I. M. WE.S'fUN, Chairiiian. SanUiogn ia situated on a bay of the look of iiiixiety upon hor mother's with a giggle Avliich seemed to deckle JOHN MINER. Sccrolnry. miike no outcry, though his lload AV;IS same nnlne and ia a very nlee cily of aboul I'ol-o he left," saiil Clareiice, tlirilsting hice thltt tliere had been a stormy the matter, said; so dizzy fuul his side pained liini sn 10,000 inhabitants. SanDiego bay ia IC his tliiiiiib first in his vest-pmdciit. then iiftel-noou at home. The father was "Oh, yes—yes, yes, I am your sister Doniocriitie County Conreiitioii. the olhor, while his face was oontni-ted niiicli that he eoiilil seiil-cidy tiiainlaili miles long and throe wide. The city is not lo bu seen, and she thought best to Helon." situated on the north oast side. Tho ground as only a jiiizzlod face can be. " 1 had himself in his hard seat, lie saw other A IJeinocnitlo County Convention to elect 17 dolo- ask nothing about him at prosont. ^VIlell the (able Avas roliched thero l^ates to the Deniooialic State Convention, to lie lii.|d on which the city ia located ia a gradual on those very elnthes when ho ijavc it ci-oa,t,ui'es arouiul in (die y;ii-il who wore al Detroit on Tnesday, March lsl, 1687, for Ibn pur• "Come in. Rose," said Ml-s. Stullrt, Avas llotlililg oil it ho could eat. Ho ascent Ironi the bay of aboul a mile; then to llie. i Av.'is to give it to .yoii, IIoloii, t^rpially as wi-otelied, dirty anil helpless pose of iioniinating two Judges of tlie Supreme Court leading the Avaj' to hot- sitting-room. had watoliod.his f;itli(ii-'s pigs eat swill and two ilegents of tlie HIato Uuivorsity, also lo elect we come to Ihe liilla. As wo go buck into and you wel-e lo wl-it.u to him; but I as tlio.se ill his room. Bill ,Jones, with delegates to a cuiivdiition of the .Itli .Indicial Circuit, tho eoulili-y we Iind lillortiale hills, the val• No wol-ds were siiokeil iilitil the wraps far more wliol(!soiiio ami pallitlible than foi-gol it. He's written (;o ynii, I know alai-goAvhip more like a slave-driver liereafter to hu culled, and to tiansiicl Hucli other leys comprising about one-liltli the whole of the girl had been i-eiiinved, and then the mess befuro him. There wero biiHinusH as may prepeidy como liefore il, will lio litild —said lie-ivoiild." All the time Clar- than a poor-hniiso keeper, was beating at Ihe Cniii't Ihiur't-, ill tlie elly of Mason, Saltirdsy, area of the coiililry. Tile valleya are ooii- the mother anxiously said; ll few broken loaves of dal-k corn-bread, eui-e wns speilkiiig- in those short jiu'kj' an old mail because he could not hoo Eeh'ySfilh, 1887, at 11 o'clock a ni. aidol-ahly settled, nlnstly ln fruit raiichcK or cooked hard, some boiled ))ork and Thecitles and townships will lie oiitlllod lo (lele- phriisos, he wa.s i-ililiagiiig- his pockets, "Did .you see her?' in (he garden. gales In tlie county convention as fullows: fartiia (ll from live to 40 acrea. on which leltvi!s of weeds which thoy callod " biitsonlehndy's boon getting your let• "Yes." Abiioden 7 Leroy 11 are grown lemoiiH, onnlges, oli',-es, aluKiiidsi "You lazy dog," he thundered, "d'ye "greens." Aurelius 8 Lesll Ill "Whero?" grapes, dales, figs, aprieoia, peaollos and ters, I knuwo'd you'll never g-ct one o' think we're goin' to keep ye here like a lliinkoililll 7 Locke 7 "At the j.ail." 'The helpless crclitnres gi-abbixl Avith Delhi 8 Mason City— some apiik'S, bin all muat be done by irri Lhoiii, ailil lold liiiii so." lord, and ye do notliin'?" fngliani 8 Ist ward 6 gallon. The greatest drawback tu thia "Oh, Rose, have thoy rojilly got hor thoir blinds, ignoring the few rusty fiaiisliig 0 2d wiird 6 Glai-oiice had to give it np; tho nd- "Oh, don't, don't!" cried tho old country is the lack ol water. Only a few In jail?" knives, forks and spoons Ihey hatl. A Lansing Cily— Meridian 8 di'oss could not bi^ fnlliid, but he would man, trying to escape the keen lash ol Ist ward G (Inondagn. 8 wells in the oily are good for driiikiiig "Yes, mother, thoiifrh sho is perinit- piece of oorii-broaJ which had fallen to 2d ward 11 Sleckhiidge li purposes, hut nnyihillg that is wet (except take the letter homo with him and try tho whip ; "Pll report ye, if ye dou't the groiiild was piiekoil up and given to lid witrtl , 8 Vevay I) teil lo slay with tllo faliiily of the lho ocean water) ia good enough furirriga to nsi'ci-lniii llio addi-oss Iroin his quit." .nil wnnl I) Wliito Oak 6 j.ailer." the child, but he was ronlly ill, and nth ward 7 Wlmatliidd 6 tion. Every placo has a wind tliill ami I'allici-. "Report me, yora.acal," crack, crack, could not eltt. Jlks flice was (lushed Cth ward 6 Williamston 8 some two or throe. The bills are coiii|mi- Mrs. Stuart was silent. Her lal'gc 0. 0. OASTEIILIN, Clmlrnian. "I'll l),-u'k the li'iter nlld forward it., crack came the whip about his body Avitli fevel- alid the pliiii ill his side and utively useless, on iiccounl of no water, al- eyes wol'e lixed on lho carpel,. She ilon't yc fcal-," he said to Helen. and illiiiost bare legs. 'The paujier bileic continued to incl-easo. lliongh they aUbril some feed I'or stock, but wantiid lo ask soiilotllini!- more, but al- ' In vetoiii!,' tho 'J'n.vas scod hill, wlii'.di "'I'lii'l-i! is ono tililig 1 lull vory could only .scream Avitli ])aiii. Ho ilo mil think Ihny aniolml Lo much even for most feal-eil 1.0. At, last she saitl, in a "My child is sick, my child is sick," provldec! fur the dislrihutinii of §10,000 iiiixloii.s .-ibdiil," ,s,-iid Iluleii. backed up in a fence coriior and then paaturo. Tllo inhahilanla claim ihoae liilla lone of desiicratioil: said simple N.-inoy, taking Iho hoy in ^vorlll of seed corn and wheat in the drouth- Cfoiiehed down, burietl Ilis faee in his would pl-oduce if cultivaled. Tbel-e is no "•What is il?" Chil-ciiee n.skcil. hor skilluy al-ius. "I'll take him to stricken rogioll, President Clevelimd vory "Rose, how does sho bear it?" tlinber on the hills or in ihevalloya, but the "My bnithiil-, yoli know ho is so frail li.-lllils ami ai-iiis, while tllo kooii lash truly snyB: "Though tho people sllpjioit tllo " Willi Christian i-eKigualioa and bod." Giggling, she bore (,lie littlo suf• hills are covered with chemise, (not artielcs and so yolilig. I wallt; to know tliiit ho wlls laid 111)011 his lilinost bare sllnul govoriiinenl, lho Koverninelit oiieht llot to fortitude, mother. Oh, iiinthor, I ferer toiler miseriililo, dirty cot, liiid of a lady's wardi-ohe) hut a kind of brush is (:iiillfiil-l;ll)h;, nnd then, be my t,l-i:ils dei-s. support lllo people." never saw a moro angelic picttirc of Inid him ujioii it. growing from throe [to .six foot high and ovul- so gl-i',at, 1 call ulldlll-c them eheer- Cliristiail faith than that girl's face. "Now you will boAvcll soon." which is used foi wood. 'I'he city of San fiilly." ' 'J'he Ini'go iirnly of repilliihle nowspnpel'S IJii'go contliins about -I'.),000 acreii, 14,000 From the Bible she gathers lio|)e and "Wliel-o is sister Helen? Oh, sis(,or, "VVliei.-o is Aiiio.s'P" Rose asked. —republiean as woll as deinuorntic—heart• of which are reserved for a park. I think liiil)|)in(.'ss, oven in the darki'st hour.. Avliy doli't you eomo?" cried the sick ily elidorfio tllo action of Prosideiil Ulcve- "1 lid'l, hiln al ]\il-. Al-liold's. 'riiey .she will be like lhe old lien with 100 egg.s: She adinils that the bl-.-ieelot was I'oiiiul boy. liind ill hia voto of thu "pauper pelision" would nut, let liilii come with mo, and alic will have lo spread horsolf to cover ill her possession, but says she can llot "I am Helen—I am here," sliid the hill, alld we heliuve no ohl veteriln who de• snid they would take the best of care lluMii, but the ilihahilants al-e sailglline of account fur it. She exjyeels iiilpl-isoii- idiolic woman, striving to collsolo the sires only etjilal jllatiee to all, will find fault lis growth, Cily liilainesa lots are very of him." if he will rend Air. Glevehmd's cogelil rea- iiient,, alld yot she saj's tlioi-o is such a little sufferer. high, $'100 tn $1,000 per foot Il-mil. Resi• "That ain't no lit plaoofoi-liim," said sons for vetoing it. A few litlle country world of consolation in the Scu-iptilres lie fell into li fevel-ish sleep and dence Ida, 50x100 feet, range from $1,000 Clni-cili:o. "I'm gdiil' to Jilid aiiotlier slieels, trying to make politiciil oiipital oul to $10,000 each. If any of iho boys wish that she is willing to forgive those AVIIO awoke at iiiicliliglit to (ind all illirkness jil.-ulo for him. When is your tl-hil?" ol it, are lnouriiing terrihly over the proai- to invest, here is a good opportunity. were (irst in her iiorsooiitinns." alld sileiieo, save the silorillg of the doiit's iiigl'atiliale to lhe poor soldier. At "Noxt, Monday." 'Ihero al-u olllyahoilt 150 real eslate agenla Mrs. Stuart slvt long gazing upon l;hc idiot 011 the Iloor, having given up her heart they well know the president did right "All right. Pll be hack then if not in this city and Ihey are after overy "tnlKler carjiet. 'I'he liglilod lamp shone boil to hini. His fever wns raging in vetoing the bill. foot" as liercoaa politieaiia after voiei-a on before." bright ill the room, ami an expression high, and he hui-ned ivitli thirst. election day. Ovor on lho other side of "Don't forget jionr little Amos. I of pain could be seen upon the good "Helen, I wallt ll. drink! Oh, sister, Ciilifornlii Letter. the buy Ihero is auollicr triicl of liiild thiil can got iiloiig very well if he is only Avoman's face. She AVIUS humiliated. sister, why don't you come?" lays between llml and tllo ocenn, that eon- coliiful-. I fear he wits t,aking fever laiiia 4,000 aorea or more, called Coronedu There Avas a groat struggle going on in SAN Diwin, Feh. 10, 18,97. when I left, liluillg been In the rain TO llK f'OX'I'I.VUEP. Beaeh, which ia being laid onlinto city lot.s, Iler breast, and she \v.'is yel imtlccidod. FuiEKn WiliT.MORK:—f closed niy former the night hcfol-e. He had a severe "-^IV fvA-xw Of '''"^ good things of this alld impiovunleilts have already commenced " Poor girl," she sighed. "Do you letter when we roiiclicd Loa Angeles. Wc WVWWV^ lito are sorrowfully let llieroiin. Il is a level piooe of land and eold." bl'oakfasted nt tllo Nadoaii Hotel. Jt is the think she is innocent?" alone on account ot Dyspepsia. Acker's quite iih'iisallt. 'J'liuro is not niiicil fruit "He'll bo all right; don't give your• faahiolmblo hnlol of lho cily—more alyle " Y'"(3s, mother, I know it." Dyspepsia 'J'liblots will cure Dyspepsia, sliipped fronl ihi.i port. I have iniidesomo self any tl-oiible." than allytlliiig else—or in other wonia, stylo " How do yoll knoAv il?" asked the Indigostioh nnd Constipation; sold ou a journeys into the country, of which I will nnd sliirvation. Yoli ciiii imagine a per• A''ainwas Claronce's boaat. Helen's positive guarantee at 20 and CO cents, by tell you later. Tho Cliinese are quite nu• father, gi-illlly, a-s lie elltel-ed tho lipai't- "YOU'LL IIEI'ORT ON ME, AVILL YE?" son's feelings alter riding all night, und arrest,, her iiliioeeiicc and Lite coming iiicnt, " how do yoii know'llllv thing ,yold hy 11. M. Williams and O.W.Halstead merous here. We attended their Nuw Year's "You'll l-eport Oil me, will yo? This when reaching a hotel about '.I o'elook a. preliminai-y examination so ongi-ossed eolohralion, which eoinea at various Ilines about it, lAvould like lo know? ' ni., then being obliged to go through llie is for i-e]iortiii' on me."' Crack, crack, iu the winter. This year il was the last liisniintl that little Amos was forgotten " No Olio with such ])orfect rosigiia- lollowillg ronlinc: After aiuJiig tit tho luble ei-lick, camo lho Avhip, telii-ing up (he week ill ifailual-y. Il waa nioatly boms and iilmost lieforc tlioy left Newton. about lifleen iiiinutea, a cohnod gont with tion, such su])l-eme cmilideilee in God's splire llesli and clothing. fire crackers. They burned strings of lire "I'll find out his addi-ess and living goodness, could be a thief. Thieves a awallow-tailed coat and white glovoa took "Does anybody else Avantto re])ort?" el-aokers all of -IO forty loot in length, slis it to ye, Helen," said Clarence when he our order, and at tlui same time iiltrodnoed and criminals don't road the Bible." ponded Croiil polos. I'hat was all that we he said, looking around. ine to the morning paper (yoll cail imagine beciinui convinced that ho could not could nildersland. We made a trip down The old iiinii had fldleii upon tho how ail.xioiia J was I'or news), Alter about iind the slip of ])apoi- iqioii wliioh it to Lowor Clililbriiia or the republic of ground, and lay there begging the —TO 'I'llE- fifteen niinutes moro of suH'eriilg ho brought was written. "I'll addl-css the letter Mexico. On lho beach, lo mark the line each of ua a silver jilaled coll'ee urn holding brute to spare his life. Haviiigsalislied helwcen the U. S., and Mexlco stands a myself and send it off." about two Clips of coffee each. Wc ut onco himself, the brutal keeper desisted. marble mnnumenl of the treaty of 18-IS. The vehicle containing the brother proceeded to prepare lhe bevenigc to our The poor-house stooiT off the main ll has lately been badly defaced by tourists and sister r.attled away from tho village taste, thinking the inner man waa soon lo here. On Mexican soli one of our party, road, and was comiiletely isolated from be cared for. After the coll'oe had become just as tho suli was setting. The road about the size of my wife, attempted lo any other farm. 'J'horo were never any eold some olher articles of diet wero brought to Sandy Fork neighborhood lay giither some shells, but was a litlle to yon visitors, and consequently no danger ol lorward alid nlore.kept coming al irregular through a wooded portion of tho coun• tnresome. Tho result was some wet fool, a Avitnuss to Bill's bl-utalit}'. — KOR— intervals for lllo space of about ouo hour. and some loud talking, hut there were no try, and the mystic shadows of gigantic This concluded the lil-st course. The sec• Siippei- was liniiounced at last, by tho serious results tlierefroni. No more al trees hastened approaching night. ond course consialed of 100 each, which 1 riiifi-iug of an old cow-boll, and little present. Yours Truly, From these dark depths one might al• think must be called desert, at least 1 Allies saw the Avrotclicd croatures, most expect to sec somo Robin Hood, deserted lhe house as soon aa I could Iind whom he had held in suoh fear, ritii- or forest outlaw appear. Claroiico had niy grip. The meal was good enough but J. W. McKonERT. niilg out of Lhe house into a long, low no fclu-s, but Rose shuddered. The it was so long in coming that by lho time shod Avlierc there Avas a long table. 'The —ANU— dark forests she had always feared, and wo had concluded we wore more hungry Common Council rroccedlngs. table Avas made of rough oak boards on than when wo cnmnionced. As we were •when the horse shied to one sido of the which Avcro rude dishes, boAvls lind leaving lho house we met an old acquiiiiit- . MASON, Mich,, Feb. 21, 1887. road she folt a flutter at her heart ami . "IIOAV DO YOU KNOW IT?" plates of Avood, pewter, tin, and earth• ancB in the person of li'rauk Jj. Baliga, who Council met and waa called to order by with tci-ror clung to thu arm of her " Yes, they do, yes, thoy do," said enware, ldl of the choajiest aud coars• resided at Mason when hia father was pastor est Mt i Ciiars lMayor Henderson. strong brother. of the M. E. church. lie has been here Mr. Stuart, Avith a frown upon his est kind. Around this rude table, Present—Aid. Beechcr, Rolfe, Shnfer, about a year. We also met Ml-. S. U. "Oh Clarence, Clarence, what is face. " They always do that to make Aviiicli Avas greasy and devoid of coA'or- and VnnSlyke. Hannaa, a (brmer acquaintance, who has that?" she cried. ninnies think they are too jiiolls to do ing of any kind, were hard, backless Miliiitos of the last lneoting read alul ap• resided liere about twelve yeara. He kindly "AVhero. what?" a bad act. I have vet-y obedient chil• benches for the paupers to ait ujioii. proved. f took us under his wing and eaeorted ua to "'J'llore on the right, don't j'ou see a dren to he hanging arounil jliil-birds his homo, whore we wore cared for in the REPORT OFCOMJll'l'TEE. "Ain't you gtiin' to supper?" said a horrid thing stalidiiig at the road• against my Avislios; very obedient, in• most hospitable inanner. The fillaiHie committee reported on the Avomaii, with au idiotic giggle, lis she side?" deed." Our motto is: Good Goods following olaiiiis,i-ecoinmoildilig their allow• peered in at tho door, putting her dis- Clarence looked, and through the Rose, kiio\ving it Avlis useless to try Aftor leaving my wife (who by tho way ance as follows -. toi-led face tilnlost ligainst the terrilied and Lo-w Prices. gathering twilight he beheld a tall, to get on friendly terms with lior was ahout sick) I slimed out to see the A. I. Barber, to-l days on lioard of oicctiou nnd child. Oiiosiiloof her faco was drawn, sights, under lhe guidance of Mr. Bangs. letuins , s 8 OO gaunt form, clotiuid in rags, with long, flitlicr, arose, retired to her room, and, David Soiitliwick, to M nights on stioots 16 75 Iiud one eye almost closed from the E. WOODWORTH, M. C. MERfiILL, The city is situated on a succoasion ol hills, Wm. Soniui-villo, to M nights on sti-eot 16 7.1 disheveled hair, and eyes which seemed after offering a prayer for the poor ell'eet of e])ilc)itic (its, Avliich produced Pi-opriotor. about 1.5 miles inland, and has a prijiulation A. Hutier, lo liinip cliinineys and oil ;i -If, to be burning coals. girl, Aveiit to bed. W. I/. 1,'lari;, to H'eilingand lodging tramps 1 6(i ])ai-tilil pai-ylysis and itliocy. of :-i5,000 or -10,000. Jn ihis oouutry they Plillip Nice, to work on slreets .17 1!) "Oh, Heavens! help nio!" groaned include all tlie lloaling population in their CHAPTER XVII. "Whore is supjicr?" asked Amos. Oll molion report of coiiiinittoe was ac• the girl, burying her face in her hand's, estimates. Thia is quite a business city, as TUE StlFFEltlNOS I.V TIIE POOIMlOnSE. "0\-ei- there; an' if you don't go soon cepted iiud adopted. Y'eas, Aid. Boecher, lis the lull, liaggai-il form stepped out are ail the western citlea. The real estate I'he unfortiliiatc beings Avho are sent they'll not be any loft. Tluiy eat ;i llolfe, Shaferaud VanSlyke. agent comes to tllo Iront. He seems to bo iu tho road and, nlisilig one Ilni-uy hand, to the poor-house dnserve the jiityof the W. Ji Coats presented a bill for $25 for race," said the simple woman, gig• the liveliest of any, especially if there hap. jiointed her linger at the occu]niiits of services in connection wilh water works. entire lumiaii flunily. 'They arc always gling. :>q-E"W pens to be an eastern sucker, or "leilder. the vehicle, and said: On molion the claim waa not allowed, Vote treated to the plainest, coarsest food "Who arc you?" Amos asked. fool" aa they call him, on the string. A as follows: Yeas, Aid. Beecller, VaiiSlyko, "Hush—don't tell any ono. I got and Avearing liiiparel, and froqucntly house and lot that would compare wilh "They ol!.lls me foolish Nancy; I nays, Rolfe, Slialor and Mayor HendcrsolL away from lho Injins. 'Thoy wanted to not enough of that. 'The poor-hollse is yours would be valued at §(1,000 or .-57,000. ain't so foidisll lis thoy think. It's sciilp llic, but I got away. .If you tell There are some very fine buildings, both RESOLUTIO.VS AMI NEW llUSIXESS. usually let out by contract to the low• beeaiisc I larf ; bllt I larf Avhon J can't [9at Market them, they'll be on my track again." buainesd blocks und rosidoucea, in tile city. The resignation of Win. Somerville aa est bidder, and the coiitl-.actor Mdlo help it. 'There's notliin.' here to make "Iio quiet, Rose," said Chu-onee, who The beat building.^ are ol brick and alone, nightwatch, to lake effect on Fob. 22d, waa takes it as a job tries to make the most liny one hirf, an' I guess I's got to do understood now what it was, "it's only but some very line ones in wood. Somo of roeeived and on motion same was accepted. out of his job. Pool'-hotlse colltractol-s larfin' for ldl tJio others." the latest are fully equal in arohiteotnre to crazy .Tiiiio—she's got aiv.-ty fi-oni the On motion S. E. Rogers wna appoinleil lu-e not always hiiin.-iiie men. 'Tlicy She ]iauscd, because she was giggling At tho urgent reijuest of nmny citizens of Hft.TOn and any in the east. Prominent among them aurroumiing country, wo havo boeu induced as iiightwatclimaii, to take effect on Feb. lioor-hoiise keeper." often ldiiiso their helpless victims, and is the residence of the widow of the late in a most hysterioal m.uiiior. After a to open a New 22d. "But oh, brother, she looks so awful, as thoy get so much jier lielid for every Chas. Crocker, an oastern railroad magnate. few moments, she said : Moved by Aid. Shafer that the atreel Pm afi-aSdof hor." member, it is to their interest to have The cost of the residence was about §1)0,. commissioner iiialruol Mr. Near to nut a "Ye'd bettor come now an' get The Avanderiiig miud of the lunatic many, and food them as cheaply i« MEATMAEKET! 000. It is erected ou n hill overlooking the railing around Ids cellarway on Maple stithin' to e;it, cos' thoy don't Avail; hero seenied only to catdli at a part of what city and is one ol the chief ornaments. street imtnediately. Vote as follows: Yeas, possible. on any body," and .'igaiii she fell t« AVhero everything usually lonnd in a Flrst-Olnsa Building inatei-ial is mueh higher than in Rose said: Market will be on sale at Aid. Boecher, Rolfe, Shafer and VanSlyke. In the ease of Bill Jones'contract, giggling, until her distorted face waa the east, but they use a better clasa of luin. On motion the request,of Wm. H.Ray "Yes, yes, I'm afraid, too. Don't tell like many others, it was, Avhatis some• lilmost dark. ber. Anything in Iho shape of boards is nor to have the bridge repaired over the them I'm hero, and I can escaiic 'cm. times called, ll politielil job. -Bill fur• Prices to Suit the Times ! of redwood, but very litlle pine, except Amos looked at that loAv, open shed, creek at his farm was referred lo the street They kill and scalp people. Thoy cut nished Arnold's man for collector of . joist and studdiiig, which is of Oregon or Avhieli answered for a dining-room, and committee. oil' half my head, .and put on half a revenue all the votes in Iiis school hard pine. The redwood is worth ft-om saw those Avrctclicd creatures tliere On motion the clerk was instructed $20, to $40 per thonsand. This class of sheep's'lie.ad. I'm a woman half the district, and Arnold, Avho had elected Highest Market Price ill Cash paid for to purchase a justire docket for Justice strng-gling, fighting and snatching at lumberis used for finishing,siding, shingles, time and a sheep h,alf the time." the county justice, just as ono or two W. H. Clark. the food, more like hungry dogs than and white asli in small quantities from "Poor woman!" sighed Rose, her men sometimes do elect (ivory oflicer in On motion council adjourned for one human beings, and felt that he did not HIDES AND PELTS Sl(iO to $180 per thousand. That seems pity Overcoming her feiir. week. their county, had Bill appointed poor- c.aro to be among them, But at this high; thia is no lumber country. "Thoy feed me bn grass when I'm a house koe])cr. Wc fear the county GEO. A. EARLE, Cily Clerk. moment Bill Jones, passing the door, JjeuvingljQs Angeles in the niorlling, via sheep," said crazy Jane, "and I don't justices did not look to tho interests of said: the Children. They are es• California Southern R. R., we passed fay get enough Avhoii I'm a woman. Thoy thoso unfortunates Avho depend on them THE POPULAR BUTCHER, HERMAN FfiAZEL pecially liable to sudden "Why don't you go to supper?" BOme beautiful orange groves and quite beat me, too. But I know them. Their for the little comfort they require in Colds, Couglis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Fccling-suro he Avould displease tlia Has been engaged to piii-clinso Stock for onr now extensive vineyarda, bull suppose there are chief is BillJones and his chief is Jim this Avorld. 'They did not study the market, on Alaple street,-.vliicli is a guarantee . tiiut etc. We guarantee - Acker's English cruel man to refuse, the chiltlsaid: wo will Slaughlorjiothing but the very best. much finer ones larilier up tho coast. It Arnold." Remedy a positive cure. It saves physiognomy of tliose brutal features, "PII go, sir, Pll go." would be a surprise to some of the liorii Jiours of anxious wntching. Sold by Tlie brother and sister started, very or consider tlie suiroring he might cultut-iats in our state to see the manner Ho began to climb doAvii from tho Sold by M.H. Williams nnd O. W.Hnlstead. naturallj'-, at hearing the mime of a man ciiuse. But they rather considered hard chair, and Avitli nuicli difliculty in which the vines are trimmed, not being AVo rospoctfullY solicit AllborttI share of your pat• Avhctlior thoy Avould gain the most allowed to grow more than two foot high. mentioned whose bad qualities they found his crutches. ronage and will aUAllANTEU SAI'ISITAOTION in ConimissioDors' Notice. I saw some nearly six inches in diameter. had been discussing. Crazy Jane now votes by ap])ointing hini or the benev• overy particular. Yours Tjuly, lilSTATE OE WILLIA^r ISIIAM, IIKCEASKD. "Y'e'Il not git nothin' to eat, ef ye're seenied to become more excited, and olent-looking man recommended by They resembled a lot of small sturap.s. The The unUorsfgnod, liaving boon appointed liy tho goin' to be that slow," chuckled Bill, runners are all eut off each year. probate conrt for tho county of Ingham, commission• continued: his pastor as a suitable person. Prcacli- Spencer Brothers. ers on the estate of William Ishain, late of Aurelius, Avhose grammar, Avas as bad as his As we continued our journey southward deceased, to settle and adjust all claims against said "There's times when I'mInimanand crsare notusually good electioneers, and morals. \ ' Idt Door Kast of Ford's, Buzanr, Maple St., Mnoon. to San Diego, we pass through some very estate, do hereby give notice tliat thoy will inoet for consequently their rocomnieiidations that pnrpoHo at j\ui-elln« Center, at Swart's store, on I hear 'em. They bring .little children The Avoman Avho liad called herself fertile valleys and wind our way through the Si-jfU (liiy of Hliu-oli,ind on tlio S,1Hi day ai there and make 'em lambs, that they are hardly over oonsideretl in the dis• simple Nancy Aviis Availing for him, her the mountains, tn-.veling two miles to get .Tuly, A. D. 188'?, at ono o'clock in tlie afternoon of said days, .Six months from tho 2-ttli day of may h.ave lamb stew. I heard 'em and tribution of public patronage. face distorted Avith a giggle. one, following pusses so narrow and crooked .lunnary, A. D. 1887, Is th'o lime limited for tho pre• . " Old Blaze can preach like blue that it seemed impossible to run a train sentation of claims. I wasn't a sheep, then.-, I saw the tears "Come," she said, "coilie Avith nio. blaze's," they thought, "but he didn't PBmTING through there, where you would have to JOHN IIEMANS, trickle down its cheeks, then they said I'o slmll bo iiiy boj'., I hed a little boy look twice to see tho top of the mountains. „ „ a. W.SWARTWOU'l', thoy would have tho land fixed sure. help us to our ollice, and ho can't do like you once." Dated Fob. Itli, 1887. M Coinmlnslonors. AT THIS OFFICE. But I'm a sheop iio-jv, J;IKI luuat lutn;- any_w'oric to re-elect us." I'roliatu Oriler. I'nicli-Work. HEAKILESS CEUEITY' IKTATE or ANDREW LINDSAV, DKCEA.SHI). it is todcliidea i)oor Btillei-er into thehelief Htatoef Michigan, county of Inglnuti, ss, Atas -- thittBOiiie worthless liniment will cure rheu- A paper road beforo the ParinGi-s' Insti• slon of Ihe proliato euiirl for said cotiiiiy, held at ll.o piohate oRlce, in lite eily orMason,on the iiid day .if iniitisiJi and neuralgia. Honesty is the best ADDITIONAL liOCAI. tute, hold at Mason, Feb. lOth and 11th, by Jaauitty, in the year one thousand, eight buuilieil poliey ill the nianufaolnre ol'iiroiirietaiy ur- and elglity-seven. Lillian P. Miliar: tiolesus in all other matters,and tlie I'acttliiit Present, Q. A, Siuitli, judge of probata. Tour Polks iiiitl Our Folk,s. Jt has often been said that people write In the itiiiltor ofthe oslate of Atitlrew Lindsay, lain the jiroprietors of Athlophorcs have never uf stockbridge. In said county, deceased. about what they least know. That •Tohu chiiiiieil for it even all its merit would \yar- -AT- On reading and niing tho petlllon, duly vei-Hloil, of rautliiis nut a littlotodo \vith ilsvyuiulerrul S, U. Dresser was in Detroit on business Howard 1^'ayiie never know the blessing of Archibald G, Lindsay, a son of said deceased, prtiyii .; pojiiilarity, nml the thousands of grateful "Home Sweet Home;" that tho author of that a oertalit instrument tio'vV on tliu iu this cotiii, Monday. purporting lo be Ihu last will and tosttiinettt of sabl testiinoniiils received hy them show that '•The Old Oaken Bucket" never saw one. ileeenseil, iiniy lie admitted lo proliato and tlie e.\eo • Sol, Middletnn nf Raton llapiils, was in thoir iiolioy lias been ^visea.s ^vell us right, So you might lliink weknow nothing of the tion thoreof granted to the e.xocutor uanied in said will; K.\-]it'rii.'iicc has Jiniply drnKinstrated tlic city veslerifiij', subject presented. However, in chilylboud's Thereupon it is ordered lliat Tuesday, the 8tli day that lucre untH'iird uiiplicatioiis are worlh- Mr9,'P, VV, Webb yisiled'I'rienils in •fack- years, wc did succeed wilh a "iiiiie patch" ol IVIaroli iie.\l,at ten o'clock lu Iho ferenoou, Ui less. Tho (listasc has its seat in tho blood, 8011 the first of tho week, ami a "half square," An item is going the assigned for Iho lienriiig of said polltion. and that tho and any rouiedy to he BUCCCBSI'UI must deal heirs at law of said deceased, aad all other persons Mrs, .lohn Dnnsbacit, who has beon ser• founds lo thi.i effect: "A lady has lin- interested In said eatato, aro reijiilreil to appear at a with the obstrnctive acid whii;h poisons iously ill, is soinewliiit better, islied a tpiillof llioiisatiils of difl'oreiit pieces session of said court, tlien to he holden iu tho probate and iiilhupcs it. und some equally industrions sister is trying ollico, in the city of Mason and show cause, if any 5 IMr. nnd Mrs. 11, W, Boelter spent .Sniuhiy thero he,why the prayer ofthe petitioner slioti Id notbo Allilo])Iiorns acts oii.tlie blood, muscles to lieat llio record." Then various com• with frirtuls in Eaton Rapids, graiiteii i And it is further ordorod, that said ]ielltlon- and juinis directly. Jl taken the poison ments like this; "Does it not seem ihat^ er glvoiioticii to tlio persons interested In said estate, onto!' iholilood and carries it out of tho Mrs, C, F, Gillani of Lansing, pasaod of the pendency of siilil putitlon, and tho bearing valuable time is lost, v/lien sixteen yiirds of tliereofliy cmisliiga coiiyof Ihlsotderto be iinblislieil syslciiii it iiivignratcfi the adion of the the Sabbath with Mason friends. calico and live pounds of bat. ivill answer in tho LsuiiAst Cnti.s'TV DSMOCUAT, a newspaper print, niiiKflcs tiiid limboiM llie stilliiess ol the Mrs, Len. Owen was last week presented as well for comfort'i'" We must remember oil and circiilateil in said county, three successive joints. It reaches the liver und kidneys, week.s piovlons lo said day of hearing. with a handsome uold watch by her husband. thnt [latoh-work in our grand mother's day (A true copy.) Q, A, SMITII, cleiin.siiig tliciu fruiii iiTitatiiig siihslanccs, City Atlornoy .Johnson of I'janfiing, was took the place of our fancy work today. Owl Judge of Probate. und. if fi)llov.-cd up iiflcr tlie rhomivatic After hours of weary toil, spinning, weav• coiulilioiiK ccnso, it will rcalorc Iheseorgaiis iu the city Monday and made us a pleasant Gent's and Ladies' Shoes now in and Kxooutor'H Salo. ing and nninerous other tasks, what wonder lo roguluidly and hfullli. call. ESTATE OJ" CHAS. 11. DARIlOW, DKOEASKD. that they slionld turn to the lighter labor of lly virtue of a license, to tno gninted, on tbo ninth Miss Nettie Wood is visitiiiL' relatives Olto Ainvors, "Wntcrlnwn, Wis., says; patch-work, it might bo tliatgraml-motliers' on the road, which you can buy at day of aViivenilier, tSSS, by Q. A. Sttillli, judge of pro- "1 have lu.cn intn-e or Ics.ssubject to severe and friends iu Livingston and Macomb lialii of llio county of Ingliani, and stato of ftllchlgati, heal tbnugliis am! hapiiiesl songs were 1 shall sell at public iiiicllon, on the lOtli day of rliciiinnti.'-ui for finirtcun years. Dtiriiig conn lies. quilled in. For years these qiiilla have niarelt, 1S87, atlo o'clock In Iho forenoon,tit tlm thai tinio 1 wn.s never free from tho'disciisc U. S, .Smith, the cutler in Peters' market, been prominent at Ihe fairs and were even fnini of llio late Cliailes II Darrow,situated about tiiilil I iiacd j\liilo|)lioros. I have been two and one-half miles sonth of tlio cily of Mason, in has removed tins week to his foriner home fnund at the u.vpoaitioii of'7(1, The articles laid 11]) for iiioiilhs atatinie; tliolnstiil- Hiiid counly, all Hie riglit, llllo and iiitorest of which at Moi'onci, of fancy work in which wo take such pride, Charles 11. Burrow died, seized, iu and to tho follow• taclt was liuir nioiitlis. I could not ii.s.sist pretty, bright and cheeriiiE, do they not ing Itiud, lo wit.; TItoetiiire sccltoti number twunty- nivt'i'!!', piy wi fo wiia obliged to feed luo anil Will Grow, who makes his home at T, oiie, in lowiiship tuiinber two tiortli of range ono I luul III be liflcil in and out of hcd. I Deiisinore'fl, has been ipiile sick, hut is gel- occupy too iiiueli valuable lime? Wo be• west, Ingham county, Micliigan, except thnt portion lieve in home adoriiiiient, and like to enter lying eiist of llio Jackson, Lansing ,t Saginaw railroad have .'-•|K lit III h'list a tboiismid dollars with ting hettei', track, centiihiiiig aliont 07(1 acres of land. IKUIHCS where line |)aiiitiiigs adorn the walls, Than are asked for Old Shop Worn iKitliiii.!; but loinpnriiry relief. "Whcii I rioii, L. E, Lincoln, representative I'roiii And on Miiroli JJI, 1837, nt the premises, about used iliclir.-tboltlc'of.Alhliipborns 1 liei,'au and pretty ornaments, fnabioiied by careful tlireo miles east of Iho cily of l\Iasiiti, all the iiitorost, riiiroii coiiiily, passed the Sabbath tvilh if any, Oliarlits H, Harrow had, in the undivided otie- to liii'l relief ami when J hail lini.slicd liamla aru ,scatlered round ; but years hence Mason Iriniids. Goods. oiglilh part of the west oiie-lialf of tlie south-west lukliurtlio loiirlli bolllij Iwiiswell and have the styles will cliaiige, and our iniieli ad• iliiarler of section number onij, and the undivided not licLii troubled wilh rliDiiinutisni since.'' Mrs,WellsHoiidrickfl and sou nf Rriglitnu, mired work intisl be banished with onr old oue-eiglitli part of the west one-half of the north• ]'A'i.;-.v driif.'.^ist.'^liniild keep ..\tlil(iplioros aro visiliiitf Mrs, ll.^s parents, Mr.and Mrs, west ipiarlor of section iiiitnbor twelve. In township bonnets and dresses. Our iniiida might be nitnilier two niiftli of range one west, in the county ntui .Vtiilii|i!i(iriiti I'ill.^, but v/licro they can- C, D, Huntiiiglon. belter stored with nsufnl iiiformntion, which of Itiglmai, state of Michlgaa, nut be biiii'ihr of the dnigeiiit the Atlilo- Misa Nellie Toall, diiuirliter of licv. A. ,J, ill future yeiirs need not be bidden from SAMUEL J, P, SMEAD, Kxecator. ph.iris Co.,'11:1 \\'iill .St.,~Kc\v York, will Duled l"el".:i, 1887. fnv7 'IViill of Virciiiia, is visiting her cousin. view as "old style," The world is a vast send either (carriu;,'C paid) on reeeiiit of Miss Liullie 'J'eall, frame on which aru spread beaiilifiil quills, niorttiiiBo Salo. rc.tj.ibir in-ice, whieh is S'l.f'O per bottle both useful and oriii.meiital. First in the Deranll having lieen iiiade in the (layntent of one for ..\ilil"|-..li'irM.H und riOe: !'nr I'ills. Kov. L. E, .Spafi'nrd nf llelloviic, a former liriilessioii we Iind the niinislers a::d mis- tlioiisiiiul thirty.lino diillarn and forty cunts, uow pastor of the Bnplisl cbnreli in this cily, claimed lo liii iliio and unpiiid tipeii a corlalti iitorl- J'Vir liver lUnl kliliiey dlJi'iifos. riy.ipep.sln, ui- sioiiiiries in all lands, who nre pruaehiiig gage buiiiing date lito soveiiteeiilli day of Oclobor, ditTiiKliiiii, woiil.-iiiwi, uprvuiis ilolillily, iliseii.se.s was in lown ycrterilay, ISSt, oxeciiled by nonjstnlii K. 'I'yler to Emma 0, of wmneii, I'diiiiiipiilliin, hoiiilnohu, impuru the gn,spel nud canyintr on the grand plan Rreil and recorded in tho olliee of the register of bl.Jiiil, .\tliliiiiliiims rills arc iiiici|Ualct!. J .1. 11, Doty removed to Onniulaga last of salvation as revealed in the bible, Read Have .lust; Kooetveil ii ViiU I.liio of deeds for lugliam counly, stato of Michigai', npon week, ;vliorc wo underataiul bo will engage the sermons of tinted divines, also the lec• llie iweiily-liiiirlh day ef Oclolior, 1S81, In liber llfty- ill the grncerv Imsiiioss. tures by christians at Oliautauqiia and rteveii of iiioitgages, on page '112, No suit or proceed• ing III law having liiion iiisliliited to recover any part SLi,r;;nr-Coat itl 0, G. liiiiilinr'loii. A, V, Merrill and M. oilier coiiveiiliuna, and we know of the great GoMs Ilk MES StilBS ! thereof and the power of sale therein contained in i C T\ O Cathaiiic ,1. Mnore visited Lynns Mnuduy, und viewed good being done, Ne.vt tho selinol system, snid inorlgage having heconie nbsiiiule by virtue of frum iiiiiversily lo cominou disiriet school, llill stiiiiile in sncli case made anil priivided, notice the destriiclinii caused hy the flnods. is hereby given Ihaliipiin ,Satiir(lay, Iho Thirtl- 'f Dpi B Q, euu wc deny reacbiug an age nf almost English and Frencli Worsteds, Fancy Cassimeres, Overcoatings, eic, President Pi.skc nf Albinn College, hns otli iliiy of April, IS87, at ono o'clock In the collies lOrpili. if lIlU a ti Ibrji HcpM ^i?;'II niiiveisal ediieiitioii ? The solous who are foreliiHin of s,iiil day I shall sell at plllilii: itiietioii to taken a viieatinii and lie and his wife nro GlEiVTOililBr.W, WBicii Jii .need of nnylliimh^ im (he 'S'stiloriiig llie liigliest liiililor, at the front dour of the Ingham biiwel.s lire eiiii.-lip ili'il, or if tin; .«liiui;:rli sent to make laws to govern a law iibidiiig cuniily court house, in tiio cily of Mason, (said court taking a trip tlirniigli Iho smith und west, iiiiic, we won 1(9 be i»!e;i.iieiiler them Hie be-l pills commerce is earned ou wilh foreign coun• DeUuidants. J Furnishing Goods in Central Michigan. Nolice is hereby given, that in pursuance of a de• lliad'e, 1IIU.I Would nut be willioiit llieiii. -. Mrs. Andrew Tlinrburii of Alaiedou, who tries, scieiilific discoveries and wonderful cree of said ciiiirt, made in tlio aheve entitled cause, Jlorrts (.iule.s, JJowii.svillii, V. was dangernusly ill I'or several days, is now inventions are all grand themes for discus• on tile 21st liny of June, 1880,1, the tiiidersigned,one 1 was attiiekeil Willi liilioiis ii'eier, rapidly recovering. The iiew-horn sou is sion. Under the uamo of criv/.y work, an• of the circuit court cumniissioners of the county of wliieli was folbnveil by .laiiudiee, and was archists, Bohemian Rwiiidlers,iuaniil'aclnrers Iiigliani, sliall sell at public auction, lo the higliost apparently liealtliy and happy. lildiler, al the front door of tho court house, iu the so (lanm'.roiisly III that my friiuids de- of bogus butler and cranks generally, mnsl H, L. HniiderBoti, C. •!, llaviier nnid 'V, .1, ALSO A LAEGE LINE OP city of Mason, in the county of Ingliani and stale of spiiiieil of my recovery. 1 coiiiiiieiiei.|| thrive by their nefarious schemes practiced I\liclilgan,on Ihe lOI.U tliiy of Miiroli, 1887, at la,'nnnil rc'iiorler this inornliis*. "Me is nearly worn FLOUll PorlOOpounds ®2 00 effectual. Ladies nakyourdTug- 2. Tho secretary shall uot grant a spoeial cortillcato. ont with tlie exacting lidioi-s of the position, and Present, Q. A. Sinllh, Judge of probate. BUOICWHKAT ELOUtt Per 100 pounds,, ©1100 Biat fop Pennyroyal Wofers and toany person who, upon examination, failod to got u .allhonsh Imth Sccnlary Lamar and the president aro In tho matter of the estate of Ahhio It. Wiiiianis, take no substitute, or Incloso post- KGQS Fresh,oordozen (* 12 oortilicate at tho previous piiblio oxainlnation. very dcBlions lliat ho Bhatl roiuain, he has fully lato of tlio cily of Mason, Mich., deceiisod. , ace for sealed particulars. Sold by IIUTTER ® ni ,1, Each person applying to tho secretary tor oxara- decided to hand In ills resignation. He will nndonbt- On roadlngand IHlng tlie petition, duly veilflod, of — audruprKists,$l uerbox. Address Salt iats LABD Por pound @ 1 SmIlh Williams, prayliig that administration of said nation, shall pay to tho secretary an institute foe and edly return to Lansing and eiitor at onco upon thu THE EUEEKA CHmfCAI, CO., DuTRorr, Mioa. APPLKS Dried,por pound ® ' » estate may be granted to tho petitioner or somo olher Always on hand, and also nn oxainiiiAtlon fee, nractlce of bis iirofcasiou. Ha is couvlncod !liat an Tholngham County. Teachers'AsBoclation which •pEAOUliS Dried,por pound O® ID early retirement from the conniilssionership Is india- suitable poison ; . . Sold 111 Mnsoii by H.M. Williams. I.IVB 8TO0K ANl) MEAT Tlioroupon it is ordered that tho Sth day Of has become so tliorotigh'y estnbliahod and awakened ; ponsable to tho preservation of his health,and nothing Ifour Moiieys Worth Every Tjnie. such a livo and growhiR interest among the ttiaohers OATTLE PorlOOpounds „.„2 60@4 00 can indnco hiui lo stay in Washington. Thon, again, March nnxt, at ton o'clock in the forenoon, be as• BEEK Drossod.perlOO pounds 6 00@« 00 signed for the hearing of said petition, and., that the of the counly. lias lixed the dates of mooting for tbo ho can make more monoy as a practicing lawyer than ensuing yoar as follows; The last Saturday in Soil- BOGS PerlOO ponnd,,,.. -t 60®5 00 lio can as conimlnslonor of patents, and this considera• liolfs at law of said deceased, and all other per• PORIC Drossed, por 100 pounds „ 0 00®0 25 sons interested in said ostato, aro.required to appear By JOHN H..YOUNG, A, WI teinbor,NovoBibor,Jauuarj,February and April, ut tion has croatly Inlliienocd htm la determining to Mason, HAMS Per pound S@ 10 retire h-oni oflicial life," . . at a soSBlen of &uid court, then to bo liolden in tlie lu (ill (;x]ii^r!ouco iu tho hook IJUHIDOSH, prolmbly no SHOULDERS Porpound,,., ® 7 probate olHco, In Iho cily of Mason, anil show cause. houV. i:vvv )-ubliMhcd IULS, for Ita JIKE, rcauhod ii siilo equal A, R, HARDV, Chairman, PI no Lako, OHIOKISNS .Drooaod,porponnd 8® 10 If any there bo, why tho prayer of tho petitioner to** Our Deportment.'* £iJ:o thu iiiuio, it KVOWS POULTRY AND &AME J. J,CALKIKS, Soarotary, Leslie,' better nt^ It trruwH older. it,s Bale lin« now reuuliod nenrly J,8. IltisTON, Williamotoii, OHIOICKNS Livo, por pound ® 0 shonid notbo granted. And it is further ordorod, SOOiOOO Hiid tho domand conCiimoH, As a book for . 'Doartl School BxainlnorB: TOmCEYS Llvo, por ponnd @ 7 ^avV\ ^Uc\^ Lll^i^'o? lhat said potitioner give notice to tlio persons ni,'L'ia.s llio following will lostifv':' Orui a^eiib hiia Hold m ITS SEABOIir. TOKKEYS Dressed,porpound ® 10 interested in said estate, of the pendency of lUoiMi (iviir 7000, aiiotlicT -MO, nii'othcr 2300, another i!000, thousands sulTering from Asthma, Con• miothor -ttOO, nnotlicr JOOO, nnotlicd' 2000, another 1700, ainintNo in.iTKaiAi., said petition, and tho hearing thereof, by cansing a sumption, Couglis, otc. Did you over try auutlier UIOO. nnother 1100. uuothor IMO, tmotliur IfiOO, nnd nnUEDTIGIalllQ ototiiota,who wlih tooxamlno WATIUH MMK Por barrel „. ®1 50 copy of this Older to ho publlslioil in the INOUAM iic'orea ol! uffonts Jiavo Hold overijiooo eDi)lu3 by porHoniU SQUARE MLIN& GUARMTEED! HUI&in I ldEu^;thlapapor,otobtain oatinniitas;. OALOINltO PLASTBIl Por barrel,,,. 2 2.5@2 60 Acker's English Ileniedy? It is the best CouT.w DEMOORAT, a newspaper printed and eircn- caiivasfj, Aiiyono doubtlue tlila wo •will givo names and lated iu said cowiity, three suooossivo weoks previous address of llio iitfenlp. onadvoitlsingapacevvhen in.ChleUso,will (Ind Itonfiliiat ' PLASTlsniNO HAIB Porbushel ® .10 preparation kuownior all Lung Troubles, •Pritjoa of book 8'

Si!Si=' meaasstssaaxn Btaat MrCHMIAN LTMJISL.VTUIIE. l\n. Edmunds, ScttWlor nud Mrs. Vcf>l» proposes to issne in Bofoiam will be di- CONGEESSIONAL. MAMINOx B RESIGNATION Seuutor and Mrs. EN'llrts, Senator and M(B vitled into shares of lifi francs cnch, hour- TIIU Logislaturo l;oii8Sombloil BtLunslnBoa ngliaiii Co. Deiiwcra McMillan, Jlr. lihd Mi'S. Patrick A.. Cob. ing iuterest at H per cent. The amount Tuosdiiy, fob. in, uml ut onco aettlod down to wiTl bo 1011,1)110,1100 francss. ...Advices from Work of the .gonate and tUfc H'ouno worli. The following bills woro piuiaod iu tho lius, ilolin E. Devclin aud vifu of New Text lOf the CorrespontlencD Betweon 'l'on.4ii, ouoof the J'T'iRir.dly Islands, snys Rnimto; Amonding the statiito limiting tho au• Vork, I'X-Mayor Grace nnd wil'o 'oC New thority of township boiinlH to voto mouoy for M.VSON, MirjH. thnt the six milives wiie wuie coudeniued lt> of Reiprcaentatives, York, the Hon. Francis Lyuilo Htefcson nnd ths President and tho currunt oxpumios ; to require BOcurlty tor oosta death fur eonipliclty ill the iissiiull on Mis• wife of Now York. iiintnyof prooiiodlngn iipoii vurdiuta unit Jiid!,'- V. WItmrultK, . Puiu.tmir.it. sionary linker und his hlniily bavo been Mr., C'.v:\ii',ltON's hill for tho coiiipj'uctionof ten Seoi'etai.'y, nieiits Jn Circuit Coiiits; to dotaoli tiiriitury execnU'il On tllu groiliul ihiit the nloiiey sleol.pioteetuil er,ils«r« imiifluil flio Seuatu uu (ruin lho crmitv ot lifiiulliui nnd iittiich ti> 'l.ao'lonaw Coiiiitv; rcqiiiiiiig "i" prusorva- thu null, 'I'bo ereilotitiiils'of hiitvitl P.'I'lirpio is used lo luirtdiiis • polico bludgeons, Areh- lliiii of ull bills uilowoil by towiiahip hoarilii, TEE WE¥S CONDENSED. PTJIII'.IO fontiinent iu Missouri cnused bisliop Ciol-o mlvccales lhe iion-piiylaeiit us Senator Irom Inilianit worn luid befuro tho Prodlcthig n Serious Fiuasoial Situation- and thu tiling of the uainu hy tho lho House w reconsider ils vote nefusing of taxes in ti'dnnd.. . .iMr. Oliidslone has buniite. Tlio Seiiatu riitaliation hill, with a clerk for iiisiMictlin of taxiuyura. nilla liili'o- I'lr, Olevolaiid Expresses His lo provide for the raaiuteunuco of the State, written a loiter nppeiiliiig to Irish I'rolos- BubHtitntii tlierofor, was riijiortod iiaek to tho diiued: To priivulo for tbo rocurding uf (looUii TIMJ ECAST. tanlH to fiivor hoae rule, ,, ,Cn(bolic mis- and iiiorliiageH in tho auvernl asa.jsBinent dla- mihtiii;. A counlly tiieniher ot thu New }loiiHu. A bill for tilo or(LlAM T. DmfiUA.M, ft ip/romiilcut meiil ol I'ho lanilwehr and laadslunn, sa.is; "1 fuel iddiiied to williliolil my ajiproval a fiirioiis and iprolracled stru^•gle, by niontof Contu'oaa, and in urdor that tiniu may otiloui's ill proiiuition. Gov. I.ucii sout a iiioa- luwvor d" I'oHloii, bus baon itli-estcd for status lhat Sil),l)l)ll np|ilieulions for oflicors' of the i»lan, as proposed b.y tliis liill. in linliitjio sulllco for tbo auloction and conlli'iiiatioii ol my sago tu the flouso calling attontluu ti the luo- H l,.3ini\'iitiait ami eharitahlo ,soiitini.iait tlii'oii;;li the cmbCKzlomcut of $17,W(I 'frffui two old tho close vol-s of ill! lo 211 iu onch eafic eoiumiKsioiis havo nlreiidy been rueeiveil, suflcosBor, I dosiru nyaiu to pliiuo my rosinna- niorinl of tho lleimrnl Assembly of Ohio, asking the ajijiropr.iition of piiblio fiinds for that ])in'- tiou of tho ollieo ot Secretary ol tbo Treiisnry iu tlmt jMiebigan, liidiiinn, fil aois and Wisconain ladies If cr whom ho was truMlco. Do in• Major W. W. Armstrong, who has jnst been l)us*>, 1 e.iin linil no warrant (or sueit an ajn-ro- and Illlll iriuh wonion nro sickiii.L; posilious your haiiilB, and triiiit lhat yon will now diiuni iiiiituin ui'uulini,; a, iiu'iiiorlal olrauturo tu Afarl- vested illic juouey in it uoif.-piiyit:.g onlorpriso a]ipoiuted J.'ostinasler of Olevoland, lo suc• jiriiitioii in Iho coiiiititutioii, and f ilo nut bu- ill the ainbulanuo sorviuu. liuvo tlint tbo power and duty of the tJenio'at ita iiecoptaucu no dutrinioiit to tho piililic aerv- otUi. Ohio. In mumiiry of tho aurvloo ill Ibo South... .•Inmes W. fosbay, iiidick'd ceed Thoiaas ..lolios, .Jr., was for years Cloyuinnn.iit oii(;lit to Jill o.\tuiided to tho relliif ico. When yon roiinustud iiiu last ,lunu t:i ilulay of the mon who laid tin) foundation DAiiiy.MEN'111 Elgin, 111., find Unit the inslstlny upon thoaoceutnucoof myreainnatlon, of tho free Htatfls of thu Nortliwnst and uolo- for l«ib(-ry iu connection with lho Jb-o.vd- odilorof tho O'lovelnnd I'hiiii Dmkr. of iiiiliviiiinil snlfiM'iii); wliieli is ill' no oleomargarine law has Inrgely diininishod iiiiiiiiier properly rulatod to thu I'lildiu uH aeaiii in onr coiiferonco laat Ootuher. yon brating ttiu same April 7, IS-IS. Goiovuor Luco wny ffiftilwiiy friinehi»j, luis just dicii ul President Oleveliind states tluit nlMymem- honoroU mo with fliich turma of personal ooiisid- roeomiiioiiilB tho iiccuptiiuce of lho proposition. tho deiiiiiud by Chicago maanl'uclnrors for sorvieu or benolll. A pruvalunt, ti'iidoncy Now York." boifi of (ho ijirosent Collgress havo been LudlHrei^aril Lho limilod mission of this power oratiun and o-xjir, aaol ao t'ravo a dnclHion in A mossago was rocoivod Irom the Goveriiui nut- reconliiiended lo him for places on tho iii- uroiimory butter. It is tliouelil thnl thu and duty sliouhl. 1 tliiiik, bo Htuiulfaiitly rii- i'OS]icct t^i tho roijniremeiits of tlio jmbliu norv- lug his upiiroval of thu billH ^noreaaliig thu MAfifiiE BuAlJLlxvi, tho lll-yonr'old lerslalo connnerce com mission, and there geiiiiino nrliule will not bring ovor III! coiits nistod to the ond that thu losson sboiihl liocoa- ico that it waa as impossible to iiou,iition my inmilier of ^ upreino .Indgoa ti live, and oxtiuid- hed-iiddcu daughter'of a'if.inor nl liniiks- BtiuLly ejifui'euil that, thontlti tho jteopio imp- duty aa t^ forget yonr kindiiosB, I have not ing their toriua to tun years; rugutating the uao is uono of thom whom lio would so ghidly por pound for years to coiiio. port the (lovuriiniunt.thu (iovoriimeutsbualil not aparcd iiiyHulf in tlui endoayov to coni}ily with and the chargoa for toteiihones ; to grant Stato vil'io, I'a., nnnoilnood Just Novunibor lhat noniinnte ns Colonel iMolTJson. .su|iporl tile iK'(i|ilo, Tliii frionilliiiuss anil uhar- yonr wish and In coiitribiito to thu sujiport of lauda tu tho Al)ieiia and Pctiiskey Itallroiut Six lives wore Insl liy nn exploHinu in the at 2 o'clock |). m. J'Vbruiiry 17, sho P(;iii.jo [l.'iif.vTilf! licNEDii.'T's iromiuii- ity of our cuniitryiiieii can nlwavs bu ruliof. up• tlio polioluH wliiuh havo illiiiilnitod yoaraduiin- <;oiripiin.v; to jirovidu for tho upjioiutnient of a would bo restore^'i toOieullh. .M I'ae iip- Cnlch colliery nt Hhoiiilda, Wnlus. 'I'wcuty- on to roliuvu their foilow-ciU/,oim in misfortniio, isti'iition, U'lio iippi'oiLcliing end ot tho l-'orty- Stato iiginit to look nftur tho iiituroata ol dis• 'Pliia has liueii ropnaluilly anil ijiiiUi recuntly iilnth Coiigrnas iniirl.a a jiuriod In yonr own tioii has Iscoii acted ore adversely by lho nine men wero rosuued, uninjured. cllarged convicti, prouiiring them employuiont, poinim] hour she jicwso from hor bod, Ihliig (loiniinstnileiV l''oiii!ml aiit in siiuli uasus I'li- tonn of oflico und in tbo dhisiouB of our polit• otj; tu iirganino Ifogobic I'lnmf.y, Senate Pl'iuting Committee. A Wnshiug- aside lior criitelies, and daucod ubont tbo SlS'i'EK Ol'.NEVJEvr, who recently loft ouuranes Lhe expoctulioii of paturiial oaro ou tho icni culeu'.iar. if a. chiijii,'o iniist occur in tlio part 01 till; liov. rnmeat, iiiui wiiaiiuns tho Htiirdi- hoails of doiinrtmouts untl at your council room, lo lho miiijizomoiit'of a nnmbor of lon sjiocial to Iho Cliicago 'J'iintvt snys: Iho convent at Newark, niiio, is living wilh .Bii.i.s tu vopiial uu act jirohliiitiiig iiitorfur- ness of .>nr natimiiil oliiirautev, whilo it pre- hoard it Is clear that yonr peraoiial coiiyonieiico oncu Willi thu regiilur huaiiiuaa of railroad com- fpooplo who had gathered to witness Iho Tho imujoiliato i,'roand for diiciiHiig ii;:iiiiifit vuiits tllu iiiiliileoiiuii nmuiiK unr peopio and lho iniblio inturoats nro be.st subaorvod hini is Unit tliu hiw roriniros limt Hiu ollleo n former nun at C'hillieollio, and bus iqi piuiiua or othor firina and to iiiuorpnruto tilo miriiclo. uf that kindly Hoiitinient nml conOuut ahould it occur now. Moroovor, tho Ihianclal sliDiild tm hulil hy ii praetlual jiriiitor, iiiiil Mr. pliod io tho Pope for purmissiou to rolract wiiiuli .ifrenf^tla'ii llio boiidn of a cotnniuii Stalo liaptist Aasoclatiim worn introduued in Hoiiniliel, is not a jiructicftl |irJine.i-. llin Lnsi- Bitiiiitioii is to bo sorioiisly ilitferont from tliat the Senate fubrnary Ili. Tlio foflowiitg ;yero .jier vows. brulberhood. it is w'itiiiii my jiersuiial kiiowi- 'which opoiied beforo us wlien tho prosont Con- nu.ss in tiiiituf u piihlislier of a country paper, odKe Hint iiuliviiiiiiil aid hiis tu Binno extoiit imsaod; ftonao bill tu abuliali the Siiiiuvlor iiiil. aiiilo from this lutial objoution. ho haa not 'i'llM SI. Louis Council has piissod an or ftroBs oiitured upon its lifo and upon tho Court uf Helroit; tlm bill to niaku au appropri• alrendy lieen uxfonduil to l.iio Hiilfurers nioii. oiiportiiiiitioH croaloil by a traiiflfor of llio THE final iidj-nstmimtof ibo eslnto of the iiijido (1, vt ry j.,'ooil iiiijiressimi horo. ilo wunl tioiieil in this iiill. Thu faitiiro of the proposed ation fur euiii))lublng the index for ^ficlu.l;an sol- into tnooflico with lho idua, whieU hu .airotl on (linnnce making (light hours a legal dav'; peoitlo's truatto new liands. In this moBtcritioal dld's ill t,liu latu war; tho joint resiilutloii re• lato Cyrus If. MeODiuuick, Sr., has Just ii,]ipi'o|irln.tioii of sto.llilo additional to inuut tboir every- possililu iifiuasioii, tliat evoryhody wha work for oily lalioruTs. I'eiiminiii..! wants will not neeoHsarily rusult in ooiulltion tho circinnspoufc o.xecntion of a w.so questing .Miutiigan (lungrenamoii to urge an been mado at Chicago. ;lniiio fowler j\fe- hu I biMiii ill tbo o.'ticii ibjforo him was n, rascal, eontimieil disLre.^.H if ttiu emorcoiiiiy is fully fiscal I'Ollcy, or of adinlnlatratiyo refuniia in uiljiistnient of tlio claims hutweeii thu Unitod '.rill': Ciiniird steiiinsliip F.truria. xvhiob Corniick und (';5-rim .11. McCormick, .Ir., ami tlmt hu bnd como on to iuntituto ruforiu made luiowa to the ]iei)jitu of tlm connlry. ft Is tlio collcotion and diHbin'seiiioulfl of our coltoiial Statoa and tlm Status and Territoriea, and aev- wilh n capital 11. llu iHiicburned sovural liiiii- vovoiniua, IH not ulono iluiimudod, tboiiith Itiburs oral local hills. In tho iloiiae billH wore iuti'o- lho cxoculoiii, rejiortwl thototal viiino of Ihu lias just arrived ill .Vow York frnm Livor bom siiKi;esUiil tliat, tlio (.kiiniiiisaioiiurof Anri- lirod .111 1 ployts ninitt tmco, on Uiu yroiiiiil that oulfnru is iimuailly ilii'ootcd to uxpoiwl a larao aiich as t,lieso havo uxactod aiul exhibited tho dncjil to rugnlato tho niannor hi whioh liiBiir- )iool, nveriiged Iwoiiiy-lwo statute mUc: ftbilltioa ot our foremost atatoamen ainco tho ostuto to be $it,fi'.ilvlH.l .and tho disciirso- thu jiiiy-rolf bail .boon TIIU m> far boyiiiiil Hiiiii of nionoy for tho jin.'|)aration anil ilistri- anco coiii]»iniiea llot organ zed In Michigan ahiiH meulB since libs Jiliiig'fif thu will $1 •Sli,21)0. what the apprnpiiatiai;;H warranted, tnit hu lias ]ier hour for the uiitiro ])nssngo. bntion of seeds nnd othur thinys of this ile- coiiatitution ot tho Govonmiont. But thoro la do biisinora thoruin ; to iiinund tho act )ii'0Vid- tuription, two-thiriln ot whioh are, upon lho I'o- also an oxhauatdni; firoinidof daily admlniatra- ing fur tbo troiitinuiit of dupeiMlout children at ....Boslou OoVbtltt.'who killed .1. Wilkes sliicu boon Hnuinally lllliii'4 up Uiu oflloo nfaln, Ftvf.; 'riioi.^sAND ladiusslood iu lino oul- iiiittl il: is said on cmul imtbority tlpit tbero are qiiiist of Hemttor,';, lleprosoiilativos, nml dulfl- tivo taaka wliich, hinvover snbovdinato and the lioaiiital of thu iMIoliieiia Uuiverflity; to Booth afler Iho iiesnsHinntion of Lincoln, luoro jieople ompJciyod in tho oiliuo than lihoru fiido Iho Whito Houso and wailed tlioir op- elites in CoiiKrufls, niipptluil tu theni for illsti'l- oloriciil, nu ollioieiit Soerotary of thu Troaanry pruvout iinjnat diaeriminatiou in tolla and pafl- has lately been assistant doorkeeper of tho over woro before, Wbon jiiooplu bavu i^imu to laitioii allium,' I'lioir ooiistitiiunts, 't'ho iipiire- uaiinut, or Bhould not, ovado. Tlioau aro tiialts HC'iigcr ratus on niilroads; to rogiila-e tho uao of porlnuily to shako hands wilh iMrs. Oleve- jiriiitioit of tho oiirrunt your for this pur. beyonii luy la'osont strength. I tlioru- Kansas House of Utipresentafives. Ho bo- hiln for umployinoat and prosonteil lottors from text hoiiks In inililic schools; tj provide for Seniit,<.rs he lias intiniatoti with lui iailiscj-uot lund, her reception being the last of tho jKiHO ia slOO.illlil. and It will iirohaidy lie loro Ull limit to yonr eoiiflldorttto .iiulKuiont that tho organizatinu ol lodges of the Anciont Or• came violently in«uiO"and held the Siioak- (JuKriioof franknosM thal'if they would Kotthelr no loss in tlio aii])i'o]iriiitioa for tho onsiiiiif,' hi asldni.' roloaae by the .1th of flfarch, or aa Boon season. ' der of tJniteil Vi'orknion ; to aniond the act rola- er'B gallery with t-w'o revolvers. Ho will be Sinmtoriad friends tocoiihrin liiiii ho would soo your. 1 inidorslanit tliat a IIU'HO <|iiaiitit.\* of aB you may select iny Buccossor, I fullill a duty tivu to sloeping, iiarlor und uliiilr cars on I'ail- wbiiAibj coalil do.adjoirt iitakiiif,' plaoos fiir them. Till.; slorm which has jimt subsided alon l,'ra;n is fiu'iiislieii for siiclnllHtributioti, und it Is to my family that may now ho ponuittod to roailH In Mlohigun ; to prohibit thu uao of atovos sent to nn ,tH>'Ium Tho Wisconsin Kn- It isn't Iiolitieal ut.iijiiuttoto talk iihtMit swaping siipposuif that this fruu aiiportioiiiiunit iiaiouK outweigh tho duty of aceoptinK longor that iis- the Bocliy Mountain range from the llrilish in jiaHsonger cars ; to aiiieud tho act rolativo to cnmpmont of Ibo (J. 'A. It. uniiniuionsly iiillnoiinu in this opeu and unilisgiilsod jiian- tliiiir nuii,'hlairs is a pi'ivile{,'o wliich may bo fligumont nf publio aorvico wliiuh, two .veuru Clinton and habwaya 1."; it am a ucroas Miehb.'iin waivoil hy onr Hiiuators and Kuprosuntativiis. If adopted a lesolution- coiisuring I'residout per, and Soiiatorn do not like to bo told tlint line lo New Jlexico is lieliovud to have ngo, you did iiio tlio honor to mako. Jtotuniing Htriiaius; to mako an a]i]iropriation for oloctric tlioy iimst biiBtbiil round and vote for Ibu Piib- Hiillluient of I bum Hliuuld roijaurit tho Cnmniis- ciinsod the death of 20 per cent, of lho . to tho rankH of that groat party wliich ban callod lights in tbo ntichigan liiaaiio Aayliim; to pro- Cloveliiiul ior his'recent pension voto. lio Priiifor's ccujfir,miition beforo ho will trout Bionor of Aiirienlture ti send their Kliiu'oa of tbo you to its load, 1 Bhall at 11 liopo to follow its liraiii thus allowed thoiiitotho Hnfforini,' (iinii- vent Probate .fiidguB nerving aa T.iiatuoa of In• PATUICIC TlJi.liV, inn etvprosaiimu nt .St. tliuir luttui'B of nicomitiemlatiou with rosiiuct. cattle. Passengnrs Irnvoliiig from lleuver fortunus, undor your snoueasful guldanco, -with sane Aayluins; to comiile'o and fiuulBli tho 'Ihoao luttors aro soniutiinoa yivun to ruall/ ora of Texas tlioy mijjht bo cuablod to sow thoir .Tosoph, Mo., loug since secreted S2,0lKl in to Lincoln saw boovos buried to llieir bonds a follow-oitiaoia'a loyal prido. Very roapoct- Hoiiaoef (Jurruction and a briuich of tho Stato neody jiurauns ivho aro of no JIOSHHIIO nso to urojiH, Tho uonstitnunts for whom, in theory, (ully youra, JJASIKL MA.INI.NO. Lis collar, with tho - knowledge of bis wifo Se;aatoi'H, bnt wli.im kinil-hoartoil Senators are this grain In intended, oniilil woll boar thu ton'i- rrison at jMarqiiotlo; to iirolilbit tlio nso in the snow. cr.EvnrjANr) TO JIANNINO. of acri|i and ntoro ordora iu puymont of and daught©!-. AVhou ho fnilod lo lind il, a willing to help to linil plauus wboru tliuy can porary iluiirlviition, and thu ilouuni would expo- earn ll. dollar or two a day, nro not exactly in TlIE iiolice of (jinciiiuiili havo iirrosled ii riunuu tho satistaotioii attondin" douds of char• Mvlln.u; But: Yourfoniial lottcr of roaigna- laboi'fli's; to Ofltahliah au Aayluiu for iiegro forluiio-lolloil'told him it had boon tlou whiuh I liavo ruceived, though not entirely inaniio ciirainals; to rogulatu the ratus position to IIO to Sunatm'H inul IU'LIIO them voto man giving his naine ns Charles E. linker, ity," stolen by bin •sou-iu-hiw. In the ipiiirrel for tho Piibliu Ih'liiter'H uuutlriuation. inionpectod, jirivaonta the roality of a aavoranco of telephone uom]innioa; to mako nn aiipro• on Kuspicion of being the fellow who liiis^ 01 ouronicial rolntloiis, and causua ino thodoop- priatioii for tho School for tho lllinii; to givo tho which onsued, Mrs. 'Tally died anil tho Oflt vcgrot, 'J'his ia tomporud only by the knowl- Unltiiil Statoa oxclnsiyo control of land aot apart children removed lo Kansas (lily. 'The old \T (ho PJanadelpbia municipal eleclion regulnrly pinched hidioB on tho street at A ltii.i. providinc for an additional Associato odRo that tbo frank anil friendly poraonal rola- forpnhllo hnililings at Kaat 8'igliiaw; to pro• man hns hitely discovoitsd his Iroiinuro, aud the E«pnblicnn caudidnle received ',10,'1'.I7 night until their clieuks or arms woro black .fusticu of tlio Knpromi) Court of tho Torritory tiona wbicli have iiiibrokunly nxintud butwoon ua vide for tbu piinishinent of jU'i'Huna charged lu ot Now Mexico, iiaflscii tho Sonatu l''oh. XT. Mr. are still tooniitlniio. 1 refer to thoso becauHoaaoh nud bluo. He was pniuted oat hy a violim. conrla with aasaiiU with attouipt to kill and is dclirinuB ovor tbo ruin it wrought votes, tho Democratic cimdidato 1)2,2(M, Halo's bill apiiru|iriatin!! fl.'i.lDO.oai) for tho eon- personal retadon.s auj.iply, alter all, wliutovor of other eriinea. hut couvlctod of aaaault only. comfort and jdoasiie tiio world airorda, and bo- At tho mcci.iiig'Of tho Illinois Dopnrtuiont., and Henry George's candidate L'ifH '.CUE tnide-dolliir bill has puBsed liolh struetion of },'iin.boats, torpodo-boats, ami heav• Sovoral locnl bills wuru jiaaaed. A joint rosolu• ily annoruil vossofs for coast dufonse, and an ciiufle f fool it to hu nlinoat flnperffoiiB to apeal: tion passod till) ilouBo authorizing the ap]iuiiit- O. ..\, P., tho nidion' of President Cleve• Both bouses of tbo Miehigim Legislature Houses of Congress. act I'or the ileliyory to their i'ii;litful owners of of the aid and Hiipport y.ui havo given iiiu and iiient o( a coiiiiiiiltou coiiaialiiig of thioo nieiu- land in vetoing llle depeudeut pension bill Friday passed a resolution iiBkiiig Congress JIoK.MO.vAlissionaries iiaiiied Young and cortain ho.xeH liuposited In tho'J'roiisury Dopart• tbo asslstftiico you have fnruialiod to tho ud- boi'B of thu lIouHo and two of tho Sonato to to pass tho dei>emlent iienaion bill over tho nioiit by tliu Soerotary of War.wero al.so imHSud. ijiiuiiitmLion uf lho Govornnient during tlio Procood to byoua and learn tbo uxtunt of tlio wns condemned, nnd uieniberH of Congross Sniilli are busily at work ia (.lariott President's voto....The Missouri Senate i\ri'. A'ufll oll'ured a snbHtitntu tor tiio Ends timo yon havu diroctod tliu affairs ot tlio oxaot- dannigoB xvrouglitby thu floed, witliavluw o£ were asked te inias the lucnsure over tho itig and lah'brioaB oHlue wlilcli .von now aook to extending Statu aid to tliu iinl'ortuuatu citlzcna. indehuitoly iKislpoiicd consideration of tho Connly, Man-huul, iu a barn fixed up lyy a 'PehiiantoiHic Slil|i-Itailway bill, wliieh provides veto. A Iributo lo the late Cienend Logiiu for Uio Inoorponitlon by'.raiiios U. Enils and aiirreiidor, Vonr labors, yonr aoliiovumoiits, resolution for tho submission of a prohibi• fanner. your auccoaa, and yonr dnvotiiin to inibllu duty was adopted. Ciiptain A. C. Kweotscr, of sonio oipbty other poisons iinniuil of tbo Atlan• Lri'TLK huyond tlm introdiiotlou of a fow hills tory nniendnient. .. .Both hotisus of the In• A'r Bethany, lUiuois, Jlorris Hntlield shot tic and Paciliu .'•liiii-Ilailwav C'oiiipany. with a aro fully soon and' known, and they clialloniio Blooniinslon, was elecled Doparlnient (.'oiii- the nppruciatiuii and gratitude of all yonr conii- was iloiiu in tho Logislaturo Kubruary 17. '.t'ho diana Legisliilnro have jia'-sed a bill apiro- capitiil stuck nut to excno'd tJUO.OJii.cUJ. 'Plie niaudor, nud Spriiiglield was chosen ns the his wifo iu Ibo hnck and killed himself. trymea. Since I must at laat rolliiquish my labor imimbera proBontod a bill to proyont lho prialing S'iOfl.OOO for thu erection of a anbstitiitu was passud—yeas til, navH 7-with an next place eif imeeling For some time thoy have been estranged. hoiio of vonr continiiaiiuo at my sido as eoiin- cniployniunt by a corpor.itioii o( puraoua not soldiers' nionuinout in Circle Park, at uiiioiuliiieiit tboreto nllorod by Suiiatfir Vim Holor luuf colaborer, anil aiiiuo I cannot quea- oili,'0U3 and another to prohibit thu contract A KEVEliE 'eartlifpinko-shock was felt nt ludiauapolia. 'THE illeiit colnpnny organized by the \yyuk jiroviiliiiK that no cortincato of stock tion the I'oasoiia on whioh your roqiioat to bo ru- syntoin in prisoiiH. Billa woro Introduced to shall bn iasneii until il shall havo buon fully li'rodoncklciwu, Mo.,' last week.. . .'The Chi• JIarquis de Jlores ])ro]ioses lo shut Chicago lievod.is hiiRcd, it only romaina for mo to ac• jn'ovont raiiroail coinpaniu.i from omidoylng cago anarchists nro again showing thoir paid for in moiioy at par vnlno, and pro- cept tho I'osiynatioii you havo tonderoil. and mou addicted to liqiiiir. to ju'evunt tho use of irS.'»U«TKIAJ. reoxEs. dressed beef out of Now York by making hibitiiiK tliu issuanco of bonds iu excess tooth. At a ineetiiig the other nii.dit tbe to ox]>reaa my iirofonnd thanks for all stoves on railroial trains, and lo iiieorporato ho• every retail bulcbur a slockholdor. Should of tlio paid-in capitid or the iliaiWHal ol that yon havo doiio for mo in nliar- tel eonipanies. Tho bill t.i ustabiish a hunui speaker Hbollled .loudly for bullets nud tho aamo at loas than their par valiio. itlr, ing nian fully my lahora and porplo.xftioa of tlm for foolihi-niiiidcd childron was t.Lbled, Tho 'Tnu great rolling-mill at Wheatland, this scbouio fail, tho monopoly threatens to t'ol'co 'Tho bdior movement in Chicaeo, Iho Wilson iiroHOiitoil a petition from oifizons ot last two years, I fool that 1 may still aal, of apocial coininittoo npjiointuil to visit Lyons re• Pa., is being repaired by Pittsburgh eaj)- Chiurninu snid, hnd beendragged into poli- opeu several hundred shops on its own ac• lown ill favor of a Nationai Hoard of Arbitra• you that tiio tst day of April next bo llxod aa ported that gruat distrusa oxistod Iboro. Thoy italisls, and will be couvortod into an ox- tion, Tho President sunt thu following nomi- tho date at which your ruaignation ahull take roooiniueiul that a liboral appropriation for thu ticB by reactionnry iioliticians aud dcimi- count. tcnsivo pi])o iron null, omiiloyiug hundreds uatioiiH to the Sonato: h'aiiuiol N. Alilricb, of offoct, and lhat yon will ao ro.^'ulato what ro- roliuf of th 'citizoua ho mado by tho Stato. Gov. gognoB. It was llml-ofore the duly of every Lidlfi'Nf.NO firod tho cotton docks at JfasBacliiisottH, to bo asaistant. Treasurer of inaiiifi to you of otlicinl duty in tliu moantiniu aa Liicc Kent to tho Sonato tho name of Col. Al- of men. • to aocui'o that moiiauro of Irocdom fronivoxa- thinking man lo tell workingmeu that they Tompkinsvillo, Staleii Island. Two em• tho Unitod .Statoa nt Boston; .fobn ]\t. fred II. lloath of Ionia to ho Labor Connnia- Mcrcor, of Iowa, to bo Surveyor ot Cini- tiona labor xvliich you have no juatly earned. woro misguided. Hint cloctionoering would 'THE Knights of Labor atld the Amalga• aionor. ployes •n'oi'o killed by falling walls, and tonis at Ihirb'iigtoii, Iowa; Owen Jfc- With tho oiiniest hope that in any new Path of not help theui, thiil'Olie revolver wns a far mated Association of Irou aud Steel Work• tho ostimiitod loss hy llamcs is 5i',)0n,(l00. (iloufhliu, of Iowa, to bo .Surveyor ot lifo yon limy lioruaftor foflow thoro may bo al• bolter argument than livo dozens of votes, ers aro in coiillict at Mingo, Ohio, regnrd- Customs, Bnliuquo, hiwa; Arthur K. lluliniDy, lowed to you moro of comfort and of eaae than Thackeray's Appeacance and Manner. A consolouUoiis diacharge of duty horo xiormita, and that, il was Iho social rovoluliou alone iug a strike in Iho .huietion Il'on Works. THE t-,yenty-fourlh Senatorial ballot iu of AViu-'onsin, to bo Coltontor of Customs for tlio Ilistriut of ..Vlaslia; postniastor at Clovoland, I am vory sinoeroly your friend, The appearance and manner of tho woildnKinon should e.vi)Ocl thoir salva• The leaders of the Knights hnvo ordered lho Legislature of AVost A'irginin elicited a William W. Anjiatroni,'; CharluB JO. Uroylus, of tinovEii CLEVELAND. Thackeray aro thus desliribed by B. H. Kepublican voto for J. N. Cnuulon, who tion from. Other wpoakors followed iu tbo thoir men buck, while ttie association will Colorado, to ho lliKiHtorof thu fjiind Oilioo at Stoddard: '"The misshaped nose, so Samo atniin. uot permit its members to rotliru until their now hns 3'J supporters lo .'18 for Gates, Dol Norte, Cob Tho llousu of .Tiopi-caoutativos jiasflod tho diplomatic and consular npproPria- riori-o I.oriUiu'iPa Groat Slide. broud at tho bridge and stubby at the 'jrJiK.)«i«BJ'rBi!. demands tire coucetled. A coullict ho• Greeubncltor. 'The convert is au cxtonsivo tioii hill. Ily a voto of 81 to KiO thu Texas seed Through the instrnmentality of Pierre cud, wtis tho ollect of an early accident. twoen both orders is iminiuent,..'.I'ho iron manufacturorat AVbooliuK, wlio thinks hlH failod to pass ovor tho Prcaidunt's voto. His near-sightedness, unless hereditary, A rOLlCEMAN' lin Atlanta, having noted Tho voto iifjainst considuration of tbo pension Lorilhird, Aniorioahasthe longest toboggan Jleier Irou Works, erected ojiiiosito South the Sonator's polioy should bo approved. muat have had a similar origin, for no that n colored iman. was regularly calling at St. Lonis nt a cost of 5!l,.'iOI),0OI), are abont voto was ftO to fill. Tho conferoiioo vcjiort on shdo in the world, boing over 4,000 foot in TitE Illinois Board of Agriculture fimlB tho anti-Jfornion hill was adoptuU by a voto of man li.ad loss tho appearance of a stu• residcuccs with a i largo basket, mado tho to be started np, after having boon idde for tho public aboul equally divided in 7>re- '.m to .|U. length from end to ond, while the Orange discovery that it contained whisky, sugar, dent who had weakened hin sight by several yenrs. chute is only 1,001 fact long, the Saratoga glusses, and loatlpoons, nrrniigud in n I'orences betweon Chicago nud Spriugfield application to books. In his gestures Gi'^llCBSAIL.' as a periuanent silo for tho Stato fair. Do- 'J'liK aiiti-iiolygainy hill, whioh had preyioiialy -^especially in tho act of bowing to a framework Jilock, Oppeulioimur .V, Co., gone throngli thu House, jiiiasod thu Kcnato wholoGalc dry goods.and footwear nt Giil- caluris a greater fiivorito than Peoria. Fubriniry 18, hy 1177 yuaa to i:i nays. 'I'lio lirst lad.y—thoro was a certain awkwardness, OKNERATJ FAIKCIIILI), Coinmnnder-in- vestou, Texas, i transferred tboir entire JifUfiK SiiEP.VRD, of Chicago, enlorod a fiix aoutiouH of tbe bili ajijily to prosocutiona fot mailo more conspicuous by his tall, Chiot of tho G. A. P., has issued a circular higam.y, adidtory, otc., and niiiko tho wifo or stock aud bnsiuessipremisoB in payment of decree for !?;ir),IIOO against the Diilziol well-proportioned and really command• rccorniuonding posls nud comrades every• hu.shiind ii eoiiipotont witiiosa, hut do not oom- ing lignre. Ilis hair, at forty, was local dehlB nggregatiug $22l!,000.' Their National Printing Goniiiany, on Iho suit of pol either to tostify. SoctiouB 7 nud 8 uivo pow- total linbilitios .aro placed nt ?7oll,lll)l), where to iiiimodiiilely jiass resoinlions ou ora of Court Coniinissioncrs and of tbo Jfiirahal alroady gray, but abundant and tnassy; tho I'oniuBula Pa])er Company, and ap• principally duo iin (ho East, nearly all of tho veto of tho dependent pension bill, and Dopitty i\liiralialB. Sections !I anil h'l apply the cheek.T had a ruddy tinge, and thero pointed George A. Mason recoivor. to thu iiiarriagG coroinony. They roquiro a cur- nnd write to their Coiii-iressinou expressing which is Hiiid lo-boiUnBOcurod. tiUcato, proPorly anthonticatoil, to bo lecordod was no snllowness in the complexion; THE citizotisof illarrison. Miss., liuding Iheir views ou the .President's action 'TffK personal oll'ocis of tbo lale Mrs. A. iu tho ollico 01 tbo Probate C0(l in gold and «ilvor,.,and a qunnlily of ors Coronet nnd Daimlless, for lii^IO.OOO a No. '2 Hod .S!l ,i'i ,:H and intensity of expression which wero Coax—Xo. ti .1'' iH' .:B Josiia (Jbrist of I-tiitter-dav Kiiiiits, and makes it absent from Thackeray's." silvorwiiro wero found in one ef Iho cliiim- side. Each boat will carry twenty-four C).\'i'a~Whito .:IS el .12 the duty of the Attorney lioiionil of tho Unitod bcrs. It is lielioved lo have been tho hid- men. Pi.aK—Now iMoas Il.Ul) i.iJI.'J i Htatea to iuatitnto legal iiroouodiugs to wind np thenlhiirsof tho corporation. Suction la uro- ing-placo of "Bloody diill Brady's Gang" Tiff.; Bfiunosota Thrasher Conipnny has (.'IlIi:A(iO. 1,200 feet, and the muoh vaunted Moulreal Caiiiidii Tlii.sUcs a (jlrcGii rifnunre. BjiilVKS -Choiuo to I'riiiiu .Steurn •\.r>'j 1^1.' fi,:i:l vidua for tiio oado'\vinuiit ot widows, who aro to ot guerillas during tho war. slide is but 1,000 foot. 'Tho Lorillnrds iiro been orgaidzed at Now York with $,5,OC0,- (iood Shipiiing •i.br I'l. .h.l -. havu uno-tliii'ii of lljuiuuomuut tho ostatu as known to fniilo through their inimonso Many farmers will he shocked to OOU and theso ollieers: President, D. B. Common . ti" :i.7a thoir dowor. Section 111 gives to tho .PrcHidout Ifoos—Shipirngiiradea tlio aiipoliitnioiit oi a Prohato .Inilgo in oaoh tobacco outerpriso, n.ud also as boing en- loa'rn that experienced vinoyardists in . Dowey; Soerotary, B. A. lyirk; Treasurer, ;1.70 l''i.ouu-10.\li'ii Spring ii l.llO coi.uty. Suction 2.1 aiiiiiilB tho aula of thu Leg• IhusiaBlic tnrlnleu. 'Tho Lorillnrd stabloB tho grape growing regions do not re• F. A.'Prince of ' Stillwatoi', Minn. .It ia islative .Vssunibly wnieli |Kinnit foimilo aiit- SKCRETAIII: MAVKLSU; MS placed his V/in:.vr—No,'.; lsprin.i; • '. ,'7l» gard the Canada thistle ns an unmiti• frago. 'I'ho uoxc four auocions muko provisions al'o world-lamed, and 'Tuxedo Park, resignnlion iu the liantlsof Iho President, niidorelood that tlio company eontiols the Coii.x—No. - e' Cbvi's—.No. '.i (lii ,'23 for oloctions, and ro luiro of voters ifii oatli or which Pioiro Lorillard hns iuslillitod gated nuisance. 'Thay use it as green to tako effect ou the appointment and credits of tbo Northwestern Cnr Company ]i,,TrKU--Choieo Creamery .lit '. aliirunition to support the Constitution aud in Jerso.v, is a swell thing conducted manure, plowing whenever largo qualilication of bis successor. This action of StilUvator, Minn. J.''iiui Dairy .IS .oj .'JI oliey tho lawa, especially thu auti-polvgamy on English plans, ideas and principles. CifKKSK—.full Cruain, Cheddar. onongh, and thus keep up and increase is taken in oi'der to allow Mr. Mamiing to .lit act of Jifarch 22, .tt«2, and this act. .Sec't,oa2; Mr. Lorillard's rotiroinent from tbe Ameri- hall Ciuani, now .:tji.i A .is uholiBlios thu ollico of Tori'itorinl .Suporiutond- the fertility of their land. Under con• nccopt tho Presidency .of Iho Westorn Na• Ec.ns—Ir.sh .11:. '• .\'> ont of fjiatrict Heliools, and uittkos it tho duty bau r.acing track in Ihe year 188.1 was one stant cultivation the soil between tho tional : Bank of Now York. .His lleltor of Poi'A I'l.i.s—.'..ho.'co. per ha .r,i I'llfi sa of thu Siiproiiio Court of tho Torritory to ap• of short durniion, and tho recent talk that IN thft Brilish Houso of Commons an rows becomes hard through exhaustion resignation xviU not'be niiido lublic for .PuKK—-MOBS tl.'JJ .ll.oj point a t.oniniisHiuiicr of Sciioola. Hection 20 his.farin, BaHcocas, wollld be sold with the .MJliWAUKl':K. of its vegetable maiter. Clover, the ' some lima. It is said .at tie W lilo Houso auioudmont lo iho address in reply to the gives to all roligiuns lociotios. Bocta. and coii- salo of tho horses hud no foundation, as Wiii'.i'i'—Cash in, .7(1 Queen's speech oll'ored by a Libcrarmem- grogatiiiiiB thu right to hoUl. through truatooa great renovator for the grain cropper, (hat no iniiiiodiato .ippoinlniont ^will bo Coii.x—NO. :I...... :m il!) Mr. Lorillard has said that Eancocas would .iiii'.l a])]iointoil by a I'robiilu Court, projierty for' is denied to the g-ape grower. It re• .made to Iho ollice, and that Mr. Manning ber iu favor of au inquiiy into tbe condi• OA'r.i—NO. '2 ... I": .sib; houses of worstii]! anil paraouagoa. Tho 27tli uot be sold, ancl that ho would kee)) all the Kvi:-No, 1... •will continue to net as Secretary for •sovoral tion of I'min laborers in Scotland was re• C'l .f>li and liiiit section ammls all ToiTitoriiil lawa foals of this your of the horses sold—some quires keeping the land too long in PoiiK—ilesa . ll.OO Wll.'io vwoeks.... Colonel .lohu .Inines'oti., Gouoral jected by a vote of 1118 to llfl Dispatches for the organization of tho mifitia. or for fifty in number—and that Pierro, ,11',, would sod, to lho detriment of the vine, bo- 'J.'01dJl)0. tlm crualii'ii of thu Niiiivoo Ijogion, and ^VIl^;.vl•-No. i.. keep all tho goldings, BO that in all prob.a- fore it can be plowed. .AVith the Can• :Supcrintoudeiit of the Knilway IWail Ser- from tho Soudan state Ihnt a prolonged .83 (a) .SI gives tbo I.cgialativo Asaomlily of Utah Cor.x—Cn.sh »vice, has resigned, nud Thomas E. Nash, war between the Italians nud Abyssiuians .as e'l .IlS'll power to pass lawa for orgiiaiziiig the mill- bility father and son will enter and run ada thstle jilowing while growing a 0A'IB~NO. -J...... so id' .ilOJi distinct stables. Mr. Lorillard, Sr., spends •Chief Clerk ol' tbe Postollico Depnrlmont, is expected. .. .Grcoco has given to France xiKTUorr. tin, subject to tho I'pproyal of Cimgreas. luxuriant vegetation withont sod is Cleuornl ollicrri of tho militia nro .to bo ap• has been appointed lo till tlie vacaucy. ))ormission to excavate Deliihi for romnius hEi:F CATTLE, . •t.'in «i. a.OO lavishly not only upon himself and friends easily practicable. So tho old ques-' pointed by tlio Cioyernor of tho torritor'/wiili of the tenii lo 'I'ho forlilieuiiouB of Ca• Jloos d.so Cd .'•|.7o bnt also upon the eniploycs of his factoiy. IOAPTAIN (IBEBLY, tlm Arctio explorer, the iidviuu and ooiiacnt of tho council. 'A bill tion whether men get grapes from this• S'lia.i'..... •l.uO lit diz nro being slrenglhened...... Unusual appiojiriating Sl.iiliS.l.ll for tho payuu'iit ot A recent addiliou to tbo priv,leges eu.;oytd •bae been appointed Cliief of the Si.eainl •Wiii'i.vi'—.No 1 Whito..., ..SO!.'.'I, .81 tles mny he answered aflirmatively, , activity is reported at tho Ausiriau rifle Mexican and othor penaloiia waa favorably re• by bis workmen is a largo library ereoed Ser.vice, with tbo rank of- Brigadier Gen• uoit.s—No, -i ' .as iiu .IIU provided it is done indireclly, aud tho factories. 1 A'IS-Whito., ported to tho Ileiiaii. '.''ho Honao iion-coiicurrod for tbo free use of any employe.on lhe eral .Tho Attorney General has decitled .S'Ji.'.ifi .:i:i ST. L,0t;i3, in tho Sonato iiiiioiidmontH to the inyalid Pou- prosontulion of tho factory curd. A soliool right use of the thistle as a iimnnro is ADVICIS from Metz say that tho work ou siun bill, and aakod for a conforerico, Tlio that tho lencing of contigijous corners «£ W H :A'r-No. '2. .77 'n^ .78 is attached wbUh seats th'ieo hundred chil• mado. But teraperaneo peopio may ob-.. tho French forlifica'tions aud barracks nt CO...N'—lit ixod ;i3 '(i, ,!11 llousei'ufiisod—yoiiH, 112; nays, il3—to piiBS thu sections of uiilroad lands in sucdi wny a« dren, nud the entire expenso of the ostab- joct that hoth tho Canada thistle nnd ; Verdun and Belfort continues night aud OA'CB—Mixed 27 t* .•27V. jienaioii bill of SiminonaAV. Jfart oyer tlio Proai- to pr&vent luo pnssilgo between of settlors lishi^iout is borne by Pierre lorillnrd'& alcoholic lijuors aro good gifts of God • •day. All comiuerco has been suspended nt rciiii—Moss II.5J li.l'i.OO " (ient's loto. An ovoning soasicn of tho Hoaao upon tho Govemment sections is iiulnwfah " CINCINNATL waa lioid tfi coiisidijr puiiBion hills, aud a liu',ifl Co., who feol a just prido in the sucocss of Metz except in food A semi-olliciul let• that may well be dispensetl with. • .. ~ .... .Lnmd Commissioner Sparks will recom- Wiil.'A'r—No. 'Jlto.I FS Cii .SI iiuuiber woro xuiBSod. this work. ter from St. Potersburg represents Ihnt Can,' —No, :2. , ss meud to the Secretary of tho Interior, nt an I't; .:;» linssia is waiting Jor a .Frnuco-Gcrman OA'IS—N'o. '2 :iu .'I .111 Lighl-Avcig'lits. early date, the restoration to seltlonicnt jUalo for Eacli Ollior. coullict, which sho considers iuovilable, to ),'Diiii—Moss j.bOO iAM.2.5 MR. MANN-HATTON-—Do you know, .entry, under tho, public land Inws, of tho J'jivi.; HooB .1.10 "Sis," said a bright .youth lo his sister, • Alwaj's has a prior engngement—'The ' r.-idize her own Balkan |iio.;octs. Uhilo Miss Beokoustreet, that .vou aro the exact :26,00() neros of hind formerly piiieuted 10 HUW''AhO. who wlis putting tuo liuishiug touches lo crowbar. -, uniking no compact with Frnnce, Ivussia WnsAT—No. 1 ;S7;.'.i'5 .83 opposita of the necopted type of Boston .r.' As a nayl.iur, ho nobor borrowed that Noil.snn loved lho quiet littlo wo• yoiint,' liidloK oceuidod a HDIII (|IIUO iioar fnniiiition desired, Mifis i\lnyliew, having trotliiil. Ho foldiiit ho.r closer within his '.rilis again is added, in pro])ortioii of 1 coll'eo an'sugar wMouI makin' a mark man, I'or aftor hor (iNeilson's) will was Jlillie, and a voly phi nly-ih'ossed, silent never met lho gcnllftiutiu." strong jiroiocting arms iind ruined jmssion- Iiercout., to the iiuro lead, and thus voiiiii,'teiitloniaii oei'iipiod the seat bosido "And yon Ids stnward," with aslonisli- on do tin cup, so he eoiild return good road it AVUS found that she had be• alo kisses npon her nnsworing li|)B. the .shot alloy, eontaining a vory HUUIH Lor. inoiil in her oxpiossioii. meiisui'e. queathed to Hanniili Leone tho moat Wlioii slid had regiiiuod her voice sha ].iereonlage of arseilio, i.s iirodiiciid. 'Xha eonch hiivinf,' boon Koninwbnl "J wii.j engiiged through his trusly ngeni," beautiful and valuable sot of jowols of timidly asked; The temper-pots hold about a ton of "As a inomlior of de eommimity iu crowded wben KIHI I'litureil be liaii liimily ho qiiiidly replied. "Lo'my parents know, .lack?" her ]iricc]c.s,s collection. metal each. .Afior tho shot litrve which he dwelt ho upheld do law in do oD'ored In KIIIUM bis hciil with her. "Now." llioiiglil :\fillie, "Timistbo a little "'i'cs, darling, Ihoy know all, and I long reached tho bottom of tho woll they are daytime and stolo waturmeylons under After N.«'ilson's sad death iu Paris From llu! coiivorsiiliou ot lho yoniif,' moro dooorons or 1 will disgust him with bavo liad Iheir P'Oriuissiou to woo nud win kiver of darkness, thereby sotlin'a good Hannah returned to this country and ladioH, wliioh thoy tiiiavoidiibly ovurlioiinl, my lioydoiiiMh iiiiii.inei's." thoir iirocious troasnie." at ollee lifted nut of an elevator and oxaniplo fur do young, for some time reniained iu jirivacy, Init llio .silent oonp o'loiirlied llml Ihov were on l-'or iliroo hours ihoy cliallod almost like A hapiiy, contented fiiuilc rested ou hor Ihrown ujion an iTicliiiod table ovor "As a cliuridi member he prayed soft their wiiy Id visit an niiiil who livoil in tho old frioiids: nnd the morning Ihal Millio benutifu! face. whioli thiyy slide, falling linally into a in ]iiSi or bS.SIJ .she liecamo Modjeska's villagn ad:oiiiiii,' Iliillie's l.olno, had oxjiootod would drag so heavily liiui 'I'hoii loosening bis clasp of horlilho wire-gallze rotating oylinder. 'Then an'low, an'he Ava.s half a line behind dresser, and was Avith tho latter until "1 lliliii; I KIIUII be doli-htod willi tbo passed vory pleasantly indeed, nnd boforo form bo continuod; Ihoy aro rolled and ground tngother, all do rest lu di; siugin'. In caso he last fall. slio conid boliovo il thoy wole at ttieir )ilaei"!," com men toil oiui ot Ibn youiii,' "j\ow, swoolhonrl. aro you quite snro aiul in thisAvay Ihe ininnto burrs ujiou hapjienod to he cotchod wid a haln be- IModjeskii, liko olher great actresses, lnilii_is. dostiimtioii. tlllit you will never regret not having mndo them are removed. l.''roin the cyliiulor loliging to somebody else nn relloek- has hel' jiet siiptiritilinns, J.''irat among "Oil, no dniilil aliniil that, providiiifi yon lly this time Millio had sotlloil ii in her a'brilliant match?' Are you quite sure, another eloviitnr lifts the .shots uj)OU a shuns could bo cast on do church. tlieni is that it she goes on the stage fimi tbnl pirli'idly ohnriiiinH jiliioo—Jjinirol mind that -hick Moses wns ipiilo a nice lovo?" sereening-lablo. This eousisfs of a ".•\s a liushiiud he bossed dn calilli, at the lirst ]irodiielion of a now jiieco Grove - ciiniin;,' inlu your JKLSKOKSJOII," young mini; iinlch nicer in fad Ihnn lho "Ob, Jaclc!" ilujiulsively winding hor series of idanos nrnlngod at gradually an' as a. I'atluir ho Iiritng liis chiU'en up witliout I'libliiug her hand ovor a liiimp- i.'iiinlin;jly rolnrli'd lho olliol-. owner of llio Laurels possibly could lie. pliilli|i, while nriiis around his neck, ''T tn fear do law an' ve.sjiect olo iiige. ".N'ow. Kiilo Viiiue, .Vi n liunw Hint yon 111! nssistoii her iu gotliiig oil'of ibo lovo you!' Oh, I lovo you! how iniioh, 1 decrensliig heights. Between oach two baeked person's back Ibe play will he a aro only joiiions lieonnso you mo afraid Ir.iiii. 'I Iii;'U sho, leaving .liiidc lo follow al ne.vor can lidl! l-;.-niilil not looso our thero is an inticrval. '.I'lin shot boiii.g "\V'e .shall hang , dalling. II eyliinlol- of a series, arranged oll an ill- —JJrtroil Free I'rcsti, loiivo nlihoiii • ol' bin lust luibils liiid seltlo elilhid iqion the singe, alld aflel' Mnd- nnl nl Laurel (.Iruvo. Jlr. .Moses, my wns .your own swool Belt that forced nlo lo cliiie, Tlii^y live conical iu form, and down when lie iiiairioa." jeska hlnl daintily caressed Ills hump llio! bcr." lho deception, ciso T bud nn ho]io nf win• covered wilh ])errnralcd sheet brass. "(Ml, I bop,, he is haiidsiuiii.'.Ralliint, nu,l liow l.oug l(^ Mh'op. with llle lips of llol- Illlgcrs silo (;on- Aaron Inokeil slliprisod, lnil held old his ning you; bosidos, 1 Avanted lo lie loved for all thill!" ox,'I a iill,', I K il, liclrii\ inj; a slr.iu^^o selitcd to make her enlraneo iqioii the Iliuiii ID llio gi'iillo, niaiily-loolciiig stewaid. nivself, and not I'nr my wealth." Practically a man should sleep till ho niiiip.liu',' of voNatinii and niliirosl. singe, nnd lho play mnved Hiunotlily ou. '.riioy liolli Hiiiilcd ]iloiisaiilly, and, iipiiar- '"Oh. is tliat all?" iind a High of roliof 1.'/iudi (tylilidor sorvos as a sieve for a is refreslmd. 'J.'lle mislako niiui.y ]ior- 'i'lie IIIMIVI; cdiiver-alinn was curried on I'lilly lavorably niiplessoil with each (illn..r, escaiioil her. piirlieiilar siz.i nf .slinl. relailiing nnd soiis make is in altem]iling to govern Iliiilnall liciini! is a flilely-odiieated in I.ionrd!ii,i;'-s,.li(io! I'rciic.li, iiudjiislal tliid w.ii'e very soon making (-oine gc'iicnil l'o- "No, uot qiiifo all—I am .'lolm iAfosos uliewilig all .smliller sizes In escape. what liillst bo a iliatter of instinct by point Millie icanoil over llu ir Kent, and, in wniilaii, s]ieaking lliroe or four dill'erent iiiail;s nnd oxpla nnt inns iiieidoiit lo tlin oo- li'buclior, of Lanlol Gi'ove: llmt 'slii- The shiftlli.g goes on until niicli eyliii- A'nlilional contrid. ^\'lieu wis are weary the saiiic flialecf aildri.ssoil llicni: languages, and it is nwing nlniie to'tho I'lisi, 11, wliiell eiiilctJ in il tiic.il understnnd- piil old baoholer,'" slyly liumorous and dnr has jiieked nut lllo parlionlar class wo ought to sleo|i, und when we wakn .gn.'iit love she bore .\'cilsnn that she has "ranloii 111,', IinIJ.'K, bin poriiiit nie loin- iug nf frieiiilly lolalloiis, iiolwithstandiug luildlA' triunipliiint. form you thai yon have boeii niisinroiiiieil of .shot to Aviiicli it is adapted. 'I'ho we should got lip. 'J.'liere aro lio nlni'o ll(!\-er risell tn a Iligluu' jihuai in tho Jlr. .MoKcs was only a slewanl. "Von—you, ,liick—you, Mr. yielcher?" ivilli 're;,'ar,l I'o i\lr. fiolchor's cliiiraeler. .sizes of shot are standard. The smallest vicious habits thnu adapting inonslires world. Hlle is livilig nt jireseilt in Nuw 'I lio following (lay llillie look Itnver and eonfusodly; Ihen cn'Iocllng hor Ihonglils, .And don't von lliiiik Hint it woiibl bo iiinie is known as 'dnst,' and then comes 'Nn. to "kei\ping awake," nl' einplnying Vnrk, ipiiotly, on nlm of thn up-town ran d..wn lo hor fiivnrito resort in the grovo she conliniiod: "'Why, .Tuck, you said thai prildt.'iil, iiol to say eliiiiitalilo, not lo iiiuko 1'2,' Avliich is .11.5 inch in diameter, arlillees, or, still worse, resorting to joining Lauiel (Inivo pinoe, lo havo ii romp you were bis sloward; Ihal you wore on- sil'octs. Silo has had illaiiv oU'ers frnin coiniiieiilK so iiulaicly on ]II'IKOIIH IO whom iioo uml iiiidislurbeil. (,'iiged by his agi.'iit, and Ihnl yon lmd never 2, ;:);J8 shot going tn tho oiineo. 'J'ho drllgs and otiier do\-iees to induce or great mdrcsses In entel' llleir service, you lllo Klriiii^;ors eviilcnily." JiiiL ore sho hiul run nnd jiini]iod across iiiet hiui!" looking qneslioiiiugiy into his sizes then increase ii.y one-lnindredtlis prolong .sleej). Dozing'is the very but has not ooiisidere.l any of thorn "Wlj.il is il;o f,'cnllcinali lo yon'?" dis- Ihe litlle, musical, babbling brook a half eyes, ns if lo road lln.' truth iu thoir bennti- of an inch up to fwonty-tlll'oo hiili- delnoralizalion of tho sleep flliirition, favoraliiy.—New Tor/,: Star. elolly iiii|n roil (tnunllos tlillii'da. dozen liiiies, soniolinios bciiling Hover aud fiilly |)l:ioid anil o.vprcssive, dark; liquid drodths, of which there are twonly-foiir and from thi.s jieriliidous habit al'ises •'A very nenr ii'in tho proud consciousness of having bhisbiug, aud looking a littlo conl'nsod for smilingly addressing her, and entered into move thoir feet intolligentl.y. All ovor hand, so that young girls soinotimos of sleep without imparing the constitii- a niomcnl. a sprglitly conversation on tho beanlios mado a fool of hersolt, whilo very prob• wear dog-skin " gloves or prepared tiou of things ou whicii the orderly per• "Why not? Don't you think you are and grandeur of Iho scenery. Eurojie the universities foster sword or ably in a fit of humiliation she will end formance of that Inuetion depends.— pretty enough':'" with mirih in his deep, Thoy laughed lightly ovor Iheir inistako foil play of ooo kind or another, and in French gloves at night to soften the her school labors by marrying some rich, rcBoniinl voice. on the ocoiision of their first meeting, that nation apart Avliich we call tbo city hand. Glycerine and lOscAvator, cold The Lancet. nice young man who ])osse.sses a splen• "Xo, uot Ihal. I did not think of Ihnl, begging Millio. ns a spoeial favor, not lo of London, a club for fencing has ex• cream and Avashing tho hands Avith did conection of finely. colored moer- But then, I'm not so vory horrid looking, nioulion tho ridiculous occurrence to Jlr. isted these twenty year.s. The London almond powder are all resorted to schaunia and sparks hor On the front am I?" with a saucy witchery in hor l''letchor when ho sliould return to the Fencing Club, under tho patronage of abroad for beautifying the hand. llcjiilytt) Die. stoop amid a oloud of smoke from % manner. Laurels. the Prince of Wales, and having on its The American nail is apt to be dry Most people Avant to HA-O. Whon Hie fragrant Havaua, to Avliich she emphat• "Oh, no. I think you aro quite pretty." AVith a mischievous twinkle in hor eyes, list many peers of tlie realm, is as aris• and to break easily. Vaseline rubbed ills of life oppress them they think of ically avers sho "hasn't the least ob• '"Well, that sot lies that iioint, thou. But, Millio rospoudod: tocratic in its aim as tlio Fencers Club do you know that, nltbongh I like to bo on the nail after washing tho hands will the rest of the grave with a feeling akin jection." In fact, she rather likos it— "Oh, rest easy about that; I'll not tronble of New York, of which we Avill havo pretty, I don't so mnch care for a beautiful inyself to meddle with your aspirations. do a world of good'to dry nails. It is longing, hut are like fho man vrho Avith the accompaniment.—Manchester something to say presently, is demo• f.aco ns for a boaulifnl heart?" a shade of Ijosides, if I wibhod ever so much to do so, well, if the nails are ugly and grow Avas carrying a heavy load of sticks, Union. cratic. It Avas founded in 1863 as a club thouRhlfulneBs ovorBpreading hor counto- I should get awfully tirod of waiting in badly to follow the English fashion, and much Avorried called upon Death for fencing and gymnastic with a mem• Terms Cnslij nanoo as she moralized, and with a pretty, this case." and employ a manicure for a timo. to relieve him. Death came, with lifs- swoot grace the words fell from her f horrj". bership of three hundred, and liclpod "AVhy fio?" inqnirnd Rit, anxiously. These adroit professionals first bntho scythe, and stood ready to receive "No use!" called the aroonfiold , ripo lips. "Dou't you know that he is uot lo honor to its present quarters by a paternal the hand a long timo in hot water, then farmer to tho young man who waa us with his presence at tho Laurels this orders from lhe poor fellow. But when "Beanty of tho fnoe or form may vanish; governmont. It has two French and with scissors and knives clean and cut ' tramping across his farm Avith a on but that of tho heart never will, nnd will summer?" with provokingsignificanco inher he saw his Avish about to bo gratified three English teachers, and from its tho nails, remove tho superfluous skin hia shonldor. continne to grow as long as AVO cultivate tone, nud a pleased Rlnilo. he shrank in terror, and lifo looked nearness to St. James' is of practical about the onyx, then polish the nails it." Itit nnd Kale looked at each other for a fairer to him. "I only called you to "Hoy! Speak to me?", with a buckskin and lino poAvder, Avnsli- Eor companion lookocl a liltle pnzzleil, moment in porploxity. Thon Itit asked, j uao to the oflicers of tho Queen's house- help me up with my bundle of sticks "Y''es, I said it Avas' no use coming ing the hand again in hot Avater with nnd HJlonce roignou for somo moments; wiih eagerness in hor'maiinorj | hold troops. On this side of the At• again," ho said to Death. And shoul• around here any more. 'The old cat is soap; then drying them carefully thoy then she coiitinned: "I could never marry "Is that really Ihe truth, Miss Mayhow? lantic a few largi cities have always dering his burden ho was glad to pur- dead." - a haudsonio umli if he wero not good, loo. polish tho'nails with a line brush.. How do you know this?" had professors of the art, but, like nn 'sue his way onco.more. "i didn't want your cat." Besides, I abhor okl bachelors—the roiiBon "I got my information from his sleward, Again they rub tho nails Avi,h a ro.sy happy Hulett, of New York, in 1770, The people of Southern Indiana per- "Oh, then you know a cat from a I conld notihiuk of laarryiug the owner the gentleman who was wilh ine on the unguent to givo them a tine tint and seldom has one boon ahlo to make a ha]i8 remember a Avoman who mado the rabbit ? 'Sense niy mistake, but l,look of lha Lnnrols. Ho must be pretty old uow. train lhat dar," replied Millio, curily. then Avith the hand to suggest a gem- living from lessons in fencing alono. confession before all tbo Avorld once at you fur one o' them Detroit fellers. You I was on:y Bix when he wns hero. Oh, my I Consternation blanched llilhiidii's fnco. liko polish. I vvonld rather marry his gardener or and um eienion'ously Ihoy tied to never At New Orleans the chtinces have boeii a camp-meeting that she Avas happy can go ahead, hut every timo vou shoot Btownrd, if ho wero a nice younff man, and again reluru lo that vicinity. better, owing to tho largo Creole and Since the new science of readingchar- enough to dio. at ono of my calves fur a h'ar it will I loved hhn." 'J'ho summer A'licnliou passed quickly French population: tliero oi'tener than acter hy the handwriting has como in it 'The preacher, after a thrilling ex• co.'jt yon $5 nnd you'll see a sign of 'No "'Jhnt is strange, 'i'et I am gliid you wilh Millie'. Lifo seeraod a higher, brighter elsewhere have duels in this century is even said that the care of the nails hortation, called upon all who were Trust' nailed on the havn."—Detroit saidlhnt. But do you not think that that existeni'o ihim she over bo.ore had ex- i,eeu decitled by thesAvork. Ouo, affects the handAvriting. The long perfectly hajipv to rise. Eviu'yhody' Free Pre.s.s'. would be a niiHallinncu':'" quolf, com• merry, silvoiy hiugh, while a faint liush Sho sinned, ns, nonr a boat, plunged in proat BIngna Clmrta on Juno 15, 1215,' I'or America from Palos, Spain, on the that brought them into fashion. Fash• over-pioud her I'lico. deep rolioelioii, she cnmo ncro-s Jack mands tho world, too; and the mora ion exerts a polent inllnenoo on man, at lliinnymede. "Then wo nro lo bo noighbors," she re- Jlo-os^ . Ho greeted her Avnrmlv^, nnd i 3d of August, una, Tho Pinta was authority you huvo ovor oth. ra, the savago or civilized. But no girl should . marked, intore«l(rt?ly. waikeii ou'wlthlior inlo The \\"l.Iwooi'l, nnd ' comnanded by a famous Spauish navi- more command you must have over SIX hundred and four Ji, 0. datoa tko "YoD, I om liiippy to know." they sat dowu on the muBsy bunk of tho I Jratcf, Alonzo Piiwon, ever use bismuth, o:r any pigment, to yourself. accession of Ne hucb adnozzur. ,. home on Tuesday.—Fred Pulling hits sold Iitglnim. OJoiiiitii democrat his tnoiit market 'lo Addison Donsmore, This iissures us ofgood meat and fnir prices, —A. J. Millor has received notice of restor• North AnrdiiLS. ation of peiision.—Mrs, U, Asoltine and Mrs, MclCiiiuht are on the siok list,—J. A Our popular towiisuum, F.Vf, Bullen, has liiohards, while going down cellar will accepted a position in a haul: ut Appletoj), tub, (ell ill such a inniinor as to demolish Kansas.—Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hall started the tub and injure liiinsulf so he isoonlliied for Ivatisns last Monday evening. Wn wish to the house.—Neely Wade has traded his them success.—Job T. Campbell oC Leslie, houso and lot lo K, Nichols (or his i'arin will tell us about "American Celebrity" ne.vt throe iniles sonlh ol here—Tliere will lie a Fridny evening.—A special stiries of meet, donatiuii at the Union Hotel hull, Friday evening, iMiircii 'lib, (iir llic benedt nC Kev ings will be oouiuii^iocd at the church naxt Monday evening. Wm, Cope, All nre coriliiilly inviuid,— Fred Pnlliiig and Win, Hall are going lo East Aurelius. Clinaaiiiiig to open a lirsl class meat market, —The Baplist Ladies' Aid Soeietywill give a social nt the residencu of Win, li. How- Tbo lecture at the U. B. church inat Sat• lott, Tuesday evening, March 1st. All aro urday night wns hircely ntteiideil.—Jacob invited. There will be a coiiveyiiiice for Stoller and wife of Alniedon, were the guests those wiaiiiug to go,—Clatiilu West goes to of his brother, .Joseph, over Sunday.—.folm Jackson to day In visit friends and relatives, Edgnr expects to go to Traverse City, whore —The dance at IJiiioii Hall hint evening he will worlc by the month the comii)g sea• was well attended,—Lawyer Ijehinaii ot son. He will start about the l.Oiliof Maruh Chelsea, is in town on business,—The ser and is to get §21 a month. The qHarterly vices at tho Baptist church ne.xt Sunday meeting of' the U, B. society will ho held morning and evening will bo a getiernl :E^OX Js/ZexL^ Ro37"S Cli.ild.rerL- March 2Cth. llev. B. Hamp, presiding leinpernnco tueoting to which all arojiiviled. o^rxdu elder. Morning sulijeci: "The iiecesaity of sup porting the coiistitiilional amendment na West Alalcilon. given to lliu people of the stale of Michignn One Thousand Suits of Clothes, 500 Overcoats, Hats, Caps, ny the legislature," Rvening. subject.— FEBRUARY 22, 1887. What oll'ecl will the adoption of this act Gloves and Mittens, Buffalo and Wolf Eobes, Horse Blankets, Mrs. Aatlrew Thorhurn is very sick.—li). have on the people nnd the government, .1, Moore we tit to fjyoiis yesterday (o witness the flood.—Mrs. Chas, Rossitter is seriously NOHOIIV, ALL 14 OFF. alllicted with oonsumptiou,—Charleji Folar For an impoverished condition of the DO NOT mSS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. has secured tho services of Chas, Kohl fnr blood and loss of vitality, take Ayer's Sar• the eoniing season at & a month,—The saparilla, West Alniedon dnbatiiii; club will hereafter hold their meetings on Motidny evening of Aurelius. L. C. WEBB, the Live Clothier of Mason. each week iuslo'id of Thursdiiy. There will bo no aobuto ne.xt Afoiiday evening, the so• FEIIRUARY 21,1887. lUeohnl. Sntiic civil servants nnd others first night of this yoar under our canvass ciety liaving secured the services of J. M. Mr. •lolin Eonutua recently slipped and described iu Mr. Olevelaiid's phrase, "iiiiio- canopy and keenly relished every whilf nf Dresser to deliver a lecture on ihnt erou- fell, wliilo catching a ling Ibr bntchcriiig, cnous desiietiiile.'' But you can study fresh air. We woro favored with a bond ing. DON. striking his face on a sharp sloiie, and liiituniiity everywhere, hence let ua turn to wind nil througli but the sun wns warmer bruising it in a terrible maiiiier. No bones geography. Al 2 a. m.. Doc. 19, our ship than Micliigan over saw. It is almost im- Meridian. were broken. Dr. Swartwout dressed the cast anchor at Gibraltar, and wlieir inorning poaaiblo to cross tho sea in suiiiiiier. Some• The Following Prices wound.—Donation at 1. 0. G. T. hall on came we rejoiced that 1,200 miles lay be• liines ships have tu turn around and face FEURUARY 21, 1887. Thursday evening, (or the benefit of Hev, tween us and Liverpool and looked ont the wind in order to avoid sullboalioii. Let Roads very rough at present.—Tbe Wes- H, A, McConnell ; supper liie per couple. with greal piciisuro upon tlie pillars of your frozen readers by red hot stoves ihii-ik loyans will have a donation for 13ro. Dny at All are cordially invited,—About 25 rela• Hercules. Bruakfast eaten, we concluded on these tliinga. Our next inilestono ia Chas, Cook's, Wednesday evening o( this tives of Mrs, Nelson Isliain inelby previous tn go ashore and atteiid eliurch if possible. Periiio, the gateway to the Arnbian sea, aa week. All come,—Mrs. VViHiania slipped arrangement and all agree that it was n Sn dnaing up evory place where coal dust Gibraltar is to the Medilerrniiean. Wo and felt, breaking ber nrm a lew days ago, good time, never to be forgotten. iMiiry could enter we look it siiinll bont nnd soon sailed past this barren rock •fan. lid, whilo bnt is improving.—Jncob Cole is suH'eriug -Fon- bad her table filled with good things and stood on terra firmn. The solid ground every Etiglishmnti on board repealed the with inllntninatiou oftho eyes, so tliiu he coukl have fed as mnny more ; she knows never seemed more enjoyable, for our pas• alory of its capture by ubiquitous Britiiiii, has to be kept in n dnrk room all the time. how lo enlertiiin oninpntiy.— Tbe M. E, sage through the Bay of Biscay vvas inde The story hits not yet passed into history —Mr. and Mrs. Ephriain Waile of Imliaiin, rpinrlerly meeting Simdiiy nud Moiidiiy ; n scrihably mean aud rough. and I will record it. When Ihc Suez canal .ire here visiliiig pnrents and other relatives. urge Uirii out. Meetings will coiitiiitiu wns opened the L'^rencli saw the imporliince —Everybody is comphiining of had colds every cveniug this week,—.Mrs, Minn Wood Gibi-iiltar is a barren rock (although I of Inyiiig hold of nil forls lending tn it. To or distemper.—The continued rain hns done ley ia in a very critical condition, uot very saw oranges growing ihere) soiiiowhal nli'ect this a French man of war was sent much damage throughout the country. much hope being oiilerliiiiied Ibr her re- pyramidal in shape nnd nceeaaible only nt out with acaled orders and comnianded not STAR. covery,—,\Ir, aud Mrs, J, J, Rider are visit- two aides. Since it is the galeway to the tn break the seal until they nuohored nt g relatives in Jackson this week,—,Miss Medilorriiiienn and the strongest (brtross in Aden, about GO miles from Pcrine. Tho Delivered at our Poultry House: Alaiedon and Whoatllclil Line. liivniiii Dolboe returned linme last week the world, Britnin holds it faat witli n gar• Buglisli garrison anxious to divine the mis. frotn Ohio, and says; "Mud is lirst, last rison of 0,000 men and supplies Ibr 9 years. sion of the French, made a great (bast, lib. Nellie, daughter of E, lilaiiehnrd, is sick and all the time ont there."—A son al Mr, Wo walked from the dock inlo n.crowded orally supplied with wine and invited the URKEYS, 6 Cents; with diphtheria.—J. Al. Dresacr of Mason, and Mrs, A, W, Woodley's,—Now a word market—for these Spaniards evidently Froiiah officers on shore to partake Wine has sold the L. L. L'ish farm lo Frnnk to farmers : If your lings are siok, givo despise the Jtli commandment—Ihenco iu, sense and secrets out, 'I'lie whole mis• DUCKS, 7 Cents; nninmniul.—Owing lo tho rain bnt a small lliein Biilrualiis ; and lojpreveiit tlieui from tlirougli a suhterraiieaii gallery excavated sion is explained. The cunning Etigliah audience listened to .fames I. Mead hal beingsiuk, givo them plenty of nslies. by the English convicts of the Inaleenlurv, coininniider dispntchod a ship lo Pcrine and Thursday evening at the DuBois school and looked nt the great guns in the ever when the French reached lliore the next CHICKENS, 6 Cents; house. Capt. Caliill of Lansing, will speak I'itcliljiin present port holes nnd tried lo imngiiio day the English (lag wns llonling over Per- March Ikl. Subject: "Federal Government," whnt would become of the ships in the har• ine I The cliagriiied Fronch afterwards This will he one of the beat lectures ef the FOWLS, 5 Cents. The uniforms for the bniid have arrived bor if these monsters should play on llioin. anchored on the other side of the bay antl course and you will miss a treat if you fail nnd the boya lonk too nice fnr niiytliiiig in There are several liei'a of tliese great inter• built a great stronghold on a capo nf Bnbel to henr it,—Preparations are being inmlo tliem,—B. l\l. Gaylord lina completed the nal galleries encircling iho rock. The Mniideb in full sight of Pcrine. But the for an exhibition, to be held at the DuBois Arabs came down and murdered every one job of iiiiperiiig the church and we lutist iiilinbiliuita of Gibrnliar are not proiniaod school house March -Itli and ,5th,—"LTiicle of tlicm nnd the iiiiocciipied (brtress slaml.H give him tiitieh credit and priiise for his prolectioti ill case ot war hut may he order Jake" and "Aunt Lizzie" DuBois are iu to.day on one sido of tho bay nnd Uie Eng. work; he will nisn paper the Smith church ed off nt any moment. The English also quite feeble health yet.—G. J, Price is get• lish flag, etc., on the olbor, nnd the history nnd also the W, N", eliuroli,—Mrs, Dunham limit the number of houses that can be ting the material on the ground to build an poltils nnotlier prohibition ai'gutiieiit! At nf Flint, is visiliiig her sou, S,W, Dunham, built hero. At 4 p, in,, the ship wns full iiddition to Ins barn. C, G a. m„ Jan, 4, we passed Aden, entered —Mittiitli is ninkiiig it warm for her saloons of eoal, the nuchnr lilted iiud we slonmed the Arnbian sea and our liLtt milestone was by way nf a Good Temphirs' lodge which out Ibr a sail of 1899 miles on the historic Webberville. now passed and only 1 ,ti(i-f miles separated iiiiiiihera 8(i luombersaiid is still increasing, iMeditcrrniieati, She trenled us better than us fVoni the conti strands of Iiidiii. We —A, 0. Miller, a eiiiicer doctor, is trying onr itninorlal pioneer Pnul, (or, with the ex• S. Ansbaugli has just got a pension of crossed this sea in seven beiiiililiil days, his skill on a cancer on Mr, iliiies' face,— ception of the time spent piissing south of the eight dellnrs a inontli, wliicli (ial,es back looked with interest on (lying fishes nnd the The reooiit storms niisod the Caliiigen to n Gulf of Lyons, the sea and weather were almost two years,—George Fisher is going aoiitherti cross, and on Jiiii, 11, we dropped rngiug torrent nnd property along its banks aa beni-itiliil ns benrt could wish. We loolt- on the rend to sell fruil trees,—Dart & anchor in Bombay and bale, happy and ed with interest on Malta and thotiglit of Hatch have over ,'i.')0,000 foot of logs at the was ill serious danger, hut the storm censed, hopeful, nnd grateful to the Good lluler of ils place in secular and sacred history ; saw mill hero and hnvo a mill in the woods the waters subsided nnd nil is again safe.— the Universe who had brought us in snfely caught a glimpse of Sicily and anilod all thnt will havo all they cun saw for n year, Mrs, Suann iMenchain died on Weiliiesdiiy, to the "climes of the sun," we wont ashore. day Christinas south of Crete. At 11, a, ui,, —Mrs, Sweet of Wyinau, ia visiting here,— Feb. Hi, at the residence nf the late .101111 As over yours, This is to notify of Doc, 27, our ship anchored in Port Said Mrs. S, Weaver was very siok Ibr a fow D, Bachelor, afler nn illness of only a few ItVL, .McCoY, days last week but is belter now.—Some of linur,s. Mrs, Meacliam was a sister of Mr, and the work of coaling was tignin coin- Joliti Bolinett's family have been sick all Bachelor, was Sd yeara of age, a member inonced. Here we looked at heathen civil• the people of Ma• winter.—II. Spencer is buying slock. He of the iM. E, cliuroh, and believed by all to ization for tlui (irst time. Here were boys Euoklcn's Arnica Salve. exhibited a cow on the streets that was very he a Irue cliristiaii ; her remains were laid iilmost in Iheir "born elollies" diving .'iO The bestsalveiii the world for cuts, bruis• son and vicinity fat, weighing oyer 1,400 pounds. Harry is to rest iu the brick acliool houae cemetery, feet or more into the water lo bring up the es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped a square dealer.—Corporation election next —Ahiud R, Di'.Camp, daughter of N. De- coins we threw into tho deep, Turks, hands, chilblains, corns, nnti all skin erup• Tuesday.—The salvation nriny draws a full Camp, nged 12 yeara, has just coiiipletcd a Arabs, Egpylians, etc., etc, to the end of tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay that there is a house.—Mr. Feller tidks of going to Arknu- quilt with 1,2;)9 pieces. Now bring on the checkered chapter, huddle, feslei-, reek required. It is gunrnnleed to give perfect sns to engage in the stave business.—Mr. yonr 12-yoar-old girls and beat that if you nnd rot together in this iigyplian munici• satisfaction, or money refunded. Piice 25 Coulson ol Stoekbridge, talks of putting in can. pality. I could fill your waste basket cents per box. For sale bv H. M. Williams, a restaurant and livery stable here. describing tho two and a half hours wo Alaiedon and Vev.ty. spent here, every nioment of which wns a A Gift For All. m M- mwm mi Iu order to give all a chance to test it, E(l(!ll. surprise. The ladies ol our parly grew Uncle Jacob DuBois is on the sick list.— ecstatic over the superb Mullese lace sold and thus be convinced of its wonderful cur. Mrs. N. B. Piirker wns uo belter at last re• started in Mason, at such beggarly low prices nud many ative poivers. Dr. King's New Discovery for FEBRUARY 21, 1887. ports.—Three children in the Guy Blntioh- times did our pocketbooks groan during the Consumption. Coughs and Colds, will be, Aunt Pliebe Holoonib wns taken sudden• ard family are sick with diphtheria.—School lace e.xeitemeiit. At 4 p. m., we entered for a limited time,.given'away. This oiler ly and violently ill last Thursday evening, has been rosuiiied in the Cady district, one door east of the fainoua Suez canal, cut by the French is not only liberal, but shows uiiboutided but at this writing her condition is very m uch where diphtheria was reported last week.— about twenty years ago, between the Medi• faith in the merits of this great remedy. jDiproved.—A yoiing son of tMenzo Cndy Mrs. Lee Huntley of Alaiedon, hns been terranean and Red seas. The canal ia All wbosnH'orfroin coughs, colds, cousuinp- Webb's shoe store, is proalrated with diphtheria.—Mrs, Horace spending the winter with'her daughter, .Mrs, 90 miles long and 100 feet wide, and 25 lion, asthma, bronchitis, or nuy alfectioii of Siratton, an old and highly esteemed lady, Dr. L, P. May of New Biilditisville, Mich. feet deep in the middle. The Suez Co. the throat, chest or lungs, nre especially re• who has been oonlined to her bed for more -Wilton Huntley of St, .lolitis, is visiting where, in addition quested to call at H. W. Williams' drug than a yenr, is gradually (ailing.—A youug Iriends and relatives here. It will be re• charge two dollars and a half for every store and get a trial bottle free, large hot lady vocalist, weighing nenrly 12 pounds, is membered that Mr, H, tvas formerly a passenger carried through the canal nnd des,$l,00. a new nnd perinaiieut fi.xture at the home thorough farmer in Alaiedon,bnt on aoeouut the siiiue price for every ton of the ship's to the Hardware, may be found the cargo. Our bill wits about six ihousaud of Mr. and Mrs. Sain'l Toinlinsoii, she ar• of poor health was obliged to leave the IICUCW.S lier Youth. dollars, I understand that the company rived Feb, 12.—Will Crocker nnd Will Hoi- farm, and is now running one of tho finest Mrs.Phoibe Oliesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Celebrated Jewitt Stoves and Eanges. pay liJ per cent on the whole of their stock. comb will follow the hikes the coining sum• bazaars in eentrid Michigan,—The readera fowa, tells the following remarkable story, The original company were nenrly all mer. Mr. Holcomb will go with Fred Mor• of the DEMOCRAT will remember that not tbe truth of which is vouched for by tho French, but during the premiership of the gan of Leslie, and Crocker will sail with long since it was reported that L. D. and residents of the town : "I am V.'J years old, Tin Shop in Connection. 0. Q. PARKHURST. Capt. Norman Minar.—Mr. and Mrs. A. C, diplomatic Disraeli, England secured here, bovell Irish would make Arkansas their and have been troubled with kidney com- Sanders im\de a three days visit among na in many places, ''ihe lion's share," It future home. These geiitletneti have just plaint and lumeness for many yenra; could irienoa in Jackson Inst week,—The last of returned from that stale and like m'any took us nearly two days to pass through not dress myself without help. Now I um the series of club dances at Eden wna held others who go abroad to seek their fortunes, the canal. Tliere are three reasons for this free from all pnin and soreness, and am ksl Wednesday evening. Socially nnd come hnck with a belter opinion tlinit ever slow pace : (I) No large ship is allowed able to do all my own housework. I owe financially the parties haye been a success. for good old Michigan.—During the winter to travel faster than 3 miles per hour my thanka to Electric Bittors for having the DuBois Literary Society has hnd a line through the canal. It would be (langorous renewed iny youth,and removed completely course of lectures; they have also purchus- to try to round the curves at n fnster rate, Island Corners. all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only ed a new organ, to be used in all public besides the current would wash away much 50c at Williams' drug store. The Trade are Looking For. [Too late for last weok.—En.] meetings, etc., held m the school house ; of the banks. As it is, constant dredging FEURttARY M, 1887. nnd now the teacher and members of the is necessary to keep the canal navigable. X o\ro A Blood Elixir ia the only Jake and Lewis Biebesliienier have gone socioly propose to close the winter term of (2) No ship is allowed to aail at night. T^\./%S.V_i\ •» Eomedy guaran• to Ohio.—H. D. Box sold, this week, to school with ft two nights exhibition, the pro- This is the rule, but some companies give teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup• Frank Watson, 20 ewes for S80.—Low ueeds of which will go towards puying for bonds nssiiuiing all dainiigos aud run during tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the Hulett was badly bitten in the face by a the organ. The principal feature nf the the bright mentiliglit or hy the tiid of their wholo system, and banishes all Rheumatic horse last week.—Mrs. Brevoort went to exhibition will he a drama, ontilled "Frails own electric lights. {B) There are tele and Neuralgia pams. We guarantee it. Ohio last Thur.sday.—Miss Kate Black of the Wine Cup," nnd the comical Irish graph stiitious at every 5 iniles, nnd your Sold by I'l. lU. Williams and G.W. ilnlsiend will tench at the "Island" this summer.- musical farce, "The Hash Brigade." Good ship niiiSt sidetrack nt one of these if ihere Mrs. Demorest of Greenville, is visiting her I'l-obato Order. music will be in atlendaiice. The date is is an approaching ship within 5 niileS. daughter, Mrs. James Hulett.—J. A. Allen set for Friday and Saturday evenings,March ilSTA'TE Oii' LYMAN SOULE, DECJEASED. Over such a highway the tlelay is sometimes has rented his farm to n gentleman from 4 and 5. UNO. State of Micliigan, county of Iiigliam, ss. At a ses• oiiprossive. The canal ia cut through a sion of tlie probate court for said county, hold at the Ohio for two years, lor $400 a year. He California Muscot Grapes, trackless desert. Far as the eye can look, prohato oHlco, in the city of Mason, on tlio Mtli day Lima Beans, will soon have a sale of personal property. of February, in tho yoar ono tliousand olght hundred ou either side, no green thing is visible, California Bartlett Pears, String Beans, —The Baptist society of Homeworkers mot Liverpool to IJoiubay. ond oighty-sovon. Presont, Q. A', Smith, Judge of save at the telegraph sintioiis, ' Why here ? jirohnto, " California Yellow Peaches, Preserved Figs, at Mrs. Caroline Hulett's last Wednesday, thu matter of the estate of Lyman Soiile, late of Because fresh waler is couductej thither 111 to organize for the present yenr. Mrs. Onr good ship, Arahiti, of Anchor Line, Auburn, Cayuga county. Now York, doociiaed. California Apricots, Pickled Olives, left the lormer city Dec. 12, at G a. ni., and from the Nile. The desert is barren because On reading and fiUiiK the petition, duly verified, of Kent was chosen president, Mrs. Briggs California ' Egg Plums,' Canned Salmon, salt. But Ihe journey of the canal was far Charles G, Hrlgfis, Cliiii'les F, Duiiston and Uoii-urd vice-president, Mrs. Armstrong secretary, arrived in Bombay Jan. 11, at G a. tn. Soulopi-ayhig that a cui'tain Instrument now on liio Curtis Bros,' Pine Apples, Cooked Canned Beef nnd Mrs. C. L. Hulett treasurer.—Miss While four weeks seems like a "life on from nninteresliiig. The mirage, the cara• in this court, purporting to lio a dnlv luitlionticated the ocean wave," still, until.recently, four vans over the historic patlis'from Jeiusnlein copy of tiie liiflt will and testiiiiieiit and codicils, tliero- Curtis.Bros,' Red Raspberries, Lois Allen will teach the young idea at the io of said deceased, iiiuy lie admitted to probate in Cross & Blaokwell Pickles, Bennett this summer.—Jesse Hulett passed and si.v months were spent in reaching to Egypt, along .which eredilile tradition Ingham county, Mlcn„ and theCteoution tlioreol Curtis Bros,'Pitted Cherries, Salid Dressing, India. - Dr, iTolinson evidently had such a says the infant iMessiaii was borne; the granted to Jimies A, Parkinson of ,lackson, Jlloli,; a few days last week with relatives at Green Curtis Bros.',Tomatoes, diirerent routes assigned by scliolnrs to the Thoroiipon it is ordered, that the 15tU day Home-made Catsup, ville.—Wilbur and Jay Box are on the siok trip in contemplation when he defined a ot March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, • Curtis Bros.'Stra wherries list.—Miss Mamie Wright is recovering sea voyage as "voluntary banishment, with march of the Jews ; Mosques, the II. R. bo assigned for the hearing of snid petition, and that DeLand's Baking Powder)' ' a chance of being drowned." I would ad• with its express train running from Suez to the heirs at law of said deceased, aiul all other per•Baltimore Yellow Peaches, . from an attack of diphtheria. sons Intoresled in said eotiite, are reQiiired-to ajijioar RoynrBaking Powdor, vise all travelers who can nflord it to take Alexandria, etc., ete, were some of the ut R.session of said court, then to bo holden in tho Baltimore Pie Peaches, the P. & 0. Steamship' Company's (of objects that beguiled the. tedium of travel. probate ollice, in the city of Jlason, and show cause, Prize Baking Power, , if liny thoro ho, why the prayer of tiie potitioiior sliould Baltimore Tomatoes, Dnhsville. London) line._ They carry tho mails and • On Dec. 29lh; at 2 p. in., we sailed past Oysters, the Best in the City, . not bo granted! Aiirf il in fiirtliw on2eml,t)mt miU) Two Kinds of Corn, ' • inako the trip in 19 days, taking you about the city of Suez and oominenced our -jour- potitioiior give notice, to the persons inter• .All-these and a few. otliers at ' ' : PERRUARY 23,1887. half the way by water. There were, 37 ney of l,il08 iniles on the. Red sea. This ested in said estate, of the pendoncy of snid petition, Three Kinds of Paas, and tlio lioaring thoroof, by causing a copy of tliis passengers on our ship (all cabin) for thero A. J. Miller, who has been sick for the was a very pleasant voyage, tdthough part ordor to bopubllaliodln tho INOIIAM COUNTV DEMO- '.paattwo weeks, is some better.—A., Scott, was provision for none else. Of this iunn- of it was a littip bio hot tor coinlbrt. The OUAT, a newspaper printed and; circulated in said- ber seventeen were missionaries, three wure county, three auccoasivo weeks previous to said day who hits been in Detroit the past two weeks, Red sea and Persian gulf are the hottest of hearing. , . ft. A. SMITH. military men and bigoted subjects of King having a cancer roinqved from his lip, oaine waters on tho globe. I slept oa deck the (A true copy.) 7w4 Jiidi?o of Probnto, HOWARD & SON'S.