VOL. XIL MASON, MICHIOAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1887. NO. 8 Democratic Onnciises. lloii. Geo. ]{. ^VeniUing ASn.OIEI) OF m OFFSPlllNG. Judge lIunliiigloM will speak at tho Wilson school house lo-inorrow evening. A Ifoi.sy Time at tho Ropublloan Uoavon- The DeiilooratB of tho city of Mnaon ai'e Third ctlterliilnmont of the Ladies' Lec• On tllo eighth intge will bo found an in- ture Course, Wednesday oveniner, March 2, tion. Saturday. ref|ilestod to meet—those of tho (ifst ward intorestiiig letter (rniu Rev. F. L. McCoy. lion. Geo. R. WondiiiiK will deliver his at the DE.MOEIIAT ollioo, nnd those ot the Continue to hold forlh a! papular lecture upon "Saul oC Turstis." No The ropuhlleaii county convelllluii hold There will bo a warm sugar social in tho secoild ward at t.lio Donnelly. Hoilse—in one should fail to hear this powerful and at the court house in this city last Saturday basement of the M. E. cliiirchi to-morrow eauotis, oil Friday evening, Feh. 2;Jth, thrillinc orator. Lecture will heain at 7;.'i0. proved to be, by all odas, the most interest- evening for the benefit of the infallt class. Adini.ssion 3,0 cenia. No e.vtrii char^je for ing—lo an outsider—held in this city for FORD'S BAZAAR. For a Big Stock of 1887, at 7 o'cloeh, /or the purpose 0/ elect- I^od, son of Clias. Lowe, wliile riding hi.s roaorved seats with single tlchets. Pol-sons many moons. father's horse Tllesday evening, the animal inc; five delegates fl'oin each ward, to attend liokllilg season tickets can got l'cserved seats Tho delegates assembled—a goodly iiuin- fell in turning a corner, and Ned's leg was the coHiily convention, to he held in this by paying 10 cents, 'j.'iclieta on sale al II. hor—eonaideriiig tho busineas of the eon- badly hurt, though not fractured, as at first city oll the followiii,'; Saturday, Feh. 2G, Jii. H^illiains'. * Don't fail to take advantage vcnlioii and there was only the appeai-nnce supposed. Dl.)MOORATlc CITY CO.MMITTEE. of the best of (eeliiig all around. Twcllty oranKea for 25c at the Bee Hive. of tliem. A. A. King of Ingham, was chosen In oonversation with S. A. Paddock yes• chairman and B. P.. Hall of Lansing, terday, he informed us he believed the out• Grceiihnck Cify Caucus. Ne.xt Sunday is lhe comnleilcnient of Lent secretary. look for business in hia line—all kiilda of $600.00 worth of Gold and FOUND—A pair of shell frame eye glasses, Only preliminary work waa executed in building material—was never belter. Nol- A national ffreeiihaeh cniicna will he held at this olfice. the forenoon, and after dinner tho colnniil- witlistunding his haild was quite badly hurt Silver Watches will be sold at tllo court house, itl Ihis city, Friday even• toos made their roporta, which wel'O adopted, l-eceiltly he is again able to bo at his ollice To.day llie sun rises al fil-M and sots al and the coiiveiilioil colnineilced the election and lhat his prices bring the people. at less than iirst cost. ALL NEW PATTERNS ing, Feb'y 25th, at 7 o'eloelt, for the pur• 6-Ao. Day's length, 10 houl-s and 59 min• ot 17 delegates to the stale colivonlioii pose of elecliiijr delegates to the county J. L. Fuller roeeived a diapateh last Fri• utes. and 20 to the judicial convention, i-osultlng convention, to be held on Saturday, the 2Glh day morning from Mrs. Fuller, who ia at Spectacles cheaper than S. B. Flaiisburg of Leslie, has just been as follows: iiist. A. W, PARKHURST, Fergus Falls, Wisconain, announcing tho allowed an lucrcaae of pensioa by Uncle STATE DELEfiATES. death of her sister, Mra. Adam.s, nee Misa ever. •1, A. Slil.liiwoon, .Saln. William Mi.v, Anrelhis; Wm, M. Vanllnron, Frank Ida Polar, who.se ilhie.sa was roeenlly men• G, W. VANSLYEE, f, I\Ioore, Edward Cidii.l, and Col, f). li. McCnmni. 111 about One Week, at The Weekly Anzelt/er la thu name of a tioned ill the Dl-;.MuCRAT, and who died on CoiiimiltcB. Limsini;; S, \V. Jlaynr, Holhi; M. II. Piclielt, Meldd- Now is your time to make German paper to bo publiahod at once in iaii; Samuel stetlor, OnomlaKa; A.O. Miller, Steck- '.riulrsdiiy afternoon Inat, of quick cotisunip- brlflKit; 'P.O. Holmes, Mason ; A. 11. Phillips, Alaio- tion. Deceased resided in Mason for a time Laiiaiiig. don; E. }). Leiri.^, Williantston; ,/. VV. Cliapin.A^ovav; money. LOCAIv A1VI> GEIVERAL NEWS. 11.11. Vork, Whoatneld; M. E. Itnmsoy, l.osllo ; F. and haa many young friends here wlio will P. W. Webb, our stirrinli; boot and shoo II. li'elleu-H, lieroy. regret to learn of her untimely death. Respectfully,' man, iu Conic block, has an advertiselnent DeleKato at Lar|;o—fl \V. Bomontof Ljinsing. ' Fresh roasted coll'ee every day nt the lice this week. I3e sure to read it. .JUniClAL PELEIJATES. The l-oadors of tlio Neio.i will perhaps be R. E. SCOTT, liivo. M. 11. Cai-pentcr, .lolui Reljson, Horace Laphani and surprised to leanl that the sermon publish• Loo A. Bettciidorf of .lackson, piano L. A. Iiaker, Lansirif!; Alonzo Olioney, AureliuH ; L. A.ltend tllo caucuses to-morrow evening. ed in that paper last woelc, oiilillod "Frauds Innlor, waa iu towll three days last week, Bal:er, Delhi ; Cyras Everett, Lansin(; Towtmldp ; At Ford's Bazaar. Tf 0 Doors Soutli of Postofflce, Don't Ibl-jot it. W, L. iilosliitr. Meridian; l'\ (J. Weoilworth, Leslie; Deteoloil," and represoillml lo bo hy the doing a good stroke of htisiiics.i. .L M. BrMSer, Jlason; (i. V. Palrick, White Oak ; great divine, licv. T. DoWitt Taliiiage, was Ball & Sliormail havu new locals for your Wni. 11. McEnniiily, Wlillamslon ; E. II. AoRidl, The Rork school of practical odiicatiou Ilurdcei'liiii; Anatd A. iCing, Ingham; Ciardner a bogus sernloii sent out as a decoy to catch liispectioii this weoh. the publishers of "patent insidos" used by al Ballsing ended its cviatence Ilisl Monday Ehdclmr, Wlieatlioiil. Pi'leKStes al Lar;;e—.1. 0. Camajn, Mason; .lohn the Ne/ii.s; whom it is cliiiined wei-eaecnring Special bargains lu iiiipliiiis and table liiorniiig. l^-of, U. wc hear will roaliino the ILilluook and. A. II. Wliilelienil, Lansing ; and .1. D. the sorlnous in lio legitimate niaunol-. The linens at Marcus Grogor's. ministl-y. I'ladps, Mason. bogus sermon was taken from "Addresses Of all kinds-at lowest living prices. Published ovei-y Tlun-sdny Had it not been for a alight delay in the h'il-al gnu for lhoaiiieudniontI llov. iMrs. to the Yonng and rniiooolit," by Dr, Wells S. A. PAUDOCK. hy Hoot Bl-o.s,, aro piiltiiig in morn vats, &c., procoedlligs.cnuaed by the convention wait• li. li. Lane will luldruss lllo |)oople nf .Ma- of Gla.agow, Scotland, published in 1S7S by iucrnasiilg thoir facilities for pickling eggs. ing to hoar from Jaoksoii, ihia professed Loavo Y<nii' l^iioctuele.s V. WHITMOKE, son alld vieiiiity at lhe eolirt house, on Garter & Bros., New York. great iilnl-al parly might have perhaps At homo; you will find all goods just as 'i'ho March torin of the circuit court will Wediiosdiiy evening, March !). MASON, MIOJIIGAN. avoided a decidedly noisy and exciting represoiited at Ball & Sherman's. Square convoiie al Lanaiiig ouo wceii from tie.vt Rev. Prank Ilnyt has shown ns an nil scene. dealing ia what we pi-eiich, practice and Monday. The aignal sorvico Hags are displayed in painting which Ilo executed liiniself, of hia Tho gvoal fire-oatel-, S. D. Bingham, was guarailtee. front ol S. A. Paddooli's nlllce on Columbia attractive home, formerly known ns the Bar Ono Voar, $1.50 ; Six months, 75 cenlj ; Thrae Bert Crippoii of White Oak, recently culled out, and as he dealt herculean blows Change of Iflrm, street, the same being coilneolod hy tele• liey Rayiler farm, just west of the city, hut months.40 cents. shot an eagle measuring seven (oet from at the democi-.'itic administration, great phone wilh the up towll ollice. whicii All-. Iloyt has appropriately ilalned E. Woodworth having purchased tho tip to lip of wings. beads of ])erspiration stood out upon his "EIniwood Farln." The painting was Drug Store of A. J. Edwards & Co., e.xpecta The ladies of the Library Asanciatlon not face like the worts on tho back of a toad. Uiisiiicss Diroclory. iMr. Iloyt's first attempt and whilo not per lo carry a full lino ol Druga, Chemicals, Roineinber the teachers' association, to only served an elegant tea in lho new armo• He eased up on lho democrats long enough feet, it is a very good likeness of tho build• Patoiil Modicillea, Drug Sundries and such ATTORNEYS. be hold in lllis cily ne.vt Satilrday. Pro• ry Tuesday evening, but lho varied musical to eulogize the repiibliean party forsubinil- ings and aurl-oundings, and it is not only a articles as are usually kept in a (irst-clasa gramme ])uhlislled last week. proifl-ammo was decidedly eiljnyable. Tho liilg the prollibiiinii amendment, tind, QKO, M. IIUN-ri.NQTo.v, H.P Ur.Nnr.aso.N. handsome adornment but something that drllg store. Tno business will be repre• gross receipts were $2(1. though he didn't o.viietly say so, one might UNTINflTON.t HENDERSON, Attortneys and SlieriirCall is having an ollice and other will always ho highly prized by tllo family.
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